r ; . Jlcrtjj-Caroiina liar. WILLI AH C. DOUB, loiroa ab raunuiTOB. tr Bid itriet'T U edraree, two dollar Bet ai I f- !"" -j f'r nti if paid TiThil I Month! aad tuM dollar at tut tad of tbe . -. " ; ADTEKTISEMEXT3 not exceeding sixteen Be will b iaierted at tin for ao dollar, and twenty-tv cent far Mck subssqusat Insertion. . The of greater length will be charged propor tlonalty, Court OVdera aad Judicial Bdvmtieeraent will be cbargea 2 per tHb higher tbaa tlx ebov rat. A raacoaabl deductioa will be made t tkowt whs adverti bj lb jw. Bonk dad Jab Printing dan with etni dapatch, and oa aeeoeirBedating term; SkT Letters u th Editor mutt hi poit paid From Household Word. ' ONE BY ONE. One by one the sand ere flowing, On by on a the moment tall ; Soma are coming, eoute are going, Do not (trife to grarp them all. One by on thy dutie waif thee, Let thy whole ttrength go to each, Let no future dreamt eiate the. Learn thud first what these caa'teeeh. One by on (bright gift from Heaven,) Joy are arnt thee here below ; Take them readily when given, Ready, too, to let them go. One by one thy griefs liall meet theci Do not fear au armed band ; One will fade as other groet thee. Shadows pawing through the laud. Do not look at life' longeorrow ) tsec how amaH-each niiiaienrrraihlT" God will help thee fur to norrow ; livery day begin again. Every hour that fleet an alowly, liue its task to do or bear ; Luminous the crown, and holy, If thou act each gem with care. Do not linger with regretting. Or for passion hour deapond ; Kor, the daily uAl lorgetting, ... Look too eagerly beyond. Hours are golden links, God'a token, ltoacbing lleavcir; but one by one. Take (heat lent the chain U broken Ere the pilgrimage be done. From tht Home Jmrnal. I AM CHiNGEU T am changed eadly changed Thi pslid cheek this dim and suuken eye Speak f the misery Tbul wnnaght thi hvtmg change; Yet i niy atory neither new nor titauge. I krtred ye wildly hired 1 But bid my secret In my ailenced heart, Fearing ita joy or smart Sbou d, 'ere 1 might approve. Betray to him my burning wealth of lore I At length, one ere in Spring, Aa from the bench we worthed the ebbing sea, He vowed hia lore to roe; bile 1 with trembling 'one Confessed bow long my bean hal bee his own. Aad w were happy then, Repeating, aa we w.indcrel by the shore, Th tor which cither bore . Nu cloud hung u'r our way ; The life belor u aeeuied on endlea day. Thus time flew swiftly by. Until the mournful autuua wind' chill breath, JletrailiMis .uuiaier l death. Brought anguish to my heart t . Thea th Brat sorrow came lur we aaut part I Tleapoke of hia feltirh Kissed off Die bitter tear that dewed any cheek. Tub wiiil 1 dared not to apeak ; And tried to sooth to real Th fear I bat shaped wild doubt within my breast. I parted with my love Bui who can eafely trust th treachepraa drept Beneath ita billow aleep A gallant veaeal'a form My loved on perished with ber in th atom I Nor were my fear aa lie ! Bat, what avail it now th tear I shed ? Can they reaior th dead f Ala I 1 wa But there, Kor can 1 bop bia restlne grave to share. I1 II A X TOM Si All houae wherein men bar lived and Jied At haunUd house. Through th open dnnra. The barmla pi antooi va tlieir rraud alida, With feat thit mak m sound apoa th floor. W aneet them at rli door-way, on th atair, Along th paaaag tliey and go, Impalpable imprawioti oa lb air, A en of omUtin awving to and fro t Then are anov r at table thai th boat Inv ted the illumiua'ed haU It h -on ;ed with qnii-t, ini.ffcnaiv ghoatt, A i.et th pistur aa th wall. Th tranear at an flreeid cannot ) Th tirm 1 . cor bear th aotinda I bar II but proive what la ; whti note as AU that baa ba ia vuiUI aad clear. Wa have a t!tl4d to hoase or land ; . Owner and occupant of earlier date Frost grave (org uib atrwrh their dusty bands, And bold Ml aaorvuaia Mill Ihtir Old tal. Th ririt world around this world of na Fwata lik aa atraonbra. aad ever rw ber WaI tamugb these Vly aaiaui aad vapor nasi A vital breath of nor ethereal air. Our liUl lie are kept ia quipoia3 By oppout atirtrtioa and deirws Th- ruggl nl to instinct that etijuy. And lb mure uubl imtinct that aspire. The- pervwrballiina, this perpetual jar Of oa-tlily waa'a aad atiratiitaa high Coan from th influenoe of an unaeau star, A) sndieeuvand planet ia our sky. And a the) aama) fnat rxnl dark tli Thmw 'er Ui aa a luating Uid of light ' Aeraa wbntrwit4ing pluik eur fancw crowd lata th raulra of ai;wry aad bight B froaa a emrld of epirits there d sac end A Lridre f liht, annrmetteg it with this, O'ae etras ans dv 4 Ihatswavs aad beeda, WaajiW tmr lbuihu abut the dirk abyaa, LoaoraLtow, MoOES A WILLIAMS IKVITE tb LadK I (eart lk..r Mveltie ia V( a4 eaw rappi, a Urge aad eaeatifal aasrist tt wk.cb v hi yoetlved wA wM b Ih.Htwd, taMsatef fraaa tbt day, i Kareb I, lao, ; Boanelt. It k n n b! I W I lib. Un, U(Vr Wkila mm4 lll.. I asm aaiwianal vvrf rba COa, t'4.., t ktmm, vtiwvsa, rMe Maaa is, HJ Ca, M IV sum . k u leu, IIM, SATURDAY MOUXINO. MAX 185V Viaoixia LkiCTioN. We subjoin the return from th election held in, Virginia on Thursday, a far at they can be relied apoo, and anything definita oaa be derived from the jarious report. Richmond give Flournoy 980 majority, Beak) 9S7, Patton, 837, Soott (for Congree,) 840. A gain of about 140 for the American ticket. Petersburg give i Wis 33 majority. Ameri can gain 211. Campbell county and Lynchburg, ' Flottmoy't majority 600, a gain of 225 for the American ticket. Alexandriai Flournoy' majority 493 Ameri can gain 26. Frederick, Flournoy' majority 104, Am. gain 128. - , In Henrico, the American gain is believed to be al-mt 20f. In Nurfolk the reported majority for the Amer- can ticket ia 320. 