' ; i!crt!;-Caraiina .ar. rrausntB iudf it T7ILLIA1I C. DOUB, annua iss rsorttfroa. TERMS: If paid ttrict'y ia Minuet, two dollars per aa lim ) l dollars and fifty cauls, if pud witbm . ix, stasias j Mil tbr dollare at th sad f tat - ;w. - - - - A D YKR rrSEJfEXTS mot xeeding txtea art will b inserted in lists for on dollsr, and twsnty . cMts for web subseqaeat insertisa. Tarn of grsatar tenjrtU will b charged prspor tienaity. Coart Orders aud 1 adicial sdvei liaenicnt. will bssharge 23 per teat, higher thaa the abort rata. A reeaoaaM de.laeuo wilt ba suds U thus wh sdrcriis by ia yttr. Hook and Job Prtitlieg dona with nestntf aa dsspatoa, and a aeaoainodating tarsia. Latter to tha Editor mast ba aosl.psia EALEIGH. N. C. jLlTURt Cr Fn iso Dtir niri.Ott ThuradayJ latt, the bill fur the completion of the improve anM oa the Cipe Fear anii Duap. Kiver came up for cOBtiderntion, Mr. Uaughton advocated tmtttSUUtg jn jm elaborato argument, showing the importnnceof work to &go portion uf thoritiea, the entire praotie.-itiilUy TiTTfiirTroffc The bil aka fur an eudorneinent of the bonda of the coiii;i(inj to the amount of f 300,000. It was .eouclusircly shown that the State would run lit tie or aoritk in thus extending aid to this im portant work, at witli. only the amount of coal that could mow be token out and sent down the river, at rata of toll far lower than charged on similar wurka, it would more than treble the in terest on this endorsement. ? We hope and believe that the General Assem bly will not hositatt to extend the requisite aid, as there can be no possible chance of a Ions to the JWe, m4 Mcprdfnjo Mie views of eaiinont and practical geologists, tin quantity of coal and iron that would Le sent olTby means of this improve ment, would be immensely larger than its friends earn now even hope lor. We do not propose to into stntitics on the sulyvst, but we believe that every one who wlllexamlne H faithfully and iiupartislly, will come to the conclusion that it is ; not dotr MueT.liwr - of. ibtibilitv laone of sound plicj and sclf-intorest on the part of the ikale. 1 he-mcwrtso nrthe Wl-owopca,l'S'--tbe cpr nin J of these rivers, and the addition to tlie rosourcjs of the State itself, as aoou as the work is oomoloted, will U much more than a ooinpon aation for the exptnaet iaeurred' by the State and ty individuals in its eoiistruction. Then why miv ho-tiitttUjo f Tliis is no wild and visionary fcliemr, b"t perfectly feasible and within tlie nirans and resources of the 8tate, so that no one j$nJia,Ya food and ro.vonnblo objections to this work, at the risk it iilit, an J the prospects very Tair Kir a t.vTgr return for ernaH outlay. On ywte.ilny the bill pawed its second reading In the Ssaatewiibout a divu.on " 'pr Tle SiaMiUrJ filiari eoTufiffii "wtffr fles to show that the American party is abolr- tioiiirm in disgu'lre. It Is fulile, we sa w, to at tie anyt ling for the beuoiit of lliit print) but we cannot refruin from saying that the American party occu'iies precisely tiic potition on the un portiintquitxtioo of slavery, that has always beca mwtcsHicd for by the Souib. The South hat aJ iriys insi.itel that this is a suhjeet that Congress had t.t eon.-era with, that Jtjbelongtd exclusive ly to the several St ilus tu m uiag? for themselves svol isratrinl!f(omire-Df WiliThV tiXr subiect. it ininroner and ouirlit to be frowned down. Tlilt is precisely what the American pa tyttmteadsfir, ilhat resolved ta "crush out the agitation of this question ill tha halts of Con gress, aud t will do it How taut tits Standard reconcile its statements with the fact tint the New York Tribune, the National Kra, a id the abolition presses and ora tors generally, o,ipox thisorjaniiatiun, express ly on the grwinl that it assn.aet the position we hava iWi rUUd f s" gave the proofs, a few tiumb:rs bick, but the Standard bat not chosen to lay them before its reuJura, or to notice the "airniSoaurfaet there statrd. it ouimt "sjertor weaken their power. This party U r'y on this question, arid liecauae it is rijjbt, the Sou.n Ought to, and will sustain it. . . 8tice iriaTuut.-Itwiil bereeollsctej that tba tnajoriiy in the Senata, upou thV first reading of .the free eulfraga bill, refused Io adopt the a mend men t proposed by Mr. Ilaughkintoexclude loiWigTiini rrout Thltlght of Toting ssssabsra of either boose, until they shall bar bee tvatu raliitd ; bwt incorporated a siiuitar provision itsseeoad reading. Sutne of tit friends of tht bill the moved iu rtfsreaee to a select eow suit tee, but the eom (! sMkssl to b discharged frost its further consideration, whereupoii Mr, Boyd introduced snsmcn-liaent, a bich was ad pt- ' ed, ta'eluling wmatnralne4 atusaos from . tht privilege of voting f sasmbsrt ofatb fieaato. The fkandard, evwmenta apm Ibis, as fidlowa I "Tho tubstitutt of Mr. Boyd is, therefjre, no cooeetsiua totlis foclihg bmw pets ailing against f jrsigwrs, but insrely declaration of an exist ln f vet, anadt with Uie view above referred to," (U a. beeanse, as tbe (ttandaH ootenda, nnato- ,talitt 1 "feigner. ;nw4 ut ) Mark tba assrftuMV ! U U "no eonnrviion Iu lbs &eling now prevailing against fiMvignera) " although it Was sUU-i la de '!, and by a IVmosrsiie hraator uf cmioeut lcK-I (biiitr, that was very grant tiowbt a Uie tubjret. Bad torn tjmtt e institu tional provLUes a;sint ii Ii M be amis, Kuw Xirrmaa La .inno. ()a Tharsdsy ; last, Mr. Hsdhaat, f l ima aa, as w II be seen by that day's prorsediags, iiilr lix-ej a raadatiati 4Wni4..ry uf tba sue ailed Know Ntl.ig saanaastit. This is we Loi.s, ths r-t tauto Bstnt of Mr r.ll daf ug tl.t seuun, aod ' art feal eeriain thai it Is w thl will m add tnub tJ lis f t"i!sriiy in lbs (icaersj AmmUr, , or BBHHigM tbe p..U, The put iu suark of disapjwvbatioa epoa Uie ssnnnMnt, by prmspv " y laying t! e ruoluiioa j the table. B. , BII-LIS. S. Bo l.w tripiBT5r.ninip. " MILLER 4 HOGEItS, IJirsrr is J (' -.' f l ) HALKICIt. K. C, triI.LarJfiiBrtly to ait W-i or t !. , . u . f VOLUME XLVL Legislature of North Carolina, I ; SESATK. . J January 16th, 1S55. A number of reports from mmmitteesweremade. . Several engtoeaed bills front the lluunt of Com mon wcri read the firn auj second time aud passed. - The bill to prevent the felling and nutting of tjwtter in Haw Hirer or Alaraauot Kiver, was road the Second and third time and pawed. u mutton m nr. vt timer, ine Bill Io incorpor ate the Faycttevtlle ud lirecnsboro lUilroad vnwipnny, wan laaea up. Mr, Oilmcr advocated the bill. On motion of ifr. MoClceso, the Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole upon the bill (Mr. Mc Dowell in the chair. ) . i Mr. Wisslow, of Cumberland, a J located the passage of the bill in an able argument. On motion of Mr. Fisher, the committee rote and rept.ried toe toll back the Sesata., After tlubate, the bill wm rpje,:tH aa follow Avxs. Messrn. Ashe. Ih vd. C'lii-rrv. t'hrl stinn. Colemaa, (.'unniiiglnin, Davis, r'uii.n. Fisher, rreeuian, Oiluier, Oruhain. (Iravet, llauhton, Hoke, Lane, McDowell. Mills. Moriaer. J. W. 