-tCjlcrtjj-araRna.ltar. ,: ! . ' rrsLiiaio wiuii ar "WILLIAM C. DOTJB, -5 i gi,iTi MrEcirmTo. " T i t MS: If paid striet'y 1" advance, two dollars f rr n . dollars and fifty cent, if paid witbia 1 Tim CCCtLATIOX (f in As IA ,n ifce tec . t'ir . a i e......,w Hunter, i, ix.,, -1. AND Cl'LX; I'A'P. V. ' e'.. 1 n of i .'. A . . . -, i -I " 0$ $ t i i ).' I-,. in 1 d. iu t if ii oil'.w,-. ii ... , tvv b. ' m jjijii gnOhre dot (ar at tii jb Bdofjh yer- . " ADVERTISE JESTS aot xcedlng txtrn aes wi I s bissrtoa oa. time fur ant dollar, and tweety-five Mill for nek aubwouent Insertion. Thaae f greater lemon will b ebareed pro port tioastly. Court Ordsre ud Judicial edveilisevaent ill b chrgt.i th psr cent, bigiier than the abov rat. A raaaonaole deduction will be mad to that who adrerUM by tb year. , , Book vi I Jib Printiag done with ntataea -despsteb, and oa accommodating terma. HJ- Letter! to tho Editor Boat bo postpaid htltttti IfiitirB, TEMPT ME NOT TO DRINK. AGAIN. ',' O tempt m not to drink again For I have drank too deep era bow, 'Till resaon fled my raging brain, And beast wa branded on my brow. JIow of t for m the piblet'g brim, Huh aparkled with ambrosial win, , Whilst 'neaih it ourfitoe, dark and grim, Despair would whisper thou art mint. Away accursed thing, away, t enn hsroter Basse tb nel, Whiea all endur who, 'lured Mtrny, liar bowd tlicm to tho drunkards god. long year hare peae'd since first I fell Amatiur. to this wily foe; Vhat 1 bars suffered none can tell ; How king, alas to many nuw. , . Three boys opon the deep now roam, Tbe eldest scarcely yet a core. They 6ed a drunken father's borne, And may perchance return no more. Two'ileep beside their mother's grave, The happiest uf the lire; And one remain fur me to save ; If yet my dau.i. r be alive. " . ...--,- J saw her, 'tis not long ago, . Her brow, though placid, jplainly bora The impress of some bidden woe, Where hope angolio besmed before. - ' Full well 1 know the secret grief, v Which pray upon ber breaking heart, ' ' And what alone cao bring reliuf. And bid'en now despair depart. Then tempt se not to drink gain, For 1 hare drunk too deep ere now, 'Till reason fled my raging brain. And beast was branded en my brow. UENEttAL DIEECTOBX " CITY GOVERX.M r'ST. WnCDallae Haywood, li.laudxntot Polio. commissioner. Easter ITiirdV-Kldridge bmitb, ' " A. Adams. , MMU H'arJ. E. L. Harding, " Isaac !'jn ter. , " ' E. Cantweil, WeUr Bard. A. M. Unrn, i - 41. 1, Turnes. J. J. Christopher, City Clerk, 4J, U. K.Kit, tity Ireas. Cilf fSuari. James M. Crawley, " . Jackson Orerby. Cilf CoKnUJiict. KJwwu lUrris. ...... Henry Pennington. Will Soo.t, tteighntter i., ilarhs Clerk of tlis Mar- COCHT". 1 The ArprewWof North Camliaia ! ueld in this oily siuii-anniially, on the sne.nd A 4lday jl I tbauiu dav of JJecumber ' JudycL lion. I'redetKk ,ah, Chiel Justiwi, ll. iU. i'eariu, awkc W. II. ilitUe. " , " Edmund II. I'leeuuin, Clerk; Ilam. C Jooea, r.Kn,ir J J. Liiclii'unt. -MarKlisll. Tna i(e SlMUt Lkruti Ciwl ft.r the Die. triouf North Carolina U lieid Muii-aunually in tma riiy, ii the lt Monday iuJuueaud the last Monday IU ovaailx-r. Jndj.l'n. i. M. ayna, oTbeorgia; Hun, Ilimr- IVt ai of t areileiille; Hutrict Altorney, i. . -. ... . i-.- . u . 11 II. Sr juwnr. i ' t. . .wmi j , .... lUr.hMll U ..lev Junes. L'uuri tut this CountT. Is held ea the isl jj.mdmT alter ,tli fourth Monday i Marob sad NipUauber. J. J,. (' Uunra. Clerk. Jus. U. Uwne.or, Atturnef General aad Solie- ltur uf the lourin Judicial IlmuicU bold oa the tuird Monday In February, May, Auru.l and .V.emlr. Jet LtleT, t kr. CkaumOHvftHt CvaWjf Cw1. William Boy- an. " Cvuxif SJutivr Qoentin riuibee, Merijr ol H'oiU Cunniy William 1L Uifih. CorvHer Willis dorit, Jieyuttr. U. Uulaoa. BA-VKS. r? f 0 Nats .Vert CureKae, inenrp.. rated I J. t'harier eipirea in ImOU. Capital l '4 ").'. "I. dmded into 15.tshreaof whtoh toe U.erary Boaid hold 5,LT7 and Uie Cnirer tll lovi". l'riuriMl Bsnk at Raleigh, (ieurg W. M..r.eeai. PresiJenL 1 Ckarle UsweT, Cahier. J. II Hrtaa. Jr.. Tmler and Notary PnUie W. K. Aixlenwa, Iuouut Clerk a cm Notary P.Uio. J.avUa Woas'4. Jr. Clerk. Till Bank ha brambsa at NewWn, TsrUwo fsTHtefille. W iliaingti.n, ElitaUth City, Char tutu, Milloa, Murisntiin and VI ladaif. niau tmss. Oa the mrt oi th Mate 1 I. W. Ciurm, Pn lie Tr-asM'r, ea-naWw, L. O il. Braaidi and W It f ode. Oailie par" ll Sun-kh..UeTS! Wat. Boy lan. Was. l'-. J- It. Vrrta, J. . U. lUiulbae, A frd J.mM and B. f. M . (ifferuig and Kwewal diy Taesday. ttuoiiuat da- lne.i.ir. IammXi UuUaud ti.lio EtvbaBjtediecno 4 etery dr. BuMaeas ioars froia 11 till 2 e'elmk. tl Rrnk ', tkf ! i- At C;i Frmr Williata H. J.inra, I ahir. K I'. I iacb. Telif and Nutarr PuUie. Lhbsiibs.-4i. W. HsywimhI. T. 11. Ml Be-k Jio-, tie-.tr Utile, "If. Thus. lA 11. tu aad C. . I. II .b liiiw. ' Ulsring dsy M.a4y l'iseoanl day Teexl BAfU IlOAI'S. Ktl'i.i s.J ..i. i.iW Cmn1"!. U U H. lira h. 11 wideal, W. W, aa, Tree.irf, ' r.4, A .(!. t 1 iraMiirer. C. B. Allan. le,.4 piivr ri HO" Will'iara Whin, hr., I'.t U.ier. v hoars, ua we tUtt, Jr..ia foa ri r. m. rt i:r 't or Cofntc, Win nnd Hum, sriTI Misti'KI . r.. tin i st (tSIIUklll. ji is run miir, rt'IIilLI iHiT.-ll ... w-1 it k.. U MAti..:. A,a Mav, UH, "V0LB2IE XLYI." Uorl!j-;irclina Slar baturday Marulag, Jane , 1-V. kfYt hate recsited from the publisher Messrs. Dig & Edwards, 10 Park Place, New York, through Mr. W. L. Pomeroy, tbe June number of Putnam's Monthly, and ofDickeu's Household Word. These sire both tsandsd periodicals, contain much TaluabU information and uretbly conducted. They are published at $3 per aunum for each. ', (oTThe Jan number of th Cniversity Mag- uiue is belore us. It contains tbe valedictory the retiring editor who oummend their sue ceason, in high terms, to the confidence of tho public v ttThe Americnn publishers, Messrs Leonard Scott & Co., have sent us the April number of lie Fdiuburgh Review and the May number of BWkwood's Mag-uuve. The oba-astar if tli ublication is so well known to th reading pub lic and we have an often had occasion to speak of them that Uicy need no additional commendation from us at this lira. Mason ar IN Califoknu. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, of the State of California, assembled in Sun Francisco, on the 1st ult. Some eighty subordinate Lodge were represented, and alio -t one hundred and fifty elegatee in attendance. The proceedings were marked by the uttnust harmony and good feeling: JetSrlhe Washington Union in an editorial article on the position of the Democratic party on the shivery question,uses the following language. That m party embracing members at the North and the South can he nutiuiial or harmonious, in it organisation which doet not exclude the question of tlartrg from itt trttd !" 1ST The balance iu the National Treasury is reduoed to eighteen and ahalf millions of dollars, being a falling off from the highest point of ac cumulation last depteuibor, of mora, than ten millions of dollars. - ' ! We quote, frum the Fuycttcville Observer, the following account of a position takon by the Hon. Warren Winslow ia a discussion th other day at Fayetterille, M the conclusive refutation of hi position by David lleid, Ecj., the American eaadidata. The authority her produced i Ko- iaa Catholic authority and shows most eonclu- j rely that the fears of the conservative portion of the people as to the tendency of the aciiuii of this church, U .to be feared. Let all read and ponder oa th fact her given i 1 Mr. Winslow labored totiersuade his audience that th R.imin Ctttulic (or Catholics as he and bis opponent both erroneously called ti (is.) were very iiarmiess ; tint more oi mem were converted to l'rutesuintisra tnaa 1'rotestants to Catholicism ; and to show how feeble they were, he stated that there were ant so many llonian Catholics now in th United States, in proportion to the popalaLioa, as there wr at th devolution, la reply t t this, Mr. Kei 1 produced a Koman Catholic Al.aanac, ia which it was shown, that late a 1804, they bad but on limhop aud I .tu l Priest and Churches ia the United States . U. l they increased, at fir slowly, but r IholitM twenty 8 v yean wit .. gigantic stride. until now, instead of 1 Bishop and 60 Pries-v nd Churches, they claim to have 41 Bili"p, bout l'-'fJ each of Priests and Churches, and four million of people ! a lurger number titan tbe eutir noiiul.iop ol th Luned butes, of all denomination, atthereriod cited by Mr. Wins- low. (Mr. Keid reJ ttie eact nuiniwn ill 'rieets and Churches. Wa give them in round nuiubet from memory.) He spuk wilu great araeetneas uf th d.uigr bi th liljertiea ii the eouutrv lrdta such pup ilsti .aiui itcd by such seal, ana It uug to a i. reign uetH, ny signer obligations Uiaa any they can feel In this govcro menu llestiokeol their tnterferencei elections; of their vi. leno at th ballot bog : aad of th reward dealt nut to the.a by th administration a bestowing high alaces aiaoug them, ava. Tat PatiaMi.rau CoavaaTiosi. W tear through a telegraphic dispatch to lb Baltimore Huh, '. earing dat Philadelphia, June 5th, P. M. that lb Know Nothing National Convention met In that city aa th Sib insvU, la th Auwubly building, between Tenth aad Cbesnut Streets. Nothing definite la known of th proceeding. Kumor slate that tb Masaebusett delegation wa wcladad fiir rafnsiag to adopt th(ira'dV ftxt, la ttani If tho t'awa mi tU hatardt. IUsV A. Wis. SoCLot of tbe IkssRaefatst pav e-, allboogh pleased with th l eteat af lb AwMissans ia Virginia, do autre lo Ii rejuioad at th eleclioa uf Wis. Tb Nsw i orb Eveniag Post give hire sever thrust : Tb aoluical history of tbtssssa I before th enaatry. H" was osm uf IIm m.t violent oppo mvs wi lb .iminitralioa ot tie .erai Ja -ksoa wa (nually vinleul ia hi npiUB.a to tb as a el Mi.issusnsi adasiaistraiasi, It lent is almost tna tpshi aad aaiet a fm ei- peeas tb intensity of hatred manifested by bow j lo lb teilitxal systeu oi inoee vw em.netil rlstr-m-li Nothing coahl rred tb vehemene uf abas with which be assailed Ihesa, ee l ll.sir peincipka, and thatr frieads. Th great sewer ,4 Canal sr o ws ant poar aaiiy sato Hi llufte'ia a tklaof avir olfendinc fasuUma llua Bowed at that period liiln Ilia harangue td Mr, Vt ts. It wa pare minel rllil g. n inlr rnmabl flueaef at viiuperatioa, a awehanicsd facility el aliu.s, and owning asor. 1 Uses waa neither argument aor enthusiasm ia it. It was tb met vnlubihty of a snald. Hi dinosiien la vitolverate sesaied a aort nf moral disease. II threw trjil.ig at hi opponents which lay ia hi wsy, aitliout disrnminaiioa, sts ks, bms, dirt, tb scrap i n ft of th gatura, clawed lie haa- ti'y with haada liiat Monwd ail biorty mf seUe- twa. OrTfoi's AtTivrt rV'B. hWvo. Jan 8th. tt mill trsmfmns bl ei.B.ii.r a-iw i . eieeing, aad whew amr W ete, ibe engineer d.erv. re4 aa absirai-tMss mm tb Ir k Nit to late avnia av. 1 he ri j nad heew pnse.1 ap and s li'e sioaw plaeed ad aeiii. A Inntiui tniiiema ewsiseo, ana in whole train was throwa fvaf tb tra-k. Tb rin tassblew Ho 4h. a4 IHa ear ndied over and was badiv b"ken la ( .e.-e. Si pefs tl a weee ll'y Iwwfl. I mi! B"4 fnIlr. Tb furert ef it fr-4 artungar ear was b.. V ei and tracks of s-rs ktw t,l ; t tb p and uadet -raped wiitiowt Mriuws mjary. A'i bawl amvsd beht asofvoiig. . Tins AMI'S e- as prm.ee I'egl snpreid tn rtsv bee d- ue by p.I.trs, a U; !) m u.e (ett -a t, wml a Imi.