1'orWtnouth is reported to have given a majori ty of 38 fur the American ticket. Suffolk, HO majority for Flournuy. Scott I n purtcd to be electf d in Richmond Distrie'.ocC k e anti-American. B ith parties hwiifiiT" Large gain's neirly everywhere. Th .jitPAiuerican ticket is reputed to have gained ia Dinwiddo, Orcennville, IVince George, Nuttovtav, llf.ird and l'rince Edward. Orricts. It will be aeeu, by relerence to an other eoldinn.that the preteut administration has not only lieen the imt proacriptive on record, but through its accredited orgnn avowa the right to remove from office every man who dares to net and think fur himself. The Cwm justifies the removal from office of the workmen at Portsmouth, who refused to support Wise for Governor of Vir ginia, and upholds the act of tyranny which de clared to the poor workmen that their soula were ant their own aa long aa they held office under this administration. This ia an outrage npn the right of suffrage that would well become a lr b irous age, and that would characterize a savage ruler. It will' meet with the indignation of a juafly aroused people, and consign to inlitmy and diKgntce the perpeiratorsof tin foul siigiu upon th right of suffrage. It ia but another evidence of the thorough rottennena uf the present imbecile dvnaaty, and its Jesuitical tendencies. It makes mere machines of those who are in the empln me nt of the government ; it in effect declares that they most implicitly do the bidding ol those alio hold the auilnifity, though it he in ninfien tiul appertaining to I lie duties of their oflice. Neilher the American party norths Ami- Amer ican party in .Kentucky has been very lucky with iut Humiliations. The American nominee fur Congress in th Lciingtun district ha declineil. and the nominee for Governor, it is said, intend to decline. But th? Anti-American nomination har turned out a great deal wore. The nomi nee for Soperintendent of Public Instruction ban declined, the nominee for Cungreea in the Ami district baa declined, tbe nomine in the tenth district ha decline.!, the nominee. " fur TMigre-t ; in the Lexington diatriot ha declined, and tho-e are one or two nominees for Congrea that the p.vrty, according to pre-ent appearance, would he very glad to see decline. .1 a The Legiahitur of California baa adjourned tin-ilif, after about fifty balloting, withoutelect- ug a eucceaaor to senator Gwin, and California ia to be added to th long list of Statos that wil go partially or entirely unrepresented in th Senate of the United State ntit winter. Th sejts of Petit, of Indiana; lodge, of Iowa; Atcb- iann, of Missouri, and Norria, and Williams, of Nw lUmpahire, rcr.iaio vacant, lik Vt. Gwin, their respective lrguUtur being unaLle to effect C choice. Accord ng to tb established mod of canvass ing In Tanuewee, the candidate for Governor are th stump, traversing the State together, ad droning th am audlrneea, asd submitting the laiu to the popular judgment Upon a full h ear- let of both aide. Governor Andrew Johnson, tli nominee of hi party, I the democratic can didate. Colonel Gentry i tin oppi-atioa ean didate, having announced kumelf withoet the endoraemeat of bis party, but accepted by them as their candidate by acquiescence ia hi an- HtncewieBt. Tb Content has ntnmenced with (very indicatum nf a B-nat exciting eanvaa. Ti Etavaaa 1 sii sur rat AvlaxVic Roa 8tm.-Th Beaufort Halcyoa tt that on Wednesday !, every member of tb Ditectory of the Atlantic Kailroad being preaeat, after eareul iauiiiiatioa and free diaeuaah of tb avrriu of th serarat loealiti, after a ealej re view of the argument fur and against each point. tb Diracbem, fully eoavineed of tb jesllce aad propriety of the caraa, I tad the Eators termi a rwaia tl nrjmrmU lin Hi aW) HwaW. Mitxo- It Dalla. Tax, e tbe Bight ef th 12th, the till sen witneaaed tbe rapid and lry descent of a ahoollng star fro tle vertical keavee to the euuthara kerio which surpaae ed la brilliancy and illuminatM aaytbing ef th k;d ever witntiaad Inrfinr. That pbBu left lumiooua train heblad it, which aaarked it path tlinwgh tb sky with a vrvmillroe red light whkh nbld thoacwb w'rtaad ita pi nan ve the (naallect etijeeta a readily B they eoald bt the rfulgst light wf a Booa-dai a. CliL TatbAt Prna Aapervw Cuet, Jrnvepk Wdliaaat wa w)tdl taf tb BvwreW ef hia fallow. At lek1abtir "cnerlof Court, two brother Baeatd Sharp war convicted of aaMalaaghier, (ha pmra kilUd Ui( (keif brother. TV7 war branded aad diarbarged. At CaaweU 8trV Cowrt, Lafayette Morgaa a Befitted ef lb aierder ef Henry rWeae. 1 . . , . f.irtiHi Hi av. 1 1 11 11 that aa aaaMi ,oaalil ef entlaei ka be) tiiiyd by fir th yr. Tb )Mhm lt(iwar iihiimb Ims teaman, is , I th (aaoeal ,4 I'.Y'l baiee, and Bid that th has at tm wtU twcll lit total W 40,000. &A1&IGX, SOUTH CAROLINArWEDNISI)ATM02NlSr5ri4AT0ri85r "CiaccbsTiMru Alte Casih Woxdocsi.t f Ia May, 1855, a f)octor Harria, addresaing th Democracy of Richm nd, styled the Know-Nothing Pol Cat. Win pronounce them lousy, Christie, cowardly aaeaeain and conspirator, and cay h would rather b ruled by the Pope at Rome thai tbe love-feast ruler of these part. Pryilf, editor of the Richmond Enquirer, aays. the Catholic Church baa been th trmost friend (a a church) that Republicanism ver had, and thatao Iriehman bad ever turned traitor, while an American had betrayed hi country, and a Jew betrayed hi) Savior. Oh, Benedict Arnold, Judas and Riley! whit vile tiling Americans and Jew must be. In November, W52, the "Democratic Review," page 404, aaid : It ia impossible for Catholic leader to think aod act aa Republicans. "It ia impoasiiile to believe that Catholics can accl;uiate llieuiaclvcs to the constitution of this Country. "It is impoasiiii tor in clergy oi tnis country to he IomocraU and to reiuaiu Catholic. If some of the member are, aa wa. doubt not. Home evi dently loaea what th United .State gain. Aa for etab!ihingan understanding between the two Power the President of th United State and tbe l"ope it isa mystification whichlaome editor of Catholic puiiera may gull their reader with, but which the IVimocralio batallion will unutii mouslyi morally, and pnliticnllyi repel with a ttircatcoing and ovorwhuluilng' majority." Ma. Rub ar KavaTTtvuxi. We extract fnru the Fayelteville Observer the following acccuut of the apeech of David Reidi Eq candidate for Congress in the 3d District, deliver J by him on Friday evening lasb ' David