'I'lllinK,. W II T).r.m.. U'nlb,,. ''B"r, "tlgrk field", t'ersnn; gimr, eiiaTa'Sjl;iyL Titvioe, WUder, "Wiiririus, Willcv. tt iuslow of rasquoiqns, ya. ..: Mr. K.tyner moved to reconniJor the bill, and to hiy ttie motion to rocousidor on the table, which motion prevailed. The select committee, to whom was referred the bill to amend the constitution of the State, reported the same to the Sonuto, and s.sktd to be discharged trora the further consideration ot the same; eommiuve was discharged. Un motion ot Mr. Uovd, the bill to amend the constitution of the Statu (Tree sulfrage,) was ta ken u-. Mr. Uovd moved to amend tlie first section br providing that every lroe white nmn of the age of 21 years, being a native or naturalised oitiiou ot the L mtcd Mutes, and shall have resided in tho !TOte foTtweivemtmtlM4UHHediai4dyprac3uiig the elecXioli and cuull have paid pulilio tuxns, shall he entitled to vote tor a member ot the Ben- ate for the district iu which lie reitidos. A message was received from the House of Comin ms tmasmittiiig a message from his Kxcel- lency trov. liragg, couiiiiunicaiiug a report trom toe iiaieigiiaiid Oaslon lutilroan. Un motion tho scuate adjourucd. - norsC "OF Januor; lnli, 1805. House called to order. "Mr; :isrx, 'inina'wmrrrea'OTn'itiTiiintiiieT Mr. Amis called kr the ayes and nays on the motion. Mr. Wnugh moved io lav the motion for the call on me tallic, ulurli prevailed J lie J .urnal was then read. A message was received from His Excellency the Uuveruor transmitting a eotnmiinli'n'.ion tram W. J. Clarke, cituuiissioncr to settle the account of the State against the Halcigh and (iasten Kail- road : and, ali, a communication from I O H. llram h, Ksfi, lVes't. of said road, w hich on miwinii nf Mr.. B4ritnggfJWf-Wlt; tlra Senate with a propusition torotcr-io ihejHiul coiiuniitee on r irmrn-e. - Various petitions were presented for tl.e ap pointment ol Justice! ol 1'e.ue. Mr. Amis prescntcda memorial on the subject ot t uuuicrauce. . . "Mr. SrX'nnstns-tnmTT iirjr on the table whieh was rejected. The memorial wrs then reterred to the com saitreeon i'ioance. f- Mr. Steele iu behalf of Ate committee on cor porations, reported favorably on the bill incorpor ating mo ii iinnngiun i-aitng iitnas. Mr. Mrers, in hennlf of tlie cor.imiitee on Iu tcrnnl IniirovemrnU, reiorted fnorably upon tlie bill incorporating the Central Itiilnind. Mr. Humphrey moved to male the bill the or wot me next .Morning at l'J o el ck. Mr. S. A. WUliuint iuvcd to luv on the table. Lit. Mr. liarnes, of MseiMtiilie, Introduced a reso- Ititi'.n iiutnu "it; l,e committi-e on the Jndichv ry Io report a b.i for the protection of life railroads, which was al.itc.l. Mr. 4Ju'btw reprtix,i behalf of tin com in it lea on corporations, scleral ameniliii'iits Iu the billiiiciit ixratiuz tlieU .l l HiUMiuiiigComiianv By Mr. Lm, a bill to'snn u l the charier of .Milton avlllgs Institution. By Mr. .U.-aoe, k bill authorising the 5lale to suincrilie I t rourbuiidred shares in the Uull and (Ira'iaiu pluikr.Ntil, whKb was referred to the oiuiioiitea ta liiteriuil improvements. ily Mr. Mordevai. bill to repeal an art an thur ting the e-eclimi of a dam teroat Neuse riv tr, which was refurrel to lliecouioiitueonljteiv am-es. By Mr.' Mi-Mithiw, a hill torin im ipsle Mart M argretle ana r.lisalieth, slaves, or tt iimingtoa which was referred to the eotuuiiUee on tiner aneev. By Mr. Gentry, a bill to lay off public road in Asht eonntv. By Mr. H. Green, a bill amending the charter oi (lit Atlantieaml .Virth t arulineraiirusul, which was rererred to tlie enmmlttet on rinanre. By Mr. Hliarpe, a lull In.sirporaticg a rdsak man mini Matesvui to n iiKoalnra, wnicn referred ta theeominilteenn eorporatiifns. ByMr.ttsrwTrw,w-htttep.iii ihs nhsirae. tionvf the psaae offish in Nmth Kiver and Ad am V roes, which was referred to the eotnmitise mi ( Ifiev By Mr. Holland, a bill ineurporating Ih Bank uf Ni-ll.r, whkb was referred to the eommitte on Banking, By Mr. L'wk a bill changing thtoounty line lietween Anue ana iMirryeouHiies. JUr.t ravea moved to lake up the bill Sllendin tba airpoiala l.lum of Ih town of Asbelmn which aa refused. Mr. Turner moved to take np a resolution la fa vor uf Mr S.ailh, clerk of tlieCusnmmiuBenuotb Rrvisrd Siatutas, which was refused Mr. I. '. tlaldwrll moved In go info lb em. millet nf Ui whols na Ih subject of lli North lamlina Hank, who a he anerwards withdrew, Mr. 1. U. Ilvnum reneseil Wis whi. amend' lug it by saying sa lb subject uf Banks, which, alier sotst dsnia, asatierwarss nilhdiew. - Mr, IL A- tv .11...... reiMra od it. Mr, Lon ninvtd to toy In ssuUt on tb taUe, wliifh prtvailrd. A bill Bulhorising a twa week' torsatt' tb Supetinf Court in New Hanover bt was read lbs ae4 lint, together with tb rrpnet of lbs eooiBsiil, in which they raevsatnead tha third rtius of lbs bill b ttnckea ssl, Mr. T. 11. Williams eslled ih Bye and nayt a Ih re eotsitieutUli' a ta Mna out, bB Ui (.IWwuig vol was aanoaiBr4 ajsa, ol , nays, iZ. The queatwas artsing xm In rataaaga f lb bill, il rJive.l. An en jnitsed reaolalina la fame of II. (toillk was rra.1 tits smI and third lime and seseit. Aa snruued toll soilmiiiiag lb KaU-ifk sad livu lUilnsad to suheerio to stork to iiwwil V a.icy ruad was read tb third lim aad pail. An feroased bill amendisg lb Charter of lb N m. f 1 ., i er .Waiiufarturiag t ouiay was read Ihree I smsi tud paawd. A till ataxiUieg lbs clurter of lb tow ef . If'adere'pa was read loa semd tims, Th i4S aiitx l-i alum was Mr it- I ll.eUiil reeueuiared ll.ai tli Isih see, '.mgi!ietaaiaa.