-s ssmiui I wf si e wbsb was ,a cli.fye ol ti. A'i-uns '.t sv s Agsnia, ea it wr t. l-.s smr Vil.olll sj'4 i-ditV, A m.i at W oriMwir sm t' '-.t o-t.,f t j.re.e .IS 1 .i.g "lt. St. Sid .1 -I t' t it 1 oe .e-,, tb ,fe-b e-w, h t ..vefel, tu, ... ,11 EALEIGH, N02IH CAaOLINAiWEDNESDAY MOHmNGrJVTNE 13f-4gSlv- A SPICY COUUKSl'OXDf.SCE. We 8nd in the New Orleans Picavnne a eor- re.ponjcnce between Caleb Cushing, U.S. Attor ney uenerat, Jir. .ioie it, s. uisinct niororr fir Loqisiana, and Prenident T'iercc, all promi nent members uf the f.iitlrful dem ocracy, which show what repeot ihee worthies entertain for eaoh other, and how the brethren dwell togeth er in unity." Toe eircmnstanee are. that whea the rmv master of New Orleans (another prominent looo fjcn.) was arrested-fur stealing mom-y out of the mail, the administration emptived, anolfcer law yer, not to 4siit the I', 8. Atkirney, but to supercede him. And when itwas found necessary to gee tn u. Attornev s name, omciauy, to me proceedings ag linst the l'ontmaster, he wa coolly directed to give his aid to thelawver thus select ed. Thereupon he wrote by telegraph a fol lows:. Ntw Om iass, May 5, W5. ( - t. . -i i.t-. oir: i nave just receivea your wiegrnpiiic despatch of 3rd .of May! I will not give Mr. Isaac IS. Morse tucb onictal aid a he nmy aeem requisite in ny business which the law impose on me tu manage and control, under th advice of the proper ollicers of the Government. The prosecution of Kendall is of that character. Tbe obieot of those who required vou to issue the instruction receivea, wa doubtics to lurce me to resign. 1 shall at onee gratify them. I bold no office under those, who without the cour age to remove me', have tbe ineannes to offer me an indignitv. . Waag!f Moist, V. S. Attorney. To B. T. Streeter, Solicitor of the Treasury, Washington City. I Telegraphic detmtck to (ht 1'rteiirnt, datfd N'gw Orleans, May 5, 1&55. S'r. I hereby resign the office of V. 8. Attor ney for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Vou may bt rurious W have an eiplanation of thai which will be, bv certain persons, regarded as a phenomenon. This explanation will be found in a letter addressed to Mr. Isaac E. Morse, the joint production. I suppose, of your Attorney Uenerat and your Postmaster General, and in a despatch but now received from Your Solicitor of th Treas ury, I'.iii may learn from these communications that those who have so small an appreciation of the respect due to o'herp, are entitled to none themselves and so sr not fit person to take care of the honor of the Republic, i wcni'd huv resigned when th letter to Mr. Morse was first seen hv me. had I dared tn thMk that the Presi dent of the United States had lent hi sanction tn the vulgar outrage of two of his ministers. 1 indulged, t , the hop that the letter to Mr. Morse wa written by your Attorney (Jonoral under tome such hallucination a one might he supposed to suffer who is the trumpeter uf bis own fame. , I still hope that yon have been no party to the conduct of your immediate officers. Vet I resign now, because I have been deliber ately instructed to compromise my self respect I cannot hold office under an aduliuistratioa, the members of which, whose iustiuotion I am re quired to nliey, are alike incapable of uti.it . stand ing the proprieties of official n and the common courciies du froia gentlemen to -gentlemen, llespectlully, E. Waiicx MlllSI. To Franklin Fierce, President of th United -State 1 . 1 Telegraphic detnttrh from Altorney General United State; iafi Wasiiikoto!!, May 51, lo03. Heceived Mav 7, 18.55. . K. hv. Unite - -T'ii- snpointinent of II tn. Isnn" V. Morse to pMsecutetlie complaint against the late Postmaster at New Orleans, was ma. Is by the President. It appear that Mr. Blair, the Agent of tb Department, could nut nonball ; t (act) in cmil'ertnce with yon because of whai i. repmcnied concerning hi relation with you in former legal proceedings sgioust a Clerk in ths Po O.lice at New Orleans. 1 have th honor to be, very re-pectfullv. I C 1 I 'UNO. Ttlrjniih plf t the. rhnm, iUu.d NwfVi...s ay , 1W.5. Toar despatch, datt ) .'d f May, re ., iid aie yeeterday alter ft o'ehiek I'. M. frmn tbi.. 1 i-am that theoticer appoint vd by and with toe advice and con sunt uf th Sa.iata, wIkm duty it wa under th law to pmseeui Kendall, was dir spectfollv bu pi: reeled. and tliat the poli.ioa! dejvart mentof the (lovemment bssubmH the control of a erm'oMi aclionthmagh an an kcial person, in order not to oifend the delicate susceptibilities of a detective agert of the Post umee Iienartinent, It seems tliis .igrnt o.uld not eonlwllv act with sns. So far as J am concerned, 1 assure you that nothing could disturb my equinawity less than the naerasity uf holding unicial tntercoura witn Mr, Blair, yet I cannot but respect and admire th gen ar mis, if not eonganial sympathy, mani fested by y. for this sensitive gentleman' aad bis peculiar vocation. Whea you has leisure from th graver afisir of Stat, I should esteem it a favor if yna would Inform as of the nstiir of these troublee tliat ag.tAtkd the bosom ef M'. Hliir, I desire tn be put in noestssioa aT tb farnV a the will afford ueh In materialsfiwanoXprandialdieatrtalon on the sympathHi of tb tlove;nment with tit scruples and sentibilitie of a Post Oftoe Poboe- aisn. 1 have th honor la be yonr nhiedent servant, , E, W assis MiMsa. Ta C. Cashing, Attorney General, Washing ton City. This matter ha damapsd th Administrat'ma at Nw Orleans, where Mr. Morse's eon -lie t m, as mweh a that nf Meaar. Piero and Cashing, I Madam ad , For th Star. NOTES BT A TRAYELLEK, Travalrrs that mereiy pas slung tl. lie of railroad leathng fiosa Weldon ta W drain gtor., la Una ptal, hv ae pt.r-cHii,l Ma uf th differ. "f" or-tnatS'Ms betweea th barren sandhill rin Ire f lb low saa'M, ana ins BBUuiaung 1 1 la, moanuiaosw regioas, lsriant forests, puia water, aad invigorating traoapher id lb ap Country. Striking oat Imas Kassigb, tu aiuiaj of tiVrkate, wast, attar rvartuag 1'nteboru , ia Chalbas c-aly. lb atut ebarMing vssas greet tlx y im evary nasvd, buelaiApsa, walei talis. Well rulnvaieit farm, grvivss, aumbartabt r denrea, and gardens lha seem I vis ia roa a .d debc ita'y tinted towers with Mabosnal' Par adisa, I'ur.uii.g ynar auars by th sisgs road westward, alter pawing melianiing groves and wowly dells, Ir.a.. tb lop of a h Jiy bill, enuraed nub iu a u riant fueeat trss and Uut k aadergroatk, yon I rel ratrk a View nf h pleasant aad quirt Village uf Aebbnew'. tb ontv seal . I.T.dolnb. ia svlm beauty aud fcsitniBsnt, biuged wnb lutunatn avaadow s, like soass pastoral ail) uf old, rersHi&g in tlie aiidsi sat palm sad emursgeis grove. Itai lur kusuieasnrdisp'Mtwa to naaissr, ti traseter might bee bt nwtaaird and wish lo re a firtl.sr in seairb of beal'h aad rd su-snr. Tbi pise, as well for iu bsanly and i-ntas (sr trad, i pariicsilarly noted Iu tb b.kb r ligwa d moral raets af its lahabiteai. Tb AcademiM and scbo.4, fat a-Mb aesca, ia charge ef Tew bees ef a hi 7b nef af uietits bsm! aaaii ficatMms, derive lilwraj pairorMg frvs saraias pan f th aestHirv, end 1 am .id ar arf sue psss4 by any in tb nubs, wi.ii tb sersM ( toiin and UMird ar vsry amtexie. loooeud wita tin p.ac is th rrsMiti rti t-..t. Iluil, then is 4 r ' ' siion la it, bwt s si ns a Mr stawuisoaa l. ,o..r ar kid by tb fctt. and gs-.