f 3!crfJ -araliiia ? Jar. rceusnisa WFtKLT BT "WILLIAU C. D OUB, ..: .v " Hunt n'Miin, IIRM it""" -. , " If said strictly is sdrnaee, two iiollrs per tae.dotlars ami fifty eeuts, if paid witlna Is Months aud three dollar at lUgi tad of tb ADrKRTISEVBXTS not exceeding sixteen A will he InnrW I on tint fur on dollar, and twtaly-lv cent fat "Mb. subsequent Insertion. Thorn of (Tutor length Will ho oliarged propor tlonally. Court Order and JudicUWdveitisnitnt will be ehwgw 2 j per eent. higher tlian Iho abov rata. A, reasonable deduction will bo aiad to those who iadvertis by tl year, t Book una Job Prinlio done with neatnes a despatch, and on accommodating terms. fcj- Latter to the Editor wioet bo postpaid. SJIJ- .-I i.. ..... 1 1 GEXE11AL DIRECTORY. . CITY (lOYEBXMENT, Wm. Dallas Haywood, Intondant of Police. . cuamMiaXBM. Eattern Hard. -Kltlridgc Smith, A. Adams. - ATiVWe H aril. K L. Harding, " Isoae Prottcr. " K. Ciuitwall, We f tern Ward. A. M. fwrnun, . ' " II. D. turner. , J. J. Christophers, City Clork, -- V. t. tUI. V Cilf Gnur(J.---Jam M. Crawley, Jackson Overby. . " City Conttabltt. Kdwsrd Harris. " , Henry Pennington ." ' F.'M. (lull, W'eighroatter. E. llama Clerk of the Mar ket. COUHTS. Tha iitnrme Court of Nurth Carolina i ueld in tliia city ncmi-oiiiumlly, on the second A nday In Juno, and the 3"th day of Decomlior JwJyei. Hon. rrederick iNanh, t hlL'l Jimico, , R. M. 1'earann, Amociate otlgo, W. H. Battle, " " Edmund B. Frnoman, Clork; Ham. C. Jones, Baporter! J. T. C. Wiatt, Marshall. The Vuitod (Halm Circuit Court for th Dil trictof Xortlt Carolina ia held semi-annually In tli is city, on the lxt Munday in June and the last Monday in November, Hon. J. M; Wayne, of (5org1a; Hon, Henry I'otter, of Favettoville; District Attorney, BoUrt V. Dick; Clerk, .Wm. U. Haywood, Sr., Marshall, Wesley Jonc-t. m The Xunrriur Court for this County! i ESIiPrm the first Monday after, the fuortli Monduy in March and Sc(iteuilwr.. . j ; ; ' " John C, Moore. Clerk. MaiE W . Banwmi, AiimeTnneraTnu Soli Itor of the fourth Judicial District. Tlie C'r nf J'iria and Quarter Satio , held on the tliird Mnndnr in- February, May, Aujjy.it and Novoinlier. JelT. Ctlev, Clerk. Ciuiirmaaofthe t'ouiily C.ttrt. U illium Boy an. 'Co'y MUnlor Quenlin Busbee, Sherifof Wke County William II. High. Coroarr Willis 8cott. , HrjutertU. Hutaon. BANKS. BdhI nf the SlitM qf' Xnrth Camlinn, ineorpo Tilisd m:0. Charter expirea in Capital ILSOtl.tXH). divided into 15.IXMI shares of which tla Literary ttoanbulda S,027 and the I'niver- eitv UfHi. I'riueipnl Bank at Bilnigri. Tleorire W, Mur lecai, President, Charlea Dcwet. Cashier. J. II. Brvan, Jr., Teller and Xntarr 1'iiblie, W, "K. Andori,n, Discount Clerk umi Notary J'nlilB". Jordan Wnmble. Jr Clerk, Tliia Bank h-. branc'ien at Newliern, Tarlsiro Fnyotteulle, WiliniiigUm, Klitalieth City, Char lime, .union, .Horatitnn ana 11 intisor. uinuToss. On the part of the Slate t D. W. Coorts, Pub lic Treasurer, m-etkciu, L. U II. llrancb ana IV 11. Fo..l. ln thr part of lle SttieVlwd ler . Win, Boylan, Wut. I e.ice, J. II, Bryan, J. B. 0. Uoulhac, Al fred Jttnm and B. r. M-e. - (MTering and Itenewal day Tuesday, Discount dav-Wedmiav. " Diimeitie Dills and Bills of Exchange discount ed every dav. BuMiieae boura frnnt 10 till 2 o'clock. Hntnijh lirnnck of lh Hnvlt nf tht Cap ar niluntn II. Junes, lanlnor. " B. F. Finch, Teller and Notary Tulilic, Diti'T.is. tieh W, ll ivw.K.d, T. II. 8elby, Peth J imea, fiwirge Little, lr. Th. H"i:, kii L.I W. 11, lintchm'-s. OlTcring day Mimday, Discount day Tucadny. BAIL Bo.VPS. Itnlriyh ntkd 0'iwfosi lliiilwad Company. T.. O H. Branch, I'rwiileiit, ' W. W, Vvs, Troaeurnr, ' -i Pool, Assintant Troofurer. C. B. Allen, Depot Agent, POST OFFICE. William tlTiite, Sr., I'ust Master. fic h um, oa week d iy, from Sun-rise to r.H. TRAVELER'S UUWEl aiair l vo timavrn or rim at au.non) NOHTHFUX M A 1 U ( Brv B 1 1 1 so 1 n.) TliMogh Mail clows daily - at 6) a. m Way Mil " - - at 9 p. m Arrive daily ....... I... at 9 p. m ThaCar leave the depot . ... at 81 a. m SOITIIEUM MAlU-BrTwo.o ilira,) CWe daily ............at 61 p. m Arrive daily ,...... at 6 p. in Tne lloeli btr -....... at 7) p. m WKSTKHX MAIL llr Fi -o,t oii,) Choe daily at 7 a. m. Arrlvaw dil at 11 p. m. The dark leave ........ .at 8 a. m. UoLD.-flKiKfJ" MAIL (B Kito.) Ckicn 4'l r, (eterpt Hunday.) ... at 1 a. m. Arrhaa daily (eswptlHiitday,) at J p. aa. The Car levvna dily ...... at p. an. TAUBOHO- I,UL-BrTw9-nott llwi,) CIim iti rWmlny, Tuea. anl Thor, at 9 p. la Arrive Tmwdav, Thnra, and ft., at 7 p. ea. IlarkamvMua Mm. Wed. and Fri., at 5 a. m riTTSBOIMV MAIL-, Br Tnatt -. Ilara. w Cbiaea Twlsf and fatordav, at 9 p. ea Arriv.s 011 . ,11 1 lT ,d T 1 ir. lav. at J p. m Hack traveaon Hub, and WeL alaHil 7 a. aa 1M.. stll lllll.ltMt ' t llt ". Wa .r. . M.,u, trma Um Mm tmj aWtilMm Ca.,w fhitediwliia, i. mm L4v Kid lkif aJ tbes', Site, Tip!, raal aal ( rv.1 Mwiar. Bill K.J r,a aad y.,;.pr. kita t.t 1 tan aud tii,aU Kid IUa, M U0ee Mlaa a4 Caitdna'a UmMia ...I n..i .1;. M.CF.K WILUtVll. )1 isieHT Ml. 1M. l- to.Dxrwa n .-.M tug ximTH.-n. .w.- J k.x H '.' ttm ika Smth ilm ilT wm ' iw,.wipiiw . mjnmmimg ft u i m 4 kttiMf, 1't a.4 !, ( a iftoi tow Nabii l"rwk a4 Hihi rwi. f M4 ! ft,.-" i'mmmim mkm !", 4 ry mtf, rrist.f mm4 N-i.r. a.rt..M. t .. am II Hv at mtU a4 mm WW .n. i. mu, aa raaatt at Maa, M t . hji. if. urrm t 11 f UK pvr, B 1: tkk Cf, 1 J hr ! h v IM', I E t tn'iiryLtT. 