3!0d!;-Carniina ffar. ., fBi.unwi.r b WILLIAM C D OUB, suiros sxcraoraii tox. fr If hU strictj 1 advene, twe dCllari per h r -1.H- .-i tif if Mid within m sioaUe ; end tare ttoUacc at Ik sad cf to mr. AtiVKItriStillZStS ntrt' e1tig ixtea 11 eriil 91 ionnil out tluie for one dollar, sod ttesnty-flTS nuti Cm rack Mtrsequent insertion. Th-ise of greater length win no enrgt- ti vlly. Court flfder tad Judicial advm tieeuvent. will beehargett 23 per cent: ber the the iibev rstet. A roonile derlaation will b made " these wne advert! by lit Jeer. B-ink end Job Priutiog don witk neata. a detpstcU, and oa accommodating trm. Lslters (o the Editor mast b postpaid V, ' , , , Iott-(an)linn Star. "TAX?orFrc Tb A.isicsk PiiTFuta Iia OrroatXT. Various predictions wr made by the.ntl-Anier- icao pres relative to the action of th Philadel. jihU Convention before it assembled, it being one ef ibeir favurit mode of warfare to assert in tound terms that that body would not adopt aoond platform bdt snccmnbtofreail Muenee, W' war even told by the orators here that th6 South would ba driven out of th Contention, her right he disrega -vied aha insult heaped upon her- But bat W the rer-ilt t Quite different in ev ery rrtieular The few extremist whoever luU) the Convention were met boldly, tace to lace, their schemes of agitation were thwarted and they were driven from the Conventioni A plat form, to which not even the most rabid of the foreign preta ca i rait any valid objection, wae adopted, and the Convenlion(by ita firoineoa and -decision vindicated for HmSlf that patriotic post tion which had been claimed for the party befure thia Convention. But the Democratic pre,' by way of counter action, claim fer tb platform uf their laat Balti nwt Conrention a Vilgher degree of merit upon the perplexing question of slavery. In what re- .peotprav.i.it.tbat.they enn put forward thijr pretension? Where is tbe pisiform of theirs that ... . is more explicit or Jefiriite, or that is as rsonxervs. the a that adontcd by the Philadelphia Conven tion? Let all candid men compare th resolution mf th. Amxriean CoiiTcntion with thit slngl res olution of th 1) inocrtttie party, adopted in its Convention at U ikiniore, iu 18 )i Reiolrtd, Tint tb Prmocratic party will resist 11 attempts at retiewmni n ttr out of Corgress, the agitation of ine slavciy questiiyi, under what ever shape or .or tbe uuowpt may be made. Bead again the resolution ot the i'liihvdvlphia , Couveutiua and ace if the American party dues nrt go fartliir th in the De-nocratic party ever did? There is no room for doubt or cavilling, no (quirt Oeafi i, oo dooii'.lul phrase and non-com rulttaJ ganeralitics, but there ar the plain, broad prm eiples of tb pa-ty spread out so that everybody can read And understand tbtitt. Al wis said is Our but issue, though in different language, there i platform of principle, which embrace the tyompMtui measures of IH3U as they are, th fugitive U.e law included; and it includes th principles of nonintervention by Cobgrts on th. slavery question as advocated in tb last Congres by Southern men and serv alive men generally, denying to Cnfgicts tb power nf pro- ' bibitingorinWrfrmgwtth: !very, not only in tb Biate-, but in th Teriitoriesi and declaring an nuallemU attachment to th Union uf tb 6Lt. , But th Forney and Pierce press attempts to parry th foro of the, truthstruth tbt Ought to carry eurxhtion to tb heart of every Southern man of tb eonservatlv tendency of th Amerioia psrtj liy asserting that tl earty is not B itiouel, thut iht Convkntinn. at Poiladelphi w is rent asunder, that the platform era not adopted by th Vooi membrbip knd It i sretiotiali What, w Would ask, Constitutes n national platform? it necessary that it should aaet with the approval ef every fctat in th l ulon tu Biak it such? By no means, though v ar fit to y It Would be better fur It to b ad pied by all. But n platform, my'uig down ' Bound principles, tut h as can eowmand tb i- probation and support of tb conservative port f tb people all over tnetuunuy, U tough derided Bod epit Ufn by extremists at both ends of tin V n km, such platform may b called Bali, ma! knd party supporting it a national party. KoW, ' this ia precisely th caa nitb tb plattorm of the AmeriuaB piftyi Th members uf th Conten tion differed, thry spoke out and discussed tbeir differences, and th point of disagreement was sad known to tlx country; Bosh un agrteteant, neeing all the appearanc uf perfect unanimity aa put lHk to g iil U BnsiM)'" and Waryi but tb majerit loplsd a act of prtnel- pie that thalleBg th warn approbation cf aU Southern men and bav strong advocale in tb euesarvalK portion uf tl. Norlbern people, and t tlssa tLy lay claim to na tonaiiiy and ll li Is miiwiitly jut and proper. I'pon this p laiform an oulHiBd-oot netttial one the A party bid fair to do ntur thaa any other party caa do, or even lay any prwensiona to doing tc rais np great ity that a ill git quiat and ae to the conntry, and bring back tb govnra- ' bmoI to Ita irgitiawt fumUous. But wher, fsy, is tbe telWaaUtj nf tk Iltsuorrslic party puc it ctta pretend tltat U an bring ppeet a majority ef Mi pcU f it,, t I,k. !.. .1 ..J addition allies at tb Kortb, it b perfectly Bowl arleea. lb coarse ef the Administratii i bag.1 't " I tfmist in ail MMtion uf j tb Cnion, la carrjl g oa a relentl-s warfar jaiuet I icm erau w bo k nsenwnservati reaad ationaJ la titwr yia, in prescribing releathssc ly and njHigtj all nhc tWiss any frerdaof ia cttrrjing favut wiib tb . cignae and Cstbalic ia the rnantry nnd lvn ting thesa to p-sitlon t,vee lb les ls of tlx si III. b-ra filiMO. ani ia prwstrMing iu auwar to carry ant pari. ma urpaa, ku left it almnM arittowt a inre fr ad r a,,l.;4 in ihe raak f th. !.. .-.ti,lil.J toplar it in p,.e, J njatuwal IVnMcrati party is a dvluskm, n anrk thing exist and thee ar torw axl,i tok ..fcJJ I. -a- t. - - a. Vrvkeu frsgsMs'fcld I Bower af public plainer, ' The Carotin Cult value tvl Ja!y ' an X tobkt. Its la'.l cf confetti prwrnta aa late. etlng aad nttreattt. taneiy of anir ei for tb fcme and aserLanic. - ,--,-- fa n JVXVM- VOLUME XLVI.- Tea UTiricTiu! Mtirmo. Pursuant to pub. 