-eaew-er ee fajtee beaataa Wt vav 4 piriiiis b 1 I.- : ti t strvrteSl eat, - - - ; "r. Amis nsn-4 lla lbUH was ay psd t '! .m rnd by bs!t ay ser tm the a "f l!efiia. pes v rr thai lae f-rim-m I I 1.4 leST-rali-t. Jle l-.irO.ee stated tliala srf s. Ih4 . nsd.s erai-a II . sad ewa ( r- u.i.. i.. t i s mti l (j bf" 1 ii rw iti i EALEIGH, NOfiTH CAEOLDfA, WEDNESDAY MOUSING, inking it waa almost impossibl to get the n iioi natroiiHieil. He thought the will of the miinritY should be eonaulted in the preinisrs. He dired the bill might lay over fur a few days. Mr. Uuliock rot. lied, lie was onmsed to the -Principle, of prohibition, and lie tliiiiilitthade- motistration of last summer proved that the peo ple of Uranville, were opposed to it also, -lie several times alluded t occurrences of the last eampaijA in.vchich be implicated Mr. Amis, and wn several u met esiied to order by the chair. The motion of Mr. Amis to lav on tlie table for the present until tie could prepvean aineud- aaenitotiie lain, ce. prevailed. A bill incorporating the town of Warsaw was read the second and third times and passed. a out ameiiuing tnc quarter of ine uanx oi FAvetteville. was rnad the ftcwind lime and refer red to the committee of the whole on Banking. A biU incorurating the Uritnd Koyal Arch Chapter cf Mavona was r id tlie second and third times und "passed. , . A bill concerning rislnnff in Tar and rawlico rhers was read the second aid third timet and passed. I A bill for tlie protection of sheen, bv fining the owners of ahefp-killing iliifs, was read the second and third times and issvd. -MU4tMa4-t4imvtiX.!4if. the tavidion oHeje wa read Hie second liuie and pasted tVhito, of liaston, moved the imknuite .post ponement of the bill, lie objected to prohibiti.-.g i I the sale of intosinating liiiiinrs . jjthju five miU-s of the College. The motion for iinU-liiiito post ponement prevailed aves, ( ; nays, o5. A bill prohibiting tbe sale of 'lnUiXlCaltllJ' II- quors to free negroes was read the second and third times and debated at length up to tho hour of recess, when the Sieaker arose. arm,sRiox'Stiisiuit."---" Tht bill concerning Agriculture and deolngy wot made tho special order of to-morrow at 4 o'clock, I. X. A message was received from the Senate in- forming of a refusal to concur in the amendment of the House to the .bill . concerning criminal proceedings. Un motion ot Mr. Jenkins the message jxud the bill were laid on the table for the present. A very large number of the Revised hurt were read the third time and passed. Alter wnien, the itrrastrttttji ' JS EN AT K. January Met, 1833. Several reports from committees were niado- amongst other, Mir Fisher, from tho -oouimittce on Internal Improvements, reported a bill au thorising tlie Treasurer to suWribe to tlie FY' etrevires-ftinl--Warsaw I'huk Kotul, whieh passed.. its nrst reading. eoral revoked statutei were read the second tune, and liassed. Un motion, the hill to divide tiro Slate into eight judicial circuits was taken up. Alter some dclmtc, the lull wits miiFoii the iahleV On motion nf Mr; B iTdrthe bill to amend the Constitution of the Slate, (Free Suffrage,) was taxen up, ine uuistinn pending was on Mr. Ilovdt niendmeiit, (see proceedings of the IHlli.) After a long deliate upon the bill, the amend' merit was Tfdopted nT the followiiig vst flies- .siessrs, npeaxer, nittgs, IJower, Hnva, Brogden, (lark, Cohinan.Collius, lh-nke, Faiwisn Fcnnell, Fisher, Fonvillc. Oreves. Ilerrinir. Iloke. Jones, MelKiwell, Martin, Mills, OldHeld, I'orsim, isemtcrt-, rtKht, Inrlcrr, Thomas, of Jackson, "vs .vio.sis. Ashe. I'herrv. Christian. iJun- ningham, I'avis, Katon, Kborn," Freeman, (iilmtr, 'raliain, llaughton, Lane, MuCloese, .Vitchell, Mnrisey, Hnvner, Tavloe, Thomas, of Iavidson, Wiggins, Willey, W inslow 21. Mr, Thomas, of llavidron, nvver to amend the first section by annexing a proviso that no one convicted of a foloniousorinfiunons crime ina foreign oountrv, or eonvicU fleeing from Justice, should b poruiitted to tote for members of eith er House, v Tlie amendment was rejected as f..llow Clirislian. t'lukt. Iavis. Katon. Viborn. Freeman tiilinor, tsrahaui, llaoghlo iTTjiioTliCtw??; Mitohelt, Moriev.l:ayiier,Tavkir,Tayloe, Ti. .in as, of Uaviitson, iggins, Willey, Winslow i. Navs Messrs. Kaker, Birg, Hoaer, Boyd, Brog lia. Culeiuan, Collins, Vtul j, Fnisun, Fcn nell, Fisher, Fonville, liravea. Herring, Hoke, Jonca, McDowell, Slorlltt, M ills, Uldoeld. 1'eeeoo, Sanders, Upright, Thomaa.uf Jackson, Walker, Wilder, W.d 7 Mr. Davis offered a ? flowing " amendment, which waa rejected a follows ; Str. lie il further enacted (thro fifth of tb hole number of memlr in ouch House, oa- eerning.) lhat lb tlnnl s tiim of the fmirih arti c!t of lb aiiieu' led couatllulTon, ratified as afore said, be stricken out, and th following b aub nilulcd In ita stead, vil i All binds liabl to rSTStrnrr, lul l by drul, tiaiit ui enli f, loan lots, bank slock, slave Is-1 ween tit ages of twelv and fifty years s and such other properly aa th (ieneral Assembly mav, from ttint to time, deem expedient, thsll tjtajuble. All property shall be taiaJ aoeording to its value, lhat value to b ascertained, io such man ner, as Ih Legislature sbaH direct, so that th same b aqua! aud aaiform thnmgtionl ths Slate. No one siecies of iimncrfv, from which a tax my b nillected, shall b taxed higher than I other specie of property of equal value: bat th '-Mb neial Aasemhly slisU bait IHrwef to tat mer chants. Incomes, an pmteasums or privileges, in such manner as tbry msy, fmm liinto tins, direct and a lax en whit polls shall b levied, qual in amount to lb tax oa property assessed and valued at three hundred dollars,'' Avtt Mnssr. Ash, ( hri.tian. Ilitis. Oilmar, Graham, llaughtiav, 1 Jrte, VitcJxll, Murisey, Tbsanas, of laidsoa 10 N'srs Messrs. Sneaksr, iligra. Bower, Itoyd, BrruHtoti.t jrerrr, 'Wk. t'nUmsn. Culiint tin BtwghatB, lrake. Las, F.uora, r aitua, Fanneii, Knbor. FonviUe, Freemen, 'liravaa, llernng, link. Jooea. Met hsMa, JV Itowail, Martin, Mills, tMdAebl, Feraua, Itayner, Sander., hps