, 3!nrt!j-CQraiin3 liar. l A- A ll- , t'.j TO rciiisuiB wtriLV sr WILLIAM C. DOUB, KOITOI isd rs&T-aixvoa. ', r h b ',, " jf atrirtly-in dtsttee," two dollars per o fumi t dollar and fifty ceat, If paid withi x entta ; ul Hire dollar at th tad of th r. ADVERT. SEMESTS not exceeding stxtesn t will Us inserted ill ttiae far dollar, ewd .twsaty-lva cent fat Mok subsequeet insertion. Those of greater kngtii will be charged proper tJeaslly. CuurUrderesjd.Idicinlaleitiremeat ill beehargea 25 per out, higher thaa the above ratas. A reaeoi!e deduction will be mtde to thoss ws edvsrtie bj the year., v ' ' Book sad Job Printieg done with neetne despatch, sad oa eecoeiaodatiag terms. Men 14 th Editor mart b poaLpail. - TUB VOICES OP TilK RAIN. BT nation Kim.B AnOxarat af Atone,") Virginia iVowf. Co balmy dy hast thou forgot t All April u the weather, Wbea from the bonevsueled porch, ' W watched the sky together; Through Die thin, fleecy vail of cloud, T1 aaa WM mildly beaming, And at ore in mint, til an pattering shower, The rain was s fly streaming; t " " Like a blessing on tti verdant plain, ' Fell the gootle, gentl ailver run. Another time thou wert away ' 'Twa tlx glowing month of rose, , When summer, wooed by ardeul sun. Her fervid heart diseliajee ; 'There came a scroll, which bad prepare " For thee a ioedy greeting;' , Smiling, 1 by the aisetuent sat - '' Wiih the welcome letter, beating ; Tint la the music, 'gains the pane. Of the laughing, Mining, gulden raw. , In storm and gloom our pan.ii g euiae, That dark and wretched eveu 1 . W could but whirper hrukeulv, : " If no on earth in lies, en 1" ,,.. At the Km ara, stretched ejdim and lone, t Our Iueiuj heart were quailing ' Vitbia, were lnukl and if;id farewell; ' Wiiueut, the winde were wailing A pieroing, wddly-titd refnim, . . T the heavy, atoejiing auiumn rain. Wbat are w now? wn, who then voael But death our wmiIh ehould never f , Wiibio thy iircant, the Hume ot l.rre In qoetmlied ami ould forever ; While, deep in niii. the tide of woe Ik'ats, in i'e anguiald thniljljinj, Tlx blaet aKint niy iiniow breaka lu plaintive, filful wlfbinfr ' And my he .rt weet ha lean M rain, V it i tlie biui-r, buter, winter rain. Richmond, Virginia. TO MI MOTLKR. The lt tear I ehed w-w the warn one that Ml Aa 1 kiaaed thee, dear mother, and b ide thee fare well, . What I hi the deep aa juieh iinpren'd on thy 1 fa'-e, . . . And felt l'r the lat time a mothrr't raibroea, And 1 hetrd thy chuLed acornm, ttnpasniouej and wildi . .God bleaa thee lorerer God blene thee, my child. I taxMubt of my bnyboi d, tli kirdnrea to me, V hen ouiigeet and deun l, 1 tat on thy ki.ee ; T ly te ' ia m c nily eipritC An I (craw np to manlxMid unmuenioua bow bleat; Of toy pr..l ea wbea rihi, and thy chiding wl i . . wrong, Wbeo wayward witl paeaioa yleUtng and atrung. I iheeuht of the eoanaela unheeded of aporned, , A mink bad enlirened or aner had burned, Aad now when by mkne-a all helplcas l lay, Inou did't nurae me and aooth me by sight and by day i . How eiiufh (hail ln both thy eorrow and joy, And any feeling o'erll jwed, and 1 wept like a boy. Team, jear of endurance hare vaniebed aad now Tbera h raia in my hi art, there la eare oa my brow ; , The vioiona of hope and of fancy are gone. And chserlen 1 travel lil'e'e pathway alone. Alone I ay, alone Uiotightome kiationea there be. There b n me here hi lure me, to lure me like the. My mother, dear mother, cold hearted they derm Thy et!pnnr bat oh! I ana not what I arena Though calmly and tearlera, all ehangea I bear. Could they h.k in my boauna the feeliug la literal Aad bow, nad aad liely. m menvtry rnosUe Thy bleaing at parung, again the teat faiut. Fn.m tkt Spirit vtkt Aft. - THE 90LTII : ay mnrna. Tairjaad af the South I where) the toft' breetea Over iolda of perpetual b!mrn i Aad lotlieM lowera, 'neath iu aoft aunay aky, , bhd ere the rwneat perfume. Where the tweeteat of eong bird their melody Froaa mora, thrmirh the linlonedar. Aad the toag moaa waee a'er the tide a ea bed auitee, , Or Uaea in the ed liee at play, Where lu ehiaalrie anna. a4 iudaofhtera fair With tla p.iiwtnt of earth may tie And the etranger lutia eer a welcome there, -la that lahd of the gnldea aky. Fair land of the Sooth ! I hare trod yourehoree, - Aaq partooi oi your eber a tte Aad my heart ia freaked iih kindly aUirea, la reioeinhnioie "! .f tiiw. , Biaaavaar, la, April, t i r.a.aiu Petonburj;, Va. 'unirmKa "VTILLS & PITTMAN. (I atety el the firm ef II to, I ea a Hrewalof. Vf lka. aatknraiwaiH ia iw ma wl hmm IT a ail ou.M (rvl aft frU., Voaiaa l-alpn.,s M,. b, Imt mM imwww. all art.'lM kmnM. kt- h. I.in eae earwar aad aal aa atwaaa iaamn Afu, famtkarg, Jaaaary.'litt, 4 HF.SIDENCE k LAND F6lt SALX! ml kOnii aaa .,. Hin katad ar4a af UM ! Nwf, ui . 4 fcatll le fMUfa aajla, t"1"'"! Lm.t mi a Mm Tka m 1 1 a 111 " ik,a.n uirhU JUiro 'ew e rMMp,i iiink. 1 h, Li,. k ml ,ui '!. U k.at.4 rMla.MM1.Ma I., kt at a f rmmr'4 imt eiiif auaa, eke ravaur4M4 k.a a.i, wmwi. T'- mm-4 raF Maaak area. tmMefeuak tmmt, a,, mm wm,mf aa .tw a hiali mt Man imm-trm. wk.laf mm4 MMf.ki, '''' aar ml im ia.aw ml um aata Ca, tlmmm a air. 4 aU-.gV tt, X...k faik. ti , t,rf Wilaaeae Caj-,i-l a., , tm ik mmmmM I f t aadaaoa aaliaat aa n n -m a,,.,,. (HMivtL tstii iHiruaori I alill Iw. . .... Aa, 1 u ml .... k , a ll kafe-M Um.,. 4.fc mmf ml iaae rtl f-a ralr U, -r", ara ia..i.4 la aa . ia, ! a a en at Ba. !. . . aa ar. W mm a.. a aa. ' I'ELfc, r,M4lm,i.. W 'a4aaa,ir,W t, IM ... VOLUME XL VI. lodl)-6ari)ltnE Star 'gTnTRDA MORNING, MAX 120., 1855, t-It wilt be eeea. hr referenea to the pro- ceediugaof the Looofoco Contention at Clinton, on Tiieaday mat to Botutoate candidate fof toe 3d Congreaaional District, that it waa not a Tery araoaiW meeting. ' j The Committee appointed to draw op reeola tiona could not exactly agree. There were ten oa the committee, eerea of whom (arortd, and ihrt eppnaed, and refuaed to eign the report on aeoountofit anti-American declarationa. Mr. Mo Eachen, of Robeaon, we learn from the Wilming ton HertldTWe a lengthy apeeuh in the Con tention again't that "part of the report which de nounced the America movement.