'i lie- notice a Tery lare numb of the citiieni uf , thie place and ihe Burr.)UBi'injeounlry, oonTooed at tb Court Uuun no Wednesday rreaing t ratify tb platfurm of prluviplt! adopted by tbe American Conrentioa that aawattbled in Phila delphia oa Uie Sth of Juno. The Bteating wis called to order by William II. Ilarrieoa Ewjr.; who propiiasd tb fuUowisg oScr Sir the ooceaiont Vie traUmtt.iT. Jua. J. W. Tucker, Silaa Baina. John B. 1 oW.iit, 3. M. Perkitltoti. Secrtturia.-Jt.mc J, Litcufurdi Jr., William U'hitet Jr. t: ' The President, Upon taiitig the chair, briefly explained the ol jeut of tbe meeting. II, W. Miller, Eeoi ifroin a .Committee, ap pointed for tlut pjrpoae reported tbe following resolutions, which, after tb platform had been read, werenaoiBt uly adopted. The Committee eonsbted of Met am H. W. Miller. J, J. Iredell, George Little, und Fred C. Sbepanl. , 1. Jtrtulccd, $.iat the frimitl of the American Partyi here aemUed, do nioi eorj ally af prave and endure the national platform of prtuviile, aioptedby the fi.itioin.l Council recently held at Philadelphia, and believing that the prjeriiy and mteiy ot our Common County, and the Ijiiion of the States, depend oath succms of the principles, w dj pteilfw to our brethren, throughout the gtute, our nioct iculous eo-opera-tion in bell all of tl.we principle, and w e appeal in turn to ench and every friend of lh Atnerman Party to aid in eecuriug tbeir coaiplele and tri uiuplient sncees. j . g. B. liemhrd, That tb' thank of America Party nf this State, are due to it Dclepte to the National Council, fbr tbe teal and ability iliti'lnyed, in the performonce of Ihuir duties and in detenu of the principle of th Party.-- The Hon. tCeonCth Kynr Was then introduced to the audience. Be delivered an ablet eloquent and convincing speech of about 2 hours leiigth, iu which h advocated in s clear and masterly manner tbe three great cardinal principle of tne4 . , . rr i ... . e ' . r T American party , 1. Th. cultivatk of wUrr. IT!TL"Jv f"T uvT intense Araericsn nationality, ' 2. Opposition to any church that would attempt to wield41 Influ ence as an organization in favor of any particular party. 8. A devoted and unalterable attachment to th Union of th State. Z" Our epac. will hot permit us to glv even a slight ketch uf this masterly effort, but we will barely refer to on incident of the speech, Mr, Ilayner alluded to the slanderoo reports that had been circulated, that in the American Con vention, in Philadelphia, lie had offered a propo. ition favorable to abolitionist. Mr. It. read the annexed proposition which be introduced into that Convention and which he showed to occupy a medium ground. It did not receive a majority of Votes and b most cheerfully voted for the report of th majority and should support' th platform heartily and sealously. W shall tuk occasion to refer to this at sunt other tint. Wbixis, The three crest principle of th American f arty, ar to secure to the native-born American people the control and management uf their owa government tnrsitihaagf ressiv iwliay and corrupting tendencies i t th Komaa vnunHK .l'wr-n it,tr cviumrv PIIU 10 IHHIliUllB and preserve the I nhia of there Si'e n dotlierefore dei lar that th attempts of our enemies tovidentify tb Amurioan Party wiih th agitatioa of th ipis-ikm uf uegroHilatcry, either yereei-ar-twe4- on mureprosenUvlwnnntl deoepf niii that the question of slavery d'- not eome'within the purview 4 theotiject of put organisation inat lh enargvnol our enemirs m ths Nieib, that one of th ulyect and purrs nes of th American Party ia to susUin and defend th institution of slavery, ia founded in falsehood and la wrong that the eharg of ir enemies at the South, that owe f ita ol ject and purpuae ia to bVur and promote lb al.liiion, or inlerftr nc with slavery at th Souih, is equally found ed in frlsewatd sod in wrong and that whilst w not deny to tht ppl eithtr of th ttoatlj or ut th Kortb, their right of freedom of opinion! or oi uwensseoa oa tnis or any other subject, vs do lilreby protest against the' attempt to intcjfV lat.ua our creed, question cxtraneons asd (ur iga t the purposes of our urganitation. And that although tb question uf slavery is nut tnibraced within tb aim or object uf th Amman party, yt, ' in retielliha- th attempt of uur eiiennas, both North and South, to lore this issu upon as w do hereby declare, thai in rgaid tu tb question uf slavery, leave it where it is placed by tb Cnnstitutma aad lh lawa mad in pursuance thereof, regarding it a a sectioBat question subject to tbe regulation U th local uw. At th conclusion of Mr. Rayner's cpMchi which waa frpintty interrupted by enrhaviattie anulaaa, cilia war mad tur II. , Miller, but Mr. M, having left tb (tend did not respond. when th meeting adjourned with tlire elissrs fur Baynet. ' " i mil Thuriiiw Weed' paper lb Albany Evening ioernal ssys Hi pro-sla very journal of lb South bat aright to reioic ev r th Philadelphia plsif ma. It concedes, it says, alt they bare d landed. Iswtead of "ignoring' tb' question ef latery, Itrepudiati t th principle of freedom H ftmfmrtktr faa amy cmnmiim af party o darea' m oe r ski year. This ia Weed's riew of th sabjeet, And yet th Standard sod vthr IVmneratie print afect toconsid' th AaxrMkM. p.atfurm anworthy of Soeiher sup pnrt. It ba been repudiated by th entire Abolition preasat lh forth, with Wilson at their bead. Such btinc, th ca, it merit and It virtue ar indisputable It is Southern all ever, ft , 11 AA. ft P.. . . v , tl.. 1-a ! r , , ,. . . .. . " . ., .... 4ut Jaiy ft, la aid of th Weatera citeaLa ef tb Kortb Carolina Baiiread. Tb Baltsbnry Whig states that "tb sulcriikiM ef atack at progressing amler tb moat cncoaraging apica, and it ia sr.ta that tfty thoaaaad 4.lhvr.nlU b Bobscrilied aacondittoaally before tnat day. Tb Whig ntnain th aptninsi that if Iredell, Cala uba.CaM ll, A I andr and Bark soanlie do tbeir duty, that lh cl artr will be secured ua lb 4,k. A timenst M rvsvt A mnvsoient sri'Bi MipiiMasi trim just been emnikenred N-wvb I ss..ia,aad ! s.a t b ulimiilwt to Ins tr of that rMals. It nvotmss Irst, to ! '"' ltl the tnMiiuiMsi U mamsge ansoeg n i ssbmmI, to preeert saeeed the ietaiks A 7' I " - 7 .