uhl, Tay lor. Taytoo, Tto.mas.nf J arkaoa, Walker, V iklar, H iggina, Willsy, la usatuw, uf l'asUotauk, Wud t. Mr. Mi4 b i i s esfeeed tbetdUewUgasaproviaa to llw Irat sect ma of lb bill which waa rald owl nf (iri s-1 " 1'r.rti.lcd, thai M fsrarm, anW b baU bat paid Bsiiili tatea wiibia aw Tsar iaS me diately prevailing every eleetina.and aolureign aii Ism b shall ale hav ba aalaral.sad tsHa ding totbo saw of lb I nMsst rtuua, w ia fia-ea, n lhat may bsvswftoe b paint, shall vats sslhter f. a assmbsf of lb H'Nsas uf ComawsM or rwaata.' Mr. Graham appealed frn tb deeision of tb Cl.air. Ties Cha'-r was sia'as J by Ave IT; If W. Mr. Tbowaa, of Jarksiin, olrreit aa amendment to tba first section, Bhich was ruled oul of order. Mr. Ttoimss as ted a rnmosnlcratina nf It. rase, bv l.i-k ikt first ecl.i.n s passed, a that b miabt ofier his ssstidaMut. Tb Hraat r fused to revusist'ler. Mr. Ina mad a slaleesenl of lb raasrans bv b should Vols agiuaat lb b II. lis wa eptaaasd, w to b lb BMateat Hself, but to tb ) laT lb SaswlMsL l.splaaaiiuot were mal by Msaars. Cbristiaa and Ash. ' Tb bill a tux-mb-d paaaed It third reading aa fdiwsi Arts Messrs i-ekr, Arfe, Birrs, I t4. Ff-tre, 1,-.-a), ftoea, l uiemaa. 1'id bna. f tmin,thaia, I'sii THese, riunen, t i-"t, renteil, f.thrr. iil', fraonaa, ti-avea, II -rt n(, II J ss, V.Hsn'l, Msn.e. jlfliia, H n r, li. Hi.il. Vr- , n leea, a'ghl, Ts'S..r, Vt sit", ill's, W rA -ii. I . It ill t oil NsrsMossra. Cherry, Kat, T.ilawr, lira bam, llsugitton, Lane, Mctleese, Mitctivtl, Kay ner, Taykie, Tbomas, of ll.tTi.ls.in, Thurna of Jackson, n igjrina, Wilfey, Vinwlow of Pasquo-! tank 15. Mjt. -Villt intnidueed a bill supplementary to an net to establish the country of 1'ulki .Vr. t.tim, a bill to authwis tlie Cuunly Court of l'itl to take toll on the bridge actoes Tar Itiver at Ureenville. On motion, lbs Senate adjourned. - - 1I0VS8 Ot t'OliKOXS. The Jonrnal of yesterday read. A message waa received ' from the Governor transmitting the resignation of curtain Justiest of leace, which was sent to the Senate. Mr. Long presented a temperance memorial, Mr. f. A. ViUiacit moved to lay aa the table. Ist ' ' The memorial was then referred. Mr. .Steele, nnder instructions from the com mittee on Hanks, renorted advefsetr to a bill auth'H-isinga svstem uf rVerj bsuikiuir ; and fivi r- tilvnpm the bill chartering the Hank of Salis bury. The two bills wer referred to Ui com mittee of the whole. Mr. J. t!. Bvnum, reported fni the committee on the Judiciary nTavcrublo Ml to ff)itinenal l -. : t i . c . i - l ... a . . nnnocrifn i ritni ror rasilia; uefHSfiltovw. fir. i nirwrr, Trmnt' Aduiinistrators. Mr. Oorteh, fmm DiersamlTBltteeTTP!ked to be dischargeil from the further consideration oTa ineinoTtal fnmi Clemelaiid tviiicming Mun- iter ; also, the bill authorising the private esmn- liiaTUii ul riimiii inn it$. Iu hehnll uf tha nmn inittce he recommended the passage of the bill concerning erimes and puniahmonts. The enin- Bitttee asked to In uisehnrged from the eonsider ti.on of memorials from the llrand Jury of Cleve land and, also, for V mcclianTns lTSrliverr Si--.Vr. Lancaster, in belutlfef the couiuiitteo on private hills, reported favorably upon a resolu tion for the benefit of It. C. Hall ; end adversely to mo restimtifis tn tavor oi r.. v. ivarucn. Mr. Mvura. from tbe enminittefl nn Banks, re ported adversely to the bill ebartermg tlie Bank of Shelby, on motion of Mr. Wauffti tlie billtroa referred to the committee of the whole. Mr. Settle, from the eomraittee en Clntms, reported against a rcsolutiou iu favor of John I'Bvne -Mtt rcK)rted faynrnbly uiion resolutions in favor of W. A. Viuliorn and A. IT. Sanders; and adversely to the resolution in tevor of K. k T. Oslirn. The same eommitte made a nuuibor of report on private bills beside. Mr. XoruieuL in iiehnlf of the committee on Corporations, r'Mirfeel1ii rfarnr of a biitebnrtering the Newbern and Neuse river Bridge Company. Mr. Singletary, ftum tbe cotnmittee on Ibtnks, repu ted adversely to bint chartering the Hank of Halifax and the Bank of Salem. On motion ofMr. "Waugh, the bills tsfte lefcued to I he committee ot the whole. Mr. A. II. Caldwell presented a memorial signed by 5WTcltiiehs7if Itowan praying the rgsipcuing of a road from Salisbury loSlaUisville Mr. Waugh. from Uiecommitteeon llrievance, reported as follows: In favor of petitions and bills concerning the obttruxtiou of fish in South Hiver and Adnius Creek j concerning public road and vthd shall work thereon ; and for repealing Uie-act amhuriiing ths erection of abridge by nr. Iv atson across ,euse river ; and adversely tu HH,g,ng-u tI Z" : i i rlh-J MlImorvXni to amend the Uw eon- .. , v " ry ; alo. nn a memorial from Vt like in favor of Sdouvon tron ; and,- aiaea tin a memorial flow eitiseu-rdl. II. rlfnriL. TnA TniTrmn of "frv -feweo-th speuiul ordor Sut. n estera Extension, was postponed lilt next Tuea- Mr. A. II. Caldwell moved to tnspvi thamle iu order to take up the bill chartering rue' eastern extension, After consiilerabb) debate, Mr. J. It. White moved the indetinil pottponeiucht of tb motion to suspaud I lie rule. 1 Thr question was (lebatesl and dnring tho de bate .Vr. Uarringer said h preferred a pintione- uicut id lite sui.jtx-t. it w a desirabn Uiatwuen uiejuure was Inken by this House, it should lie final, ll was Wa'H known that ITnt very l.il had pasHTLlj'.?J'iMe its second reading with iinpurtant amendments. It will enwe here, and it is list lhat w act oa tb bill so sent here, instead of sending our to tbetiy especially as they are in advance nf at in their tirogreas on the bill. Mr. Barringrr snid that be was clear, after malnr re flection, that lln wa lb best course. and it wa tb enurs drstred by tha fnend uf mis measu.'e. lie believed tin to Ii Ih best course, nut only aa a bieud, at b bad ala ayt been, Io Internal Improvement generally, but all i tortious of Ih State, but as an ardent and salon friend Io tli Western Intension: when Mr. Singletery moved to lay tlie moiina fir inds otme pm ipsninnfa thalauie.whtcn prevailed. Mr. T. II. V) illiam arportod tavurably um0 a ornposiiioa to make an appropriation to tb S"a- LUiau iJtienjsocietv, who ii, on motion otfllr. liamugitr, wat orderwl to lav printed. ' Mr. Itortcb reported ttral bills from the eommitte on th lUvisals, Mr. largau, from th eommitte on Military Affairs, reported in favor of incorporating the Havidson Cnlleg Volunteer Coainany ; also, aa aiaeadutent to lb bill tpecifving tli ag of per sons required Ui iiriomi military duty ; and ad versely o Ui bill proposing to abolish lb mibua system. nr. A. J. Jon, a resolution Instructing the eommitte oa th Justiciary to repurt upon tb vewprvesy a law sa.turu.g tit aiarkatd ouualy couils lu fumUb Ih Secretary of Stat with th sect boundrit uf kit county, which wa adofsV u. . 