Reid, Ksip, of Puplin, addresaed the meeting in ucfence of th organiaatiun. He ,urged tiiat secreny was no more an objection to tbe Know Nothing than it should le to Free Maotis, Odd Fellowt, or Sons of Temperance, each vf whom he euingiiod in turn. He i hen '10k up the lending object of the Association, "Americans shall rule America. ''and spoke with muh e erity of, the apHiimnent of Foreigners, S.iiiie, llclmoiit, and ttie rest, as representatives uf this country at Foreign Courts, of the election riots at the North, Ac, Ac. He nppused the ae, lection ol Kouiau Catholics for olt.ee, and read the Jesuit's oath to show that that religion was 'noumpatitilo a ith the safety of any government. Ueit'd'gnaiilly repelled the charge of lioliliooiam igninat tbe onlcr at the North, and declared that .llthough a few of its members might be tainted with freeoilim, yet the order would put down them and any other who dared to harbor a thought against the perpetuity .of our glnriuu l uinti. Jit rrKiit4 the ciaryeihal it m a Whig concern, statiiigabet every body knew him to lie an earnest and uiillinchiug advocate of Democrat ic principles, &o., 4o. Ckomiko RailxoaiTac ks. The Philadelphia Lclger, to show the haiard in crosaiug railroad tracks, particularly iu vehicles, publishes the following t " A railroad cir, at the ordinary speed if travel ing, moves about twice its own length in a second i' lime about twenty -four feet. At thia velocity t e 1 icum.itive driving w-ieeis, six foet in diam eter, make four revolutions r sccund. If a man with a Itorse and carriage was crossing a railroad track at tbe speed of mix miles an hour, and an cxun'wt tnlin should he aiinroai'hiiii' at the uiuiiic-iit, it would advance tuwards him two hundred and filty-aeven feet, while he waa in the act of crossing a distance barely sufficient bn clear .ie norae auu venicie. onoum tne norse rrnea he track at tho uiual gait of a walk, th train ould move towards him, whinr in tu act of oasing over five .hundred feet. , A stw war or l',iaMiii Asir. Imis .Vainjlon, iuntead T going to th Crime and commanding in ieron, has plans before hint in h a la. e ol the field of operations, and couimu- nicaiea orders hv iali-grai.li. llui is orrtaiuiy the salcst and most onmlortable mode ot com manding an army, which ha yet hem devised. It is eminently suited to th' military genius of the preaent French Finperor. Cannon balls can not fly ftom Selatatop.il to Paris aod the General need not be ducking hia bead from morning till night. Th Irat Napoleon on bia war borne, leading hi Frenchmen tu th cannon aioulh, and th nephew, sitting at tb end or a ten-graph wire, devoting thousands of gallant taa to a doom which he decline to 'share, present a contrast which we should think would no where be more forcibly appreciated than la Frano. But, after all there can he no position mor suited tu th eapabihtia of Louie, than that of a wireworkcri Tax Kiw Yuta Hibalb' Cauroaxu Bco- Iiab. A Sna Fraocieco corrcapondent of the Panama Star, aavs: Considerable merriment hu beea evinced by 1'atriot ' letter to the new 1 or X Herald, la refereoc to the movement of a disouro party in this Stale. Th matter did not wholly maiint fro th fruitful brain uf B furibbler. tooteihing ,y lik it wtually t'mk p'ac. at the bead of whu h Mo 4 Mr, Speaker Stow, bat rank and 111 MemHin alaiavaj at th alarmtne nronutittnna of ih underuking and swelling treason, they dwerteq their midere and th matter drotiid. No fear caa exist of erk a a ovewient (ver (amine a prntnlnent bold in California, whr th p pu latioB VHiaisted nf uch a mixed Ovarium era tton ul antipHteas luiereata. KiBoetu r UnamayNavy laaa. The In.-n announce ufleially th recent removal at Doe- B irt, and apprnvea nf the eame. In a paragrarji of tws l ll iut th -rights of Conarieuee." The CaiM adtuit that the were removed uae tbry were mean be ra of the Aaaeneaa party. 5 d"M th uvder lor their rwaneai wa cvwt fme Hi Ivavy Itrparimmt, aad waa ap prove ny in -re4ueua. 1 ae aaowc wiwrae aea Lee uroed la thia city, a Indicated ky tbe r oov.l mf Mr. Pulk and Mr. AiLm, baak Draw erst of hmg uIib eminent eervMe ia the r Hike uf their party. Veiy au.a wa.hall axpeet In bear ul oAnera of Lb enveraaiml hetng n- ajtK) becaus they are mealier af a Prnteslant church r a Mia lodge or a Teeaperae SuetHy. We have eevUialy fallow i.a i llmea. when AaacBcaa (Hiaaai are an) allowed le iprea Uirir opinbe oa aeeeetiua vrtatly feciiag th future tatereat 4 Ibeir camelry. without keiag BreCTllj4 by lb tailed (Male gevevwBMBt. Jtmm iaa wrawax. PaBaeravari Aoncsf f vaa Waysa Wiyra Arrtia. I roaa l'aauav we bav the eeV-ael ie- po-l toadered t that revaUie, by the mmad or fee r. of th aravy, wf th mvttiet (awwaes Ik t ailed Hum stamwer Wabar Y Bub awl ew mf th bill lurta a tb river Par, le Ibis daraat Bit the klaav ef tb areaw throwa a the cantata af th Water Witch, the valor nf thi I'araaasvaa trwaa ia bibl a kb4. The retwt says that tb eeaBadet ef Ih (art ntird theevew ef the eter hob that I hay emsld But Bscmd the river, end thai tb tit ne wa eaet etd ky tbe eoWer enmaaV ittg. with eraaioarpt, The retwrt ala ear Ibal tbrse blank gwe were trod warn lb etawmer berk. Bod tbai tbe gwrrieoa a tb furt uaid ea ttrety here dMrtaa) n, kad they baa s order ed. Greet MliHiaaa p-eva.b-4 aaaaec tb Paa (, arwy s ih wiin f Lb pan a. a- la a ot lb . Tn I'utfMfu taws I Uaaatiag baa aed ay ibal tk; Bf Bat afraid hc eoeaaKjaaacea. RECIPE FOR MANAGING THE WASHING-1 TON - UNION NEtt.SPAl'EH, W feel proud of our iuatrunientaiity iu bring ing that dangerouaoulprit, th vV'ahingtiHi Cukui, back to th paths uf Democracy, from which it trayed a few daya ainm ia detune of that muv rahU tool of New England eoiigntlion societies. Forney's eulogist, agent and jackall, Reeilei, of Kan. In the fc if a erustiing arrav of facta, in th very teeth of th uonimou verdict of the South, the t aim cautiously and insidiously put forth a defence of th repudiated and fugitive fit. Ulnar ad we nv lor montha been with the character of that incubus, blight and (cuurge of leiuocracy