-" . - third, B. tfi the probibtliag tb dw torn f slaves. Was n sgmpM lik th hve fmitf th f"iwt.ls of ik press. Th onlv ka-reMnly aav ef any susa a - to this r-a's, is deHssd fftB ttMIMfe ou.ewi fvrnv Caeoba. Tr s ne OirMas of la Iut bs.ng ayiUvsad tltia Maw, lr as i.r t.ietolrs.t sid, . tltrmlL ill t II III i !"1 ! a II I ' I &ALKIOH, WORTH CASOLUfAr WEDNESDAY MORlfING, feJThe Editor of the Amcricad AdToeate, juit itarted at Kintu, published in bin firitt natnber, tetter from Gen. Washington dated Whit Flains, July 24th, ITT it, in which b Mates Bis viesrs uf th ibrCignrr is tb AuirlcB army, lh Standardi In noticing tbi new paper, denied th authenticity uf the letter and demanded the proof. The editor of the Advocate, happening m B!eigb . fw d.,s arterward,, won, to tb. Library.eiaiuineii Ihe ' Wriitngaof Wasbinijtyu"' by Jared Sparkar found th letter and procured 4 certified copy from th State Librarian) which we present Iwtcw with eoine eominsnU by Ot ditot of ttlS A dviieate ) LETTER OF OBC-HGlS WASHlNGTOS tO UOVKKXOH M0UK1S. Whiti Pmis. 24th JuIti 1778; l)rar Sir: Whether you ur indebted to m. or I to yoO, for lutter, I know not, nor is it a uial ter of mitoh moment. Tb desigB of this ia to t .uch eurwrily upon a aubject of vary great importaoe to the well being of Hi StmCs utucn more so tl.au will apnewr.at frstview. t meun the dppoitttineut ot so auny Jurtij)n tu ngne uf bigii nuia ao.i trut m our nrviu. Ihe lavish in turner iu which ruuahasttitlui, tu Uieo bttvured on thus aenthHHtti. will orrtainl be proUuutir of on or th other f the two evils, cither to sutk It deapioitbi iu tH eyes uf tu rope, or becum a mean of pouring litem M epo U4 like torrent, and addiur to our , urawnt iiwdtn. But it is iisithsr tb tapen aar trouble of theuij that I m4 dread. Tbr I an evil taur exiensiv ia it net ore, and Juiul in ita ohiss- uuencWt to 6 apprttUemt aod that Mi ttie drrvinir of ail our own omoura out uf to service and tlirawins not only our army, but our military councils, eutirelT into th baud of foreunieir. Tlie jirtcem, my dear sir, whom you most uopenu tur in ueieoe m mis sauae, uisttuguistvq ea ot leniftn ot servic. inir ctrnneetiutts, nron- rty, and i behalf of many, 1 may adit, military merit, wilt o it submit inucb, tf u) lagcr to the unnatural piMutouuii of wen over tttem, who have nothing more than a little pwiwibtUty, unbnsndnd pnue witt aHbiuiin,and a penacverdtio iu itpplt oatiua not to be resisted but by aneommon tirm-no.-4, to suiiport tusir Dretenii . men. who in tbe it ntace, ten you tney iQ tor Botiimg more that) th botiot of nerving in so glorious a . . . . . . WliUUHfc Of T. Ulf iu. ItlEl.wwr aum WW M vanevd to tlieni. sod in lb course of a week want tu. ther promotiou, and ar o aiitis&ed with any thing frm sun Jv tor th em, W bes 1 speak of oftcers not submitting tu lb appointments, let m b naderatood tu mettai that they have Ba more doulit of their rilit to esigu, when they think themselves aggrieved than tney have of a puwar in Conxres to appoint. Both being grunted, then, tbe expediency and tb puliuv ut Ui ni ensure remain to be consider. ed, and wbetlier it is uon-ixent witb justice or prudeuca to prtnuota tfiese military fortune hunters, at the uaxjibd o'vocr uraiii. Ttiev uuiv lie divided into three chuaea, namely, mere ad venturer without recommendation, or re com mended by persons who do pot koo how eUe to dispose of or provide for them ! nieo of great ambition, who would saerihSV everything to pro mote tlieir mm persona glory i or mere spin, who ar sent here to obtain a thorough knowledge of our situation and cirenmataaee. in the executiou of which, 1 am persuaded, some of them are fttiibfui emissaries, as 1 do nut believe a single matter escapes uunoticed. ur unadvised at a for eign court. I could say a gnat deal un this sub- jovtt but will add no mor at present. I aa led to give you this trouble at this time by a ttrg Aaauow certifimtc howd to uie yes terday in favuruf M. Neuviile, written 1 1 beiivl by liimself, aad subscribed by tion. Parsons, de signed, a I am iiitonnel for a fiaiadation of the uneratfHutur ef a briEailiernbip, Baron Stuben, I now hni, ia alto wanting to quit bis itupectorsbip tor a command in the line: I'lllM ant ill liai bsbmiI u.il i t tii ....t. A ttf'm' rtw"w win lay iryna sV ay n vaWvVVI Ulawvltltmtif ptf tiaJ,i lirigad'ers. la a wont, although 1 think the baron an excellent nffcerr, lio defntttv vriia that me had mt a tiiujU fumgmr amuny us, except Uie ,Ttarquis ue Utlayalt, who acta upon eery different prinuiplee from tboau which govern tbe st. Adieu. 1 am most sincerely your, W " I, Oliver IT. Prry, Stnt Librarian, certify th foregoing to 1st a true cop of a letter written by General n aehingioa to Uouvernetir Moms, token from Spark's ditio uf "Ths Writings of Washington," (ml. 6, nag 13,) Bow in th butt Library of North Carolina. : in testimony wnereu! 1 hsv hereto subscribed my Baaie, at wae in Kaieign, June in, S3. vj. it. rixar, Mnrarian. ' I kotb r xniroa JssiQ artaas.l "Although thia letter was written to Mr Mom in his nrtvat capacity, vet it waseviiMiii y intended to produce an laiBreatioi in Ctrngrem. Washington was eiosednigly smoorrased t Ike jortign r'nrert, woo were aumutoil into tbe vie t tjongresa, and torn turned ever to him to be provided with employment, thus deranging the stet of tb army, aad infer. iy hiM aw- Iitr oiaoers," Thar is th proof, Mr. Standard, at prompt) a you detnamled it. That tbe letter is So strong, sad so pointedly ayoisW yost as to call forth the denial, to fvidenot tohrooy eoneluaiv that yon tri it authority siimtt your party, and iu favor at the Americaa party. Von eery asnW eiv as thre month a lh term of our esi.irate. n had rather, bv ir, lis only ens month, breathing tbe pare, whole- ewe Ar of Antriea prttvniples such as ar sustained i.y the warning voice ot tb i.nmort shiuKt"0, tM above! than to exist lor a sue- smn ,.f wrmrt, iu th tow, dirty, fetid, ttn coats twola uf srr and aVnMmguisa. tuck) aa i snstained by thus srs'isr pairioto Furnay ed I'lerer, hi, h rroufcrt lor ita sustenanesk a m mm at theanineutieiief th rru saoira tetters of th rather of Bis country I t rxl, nr. th efiari which you, with aa existence ' f , , sihitnt toward as, afier only allowing us the sb"ft CHia's. M siul to that which w might iuslly ey-o front th organ uf Cuih a pirtr. 