3lcrt!;-CarQlina tar. ' rcausmo nun bt WI LH AM . DOTJB, idito ANvrtormitTot. If paid ttriet'y ia advaa, two du'dars par a paa; tv dollar d fifty Mat, if psid witbia -Hi tsOBtkl ; tad thr doiTor at th ad of th 7"- ' ADrSarrSEXEXTS not xeediog ilittn M M tasrtd ae tin for o dollar, end taraatv-ita mti far- -taok ubsaueot insertion. Tho f greater length will be barged proper tbiaslly. CoartOrdrBdJadiciladvitiemeBt will aekrge. S5 psr cent, higher thea tbe above . nlu. - A resaonatil Jednctioo wilL ba matlto thoa wh dvrti by th year. RmI ul Job Priullrt- don witb aatne despatch, and oa aooummedating Una. taf Lttm to tk Editor must k postpaid totl-Carotin;t lar. RALEIGH, NC. "lUCuioAY MOKMNU, JtLt S, 1&55.. Tut CLEBiTir,N. The anniveaary of our national independence waa celebrated with ranch pirit iu Ihii city. There waa a TertJarge cun- eodrae of oiiiaeni of thin place and tbe eurround- ing country to witneee the ceremonies on tlutt Interesting occasion. The usual salute wae fired at day break, and at atmrife pullie prayer meeting was held in the Presbyterian Church, on which occasion an approprikte address was delivered by the Rev. lr. Lacy. At 10 o'clock, the, procession, was formed at the Court ri.iuse, tlio ohinf attractiun being our two handaoniely equipped and well drilled mili tary companies, the Ouk City Ouards and the IndrpKndont fluards, who by their prompt tna neurerta and martial appearance, reflected much credit upon themselves and their commanding officers. The procession being furujed, piw'.Ji-d to the cttpitul square, where the Declaration was read in a very appropriate manner by Mr. , I Enelehard, and litem oration was delivered by Jobu M. Puttick, Ksqr. We hut eipress the opinion of all who heard this address in stating that it was ehastely written and well adapted to the occasion It exhibited marked ability in its composition and reflected great credit upon the peaker. The usual afternoon celebration of the Sabbath icuouls and the fire works, w ere interrupted by heavy rains, but we presume will come of aa soon as the weather will permit. Tim Cm Tlief IVir I The ' Washington I'uion" tiie ruitigiiiaed organ of this imbecile and detruded Administration, openly proclaims that titer is no puaiblc chance to unite the Tem ocracy north and south again, except by "igno . ring" entirely the aul.jeet of Slavery, and con tend that the Party ehuld t.ko this course. To r this, the "Sentinel," which repreaetiU the bt eettion wing of the piebald, spurined and le- juoet concern, rcj.Ues that if ui h be the doc trine of Mr. Pierce's aduiinialratiou it daservo the curscf ofeiery Southern man, that it is leagued with abulitionism, if such arc its senti ments I Yes, previous to the meeting of the American Xatiunul Council, when it was asserted that the doctrine uf that party was to ignore the que'tiou o'i SUwy, this n " ahhinRton I. hi na" was furious in its denunciations of such a doctrine, lint h I when the American Party has come out boldly m tbe quostion of Slavery and taken a firm stand for the rights of Uic ivnith this mouth piece of the Administration wheels lout ehangea it gru4, kad shuut "Th unity uf tli Party i in danger! There It no chance tv bring tl. twu factions of the liemocra ey tn'ther except by iymorii f slavery 1 This must bil don or th Party it gone I" Now, what any the South to all this! Will they suffer tueiaeivea to be hauibugged any luu, erhytb unprincipled tools of this Oorrupt and raeklea adwitiisl ration f Th only safety fr them is in adhering to th Platform of the American Party, la that titer is no equitoc tium, SMdutlgiuft. Iwt all I open and bold. Hot. tat Tn that rxuar! 1'uringtli discus ion in this city between Messrs, Branch and Miller, th former proclaimed that if it could be proved, the Pop of Iloni claimed, or that there kteiaimed Jar him by his Church, power over temporals, b (Mr. B.) would declar for that Bart of th Amsrieaa Platform which would keep Papist th Uiieving oat of office. Well-, what roof does Mr. Brancll want? II bad and may have svw s letter direct from 0. A. Brown auai, lit potUdiv of tit Popish Hierarchy 1st thl Coniury, i which, this power is xprenly and unequivocally asserted. II attempted to use pari of Uiat letter against lh Amerieta Party, but whea eoruered by Mr. Sbepard and torcod so read Otf trkuU Utter, he fiiand this claim of power so strongly asserted, that he turned up" a tti own witnse must furiously, and denounced both Browaaufi and hi letter I Pray, what does Mr. Brw'ch meaa f IW h pot to deceit tli people by eea eunduot as this! Wher it Ihattottar? W again Call f.r its petbCcation. Tb voter of thl Ihstrirt has a right to sea It to bar it published. It has beea brought forward at pruuf and oanaot tut b withdraw without jastifyiag tbasa la our in g tu th tvni fusion that aomething U st-anmelhitig is " fn iKasiark." lis Mr. B.beea carrying as a em tasTioadeMW with this leader and wire-worker of Romanism to nracur idea t put dowa an Vtaal Aaserieaa Protr.t,ntiiraf To whta was tb letter writtea t Out with it, renllsssea ! 5e Vdi- f lrrr .'is iHtrr of O.A. Ire- is OS. or snae uj kit mdkrmti. It will b tight aquas-sing gmllenaea, bal it em! V la, ws know, l,k drawing your y lr h. (Jir as th riWs lailer, aasl Ht tb psnrd , what taiBvet.H baa beea attempted pna tl.em Let th advtcala of th P ps of lUaw ia tbi Vutrirt show their hand. Th ppW demaad it Tat Patsiaaav iUai aiavoAmoag th a m I atiua mai by lh Ina-er4i eHataCimmitliM tl Lealsisn. is K. W. Moia, fo Atturaey Uea rat of tb Hasta. Tbi I it. gniimu, wb . racaatly kid tU Boot of I'aited KtAtaa IKstrict Apavaey sad rasigswd it aa ansMiat of bs tra sd with 4r-pac by tli (Lnernaieat. fiamta bt Mnu r.nrVxing eirruUr til sfcar pnnssd aaalis ia snclt op. n ahxh is fna. hsipnisi id. ar wniia lb asms, of tb swran) ar fanes issamg ssvaj atnaiar, ia aWk-t by lb Pwauuaster twasral aot wily la alqer M s,t,i pa-ka(e .lr pi stua, a aor4iag ta tl (intnt rxoirrisnis ..f im a I of ' bat b tm fiaiar ssusl t r1-'4 aabli lb p-t.a a U assoxl. If an(.d, bssog awkM ia U Iraaid a k tu-ra, lby ar af aoara riar4 W Ik s d.ad i., , t-s. ( . VOLUME XLVI. A FaLW RtroaT. Tb enemies uf the Atueri- J can party having circulated th report that th ILia. Geo. . Badger has denouocad tb party and its principle, aud are using bia nam and influence for