1 VOLUME XLVI. Jlorllj-Carfiliiut tar. EALEIGH, N. SATURDAY MOKNIXQ, MAUCH24th, 1853. Tiai The Itauknaith Hop of Mr. W, U. Ilullomin, on Hnrgett St., near the Bapttyt (old) Church, In thi City, took fire on Wednesday last; but the lira was arrested, and a part of the building saved. There would have been some danger of the fire spreading if the building bad not been saved ; r.nd once in the houses irest of it, many of the teneniento on the square would have been consumed. The tiro Fire Cimipaniss were promptly on the ground, and aided materi ally in arresting the fire. -Tim District. The Democracy of this Co gressionul District are holding meetings to ap point etegeaal W DrXrrio Camfwntioti to notnV nnte a candidate fur Congress. The Hillsbom' Utworder publishes the fimcoeJInga of a meeting inthatplaoe. The meeting recouiiuended CaJ wnlladcr Jones, Jr., Esq., a their Brat choice and voted down a resolution declaring the Hon. A. W. Venable their second choice. According to the vote on th'nt resolution, only 28 persons ware present. Tho Recorder adds; ""s It ia quite probable that the District Convention will nave some airaouiry m ihrkhis awuiiiiiniimi. Madam lluumr says that thero are two or more -entlemen in VV ttko oonnty, who will nave strong lriends in the Convention; and It 18 very proba ble that Mr. Ven ihle will hare some there. It i said, ton, that Warren county hasher favorite, the llou, WelUon A. hdwanis. the content, will doubtless lie warm in the Convention, as a nom ination will be equivalent to an election. And so it would be under ordinary circumstance; but transe eretits have rroenlly taken placo in political affairs.: UU1 Sew Hampihire, which Inui rarel v ever wavered m tho Deiuooratio rank. ha reoeotlv thrown the 1-ierce iiarty complotcly overboard; and Virginia, itueonlidemly belioved, si ill soon lo the wtne-tliini;. ive h"uM nut be ujJ)XjBtLthejuinview of these o(icn-vwne t4 see the nomine ot a wemocratio onventnm badly beaten in this Metropolitan District. And if it should occur, as in tlie oleotion two veara ago, weVarmtl be -btrgelT"v'leT'ed ttbe Surtb Carolina Standard fur the result, , Sfiy The Standard roiterates the old exploded asFertion that the Americnn Convention of Vir ginia was composed of ninety-live Whiga and three Democrats. Now, the Uichmond Enquirer made, tho eiiine statement, Imf iU assertion was disproved by a member of that Convention, who declare that the question of Whiggcry ami Do mocraey did nut enter iuto tlio dolilwrtionef the Convention, but that antieipting roch a vile lander aa the above, tlie former ndiikal cotineu tiona of it membera were asccrtaijied ; and there were found to bo forty-seven who ad been Deuio erata Mid fifly-three who bad been. Whig". The Standard must have seen the refutation of this slander and Jet It giro it eurrJaey by eauloro ing It. jpaTTho .Standard etiecinlly eominends the resolutions of the Dcmocrati'i meeting hel l in Stokes oounty, and of or sp it praise to their aiil'inr. Wl y does it' not do the aamo for the resolutioiniif the Democratic meeting tiubljs he 1 in theaame number of the Standard? Did not they e press the same devotion to Democracy as the Stokea Ditmocrnta, or was it because the Stokea meeting denounced the American move ment in terms that suited tbetatenf the Standard? Well, let then politician go on, the people will have their time heii it comes to voting. p-rT The Standard trie to show that tlie New Hampshire election went against Pierce and his minions, lan-aus of the fufionof Whigs and free aoilrre with the American Party. Why did nut the Standard state that the New llsuiiediire Pat rol, a regular Forney and PUtree patier, denounced Metcalf. the American candidate, a ft "slave catcher V It wa no part of the purpose of the Standard to let the truth be known aud bene it made tlie statement it did. Curesbox laosi W cs. We take pleasure in complying with request to cat! attention to theae works, aa advertisement of which will be found in another column. The company, we learn la entnpnscd entirely of X..rih Carolinians, neat of ample mean and great publie pirit. They have a eapital of JiKXi.tKM. Here le good opportunity to fneowrag "Horn M inufaetun a. The emapnny froonnef to de all work in Ihe.r line a ekeatily and aa well aa it eaa be don anv w'.iere. Tuca tlief ought to t eiuonragrd. Wat The Waahington Fntnn, referring to the reeent tring into the EI Purado by a SpanUb man of war, aayt "the retili-Hi of awh oulr. gr aniiiiSe aa that oor paeiSe relation with Mpaia erairu4 be fcg maintaiuaJ, anil we think Mnr fats tumrietw mawf e imprettrd tm mr- mrmtlf ppm tk pmUk minA." And lb Wa4iiagti orrraposiiUnl of the Stw York Time aaykt rtbal lh friends of the d. miniitratioa bee aaaert that the Preaidetit baa entered lliatattremetneavuresba taken, if nacea- ary, ta eaart Inetaat rpartiMt at Hanna, ft the lata eat rage aa tlie Sltarasr Kl Dmdtt, Kiaovvtor Juki Loai o, The Boatoa p pars state that the eoMilt of tbe Lrgidatar oa lb pHiiion (ot tlie removal of Judg Ling are diiuM ia epiniaei. The Majority report 1 favor of rem.. ml, whii k ia sigt.l I J tier mem bet. A misxirity rr ig4 by Iw am taa-a, baa Wa Mbaiiited e'aiitat the rinaJ. Tli irt be wiaaslnr tat lb enwmittee did m tig tb aiin ity rcpiai, bl he ia agiinat lb re awval. Ta Kuira itt TsTV Tb Praai lant bat iaae4 b pRwIsaaalioa an- anctng that Mtia. factory iafa-M4'a kaa Wan rarwvad that lb laiprM 1 Pallia aaawl ml Great Rriuia ! Ik I'rusiitaial Parlwanla f Car a-la. Sew Bran irk, Nuva rVrna aM I'riaa F.letrF lUaad b passed laws ea l,a part t gir full efa.1, W ll pe-viaioM of t I'.a. .Iprwrity treaty, de tvfing a.1 il.a provUloeta nf l! a trm'f to la) ia full ;Wi,a ai-ai tl part of l'a I n va.1 Stataa. Iri'' a lln. Bnaoi, Waa.T, j Jiivwaa, -, . Iiv ln 'art Ml 1'na Jvat of t I rwwl U lea ef It. I. L.H. l-t It RALEIGH, K02TH CAEOLIWA, 7EDN23DAY rJO?kn:Gr, - S.u.k or t JliiTr.!.. We notice by the paper that the new1 Hotel, recently erected by Mr. Hctiry'D. Bird at Woljon, was sold on Saturday last, at nnction. It w as bought by Mr. John M, Moody, of Xorthaiuptnn fiirlo,l.'M). It had been profioucly valued at Sl'i.diH). The Democratic party of the Old Iomin ion having been ascerteJned to le in a very bad way, it lias been decided to call in aid fi-oin aliroad, 80, Mr. Senator Doulaa will (to to the assistance of Mr. Wise, an soon as lie shall return from this State whero lie now is on a business visit. Tut KoKviH Stohatiov. ti,e Miunelcgisr latare hive rnrnl red that tho French spoliation veto of President Pierce was an arbitrary" aer, and his rcawna "extraordinary and wholly in sufficient." ': , ' Tlie K. l'ity Katire iScotiiiel aaya the moat tirominent feotnro in the work of the National Conventmn of Kwow Nothmf; t M inettnMHt. wiwr the uetrniiiiiui.ni that the Miner oucntinn should be ignored by thsjort forever, ik1 that it siiould nlc lire itevll to Btireiiutlod