NORTH CAROLINA ST Alt W KDNESD AT MORNI NG, FE IUtU Alt Y 14, 1855. jEtESIAY MORNING, FEB. 14. 1S55. pjp 8a baa Wl the di-roand that a halt yjhllahrd la paajikttl f ma aad maw bar ready, th artiel that eppaarcd hi m rrt thort tin Him, erttlag forth, at aotM Irnjcth, tha pfinf imr aad vfcjMta af th Aawrieaa party. Thar aha auk p l,ea get Iheat by 'ravlnr .heir ardent al tbia Ber, ar tr ealliag ia itwb. Pric S eet c ery, c a, per kndrad. tor down and I ak it fur them of thia Le;-il-l ture I am their tjnrot I trll you, Sir. if ther wer la cull upon mm at miduifht to i J them I wmikl riae nd (hip iy wing. Great laughter.) The h of all k jnda, even th little 'hoenry hrata" have been blocked up by on nan, anil. Sir, I don't believe it m ri(th ( hone my reii hition will pas that fiirl bill I dot. 'I want to pa. ' ': : 1 ee, air, in (he ;ral'ery wane of mr fair eoo titucnte, and 1 know, air, if they had a. voice on thi floor, they wonld endorae iat I have Mid, and aaj ja if, MorJtcai!! ' Trcuicndooa ap .l;ine and laughter. The auhatitute waa adopted, mi l the Hume 4-Ijoarucd, un motion uf Mr- 1'ufkiu, of Halifax. 8 E SATE. aTAecident is our office that weaoutd neith er fcreae nr prevent, onm! oa to deTer any editorial, and alas to leave not other waiter that w hail intended fur thi iue. Foiui N't. Th Steamor Atlantic arrived at New Tork on the 9th inatant. Affair in the Crimea remain unchanged. There waa great dmbctiun in the EugU'h Clhinet Lord John Ruwell had reaignei. . It. jf. reported t'mt the feeUngof tlie pepleidecided!y in favor uf iicace. The. cotton 'market had improved. LEGISLATUltE-OF-N. CAROLINA nouct os coMiioya 5JJi,iLL.g.rSULL. ntwi . M, reKUi,,U55, The nm-n inieiil.and thr bill were ducuued at ' oniili rbl length. - i The amendment if Mr. G.lreem wnA adpted. Mr. Wtnetoa mnrerl to strike out all that por tion f the bill nruvidinjt ff tlie eonatrvxf ion f the IVad from Kavettrviile to Biaufurt, thia mm rrictel yee 42, nayt 5S. - The lUue then txk urm. Npiht Sesmojt. rimi met at 7 I. M. - Ni quorum funent. Mr. Ojtlaw mured call of the Ilnnae and afterwiirde withdrew it. A bill to inereaao the eat.iwl etfn-k of ir.nmal ISwanip Cinal rnsmtd tin aerond revtin, N4 resiilutinn tnfurnrof Meara. lluhinann and Ptt)v pnsed in aerond itnd thiri-reailiuge, ' A bill authorizing the town of I harlotte to eubucribe to certain corporatvinn wan read the aeound end third time and r'ed. A bill tn amend the i !,:ir:er uf the town f S;ilUliif wa.rel tho awimd time. Mr. A. II. Caldwell Offered an aineinluir..t jivinj the riti ien of the town jaria liirtion over the licencing of the mile of iiitoiiratui;; liunori, ' ; Feb. Oth, 1855. Mr. Clarke presented a aeimirial from Wm.' Ii Ciaike in rcl uiun to a Map uf the .State of X. C iiMlina, which was aenlto the linuHenf I'oni- mun itlia pniprailiiin to mine a joint ('nuimitu to tnk into eonsidrration the wlHile nutro -t. Mr. MtfChswe infrwluced a renolntUm tlint the Attorney General be iimtructcd to inquire into the iaaiie of certificates if depoil fur oiie.tnd two j a i .1.- 1? 1 . . i . i i n jram or Hie r.innf., onK as diiiaurui uuv. ti Mr. I't rju moved to amend by iue; ting the J.ure to ay they Iviold not h;ic ,intn il in.u snce Lomiany I i.rceinujro ,na the rtik of r'avettevilte, Mr. Itavher movetl, n eutnlitne, that the Committee on the Jmlivistry hojiistruotcl to in (jitire into tho f u:t, anil to ascertain what pro reed'mjr ought to be inatitutrd, which motion pl'Wft'llod. , . - , The reilutioni wore diatuaaej Ln Jle'.jm. Mit'lcese, !!i;t4, Cherry, Hvke,Grithm, Gilmer, una Mvner.Tr- yt Nanaent, from the eonimittee our Aeri"ul- rare, reported alverely on the hill inrnrnoratiiir; tha Virginia and North Carolina Agricultural Society. Mr. Vance,' bill inenrnonitinf the Yoang Mcn'e l-iternry Siciety of Aheille. Mr. MrKeiwon, a hill to enlar-r the powera of the Coromiviorer of the town of M rtxvnton. ' A number of nrwir were read from the Semite informiii j of the paMaRe of tarioiu pri ate bill. Mr. 1'atter-on moved tntaVo np the bill inrr Doratinjrthe Trnneane and North Ciindina rail road. Keferrel "Toe ISenate ooiiewrred in the ametidmeotn of tha llnnti to the bill to incorporate the cttern North Carolina Railroad Company. Ti.e Senate then took Op the bill ennrerninr, the rerenoe. fending ita ouiuideratioa the Sen ate took a recesa, Amatroox StK. The IVnale waa enrn-rol all tlx afternoon) In the euoaidoratioa of the Kerenao bill, - - iioroc or commoxA, II ie t at lite luual hour, aad after reading th? Joorpal, Uni.Wan. I-JU .1 U m it'll i wuhII.b k. l'.nn.J I . J. ... . ' ' . . ..! ". " fi ' . lj.n. iirtin ami Steele. from tlie Coal Kit-Ma of Chatham to Heanfort wan taken op. Severn! amendment were withdrawn. Mr. Sutton moved an amendment to interned with the Atlantic road at K'ntm. Mr. Tomer moved to aineud br utrikinj oot j-all proriiiioM fir the road e.vt of Warnuw. A king Hi-rate am on tho amemtment and the Cencral mcr'ta of the bill. Mr. Turner thought tlie road ahoold not be eitemlnl east of Wareaw. Mr. Baxter exiircust'd s willnigwM to aid the A dinen'aion aroae. Mr. A. If. Culdwell ex- fiiciida of tie hill in feciirinir !t pimage, A mniilKrof eirjroeel bill werercad th first plained. Mr. Sincoltarv aid he coitld etnnd it if tne (jciitlemnn from llon an could. Mr. Gil liam thought ninco it wa the w'inh of the eiti2Cni if that town it Would I offici..ti in the Lepula- mternal maiUMCmont ot their own town. Mr. .l.irrw,r aid there eoold le no Mi'. but k wa the w4Ji if a large mnioritv of ,t!m citir.ena tii have it iii- coruorutcd in tl.eir charter and he nhotild thrc fore vote for the nmendincnt. Mr. .8. A. Wi! liaina'c I the ayes and nay. The amendment win adopted ayea 42, nay 31. - ! - The hill then parii it aerond readin. The bill wiv read tlie third time and paused. Mr. Steele advocated the bill and tlioot-l.t the road ahould lie built. Mr. Gorrcl doubted the propriety of the roml beiun built, or mt'irr the State enaiiifE in the work. Mr. J. G. Itvmim ndvocatud th b'.ll and argued that the State iVit waa not as C'eat i had been argued