their own We purpes, are have taken occasion to find out the views of that dis tinguished gentleman. We are authoritcd to Itate that " it is utterly untrue that he hus, at any ti;utt or enaNy otxwtion, vuMic or private, dexucx CE tlit Kiwk Sulhimjt or Iheir rai.NcirLM. " PuiLtDCt.rnu Coxvimtion. The Democratic pross uf the South, bniing their assumption upon a tabular st Uement of the Nutioual lntelligcnoer, affirm that a majority of the American party se ceded from the Nation!,! Convention. The error it thus corrected by the American Oran: Vvleto the American llntform. The National Intelligencer prepared Mid pub lished a table ehuwiug llie yeas and nays on the nmnositioiis connected with th American plat form which has ttoen copied by other papers, and which contain' na important error, od au im portant omission. alo. In this table, the names aud votes of the iiidir.na doleeatos am put uic! the head of Missouri whilst the voles of Missouri are wholly omitted. In tlic fref .ee m the tiible, it is said, tlmt Mit-ooiuri voted uainat the l it fortn which was ii lootcd. This is a mistake Missouri votcJ for the platform. Aeorrectiou of those errors is due to the Kate of Missouri. SL'P-IUJME COURT. The following opinions have been delivered by the Court since our last : By Nash, C. J. In State v Xewsom, from T r- sytbe, affirming the judgment; also in Weatherly Miller, from (Jililford, reversing the judgment and ordering a feire le num. By Pcarsiix, J. In doe ex dem, Xewland Osborne from i lunt'tnce, awarding a rnicc tie noro ; also in doe ex dein, Carroway v Ohaunecy, from Boauf'irt, aw ir lin a rrnire ile jiov; alio State to u-e of Walker v Wiiht, from New llan over, arSnuing the judgment. By Battle. J. In SImcfer v. flooding, from lones, reversing (he judgment and directing renire dc uticu ; also in Part-ley v llutehins, from Xew Ilnnover, anirming the judenicnt ; also in Watkinsv Pcuihert m, from Anson, affirming the judgment of th Superiisr Courl- AX IX UUPEXUKXT I'KMOCK AT. Wo copy from- tbe American Organ the letter of W. N. Allen, Esi., of Weldon, X. C. add set tn Postmaster tiencral t auiiiKll resij-nttig tbe office uf Povttuasier al that place. Mr. A. is a Jeifersonian Llcmocrat and aided in the election of Pierce, but l aving joined the American party and approving of tiie Constitutionality of tliei principles, scofjis to lottgor hold office under an A'lni'nistratiou that has disgraced itself. Road Mr. A.' lotter. W.n imx, X. C. June 28, 1805. To Won. 'ursiOJirrr f,'i nmtl : 1 led it nivdutr as auieuil.jr of the American par')', t" tender you my resignation as postiiin-.ii- at this idaco : and also to expreu niy dimip. al ol the inanner in which this coM-ri. incut loi been administered, so as to give you an opportu mtv of itiiis'inling in my pliue some iw-cia. Culhilir, whicb, it aptnais fiom vour ti,i.c-o' hU sou titiitk more jteMty eotitleii 1st-tt 'imti Ihosc Ur4U4MMi our soil. I wish this rusiirujuUib b- 1 aeceuieil witln ut further ceremony, as 1 in longer intend tli lie siuMlcd with the Uisgia-e ol holding an office under an administration which has lira i so repugnant to the best interests and Ihe prostieril) ol lbs I'uiou, 1 not only disap prove of the administration because it has nl.tii.doin d the doctrines and teaching oftlir Jefferson and Jackson school ol lleniucracy hut in many other itistai.cea, which are too well known to the people of thes t ailed Stale, lor ma here to enumerate. Tb prasent administration has done more, in my bumble opinion, bi create sectiorial str,fo, and to retard tbe progress nf the American Union, than every other administration sine th first days of our Republic. It has promoted tit yel ling cries of tb demagogue aud lunatics Xurth, and of tli bowling secessionists South, and has siin'ered the quiet and gallant statesmen, who had lie love ol country burning iu their bosoms, tu remain al home witiioulany eommendatioB to cheer them on fir their meritorious arts, and sent unscrupulous foreigners abroad with diplo- stie authority, t tb disgrace tit lb country. Th auministrstiua haa deserietl the broad I'uioa ground is-cupicd by th IVmocrecy ol IS. i.. Thank God a party ha sprung up, aud that, th America party, lh principle ui whwb I am nviutl to say to tne worm, 1 bav omhsi enthustasiH-ally espnased ; a parly eumpuaed vl Amencan-uoru ciiiseiia, ami aay uiai uie hisii tutions of our beloved country shall no longer b th "Botany bay" fur the criminals and outcasts of t'l' r : and tint ttie iiialirnalil right ue queathrsl to us by uur forafathers must andsliail be preserved. I wlMrib myself, W. N. A M.KM. P, M. Wsldou, Nuilh Carolina, lion. Jssis CstrntLU rot vat soar r aaoMna sts. 7b the frieivu j the Ammrirtm casts n IU fourth CwtyrretHmol VxttriH l Fsliiw CitiiEsi! It i hsrdly necessary to inlorm y-a, tl at that th (lection is near at hand. tint tli.it h beho.vca .rry man to aubt duty, Orgntssthin and actbaa; ' hecessarv (or auoceas, Let a devoi aa uiuch of tar tim as we can SMi lietaesa Ibi ar.d lb chis uf the polls oh tli day ul slectHsn, ti our glorious c.l'.se All tuatth pSo-.l wsnt is inlormsttoa, light, ia relerauc to iu pnnci Ira uf our party. Ibra 14 apprntirlat doruuisols us ein-uUiad. A opy ul aur glmnuus PUtform should b pat ilitu lb bands nt vrv Voter aha oaa read, and to Usot ii ur so anlisriunala a out tu be abl ta read, it ebisald seould b read aad ludy S- fMaiaed. la Ui mniim let ao liwnd .l Hi cause lirrl lb Mas Mssriiag in Ksh-igh u lbs l'Jls of Una asoaib. A penulul Bartioea aill ti serve,! an bar oar friends wba may ss.