etturta to o;iil:e slavery agitation and preserve the linn n ot the states. Tin unio-;. X one enn recall the venoralinn with which the Union was universally regardod a few years ap). and tliink of the manner in which it is now often spoken of, without feeling wnslbly that the bonds of the national enufcileraey have become weakened, and that it is poasibliv to sny tue lonst ot it, that tliey may ore lung be entirety sundered. All (tan recollect the time when it seemed almost treason to admit the posaibitity of a dissolution ot the t'num, and when it was fondly believed that, although other Bopublics had perished from the corrupt ambition of publie men, our jwn (rmernment was beyond tlie reach of overthrow from such causes, anil waa an firmly imbedded in the popular intelligence and virtue that it could safely resist nil traitorous intrigue within and all Inutile pressure from without--This pleasant ami consoling idea ha keen of late much shaken. We begin to realue that tnimiin natOTe-w ttiess me under our own as well a umier firmer Bepublica, anil that there are among w, aa oinomr tliem .Hellish anildeaiguiiij-. iiciua 1 gogue who would willinglyaacrifice the integrity of tlie government to their own personal advance ment. Mavery is but the instrument which those men employ for their own selfish ends. It is not shivery which tlnentens the L'nion and is hostile to free inaiitutiona. It i the corruption of am bitious aspirant, who auitatfi-lhe euliiect of sla very a a means of personal and party aggran disement. If slatery did not esiut, the same men mi Id ti wl some other apple of discord and make it quite aa eA'ootual a the present hobby, to ride into power at the expense of the l uiuu and of liberty, : ; It was suoistted that as railroad were extend ed and multiplied, binding all sections of the I men tiK'etlier in their iron nanilavand afforuuog to men of all section the menna of social npd oommercintlntereonimtintcatiiini the trco;rh vrt' tho Lnion would be increased and planed beyond the reach of disaohition. Instead of tliis, tlie jiiion i not half so atrenz as it waa before a aingb) railroad wis built .in the Limed Mates. If U people know each oilier beiler, tliey aeem to lute each other los. Y.!t the only cement of the Union ia tlie mutual love and good under toMling of U people. W lica tlies a: a hnpair ed. the pillar crumble on which our Militioal ediHe reals, and the ediHeo itself eanllot long ad.Jtirlimnml iJitjiiit- li. AME1UCAXS, UK AD ! The Duke of Richmond, formerly the ceVbrn Ted t'ol. lenox, was governor uf Canada ii Is'lj 'l'i. The li' lloratio tiates, a native of Mat ai'hiiet(, waa at that time an eminent merchant in Montreiil, and v as known and re.peeteil by thottsaniN in Canada, and hi native euuntrv. Mr. (late reports th following remarks a liav- ing been made in his presence by the Duke uf Hiehmond " The Dnko, a short lime before his death, in speiking l the government .nf the I'uitfcJ .ttt!a, said i It was weak, inconsistent, and b-vl, and could not loni exist.' ' It will tta deitruved ; it ought not, and will not he permit le i to esiat, for many and great are the evil, that have originated from the eiisteuceoflhat government. Thecaost uf tlie French revolution, and iUeqiiut war and ouuiutotioiia in Europe, are to be attributed to its example; and so hiugaa it exists, no fvince will be af upon his throne ; and the sovereiiiin of Euni are aware of it, and they have deter mined upon its de-truclion, aud eotn to an an deratanding upon tbia subiect, and have dwided no the mean to accomplish it; end they will eventuallr sueieel by subversion rather than eonqueH.' ' Aa the low and aurplu population of the dinerant nations of Europe will be e trrted into that country t it U and w ill be a r einacle fin the bad anil disaffected population of Europe, when they are not wanted lor aoldiera, or ta sup ply the aaviea, and the Kurtipeaa guveniiiieiita will btror such-a eour.' 'This will create a sarplu and majority of low twpulatton, who are very eaaily excited and they will bring with them their principle, and tn nine rase oat of ten, ail tier to their ancient and Timer gotern meats, lawa. tuaotiara, and religion, and will transmit the to their rmwertiy, and in many is propagate iitma u..n ui natives. The me will tmeome aiiismia, and, h tit fnoatilatui) and law, will be inveaied with right -f siittmg. I n Minarant graile aTaiety will lit b rail by the UiinQ of a few and bv degrading many, and thus tteterogenetia pnp- illato a) will Uien l f .rioe., aitenkiug different laarwagaa, and of di Jarant rrligiiasa and rnti menta, and to mket!.iia-1, lliiuk, and fori alike, in fsdittral affair, will be like nnsmg oil and watart bene tfiaeord, disaenaiii, anarehr, and civil wsr will enaue, and sotn pnpolar individ ual will assume the government and rwdore dee, and lh ori'gii uf K.ariMSt, lb immt- grants, and inany aaftli native will anatain him. The t hurra of K. ha a oengn upon that ewnlry, and it will. In time, be tb) rtllihrd religion, and will aid In th deatruetioa of that rpWie. 1 bar eonveraed With Many of tit a e eigne and prineea f Eumi, and they have ttaaaiwaji'y express a. I lhee iwonions rrlaiii to th government if lb I'nitad Mat, and tbeil torittiiiua tn wbvrt It." Thaa-e rwaaarka were mad by th fluke of KiehiaDatd, marly tty years ag for be died lej t 1 i an I the rmrreatnea of hi shrwim kaa, since that I iss, bran reiawkaUy vanfied. Th low and surjdus population uf Kilnv "km lin hnxight to tbia taantrr, a be far dta., 1 1 W ksw aaia a rmviwa,-! fr the bad and disaJeMcd pof-aUikai nf t.ar a. Tbaa aaaa .e kauaaa aiu.ita f (bi country, bar intat I with the ritfbt auff.ara Th enaatto) um arUaa -.ahall tht Mat of Ikiaga raMiaawf Khali th t atlej ftata ranain rorrw a raw pi arks for lb IgiHtrant, vwinais, and eisal""-! r"po's'i' d fcuropa f hkall karop k perwiltad r Jmimrt to nav.fl furUi mm mit Wa annaallv, Um kmn.lrrl ItriMaa pe, enmiBsl., and Viileids of try grwl OH H9. HI baenaa. rtar tb L.pa ,4 It IMra, Aiaariraa iiiiow, Amria Uw-attakcn, and Ali oftWelml.lera f Tin I lb titn Whtth Hat A las -) pa.la ar .. aa ruira-d a anawar, n e turmt. r.ar-M,, if tint aal.la. et f tliia grat q,H.l'el la) fmi mt-i f.ar as yasra b-a-r, rf :H (a f.. hilt la tiwr H. aa tt hi.old anera-l. If p y y'e. 