?! a rvauwro wr.rxir tr WILLI ATI C. D0TJ3, , TERM81 ' ' If psli stfhst'y In atUnnce, tr oolhtre ftr eo nasi; t dollai-e and afty cents, if paid within -is mailt at .;, asi rjtjraa daiutret llit tud of Jk year. .' JDrERTrSE.VSyTS aot xeediai atxtaen wen will be msartad an time for a dollar, nod twaty-Bv tula tut well eabaequeat insertion. Tboss ef grants length will o charged pvojuitf ti'inal'.y. Ciiurtllrds. a tmd Judicial adteitiaaiiient will becliargeu a3 per cent, higher than tlie shove rates. A reason .hi deduction will b nisele o those who ad Tertl.- by the ycr. ' Book and Job Prliitirg done with naetues in despatch, and on accowimod.-ttng term.. ' tVa?" Letters Hi the lVi'iie.- inn t po i.naM Aim awls t 4 I ' I - t '1 I W L f-'l 1 J UJ re? and 1 I ! VOLUltE XLTL -RALjn3AlJtMX Legislature of North Caroliaa.' " B 5 At B. " " ' ' January 23.1, 1S55. Mr. Chr'iDtian introduced a hill to incorinirate the Moore enj Uoitunierjr i'lauk Uoa4 Compa ny. : , . ; . . -Ur. Ujjii, reauiuuou u uver ot cm ia iie Kae. . :. ... , ' Also, resolution in favor of D. K June. , A Dumber of the IUitIiwI Suiutcs men rend the imottnu Ann tltird tune. "Hr. SI(i "nioTeJ to tfSKmsllr thrrnt by wlueQ the till to divide tlio Mate uibi CRhl ju , RALEIGH, II. C. , M5ATCKD.YY MORMXCi JANUARY 2T. 1 1 '' Railkoads. Tlie Scnata hai pasaed tlirough tlieir three Teadinira tlie, following bllli t- The Wll for the completion of the North Carolina Railroad tho till to inoorporne tlio Tc-.tern North CaroJina Railroad; tlie Pan UtTsr ul T&dkifi ftaitrsa fWi the ltwfrt, Fiyetterillo and Green iboro' Riilroad The Ubue tf Cora- Railroad; tlie Wilmington and Ciiarlatte Iuiilruad; IM-Xmcb l.iid.i;.iilrr,,,gii)u!J,.,aM,, these RailroaiU be cocsiruotod, with their conn eo tioiu. UiT will hriua uetrlt all annlion nf liie dici.il circuita. tru rejectwl, wbicb motion wras bud on the uw. Mr, Thuniu of Pjvi.bwn introdnei-d a bill to amend an act cutitU-d an at t In incorporate the (irftiiiiilMr(t Mutual InMUrruice t!otuitnlir. ' ' On eiotion of Mr. Ilauliton, the bill to incor porate tbo liaiik of Chirt-ndon, was niiulo the pe- oial order for o o'olix'k lUU aftcrooim. On mmtnn tif .'ir. Cherry, tlte bill to rechartcr the Kank of Cape Fear, was taken up. liie question wa upm the amendment o! Mr. - Mr. Steel ore'! to take op the bill ehartering ' the vt UuuoKtoa and WuaHutlKaitruadtcapany. X diMtuuion anire on the tanca poiutaot onler; end. at length, Mr.. Fteole withdrew the motion. Ihe hill ironrBortttnjt the Dubbin House Com pany paioeil i third retidinj. Ali, " bilHiwui.-porai jigtbeGuilfuril Gold end Copper Miiiin CompAiij. A bill (itr the establishment of a new County to be called Uufin read the eecond time and rejeoted ayet "0, nayTa. A bill ehao 'in: the time of holdinz CountT I Courtu in Ilvile ped it lliiid rcadiii'r. A inn ti lay it a new umntv t i r e cauca Wil.n m re id the ooooud time. 'Mr. J. Ilaiuea eutmorieu the U1I. Sir. Urvant on;eiI if and rivivfj to amend !jt antiesi:' a rir'r. n to Nh, wliivh t ns lot. lie then iTi-ivt'd to Amend y learin: it with the vwtera of Nah and KJiotubeni ratify nr annul tbo not, wiiiuh wahnt -m ill, ntva 38. 0i-the p;v-t.vro ot t!'C hill, tlie uvea and nay Wire cnUftdttr.il the. hilt pa: cd iu'acconil reji'U iii: uvea 72, naya23. ' Xuo liuiue liiou avljmime l. ooonty," which, after aoea dohate, w-. r:nU-L lr. lt vulitoo thea orered tue atnei jn-ot u- dieated ra Ilia nrovtotra remark a, wiucil was a- dome-J. Mr. ti aliam propnaei n anw!nrlinent pr.wi linjf ernl A a.-uibly, aB.lt,r. tariat of year-, l,.ra ; Mr. V..rill ,.ered an amendmt prori Hvt auiaodaoMio cloct joe-ic. of the poAce by the I ,h,t tne efrmld M.rnd , r.eaii&.rt : and r1.k and fourth pr-wae.. to rwU.re the plan , j mile, timU h, frnm ot annnal iij ot b-cnuud aeaiooa ot uie un ..-., w.i,i-. r,...-:iiX t that all prautiunu o'ltained o theaaleof botxbt be intestt l to p'iy the debt. t men was nd jtod. On motion of Mr. Haughton, the bill was amende-l a n tni-e.rt coupon Ov-nJa whermer the word V owt&tete" oerw, whioh was aiiopted. The amendment heratofore o.iVrt'i by Mr. fe'ieh er waa reconsidered, and rejected. U bsrim; rend ered unneeesniry by the adptiou B." Mr. ll.iugh- tmra BmemTrnetn. itw ahwll endoraf the hnnds f the Conrnnnr for Stat within the reach of railroad futilities. It ritajf aoem Uiat t!ii large addition to , ur rai'r roada at tkia lesiion, would iopo a ry Large debt at one upon, tlie Slate, tint nearly all the ohartera provide eit'jer for an end rreetuent of the bonds of the eonipany, or for a gradual conatrue tioa of the roada. Before another Leidatut neeta, it wiU not be possible for a lar-e portion af the debt to fall upon the Statg;inil ample time will be given to meet any ItaUi.itiaa that Hiay be put upon the State. ,, lir , SL'I'KaiOR COUIl'l'S. - 1 We ondertmnd the Judges will ride the - S rtrirrgCireetta as Mlowa Ju4saEUian44Mck. Bigs, that the bunk Usuo uo bills of a lcs de- noi.niiation than ve uol.nr. "After a Icii2iVTliiius"rtiuiL T nrrwhirti "Mris, Tl-iuhum, IJroiWn, Thomas," of Jackson, Wig ttitm'lioui a,ultovidiioa.Mltdigll Jkton. .Cl&'feBu K'crsoii, liraham, piftHh n'' '" i!tiilc,V tlie iiuien-liueiit vras ly Bwsi7rTi'nVl 8US4TK. tloual section, re-Uitin tbo ljnnk toini.ike an, rnirii in im a-riita huh ituunon-a im hiv we learn, hare exsliangod circuits, so that Joilge t':e lliltsb'iroii-jh Circuit Kdonton Circuit, .Tudge'Tcraon, Raleigh Hillsboro " " V'iliningtot.,rT - SAlisbury i Mory.Hiton Caldwell, Pick, -B.ai1y,T Manly Ssundcrs. pubiie ireos'uicr, whose duty it shall be to Jaj- the siiniu l.cluie tUC tjcueral axseniijiy. Mr. Cljrlo oBcred an nmembiioiit to tho -meudineut, rei-uiriug semi annual returns, which was aJ.n tcd. Mr. 'Wilder also introduced nn amendment that a coiniuitti-e from tlie Loishi'mu mey ex amine the bouU of the lluuks, which was adopt !. ... 