-d . a i. 3lort!)-oto!iaa star. . , rmnuD imit n WILLIAM C. DOUB, tDtroft IMBFKltrilXTOa. II t UB 1 1 t ..Id strictly la S.lT.nrr. ii dollars ner SB- (i two dollars aad fifty eU, if paid witbtn ix eth ui tkrs dedar at the end ef tlx jssr. . . . ADrFBtrSKVK.VTS net eiesedin sixteen b.m will n imirlid en ttta tor sn nour, twenty nv ttoM for nek sabs.nent insertion. Taaaa of graaUr leagtu will he cksrged proper li.lly. Cuur Orders sad Je.lioial advei l'"' will be hareea Ji per tent. higbsr tksn the above rete A reasons!)! dednction will be made to those Hiss advertise by the ym-J r n Bjok aad Job Priutisg don with neatnos as dsapetck, and oa accotusiodating lentil. M r a tl,. UMitor tauat b Dost Paid KW BtKMiW Tb4 .recnteev-WT.-rsatrs. vrt.d. A renvau.a e 21 daer', e.l if i uauk. two?, k. Jabs 11. U.an.., It. If- L l 11- DoSis Mils eiuaaa ta awr Li.'. J.am.. v. i Sul OxoetL stilly D IBS til J, k u, R.y. t. I Santa. VOLUME XL VI. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1855. Mttaoir ot Ike lat.-. Kxil, . ...l r,..,..rwo..c. Ar .1,. aapeter itemitewa, by tbs- an tht basl'sH-a. 4 tula, 11 ata. Patty Leaders: tkeh-krttaT Thse. Jrfferei. AlrlsadrT , Itll.a, ABdiaB Ja.il .i n, Iliais-UseV S.J..UW ly w;kof Jlflilli-Carolhm Star. 4V .... . rXleiou. n. . InujlTsiuYJnxTj? J uLYfath. mf. PiTNaa ' M.wtult. W ar inda'ited to ih publisher, Messrs Wi nnd Edwards, tliruuRh Mr. PnniwoT; for tins July hmii ofth Amer- len HorilMy. Tlie fottewing w !-. taMc of content) or tliii numlier". Irv'mir'i Life of ' Wnslrington j Birdi What Chir-f Victor GalbraitU; Plaut-Mummien; nrl CUject i Europe ni America ; Uow I caiue to like Uiamondi; Recent American IWrj j Capa Cod (oontinoed ;) Atttri.tini (oonfmued ;) Sum mer and Autumn ; Iluince freely ; Twice Mar ried (uontiaoed;) Mr. reppeiage'i Fourth of -July Ura'tun ; editorial Notee.- Thi Ntiowai. Amaicm.Wa bv. received thii paper, juitcoinmcnivd at Kiehmond, a. It i quite handwmely printed and ty alJjf cou ducted. Its conductoin lire pfiitksmen iifst&l rihed reputation in the newspaper world, and we have no doubt, that under their control, the American will de jpol act-vice ' the Old Domiu iua, ltiapulililied,dtly,triealy and weekly. Citiii nir. There i np country in the world -where a foreigner can aciuiie the jirivllogei of itienhip aa cheaply and emily a lu tuit. ludeod it t niado too cheap Ur the R-xid and afory of tlie ctmntry. The Nntionnl American, on Him nuliieoV h tte follovring appnipri-ite reiaavks i Here, wliere the priile? of becominj; a cili aentmuht to be otoie higoly valued than any wbvre elui a t'.ie irha, we du not hriil Jte to Hi.iut i. ii.Ji.-criiiiinalely ta foreign paoifr, ad nturM, a 4 criminals perfectly iRnoranl of ur imsiiiiitioui and even of ur lanu;i);- nod hut auffor the men, frofjjetitly b.ildiiic the iMlanoe of power, to detrrimoe oar pdiiiuil pol. iry, and to influence, if not control, our leginla ti nt. There it no man. froe from partian intlu-m-, but mu.t admit tint to lie radically wrong. And vet, f r the aake of party triumphs it in uneiel to ceotuiue. lu the u.iya ol Koine aftland ir, and Alheua' mauiJiceoca, the p. iv ilce I citizvnoliin wan a rare W.m. It an oi ix.-n I'romtba Hrgiater. Hi. Editoi : I am not Know Nothing, at least, in the aense-of betogonem the asaociatHin ir onlcr of R now ithinjt. -na never eipect to be ; but I do-like to wet any one. wbeuier be i nne of the oroer, or an in-tcpeiwent ouwour, belonginir, to the eld line Whitf or IVuux-raiio party, wliooccupit-a n; pmuiinettt position in tire connirr, and wb e opinion and courae of pub lic conduct are expected to innuence mhera, nita-renretu-nUHl. or n-t unite underatood even. It in from thin prompting, and from the fact, that I ' believe Ihe lion. Kcnn-tli K.iyner. whom even the Siandnl, assuming to apwik for the whole State, avert i no aliotiti iriat, to have benmia rciircacntcd and misunderstood, fi far a hia e ure of c -nilut a a meinher of the Natiotial Council of Ko- vr Nothing" at Pt- ladclphia ia coimemed, that I veittuie to ak a place iii your journal for this communication, and ol'the ediur of tiie Srar the favor to tran-iforit to hia coluiona, if he thinke it a reaaonaole andjuat explanation and defence of the important and reeponsible Conduct "f a public man. The Standartl char);a Mr. Rayner with being notltaUff U'ilmn, fnrJ, tvWfcy, nf Gardi tur, all ofrkoi are uMtihmiit ae) tntmie k tlir Ci.m tfUetrr&tiirrt." -That U tlia etiar;,u dim two Sumdanl, and that ia the oiireU-eon-tatioB, in point of fact, that 1 uie.in to diprovc moat conclusively. For fear, however, there may be aotne who have inwunderatood the true moan ing and purport of bia roaolutiona, aud who are, tken-fure. diiucd to believe, a the Sundard further alleges, that Mr. Hayucr-"ri rratfy r art triVA the aUAititmbili and disUHitmiiiU vitlurut an y iMijt ' hm k i! 'ty tcvuld crat e lo u h.U Mr iiis'uu.n osl-icny," I alntl! . roceed to t:- e auih-a atau-nicut of lacta iu rcam to hi- ure iu the Comciiliort at Philadelphia, ami audi un eXimition of the nature and teuor of the act ol ro.1 .'luiion tinned by bun, a a aubntitute for toe lili ariirli- of the iKailorm, aa will at 'ana tlx of purpoae, did not liere aeparate for vet, j abulitioniata, WiUia, Ford.L'ulhy aud Gardi-1 ner, acceding from Ibe Convention aud goinj their diaorKauiaiiig ways, -while Mr. Bayner c.i.itinued la Leone of the moat active, nful and important luauibera vf tat body. After Mr. lUyner'a reMuluuuua m'ncarriei, tlie previoua iuestioa bavin beeumove-l and suetaineii, whkh cut off all furtuer . amend uunia, tlie vote waa jbke n upon the adopiioa vS ihe l'.th article of the aiajoriiy rep. irt, and carried ; Mr. Kaynef voting foi it, wnue v ilaon, luru, voiuy and uantiner voted agamst it, and theu withdrew from the Convention. - Such ii.i IheucU in the cam, and they provu how crosily Mr. Ka.uer baa been niiarepreacnted by the tiuuidard, wueu it charges him with Imm the ally of abuliuonieln. 1 mi all now proceed lo show that the conaerva tivetau -r and vooatitutiuonl iiuportuiMr. i ay ucr'a reaoluiioua have uot beau rightly eompre IipdJcJ, it jliera are any, who, like the iStauilard, have eouie u the oouciuaion, "that he waa ready to act with euoliuuoislnand diauuioniata, ailhout auv pledge from them that tliey would ceaae lo at-ul tha iuatituliuo of aUvcry'' Tueae reaolutnaia expreaaiy ixndemn agitation and i'ttri lo r uttioual uarty .tuitiuB tiuvu lua gut ject of toe inatiutiioQ nf slavery, winch aestiaent 1 limit pie-eiitlr abew meets with tl. hearty uunruvaluftlie OabinKtoii L'uion, Uieleiuowai.c viftnu at the sunt of goveiniueut. aud the mnin al ly, if uot miujiateriaT leader of the X. C. Stan dui d, for they declare, ' llial the atuimpta of our enemies to 'identify the American party with the aitutioa i-f the if uestiou of ucni slavery, either pro ur coa, are Oa-ci no miai'eHeaeutatiou aud deception' Xiw this ontaiua rood oo,iFrvaUve u ...ine, fcucn as ia lieiU by eterv truly patnoii: man and rtul lover of ibe L u.uu iu tbts iu:iiij wnetlicr Whi-!, Know Nothing ur Uu.uocia..