r:: :. rCBUSRIB wruiLT BT WILLIAM C. DOUB, InlVOX A!T rtnrniEToa. Tf pt4 ttrictly ia advance, two defiant per an m ; in dollar cad fifty etnts, If paid within mm anikii aad thro dollars at tli tail of the J. ADrtmrrsEXEXTs ot exceeding sistee t will bs inserts 1 om tin fur OB dollar, tad ttaty-ftre csutt for each subsequent insertion. Thos of greater length will bo lrged proport tiooally. Court Order tad Judicial advai titemsBt will b charged 24 per tout, higher than tho sbov rat. A reasonable detiaetion Will bo Bad to tlwaa who advertise by tho year. Book aad Job Priatiag doaa with aeataet d os patch, aad o aesomtudating term. kA Letters to tho Editor ajoif bo postpaid "TbXlIeTghTn. c. gei""Our information frura different- parti of this Dutriot ii of the moat cheering character. Tb impresnion mada by tlx American candidate, Mr. Sbepard, ha, we hare been informed, been Tory deoidedly favorable. With the strong, coo aervativ position attorned by the Philadelphia Convention, aad proper efforu upon the part of tii friando of the cause, we feel ooufident that, despite th boast of our opponent, we can carry the day in this Dutriot. The more our principles are discussed the more the; recommend them tolve -to the fair minded, honett men of all polit ical parties. Despite the mitrepresentatione and abuse of the Forney and Pierce presses aud orators and despite the strength of old party ties, the cause of justice and of truth will pre Tail. Then to pur friends, we would sny, he ao tivo, be vigilant, be ready at all times to meet assaults made upon our principles and our can didate and to correct the missrepraeenfations from party leaders and interested politicians,aud there need be na fear of the result. i - The abolition papers at the North are growling over the demonstration in Philadelphia aud New York consequent upon the action of the Philadel phia Convention. It was not cxpeotod that thoy would be pleased at the result, nor was the action of that body shaped with that view. Moderate, axMservatir counsels prevailed, and although the secedcrs proclaimed that the platform would he repudiated ly tlie whole Xurth, the indications are that the conservative' portion of the people appro of and will sustain iL We give the ra tnarke of tlie New York Tribune npon the dcmctsetntlion in that city, which show tU it that Super is hostilo to the movement a it has' always been. Other tsvier of ihatetauip concur with the femoy and Pierce organ in denunciations of Iheplatibrtu and of toe movement, which tliow tln auesiuohtt rixximplete in their war against ahis great and patriotic movement Hut this unholy llian will not prevail, American have too great an appreciatae iot 1 atertcon principles to be misled tale savoh an unholy orusade to awntribnt", to the purposes of these political trick alters and demagogues. But Iter is tin detract from the Tribunec Tb deaovnstralion -rfrSe "Vativfial" Know- Nothmirs is riven in another tssrl ea he rouier. It was a regular riilver-Oray alfair throurhoot The long amy ol iMtlsrruors who aided Darker at Cm. ia aitopung the Pro-Marnry Platform at Philadelphia to (he disruption ot tho National Council occupied the hole attentiia the neKl ing, and they were determined to ht tlie dough fated Ndrtimra monitors olioeir party know that "there is a South ;" at any rate tlie preponder ance of the I'ru-Slavery eieuiesst aesiaut tue speaker disgusted loose who hate bean deluded into the Order, but bw are nut yet prrpared to be made hewers uf wood snd mawer ol water for the tl ionit of the Niu. fcat-Tbe HumJard sus that the wet that rao- lutiune deaounoiiig the AdminitUatioa uf frauk iia Pierce were introduced into the 1'liiladelphia Convention, show its Whig ueUviiiee. Will the Standard put ttio YVabinntuB Sentinel, the Mew Orkiaus JJulia aud other t'etuutrulie upon in the same category. If denouncing tlie Ad uiuMtraiioaobe an evidence of V hlgery, then the Whig party ia by no means drad. JtstT-Vt give in swlwsai' part fprea aek coaaii frosa lettable aurrt ouuent, of the dis cussion bet tea Messra Mu ard and Branch at Brawfields in (irsaviUe toonty. It would seeia, truss this eeouunt, that Mr. Branch due nut ad here to the platrurss Ud dun a lor him by the I'rankhntMi Conveuuon. Vi7" Oiiveraor Brown, of Ton, in bis re eon I speech at the g.eat American duMiiutra lioa la New York eny, on M lay lost, very ac curately drilled the present labors of the admin iotratioa. lis taid tnat the present aJntiai-lns-tiuot seenssd have but kill sis to do but to decapitate tli aieeslier f the Asaeriraa Urdar ! tJafW at skier man bligatam to II, D Tamer, Ism lur tn h4 of nice A tanking Meco. W Lav tried it fairly pmewenco It to be xmH excellent wT" Mure than oaebuailrrd meui bers of th Hew Uaaspshir Legislature, who vote i Mr Sodl, refused t voos for Jobs) P. lisle. Tear I eoeaw io Hrratioia left, oroa ia New Hamp shire. tat" Will our 'loaaicralM'' neighbor wb Tw t"4 of aapUBg Kaow ortimgiass with , Ahnliti.las, pabliah th sallow leg reonlutiu tsiftsJ by th IsnsineratU fkai Contention of Ohio in February last i "Rreulvod, That th people of OluA , ns Ao taa araya aVse. trk aixo eiatsry as an d aad ulanral.l M tho vl.raa of fra laMeitia, iil (bat mksnsiaiitg these aei.ti twowla, th.y will at aI lm-m M a) w be their duty ta aw mllfmr Htartf gim A hmt o tkf mitt muni ,-, a pretenl lis ineraaa, la .aaitiga aaxl.ai, lo eraaiinstt Ms mU." A i ar raa Tiava ma th mealing ef IM asii'.nal Amenraa ( - ntaatwa at I'luudah rhia aad na d..p.i, a ,4 a .taJ I'l .ifna., tt s '1 ' " - - ' s nat naaa la alld R.t.l,l,r I f ra.,l) f ;,r Tho rbab Mr iailat Aulaira Ihiily Ajovtisrr, ( Ss. Ward's kasa orris. ) .Hrraewaa I'hn.r,,. fais.lt tsua, ) nanaa Hnty rasnar, s.. W h g ) Tsaas aaty big. (diM,!tri. 1 (i.a nr I'lar s ksaava arrak.) Ilrlaan Awnnil (Meward Vthig sad Med. a tl,.. Id....... . Th saaerat " frv4l M a mu,a list I a rtaaaMssaa tHCtaiia) wil b W i I lo aaa a a raat ta-ts aesi ialL Ta rsaiana of all rim I e-Wbai. Th W fnrm of priao plaa Uid da ty th Caxania at PbiladalphHt wa taa ,Ni iaj f r Ihet Aba IiIssohmo, mm4 th. pana fc .) Vssntd not thai eoa,4 it t th Kmih ? . H i. II J. VOLUME XLVI. Atl(.J DeSOKSTKAT'IOX in Baltihou. '. One of the largnt gatherings of the people tltat haa taken place for some time, was convened in Baltimore, Wednesday night, to ratify the pro ceedings of the Philadelphia Convention. The America says of it that it was the greatest polit ical demonstration over witnessed in Baltimore. "Seat" was multitudinous, enthasiastte, and op roarious. 