br tl,oe Th ij-iniinitie on th Judicianr reoorted - eral bilh). A resolution wa aduitcd appointing certain peraona lh rent on of the IjinatM Aiyluu, whioh wiui wt to lit -Senate for coucnneiHC. J- Mr, Whitalter iiitro.ldoe.1 bill incorporatinj the Kaleigh and Capj I'lank Mad Compuiy. Mr. ti. Green, a bill incorporating Lawrence Hotel ..f Raleieh. M - d. G. llvnum, ' bill innirpnrating Iht IlMtliertoril and MuO'Wi'llphinkroai!. ' .r. Holland, a bill to par Tale Juror in imeianu. L.aiU eu the table. j Mr. J.U. llyauui, b.ll com-erning th town of j iiiiiiierioru. I Mf. it. r. tVilinni", a resolution to end a niaje the ente propoatn a m'v rfi ad- Mr. Mordouai pmteated aainat hi bill con eeriring AVateon' dam bcinj; poMpnned until U o'clock. He Mid if th bill had no merit lie dnirad it Biizht fall if it had unriU he dunired that it miithtb eonaiilercd in due time. It had licon (aid the hill wa unconmitutlonal ho had no desire to intrnduca ush a bill, lie would introduce a reaolution on the mhjoi't p o ently lii friend Walh waa drawiuj it off he thought tbe Hou onuht to pin tlie metauie, but if the limit thought diifusroilly he iltd'nt caro a rfn. A bill the Cotnmiesioner of Sali-w luirr tn (uburribF to cei'Uin. road was road the Mcoird and third tiinoa and pahd. A eap waa U'Ctovf.t. iLoiaJlH Sen ile in forminjt that lhat Lnnivh diiaKre1 to the amend meat of the llouee couoerning the Geological Surver. . Mr. Jenkin mrtel Oial t!i House ir.s'nt upon It nindinent. - jf.-. J. G. Broaro honel the Itrnw woa'd re cadn from ill an e idinent. He thiuirht the Survey hnuld not b Mopped', it had retilid' benenvmlly, o tar, 1 1 tne state ana tie nopea Uie httmilmtuiK tpeetncle n-ight not be pnventrd f tha Stale failing to accouipliah the tank it htd aonimenoed." -.- , c-?- .Vr.Jenkin hoped tho biaie would ini'nt upon it wndment( ami want on to ariruo the pry .. . . ... . i eiinner in inn -fmaituiaviji lnooIU U Survey 1'"" iUIL' A incHfae na reelveflfmm the it illni-n hnont to tho Uevinrj SUiulci concern, ng Airiculiurf aud Goolo-y. Mr.'lVreon iiui."'uced rinolution that tho I'uMie Treatuicr be iiw. ncted not to receive in payment 'f public due any ''illi of a lc de nomination than thtve ilull.u. 'd tirrt lime. .Mr. I'iher- bill tn incoiporl.te I1' Smth Tailkin Xavijrat on Company. Mr. II luhtou a bill concerning tho Ward Gold .Vining ConipKiiy. lU'.id ihn e time und paii'd. The fiuial or-lor, :1m bill to iucorp iraie the Greenville and I'ronaii llroid U iiiroid Company I -wutakcn up. . ville pl.tnlrnad waa r-ad the fecoud and third oppoNMi to toe ronn f,ae,n m. - sir. !.!. I juruuiint mi MomhvyneiU"Mr. T, it. W illiam ajMke ID ipii.iiioB to ll.a bill. Mr. Houston i .uuvelto amend bv inaerlina We.loda. Th umirtcd tlo? loll. ametidiiient waa accented. Mr.SiiigellarVmoveil mr ui.cuaj.iou was ew.t.nneii uw now . la the iwmluiionl on tie table. Mr. M. If. VVillmu culled th yea and naya. The no.tion J lust '-ates -s navii, tW. 'Mr. HumidircT i m .-ted to amend l.v inM-rtins Thuraday. Lot. i II.. ntodntiniMra-1'ieii adopieit, . third time and rejeeteat by Ay 13, t N 1 in annmaiiea tmaiaaaa ol jeMeniay ti mnui uni -waa raea f. 1 M Broat rciie4 fro M dwpiimul mr th lloua to the bill t tb caa)lrtHai f ti,e North t arvlina Kaitrtiad. v. Th Serial then took fecasa. A amher of nrivata billa aud niTpaie4 till front the Huns af Coauum war read. Th Senate then returned the eniuiJerati) rf the reran u bilL After bain amended in ev eral particular, tha hiU paaawi iu aeeood read in by Are 31 Noe 8. Mr. Jone introduced a 'rwolution nmvldin for holding; night amiua, which w aihipted. Tb bill la impmrt th naticatioB of th Roanoke Hirer, wa road tb third tint and pa edlit Arm 2.V Kiai IS. ' The biTl to provide for th eotwtrsrtioa and repair of the publie mads waa read tha third tun and puaed. ... Th joint rrluiioa from th Ilooe of Com mon, apimiuting uin director of tha Lunatic Aavluin. wa rejected. tho bill for mora equitable vatnntinn of land ie. amended and aummitted to a select omnniltten uf three. Th Senate then took RIGHT aKAMO. The Senate wa moat It on raced' on nrivate bill and bill of a local nature. for Mcfiat without a vote ueiug ta-eu 11 nisri r-a'leI tfij'tdor at v 1'. M.. '. L. TUeqlteittioii before-the IIom.e ii the niiivoil- cM'nlHBr'fnmaili mmh aii.alJ IImlo of A bill to mines a nirtion of Kdecniubo In ' l4 Iman M i anil . ria lUn..iaiii JiliHMia.ui.l.iMi iii), luim.,.. Mr. Thotmra) of Jaclir.on, ofTcred an nmotoT-lTnH'.itutc wf any lvantns to th ojirvv.ultutaJ intercat. tnent thirt the compnity rhail wiplete tli d within ten vea , ft tiicu waa lual bv .Wcs 1.1, Noe 21. - ' ' : Mr, Thfimaa aUo oiTercd an amendment that 111 Wilininlon mil Churl. .:te K.iilriad ahali have power to crma I lie road or to connect witli it on term of niualitv, which waa rejected bv 4-A y-ir N oca 3 1 . : . Tim bill pawed its third reading by Ayea S3, Noe 8. x Mr. Grave moved to reconider the vote, for the purpose of putting nn end to the cineatiou. i ne .vnaio rctUM'U io iccouiiier. Mr. Itayner introdurnl a bill tn amend the charter uf the Bank of Favettuville, which wa Mr. Jordan thmizht the Itou Hmtitd recede. v Mr. A. II. Caldwell thought tho lloie ahould inaiat on it amenduient. :y , .V. Jenknu ain ad lreweil llie llou e. " Mr. Steele a kJ Mr. Jnukin if he bad ever read the report ot frof. Kinmona. MnJenkin replieil he had., Mr. Steele totild not umloratand then how the gentleman from Warren could av the Survey had been uf no Uuelit to the agricul tural interui!. . , : . lv, Bulhak thouhtit all a nae'o ei;ndi- MN tif public nnwev. Mr. M-Keai tlnoi;;lit the Survey aliould be a mti.iued." tm motion to i wiat an the amendment. Mr. Jcttkihecallr-I th ave ami nnva. The llouae roc '.d fnifiPh amenduicnl oii the motion to inaiat avei 4t, i a 44. Th hill i tel Hi in to thoCheruioo ! inda f a-c 1 j.tXh:M reailin". table, on mt ti in of .Mr. J, liirne. A bill lor the relief of Niloiuan Ncwbin waa read the second ond third t ines and aed. Alao, a bill nnthoruiii;; a Toll bridge ncrora Klue Creek in New Hanover. Alao. n bill to prevent the fi'Tnig of timber in North Kat Hiver. i i.;u .. ai..i.i;.i. ;,. tt, ,.nt .' . i -i T i .: I I Ul J an' t nils rc.'io inc 'cono nine uno riMm-.ei. A Liil to incorporate the Laurel Turnpike C'emp "V was read ilic fecoud tuid thitd llaica and "th;I. ' Alo. bill li Jncc rporittu the Kitikton Icmalo viilcand lleaufort r a jr Mfc ILnjaluu .lniilii eacv of the bi.l. .1 at Wnr-ow. la.Jiitn.tiiiiuWM Mr, Cohtfld intn.duoiMl '5er,.f the I'aycUov.l. and K,.leigh plaukruad novsi or commons. ' 1'obrmwy, 9th, 1853. Convened at lOo'cl ick, and the Journal read, A hill ineorporatin; tlie Carolina Hotel exim- ,11 e-nd tb I "T t"-" IU tniru readm; by upenaion ol rule. SIGHT K.