- Another per on attempted to reply, hut wee ruled out of or' der. Trouble in the camp! Columna breaking! Standard, to the reecue! ' The Stmditri vttxea over eur paragraph oention t ? the rnmcr that the lioeoe about tlie Standard tff.ee had agreei-npon the eandidaU for CongreM. The " rooior " which we etatcd ha nrored a aharper arrow than we bad thougtit it rtirt up the Me eiceedingly there mutt be eouw truth in it. or our neighbor would not take it w to heart.-' Pon't go into oonniptione orereoamatj a matter. It ie acurrent rumor about the etreeta, that !' . l el nn'tfJiy who,) hue been nettled upon ly the " Click " M the candidate. .... , 1, If Aa ie ehoten, e wtU men know nnctner ru tut " pf 1 uly or not. A fg fur the blackguard tpiOuto the Stnndnrd deltphte to roll under ita tongue. It ia welcome to monopoly of all euch dainty bit: - The weather for the laat few daye baa been ooVd and uncomfortable. A cold north wind ha boea blowine. and melting flrj Wj fec' "O'11! and aB pereone neariy, are complaining of ooughe atid colda, whW h ia ttndouUedly eauaed by tnia audJen change of weather, end wbih tenda to make eicLoeaa abuudanL ,TU growipg cropa are rr backward, and ih'ie aodoea change baa pueeibty d i a J iittle dnmnge tooat and eorn, bat tin wheat crt.pe are rather benefitted thereby than otherwiae. AVe are informed that the bug had made it appearance in many plaoee and begun ita raragea, but cool, dry weather, auch aa we hate bid fur the peat few daye, ia very di taateful to thia and other peata of the farmer, and if the last three day ha not checked their prtv greaa, they ntoat ba proof agaiLat cold weather. Tli cold weather too, ht bad a deWttrkw A toot on Turpentine grower. Ia our lower eoun tie, we undetatand, the Turpentine, which had mmenced running abundantly, ha aim etupped ; and it i predicted, that the effect which the weather baa had on lie huairraa. topethet with the ire wbii h ba eeourged the Plate the preaent aen, will tend, in all probability, to toaaea the amount of Turpentine produced gen erally. M Ah me 1 mieerable me! what ahall I do with that peaky thing, the little twinkler, and ite to apparent " ." Tt i continually peering about, and hotheringmycalculatioae. I'll "brand if," that I will 1 11 It I'll belittle myaelf ly trying to belittle it The peaky thing; wh right bu it to know what ia going oa about my aanetumt Ain't 1 motianh of all I euircy T M bat burinea i it to bim if I do "eoggeat" who ought to t the candidate of the democracy ! Ain't it my province to put thing right. Wonder if tie think I'm after the plaref Guea not he'd been mighty apt to bare inainuated aa muel Perhapt be think I'm ia (href of A. J. Leach. That ehow h' grera, if be doee. Cot.found the fellow, I ean't anderaUnd him no how, to I'll juat tell him " no honorable man would entertain the idea that I exported the m minetkm and unlet be eoneider that a fact perhap I'll abut hi peeper. All me! I Slad-or-iir) hard. B"iaiaoT or SfrT irx.L. Deapateh were receiied at Lirerpool from front London, juat a the atem mer Allaeli waa about to aail. annoanclng that the bombardment of SeTebpol had been auapenJed, In eonatqueno of the great Ion of life oa both aijee. The prei iae toea le each party waa not known, though rumored to b eery henry. Kotwithatanding thl Allied mender hetura SeTaatnpol appear eonfcletil of fnal aoeeewa, It waa the eery preraleBt belief, both ia London and Lirerpool, that the ptaoe I a far from a capture a erer-, while, en far aa peer I enarwraaal, taar doea aot eeam to be the afighteat ehene tut H. Tli Empeaur Aleiaader ia pouring freah tronpe into the Criiaea by thda- aada, wltil for the Bahie eampaiga he ie king the tenet tntleawire preparalioa. Theae ramor will caua the arriralof the enl ateamer lo be awaited with aaiiety, aa it will probably aeltle the fat of (aatupoL The bora bard meat aoaBnaeaeed with Ire bendred eieg aanaoa, oa the 9th of April, a waek the anaatorlvit an- g aaa af Jirae ' dread clamor thundered furth their aelliah Irea. A Goon Mo, i.- P, j referaee to eat adrertlaing cnlanaa, it will la earn that imr efry amtt era ara making a r:(ht aneta ia cteanairf the printipal elreet of tb dirt tad llih a hick acrwmalate ia them; aad it i ailety aha k Heal tawareert. a wall a to or eaotlrt, to bat the awl mod frcm ear Inta and plared to lb itreet a thai the aetharitie aaa hare it taken away. We dU aot, h ll.k law ie earned at lb health ef oar rtty i!l I pniotrd to a great at leal tb 'ng tammer, aa writ aa kelp the kok ef the atreeto. T th rnaik if dr,ay tb Standard, V e!l,bere'a at J . Tthyd d'stlU Standard tall ita read era w bat anma nf the delrgatea to tb Frw kl nt-a CaivniliMi ii aay tUet tb die baanrable enara leraard ly Lwk as 1 Ilia f Pid it prefr kxrptiat ( dark T W aaaaa arrp'y. Otl er tear. my . .K-a-id a4 lb Standard maa f It aa it policy to ba deaf juat llenf t ' !r-iiav'o or Arrtaarv Ciaaaaiv M. W. T .e aa. F-an, . ef err ee, baa r- rwrd 't iM aa f Atarr.ay f.reil. aatt'M. Itiarf hsi a(.5rd the r, a 1 ..f .t 1 1 ! a tl. a ( . f ea ll. J' h itt, to 'J the ary. RALEIGH, NORTH Boataa IxTCUiaxca. There ia no more atri- kisg proof of the want of toleration eihibitedby Roman um UiAn recent af aire in Spain. Although, a the Boa too Ik remark, Spain relic apoa England to uphold her rule orer Cuba, the gov ernment of that eountry ba reeotved to apply for the recall of tb EngUsh Aiabaeeador at Mad rid, beeaoae that gentlemaa ha aaked that proa entail U in Spain alall be treated with common decency, and be allowed to bury their dead in peace. He doe not ask that Protoatant