and the South, the Wash ington I'aioM, au at one denounced th attempt of Forney's organ to bolster up th alioliliouist Keeder at III expena ol toe gallant aiisaoiinan who have wrested Kanaas from the hand of the fanatics of New Knglaud, and who frightened Ueeder into a-momentary enseof hia dutie Dy timely and iicmflcaut threats xif the halter. We warned our reader abd th South acrainst the atteaitit of rY.ncv to poiaon the mind of trie South, by easting fraud upon th noble baud of Misaounan who have saved the territory ot Kan aiu froavtba fate of Nehraaka anilCalifortiia. W saw that th hand wmch directed or planned the defence of tbe noiorinu Reader, waa thai which ought to extort from th lip of kdruuken actor a maudlin coufeaaioo of a dofeuotltw woman' dishonor. We struck, aa th emergency of the eaae ra 3uircJ, hard, plump, direct, without hesitancy or elay, at the head of th aerpent, and cut it off at a single blow. The triumphant reault of our ca -ligation baa surprised even ourselves. We not only flogged the Forney organ from the defence of tbe hemp-triglitetied I.veder, hut we have kicked th ChU'H into the ranks of Kctxlar'a " border ruf fians," i ud we now have that paper swearing by the men who held up t Keeder'a ad'riKhted vision the halter and the gallowa. We have at last discovered th only efficient means for keeping the Washington Cfioi frotu gi i:ig over, horse, foot and dr.igaotia. to the abo litionist, n e turiiisu tne re:eipi gi aiuiiuutiy to our Southern exchaugos. Whenever there is the slightest room for eu.-pecting that paper of aboli tion proclivitica, anply tit wlnp-cdibirtal nnspa- r ngly to its shouldeis. Show at iiitlo mercytu tlie Kitssian executioner doea when he itiitiliea the knout. Doti't atop to reasou or to remonstrate with Forney ; come down hot and henvy w ith tbe lash and you will do in ire good than by a thou sand kind words. Congress is fast tailing into the possesmon of alailitiotiista, and the (Won will fol low the public printing, and compete with the Xtilional Kra fur the spoils, without bestowing one thought upon th interest of the Natiouai Democracy. If nine-tenth of the people of the United States were asked to natne three of th moat detestable of the human family, they would w rite, Fwney, Hiss, and Keeder. It ia the duty of the South to repudiate th Washington .'miom. tu brand, with the mark of her unmerciful and eternal hate and deleottitiun, every man who utter a word in de fence of Forney' disappointed and rejected tool, Reeder. - The following specimens from the (nt'oHnf the 19th will show into what a happy frame of iiiltid it has' been flogged by th Kiniii llifr, and how at whip's end it eat it own word and perform a brilliant hut forced summerset. It descr s not one Article of credit for having been convened at the stake, but the extract will furnish an auini iug illustration of what we have w ritten respect ing that paier. Argument will do fur ome meu, but kioas are the persuaivee for Forucy and hi organ. Jiit-kmuivl A'xowfiMCr. C,'vxi.n:s Haxnett. As every memorial of this disttnguiHlied patriot istntcn-nling, we trans fer to our culumnh from the University Magiixine, the copy of a Icttm addreaed by him to Governor Uorke in 1779, while he (Harnett) wan in Con grats. From this letter, some idea of U loaisr which men in public life were called upon' to su-uiu in the strugicl for indetieodeiice, will be interred. It will also airnear that there waa vein of humor in Harnett s comiosition, of which We"WWe."'04Tifeyh'Uly'marr"l,rbm'"aJl"lbat we can g-ithr ooncerning this distingoiMied tal riot, we arc led to infer that he was a fit iyie 1. th era in which be litcd, a reprewntaiive man a brave, generous, liigh-ioiiwl, girted man, uc 1 as were nmnv of the patrwts of thos stormy times. Alaal pur twtriotism iu theae day has leparutd, and pelf tb principle which teem to sway all heart, aod underlie all aapiration and alrusgle I " 1 ur ' aak come on to reliev me in Nov., but at farthest th very beginning of I Inc., and mak that domestic creature, Whilmel Hill, come with yuui In fact I cannot live bare. 1 b prices ot every neosry have advanced I0U iter cent since we parted. I shall return indebted to my country at Icaet 6.0U0 dollar, and you very well Know bow we lived. Ihi But attention Una complaint to any pcraon. I am eonteul to ait oViwa with tins lor, and mr aaorr, it my eoon- try riuire it. I wily acntiua it t guerd yoa againt dirhcultie which yoa must (nooun'er oB your return, unlen th General Aswmhly will matte suitable provision lor your ari-r at (real, I know they will be liberal, they always bav been in their allowance tu their servants, UuUM not Hooper, Nash, Jotinaoa or abetr ear A, be cent ith you. iiii e me lby will Im much wanted I acknowledge it ia cruel ia we to wih yoa to return ; ym have already Buffered mora ia your bin at eoncenia, iban any man who haa been in th dlga for on tim peat. But, you hv that coUaolatloD ; that aiioulu yoa tail of receiving your reward ia this world, yoa will an doebt, be aiitgtng iiallelujkli IB Ui Beat le all eternity Tho', 1 a-krtnw ledge, amr eoar w 4 erry wvU rauiwiolni rue btatf eauuafa. Adieu, uiy friend, may job tat happy. Yua will behove aae wheal aumreyne thai tour hap- pinsa will be B very groat addiUtai tu avj own t aoow jum nat pruieaaiooc eo do 1. 