11 opened wide the great American throat and abounded in hurrahs, discharges of cannons, fireworks, mott'jeo, masie, and banners, showing his vitality to be no longer a debatable question. The entire space of Monument Square we packed with perspiring huinanitv. Net leas than twenty thousand peraonswere gathered Within its area, whilst half that numberthronged the approaches to it The various wards turned out in great strength, and their long lines of illu minated banners, amusing mottoes, and lively music, made tlie scene an animated aad attractive on. . A number of distinguished gentlemen address ed the assembled multitude. We giv below the remarks of Mr. Raynef, of this State t eiui or aBXKKTa? wayne. or s. c ' " Mr. lUjner said : Fellow Americans, I con gratulate you upon the glorious auspices under wiiicu you nsvo assembled tins evening, and a sure you the kind groeting which you haveeiteo' ded to mo is appreciated because it affords an earnest that American Prtkettantism burns brightly iu the Monumental City. We have met as American and as Protestants to avow the principles by which we will be governed, princi ples founded upon right, and which would pre vail deopite the niacbinatiousof the Roman Cath olic church. Our enemies hare nlrcudy reported that there has been a dinruntion in our rmrtr. and thut the elements of the great American party are so distracted that it will be impossible to noai we oreacn. I deny that there was any disruption or even disagreement upon tlie great cardinal principles of the party. We met as brothers, and parted as brother, those v ho were taid to have seceded remaining iu the Council until its close. There a quesuon which has created division in all parties of theoountry, and all the churnhesof the country bad been divided by its agitation, hut it uid not anect tlie great principles lor whicb they oonienueu. mey ten you .tiiat a portion or the North seceded, but that is falke; and the great body of the North and South are united and right on the great question, and will be found tuiether when they come to the ballot box. know that the Kouush hierarchy of Ualtimore cacKiea wim more uengnt at in supposed dis ruption in the national Council than did tlie devil of Paudeinnoiuin when they had turned man from the path which the Creator had ordered huu to tioioJ, but they w ill lit more disappointed than were the samvueviai alter their second visit to th earth, in the vain attempt to tempt the Satiour truiu hi Uud. Iha question, aud 1 will say it without disre spect to our luihers, is moreniomentousthauthat u tiich caused iho iiatriots ot the revolution to draw their eworua in the revolution. It is a ques tion oi auunu.sirsiite policy, i he whig and democratic parties divided Uion tlie question, not whether the country should be governed but bow it should be governed 1 Hut those parties are now exliuct M hat is tlie cord which binds together tw millions of the people of this coun try but th perpetuity of the tree institutions es tablished ny ttieir laUiers J 'this is th nrst tune the people of tlie country ever run in the power of thrir might to establish their nationality. In the early days of the country the people sought tochaog th wihlarueae into tiliaiile soil from which to produce th sun uf lite, aud did not upiwae that a foreign population would ever pieouun) to tnke I low llnir cunurul tlie govern- I uieut ol the notion which they had planted for thw proKeny. Hut the time had cuius when their liberty wss tlireiitened, and the same spirit which impelled the sires ot the revolution to rebel aguiusi Uw oituni ina of a foreign power now prowid the pts to rise up to put a chedk upon the priestly aggressu) of the Komish church. Vt hen Mnmu Lmher sounded tli pro slamatiou of th vforniatioa iu toe streets of VV itloiul.ur, ho was but prompted by a mora holy loetiug then Umt wltiidi haa taken bold ol th poxiple oi teist country in this tumeeneul; aud our gvoi y is that we intend tu march on to victo ry. (A tone in th ciuwd lio it North Caroli na; no it old lliuoitl bwaup. . Iimmi eoutida, irciitlon.eii, are weloom to my ears. Uu batk lu th past, and you will see that my aawmous at wai ranted. ) uu do nut com tu meetings hi this armed for an affray, aui your uria uueure is upun tue great cunaena tir, tli bsUlot-boi. -What Was Ui( rs now lu bo Icarrd to tl.e In ihstitutions of tins ruuutry but from lb lursign population, which, like the r pent, through your kmdueM ua-u u-ow th moot abject -ovrt and warmed into lite, repays your boepiiality by stingiug your vitals; ll.uy attempt to destroy your freodoui. Us would welcome to th land all alio would come, and b industry aad frugality mak iheineelvs rcsfocted. snd grant tu their rhildren a partieiuon ia th (rrvernejMtnt nf tho ownitry, bat b loo Id not ex tend that pritilega tu lliem. 1 am willing to extend the hospitality of the mantry to all, but what, my tneuda, would yon think if yon wore lo tvH-eie a stranger into yur houa and treat Dim kindly, II he sfcoald nsurp t oar plae. aad ailrl having bmn with Jm a short tin, at i to walk out uf door aud surrender your atomi se t him f ' Sooh will be the s with your (oeniry, and th flag ef the nation which will trail m tle dust rn isaii Ihn-agn the w' -kmro of this fmga bord. vt hs-e met S"fo lu ewear befnr Ood that we will exalt that flag, end make It ware Eroattly aloft ever a free, entramtlM aad appy psopie. It yt will go bark to Jewish history, fm will See that thai people wer pru peroua at hit they maintained ttieir sIkviij j an it was snrtwai l I he it eerosaonial law to aliotain fr"m all tWeiga roatoeaa, and tho llonk which wo all rffird a the guide of all truth, ia t'nrn as tlial all tU'r miolorturara begaa whea tbeyevolated IhsaeUwa. 