-.-lox', Honn mrt at fne rtuat hoar, A biH litenrporatiuf the tnwn of IToi-e Hall, m M )ne, p-4avi.a , ,),!,,) AIo, a rf sointion upptLpriaiina U'tiH ! far to ptirc'in-e furni ne for t!,e (ioietnoi- Manainn. A hill rnnrrri!tt tlte 4-oeimy riit of MaJi am read tht- crind tunc, luirnJt d a- laid an the table. Abifl ri Kft nnrg rl.e pnhli printing H -ial, Wa read. A mutiim wn m tritte cm that porttotl protklinji for tlie f i , -liim of Prlllic PrttitrT Vy the IrfKUlamic. Mr. Mn explained and hnwril the avn. that would trvoll la th 8ta bv htiioj ilic printiiur let out to ihc lowel bidik-; t o nun tr j per llhtuaand enia, The an r and any were railed anil llic noue innu aye ti, b;ij 1 he rbair voted III the li e bill wa then amcnilcil in onio tiftimporrafii par liculRr. J ' ; , Mr. Mann thee moved hi amend hv pan riding that the elrclinn hll b bit nially mi the aeennd day of the e.-ion. On thi Mr. Mann railed the aye and nay, which pre-tilciloy- 45, nay 40. Tlie hiil then p:ia rd ita m etmd reailiiij. The hill 1111 read tin: ihinl time. Mr. W maion arose to inquif what wa ineanl by Pica Capital. " lie c.iid hecnulil not vote for any bill nnle he knew, what " I'ira" meant, lie hoped nine one of the 45 fining fur the bill Would explain he llioutlil they would mil vole for any bill lluiltjlul Hilt fulltf Uuilfrafilllll. Kul-uuxcj . iit'liumeitt ftnd it una rejected ...4, lnl Oo. 1 'aP tin motiou ol Mr. .viclseaaon, Mr. A. It. V"d wella giantcj leave of absonce fruin n I after to-morrow. hi.. -1 . ti - at ine vi.mmuie on imernat linprovewtent re-1 1 ; t?. -Al", W! U jar.-etsc the piy of Ju-ira in Ouh1i,w-. . AU... a bill 1 1 n-n.-id Itit, -haricr ol Vie C,nr lotte ami S u'li Caiolino Kailn-'l (iin'fl"?. Alao. bill incorporating t ie A.'icvil.c Mutu al iiiaurmice Couipuiiy. Alo. a bill to amend tlie Art inc.orporj.tli, J tli lutvii ul Kienton, Alao. a bill incorporating the Kichlanda and New Kivrr I'lankroad. Mr. ltirrinKcr moved a reeonaideration of tho j-oto conccriiio the liquor clause in the charter of the tiiwiriVf Ritri.1jurv." " " The House then proceeded to vote Iir Direstor for the Lunatiu Aayluin. Ml. O.itlaw H ldiwaed the Houae nuainat llie railroad bill under Conidratioii, and deprecated the rei'klea appropriation of public money The hiil wa auicudud in a.Kue important par ticulara. - . ' Ms. Ilirritiijer expressed liia. regret at "heing c'lmpellc l under liia pre 'Cut convioiiona to vote against the bill. Mr. J. V. Ncal oopoiied the b-.l. The qtication wa called rn the passage "oTihe" bill and it waa rejeuled ajea 3i : nay (i'2. Amotion' to reconsider prevailed ye 5v ; n:t oi, . , 1 Mi. Guthiw moved to iinlefliiitely pi-flf pone the Ti ! bi!!.' The avra ttnd 1111 va were called, and the 1 loot ion prevailed ajea 01 1 nay 4j. our U'd lnTiL'ToToTTnTuf ujeniii i "e"cnar lor of th Kavettevill and llalei-h plankrond. J w ltr,K' wa -fi,Tre1nTtt tion in favor uf W Uton Arwatcr. , A nieaaat; waa i-eceivtd from the Senaf In forming of an amendioant to a reaolutioa ia Ihvor of Mr. Winder.. That Uoaa diugraod to th auieadmeut. Mr. uh in behalf of th Committee on Proptaition and Grievance, tobmittedalenrthv report on aandry anoriaU oa th (ubject of th uuuor trnnw ttiumuiaa 10 tMm aurin tn &e- aiou. The report wm advene to th prayer of tne mciuoriauata: ana ine vomniinte aKeu 10 tie of conenrarnce td the propoxi.ion t"a.lj m n ,, diacharged from the furthor eonaideration of th di-nm Wediieaihiv ; ala-ir-ttf e-HWurronoe 4o t tat uhjet!t. TJ!si . :' - .,.' , . . . . 1 1 hi.. .... 1 ,1... .1 . . I) v . " . . j tlie timeiKliiicnta unuletotli rale.n V. rail-1 " " '"T'" ua nnoivu. int. uve tiopea it ihuum not. lie uud it et Hiier Naviir.tiion a an amendment to the bill for the coin-deiion of the North Caro lina KiilroaJ. .Vr. Singeltary nrnvifil to lay the bill on the table. Mr. llortch called tho live and naya. The motion was rejet-teil ayea, S.0 ; naya "1. A protructod tlbale nroae on motion to re cede f oul tiic ameii.lmeiit. Toe anliou w la lost -aye !, i!j.'il. 1 A iocm,; w aent to the Bvmt inf iruiing that th lltun inaiat. Ueceitwl flout the Scnale Metaagr info-ining Mr. liullock hoiied the nut ion to recontidcr Witild pre-nit. air. i. tTf.MtAliaj'lLJJj.l'innm iiopeit ttie efd toTl'.e ;itmendmcnt of thef-mottrm w-o4d -ntt prevail the -tmendment jiad ecu ditiiiictlv read at tbe Clerk's table. Th t The Seiiaie a lloo.'e of Cnnnon to the bill to anthorii Witt, S. H.illouger to erect a. dam aeroaa Neui'e Kiver. Un mo; ,Vr. I'eraoii, the Senate to- k up the tttU 'tu i in prove- the Navigation ol U.atnokn U ver Vonling iii contiderati in, the Senate took a reeoiie. Aftkhsoon Swciiiw. Tlo Senaie waa prineipalty ewHe.l npm pri- He liilU. ('hniliaiii l'ailroa l bill pa-aed in ihtld reiding, un.l reieiui I'lank Hond oilla. A mitr"fr..'ui the Si-nafe n' riii i 1 1 j 1 1 iatTlie j "1 17 Senate bad adoiited a renoliitini nrovi llus that - HUVSE iF COMMON.. Houae met at 111 AM. Afier reading tl.n Journal, am motion of Mr. 1. M. Iai'ti, leiTC of k'nenre wa granted Mr. Parka of Ire-lell. " Me. Wals iote-wlueed a reaoliition in f.iv.r of ceitain wituow-e utlending the General Aaaem- Houae refusci! to recunsider. A bill iiicorpornting the Chapel Hill and Huts 1II41 plaiikrnad iinnntil. ita aft-olid ami third reading. Alao, a bill incorporating the Charlotte Ga Light Cotnpanv. Alao, a lesuiutlun in favor of tbe Sheriff of CfaveUnd. . Alao, a bill tn prevent oliatructiona to the free Mesaage were WiiarrtiiHliS Ssime TnfiJTming of ttli. ftMijt of V.iriou enjrriwaed billa with mainline-.., in which th llouae com erred. On m itiorij i1' Houae adjourned. ' ,"""',"""""'VT"fl'."ioX.i " ll.,i,c inl n I ? 