'aa ' r t-arly will a alnmg tlal It iil la) Imp-aailta l".Te ll.a raf.nat'.HI ta tmr ftom!it-it,at laws, .,,. .rain.'r ra qoo'l fcr lli r.V4ii..n and a.il I ring .,f oar r, ' !" la.lalk.l s. .. 1 , ,t n,. .,l . If d.ii;'ff i., II,. J i 11 J ; of Brar ii I 1; " f r at. a. f'nunthc Cjrirt. if Vte Ijttulm Mtirnitj .Vim. J THE POPE AXD THE Kl.VO'OF SARDINIA. I rcCTet to learn, bv private letter from Turin. tliat aoiious doubts are entertained whether the King can lie depended upon to support his iuini.. tr in earning thrmgh ll Convent suppression bill. Unuatderable surprise e felt a few dava siuee at the hesitatim bete of the anawaa of Count Cnvou to nn iiiterp.ilirion asking whether, this lull woni'i rte ma le a ctlnnct question I "tYuba tilv".was the .replf, which ast. ninhed thehitnae; inui on the question being repeated, the same an swer was given. The key. to this; as I hnira from an nn loniiteil sonrce. is that the priests hive crmletl in woikinenti n the Kiuc'a mbiL Ilia deepgrief at the lip,mBurJ'iiHrV quick accession, of his luithar, hi wife ,ind liisUruther, ha greatly. iiniiiiigcu uiui. .viiintuimteuienn lateiyspou to htm oftho ntwcsviiythut the Convonts lull should pn. i-trii mw, ,vo, no, eaiu ma .uajesiv, mat In', has been toroetl noon me tiv mv luaiiistieM and ho rushed out of Ilia eotiinet in train.' This i the old story over ilgiiiu, of priestl; interference ' with thorns who lire overaheliue! with grief. We had Lot ixl for a tirmcrourfc Xiuui UwKui!;i4l.i;.Uiuik.ii-trutJui iiww jut carry iit iiis plain f( the suppression of the convents in his kingdom. !t require no argu ment ( the.Jvcw Vur Courier) to tttify - AnierU-an renders that euelcaivtieal property, n it i now held and managed in Piediiumt, U an evil, and a proiiigious one. With a pupulation ol four million uf inhabitants, the kiliKiUmi of Sur- uuua no more eooveiita, more bluliops, and riKjre clergy, than France, which nuiuliem tbirtydmfr uiillaina. Iiliaovoraix hftoditil ruligious lioiussa or families, with a fortune which may be estiina led at liulo short uf nine miUi nia of dolliins iid a domain ropreentiiig a oui. it,,! uf nearly eighty millioiia. And thus between the convents and thoehuruh, there ia the immense lortune of tiaK ty-mi mtltiiHutul 'Jollara, 'ilie governnientdirfw not aiiompi to cotiii.'eiite t:u or in but way up propriaie it. IU bill euporeMe.1 all reliiious oominiinities, except those whose Vocation ia to preach, to instruct, and to attend the aick. and devote "their revenue to the establishment uf public schools, asylums f r children, houses of public industry, mid to ameliorate the omdition of the lower clergy, who, on account of tho ine quality with whi jfi the ecclesiastloal rovemroi are distributed, bow auffcr great poverty. The authority to frame and curry out measure not only like'thosic, but of a far strimzcr character.' baa, at diacretfuh.Tieeri uiit7M3exn;ied by" every empire, kingdom, and principality of coir tiucutal Euniiie." .Iweriton Oraui. THE. RESULT IX XEW HAMPSHIBE. The New ILnnirnhire pipereaeeonnt in varimis wnys for the total orerthrowof the Dotnoernlic party in that State. Thc'Manchester Democratic (liuctte tule comfort from the Idea that "the V-mocratie ortranlxalian te still supported b an army of 7,ffll0 trite men. while the 4m"v3te tlwioiltoa down ta4JHi and the Mlit" rote la hardly sufficent to make a respectable count.". Tht latter piece nf information in fatal to the i pamenbrof the Sootttrrrt Denvieratie prose.-. Thy insUt that the victory in Ne Hampshire in 'aRojrcthef nn Abulition triumph; and if this ground be taken from them by an orthodox New iiiimpsuire I'emneratie print, the caue n old. mliionen iiemocraey piny atttler, espei-mlly Virginia. The Ctmnnrd Mntrsman. (IVhiit.) the other hand, thinks tliat if th IkiHIs had teen foolil upon the inane of the "Compmmi of iiai niooe, tienerterslrmn the tiemoemtte ranki would, h.i e lieen euuattd by thouaond. it auv that "allhough iiino people will assisrn one oir- eoiiislnneo aa the cvnse of thi thorough revolu tion aud mine another, yet ilia an aggregation of ofities which have dune the work." The neper fimt named cnn'oles itself that "a cnnsiilerul.le 1 1 ti in 1 .cr of hnoiitlemocrata will one davbiwome sntiffied that flier are operntingwith their old en emies." H th emifraaaa,. tax the party itself lurniahod ihemaansi.f its own dBiolili.., awl liiids comfort in the alleged fact (bat Know-Noth-itigism has aceompliihcit the. work "of ttnnihilo tiug the Alsditlon party." We do not expect, therefore, to see the argument renewed that the late rout was an "Abolition triumph. " 1 S'ati'ivtt lulrWyeM'rr. V3T Tb Chester 3, C. i&w tuni contains the following! . Mr. B. P. Itngsilile ha foomt on tli planta tion of T. M. Boulwnte, in Chester District, a nark iwembling a head tone, and hearing ibe dale nf I01S ; and aa that wa aom time before thi State nd North Carolina were aettled, I he eoocitideil to let yon know of the circum stances, and are, if in the number uf your read era, there is one who can account f r it. That the Bgurea were modi at that date, I have very little doubt, aa I hern is something peculiar in their formation which ia after the sty l of ancient late, lh hrat grant made to Car.lina. was in the mga of Charles lb lirst, la ICZiK to Sir Hob. ail Heath, but it seems that he mail qo settle- enta, sod afierwanl hi patent wo r!e UreJ void. Th nest grant wa tn Edward, Earl of i.liiren...n, ltl tlie reign ufl'harln II., In ll63. ' ww aom Urn ttr th dale n th Mono. It may have ln dune br aome f the Vira-in. ia setller who wer Mving through I In) enanlry. Two year bafor lb dite on th atim. the Vir ginia eoton wa nruav-aa.1 br lh Indiana, and a lb Indiana collected front all parts of tb country, it might lie poaaihh that some of the M'K'i- male their ,n thai dirat tinn, and put themselves 8 alec the peola, ti, .a f ib Ca mwl, they liog rathrr friendly, Ihsu other wine, to Um whiles; of, it mat h th grx uf .aue Spaniard, who had aelCM in Florida, aa th Carolina wer ronsi I a, time to he a part of Virginia and F! arula. and th Florida part waaelaiiiiel by lla Hpaniar.la, ft la also supposed Uiat Cardina wa lb fir-t ltled plae in America, bf lb Europenna, J Is ileaight to hav been aelncie l by the eelel.rniH C.dlini. a plaeeof reluo ft,r tlie Caltiniata' when tint wer trutJ la the re'zn of Charlee IX. of rrSHC. a. farrritm th F.I I'mil-nt nf lU fmiM S'af e o tt .'r-V'i,l nflkt t',tftth ftrmlUr, The arrival ( Martin Van Buren, i I'leaidant of lh t'nitad rtfaa, h is ori"ied e f e.k ,an-ifa-Utiosii f the ruM'io.tia-y pol.ry toaar I- as l.intt Uia iep .rr id th .