--ng m aboiiy enkaoww. rWh at tb barai.tv t A'bleS'U' aa us IllBO1 Mania. lb lal rvlrsMbu.g rant bar sssVerUHf rbaiig. 1 tbs prosirfN-iatd lbs fArmeV friSS) deMe-B-dea. f, to a elteriug aofi- M-ati-'W of plefiutul bsrvcu and g . d Sl- t s. Vi k it is l-ieo-n g f li.s k te. a.d a -me sre H' j eo 3 i, b .n a-l mis week, 1 i.i 11 1 .4. tite at ,r , '. '" i scmm. a bo h s.-l b f ir .it t-s slms. Uiti V VI. I' ...I,. V i g I A. . l.e. l . tl I t. rlb c. tm s.4,0. , Joae, 1 - Th Raleigh Standard is evidenlly perplexed at seeins-the eorr pnndenc bctweca tbeom mitte in behalf nf the Convention nf the American party of this district ; and no wonder, ss it d prives that paper pf one h vlf of it (mmun'tion for the Campaign, Its fine caption :it L)srk Lanterns," and its sparklinj piragrsphsaaming noon the ecrecy of th pArty, so pl-ntilullv besprinkled wi Jl small capitals and itslics, will now pfiear "Hat, stab and nnprofitable,'1 What ! tb Know Nothings aipoint a onmrnittje to cor respond with Mr. h?pard, and request him to accept their nomination for Congress and advo cate their principle before th people, and then publish the eorrespmdence with the signatures of seven live Know Nothing attached! and that, tito, in the face of tbe Standard's denuncia tions, and while that paper is telling the people that the Americnn party keep all its acts from th pu blic eye 1 Vet so it i. The correspondenc will lie found in our paper nf tovdayi But wont these seven eommttlnemen-fare btidly for their temerity in thus making tlicuisnlves known ! Already has the Startdard drawn Us kuiftv and raised its bludgeon, OiT aeeitig them emerge from behind the "dark lantern," and wo betide the victim of it wrath I W fancy, howveri that that the editors were a little fi-ightened at the first appenraace of thise committeemen, an nnex pected ; and as hoy paa.ing by a grava-yard sometime whistls to keep thoir Mrage en, no these editnr endeavor to calm tbirir fear by calling some of thecomruitteemon beardle and mexperienoed boy 1" Ah 1 baa tlie Standard an soon forgot ton the eulogy it pas-ed apon the "ynnngmen"composingthe last lctnorruc State Coin eution f eome ot bom, we believe, were College boy. Tbe young men of youthful ardor and patriotism were then pronounced the pride as well as the strength of the Iemooraiio party but now ths.t young men are found, in the ardor uf tlveir patriotism, rallying around the Standard of the American party, that consistent sheet l .re ton. Is to esteem them lightly, a only "Isrardlo s and inexperienced buy!" We wonder what moat be th rffoct upon the ros.lers for whom the tuntraltU fogies nf the Standard eater, when they find them thus blowing hot or cold, a it may suit their purpose. But seriously. The Standard speaks nf "vMIng Strudwick" delivering nver Ornnga tn th linow Nothing candidate; and of Mr. Sidney Kmtth.nf of Johnston, a "doing the same business fir that county; and it further intimate tliut they have undertaken to dicta e to tbe eleven thousand voters nf the District 1 All this is sheer iiuitseose. These two gentlemen were but member nf tb committee appointed by the Conveution of the American party to inlurm Mr. Shepard of hi nomination, and to request hi acceptance on it a Whig and th other a Democrat, and both are young men of tnlent and charscter tliat would reflect credit upon any party. Th Con vention, whose orgau the committee wa, wa composed of delegate from all the counties in the District; and we will venture the assertion, from what we iaow ui the Orange delegation, that it was as rwpectsbl a body of men, for in teH'gence aud moral worth, a has composed any District Convention heU in the State. But these Americans, according tu the Standard, have no right to nominate a candidate for Congress. It is presumptiou, "dictation" from 'beardless boys!" But these "board lese boys," we opine, ..'.yJiL-L: ' found IB b voters in August next, and i:.;.r nuinlier will astonish tu "old fogies who preside over th Standard. W mav 'ibv mor to sar of this matter here after, as woll aa ot tin) Franklintnfi Cinarentioa. There ar oni thing c.nnsclsd with th nm- ceelings of that Conveution which need explanation ties majority in that body wr evi dently controlled by a small minority j and whyf I'erhapt tb Standard can tell. HilUboro Seemiet. Mr. "BXfAXD't Srrrcit. James B. Sl.epard, F.q., th candidate of tb Amsricsn nartv fjr Congrsaa in this District, addressed the p.plof Orange at tbi plan oa Wednesday , Mt week. Owing to tb pressor of buiinesa, w wer na- bi to attend, but w bav taken pain In ascer t tin, fniio those who wr present, lb iuiprvH.n and edwt of the speech ; and we ar gratttkd to slat that they were decidedly favorable tu th principle advocated by Mr. Sbeptrd, Tbe ad dress, we learn, existed rbielly uf a plain stata ment of Ibe prineiplee of th America party, sod of ti e facia i t, rendered their organ isa- liiai nary ; aud '.n uf a br.c! un.eer to tl a iit.jecu- ns made Is u,s r y. in regard to Cuba, we awlerstand Im position to b Ihisi II is deci.Wlly ' ..