1 iid bill. i A bill c iiicjrning Salarie and Fee waa taken i up on its aeeotid re.ulin under pecial order. A .motion uf Mr. S.ngeltary to amend by allowing tne ?cre'a v ul the Governor ten cent lor ami- tl e Seal of the Stat lu the Coujaiu Uouda wa ejected. M f. r-iiligvlt-try aTtt!i Vnerne Ih S.ilnrie ol the aeierni oflieem in accosdanc villi the pcovi aiiMis i.f Mr. Sieel'a bill iuiroduced ia tb early rj .irLul ILc Ciaioll Thepmpoaition was debated op lo the hoar for reee.'a. AiTnx.tfto 5tii51o5. ffrme-rnl ill the timul Innir-r Tb bill altering lit c-mh.' tine telwrc;l Wa- . ... .. 1 v....u I n,.,.n,l mttA mil. tukHliuiiinil " 1 ' I The bill cuiieerning 1iing in Kaith rivtef wa I Hy leave a bill a iiitruducwl 1u-nrpii-iling read tbe leeoiid and third lime and i.a.aod. . 1 1 Morning hun Acntlcmy, Th rule were Alao, a reaolution in favor of tho Kx Sheriff of Ciie.okec; ' ralle-d trpon he i-r4 In itrihe ont, which wa lost. The bill then A I 1, a rtaolutu n in favor of Dan'ctt lp- churcb. Alao, a rniolution iu favor of certain peron in Cherokee. A b-U-infarur oL E.tV Btrtlett. Siirilf o KngrMand hill" ahnll I OHiia.derrd M heing l.u- riiltf.'wM.-h wMcuiwurrrd in by Ibo llouae. A few Hi vised f'atute were road three tiin and I a d. Tb bill tn repeal an Act an'h n'uing Ih. W I aota to erect Jam aoroaa Neuae river waa tnkea p andftr apeeial onler and read the aerond time. 1 lloua ei-owae.1. j xir. lomuuaon anoreaeen the HiHiaaln nppoaith-n to the bill. 11 thought a it wa propo tion to dealroy p-otenv,il wa clearW anconatituthinnl. H V.ko of the great crowd of ttranger and the fyu thut waa ive. red. lie wa w itling for all to l av their fun but he iloirrd the pron-aiiiion tn hate a rand'ol conaid-.e-ratior. lie wanlnl lb mnt'er diaiwed of and have no nr-r id the dam liilla. Mr. Mordecat wi hd. nr tie bill and - Acred a praam le and reaolulinn a a aubatitute, I'm- vmIm fur tb proaeoulmn t (he ewnere ot tb dam by th Atb rney General in eaae it aball l prown that h i not con: ruetad aecnnlirig to the raqniremrnl of th Act if ITiO and "51 J ?nr, .woniecai aro-e ann twia : M. r nikl. 1 h-iv 1-eenTioiiTng at'.htT'hi for aiithiiig in one if tbe honk, and 1 can't find il. I deai red to how what th ruta l pmviaion of tb Act alioat that dam wr. Jl ha not been .Vr. Smith, a reo'ution concerning th pre paration of a r.un for th reception nrtieidrgi cal end Miiienilojrieiil and Agricultural au.i nietia, which paaacd it Ihrec rcadingt by u-endin- the rule. Mr. J. M J.e,ieh, a bill inenrjioroting theFoinile Normal Inatitute if I'.eaufoit. I .!,., Jones bill concerning IriaN lefor ju- lice of Peace. Mr. I'aitnn. a bill ineorpor-vting th Haywood Mining and Manufacturing Ciniman?. Mr. Live, a bill e-oahliahing Mar-hall a the re it of Juaticc f.r county, which wa re ferret 1 to tit committee on the Judiciary. Mr. McMillan, a bill amending the Act incor porating the town of Wilmington, which wu referred to tbe committee on the Judiciorv. Mr. Il-waton. hill inororaling the Magnolia Female Inatitu'e. The ci.mmittee on Grievance reported on aumlcruf private liilla, A mi-i-n-f waa rc-ceied fn-in 'the rVnate in f I'liilng of tie paaaa je of cert tin ainendmenU to be bill iiieoraniiiiig the Atlantic I North t'rrrdint miln-nd.- Th ll-ttwe awucuinl iu the auen.lmenta, ( Scleral other tmeamge from the Senate were re d iofi.ruiin i f aineiidinruta to tariou local .fcuilL aeo-e ling to the law,, mr tha o.u gate 1 hutN m wmc-i tne iimi.e caM-iirieo. g ,,,, ,, r,,-. I'll UlOieo,, no I,ll.-e-(-l li. iiiii.'ii ,1, 'II, HI.. .wtmA tn ll.An,s...l, nTtl.A ha been put in in au -h a manlier t'ial the a-h aaanot p-avobly e ai up, Mr. Unit Act -ana pl-aed lat on dark, rainy Kiilunlav night at Ih Very laat of the a-i.m and bn t tery few of ll. aaaml-ei knw what they a' voting f..r. I hate been told a hv the naalrrn iheni-eW-, tUr( aad I bar ind--U but they l!viL'ht t' e wera ruling for tnteihlng r fe, 1 v free, right aad -airtajiaaa Lan;hier.) Ves Sir, they rr ewrrw-d into it b a dialin-tuiahed nieml-er then nathn) 1h-r. l( ka4 all hi ioflu-xwe f.r lh dam d-rwii in Johnatim Ihou.-b a e tiiefi if Wk. lie Ma'e-ol-1 in getting the bii ihr.a -h 'ate at night but the taieawir not a.,puhr wi a hi oaatilaent and be h n--t la-en belid rf a 'nice amraerr. ' Where U thai lie" uentinl genllrmaa Harl ll la ant a memlamf thi hrwW now. No, (art Ih g-anleata from Marah Creek (Mr, Mold awtil areaiMe hie teal. I Laughter and ,pi.U- I , bir, 1 hjvrc'vl U-g tnetm-ial. from aiy aia-aetitiwaia t hat that dm pulled down, and I Httaaal la do what I Can tn carry oui their w l.liea. Jtha laaea wtid, Sir. tint In pad ih dam aWa vnt,td la ateormi'on ..ul. (if thia 1 am not au-, Fir; bit I -kr.o--r ihvt tint r aSt of iheeiiieae if tw-o i-eioti have l- i in e-f-arvd With a I a l! a richt nf all lb I'll in Jtee rii. Sir, a 1 fah ran ..a- p ilai bey-wi4 tha -. No, S r. not tu th taaaallaa' "-b-arntv 1 eel 1" and Sir. at thi tint tb-r are hand U valiant h.-riit henda " crowded ap agaov t thai daw la latrauirbt by aiahaata aaSy pan fcot.ka.Sirl Great 1aor.htcr,j Sir, rlii saghl ant 1 1 1 -.ih r-.;de of thi rue. tin Creeli. iu I liamln -AUo, 4i Uw.r uoruuog th VV uucauia and Charlotte I'lankniad. Alao, a bill aiueuding lb charter of A-hboro. A I. 1, a bill ceding to tbe I uited Slate a cer tain tract of land near Wilmington lor light-houtie purpoae. Alao, a reaolution in favor nf John W.Garland. Alan, a reaolution in favor iir iteulatn W-atia. Alao, abtll incorporating the Gold Hill Mining CriflApnttyT : : Alao, a bill incorporating the Watrro arid 'irgima l'iankroad Company. 