-. , wa-ns lliflinril 1 b rrlaliou w.th ll.e gisai P wer nf lU WH, t Saturday tirfc.r to arritul of the ex I'rai'uUtit ha-l becuine know at Hi Amiieo legal,,, a n.i iia wa ra.-,avj inara iro li.e I rla, in. viling tbe eeea,ar of I .e' r if .) '.n ti an ln i -fiw at 6 o'clock m the f. llwu,g morning. M sn wi- at .nice di'f.it. t.ad to vrroaia I) t'l. so l lii ll.e hotel 4 Mr, Maetaa, but onlv an aeci tnl lngih rvea!ad tb wbeenab-mt. of Mr. i BuB at l'l'elark m Nu,ir, Mr. I itl ing bnd him at tb Holel Warrat burned to tb Tile.a In ii tb .. and 1 that of tlx tipaiMl,dily of dressing lbcx lra . dtn up in a eaurt niMiaiit at attrb sbort n ale. no r aja, u u wisna, in sua troaihng draas v.J lint Emperor, who a I have takaa ror paiM iba tl ia nrrhat watik to awtiiai, ear laa f bulimia and g,ld laea, where aa Aef k-s ia raveam,l tbaa earfvia "ato star lof eolltt est'lWT lasai'nav Tli two at I'raas. eats ' i t S ,j..!, Hi. ! ko si l'r.ilao of U.fi.i'ti, j i, I a lung Inteniv! tut whl ll.ay v.d a'-a.t ll.e I as'a qna,M. laanar' r.sil 4 a ,. i ,j ui tl fw t we.i.iera wub ttUmt tut li.a ( h Ka.itst ferritnry m Aatartn I . Ilia I i, .I'd ha ratora of Mr. , tb r.tt.,i,i, 4 Mr. Hua, tba at- 4 Kw N. tinojs, ib raaM,i af Mr. H k "ff, aud il. Awu'a toll i( the ,M if ha t',. i. wl any r ail ttas u.m jmr drjMhei.t, a I k.ut rr,'( asy voijs V tim ,,m las Z'f". l-t. HAUCT 23, 185" For tho Stir, NO. X. . i Ma. FaTut .WklU 1. ... K. tkl. k. ;loea not follv anatauvthe alla.-ati... that ltome i ism w now admins the rwr.ieti.Hi of thi- otmutry to it away ; it hmt l.e ailinitted, that it eontain. testimont of verv atnmg dvvracter, lh.,1 Jesuits I; WwfnT ffP- !.. areclwciv bound ta K.wie, end that tWv ntr-a!""'. " ",?" T'mT 'nry knlvnthm' tain aentiments strongly adverse tn American institutions, and iinvrelMn!y in favor of Himina iam in its bronilost and irongst form. Thi cmve tuontly Jirov, that th.y are not American in leciuig or in i lei. i ny are oppoaeu 10 our i.iititut'i.Ki., bv tlie tefy pivitiim iltey oeenpr, and uinst exercka a' very powerful and detrimen tal inthionre agnint our goTrniiiet by virtue of that position. Their low is in Hume tn him they aro bound by the nirouwMt tie ot n pupal r oalh, and for his rrgiilitica the r obliged to contend, itiiesa Jtixknp KHj)ttnrt reumrk eoiiceming -the "Jt-wwmV Itutfimiium" id' th JMt) H e!' That "ll'awmnif ImkurHi-nn" is necessary tn etiuldo the Pofe to protect tha t luimtau -free in A luerioa, aa wa tlone nv "i ire- gory gvi," Hat to prooiwl with kit testimimy t The eorrospoiidciiee of Honi'Mi JexuilR-al t'mla, with tli. IhwIs 14' the lrnvJaim Stmujjf in Austria, t pr clear ami Mmng, that auea ii mv win ui itoiittint-ua nv fin lima innv iney are actnally tiinking etlorts to gilin the ascendency iir thus country, and control itadeeinie. t run tne very nature of the source uf inior mationnn tliia aubject, Mr. Editor, it eaniKit cxpoi ted that, the tcntimony on ltd partioela . p. wit eimtiiu je aa lull ana Hhuinloiil, as it I in many others, f lie reAms tiir tliia are ; U It is a comirtmititui of .NmmImo and nmparat ami. I otism, aiming, under the ptid.aaion o purely U tiyitM aavuHiiation, lo va,ugclite America, fin neraaaanly irtfluence Hut rreafteat eeeree and aaution in all the xirrepoiieMee of the oncreiy jww ant r, xa. itie reatiiaonv muil t icrelitru cenmst uf scraps, whoa principle enn oi ly. be aacertoiued frum the wary and cautious hints, that ire thrown out now and then. . 3d. Another reason is, this is a onrreapnndenee sot between men nil 1 of whom are eulof iiistic but eonaiating of eclesiastic Agents, end po. litical Piincr aa the Hicit Superintendents of of the Sooity. Theretbre" 4t ll. All tlie report respect nig tu tety uperationa, must neoea sanly be.toan unnitmtod,oliseiirei'inii mysterious, Theae remarks aro necessarily, to pn pure the eiinde of tour re ulerv how "to ai.prettata the atrcngth ol the testimntiv her aibluced, 1 ahull l. .... : : '.i . , uere fine vne iiniiiimaiy, logoioer Willi (lie remai'M I ol ur. n. ( . Hi tiirWrt, of w lork, jllegattiered upend eonduuaeil this, t'rom tlte number which appeared in the New York lH.ervr some year ago, over th i;;naliir of 'Hmlua,'' and aome other documents. Dr. lUmtrt remarks respect rng tbO Rgmir einployed by foroigii puwer, to rbvoliitroiiuo Auiericai - "These are the men, and their principles, who are now waking gitrnalie elbirt tn overrun our happy republic. All that the lh Itvpaymula at ri nnee cuu do to extend tin power, and these outrageous prinoiple (ol'lhe temporal and spirit ual power lit' the I'lioe with the donpoU of Eui j.e. to unthntl our imitiitry,) among us, ia now twiug done,. AH thai the I H ipmia In Bonm can do towards it, i now atuuipted. All that II Lenpuldinc liwtittiliorla of l ienna can do, by money, and by dc-u t prieala, poo re 1 in uion n, t now going forward over our hind. All thvt can lie done by pouiinf in coloiiii-i of 0 man and Irish Catholics, tbuiouglily organited, with I ho pni er quota ol prieaia, is now going on, among our good nutured statesmen, and quiet unsuspecting fellow citizens, . "No gra.it Dtiint lia,e boon taken ta conceal the fai-ta in ihij ni.it ter. We have every evidence but the vwh oolifc.si.iii of tlie uoiixpii aiors. Some uf toe prime mover bare uuuw sinking avowal. HiBoop Kii-liinil,.in a eirculor tiublislied in 1: laud, shows, Unit there is an organised system uf means in operation, to throw ill Uton us iiiiuieli-o bndiea of niuh emigranta. Ami in hi late address, issued after hi return from Europe, be stale titut "FrAnce and ticriniiiiy aid lh ltouiu,h Cai hulie miasmiis in America." "The