1 nmr y vnarr. sir, woera yow vouil navcasner tainod tlx auihsntlcriy uf so importsm a Inter by walking almt fmr head red yanis I Why did yM aot do ft. with r eonntie year of - ' f. . t . ., wim i Mm yon vnis renoer vi,v anrx tiase bU-mvcI a. mtpemU. by a banaaxard rW, mid Is, v,m aos ffalsv, b a BBaaartf rL.ro. tn. solving all tnat this won thut yon M Beamed a snlcnilid stetory a splcmlid victory ! Let a advise y at afnifg Ik Misci WmrkiaykM and lh rrVololfosr ; i t to an or, clar you slis.l aav divested yoeris, if the twrbid siaioeie which have, nWrwig yaaw Jnaf life of ihir wrei yearn, snerssaatly tui lowed yna. Then, si', pcrhap yon will kmra nut only a littl (barity, aader tb ctrramstanee, but also to p-i,s cat t.llow Una leaebings. Kemember, ton, that the eonqaneee cf your ant are Bt en yourself akine. Va na Bnlmenl ft wnds who ate to ba, aad bat been drsisd ia this imn-r'ant mat tor. And w sSxaiM not be swrprtesd that rasif of these km aiuv.sy by your teweriiy, to say nothing of diespfsSotmsol to I be mailer strikers, wbaiare g-sngruuadsudeavuriug to mk eafotal out ef your stiemsnt. la em,iu, wa repeat, w nish every ens to re.d tb brr. It e.tains sisind A aim ran d-ti.n. b-t Know ft jthing ge farther thaa it aues, Mum tWtion. Tb pre sen r ef fblsgsa ttomsn, the well known a4ufd son f f.ea J act In the national Ataeneaa Council at PhtMelpbia. eienso Ihe tew of iho 4,Mr a press tea eaeoasl 4gm. Tit Balumor Kepoldiean iMumK-m b m a " drw to th nam tt Aa ttew Jatksroj" aad Mber ptass doelar t- m to he b: BM-tHry la sviri 4 tolsnt. It fon is it smeo ia c mom loarnski In - wv Ud ng ll s I ai d s ... f at nor Abrot t.v I Iieovoernsi f Koine sHf 1 CMotba. Jomtvw Ofwn, 4 From ihit Arrirtt Oftjan. A GREAT PRIA'CIPLK A CKKAT COS ... TKAST. , : Human Who hi Czaminednur systems of gov ernment, both State and Fedora, 'will deny that tbe right of suffrage lia at their foundation. To be Hi full. aceitrjAuj with all tt iictrincs of r. publicnuism, this rtaht must b xen-i.-d by the inter, uninfluenced by poir jr, or toe eorruptiug temptations of interest. - 1 .!.,.. . ...:i.i-..rVti .. -i ....- v.- 'T fmZ eltitittd by the JoffaraonUiii, Jacktoisiau vm cy, as a faithful disciul uf those grtiitt men. We ill rtuote some uf th doctrines on that suhiect. iut forth bjf them ami other Presidents who fib owed in their wke,iaml'tainlng that rriociiile, ind then" ahow tb contrast between them aud Genetal Piro and his Cabinet, , Jit. JerTKBso " On th 2d February, IbOl, h Wrote to Oovr- nor .ucrvesn, as loiiowei ''One thing I will say. that to the future In, terfereiH's witb electious, whetbet of the Si sit or GeTteiitl Goveraiuent. by v'?. tn uf the latter. IuhiIiI lie deemed mm of removal: bsciiuse the constitution il reuM-dy by the electiv priircipla, becomes nothing if if mail be imntl'eml kf the enormous uatrttnuoe of Ihe Geiterxti Grtrmenl. Niou al,or 141 election, he v,ued his heads of epartiieiitonissu a i-ucolr. of which the foi- irwtng is an ertraeu (Nile s itegmsr, vol, 2J, p. "Tlie T rMcnt of th I'n'ted Stalps ba seen with dissnUataction, o&cor of the General Uov eriiment taking on various occasions, active bans in elections of publlo fonctmnttriej, whmlicr of Hit, Generttl nr State GoTernttielnts, Freclom of leciions being tssentiat to tli mutual indepen deofK g-ivemment, mid of th different branch as of th mm government, so vitally cherieked By most ot our uutistttutims, it I deeiuea mi- proner for olSoers deluding on th Cxecutiveof Ii, ; t ,,ion, to attempt to control or influence the free Srei.e of th elective (ranchis. , Thia I any instruoteil, therefore, to notify nil olkoer within ray dapaj'tnient, holding their appoint woU under the authority of tb President di rectly, anil to aemre them to notify all suMJrdi- ttat to them, lh rigltt nran officer to glv hi ! at letlon. lis i qualiflmi citizen) is not meant to be restrained, nor, howerer given, shall it bav any effect to his prejudice; but it ia ex pected h will aot attempt to mllucnie the rotes of others, nor take any part in th busmen of loetionoering, that being deemed inrimsietent wfiu iu spins us to eooauiution, iu uis uuuve to It, General Jackson, In his Inaugural address. sed tiie following brhsf U i'X;'ress.v Mtitimsnt on th subject t - "lh recent dataonstrsboa of putilicsentinient Inscribes in th lirtuf Kxecutive duties, in charo tor too gibie to b? overlooked, the task of re form, wbioti will re'uiir i particularly Uie correo- tioo of IlioM abuse that have brought the pat ronage of the federal government Into suuiicy with the freedom of elections, and th oounter aclion of those cause which hav disturbed Uie rightful coura of appnintineni, and have placed or oontiuuad power in uufuilbful or iucompeteut bands." Pnesideot llarrison directed tbe issuing of a circular, so aiiuibtr to that of Mr. Jefferson that w may well suppose it was used as a pattern. thereby showing bow tuuch nearer to J efferent uto IHnaocrac h was than ths present incumbent. On th 'iiutb March, ko4l, Mr. Webster, as to retsry of Stale, issued the lolluwing in.tiuciious to th IXrttuenf I uxNsavi. a taetsoN scislBlsx. "Th President of oniuiun that it is a great abas hi bring th itftirnnsg of thu gvuaral gov ernment into cmfl'et with th freeilom of i'ioc- tioas, and that thit alsiea ought to b correoted. wiiervrer it may have torn eenaitted to aaart, and to Uo prevtnted fir the lutur. " 11 theralur direut that iiiloimsnon tie gty n tu all offionra uud agent in yoUr department Uf the public cervine, that partisan intorfurence in populwr clcct'mna, whether uf tvtiiX otBrnrs or omcers ut lh guverniuent, and for wbumtoevcr ur agaiuat wbomeoeyar it way b eieruieed, or the p nent of any contribution or assessment on salaries or ofttcuU compeuaation for party ur electiim pnrpoarc, will be regarded aiuauseuf reraoviti. "It is not Intended that any officer shall b r ttraiued in th free and JiropBr aiprculun and nisliitenant-C uf hi opinion reapecting public men Or pnbltr inrasuras, uf In th eiercise to the tuiicst degree of tne .ooiftiUilHiuAl riglit ot sut, Iras; hut peraon eui ployed under tb govern ment, and paid tor their aervicaa cut of tin pub lic treasury, ar not expected to wae an aettt part in attempts to iitSiienc tbe minds or Voles of others, such conduct being iter met inontisi. ton! with Ihe spirit of th constitution, and the duties of pnhMo agents acting under it, and th rrrsideni Is rswuved, so fir as net ends nimn him, that hits the cl3trr franck a by th pwv pic shall be free from undue Influences of off eiai action and autlioriiy, opinion shall also he free aawng lb tiBotr aav areata of the govern ment1' Com par th eondnet of th present bnhappy administration with th principle act forth In the loreg.ingexionis of republicanism, end the blush ot sIhuuc must rim ia th cheek of (very friend id bis c jnntry'r bunnr. Not only ha every Kxecutiv PertoMn of th goferumeiit beea brought into CunHuH with the freedom of election Ii the States, but the manner in w Inch they bat violated that aauRd Hgltl baa boa as odious as Ui act Itself, Kvary ygriety nf Inluanea da been liierfed over Uie Cinpioyeee of the government, to force them to obey tbe orders fiwm headquarter. Tbe threat uf iwmediato removal I rota otteean so mint to lh dependent and embarrassed c'srk. and ( h.aghty Bmnner in which tbe a der kav been eonvejed to live victims of oppres sion, nave eomiunea to etnp ttiem at th same moment cf their rigtito and their elf-rcpect, Iu thia city, i,8l, rs in ili.lcpartmnt wcrerequired to vote aa open ballot, and agent were stationed at sack ward to ant their Prveeediiica, ttovcral ol tbe Bvoet tnOrior gradea of employee, hvbor- ers, ai. mess-errs, an well a etorta, bay been alrea.lv removed Ii ditout twnce. Be, ti -u wbiek hrks th feelings of th Com munity, -ad will cnatton to triri public opini-m agaiaet General Piere and hie Cabinet, la kitbeartlees pfoaeriptioauf laUinng asochaniea. I - ,i --,.,. r., nungniiw ! hsbment. It to a tyrannical ef-wt tu mm vert free ' mea "was serf aad vaaaai, It ahow that thf aommMMrail. is a tyranny, prc i-'-t analngons to inat af 4ame toe esoond, wn ,a nnneiiatl vi agauwt rrotostautism in Kat land, was to reatoval of Irotasiaiil from public empb y. mstits, to be anarveded by Calb- iiiw. Let tb fM)tl read the history of tisat Mviod, aad they will at once c tb aaaktgy cf tb tw eystensa. We lvie Ihe adminiatraitoa to read and ponder oa th remlotiua, which that emdnet mainly emeu sn Bringing aouus, T Nylont Atfitcw Pi.svrosg. W wsild iavilc porlleul nuee.lUn to th oftcial plsifrcss a 1'q.ted by th iSai.al Asssriean Council recently assentMed at l'hilailpl,i, th a paper miuotit abtitiv, rstnimting wa, by ita b4d tosi livata, ,ta fairs t- sent mcnts andl Its tersonasa of exproowoi, ofiba elel-rid flriiMt Msgna tiarta and In Americaa iieoiaratioa ef ladetendnrc. It wilt L ctMrtJ,ttiM iKsve waa no diffrreae ef fibitoa l,ie,er, t,..a y pnrti, of tl pta. f rm, except ik twsifih Bseu, and in relation to lb aare of office by Assencaa Cfbh t pen thss totter ptl( o( ennid have Wiabei g'eotoe 111 orli'v I poa ti e out it at ih y, n party in lh l"ni a rewtpb" e m"r uud and Bai-nnsl proilM i III Just to tic H-.oih and lost to th N..'tH. cd We to tli l'"iii' , -v. 1 iic oetkei of tti convection estmot ft 1 10 y - .or. . nr.f'and Lraprossi, op-e lh vk 'v emmrry, semw Vt,i mm. si i 1 1 t 9- JULY nS35" SPEBCHOF THE BO. K. ftWXER, ' Al Me BiMtfcatio Meeting ui Waskingte city, He wa received with cheer for th Old North Stall and Kayner. He said there were occasion in the life of every tceling man, whB ti.e mo tiotl oft.. hiart could But bud wtteraaoeon tb lip; ts'i a an occasion wsalk preeeiit tohiin. lie pneare,i l,ci uuJey somewhat ueculiar uu cuiusl,iut. Ten veanagoh retired from Jon .ii .r : T , : . ' wv, Nn-,Mivi, Muir yours oon riuo as a I oprenta tive, dwjeated with u.e forrsptiou that hud tak en piMCoitjfi of all potitieat parties; aud fully i.(,i..i vvtin tu uva mat ) ureal! tnnutr in tins vuumry was retirement from puthieal olficiss and tlit puliucal trtfes whieu baddtrgsii. erated into nie,e tciamble lor the spoil: Littl did I Uien think that 1 tlmuid vr b called her to testily to higher truth! Littl did I think tt would be my good f.mun tu appear her and dfoat puBciplo higher than any In vr'ikh I p.ti ticipiilat tb Capitol duiiujj aa year ser vice tlicra,": -,-:.t -, , 1'ti preoeihg apeaker had alluded to the misrepresentation ot a tNw 'ork pajieK This 1 was not worth any comment. ! It i waa the lot t! j ail men nggd in a u-ol to be caluinui aled. fie wa called i'uUip in si.e of the liivltr more juurunls.. We are informed that a ceruia rich man diu once go aud si!ed iu Conreting heat Wan to curtsuanityv itloul4 jtiisko iht attempt on sviu of tima lieollien .who niisivurv ottius, 1 should not i.ececd as well as did Philip of old. ICIii'ent, The hav e oniiv(sid w'nlt the man in yumbr Whi!'lli,ne, and tbviv euld "tfwt say tlwy had talkod to Solouiou.""lljugluvr audspplause.l 1 '"' J ' r' C-ouioig as I do from oar Inborn at Philadelphia, it is ritlit that I should nlludetu tlietrnnsaoiion of th late National Couiiidh The ettviiiy had cif -ulated tliroiighout th land the story that di vision na distraction unit entered luto th Aiaer nan family at Philadciiiiia, icausity witn pnue amtjuy tl.nttliu 1 not th case, I here wa no dirtition on the great Amor oan priuoiplus tliedintingiiisliiiig features of tb On that distracting question which has entered nit,) and divided all political parties, and many Church uf th land, tlitsr was a different' of opinion. Vt B did not attempt to batch up a tli- ry that should rend two w.vi and b. fitted to each section ( but, looking tu one com uton cause, to me protection of Auioricsu I'totiwtanlsin, ere united as on man. On slntorv alone there was differtno. Th. members from tho North, wno disapproves, proteeteu, honestly and man fully, but did not secede, And now. instead of coming Into tbe Bold with on. reguuent, at the next election, we shall present two iinmens brig- aacs titnt win sweep very wing Dolor us. v.ncaTs.t 11 not the powers herein Washington aud th pimp uf the Koman hierarchy cackle over our division of sentiment on this question, her is no hop tor theta in It, On the great uuestioB of opposition to their enuroachoieuts tiereisnodivisioii-no North, no South, Allorer the N ,rihur camp tires at lighted on every h.il "p. 00 aiso no tney send uucn their grunting from the sunny South. - t-iooro once evittl that he always wondered bow two soothsayers could meet each other ia the street without uuistmg inbi a liiiinh In cash oth r' futsl 80 I often Wonder hivw th editor of Uie New York Tiiimu and th Richmulid En- oirjrorti.a ( itioa can meet without laughing in each other' fuc-es, ibey each bght anainsl Americans, making common cause, and teem to Hglit each other, oouuiiuaoy aiirring up seciional tooling. But if they wait until alter an election a few mouths hcuco luey will feci mors like nursling into a cry when tney meet. IVbcers and laughter. 