1 A bill alienni the line beiween Caldwell and W alaugft eountiea wu read Ih aecoud time and laid 011 tbe table. On m itioii, the llouae adjourned. SENATE. Feb. Tih, 1H.1S. Mr. Fiaher introduced a bill relating to Com mon Seboola. The bill tu lav off and eatahliah a new County hy the name if Harnett, wm read three tune and paH. tin ai -tion of Mr. ISmgden, a ntenaew, wo or dered to be rent to the lbaiae of Coinuinna, aak- ing III return of the bill tu authorii William S. Ballinrer and oilier to erect a dam acrua Neii Kiver. The ui.lniabed bueii.i. f veaterdaf the eon. deratti-t of the amendment uf the Houae to the bill for the completion of tint North Carolina lUdroad u taken up. Tb of on tb .n nr .nr. rtifr-r on yeai------ dty to emend uu aiaendmrnt of tint Hon WM leoaaaidereil. Mr. Higrga' amendiaept to atrik not theproviao Ashe, wm re id the ound lime and indefinitely A bill incorporating the 1nvidon llloge 1 111- form Cum piny wa read llieacomd lime mid laid on the tuble ou motion of Mr. lilack. A bill incorporating the SutteaviCeand Wilke- bnro' plank road waread lii aeoond and third time anu Mad. Alao, a bill incorporating the Maoir and I'u- vrlin pkmk nd. - Alao, a bill for the better reuulutiou of the tone -ot-t liuu .rth bill a it came from the Senate. Mr. Phillip iu. -vended and tho bill nnered il three reading" On auo'ton of Mr. J, G, liynum, leave of b- aenco wa ninted Mr. Hrwr, rf KoVaorn ' 1 he eonaidraJon id the bill tvnewrning alarie wm returned. Onmoii n of ."r. Singel.ury, tbe word "and tio uioro" afler JS.UtlO the tlover nor' alary, wm atriken out, Mr. I. F.0Jdwell moved lo ret-unaidrr the vote in order to vote nn of Urvant I. itinnanl wa taVan from th table. read the firtt, necnol nd third lime and pihf l. Mr. Long moved lo take up tile Vamytillr Plankroa.l, vhich waa re'uaej. Jlr. Wiiiaton moved to take up th Fayetteville an "jreiitrw I'lvikeovd, whic'i prevailed. Tb l.i I a a read the third time. .Vr. Furr m.nel t amend bf appMprlatinf .I'l.KH) f.r ll Allrniati Plankruad. . A diai'ion anat un tbe bill. Mr. I. F. Caldwell nmied to amend tor mukil g nn appmi riation Iu li t Grcenalatts and Madiam llmkrno'l. IamI. I I. ametiiiment if Mr. Furr prcvileil. Mr. Waurh rJ to amend ty appropriating 40.(nKI In lb S!m and Cleinntoe-tille Plank pua l. and a h'a ai m I tlat Yadkin Phmkwatd tn tiHinect with tl. W"ra Plkriaid. Ileieeled. Tb quehia arUing ea Ibe paaa-e inf ih bill, t! 11H and naya r railed and ih bill 4l,rd lira i'l, nata ?f. On moti uf Mr. M lioffe, t!' bill tn lay off a new C 'lint' to le railed Cap Feat M takra up it'1 rend rh rhrrd rmn. -- Mr. fieeie mi.itd ti trik ih.1 Cp Fr ad Inarrt II ii:l ; aad argued lb peopru-ty af the , rl mea A diviaina of the a-tK-a wm enlie-l end Ih Il-e trw k out, aad the aue Itirnfll, in ned. Tl 1411 p I h thirtl rvawTnr. (hi motion, tbeh'll far tha Fitetlevllt and flieroalairo Hi r. wm ail the peeial order of Ihi d.v. 24 i.VI k. trufadiua ruaaly Ib lik tt oaght ant laUl and, ( A unher if M fe r read fret I '1 a natbeir rrpreiumuiite, 1 anfteal tn yaa, (emla-1 Sa tl ci CMemiaaamdmanU lo rn. pi Hat aaaat, U ki at lakaa Imaa tb ttalal ka. in. Hie, w War rniid what gr-l mau-hmtry I On avti"a af Mr. Gilliam, the Iou r ltl tm h fat ap ehaee hy X-mh O. V at m i l'elf m'a cmtanilteeif lb ah. .Una tbe aabjorl that Iher w to h gHat mill, a uw mill and of lloika Mr. Shepherd ia tha rbalr. m rati, fartor-r. Sit, Mta eolv a aitaemlJ ol-i Mr. Jeakia mated that I be naiatitte ro arfug lb ail1 kava ht tarried ronnd ia nine : ri.ort lb tanoua bill and a-k In Int diaeHrrel 1 larig atuntha. oragr-mi eaa'irHr aaaaan'i I lid. H,r. ran I let anvhinr t have in rh Mitaiiimf lb a bole. ante il ia .ka-1 in ah. l time l l it-k kioe j 1 h mttka uf Mr, Jrakiav wm kL 1'ieaal L)',-lil-r anal a.nt ht lb 1111 I tell 1 Mr. i.aar aanred thai Ih eommiitee ria. r tat, B.r, 1. 4 a ki innt4 nila-n fwr, l ah ' an w rrt t HI mil 10 a t iai. van lb milt kaa fct tamed r un.1 in nine , ri.ort V tanutu kill ana m 1 aiaenrrel nth. If ya there yow ran rn yoae laa lurlbrr Cuuai Jrntti'Mi of tht tnl'a Oa tin aad 1 yuaieoj get roar hij Maed;' to j l.ralld lit ye and -a. Tl el,airnia inf. y-MreiNioa Tia ; yaaean l rnaea'l- ' d r. J. thai h emkl no rail la ; aad i-llid. Mir. na ran I let anvhinr ' have in th aMtumitttnf lb a hole. lloua opmr.rilin( l.i,lA for lb improv. uient of I r Kiver. Mr. Tatloeititrraliie a bill f. rlb eootjiletioB of fli worka on Tar Kivrr. Itefcrred. Mr. Kalon intrndnred a tail! ta htenrpiirale th TVarretilon Plank lb-ad Company, hi b paaaed it three reading. Mr. lUyner itreated raaolulin! directing th Secretary of Stat toiaan a Circular Uit'lerk uf L'aualy Coana by the But if July requiring them to make a rvtant of Hi then awing magit trtin th Mtral cmmtiea, and thai thllevid Slaiote lat mm oaly le ach. liMd thr tiuc nd ataal. Tb loll to inewrinrat ibe Soath Tadkia Kavl gatira l'iaairy, paaard il taouad end third rMdiirga, Tb Beaale the took reiea. Artianuua Simmiv, Tl bill to iae.Tp.oat th lloc M Hint and Frankllntoa I'lank Road Cuwrpeny wm rd three lutiee and paaawd. "The WU tn lnr-uravl th flimw Hill and At lantic I tank i,.av umpany wm rd thiM uma im pawit. Th bill ap p'rmenlal t a art paaaed by ibe praaettt General rati 1 led a art ! T and ratal, li. I, a arw eoanty by th nam af Wit- n.n. wm read three fata end paawed, The Sena I then proeee.lrd lo ot far nin Irectoraif tbJ.unite Aaylom. ' The bill tn ine.o-p"rat lb Truea of th Mar iner 'a Orphan Aajlnnt. In tb maaty f Carteret, pataieil it and third m linra. Abm, tlie bill aoaetWit tie eiatMintritea of a I. -II bridg acnaw lb Tadkm liil er, bear Jon till. Ala, the LU eaaceralng land ewaraj by a, I Tb hm bt prrrM th furth IrwlTn; wiih naloni - i - Alao, a rc ilution in favor of C. C, Ston. of Chatham, Also, a bill ta inoorporat tin town nf Jeffer son, in Aahe. Alao, a bill amending th charter of Haywood, in Cnathnm. Al-u, a bill Incorporating ih Sulphur 5;iring ' a id Paint HiK-k tunipta. I Alto, a bill extending the corporal limit of toe town of Heauloi I. Alao, a hill incorporating tlie Kxoelaiirr Gold 1ining Company, . - - . AUo, a bill lo incorporate tlie Trvatse uS th GruiiiU luatilate in Uraatille, . A (oil to cimtana a grant in favor if Meatr. 