1 , . i Mr. 0. Whit, a rat.latl,ia eoaoming debtor and ereditor which wa ailopted. By Mr. S. A. Wilbsma, a rnwlutioa lhat after Monday next no amnber shall oeeupy mors than nfieea minatet ia delta In, whirh, am atouiia of Mr Ihillaw, was indefinitely poatpowed. . Ily lr. Itokrn, a bill inoorpia-ating lb Valley river mining rt.aipany in Ciismkee, whiah was referred to lit ftsBimiiteeno esiep'H-ali.ssa. Ily Mr, Hand, a bill inoorpjiratuig tliSring field Institute, ia Wake. By Mr. J. tl. Bynom, a roaolathav enacorning lb Kourems eourt, which aa floptrd. By Mr. liilluua, a bill to mrraa. ths rssy of juruit ana n lUistett io tn tuanty of H aelung- suo. . - By Mr. CansW, a bill to amead tit charter of tba town of I.inc Inl.m. By Mr. . M. W hi e. a VT fir llislsttsr rrg ulstiua of lit towa uf Disabeibtowa, By Mr. Nngsltary, a rosoluiioa instructing tb etsiui're oa enrporslMats la .re.are a rencraj law fir tb inerirrsliB of towns aad V lllsR-ea, which was ad.ilLe By Mr. butt., a bill laeas-poratinr, tb Lenoir aad 1'nj ba plsnkmad twnpany. By Me. I'vmu lub-l. a toil tnenrporaling tb T 'kin Irfr of ixs. A bill to amend tb charts of L Iowa of KiMbst peserd IIS third revue I. Al lb rcineat of Mr. A. II. Caldwell. Mr. Steele mosrd W I tk frnaa tb tal l a rtl M 0nea a pal.lt road rronj -nslsry to I'miisiiWrTwhicb toulioB prevailed. Tu bill old w U) I ssud and in av no was rem.i.i-.e. , fto motk-a of Mr. T. II. Williams, the L, II enet- I lt.-Jr.it, that t'ta aeerss-y with whi. b said r eernlny a two week tors of Hiirasna omirt la I W rl..he Its iimrsrdiiigt aad purpnaes ks aati- new iiaaxstey uamty wa hub a p. ana qamwia arose oa lb Bviti to riist,e U.s vota wheredy It wa rejeft. Hi tuia was n'UKv t 1. a Bwiiiia uf Mr. T. 11. W ii - liaasa. Ill lull wa lad IM sslitsw ...., . i . . . , ns aa'inisuau Dtitinras in yewerusr, i.ng I b,,l lu ,7 iliildt tha sals of tnbtK-Vinf l;o-a t'ea "euaa. ws tacra Bp. .Mr. . ,t.,i-, .ImH tli toll, f If . lar, sb, ft . t. H wss ff-td tu Rit u( invtdi m4 line ..os, and ll..".."! ibey - e a.x ly ssu.-tt ft ; en- set, M u . il ' 'Ii y?'.Uiftr asiv'tt a as, I f frvaiam toi d r fur ti. i . ,i. t JAKTJAEY 24, 1855. reoeired in payment of Uses at waa M tb ease wiib wolf tealiis. Mr. llsnd moved to tmenl providing that th provisions of the act shall not extend to free nn grues who may obtain a eer;ifiote of good moral character signed by a Justice of l'e and two freereilders, " " i ; .tr: dirdan imok nt Irngth tu tlie merirs rd t'v bill in reply to the argnmenta set forth a- gsinst tl. . II alluded to Ih enndition of tho tree negroes, aud defended th bill ia an anima ted style. - Mr. Dargan replied. He said the gentleman from I'erejiiimans misunderstood bint. His idea about invidious distinctions was that if th bill passed it would hav th effect toelevnte the free negroes n's.re the whites, sine the latter wer b it at liberty to drink-svsjnaeh as they please and get as drunk as they please. He disclaimed against being anti-slavery in his viewa. 11 said there was one a serios of resolutions somewhat secessions! in character which caused him to Ily the track when bewss a ea.mli.iiit for Congress and noono m opp.'!iion. After further remarks, Mr. A. J. Jones moved to toy on tlie table iu order to'ohtain a test vote. Tlie ayes and uavs were called and the motion prevailed aves, 6H t nave, 45. ' j tmmolinn'of Ms, Jrt44tynum, Ih bill eon. cernibg tbe courts of Xeiv Hanover was taken 4Trm-thij tablo, II then offered-an amendment to-tbe bi to thegeet tbaj theJudgBba-rauair &K3a3rTcWHftra compeiiRntinn, vrtrich amendinent was adopted and the bill, as amended, passed it second and Mr. Bogle moved to max tb Allantieand Iloa esilmarl the c istern exten son th special order of Friday nest. A debate arose thereon aud continued up to tbe hour for recess. ' AmaxooK Ssssiox. " Tfoiis "met nnrsoaiil to ailioummcnt. ' 1 Mr. Baud moved to suspend the rule tn order to take up Teeofhthmi in favor of W.-H. Thompson, which motion Was rejected Mr. lKirteh moved to ni.. Its the Wilmington and Uharlotte railroad tho special order ot next Friday. Ttulod out of order; since ir wotrld re quire a sustiensiou Of rule. A large number of the Revised Laws were read an d passed the third time. The bill concerning crime and punishments was introduced with a message from tb Senate informing that that body-refused to concur in th amendment ol the House, . . Mr. Mebanee moved that the House reootb) from its amendment. "Mr. Tbillips spoke to th merits of th amend' nicnt. Un vote being had, the House refused to recede from its amendment and tlie lluua uuuated,va its amendinent., The bill etiiiLTtiiinff Agrienllore and, fieulogv passed Itl third rending the clauses autlturising tnc iiooiogieui survey neing stricken ont. tin motion of Mr. eingeltarr. tha llouso ad journed. - ! g E S A T E . Mr. McDowell called th Senate to order, sta ting lie had liecn requested by the Speaker, who was detained by sickness, to preside. several reports wer made from commit! so. The foUowiugbUIa. Fere printed and read th ennuis' divorce and ali.n..nv Also, a bill to incorporate the Conrad Hill Gold and Uot per Mining Company - By jrv-M4iCleiie,.js-4iiU la oncorporal tho Trirfn-nv-T-oiuinma m-'t wreli ewslsv Mr. tlark preaenteil a resolution requiring th clerk to Dials a calender of tint business of tho Sonato and that the earn b printed for tht U ol the Psjnate. 