lAnitMim Imtilulkm oirti tiiiiui to feel an Intercut in our concerns," adds be i "Home has this year cunt rile utcd to ouf extrviniinary expense. Even tli ilolv rather aids m fn tu his private purse." " I'he centre ami power uf this foreign conapl racy ir,iint us are at Vienna. Were it merely a ruligtutt concern, and simply the priqiagaiioo uf their auperaiitiou creed, lb location of the grand miners thereof, would hey tut at Vienna, nor in any other city, but at Itolue, where ll.e .Musioiutry Society haawlwaya lawn. It isof the am tier or and ll.e urntoea whusuataia tint Lpinol' dine iiistitutions, that Dr. England says i "Ttiey feci an interest in our eoucertia.aii I h ive grunted Urgrr eotitnliuiions linn usual." Now what doe tli Austrian einiiervr cat fur awe ovuvrr- sMiii, or lor lbs religion of emigrant 1 Wftot does the Holy Alliance oare fur the Hotmail supe Slitioaf An aahieal burning Willi seal, for the propagation id raligion I He care nothing for tbe pq and bis roligiiat, sin h. No man ever ausjiated him ol cuing for any form id religion, aa smb. 11 ha him. a a 6W,and to it is ottered all ur iiioense.ii That g4 bj the gtniu uf ilea ml ism, aud la will do any thing, and operate by any ageuta. In aitingiitak light and liiainr. Al tne head of Hie Holy Alliance be sits; anl he, and hie regal aaueiai, would overturn heaven and earth to secure ls reign darkness, and that rfeijaMiaiii,' Li. Ii eru hi s tb people of Aus tria, Pruaaia, Poland, and Ituaeia, 'karte g., when ea tlie throne of tune," (in ll&j,) gat Irank ntlavaiuw to hi1 eurdisl oo-ue eratiwu wdHAwtttia, "To educule lad convert AiMirica,'' sanl but minuter, la hi peuli.lwd rvpwt, p. HV, "iniklieaelMil uf tt purely aptrilital dosign, is J yrttt Wimai imlrnmL" 1). W, C llrnwole ui I'.qvry lb butt to Lllierty, pp. 'Cbn.aget., (f Berltn OdVaw Kaa tueky,) -tb bead of Ihi INdlege, When writing hi master ia Europe, relative to tb dilScub tie hi th way of making the Indian papist. tout tl. pope end lb Austrian, that t! eisia difficulty "was ltnr.tr ronlinnsl tralb among law wtiit". waM tX kimlrrmt a tenant Mat ftp-Hit thalt laanaf." "Mr. Baraks, aa.ai t of the Apilr'wa Jfu't, in his bribers lo hit msaler. bewail tli .l i4 "a ft a c.rint." Skn.g of i cbo raluar-l tu lisi their children haiiitaed. helaineni Ibnt b Poitd B"l bar, rnaseW mt. Th whole ' eau. ib itl ha dn lares to be hm Jiet ',,((," Ibid, p. Stai-7. A biab infer lathe Aavttrtaa guvammanl, Htklnftl, bad SHI I, In Ins Iad0esi (! Phi, av tf, (le. gvii. Vol. II, p. -: -ri( Ik, rli rsry ,) " all Ikrtt ill .car tes p,urifdrm,H (of f'e g.raaw,as. (A. rreWa'waairy Amis' nf fram nu t ikt rrf .'neujaj. j I'laand, llelgiom. Midland, b n.Mia. I l4 kara Aarfk jaiera " llu-He and Hra,kort.f' d,..v..i ai, p. "i PrH, who had certainly one latenaCalh oltfl, i,4 aa Abb, ma of lb 8rt writer ai.J poll n i in. ia Eorop, ha thua wamtd aa ; "lu lralak,,, llsod, and Ibe fW ,V,S (Ibwwe) eMoytt .0 g l.y apaadil viaara, m U alrie uf oMi, This reglaiples !(, i f givas ber Ibe bimi at laag nnlr a erf hi... 1 hs Verof tht f aa.. Hint t, bit that f In-land, la tary danatj I tb V- pa. It I try n . I Um it a .4 yiw esls.Mwasl 1 Intkft muni ti ,l, aa that ,T Irel a I aa to I U.a llmUh li narnatftt,"t Itd, p, ; -'i, I IV U-4 4tb AntU 1'5." mv lUt la I Li latlaa aa kai Baaalaa ia Aa.tr, a. "Hall I I boh p ea, ,.l ia llat rluat t4 Ibal'llaa... . mad tuts .i il,..a a-an n.il ,, k.. k M bad sa.da f r tl.rm. Tl Il-bans laianad tbaol .lb .rs(., t priw.iwd ,'. tKitltr to r.bry thm, 1 ba ll. u.b iiti-.aaiarf st-d . b,.. ., ,,, i.t. ril.a. law,.'' Jl, I llrunuiaea t'ofoy lb Fuawy to L'lanty, p. ;JH, In oHl font lh laa..-! I;a las'ilvl.ai n,t isal ..r thai pr(.a , a. f d .J'f Jaauilfssa, p 3 'j. I These comprehend a until! iHurt-Vi of tit ti-s- timoniw on this point, and vltfvrl 1 show, thut Iffersi or -lie uespotio powers c l.wl.4.e. o.gcttier l.'IILin T U-VtllHI'W I H - nr tavinga tH aSTCtlcy 1I .1su.ts. SI ... a. mil ' "T 'i ' nnotner ."P',1'"1''- th wen.y mat r rwh! The Itoiiae nwr fnl"Br and mothers, vnnr aiater and brtither. ovary iv hero I The inai ia fvt approaching I Jiit,a mmnent ia to lie loet 1 " ratnnot hesitate on the question, whether yon aliall lie free republican, i r erouch down asthe chained 'jnwd slave of foreign despotal Hasten totlio aelieMinn of vnnr beloved counlrv! tiUD AND Ol'H OOUNTKY-4 the watchword of ever clirlsitun and patriot of overy political party In themtidT ' Amcrtra exiava errrtf omc of o kifii imr tivfti" Vnii's, ka. YODIU I The following coniiniuiicsxion fvom diatint miished eitixen of this State, shwis light uiwii a Mibject heretofore eorcrtd with doubt. , From the Wilmington ItcmU, 'fllK IKIXATIUXTOCEXEBAL (iUr.EXK r THF. Dl't'ti TUWX CttpiKll.M15.K. In i; (New Bev. Oh. 173. See. 6.) the ticn- eral Aasemhly enacted v 1 hat twemv-nre Ihui:. aund acres of Ltnd ahnnld lie allotted for and given t Ma or Ueneral Nathaniel tireene, bis heir or aligns, within the bounds o the In tola ia-aer;t fur tlie Use ot tb army, to be laid ott by Jl. e...i....l., - 1 - i l .., a, . . so sen c-H.o eomtoi.-HH.ners. i ,i iaii,tn i itniju, Iwiaq Sheltiy, mid Anthony Hlrdfti. llannirea.) a amnrk at' th httrh n t'ia Stall entertivimi of the extraordiuarj earyice of Uiat brave and aluiut officer," ,,,-t 5", - .,.'