-H on inaioc aeion. aad able spevehe mat beeipe l I'ik.is on. com nil, and ib a i'u v -ar bis h- rra la poshing forward tb gnat causa of ear siaims tounu j. 1-el there b so. a a rally as wnl show tb vil and ainncipld daaouaosra ul Ihe Amarteaa eaaaa, and II I servile auolgsta I p ib Pops and bu Jeauit b -sts, tbsl Amerk n and riotarunts eaa aud a ill gmera Aatanca Again, I aopoal to voa so Wi an aa that !.. t aa last sueswt - A I'LAlia IA, la-rv. If yoa wish to know what dn ta. ask of ibat Bold annul -4 yuaib what aaaiaiaias na ture aahlsa bim ta U-sr lb saoffs aad saeara of itf.,l rotnpaai -a, and to paea lhr-M.gh l 'is tri alssa4 lemptaiauvs wiocb ssil'bim. II ' answer, do'v lo'i'd Intmira isf lbs rent I and ufferirj wif what vrafiuii her eoaraal by siioac in artia eus4 by a prnfligst and lo sb. iia,aslud, and sbe win aasasr also, " iHtly ta liaat, sa-1 to sslaslt. fuatamrtn d supft tu air a-bing heart,' jVmaod of Ib destitul and i !" i.h-sl bow tl.y can BobaiU wiibuM a a.unauf so will -4 ft 1 1 and tbv jria Bill .. dotv. A-k "f tl. trd aad I eart broke hsi rl-rs il.sia aids lo lsr with pa bene and rssitiateHi ii. hi ol ins.r dmr Mai a! thwr aaaa ar Wi il b lit awn duly I RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, THE ROMAS SYSTEM. Gwge II. Calvert, a derndant of Lord Bal tiinure, is bia work on Enropa, puUiabed in Its) I, ibaa alludea to tbe diniocUTe fimturet of the Rotnih Chorcb : " Of all diupmituia. the tactlotal it the mot J.n.jiaiin, U!li ita ead and mean, being the d:-e-t au'ijeotinB uf ihe mind. Irresponsible piiestaarewtrienemicaof maulcindtbiiD princee. Ilaunr 'e--cn other ae rival muriiera, vtim an mit- lirmtian bate, thej havetniui neiVtaitv mostly . .1 ... 1 .... :..!!.... i . ' . f reasures. But the eeltifli arcevcr srtort-signieo. It is seldom given to thieves to enjoy their thefts. When priests have robbed Iheir brother of that which makes bim poor indeed, the wealth that he has lost enricbeth not the mblstr ; for, by a deep law ol nature, which decrees the. inviolability of the human soul, the moment the mind is invaded it eeiities to be a treasure. The eonUrgious breath f the possessor bodimsthesiilendorof thejewo Freedom gives the only light by which it spar kles. In subjection, the mind pines aud perisiisn. On itse f mu-l it be noised, out of itself draw iu lite, wttiitn itssn ainst n K au proiue iiiunst. Klse it has no aprinjr fur elevation, do elf-ra-iiw-iiifj vitaiityvTio solf-rcotitying force. It Ian- giiislus, it sickens, it dwindle, tiut nut atone. I liey who oa thaholv of holies lav impious hands, the Cains who kill their brothers' souls, they dwindle willi II; they become little with the lit tleness they have caused, lvvk at Spain, at I'ortugal, at Italy, the people ana tneir priests. What au intellectual wilduruesa! What children are the people, what wei and, dry utirses their tllLstlll-S ! ' I . Kome being tno centre ol tatboiictsm, in the tippur ranks ol the hierarchy there, an intellect ual activity is inaiutaiiii'd by the conflict thence directed against Protestantism in the freer coun tries ol Christendom. No correspondent moral ictivity is visible. On the contrury, being pre loininant, absolute, irrespousibl' , liviii's in iso lated grandour high sl.ote ihe people, t,o upper let ' V in Home is iuriher th in almost any ciuss of men in the world tiut of the eiri ic of sell-.-uc- rin--e and brotherly love. Hence the prelates in Home have ever been noted for rapueity, arro gance, ambition, sensuality; alternating these in dulgence, on occasion, a at theprcseul mouiciit, with viiidicliveuesH aud cruelty. "What intellectual force it has, C.ithooei-,.ii owes t:) Protestantism. By Protestantism 1 do not here n.eau Caivanisni. or Anglicanism, or Luilii'rtMii, or any other sectarian Uih, hut the imperishable spirit of mental freedom which has in all agtis ourst up through the crust of ecclesi astical usurpation tiie peicnniul protest ol .be soul against spiritual authority tne continuous assertion of ihe tights oft' oscieiu'O. ihis spirit is the moral life of humanity. The Romish Conn li, striving e.er to crit.h it, has found jn this stnle a periuancnt stimuiaiit lo intellectual exertion. In the midst o'f Protestant churches themselves this same, spirit, struggling ever for absolute libe-j, rises up from a deeper deep, protesting ugunst priestly dominion, however temp-i-ed, its suhlintest msnifestnti' , vns .igainst t. atholieisni tlirouglt tlie great Luther, under whose mighty blows the Papacy staggered, in Ihe tiinns of its despair it gave birth bi Jo suitism, which is the olispijng of the collision IieTviis inTghraniTdaraucss, and which gives evidence in its nature of it monstrous p.treuiage, cthiliiting the cold glitter which intellectual light ui .kes on a ground of moral gloom. Je suitism is henceforth the indispensable ar-mov -of Popery. "Willi the advancement of culture, the clerical is overtopped by the literary and sciotitilie elatss es. A vivifying bonk randy eomes now-a-iy from tlie clergy, Protestant or Catholic. Creeds are not the nurseries of originality. Original minds tin Iheir side lire prone to interrogate creeds with very little rt veie.s e; and a heart of deep yuiatliir aches all theological questions in the Hamef it love and justice. - "On ihe other hand, priests, while arrogating to thftnsnh a spiritual superiority, relied the moral cuiditiou of the iHiiiulatiou aiound them. Like man, like master. Thus the priests of Mex ico tip ht cocks, and the Cardinal of Rom .and the Anglican ltihop iu London, play whisi. 'Iho succcsaors of St. John ami hL Peter ligiiting cocks and pi tying whist, whilst Cnri-iendora is gasp lor waul ol t vivilylng laith: In all tnings ow erTciteand causes interplay on upon the other." Ivrv. A cnmnlaint of ihe heart, growing out of an inordinate banging afiersonieihiiig difficult b obtain.. It a'tacks persons of both sexes be tween the ages of tifiy aud thirty. Some bare been known to bav it al sixty. !mjih,m Absenc ot miiiu giving tmng many name ; calling tears net tar ; and sighs, tephyr. A fondness par poetry and much music; gating on the sidereal heavens ; losa of appe tite ; neglect nf husiues - loathing for all things sets on ; bloodshot (yea, and a constant deair In ;h. F.ff'riK strong krart-hnrn s pulse hleh : stupidly eloquent eye ) leepiueas, and all that sort m Unrig. At times, tiaagmatlon bright bower nf rosea, winged enpids, and belt r red peas; and then again, ocean ol despair, rck, tor ments and p'sluis. Cure liet married. IN'DIAX OlTUAtiKS IX THE M F.ST. St. Iiliis, Julv 1, Bv bitetligenr tved here, w learn that t parlw of ssvrn ms rout fmm Fort t'nioB U lost Srpy, wr men on tb were attack ! on tli 1st uf May, by a band of three hundred armi-d Shuiv Indians, and a man named tiaorg Sikes, of Ouinry, Illiuuis, killed. Tb remainder of the party wi detained for sometini by the Indians, but were Hi. ally permitted to proceed They reached Fort Sarpy, willnul further ha of l.fe, l-ut suffered greatly on th route. The "tmux ar also aoagregated ia (rsat Bambar around Fort