1 thos dvs thoaauv Jeas WOTS edsaitted u th inaer ruurt, uf h tasai Is, whits the Genii mm w sv nt4 to stay ia th mm uart, and va thua who war nrtas. lyaad to lb faith, were deuiad lh priviieo-e ef panieipatiag m ma government ol th poof'la. Nwh fc-a was the mmt In ancient tireoc. it was Impossil.la U fiveipner, by pan-has e sent. i rwob was the mant to aials biasarlt to any of that rixbianf a srsiiv eilisaa of lireao wUUi was oooai Wrod a kih hosK r. 1 ka tc4l ynu that lb taut at seeracy Is re moved, and So It ia. It was aoaateeary ia tneith to b sowroi, and tl aoal.l t-o an i m soars . baeauss anon nf th nrienN drifted it W hat e ly Afttm a th early C heuHiaas did, who were railird to At H through fear, pot whe they baoaaM anwertol, tbey threw it , ft, set did riot st-p until lhy bad assd l ha oirruit of what is anw tirntadUio ehnotlanwatht la abauM vaa l baa la as, a llass-sal saarair ytw fwher. j 4 raaamlw thai y-air bh4 is Uh. ssaa as that whsek walarad tha sl ai tUaats of tM armla. Iks. I aor assws lalMaiS tr a lilt th'W af th tcaigeaar, U ha S'ssa aa) saeottari Hh oaaoU'ato of pieasur list alsy frtssads af ebildbnad, tho bruuk nr ia kujhuai wo bathed oar (eat. and th bus hsa-ih-t.. troaad ahiah w board lias oluriasnt 11. s dats wkwb gamed th bhany sk ws eaiuy ? las (atoigaar aan(ast MS ax saawiKaaa II. s Uil.ptasa wa far bevtad tho asaaa. and if they loved thio or-aatry as. rtaa tbsir saa, ll.ey war unworthy af th land ati.h g thar birth. 1 stif-v 11,4 aa,ng is a hat i, Pnsaas fa hi s ai'y smM rail a su. Il i vary tra ihst Kas is a arha4 teirt sad b la das. I la ths bat .iaii.ax 4 th hasal.iaa4 ti e luw'y, II. t bard 6td sul Us hvtl ytswasry RALEIGH, NORTH CAEOLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING of the land. Our enemies say we iddure no new arguments, and they speak truly, but their argu ments were tiuth and truth would hear repetition. There is another great principle for which we eontend. Wears 1 fighting forthebibleandtheright of religions liberty. If people feel so disposed they can send their daughters to the nuneries, let them do art, but we will battle against tlie control ef each institutions when those daughters r shut oat from common ion with the parent No man con be a true Anericsfi an! ft trn member of the Roman Catholic church, for his alleiunee to the priesthood Is stronger than that winch he i-bcars to his country. My friends 1 m glad to sew you uus evening ana leei satisnea mas you will do your duty whenever the time come for you to act. The whole power of this country will be arrayed against you, and the church upon ine seven mils oi Hume win soon iioiu a consul tation upon our doings at Philadelphia. For the North Carolina Star. , Frsxkuktom, June 1, ISoS. Ma. F.oitos : Too are aware that the candi dates met yeoterduy at Brassfichl's in Orauville. t he crowd was unusnatiy small, owing to the very busy season together with the anticipation of the rain which foil in copious showers iu the evening. All parties appeared tatUtied that the campaign' will b conducted on the fairest and moat agreeable -terme from the courteous aud gentlemanly deportment of both candidates. 1 be discussion was opened by ir. Miojiarn, who made one of the ablest speeches which it has been my fortune to hear on the subject : Tlie speaker eloquently discussed the claims of the American party, to the enpport of Americans, answering every objection which has Iieen urged against the organisation in the most triumphant manner, and making an impression on the niiuds of his audience whicb cannot fail to demonstrate on the day of election that the intelligent people of Granville appreciated his effort. Mr. Branch in reply made a good argument, but did not come in contact with the position laid down by Mr. Khepard, on the other hand I con ceived that he departed essentially from the avowed principles of his party, lie favor the right of Americans to mle their oountry and is positively and uncompromisingly opposed tu the ltomnn Catholic Church, thinks its tenets and doctrine dangerous to civil and religious liberty, but opposes the American.) arty on account of its secrecy and the obligation of the member to vote against him, (,mtt plausible objection) besides he thinks the organisation has taken the wrong step to dispose of these "odious Catholics" leav ing, as he does, thut it will cause the spread of their religion, he woum "clutch tlteut with hih'ks of steel" and "crush them from our land." The American party would grant them the full eier cire of their religious opinions, and permit them to worship under their own vine and lig tree with out molestation; but would not elevate them to office, believing (hat they entertuin religious opinions repugnum in our iiisiitutions. mr. llrnnch has taken grounds on the subject diamet rically opposed to the principles promulgated hy his party snd ly the Convention that nominated him. The ablest men in that convention violently assailed the principle that would proscribe a man fry his religious opinions, or that would require any religious test as a qualification for office. Yet Mr. Branch quotes, as tlie basis of his argu ment against Catholic and other religionists of dangerous proclivities, a clause in our Constitu tion including all such from any eivil ofiic in th State. Now, Sir, what ehanir has so Sud denly eome over the spirit of his dreams ! W bene this mighty revolution? We behold th Conventiou which nominated him proclaiming to th world religious liberty and freedom of con science in tho lullest extent and dononncing as unconstitutional and auti-repuhlican the sopli- nation of any religion taotwhataver, and Ml tha other hand wo behold the nominee of that Coa- ventinti reading prescriptive clauses in the cort- stitution and deoleriug that he would crush out a religious denomination tmmour land, now is Mr. liranch right on this question? or are the members ot ttat convention that nominated linn i ight t How can they raci noile this inconsisten cy? Mr. Branch occupies a position very similar to Ibat ot the American party of which we have heard ao aiuch abuse and denunciation. He is in favor uf tli same principles which they advo cate th only difl.renc being the means fob used in bringing about a muioa result la ooncluaiou 1 nop thst Mr. liranch is too noble aad generous to endeavor to take ear than der to use m bsitl srsinsl as. Sine be nod that it will be effectual and that no maa or party can eontend successfully aga nst it. I cannot believe tnat he design to wrest our weapons from our hands, as w ar about immeming a battle which will erowa our arms with triumphant sne though bo himself should b among th SISl. " " Limsitio or Ci s. Son- Goienaria, th bead of th Cuban Junta In New York, has ia- siwd a new manifustoia rslati n to th liberation of Cuba, abounding la the asual etc of patri oti tMiiirniaan, twit barren ol anything denoting a tangible or praetical plan to accomplish the prupated object ThsXs York Herald alluding to it says It appears that th amownt of money enati in ured by Ike Creoles to ellii revolulioa in motion was fo.'", not half a tnillioa of doilara a waa Mated at th time. Of this amount th treasurer, 8ee Goiot oris, atnended on haa- dred thousand dollars, bea.det MJ"f his owa fuhh, in theeaas. Th balsam of th MiO.lSa), r TH,(lj a as banded over to th auntrol of (.rneral tiiitman and tlss o ilh brarsth of tlfo Jurta by th diraetina ef th contributor t th fund. sf this sssoenl it ia said that Uuitmsa srnt .'ii,isi0 ia enadipnnal .