ahall be placed on the aame footing ia Spain that Spanish Romania! occupy in England, but only that eome araall eoooeation ahall be made to the dominant aentlment of the age, eoneemiona that Spain ought to have made toluntarily(and which it ia disgraceful fact that ah ehould be in a condition to hate aaked of her; and for tbia enor moua offence on hi part, Spain i willing to iuterrupt her diplomatic relation' With a country upon which ahe i leaning for atipport, and whoa Beet a ahe expect wonld defend Cuba againet American attacks, the dtepotee between the Cabinet of Washington and Madrid onhap ptly lead tha war. U atom that the Spitniah Gorernment 1 convinced of thd jutio of Ilirw- den' demand, and would readily grant then; if 1 'ft to deoide for iutelf; but it (ear liitt the ia naticiam of the people, who are tb bitteriat Komaniata in the world, would lead to a revolu tion if it should ennaent to a recognition of the legal right of a Protoatant father in Hpain to bury hit dead child. Fifteen' conturiea of Romaniam in Spain bav brought that eountry to auoh a point of bigotry that ii War even aeainat dead people, which, however, it mut be admitted, are the only eort of people ngainat whom tli Span iard can contend with any chance of nice. We are curiou to ee What kind of annrer the British Government will make to th tnodcat de mand that ha been made upon It by the rulers of the old home of the Inquieition. What a row th Kotnaniate would kick up if they were not allowed to bury their .dead quietly in countries where Proteatantiam i tha prevailing form of religion I Mi, Ptaar akd Aihican Arra.ii in Sraifii Mr. Perry, the Secretary of Legation at Mad rid, ia out in a letter, denying that he ever played the epy to any body or for any body, failed in hie duty toward Mr. Soul aa Secretary if thi Legation, or that be ever addresecd Mr. Marcy, or any other member of th Government directly or indirectly concerning the affair of ih Legation, while Mr. Souls was at it brad and responsible for whatmight occur. And when h became the tola repreeWativa of tja United State at th Court if Spain, be say hi course is not open to th charge of ineurburdination to ward Mr. Soute, aeeing that he waa nut the Charge'd Atfaim of Mr. Soule, but of th United Stte of America, which U quit a different thing. - . .v ' " I performed my dutv toward America (he ave.) aa I waa able in the difficult ctrcumatahcee , i r- Ml .. in which 1 wa piaoeu. r. tenia win prove wnetn er I performed It well or ill. If my judgment wa d I lb rent from that of Mr. Soule or to the pol ler wh'ch otielil to be nureued there, I (m reennn- siiile for i'e i"tne-e or it error and not him, but li the geremment and to th country. 1 eertain l Aid not conceal mv opiniona upon affair, cith er from Mr. Houl or th Secretory of State, nor 4id I beaitate to apeak them to the Spanieh Gov ernment whenever I thought that onurne neeaa- ty fur th intercut of the I nited statea, guarding alarava the letter of the direetione of Mr. Soule. aa far aa noaaihle, from reapect to th dignity h enjoyed, aad holding ap that dignity in I lie pres ence of iheGuverment and tha people of Spain, then highly incenaea again at mm, on au oeca aiona and in every manner, " It a utterlv falae that wbtlat f wa writing on thing to tb Kecretary of Stale I wa writing another and a different thing to Mr. Soule, a peraing the Adminiatration, and apeaking of ita eundoct as tracharou ana cowardly." If there be any proof of the troth of theae aa aertitma, Mr. Perry aaks that H may be produced, Mi)iTrtii Sue. 00. The Waahlngfoei Star aays it is uadentood ia natal circle there. that oa th return of th Secretary of th Nary, ea or air hi t th 20ih inat.. th frigatt Congreaa, now at Kew York ready fur sea, will bt put in eotnm'iaaion, aad oScered to sail to relieve tL Cumberland, the flag abip of the McdUevraneaa aqnaJi-on, Cnmmodor Brees will go out ia her. The trouble is, however, th difficulty of obtaining seamen, BotfUbn tending the aew reguUlioa de. aignsd to eneourag theca to take servie ia th tailed State Navy. aaa Hot Ilia Orr. Tb New York Mirror of Friday evening say that " mendacious" Hindoo, Craatus Brook a, having tolled a reilw juggr neat of craahing tact opo f Joha, tb UlleY, ant enatont wl nallang K. B. by th aap af lb nark, aad the aeat nf hlatrowaera, aad ebaek iaghim right llwough " lb nearest oraaa eaah"into bat (Jars, pretending that be wouldn't toacb atich a bard suljeet agaia.a it owl Krday la pttooaa rH " tihe me owm drink, Tirant" begging tk paUi te bold off th lliadea (be 'ten dav or Iwo weeks, an til lib ant vera, err biahopteaa abarpen hia and run thla' paaky" Sraar right thmagh. and him aad bis " Jae- fcawda ' to lb wall, l encs forth and tarever, Tag Aaiaicaa Psart l Oseaoia aaa rai Si.atiav Qtsarios. ll at g'iMisfly arrderstaud that the Aaterioaa party ia Georgia aaaewibled la f tat Council at Macon, Wtdnesday hva. It wse lardered that th Mlowing reavlatinw, adrV ed try CirBtatil and banded to the AmeHeaa Or gs a by tha Prssideat, ahoatd b pablUhsd Bt-Jrrd, That slavery and Slav inatitntbaa ar p rote. Sad by the Omatituti as ef the I ailed hl.Ma, aad ths eUigatvoaioaawintaia thraa ia rxi aaetoinakl bet aaiannal; la! the right to estehlith tsma to the vganiaavii.ai af Muia g.wnmnt b.g to to naaiv aaad aaMarelised ait ad that Cssigreae has aa auastaMtNsl pewsv lo mtervens, ny earlading a awrw Sts spptjisg I admassuisi iiato tb I , aoua lb gruwed tb! lb a,sulutu af waeh Slat rnaiae a. ,ax j. S- Aaaassisv A Mr. Laerb. of Jofetstne mim, i.it a epea-a ta to M I'saai.araiat t.astn,troa at rrsnkliatiMt. ta akicb be aiat l.atisg J-d rhs Kat-w .Hhi.s, tl.a oath be 14, ami bw be gt-n-M to toaniat ad ti,.lti,.g 0 a ia ,,rrr reaper. Ae .r l.r.g h a cram ii,lo..r-a i,. , ,nl, t l n f. H aa V ar. uarf al k'at- ar ( t.. e !aa.aa aa a I l.iaar- aMdr.ii.aa, and lbs r.ar., -m i.arra k ia k tl, a., tars t sn f'aiaae ! 