'J'he hill then passed its second rca an. Th,lii!l t-i -viwal'ho much of ihe act of IS.).. ai provuSMTor the appointment of asupiv. niirnd ent of Common Schools, w as rend the second time, pending which the Sciuito took a irecas. , AtTEUXOOS SJ'10N. , After the readiuf of ovrnl liavi-cjl Statutes, the bill tiiicorsiato Uie WjisIoiu North t'aio 1 1 tin Uailroid Oump-iiiv, was taken up. rile time m Tts-t-jiisiaer.uion, Mr. V'iUlor,. from the ootuuiitlee on publio .buUdi.Usrcparte..Ln4 propiiuLiuu foir "ituiiutnjf ' iiejr" txoeiil'i aTilnn- siun. - -.,.JIj.Xit;j-i n iQii.liituin Hliiig "4 ifcihls.j-Jtte, 'Ir. Cherry suil tlie b'U had hoesi put in shape in wlncli ho Ciiuhl trote lor it, aud hi dusirol to say to bis friend from .V.irtin th.it he s'ood tiers on ' tr:-:i firm, ready to rc-le'in t'.e t"V"os be had roado to his rriends in Tehronrv last. Mr. Mo. iter ttas clad to M tlwt Audi mlJili- J catiou' were mado in tbo bill as vwu'.d tuablo him to V ile fir it. Mr. RaTner asked whSeallcfl -Sir-ths Bves and wes, mi tMiio!" informed Mr. Uro",d.n caik-d for tweiu, be mijuirci why the beiuWr opposed the bill. Mr. Hroyh-n replied that we wei-e nihnrkjn in. a dobi- which should tot pay fjr the oe; noon lor nnil priv- t lie oot.sider.il ion oi itcvif ud Suitmos r bills. Ailnp'n ;. Mr. JJosd- n bill toauicud an act entitled an iwu to iucorur.itu tin) touii oi' Madison iu the count,-of Kocl,:.iiir!:inu. . Mr. 0 '!!in, a bill to ricornnmte the trustees of the Fmnklintoii M.itct.ml r"ciii..le Academies. Sir. Cukmviu t bill in it-UUou toitl.ecinivnuipa tiim of shires. JicloiltMl. A Inn, a bill lu itnscad the Consttlullon ofNortfc Ciirolina. wbicb vusdsiil it the tr.ble. fl'ni- i w. Mr. ixsateT. iraii ttieseamemtuHsnts are ; i-.r i. , r..t - ' . . . : - , , .ii r iPi.M'.'Mn, tr.icii, ami so on toreacq strnon : wntcn deemed necessary and protier, why toil '' I wis adorned. '- . - voflienuon as uuce, ooiy io con"iucr iivo.h j but all others that mar be thuuirHt neeessarv ? I Yhy not authorise an elcjii oi to be he'd lor j meoiVrs to a Courcmioo, and let the people i tect their best men. as doubtless they would do, j irrespective of part eisnsiJnrnttona, aeud them i into C-ooveotirm and let theia take ii'i, wnwdor and t':i;n")dy examine the whole Constitution," and miL such aiiiendinvuts to it aa may lie thmtjt'tt tieressary and alTtsnbl, arrans'iiiaj all its various parts in aucb a way as to make thciu harmoniie, and thus -resent to the people for thiir tn'ificatioa or rejection, a Constitution which shall be re Raided atoneen'ircaiid perfect whide, so faras the wisd.ua of uiau cart 'uiake it such. I object, sir, to the tirotivsi"! mode of o- mcudingthe Constitution, because itbaskto much the character of natch work. This may do very will for some fhinjs, but in my view it will not d i in makins a Corntitutior, "l ol';cot to it also I IT Tt Sir. llavner roe ttssaav that l.ef U nroul to see that timehad eome when svecontd a 1 unite 5ri -Hishinsi5.smiiil n preat twn!i, whieif aTf' could coaauittocsther for the wd of tUo whole tor from Wnyiie, bathe a l.uonidied him that lie Mo keep the pulilio had r-nnne I a wrong conrre here. Ha denied brcauat it does it by piece meal, and of course it mint la i.ntmife.-tly-doi-e, If thenfi is any one thing, Mr. Speaker, which osWht to have a atatasl Mr. Thuniss, of Ja-kn, nffisred an Kmend- tnent to etrifce ut Ciresmslrfmi, and insert "at enaaa point, w-estj whh-h shall be determined on by the next lslattrre.-" ' " It was disetissnl by Mer. f .ane, . Fohville, Faiain, Wood, tJilmer, Thomas, fisher, and oth ers? xrr-jnr'' ------ ' -t Mr. WioskiW, of Cumliorliuid, spoke at some length in fnvor of the bill. - Mr. Thomas withdrew bi amendment. The b'U passed its thin! readinjres follows: r ArAaAh, Boyd, Christiati, Coleman, Cnn niniihaiu, I avis, Vaisiin, Keanrli, Fisher, Fonvillo, Kreemsn, liltn-. Graves, llaocliton, Iforrins;, L-ii. S!-Uowel, Jftlls, ,M,mv. Ol-ltield. Rlieiit, W.ll. Tliomas, Walker, Wmslow.'.Vood. N oss. Biggs. Tlroftilon, Clterry, Clark, Csillina, Drake, Katon Ktxirn, tintliain, Jones, Martin, MiU'hell. 1'erson.Hsvnee, eWndera, J, W.Tbotnaa, WUdwttiiririi-a. Willes-JU ; .. Oa mrrhon of Mr. Milts, -Hit ressdntionto aa- i l i -i . .i 1. .-. .- t ,i thoruea loan, to Clinton reman eeniinarr wna and n:.d eharae.tor, it as the Conaututum of the . . , , m,;,i,- Alter FtielrdiiT-- aud various movement loioK (.tfurcd without ooui- jf 4o Li'aI4aia:e-ahi.nl4'''cate a. liaw.drauL the mv.T JudOi we suppose, will ride that. Cask or C.-rr. Gib-ox.--A cerrespomleneo lias been STtttmittird to Congress, in -relation to the case of Capt ailson, between Secretary Mar oy and the Clo- el er t'ere-s, Minister of the hing of Ih'lUnd, to tin i. tjuvcrniiiciit. Accoui nanjing tliis c.irrespondenfe istiie inising letter of Ct. (libton, to ihe Xmbei-'ands liovernor, iu .. :i.-rhicU be dijcl liUi? anj 3' r ! at dt frnce of InaJ fSnfiart, aiid thro-ra hi:i:-!f wholly upon tlie -!nt:o y i'f the i .vrn i. This w ill pwhaTdy as-tilj Ihe iliia-dlty siith the "liuteh Nether Jahda." .. ; . , , lUsnii !', I'-ts iv sua t a.ssi. The Lon don tilulio, of January 4 li, sal (list, at the low st estimate the lluuia i rei ifirvementi, which woul l i..uW:.lj- ica-h l'rinee Mensclrkuff in time fr tUe-Jufii'ic-- J i'siop-lr sruuiJ-amount to OJ.'JiHmen, of whieli, allowing i'l.tsX) fat the ' sorvlcs of the pl.ioe and forts; woulJ leave 65,(H)0 barotirtt d'spisiVs for ouside work, with at ' After rcadiiigtlie'JoVi'-jctt'SHssrs, J. t. Iy num, OjileaUy, hlubl'is, Sniipioiiraiid "ChaJwlriT were announced as ooiuuiiMoe on Clubfoot und Harlow Canal. -. " Str." J. tjUynwn ---Ti.s--nteil a i-iertmnTtt fnrhr erecthnauf a now county to bo colled Ooldcu Val- lev. . ,'," "Mr. Patterson reported from the committee on 4-Knaiw,. that tijMiMBmiJdiltn.oLtLL'J lurs' 11 ioks iiiadii by the coiiiinittce proves the snuia tu bo corrcjt. The rc(H)rl was Mut to the Sctiite. .' ; Mr. Darpn, fran the committee on M.litary nffairA, Tep irrei in faTot-of the- f r the onroll, went of frco white men of eighteen years of age. Mr. S!i;pherd introduced a bill chartering a V i ijmsvinii to soLie point on u.c moot of lluiiso of Commona to tlio Ileviacd titat titos concerninj: lTnrv. ' On ui it'n.n i I'M;-. t'I ''", ll 1 Tfl to IhcorporaW tlio Now River N iri nf'.oii Conr.v.riy, waa laV.ett tip, reid the toil. 1 tiiiin :nd p:ts.'0.t. lnc biil.t i locoiorato Uio o e. ioin Tiortti Car- ullllil I, ii:iii..ii 1 i lil).:'!!'.-, IV.'.