1 .let ever, On motion of Mr. 1 laugh ton, the bill to author ize tbe Cape Fear sod I een Kiver Navigation Company to Uu bonds and for Wlicr porposet, was taken np. The lull was amen Jiil, on motion of Mr Haugh ton, in several particulars. Ar. Haughhin then addressed (bo Senate at srreat leii-tlr on the merits of th bill. On motion of .Mr. lhggs, ihefurtner consider- I atimmf ilm Jiilljias .putlponed jun'U to-morrow. Mr. .tints presented a resolution la favor of A. W. Kiwia, administrator. Also, a resolution nailing on th Treasurer for Information in relatisu to th Internal Improv- wool at tha Stat . A message was received from th House, sta ting that it had stricken ami several sections in the chapter of Ih Revised Htstntes on Mines, and asking ths concurrence of tli tiensta, - Un motion, th Senate adjourned. - " IIOI'SK or COMMON. Jan. lftth 1H.iV After nadilig the jitnmal. Mv. HorbM liressnted a memorial eoaarrning a pnl.lio rnd in Watauga County, which was refer red to th committee on Interna? Improvement. Mr. Outlaw, from th eommitto oa corpora tions, reported in fsvor of opening a road from Salislwrv to Statcsville. Mr. M rors, from th onrnmitlM oa Dank, re ported adversely to b bill shartering tb Farm er's and Miner's Lank, Clioroke. Mr, I in rt li, from th enmmittee aa Judisiary, rnported adu'raely anna Hi following Is It aiid rnsolutiim and a-knd to b diacbargad from tu further cmiideratKMi of lii earns i 4ucminf olisiruetioB oa railroads l OsMsming fit liiioos ai .nat arts oa b.11 to axehang taleo, h reumy. i. of raaea frosa I'aanty tu So r .arm Courts also, trials ia oaiiilal sassa ; si art, fur lbs better tsl aunistrstioa of just leas also, requiring retailors of spiritual btiuovs to make oath that tbey will not vi ilste llis lasts nf sailing to slaves aad, alao, eoneeming dastds uf OrusU. Mr. Cansler, from tho onmmllte oa Inlnwal I a proven, an is, repartod adiswly to lha draia ing of Maiamusksot Lk and tb I'lyasoutb plank Pi4. Mr, Satilb presentsd a memorial frnm rrtiicn of Halifax eanestraing lb imprvyonMBl of Ibaus ok river. Snails m-mxa-wls wor prsaeated by Msasrs. Outlaw aad J, It. Byaatas, aU of wbivb r referred to th euaatatttUs s Iblsrvasi lay pruseaaenu." t Air. Dortob fna tb tomsniirso a Bsvisal, ro purled siltsrsely the following I tow.srnirtg printital and surety; eonrsratng tsiipassi to Oimpel aad Butborit dtseovtrisa ia la aad concerning County I Nasrta, Mr. Daigsu, ftuat lb tiimmiftiHi oa Military alairs, reirlsd ia fsvnr uf a Hilil.sry Aetotomy. Oa Bifli' B of Mr, Bolrn, th toll omceruisg lli Fsruvr's and Jfiners Bank waa rafarrod to III entnmitlee of lb ahoU. Mr. Msrtin iutrudeead bill tor lb oompbHioa of Ih V. Carolina railroad, Mr. Vance presented me tn trial ensteerntng tits Ashvitlsand lirsvavills plsnknstd Ctanpauy, whii b was referred to b aummitlr oa Curtse ZiiMlS. Hr. Ba.li a i liva Introduced tb fJlowlfl rsaola- J rterms. It is bel "rred that s e4e ly eate. Know Notblngs" siisu la U s rJuls I of N'irlh Parulina, secret ia hs orgaaisaltoa, aad i poiiti .sal in lu designs, be It, tneretora, rersii.lieaa. and aangeeoua ia Ms Iratlencira). I lr. J irds remarked lhat I, did But know I wlie'hee s--b as ."r emiel or B"t. 1 lit bad born rRd.-emring Io axrervsin w heihef I ll.era waa or am bat bad wful. 1 . ...... . . pi r. riasia sai-I lhat lliese were, m tiia apini'H, ' slrwdu-aey rw.dtlt.a. T Lf per-p-ssM to this ; ll vise inn n l. l .'ilmt.t c, j. ma a set I of tvraims wl.a war ai ks.n to O . tc.nl i, I so I "f tt'ep.m. tj l-s, ll s!,e, b, 1 ttir, he bsd a 1 anrt of i,,f ir.i.ali m. ll w . in In , a f.n( I l do ai'V si.' ti l.t ug an 4 ha c , o d f I I- ,io tl .- if I u,,.in ,i.;i i , .. w .a NUMBER 4 aiynf th peop'enf the S:ate, unless there was sure evidence before it to iustifv such aet?un. lis friend from Chowan (Mr. Badharjit bsd not told th House what are tlie principles of those whom his resolution charaeterire ss Know Nothings.1 and how those nrinciplek eonrliriwilh the gei.ins ofa free State, and onght not to b sltrrwert. There nas norri.frno.that he knew of, before this I loose, lhat there wat such an orgsn iistiou, at tlie Know Nothings, Ho hoped the gentleman front Chowan, would giv tlie reason, why this alleged organiiation, ia antireoublicsn. He did not believe in separating a set of men, from the principles whieh they profess. It was a new subject to him and he knew but little about it, be confessed and therefore, would not vote for a resolution condemnatory a set of men, unless aorne reason Ia given for it. If the gentleman will convince hiin, thsjt there ia a secret Dolitical organisation in th State, called " Know Noth ings' and that the principles of that order art not in aewrdance whh the safety of American. Be pnblicnnisra M. would j&ccrfully ule..fur the resolution. Mr. Singcltarr aaid there eonld he no dratlit of the tiistenee of such a society, and referred to loiters ot a distinguished gentleman or this State to rentlemn-of-Virginia aa evidence thereof. 41 thought tin resolution aa Important one, a ttc-et political prsjanisations were dangerous. R.A.JdyaUu!HU tbought tlie rcjorution em- hrae a, t seriuua subject, and uiovejl to iniike'l tv toe speeiff-vTrTwrr-r ,uoaiaT--ea-sr Mr. Stubbs said that he ngreeirwitli th gentle. man from Ihowan and the gen Human from 1'itt, in one point of view, a matter of some imnurtonc for if there is such nn nrimnivatlon In existence. and lias vTie" MrunclTi souts Kcu3omen urpo7f'il,'''Bt toiodetl no proteciitm.- He tnid rt we may ait oe in. uonger, ana una when we go Iwrne, that thre will be but a, poor prospect for us to return to thit limine. He said he Iicm jM- . 