r- " l-v V ty" '-j, ' - J ? i '". i ' - ' ' , . -V llcrtli-Caraltna ltar. ' rCBLISUCD WEXXLT ST WILLIAM C. DOUB, IDITOt iXD HOrlltTOt. ItlHSi """" .1 If .nil stslitly in dsaet tw dlhwpsr BOm; two nviuri hii nny rpu, 11 paid wunia sit month, j and tkroe dollar at the end of tk yr. ADYERTISSMKST3 not exceeding Ixt ae will iossrtod 08 tint far on dollar, end iWBly-flv cent, for "ach subsequent insartioa, Tnovt of greater length will b charged propor tionally. Coort Order and Judicial advrtisment will b. chargou 2 5 per cent. highr Hum th abov rates. A reasonable deduction will b mad-.to tltos wk adverti, by tbyr. Bonk and Job Printlrg don with otne as dpuk, and an etcomniodatinf torme. , Uttsrs to the Editor "t ba poat paid raleiqh. y. Tburiday Morning, July 96, 1 HAS. ftrTbe standard most ftpprupruttel em i-Tbe ployed in defending tbe Adiuinislrfttiun of Frank lin i'tt'rc. It fliutft admirably the genius and taste of ita oonduutors. Wnvj not the poition U (uro the country of eidier Tierce or hie defend ers. Ho camo into jxmer with a most overwhelming votot Had he been so disposed he could have .Tcn pcucetu the country by pursuing a straight forward, manias conservative course. But be has illustrated bis administration by calling to his Cabinet extreme men from both sections of the Union, with the vain hopo of reconciling opoeiii factions, lie appHnted'to high foreign niisfiuns meu uf forcigu birth, who have disgraced the country and come well nigh rupturing the friendly rotation a existing between this country and nations with wuuin we are at peace. He hus sethis face agai nt theojly conservative and nation al portion uf his party at the .North and attempt cd to put upon them the brand of dUurgtirtiitettt aim traitors tu (heir party, lie h unite en pursuing n relentless crua&du againuhoiM native iu oihi-e who dared to be imleiiendent and join the Amer-! 1 K':in party, ami u:is appointed lorCiguers nun Roman ('mhoiios to (ill their pltH'O. He has ihtPMlm-ed prnfrription for. opiition'n utike in itt tn.).-'. d:uu iosm :'. -!iv :t?.'ion'if tfUr jv'rrit- men . mi o hi,i..J v.)v ih;ur it nar.vu : i m ln-: i" Aui'-i ic .n p. 1 :i IliM T' I'l l.n.d n. k : I'enien uf a o(,u.r- in. U a man by i: A-.ie.u-an cfltiilidii e.t t r t on ti -ei;eve (hat jfou wilh 4roo.e, tl- and cast tnr vtes f.,r reen f Ani'T'caiis trlinj America. Tub Oxtf- T. f ha the i-.ue in the appr-aehi iUfi eleetuMi is no ijuporinnt one, all tire agreed, i'hnt the welfare anl proserity tf tlio country i ndecjdy involved, is no less certaiti. Freemen l Xorlli Candma, imlcpendent voters of the State, i f ir ynti t- decide whether you will give your voice for keeping up ami extending the foreign inlliicncc whicti ha- already proved no dangorotis !o the coiritn.or whether von will if'tve vmir .nmieiM-e for " Am-ricttrm rnling America." The I v ..... ;.. it. ;f.,n, ,. . .tl ....ri;. ! have dirtHS it lias eret with vilhtieation, misrfii I uwotation and abuse at the hands of it. enemies l.nt it will succeed, aa certain aWUcre vet ntoMi .ntelliKence and paHotimn nmnt the great li,,rni ""-" They have n.it only turn! , I .hIt .f .he American ,rle. Ui no man who 1 mPn ,n hiKh fi,r ililn i,ut nnprove,.lfthepUtf.rm laid down by the Thila-1 wnt tdr,ft w1'"" nd d5 lasers whoso lc!.,!,ia Conventio... fail to carry out thoM views ! "anii, Ped upon the proceeds of their la bi kJciitiDK his Tote in r.rr of American I h,,r fr ll,e of ''fe. Ami irt (Wo i.riwirl-s m (1,e 2.1 dar of Amri.st. and I,t m- 1 I httniiig and enforcinf; the principles of that s'atfoiiu tu liia neighbors and friends and urfpnff t hem t" to the p44s ami tite for the American candidate. Let ererj member of the party onn- wtitute liimselfa Vijrilance Cosaasiltee, and work , fnnu this tiina to lira ds of tha (lection tat tha cause of patriotism, the cause of the country. Kverj one can do auiipctliinj;, and it behooves every one In exert hi, influence fur tie causa of tr iit and justice. Aliairais, kiewar of secret circulars and ty reports pnt onl npoa the ere of the election. Tha leaders af tint fsrein and Catholic