1 , Whatbring together this quiet assembly " ny art tuey so quiet ana orderly T yt hy no n- otovi rtrinou.iiUon I It la the eharaulcr i l tli Anclu-Nttxon race to respect lw. Tb motto on yonder banner is tti characteristic of our people, Ui mimic to a tiaiisparenvy Willi lb. n.otu " Tti rast-STvtTi Aar.snsK Kmiooa ot uBiii y.W brt.l I his groat nioveiiient growl jituiajy out of the development ol'tlie American ehantcter. Certain great even U aiu,,ng (very people goto Hiaaa up ineir uistincuve lututNiaiity. lu tbe prozrewi of a nation lu characur is devsloned. 1 ue peculiar cuaracteritiiu ut tne rfewish people wa tlieir ceremonial laws. Of ths Greeks, the great epic poem of tbe Trojan war contained all tu glorious charaeteriitics of their nationality. It wits a iletuiton to Iheir country that would sacrifice life and eyerj tiling dear" for iut honor and glory. Tin Roman character was fornntd by treat events in difleient periotl of her bitoty, Th mau wno nml at nrst eolincteu ami ejib. dicd a BHtioiianty frotB alllliedifietent tubes od people, and formed theru lino ui, nationality, wns itera ted t the sure, to a seat among th' god. Lk at th kiitglish character, and nationality. Tbe very nam of John Bull hat a charm for ah tngilsruujn, Jt eaprreva their character, Thaf have davr'nped their cliartu-ter from tb grew event of tlnnr historv. umU In crowning event la tl, Itovolulum ol lb3H, whiuh wa tli crnwH ing distinction oft iir n.iti, nAlvhar.'ter. Words ar things, and certain of tl m never die. When un of llingtoo' lientrals, at Waterloo, Iciirhl the nudttiJBBlaughtr of their aol iter I.y tb rmncn, bo iuij to tnmd nine: - it wi'i mvsv dotolet tin (langhier go en." Hi reply u: - My God I what Will thy sev at itom il w sur tttdr I" This is th character. It is lite horn, feding th glory if nsm at t.sjnw ia tlieir owa Balioa, It 1 this, tht has . vbtii.sir drum beat triumph en, and the world. And Ilia this llist Ameneaes want, and that feeling Will max our Union perfect. ft ar new eliminating cur character nut i t th tariuus slt-Bisnt. that hat n throw to ethor est thie continent, ttlngularfy mough, lliisslioiinaiiil of character gruvis out ol the lis essitio uf the mm th very oppressions and tbusat that have been heaped apt hi lh Aavtrt a peojoa, I know Weil Uie nflerings and pri vatum yoa hav beea made to endure her. W a B man put ander the beet of arrstoa. turned out af employment because b I an Amer t-aa. IneteM of retamtng rhecrfully to bis wd and littl oa, th bard-kvbttring vju.11 g,s bome svan night, ai4 wiih aorruw en hr rvrvtatsnanr, tolls hi wile n I discharged, and has no place to tab, for hi Bread, and knows nut what to do. A tniee; That' eisrily myas I have boon turned out uf entplov stent, and hv six children depeatlcnt aa arc tor seppori.l ya bava IM tbe acred right of eeerrt Voting. Tb minias ef wowfrar watch ing ou to 1 turned out byth pimp of th M hit lluuan, if yua reluse to nsuia him. Chsrra. A man sunk so low s can hard ly kata. W have mahiag bat distrust, i lty. and BHileB.pt, His seven waller took and a'l Ilk whlia eur. They are sevra ssavee hu wait ain hut bidding, and, wn gbaitlhg ever aay p. man hmpv ana in row eat 01 eoiplovnirot tor beoig todepondonl aadaeting like a (neass, Cbeeri.l t nt eoiplovn like B frevrni Ob I ia it a-d ton much to sec ou h men turned nut of stabbtyment to glv plat to Irish Catbo Ibaf C'kes ut Uat'i u j Il k agthtal thia It rrs-ny that W bar irna. sd and r4 Bp ham, (t'heor Tb f jnrignrr who lands ua oar shores baa a bentsg in if llevoluihssary haul ground lasra i t lh grave of our fattra. lit nanaa J liks aa Aeveri aa sbowl ikcaa. It s a-t nvla tal Unit b should, lie do But fl so muk Icoisd to p. .o Ihsm, ITh sneaker then alladsd to tbe inflosnee f t Joba UoslMrs, ta rl t-.' ag the arlneil fund id hew )( Ipihsi it lie.i.uai Bmrre, and slated as a fast to sw that , ar euwolry w as sdd te (ar--ee at lb s'evtio, U LlloBHig 1 f Osr Uts tlM Wier to ;, a. Mr, Bsrnr,-ev. oia tod to mo. to Bneiiw tto I'.c bonr ic at tits 1 ourt 01 t , o 11 sm,i -. 4, ?!. i, , ef i'i fs- Uo uf i'.stcs's f hnsr,r,e. il ers. "1 to tell Vim one wis U,av oil Is it, ,, 1,', toot, that w, II b Mr. i- !i of I'.- t'-s-a, as a mlt of ti,s Cat',pc "-str-i wa t4o.o of a bsrst out Ii '-c I tr St M ajurnst ev ks.ais ti i,.s kss.,eii I lie eoBcluded with an eloqoinrt aputnl for unf ted action, and for devotion tc lb Constitution and th. Inion. - Tlirec rhecr were given lot liiyner and North Carolina AS ENOUSIIM.WS OI'IMOV OF TII AMEUICAN PABTi". We nn'oiish bvl ' a coniiiioiiiealion from an Fiig'Miuutiii a residuiit ol MiHitgiuary county, Marylaad.nn tf.Cprincijilts of tb American party. Th author bad originally opposed this party, as tic admits, and now awtu tho ruM which iu 4ad tin) ehnuae, aa lollowx; At e.t supnosed that some of the oVn N cf the Kmiw Noiiiin -vvnf a i; va; lance a'itli tbe ConstitNiiusi ! Uie .,iur:ry; but alter ro-illrtf attoctrtvly both tti Cunetithiua aud the jinct id iu tit Amen'rsut fu. erpeeiully tl llltli, I wa evinvinettd they were nut 1 and tliu the ureateatolijectittti i had to Knououim Um was 1 one eeunwcil, fm us mtti in hi snare w.ll um.y that tbe tor 'mure cf ary . country ha a r-r;ni Bneaann iavrttiai.istaoaattional, itiwv, the Ccsutitotcm do r, ay what privileges auvi rtithi jtof .ignr hali. tovrei it wtereiy srvvi what tlvoy sliali nof have; iml hut loll it ennruy atttt fjiseretion n" tit IccUlutor to bx the lime rf probation, ie. But thia fact is so plain and so m-u uviuoni, us opfioi.eovs ibt given tl pl tnat it ix aooorviiiuiiouul to rril wtuodily th tiatnralitntiua jw, and tons ask mui'.i it b good policy I11 do aot . . in if.wr to that obesilon. I Wnlilil refci them to tbe &UO,lOO for ignar that aiu?ul'y omne U thieitountry.epiiifcinadilltirentlaBxijaEet.brou.tl.? up under inwuttion diaiiuU lioiu each utlier. and distinct from il iuotio-tifi, of Ameni n. ptofwsaing tl.gWeui, te'.igwva, iia-tl with oil- lursnv noiioim, ;,,iiner, customs, uud utmi es u sooioiy, aud I would .k tl it U not a ns.iral iut posMtliility tlnit ti.ers aiiould exiitt among ibem such Inuuiony ol' foniiug a.id such umiy of Bontiuient as ia tiaedful to max Uiciu goodlrw Btakcts, ur .tcu a good pntaiecii'icasasrativw auiencau t ui no a., ol their country aud kaowiuJge uf tlinr jnatitutinn hare erowa with tlieir grow tli, and , indeed, a part ot their very inituri,? As a iriuner. I boldly asseitthalit U XUr is in emy man, 1 car not bow much of opprusotoo It may have endured in bis native iiuu now much he may have been uvuntrudden -t-uow