-i Up. .1 i,.,;"U III that the c"iniitiieiits of the ;eittlcaian were op pjcei to this work ; and, ho would ad. ise tbo gon--tieinan to "ive a liberal vote, and go h cae and throw hiiwelf upon the (;e:rerosily of his const: tuonts, lie spoke at sums longtti of this gtent Work. Mr. Brogdea replied to tbo remarks; of Sir. Ravncr. Mr, Cunningham explained the position he oe- . . , i.i. .. i- l . .... ti c rides for electing JuM.ocs of tlie l'ci.cc hj' to icupied. Aithvuh he was uotoritrunlly favor yiie fennte teftised to conetif in the amend- of the Utale enibarkii.ir in works of Internal lot fHrt It was now tlio settled p dn-y ul Ilis section i,i tna Mate n.nl tievor ,Hr. tisl.er ffvtej u.i NiiiK.....: Mt!.)m.siiiininiiiinii ai i'iOii i r n :.t thut fie i the State reeeived any aid from the .Shile. IU was tfiliuit to make a mi ion cause und tnki! a coiuuiiin chaiiou with tlio friends of Internal luipnivomcnt. If his t-entinn ciiald have hr.r dui sliar, he cnnhl rote for this and other bills. Hut as he could not not, nnv tiiiim for hi, section, be should b go we.-t iu feucii uirection in ly he iinind niost irai;iiu.hii', tUruii";!i or near A s! evti:n to tlie rimnci.rcc"rTiruTa be iipprol'. led hy lir ta'.e in niuc.ir fjr the next tsoyear, wbioh v. asujopld. Mr. Tin m.', iif tat idnoii, uimo i to amend the 2d sei'liou by a.ri.iti,-; out .-bury Rnil iusert "rratrfTi .if v: irrrrcrw-TW-Trr j -tr.-" W csii iii olaiikroad, v. oich was relcrrcu to tlio i.iH.iiiir on Internal Inmnivement. Il Mr. it auh. a bill incoi tioriuiiiK the raiem Socndv fur the iiroloclion of property which was -rebrsjil to IIki cuiuoiuma.ua. uuruucmima. . tr .l.irvls moved to takentittee Niiltmvre.siiu li ihe iiiotibn hrcallca nre-nryisTr-trrayai i ue nloli io prevailed aye, uo ; nuys, . Mr. .Vcbinc tnove.1 to amend uy in.oiiinjf or 11 ,u,e of Cotnmotis" in tlie bill in relation to un- imturaliicd foreiiiiici-s voting. Mr. M.-bam- withdrew Ins amendment mu Jlr. B.uier ofl'cred Sir. (jrahaiu's Conicution bill as a substitute. Mr. Smith moved to refer the bill and ainenjl. menta to the rinniitteeonContitiitional reform, wilh uislrmtioiis to lepurt ajnlifor Jt 1. 1- iTenM tion. limit"! to a change of nuaiiscation lor vo ters of the Senate, and election ot Judges and Justices of I'eaee by the people. On motion for . i- ... ir- u. - .11...1 ,1. ,.UUB,.1 reicrencc, ,r. .'mns tn:w ..-j. T.f niotina was reiected avos. 7: nav. l'C . Thesmsmiis ariiin ua.ui aulwtiiute ttrcu by Sir. Castr, a division or the (juektlon w called lr by Mr. SbepbenL The mutioii to strike out waa lost n0, J'.'; nays, s. t. it .., a. i,.v.l i., urn, nil further tiT niacin the votcraTi mcmlrtrs of Sei.atean.1 tliinsc ot Coniuuina upm Ihe same fmtins;; toprok.le for the election of Judgea and .Magistrates for a term f rears St tbo people ; and changing the qualiB- eaiions for Guvernnr. The hour of 12 o clot k batinz arnvcl, Jir. Pnilrriuio asked the KvsnlU-uiaa fnM Henderson to five was 6ra moment that be might make an e. . it. .... n .,..,...1 itu.mrv ot in i nair. vs nerval ism r. s . - ihni ihe bill for itendin tli .''. C. li.iil Koi.d, West, liavina; licen made the icijl order fr this ihiy at li ocliK.k, if it l-e in older, he would noa mine to take op that uhict. The Spenkcr i,o,l,-d that it was uid in order nowlomake th.it motion that the Win'ee before the bouse must Stmt 1-e dutpmrd "t i . - A division of the (jtiesiion was called. Tn"0'0 ti.m lo trike out wna hsl aves, sl i: nave, 67. Sir. Halter moved lo add to the UH as an addl limir.l n--lion prevision for the election of Judi ..!., i,.no uf tain lwt es. tj.nsv.li7. C ii Mr. Hatts-r'snoienduieiil f tint eh iii.nof Justi,i-cf 1'iAie for a tei unify ears, tlie ajesand nays were called and ll ameudoient Wualoft ayos, 4 1 !, CH. Mr. ItbA'cr e ameiidii.enl, ( rrp. sinj tbr.t no oaeetreiit natiie i r nalura'Urd cu'rretis sltatl I eligible so abe uftce ulti iteruor at read. Sir. Outlaw moved to strike otit kAluraKl, whi-h SSI bt ayes, JU ; navs. Hi Tl.e oui -liiin arisiii na .Vr. Bister's am'fld aiont indicatej above, it was rs-jiitcd s. , s I j as, o'i. Mr. Metne rruewtJ bis smcu lmcul T" er It sise Commons, " siyim ihe porpwuf it ws nbinaa. The S.nsie has) aaid utinnurahscsl fofeisners st,s'il ix l ot for them and tl.e qih"s uon uwill, sir will itssT. rl'.e Il'say the otn. It wivs debn1") tin till bout for revws. ArTMSinaM Ssass, .Vs. 9. A. MMlivms ansa ta psrwinsl eitde ntitss. Ilsi I bws rp..r'ed in tSe tsewtard TrreI! Turnr) rhWTniJrfl irw Mr. I'i-lwr r.aid this would ni ls tiie line lon ger, it would o tbrui;'i a r.;ygiier eaintiy, and would tu.iko it urcossi'ry W buiwl a uuniber of bridges not rc jiiiro'.'. on the otbeir uie. H should not the (sdicyTo Urf .tlt'dovt-.i the tUrtvTnjs inr land tovi iis. Salisbury was one of ihe most nour ishing towns in the S.itu, and it on; lit nut lo be bro! eu down. . , . -Me. l'4KiBwmri).viJs.u, JuiiJ that. ur,on the flrst blush, tlie o iei tions (TSIr. Fishi r woulTf seem p! tiisibie. llecoiitcuded that, neoordnigto il... miriy..f M-j.tiwyn ii.thevi.ine hTS-ilithury would bo li miles longer, and hence r. w. .old he a forced to hi,vcV,ir vuto agaiuct this and alLotucr bills of a- The bill thea passed i.s third leading aa fol- lowa: ATi!sMT-sm.-A:i;Briy.1vnTTT, tv.inan.i'iivis, rai-o:i. r uiii-s-!. i is'.yr. t'oisv.l ta-ttwtaw r7!' lrfrW to lh. West.Van Female or.ie., or eanRvs. rvr iigm ana muwes. wmsshs Culleire and lo tka Chowan Female liistitnta. and vl.tr.tas,! , : pu , ,0 mind con.t.ntlT a;;. aU J on r - . . . tJ, a rweaaa, . , 3 ATnasmiK hr.io?s. the aoliject. At eve-T i"ssinu nf '.lie Legislature I nmendiiu nts may Iki projo ed, tlio merits tif which will neee-airilT enter inti everr canT.ist for seats in that body, and thus the pcple are kept in a continual sia;e if feiment and excite ment, the eo'iseiiitenu nf trliich' jrilt tie that In the end (hey will lose that respect and Tenera-ll-iti for an instrument w!ii h now secuws anrl guards their rinlits. and which, K properly p c- i-ervesl, will tr.iin.init them unimpaired to tlieir latest ptisteritv. riir, Hie Constitution of our oountry ought to he invested with a character Lamiiiin'iug ajinoit tu Mmceilju v, JlU the great I .1 . ..i' ,;, . .. f.