-olrau with ( aptsia tiiaham f siarf ships and tla naval a)ttoa of th spditrna j Ik money vraa paid (a ailranra, and, of eoara. wlsa th rb fell thmagh it wusMdowna sossarhuWw away. tlorenvar, aom r.1)."('l wor paid tn nnkor of tn toiled Mates army ia Order w) ludac thn to jora im tipditioa. TsrSBsyiaas ar vaa Iitwavi err Wlsv A'tr )' , Jhm !!. 1 h Miaauuri Kerwhlieaa of th lAth mrt , pobli.heo a hwtsr dated hts. aaaa, Kanaaa, vth Inat., staling that as sip ndy had arrived on lb sib at list rt Kesa k Wisatna with aewa list Fovt Larson la Koheaaka Temtnry, bad fallen into IU bands of in laitsana. That war a f articular giw ao to tha fa of tho en, toiad. Tb Indiana had ear -m bled roan 4 lit J art ia rt smasbars. Nst A McLurdof Ash II oil w were rubbed by Us ladmn of 4J bead of snllle. 11 boraea wagann, asalaa, kt tasting thosa hUrlj doa- lia rt.wt. lr. While tb Mtavhatu tVW- gatn ia tfa Uu Naltestai l'om,u, j bavin sa.-a.le.! iksrofrooa baraua of its aatiaaality, and rsHuraaii aoa,) ar sn.w tastily nrgd aarohall.ng th rraaarHl hau. In U.sl ftU, againat U.s Nth ; ll lirsa.to (lab ef fbat,. lb tny of f sr. si. .a, U ehsrtinr llaary A. Vt ns af Va, o baxvary aMaalatrl Thaa, while we th KsSK.itaJ Ao.-n. a party pa 'gad of iia Aba- l.lto .!. s, se Ua ll-i.ry A. Hie of virgtaia, raturrong bio "graiafol arkaawledg. i,u" f"T th -h.ai.' baslaarat p hist by a p. liMaleliibiatbvr but-had af Ass.l.tMn.saa. sirsora, aav, at. a si. rrwld. rao W rears la bsea that lU dwetlin skasa ef Mr, Harvtia I sal, af this 'at S0 ra.tas wast of ll.iistoenarh. Was , oaaaad ty ftrona .la1ay s.mi. I a. I. (u!y povta. la tart. Mar was save 1 In ttsaeae stis-'M wiih the Or Wat tat l.rili r" w M tkal II wa th wwk of aa Ipt.n- 4Wy ll- .(. k"fJtr, 0DKJlr3XS3 or THE TIERCE ADM1XIS- TBATIOX; The Pierce Adminiltratiha is being assailod tn all sides by thos who brought it into power, Th Waehirjgtori Sentinel tb organ ef tlie Southern Domoeraey) strike it heavy blows for ft abandonment of Democratic prinoinles and its tame submission to foreign luatiltsand outrages, and say "the ltuiotrHtid party can never rise ggairi except with candidate pledged against both the policy and appointments of the Admin? istrntion. The St, Louis Democrat (tbsormn of the iieritonian liemocrftcy) conies down npon the Adiniuistraiion ia languagt atill tnoresmer than that of the Sentiuel, as tlie subjoined articls ; shows, and eousequentlv we may now axy, with truth and justice, that the Pierce Administration it an object ot the asorn rt it friends; and the contempt of ite foes. If tho subjoined article from the .St. Ixiuis Iiemocrat speaks the sentiments , of four-fifth of the baltimoru democracy, (as so many of theas are fie to declare) how can they continue to endorse il by voting against the Amerioan party ? Let them coruiider this question well, whilst reading what th St Louis Democrat ays, as follows t franklin 1'iorce oume into nower with adfsree f popular favor u nparalleled tiince the days of Wasliington, beating a eon.;titnT who had stingiushed hiriar-H in two wars; and ahfinugh but two years have tmc i lapired, ha -has fallen so low that none can be found hi do hi m rvvwrenc Not a Stat in tlie Union can h claim as his own, fiir evot bis confiding New Hampshire, a. state that has coutt rred honor upon him with a profuse hand, tiirnt lur Irnek upon kit in ditgtut ; and it Is now evident that lie must drag eut th remaining years of hit administration with an overwhelming majority auaiuat him in both louses 01 tougress. - Much a change in the popular will mutt have resulted from sonw great canes, and that cause w shall undertake briefly to define, and think we shall be able to trace it to the act - uf ao other than the Kxeoutivw himself. Ueneral Piero was nominated by what purported to be a National convention of tlie bemoerncy, composed, however, of politicians. most of whom bad private ends to suliaerve. His nomination cannot be said to have reaultod from any popular manifestation, fir b had not been thought of by the people in connection with tlie office ; nor can it be attributed to any high appreciation of his talents, for no one protended to class him among-stateemcn : on tlie contrary, b wa comparatively- obscure, and in this obscurity may be found the sec ret ofliisnomiiiatiou. The good of the country was sacrificed lo tlie principle of availability, which unliirtunatcty, is the controlling influence in cur modern aud self constituted conventions. , He wo represented to tlie people as honest mi and decided, and warmly attached tu the principles of th Democratic party, and it was ttiougiit mat with the aid ol a cabinet composed of Siilitrhtanad and natrintin .Lilssiwsn ha w.mlil ft able to conduct his administration with honor to himself; and credit to his country) but alas, what a disappointment was in store for us I His first act was an error a gross and palpable error error that affords no spolot-v. and meets with nu eileuustKm. Il connoted in exiling around him as his constitutional adi is. ra, aieo of diametrically opposite opinions, destitute of political honesty, and with very limited political am.irmaiioo ; inueeo, it may be said mat trier il not a man in th cabinet, exoeptiag William laMarcy.who can lav any claim to stntosinaiithtn. and no other, savs Cashing, uf mor than ordinary capacity and it ia an admitted fact that dishing is too vacillating and corrupt to be intrusted with any public duty. Ha bosbelohied to every party mat ever nad an existence in tins country, except the Mormons, and would ioin them to morrow if thsy would mak him their mm trriear. - nh a cabinet composed of such material- it is not lo be wondered that the oouneil hoard, in whisk tb Kieouttv figure as a mere owfrasufen, should be th scene of suits aud couteutioa ; and our diplomatic oornt filled leaviug afew bouoruhle exception.) with prodigal and unprincidd drmarnrue. Ih