1 1 I I l , iiiyaboutthe Know Nothing'.' and desired infor mation before voting on tbo resolution, and h would suggest to tltu eontlonian from Chowan. vie propriety ot nit seeking th secret tociety ot w men jit pdvxi, aim connecting himself with them in order thnt he may gire the House some tnv aucicij rt rTTTtuvmttti-rejioottctui. sie always inougnt ii m duty al a gentleman introducing a resolution or, bill to give some information to gen llemari who dosmrta vote anderatandingly., Mr. Badham thought Ihegenlemen from Kit'h mond and Beaufort were much better prepared to throw light on tb subject than himself. If it be a fact lhat Men a society doe xi-t, which he bad reason to believe, and which he bad reason to believe many knew, fa knew of no more proper place to investigate the subject than bore by the assembled representatives of lb State. Jiir.Uutlnw snid bethought gentlemen weresent ere to consult tli general good uf Uieir eonstltu. tuts: fur this reivsou he moved to iny on the table. Mr. Cotton desired to luakt a speech oa the subject, but lie did not know where to begin, lie guested titer wa a eopy of tha constitution and By-laws of the order ia tho House, and he would like to bear it'read from the SneakerVchair. - Th question arising on lb motion to lay on tli table, it prevailed aa tollowt r Alt". Messrs. AmiJlaxtor, TliigTe.irryTorr, J. O Bfnum, U. F. Cahlwell, Cnrtiiichael, jj'obk, CiiTToTi, Craven. Paiicl, Dargcn, iHivenisirt, Eilre, Fu:r, Oiilifm, UorrellO. Green, Harrion, AjJteaJojXHIeailonjHi nhrev. Jiiliiiaon. Jnnea. 7uniitiv llimb J. M. l.r?nch, LrffV, Motunie, AfeKeAs., JbttMiU bui.Lmne, MoVdnoai, 8. J. Null, Outlaw, IVt-. terson, t attun, 1 eikint, 1 lulliit, Kulftu HuscL tt! kit's- t.'! c'!i. , t. e. . Sharii, Shifip, Simmons, Sotiih, Steele, KuYhbt, Tl..f...l...- iV',,. . V.J.. M'.l.e si tu.' T """" im'iivi, ,i,nv, ,,eii,cr, , iisnis, II. JT, Willialuju s. A. WilliiHa ILWUlituTui and Wiflton. N vs: Mi aira tlaiTCTn "rTe." ' I'TI.TT.. nw, Brfffj, Buiirn, j. r. jivTiini, a. h Caldwell, CanshvrA'tTadwiek, raOi.J'l'i'i, IT?h, lidTTn, Flfnt, SL lirtfnhlr Itul'-T.d, aT.il'ViA. a.u..i&. a.;ifTT:itlir- IiTT'F. I.TTn Mj.T Itoar, StThj, Kfffwr. ShcTri'l, Sin ulftm. Tonihurion, son. Watts. VUUm. fa. Vhi(fl7tl sr. i, M. White, J HTWhite, I.. WhiificTd, Williams. WriuutandYoiifV. 48. u .11... --. v srr . a Mr. Imv than introduced tb following : : nsneral A - setnliy, that tti acU uf Congress of Uie United Blnto roteiiri J the Ttaturalnatimi trf f rreijros rs ought to be so amended as to rtxulre a longer residence before laid foreigner shall becnm on tilled to all Ih rights and privilege of native eitisens of the L'nitod States, Jlrtulml, that eopict of iheforegnlnjr resolution lav Irsiisniit.ed to our Senator! and Kcnresentay tivea in Congress, by the Uovernor of tli State, Mr. SingeTtary moved to lay tb resolution on ih table. Tb aves and nayt war demanded by Mr. Love. Th motion prevailed ss follows : Alts. Messrs. Amis lladhaui.A. Barnes, J. Barnes, Ilaxtor, Blow, Bryant, Brrson, Uulhsk, J. B.Bynum, A. II. f'aldwe'll, l.'on.ler, Carmicbact, rolielir. Cotton, Pauglilry.TKirtch, Ihinn, Flynt, Furr, M. tlreea, llvtrrisoo, A. I. (leaden, Hill, Holland, Humpbreyt, Jsrvis, Jenkins) Jones, JoTCrtirf, darrteswteri HnrHv Is4t, LeriA-don, MelNiffi, MrMillani Mi-ares, Mehane, Mvera, f' ''n.u1, 'S,''' iorm"', ,'X,by. Out' iaw, i uuiipe, rtanii, ivoss, neiny, rettiet rnaw, 'Shepherd, Kherrilt, Singeltary, Hteele, Fulton, Tmnlinsnn, Tomer, Watts, Waugh, Vt hiUker, II. SI. White, J, II. White, L. W hitfield. ti. B. Whitfield, W hillock, Wilkina, C. W. W illiam, lb Williams, a A. WiUiams, T. II. Tl illiam. Wrlghland Vncy. 75., Nsra, Meaara. Busrla, J. O. Bvn'im. P. F. n. ii.jvMtfijrr Mhitm, aw. vr xatk. Caldell, hldwwk, Cisik, Iraten, lail, Ihart Mr. lton mve.l U.ol a rncn.el .c, t gan, lave,,Ts,rt K..r.,t.,a,n,lh,rAII, Ii. lirA-n, tl, M Comm. ns Pn.i,,,,ng tu t - a , . .'""7 . ",",; u' Johnson. J. M.J to of oui.rcrriu e, aliiill wss s! p, I Uath. I-.T7, Mike, .Varch, Nordecal, JW Abo. a mcves ii.f..rming ! t i i tor.n. I siloajtolmi. Sblrrsi, Milppv Simmons, Hus bad stricken out tht part of tl e . 1 ,, KoiallW.nd, Sunlh. Tlxin.lairg. A aocn, WaJecv. on Kevised I'mle tm A "i li'ii Ii a -a ..! 1.. st. s. w ciitams ana n inattn.wj. I Oa m.ite of Mr. llArm, a maolutioa ia favor J Mr. AUraathy Was rslcrre-t to tb Commit! on Claims. ... Mr. Hill Introduced a bill Ueorporating Ui sttdt Iron Jkfiing Cmpatiy. My Mr. tiorrell, a toil to amend th charter of Ih town of. Ursensburu, winch was rifi rred to tlie eonimittes oa privats bills. By Mr. Jenkins, a bill to prohibit mor effort aally Hi tale uf totoii.-eting liquors Vi slave. Ily Mr. Misrje, Ull fur lbs relief of 'cortoia cilliensof Ircdi'll, By M r. M caret, a bill amending tb charter ef tb tutu of fiejiiihvilbi. Mr. Ibigle amv si to msks lb eastcra titentiea the sM-tal erisr of Fruity, " A di le less, - ... Mr. Hiii-ltary moved to strikeout and Insert Oil bill M draining lb swamp lands id I'au Th lions r-fusfd to sink out. Mr. J. W. Nenl moved toaim-ed l.y mvking lb Itovsnui bill till specuU order Further droits ws had. Mr. Atal will.drsw bit "solum. Mr. Fhillip iwnewid It, aad m nuluriged do battwaa imlulgsd la. Mr. t fmtirn etfered) a reanlnUoa to lb eM llutt no b;ll prnrmf say gssvsval baU.e work, ic, list iui,nluHi mi tl N,.nh t an.lina. bailwd abeasld ba pssssd aultl iL iU-ta.ua l,!l hall tor HtetnWd. Mr. M. A. Williams movid to lay a tb table. Tlit Iloa rsfuaed te, 44; Bays, to. Mr. 1. Bjaam sllule.1 SulU gmtl aaanuai of Jslatla ba tipitiufi s assks s(eiJ orders lit said bo h..uj ia lulur bsov to lay all Bur It atutuiu on In tobla, tr. Outlaw (Stenotic tl,.t b atiould U.tr due a roluu. to ilx ibi l.-r-i! . , pri--i.ii, iu auk an l bill a spsuaJurdci ,: be ib Ulnsble. Mr. J.ll, IVi n isi SV'V-1 Iti 1st theai'.'i -t,s It B.sla sj.e. ,1 ,..r. nn lit tl.l, win. It , asft I. ' 11.1 ll use t), I...V r"-. A , t, a ., a , S rv tir- t, i i a s . rr . tr m, it , j , ! , lin'unrl: I.U1.IIIII in i,. ,! if iHt'i'ti a -it toe l.itei ary res rd. li?t m.i-ii el t. . A. tV. iitisMts. tl-e-s-lltie wn orlcrcl to I p fr-i U-i. tto inMi .n of Jlr. Outlaw. Ihe rule .'rc"s. relcl in order to take up the res.il ui i..n Hi fr.a ii'into noil iocs tn make buU cr ri'Stiittinr.s, 'il orders not oebtble, Th rosniutu.a was then adopied. An engros-e l MM from tl.e f enate CB ruing I'sory was taken u;. Mr! M.t:.l crd n ved to amend by Bn.d"v:i. the law ni.'i ii -f.'Kutdtl.e nin Mr. i ::Mw o piaved tl.e am:-.,.'...!, i t u I !!, princ'n'e invnKcd by aiittHo'wn.g l ur''..m. inter est. 11 ' mured ti amend by sirik.e; n;t I'f penally and make it indirtiibV. .Mr. ; i snported the amendment and concurrM in tl.u vie s of Mr. Outlaw. Mr. Norment opptsed to usury btfrs, He thought the reiieal ot tli t same would' make to. i ry p'tnty and relieve the monetary en-i-.. il thought private eitisens should have ,t s-.i.