- .! . i . . courier oi our tiiiurnes, nil'l li ucstroyeu or n-n The bill to iuoorpiirale the lbuik of Clarendon was read the third time and passed. r- A number of Revised Statutes and private bills were read and passed, ... , Oa mution the Semite adjourned.. . i - -i f IIOUSB OF COMMOXII. ' . ' Ar.etresdmR the Journal, mesaascs were re- Sir, tlie Consiitntion of our ecivcd from His Etcellency, the Uuvornor, trans muting a onininiiuicntion from A. W. Jones. Sculptor, in relntion to the reservation oft'ano va Statue of Washington ; also, from the Ititen. daKiifc .'lde.aiitLuioi,i.t;ritivc, wo shall bo luu iteU-l I dent teT Polie, Kwbcm; wnearnln the publio on imo nrii,i iktih oi ati'tfi ny mm conation niom. , ; without compass or pilot. ; For tlicsa rttsons MA Ilnrnphfey presented a rncinbrial on tlie .!. Bivxor, i cannot give my tore w csao n aunteci oi rviiiieraiice. , . , the nrtwedetit of anieiidinir ibeL'unatitntiou bT Mr. Slienhei-d prenrnted memorial alened br Le'islative enaitmeut. ' M cstireiia of Cumberland aaUst division of sa.u et.ninTy, T whirh e IV.n 1 Was passed, lr. Ah eop'en.l.-d f at ! f ;o . f il'nirj'.m sni ( t.arl.fe I'a !r i Lsf'- . f of the ,-i3tem and wepra c omut.s. !. - tiost fis apr -r-er t-.tne. Mr. tl.-aves s i I tl at t'is r-nd !.!, It i: -heart seemed to 1 i nr'i. m! o!v iLi:forTin.T'e. did niit see wi at ti...- r .a 1 I u l to do si i. r xtcbsi-ns. There wa aa reasi n slit.-i pit-ion should be t : i r ; .'n.t t'.ls'r. stis.d in its own uicrit. rs f;irp..i sr.- c t- . i, nf tluas. etuii'T)t..ie.. t'-juhx -.. ..,. .. bad liei n exarernted. Theie r.exrr t, - 1 . - a trme, wlien a jnilioioos sys'i-m .f i- n-: inl in, -proveoients bad injured a .Sta'e. 1 1 e-e ns a crisis now which should be met. We slo.u?,i n be behind other States. Ilehejej tt,a liil w.,u!d not be reeonslderel. !r. Rayner said (hat the while tenor r-f his rs marlts were misunderstood.- Hewas not or-ronf-d to that bill, nnr to the other biHs ; l ot I wished tiiat these bills shoti he hi toe .v- , t tlie Senate until tlie eastern and wt-trm .t;i-n- ekme were passed. . iu. llauiiliton regreltc 1 thai this disee m ,n had nriseii, iupsiso til toe roads si.oiiKl t Wit, the StatawnuU.i.iuuio risk.. .TliatiiiUJivi , been so gaanlod as to prevent a Urge amount from enniing upon Ihe State, lu forc tUs works could be tiiiishs I, the means aud rci-oiirees of il.o Stats an I tlw iiu-ooie fr -iu theffl r ui.is w.a.K enablo ua to meet Ihe liabilities us they fall due. Us tent hit to ctd.iin atlrngtlt. tliat ll.eie wue no. cause fur alai-ui. 7 Sir. Cherry was satlsSc! that thefiiert'sof this road were assured that he was iflriend of t!v road, llettivught an amendment hadln adi'ji'cl which would enablo him to vote for it ; l it vi cxauiiningUlie found tliattliis bill did not cx -meet his views, U had prepared n a ".);.. '. ,: that vfisjld make it asceutabl to all. He hope: .that u rruuldbo reeiMisidcrcd. ......... Mr.t -raves said that gent lcmendid-rd amor .:s .ttMUaelTas, Ilia friend from Hertford- wi-Uvd a liitsiirsUloTavimr to faotd his bill iu ebe-k i hii friend flow llcrtie to aiuendtlio bi 1. .Uvntlcnicn dilfered in thoir views as to the proper mmle of firTRfti-TKfKr-Tsr"m. 'ntiitt -rrfissr-tTi' - State may lose, but eutnot make nnnhing; hut if ltrinutoiTt1)"toTtie cardial -whe'inifhT-mnk somcthiug. The views of all could in t ho met t there must be a coin imsiiisa. SI. I .1 1. ll. t f 1l ,ur WOIIVS vouulii.. ,.1U ,ii;iu,, liom vs-si V Was morally bound V consent to this cuurnO. lid bud moved, whou bis pngect waa tip, to lay t npon the table. ' . f JUiv Urat es said that was (he time to make the move and not uw when the guntlcmmi'i bill .was passed, - . . Mr.tjuuier regretted verynincli this discussion. The question amso on the amendment nf Sir, jpowg; rt TiCina m fAiract Horn tne ncmma'stie ,... .. ..,,M,r,t,.i ...h.titi.tc. tor the biHrnncUrt,- Mr. Baxter, from the eommitlee on the Jmfl. IrcMiian, I'lliiicr, (riih .n, tn-aves, il i:.';!.tun, llorring, Ibike, lAiie,Meiawell, Mills, Mitchell, MoriaoT. Oiillieliv llaviier, .Speight, ravine, il'iiuaatif J'ickwiiii--TifsvM'rkieai Wstxiiaa, , t, inflow ot 1 a-juotank uiio, ir on.) ii.. Nvs Messrs. Biggs, Bower, I'rog-lcn. Clr, Oollins. Cuiintnrhsm, l'rako, hlntotw fllrirn, Jones, Martin, I'erson, Sanders, Tavlor, Thwirns of TT.nTifsi ii, aiiil' i!l :y The Semite then took recess. ArTtRNOON SESSION. After passing severel of the llovised Elates, the Ux on .every rinsscrijeroTerihe road. Miffi-lends of Lexington wore rn'ly totoftthe strength of tiiu plan. This wiisa ric.u. work. ii'LcXiugtun w.w litit av.C''0 i'-3- tbo castcrj) !cn:.jnn1-iv.iiiiiid would be irniiecd fi om whi. h the STra.c wndd new-r iwu iag3-.l'y .Piin-nury woui t t e mr.king the nurd pi.ictic ihlo nmte lor South Car olina. It b:vi been I lid lh.it it wutild be imp. aildc to bring any of tbi tfr de over the road from wot ul r-ausliiuy, j aurtey uariusi tocnioiu nlcted from lAsington lo Jfoekaville for a plank road, and il was rci v favorable, onl v a l n o ot one foot in twenty. Mas it of noconneiUnce tb.it freight and passengers had to go 12 miles out of tlie way 7 Oujjnt not ll.o siiorlcsi route to i t.v- e-t'ink nn tlrVh?a "tii Tnfofno'Me" -eFBiimk of Clarendon in K.iye!tnvil!o. Aher sumo dls c.isioii. Hie bill prseod its second rcadinz-Ayes ai, Noun io. ; On motion of Mr. Ttimrhhin, the P -nnto ti k up tho hill tore Inn tor t'l Ilsnk of Cnpo Pesr, After consi.leralile diaensfinn, tl.e bill, patacd its Ihinl reudiiig. . Tho Senate thea adjourne L Jan,4th lf55. Afl Trending tl j ocual. Mr. Jordan read a rep ut.fr-m t'-.a CommiUcc ) on the l'l- li, lniinti anu liliud A vluoi, wloc.i, o-. luotiou of ilr. I'atterson, was ovdervd tote print eJ. Mr. Settle Introduced a resolution in favor cf i.liiiloriii placing voters tor tsmators and Biem-1 -w& t!)5 M-IH.wel and YaneT Tttrnnike nmd.. hMofia,iui,M,ouj ...OrnnmltleennFiiianea. ut iclcreiice to i.-reigners. tho ajes and rrrie( adversely,, the bill compensating jit,' wain i-jillml. anil Hie guienchuiMit was re- Pa,..,.f ii,. r,.iT,;- i!.i.r,;.,i.i. jeatedr-slyoa 2, nays lu4., Sloasr. llwmi ua A nnmlr of Important ratxtrn ifcre- mado U williou HOI lie 6 lt very deeply interested in the Central Koad- He did not think fiese works would jeopard tlio eastern and western extensions, Uo thought that they would pass, " ITo looked npon them an'Bse4 facta t the very decided expression of sentiment in both lIouo.H show cjl this, llenrguod at h r.gtli to show that there was no cau.