Pierc W learn from Fort Lsaren worth, that MeCra who shot Msloolro Clark, ha bren enmmitted to jail on th charge of murder. Bail wa offered, bat relusml. ll is reported hat t violent personal rerroantraq nad'sMsarrvrin Henaas betaeaa lloernor rles1r and en. p. r. B rttifeiN.w. 1 h tioveroor it said to bav bean b'dlj Issalen. Cirvmi. Th K York Fxprasa gusa ft,s lollowmg Bssvul hints I irin king b-a water to (veea, psrtiularly when O'erhesa-d, or wsler wttn-iat lh ica, i frsv ueelly produc deatk ia a few hours after lb itopsu ieiss ha ven evimmitreu, Inibitsag f ecly wht r lrm'd 'WKdins; d, V ,' tin-h as btiiees, jusst, and sa-h aonca-tbrfts, evel'es the bri'r, alien Its sihss sh -al I be diminished. aad sodden death tlea resailia. Frash fruit ( saranngly fraah) ai'l isaspt list iretalesaa, and lndwl a ia alimsrt ioiaiil.le ta anamerai tlx Vstiooa aart ia ahk h health lalrioed wiin, aad if periled', 'It lemper!" shahj b iwta srd di; lv r"'B vary In llvnlosl and pna verv family, not lem pei t a.sraly ia Ib us of spirit uous and atslt liquors, but sl-i ia eaung, dunk ing snd Ulsir, !.-r lh eu.si ence ,,f ,- ia nee nf tl as rpr- alM oftsn b rswiawarl.ia ihT lit brain, or a lent araotTia. and probaldv ch b-ra In ita wut f s-sa. Keap th moid Iran- qnl aa r-sii !, iiidiilg ia ao i-iiqimt abbs of th tenK-r or of tb nrva sislrni, da B't oysrtat voor sirsogth. hut ernnr-nvs it roai. (ring llv.l when lh sa -ion) is in s rslasad diti-oi, y a bav t in ilsra, aad If drawa rs frnly upoa, aoaas olbsv fUi,iKa mast suf sr. ai J th digaa V orgsa I ""erajty ilia first ta td lbs ffpfta, betfaa ll raifU " lbs sislssa sf all tb nru fossf rbl, and f" as in di. rvt,,raiT ,4 i List orgsa ansa lilK.vaVf t!y-"titey ar al.olara. ! as, aa ta toa aaliasas ibi a lo what w shall aat. drink eivstf. t s r--'a. s th graai solid a -! taai its In lib.irs, tad tb rhaaor ar tbal yoa will asc lb 4s- incdavil Mia pas a . " Tr tlie Xnrth Carolina Star. P01XT.S AT TIIK YVUITK HOISK. We see it stated that en th 1st of Julv. all A .oencsn Protestants in the euipioymentof I'ncl Sam ia ihe IVpartrnents, to far as can be ascer tained, by the asiduity of the minions t tii " immaculate " Pierc. are to h- furnished with cards of decapitatiim. We ar ennecially surprised to find our own statesman, (does he deserve th title?). Jsmes C. t Dobbin, eitgseil in such a small business. Xo- thing better could be eiccted M most of that ffrnerttve tabinet : Imt Mr. lsitilnti had been re mHnu in miinaniiv - aa a man nil v hiiv 10 wiiai U due to every one. How woftillv bate we been mistaken in ouretiniat"f this gentleman! Had he acted as nobly and faelingly a his predeces sor, Xorth Carolina would have been proud of her son ; ha 1 be hroWi himself above such litlh acts, aud not yielded to the baneful example set by the pure (In'hrie, we1 would have rejoiced at the magnai. .ui'y di-ptayed by a North Carolina man ; but, lik g dd ore, whs- heat is applied, h is found t consist of mure dros than refined metal. Can th man who pleaded tripathelicab ly fur the bill presented by Miss lila short time fj in our Legislature, eondos- end lo such low schemes? Cau be who, pietmed in snob thrilling terms the lot of the pair Itinntie. and sot him before you so mournfully as b bring tears totbe eyes of liiau,liencu-cin he, Isay, havechanged his sot't nature au suddenly into stone? Verily evil coniinunicHtioiH have oorruptcl our citizen. lain mar itrsssed iua litlle biief authority," e. And why is this wholesale proscription? Be cause, forsooth, the recipients of those small offices irs to vole against the Administration. A great many have been turned out to starve, perhaps, and a groat many more ar to sharetbe same fate. How, in the nuine of common sense, cn.no there so many American in this ramp? Does it not prove that Mr. Pierce's policy of gov eminent is distasteful to his own employees? loes not the fact of this horde being in the very tents o! tile e o-my prove that Forney mid Pierce can't keep un with " Sam "? Ill would not be surprised bi bCTr that all these minor postv were vacate.! !.y the kind partiality of (be Cabinet, and Catholic ti-ripH-rs phtced in each; we would not he surprised at amlliing that is done now- days by these rulers. Possib y our State may have recei cj great applause for the independent course of thy Secrebiry of the Xnvy from a eertnin class of men. but when Sam gels into office in l.SoO, lie wiii give cause bi aU for rejoicing. Ile, noble fellow, will m.t tie cend so low aa to turn out I'uiaticraticsti-t-ct-sweeners andothers of like I stamp fur the sake of putting in their places for eign paupers. Tne 1st of Julv has passed, and many a man knows not wl-'-ra I. : i ui get his uext meal, doubtless. Hob1 on, persecuted men, until Sum bids you rctcrii. The foreigners shall vacate their unworthily acquired places, and you shall take them, but e will allow some native Itomocrntt hi keep their nttici. Ixtok out. FOREU.NLIIS Woil.ii ill Lb II V FORCE. At tv larg? and eotbusiitilic mectiiit; oflior noinsin Br sidlvn, where Ihis class of foreigners muster in great firre, res,iiui,ns frongiv in op position to ttio nrn'ii'iitory honor 1m, sndderlar- ing that it shoald be resisted even by Juice, if necussai y, were adnrt"! ; ni I, fitrther, some fifiy names were emult-u on tjiespitt as yulujucersiu 'earryJu(tTimuuent of ihe meeting! Jf it should lie found ncrc.