muvn Misery mul want he may bav uf fered Ciau is th'H k.t of country, there is that instinctive fondues and attachment tor the place wner ne nrst saw in Ilulit, that be cannot, under any viruumstatice, get rid ut. - Lnmigrationv or perhaps other circumstances, may preveut it further gruwtb, but il cn.iuol fend doc not de stroy its they may love tlieliindiifilibiro'loptlon, nut nicy caiiihM Juoitwith an eve sinctv to iu interests, at least nut iut can a nutive 1 and there fore I any thut liberty for which iheir lorei'ather paid their lives thonc institutions Which Ameri conaaud well diefiosed foreign) men highly value, arc aalcst in the bauds of Auiuiicans, aud in their hands 1 would Mthcr they khouid renviiu. Iimtin th rein of covernmeiit in the him of suoli loon as Soul. KoesuUl. J tbu M'tcl ell. Frauui Meagher, and wboi !,otiid we, Ameri can and 'luimgnera, aip i.iiiieri go f 1 don't know, but I, lor one, siwiuld b for sbuttiiig my yoa, tlmt I mishti.ot see "my uwb destrucUoli' A'ow, U I ntiilorstand tbsuigctariglit, Aineii cans arc willing to lite under thesniue law thi-y make ror roroigner. Tliey only viaiui the , ;,ht to make fliciu, Tlit risrht is uiiiltut,.l:ly theirs. and I 't tlit-iu i! 'H it, We:Ulisn,ed li ryigner til But tu t n sec dnnmr uflntun lui e.gnn oeutipv t-tt-jm, ., and I atossua willolierluiiy uvw in' if neaus 10 suumisoiOB. ruuil ol them may claim u.jt Ui-y bat luigotia all lwut tlR-ir iiaiiv Uin: , thst Uiey hav.no lov remaining b th. ptao ol iheir btnh ; that memory nevut earrie them back to that rtaga whereon they ouaoieu sue sconce ut ineir early childhood that tbey never, iu ini igmstion, wsndet in it Bow ery tales, atid by it rippling streams; that they ucvsr, iuimsiri nation, luhsi th nerfume of its . lid fc'wats and umsitiiiiaii itoiUbir4to llrttir son a, uf praiac to lh God uf nature, To ouch 1 would lay. nnt nr. bv Uatnf aa base, and voi.r sen-ibilitiss r so blunird, that you ar not fit Ui oe cniseus ui xny anuniry. Again, hi said, th KeoW Nothings do U forciKner an injustice. New, I claim tuai, iu euuiug to Auicni o, 1 wa prompted by awtttv as piod as lorsigi.er generally, and 1 cam picsely for my owa bencnt. Other do tl, sauis, and it lhy at bencfttted by coming, mt them stay and be contended 1 or, if sot, return to tit phw 1mm w hones tliey cam. It ia an absurdi ty tosupposeiliey eouto brr to bencft inrricxos, tor tney bay. no Button 4 it, ItniUda 1- Wall to talk to school teiyi aovut dlstiileiiMuxliibrt 01 srnuia, ave., nut la .u are atubtsirti tbinga, and th fact is, Uist ihmigli good forsigiier do ben It America by itrprnviiig the land and increasing it commerce, that m nn their mottv in aomlug here, and Uisy ar Lcuehtied ibsauelvs la a greater degree. Lot toretrmtr lotih at th humlirr of er'ininuli and paoper in Ui ennuiry, off.usign birth, and ask threat iv what Uiov would do if th.cao was reversed, lor toy part, ifl had remain 1 ta Leglai.d, and Amsnrans or any triUer tor eigne r hod come there, (liirgtli j , lb lunaile svyluais, and smu'ioo o.s. u.. J ,Juht toacaututthe cooind.l tiovtruusot itilo the barrx'n, t sliubii Jv ar !', Am, rrc- t,r bar dot,. s4 would bi nunulca' aa kudi- a. tl.s do. ' hnli-lioisu-s'jii! rul Kngliviid T' ll.iw can aityttiittg U 1st cpec,ed? Nor can the k,p- toss euauilnrB uf rutvtgt or be pleaded ia their bebalf It might do it, a eoait uf jootice, but aot at tli bar of llr hatha,. Foreigner slrou.u Oct "m Ubluas tliey as. piepaied to earn an femes! Iivslitofd. Amsrii-a has nougk In du j uks ear ufler oaa aniiaals and br ewu u.ne, and to aiuelionts Ui avallis uf her own tor, and BoipeBM, ai.d n arm. tt htask Las don tlii-"wl.o ibr s bu crime, no potorl-, H bo insanity wilhia her ov.a bauitors, she may torn heynltoitleun tow aid Ibtsolle, ugof ..bar BsUone, but But befrt. It lias been binlp' that narane I am fortigr,. r nd at th aaast time an kdtonio f Asnort eahisnt, that I art uog'aiefal, aolhob, Ac Bet Why, I eanaot kudr .-stand. Five years , nearly an, I b-f i.,y aatittmr d. (sot ito-a IV n.r of sgs.) and .oucHt a nun. la trrg land n4 sm.Mg Miaogcra. LoBj, kieg beh.it that tb rjpreoa at t u ysw tree ami bowed their bsads in sllsi te en or te grave rf my an-coot-irsl Tbtre ws n-4 mc there lth ato m ! tuld claim at y relttinnship, nut even II. bm di.tanl. If America I f .end a howaj I Iks be neath Aaterl, ,n astitui til 1 I am i nte ulbi Amerb-aa laws 1 tit f mH J oat is the C"&!mt uf American. 1 tic airvhat I b-eti m tb put i" r ot .vntvrvt-a. 101,1 1 rwriy which wa wa tit those who vmf. and bled ia freed n s ceusel I Btlmtr it, aud devir fi st il mar k prpet4. I believe the dceeadont at th m who won M art lie boot gosrd.oe a,.d wf thsn storald I Bwtadne- .to ti.ee ao of Amoricai km? I want ,i ilTioo, 1 am ah! and willing to ra my living by my ess fclior. a,d ail I a-k Is. that if b) induetry and perseveraneo I aflruinula s prtqorty la your midet, y will si rd mo II I priMocUua of j our tow, that I may enjoy to peace. How, sir, to ermcUde tlika psrt of ;. l I riai' , el Americans ere la raa'l 1' 0 Le friends of I, reigtiero. I' e. . o' , t, .f aiuined, will smur toiloia I . eidoymstiiuf ibvt tllterlt Willi k lltslit'fo ti Ihlt In m their Boiivo land, and tt Ih'ir ( rste-it - iSst abtch Amsriroiia note i la m f r llo, i' , la it, b "itr soul ty Ihs e.,,. v,-t.. ft tltai f MinM t',,. St toil, .a, lo if el "I ,"C-e of to.er,, -I c u-s : Ftt,,,ooe, sntt h m mo, r .m ii, j j. ,( j A I 1 , , Ms 1 ' 1 ' v 11 i 1 ' - ' ' 1 . ' ii ts v ' - y it'. t" I o l l'i- .,,1 t, i s tlCSSO ; v V T . ins, o, .-., I .,; ' i o..ro:ii-ouo ni.,, i,, JUut, to sum ui, j,.! i, nsture and ol jio,,:. . in goteru toe liir:a 14 ,, ol America proves it, a Tuer una end to li t 1 '1 1 I Liu. )'ia tht v,tj y.,o r i'ASAllCb.vM AT illt .V..11H. It is a very mistaken ivied o taptcc tl.st rr,t i no faoattoii-ni .biea Li k-.n tn tt, .. , State of tat euBfkieta. fro it i timt ')..,' th great hot-bod Cf -t.iry it,! , : foundi bat w Mmtketose tK.csbiriuiiy i",t,.t ; other quarters nun vlmt paolic cvu'r-ie ta reprelionsiblo in spirit a ti, of thostavcry tan a tics ol Whom so jtmiiy tatorl.,ia 11, pnliey ol Ut Cbariwioii tirtmif cud s,w,d 1. lor esainpl. ua the luiw quLti!i! o,, we il . anything but couiuodali, Iteptyiug t the latce.navar'aut'.'