-e for apprchens. n. . Sir. Boyd explained th' picvi 'n.iu of this bill, Sixy1l1g"tliilt it wrasTilnrnst no nrart trsnrrrtjit of the charter for tho North Carolina Kailioud. lie A. vers voting iu the alfinna'.ne. , eomiultteea on Jadiciurv. Claimt and l'rivate Mr. .ile!aue then luorod to amend byp-ninilng hjiHs.- - ' . " Mr. Sherihe.-d,- finmttie Gommiltee on Finance, repinted favorablv upon certain amendments fo Ihe Atlantte and N. O. railroad and the Western N. C. raHr-md ; rind, also, fn nmking Sale of the -pubiie loUdAiltetuty uf JlaMgh- -- - ; .sir. nieares ititroiiueeit a bill tn eede to the Xiaf noiiitiiirTorrtniricTt-in entisiiuvu as to iinih iruo uniniuraliiid foteign. e.s to vote for uiemlmrs of llous-? of Commons Ti e vote wasns tollowai avvtol. navs ol juruuiut ualutlJijiMBfiS jdJfeo Ijjlt the lirsl time it la-sisj by the fulhivi tiigvota: . Avts. .llo-sis. Mwaker, Uaulmiu, J. name-, A. Barnes, Barringer, Butor, Blow, Bryant, llrvsoii, Bullock, J. 11. Bvuuui,CaiMlor,Ckadiick, ttnteait, S uttmTj-Hripw , 1 li-l rfey, t SmS, f ivtit, t urr, taarland, Uciitrv, M. Orta.v A ii. Ilviden, J. 11. I leaden, Hill, Holland, Ilorloa, lluiision, Uiiniphieifi Jams, Jcliiiia, ,1 JorJan, Iineaster, Hugh letch, J. M. lisnch, 1ig,.LoTe. Lyou, Sluliuffie, SLiKessou, MoJfil- tan, .V.inn, .March, ilarUa, Monleeai, JJycrs, d. W. Kcr'.S. J. Nial, Normeiit, Oilc.by, Outlaw, I'.nton, lo gim, Rolen, l'.ute,r,i;u7, icily, Settle, Sliaiv, rhepherd, Sl.'errill, Sliipp, Siiiimous, S.u-g-ibary, S.uall .vrsid, S.ee'e, Slubbs, cii.tton, Tmn- 4HOr-Vaiuie, U'attiL Wnuglu. Whltaker, II. M White. J. II fiild, Whitlc United States a tract of land near Wilmington, which was referred to the committee on the Ju- diciarr. :r".--JVwwr r Wll tolnwTTwt the Pa qnotankand Perinimans plankros l. ny sir. t'giejtiT, a nui to extend tneeornorate liinite uf the--tosyn-r)f Beaitritrt, fwHtieh was tw- forreil totlie emlinMeenoriiorationa. By Mr. Whilhwk, a bill aulhoriiin j Uie Gov ernor to lurnisn l siikiu county with itandard r and measnrea. . :l'y " S!. Jtfan-h, a till concerning uneolhx-ted inscs in iiavie county Willi.ms, It, Willisina, M. A. Williams, T. II. Williams, Wright and l'ancy 9. iavs JMesnrs. Amis, J. O. Brannt, Br F. Cul lwull Canuiuhael IHvenpoH, OsirretL Harrison ken f Tlie n.ute fiom Ix-xiL-:on w..n!d te ceo- , ;?r., -:-:i . " - ' '"I-. "T tral the one throil, Sa i.oury Sou lm to-, miMe! clnirn., tho bill to tat "" msiii v.ii ii ulr. W. II. Jlvnuin reported trnni the Piininiliesj kill tluvbill ifhe persisted in his aniendmciiL Hed,,. -I11,,t:,.u:ull.i IL.f,,,,,,. nn il. hill i.wi!i. inotint it.ou;,i!i not loi.iuii. chhbumii urs been represented to be a thriving and grow ing towiviusde 4i.U.cl III" On motion of Sir. Sharps, tl.e hill for the bens- Whitn, L. "riliitHeld. N. TTT'vVl-1"' -w ,-tytMma was tasen up, read i tc. W ilkina. 11. V, W itliams, C. W. "" o P"ko; Two amendaieuta were offered to the second section when a motion waa made to go into ' XtvY 0 irtanoi or Ocoaoii. Tlie AujusU Coastitmioiialistsjs of opinion Uiat the lion. W. C. Biwson, whnssr term to tbe li-. S.-rtenatatex' pi res on tlie silt of Marsh next, will be the Know Nothing candidate for Governor, in oppo- aiuoa tolUrsbai V. Jwuneoa, the present eaeca- tire, who, it if add, will be re-aosuinatcd Ly the llemocrals. ,',".'. Natckauiatioii it Niw JtisT. A bill ie before the Il iuse of Asaemldy of New Jersey, wilh every praepeot of aa early adoption, which prnjsiset to take the power of making eitiscna ollie'y out of the Bute C'juru, and irmit il to be done only by tiiose of tlie I nited but. Tnr F.mmn!t.-Th Trroprietnr nf thhj vessel are now (ttiug hot up with eubetauliat team ea- sooee. One hundred and twenty bauds are em ployej on the work, and she Is exported to te . ready fir sea, by the middle of tabruary. aSaaf Buglars are driving a brisk Lusiueae in and about Wltiaingtun, V . One or them L Wily broke Uito tbo jail building last Sunday a'igki, ad stole upwards uf M frxn the jailor. . faajr We are tadeUad lo tl.e Ron. Si II. Ro. gsrt r taluaSle (niWie documcnis. r - We imlto aisial atlrnti-in to ll.S estraet liiuw, from TU-mias Jeff -rmin's leson Viran- is. We ata.ed lot, aw, tiiat we were in I.s or ef Uagthesiing the term of aantralitaiion, and of ' dMfwrstmg insuigraloas. tteewldnot assai l.lf ipsa unr reasosia lor entenamiag surU oj t s.ra Issrtrs-. tiiat i hs w. J.oi t'.e r an.ee 4 , . . , ii , x,ii lb v.mrnai ls l,ir- r l...lf. Mr. Jeosrsoa may base at- f IHatM unu in the seme war ciples M as lb we l.se.H"li-l. 1. ks the I' sr man, who Is asns a eandi lata ior I isi art or .f ie gima, he usst tsare hwm ssi Irteet Wi rsi cat rlrna- a la hia Bmliiasai issiimss, iiosaew si.t bssf l we are aura ti.sl en be penne 1 list burs qta4 below, hsevp'-s J t!ieh.,r,ea?l4.i uls -.1 his Heart esery A f . vn s.sas iih ia,si rnitsr inwltii.n. bat bo was not willing to throw everything into it lo gob.wards South Carolina. He was oue uf the who voted for tho Central Railroad, and be w is one of the lOwbo sub scribed f iw.titxr tililam e !4 its t'..r. 1 1 bal a huge inteiost in ibia road and so bad North Car olina, and he le-lii-vo I it would ! to the interest nf all for tl.e) mud to Commence at Lexington. Section should bate but little tn do with this work, llu apjwaled toall tj Is k wrll to what was done uuw I', is a work, In w hkh it you jro wrsmg now, you tanuot crare tl.e error. Sir. SlorUey said IhU was ouu id" the roost Im portant qnestioiia that could couie before tlie Senate, lie was it: favor and had alwava ls?eo iu favor i t tins work pr.igirs-nig aa roi uiiy as possible ; and be wished lL hill put lu such a ahfi' e that he could vote fur It tie said be wa te no s.ieh m-itina but he had f.o.itd a 4n' tsiosa tli.i UtUereltlie a. Mr. Minis of Fmiikba. be Uuirtfure aw.vej that t ion -to a be BU - T'ie FtMsKser said Ie h J m auihorl'y ever tl f!a Isr I 1i w. el l risre tlv J.mrail c nT"ctr't. that a-s'S bias bina, shs Is-Is a. I .