1111 and Fuller of Carteret, wm lead th oond time and paaaed, - - A bill concerning (lie IJterary Fond (on of the lleviaala) wm read the aecond time. A mo tion waa ma le lo make the diatrilwtion acrorditig bi tint white lauia. Th aye and nava were call ed and the aiiiendment Wa rejectwf -y , 3V; naya .'at. l b bill tb n paaaed il ihird reading. A bill eubuerniiig the Militia liniaal wm e-ad lb anaxid tiiu. On aaoiioa af Mr. Maaa lb bill M amended by pruildil.g i Uie abenc uf th acting lieueral the aei.inr .liter aball b mpowared lo take eumnutnd. Mr. hingehary mol aa amnd.aat to th iTat thai poraoni may be exempt from duty fir ipvi tdtism by Hiving a peiiii 11 or Dn. uttier aaaena- ment were olfored od rejealed-oa txt tax Com- niiaaionetl ore oerc Mr, A. II. Caldwell mu4 to abuliah tint ytm, Mr, a anu moved a tub tilul providint f.r review once in twelt monili. and lor tbe levying a tax annual. y ot twenty fiv cent on eton.uu enrullel to pi into th Sell-ad Fund, Tm aiaeadmeot of Mr, S galutrv wa releolrd i alai, lb anend.n"i I id Mr. A. II. Caldwell. Mr. Lone ni' tid to r ik nut tweoi v nv eenia fMi Uie amendinent uf Mr. Vance, which prevailed. Olber amendment wr iiffarel and reiertrd. Mr. Vance a amendmeul wm rejected. Mr. S'. geliary moved le make eotrpany mwtrr one a in I welt mon r. ltea.w Oniipled. IM bill. Ihea p-aMd iu third reeding. Mr. 11 biukrr mared aa IJnniiaai. laat. A bill (mcarninc h mUileauf nula! eaW-rr M read tli eoaid tint and ud the peciel ortler of bem-imiw. A leiotinr wm rnvrr tn aljitom, and Watt. -A few ether liiaai ra read lb third tiate euad druat-. 1r tl- tawar re I of J,a,n-4 at ' a- Int. A nndraitrdl dli-Je ana) ea the patject Ma eaaraud af ,k, aalvrtrt aaa4 kt wm arn4iauiait 10 l-ar H dn. Sir. if aarh ki 4 r-.-oitiued ap In lb how for tii ma, tad a aaieoiialilatixal, I ta ag-tma- iheCtaha iiolbat. ' Ibe auaiiua rn-. The dam il-it. t iob I.f ;i. Uii.j l,Mi!t ' Airaaioo fa.aio. M fratiurd f ia th At w ih a ' .1 .i..' f 'i- 1 Coaam'.ttr f lU a hot val rd le r.t 1 Mf. aaaxtr af eh tt It Wi-t f n aal 1 Sl-irrt Cliiro.aa. Wail a hntMr lbe f f wa hijh vt iu ,al. On eva.-at of Jfr. najpbrT lb enmmille aa it wm la atbnj wm b.ia'of 1 he.rt l.y rtan" rrinid prufrraa t.4 ak4 Irai la ail Mi ) (iiag at aba I ad ileliiex ll oa a'-4 c't r'g ' afta, h-lt aaa nworvH la by thr II aaa. Jk in ll k J if 1 It Ua la ad. S.r. t! ( Tit lefrnaaad loll rt rtrrirg lb FoenrriB ara aav i-k hi N-t- ritrr. V'W, I r- ; ,d tlrrraahnr Ka, boa t m lead th third liaa h W that dam wa bn ll that I hi- ' I at-f p- tal a.r m th aitaa.f ; end afutt rtamd ii ft w alaaaaat iauara aat th farl la k iriaraot plan baalid Wiih ta aitad. Hit t-Uativ tha- tXtatat li f my f .awla, male aad b-iw I k n atai.dla.f Mp e aaw. Nr ataod r- far jaiKW aad be the fig" 1 J r nx.aenla - u- went Ib'thaaa Tii Haa t'lj mmej. iCIATC Feb. fcb, li4. The etanmille t.p;fnird la Mr-rrinlend th l.-ti .nof director uf th latnali Aa; tuna, re port lrrtH, On nioin of Mr. Wilder, a iamg wa aeat lo lii lloaae pmpoaing a joint e-tmmittea of la fruaa ra h la rwuetmad autae piaa f"f thi lea lion moved to lay the hill on the table. Th aye aud nay were called and llio motiou wa negatived ayoa do, nava ty. The inutfoit tu reconaider prevailed. Mr. Simreltarr withdrew hi amendmert. Jfr. It. V, William moved til Indennitety pott pone, which waa halt, Mr. Humphrey moved tn amend by Increasing the per dvi-ai of niembeie of the General Aaaeaa bly hereafier . Jii..aU ad IbuU ijI.JJift ijpcahtrt tuJti.lW, Withdraw n. ,. v Mr. t.ycn moved lo atriVe out fVOOOfSor nor' rotary and invert 2,5lX). Uiviaion of the ou cation waa called, Ih ayea and nay demanded and tb II ana ttruok nut nyeiij2; nav 43. Mr. S. A. Williama, moved to iliaert iTOJ.OT. Mr. Singellart muted tn amend -by rnwerting .l,ai-u. air. Iiutla v rooted Iu lay 011 tne table. I ne aye and nay were cnltid, and the motioB prevailod aye 60 ny 45, A bill ttirtirpomting -ttHt-AtUnlie, TentwaeM and Ohio railroad wm read tht aoeond and third lime and paaaed. Kcceived from th Penal liiformlnrof disa greement tn the emendment of tb lloaae con cerning the Militia. Mr. Lute moved that tbe mme iuii eyea j nay n, . IVr, Rarringer uiorcd that Ih 1! ue recede, which preveilrd. f Mr. Iluaiplirry moved lo take up the till iacor poraling ih Military Ai-adrmy. liat. A bill coacerninr Cherokeo land wm read tlie aoomd and third time nd pawed. A bill for a mechanic' lien law la Kw Ilaa m er county WMretd Iht eecotid tint and paaaed. Head the third lin e and amended by adding th nuntieaof Pitt, Cumberland, Warren, Kubeaoa and riampaam. .Vr. Oulbtw uottd tu indelSlillelv anetpna ta the bill then paaecd it third redil.g ajM Jj 1 way 2. 1 - ' . Alao," a bill eancerning tbe taking of Ojator. A reaolution to hatn from th Literary land t I.WJU 1 1 ll.iUaon Inatitute wm read the around time. -Vr. Jrakin mmrd to mdritely pnat p ne. (sat. The bill waatliaa rwaat tha third lime. .Vr. Hugh l-f b movcl to amend by ia arrtiiigG.trdner' lnatitnt. Th bill I bra awd it llnrd rewling. Tb lk,u tlieii took recea. - - KIliUT ICat'lliS, Tbe tliaaae met at 7 o'clwk. A mi ether ol billa taad Uirct rtadinga all were if a bical inlrrrad, A bill la impure lay day ua Altarrmarl Sound and th adjacaat water WM aaly n.traair.1. Mr. Sharp aauied lo Matirad tlie rulea aad lake up a bill for the !abltahaiiit of Graham e Hinty. Moiiua refuaed. Tbeialiowieg are ef lb hill winch par- tdt . A bill to imiar'ate lie Ca( Fyar Iron Jfia h. company, -a-- A navdeuoa aoacaraing th Cratit Maa aioa. A bill, aa .'iemat lo aa act tuairpuratiag the W ilaniiju and I harhera ha knatu, A lilt ht liMiif William Thtaatnana, A bill le mrreporar the ( hawaa Ladge f Maaona, A bill lo inrrrM th aWk of iht Wtra aad FtarvilU Planknaad corn pa I A bid aMiiplraaaalal to act vtuullahing Polk out with the pronoaition that uch a law would be anconatitiiUonel 1 aad ince it had hem deai dedby th Suprem Court of the Coiled State that th Maib Law even, law that he did not advocate, wm Coaatitationnlin U rjueaiion eery naturally preaentrd itnelf which Tnu teao4 tel wilt aainoritv, tli frattrem Court of the I'nited Statm or the CuaamiltM oa