.';,..' The CumttiisaioTH.ru, In pursuance nf tliia pro vision, hud S5,HW acre ot" land aurvajeji on I'uck river,' in Maury oounty, iiines0 I (be Vujinity of the proatoit fiuuriiihiiig town uf CoUuK' ta. It i liMpefly characterised by the Katimuil Intelligencer, a amongjlbe most yalitlilo tract, ii the wide domain then within our bunions. Thure aro few tracts in the L' uion. of the same extent, of equal fertility; mid a, milium ok jt.Jlura is a nitnierate eetunatein its Ttiluent the present day. Many year Mra, Skipwitb, now Mr, Littlcflold. a widuwed irrand-daun liter of t lonoi al iireene, entered upon the poeaession of thi mag- inrent estate; tier youngest aim resides Wllliin the IwinvUriev of tha graut, at the prosent time, but the title of nearly all, if not the entire doi a ttosti pd iuto othar hands. Ll'b HXOUU guinea given by South Carolina, the S.tWt) foinea bytiwrght, fwpettter, we believe, with foe plantotion in theneighliorhood ot S.vniiosh, eTiwmenv.eiwmiuriiieriiiiae4 at tbe tiiTtrtif pi deatli, have very properly excited the ad no tation of h s biographers. Tbe fuunilb-eiicie i f North C irtilina has attracted eomparatirely little attention. The editors of the National Intelli gencer are- doubtless Indebted ta their early trailing tor their knowledge of the incident eon liu ted with this portion of our history) and it 1 line to them to state, that in the lour course ot Uir editorial career, limy have omitted oo fair opportunity ot iitatuteatitig tlielr respect and af loctlnn for the State from which, they removed inure than f irty year ago. in iy, i.ew Iter, Co. STJ.) the Qeneral As. sml ly p issed "An Ai t for the purple of ceding to the Ciiitod State ot Amenca ceitnin Western lands therein desciibed." The eastern bonndary .9 .. ,. i- ... . ' line i'i iiiea iniiiia, how inp rtate ol tetinpascef waa extended in 17M, nnder th direciioa of .loaeph McDowell, Mtiemiiije Matthew, and iHtvid Vance, to th Smokr mnuntains. la 1M!9, (Chan. J-.tfl,) provision wa made, tneon- tiBtie tl boundary from tha terminus of tli line oflT'JO, to- the Slat line nf lieorgi. It waa inane ma autr ol tne eonitnisslonera. under the latter act, to run the line from the extreme height of the Smoky Mountain "ta the place where it is celled I nicoy, or I nata Mountain; between the tmtuin towns f t'nwee and IHd Chota, lArnee iiworrte main rilij nfthn taid atoWaui In II mtutkrrn btmmlaritt .(As Matt." 1'hey own led with tlie enactment, and marked the' bmmdnrv lino, on -Ike mum rilit ej the mid mmiHlaiiu," until they were within twenty mile of our smith rn boiindiirv. At this point tliey ancepted a poposltiiin front tb coiumis.ioiir.ia who repre semeil the Stale of Tenne-wee, o make no future effort to pursue th sinuosities of the mountain ehiiin.but pi roa a dn nth line, to theUoorgia State line. The reautrwaa, ax wilt be perrmved by a reference to the map of the Statu, tn relin-iiiit-h to Tennessee ibe terribiry which mtilute !h present eoniity of polk, and inchido tbe Duck Town Copper Mine, There Is a tradition curtTnt, In th neigM.rboiHj, to 'hs causes which prrnlgiTd the hwe to us, and the gala to Tennessee, pf this interesting and iinjortuii re gion: but aa w a bar no means of as rtainuig it aeon racy, w lutre the ralstiun of it tu ttm wbe live. Tb Buck Town Conner Mines. r mora than I'd! mib eliniKt directly est of th Ibjck rirr land given by tliia State lo General tireene, a a reward for his revolutionary sen ks, Tb mines prulavbly derire tbeir am frtaa ea original pn prieb, and not from th bnuufnl u l distant stream whlrb for time part of a rw),, ujnrt oneeted with th nam of Pieanb-nl 'iVIk, and w atora ore of tb moat LeauUfal and fsrtii ir- HOHawiajas.il iviinesse. Y t the Star, Mr, 1'wToa Within tb las! tea dey 1 bar l eea traveling in A'smaww and I alh.im luon. lie, and I a-ur yna 1 have bean lonaewl al sur prUed al lb nuuiUr of frier. Is to tl evu-e the Amrrkat iu-a, hav met with. I had not peetl thai tb nob' fnu ,al fond 111 in b fmdbold In th upper rounti j but beluwe as, It k ea tt Sam 'a strongholds. O-i rery band I bare bttj the sayatl nonnd nf bit ftaat.lt pa but to a few u was as tb snund af th wind, the eutilj W4 tall from whence mrneor wk thar it weal. I led Hat nkrk nf hi prrseoe a the highways sr,d l ywaya tn f,s'a, in lei. I ead in b rtnea, la Una way be ia folnli. ing lii mixiiav. Tb taavea 1 at work, and tb punmaiioa leun. I bsv her. but fw enrnilalnta ergel against tb eu. 1 lie only aomplainta I hav yet heard afT.ias tonieold hit' biairi.; wbiga nd la. far. a who raw ta or aah Is in Amp t. 1 taw neferrtni Istaelile-ftatrubing Ihe ntandvrd" and graicly a-iiring bit old friandt lhal ihe l. lii.w of tb "Sialunt wa egta' Vtn. Th ynwiig man Innked una at tha atl ar and Bn at tb an ran rd Israelii and apuk aa a wor t, ba. went their wy that ttigbl and tpk ft raa ! I hare baerd of nM ataa bnaatlag that "thee era iaf ta rky ftra in Alamanr yet f" tin imniiart win! tmmMnalm. ',. asaa 1 la in fifth lh.ira-1 will b avikd right asd ait Aerwai, . 1na! Ut tb sign. I tat (ung frma bill to hill, Ams-ira, .h-,l U rated hr Aair riiwua Ibi'llgll II lb eiasaanliliaig ateawgiif uaa ftrl tb atij uf tne Bolilkrsi ato tb ataal bh.k. SIM. STUtP, F tb N'orlb ('rul'iD Sis'. Cxttne, Man b Hib, l. Ma. Fwwei I aaai, i ., U.t M,r pier ta II atthiaft of Htl.l.-b r.'s I" MaftUItt V 4rnf l i 1 : lo ,ijn weal at Ml rounds a lb ko.l.al. 1 aiia that ikt ta ma Ida ia r pit otf ay mvrtet to fkI. )!y ..- 1 and lai ko h it a,..' .l.n, ' ii,.ir ia lb rafuUr nd il tf,.l sit lo a..j II. fuidi-r raMia'k tii.,1 mt lo.i rl .4 ( M Wot ssks . aois id Mal I a ill ai tt tl ill n- k k.-s I' ta l - gt r d t 'I II . tail aln llrf-y loi'y r. ,-.i a b t S 1. 1 tr oa'j. il a,. lain ,,.l t , U I ', lal a-S) ika tilttafiaiat 1 pje.W b otigt 1,'k 1.1, sd a-k it-' It" t t.-t i,.a i i 1 1 . , 1 a V;,, ,. , n.f r.,i-o. I . ,1 I ,, t 1 1 . , t .... i t .-k 1m I ui pf'. ,,,4 1 r i' . .. ..... t 1. Aiimv l hi-1 in:, .t i.'i :i i The S Ci.tier Northern L ht eriiV. d : ! . II k ll 'eir-ti.r. and tea- i.l li -r J . n! tin altar l.-n tliw io .rnii ; oi I r.i., of the '-'Till were Icoi... ,s ,i,,t I . .. I ,.. Sum. .Tu Nort.H '.iit.i ! 1 -i -i (., .,... i and hilV piiM'tlj.i ni-il -' -v , Blimiicss war eit: i:'.,- p'h.ii-" . 1 . .: . peo.-!' n ol live Ik- y i i . i v. . - , . nt the supenhin i I the r. 1, -n; . ,. i I l i Jt ltaooll rua.-hcil r,iu Fitiin i- 1 , i . . . t. i riiused a great run on Inv, t i: . c; ,i. ii home met tlie ra,n, and paid ' h V,;i a r.n A iiieetiug of meri'lniiiis niid 1 w i i;, i which lured the boose sound. ti,: n v r contideiice, and aifatrw su .u'-d tt I ' vr ii'.'. aspect; hut on to a however, i.;. Uimoi k Co, n.ii-p. li le I, ai.il were PUloneJ oo I - - I by Ailatna Co., Vel!i, Farg. ', & t'i, R..i,ui..i A fX, and Wright' Miner' l-i p m,it.'u The exciioineiit was iiitcw.p. Aitnma jl" (' cJused all their biiHch'es, wiilu.ut paving a M, lar, exccpt'iu Saa. Frivictwo; wii-ir, on ii,e ll'.'