-t.ej UlUli, ,, . , .', " ... A u..i M ( l,..,,..a.,e whWh in. hi'MM, , f . . u,iMj nm . w,th biu,ia Ihe eiiii.uiMsi'BiUiiiedm the fi itow-1 " , , , tag atias.tt ewVhsra IVsVsfra.s - 4 . . . . , , , . m i - . i .i t The bill ineniT'iratina the fslr IliuiTaBsl C.ia- -n-y l.h. f r. rp) WW hr.i.t .!, Il- m rhM7r7ad p.l II. taird rehu the pm.i ,j oa of ti.o O wmnei'i tfcy bale ln- w .'"1 I o b led in etNr y-ntiiii r, il si is to top- tos I Sir, A. II. Chlll moiel a rssss'Janslioa rX it will m an asliats tor a,io: eaiuu 1 lir-'e J it e svte sa'tMsun ( bobliag B'gbt aeM,wo, tioias, pv s i, usuv, fr in one s.nsine wi ifli t raid aud tii rsKwto'iua waa Issui esi Va anit.er. sr..M a w-rf ?oy Mp 1 , iAi,'e. tmsrw'T Hi t, I. Ii ';, thcr' jit. T. IL w iliiatat Wf-ved 10 reoai'l.Uf llse pfiurii.u-s, arrn ti.ir wi;, tn-y sal traos- ,.,ia takra lasierday eKMestiin( rsiaaBei. mmn lie and bis eoustltue;-1-id alwava been In f.ivor of It. Whilst be was willing to tote fit it. be was not w.U.i for ..irtb(.iirolinatoaulisciiuc more uuw than she had Vis-all other works Id- letJiw, lis waa winil.z ro Vole f .r the road to go to the Teiiin s-'-e line, hot l.a s isl.ed il to prv i ree aeel inn b section. -Vr. Il.iuclil u lead an ainetidaKlit which I e. Wiuild ofii-r at the pniper time tooiivutte the dill-coltn-a in Ihe way of stino who d .-sired lo Tote fortheb ll. Too attieudiaitnt pn ivl-sllisl the flrst section shall lcooi.'.i ted. e (uivpod and put in order bvfvie the seoond is cs ui nsi.es d, and the net iirarsla shall be i s. l, I o ili.r la into the public treasary and oiMMlurd to the stockholders and thea tlie ens-lid aci-ta to lie e.splrb-d ia the saois m timer vroi hol the State shall bet called ou fur aiitf s.iisi,i'W in any one year, lb rtplsiiied and aslvisrated ihisaussii luieot at simi k-iirib. ,Vr, iehcr d d n I nlceet to the atasmluwul. I a tlie e. ailict of isi'-i-ts .e thought it that potno esHariro'ji'S shall He aia;te. JV,-, l.iUoar ili.siit the aiasie lanint nf Jfs. Ilarhti was a i!itau.tlly tli aatu as the wis hmtofiS) ottVcrd f'T Mi. a'lalw r. lie errand that the one prsatsiied try M r. V. waa better i Ua) State anil tlm Cmpm. ( f. Tl ... i'.l i'.iI a. 'i nns svsiI.ti, Senat- r Ir rnnly M I h is I sM ,dSn-l ory was in fat .r i,f !.". i I. a ' rnu.i 'iinut. Hi IhuUjfjl it would k.!l the til!. Itsv ISnisUadnit J. 1; o-l to y anythU't; 00 I' is b..i Imt la a.-l .oisiiiwnrs we.a deeply innr?aj hi li l!e es,. rstrrrj in hs rnsiiirks nnoA by I r, ilo.e. l.a wouid preier fiwll w si - in i.ii ti 1st 0-a -.! n, trie hid. but t e uisl no! a oia to jensnl.n Itus peesM urt. tie nrgun-i at mm.im ksi.'iatosiiasi U'S 1 e-'UieuMalin W. " ii.s'oary are tins pis.r paint lor te rasters u-rtstiiuA. tho will ul Ihe lice. ocn ot .Virtii l.a ..oia in ro ferenre to a convention, and recoiniucudcj Its SIr.Ceiitry ofTerod a raanlution infaror of John Croiise, which was road throe tiuiea and passed. .Vr. TomlinsoB introduced a bill for tlie free passage of fish up Neu river. Air. Steele moved u late op tue lull incorpora ting tlie W ilmington and Charlotte Railroad. Sir, Singlctary demouded the a)es and nays. The tnotiisv nroialled, ares 71, nsya,1S, . : i . 1 i : .. . ,, o . i 1 lie mil T. lis nuinnucu uy inaeriinir - (w ninun ville," aa adiseratimiary terminus, and allowing other cuutpauics that way tiereafter be eliaitaresl to connect with aaij road. it r. J.ii. Bymttar m sired to amend rrr tnereaa- in tlie eaphal stock fur tlie MrnrsHiiif continuing Uie road to IliivherfordUin, and require the Slate to endure the Isinila lor Iwe tu.rua urn aiuvunt. 'i h" ayes aa I navs were demanded on the ainciiduiiHit, and it was adop'cl eye C4, nsys 31. t 1 ha ipiCidioO sri'ing on tlie pa-sngs of ihe till the third time it iusod sivrs li, nays id. The free surTme bill was taken up, and the question arose on Jfr. Meb ne's ameudmont to ineTt"or II nut a of Commons." Mr. Mann commenced some temsrVa f.irorahls to the amendment, whew Mr. SingMary ane hi a punt ot or.lcr that e similar amenniuent bad besm reioi'ted. The Chair decided t!e two amendment to be the aame, " Mr. Sli'bane appealed from the dssion of tlie chair, , The Chair was auaulned. . Iloosd Usik reetats, Arrcksoov rssioa. """" After the House waa enllr l to order, the Fr Sofli aire lull was auuouueed a tue tuaiaa be- f sre Ihe House. Mr. Fatter ' n remarked that Is Inl not intend si lowiy anvthipc on Ihe anblesM I but aa I, took, Crav en, HaiM '. .rrison, X.hnson, Mehsiss, tal- h'K'Wy ealled to U,e chair. , t..- H,ith Th.,tu.r. " M wdcred toconaidcr the secUotu) fono- t off a new Counts to be railed Henry aud to be taken (rota Cumberland wna t .ml ilic so. mid lime. Sir. Sieelo moved lu tlrika.out llonry and in sert ll -ii ut t . sMr. lo.nasiar nsavaJ to amend Ly ituartiu j Caiis Fi-ar, w iiiub iirerailed, ... . .! . t.L.llll tne ipieatHin arising on toe passage m me tun there were ayes 04, nsya S. J he House then a.ljouniea. - . (laATI. sremeil to bo the i1,im furmembers tod.ilsnd their UKs'li'me, ajid to o.Ter m.i on f r .! e cairss of action they wa ab ml to take, be Imps" ! the house would indulge bun a t"W w sn'i.ti in as si'rnti'? awns ef the reaxoss tba woohl forera huji ini;iiiag b1 Tot mi this su' .je-it, S.i Mr as the extra lion of the ri-lit .f a-T. v si -o rn- et,"tia Tfih ti 1 1 nn !' ' ii"- wr -t.-yinsl Is ." tiie extetr-hsi was wss le inscrk a way tu mass it at ealr J. but 'is. (, 'um a soii all .a of tl.e .'-u t i- pruvids iwo wodss by wiiieh it invy be enf i.' I, ai . leniiy Willis vii -v of t in g I' rs'p'e a oh i Lttwsrn tiiew. This U lng H e Tat asusT, Jan. 2ol!i, lrlj. Sir. Pers-m presented a memorial from the Seaboa'd and Roanoke IUilroad, praying a re lease from their bonds, which waa nifwrroj, and ordered to U9 pru ted. A number of lerairta from eoamitleee were Biaile. . lit. Fiid er eiTero-l a rssolotion instructing the committee on Finance to ascertain the amount af eotnpen alios) due the pehlie Treasurer, an ae eouulof evpenssa inenrrrd In tlie aula of State Honda ; winch was adopted. Alan, a bill to amend aa aet entitlod "an sot tn inenrpurwto tlie Salisbury, M ickaville sad Wilko.ls.rw Flank Rd tHnpany."