- lloartlie n--uiiigt. ii Luioii upon ttua ui;n't: It lia.vf, "there cu be ng aucli lUiuca an nat.onal parties evcept upon tiie ba. ol entire eiuluaiou . i'.v-a lie M:mphis C'in,tim AvaU. ROMANISM VS. IU10TESTAS1SM. ' unce dtaalmae Um put. be mma in rospe-:t lo any tam (eir iiliuil creejN... Ad ,uirei.re,eu:atioii oi hia-conduct on the part of I (h . j llllt m lU Uall. Vl.4ril,1 ,,t the boo ir attaeliini; tn the nri v ik.-e waa de.t r. ed that the people liecaine -clfi-li, nnd the lle.-aldic went to roin. There is no aoiiuder u iiim in pol.ti.-al t-li.l -wopliy than that it ia aa iuiport.iul to Hoard ng i ii at the eriora, as it ia to imitate Ihe asaottilcnuim, of oar anceatm a. oi'ixio.NS tn-: sin. .ii;fpi;r.n. (Sr Irma'a HVrX'S,- cvl. 8, pa iZ.) But are there no Inoanveniencea fo bo thrown I i to the acalct agaiuat the advantnoa expected from ft multiplivation of uuuiU-ra by the iiupor tation of foreignera? It ia for the happinena of thuae uoit-i'J in society to h irniouixe as uiuch aa B laal'uie in luaitcra aliich they mu.1 of ttwVny I aiiFVt t-ietlirr. Civil f..v,'rinuciit lin(r the a-de oHjeet of forming aocieties ita aduiiniatra tion muat I e e lucted by coinei in onaent. Kve y ajieciea of gi.veriiineut haa ita ajiecific prineipbta. Ours, rb.i are nvire pi-culiar than any other ia theaniiverM. il a comp-M-t'.KB of the freeat principlea of the iui-li Con stitution w til others darived from natural rijrlit ul natural ieiaii. To theae nothing can be more opposed than the maxima of ebaoluie mon ftrcliiea. Yet, fpun anck we are to espei-t the (rrater nuaalier of era'frauta. TaVy rll brinji artA thrm tMt yrinriiitr oj' Hit para mmtmlt lA- f ieatw tjat'O- & la M.'r rery yona, or if nH to faroer faaa af. it iritl frr ia tttktnitt Jvr aui na boumjej kamtivimittjm, lt'iin J. am u vmttuL 'rum m txUtm lo amnlker I K would Le ft miracle if they were to atnn preciaely at the point of tern twrate li'a-ny. I mc- principles, with their lan (ua, tbrv will tra. ismit t their children. In DrvLwrtion to their nnmlera ibev will share wi.h a I4M SBgialaiH. Ta-jr rtll iJf intuit tk'ir tnvu, rt f ml bia iU Jiiv tiom, umd rtwoTr tl a luUrwpmcoM, distraetrtl mnt. 1 may appeal t'i I, lenre during tlie pre-wnt ronleat fur a vi ri- Ication of theae eoiijocturea. ,i Buck araa the warning of Thoma j)lr$o t'i great ap etle ef Li1rty, end bow enoiplete'y h ive bis predictions beea fulfilled I Waa 14 pro aSptiv, intolerant, and anil Aaierioanf Til Camo Svvaa AiaaL, Raroa Roroi, Leriai ami. The Baton lUnige J'lnralt furninb ea the ftnneied interesting account of the I'tiited Statrft Arsenal at that placet One of the largest arsenals of drpoeite ia the Called Histra ia the one at this place. 1 lie frreuBda belunghigte the departatem tehraee an na af tAeaty seven aerea, and are laid out with aaaoa taste. J be laiil l eg exnaiat af store . Iiaaaea tor uaiuHiulion, snu., t ea for piwdrr, ? a earpeuler shop, armory, blail-iuiili shop, tVatnlin bouwa, ctunianilsnt's reaiJcuce. f oard encmica. ur anv other uiiaunilcraunidiui; 01 it on thopait of ulhcia. But before giving n Hai inent of hia votes in the Convention upon the subject id the slavery question, or an ermlysia of hia ic." ilui.iuos I will leinark that the Standard, whose "voice," to uiion potential langiaje, "ia the condensed will of a large portion of tlie poople of North Carolina, slaveholders and non slaveholdcra, protcatauU and catholics, natives aa I adopted eilueiis," had these aainfc ri-aolo-li. na lielore it and waa speaking by the book, when it aai-1, ' Xo icrsoii in tins State, an far n we know, haa charged him (Mr. ISayner,) with beioj an abolitionist." Now, a 110 iei son i h ir Ces him, according to the Standard, wiih la-ing an ali ilitiuiiit, so, in tlie stand inl s estuna i n, 110 pt-rooti can charge him with lK;injr a din iiinist, for tint pajmr everywhere iimstantly in c ilcat'-a the idea ihat the disutiioiiists ol the couuiiy arc tlKHlx-litionists. Hut, says the stand ard, while 1 am I'oinpclh'd, by the force of cir cuiuatain"" and the liuita ol the case, to acknowl edge that Mr. ll.iyu-ir ia neither an nl.nliti .riit nor a dinuni ni.-t. 1 mean stouily to iiiitiutaiu, that "Ac i ar tlr: ally tf H'n'o, on, Cvll'H, awl O'unliittf. utiot v'urm are tWiidnuii ami riicmkt lu lite f nion nj Ik Slate." tt hat rOs iniarepre-entatioii ' W lint n elf ftion-e ring trn-k 1' N-e how en-l tiiis cnargi- ia dipniied by a aiaiple statemem of f;icl, showing the antes ni the e men upon the different qiies'ioua,iiatliey arose irsn the subject of slairrv, ru-u and c-u, in the Philadelphia Cunve-itioii, under a call for the avca and i.oee, the su:e-i melius! k-mwii of testing the stability nnd hxednesa of purse of the meiiibera of a lelil ernie public Uidy, In the ttrsbphuV. then, wbiiti tiie pUtl'am resolutions we.e brought from the c nim.iiir.i-e room into Convention tn beaded upon there, thx ijiK"tii 11 ugh 1 the L 111. u newspaper, aa the ataudard does, at. II I cuimidcr this patriotic cnliumnt, whjch is so clearly cnibotiisd in jilr. Kayuer-'s resolution, and so forcibly and piaimy expressed by this paicr, as a fact, baud beyond a perudtenture, so far aa a national party action, aud u harntonious agieenieut between the diU'ereut Males oi the tuion, upon this ucetiuu, are ooueeined. M That all Protestants an heretics, and that the Pope baa the ri"ht lu -ld tlie civil power lor. iheir es eriaiualion, are settled principles ttrthe-, panel ayati-w. 141 it but gain tha power torn, and our eivil and religioita institutiens would soon fall before papal tyranny. 