-d to all lib buster pro eu f.a- is Btquisitioa 1 aud is a la ppo.ed to making war upa Sin tn cuir it, aomrdir In tfa pro nmma'iif th Oetead Cuutsr-ae. II would But object in iu peas-tut aeqaiatih, b) i.ueimd.1 aiCiiu, if each a thing were pnewbbj. as it would b mor important to a than Tsxa bat a war hv it, la tb present conditio) of ear easy, would b a batardou undertaking, to say aotluag of th enormous expenditure ot atiaiey wh"b it would Involve, exoseding III value of I'. Island many fold. Our navy, in it ir-ut InanVinai idition, miuired aa innditar oi ever a'fo-a m lit mnt tf dolUtrtim tb pas year, whila (he wbol eipcneae uf Uuvaransenl lordl ny eae mUltonit quite enoagb bar out neoiile se nav. without seeking to lncrea it f.ir the narpisa f aujing tn our alrealy wiUetv eglendesl berrlbvry in p. erss'iitis in npaia. vt r glad UiSt Mr. Mierd has take tin eooeervaln srsiiuon, which wall haiawniea wilh Ih pribcipleaaf lb Asserirsa pany. Th htaadard atweka Mr. Soq.srd on tbsa pnint, aad wa may lews frum it that Mr, Branch will take diffrtani gr. ind t twit w h .i not. W shall bav aaor to taf a Ibis puiut beraafier. On th Pabli Land avo-tine) w U learn that Mr. fberard uCcaes a a.x.lln avsr mvore abl lo diMribotnai then snanv at bees ef tb I Drmecratie pany. hile be ha favored the policy uf retaining in mud for tbe as eg th Oatiernl Oavevnssenf, be d.-ee ovot Miss il would 1 acaeliiutionsJ In distnbat llieiw. II 1 "v siders tb lands as held ia trnsl for tbe heaefil af all th Htaresj (ml aader eirramevances whkh might rssvder nseessary a rhanga of tbs ieuv eralie policy hrtnf. adnert to by him, be would no heaitat to v.se for a Hi.tr. tonion. There is g.sl seas la hi vtaw of tl. niie.ti.Hi, and much ss a- of cnasisteticy than ia declat'ng general distribalio arvnmeiiintinnal, whil ai lb same tim a parlisl dielr'tiii to farured S him Is rcti.ned si I j.ii lle.l, aa has t n dm bv a reinnwi ef lha Dsaaurrsti party. IWUIfiro' IttrwJtr. rrsvrr-vivi fWnSB ta Biasg. On Walne. day tb .'d alt., a most firvt sad de rucii,e stursa, af tboa.lf. li-rMntng and hail, visited onr sisisr Cwpaiy ffltjrks. A geat.eresa of Dial Ciesmv. f'-4. Iash Coviw-ly, was killed bv stroke f ligbiaiar, ia tb howes af Mr. Howard, ia W prsi.l.,a. Aa vtlwr peeaios, v b-ar wee i m-i. ke.1 A" a or otberwiea ii.iwrel. Tli bail fell ta partirjes lha en of mm tit, it Is ai., od ai.nv ceoos wb war et r-el aer ae rw.j b l.ired bv lb Tb tnwe af U.e f,r lm peiiaial ia ief .' etiusv, so that lit so dsvs lbs paseing tbenob ties eoaatrv wa altie-Mt f rohihii4. Uav b-steea areva al arw fr I bg tl e w ad. tnit f rtMeMiv .-fbee lives wee ht, so far a w bav burd. Tb gresie damage wa, tocver, dooe totb eno, ,4 ail kiiMif. et r sllv lbs a'.aat crei. wbh wa vevv i.i.im. M g la Ibaa eoaelv sear fbal be eiov of -a Avsr. J.a M liow.ll. f.l.lwall. IL. , r. A Was M W ..ion. W.t. l.rwm.M.4 awl .ba. beav farmer. Wees sofw a.tf to.wr. d. wb.'e all siif-ret pAriial ve ay. Ten I . i Sit.4 d I it 1 . I, w II b lbs o.sc tb !il -wopAbe.e, W'teee ,. w.t ''ovr r t - I.- gS eep , n-s m m . .f e ieu..s in s-i -.'. .f I' e ... 1 n.e . c,'s of to e u-,'v l.t af. f, riM-ti fr t) h.d w.f .hi riv n i. b bv latsly f 1' B f,.i '..nor. - roa Tin wvsa. QUARTEKLY RKPOUT OF COd'OHTAuE. T w. i.'ar. isoSDra. , Tha-auecess attending my humble efforts in th Tract cause during tb past quarter greatly en courages aiid eiimuUie meto he wore faithful in helping to speedily ex'eudtbis bleseil wotk to every county in this (Vale, so that every faini ly, rich and poor,' ahsll be visited and revisited by a pious, praying Culportcur t that th igno- j rant may be instructed, poor sinners pointed to Jesus, aud christians aroused todiligently seeking i a deep and active piety. In three months I v'pitfd, distributed books to, and prayed with, 3T6 fan iliM; of whom 40 .,aj no religious book except tlio Bible, and 8 never -owned tb Bible, and I found '27 habitually neglecting church. I tmik part in holding JWuublie reliL'iuusmeetlnirs. met .,d addressed more than. bt)0 children in S.ihbuth Schools and cotton faclorie. scattered by sale ot -nntover f tlH) worth af printed trutW and received donations ih motey and sulise'iptim amounting to .jtMj ftir ColMrtage, beside near to build church. r ; lo four ncighliorhoodsthat I visited a yew ago, I found 137 families. log of these had ito Bible, 147 nb religious books except the Bible, and tbe average of the whole attending church was once in abuut 4 year some of the parent had not Imen to church In S3 years, ana many children momtf grown bad never beard a sermon or praj er, and but few knew what t Sabbath School was. Out of th 17y fatniliea, only ID took a newspaper, 3 ef which were religions, but tn a single paper taken for children. 1 know of f-7 religious paper now being regularly, hi ken hv these fumt lies bf which are the "Child's 'Pnper," and 12 the "Amcricsn Messenger." Jn each of these four neighUrhnods there Li now a good Sablialh Scliool supnliMl vHth books by the 7'raet Society. 17 children, 10 father, and V mothers, are being instructed every Rvhbath in these schools, many of -hom are now abl ta pell and read, who two yvai ago knew not the alphabet. There r two churches being citnplotod in two of the nf tghlmrhnml. lid a g.wd schmil house in another, and an old grog shop In the other Is ned for he BClnsd and preaching. Many of tlnwe, who were heretofore reduced to lgary and disgrace) by tho bottle and other vices, are no sober, induslrious and respected, aud sever u) haic liecn hopefully converted tn Ood. Too Hnpnrt of th other tytilnortour whose lalwrs now sxleod over als utdO counties in this Slate, exhibit a similar degre of Ignorance, des titution and degradatioa, and also sim.lar result from their religious visit and the printed truth left behind. I am greatly cheered in seeing th band of Providence guiding tbi humble work in North Carolina, which is vary mnirt In th rising up uf Colporteur and bringing in mean for the work. An excellent man, under embej-rsssing circumstances, agreed 'in one day recintly to be come a Colporteur, and the next day a gentle man proposed lo me to give tbe usual Colp .rtcur's alary. Tlort, to hslp support this Colporteur. AButiierwell-qualih.il man walked lli mile to e about engaging as. a Colporteur, to enable him to do more good to soul. and Ui Jar after his visit, two gentlen.en toldm they woufd help liberally to pay his salary every year.; And others are giving and to corst.tuM them Lite memlMTs and Life directors of tbe Society some of these are given without my applioation t and amount uuwn to a shilling ar bain freely given