freaident also erred in the distribidion of bw patmnag. Publw vlfiee are created for tlie benelit of the people, and tlie salaries uaid out of tli pocket of th people, aud a decent resiectto neir opinions, is always out I rout tb r.tecuttv a CMilorring sppolnuusnu i but Mr. Pi ore haa deemed it sdtisabls lu act us.a a diffityeat pnncipl. and has given mm to understand that no Sana rwa saerv teifs sy .irt.r la kit rys, tonmot fntftin iss-vleaiU tiro bring tntrtmtl liuml to IU atasa-s; oeBUntJy moat of tho who hav beea placed ia authority over ua have no feeling in common with th eovereigne ofth land, aud neither rectiv or men I their ennndene. ' Th vacillating emirs of PUrre and hie cabinet furnish an addittoual reason for the public indignation now msiiiisM uiniughuut tlie country. Tb Promdent fai his inaugural, gave in hit adneaioa hi tlie eomproatsM uil,Vj, and pnawised to exert bis Iniluonc lo pnvut ta further agitatiha ef the slavery question ; bat ao sooner that eontpmtniaa violated and aiitatioa renewed by tu p"g "f ih Kansas Nebraska bill, tha ho rurapet with Isuuglas for lbs hnnor ofth authorship. At on time h it bant on paving t ub at ail l.ajnls;at another t serine yengcane against gunman and hi tillowera. aad Uirosteauig at hang ibara lor pirac. To-dsy be is ia ems muioa with th liooai ilero af tb North to-morrow breaking with tl n g with tl Ta-dty he pro-slavorv itas of tb rVanh, aianilostn.g tb moat patrn.tie davotn to th 1 man to nsorrow we tud bim ia th warm trnlame ef adUitoaOon. SumMua h is nforeing th most rigid, tr..noany ia auf.5 tipeaditaraa; ef tktn, U.t,,g mi, mat h) pearter thr Inmimf, aaf mm wrrolrama f eiaW ik, af (stf iUpmrtmml jr rrfmnmf la tawr Iktpn-iVl aseso-g into Ikt toftnj kflwuttU. ludrad, so ehangaabl pat boon bis npiutnat, and ao anntrary an an wnat he prufesstsl in bis inangural mblr, that tl. cnintry hat asaaAit t bat O'snndooc iu hit inirgrity, aatar hattng had mweh ia bw eaparity. W hat thus bin fly sketched a fcw of th Cause landing la th praaaal dai-ai.tadautwlitioa ef th etartnal af list i.t. aad tb inquiry aaturally present it-slf t H kml aaoW Ms nrrttmMtanr m as U Jmu t To boisi fi,r ant retovwialiiat ia th ntit two ysara, hi to bop ia tain, bar it ia hardty probabU that list prsaeiit Ivnatty will nSnr any atoaeataal bar tb wrong llrfj bar InSirted aisst lb can try but si. II there I a r ii ly, win. h if ja l.ct sa.ly spoiled, will restore tb govrnmaat lo its priaim kaalth. hir ennsvitntioa has wisely tirl a haiuii.ia tu Ih PrMblehtia) leniira, n.l Ih pt! ia a short tisft will baamhled In drita into rxireaaanl tb gong that aow infaat th W hit ll.aa, tad kss- ia u. tir stead nwa esrp.ble, bisasat aad spvignt Ntw Wat f Fi-vt. NaUin ItsrtU. F.sq, of t aitranary rtsaniy, san lo thts aiarVetoa Moaday iaat, tat Mil, ef flour frmi his nw em) 4 May bmtgnaind al th ta ll of Asm II. bsuniWrrs, jsu.. na tha I slum rlier. In W.s-i'f ajistr. Il passed InspeWK a "'I'smi'y Fhtr,' Tuis is lbs first t-.ur (rrs aow wheat raraitaa) bets. Th wheat ws hansslad aa M.Jay tt '.''h sit W bmra tl.at Mr. IUr ris's ee-p io vary Baa, a "m awat af tb Ms wkal ia thai rrBk. W kttoaa a brilt fro A laataae ananty, Hi .eg tl.al tb whaal at,a la that ai(hkne. baad ar saaeh bor ir ll sa waa esaaeted a av.th go, but tl, J dly aboal tao-th.Mt of a fair er.p. oy. Otasilsv, f "tt a 1 ia aawe4 that vb klo fesshats a tt. K athowa riteto will let oat ot ma two hua. drs.1 i,snr talsa . f f ..tma, which ata huh. tin laaa k vt t k 1 v k ar a alar, an t furnish al Uasi bra an I ..aaf tr -ti rtel.ar fa taring I. a rt.ee, ISO sh.; aal of h eta, spe. .0 I bareps. JUNE 27, 1855. Trtm Ih ItilMxwmn fttmntrr. THE MSCI'SSIO.V AT HILLSIIOKOVGH, thi Friday but according to apiuntment Ar, L. t'B. liranch addrrsd the people al this plac bn tlie subjects inv.ilvwi in tht oontc't for a sent in Congress from tlii IHstrict; Tb attendance wAot btrg, owirrgj w suppose, to tha bny season among farmer. ' Mr. Branch was rephed to l-y Henry K; Nash, sari. si mn aime ante ot tne alienation, bin oar time ha bee so much occupied with other du ties, that we hate not hail an opportunity to write them out fully. A brief notice must there for anfiiie. We may say at tha C.ttsH, as he 'n a stranger to most of our reader, that Mr. Branch it a pleas ant hsiking gentleman, with a good bonast Coo, and it stair speaker. Mr. liranch opened the debate, and declared hi position to bo ahont as follow . lie wo a Democrat, and if elected, ahnuld vote in Congress to carry out Dsnroeratie princi ple. '' 2. He was opposed to the Kaow rtothings, first because ol their secrecy j eeenndlv, bocmust of theirexclus'ton of foreigners indisrriininately, he himself was in favor of Slat action to ex clude pauper and Criaiuals, aad also of making tli present naturalisation law mare atringant, by imposing Hue and penaitie for violatious. -Thinify, because of their exclusion of ltoman CuiIhiIws fteta o4io, which b rogordod a par tecutiua. And, fourthly, Iwcitus Ii did not n. !ieve thtjt Ciiusroa had the power tu prescribe a " oniform rul of nturBlition," tha clause in th constitution grantiut! thd power having been etplaine . away, ntiidinsd or repealed, thio exbrcssion was siuinlv "exnlained." bat his ar. gumcnt implied that iieconnMered it (ta vieocd, I by another ehius stating the qualilicaiious of visters nir member ot oenrress I S. Ho heiive a conrvtivk botira tM bfest for uur Governuiont ; and was, therefore, oppos ed to all Itllibwiter expeditions for the acquisition of Cuba they cast a stain upon the enuutry: He would content to its purchase, and Vs a peaceful and honorable acquisition ! but did not think tht island ol sufficient importance to indue a, to involve the country in war to artinir itj 4. He was opiod to a disiribntion bt" tht Public Lands preferring to retain them fur the use of the Government, and thereby reduce the taxes. 