'Jt.nianiste may deny ih a, and profiaa to be at.aunva friends ol civil and religious liberty, but it is mere profea siou a triek ol douiusiu. Why have the racks and tortures of tho in-tituti n censed? V'by are i.u tii ua sitiiiBuislrsd I li is bvcaaui 1' ii rv, as a aystcm, baaciia-igod iucharetcr, and disavowed 4.H1UHU- dia-tniieaT An, inoeett s no tuen ue- ctiil of a tivdern Pope can las found : tor thi a'nuld be to overthrow tlie very kouii'lation -jl popery, and to ackuutvliuge that the decrees ol Popes and Councils are not liifnthhie. . Popery has not i-eiracied one iota of its original prinoi pica -, thj w ird reiorm vtinn h no place in it vncabulary ; con setji. colly, whnl it iwce waa it still Continues to tat. H uie never did wrung? never can du an n' The s-.le reasouthen, thai she haa ceae-l to prosecute unto dealt, is, that she haa oai the power 1 rest-ire His power, and the same aoeuea ul' Uovd aud if no-iiy wweld fol low. j:,.! ;. i ' ' . .; It is evident that ttteae oonstderationahaTe had but little weight with the great niasif-uf the Pro testant comiuui .itt; 1j ewnsulHiig our interests, inatead of taking a cnmprelienaive view of the whole Christian world, we are rather disposed to limit our survey to our own heaven t.ivoreu country, and, thereby shutting nut from our vis. iou the truestmrccnf danger, wchastily conclude mat nur uiaututions, civil and religious, are res 111 upon an imruovable basis. Caiculatiutia are uia.te, and set l-jrtli lu our public journals, w'-tch g- 10 show -.hat Protectant i.ipuiation is ia,au:y in thu niiii irity 111 thobnited stales And whatuf that ? i-ry m iny of these are only nominally Prote.ttnt, and are quite too busily engaged in attending to Cm ar's business to guard even ti e nui-wuraa 01 inncwia vurisunnity ; w line me ne hundred and siaty niillioi.sof li onanists, in the eaatei.n bemisphcie, are, with one oinaeut, turning their eyes to thia country, as the great t bout re of their principal operations. N it only is Poperv sending over its money, bv liuiittreda ol thousands, to sii.tain ip-elf among us : but the very dregs of Ihe Hoiiiish population, juat such ieraoiia ss their artltil priecta can wield at pleai- BinoTa. The members of the American party are charged with being bigots, ly men who do not understand what the word aigt.ities, or w ho want. ail v pervert its meaning. Why are they called bizota? Are the "obstinately and nnrea- Leoiiably wedded to a particular rultirtona eraed. opinion, pm-tioe or ritual. Va tint ootrarv, they are in favor of the iaittest lilatrty of tin iui un religivua natter. Ther say ihat the : - .!. i- r .1.- . . r -A - irus u-iuc-iiim;i, ui sue vurisiiau imin are m ue found in the Bible; and "they would, therefore. place that bo. k iii the handa 01. every one, that each way extract from it what he beiieves to be tlie truth. Hut 1 am course is edsmns4 by their pponct:tV who in-uit on partie -l,tr roles of in- terpretnitua kin-wn uiily to t ie priest nd loun led t much un tradition aa upon tlie KiUc. Ihia we call bigotry for it iteriuiis ho private judguient no deviation from prescribed ruln. lu what have the members of the American par ty ethibitcd their bigutr; ? They say 10 persons uf all t-etigious denominations, worship ttwl after "our own fashion, and let u do the same. Is that pruscriutiuu of Koinaa CiCi-dica, or persore at other perauaainiuit No. li ia the most per fect bileraeiuo. But, aay their opponents, ynu will not take Roman Catholics into yuarenni ueaoe, aaid plas these in tublie Aues. That is thov preauiae to eaerciae 1 ha riahis H freemen in tlie selection of puhlie officers, and east the r rotea for thoso only whom they may think atoet wottnv m no trusted, ah in religion as tn noli- AUniVALOFTUC .NORTIIEUX UGHTJ ita-maacaiirussu aaa,!ll 1 The steamer 'orirai Liykt arrived at her wharf in New Turk about 8 o'ch ek last Sunday eveuing, brinji u date from an Fran is,-ato the 10th ulu, wiUi o7 Massegers aud eii'.i.OjO in gold. J Amor j the Tsengera is Mr Wheeler, the Auii'.ricaj Minis, er lu Nicaragua, who Uii j two ilium runt treaitee. l. Pse, of the Jrm of Pa;jy, Baeou k Co, ia ma aniustj; passengers, tii-imiMi umu, The Northern Light connectedat Sierra N'evad with ihe mnil a eannr tiolden Gate, which !efi San Francisco ua the lOih it June, with $1,UC3, lton eigt. tne of the most important Itsms uf t-.ewa ia the coutirniatioa (if Button A Uarn.w's elarsn by the laud etiwmissioneia, embracing UiJO acres in land, lying mostly a '.lbiu ll.e eurcorate limns ol I S-in f rauciaco, and covering tha wh-le southern part uf tin aiuuicipaltiv. lbs Claim la eatiuis- ted to be worth Mcasrsv l'tkmar look 4 tuH art the iruicipal ttiwi of tue elaiu. Trouble with the Indiana iu lhene!ihWhnot if Fiaa.iorirer iaauticii-.itej. o.vii.ir to the bans. uig ui some inuiuns woo not a .iiexicau aimer ithout proviA-atiou. All the Indiana on thu atuein.. ftiv 1 ."-irisr-tp aea Its eonnn.aess. T iS Wstis a Vera-skoa, ky loiWuk. The Kews-ty. llrana. Kaw, l,v tto sulkay af Mr1 U, ,, tj ;,, alr ksara, J Hia auuW Sf tba Nalktm r U, river." . w'iKid rta. or Carvhaa Camlaiseelki ties ef Xurlk Csrutiaa PseTry. A u:isu, aud slier tales. J tit auiksv sf -Hjlue." Oj-lv lea." Ac. f or salt ey W. tk. ro.MF.FYi SaWjtK K. C. tth, Istk llii. :: lies, they leave every 01 in to exercise hia own I F renin rest rve have run oiTw the muuuUiiia. and ju lginoiit and, if this judgment should be a-1 sereral a are shot. gaint placing men in authority w ho owe "alia-1 A rich gold tiuarti lead nil lie, and a silver giaoce,to a foreign potentate ur power, eirii or I name aava boen diaeorereil a luolome which eoolesiaatical." it exhibits eemmendable eau-1 has cnuaed coauderable eiuigratioa iu Cat Ui tion aea:ust ru inir any fereiirn nuwer a f.it,tin I rection. in oar laud. The Americans are the least bigot I The burying of the town of Auburn la said to ted fteiipls 111 the world. Tney uava beau raised baveentiuled a lost at about i'.'5t),(XHj. 11 lyner clearly aaw the evil of a national agtation ore. are annually pouring iu upon us, like ufme (slavery que. Hon, au. I a ishiug mai the dark inuniuaiitig lhsnl. II ia atnicl un good .luic.icau party, which he eamesi.y desired j thority. that the lliMnan Catholic suulatioii should become tne great aud coiiservatiie part of the L'tiion, nnglit uot split upon this . rock. oilcred hia rcaoluiaiiia aa aaulistitu.e tor tlielih article of the uiajoi ity plutform, and avaretul ieiui,al ul tbciu will .show how safely Ihcir adoption, by the Natiuuul Council at Phiiait-lpti-a, would bate enauied toe American party to an id thia uirhculiy. At leant, an u-avUt s the I uion iiewapnpcr even, while, tie it remembered, ibh paper, and the Richmond .'iquiier, and the N v. ntanuaru, uuu inner xeuiiKratia presne., ountend, thai the difficulty haa not been amidej by the adoption of the l-lli ailioJuof the 1'la f.mn. iney aiaie mat iu cunsiiiuiloHal priucip e involved in the question ol negro siuiery has le-ii ignorod by the 1-tb article o, the plath.rm. Not vir iiniierMtfjun-nn., )r-More,iV ata e Unit the American party, a a nations j . . 1 . . .