1 em, dear ur, Your BfTcctimaal and oh't. r. CUIliV S HAK.NL IT, rsv va. twHfLB-Mr. Perry , IU lt f retary of the Aaaertaaa Latiua at tbe Cvwrt Madrid, baa aBotber letter t a the National lu lelligeoeer, ia rv tattoo lo th quaMi.rfi id veracity katweea Mr. rVul Bad kirawelf. The b-tur h addresatd tu th 1'rea.deftt. aed ie ea elahnrate. sad apparewtly a traib'ul, rwview ul the amirae af Juct awrauad by Mr. Soul is hie diplo. avati ear ear. Mr. Perry attributes thi line uf endur te lb feat that Mr, Neala at a turcin-iier. iiaaisiBg a iniagr arehng of nwiiy againat raMa and Houa tbaa of real r "d a ill Inward the I ailed Dtalaa. II sharvaa directly that hia principal etruve to euaclii-i th di&ualliae that exwtjnd katweea tbe I abed Stalee aad bnaia. pameuuwly la tbe "lilac 11 ft amr' affair, fur Ih parpns. evidently, of emlieialing tb two a. ti'sa ia war taw aad af awekiag tkear aaatcabU ediaataMivt. a b would bav doae ked be kad tbe true mtarwaU ef bat Bduptad emmtry at heart vYekaaeaoaWd that Mr. Perry ie riuhl la kU eonelaaiowa, and th eMsulrj la b kMnerB elated that Mr. Nail hi eaai te tb chad of rwirvancvw--yicoaided, Imwever, 14 tk "llo- erabbj GcBerei Aegefae ( awsr Haaaibal Ihxtga," aa k writ bimnnlf, iM pore a caltgbteaaxl Bad aetnoti diara. Ihaffiaaer IStlriU. Ms. Ills Aiia l.in Law Aoara BuaVta, .Voy S.t.aa-la th antra me Cwrt thi (xorainf tbief jestar w i aaiivre aa ofua aua ia the ease of J'-epk Iliac and a petm that ke he releaaed tnm k rissst Brrsat (or debt, 1 be (Mama waa that lb kowe kad aa iabereat rifbl to exiaal IIh, aad kaviar aaed tbat aawr, Iliac aoakd ao ebuai Bay prl vikag i4 arpii. 11a wa UaraoCC rssasi 44 to lb ceM-aly af the UiW. The Itoard of Abtonaa kv apfwetael areata to soil hew Bade tb rem! Iwf ti w gn asu, aad lb reel abaarta. ef 1 1 be Irat aea Bad th aew Looot Uw, Bay ' tag ea ta lb polio awrt, t'i-nm Ih4 Katinutl ttellignair. THK COST OF GOVERNMENT. Wa iaaue to-di.y, in a supplciuentul sheet, fill ing inutt 24 of oar larg eolumn, a "List of Appropriations" made at the late tenion of Congress, and prepared aud published agrawably to law. Th aggregate of the daasified head of eipeoditurc are a follow Civil aid diploma'ie, andiui'cellano- ou $17,2fi5,0;9 Army, fortiheationa, Military Afad my. c 12,571,499 Indian denartmeut. naval, revcluttoa- ar.y, and other peostous . , Navrvl service 4,4W.5."fl I lo,(il2.H'.'l I VJ4t,tU4 I'ost Ofboe Department . . , Ocean Steam, mail aervie Texas debt ......... $71,574,150 I "ThU vast sum of $7 1,574, l'i 7 iatheon'y amount of apecifiedappropriationa, Th great maosof con tingent objeeu of expenditure, of which th sum were anast ertaiued and could not b specified, may swell th grand total of the expense of th vear to perhaps aeventr-fiv millions of duller. Although lb Uovernment expense must w I arily inereau with th growth of the country J anu in corresponding neueastti of th putilio I sorvon ecu hardly imagine th neceasity of o vast fin augmentation oT the liuceesary exl tiense of theGot'ernaieiitasseventv-fiveiuillioii of dollar j and the immensity uf the aunt must arrest the atumtion of every intelligent reader, The plain and frugal John Quiticy Adam wa asaaiiiHi by hi fierce opponents and detainer on the eoore of extravagance, because hi prodigul Aiiininistrntinn reeiuireu fawiee wiiuioair a year ; auu committees ol inquiry ana rotreucliinenta; anu almost ol Impcactinie it, were raised in Con- gresa to search out the corruption of ao lavish a duhnrscment of the public money ; and all I orts of reform and economy and "Bond times" r my foiwc ,i ocj huuiu wuij turnout the cxtrHvagatii, arisiooraiic Puritan, I and put the Itcfurmera tu. ell, Uiey did so j a I good time for the victor certuinly followed; on a vcnriy expenuitur ol Kefn(j-mi million American party 1 th only Northern party tells the rest of the atory. Ibia comparison is which ret ou national principle and a oun.li not, In wever, adverted Ut for the purpose of prov tutionnl basis, and what the South want of the IT extravanancciu one nartv niorethan another. but ouly lo revive a signal instance of the unspar ing injustice ot party. Value or Napoleon' Lin to all Ei-norr. I lie Liverpool Times say : 1 he narrow oscanaof Louis Nnnnloon fnun tbn tend of death has fixed attention on the loss I i.:..i. l 1 .i, 1 . . I men r-umpeanu me worm, anu more entieciai-1 r.tigiau l, would 1, eve sustained had the aim of mu uioupit:, m ni,-nj iiuc 'iiau tne inini wean- 1 a:., . ... .... iubt, would have been liiatantlv it. a blare. All rn,inwu iu viyra "i uKsiructiim. r ranee nu 1 the elf....mt.ofdiarupthmw..lJ have beet, call- Ail an ti nii.Lii.ii,iii, Mi.. i 1 ) urlxms would have atrutrcled fur th throne. m .s.i.i ...mn-iiiutc hut. aiiq iwu uriuicutM ui uie i he Red Itepublican would not have been idle. I and the nuppirter of the present dynasty would wv.vui.ivo, 01 uoumc, in siuii loriueinaeiies. 1 An outbreak, involvinucivil war. must inevitably I have fnl lowed. The very w.irat itaaaiona of the I lliiicretiia would have been evoked. With the I iicui-t ui me empire limn... oonvolef, the . limb I would have been paralysed. The prmecution of I e w.ir njaiusl lluma would have been neglect-1 il the-altritrrcw-witli foicland mmht have been severed. The truth ia. that th lile of Louie Ne- I wlcoo I at th nrceent tlie imist valuable life in I existence iiioredcrK-tidion it tluinanv other life, la la has an uniiuou than a tact. In aouniriea I here the succea'hm doe not almka M'ioty to ts ecuire, w here a monarch may die. and hia I heir auiH-ced, almost with the same certainty aa that the sub will rise to-morruw, the event is I rather raiinai than Batioaala the case uf the Empeior Nicholas, who panned from tinielo eterni- I ty, and left this puliry bebind him without dii-1 iiriiitigthe svtein or indeed, any uf the areat I HK-tiwtHinea nt the mute; vt ith- a ruler Ilk lt, .111 nir .iiiiom, woo naa ui wo Ac a Bdava 1 whose tlinaie must I eonaolidated by his vribcy I d who is -un ..11, led on all lidos by rivals and pretenanr, the can is alloin-tlier diHereut.'and il is in this p.int of view- -less on account ot th either in temp iral or si it.iual affairs. Th powor man Ihsn because uf th principle he represents of the Pope is abut all human law in th upiu that the deliverance I a matter ul rej.iioitiK to una of my l'u t ; and war the time lo arriv an wno late an Interest in the onward march ul Ih human race, The only Power which Ih ca-1 taairopbe, had it occurred, would really have strengthened, ia Itutia th power which repre- tents brute fore rather than intclleeual advance- ment. Gov, Otautaia. Alluding to Maisachaar'ta Nullification, tb New Yurk Einrwa remark 1 It 1 very gratifying to find that Gov, Cardi- aer, the Executive uf MaaaaehuMtta, vetoed this BullidratioB act of tbe Legislature. lliuiiih. suit. riiirutly it wa passed over hia UiT by th .Auinneaiina iiegistaiurc, and la tleip,. .,1 hia veio. in Attorney itencrai ul Ulaaaacbuaetta, air. uicord, gave tbe tJuvornor fala ootnioa off - cialljr, that th act waa aucoriiiitutiulial, but raoiwiinataading tlita, Ih Le-i.lalur. which would di'grac Itself hv the removal of a JuJge lieeause b executed Ftdeial Law.alsapaaaeiQt dv m mnaiiiutionai iwo-uiirua, and bhjiw b. "Tlie Fadrral Cuurla and the Kunerunr Court of .Manaachuaett will, w doubt not, strike off mi nsarbusrtti act from th Statute ltmk, but no court nn strik off th di race ef tbe members of the MaaaarliuanibJ Legislature. 