frtj hare becoata if .peraia, and arc read, tu resort to any meant to defeat the candid at of the Amer ican party. Mt arid put a stop to their falne reports; (iv tlicae political gauaatera an quar ter at tint pxlU, hmt caat jroar balklts f rlra American candidate early, and Iben u u work to isrdue roar friend te ski the aaaaa I AaittCAXs, reatember lbs) tl,4ent epitlnta that has bea applied la you and jonr party by tlx iirl Amencaa prsaa aad orator, of this and other Xtate. Ilesmrulwr, that fet daring to think and net as nvh-pendont freemta, yon are deaouaord ns aarispiratora. Hidnighl aasassins, dark lantern men, 1. lUsnember tbaa things, go to the polii ...... k.tt. . r. . l. ....i:.i.,. ..r . i. , . . , , , , American party who naastoodun manfullyand boldly for the right of Stin horn Amrricdtu tug lrflamj o f Wmkiyto. mr in ergane ol im anu Assericaa party re pablishing, with inlnit guetu, withdrawals front the Coniesile of the American party. Some of tbesa are spnrion. and asosl of thorn from men who k4hd Ik organisation frosa Ussmsled mo tive, end fading thai they wwld n4 turn the organisation lo their own iumreotej vises, loft, ond oe might be uportod, dWmncod the orgaa luiion. tsf eaartsi, the organe sn.p op and poabsh the wilhdrawale ailh great oagerwrM, bol nocorJing to their own shooing, inking thai tt a saaa .n. iho lUa U Indeed. Thia trick will not do, it will fool neeo. -, . .- - - WrTh Aeti America prose la la the oonstonl habit of deowonoing Domeemta, whonoesj nnit4 with the American party, with being traitor lo she tXeejotsntie party, aad take eepaoal paissi s abno tasa nithowt otint for danag to disobey taw Woaoet tkoir oM party loaJerw and to rang tkimiilias an the side of lhi emiauy. Lotihie work el ostfaouaa go on, it eon lajosn noon boa the psrpslwaw of tho nhwan, Good nseo) nod roe from Vota of lb old poiitieoJ orpoiaatioon. who kov kooooso migaolsd wtik tho indaoowt awraosUe after Iteepeibi af oSca, no nnitod in out end foaling and Will 1 1 to pat down lb wensagfwoa and perttean wirowwrkera, wis ns sabawiag la psfotsjns nbooaa that boo nrwasad Ih heart of the AnssHcan po. to smct Ihoai ml raotor. Us ch erector of (he emtatry. VOLUME XLVL No PLtnoR. Wt nndcrstand fro a the best authority, thut, at tlia meeting at Ilamliurg last Saturday, a member of oneuftho Vigilance t'uin mittees of tha Foreign and Catholio I'arty of thia count;, woa circulating a paper pledging alt who signed it to rote fur Mr. Branch, and trying all in bis power to get thorn who bad heretofore co operated with the Democratic party to sign it. Many, we learn, refused to put their names to the paper, proclaiming that they intended to vote as they pleased. Yet these are the men who are abusing and denouncing the American party, Ucaue. the, plcdg. thcmse.v to aldcb, the voica not of a eaucua or tlue-not of a few TTKUiucatlflpestorkera Wo WMT liahaiicrs bill I ... of tlte whole party freely aud fully exprewed. This inimaculutc party is flg;imst promised to vote for any particulnr candidate, hut are doing all they can to get a vtritten pktlye from voters to support their candidate. Amoricankeep your eyes open about the tricks of these sleek faced, oily tongued demegouesy who sre constantly abusing their betters for things, of Ichs moment than they themselves are daily guilty of. i .....u....h. rut' tl,. "'""nr""' i,u" '"" - ! the American iarty deny that the" are the Tor. eign and Catholic party w hen they openly and secretly, through the press and upon the Mump, are advocating the csim of Foreigner-! and Catholics to hold the" Offices of thU goerumeiit, W ti-bc rrmrmttr fe,- -'lffx t tljfv dny the tern jHiral supremacy if the I'mh of U.ime.vthen the whulo history and recorded mM of the I'apal power, prove that they have always ex n-ised thif coiitrd oor tin menii'erH of tto- ( Imn h, when theV hid the .rcr in any Ctnuiii v o en forco their comm - jvivnw- ml .... , . . ruulitlutt' i th:H d it v M r!;. I! i hi 1'" .r- i; v trie?. dec-!:ti in tU eov, ii if : W0 'MiV ' 'h!'' . !' Ill' O iu 'Li ' ' 'iiiiiUv k i )vf.i t(, t,(t ei'i'ci . f.f fi cs.