5. On the subject of slavery, lie taid hi) was for maintaining the institution at all hn sards; but thought it would be proper ta arrest th ag itation o toon as possible. Great prudence and discretion on the part ol the Sooth; w ere neceasv ry at urn time. Mr. liranch spoke near tttoi hohrsvinori thts point. Alter he had concluded, a loud eall was made (i.r 11. K. Naah, esq., tu which he promptly responded by taking the stand. Mr. Na-h spoke oyer an hour and a half with Kint aud eloquence. He stated stun causes whu:b had given rise to the American ry, end turned upon Mr, llinncb, with ciMteiderabm eflocl one ot the arguments which hs had used, to wit: that the esminlate ufihe Whig party, in the last Prosideutial'eleclion, in his public speeches, had flattered foreigner for their voles, aud il wo therefore inen insistent in the American party to oppose foreigners now 1 Ms. Nash did. not deay the allegation i but mid that tlie Vemocratie par ty, ncverthelesa. suoeeeilud in outbidding the Whigt and took the foreign yote, thus securing their triumph; th result of which ha been, to giv at a lloiaaa Catlwii Postmaster (lenrl, and several Foreigner to represent ua abroad. Both parties were oeusuruble for such conduct ; and to prevent tlie evil consequence of inch allianoe. it becameneceasary that a party should be turmed, which will not look to such Ionian tl fur support If th big and Democratic parties are not dd, he thought as they had foiled ta answer th purpose uf good government, they daawrved Mi La. ,. .. . . Air. Nssb next took up tli subject of foreign ers, lie staled mat It was aot the In Million "t tli American rmrtr to tnn immignttl.in aim (tether, but only to eheck it restricting it to the uiduttriout tnilmoraL who teek her an asylum from oppression. Ho commented ufam th evil and fiauds nnder th present law lor naturalisa tion, wiifh hat been admitted by Mr. Itranch and read from the prooesdings of a Meeting of Ueriuuut in lachwund, (tirgunt.) ta show Ih character of a portionotihaseforeignunniigrsiits, aud what might 1 xpectcd fnun them, if allow ed to tohovoooiitri.l in this country. Radicalism) agrariaaisw, ioh.ielity, sail tb eLolitioa of th tbrisliaa rMbtiatb would sooa lollow I Tb next point upon which Mr. Naah spoke, was the effect af tht t'nhia er Third liogree of Ih party ia allaying tb abutttion eicltameht Having road tb obligation of Ibis degree, Mr. Branch undertook tu intrTMgst him upon tovnt points; and th amwers mod wer such a to npsat ih olaaetions of Mr. Hraneh, aad lo oVn- plately tnnt him, very avtch Vth amnamnt of the xadieno. Mr. N lash concluded lint porUof of his sj.oech by temarking, thai if the I 'eurocrats and vt nigs ot th north would tats th d-groo, frsj rVrnth should b satisked, and th Lb ion Would bt MR. Mr. Naah anawemd, at loan iength, th oUsc tion nia.1 to the party, that It Waa proaeriptivt aho) persecuting in it natoro, shewing tlirt it w nut asur pnascriptiv lhaa tha aid partial, and that th cVmrgo of persscutloa was abmrd. Itrmocratabattarirvit lo reroseto yot for Whigs. ml xerote it alui.at invariably. No on calls that peraseutioa. How, tlie, could it be oalkd poromuunn for Amriean lo ret us to vote (ur Pontita Catholies, lirauntonuts aud Foveignrt, Mr. Nash replied at ti h-ngtfa lo tb remark! cf Mr. liranch in regard tntb power ol Congre vor tli lol.jcol of staturaliiation. II aatil b would not merely pise hi opinion arsriast that t Nr. Mrsneh - but if ha I Mr. 11.,) bad m propsr r a- axil fcrr precedent and sutioa-ines la law, hs would aonvinca bint teat ha wa wrong, N Kaab then ptoeaalad t show, by tlx authurity af Judg tiaeaia in nor rt, aad bv raferwse tn th opiniotis of fadr huiry and siV tlnxt Con gees baa U. power to prtajerilst a arrf.na ruhtufasturalitauon, and that lbs ae tarn of Mates in euntrvatiosi ra thtt power, would b null and oid. After brief allusion to M her trrplea, Mr. Nosh onrlnded with aiuqutat apposvl in babalf f Ui t ato an 1 aa aaiplisllc siiyo-'iatioa of th party b rapreaold, tJial" Aastricant tbaj rul A merie.' Mr. branch replied brurfly ta Mr. Keah, eoa Ining k.aaalf yrinaipally lu a ptraoaai mailer aonaaclad with ttislssns'icratio Convention whiol aonnnatod him, ih penirular of which regard a animpurtaat and la "rat. son it iliesa If w may judge of tli oneacbe by Ih aa- pUos elieiiaal, lr. N'h earuunlr prudai d asoat afraet.' A reapamful appUaa was g ta at th eaawiawm of Mr. branch ssissarh, auila Mr. b ash vss fteipiantly el.sarad. Th dslsai IhrawglsMil VI as auuked by a auurtasy aad gra Isssaaaly Uansg, kngbly ertdiUU la bvth l.isajtm. tmrn iM Jiirk. Aaay fWf. Tut rnTn.s W publish Lalow, th rlst Crasasfih great Aenetiesa party. It willb raerivad wuh appn.banasi arsryahor. by list A"s a party. IVimld thslu bad baaa adopsad pre rwa a. ll elertina ra tint Mat ? Tb Mil 0 ny of rb Arawrieaa party It to eersa.se, aad keep tlieaisoltna slwsjs ia a state ef reaa.naas H star alar a fy a aiowistil, but keep the ball f-.re'et in s-i.i. Lot aoghbna. b'id aanaialan b established, for tli par p. a f pr)nng nd rirrolaiiej d-rmni, atsai. airaiing lairllirasse and tearing p a ersrraa p. n-tsiira till al part of Ih thai. 1 h nrsos of freod'aa i atarnal viri)anea, an with a vtetoty is fVanH.im frasvb.at trunk a y!img sd llisoiarsl Is yit, fhsnlol I I " 1 hs ,N at.r.r.al Cf on il SMj.trrts .1 im -liir-lr.y n'"rt,li,g. stsr n aft-teila tsssirHI ef sie en tsta. 1 t.S is;'iartw.a of sarra.'y hat taa rt..' o l, sr.4 j i's da I...I prveasl.njt aid bt putosbad lu a l KTJMXES 23 l)rsfrrtnTtT! Tlieaee-tBiof the faclion?tt ' ar evidentry disappointed at the result of tlte Aulertean Coaaantion's bthora. They hoped that sm Abolltii. faeti.m vroufd ba n grafted anon the platform. Hod their wishes b-nn gratiiird, thsy might hav had some hi chary th fporty -with bing sertlort and hostil tn th south. Itut their chieLwtaprrrl of attack has baea wratrtcl froai them and broken over their bead. Th'y know not ih what form to renew th as sault nor tt it material bow tbey blake tb onset thoy will b defeated; The American have placed themselves in defence of tli Constitution and law of their euuutry, and cannot be driven front their roitK.n; Thay stand where their father tnod befbrt tliemi and will defend and protect thair rigiita, let factionlst Writhe aud howl as tbey may delving alike opetl assault and Jesuitical attsck. 