and gladly received, tn help posh forward God's work in saving perishing sinners. May Ood coutinu to direct a all in tbi and every work for evangelising th world and la liiia shall b all tbe glory I Your trulv, W. 3. W. CR0WDF.R. Au't. Jg in AT. C. Jar tVjnrtug by the A msrtcaa J'ruct Society, Bsleigh, June lit, 1..5. LIFfc? IN TUB RIFLK TIT. ."Csar Birogi 8Astu-ol, April 27, " I bar no new f..r you, but I writ a lew line to tell yon 1 sr in gmd health and spirits, It ia no uss telling yoa anything about th ateg for yrm sr lin t ia all th paper, "W ithia the last week I bav been twice In tli trenches, both time in th advanced trench, and th nd nit if front of it, and tor tb first Urn I tried In nsw Knf.Ji rina (a smaller bur than th Mini.) They carry beautifully, while clean, fir about twenty mends, but then they b n to brad and do ant carry so well. When I nrst saw our me firing (last BarhnUv, tb2lt) from th ridis pits, they had no idea of rang or distance. T 'O of them wer firing at th sam pi toe, on with his sight op to isi, tb other lis? irufl yards. I told them it wa too much, and with tit aighl ap for 41 1 put two shots in sue wsskin through th loprbols that tha Kussisns war firing at them from, " A I sat, alamil a quarter ef an bong after Bard balf asleep ia the pit, tls-y railed m and aid that Ihre men wer eoraing down from ti.e batteries t sards the town. I I. Id them lo ele vate fur U 0 ards. Tbey made then dodge from bmisato bous. But alien tbey gul into tb rt, they thou -lit ihey wsr nut of onr range, ai,4 coolly walked arm In arm down the midirie of Ibe si reef. amid mil quietlv stand tbi I took lh lo- t rrle, put ap th sight lo tssi, and ealruUling the UisUnce to be about l.fXsO yards, I trail high. The maa oa lb right dropped Ilk a (ton, and tb oilier two rwhed into a boas. II by liter f.a? sonis tim. Tby l.erWArds managed to gel him into a kme. That show what th nfie will mm when properly laid oa. A ' -wants I saw two earl laden with bnw- er boat. gotag fruaa th above Iowa ta th hat terws, at wkal 1 gva-sasd to b l.l Ns. uk a ride, and Boo eau.4 Ilia driver to ma for Ih bat'evlea, and Usve tee sans to ensn a l hey cold tsar men said I knorkad aver Is ar six, but I esvly feel earlaia alsat osm. I wss asm out to tb rill pit again aa Taosdvy, (tb 24'Ji.) bat th i.uaeiaoa war very shy that day, atid give very few dances. bad n regu.ar duel ith a Knseiaa in tb nearex txt) pit to as l .'.O yards. la aboal half as knar he gave ap firing, nd aa b ul ot . utit b ar shots out uf saves through his I. ..ph. la, I thug'.t mast bar kit him. I let! a aama.kuf ml.. in y r-snfJiry to watch him, tj .a tb llnseiaa (wbo, bv lli way, wa aapb-nrint sb) I red again, and pat lb ball right tbraigh privet 'i rap, bmiaa b did Bid bob his bead when b ton tii smoks. " Tby began to fir M poand-r at n in tli rill, pi-a frota ll.e gleal gvia ia the Began, seven has I red varda bum lbs pit was In, an with two asea Wsdiug nls for ma, I bullied the aa marb thai ibey were bsif aa bong lawting U giia, (a? I tan a vsvv .bsrp rorimal watrbing tbs g inners with aiy teb-sn pe. and directly tbev v-wrd I fiivl Inw ll esnbrasar. A sia as I s.w ti, gua Wa o-a-b-d I .i.sde It. avea I don la e tbs parapet as tl t!.y mtr4.', Tkr s ,a aass el.o ewe onr hewts, but aid no bsm. Tre saas thing naal ea agaia, lail Ihev asvlj fiiad f- ar shots st a lti-giw, gad do mm helm Ws tost an men thai day, but au rUiurday I tad three wee kil.e-l and oa wiwrndd f a. v party bv riasr d shut. 1 aa wre ..n.v a few jsi ' frvm roa, aad er4 r.g..; m twa bv a'. I iMwvdabul. I bav bod r-m a b-a ioeideoia t4 my rvamrMs Hi lb Irrorbea. ami aon I Uts m s-lw. U .;.ll ar iHfll, eieej u, tshs tb. se-sMiirv pre ?atKS,s to g-t out af lb a - oW Tism. T Fans" Airttswra, Tha riorov AUsander bv sh'witv a I er.woe4 k.ng tt I' .lead, and la ann.-.lio 4 U-. r eol, geral preparaivoos r saasmg in that enwatfy, l at to take p. dwng tb prtM.nl axMiib uf Jae Df.VSUVlVg FlSS. tllSH.iVnS, Jw fi A ucre-i be, at !. K-,r U t B . ' t, Whi. b 4-lreyd (t.. U.- h 1 I i j k, a A ,. iio II..I ...e.d l.v as M . H, I . , 4 sei eiai le.i..i .fii ij u. o , n. t a. 4 ' ... - Ii i. s ..d lo UUtv i k -4 it , . j ,t : .. yll'.'-tl r- . ii.c.rfe-. -gffi-u u -2?ZZi$L2i 23 . Fl'.KE StilLKRS RK.I0IC1NG0VEU THE RE ' Sl'LTOF Till? TTP.GIXI.V ELL.TTIOX. A grand mass meeting was held in Tuumany Itall, New York, lost week, tn ctlebrata the lenioeratic uccea in the rate election iu this Ptate. The meeting wa presided over by John Cochran- formerly a notorious Free toiler, and on of the right band men of Martin Van liureu, Aa approving Inter wa read tmmjuhm Van Burnt I'.e rhirfiiixminentof the detiavt of Gen. Caa in the ablest and most astute i( th Free 8riler nf tb North and tf. man wl.o rleelarwd publicly, a few year ago, thai a never Would be aatisticd until be snaue tbe ieinoc ratio party the AMition jiarln of ill country.- These are th men who are re!u;cing over th elect iiai of Wis I T:itssar th men, along with Sew arl, Ureely and tiKidiiiga, who are unable to contain tnemsBlve wilh joy, because tb Ameri can pnrty ha IrCea defeated and Henry A. Wise elected in this Ktate 1 It waa in v-uin wa warned lit fw'e of this Slate, liurinjr the canva., tint every 'Akdiuua nc of in the North wa tbrobbfne toe the success of Wise.' lb iln that publisiwd extract oltcr extract train AUditiou presses nd Abolition atieeobes, snowing conclusively that such wa the case. They would nut believe it. In 1.S02 they wt re swift enough to believe, or to affect to behove, that (1 en -Scott -ra a dangerous man, beeaus &m ard happened to t '. hi election, Aud yet when tbey knew that nut Seward only, but the whole tribe of Abolitionists and fanatics bf every hue, wer dead against the American partv. they persisted in binding their eyea to tbe fact It wo the remark of nm good man wa for get whom that be elwey doubted the propriety of any act for which his eoeraics -braised him. When wa see such men aa John Van Burun re. joic ovr th (lection in tbi State, w eonfuo tliat it give us more pain than tb contempla tion of our own