- pany. ucprcraica 1110 agiuimu Ul thestatei) iur?iioii ins, bihh puijime uoea not come within the object nl its org iiniati-ui, and Ihat it win ll-n "lliier 11, curuues ui llliei JMtlalt; , creed with such a heresy. And the I un-ii ueasi-aisr "uo-'tnsis the wisdom and patriidisiu -il.iicli vwwa, iu the lolloping remaika: " a think," saya thia paper, "it may lie safely assumed that an agreement uf npim-,a on the J subject between ihe Northern unil S uihern ineii nu the I. Stales ha. doubled iiM-lf iu the last ten years; and the s'eadily increasing tide hns run up to over three hundred llmu-nnd immigrant annually. And let it lie remembered ton, trot h.s incre:tae ia imt tluotuating as it ia amour tlie l'roto-lniitdenomiiiatiitis. Oiirinoreaso U'deten- icnt upon revival inttiienees, hut Humanism is a steady stream pouring in Irt.ui an immense funii- tt 11, and u-4 all ilepeuoent upon revival uifju uucca for its contin'uHiii-e. It ia therefore gaining uisiti the Pr iiestniit ileu-iiniiiatioiia every year. a hile the immense fountain in the older countries suitninod by the natural increase of imputation, win nam IV uu.-a ine main. If I'operv were a purely religious system, dia- -iaiinii.g all niriit to eoi.tnil pohlieal nuetions . inijrht juaily otsiin exemptii u from legi.Uititc inti-rlereiire; but tins it Is tl-1. tl la an limit, ganitiiion i-l relis-i'-H and fsdities, an unholy alii ance of Church in-l "ta:e ; the Male ilien fo're has a right lo guard ite'agniii.ttt-enoliti-al teatuiea f tne " ben-!, to guard it-lf ag-iiuat a desrse and educated with the most l:siiil principles in respect to reiigioMft .dilTereiices-and, in tonfer liuiidice t.e oiolore, have not discriminated fir or agiiust any particular religious den uninalioli. if adiffereut course, ia now alwut to I puraued, it must not be attributed to the big-dry ur intole ance of the Americans but tu a ayateinatio de al 'miration against oivil and religious riuhts which has been ma le by foreign ecelesiastior, w u-i wiuiuiiy nisregaru, Hie principles l our 11 atituuons and tne iveiinge ot the Amerieau pet, plejJIoret ifore ihe s-ma uf Catholics and Pri test infs have lieeu educated at the same ecboole, and each have been taught mutual respect and The ship Metropolitan which sunk in ber dork on the day the last mail left was raised two dava alter. Twenty small frame bouses and six brick houses, situated on the square bounded ty Du-p-iut, Jackson, Stmikton aud WashingtoD streets, in San Francisco, were destroyed ty fiie ou the mai toss iu.uoo, . Lolaiuoliti left San Francisco un thi Alh irf June in the Hark Fanny M:jur bound tu Amtra- 11a, wncre sue wr,i lake to the etaOjaud then go 10 r.uruiM, " J ke Hour mills tn Calilorna, now in operation, are supposed lo be able to turn out ,lhW barrels furti" ranee but the new avatein souirht tu lis in- of flour per day. triKl... , 1, wuuld produce an entire separation, Tue settlers are holding frequent meetings tu and begat mutual jealousy and hostility, it ia eoncert measures tor redressing grievances. A to prvteul this - -ogn from being carried iubi settlers' parly was being organised thrvughoui effect, ami to chocs the proirreaa of biir otrv and the State. intolerance, that the Ameriean party has lakeu I The Indians are reported tn have killed six the field aa also to place po .ier wliere it might I vhite men at K lanital reservation, an i sis others t o be, 11. the bands ol the n ilivee of the country, tn I lunula Vnhey. .1 The bigotry and i.r-'s.-ripuon are on the other The wines are yielding abundant gold in al stdet for i. uufortu- -iuiy happens, that we have I parts ol California, the aealiier havina been is rulcra who puniah aa a crone, attachment to the rJ favorable for both digging and washing. The country ; and reward, aa a merit, the being born K-'-d nroduelion f l8o5 bids lair to equal if not nu a foreign soil. Persons pia .in.ing upou thia UI ""d any previous year. iniquitous syatc ji, neek for some aHlogy for their the luiut is c-'ioinjj at the rate of J 100,000 per anti-Aiueriuan conuuet, ana tuey van una none I UUJ better I ban Ui lalselv elusrvs bie-ntrv nm th I VA"KBrs. American party. Power thus held cannot be I 8 F-;, I" n, Ju . 10. The jobbing trade long held ; nr ran the world be made to believe, I hoe been active, and tlinre lure bean ennsiderable that, in nraiaiing tlie attcn-raed eneroachmentaul I tranaasittoais froia drtt handa Suirnra. runny a foreign prifra-hood, tlie .knierican ne-i-le are '-ags and a few other articles have alighlly uu- iiiug-iii 1 ny tiyiingairi niiry.iiaiy will never I rroveu. oui niiHi oipers utia Ueciiued burn n human being at the alaksfor w-rsliinpiiis li.111 in Ion,, siid priuciplo. the w.rat Ibe world b,rA''-"B by ulliers. 1im bigotry with whKh c.fuw A ita.w.ii.,,. (,... 1. i... k t: the A iiern-aiia aie chargod, consists simniy in - 1 ..... . r-1 ii,.. ,1.. n;i. ..j-.n here? nr., came up m sumu, ,..,g - .......... y r'r b , i,,,.,,,,,!!,. ftllidi Itn letm sWiwro m lilt? HIWJ. trill K ns . , , h . .. r- Ir . .,-7. 1 - 1 it . 1 1 1 1:,: .,: ' I meana... ttvuid rvirii. -H". irlllirr, nnw itii o""m -iri. , .... .... .1 . . . ; . ,, . - ,t. II . ,l,,v li;,-. I - I a.un,p.ion mat all li...! s- . . . i i-n-'.-liiitf hu,-h ..IMwIil 1. i.i.r.,i .1.. If we are right iu assuming thai the North and Ihe s-.u'.ti can never l.arn.oii te on the abatiact aultject of .lavery, il follows that there can be 110 such thing as nsiHinal parties, except upon tlie isisiauian enine exe'usku el the so Licet from . 1:.: , m ine.r Niiiiicai creeua. Now, what sat a the Standard to thia ? lines it not end. Tie these views of lis friend An I are Was there any affiliation eten ? 30 far tram rc, isn.t Mr.- Uayuerfutind opyosini bay. aiding iu killing, iIh propositi-, of these men, aiiich they declared em hra.-ed the un I vcundi-i'-iis uiion ahieh t'-ev world remain ami act longer with the rnilad. Ipl ia Council of Know Notn- ngsl tins iiiauileat any sympatny with tha abolitmnistat t'le irly not. But read the nropisiti.)n, and it will I readily reen why Mr. Ilayner, a Southern prc-alaveiy man, whom the Maudaril says no pcaon pretends to call an atse litiouia'., npp.ied it, and why Wilson, Ford, Col by and (iaidlner, abolitionists and diaorgani aera, made it the condition of their remaining kniger in tire council. Here il is; yiV.Jwf, That the real isTthe Misaour! Com promise waa an itifraoinn of ihe pi girled faiih of the nation and tha' It Should be ventured ; and if efforts to tha' effft-t should fail. Congress ln 41 id rtlM to admit any State tuleraling slavery bieh -shall Keffwed out nt any portion of the terri ey frusa which that institution was excluded by ihal lomprotnl.e). 