-;." -1 : v.!.. !Ked .ilh-i-.i.v: ! :i v. iii (cultural r.lf.iiiH, that tl . uc 'v-n.l.i $ o t r- . s -lU j the American party in ppoan.;r I1 cue men. ' A f if ft,- I'fitii'tiiln j t if, '1 hat Mr.' Uranch. w!iil-t . ;tnva'..';tt Wareii Couniy, prt'dnce! a letter . frutu rlwnfon to nciiivn ofthatronnty. toshow I ' that Path-die acknowledge mi nich supremacy, f whith letter, however, on mu! ihroi:;ft : provcl most coin lutiively that iirowniv'ii claim pd the nnt atifoihJte supremacy ol the r. peoer I the fiini icnees of C.itholics, even in matter's of a i tmrn-ral nature. Pmmtrrio. The Ant-.meriean organsare railing at and nbiicing the American pary for what they are pleased to term the prescriptive pri?iiple of tire party. To hear them, one would think that they newer dreamed of such a thins proscribing a man fur opinion's sr,';r, and yet evcrybdy who has read the newnpajers for a few mof,th V. km U,Bt ,i,e AdininiMrntiM, has leen bunv at work in tnrninff out of nfiii-o es.nn- 8nJ f!l',hr"! ,n,n for " reason whatever hut U,V to thmk for thenseKva, as tl) m&wm iiiMiumil-iiMMie inelmiue nrj- " '" ,m lT,P"" ,cn' denciea of ilia American party ! Rot-rt AetJira. Tha Post OKce department aas nresoribad tha f llowinc duties to its routs aj-anta: 1st. To receira tetter, written afior tha mail baa closed, and way letters preiiaid by atampa or tamped envelopes; to mail and post bill said letters, and direct tliem to the proper of loa for delivery or distribution, and to report a list of all such tetter, lo the contract office. 2d. To assort tlx maps Air Urn several offices, beirur, intrusted with the key to the Iron link for that purpose -3d. To attend lo list dolireiy and re ception of sauil bags. 4tU. To report to the in epeetioti ofliue all irre(fulsrities of acrtioe on liia rmita, ospecially every instance in which they fail ta reei or deliver a mail where one is due, with thooause of each failure.whicn if not known, must be ascertained by Inquiry, A Nomisutio ItrrTbisTto Immense ms.s meetin's of tli Apicriean party hare been held in Cincinnati, Columbus and other places in Ohio fur the purpose of repudiating the nomination of S. P. Cbaa b r OoverrsT. The Ciiieiiinsli Kntll ering, says the Tinea, was the Urgssl that has taken place in that city for many year. The folluwig, whioh i on of the resolutions adopt- rd, nil! show the lemrr of lln meeting I ' " RtwlrtJ. Thai noniinu to maintain as par. moii nt in iinirtanos, and never t I ignor. ed, the well known principles of the American 1 ,ud uoces.inX I. .illity to it.,nie..lth.t the nilMnre4 iIm Mouth, or the Aboiitiooisu uf the North. The principal epeskwf was Judge J,.bnstm wl.a demtneed Chase as being emcUied wi'h Wil. am.Oiddings, Ac, Us the raue of alsditioni-m and diaonhsa. V bare seen end heard en-ark I - - " ""' '. .-sonns-oiMinn nrgus. imh thank Uod thai (sw, eery t o, of the k aj of men deorrihod by tli "Argus" kar, as yet beea ftiond h, oar region I " Cireum elan so In.Vaco ne to rollevo thai there sr oven to thi ooaniry bo claim to he hneinro bto aod wprirht evtieans, wrho nea, MiwUU a, issn sii sii to seek aad obtain aikaisston into tho Canl It"" of the Amerieon party, for tha porposa of wiliidrawing. and trying M inioea Uneo who have eovit.led hs S Isnegrfy. nevor yt hod nay epinusi of Ire" wha lay their handa to tha ptow aad look hack. If Judae UeorW4 wore bora, wo hove no 4- obt ba waald ewatrtre to get Into man (joaoesl of tho Aaaort. eaa ardor, end thew wove oat nod poMMOj ha) "eard." Aad be wnsht btUos ba leaded to tho Otoe he the Tierse end liwwey orgaa of Worth t'er.l.si aad Virraias ha we nVsM be lolst to b.'k onoa him with the name one Um with whien we rvf .H all those who enme oot with their letwra, pobliabHig thesr own lafae aty. and leJIinf ihepahU bow they here sedated their plihton tut a. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1, 1835. A as tob RxitT? Freeman of the Fourth Con gressional District, are you ready for the cr.fliet that will come off on first Thursday in August? Are you prepared to mot the enemy at ttio ballot box and put them to Bight ? There is no time now for delay or hesitation, no time to give way to the fierce onslaught of the desperate for eign and Catholic partyt Yu Lave the game in your own hands, and despite tho detraction anil defamation and abuse heaped upon you, despite the falsehood and slander circulated publicly fyA'l privately against your party, if y u are active -1 ri.i.an, ready a, U ti.no. to n.cet the fu. -J T""!""1 " " " mrTy "1nr 1r!Ir '""TTTTT"Tr, nre-way win rmrn, i our. iant I Then ktioik, be i.'oc', be firm, Ijo eiji- 1t Won't ho Tl prttwn. if the Ameri can party, in the forlorn hore f tir.tJine ome titnp;it'le ohjei'tion its principle, t)taiinntly make x ot the most ridiculous and MiaMow ar guments Keeently tiwy by common eminent, ' have united in an npj eal to MuNuns nnij Odd rellows todwervuntermneethe American party, mi the grnuml that the oblijratmnR taken by mom hers of both Ihoe orden are opposed to ttiedoetrine and practi- ed the Kik.w Nf'thitifrfl. . . . . " ' . . : .. it ik inssonlMl. Am a Mason and ttnM4 fellow, tho writer of tin would like to know w he t her l tlmse fionomble aid pliiluwhrtti.ie inKtitu ;inn have any eonn'v-tiou whnte ei with politic? Vhelhtr. on th etntinrv, the do not dittiimtle and rmphatically n'ib(!are the intr' duetum of ! lit: element ioi either onfer T het(er a Mason or(dd Ki-lh'W raiinot he a Whi. a I'emoera. or an Aine'icaii, outside of hia lnij?e? AVI tether the ohli-uior- he tal.e compel him ti id in O'lilerrniK jwliti 1 power on foreign-burn popu lation 'I he M j son urUdd Fellow who endeavors to pr-tve that the d -ctrinea of Hm American partv a if int'(,u;pa'il'le with t,t tenet- inialenlated by tl:ee inritiirii fu,- i,- ruber 'dciiM-lv ignorant, or iii h'n Mind ha. if I I Ai-terionnifini. ins k u-e :'..!. tint r, r mol ' iimi.i'-t ni f itttiwlniu ,ipteftl. no .r - who T- -l ri iiitd Ii tit) Mamn- timl i 1 . b H' iin-ioin-r.1 uf the Amcri' Hn .Ii t,tn-li ut ti.e nh a Unit either h; i of in e. nliict wuh their oi!iit--ii (sititthpii-. Trv another fler -t. TiM iOCvS. JV. f, Hee. rtv; Im, haviiiK withdrawn fur M.nifV ruw.n or iiil.er tmlli tlto AmericHn i.rflln z:i!tm, nr Si. f.mtl uf a little tmHirif ly as t. pu! it;i 'heir hilH-t' tHtacln'il, tlt tt liifh (ruthu-tMl t!i M1 unitinn. lit nilip t'liw out if ten, iImv r.riK'r tliuti.rUpM luiidlnii stocks ft.r thi1 I'.imtuunitr. aMti'mii nv-ttves w hi. h statist tlim with iiifiini't-rity ati.l r;ikness, an.i (?arry tln rnnri.tion that ti:ry are unnorthv of puMie trustor ronadrnw. tVmr cresttin"! beliovitig llisf an al'ieft renuticiHtinii of thr-ir formor inde- ( otMlPiit ctiirKft fit actti'ii will i t eiii'Uist.s ins tvrniii"il Ira'lcrs frun wIh.w rulpthrv Unt but juat pn-iwi. tliov sul.icct th''iitM.v"i fi. il.e w.orn uti'l i! ntritif't of all h .Kornl.l' mimic, !-y n r.m f.'f si."i Ut "tt!v t.. b nvrtr rrr a mtinmiory n;iss lr,u.(,, urni aliicli loitliio l.ut tho t.t;rttIf'tM -e tt tlieir pnlitic:tl iioi.-.tui, would fuin hope, could extort fn in them. l'.ioldo thcriiot know that their puldislicil r.ikatitnti)s of Atttcrioati doctrines is evidpitre tm tho record to stand ! twenn thotii ani tiitiin pr..c,rnistit? l.tln'y not know that they are marked men? That tb l,neof m'-is, vi-hifp tliey nuike liv tiro treason, will lx very suri not to'irwarj tlio trnttors f Are they so hliiid as not to eethsse things T Itotliey not know thut thewnwt ahjuct repentance (llear en save tire mark will not atoiusfor their apos tftcy frrmi party ? Vet, we sometimes sea people pulm-hio- thetr ow n ncizrndiitnin to tlio world m the vain hope of propitiating their political masters, ami of Geurinz on a small stale in the lttff'Mlrrt.1... ; . r tiMii!.. re wcaild I dunes and-viutims. And ye are el" lf-.yfc Vit Ari't.r,s. A writer in the Spirit of the Time relates the following anecdnto of his last trip Sinib, a week or two ago: "Amount the passengers on the Wilminirton ami M atii'liesrer ltailroad, was a "Young ,ine'i. ca," about -0 rears of age, who sshI ley livrd in Tenne.ace, anJ was then on bis way home fmui Vi est i'oint, where lie