'Bearing aloft the Cnns't tation, and eonlendiflsi for the perpetuity of the (union, they will bhivincii l4i Cohftervative frmn all aeotbina will rally under the Amerlean etandard, and every vestige of foreign control will be ewpt from the fneeVoTths enuutry: For- ign atbeisu, who preetuim their disbelief Ia the tuatettee of Ood. and would blot cnt hie holy oauiauo, togetner wun an Teiigiottt ana moral restraint, will ho longer item their circular to rally a foreign force at the ballot boko to nut down all decency and orders hut will He com pel I d t andura the abhorrence of all right-minded , aud to leave lemnlatiun to thos who are bailor entitled to rule. They may return lo their own country te disseminate their ediout and de basing principle, r remain to be despised, for their daring, but futile effort to dcmomlita our countryi . - - Wa are not torprised that tha organ of the fsctioaitta should gnash their teeth in agony. Thoir occupation is gone. Tbey tee in the future no "loaves and fishes;" no plunder of th public treasury and they ar desperatei Their slm'jt of abolitionism dies away in ths distance without y responding echo and they tremble to find mat tneir only rtfianc ta npon an inoongrwias fiiution. which will suoa become powerless. They tee the tlw of th aountry Hoatinr over the heads oi tu son ol in son, and tbey teal that they cannot witnsutna a aoet arrayed inaeteneaortbe honor and liberties of th American nation; They may grin, but they must bear V.-UM. Cliftpv. A XtS Ton F.K1THIXJIT. tn tha nreaettt ienaitiv eonditiun of th public mind in New nrrx no an matters relating tn foreigner and Kouan Catholics, it is turprisint that the latter bould add fuel to the flame by an oatr.; tueh as iiim wtucn occurred mst wM bv tlis arrant and Imprisonment of A man for aellinar iu tha ttreetethe complete (or nnti-Ilomisli) edition of in urot'oa sua tiugiiet oonuroverty. lb man in question I known to thousands of perton otit of New York as well as in it, fur hit ttrtnge ap- paaranca, javst oummcr, wa never passed that thronged locality on Broadway, in front of Bar hum's Museum, Vfithout tceiug a ttatutt-luikin object with a wondorins; crowd in front of him. a numuer oi nine noux in nit band, and prin- ...1 I-1 -1 Ll- . f i. .. ... .. . to ioci on ins ureati, indicating tlnl the bookt he hid for mle contained an exposure of awful numiau misaceus price l.J eeuts. Ilia Com-' plcxion was a greenish or blueiah brbnte, which we supposed had been produced by rmie dvsTBS- plied lorpurnosei of eonoealment uf hit liidenti ty but we learn from the paiwrt that it it enttt ed hy the great quantity of nitratd of mhor which h ha taken to cor epllfcpue fits, to which be wo subject; which disabled him from manu al labor, aad drove him to th peddling of book for a mean of living. Ia pursuant, of hit ami- Komish view, th 'blue man." as ho is exl'sd. wa quietly peddling the pamphlet edition of lb orooas ana iiugne couinnersy in Troll itreet, when h wa arretted hy aa Irish Romaa C'atho I'e pb'lir off jet, oh the complaint of twe Irish noman t-atnoiic vuttom House tf can, and com mitted to prima by an Irish Komtl Catholie Mtgittrat. After few hour' impriaunmtnt and public attention bung strongly turned tb th mottsr, h rat discharged by anotbor Magistral and forthwith rt commuided vending hi natn- . 1 1 i ii- I, . . , . . pniewj w nu sirrssi atoa i n g n oeterminaticra tu ta all onorned ia hi arrest fof foist int. prison on nt Tb iwrident afford matter for eerions eoneara. Tb Kouioa Catholic most leal themselvss very powerful te dare tueh an antrage ia a enmmuni- siready so ei'ltea oa th ulMe,t.. I heyurt lunately know that the hre eonrttd b all tidt uf politicians; ihat tbey hav tli Ltlanc of pawer, and eaa turn Iha seal la any eleetiM cling as they do in solid phalanx. They know that il I ia virtu of that power that they bar ekstova hous ofiicert and M aeiatr ste. si. n. anted uocsosa tney are no man t atholiot, and tor tb sm raa. a ah) front any danger of remote from ofiic. Ws aronot la favor of proaeriblng any dennra. inslioa af religionists; but w ar auit as littl in favor of slevatinr an above tlia islan ahov the lawf fa tint laud af anirersal tolera tion. And we bnpe that an example will b fnadk of th Impo.ient author of Una outrage, thst may serve as a slight check at wast to their Intolerant act. 'ay. t. - fRliSUYTFRY OF ORANGE. Tb Praabytert uf Orangk haa Uen botding lu semi-sunual Nssina In our City during tb work just past Th opening sermon wo t.rel,d ua Wsdnesday night by th retiring Moderator tli Kiv.KoUrt Bnrwell,of llill.boror. Ih Iter. F. N. Wbaley, of Clark esville, a., wa chosen as In toocraeor. Tb IU. J. M. hr wnud and Mr. 8. Nl war chosen temairary Clerks. W learn that aa unusually Urrs num ber uf th memlssn hat bean present during tb present sSasem. Th r.ll coiiiamrl tlx nam of twenty-thre Kubop and sixteen lluiing Llders. 1 h Prtsbyltry has arnler it tuparvi. ioa tliirty hiabop aud forty-four Charoh. lit woatara Umrxlary B (.irsrrad hy Purry t'raiBty and th Yadkin river as for .aiih a Kaailoli.h County. I la aaatera it th Aliaotia ocean a far so Oinhi County. Tb PrtsbVttvy wt not rallod npon lo auber hoans or ordain any new Minister al Oil lira, llul it took andor hs ar thr young me aa raadidot for that holy oftr. Il also asiabliahad a fund of la only fit kuadred dollars at tb l aiua rWrninary, th uv Irreat.fahsh I for th adueatusa of iliniatm, and rolled It Tit raees iveary .ai Molar is," ia hoaoe is) tb lata nvemhsr ef oar enat aiunily nbrst deeds of sl.arity ar lb saloart of wid epiaad prais. la aaoltor of iioanatM Misaion was lb Uasaw) of sat oral addressee at a pabli mealing an halurday tti . (ha Friday aigtit tb Proabvtery wa prsaant by Intiuie.a, ax a publll sihit iturn la U. Hai.lisl ( Lurch by Ust ipilaofth lira, Dumb aad blind luetilui, aud ausny speod tissmorlvo a highly grati- a-a i'v a was iwr saw ana naarrl. Th tint af Ih Presbytery was talon p met- ir m sunri lino sa wa room, a nf -v-tntst a favet tl.ot Is rutin naatory of Ihs te.tthsj raaeeand peisspority rsignod gnaral!y ainoeg ittChurehaa Th mtmlrs of tho Presoytrvy and ihoir cost. pwissn wer glad! rsratved aad kindly anter- iim dt ssr cnitano a nirn keapitalily was duly arkKDwlrilgs.1. l ist pl ns ef ll.at harehaa la U.s Wif war IHed ua Sunday by Prashrteri (na a staseinm ef Christian anr ahi. k w , ait alaatt glad t SO aad ap wid b rvart- SS.-.I, Tbsnevttaaaloa afth prasbyiary will Ul eld in Madison, lt.