'But let aa proceed ft Step further, and sea wheibrr this charge is sustained by any of Mr. Raj tier's enbaaviuent Conduct, whil-t a meiaber of thia Cnnnii..n. After the minoruy pn-pusi. tion was hast, Mr. Itajoer ulhsred the following rreamble and rea.duti.sne as a substitute fur tlie 2k article uf the majority report -. "VTauiu, The Ihreegresl cardinal principles of the American Party, are, to secure tn the Americse people iheooutrnl sad wanagement taf their own rvcr nment to reaiat tlnv aggyeaaive policy and corrupting tendencies ..'the Roman Caibolie Church of iii waintry, and to maintain and a-ee-ve the I'ni-aa uf thesai Stales: Its ale Ikmefurt oVo'ere, That the attempta of esir surmise tu identuy UiS A meriraa party wnk the agilati. of tlie questi.au vf aegro siavery, either firm er rea, are based m sntsretwesenlalion and doeeption thai tlie uueatnas af slavery dtasa not caue within the fairs ws uf the objects of our org annate- - that Ihe charge sfoer enemies at tl North, tl.st one of the ebjertsaad purposes of lb A may lean tv tj is to sustain and ilelend tla. instiluliai of slavery, is fosindwd in talM.bn.id houses sinl ariiMery-vU. Tissss) are ail sub- aud wrong that tbeeharra cfenr eneaiisa st lie from their throaea, and ciaiinellcd limn tu kiss its great Has. A d.-piin which would exult In Iriwl our ' stars and atrii-e, ' m the dust, aud hieh bail ti e ed V -iitrv to nna laiin iu the fa.s hsiking at ll.e dangers of the American f.agle, " thai if ever the It. .man I atttolies obtain Hie SMvmlmiev 111 ihe t nili-tl g lliose dangers, it i justifiable I States, religion, liberty w ill eee." ("Shepherd .1 the Vanei, eini " ltiowi,a.-ii. I He niut he mirhlind win. i-aiiio.t see that religious liberty can never fall in our country until it is buried beneath The min uf chit rinerty. In a reMgioua contest we ccrtan.lv snail invoke no aid f . ni ll.e eivil i : e ark for nu iiu.iiis.iii-n 1 1 b.rture Koinani.ta imu a different laith:e desire tu kindie no lirea toe 'iistunetheoUiiiTate: iiordo we wish any abridjrment if their rel.gi-.ua liherlira. A t we aak ia Ihat the ascniuenlnl host of U-rt'a Usl acciHriling to ibe dietataa uf hia own ennci- nce, er aa.-rifi.-e Ills for the offV-nce of readme the word f (iod. N. aid tlie, sutter these things .lone by ulliers. Tim bigotry with which pet on instead ol cuw its-Ming mankind tu receive the a ol d ol li al at -.,iel band, with au di inter p -station aa it may auitseltish men logive. They do litA W.a.t ihe I'l.rl.t lo l.'.'t.i.l t.iul.r. I.M.1..I (. but nould place 11 iu Ibe view ol all men. JlulUmurt CViyfssr. E!) ? I N C." C L A R K E", " Saw 191, V'saUnstt C;'T. B.C. l'.Uriiry (or t'J tr LiUuly tnu.'i I udfi ih) sve u Karca a, THOSE soldiers tor their suivlvii.e widows of miner ehlldrea) bo have received 40 er HI scree are new tali lied te an additional wariaat t make loU seres. Fea. for elstatning warrants ef sll tie uiimi-v-.tmi... fiusi the Pension Orticei ave dollars. Higkeat auuksl prices always psid fur Lui wsrrant i, -. - - KKKKKiAttS 1 f Hob. John T. ilsou, t umat'r. of fieal tar Office. Ron. L. P. Wasao, Cniaaaiasluner ef IVttsions. -Haa. 4. Mvtsw, Ra-U.8 rieMtor frees Florida. Ai sears. Hear vs. Smith snd Teessscd, New l'ork. Messrs. Rnhertsoa tt lladsun, N'sw Verk. ' March it, lboi. . S 14. Ciue WUalatoa & VldoB E K. Co,? . .lag 1st., tsUd. , j ntVmSVn.-A Bidden r Tkrae Per Cant, ea tha Car ul Keiek ef this Company kss bee a 4s- : a. u-ed, and Is fakhrtuKiaeksililia w thslr ree asatauvsa, aa awl sltsr tha 9tk inst. '. AJsKa V. UltSKn, pee'y, ' Ms t. 151 ' t UskL , WILLIAM LEA, ' ' Lstesf theCcina of WUla, Lea A Brownley and Lea s Browoley, FKUDVCIS AND GkiNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Will give special attention te the tale ef Cotton, Tobacco, Flour, Grain, &o , At the old ataud, oae door above TowcD'a UoteU. " . siCAMoaxaisiST, i-trtasuuKu, va. 41 Tha Book for Every Kan In North CkiolLi TIIK NOHTH CAROLINA KOHM ItOOKf eoaratmsg all the useful furias wkleh saeur Iu buti. aaas traasaeliona ksluaaa te-n aa4 ssaa, ss ll sa ta liftVialstatii-mu leyelHsr witk tiie t'onititnlioa si Kertk 1 srnbna sr.4 u.-- bulled ataiasi tha aat iaiiig tba faas at' Cearka, akarilfi, Ac, sakulstsd fur t1 sse nt tbs sit iar.s ..r N.rtk Csmllns, snd siads ennlomablete ate, C -mailed by a sasn.bor of tha Na-th Carullsa liar. Any penwe ssrlosiag Ml rfiui in a letter, er that ata -ant ia p-.-lsga ataajpa, will rasaits a supy ef the souk by aiail,ftva ef uuatae, aar bals ky UKXHT R. ICRNKR, - K. C. aJuokators. Rsleith, April, etanlial trick aiiuctursa. a ee idse of Ibe dimensions of thssw I nildnga eaa est f.araued by a ruugi. snmsis of their ca tenas, taaea front tlie ufkeial lnvent-y There ta, war tastaaee, ia three saagaainea. Jt,lsi pouu.le af asewder, aael 8.oaJ,isj r -aa-taef ettndges far , aaas II areas aad eaun.as. Tke et.a-e-boanes eaav eaaa -le.taaj sasykete, riAse, earbiewe and pistols. lej saaneee. I'Sl eannntia 5,ssl eannun balls and she. la, JO.Osf podaraa.ster, and ftorouire- aaau-f. ll).(M) swabs. Tba sutal value sa Um land and build ags wilh their eunieel ss ater el.lMi,ual. Aa srtillery st4r, law hundred - (raai long by llty seel e"i-U, snd two Mnr.ee kigu, suae jwsi beea eieetssi al a east uf I33.WM. s "' " T eWnlXasUts Jsawa B. k header, rrsderkk I. I raUda, and KoUn C. II. II. with lU utlr aseaw. laaraal lite (rsduabeg eUaa ef tswiat West . Point, Wsvs wee eppuuiw-d bee. at eeeaesd bee teaaalt Ike (est ia tbs Casairy, the sssmshI ia the) Artillery, aad the lb ird la ibe l.fantry araa . ai the) eettwe. They are ta report ia psrsua at - tiaair Jrropev ate la m est the Stub Beft aeit. V V enpy fmaa the Hegisssf a .aaisssl aatisai aiAaed Viedes, wbsan is aa aaaple defcaea af the aiari'ioa and mi.ss of Mr. Kay as agaiast the) aseaalie s4s epua that gsntlsanaa by the Catb'die aad roreiga presses aa-J orabtt I iLit Bsata, last every asaebd asaa tend It. A areas) ef ether aaalsst aiast bs aair es , aana fa tha went ef tatiety of asaat.ty as asuf . esitSMval eadaeaaav tke adswrtissaneul ia tuAln J asa South, that nne f iia "leerts and airoes is tu favor and nmsaiMa lbs al.01U.41 of, '4 interference with, stavsry at Ine South, ta equally aajnded ia we: a. r sad ihat, wkilat we 4 . ss deny tu Ibe people eiihee uf Ibe 8aitb of af the Nona the na il of I.eed.HW or npialoa or m aieus.s.a, rei this or any vtkee sul-jsct, we du hereby prota-l against tiie attempt In itisarpvUte uawrareaal q.,aiHna ritraiohMse aad fureiga lotae perpusea ef ear argatiHusthai. Asd altl.iaigh ihe eueation of slavery is east sesbrared within Ibeeitna or nl Jectairf ll.s Ansrr. eaa l aity, let. In reneiiing Ihe attempts uf ar etisntise, both Hoath and Nnrih. sa fores) this iasae epm as, we da hereby eWlare, thai ta reference to the sjoeeiina taf slavery, we leave it here It is placed by the CaHwHitution and the laws made ia tairsaaa.e thereof-ragv.d sg Mas a seyial aueiun, sulject In Iii regulalusa ef tlo kwl law. " TImm rM.lntioa Mr Psvnsr ef eeare) ady ratel s.d y-rfr-l s-r, while it k 1 asay-rv a fact, thu Wilanw, F.ad. O.