1 lierc it li, and there it stands, a brand lur all time, and apoa all rcernd In tlie many ab- auru anu unojanuiauunai Bel Ol that weak M Uttttnr. 'A II honor to Gov. Gardiner ! 11 haa refused to turn out a true, constitutional Uiaa, and kia Irmnee aud hftoiam la th richt will b very. here honored out of th purltent of bullirke- Th JUnteL abnat Bow, kt kept wait boar, w riling obituary smtiee over defunct meinUrs if Ita panv. It bed ajoit d'lelul piaoe ea Set - ardav, aver the rcmamt of the Iu Ihivid IUhJ, liari., ef Ibiplia, wk died s abort akil aw of too macb I'ucnrry and rignra; and ye. tnlal it wa ajuil patlieiM ever the dead body of Jae, B. fthepard, hue candidal of th bu-eralM- routy liar (Wverwof, who yamawal (rolitiC- ellv) kir lb reaMevaaaMgnrd ia tlteeaaeuf Iavi I antarinat ae aearwbelN.in. kar of frtef wba he j-mrmu, aa ran in r ti 1 ' t rooaraar, at an by the tiaara skirt are atrct. bad but la trim rnoa tit acaleart limb uf our old friend Laae, th " Knay of Wavn," aad bid that departed Mf " B bwig Ure- all." Hut, we wewld adtla cor eia ffattaaapnrery, wkc la tna rat.niiy pantny with bm fiMiada, a rt tb eaaslier greuuelly thiealng away, to pat ki ia B riwMef nuwar tbaa IVaauerwry ; aad le re BwaaUr ibat what eaaaut te cared meat be ev dured. H uf. ired Peurf at F.iciraiiay Wah a hm.May 3. Aa artsele la to L Blua aw.iMr 4 Una e.i m, ing, eommeadatory uf the diaiaiaal af raperativaa la tb toafiert New Yard, beaaua they avw Kaow Nutbidg t.rinripla kaa rrralad eiu. k Mt bay aad abroad. It 1 generally be lieved Hut aeKua WiU be followed up at similar eeiaUtabnaeava thrautheat the l aiua. Tbe Edb bt ear a. "w tav, la aaaa, with every fneed of tbe I aloe, tbe Cowl leiiua and the taaa, let iiruaMiiitKJti be proacnlavd A at rtiat, eovart- ly M In dapnv bia aeighhtar af bia eoleeawly guarantied Daatitainaaed riahuj buaa ef the eoetdeel af Urth or Ibe choice uf relicbe, out atevalt aawarthy of koWiaf e aadar lb lad rai liiiwiawl, but bt aivld ba aaaae to treat kiai wrtb lb emaiieit akar of eCa.al b-Mart f -r that puwey la tbe cad would ka autiiiad to . pruavae a wbiab raa ! tr aat ky tk aewcfail ef tU ted tol giou iiMdaat " oia A .V ir l"o,i lIsrI.L PRINCIPLES OF THK KNOW KOTHING3. W aotic tblt th rfltnitiistratioo icuruals at Washington and lUehniotid are woVitrug vigo- h. ' . i.imm ..Ul!j nulilt. . I. . I. . : . party of to North ia inloewd with abolitkni t ! . .v.--w-. . .bv..w wHiiirnai.iiaii princi tiles. Ibt M intended to loll um the peBdiug4-liiia in Virginia ) im of Ui mot linp iruut n btch b.l ukea place fur year, and winca must not only xrei a great intluanee on the Presidential election neat year, but uperate powerfully on the pulltuall amiveuten: of the country during th Beat lew year. W need hardlv repeat tb'at th aaaerti in ia wholiv. iinnudentlT uutruc lb Kuuw Noth- ing of th great Northern States, New York, New Jr-y, Perinsvhratiia, and thir"eighbon, s,ot)4,4oH I arc sound on i th alavery tqueauoo, aa ha been 7,750,000 I proved by the published expression of 'Jicir sou ' Ttiment ou several Ooeaaiona. ard esi.& iiillv ir th proceeding of tlie late State Couventiuu at i-iiaiiw. it i a gratuitous catuuny to atut that any inmgral prtou vt th American p irty in that great eitatea ha th least altjnrty with t r sympathy forth Northern almliiiouista. It ia true that a pJirtion ol tli party in Ma achttaett and New Hampshire have been led astray by tbe Ihc of populi r fanaticism, and allied tiieauu-lve itli the t're?i.iier ot Now Kucland. Hut by 0 th'ttm the baro unm .! the bond ofuniun between them and the other ewsiiciW nf ttie party, and will be ftiniuilv reiat. dialed th nniiar tiauo. It i,.i beted, likewise, tluuull the Know Nothing of New England do nut belong tu the abulitioniat party. V ery many, not ouly 111 Monauchuwlt but in New Hampalur, are readv to rally round Governor Gardnr, and linua the nuvkuauf an American party oa national basis. And the nroprct is that, v. lieu the .American party ha been tully organised tu th great Northern Statue, ami the cuuncihi tiLed iuu,.mnni,.i:. n with each other, theae national Know Ncthiiits of New Enitland will euuleaco with their b;i wo a, au.i ma aooiitiuniai, itoiateu anu rcpudiut cd, will throw off the duiguiae they are Bow fraudulently endeavoring to aaaumc. . . Of, on thing th riouth may be aurct th t'nton muat b expected from it, and front it alone.. Mr. Pierce ha (buttered the Dcin.n-i-.it, c nartv inui friLcinmiia. A lib uto 1,.,. t. rendered to the whiga by Mr. Seward. Niltier th one nor th other is iu tiny auch eonditi m er discipline aa would enahlo it lo nnili,i-i,il a cainpnign in the North with reanunalila Iniiiea of ueues. Ibe Vl.lv relianco uf the Siuih b in the great constitutional American tmrty iu .1.. fc.--.i. t. - ti r . n au mm iiaroxAL I'owxx. one of tha r v 1 . , . . . . . f : ( . i -! . ,"l""lu! w un. oouiitrj. Arob- o , ' ' 0 1 JT P0""!'?.4 P"""1 ivvtvi u jMiuiitLfn?, 111 wtuuii iiiaitinowiiiir ri?iir v ...- " Bu " mmxc lu ," 1 "l1 w"il)uml V" "To I'lnticneisl and Slat flocro.,,...,,. v. owe allegiance in nil that regard the civil order: me nuiiioriiiea ui tnu vnurcn chalninire your obedience in the thintra'irf saltation. . W n !.,. no need of nreaeinr liiia diatiiictiun. which von fully uutlornLend aud-ounatantlv U.na know that we hate huiloimly taught row, both publicly and privately, to perform all I'be dutie of good rjitliens, and thitt w have never exacted of you, a w ours lie have never made. ev to the bufheet erelesiaatlcal authoili,.