1 l-a taat.Urr) rai: , ap-e, ati KiauW Xoth-u-fm In tm iia h i J 1 ,i.lf,a " h mm arl r U. grallrraaa ; laa -.a m tw wwlaaa by U mmmjmtm-Amt tjmtOammm. CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY HORNING, MAT 18. 1855. THE CLIXTON COXVENTIOX! W are Indebted to our special reporter lor aa account of the trana tctiona of the ltentocratia Coovention, held at t'.knton oa yesterday,- to nosa- 1 j : j . . f t ; ... . . . . . auaio a canuiuiHe Iiw vongima m uiia vinm, . The Delegates met On motion. Dr. William McKoy, of Stmpsoa wa appointed temporary rreameiit, ana James In (ton ana n . J. late. Secretaries. A committee to deignato permanent officda, wm then appointed, end the Ooateotioa auournea to two o clock, srieraoon. Convention rcamembled at two o'clock. Th Committee on organisation recommended for Preai lent Oeo. llouitun, of New llanerer, aud oa Vice Presidcui from eah of the euuntie represented; aame "eeretarie (we auppoee.) Dr. McKoy, of S .in peon, moved that a commit tee of one from each county represented, be ap pointed by the delegntee present, to draft resolu tions fur the action of the Convention, Ac iiere sprung up an angry debate between Messrs. Spears nf Harnett and J. L. Holmes, of Wilming ton concerning the appointment oi the committee-men. Mr. Spear'e motion (f ) prevailed. The committee w iwr Anally apnointad among tliecu, Speara of llarntjtt and MoKacnen, of Kob eHV, and retired with a lung boat of Anti-Know Nothings. '' While the Committee wa incubating, a taint call on Wa. . Hill, Esq., of Duplin, brought tnat gentleman out aa uaual, and he want on I'' iwn peculiar ttyle, to any that Daravteratie principle.), or rattier modern Democracy was predominant everywherel (eid Prnnayfvaoia, New Y.irk, Ohio, Maine, V mont, leiaware. t onnectieut Khode lslana. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and so on-,1 greeted the emiunttioa of fureignera, believed that the two parties occu pied the seme position bow a they ever did; eulogiaed Henry Clay; now that be i dead; and then pitched into the K, M .'a, and gave them "gone." He grabbed poor Siiin, and coured into bis astonished ear euch a tirrent nf deckuuatton a sort uf hash of poetry and prose, i. a. blank terse a must haveastonded the ahadea of Shake pearesnd Pope, whoarealwsvs about when that sort of thfng Is going on. After the mountain had labored) Mr. Houston w.is ended ont, and he prooeeded "to lift his feeble voice for Democracy He was quite poetical, too, and likened tha Whig party to passenger is a vessel, which being wrecked) tne aturesaia passenger were eeeking for eafetv. and manv nf them had sun itltn Sauii'a ahlp. lie invited them to go into the rank of Uemooracy. A very unoeceeeary questioa, a h is ererywliere; end then paid bis respects to tuat ubiquitous personage, in the usual stylo of Dem ocratic arti He contended thai the single Demo crat In the Massachusetts Legislature waaentitied to a golden symbol, and the South ought to pre sent it to him, (why did'nt he band round a hat for oolleetiunaT) aud talked about hi grandfather being an nshmaii, the Human telbolio otiurcn, and other lively topic. Mr. Houston then called up Ai A. McKoy, Esq., nf Sampson,' who, aa a matter of course, excused himself, but went on and gat poor Sam "fits" again. All the peeche were "lied np" fur the occasion. . Mr. Edwin William, of Caiwtll Waa called out same against th am. bant! Sam!! ram'.!! I a Committee oa bunnea cam la and re ported anti-Know Nothings 6 majority sunt nf M asentosr tasmif Jtier were tea oa the committee; seven were in favor of the reaolutiona liwiiwiW 1 These three refitted to $ign tlu rrnnri. Trouble in the wigwam. Jo.t about then the old blaok-ball K. N-, of Faretteville, coming in. requested the resolution to be read again. Head of eoarve. Mr. MeEachea of Robeson by consent made a lengthy argument against th sntl-Kmrw Aotbing portum of lb resolutions. J. L, Holme attempted to reply, but waa ruled oat of order, A very faint applause, except from the man ia a white eet (alias the fugleman of Sampson,) At thi Mag of the proceedings, the meeting became ssssil by de gree) ana aeanuiuiiy less. Th Convention then proceeded to aottitnsts th candidate far Congress; each county voting a many a was cast ia the last Governor' elsv Mossn, Warren WiniloW of Cumlierlind, T D. McDowell, ef Bladen, and Normtnt of Koheson were in aomination. Oa lb first bat lot. McDowell reoeived th votes of the counties of Bladen, Brunswick, Columbia and New H over. Winslow, the vote of Cumberland, Har nett Duplin and Sampson, Norment, Kobsaua and Richmond. No choice McDowell, 267& Winslow, SoM. Norment, BU8. ttowaid ballot aame as first. Th Contention aoatinaed balloting without eh.no, aatil th eerenth Ullot when WAKKE.V WINSLOW of Cumberland wa duly nominated. Her th aeeoont of our special reporter closes. Th after proceeding wr however ae asiarilv of minor inter-; we (uppos that a aiawmitt to ennfer with tb nomine and get hia eoce pl ane was apptnolM as a matter of enure) that th UKial tLanks were tonderrdth oSeer, aad that all bands wentoa their wsyrjolcing. So Warren Wi. ,w ie the bell-wether of th lock) W must look aftar W arresw H ad. lit, Mk. Wiaa in WaaaiaumsrIIoa. tisnry A. Wis arrived ia town laetetrningfroaaLsoburgj Wher b addreaard th Daatneracv ef InMaduua oa Moa ly. Mr. Win wa sailed apoa by th isna asmopimiow w raaioniat arama Bin o'ebwk, at the residence of his son-ia-lsw. Dr, Garnet 00 Ninth street, aad al their request ad dressed them frma th tp nf lb buaae. He spok far about tnre-quaner nf aa boar in aa animated manner, sol (snreased tb alavieta (dsw.4 la hi (lection. Hi scb wa mainly aa abstrsot of hi Virginia an h. which baa been so often publiahed ia tlaag Whig papers of rt tvuau. vv am ex reg ird It aa a fortunate -).e