--s.iry by the (ioniums to' re sort to Ihis extreme resistance, it cannot be doubled that they would speedily find out, ,nw everollensive the law may lie in the eves of mtuiv Ainoricaus, it would unite them as one man to put dosn such treasonable opposition. It is notau American idea lo threaten lh r peal of such ordinances as do not happen to sul us, al the point of the bayonet. Thu AniorieiMi iiMHlly submits, though" all tb lime lie is sub- nulling he may think be is sulferiug fioin d poticHiid arbitrary legislation, because he knows that, in due time, th ballnl-hnx opens lo him l h' door for redress,- It- iaealy the Koropean, the alien emtgrant. lhe Herman, anil the Irishman accustomed occa'nnnlly to resist "tyranny," at home, by the cannon and the sword, that dream ol oveiccmiug, uy like agencies, oppressive, or what they may outsider oppiessiv encroach ments here. T he Kumpsma cn never become an American in iitinciple or practise, until be is thoroughly Anm'ti', or nlvailes ai'm-wfofth exoiio noli, nt of self government, Sol.un-sion In lb will of tb majority, until thai majonly is lawiuny man a minority oi, is th only break water betweea aa and anarch v. and hs or I bey inerriore, wlo would sweep away, oreven weaken that breakwater, would auerdilv retlueanur own peacelul and happy cmiulry, to the same level as lb South American Republic of A merles, to day (wallowed up in lawlessness and blood- slwd, to morrow th pre of jkxu military usurper, called in to govern a im-okI euafea- uiy l&euuipetent to govern IhsmsslvM. n BtT MKI BI BO rot LITIStO. This W I ttrangt question, ll it nd ? I think to ; bat it is by au mean an uuoominon on. How viten aud bow forcibly i ttii question suggesiad ta our minus hi passing one ol tlms faah..flLb a ffea bouea, or drinking sakains ; - W hal does hdo lor t living?" Moatnrobably lh driiikins-saloon ureard laM ran nser it, if not, it M indeed a aaru qucooa. W ultra ar tl wrck of wl.at might have i n an honor U tba kumaa family wiui bio UssWt eye aad uaoertaia alep, which an aur gtis ol nightly aad fraqacnt dlui h, iasBirumuuetitiisla.'bioBablauns.ol uiHiaily or sit, lag at t eard labia, engaged ia a gam td ensues, now aaa i th ig' , I And It w were Iu lullow b'm hru, w might find abrt-l.kB mother, Wil, or malar, kn their alra.ai unceasing yigib, t ot parhaai tba pswr WWw baa no on to car for bim. ll tb Utir b lb cast, ta questioa "W bat do as b do for t living V I mum, torcioiy uggeaua. - M tat aVaw b do lor liimgr !! ar ba anawtred BMk aU.taclioB aoillllwdayoljuogirssi.l. Coaia to it BT I'Busxss. Th B)adard ll elaaa-fving U,a muobdala far Caagr ia lb vrl atatneta, ralla sir. Clingmaa " liawi era I, and bia opponent, Mr. Carat'ehaal, " redfraliel and bao-v Authirg." AeraHrdlag la lb Maadard, Mr. Cbngmaa'a convsrstoa In Is. Bf'rry haa lea grauaai, II wa originally "Fabwdiat Whig;" Ibea "Vathsra K'rfi VA-1 - -II . ma I I I . . ,, . . "''Si " 1 s - inucfaatupni nafasltlieau Whig .-"then aa M IndepantUnl;" and finally sua a p" I'eswier'. '' la u"u'i.g to ih eanilidat la tbuj diitl id th Standard call Mr. Krr a " V log and ami kmiw Nothing ;" and Mr Reada " aleraliat aud Know KoUiinr s" lb w bssg sinew Mr. Karr eaaMit ui La a " lrabsl" la lb rHerdard' esiiins ..sa ? In i' opiaioa, b ased Iu ba real "bia light, llarifa'd I oaseatioa r-lera!ial is sis' so mt w. W bub has bnged. Mr. Km, ar ihe Maadard and Ik Issnva-rstia rsiny laadars? They asd la baa hssg diataar apr , Ihsy has aoa got I'.gasbar srtb-w. How as M? Has llisy ms half way 1 ar Ba aaa pan sacrits sd priMtpta, 'a aou w. b ib ubr W aa aaa plats r Tl, Lmilavll! Jcarral lbal bilaaff tba Piamj tnd rorarr irlminlssrstbas t " T i imbecility sol failblaaanMnf th Pisnv A lavnistrattoa at no loagar op i feul w 4 pa)e, 1 ks ! inlalaalsa Loevdaiaik tbesuuetry wuaidaoa katd.y tat a lbs fml to lilt his vol, a or paa ra its d-t.noa, or la aiiiigail-sa af tba all la l ua.vssaa' e-ailernpl la wksrU it a, hl4. La rywhan bs ah u( nrtor far aa i malignant piaaaar ia sp traing and doptattig U. It baa nii.t tli sa rsalnad iba aa.t ttavaisi a,rdo-l.e of ib fcvwt antaaptasa H big. SB tb tew dep'K of duksovnr aad Infamy is ha roa bl la lb aam f It asm party, Halo a. ol I as) wwh M wvra thu guilt and absm. ssvi n. it i.vaie. ssr..i i y ! ( n r . and I- lliasi, ha k eg aiti fel.i oi.!i.. hi pa frissvd 'li faciia tk uf ynoa.ng and 4 m-a tag ll. I aaoaatb vrvthing l ui il.a Ind rnaal eota of imdupad ad aaatr adsd tai.'' JULY 11, 1855. RKCKIF.AJ POUTICIAXS. Tha fiireign organs of ibi cout try are conduct ed with a fsw xocpitnn, by th most reckless aad unscrupulous politicians that ever disgraced any nation. Xo matter bow pur and upright a man may have been; how patriotic and disinter ested hi course; or how much he may have teen heretofore extolled by thi sa conductors "ul tlie foreign organs, if he is found battling in tli American ranks, he is at one denounced in the most envenomed terms, and held up to view as a wretch unworthy of all oohfi lenee, and fit nnly for public execration. It ia thnx that Andrew Jackson ltunrlsonf-anJ other geni'mien who were formerly conspicuous tnv-inhcrs of the H-mocratic party are sp. ken of by tli miserable' panders to a foreign faction which seeks biwrcel thect.ntrol of the oountry fnun the sons of .he so anil to j luce it in the baud of foreign pro-sis and other imperti nent nireign iniernieumers in American concerns. ttiose who rein ami believe tbsir articles, might leil to believe, that the IWmorratie and for eign faction are the appointed of llearen to rule e American tH-oi.le and that those who lake tbe liberty of thinking and acting for themselves are heretics who deserve to In condemned and punished tor their presumption. Tin has been tba court pursuvd in all ouantri where the toman Uslllolic Toiwohocsl has had the awav aud a poycerful effort is uow being mado to give .item use Hinuenve in tne t inted State. They never have been at a loss for oorrupt tools to car ry out their views in other countries, and it ia lam that they have an abundant sum lv nf the same material here. Hut fortnnatelv. neither e prese nor the mouth can vet b ragaod in th nited Stale and tlie union of Americans ia self-defence, shows, that thev will struggle hard for the preservation of their liberties. 1 buig have, indeed, e me to a high pass, when for a publio ollioer to declare his attachment to country, costs bit ofboe. t.very day wt ae urged upon th National .'Administration, thnt those who hold office, shall b required In disa- ow an connexion or sympathy with the Ameri can party, or be di -.oiaaed. Th Kxeetitivo wib ugly ciaiitdie wiin all such requests: and toa ft n takes care lo fill vacancies oreated by th removal ol I'mlcstants. with f.ienrn Cstholiea - nil men who ovro both civil and religious ube- icnce lo a foreign prince. The shcut of exul tation is raised by the abandoned undue tin nf e foreign organs nver everr such removal, nb lough a former fiiend and eoliticul associate may have bveu the ohje- t sitciili -eil. I tic renod bos arrived wf en the enritilrv mav not be CMisulered inappmpriRla have American uorn CUI.BU any nglits? , To iudire from th tiblications in list are misscslled Denmcrntie paper we ahouhl infer, that foreigners alon (sisses, rignia to mis eountrr. It a eomtdnation f fore goers attack aim take ihe live of natives-, icy are readily forgiven, if they ba not prai-ed y tneir prosso mr tiie act; but ll th native re- aPaie and drive their assailants to their cellars aud dens, tho loud voice of condemnation is rais ed, and all torts of Vila epithets are applied to Ihe American party. Such was th ens when the Irish Catholic of Philadelphia fired upon Americans who hod peaceably assembled to ex press their sentiments apon public subjects and sucu lias tieen the course in almost every instance where tbe amucioss of foreigners and American avc com into ooln-.ion. And vet aim of those who thus invariably extol th foreign and censura .."