-. casement liiconslatum with th duiie to the country and it law. On ivarv mtnornaiia occasion, we have avowed Iheaa 1... even in our curdmunieatloti to the late I onaB' we rejected a a calumny tha imnotntion thai were, ia civil milters, subject to hi authority." Thi is not th first time euvh Jeeuith-al orin- iou have leen advanced, but the wh,.l theory and practice nf the Romish Church fulsiHoe them, ArvhbUhop Kenrick ie auhjeot la all thincs to th J,pe 1 b holds office auder himi d.ii.es f tiuctnmi hun; nosaaase uroperty a brayvrrrre- aenwin e 1 must come ana o at bia bold acknowleilgev him aa inhtlliole. and would not uare, under the pain of luotnrunicatii a and an.itticma, In refute ubinuaioB to hi authority I wnea it became nrecenarjr for adopted eitiaeaa. being Rouitu Catholic, to mak awleoiiuna be. I tweu lliair fealty to their adopted country and their lle;'iance to Pius IX., then is not an in tea tnausaoa wno would adhere: to tlx Constitu- tlua ot tb bulled btatew, Tai MAMirrtvstrr PrBwrnat, LintXTr Tliu. f.errnior G'irdntr't Yttu. ih fulkvau igh;i,h- iv inirreni ngiira iroea the veto mew of "in. vnruner wiu b rd With llltrU Guy, I ernnr Gardner expressed hie approval of many I of the provisions of th lull 1 but other fa du,. cd aoufiictiiig with th Cuviatituuooof the Luit'd I niatea, as ocoiarea bj tb Auprvm twurt, lb I uuvernjr aay I I'ncboatitutioBa! Dacttncnta (Cddinc tc an rmed conllict bctwecB our SbU and National systems tT Giiveruunot, which muat result iu tlie aubmuiaioa ofeae, alike fatal, whichever it ia, ihoeld be ee.ua! I y thu.nd by iudiuoea atale- Bteashia a well a uatriotu duty, la auch delicately balanced wgaaiiaationa, th integrity t lb ot uuuJd - be preaervrd e aealuaisi as th bumihatiua of tb uther hvtbj bcadyocaled, Thetc ie muck of good ia it, bat t'mt eating atuae 10 me vil. HTbr ie muck that, la eeordanee with th trac doctrine uf maa riuhU aod of Stat lirbtn .HaaaacbBaMt mikbt wall phvaa Bin ber tuuul ooua, nut uiai um uet aatnorMe luulauland aneoantifetiunal rwioiremenla. 1 Liu.t ami balKv th Ugl.latur will But act ia thi cue wltboul dniiiatraiereflee'Joa. Let a avthaatilv place itaelf where it may wish to recede, but without th power. A a uaaiuioa may hareafter be eunidierl. but the (tic ma of an luaniiiiiii.. I enaetment ran Bvr b iilirly affaoav. Th I rgha, the konur, and the Lntegrity of Mima- 1 cnuaeti ar euiicicu waa, baling cwora to I obey ber t eti.tiiom, aj.d Uiat of our eummoa paieut, tlie Luitad State, and let a ai-t auder the euleaaaity f tbuee waahe Bad b vbedsraa 1 tfeetr iwiaireeaaat." Tui Railoa At raBa TU Panama 'cep' Kc fork T.m4,. Utter I oatea iu J1 Ultimo, yt 1 Tb hasineaeea tk railroad Urarjldlv Inerrau. ing. rut tb mouth of Marck tt aauvanf I to f 1 1 , end Ibw atontb it will xead lI'J taa, Tbe tnp aevu of the George iw'a p. eager, Btml Bad lfr T, oa Ih 1 ith, aav tbe Cuaafnuy ilt,W.. aad tb f flit from Ut a teaasor, a bvrge part ef al..tib earn t.eat day, aiuet kav kroughi the amount ea It is,- tmu. It le eeliaaaied ky abroad kvetawa anea. that the reoeipte ef lb Cueaay fur li4 w,U eaeeed bbra mtlliuw af dollar. Tke mad. when fully eueaplebMl, wHk r4 depots, ., nl preixUy (taad the Cmpeay atml ,jii.in). A tbe ruaeing cit atias, a'" anottr year's labor la aWwrirnaf th road, ndl Bat U i,'j u Wean large, y,i ft thai tk ipawuiathei k) a very pretty ea. By tb tortaa ef tb eotilra. I wrtb tb tiuyeraateat ef Nw-ird, the Ultra kaa B rilit to awebaa lb wboia raad, w lb it farwilare, baihiinga, aad "liintra" t"rllv, for e mil aasie ef tuurnn At Hmi road will alwayt be worth IU Cuet, aad prolably ate b aa.M-a, there will be a proBt ef tbrte milhoa ia nrb a pur Chaaa aud if Ih tiwanimaat kaa at th aaoaay, it will But be vyry bard f it to lei -M-LM4wea" ia each a arvtlv Mni.,h 1 p- mii-i a mi ii H"r par p." it wan, iv ar B"t miUe tbey may aeaus.d ia amb awe. Aiavat avarytiting ka t value la "pLata" la th teuauy. THE ATTEMPTEI) An-Asl.V AT;oX OF NAlt'LMUX.' . W nn.I m eur exchange t!pe Uluwinc vnr fninnte and dtuii!cj (e unt nf tbe l.naa-iemi on tLe Ea;pt.r' lite, li will be tuund fjui o interesting u pmuali . Th attempted ataaM'nuithm t f t!.c fmNwr Loot Napoleot twk pljce m, b ,turii..v, i u' u of April.) at 5 P. M. ne rr'v w t ', t tI, TmtJtdl9t1tlatnTrii WJ;, "wfi'ctt il .. Km;., r bT, oa hia way tu j.:aj t' Font.ti tw'.o loot passcrt a hour be.ro) iu tto l.uis 1 1 li kigue, now a aVbghtiul promeiiaUc. A currt; pondent aay ; Fmiu an rye-witrtcs of the oTiir 1 b. m- 1 .that aVBiait, drewed in ttadt, and ..f d. v:.t ar. ptiaranco, who had ai.ttionc I biuvclf, like oih. r sueo'atora. on the sioe uvei e. to nic. il. ir tw.. tn Emperor p, adai cd towanin l.im, :.! when only distatit from t.mi a few vntds, ra,cd both hia arm and firud, bciriy pu'mt blank, ae tb liuiporor. Col. N-y, sou uf ti.e celt 'or.itivt Mnr-lin), waa with the K.n;.eror', turned nmm tlie tbi-ain, who, without -rtarivrdinr hini, hi.bi S the (or ano;i,-) pi.,ni, ti,l ti,u butb bautN, again fired upon, tint 1'mpcror, wo, uiieoiuvj uusiy, bj-uiiatur impuUt, raltt 1 iii wf ip hivd Ivfore h.T head, llaviog tcixivvJ toe nAsastn' firo, tb I.mperor tppoit u.oaient to reg-..-d a atrugile betweeu l.is.4Mi-.iiljr.t ntilar'.ot:r-ir.8von, who had come to the rencua, and who hi d kne i. ed down his man. His uiaic-ity tlico ntimed hia r:.l. netther faster uor sluivcr ti au leloro ,. the occurrcnte. By tliiiri m Coli nol Key lutd Blighted,. and two tXm.iiii'sarica of I'oUce, in pUir. chillies who hid been following the Kmpcair, tur ortiif, In a brvujnam, hud Jumped out, and dime 10 tli3 rtiaaon'a assistance., 'ibe aata 1 1 n J 1 hanged hi dincharged arm (a di'ub!e-barri lcil p stul, they told uiuj for another, lloreiaicl, and one of the eommiisaBriea, a Ct.raictui nao.cd Allysar.-di-c, drawing a pi igi.ard, ru.l.cu nl liiui, inadc a movement to put hia arm ntviin j his ueck to se cure itiian by BeidfKt, be iy, alightly won nil ;J liiui in the back, The man then aur reuiU'tx", aod walketl tu the, guard buunc, bleedV ing oomjtdcrably, aid wastnewcu. aloio inmie inately, tratiifrri;d to l!i 1'icli ctuic of Police. Colonel Noy rone niter the Empcnv, a.