fjr baa wwa party. It auntaiaed com ei' piswsi -aa thai muat bat g tiled tlx faeiioas ef many rroteetaal Ueaaiasrau who wrrS p,eatH, eapecially bw remark about Protectant I ifa. Aad the hie leana)Ma allualoa to Fua-na-ieta, waa etteewasly ill-lime I. Waa Bail Mr. Wis awsr that th Iwm Assov-iti which he wa addre-sing, wa fiioisia) Miiiti.ia af Whigs MdaDeawwrata, bandsd togetlaar to p-M Tjr fCr tbeiwaelta th spoils nf ths rtty gois.ntneatT Mr. Wis also promised nia Dsrstw Iriends thai if, after bw elsetiaa, they sbual. reauirekis aasietaaMsi to defend theaaselras fmaa tha Know Nothings, h won Id a)re) , i uid and sr. mm th Potomac! isuihM.ifMr. WieestMHildbetoetod, Ibis Ihatrlet ul trie I, n-iea nsaiaa may pro par I eslffsraatovaasunbyinegraadarmy ef Uasatral Wiael Mr. Wise appear to b In Bond kaalth. Bob whassaadiag has ardra asnpaiga agaiaat th Amsncasi party, aad to b eoeadant of vtotnry. H-i alao were tne Kw llsaspHre Iiavamasrasy ewi.ndesit af f asinry aa Msrcb, But Um, ua let a-.l.'e. vaa tliere, at4 gat auch a anooi that tb Wbi' Mountains saios ibrwa. (to will 11 Irs la I ukhia tb Ui of Msy. P-f A rl.l la tKewrsairv at this aswanaoflb yew rt pleaaaat la afamrty tieauirful as aormging up to BhtM p)-aa th freak asavse ef the wsisraaak euwtraet wall wilhthedarke. gvMa ed the piae, e4 tb l(hl and si ef the fossa as s IB lb wanna boughs, aa a sigbl bt toe pwaier. Tb waudajuvt as ar ewHito with dg wnud aVrwars, a asr indrui, as tea, ditava let la as, Uasi tax taking aaa ie 4 "Wbsa the dowasod Ira ie whale. Ttaaw ttas liars f. lbs pig lab to Into. M aa a a that aasa. nf a-a,iy, ami bs Bursr, and betier. nanrs aa.,i,i. ,,f tl bawwtwsef aiurs and sf ths Wsnr fnan. s aj. I r .ntnaaa of aa oter-ruliag ;r'f. u lb r..ami rj u,a ta lb to. a 1 hey ar a. at f-oae the f..lli. lb deneetitwa. I,s s.rting ! ass U.aS lamas hmr.mj .4 f4 mastiiHaM aa. i Saia, tBa uvair UaoaighUiil assy b a bms fury ) ar ator,,!a j,d toi k.rber rkaneals and mors sear. Ui r-j and rrftiasd dirrtra. fjt pant wp dsffl-s is In daw ciy, Mrk tb pan eimta. h, ,a 4 ll.s wends, a.aa it briaf sessna. and disw baaiUi, (MSart., pratt trnm to big. - THE CROPS. Tb Cincinnati Osteite bf tb 2tta, eayaj " W have seen wirhfn a Csw datm a aaailaw of gentlemen from different parti of trtii State; and of Indiana; who bear almost nhtrckea avi dene of tb fin appearanc of the jouag crop of Wheat the,t is coming." . xrom IBntveaaee Bara the flattering iatolli enc that iu the centre of tb Steet, wheat never presented mar promising appearasm thaa H Ooee bow; A rontlethaa arrUina rW.n rra,tnu)-K ry. irgmia; (on th Northern Neck of Virginia.) which has lately become a great wheat growing eountry. aay b sever saw a better prospect for good eron In New York; ac-rount continue favorable. Ia all th central counties, the prrjepeet It vert good. Th Livingstoa County Republican think th Dread tn sows at one-fourth larger thaa aay for mer period. . . , Th Ontario Republioaa aay. epeakiDg f whet : ' ' It ia of such luiurtsnt and n'wa. aantk that mnny of our firm ere think it beyond danger from the weevil, We are glad to learn, also, that more acres wer (owed to wheat last tall thaa aaual, and that our farmers ar making arraage- nrauia, h appropriate mor land to spring crops," Tkt Lancaster fhTlVrtoy HsraM.ol Mit S, aay j, 1 Th antrsanihce of tha wbiat Hal.la Ka.. dergon a great change for th better. Within the laat few d-ya, and Uie furmer speak nconrng ingly of th prospect ahead. Tb graaa i also growing finely, and if the) present favorable weather continues, there wilt be an abundance of looa lor both InSn and boast. V do n.d ume that prion will go down to the old standard for several rear to come, even if tb crop of all siiuui'i ue targe. W ar of the earn opinion. W must hsva a ncceaaisn jf gtwd crops to get back to an abun- usnt suppty ana tow rate. There I every proa twet before th farmer to encourage him ia his labor. Even another drought should not dis hearten hia, line it has brought such aa increase of prioe. Th Dayton, Ohio, Journal of tb 1st alt, yi Th rain and warm weather of lb naauni week, bav bad a wonderful effect on th grow- n - 11 wiuon, last woes, scare gav promise of yiuldln a quantity equal to th seed sown, the improved anPearance iuatitiea the expectation of an aliunde. it yield, riaoee which "7 ware, in wnoal aparing to have been " frosen out," bare bow a green and luxuriant cover 1 Dg, The Centorvill News, published iu Queen Ann' County, Maryland, ssyst Th growing crops bav much Improved in th laat ten dav under th iuHbs.l of Lbs warm and refreshing ahower. . uur rarmar are busily engaged ia planting corn the ground was Barer bailor hnk ih.n at tha prrneat eaun, and w predict a guod yield. . " Th Loulsvill Courier, of th 21st sit, any t The effect of the recent general rains, and th present warm weather, ha been, a w learn, most beneficial to the krowinr en.ns. 1 hara. la every indication of an vnoaually full hart set of wnear, oats, nariey, e, t or tb later crop lb fanner ar busily preparing their land, wisely availing themselves of th delightful weather thai now pre t si Is throughout the eountry. Should, however, (he heat from which w lownans iiiLm mwm -...r,,i,n eaiunai Bnv great wmie,.uuititor rupted by rain, th most serious aonsequenee ....: 1 . ,1. : ' - ani'ia. ja urontn at tn prsseut Ume would let rmlnsntlr diaastrHisi and t.a., ;. conjunction with lh nartlal failure of ,h I.., bar, eats Would rendef living aliuoat aa impui- y,"J . . Tha Prairie, IlliooU, Beacon of th 20th alt, ays; Wnxaf-aW learn from aorna of Vaa.aM .L. , .... 