-kingSsm Cuntv, during ll.t wask thai pras-a.loe ths Kh M llrdls (Jroerul, rough. A. Aiaaaatst. -3T II will n. t f. i., th r.' M Mjr tiM-U'l-ftf ! njin i, f-l.tf. tliKf t Kt tht r!i l. of ltS S-,tifAl tf T, I) Jo ,t '.fI . t r ; rav(tn tltt ni PMihin u rt , r f f tt. AiVrn irS . f- t "m f P- N"t'l.wn MfhUfi t-f (1 H-tf ' A)i,n1 f-r.n. 1 H fti4 ?!, ( V ml K fJ h'riit.t fmy ir it tl tj ,.! , ( , ,r U t , f !!, r v ; ( ttri! fi n, c4 k' t'j y rt f i.' 1 1 Additional Sutr?i r.f th. 7f J Vt-, Jane i'-iij, r v at Louts, arrived Krf U-t ' . , l ; l' ' with dsra, frWij titers o,I to the Th Asia arrived at f,ivr(,J on 0 M ). . , and the Herman leached Cuties m t : ,. day. Scarcely hid !, Al!.vniic h-f, -tfie BWt of Ih great san-e-ors ol t, iSebastopol, thaa larthrt inteocrn- r no to their ponitinj in the sea of Ai i r i tht Admiralty oftree in Kiizland I.t -s . " i Bronx Admits Lyons! dated Kerh,' ;.r : t . It appear thtt the Mus'lron in !." ii..f Atoa appeared befor tiivitchi, laioi 'd a v 'y ..I imen and matinee, and alter drtvmi; uti Kusaianifrvm the place, dostroved tl.e : ,.. . ( provisions, aad 240 vessels with Cum to supply th Rossi so army. SxassTorot. -The Paris Monilenr bf th? 4 !i inat, funiishe tli following despatch from ti :H; Pellittier to th minister of war. ' ArtBI Cxiatt, Jun lit. W bar y.r"e; mine in front of th Flag si.iff Bastion. 'His econd explutiob did considerable tbinnee to tt.l nemy. ; - In tu ratine of CareenVng Bay In advance of bur works, onr Kugineers discovered a transverie lift Of twentvfonr eobi enne filled arid t luce.l just beneath th sod. Koch rs-e contaiueil about on Bttieth of a killograimna of powder. o,nd trot covered with fulminating apjirtua,i which would ignit hy tliesiinpie pressure of the foot; A despatch from Oortc.bultofr, tinted S9ih cf Mdy, state thst th allies had occupied Kertch; but that h hod prevented their pushing iuvrnrd by menstirCt taken to rciKt tli attempt. They would not be able to cttt off the rommuiiieatioiul between Sebaiiopol and the !iurisn army. A despatch in the Gillette it Frank fort, dated front Odessa, ttatct that the llussintis ere rui-ina batteries to oomiiuinil the channel n. rr tm iiclu, which connect the Putrid Lake will, il.ci se.t ,f A so ft, Another dcspateh savs that tiemMa' OnschaLoff, bad arrived at Porekop with his di- tlsioue ol Ituasian troops; nud Oeiientl tir.en beilta had alto arrived with hit light ennili v dt yitiotia; Thee combined gav lortchuk...!l ru-lhforcement of lt,UU0 men. Letter from Berlin to tlie 1st inst., say tbut the successc of the Allien had oi.ult n deep nu pretsion there. TB riav Litv.st. Newt from Kertch to .Into 8d, states that everything wa going on there satisfactorily; t, S'ljnk Kali was evacuated by the r.osinni cu (h 2Jd, who hurued tlie prinoip.il buildings, aud abandoned 60 gunt end 0 mortars. Crfoi rn xt St. Pin asm Run. Vp to the '-'i'd May, M ease of cholera had occurred at Si. puiuraburgh. Virxsx CoKrxaKxMi, The Vienna Confiirem was formally cloved at a tilting on the 4tn ln-i. Al'ITXIA. At tinllatos, on the lt inst,, a great fir took pike in the artillery and cawtlry ttiibh alus to th tminnnition deHitof the u-t i.m garrison. Th soldiers tuccreded in evliugnisli-. mg th flsuiea, but not until 1( l.orcs -rs destroyed; ' The cholffa il laid io have appeared am eg th Austrian titxips at (ialliein. A letter bad arrived from the Fretieh csir.n al Scbaatopol, dated May 'Hi, statin" tl.i.t the A iin t were on the ev of groat evonta, and tint n cry thing bad been prepared. The hint a. -rnugement wer made in a council of wor, at which i ieneriils Canrhlitrt and l!ngln, Omar Paschn. l'eUitunr, llosqnel, 11 ton n, Delia, -Murniuri aud A Jiinlul Bruat at Lyons, weie present. All th rtinforeemenls hn.l ci.m bp, ruuling ihe French army W " r stronr, Tunis. A desnsteh from I'i. h! sunni.n.H-s il.a lleath of th Bey of Tunis, ou the nil.t i t the l.-t of Juil. Hit sueeeasor anil cousin, ChI .M. I ini tned bey, aeoended the tlmiiit will t oppoiii. n. Lsulsnii. lbilh Houses of Parliumcnt were iu ICssioe oa tli 4th instant. Ih tli House of Lords th newspaper s'nrnp act duties hill wh paused tliro"i:h a c.f.':'e.i. . In Ih House of Comumue the delaits ei tl.a eotnluct and poliey of the at trns rriime 1. Mr. tiitroon considered ll.e 1luilti-h tertit .ry now Intact and mle, mid e.iul. mi.r.1 thep- r- M anc in a war which he descrih-d as of n.tn.its xtent, only pursued ia ysin desir for bnlnury glory. Mr. Malctworth ifehohnce.l J'i teniptsii .ns which had been held snt for the conclusion i f a recreant peace, and cnotemled that ihe salciv as well Is the glory of the itritish Lmpire wouij Is porilied by th exhibition of sny si,,i.s ,,f c.m sr.l ioe, or intention to surrender tho-e hih prin.'i pic TrM h eonstilute ll.l real t.,,i.. of in.,, n among Iho scattered elements cf Knglish Naiiun al grandeur; Th erop ihrotigli'.at Great Britain are very prmnising. MoKirMAixty. x.a.fea, June fill r.n.la showed unchecked buoyancy, snd r.tperiem . 1 a fiirUist advano of . Consult fr Hit J.i i eount ar quoted at Ul a I f. Jua ilh. r iinils are less firm trwiny, n;: to a general desir n tht part of hi.l.h is P. r -ai-ite. Consols dr. 'u.fj to '.'I a VI 1. Cotat-aL lavtt.iii.iM x. .i.m,4, Jure 20. Cottoa market closed Snurdny anh t,i.,.;, steady loving prices fut all kinds, and suits of iiU.'UHj Ulea. JM 4M. Mrirlet to-ilny el ae l wiih ward len.leney ia ail kinds of colt .n ns r i with Frhlay's rates and prices of si! kin. n p ,i. f I it I advanced a (jaartM of t pinny. tn. of pairoi Junt ilk. Market e'laej t,Uj :!; Unetiaa, Suleo of IS.tmi tl i, N ch.rtge in beadsiuft tr trther rp'r' th market is lulls I. m firm. Of American wheat, only A,tsi I held her t lis. with.wt bmrrs I, fnset't. Corn iu fi't.t OmsnJ, si. I s , , ItM-whil 1. a It. od. !i.j;lier. 1W at. tteadj. lot K1UI I1cr fiv in i.uio, AMUrA!". Ot TUB Kt:A!!:it . I A 7"vt Tlvln1mt of fuf-fire .v.-. . , , , Tht Mamtbm mwl If hut f rtt ) ,t ffWlfl-f, Jtitlw COths -T. I'nibff A Tr tArAt IK frtH br viiN dn't fes (t( of Jqm, thre dayn Utrr tl. in th .v(, briiift bigMf ii(KHiAfil !, 1U Ui-uhtwUipfti uf tvt iutt. p.! 1 vl ! rmiiiin-'l on thet 6sh in-. 1 h if th atrimfr m r t v f-ett1 frttfn inA lUgUn. Jtf.J n it. am. th! h tm-H hm, ant Lui nut rfn-, Mmmck't. nd Hltit TtmT t g - ' - lf!ry big .! UJ o t"J. 1. - Ttl, Mairkt, - Jjr-rrtwJ, Jnn :h -T' - . ntt 'A mnUfwY 4111 I fKl.lit'ilf ' r ! tf tti lefrtlia. I" 1 1 rnvt'ti. r J A . -. ; lmm v( Ih erk l i f !..r u Utfini. No rl,np In !.r.t'.,i i t- Irtakl, ir(,l in cnn, n 11 m . . u 1 -hiHinf. Tlt'rt vri nt'wr .n ,:t ai .. . i -in lh .Uti.. nt I i1-'t ,i. T)' AvtMtir fr U n w ,,nvmr y ftj-4 4 ..i t BHn i t hr -4 n h, liitftnt-ta fctr- r in ifa k a , .T4 tf ?i- m t tltrv f Is,, inn -t t. l V m S r'l a' lS'l!l I, fv r J ..- ' - D wt ll ia . -i-ij 8 -.: m rT '-'1 f 1 -' i Hftj, '! (-'- I i r- i ' 1 H,t T. 1st i.f tl titlf ' T ! - ; t; ii i ' -- f, ARRIVAL t,

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