Prouiwitiiai and Grievance. Initmd of it b- ing tiriotcd m IrfcJalativedocBKtiUhethoui-hl " The Frredom' ltlad" th meal artpnipriat medium through whioh it ahould ml tlie public A motion wat mailt to lay the report on the ttrWcriwrhirlorwi 1wS'nd."lbeWOU0llT0 prim prevailed. ' - ' A bill chartering ilit bank of Wilmington, wTad the Brrd lime. : '-t-tt-t Tht hill inrorpoiatirif the Ytdkin Ntvi gutirHi Oompny Wa read Iht ecermd lime under a tpccial order and ped yi M, navtll. - . Mr. WttigH moved to ttpnd lb ttilet in order to read tht bill tht third liaae, which pre railed and iht bill pttecd it Ihinl reading, eye, ou 1 nayt, o Oa moiion tht bill eoncrrning Salurre nd Feci wat uken up. On' motinn of Mr. T. II, Y illiamt tht vole by which 1,000 dollar wat tirickm fntra tlm hill wm rreoni(lert(V The Hour then atruck oat rin tnd Iht queeli.m tratt on inaerting t,o00 dollar. lu motion of Mr. eillian-u.llit tterHt wmJ reennudared tad) tht llouea then refuMd to atrik 001 aye 8, nayt 43. Mr. J. G. Byntim moved In tmend by liriking out Iwo and a liilf per rent on til taeniet eadlected in adJitioo lo tha free already allowed lo Con table, which prevailed ye UK ntya IS. Mr. Daxler moved lo inarrt ont tnd half per cent. Itoet.- Mr. Hingeliary avaved ta ineert ont per cent. Lok Mr. D. F. Caldwell moved lo inert two per rent, liott. Mr. bingeluiry moved lo pro kit lhat debtor tnd rreiinr tach pa ont per rnU 1I. Mr. ftullia k moved ta ttiikt out Iht lry ol the Supcrinlendenl of Common HchevU, Mr, IX T. Caldwell moved tola 00 the Uhfe. Iwi. Mr. Mullnrk refted the tret tnd nayt 01 bit amendment tnd ll wot amipled ajyci (4, nayt 41. Mr. Dargan mortd lo MriLt out iht inereaa rd pay ten all iht office except the Governor, Trrnrrr tnd Clerk of III Treaaurer, which prevailed- tree 7f-nay tl. Un motion Mr, Bmrrlury, th bin wm bid od tho labia tnd ht iati-neWed t kaK providing ihet the taltriet of tha tiovrmar An envi-oairrd reolnliin In farnr of Mcr, At lliffga tnd ft. P. Meinre wa trtl lh lint and errnnd lime and l.iid 011 the tuble on anil inn of Mr. 8. K. VYiliUm. A reaolution authorising a loan from the I.ilerary Fund lo the lurrnburg lli)h Siool in Hicliiuoiid paucd in three rradmga. . -. Mr. Shei herd ninred to tnkd from ilie table the resolution In Incur of Mer. Diss nd Moure, which prevtiilrd. Mr. S. A. W illiam moved to atrikf nut 1.500 dollar And inacrt 1 ,000 dollar. Kejccied. M r. S. A W illmni called the yei and nayt m ih pawage of tht retolulion. It paaaed it teeond reading y 40, pay SI, - Tht rcaoluikin then paaaed il third re'Jinf . The Ilmue linn ailjonrnrd. ' BtXAin. Feb. 10th 1R5S. Tht ktliti prevent lite flintier trading with lUvrt in Miwkleiibtirg and Norihamptou, wa read lhe third tiaw and paniedi-. , Un motion of Mr. Moriacy, the vote by which the bill lo inrnrpiiiale the Moore and Montgomery Flank Koad, waa n ieetril, w aa rerntitidrred rtmd nhw-hiH p?lrSeTl! third reading, hy At" 18 Nor 14. Air. tligga liilrodtwtd a bill in relation to ill Su periu Cow I of La w in Tt rr ell county , written, wat read three time aud panard. Tbe treenliilian concerning -the Fanner' Bank of Bixabeih Citr, w read the ccoiid lime and laid on Ine table. . - Tht Srnatetfien took ixp tha till concern ing lhe rterrrti!-. All iht arucwImenCt mj.'c nn the r-rniul rreding,-wer tlrwkcn out f and the btl'l pamtrd ilt third rredinf . - -i . Iei eral private billa were read and piiaed. Tht Senate look reeeta. lullbe J.00O OtilUniJl'irMurri t.OOQ eVd-l r.. 1 tare 1 t una 01 t rearartr iu ooiiar. air. tl, A. W illiam aaottd to amedd by providing 1.000 dollara kif iht Buperuitearlrat f Com mon Hcbool. (aatC Mr. (Sorrel moved to Ink owl the tarreae an lha ftanrjr of tht Cru-rmrtr. M r. Ilargaa moved to rr da th mbla. Lotl Mr. terrr Mndfnrnl wa argait vrd. Mr. (ailliaat moved la tmend hy aline ing the Comptroller MK tnd Far. Mr- J, (a. Dynuia moved tt refer the hill 10 t relet I com tni lire of Irt. Ijom. Mr. U4 liam amendment w rejected. Tht lloatt then took rcM. -Anaajiuoa Siaa. 4 4HKRK0OX eKi-fllOX, Tii bill lo incorparnte the Lexing ton and Norlbwetlern Railiond Company, wa read th eeend tint-ih -H'iectoil. - Tha bill lo provide .for the rntnrdeiion of a aurvey for a railroad weal from the French Broad Valley by the Duck Town (.'orpcr "Uinea. aiaa arau lha ihird uma and mt. .! Tht bill to limit iht Urm ol lb Chairniai of tht Board Of Wuprfiiilrhilrnll 6t toatinoa " Scholia, WM read Imv troad linte and poai poncd lilt III dtli of July tut, The bill 1o autlinrix the public Ircaaurrr lo emtome ifit bond of (lit .Niute Kiter .Nav igation rnmpitty, wat read Iht 101 01. d lime net indcoiiitrly piurt pencil. Tht billirultiag kahmg in Tar and l'ain liee) Kivrra Wat read) tnd rejected, ' rh bill enpph-meeial l an aeteiubliah ing lhe County nf llarnctl wa read th aec ond lime and pawrd. Tht IIoum of Ciimmon fiatmg n iunifd tht bill in relation lo the public pruning t (olielilull providing that t public primer be elected on lb trrond day of the aeaion. Mr. Eaton moved to refer il to lhe com mitted on lhe Judiciary, lxitt. Mr. Crahtm BKitrd le tnk 01 the lir-i mc lion tnd aelientaao tha uroiiaiun of the I latra, in HerklrtiUirr ei.aeiv, waa read lb oa.l lint, delated at aa Irauftn, tn.t4 t y Inarrting Finribemrdna ana ( rami, aad paaaad hy at 1, nay In. Mr. etavaae nilrdae4ata1 ta btaiairalelbe rUnmf.a Caal teid Comrava which wm rrwl ll.oe llaaaa aad pa aa t. Tbe rVaat tlaam arfyaarw 4, - - - nr riMM.av ? Mr. tt'.-ra InlmdaeaJ a hill ta laaraij iWa lib . .! rf il.r (oh ebdr if lb Ua-vwad wda, j A bid tormaMipa' Belly, a . catemieg lb Inapeetaja of lb air. ftr4 tbrr . A lull enraiag a .ubli mad In WitkM time end pMM-L ' tantr. Mr. Ilaiigbt lniralord . l!II anocevaing A bill emarieiiaar Altrt. e ta. eoro .rallulta. Ileferml. i A raaaaaia uia I aarary n aaaai ' ta ha naubry In to tliabat tamala Inauiat. ; X hill la lr.r.Ti-irt tb 1 haawarvila ted ClrmtaavilaTarnakr abny. A!a.i. rratdiinoa ia favor of Prlrr G. Fvana, nfrrtrl. """" Il taa called ta order at 14 a'cluck, A. M,tad I J aarnil of yratrrday rad. On imritoa af Mr. I'M raj. pr-.p.aia( ta g 1 f lb lainai a autiiare wm ar- drrrH t - arat to tit S-n vttr la eleeiaai if ina 1 ': .0,1 IAavlam at mm 'rbtrk an dar, tb reataaiur mi military Vr rt-i I fa- arably aa la but wat hi. .g Ih ; il I. Irml , tl lra. 1 T-a Mt-,11 ,.M ll Ju li- M.rr tar.rtl.