1 " mat ui law raius Bate acted lik marie unua Iht wheat and that the prospect is fair for a prwij goou rop, I'pun aa average ta tb eoantrj, Tb Baltimore Clipper of th SGth ult, any t Tnt C so ra. Never wer their finer nrirnta of an abundant crop of wheat than a th present . . A 1 : . , . , , ' . . i iruu anu vegoinrms 01 everr kind prowfla a good retnra to the farmer fi his ear aad labor. Th wheat look ramarkaldy well, aad, as large crop of enra aad poihs wil. be pat lu tb ground, w kste no doubt that tSe peopl at tb eitiea will be well (applied with the aewareariee ia th coming season at mod er st s prioee. Th present gorMtont char res for Hour, vegetables, A cannot b continued, for the foreign demand for the former is aot sufficient tojdstify lh rates at which it Is now held. There must b a great diminution In the cost ef living. wlik is bow ifee.ling'v oppressive arnaall but lb wealthy portion of th eummnuity. Th weather has been remarkslilv favorahl to grow ing Crop, and farmers gensrallv bav nut aa uai.t, ground a pnmibl ander cultivation . so that better timea for th laboriag class may b aa- aieawvu. - AssiviialaT orta VuTusr . V... 1 Houstoa Tslegrapb, of tbe21st April, calls up tb nmembrann. of that period, apparently but yesterday, which tried I he souls ef lh Texah ps4ne. la th easaiug wiaur IgdcVUT wa saw In person, th mies and desolation along lh Saa Barnard aad Br to Valleys markins to track af tb destroyer, Santo Ansa. What a enaage la less thaa twenty Jtun Nineteen year ago SanU Aaaaat ths head at aa army of about 1 .MJ men, was aeampsd rTT r "" Mom "" MT lts juncli. ef nunaio uajoa awl tb nan Jaciuloi II had just lrnl th tow of llarrlsbargh, and aunng otbsr tilings destru) ad lU aftc of lias Talegraidi, (thi paper,) Ihrofinj lha pressea and matsnals into ths Bayiui. lie had also burnt th luwa of Nw Waabing, destroying ssvoral hoasssaad a Urge "' hits oa mercbaaaia talungiag 1 01. rfamss ". I ilaaola aad (.'bar Oanarala with alMaut i.Olsl Meiican war f. Ilowing clue apoa tha bsrli uf the ratrsauag Texaai. whose rssmliM wer just ia atto of the seamy t'airsrsal psMat bad aeised tl tainda of th Inbabitaau aad prevailed to eome ettonl ia tb ramaant of ear rmy, shoal 7' ma nadel IbMsatim, al Saa Jarintn, to the mor ug of tb Jlat the twa arvaise were tMiampr alieosl wi bia go etmt. With ttte Tasian there was an sMrenL 11 mm al,.r. T death; ll was the dMCoonlur of Snma Anna, Of the bas of IbsKMintry, ad with it Uieir hoana an Hirir prt.pany. 31 .re rt,ttid aa nevwr diew a avoid ar p-dnled rifle; they went Into Ui ball la to win and wm ih A , 4 Tl... fairly swe4 over lbs field sad gsined lh victory with a wngls straggle TSs blood of the little band wa ap, its our, a. I,. ardor pushed to Its almost tosaW, and tb d til.l of tbs Dietator wa wwsd dowa aa rip grain hefotl Ui cradle. Th .- bardtt LnmiaJ . ", -sa and bad hia fore Iran lr)4 they eon f Mt Sat withalis the eboek. Tbia vie.e u U rrswwiag awrifgle. and v iapad.nH wotwrantry. laynappr.,nt1al.lyesUlr-ald en in vary at-4 wber It waa woa hy .ms me guerre apirits who partu-l,!.,) In It, and by bundreda, parhars) Uxwaanda, ,eve aba -.yuigauae t the r.h fruit Ibal rseuitaa iraa it H at day Hit V, U U,tp,tu,m A r inmmm paprra mmy Mat iKara Sa4l LillUj f-' a lewr, uf I ,r, a buanai t.eva,aaj. or a pad U mma ar mm,m i,ar w.lt pos! rl.ty m Ilia batr.1, wj ... mmmmi , 1 t UiaKrl 1 sagar and s-.gas aiwtd aail t, r any ptwa. I bee w, alao. t!.s r-e.-eal rm,t' iy al ry arteela f a.Mk s faaajy gma,M, NTJM2ER 19 A LCXATIO COM a TO JUDGMENT. Thk Forney presaee are chVrieg over the pre wntment of the Know-Nothing bt a pm-iiun of tha tiand afory of Monroe eotinty, ew York. Tu bireserta of that Grand J'iry was Wui. C. Blusai a Winn arK has ban wjfM)a lor hit ce caatriciti aad "vagariuoa" nehinior f.,r rears, H was for mnny years a 00m moa drun- ara, aaa bm always been reran led a rather toangy In his cole Of moral. Th Hoc heater American thus allude to him 1 " Mr, Blots ha often isturhed public worship, Bnfl been forr (bit ejected from Protoatant church o in thi city, lie has assailed men i a the' stnet with violet, both ( f bngnag and Iction. He nwe mien neen eonnnea St his own home and in puhKc Institutions, whan those fit have bean up on hint H has been a brawler In th public strfel for years, tolera'e.1 oat of respect for hit abilities, and out cf rejrird for his friends, An other man would have b n shut up under dark nes and in chains. He ha v iked the street with hundreds at hia b!a, the torritr, diiit or pity of the entire community. During Februorvi while he wa slowly, and be th aid of a Hiber nian body-guard, accumulating the itutograiihs and ' mark ' of hi fc! .--citiiena to his .nl lur an nti secret aockty meeting, his conduct waa inroterwue. ana u, ourmj iart of tliat lime, and for a few d-.y after, he wn not insane, hen he never ba boea liable to that charm. It 1. wwll known that any unusual excHonwut 'insets .tin moss ana unbalance bis faculties and those who hv put him forward in these into move ments bur incarred tha fearful responsibility or wrecking, for a time, the faculties of a follow man,' Mr. Bine is a man of too sensitive an or. gaiilsatioa and too emhahtatie temperament to indulge with Impunity in these excitements. We ' think we have slated facto enough to show that he is not a man of 4 sound tudmnsnt rmn- judgment ba the requisite of a grand juror, much more i it eteenuai mine toreman of that body." . 