lial been to undergo an examination for admission to the Military Acade my. "Nearly the hob line of the msd, as you are doubtless aware, is through pine forents, and the diflerent sites of the trees were constantly re marked upon by rarious persons. Presently the aforesaid yon inquired of a gentleman usjIiiik! him if pine apples were not riie alsoi! now. The gentleman ref .lied that he thought this wns almut the time for them, wliereuHn the younjj man said that he bad lieen looking for a long tiuie for aims, but hs had not seen any aonyia on Ik Irrrt! - "The gentleman saw the joke, and putting his head out ol the window remarket that we were jil.t coming to a larjre grove wlwre they were doubtless plenty of tbein, and that he bad at home a lot of seed which be would be happy to present lo him if he would favor hiiu with hi, address." Mrino. Tla earse warfsr and anarchy which prevail in lesieo ; the burning, pillartnB, murderintr, and ooirn;ea upon woman and chil dren which charsetwrlta the oolite going on in tint country woold digraco even the allied ar mies! It is lamentable to ee a flnecuiilrv giv en over to eiu-h a opl. if the Metican donot iiehsre ttiemhee, they msr provoke tn people of the 1'nrt" ! HtntM mil ol .lieer 0"wipa-si .n ami humsnity, toannev thevn to this Itepublic! don't want to do it, and have already more terri birr tlian we reed, but w can't to el peered to staad still and sea our neigblsirs eslerminat ev h other and ruin their possessions, wilhcul looping in, Compelling tbem to teen liie peace, and helpmg them to govern their I no onon're, till suell peroid as they sleiW dim OS Wily tut governinr k thamvetvea. r arheitfrom nv lo recommend lb tioleiit ac'tii.iiion of the territory -.f a nritfhlritig pow er. Hut if Mexico knew liar own intrre-i, alio W'aild at one apply al lewsl r Ihe pntrHmm uf the American enle. There era rarious Aiwntrres wh h eiiioy whet is colle t ttio 'omteerwo" uf i i real llri aio. H he atMaild we n 4 in like man her "protev" oursreak neighl The burn I seeHes n( occurring in Me i loo give as specimen 'if what will befail nurselves if the eteweate dtecisr I, sm indvastrtottidy agitn le l br Ih faoaitcal and amwuoas, ri)s inin diwnion. The mod now preeenling sock on aa. hroken pietorc of peace and iuiet, wmtUl M de. .dated lrn an end. ui the other, by tbsl nmt terrible and pter ilea of all Meets, civil war. Too (loon to as li-T Ttie rlli'ees if f I . Mies asaembled al a eh arch to erlrhta Ihe 4tii ioet., by reading the lselarstionnf Imlependene and ahingti't r'arowell A biro". An old gesitleman, etoniac In rather lair.nalked up near the polpit while M aehlngtew' Add was be i Kg road. The old smo lissoa. oettl ha bewrd. "Agmnst Ihe tosidboia wileenf focsign inrloetiee, loonjureynolobrliore ase.fellow-eitiaens.rhejcab uw.y of a fre people oucbl to he oonstantly is.it, sioe bisooy aad eiperiense prove) the! fursagvi iii ftueoea is on of the most baneful too of reisaidioaa governasenL" W fcon thsv was read. b throw op hot hot sa a pesns. aad left the hyosse. At the aww lo aoot auos frieadw "tsaav ilvmso," cosd ho, "I oaasa boee tooelehrai the tin f July, and boar tho IssrlaralHss of I ' pea teaeo and Weehmglnn'a fsrswsll AH res read. Hot," said he, "in lest thing I heord wa thot (allow to thorn reading d dKoow N-ith- sag dneassoot, "d 1 U wb p kiss as ooo s be leave the baas." Aasvsr Cews'g wt,f, The follow:nj extract U from an- oratinu dr. livered by Ju.ljjr Ellis cf "Washington City, formerly editor of tha "Amerctn Orui," on the 4th of July. It is worthy of porusal. , .Another nn.l perlmps a sweater evil Uirp.itens'1 ns ami ilman"! an cflvien' rctweoy. i ne secret aims of Jeuilim, to s'tl.jrvt our countrr t the douiinioa of the K' lnj-h hUrarchr, fire now known and understood, and mot 1 tliwsrtH. The dcsiitns of that diine,rnisjwer njvm the Tnitt J Slates are not matters of snspicion. hni of actual ' knoalrdfc, and ffwpat.1 of dvnianstration. The eyes and ears of the people of the 1'iiitc' Stairs slj.Mild he oiwifi) to toe 7 ,i,ii,, and ex-o ,ie pairoiwK". nr'.