-l a 11. .J V, tl -a. U a f,n a.a a I . . . . ' - ' ' " " -" aaraaj . -- waa --air vm - a-w (af f,, p rl M H proaid. - bonda j Mr (WlUw WteortMaad im'.l aairnia! lU al ll tnaihaa par tola. T '; Itrpart-arr., ah rh M ra.rrwl to lo Mr G, ttora atrad BB enaawdcarrt tewaiag Ja-totar aatailli. tl in Im . dealry a it rt lb 1 Mr,, a tad ihrlla.g rataia eaaat'iM ) in id - l II tal at rT t l a mat b i I Mlarribe as li (mm kiitkt'ieila Sail 4"ata na4. ataad. Mr, I'.aUm. from tb Comas ill ea lhe Jadirla- rV, llaa m rr'rrrrd lha re alaiba aa th tartarr Uai.k at tiitMbaah tly,md aatea 44 rrr-.rt. The C.aaatiiira taj lb at ikat hawk kaa ti.. laird la laming rartitealiai of 4ert.ail fa a In um 'lot a tl. aaJ in ant making 1 r-aaia the trawiee rf rha Kw A tall ta laatitufe. A la II Mrapral aa ar I ament ntt(aviaa ta tb paav of tab ka lb K.aia.di old Caaba ritera. -b w tb. . i a u ta it wm 1 . s: .:T,rj'r:: ..i: r..: aeaaai.,a- r.,;rd U. .1 , by tt, -f It thartrr. t " " " .T , V . T , ' ... ' ' , ..: 1 . . I la ll latwa. f aaa ad rc-nd deal if ill I lav rtaauiia rirtvtrt a rataiti.ewa in-i.Mi ir a . , , A . 1.1 , 1 b aaaradiorat p.Mtd ti giving tb AtLarnrt tivnitral ta law a m-trt farm ra-1 ... , J f . . ,. .. . . ,, , f u . , , janrr uf tb liWlurta.lK'tl.aa otrt lit luroaoif VMrtMitte taa.ora itaa i-ih ami ', mi ina aaa , , , , . , , , , . , . . . 7. , . . ad lb ! U Iwiuar. Ml, Turner drtnaa I'd tl baok leaf lr.w retaa aa rl hartrr bea4 m . . .., . , , , ,, , .... . . . ,T :a 1 avra and nor. Ayr 42, aura J. Ik bdl M t- - - . - .- I ll t A .-I l On aaeu if Mr. Ibtrs a ateamgaM aral I lb lloaaaa af 1 nmnt ata panfuaaag laal tb lara Itonaaa Itiatra la n Mnll lit lOlh latat al -..kk. Mr, 1 m-m io'r4erd t l H "'i b-aarataJ t a 01 III rata1 '.til t Coal f II tiont. I Th I. II I 1 ir eaa lit ralal k nf tit ! F-aak "f hf'.ata, am r4 lb laaanid tiaaa. ! aaartold at I iAad. ( Waiaa Mr, A. a ,..'.' !..- I ts:il f b bH ra- third lite aid ,aWt id i m t- a f adaal-ara , la Aaa. 41 I tW I. l ta Irr- ri-wate ibe M-ar and Maa,l c aaf t 'ta") llaiak F .id Cmpaat wm rd It A bill ta iiaml th lira Oak Aradrm Tb lluaaa lha airaad till taarw aaurblrg. I I 1 1 T I. Falaarary 9th, lU. Tii bi'f I rrlaavat In th r;rrailla n4 ra-. k - ad rianj aaa read lb II00M rilh-d lo onh-r al tha arol hoar, end reeomed the cooiJcrtain af Ih bill con reining the 8bnrt of paldit oflieert. A mo lion wm mda to inJenmlrl y poctpont Ih till introduced ay nr. mngriiary, wlnrh wa rrfuerrk. Mr. V kitaker moved le) amend hy allowing lha HerrVuiy af Kuta glOO, which we apjecieaV Mr, VVmabaw atorrd la amend by ing that taid tfirre officer Covemor, Treurer and hi HccrrUry ih I not rr.riv ny other leet anataoevrr, ahwh WMtdnplrd tyta,MMyt.tO. Mr. Jnk bit moved amend by My ing " anleet tb Oghdatnra a lull brrrrafler detrrmine txhrr- wire, Kryretecl. Mr. Jmhina aaoved to ink out l.fKHJ, (Jovrrnov't Salary, aad ia trrHSOO.'.V lirulrawa. Tha rata wa then taken aa lha htH, after a praarwird eV hair, aad 11 aaat-d lie aeaoad reediaaayM, M, ay. I J. tm nMMina) tht rulea wrr uprn td, Iht bill read tha third ume tad peaaed. On meMlnn af Mr.' Humphrey, a kiR ta r barter a railrsad (ram lhe wetara af Beoafart haihor ta Ih law a af FayetieeUla wee taken from lha labia, reed ma terwwd llm and p Me ed , On motion, iht Chi irm a nf the eomatiiie af th IIoum repoi led keek tht trr- eral Baak hiU rr'rrrrd la ihrai wnhaatei.a atrelt tad atrd la he diaahngaal fmaa tb further aoridriiwaa lhe Mate, The Re port WM ewaewrrrd ht. 1 mt.l an .iio.lm. l k -a Oa awtiion f Mr. T If. Wini.mMh hi! opy mne'n 11 e s rh.rtrtiaf ihe Itaak af II ilmingion wi rrad- ' UaO" ' '- ,- die meitnd time. . .' emend jwm. Mr. lUtarr pmpirrd to male rh. b,tt .he ,h Km pmal order af m-axwrew tl 1 1 i'rik. 1 hi " wm and grrd w fry Mr. dliam. Mr,' II VT. 1' T Daiurt lb eflerrj M t obii.aia 1 h.1 ha. '-,., . . ... , . I ar Wa la a.. - log k baako. capital on eeitifir.' of rub bau, a mtJauoii. 'J he tolietiiult wu read. t bnet . .. d ara aatoa a ana rat a prit-raitara le p'ta r'HX M ' r 1 1 " ' '' ' rbe I ill l.H tn morrow, aj wuboiil ail.o '"""'.''' 1 ft. rnt rnltf aoB. tr, lloaae Wt I rl " aa Mr. UrehtHt laxn moved lo poatpnne i !l Monday. - Iwt. , Tht fVnalt flirn rnnr.irr. il-in the at:i m! of lha IIoum by Ayr, IU N, .a d. Mr. fltnghton inlrmlucr.l a 1 ill ai.p; ', mental la andctplanatory id an art rniiti. dan) art concerning rrrrniia p n-.d tl Ihiv l-ore-tl AMCinhly, which pa-- I it lir.t il r j. aad remling. Mr. Hifg introJucrd t h U ri'an.iiary and amrmiatory of an art pnrd m il a r a rnt ftemon ruiiilrd an art roiircrani icaajor. Which paaaed i'l three riaihnga, Tli Srn.ilr a 'joiirnr J idl lluinljy. Ii"( r II Of t'.jllfijl. . Mel al llie uaal h. nr. - After fradiiig iKr muraal, Mr, tl .i! a 01 r ! to lakt lnm In ' rrndutn debate to iftrra ih - ' 'I he niu. n j eatlral tad k Iba-B am I w to tlnkr nil li. i- 1 aad kearrttr. Mr. Haik-r no r. 1 lo l..r . 1 lha lhle. Tr ) e and nav a , r ,' tad Ih an 0' ion hail. - 'I hi iiien.Jiii. m idnptrd tnd lhe rea.dutiun pjrw.l. , Mr. P. F. Cldr'l liilrratored r,',, .01 to paWpon Ihe who' m' pel of I! 1. 1 - I rarrenry at'il lhe nril l,n..i i... "1 -Jrnkia mord In Uy et th h t a. U ( - .' WU railed ih jr nd 1111 1, . ,! i' - 1 .. UnW ta kty 81 iht bibi rrw,,J .thi ; aayt. IS. Mf Fbephrrd, t rraoltrion at. ''.or -prrtrnt Doaid tT Conuioat,. 10 ia 1' ;' ! Italic Aaili.m 10 rnniinue ia u . i i nril alitr. Tk anftiiiabrd htnlnra of te-o ' v . bill aa rhaner th Bank rf ilmo 1 takra p, Tl e-Kilio-l triat rui il - -B'rnlof Mr. flat rr. A non.'er id 1. n o ejirrrhr arr mail pro io! , ee. I ! Uon wr'W4 n the n rio'uii 10 . 1 ,! r I tr. ami H a rj'eie.l n a ; ' Tbe !' ''-oil na, .g rwi I'-a '- , '.' ' J ai i aad I li 7. t'rba k. .pt. Ik, l-.l.

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