-.d, except otteortwoluiturersattli': pot wucre tha nttcupt bad been made, Bverytlilti;;, offer tho lopn nf only ten uiimilca, rclnpscd into repoi.e. - 'I he Emperor ou joining the Empress, in the 11,11a ue uoulogne, aaid tu ber, Binning all the while, "a man just bred a pociot pistol at me. " Mie grew pate, and kissed linn, but prcvui J nothing in his manner to indie. no nl.irru or i"-f-tation the imagiucd that iMtliiug acriou hiri occurred. t Th Emperor bad iolncd the Kinwin at t'10 nowly iorincd River and lake, iu the Luis do Itouloitne, and lnimcUintclv afterwards, turned toward Paria. Sh en crt.Vif.dei He-dill on liurj- hnck. She ohnttcd with a lady whu npcoiopnnil her (Madame de Stontuhcllo" d:ii''htcr-iti-law of the bite Marshal Launes) and acciiied to have lor gotten tu incident inciilioncil to her by the Em)ror, outil urrivinj at the liaric tin l'KiolIu the truth broke upou her for siir f und tlierff n assouiblagc of many thousand of persons, ot' ull ranks on foot and oil horseback nhoici- tnedtrttely that they perceived the Emperor who wa iu advance of the Empress rai-nl a shout uf "lirat' A'jlrw'V perfectly dcalciiiiig the m-in waving their hale, the women their hand kerchiefs nianifealution continued tho cntiuw way to tho Tuiltc. io. Haviuf cuLored upon the Avcmi des Champ Klyses, tli horui patrol caused the carria:;cii which hiled it k draw upon each eido, thus per mitting tho niBsao that lined th side alley, to ice tho Emperur, whu wna grvi aul leJulc a usual, but lis acknowledged fVuiti time to tim the enthusiastic cheer . the ptoilc, by uneov ring and bowing. The tnprua iu tuais and tohhinc evidently rudcavortng to iiiak k thuw thaiikfulne, Tho attempt wai understood, and though ineffectual, increased the p'auui;s of tli epectutor. In thi faahiua th eavaleado reached the Tuillerien, where Prince Jerome, MarsL.il Mag Du, and B eunaiderable iiinnlar of the function ane and pertotutgea, (Lord Cowley, the llriu-li Auituiaaador, anioiig tli rest,) had asscmblrd. The im'ering uf th Marshal end the Emperor evince! mutual affection and retard. Each kiaand th otbef ou each check. Th Eiupuror hwik band warmly with th other persona in attendance. The Empress was liamlrd from her ri,; atill weeping, but looked ao handsome and intereatiagl 'l liua ended thi act of t'.ie drama. The Bow aprcad through Paris with the mtmaiiihj, priiveibuj taWUy -uf ruiur. The Emperor ai.J Emprva went, 111 th evening, tu th Opera Cotni'juo, and diuve out next day, a:id went at night to the theatre, as if uotlung uuu loal had occurred. Tue polio mortified probably at bavin e per-r milted, it were, the near acjumplishinent of thia crime went actively and aeri. uiy 1 1 work. Their attention wa first diisctcl low aids tha aecrnt socio. ies, Thry soeii oiauorwJ, however, that although th mnoil-era of thnm w ore on the pal Vive, tliey wcr not in tins Bllair but, t a , rnuttcriif course, acvernl uf them were arroaled. Th euuntrvmeu ol toe asxasain wrr then e tend ed to. All tb I'jilouil in J'i:rn b.auia ul je, of to: iciim and iiniuii?, M,i"y wcr tun 11 lo cu"oJt auenic thti.iiloa nuij.iy ni -ht. a rick italiaB g"mh4iau, turmire-i tu bo c, u.- taiit el the auair. The Biu, Pia.iori, wiaj bum at 1 .tenia, lo k 8'ntnanf thf t iiurch, abi kept aauoe-m v-er ahop Bl Rom. Bhii h In was ohli"d um,ihi wm n the city waa lnn by tha French arrev in 11 1. II eipreaaed biarvgrrl kit bis crime, lie denied tliat ha had tuy accomplice, but aa. l that ncni- bora bad wortt an onth lo do won, l.a only tin t 10 coo rate to ut'rmpt, Hedeclared tint he I, i, aoutialiod the tift'iainrainc tim acuta 01 lfum. Alter Iti o iiiiui.ial w priwui l.a be.'noin to v,o leilt that he hd ti 1c pot in etrai'.u ja act. lltfC end fear apiiearel $u keep him in state of bet tietunl delirium. ta beating vf ih ait-wipt the bf of tli iuaperor the An ui.1-1 ,,p .,f Pari wrol to Ih cores uf Paria rioi,,, a 'If, ivm to b autig ill all tin-rliun tlia cci,-,;-gji'oni beiag evryw br anaaoaliy a'u.cruus. The lntiernr 0 Aii-lri and the h,i.r f Pruasia, haeUa aud IVi.matk have a 111 f a vy E ureordte irr to lin, to c irmiul-te the I ut,nr is) hia enctie feian 1911 n. Tha l.ocliah yi .i '1.1.1a in 1'a-ia hud ai-o a.ut in an ad draws of coi gn'olaiiMti. It i aaid by the Pans r. .nt- v -1 .-r t f ' .1 Nw York (.'vmnieicul tl t the Ini ei ir 1 . several lime givtn way, since the Mr, i t cig hir life, to tbe nioat violent b s of 10".,,,. I aad aaia tn attacks uf uiicoi,tiu.la.,la ta lii haa gnea orUere tliat tha trial fM-o..o,'iuii.d, ar.d that th papers cua-a to talk of to a alatr, U' re tb opaulng uf tli ExI.ibiUou, 1'e.ipla ia uld tima d.d ivd hate tl at verv ev aluad of-rttiua of lhai.lU. aof tjovero' r it Sur h CafvtliHa, which avoiloro fNttrboa it. w -dnva rn nain. As we may safer from the lau (i.b.m i a if by I'll .niai Pork. Ih ttoe-l imrn ,r -f t 1. State, iu eotuoiuifii utiog to lbs t.ei,ei raml'ly hit Bi--t -'ao-e ol that pivi.tou, ai 1 luw I To th i.r.. ' , 0 f f.V.eof .f e - ' ' - I have bo pt, a r I 10 1 iw o, it tUa ' i f lli(ilrai .f li, e - oe, a iiitii'f w he u I ri-t, f a-pir-l at, wi.eti is de-iri. na to toy t' 4a kapp.neM, a,'..y r iu ,'i'H't ,V ' I . and suberrna j lot iary foocl'fna ol a.i o y prival pc;.-ti." .. X'Hineif btt a slriang aauae c-f ilo'v ever n ll .mm ulj- 1 rt. w n.av fra,. ' w . r 1 dib ret, bowaiji, a ,w a dit, ai I 1 ' ' at' i'alti" i- in ou,le i n I l4, t,. r ,i, uu.Lt.nl 14 wanieJ, O n', il loi. TToaaa'a Il.uan 1 .' i , . u , f . I inka rearm ly paaaed taw rl" n f marrwd Wutuea. It is as f ' Any married worn l.e I fr-na d ei tanneaa, pr, i:,-ii ' ISMS, abatl rerlc-t of 1' I utft. and 1,1 !i Dili, 1 M.a nr;i,t m I f ,', 1, i ! n I ar1 b r- ' e I e - -t lo at. t ti.a e.-i it nf b. r t- , 1y th ,f I r ), - n t .1, 1 of . t, , r-rt er 1 i- u.a eumr I a t In ' . I I eey Mint tar-,-n r, ? I tt ta by ft ' " ,- l I

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