-lt-v. (far-diner, end, indeed, evs.y ali-'-li'ieo.t In tl Caaeewtsaw, a.ded eawinst Iheasl Was Users any elliaawe keref fHrangs albawee rttae, wh teas aaas a ale eaesk tsssyaass ' II of aarh ether's plans sad f orpoas I Tl impart-a! reader will at erre ei.daMn, wby tl ae asea, in stead .af being allies, were beast atpee) defeslieg sack ethsa'e srbsesea, and II eharte af the (standard's Ik a as see ef aswefsassal tsspedsnea asif lendsj In (net, end iilaodsd be-slsMsial psr pnses. But art aa f Pw these asea thraaKib the esownieg eror. Ibe I swa of this great stragfle saMweea the sl-uiaaUts aad elKsurfaaiaers aa Ihe. asa kah-J ad the a. a. a. 1 asive asea af lb taasventisai ea Ibeetwer, and seas, whsshertt bonds of anise's wevedrasra sasr bssweee Mr. kuvase and ibest, Colby Fuad led (.erd.nee, ear tnsae ar.. ta ibe pran.as, ar whethea Ihey, wast aeaild aa raMibly strrsa, eat I aae easvaia stesly shown fioas tba.r fratse evwdeei, eat sceeaet taf a vs.. I f tlanlny of f.aln-g ai.4 aoi- Iheynotelesrly embodied, and toroibly eipmsseil, elect will advance to the contest i .:l,i-.) in"ti,e in Mr. Kay tier's preamble and reaulutmnar who's armor of (hurl," and learn effectually u Unquestionably they are. But Mr. Kayner's wield "Ihe awnrd if the Spirit, which is the wind resolutions go farther. They embrace the great of tiod." Ilimufnisrs dread the Bible alwve all conaiitutional principle that properly appliea to books ia ihe world ; for well d-i they know thai the institution ofnegru-slatery, and assert that whenever these KwinfalliUe Wilnesaes the Old "re do A.eeAjr drrlare, ihat in rtaxwea fa Ike and New Tsttainenl areiiermiliedloiestlfyinthe qtutlium of Jiinerg. tea leutx it auW af ts plurtd high court of pul lie opinion, Iheir K.ani.h iutul- 1 tkt ttmtlit'iti'i ami the lam mUe ta urn ism- bin lily stands emidemned; hence where tlx t ance tki-rmt end where, pray, will tin, -Isndard have lbs power they buii.h the Bible from the aay thai at? Will it not be eonipelled l silmit. I mass ut lb taeiple, and wheie this I- er ia wsn- n Is Ul.a a-.dio, ila boiateriais obiassition to Ihe ting they caun.s.sly permit ti e rrs.ling i f ibeir givai measuie.ui irsju, at Ua, time ut their pass- own Houay version, or rather, perversion, well age, and fot i meliuieafu-raarU, when it wa a I interlarded with :he false gl -a-rs . f their r..ering se,-miat, and urging ou Vi m. B. Ilabbma and the traditions of their Elders Stiepard, Jamas t. II :,l,i0 ,j uilwr Deutacratie "ur hu.iusss, then, .a it to meet litem at svery members ut the general assembly to the Paaaeire i pun t, not with Ire and swiwd. latt ih the Bible of a soriaa nf I i. union rc.loiu.na by ibe k-ma- I in our handa and Ihe lot uf ti.sl lit our hearts lature, nay, win 11 n.-l ue lua hurry b.declsie, and ei.untera. their enru by Ihe diligent disiri- i.ia. .ue cniuiu. i,.n fates it wiin ine mates and ouiion in itimea, tracts, aad other rtligi.ais Territory where tha institution exists, and with Irsika, and by establishing Sabbath KcLutJa the tt .p e ol the Territories wisliiur lu incutnn- every tuita' (e plu-e. that Prmesnuit nrinrit.l. rate it into their f.m if goternntrnt, thus j may bsearly and rsa.y established ia the nnuds reganimg 11. aa nr. liayner s reaululiuoe do, "at I ana heart a ol .air eh 1 Id ran. 1 Lis is ncaassary in a serteass qaaliua, nqyeef Is Hit reuafssoa eflke lf defawee; for, if we lo r, T o,s.upy the ground thy will gradually make suck ener-.s. Lineola ecn is tne internal eviaenca with Ihess ree lutt-.n preseat apua their face uf their ronatitu- I tial, aatioital, and etmaenaiite character. But there te snotl.sr steer l ihw aebieet, hsrevnre sp.kea uf, but abich Haul nut 1st amies to al.u-ktuajtin, ia Una euaaeou., for lb a purp, nf showing Ibe eunatileiinnei aad samaerystiys nature of Mr. Kajner rosoluiiua. It hi Ik s Kvtar is..i.iTi. ai.y t iki ct,THi y..tn. aa.ixsT tne. .,, tu-o, if Wilsoa. Ford. f ailny and litrdiner, and all Ibe a'sduiiaiisu, ".irs tprtit -a m Ik asisa ef h'uUi. " mm.l f' cfJ.rr afisuronai'tieo aallulu i. . svssf .is- epp.WJk'r. eer rrseluas (arktssr laV rHli.acswfaiaef tkutfytrit ef aytliilmt and efseusitoa, easi atmtrleil Ue ktyk rwtiMal pmrn t.. it ss erwad la (V ekra,b AW sulitt, sad Iht jrtut mem.nm nj IwO ' I .M'L A. Sorm Cis-iitst NtTivn-s is 176-. Tb Car dins Tunes ahuws that South Carolina can be,i nf baiii g early adupied the Native Amer- ean principles, l.y put-ti.tnng Ih l-.low Inter- eoiug and suggestive reiuitiiseenee. In the thai nf an etira t lrim ti e S uh I aroliua tlaietts. Sr.lrnili-r '."), I7til. The italics and Capitals are aee.ir.rng to ine original : 'i ia said that at the approaching ele-tion f r R KPR KSKN T ATI V KS-eT thia prot ince. Ibc.-hoiiw of Aiif.ivs will be one principal ubjeclof tl eieetora," That election, says tl Time, wa Meed a erisisin the sfftira of tha Prorinee, as anon il hinged the wh-.le qnesls.n iT resl.tinee to Pa;. Iiamenlary aaxumptimi and ssnrt.ationa. The Stamp Act was about going into operation, anu Ihe lasue was tn I met ur evaded. It waa met, and met ton, in a 111 an I v spirit ; it waa met In a spirit Ihat placed the Province uf S- nth CarnliiM in the lead of Ihe South, and 1 tnuhed. ten year after, hi tl inaugumlion if actual bostillt . 1 1 the glorbxis asrlHaa id Fort M-atltrie, which un h-rtakew by the urdrr of a enire I aess aliick has aoeu'uuisted during lb Preai go all Khtur ll a li. Wheal It 4w al 74.- Pork clear sl o). Lard li ata. Butter ufil ceuls. t. rushed biigars l-'J eta. Adauiautn Candles SO cent. Lackaa sua Cucl t-0. tiao; m. ' " ' The Know Nothings have been defeated In f rrgoii. Lane, th I'emotsraUc cai.didata fur del egat lo Congress is elected by 2,000 aisiority. . r .1 .- , ' his tsiiirnvu. ins votes aa to lurming a state government are incomplete, but enough had been recsiveu to inait-ate that 11 ban been dutorauued Uregnn should eta. 1 1 a territory. cr.sniniaxiica tux wn.au riLLiai-tTga ' orastTiosa. Purser Hatch lufonui ua that the s fairs la Caut.al America are mors dtsurbaui than beta lof.are. Captain Walker having received rein for.wnuts al Kaalejo, landed at J'l.io, founeea miles north id ban Juan uel Sur; ua tbs IT' It ult, with 37 men, and ia reported Ut have ta ken Kites, and then uttered .Haa Juan del Sur, carrying ut Ih aiuwuniuon euuWed Uir with out apposition. 1 b tuwn of San Juan del N iris baa attain beea orgainited uudcrth load uf T. J. iiaitiu, tiis sat mayor. HIGHLY IMfoUTA.VT-CAB'XET IX 8F. 8lO. FOCR IIOtslB-.rKOCfcEUNUIiNOT MAI.K riBL!C. - t, . .