80 it appears th Foreign party of Kocheater wer compelled to resort an tli tin una Aavli.H. to find a man eras aaough to brine; in aa Indict ment againet th American I Thit is decidedly funny I And what i still mora amusing, this verjr old orsiy llloas, no fohger ago than lat winter, eonicnipiatea the txiablishmoot of a Know Nothing paper, and applied at tlie oCoe of tha American for as times of tha era, nf nrintin. ke. Well I well I This Is a atranm world .d Sam'' know it lie look a dnwa medlev of Loeofoon. lunatics, and Iriahmen ark oppose him, twisting and oarorting wiih uncouth grimaces and unseemly gestures, and driven to their wit' end to devlst som trick or Rombach to " floor him," and jn'ns yes I tha raaunl vtu tlly hsw haw riht out, espeoHry when lie heun that be is indliijecl hv t jtitnd iurv of Bunenml enunty, or another 1 crnry mm in New Yt rk. All this is capital fun for Statins. It tirk.M him so, that ba go right off and capture a big city, ""opiiin, aor wa lanes, or ail " UIU llo- miniou" like Virginia, which he stow away in hi breeches pocket by the tide of Nsw Jersey, Itolaware. and Rboda Island, aud other mall ohang," and never tiler it even an hi ledger, lor tb truth is, 8am baa But hegua to boat his books yet U is not ready. II has not got bw oonting-roowi titled ap, nor hit great af mounted. All b i doing now is merely by wv 1 m lift, n nen ne geu ittiriy sottird down to bU Work, b will exhibit sue a bttlanoe-eheet at iraithet Eitheohild, nor Laitto, nor th Baringa aaa howr AmersoM Organ. EjarcTlnlt. OH Fridsv last, Willis n.at.r aged about 41, eloaed u king earner of Crime at PitUborough, by aafferihe Uie extrem nen.li. of Uie law. He wa a astir of Oransw count. where he resided, and Where h committed Uie last crime for which h aufiered. Hi east was removed to Chatham for trial, and there he u execuleoU W learn that a petition to the 00r- nruor, wiry rvmnecttullv signed, wa aent from tsaoosnwrn, w tar iiastar was arreaSod, praying nis pamow. not mass counter petition was sent from Orenjfe, signed by fax) eitlxens, r. mnnan-ating against nia pardon, lie wa a terror to tha county ia which b lived, and aaea ia Uiis and adjoining annntie. to whi.ib ba n.i.1 sional visits, alaVa marked by nmnemua acta of viuainy. 1 11a nana nor u mark of branding, but when of where, or for what crime, we bate not mnn, IU Connection With tbia nlna a totter bt been banded to a for publication, but ,T wrw,,,n"n,y written and r!l, that tf wou.J scaeoaly be lntolligil 'e withoat r-aiiotlsl .ivtiona, wbicr, we do not fnoi at liUrty (. ma.. It i deled and postmarked at Clinton, 11 n , . ... . .... , "-"'i-"" " j, n. wM Apni in'ma, signed " Hmffiu II. ouaerf7. and pmposs to Hester, on behalf of a Jfr. lhtmlL" to aara hia I.r. if ka will seaa mm monsy by mail. 11 cggsata In poauw pi tn sum of IJWXt, aad in another wsta-ript M 'KV), and frequenUy adviae hi send all lit baa g.d. for. aata ha. "af ...t liiia h oant b ne propht to yoa if thing go on." Th wri ter yt b himself ha no In er-at in lbt matter, but only writoe at the roinestnf Mr.Ihivsll, who s a wry rich enaa, aad ha aaved lh live of several is sim liar) aaea in Ne T ri. ' Jimay heaeen bythe N. Y. Journal of CwumercaAugaat, I f'l It is lotimstod that it is i jb by a ort of spina. al operation, nr h"cus porus, or as ilr. fiuscett expraasee it ''By Hi Ihtln power nf mcal torn pounds aad Coals;1 twt teq requiring Ui preaeae of Mr. DevaiL - . W do aot think there srs sny ncli pereone aa rauseeti a inrraii at t un'oa, and lake il that it la a wrstchsj attempt to swindle a ddng man. Th toilet was remvd only a few day before Hnator' exeeaiion, and SO ronsy waa aent, Psrhap tf some gentleman from Clinton will all at thi 0IR0 and e ths letter, It may lead au uie ocmmaoB 01 we writer. tjfH'rwill. Ottntr, War Cirtas Oaow Wast Wiamtr ThrAeade. my of Srienes ia Pari have been iaveatigating the eae ana which almost Invariably milk tb West end nf t cily grow m irS, and beermt more faahionable thaa tha east " it arise from the stnvapUri pressurs," answkr th Academy af noramrw. j n wina wnwB naueea tne greatest ascsmsion af th barumetto 6 Junta I that of lb east and that which krwar it moat ia tha waai W ben lb latter blow, It ha tin convenience of carrying with it to tb east era parts ef town all th (Ualerviut faaee whieh It mant In It fate. Ig svr the western tevto. and tha lnhalu.ta of th aaatsra part ef a town bav to support twt only their own amnke and miasm, but Ulnae of to waster ratrt af t! town, broi.ght to U. py tne waa wiwu. has, oa Ui ontrarv. lha eat wind blows, b) pannes U air by raea.ag it to ascend th Btraiciuas svrrwti.isjswhKk it ma- dnv to tb want Tb deduct, m fro- thb law ia thai the w eater part af a ant la tot bl pbvn nf re i dene nara.HM of dehoata kaaJih nd thai all establUhaseat from which eiftana'a paraiciou vapor aad ger ahouid i pha-.s to lbs at Th-r snrma In be g d pbih !iy in these osarluainav. i, tjmr Wdai. As th dov will rhp it wings to us a. ia, an. evter aoa eoncrtd Iht rr,,w UiU nretins oa Ita tltaJa an U la tl.a ..ma. ,J to ht. f,,., A. .-i,l ,k. .. affseiwB. W ith her th desire of tb heart bs failed. The great ehsrat at etlatears La al sa end. SU ne,tl"rt all Ueiesrful sasnn il.al rtaddaa Uia a,.lrMa. aairkaa ths snlas. ai.l aanda lb lid of his ia heaitSful eairrraita U.r.aj,U : vein. Her rt ia Sr.. San, lb swart ral.a ,t .1. I . , . . , , mm r'awaini I T riaCrroi arsaiBa, ll ' , orenw drit.ks be board," emu bar isli'Jr frame etnka under lit hut etnsl innuni l. k h her after li'it while and you tu I flit otal.tp Wae,inj arret bat nt-ltntta'v grara ani w aulnm U.al es., who Ml iala'y ji .wH w,ll. tl.a r i.a -a of be' It ati l nrauit ,h ,uJ h ,w I.r , I A wn li drk,ra ai I ti.a wr." T .11 ia ti.id of a.m a ilrf ri l,r," arrelraa Ih.l U, I liat to. 'hot aM j T me i.r . cecline in firi. in p r. ' brui,H mcrrm-i scat of Wiir, lit n .ft:. I I... I gntpli tVuia lite I'rinieM t. L.r,!.-,. vi lnaite n-e 0f -.tw-tiaa-T,. i 'i'he Chtflera Mntinuea it- rt-u - si burg, A serto'H overflow of t!:? N..r.i ranch tiairav ad treat 'If t- Oil la 9ih ..-f Annl, .... 1,,,. scene of jr-ct di...:i-rrt irotu ioe m. been viaitiMi t,yi,o;l rr.irth'irv. t? elm.lytoi I,. stone bu. !i.. I j; WOikI tofk fir tw-r-r I liri4r Til tli city ; .rincipallr itttiiibited I j Jv, l-iu,,rr. , WiiS I ' net uiH'rr large . oi eunij au.l na-t. 1 n, village b; mu. vt, a Imgna I'rnni Lnt.s, n totally drstntyed. Tha I.ms of life i u si. , Lu. in llrittO.j a,, 1 -. gna,,. (I P J,.,,. I Bad fifty distinct hock occurred within r. r-t .