- - Its Mr. Tboesaa, ef ItoTislann, a bill tn prsseol the fvHing of Uaiber tn Lraak in Usvidsoa llyllr. SIcHwwall. s bill In bsrpnrat( the rininswK-k Satings Inruuiinsi. . - The Senate euuearred in the amemliaent af lbs Ibiise to the bill to cede eartain ailc lo the t nited Slates, for light house purf-wes. The biil to inc-esse the mphul stock of lbs Fayeturville and Western Flank It Compiny. and .i authorise a aulsK-riptioa on the art ef fcUi'S was raad ln ssennd time anil passes'. Tha bill supplemental ta an act entitled an ar In lay off and e-tal.lish a esuimy l.y the name of Folk, was tws.l the third time and pr-l. A a ea rs was rsselved from Ihe II a-e of CommiH.a, transmitting the rrpvrt of Ihe joint eonimittse nf tlrsi Instnutl n Ta- the lnf. Ih-ni'ii. a1 Hi nt, wilh a prnpo-ition tu jinnt, (1 eurred lit, v ' On moti-wief Mr. Mitehsll, tt. dll to lnei po-ats the Mi-krril!e and W)IVJsr Ftark I'.oa l Cmrosey ante taken Bp, fwid tbelbi d I m an I past. the llm Liter and Tsdkin Rail laid wra read tlie tl lnl time. - Mr. H-.ke thto t rtiie nd isiMpay9 t.er er-ttt. est tl.e stork. 1 he hsrp i.i ont n e, al in It k afhsmand Hi. ks. alsM.a Woald al.fd IrauS- lim. "ToTli sefrmd scctiim, Mr. . M. leach mored an amendment tn strike out (ice 're rents on the S1UU. wurrh uf land and lUsertMinr. and auppvrted ma ameouineiit, tie was in lavor tri taxing ior elf n honors lsn per rent. l na inn was discussed np to the hour lot re cess aiin in commute Tost. . AnxBNooa Frssinir. Tha eommittoe net at 3 V. M, Mr, Singletary in the Chair, a After forllier ddatia, tua question arose an tha pmpositioa to strike ostt twelve, aae nheeonf mutee retnsoil an striae eau Mr. Kolon eflered an amendment providlne- in eaeea where Lands are antored by saiare than uvs pcraoa tl Brst per sow sUail bat the laad, which was rcyeetea. Mr, Vane aaarsd tn amaaa 14 eeHiosi brat tmpting ether pi "p any th tha taad beaaw sold lo pay aire are ut ail as, wbiea waa retMua. Mr. Makasaoa morad toaanen4 the 4th eeetioa by atrtk ing oat aa eeate taaoa the poU and inaort sW eesits, . . . i i- ' Sir. A. J, .TiHiea sanred to aatead tha amend ment by striking out 40 and ineertinc X senta. Ihriaiun called fir, ea alnkiog out. Cuaaaiittea strnck out. UiMstion oa inserting 4(1 aents. Agreed. Mr. J, ti, liynaia moved to amend Uie Jih aeoiion by iiisortnig fid instead of tag eat Turnpike gates. Adopted. Sir. Miiia mnel to aiurtid by taiing Toll bridges n, lnvision cal'.e 1 f T. Commiltot struck oat, and a I 't.ted tbe anieniliuei.l. The eaunnttes ri",. reported arogresa and aaked lesvs to sit again, which waiooneurrcd ia. T .e H mik then a.(j nrm d, TiadadvocateiI ihe eastern and a-esinrB extensions before bis people i and he cunia. lirro prepared toiito.ilor.twiu. anJ fbr jithcr Korks. lJtiVt nnilit . . be necessary, ' Mr. rtTytierdairrSd Htsposttionv HftwnrHeil the bills for the two extensions to pass h 'ioi-e Jhcee bills wero tent to the oilier House, lied. I not wish them tn be haxarded, as ho boliered ihey would he, nnlesai these tjilnj were kept in the powerot liie Senate, Assoon as the en-tern and wealern rttonsiunt were nasseil, theec bills would have no opposition fruui buuelf or his ti icud front Bimiei - Sir. Slorhcy thought this eourst was perjur ing tha npinnailioii in which stimtora ir.jia b.s action felt an interert. Af.or soms further delate, tl.e House refused to reconrrder as f-Howst : ---- : Atras. Messm. aligns. Emg.len. Cherry, Cl.uk, Brake, Katon, LUirn, t'reenian, tiraloim, .lonts, tsuii, SIcCteese, Moliowcll, I'crson, iUiym r, "Mil der, J. Wr Thomas, W ilder, W igjina,-. Willcv, Winalow, ef Fasquotiitik. -1, K tra. Bower, Boyd, Christian. Coleman. lina, Cunningham, lavis, I si-.-n, lislwr, rout ilia, tlitmer, Grsvrs, itauglilon, llornne. lloka. Mar tin, Afilchell, Mori-v, Ssdght, Taylor, W.ll. lliomns. Walker, v ooj. '.J. m Sir. Knvnor asked that the re- -ord miidit be so hangi!! tu to purinit liis name to appear iu tho negative on th passage of the bill, h waa ao ordered. Several private bills weresded trrin. The resolution tuauthoruelhe nnhlie trisnrsr to audit sad aet tie ihs seeoiios of M ij. i,wyu. for tlie survey of th western e'ei.-i u, was ii, kea up, read the eoound ti-ae an 1 dehnii-it at snaas length by Messrs, Bir.-s, t lnrk, t liei-rv. risber, tliomaa, of Waekstiu, ami others; wl -n the resolution was recomniilteit to the coiiinntn-o on Internal Improveiucut with instruction to stale tha aoeoant. Tbe Senate thea took recess. . - to -sr-s4sM.. 4s t-ersaeiM ts Mmms rrv-4 Sw-lesy h.imW )v w.ll -hste With as in tV-.tlnti.-B . ' 1 h-y w u M.st lot . it fl.au? apiiit, warp a' ' I A bdl incorrsfatln-s the U hit Til an4 Irua bias its i ea. '.-a, ai. i rs i .r H a iMfr!., . .Livad Cisnpsy paed us U.ird rea-img. ii.e .1 ut, d t a 'ed mssab I av.y s o-l 'ot-, A .- eu-ri'ia Oegs rwnsuag at large m . ar.s. danog li s prvssut &aii, i t a aarUs- i ihe airreaa 4 biiaabsta trt'y asiaiaal its liuid nli h ul tl. at M-.ji lun-a, but if tisty svra r.,4 ,r .loy. , -.t.,.Blii osri.t, a i! 7 tt pu- .-, a i! ej x U l asslhoriaiag aba f.isti.m of tailed a t.rU.If Is it it s... r p. as t aoa p. istinenbina wa asiMisitsrsd. On anosis a 4 Mr. lie nee f. tlm a-Uiumsul ft f I .Uia. 4m 4 , ,sa, i u u M Uielalde wittwist hsring rwl ar ast .4 1 )'si a s asar t. -tiuui'oI h fc,.s j a, t u inn as, aso psa. es' , as Sursots r rsMsd lis Sf f. Fi' r re I'ers'ed li.a o'essrtiows) lo the amru tnios.', if Sir. Thomas. It r-mts would be hfir.rr arid mim'- ail uf con stj a tiuo, . Mr. T'osmaarerh d. resia'.irg los iiiKns, SI'S 1 losmas, id Js k n. sai 1 b In l ;r4 to out ot li a road ls-,"uit .1 rsArbet h a dot t t. in enler to briug sU.at an arrs.l ai' , ' 9 fnei.ils. Ills nan imiiii. was li st It woo .1 k ben liiet I if U.e r I lo s...iniss al I sjr us- I s ih m dil it was sster, fyr t .,jt a.sd U. j. Hs itim-eht ll.it n1 r.rnt -. -ddi ewtssic! asst. asd Uuir w ealirsi atma as osu. ta I'at 1 twrisiiou r mh for alL i.we"iai.ss u( l.J pi.s, to usaLa ibia shoi. , j A'., t "n ry o.-ire.l li are an air "iidiiient la he rsMild sot hes.tt-isa . " as ... il.a a. V i-n ; r r. rto.1 into il.a UU a'-. 1st t.t it. for l.a he should mke. lis p-rf - l, ssrv di-i i. ilv, Vn i a u ta rn. un, rs iuinng k tw be buoA ii its fiselsvrsidl tietaose j lentiuos, ai r. poll-y saM, 1 1 l a rs.es: il , oa, le was la iavi o etirooUaig asd ras-r,y eiit il. it . r.rnt s. u.-o e w as s i c o.i i to a.i a, tins. arnt u uiis touts ton iBfcieius l-f-w iiiisnnl A-seinhly tosntt f; gtiib-soi a ! ai. o e as the i ll. era be woold tots tor il ..( in arofii.av, uf rot ah- 'si itw-s-sl f, ofl- i'r t.