-.a. m . . . tiasaiauTun, siuiy K-A Cabinet Btecttrc ass held thu sflerwooa. Tbs aawsiua laeted over foar boui a. All the msmVirs were present, and il isaedentuud they were engaged oa l.usi , Lata l'uUllrnllona. NEI.l.V tlRAr-KEN, a tal Jof forty yssrs ago, Annie I'liaishers bradfi.1. Prldssad fiiis-rs: a nnn-l, by Kiss Aaalaa. soth 4 sf"saaas saj estiiilily," "Kmles," "psrsassuia" e Tbeprids afllfs. by tsdy eoit, t ta.Uel, s hsilly kistury, by Kllutbstk Wsrssly . Tba sons sf tka strea. , Paal sad Jnhs, by J. C. PittaU TaiBrweaispsniftn. TiTaatnitiaa of gai.,"17iinis"iis tsUtisas I saltan aad auelrty, ky Haary Uilas. - . FartaU by - , ... . t w. urosaBRoT, Msnh tth, krf OKTIIKsirkTeOr'NIIItTlirARrk. of I'll, tsi.k will bs keld st the Bssklsg Hocsa la I ) I.I N A. Tka saner! Msst.ug of tlie sHockbelder Pli-1, e tbs ktst Mun.by et July osau As the qael-uvi mi tba aerp.eti. e st lbs I ksrtar grahted by Iks tss( Lagutlsisrs 'lt thaa ss raatinrrrd, a satseta- sl susnasitas sttbsr ts asraea or by frsay ta earnest ty requested. t I asieil, Msy 141k is.is. f. xiaw r.T, I ssStses aT- Uagisua- aad fciaadard cq.y till day, ' P BT X sTw7'h I V T O Hi . COMMISSION MEP.CHAIsT, . hue. 24 ana 24 aotuxsr't waaar, NOUFOLK, VA. - SrECIALsltsailnn aai4 te sslllag Teaaere, iere, ilsaiM, Cimos, b'avak nyuh.s, s.c 4s Aiss bs asastvlkg as rsresrdiog Oiatds, HKFKR TO Pbaa. U Hiab. T-,. Wska Ueanty, X C. J. U. B. Roaltisa, Ksq.. ttaMirb, U. P. Msaf W. Uayetusd, Kin., ksk.sb N. C. m. Plaauusr, Ksu. Vt sirsauia, M. C up a sa easy cause ua tu lament our negli reasse. Airesdv a.a Ibe idea r.evail tu soma extent that tha Hilda should baUni.hed frusa isii es-i.nuls as a text book. And ehsl f r? Why that onr rhtldrea may grow ap tu suanhiajd f. .a frrunt sny pa b t.lar rol.gi.ais bias ftuaujie b.sie lor PrMeMant Cltriatiana! Why da we ant Irt sgtinat the advice and authority of a ton General a he had been e-'igned to the M inhere departmen't in telianea aierely on bia military aem.niplishajteute. witboat regard 10 bis interest and alleeli.ms. Thia, says the Newark F.agle, explains he mode by whtebnne Mat Was righia.1 for artioa, and by which aba was enabled tu Basiotain a glnrums and sues ssful reeiatanns, even agvinet large proportion if anal a maj.ar-l-y "1 rrsidetir of (,-rsign sttaehmenU and in rhnarinn. It was a uf ibe nefiers for the rear ue nf the Stale. Tl plan worked well then, and It will be found sssV-tent svtw on trial. Il fesuhed thesi la the nverthmw ef feiga a.iin i and misntU. it will, if adopted now, resell in throwing of it iaeabsis of bereiga pauparuia asa toreigu lsue ma in eiiiiiiasness ent s so. sues, nu usmiiie action was had on the new appointment- In tha Come: iaae loner's, Lead aad rateat (ISocs, Secretary li .bbia ayos to tin) Virginia tied Hulhur Spring tu-uHtrrjw, 0a, Cuthing i txpeciud to Uftrt Washing lua very shortly. ear ehild grow ap to manhood before tUy are taught any f-ininjlar sysiera uf grammee, phik.eopliy, ar asih.niati)! (iaa curues in to sua le,. s ignurani of rrhghat aa i l tl sciences. ai 1 oseqiiantly netsls tnstructl. a aiueh ea . a .utj-rt as ths istlssr. The truth is, : Blhl is I! -a, en's sy.is.a taf selaealton. lu IraL the u; Ibe awl Important taf all husaaa ftmwiie. nra, nd thst yle,u uf s tu.aliua nliiek kaa notl.iogof it, Bible iu it. is haidly wurtk tbe al ien iou nt rsts nai bsitigs, it Bibw is the great antidote t,f N.ery. ji. J. B. March, lUiu. TlWjtisiU. T.Ugrspk Us the fbliuwing waseeroisg il aaaseeua feawerals burly esade at Wnsbingtaei "far psditkal raa.ua ' "The reatoeal ui eleiks la Ilia drnertoients al Weatiingtua fur kal.Ucai reasiaaa, eiaee the 1st uf June, have aen-asausJ se twenty Ave, ISarmg the same pen. tt dsn. pi tal u ef Pustsnasiera, Uad Ukuera, Navy lard etnnbtvoea, a-." ia aaery sarn-aa ef theaswetry. ha beea cil a..uly baepsrd, Barsued by tha ad sain. as n sua. tj J0 a year fto Mr, enestrataatant se irur .pie b.'lulhls dir ty work, yet w b -ieikal I'wrcesnd Forney Wilt "id pslaa ibeir ef srte ur giuw weary ia rends. ikg thesislte a4ais tu deorat and kuatursl.le asea uf all peruse. Last Is axe ke kepi aetively taawdusn, (u every head thssl la I U is a seed ewa truss asaash a eVavea Kesw Nmkiaga, at tl vers lowest aalea balsas, will sp negap. Tke "ln le taf l.ry..we" aad 0 "'srest 4tisn aaaar were knllsan sarhssyetaewts fl at tree, but kH tba eewwaiag gluey ed Us peasant adssistra kiue he thai 11 asa gee a new assart f sr. her ihaa f Ws asaa tsf sly ta "srwA.ef" set st Kaeer jkutviags. It saaaa esl pse Wist at per . r , r- IdsrrssH ay Cma B . Wa, the senior editor, beard Ibe disrwaeni between Mr, Sbsp ard II Asserw-ea saaOi '.te, and Mr. Branch the dweign sad K ease CatUdi Candid. is . C.-agvasse in ihi lii-triet. at Cedar R..k Wedeeadsy last end if ws are capable uf judging .ir. atrsncn waa -wiectiy fever p -wrred ty Mr. we esprevrii id near s-as-l a-rtrin Branrh, but as sever r-sve listened in as bt-et.ls aa atistap an defend his samse aa I made aa that ecestwav. He aj.,ka a boat twa a'aare, anal aearty ail uf ikst time eras siarnl ia ataising ibe Ar.n ravrty. Il is naslsa f. a te say Ihat Mr. Braarb waa perfectly desaol tslaed by Mr. hhvd. We took emteattd It ssveevbss kut tks crowded tiss ef ear eulsssaa w iU aval fruiti ef Ihaar ppearene lb t,. They shall sppear asst. Oar frenda at ay rest assaied that Mr. A. aradused ft aad a ul reserve a large aeaihef sf the esd bee 4 sail aru tetse ta u. eunarty. ata. Cay'. Bisnuasy Itaaau Cossisl. TT f,X V-ning ie said tn t nut aftly aa raaelUat aad pareseat bawsesee, hat surs hr vrrb. As. ' I "tad a basbelnf hsMkberies, wtl aasb. add I W of allspice, t eas, amaaeaoa, t riiary tasaasilsssr at frsos. -Bosy-w, July t Mr. 1 swberassa, baa Trsasarer ef Ih lMTa Ksifnatd l'iray kas attesst4 ss la ssstsa:essea. a the Ceastpaey'e fend, asa. est. as, (loess. Pales rise sail, salt, aad bo. I slue It ing ia all hi iJHt.isax 1 he eefaJeatiua bis leea ' ae'B aenrerty .. 