-! o mu ii'uuinniiu, uima 01 uieir nnitvirv oo the American (oil, and of Iheir revolutionary forefather, it iheir claim he srue, it only hows, that worthy sire may hare ihe most degenerate son. I ha lutter disgrace th soil uf their birlh. y wan ii.g :ttnst principles which Iheir fathers sought to establish. W despise them for their ruckling suiwerviency lo a ladlon which is seek ing to reduce th free people of Ih I'nitrd Stale to tlie condition uf the inhabitants of all ooiiutrie where priest craft rule. Hut we ninpose thev art well paid for their debasement ifut Clipper DOUGLAS Jf RUOI.U S 0P1XI0.V OF TIIK AMKRICAN PARTY. Th lb eolumn of Lluvd'a Weekly Review, ad- iled by on of the ablest writers of the age, w una tbt fullowing interesting article, tlesava: Parties are many in America. Thev rise fike musnrts ms ana Isde Ilk mist, r.yery J'raaulea tiol (tecttoo bring t cmpol Ihem ihev rsrs for day -ar heard for a a ark and forgotten in a luontn. rturii ar tbreward and tli r illmor -th Hani and tha Softs, and manv uaoa. Tha come ap with certain men, and fall out ef tight when the area du an. Other parlies remain like lb Fre Suileraand Pro-Slavers, brcans Uiey represent ideas prrsonifv amnfliU whicb a,-e periuai nl oaihCAmmiean foi . Moat of I lies panic art well km srn la F.n land, and they ar ll worth studying, for fha tsiiiitc i America ar iu politics of lb lulure. A hi f reneu mploaiatisl otswrved fist other oay i,'jlmiir est AmHo Ssiroa. 1 ba Is teal party ia tb I nton i th party faea- lioualy kaowa aa th Know Nothing party a aanw which tb party amrpla in th larg spirit cs nleinpt in abieb Ibe runlan reosned their hutorical designation. All things considered, tba -now Isouiiugs ar th mod noprei develop ment of American lit. Hitherto America baa beea a refugt for lh t-ntcast f all nations th boa at all who Bed IMS debt, from tyranny from atarvalasa, from jaatica. It ba received all le ss-led i on. I bi wa t grand exuenmcnt out oaa only partially suoceelel. is'ws sat m immigrants, apciany in I nsh hrourliiBiieh.f aith I hem evil taMsion and bad baiHt ; aad as all wra admitted to polJic power to tut at l.ciio public aiea bad to stoop Is tbair bana to get support and bene lower t-yl uf public morals bacame tli role in largs toa na. Th (vaow N.et'iings who rnrnprir voa asssH HitsiiKiaai ana prorou men or tin Aaeriswa lloasooras-v. aav tbi vil mast biav to. Thairciv it" America fur Ih Americana!' Aba urly tbi cry I aa irswmahl as Italy bar lb Italians,'' or " Hungary for lb Hung. s. lb Bw Baity i a DtiHrst ss-ninal Iriah usdiUtfsl prufligauy, and BgniuM IsmiiI Influane in America. 1 hj ax-k su usrivl immigrant Busdea of lh m.aas of miaebanf. Tliaar aioika I " I'rutattasB ta til I 'www I tb Aasarscaa bora.'' TUB RtKJ.M (jf TI RROR, Fn m tha varans ram sr m rireuUdoa, wt eaa eaoan u tb Ausariaaa pa'di u. I lb AaV miBiasralsoa at ttasal la ratavna from onV t kr.a aambar af latks aad utaar ofkirs th niw mswt a lbs iy. Tba oly reasoa givaa Is Ibs r stall) with tbt Pmsaaiant Amariraa Party, la arde to aaoavtal nbathwra anetad pa ran U tbas laialad, aa ia required s char himself of tba sharp by las in ( ualb lual kt i -A tuib '7 W bat think yosj, rib see lb farted fJ'al, af ysar gwvarnmaat f 1m pasty abstb dsswasa caa tbt ualb isf earref Msnnass anronamaikA I, Istraaaa rtira-jadioat, auboagh baling a I'alrVnAsa . Ie. B VasW, llaalf raaarl ta aa a eoaaliiatawaJ biSjaisiuaaB apoa tank ksm maa't TM lasafliia. to drear ftoaa them e.,laaioa leja Wis la ii.eir li.l ros's, or trmpt tbeia to tba B psraikm of fahend. Lsl as hear aa mmo of oa'b ts-l4 of mem. brm.lth Anneaa party, fk'gata vohaaiaiily """ '1 voa ai.osppy tloiim T Ika) ruling .tvranay i -' d by it t thraal uf iaslanl pra i artartua. at la Pa Issava-'a' is) it. old '",aHt ktv b'a s rt to s..ut la neg L"rl Pietr. I b bsai a nvsr pf a wrlpiloa aa-had by iba Aaierleaa pari. T..ai ran; simply re nlva t,.aapp,.rt f r n4ie ih at ly rlaaanf rii,'ia aba eaa b safely trasted With poliiieal p t. IHB4 prorri4ia It M lies rtacrlaaf lb right f sal. iioa, oaa whiak i truly w ti.tiiutsav. ai, aai aa in pabii aavlsly BS I's SMni, 1 bal pei-s. ripitB aow la esiora f tie. uu. a I, a lag a. d , t p a t, ,e, and t o, ry ll ioHi -'s oa tli pabh sti.t i ao i.i.li a-stii s Hs a I. w lb I snsi raj i py ar i r. b itig wksf, Ui p la will jadge U si ou aamsa, tad tr Ikasa wt rsls kv Jmiww O-gaa. NUMBER 27 . Oram Thorbum, (better known as Laurie Todd the author of yarious work of fiction, aad a wr iter uf bo meaa ability,) a bo landed ia Xew York from tba old wwld .n 17S4. and who ba been ta intelligent observer of political vcntstik HAIM. jAU Vll.b. ever since, thus spe.tks uf th danger of foreign I iniluenc in tin country. Read what this tnwb I liireni Ciraupicr aiv ;" r , e 'i s aoneratm isscama "-nucnt vi iuiw -1 --- -l l . 