defeat. Ask John A' an lluren to-day what hi opinion of the Nebraska act br im will, without hesitation, denmmce it is an outrage upon the Constitution, a disgraceful sur render of th North to whai h and tireely call "tlie (laveocracy of lis Sontb." Vet John Van Buren rejoices ovr the Virginia (lection. And a Virginian on Ihouas Duuu Knglish i found striking ha-.d with bin, aril th two mingle their congratulut'.otw. Little did we ever expect to see the liity when th Abolitionist of the North and the Democratic party of Virginia the vnunred guardian of Southern right should be found in joyful conclave over tb re sult of an louuoo iu th Old Duminion 1 1 . Mchmond Whig. ! PAPAL CCtnCll-MACACLEYa TKSTI- The great historian of Kngland, in reference to the Church of Borne, ha uiHc, fw the benefit of th present and fuinre ices, th blluwinr clear, pointed, tritihful and evidailng record I - " During tl(e le..i thine, eenicrirs, tn stunt tli growth of tli human mind has Uen her oh;.f object. Throughout Christendom, whatever ad vane bo been made in knowledge, in freedom, in wealth, and in th art of life, has been in inverse proportion to ber power. Th loveliest and moat fertile province of Kuropt have, under her rule, been sunk in poverty, ia political er vtt.e, and in intelrectnol Wiv-tvie-whil Protes tant ood n tries, nc prove'Vhl for sterility and barbarism, hav been turned, by skill and indus try, loti) gar 'cut, and nan boast of long liit of heroes and statesman, rhilu .inhers and no. at. V hoever, kno uig what Italy and Soolbind naturally are, run! a u.u t air bundrtd year ago, they ant i' y were, shall now e"rcpars the eouii try arcu d Horn with tbe aountry arnnnd Kdiu bnrg.wi.1 b able to form s-ms Judgmout a to th leuden y of Papal dominatina. -"Th desoant of bieiin, onee tha first atnerg uuniu-Fonss, w in Kiweasj oepttt Ol CjegraxUl' i n, tli esvath of Holland, ia pit of nimm, dig. advantage, to a poamoa tush aa iij uwnmoo, wealth so rmsl' besvar reached, teocU the (am lesaua. it buerer ii, VLtTlL a- Roman Catholi In a Protesiant nriniiiJilv. In SwiUari nd from a Roman Cthulw to a Protec tant sen ton. In Ireland from a Human Catholic to a Protestant Bounty, fiud that a ha paased f" "'n a hir in a higher grade at aivilixatioa, .. the ether (id of Ih Atbvntie tit sains law prevails. Th Protestants nf the Cniied States bav left babied thsaa th Komaa Catholic of Lower Canada, whoremin inert, while thswho). .at awttl round them to in hrue.it with Pro testant activity and euterpris. Tb Fraacb have d lubtlca shown aa energy and an intelli gence which ties when aiedirsvted, bar justly' en tilled then to be called great people. Tbi apparent exception, when iamiuei, will b (uund to eonSri the rale; tor ia ae anuntry that ia called Ronian Catholic baa tbs Roman Csiliulis Church, during varal genera Uuu, pus saas sd M UUl auUtorily as ia franca." . A RIIT JOKE. A gentleman in ibis place, pUrnd off a rich jokaoahia br U r half lb ntdsr day. Being a.mething 4 an pioura, k took it into bi bead, thai h wuti'd bk( to bav a first rata dinner Ito be nddraasfd ber a note pvddelv iijurming ber that a gentleman of beg acqn iiiraivce an ol I and true friend, wo iff din wilh hr that d 7 As aonn as ' recatvsd it. U banns wrul to wwk i v get ewwy f . g w du.. Pracie. ly at 13 a J k 'bo wa prepared to receive bar guf.t T. biass era aa cia as a .w pin a sumptims dinner wa an Ih tool, and sb wa arrsyad ia bar Ust atlira. A genii knock aa bsar i and aba ciartej wilh palpitating heart to lb door, hb tboagbt it must h aa old friend from satrbap a brother, from tb plan the one moved. ' On opsmrg lb door, sb saw bar basbaed with smiling aovato nane. Why aiy dear,' says ah la an tntious baa, 'where ie th gesUsutsa jam spek of iu roar notef ' o hy aaij kr knabaad omnplacanfly, ber be l' ' ' )osld get tleaiaa ef avy acvjnaiotaic. , an old and tru diMid. would din with a a dav. ' 'Wall,' eei.1 b g -d buawredly, 'as tat gemleanan ef vosir awiiminUaca, aa old aad traa frwad f ' Oh I ' said sb distraasingly, tkar aobody bat fam 1 ' No.' Wrll. I declarttbU is t M. ' i4 hi wif. I sa angry bwt. Tb b 4 laiiTl. imivnnbira'Vy. Hi belter bat! I si fell bk f viug kira tongas lashing bat llnal'y ibev sot dow ooilv tocetb t, and t r no lib., b bad gi-d d lor wila etvt bsvuig avmpany. Paici ft M.- A ta.ly was ervg wirnlog s it tif ta ber wing r-oeei eve. ties t'-envilv l ber liimsl , of ti e b a Inxhrr wbu, . a baa., H b ra betrav.ng a lei, dene , to aneiomd nea of aiind. entered mth a tarvi .g knit, k bis bao.1, aa-l, .boiling ll.s d , eem. s p t I as-d simI. ' Xirs-. (, aa rd i -a I as onr-vre.1 b see, I ik to ,iat tl be- 0 i ( J a. a lbs lt. ai.i I l'. I I y aj'l av r t ' nan s Imi .v. 1 , f-at k. ., if iv firu., I a ill e-1 off .r be. ' Tb lady b.-ied aUr bruhat 't St., and ,. 4 ia ,v av b ke nf a Seel, eonclrde.1 b'lreanl to Co s b said. 1l.ee. waa an evo am b a and m bah-wiy by ber ...bv. wttb el'Met in fnl but m-av,eirt ea.'vbed bee saie?j d. 1 iet Ii. tiiat war Ho iMvilivvg ov, sov ...ig am'oviw, si, seid wv'b li s gre..ert si t t eued.Aoiv. i ' .it I. si ae . e I b. tfwore ; I vt - u' I It Co e pill to -. tl i ,m n. ' v a- a 1 e 1 bsve g I I (. .-(- l. aT e . va si I i-Mt It and l . v-; h v s 4 .a Lm t a . V ,ii..,i - lf'l . IH t M ' i l'.,lt i I , i i,:f,.f si ' , .-. I n m- i t, . ,e. . . a I i e .-a i.r; m , e . ly r ! . iv. a f - f t a a i e i. ; , ,.i ... ,. I. H .'. , -i i. "c, ,11 I.. .l-f 1 1 . : -.1- ! .t 'IU . V ?.n ii trc.i. erot..-.c . ,intr tor the net 1 ". IllUt til- , f, ., 1. t-! c; no . .j , r-m- rri.ut. jhH, a. i ,,. etW4-SW'JilWIUaVM.'TTIt,,T)1 f ,. ,. -. J . Ociur.mcn . th lb.it!. aH.-cj, i.'. s- .'. ticket T What d e .Via. lirun.iv s.,- v, V; Uio Uichmund t.i.quum 1'' Ue 'vaU , , print to state. .!, it concur v-n'i t..t Jork Ili-raJd" in iupi.rtraiturc.it !.e i , ofitapartT, whh b while comuientu m- i", ,'. , fiuiea and excellency o thin noii.au. e n. "Air. tt-isn is an edii rated and a. c, mm-,, . '. -', niao. lie hia bad gnat ex,irienc ii. t ... a a statesman, ia N.tHta America as a di, i.'