-.nnp f.,r ttmnnn LiMliotio ut I r the rres ecy Amerioans should be en tlieulerr, sboutd arouse the people to a sen.e of tbeir danger, that no such scheme of corruption may lie re-cns"ted in lS.Vi. Forewarned, the people will lie forearmed. The Pope's Nuncio to Hpnin, before t'-.e Cabinet of the Preii!cnt as known to .bo public here, nVcoVmf, in .Vit'lrul, thut l' vit mtish-r (inirrtil, o Cit'fmlic, vyitthl .e o inemlKr af lh? (tbutc' of (Jenrtvl Pit v ' 'i'hero is other nnd nburidatit proof to coiilirni Oif opinion that this anpoiutiriei.t was secured to the. li.imish hierarcby ire th? f'ath'Ji'-rnfr teo.v mstjltr thc-pi fni ',icm?ii ,' Let thtv-fl facti lie known to ihe American jniople. and the "American lb-formation" will' sweep front politic. il tsiwer, in lHjli, tho un'eri and alu'thiis of the ?;. jt.t-ls liicrnrcliv with llicir f'.- kitverf and ilchcndant-, of all ranks olid condi tions. Americans! mtr government iu 7 br: purill'1 1. The ballot !., iniiM be purilic! by the future pxi'luion tficri'lrom ot men who iiave no perma nent interest in, nor MtnclimMit to the country. 'J be puUlic dep irtutents mui-t l? pnrilicd by the enipb-ynieiit (d ilative born Americans roi'it" perforin the duties of the various po.ts therein. Tlio day mut come, if we would preserve our .liiierties. when the hordes of foreigners who ttiroi i: the deoiirlinents. and who neiihcr under stani! the" irej, ins of ..ur insti tut ions, oi:r In' s. nor our l.inpiaye, imit ir'ivc place to the native-TTorn (Mtiens of ihe I'niteit States, and when, in Ihe emphatic hitiguae of the "American' pnrtv," "Americans shall rtire' America." When that day come.., Mo, and not till Men, will the Consti ttitioii id tho L'nited States stand vindicated as liirtiishitig, in practice and in theory, the ifiost pertect ysirm ol ftatinnal gnverntnent that could Iki de vised s ttoviwiiiiientsecnritijiuniiili, libertv, the rights nt the ritates, anil the happiness of the ciiir.ens, ihnmijK hurt etioccrf, coiutnml, amitM etriby Amriirtmhm-HfihzenM. In drawing towards the close of my remarks in relation to our system of government and .our jsiiiey, allow me to call upon you, by every consid eration that can intinence American, by birth or Americans by adoption, to cherish and to incul cate a lioly reverence tor the Constitution, and fir thstTedenil I'nion which it seenres. lhsciplc of Washington 1 Citizens of .this nietrois.lis, which bears his honored ntiuio 1 lies- idents of the m'ijrhlmrroHsl of his mansion and of his tomb ! Americans, who lielmld almost hour ly thut structure intended n memento of your levorcnit' for bis character ami his virtues ! Aui'Micans. w I.o ei jiiyjjo.j'rims ofhisbdls and Micririeee, i call iis.n to reaTT, to study, to adopt, anil to pnteiico ihe maxims contained in his tarewcll legacv to STvsn nv Till I xmx or TIIR-S PTAVKs. '" WIAI, OS WOK ! ilceilllis warning words ; trca-ureiip hi, parting advice ; teach it to your children and your children's children. l II them that the Father of hi, Coun- trr prnclaitniHl that "the Americiin I'nitui is the iniiln pillar in the edifice, of our independence;" thut it is "the palladium of our iHihtical safety and prosperity." Tell theru that tieorgo IVikIi iuton tHii;lkt his countrymen to "Irown indig nantly upon the first drawing of eteiy attempt to alienate any Kirtion of the ecui'try from the rest, or to eiileeble the saerru ties a Inch 'now link together the various parts ;" and tell thorn. toortluu thoAmarican partynfthe country aiti svoea ssoworr tosAoHorc, arm tiukul nt arm, hand rrrLiN"t li ..lie, an rmllfnt cjttiit ut Uf Jhrr, Itlritffni tu Hiiwjit, muin!timf twti ilrlrHtl tk f 'nian, uniirr all rittveiiii( VtroH'ih all lime, '? CANVAS IX XF.W TtOKK. bile ihe Seward ami t an liuren factiens are organising and striiingto make slavery the only isruciu the contest, the Atneritain parly are striv ing to amk that issue altogether, aud lo niak tlieir leading principles the aide testa. If they sueoecil. Ussy will gain nviro than an ordinary party triumph, 'liter salt ecntier tin anti-slavery ieuxue and snre the nisiniry fn.ia