1 1 . : ....i .l - 1 . t. I i iiuaias j tuna ai os misini siusss finjiuss-i sellurs. Now comntencad lh tge of ricrisaefi. I Mr. Jefferson, in his iiiatnrural snecch. vecom-1 mendod rotation ia oriire, and to tell our fiigatot and build nwaoous. The frigate wer told for less than the price of the rigging, in savrn year tiHireaiicr, x saw uie ysa-isstus u-nnsyornitst mho i lixHa tmaU, transsiriirg manure from th old J Fly Market, fimt of Maideu Ijvne, tu ruise pump-1 kins among -he lsuteh firmer on bmg Itbuid. I tful tha rotation la opirt wasa mor scnous eon- I earn Tba Irkh ltll on nf IT'IH hail insChnen I euppren-j , II.I..I...II. WSOV, h. . f , iMM in, h ,,,, L , nm.lp. . a vn 1 1, ui w misI I ...a nul -..li. . . .. . J . j . , - i J 1 , . I ... B .. ots mttM be provided for. A secret oonclnvo was bold ia tha slar-chaniUr. Burr and Jefferson I being the maater-epiriU. It was resolved tb I ear the-! natriota, and thit would tecurt tl I vote, of all their twrmtrvmon. who war. daily trriring by tlioo sands on thesa neacefitl ti ( A Her Colonel llurr returned n in i.nrope nitlier he had fled, alter the death ol Hamilton, he gave me tbi piece of political intrigue.) In accordance with this cold-bloodshed plan, 1 saw lUvnlutionary men and officer who bad (ought with Washington, pin in the prison-ship aud groan iu the stigar-houso. Yes, 1 sow them marched out ol the Custom-liotise, rust, and eve ry other office, noma cm orutob, sum having one leg, soma one arm, and other leaning on their stalls Irani wounds received in deteuc ol their country. I taw their place filled by for eign patriots, many of them never having learned httur of thoir own language, and not even I hie to tpenk a word of. our; but tuoh it tilt I gratitude or ni idel republics. Then enmmenced the flood of foreign influence. w'uich thri atens tu plae na oa tbt tarn list with tha republics that war. 1 wot naturalised, and voted when n asiiingtoa was President ; I therefor think that 1 bav as paid a right to think, at anv Freethinker in America. I saw the rise and full of th r ranch and Mexican republics; both were strangled in their birth by the hand nf freethinker and priest. Tbam tool art at work among us; aud a few Judo American are aeiliug tlieii liberties hi a U reign potentate tor a mess of pot tage; and. except (od work a mirocle, I think. lie to re January, ran, our dear Sister Jiapubltca, Franca and Mexico, may look ap and txclaiat, "IO, America also, may boeoui like on of us!" The sign of the timet art portentous i with lew execution, in namil ana tne tires ti t tueni - . i -. . ., .1 on tli subject Having watched tlie republic sinot tlie day uf Its birth, lor my brethren and oomnaniojia aake. 1 wish it Drosneritv : for my self, there it but a step botwoen me and death. - . uitsy a Monacal, Aged eitht) tvo years aaot Arw auniblu. THE DEMOCRATIC) UX10N CLCB AND HENRY A. WISE. "Th Yonng Msm'tlhimoaraii I'niwfiClnh, al their anniversary meeting at lh Matrupoltian theatre, oa Hsturday night, according to our nigni, accora ng to our ir ung. plbiisbiai ilittrasling time o it lo .f a r,iuij,ti MrilK 11, m h n Vila extended report ol their yesler day, badtvoryin lie sure, tha nnaipect of a fusion with tha hard ipears, from these proceedings, tu be very slim, lor, H Air. Julia t-uehrau mav b relied aiam Mr. Dickinson aad hit set ar but lull bettar than tb Know Nothings uf tha third degre ; but in spite of all this, thit oll meeting wa a ratbar bvriul afloir. 1 It letwr from Bonalor Touoey, tieiierat 1'illoW, Governor I'rio nf New Jersey, lieorg M. Hallaa, ba Vic President oi list I nited Slate, and Ustiinl ki. Sickle, wre quite encuunguig to thes Union aoftahsUa. Hut thu was still uothar letter of tba ver rreatrst i tu ts iriance in (lie eM lh letter of t ienry A. W I.e. Th hauls xpected him, hut didn't got bim ; but, writing to thi toft ahell Lnion Club, b asye " My heart and oul ara witb you, with tu my might." lbal Mltle tli quealioa. n ben a man givaa bil heart and auul to a party with all bis might, it may be safely tonculded that b has mau up nit mind that it Is tna right party, in thi way, Mr. Wis haying decided that tbi democratic soft shell I'oioaChib of New York ara Ihe real himoa Pur democracy, th oataid hard th' lis will ph-attaot l,,r tlislr future guidaaca. Mr. John Curhraaa, by and with tba advic and aonatnl of tb tdniiaistralioa, aadcr lh dirswima af Mr. W uss, will tell Itiata what to do. Apply to Mr.Cocuraa." Ai-a J ' tienUA, Hare w bav lh Israutiful Bad aeourgiug tneetarla of tna Ouveraor olct of tht largest sit vrholding Slat ia tha L'nioa writing lo a louniiue of tba Sot 8bU party of Nsw York that bi " hrmrt aad ami or with thorn, srilh mil his alios. ' New. who ar th ofl aliells of Nw York loBBoaa Mr, WiatpUdge ibi anlimiled adbaraace? Ar Uiy ma sf aat Ion ol politic. ar of mra tactstmai narpo f Ar tlssy tb men who can ba tailed apoa so aaaust la driviug back In ltd of (aaauoism which tbrealeot to ovrrwbslm tb est n try and render fruillex toa tlx ss immortal principle tuletualy declared 1'J years ago tl.lt dsy ? i ba dar gi. aa sBirma- taatatk ajsaa-.wsaaaaA ia tana atf 14 I.A star Ann, that Unas soft Rfall aaan ara bat lilt la . ..... ..... .. bctier then AtsHtlionlata that they ar rrel rkllra, aad twar by thl priaeiple Ibat tliar .l..l!l-n .l...si. ...l.ll ...tb.l!.;....t And yet it i loin th arms of such tskopit that Ma llovarntsr tarl of y ir-rtnl haa Uirow Inm- elf "heart and soul, wHb all hi might 1" Hear; A. Wis pig ring ia lh Sam ty with Jidiu A. I 'it, John kan Baraw, Jidvn Cochran, A Ae., i shrsMM spwiscl. aad wa eommesd il to tbt ardent admiration of tha Virginia Hmo rary, who will oa dooM thrnw aa iImst cap en oa this aesawiat aad gvva at) additioaal butaa tor Henry A. Vi laa, 7Yurer IMHlijrwr, Clarendon Iron "Workj. WLUtUOTOf . i. c Th Ckaesaaaa Iraa Warts ar aa tiisesid I r salt t4n tW Be, Vsrllul, Masvtsaaial ar OasiUae ita By ttagiassv, fcigk 4 law an, aad adsoiad la all ftarasa. I Wlar. Tartleal aa rrtht ra Mill a-ssauoat rasa, alia., t Maiksastr. Uriel aad I ..-r all 1, saaasblai Parvsrr, larasa aad oskavwaSar ataaals, tsaaipasag af ttaasxsi. La afcaaav aaa! ; Na" rssva af varlst aaiiiraai Rtea rti faaar aasl Karvaaai Riaa Tkrastara. rbiaala Makts,kafV la, I'alt.aa, ll.ag.n, lisarf. and U wkr Bull B. LAM .Vi. Iraa aad tWaat r4iaasf ag 4aaettallea sM-taait Oraaasaatal lea ILsOisg, ftv t Catits Ta Caaaaatay Basil p. aif ty anv aanaa Hyiae aa paiaisas a) kaihag, akssa saag k IK'ILF.KS. Tabalar. ! dr;Ua,ieal B- ilaaa. Waist Tsakt, Cbissatys, aad allssk k 1 Raibs) Wata. IlLi'AIK.I. A Varls-i a4 luaa all! ks kl ffa puts. aikat Wart Bdl k aa akr.aa;H aa auk daapalsa. All aavtt sVass Sa la 4akllk x-al aVHvtaad tUtis aayboaaaaaf la BUaaiaaoi ass a. a llaalaasaa aad B.ll a k .llsaaa, la aaltsalbs taaa. taay't aaaif, Irs mt taarge. Uaria kw( la,:Oi. vk baa aark will ks U aa as Sin'i'. aarsat a a.akss, k-vk f Istia, 4 ta a few nip aa aM.r sSsry saaaaaa I aa sail,, a aybossf m ssk.rana. laragatd Saala a eata Sssavt a at Sa,aota, as ! sa stssstf isatallr. atllesfty aaaaiafasl. AU B aiiiMsi Ma' i ' -S s ik . V. i,. , . a. tlk.VHl M. VtAkt. Aat. Marswtl. .7 rAKTICCLAR ATTTNTIoX I U mmmi t MH'I ft tl ,,"'?, .4 t, iatl'f fsf 4ti1,t lis ".t., mt a I re m- 4 Mrri- .t.,i f, , sk, f ".. aaf t ''- I 9rr I r ,, , ?BjMa, V"1 , 1 1. 