--four bourr . iVai.fvTlier wm snin .lorn,', f.'.i!: X.,.-. Icon Ukirg commani! oi thoAliicil srum s ut i -Crime. He had officially eutiotitu-rd t'.at ki viail to th Crima wuniu bu postponrl a slmrt time. The clipper ship Cmat llpuli!i hnd l.crrt clinrt.-red to Convey French tioop. tu the it of nr. . . .-- . . X iil'TK-t. The Roebuck investigating coipp,!;. tee was still in eeatun, t Noti jhai bei n given in parliament of in ten tior. to f.it'cr bill to ohang U,p rtiritNi'-v of tlid oountry into a oVc'tnnt coinn;-o nn 1 invite a cout,re4 nf the whole. worM to" oonit r upon tba propriety of nmlinir it utiiu-rsi!. JUIntum . i lie tielrh.i lu.nVtf bul d" ' n t th inteotion un tha (art tf tlifl tiuvernuiriik tr) adhere to fro trade, lianlin. Th Snnlian minintry trs rcaitncJi Til cans of the reaifrnatinn wa not kuowiK - Atutrta and 1'mstia k eiirrrponient frnot Berlin writea that it hardly a.luntj ol a il.n.t that an approximation has rctntlv titkon phii.9 between Austria and Pruitt, wliich bode no gdod to the Western Powers; ftia. The overland mail front India tut been telegraphed. Tradfl in India waa dull, and hloney wile scare. Ciina. The ChinPie insurpents had tTrtw u-i-ted the city of Shanghai, end t'eir prospectant" lucccss whra eonanlcred mntcnallv de preciiui'it. Jufidn. Therattilcittion of the Amw ioum trea tywith th Kninerortif Japan wnaconvlailcd at SiuioU OH the lilat of Fcbrunry. Ki.trriOvsiaiNn. The courts tind hitsiin tif a f.tier Stole tt-ually furni-h atimnbtnt matli rial for Ury and fun. Judge R fiarmelv ol the Western oirciit, Fa., cnvasrd that ci'n uit in 184", at A cjindiilste for the Tv ritoritt! Si imtfn and wn chared by tlie promise f a little r remdi nan, living in on of th oomitiea of ti e tf r.iitui riul diatriot to do " nil he could " for him. Not a solitary rote, howevhr. wi! 'net 5.r tlie JuJje I.i that Cuutiiy, and heat.'.tc.l tlie art nj port.iMty therenltor to tax his trktr wiih ln!n priniii"iii "Sur" said the Frenchman v rv rr.iicii i.HV ioic I: "l toll vou nolie. I tratnl over ilia oouiitv. thn-e. fottr, five day, and 1 sat to evSrv num, i!l t to far my friend, ae Judi;? And ne sv " no I nil be durned if 1 do." " but".d the 3nA--e. "vm did not even vote forme yourself !" " No Jml. Von I CCttne hick, I shut niviM?lf tip in mv owt room, and I ' lecUosieer with ntylf two day but i no get my own eorownl to vuto L r y u. Wanimwo Kosscthi Kuaauth, who euntiuuca to write for the New York Tunes, ante in o i uf hi recent loiters that he is with-hed l.v 'n o. He commence kis letter with '.Li? I ,t of lr.r;n a- ttnn i . I trust von will not ine-t met0 ani.H;iin t i t by writing about the cnmnlvof Louis N'.ir,..!.-,,n a Visit and reception. Tlisnk Uml, I.oinl n In Im ' enough to hiw th quiet iiuiirters almut U.-r-m s t'ark atsMrtuteiy nn.ltttirl'd and iinart 'iMe l l y the oomejy, except so fur ilmt 1 tee t miaern', '.j iiiatrumeut of the Anglo-Irrncb am-set polii'ti oottdeoinetl to keep his aeiit V -l.intl tha tr.m- rv rent enrtnin of a window opiv -iie mv c. - with eye ritiied Uiroui;h a 'e in thecnrt.Tiu t i my li r.with eert wnti-l,ir.g ttit, aim.) "i .in .' I and his handa to jiotr. dim-n mvviu ra. ' !i ta amusing to sea how ha sura it. .ui hia ilr iu.r "ofst kaMarmtbih" whtnever ify bsM rii -, a t With what dis,ipnoinrm?nt he rfrops wl-ro it bip psns to b but Hi i.oifher' b 'T or the n ill r i man; Ths po i iitMie, if F were to .a-h-j how much be sn-.ii. a my tamily, and il M-as ra. Narolon. Palmeiv n o. only kn w h i litilo I care u;,,ut all lhauj spirt 1 Kir M-nrr roa SiniTuroi . TS t-t.l-n Timnaia In a iagt-nlhe nlastinn.. rvi,,rt.r.. ,f t,m KnaViim at Sobaatoi'id, and but mn o'at I t yctiLftinwS t NutcrwH. three n tosen tolntip r-r. ', it. 1 lo mercy as Srhvuoi i. It'aro nn- i -u c.'V tl 't has growa np under tl inflow c , f an. and Biatiubwtiirea, lind la threuter.i-.i a'' t t o ti bsmua ita til dmtiiiiea limi mult litl.nmt, It baa b"en h'lilt (t tlm purpose of n,t i. e m t attaok Upon an wwntTendiog neihiti.r ; it ir t'-o tn'rwmsit a well as the sye!ad nf i n To destroy It would he i;-i.ii service to lnnm in ly one of thna Mtatr'nliii. ul w.ir ut a ,,i j; .i. tatoaman and phiif.ipiir rr.ijjM q.i.! re; Th Tl.tr Lisior Srsjuaato N 'ir.-T'l is, arid deservedly, one nf the an l r-i n' i- -,i nmfortnble rtim -e f it travo'lrn, iu il.n , muntry, and lien its great jui'.e-- A ne attract n htjuat U n ini4el f., It. i!,t.!-n, r Nori'i y.ridiiia bai had exteni sd ;,:i.-i nd In nrti'iMt.nia niade to it. .si J jr.ii ' took il st-rnlar p'-e on lb Ime, K , m.w f ales in era lex'.Mn a-i I North Cirolmia timbin ire rtiten.eula, cinfiita sol ...if e i hut ran aid a pleasure to all w'-o mi .. taesagfl ill them f r fnow r.iniiin- rl -ii!',t , -1 attteea Baltimore and N ..rl-.l. . ne ..( t,.. leaving eaih rity in the ce-iinj; an I , their ileal iitaii.in in Laltin'or ami N tf . . Uie nail awiming, lline giving t , the r.i pleaaanl night real. And then tl a , . , theae stenmer armial..a of pr. ci ia'.-. i- y and jutljnient which ad-la an all l I who s r paciiK- A fiofia aiu-A cl .-- i", man In 1-j'ii , - tain occaai m, delivered l,im( !f of h ,t i r . r B n aildreas, Wnt met by uta of h,a hear. t. " . avl day, when in th emr-a f enter.,-. 1tii.i"in was aiade to it ; the pin .h ,,i.. r rm'-.t , -. . itiat be bad l-toa cttitaiifng cr. w..d t.i h el b. a) beard 11 bef r. To lla it e r;. ; n-hlly aa artmj lhal t'is s i Iran ai.-. o I hi t If'hawerk ,r-iot, t. ,I,,er, -t 'birsfhrs th Bsae ftsil 4nj lu lutein 4 rk,n, I - t ,j h ..tl T Ilslruie tfn'trt h'B'n.:!. sm rr a- iki i tt T po a i. it a i , r t " 1 1 1 - J i Tt nl.H I i r ( I r t I ft' I '1 a in. I in I - - , .. .. ! xili -t, n. tv. i 4 ' M,f i I ' (to. h a It. ! ' r i . .. ,. ., j i'i ! j ntf. a. ! " '- '- ; aJtW'ta U a ir WeW'tV- tn I ' , i a',...,, m. I i.i. a ' '' 1 ' . B ' "' '" " ! y ! I S'. ' Too lni,