the danger 0f seotiotiul parties. If they fail nf Seward, 'an Ikiren and the ailniinistration llcin.K iai y prove too strong fair them, there ia no other cbsnce of safely to the S.utli hut n riflid and eselusiv SmtJtern iiriy. The Al'smv rtnte Jieporter thus snnni nees the programme of the American party : 1 he time has arrived when' ererv Atnoriran should preitare to go "on guard." The renlt of th,Caniiaign als nttoopen in this Niale, will l a devusion uf the elessora ol New Vork, whether Americana shall rule America; whether Ameri can burn men shall be preferred to Aliens, and Whether Americanism or Foreigmrra slnll have IliS supremacy. I'arty demagogues, in tlieir teal lo "oatoh lb foreign vote," haven nwdtheUsue Hsin tliepeople, Anoihsr qnewinn lo Isv decided and one of no secondary importance, is whether the Koniish Hierarchy shall mtnd tho destinir of America. Thie ie a question uf no Man' re ligion, but 0 hetber ail men shall lie free In enjoy their own religion, fre of ti e political a lrol. which history proves it is the policy of the ihe mish Church I oMain, There are is-ues of im mense moment to tho American ople. They rann.t be safely pfetsried. They must hs dc-l-ped throaith lb ballot boa. Tin American I'arty Hill bar ita candidates, and in their election or dalist will these quete r I e decided." CATr.CllISM FfiR THE STilTH Who killel the New York bard domocrat the friends of ths Constitution and tb Kstihf innktm Wee, Wlio sent llnsder to Kansas, as fiovernor, and woo dot line to try bin lor frecssolisin T t'mnUim Wee. w ho threatens to ent of lb, beleot tieie H.thern Kansas ofieials. Judge kiiaore, nod Johnson, lo (ratify the aisil.U'Hiist. f J'rifmliim VtfTf, Who sent rViW to Spain and then I t ruled ihe Cuban patriot! oia I'urt jt Vt bo killed the Cuban patriot. '' 1 PmmWim JWca. rVb.isn d-ow thai nowspapor, which propoaes to "iyrsssry," rec gnu a sfs political chief ? 'svsi'i i'oece. I'.st wliomisalaVj nsajoriiysf the ami Amer icano o-tr king ? Vwolfio Vtw. V texe do the anthAmeriran randidsia fn, Cgres espeet " Ui go to,'' if they should be electedf ',wa'ia I'lercs. W ho eppoint frnnHlitm, (Keoler) Iu and Isrsi jlssercoosw(vUsonlof ( WVssrr Jfusf , iraig ,e-ry, A Tiestsat Coorocattnn The Xw York learn lbt all tho author, and Mbllebora lath I nrted R'sles. of nor dsstinethw, are to asssmbl ia that eny swat A otanva to bo enter. toinod "at a gvaoU Tsmeoianos Itoosjossi ot tls, Irving, or soon so table placet aad to make ihe af air tho areas aw . a (rood dow.lay of th Ur are ossoJib atvd tatoat . the saotry. Tha oiortaHtoMal will ho givoa aeoW tha awep.ee of iko New York BnokelleC Asoaeiaiioss, bat the etpone will be stofnywd by pnvM sw. eripa.', A Innosand !lr bov Woa ahecviol Mr. los'irr U to aotlvo party to tha afalr, nod the Htsrvse, Arruroa, and elaor so ter oearti ly lata th, Seiso, For tho N-rtl. t'aeelinn Star. i .IKM IT IVFl.t FXCK l OH! M 1 tv p. M. Ebitor: On the 'Jlst instant, the tt tew! i In his rrrrM. letter to tiio New ,'lt Times, f the Aoicrii an cans pave n htrlw-cne nt this tlio es limeroor of lliitiarT, Kossuth, savs be p!:we, t Klevtii.iii.l and Henry W.Milier, Ksr..of Bobs) nbim in this ruuiitry, that AibsrlcauL-likc of your City, nddrrased nlanit two htiiidrcil and secret ftsitiiations, mid have a li m mania lor fifty of bis letlow-citireiis mi tiio prinviph's oi the fin- tlictn. It bjei to the Know-N.ithina great Americah wtrty, Tbcnircint having liCen I tvau'e. I'.ke the .foawita, tliey nr a secrttt ir l.Ut rcretc.ly sp.ikn of, asertubkejn waanfher . f;iioj iii .n f ir poinicnl purposes, w hile tit the tU- ; - - ; rainc tint be hows us how runtfiiigtv the .Tes- Now, fr. Kdifnr, it would be impotible for tuts mm lo account this national predisposition, toe to give ,m oven a skob-h t.i Air.