-.a privUcges oi Banking Institution. ' Mr. Wslser opposed Ills' amendmenb 1!. thought it was a pnipositkm to favor the capital ist aud th note shavers. Mr. Slngletary fumrrd the amendmsr.t of ?Trt Stienherd. and opposed that of Mr. Outlaw. Mr. Smith eincurred in the vieas of Mr. Out law and Mr. liorrell. He thought the a.l j.tit.ri of tht amendment of Mr. Shepherd wmt hi tend to opprois tli debtor class, tie ibonght tho passage nftach a law would fend to divert lha funds of the capitalists from works of Internal Improvements, since a door would te opn fur a more profitable invest tnenti Mr. Steele snid, that he cniif J never see why so great ( difference should tie made between hioiify Rlid other property, yet he would not vote to carry out this doctrine. "Why should not m le sharers be subject to the tame penalties as h.i rors. ' He thougliUhe amendment of the gentle' nmn from Cleavehuid, would alfurd mure j.rtitec tiun to the debtor, than with the pfeVent luw, or me amendment ol the gentlemen tnua l!mt. Il would bb a -protection to tin hone.it ik-htor, because her Troald plead the statnt"r NTr, l dt-.es not do I'sityt-. lura: h; .be'ieve.l to Is valueless, ea.a gejiui,Bif iituij .Oeimt..jF i 4 !;.ir.-t'-" cossity oyerridBS every "law. StTIT be vtuuid ii.it, for certain reasont, tote to repeal them. -Vtrr3. C:1tTnTiiii"1hnnjht trnr-Tfrrposiiwn tif -Vr. Shepherd wat to protect the money lenders j ni.tlA nf n .... ..'.Iu ,l,nt nm.nv L ,n wat a matter of notoriety that money b n li rarclyoontribatedtoworksofpiil.licg.kid. II bile 0 law aa proposed might b useful to commercial communities at certain seasons, yet we are not a commercial people. He thought if the amend ment of Mr. Outlaw was tdopted it would tend to set aaid th practice of usury in no small de gree, lit thought th effect of it would b to decrease the yalu of the Stale lbnuli - Jtfr,Shepherd explained ttiaobjrkitot hiuamend" ment. That it was not to nperr -tiie donr to usu ry i but in a case when A U uds T) an nnmunt for a sum above tix per cent, and when B btiugt tuil against A for usury, A shall have tho right to oollcvt tbe sum loaned, and not forfeit, as at present, double th amount. The question arising on the amendment of .Vr. Outlaw, to make indictable, the ayes and nays were called by Mr. Smith, and the auieudiumt wat adopted ayes SJ ; nay Ml. The qnestion arising on" tht amendments (f Mr. Shepherd, a discussion arose as to the ettaet condition of the bill, -Mr. Shepherd withdrew hit amendment, . . ,.r Mr. Martin offered th following ! - iran.'rvif, Ttiat the t'sury Law be hereby re pealed! The rosolutidn was rejected. Nr. Bingcltary moved to strike out an niwir tlie word "void. Mr. Outlaw called tba ayet and nr. vs. The amendment was rejected ayes 'Ji, nnyi 77. Th bill then poi-scd its se-,jpd reading. -' The liill was read the third tune ' Mr. Meban moved to strike out and to insert or, so at to rcntt, "fioo" or "imprisonment." Mr. Isirtch innreil an antenil b atrikin? out Htlie amendnietit just oiloptvd, so that the bill will appear ss when coming fmm the Senate. bate again arose iu which several members ftrtieipnted. Mr U.JLirecn niiivel su a lj'iurnnieiit, alnrh was lust ' The questlnn arising en ti e amendment nf Mr; lTeh, the nre nuti fnv fp.. cut lint by Mr. i, A. WillimB-H ir44ttHintlutut rtr;ct tid fcywi 3H, Tinr C?. ' - Mr. Jprf,. n innrffl o trit;p . nt "ntui iiii r!-onn-nt," v 1 h he alVrvtu is ' 'lulrfw. Thft j'U''fi'm nri ing on i r. m l. uitj'n fii.irn: meiiVW jUik(i uut nint tu iiitfrt or, .; nvt-t nn 1 Tt were domnnduit by Mr. ,!. jK. hMwi'II. iifl tfa avmDtimonl tiffviitt-tl --svfj .r't. imvo ftdiourued. 4L January ')h, 1s" . A numbor of engrossed lulls fiuiii tit Ibmsi 1 of t oaimont were read arid referred. .Vr. Speight introduced a resolution that, fr m and aftrr toiturday, the e-n' bold altrnt-iu lessiobsj coninieticing st 3 I'. .If. Mr. ttiluver Introduced a biil'io inciirj'incit ths North Carolina topjier Coutfmiiv. Also, a bill to iucorporatt tl.e l'i h.r liiil Mining Company, Abo, a bill to incorporate tl. 0 11. ', n Mining Cnmpany. Mr. i'olemau a Lill to autlinrire lbs e n.truc. tion of dams acniss the I'leurh l'riad liner iu ni'tiderthin and lloii.s'iube enmities. Mr. M-'lhiwell, a bill to incurj-intie tl.e Cap) fear Ai'bJrDiy in the t'..tiiiiy ol i;!a,- u. Mr. Cherry, a bill t incorpurnia tnmtle r mols Seminary, in tl,e county ul Ouilf rd. Mr. Clarke iiitn-liu ed a nietnnnal I 'in lis North Carolina State Agrimliural SH-ictv. !. ., ww referred to a oelert twauu ,. s- I I lbi .lknanT coorurrrd in lb aniri.1 ordered to tos nSi.l i f ibi Ibmsi of Ctanmuns to the chsut.-r t-i tl.o C -vised Code, entitled .Villa and M,:!.rs. A4messnps wat receivtsj fn,m il t I! t,.e if Commons insisting upon Its anieuilnn oi i,, v Chspteroflb Ucvised Code un Ciiinii.il . cevilings, Jtfr. Huk moved Uial tlit Senate in.ist ' I, was adopted. on itet i sea ium on Agisulitrs st d tu mat reler to Ueolupy. UnJ ,.u t , tji , , th prausit. Mr. Coleman totnKlaeed t lc!l tu Licrt-.f , th Indian lirt i,ap Turr;..k Cfmr vr,. A oomBiunicatiuB frmtt tt,s ul 1 j was read, in rr ly to re...!nis i f , ,,, r th Senst reUttv to peenttoms tt S,Mi Mr. Fsisub Intrudurcl a bitl relating to n.,i i bridges, ferries At, Th rolnii..n .,f-r, by Mr. ( larl. en t terdsy, rslstits tn a ctisri.- in l.i ro'.s . ' i densui, osniiig up, .Iff. I Kuks nllrrc l a i tot, wli-n, on ni'iiii't of Mr, liuuier, li s, t. Itld o th Inl I" t)a m..li'n of Mr. B;r tl.s I 'I , l , tli Cal Far and inp l.ner Nat'.-a'i n parv in l bunds, i,,,,, up. Mr. Hirrvpr.. d htsvws in f- , ,,! of I o torn a I IniprtivrKtita st tut.! bu ,. li' iuarks Wrs li,. ly .Vn-us. Ji .r, l and 7 li- Utas, of Jat-ku'u." Mr. Brurdt a lauvcd a pr.t io l'i il , reliuo, ll.i.l tkt St. IS..' It, a ... . I ., . i iblialtiins to serure Ids N tie a , . , . 1 It suet-ftdmenl mm r' i. '"I t ? A i J Vt. 'lh"s V bo li m Lit a: 'il..' M ... II. . , I't, a. I 1 i 1 oe t ui ... 1 ,! e..-j l rssi.t g ; diseMMI. tin ..ii. a f Mr. lira.e., i! i 1;:! , ; rals tl.s l'..i l..t,f i,4 i j,,,,, 1 , ,,(.4 i , sy, ss ts.tt eti. Mr. t ui.i.it. am a 1 . - . . . I ; ' . , . bt'l. 1 s I., t-s ai I v is I r i. I It li I I. I I , rv i ' I At ('J.,, i. . ,, M ,. , H , . .1