.;,i aud baa prvjcU himself a pet.e t A -1 ill-, on .. stump in tbe Ut Vir-in Beam a.n. Ji- i. d tibnv.ibd as a J.nwe.ful, ba.ccd. qu, k aid pungent speaker, caustic, uieici' , a: ' .i.vt , hie en.-niiva. He ciits,and tbiLca, ril.tand Kit, and delight in tl:e hottest of the fi lit, "Cipuin r.ymlers, iu Ins recuiiar lltTe, is the aaiueairt of a man. lie niiy n ii lave a di pliuiJa, from the Virginia tntve.s ty cr Vale C ol lege1; he mav not underui.d th Unguals as w.i as Mr. Wise ; liut he u scarcely b.s inferior in ho Bame effwiive appln alien of the hvicg Aulo-Saxi n. Ur, if the otic can nnnibilia an opiHineut with a figure of h. the oiiier an knock uim ipeucl.iius a itli Ui similar ai4. on or his ';g,KHl right irni." IIMr.Ui nopra' to til lliiu of titu head w ith resi.tiess power, tue a guueuuof C'upr. Kcndei.1, applied to th iut sine, ar equally eri'cctlv. So, too, if Mr. V im was 11m only matt able and tvilling to gru pie with lit new and untried enemy in th iai A cr giuia contest, Capt. t.ynilera boa slmvvn that le is the only tout bUl oaough, and willing and competent, toeeoond the mini n in the fl;-.t great. -step to the reorgAnixatioo of ti.e tcatic: 1 Demce-'. racy. '' " We therefore suggest to our Virginia corem poraries, ecially the Biohnvmd A' .ipiirT, the diinnwrnric ticket of Wise and lUnders f .r l.,tj. and Jet the A'owrer be assured Cat ti.e l.v Vork IUsai.o doc this aa mi in lependiun j. or nttl, and not as th organ of the Kuow Nothings or any other party." fcvniuemay call this, "all tortt of a mi,"but in tbe language of the " StaudarJ" we should not be surprised, if it ended iu au " UU Virjtu ia break dixen." ARRIVAL OF TUB NoRTIIRHN LlrtHt! ! ' lATW g0 CAI IIDUN1A. Nw Yog, June 0. The steamship AortArrn Liijht arrived this morning about llj o'clock, with 41S passenger," nn.l over f"2,(MI,tKnj in specie. j -" , The Northern Light msde the passngi from San Juan to this city in 7 day aud two hour,,. Klie ooimeoisj nitn the r?onr.r i, which h-H San Franctsvoon tlie lii'.b, With mai!, and paasengera and a very lariH! amotinl of specie From t'entral-An i-ricn, the hrmgi tidings that tl. Unvemment parte bad again it.vco.-J Leon With powers ofOencrvl, Ac, who bad d-termined to red cca it before th arrival of Walker. Th xpe lition of bc'h Walker mid Kium y wer aini-.Lj'y luoVed for. 'lhaelnopot m-M F' 7-im'i waa atl Ran Jnan, hot evtoobnd to UarvnisMii the 1st of Jane fur the .-endwicli islands, in. L) Uilituruia luainew generally wis dull, al though large hipmeutg ol'gralataid J mr were being mod to New Vork, Liverpool and Aus tralia. Th slilp Cbarmar, aailod fur New York oa ",! ''.' - '"n TUO tvM of wheat, ilgj too of bar. v -i i ! 70 tons of Hour. Ti.e Flving Anoc wuuld follow withlOUOlm of viuealaud tb.ur for Chili. A aal of 200 bbl. tuperlln OuII.to i! ur a as made on the 8th, at $10 ptr bbl., auli credit f 30,40and45dayfc A good duil of rain had fallen, but the mi Inokedwoll Themtucs war yielding huiidnt iy. Mo.iey i'arce. A Know Nothine pa'r ealbi tl.e Citizen had been start". 1 at San 1 raueiscn. A union rd thndis. entl.Je.d Whigaanil Iteuvoer tic party had at'.vinp todau npuaition, but without mu. ii su ci-m. Misb Anna A'exsndcr, a school teacher at Sn cramento, and Mr. Jo)m Adums, of iulo conntv, i - .vuv uu.,.., i.uirin .;unm,-imi';iiT, I A ' U-J -cm ,l,, w n,n d-wa wvin ii-oa Meooppuslteal1ranlent ' .:it un un; by a stearic r. lb euubrr-ation nf the Sous'trr title, m ith JJ (quart league, nf I ind inrlo'ied, bvd ten reoived at Sacramen' i citv with much uratiiirav tion. To mnnicinal election at Snn Frmcim-n nn.le lb nsw charter wo to Ink puos s' ... ,i ii.-' s-t of Mar, and tl.s stniggl promised bi be pun y witn tn ivaow Aoliiiiii; snd the An'is. lo. iiigler bad been honored nivan."i reception at San Francisco on i' ,. I..,,,,... ai tb military and sonib thousand of tl.e f r.T5- C'tisen srere In proc"i,i. goiiowing the latest quotation of C , Fbmr, tome Jobbing lota are nvwiilonrd at i .1. AdMiiantine candles SI cents. Vtbetl .', i . H.7J. Turpi ntme 70. 0rleu susr i ,t a ' Li. MamsUaUl. Cheese Id. Lsu.s.inirl 2U all',. Advice from tb rsndwlch I. In,. I. M, lb British frignles President and Alcom, M..p of W ar Ihdo, and steamer Brisk, bad all b -ft f ,r tli north Pelrnpauluw.ki. it was tu: t .nd. A Marshall or Tin: imtkii tt . Among u.e Am. . .. this wh.i alien. led the I u, ball given at the II .te da Ville, pan., v. as .) Hpkar, nf Kentu y. .la. k rn.he-l tbe d "v lUiewhat stri.i.. ai. I iitted rMulnt.s i a I is ah' ul.lers l.so ii ''i 'o ata-.t four Mil r f ... rail in buaimwa -I -. k va Uis ol.-i rvi I r-f I ob-arrers, sn I j-' ' nig d np alih a tony I... friends gould i t ai-ooiiul f r. V ben-i--r t'-a aiarshalsuf 1 ranee went, tliern went J.v ; s 1 when lb asaisbals sat down Ja. k i d t n , e, alway taking tb post nf h n-.r. T,.e ,r.v s i th bay Jock called no hi oM acouaint ui - . M -, Mssun, our Minister to Frsnne, i,u i' aie l p s Uttl a,vrsalii.a in tie tu! lowing ma; nr; "I brar.Jatk.voa wer si tbs I..II l i,,, '' I was, sir, and bad a b nh nil t , .. " "F ar which yoa ar indebted. I .,. . t , the high old e..nitny you g-iteuti- l ... , ; Hv the WeV, how earn yoa ai u r I wi.ii ti -t Mar-hals t ' "llowf By virto of my c.ss i . v w. a ntarsbls id Iran.-., whil 1 au b t!.o,.: r : ,a a manbal ef 11. Republic. Isbowrj i v . i miesbaa and bs.k p-iel accord. n ! y . "Mv rifhluf effo-e! what du y u B.riin .' "It 4 tb O, and see' , liera Jai k prentcd Mr Mason wi'l sl,:'v. browa papr, with a seal b.g naig : I t a f. ,,r p and wciglib "Vt bat ia tl sum nf Havea Is tl, " My eavandv . f mr-Nal' -1 . . I Ii i., I WI, when I ani.u l iu to' ng It s u.-.is in Frankfort.' kj sJua't ti.nn l s-.y tl.st y u t I tbi. r ! di n't nii-sn si t asarsbal' .J r - I lb eJ-iw :.,lv I. i.. i, Me. l ...it a . ... , laigs bit,,Fi.-, ..a I tb-oi 1 n -i I i il .astis fe.si i t I arijl.s .4 I ' , . ii sU. T' .'. s- I I ... 1 tl ll Jl k tw i I ri .... -i i i S I i 1 I'. ia a aiai : ll n .illtO S. It I" if. J k s a ar I iy b, i. i -t i' I i W. II .. .. of fbi'v nli" ' dt n ,., Aeo n' , v IX I 1 1 ' y t-- ,i ' 4e'r ,