1 1. as sta.a se assa li.s g ag ea far seyesal years, lis tossrii a, jaue tbroezh Isuesawsaia af fsassl sad ad J ut pe.su 4 le eisieis isle U ensd.iiua ef st r.l, sah asntsf the Juts aae peaed afisnfeagar. kst fsyasrisd fst.sUy. w.ih tt a tot a asrev- I K-al sgaie tV a-ess lis. a 1 late M taf, aad whi ts. Ji ia reported tt.at Terksrssae kes invested hsrg.ty m a pe-ead Msienateg In. JtsTua d-acuvyy I air. reuUag, dat h I a gaJlr of bst any; a as tasdy k- . aa sdoh, half gilt bs a 1 1 ear U.114 sa sttM,IaJ er Jo. uxra 1 tg 1 ig . LEXINGTON tCLKBUATIOX. On W'sdswadar tha did 11.' Jute. Ihediisans id avhisoa, hsyt a eelehratb la h.rtar vf lit csajn. pbstina nf the JCorth Cafi.Una Hailroad to lital place. Purina tha fiarrpart ef II day ths rain fell la tnrrents, and by slsvaa e'cl-a-k l ssasil streams wsrs eery full. 1 be I rat traia bota tim W leara Hist an attempt was mads, emnt p'soslefta.Bltiso'cl-a.'i.ai.daheiillsrrivedali its sinra, ts IH is I Know .itbmg meeting 1 fteual liaar nillea of Islington, stllarira.a a Mill at Butauts llill. Kerbs bit tlsst somehow urtel.ert thare was fat ad to I tery murk dam- uther, the taajonly un tl gruuod Wer lieai.e-1 aged by Ihetamllen atrese (Snearina Crek e erabs, and a-t on appeal sd lu apeak ( 'bmm. Al aae liua It a at tbeiT((t 1 il traia w.!d hava Tb crowd, however, determined to bare ensna I ta resets bait l.y tba urg;es af the engineer. laiaief, an a, tney esl.n ea r- n. Bmnn, Eevj , I enej in-seiaiigauis nuneria'ea dent eat that end .4 ol Assbtilba, and J. J. it. Milliard, jtaj 4 tne rasa, a bam use uf bands ware called together, llsiilax, and II. f). WiHiama, I so., uf Nasb all I and Ibe strueter se sawk repaired aa tu itermU uf wb'-m aietke in g-J style, riJdliag '.Sam" ia I the trains w. pass ayes' ia safety. Happily, abeut lbs u(4 fssbsua4 I rails wsy. After a lias I "lis Hate tlie rata ceased railing, snd the heaven Mr. fSeara. uf Nsah.il Is. aibsnspted ta aay a I gave aeusnis of a pleeeanl tin ia the evening, word er twe fur "Saja" but failed. By tha way aad elsatt as o'clock, we think the ssvsral bsine il Mr. Sears a eiliten nf titie Sialt t A"d as 1 arrived at Lssainrw. It aae al!aa.ls tb.t at. he ant a atemlr .af the r . et U .1 1 tJ J 1 lb .A 9 " Road. After all had landed safely aa terra aVaa asa Hist the shoal uf lb people and U a-ayitng nf esanon, the crowd uf visiter were trie anted t the hospitality nf good etttasa uf fJaiiJsun by Jama A. Irtng Fq, la a skurt Sueseh, 1st lets w.a trwe si Kjsense saa veasity. Al.sr euiea, the brge erowd wa furn4 iota La led l.y a In Lead af Baas. and marched te ll.e truss wnwrw a eamptrnae Dart even Had beet p-tpared. Ilsra, a at 11 iKnot, tb beet nf -.1 'ur ant kspt. a4 everything passed tt tusrt!;. W du e a knew that eesvsr saw a betier uble est a the saalw.. kaiM mmmI It - - . .... a re snapped tnshasaa ssay swagaW 4 buaat I tusesiribe euuuly deters a greet rrslil, a! u Cuareatt- HvUtuk (UaaaUM. What If Mr. Sears lSB.de native of Ikia fusts T Ur i a nativ of jtsstrtr Would tb Standard preeeesee that's Ibe Word hew w bells.- wmld tl pro. wit Mr. S. simply aeeasa be la a4 a native nf tha "piney worts T' 1 hia Ine hieie Mlhmg "ta death - they, bt Meess, will aiiow X JortiMr (leeduaa taf stsus aad aet.aa, only wiUJd, f) bi tt leeway to tre-apavaa aa etjtar't rtgkss tat the btaaaUid (ana. try laapbta-tue lbs honk Caruba raeyl nuaul deprive aa Jwarssaa, knra ia k (Una. wb has tl ta bsfatdsnea tu despiaa aid haxvisss. taf lb freed. en state., whit it FALL STUCK, 1861. BOOTS, sVsVCA'4 BUITKUS, CMTEK. : BUUaAS.AC. UEN'B? PUUTE.1e.ialJ nupae rally ssssssm tn tkspsb., tbai ba b.j ro..n.4 .mat tke S...... snu a larg sad vsrlsd ateck asart's ea is b., ... ., satlsslsg avvry tbsscrn-ll..a ut laias, lltt-iieso a, itulureB ana errraats asar, ai.-t sbeb I a ad. is iwr eat en good laraas, sad esrrspt.4. LAIilt lil bad ao...i g hi, ,lig..st a.te.nl s i esdaraof ttaltara asd halt Gaiters, fi...it ret, ieeny taa-lt, Huskies. Htpeere, s. Imt isasstelvas t ssd s un . rt.tr u AlitMs ISallrr, lisoters, st4 Mif-j-tt, l-c -r aitk s gMMt ssMwtissBtuf flnhlrsn's snd u.fsai. .". ' aV.vraAafA'ea ten.lel u.( slf.Miiel t -.- i pvgy4 Boot. 1 1st -ess si sU hie b, J.ot.-s, i-b.s. a . i at I If a.iasar- a. band ikst sre lust tl..- 'Ii.ng. I.s e. i bavall ataeapwrtaraSUj .bmt si.lsr, sud la ..jo-., i I fotig Is'tir-g. HO r.Vs. 4 Turrit tl Oaetssr, lfti.s Ins sr.4 b-s... t l.ssbs, Vsllesa tiarptt bWtf f.ieksi,, l..oJ kes. w ., is sst asnViy. .V" f lisskfal ftif'tb.past grtters. -tlrrr ef bit suttefs, bs rrprtl'alty Ssks s e-s;l. .11-. s uf patt-'e f.t .1, as ks is driaiised ts 4s sll is kis an g..sssittrslse kutk la lbs si - as wall s.r-. iut sf km stalaa. Jil XKV I'liK ft R, HsltlgU, ItoL IT. n ysyaltstllls tUn-l. t.A TW.f AUD fi'h tf ITIIUCJ T10SX TtfEAKH sf ferlttaa. by J B Janes, ' Kssy Met, er Us Tbiss npprsat. est r.lss Us, if taetaeeucet, 1 eds nf C.)i Tea Kltbts IR a Mar R.ots, t T T Ai U,ur kisses ry ss Aatf Masunry, k Cretglti Crysu.ia, er tke lieu asa uf fall Vvwu Caatlt. by t-Lsilosi Thssey er IhrvatasHly, by tirsyaea: ftstisrs frsta Ike Tl.rry CsaliarbU, by M f Wst l Insist, A Medal fur fsasg sir a, by iba Ktv V. A aewti, II. P-l aeessryef tkeWkit Ma'uaUiss, eltk 1 plsUa, by Oaksr, ekssl Arehltssiare, er fenirll etlnas te l s Imaewsesssste ef aVkueMlsasr la tb V. i , aasssisas lire.sreaiuas. 014 Krdstuae, or Uiaterieal ftkaiabsa sf UB Pratbvw. s ate, ., b Joa h gu.ttk, l). l. l k test a sod, by L.s-is biaaUa. , for sal by hi. l 1LUM.ll, Ulsigk, Hat 24, 'is. C. Desk i-,es. and Igbl aad auk te k heart s Bet i hundard, n goes, asaed lut bT.f.r saettea. It tbuuglil an nau.e of Nash weald dsraeaaisa kia wit -Oeaa." It llwarht h sak jsete all a k.yai to th.ak vf that etyieriuaw pea asag -with Ih least gages of tllowea.'W Uew bleak with auasteraauaa wiU is reply an tt asal tastss, w miseetfuili . Wl "' Titaeasre) aak If Jar. ftranea d.de't dssaol.sh Mr. M.lbsr us Ui.-W.ieeyrHt. Jen t It bed eels bswa a d.y 4a y. ws are dertdsdlt ef tn upie -m it u. i tt'i ladip'1 SBs. r, as k) wa lease sw.t lei l.-jssenb pais, u preaart The t - i.nt f Leiingtoa aasssed la v with aaeaj i.u 1,. uskiag ail arrssaui and kspyy-iWisottr K.f. 1 la-JaeaUaCleb''lallalighMr. M.. B alatleg al awed la be arsawet at k wa esasasaai f la euaetasios, M. hear Be ofje eesker. (dntrtnst JT-Vs. TaxrT rattiwgti f seTl.Vs s.rs rs.b X ty rs.se4 .st sa si ut.a tsses.srisssi sss teaass pas uv If ay lb. 111, t. I. aUPXf !-. TteenaasJeBeBy. Ing af the hasekkaldsr uf tl WeakingV a aad s Orleans Islsa-ra, k line kaa been bud her. Una. Aatas Keadali has baa re-eUsted Prt-dael. l a. I f. Clark beawaaery, aad Juha . Kudai I reseat tee. TrT rrtrwrng Vd sf tu H.... M tseei a Ota Vseblsesg s a at's a AUI0AI"'1 srrl! II tils. Itorth Csuolliiev, GranvUlo Court-. Ciarf d Qtrlrr irar-'o.-..Yiy Tnat A. V. lioi. its1As,I'iM j h1" f las. JI ssitssfts- is !s ssttsrslseaf tbs tan. It... 11 :m uuas. tta sf-edssi is is it mr.. t... o. . yasa atbsaolityi -.is , tb.ra'ms s - - " Ittta b; 4t vil, du ss,iis- 1 bs a... e... h aerstaiv.l, ta t'-s a.'. 1 . Star. Bo 1 ' u. st4 tVaat Usss, af ui ., s su4 - sadssewssUts stsesi.ss, .sa mmm .... a. tta r" tsetanav aa4 Itwsnt by aUfsail ImI as. tasaw el s.lsM bl-e. .S Usa la.S as Wa h e. , (. Wilesta A.rsstias Ls.S.t I l.ra af B S . s eftee Ol sr4 las Irst awtday al M a, A t ' A. bsstitt t . JaasM I sss. :ivy a. BtAk cf th Sut of North Care'.;; i A tlV!bgst Ot fle jVD A fab' 1 j am east, he tkis 4sy kae s. .id . tt . . I bts.S a tS rses, Sm es Us. t's a..., f... bis s. s,..a 4e.ts lata issbatat.tr-. t.,, a ak -ky. ss4 sy tal.s s-MU as r--e. hut tal.ilk. Is Ji f sis. ; Bssaaksa t.'lea. 4. 'S ibMsaft C IC'-'r? r,,i-. .b ;k,;,st t, HH, ,1