. ibcysto,..! arini ol'!p'HI,(.. Weils, rargo. ..' CVv closed in, San Fi-wieiseo, but. their country branches paid a long a tl.'r coin ltei. m. -I wore still p i ing out, as fast aa coin d y!d In olvaiue) (tir dud and bars, The house' h id an oncetttmit tliar would rcfmnc m Sen Fmiicii, oo on th Sith.-' U l teai-ol tiiwt Adan, t o ctuild not resume under sixtv ilnys, if at all. Vt'i UiiuoO. & Co. will priiatdy re-oune in it I'eir diivji, .icrvwitur hiiviii; c,i iiii;cl tune mi $4tkttimii, 'I'lto aasete of tin liouo an hirve. Tiieint .- faiiuHH eausrsl tlie netentioH ol iht rteamer until th Suth. It ia ruuvied thai iIicm " are also heavy failures Hiiiu.git tbe itiei iniiititK in San Fratmiacii, but of the e the are no con tinuation", Owing to the grout 'cart ity of water but litil . gold ha 101! htkon fiiun tlni mil ei : but, I pny ruin oorarjeocwl w rite ti, o itl.il nli.me 1 hen the stanmer lef ; i Thot e ha bet p no election of 1'niteil h'atin Senator, The joint convention ui)citriird e-is 4it oa (ha Hiih, The lt vote sttsni (i,i in it: thiwtt voting in tha minority ware priuciimlly iho ffiondaof Dr, Uwti), ; ; , the news from Kirn river H of an eteitin? barat-ter t twiner are suid to bf.avrragiiig tnui ten o twenty dullara per ibyy, Stoaiueri are g uig down ecowilea with ptweenjera. , Oo, the niortiing of the IHtli, . tlra St. i;iittei lintel and Hilliitiiu'a Hotel, at Km 1'ntucisiM, were destroyed by fire. The loss in about fjity tbusand tlotlars, - In Nevailil, sixtcon hensos were burned on tho lhth, and In Stockton, twentv-tlva rwuwia weto destroye l by fireoti the 21t. . Indian trvmbloa rwi the inerenaa: amiia tct white men end about nt vpnty Indiaoa have becu killed.--- ,--The native Califorh'iiu.9 hare held srreml meet. Inge, in Man, Frniieiiicji, preparabiry to tnking e;i to emigrate to fwyor, ; )V Mariposa liohl Jliti'ng Cotopan-,'(a Lin-. 4on eoneorn,) has been sold by the nher If. Washington' birthday waa celebrated br tlen (Irenlen in San Fntnciseo, by a taraitf., and p pnipriata uereui u.i tth .Mctrupoli a.i tlt.H "tu'. r T-" " ' " " ,"' " "tNfing to the monetary dimulties tnusnl by th Idle stipt.n sinus, many ship recently arrived are mil lUaclwrgiog tlieit lujrgiic,. . . . I he UreiMn l,eiii iiiuro adtuui ued on tho lt of February. The Legtulattireef Wnshinetot, baamttdil UIvuii pia tbe evipital pf that Territorr, A teller imiu l ge, Uacm . t o., alates ttnit Ihey would certainly Fi'flimo buiie on the lit of Manh, in San 1 rancixwi.and in all their lir in- eae. - By the Korth'em Light, SundwUh Istai.di date to the 3d Feb"ti.i.v bat a" been' iited ; but they eoittiiin nn new of iiiiportiinee. " Th ' lilted Hiat-t chip I'ort.iuooth hud arn.r ed at Tiihibw A'l on b'rtid were well,- She bit joe to nil dirent for tha I nitel St ite. At)stra!inn (Sidney) dates have al.i bct re ceived t' tho 211th of December. A r. t had taken place atBalintt, which roqlteit in a c m, Hiot butweeit the tni..p and tha biiuurs. '' lie miner and twaty-twu trdopera bail been killed, In Central Anierna, tlmmorru wm ti I tr -ttniphant, btvtpg taken all tlm t..yiiij otcupie l by tue revaiutiumsta, except lan. At .tn Juan tli peupl wr a;i.o.'v ! ing fog CtiUmel hiimey' expedition. lis Briti.b war steamer llevaatatioa was in thai har Isir, Th steamer 1'ultnn utit Juunu-ii on Hid th all well. - Vox th Arte lnmi I 'irW, 'I'll V. I.-SI E. There it a distinct issue he I ire tl ( Amerh an pisiple. It U new, and iheret-re itiiiie to lnu-uiin-eptioii. t commend itteil lo Ane tm i sympathies, ud fence it ia drtrted mil niih- t iled lo break it lore upon old arty ursn.Mn tion, la ita generality if is, ,ti at "Apuv i ana sjiall rule Aoieriee,'' 'j'o ciitnplih thi, the American party l;,l r to ur.fy th b.-llot b"v. and to puru pol.ii, . of Its vna enrmpti. ns. With audi an irresintih: tul ia the otid of emigration ptoiring iou.m 1I14 oounlfv, that the in y piieitiv mean ot 1 atmuis lo b the re11e.1l id the pici'ut iiatoriiii,.,' th n las s. an 1 tlieati'mtitutinti ol another, di .i, n eat to eerare from leiog oveiabelu ,ii m i foreign ideas and foreiga j oaer. But we alt-mid put be underioi.d at ippoin.T, nor as ln'ing imioi. nl to nil iiM-n uf tore.n bum simply on eeenuutot thisavicidctitnlcitcuins mo e, W recoruise emong our best eiimcns, main ho a fat easy the light in aiiulher he.uni -h. a. 'li -ey have Itreught Hour intibinciica a..d akul tu I1.1 land ot frecbint, and, pun-unig the vo ,iut im ,1 Had, kcrping nliKd trout tb 1. h r!;. I I-.,. .lil cv, li iilsnlihed ttiamaeliea by pro; vty alid tuiii. ly, with the country ol tin lr a.i 1 1 o. Neither do we or lb Aiueiican j ary, h , ! antagiHin-m against individuals n t 1 un ic sonalile f-.aio Is, but at a 111 il'cr of pun. , t , secure lnr.y, maiuUm law aoU k.ep u i.i.it.i lb usog.-s id our loo-tail ei we would ,i .1 y p 1 ban ts ol tb ignorant and oj er-ii i .a noiiuhi , 1 whi. h now awsrui in our tines, and In n rbighwaj, fr.a beln, put foriii m atei.ly il;e a K ol our p.lili' Hl wor-o.p, b ja e ily me ui r pared lor ill a holy tin y. In del el .ping toeienlimem of t'. u. f in! i tudes, and tqajtliog u to t to 1 . org; nil Hi 11, and deaigtia f 1 4i t., nop, ., 1 r. ebiuacii r aor impugn tb su,io e t. , i ,,,; : eign and a I i .tc I ceil ) it wuu h. ia . , ,, . I Red iH as. Iluadred at tbnaa abna tirib la . 1 -. ymnl tti briny dvep, are a drcij. iivi . i,, Uie preMil.t ey Ja .d 1 r. U 1 11 , ' o( , .. tb uiiait eotliUktsHti Anu ro at,. I !, . , ., , . . wub lit na'ite Issa rrognie tl 1 eiaettag barrier egiH 11. iio.-ti.in 1,..,. , 1 Eoropeau intidviity m.l tr lri i ka-eia sueiai.sdt and r.-.iity t , all : tbaaatt bf r sparieiie the 1 nlMfnid a lh paal: 'tb. JT with 0 deplore Ihe j re tb tu'buiev,! 9, th L'tt'iLilMe, the ,,j. ed tb cUiini.liness ot too- Utv a. 1 foreign sle.rri. As th t'uutitu!i It pro-, r.hf , i Aaatinaa frty prictiia.. at tt ( toleriUil. KaaOyiiKitig tbi l,r.,.r,. tiaa 1)1 siipatM.r bi d lb land, a aak no aiia lo aerere what il l.y in l-d t tda. li ftf b.alils hi lh St.-n'ria if , tt , '',"", ' ,,r.i.ip. I 1.1 a d .. a ; I la'e-d nt" mi p ..1 ! . S t ill' I a In ijialo of I. A. . H I"" J I so n ! C- 1 , I V,t b till" J I 1 I mltn tUH j lu tt ii;,k . 1! ft "tli . 1 1 1- t m mf 1 1 (M It II 9 ti t it n m .!.. i tal Labttallk, t It t l . r.r V, - I. . , J . 1