.I attfVs ,f , Mcn,tre tat the Pn In 'yi-liia 1 1 1 is 1, ,r H ilia New lork Know Nu-.'otvtij m,r nsu u. r th N lug (whd li:is f M-i:ttv tt ol tht- xt , , tunittc true fHKeuna! mt'-i-i.tte. lor ici-i, . in pntuusosj anys ui lot i-o ol j encnij v . 'lu I imttuton AiercUrv, tu iiv' desire to bring about . .I-i-i. r. of ii,r fi,;, 1 can e no goott 10 ; y b.i,u vr ti-.ii.g- d onh v f .nisoui and l'mm't lnw. tii.ri,el c .- )n t e, but that little t itnnuy u kt w 1 ,1, a j properly n; pi eviiaio. e uiu tti i!'iio, iu t c nource 'i n -r-,.!i.:m uieti-o'. t!i.j,t.. i"., uinetae-. tuoiB aia, II. !. i t n, k v that tl cb u & in, ,1 -,vb, ,,,'tin. .iienl in unity t thbNuiii.eii -ti.' - 1 ! 1 i it ahoiikt not be a ntatob t t tlvj n -i Kinn f'.t rage thare, that Is no ii ii,,n v bv i, ml,,.; u - m sh -uld refina to auknovi v Jri .,1 , t r,t it lor its cifori tu xukiuiu ibe i- n-t u t Ii i d prascrvcitt t , ! ,n. It. ,wd is v.gu t r, il it le tn t' fu " u ivon Wl t -vi 01 1 1 1 c n an- re vu.d . 1 r.t : in m h n r .1 n N. W bvo evciy ci mi 1. . ,c, v . It t't y 't'. ,n, to tl foai of tl. (. hoile, on Mmun vi,,, ,r 8nutlirn l'tuiucratic p. niif tl ,f l. .,. v ilt Know Nolliing. vti'l Le fiuin! 4, ,, 1 ,' I crhio which 10 uK-a them,.. An t v.o,,i 11,,-tr bi,hi.u in lVnioi'io.' 1 evs.,,.-, k i,i ilt.s of th S.inill and Northnvsit-rn rtmc. 'In, l a slou', 1 oirty ennsnp 1 1 ti .1 1 1 .! ic v I uh Will acverai.Cciiiiib (0 die how.tid II- It- A; i roe l..o u.ay be il 'ica id and r, 1 ili,uiuiu in, b- t uv r conn;, au 1 patrn ti in wi.li.rf ni 'iini a e but nm n,v I (.mm m . vtv.cdly nttn"bnl tu th. consiituticu mid in tov. i of lh fullest proiecui-n to UouHicfu instituiit n-. And a vich,vriis'serotl!-rn.a tlo, vis sit not U,-o..tnl, aa patriot and Jtotithmt. tan, to spura them from ur brestcc "mid r.-p-tt iheir ml. While they stand upon tl; pmtl'.cm wecii-d at PhUadelphitt, we alnui tno.it ' ii-cdv t-tand y tlieu. Wheu they dcaeu it, ttc sl-.iii U Pfuii.; t to docrt tliciui ABllir AL Of THE Gt'-Tut t.AW. ' KkW Yn, June 25. The ateivniship !c.i( Law arrived her this morning- w ith the t'ui.l. r nie mails to th 2nd Inst.; bringing- ahveu hun dred end fiurtecn pa-i'0;s, sod ne uiiiliuu and fifty-two thousand doliirs in trcan-rn. Whea th last train c tin vnv in Id pitsenger fof Mtibarking on tneVenrge Law was m ; the Istiiutusj in passing ovci- the summit mo! hi their ilcK'i'nt dawn ll.extccp grrnin, the c -nplii bf om of Ihe forward cars beunnta Ui-c, iu,n;c.i, which created a space between tb. un, the ,g nal wa given to tltp thk forwarU tur vviu.ii bi-nught dowh the disconni citJ tir.es uiih ; r.-.it vei'K-ity, and a revhrk , rat-h a tl,c irotilt. 1 o or thre cars were ninth injured ami Samuel AnriarktiB, sfefferson totinty, N. vlio vtm sitting ou tli liUtfurlu ol'ime of tha tais a kill, if ' The (teenier John L. SlopHrio, hir h crmoect ed With the Georr;8 .w, tii d not leave r-n t'raut ui till i past I on the murinitc ol Hi, 'Jnd. 'in Kititir with passe V't ' il.ull'ft New Tork May tl-l left for fc SVas circo Juni Tti,. ' At Paortimento on t tr 1-tti.cwcathcr a as vciy warm, tb. tl.eiiuu.iuwr sUiulnig ut '.0 u BOOB. A bioc of smrill biiiUlittf-s in F iu .1- i n Market street Was destroyed i.y lit, tui U.i JUt hit, th toe Wax trilling. '"" th. LivingsfoB Bepiililican eonclndis an aM artiiiUiHatliePhiladslfdiMt'onvt-rtiittBtiti t oil ,; will remark that th IJepubliosn s,.t-..l,v ti language uf th American puny of ,. Voiki btaewill not permit us to "s-k i l all tl.a qui,on Uifortli PhilaJ. l h;a (.'ontctii ti ( pttu those qiiMtions invohttd piopc !r in i). Auiericaa ergauixation, a l,a. uioty -, I r--,i tocliiug alwunvt uni.nnilleltd in Natiimal t nven liont prvtsailed. Tbe principles td'ths unlt-r am ton well known to le-pur at tU tunc rci-t to n or comment, That America -hould be ti,li l y A mer tea i.s,"bo honest, intelligent mind wiii deny, lb. enrinie of th principle Otire not meet a, tliey seek to vad and c ncml it l y ct,!.,.,,,,,;, d I lotiioi d and misrepiBtooLitioii, nud I v the I.. , union ot questions whiui) tndi-p.it t, ;,t i f it 'lulriiH.ipl strike st iheoorrtij t nnd el-, r,l i d heme uf Sewarditm for tb l'r.l-ii w r. I y aljrvtlgiug th sScctual iuiportal-on of Ca'i ol.c rvtaiusia. It bu already rooted an ! di-mnyM his f r ,. and kia asarebaia ar sreUng tu n,liy lis :.! bmrer ubder a new biit,r w uh ct, - ii r,-i-ursytit Biwoncealed. t in.w lib id t ut i i panic pi se-sing vii.l'-y in tin ,-i.-1 Ameri, an, and th Pii-c"iv.l.iiioi'r it .nn. H, soatterou renabi id U .--vnard and t I .i k i; l'-fi a' In a trsi.s.ii ,u a , aud v : - i will iiairh lt cH:ta, r.ml if . it t. -, c-1, ,'s wi.I be, roe .us tot fmuro i), . c , ,.i. o tormine. Oti too, arsoe.rr, i ., I t-c; hi beyond a reascr.niiio d.ult, , .,,,, ,,.i t,f'r' ieill (ii.l,V LI lit u! ii lieu i t eutilinue to eirry it and otir , :,,. o,.,u groat asui grvwuig viu oou . i i.rs i, i- reotedi . iVnwt tht (,(' i I Jut'tl, im I'LATt'RCM OP Till; AMul'.lCAV PARTTi It 1 wilb no Ordinary fclji J; nf i , tiiat we pat .lieb o-Uay toe pia.ri t.,e A,,.,, Sena party. JVaf.tat S'ev.tLat it I i'.e a splendid 1.B.J il.i I .iei'v ut si,-..,- ; -ry u l i d oi.j woreh.p. " !;, .. t , sat B suss grtMMrl, Slid o.riipnlirt,it e I . . olie.rile A-riin, tl.o i ii, ,i i, U kigs all awik. It. anmo itru Air.oi . wlU i.e. ia.1 1) a mtararu o 1 1 HhuI iti,-n ,.. B'i th adupfHi oiltson Wi.I U r. is il , aurvrc tost hUet. 11 ar d rtt, to 1 i ' n , r atalBtaibed and ucftjde I; t,i t- - , , r.gl.l aud i.t i r, w n..i. i i v,f, i. f tovtu,. t-rirtca' lt,t ,, s, j ABnaa,w.lltt wsa:cl to -... t -o .i bgioa as aa iuti.tia -a i.c . ,.,.. , . paity Bags no war; bat whew th.t t.-.i .. Itot verted aad w .i !! et4 oi, . to ,-, , r Bnt e'oo as a sysK-nv ut e,,oifil 'c-i.l -, n i Amovians will rs-it m . r..e t . 1 n that Is b-tetil l the ,,tit of oof f,. i. and dan-erts to tt M,ruc 1 1 i- w . , Ne'er betue sine Btcf) (,, avaut has any party t -o i... i fc. : i, i aasBtHajusttcl 'I'-r-t it g. ,-. qo,totu lostt tow, il i , ,M,-i i, t C, Aa.tt- -,t i, lsn as B wlioie l, d t pem, lo pot 1 rh at i I . only ia M'i tai.ee to ti.e U, fmHM Ot 0 Set II. S t frClitil. -. IMS . . I S 1 i ! Sol Riststw tr-oeon h - 1,1 1 '. I a iun.s rehoted Ii t ,i. , I. J a, I tar iisa to r. j v- i, r t -eooMry Ut r-tos 1 I . e of fret-,1' . sol to r-.--,' i ' -I n . f i e ov'. en t . I'4,a ,.,." A I , I . ...f I s,. VI! -t I. I- I ' )l rrl itv' Mt t . t ' i - s ! iu. , I . ... . i , li l l o I ,r l m , 0 I- - i ' r iv m r-. J v