1 . ft )a''t 1. a, k, W ea.il ft l 4 ft w.jr f m i k wr ' , JHfw.t.1 A U-llA ' luMs,, tVf, If, 44V J.i-a ,'T UaU Irnftri, frrn'v ind H-.-. Criirr.iHr. sxerr and iik (LTTonAi.ro. Lr.OAKD APPLKnV, THK FIIIST MAM'!.". IRKaofik riNB it c I'AVr'M.iMI !. h lol.tl ta the I nited na.. .. I irf ti k , 1 1 i, , t p, MILL, fetk, Macabay .,,.1 7,,!,.., j.,.,., lust no-, t wtirks iu 1vsj Jet. a Ft -r m it.s r ( a a acpirt tot la sctasiv snlc ni hit Anail. and 1 - sx.a hi ens bia tou, 1. have 1,1 j,,, as,,,,,, oonsUntly oa Hand. , llu prisms an li,.-,hi. ,a an as le sssllk hiavUi niS,:sil arliclr ins:l t -U hi aaia as g,o and cheap ss tt-i. uf B,,v nsaafselursT ta tk aounrry, aaa b vrarrse-.. io. hhi. Is ta giveeatire sabslarltoa or iiuosy , . fuadavl. Dttag tb alJ.-at ssrnvlstwm fc :" itl, , f Am.stv, saanaaa Uta pufetu ll Oo-y .m it, ,,,. In lol parUenlar an-l -nltrenly tkat n.e. tit.e no. .1 Us w sld rvsM-rttiii y l tavila ihosa atieat pttrctiasing An-thnr aaa s,- urn t tl ' rsll at Ina stur 13 Walcr, airiwr of I'm I street, wliaai.ltiaj.Ul Sod a at sikH S,. ti ba fonrsateef aid talisiy sil. Pnrehsaer fur iLe u.. Trad, set r,icakrly mvned to g.v. tb. .i nieir earatai musiios. u n .. . . , , . . . ..uasoitiiiy o aaaai sisesnnv, rrrffH B risa. pes, aaa A norma Usnilaniaa gaal tluar aadailkiuas " east. 8. Y. APPLEPT, I SI Wale,, Corner fins Sb, Jf-w Vnrk. iitm. I RTbaLIA MT't Orr'KR, Kvlswo, Msy sa, IHA6. j To HJlentCilm loatff und Uthm: I 1 tibUKlia OF cm BUNl ANU oTHKR fi mio ir vna yasnnt to wmrntr, ar tavtlril 'T"""" w "l'f iT iteasuiy va tit as... stvarr hi BU,-in tnert-fciier, sua aa,y, ann also m lira er ins pmsel tv-ras lo rei-eiv- I tCKTIFFICATKB Or IKBT, rrlirrd st the City Irsasarv, yssyabl at thra aad sis ttsrs. uii.l, r iha ssi i ta uiy, twann Inter, .1 inn daw, t. u paid ssss'-waaslly, isMiryiog thsrein the lai. of lk..rd- " "r'J" iw ,? f . tsscripu-B By ttlr s? the floard, VTM. DALLAS HAYWOOD, Inlsndsn. . '.' " ' ee id. , GnEBSKnORO KFMAl.tt COI.LKu K.-Ths Ft hsssioB f this InstitatHiB aill latiiaisnes on Hi hut Tlinrsdsjt (tb ftttk dsy nf July, it is very !,i rbw Uist sd pupils b prsssnt si ihe opening l ih Messina, s tlx classes ar ttiea ba-atad and new studs la r eoatatsnecd. Cstaltirties will hs seat fa ail nersona rleslrine ln fbnaalio ia reftrun tosro: t'oars l ipady, in, , X. . JObK.V, l-rtsidenl. MaylHtlM. - , .... -'.'.; tsSt. " Fant. Fan, FtEt. twre vava ,.d . -j k..i . thltt. aownrism uanv varistia from ih. aio saparfc thlaes 4on to a six jo-nr p, m ei v-ausi atcubat t BlbLIAM.S. ' to -Etndrd snd Register ropj. PI RP, OILS OF Cognac, Wino and Rum, WITH DltBCTIftsj rtmSAIJttr CARNI-M st HAkl I L. f - . J U at 30 I'LAIT-tSTKEET, .. Mtw-Yoas. - , - - M tp.V CO-PAHTNF-.naiUP.-Tbs SuWII s-s , X V bav assooiatad Ihstaselvct tegclher aadrr Ik is tad trai of BUOWb'bhV t Ult.KS, f. ihe pur. I l'oaiai.sioa Uano.as, al th eld tiaad ol H ills, Lea r"sa wiiuacting uenrrul urncsry, frotlar and llr..!., um..m.i rf.u. in ' it . .i llmanlcjr, wooml door auovo Poaeii Hotel, K .iscsmor aimt. A sliar of rnlihe mini iui u is re. pUulty solicited. " Parsoual tllrutiua given l Ik le of all kiads sf Frodaos. . WM. . nllfivTM.KY tl. D lllvbst. Jons lit, 1J. " Ira. ri-.HK HLMOHOUSI rrKAB.lCU,UI, arfc ile L eollsellsa of ama ing nltcts kotb la uvu aud vsrss. riiaal aad slet, eosilitiet of biah tu, , Svililoquies, Parodies, to., dssigaed fur Its uss of seaoola, As. r"nr. sals by May 1, tl;.. . M -a.-rs.-w it, u. ,, 7 ,, ,. . Ntr.dIV;ii,.!,lJ;!.,;.!71'"''"- Wlrt. Roast.' I,, w a.hbi.ma Irving. !? l " For sals by W. t, rOMEttOT. .si Jth,li Sew Bookt MEL VI 1,1. S 1 New VTork Israel roller, hit tflg . ysnof Kill. For sals by W. L. POMKMOT. 41 April f, lSJ. Notice. MT JfTUiS are la ewnphue or.liu- srsln. t.f qn.sui o i;ort tad Wheal esa bs aruuad aitfc - u.lar. aM. f, COLLI . vis. Msg 1,115a. . Pirtoli and. Umbrella. 4 LARIIE assortmsnt r,f aver; shad aad varl-tv, J.X. sal SI v.ry la a y,nr... Call s.n,ln. al MUKk WILLIAMB. nARPR MAOAIISI for Way, Juh fsr.lv.d aad for sals kv U FOMEMHT. 13. fib, Afrl I Sol. (1 All klniNOSIIRT.-.-lt I..,,.. i,t Jf HltiJ soul i,d tssmkls attn It lr vsn. ft L. UAKlil.SU. Aftllllik, 1IJJ. TVPTRkl KIVtU A Is4 af laa 11., A..n. (I lka is tks Veuul.Lug Has a a. ,t,ls t ,UU1. st- t Kl.NU A lilt.u.s: AprUtA,IIM. 4IH Hw Work. "kT tts sittsrof H.lr of Rsdriig, Hsan Fa.,' A i As, Tk (alls Ls.lJi-r.. ,,,,,,,., L. IT.-,, hliil T. tl April IT, 1st. I iniTH CAMOIM A Hntaall Lite Insurtme t'ompaar I I ' '(-I lUEibB, I. C. Ie-rrffa - ... i . I ' I '"' .r7 asmuaora mi is.nn metirsoi JL " persons ami ..i,.,..r Tb groata.1 risk takta a luml, hi is f oot, JU" tor Ur" v ysar fur f4a Uvir wtmin, ivr. Dim, F J hvoi,, Pmi.Uni. s Wa. li. HkAjwfHMl, Vtvt i'ron.li. JitttaVtt t. alartlikN, S,Mrtsryt W H Jcina, Trur-r, rrr- leBj-riw, Atim, !r W. II. W Kit., t twitting ri.ki. tl. leriMii, UMnl rT,l. ATI . n MiJ vilidtft UMlkft after iifa ff proof ! rrvtinf j4. rHfi " tlM Lw.n, mtiT be Im-t r- 'irtti. W (ruls ttho-si i h gstit ! VacU !!ami Tann Tcncc, iY A. Pa HiLM. KU Ul, Hrtiti &y M. rr. lm llM mm kt teM flfisfst, U w Wr,, "Vti Uh Ihns i 1 ik taii i it. ,u..f . I ll-imf iMfv,B mf mitmyh - t. - ' .(.t ta H rgm.4 lst m"i-u it -4 fmrif 4 ., tMTSU,lfJ st4 ft wt -.. r rA4rr f WnmmHf, tll(ll , hwtl'lrk1i ft mm rBf- I btdt mf fetttlr lMh TBlUirM WrrlBMsV, Umf linK, ma 4 iht wIbaaw mi irW t u H ft, i i .B t iM imiairaUf H! t ittltJ f li.KHI ( ... ... W.Avf.,i.. I 7 lit, tVAai ft-ttl . .1. .4 VA r Bt,l W at ft ft Ml fMtl aWt. (t fa) mmm O r ' ftf Vi ' r t-t, 4 W ) i f m g it, mm 4 is. i mjW mm Wk 9m kt-fm mm. ll it mm , a m ' lVttT m4 tmm Hmimm tw, ri h t-Va-t m - ( i filsWiWavt m mm4 my tm ft f.. H i,!M i , , r aksai tia 4- tJ t..ui . cat I vviaff. If ( k ml i t fin -ii ' ' r ' it Mk W k tut ir imm.f I u mm it mkmwthv-m. Witw" .,, Ltaa fig)4 Ht-tl) K BW'aiiavf. Mk-4 lllttalr a llr linl (Mi , , ttatai 4'i Tsavji, l W .1, ttf, Mi 1 .. m ) awl ib ii. m-ti4 ! wlfli a -' a ,! a T im t 9-tm f 'l" M rfs.ia , I .1 nl Ms!. It 4 , aVf tut ll -; aob, Mifi.al k jtak, ( -it IUU cH, Aff. It; 4, H Ml M t II i . a, 4 ,

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