-s-cs ass wiilt-g sst tbi bill ttlasssj -l p' i ; t isl i .so. i hi'. Sir. S,Ako:, is ll.s ' en the mi b-.'Ji g a ad atUaua 11 dij aut Ui i4;,rii til.iiatt turns I. ill a ! ,rc j tis-.re anytli.iig ai . v4iti.,nA itstis, are Bow itendi'- bshM-eihal Sir. llathU'ii luiroduswl an arfisndjssot a'ra- I l ea H"Oss rnn-aiaK to ei'id Ilia sa tiiwt.ua ' ior U oi be t.T re4 to Ut sti.ua st.i tuita t'V l.tV"alsS'v eiwssi.sisattt. Ut. gsiiilMia I ptss-1 1... a i. e w as a .er, i. i' .... i.. eiirii ) I .: hi f ul .; su aa Iv a-b 1 TU bill pa-ssnl iia li ird rsttdlog a f,.lla l in I all t. a u1 a 't p.n! Srd tor t I lan ml-ra ! A)t-. l..,wsr, I'ovd, t 'harry, t luisi,aa, liils f the II uf af t'-noia iis, ro s si... I r tns-1 asa Ctituiig!.aai, lavi. ra.t- a, tsi.oad, l',sli- a.aiiil.ia a slit .ttt.s ti-J-A Aj rr.l 1. !.". t itsoiin. I.. nf. (.,,,., Unl.t ,n. aim i-uit, Is La acUfci u ti ti 1 I.ii iuub.uauaa uul uuil'tsaw sioil is.li sieoi , II-iihl Ii as, Lao, t.aitin, JY.. a. Ji o- IIL any vl iisi.si.tt.nti.i at any p.uii. i i, a w it-a t f,, I sl'l IMttl Ml,,.. , . t -. J -. I , . . , . . . ws llm At. I'.e prol.-l al -a ! ,(- at , f,.r a h tvs.Si l ebnw the a-s-ty "t a ww Th aia-edmeal i ., Thoassa . irjoeirl by At" I'. hoot ' Mr. M.. hstl o tned to sfrll aaf tailieSJ l.a " at r tsaar Asl.es. ! tn Htno-i-moo e. aniv bl rs bin a or aasnrsnsed a tio time rs- i SI i. s, tUvnsw, MsMaUt, 1 s) U, M ,IL J buaa- tl sii'Aii-sa tststsii ll.al elts of t sm-ihois , w aikssr, uvl ijs. ri-ht ts .Is,., .! II a fro-i -u Aal.a, Pisiisa, I lark, I'raka, tsttoas. pwiitsa rtvss trtss r----s s suits St-Sisi.4 i I built, ttrsiham, JiSt-tsa. J. elH.wiU I'rrmu, aa roustit to te th r-oa.it.n, a 1 1 utaailv dmiMi i '''rs. J. Vv . lUttasss, n tax aa, U usry, w tasMw-. ihe saate rin'tl t. U.ai ci ... .4 ) rsnts i v,a i H U a. .! of the l.s 'A t .... , A k t On smrfWa isf Sir, Jl..'lv iba r'.sto tdi B . MU,l...u ten ,.. A,..bt..l a I.. 11. t lhai,.!i to liww.risala tl.a I atailt ItullirMiii. I ta-mp-iraimg tb to af I rtsakiia . i&ntX a f aer 1 ii lotas ill to Ataaasiiass? J i,j. m'fc u& Isojierbst Crtirta I y the ym I, ; bvr' Lsuicvad Cus-a. U tbird rset-i-g. ' ' . ' " --"--- . . Janaary 70th, Ki. M . Wiilsr ywaassifxl a memorial frswn the St--khiilleiwiaf its lUleigh aadtbtstoa kulma.tL praying aueh acbaog la llsnr shaner aa to re loswt I Kara from kt-png Bp the bridge ever the UtMnee at waston.. Mr. F.itoa nude eoma remarks In ewpnaithm to ttie aissiuaiNiuaOtas of lit bridge al U tsVsa erisnaa rrparta fr .aa ensaaiHlasta war mad Mr. Iltaghtua ia"slir. a but to luesjrpurai tlm attsfw l.o.J m.d roller, Js'iiiu.g ( eaiiatay. -.AJu ioni Jtii f Slr.Jliit, Id Uilltoiinecd T aet eMiitt d ma aot a A-St, lbs power and dol - i.l ,.' d . . hi, t fttimttalttM. mmm I S un , A I third lime, aeieniW4 end fiaea.t. ' Me, C.tOM in'i-sKlueed a bill to latsoriMrats tie IVn.H ulna iS o. li, af Aasateiit I .. a ,.l utona. , . A aaaasnsss was rssaeivsid trstan tha llosaaa af r.M. tssHia proMasiag bta-tytsHai a jsaot ssmiantto to aasaawm the bwaiisraa af lata twa Hosiast, and rssst is li.y ay aljmra. LsKMrurrasl la. A'.-, hi sore adVsad a rs-ssta aiat.iialt.iss far ttw apa.4WAiasHtl(-i U. l. AHtritn-a aaa juatis-aaf li.a Mtts.e(.rtbe esomty of i'llt, hn-it waaagt.! to, - .- ...... - .... . Mr. L irussr r a ti ataka a asoiioa wl.l-S L rgua4 B.a otlt Iw tit Stale rssairad him t ststs. It was ih atai,isit-att af Urtaitx as was c'wariyssprrasa-t tu its Maangiatajaidraaaol it.. His It-.sl essi groat tarts-Oral road syssuld li Im it. Ua w nilo attke the seotion, latrans ha wi-i.tl tu a a aa aawadtsMstl sstgrlitd a tl.a bill, Wbwh b lli.oif.l alrwady it it i and be wittissd a. are ti.s stttra and w-tern i.. -...a pat.J Lafjr u s tailzie Wer a 1 t 1. l' i si a f tvtsr .f attek bsrstj (siavla as w rs n -r, bail b did as wish to as lh.-ea--.Ml . i. . ards-4 attd Id iKry ft p'"' Is . I t..a Il u k that tha I -esi . joss ab o I I i a I na lis --! Suss. tloS Oh" v.s l t r u. 1 . i ti . and l.-wttl.-l I'.os t, wotihl atsaa a But. Its a,..ti si, ao i.,.,t llMe riss.ta atiwid b iwt I t var, ' .ttt.siro ar-d wsatuara aauntttoata wr paMi. 11a t.i'S Bt'.ssd to rsxuatstdsw U.e t4s Arras -too St-ismx. Th bill tjvineajrnin widows was rci 1 tha ses-- ond time, and, on motionof Sir. A:ho, i.. l-.nnua- ly rsxtptttad. - Th bill to amend tl.e law concerni nn: divorce and alimony, was re-id th second time and nosstpnned aiilil the 4ih of Slnreh. 1 lie still to reptMU an act relative tntna nre- irs oa th Uonnoka, waa taken ap, dctatted at " lenrth.and paaoed ita asi-otid rcaslmg. lite bill for tti i.etior protection ot r'.i-.-Hius asaembliea, Was rend th second tint and re . l- ed. . Th Eenat then adjourned. ' notTf or rojfM"N3. The Journal of yesterday read. Mr, lloii'li a inlrodii. i 1 a msnmri.-il on tl subje..'t of Temperance, wh: h was real ml n- furrsd to tti eoiiiuttttes on tn, .an ' t. Sir. Ballock intr. .Im .h a r so.u'i. n t 1. ' , seasioa from ill F. SI. till 7 F. SI. Sir, J. if. Lettcli moved to l.i, ,yU lbs 1 Ln-t. .Mr. Slngeltsry movrJ to amend ty it - 6 n'ebirk, hicb prevailed. Th reasiliiit.tn Uien pasl. Sir. Itnrtrh moved thai a eonimii'e- of io .. part of eai-h house be raised Ut si'tioii.e t! e I -siness iH-fore the two htiures with View of j-r-...i lime of o t tirnment. Sir. Sing. Itary lutrisluee. a re.'u 1 n e. o eernipg tha pubnc Trrasorer, wl,i. h wa al i d. Sfr. WhitaksT intrbi"e. s bill to ao, . 1 t -Charter of the city of Hah h, lit. It i-. I i , third reviling. Sir. BATiiliger ill'rislneej a Lid lo pre" i l i " frauduleiil ketiiiii-; of tl.-ik I y eorj-r ii. v Wits referred to the cimnil e on liie Jm . Sir, Thorn bar ft inlr.sluiw.1 a bi't tn O't . ., ... Ibe Randolph, and T!i"ina!i. 'I o i. r . 1. Wlllch Was referred to UiC Com mines on t ( tiosia. Mr. Setllc, fr-m tl.e C 'o .'"ee . ti i 'i' . . r rs.r. I fasoritl.lv li'.-'i r-- 'ii-.tta l-.r t ,f rrT.n tvb-s s-i .('I w s,-,h,-. . ... . I .11 I- ... op I t !. k 1 . p i 1: .1 e .ii: ore ' ... an, y io -"n'p ur S r. l.i h ass re . rale.na. Mr. H-i.i-h the - 1 . : il .. ". 1 '.. s o ' f I li J. '1. .' Ill' ' t .jf-i ! i . t - -, !i r' ,,t tti "i -4 r.-.t' i '. 'fi m. i' i An " i ' - - i i u .'is- IV- i l r tl j. . ..-, -AV- (.. i ll I t 1 t U I ; Aa., if .-. r . in i

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