-Miller's and inenftoiis two tnoijvjul, and wo g tliein iu spic h on the t'i'css on, lie si-l.e about ibfisi his own language. linn!, in tho im si BuinUr.ii: iiml iuiprclc noui- j A gvnt.ciuan in the l'nited Slnte. (ahtvnier nor, during which time tb people ?no. a very nude a eei'truus gilt to the cause ofilunjpiry. attentive hcarins. ; t,'n cmians, in tl.o course of pcrcjrinations Ho sael (he old V!ii j and lcin viatic parties t i!, ,.'ty where be resided, eno. urapedi he bis were dtfunct, nnd now oir wcie tmly two par. . preii. us "svinpnthy, t cittured lo te)iist .'from y.n tu: The Anieric.ti parly so, 1 1 its v(is-crsJ.i,itini ti e lai:,r of tikiuij upon himaeit the lueoi Tie eliiii.Ti'cd, iii the ino-t ti.l jit le. ins, the , a..jiiCTi,r j,Vvl interests, lie declare,! he did not Tnrioua causes wlieh led to the ent American movement. He spnko of the rapid iueieas of r orci :no; and Homunists.critiiiit u. aim paupers) upon ur shores, lores, and of toe deleterious ovui- ! lion tn w hich onr ronntrr is sulilectei. In ' slu rb Mr. .Editor, be elcar.y evinrtai lb mag. naniMous fttid patriotic principics of the Amcri enn party.'ainl dcitiolished the unfounded akper sions of its. rneinics. 'in say tl at ii was only a' great nnd able address wotibl not do hlni jnstii n. I nmconmjimis that Mr. .Miller's address male a fine itnjiression on tli niimla of ciatiy of. ins hi ircm i ho nnd never hcird the principles, nf t" e Aniericau parfv expounded. Many wero ib-cply convinced of the impending perils sus. pen.J..il .(iter our country trwu " tl.tc n-iious ilo. mas " ol'thn Iwomanirts: yet tliey were not 'nolo to t-ver the manacles of ' party predilections." W io i.nr lelKiv. A itir-ejis sec our republic otrr tuincd and :ts ' rights trodden iiow;n to the dust" bv tlie odious do;:uis 11 of the, Romanists lor part v's sake, or will tliey shako off thy sh tekle., w hich bind tliein to the old part'es, and join iu the American c;iise? Certainltiiey will Uo.be t latter fclcvation, N. C, .lot , lS,.r,. TjlllU TK tiK UKSPHCT. At a iiieetitigol'iliraiii l.odfre, o.4t lialeigh, on Suud iy iibornism, July "2, IS.13, the follow ing I'reaiiil.l'- and llesoluiiun w re -ubmitt'-il by I'.ro. illiam T. Haiti, ou t unaniinotislv ivlopted: W uitKvs, It has pleased Altuigbiv- to.d, in lit nil, wir-e and insotutabhi pro ideiuM-, to remote from this to hnnihcr state of ciMchce. out- Into worthy anil highly esteemed II tier, M.I,. I'un uuk, a nicmlier of this 1-odu'e ; tvitoe tttctiinry we revere, nnd whose loss we deeply d -pliii-i;, I' itthrij'irt I'Mulml, That o situwty sym pathise, with his friends r.i.d family in the 1 which they have sustained. , fmlJirr, Hint tho members ol lots id-e will wear the usual bad 'e of iiiuuiiiiiig for ! the space ol thirty days. .'f.,'n-.f,.u"cr, Ihat the Secretary nf thie Lislge Iw rciiiiested to transmit a copy ot those resolutions to the family of our deceased Urother, and that they be pvhlisiicl- in the city papers, J. J l HhlSTOl'HMiS, Scc'y. Till Tn l no liRiiKtE. St have seen publislicil, whatisaunl tolai an exposition of theoblistions, signs, ic, ol members of the Aincrl.au party. N ilJ.iUvU-vtieielidilig to know wbutlier tins eipo sition lie correct or otherwise, we will remark, itiul ItieTibitjmriiin TiftheTtimliiid ili'iewpnrrtiw nlurly, ia pstriotio and truly Amor lean and we should be glad to - every man in the I uinn who is entitled Iu Vote, governed by it. It plodgos the individual bj maintain tha I nioii, anu not to appoint tor office any one who is known total disuuiouist. We are pleased to see this publica tion made by the enemies uf tho American or dors, liecitiis it will satisfy every one that, in charging the meuilsirs of theso orden, with a de sign to overthrow the I'uion, unconstitutional intentions, iu, they are engaged in nil .effort tu put down a parly w hich has been created lor the express purHisa of perpetual ing the Union, and presorving it iu nil its original purity. ludecd, the idea tlist uulivo Amoricana woulu rjitnim torjho pnrnose of dirvtrrrrbtf rhw hrrj system d' govuriiniont wiiich was built up by their fatlieis, was bio ridiculous to be entertained by sane men; nor do we ls-liere that a single cd it.-r or public speaker whu has charged this de sin usm the Au-ericau party bebeird what they a-serted. Tliey bad nu other mode of at tacking that party w ith any prospect of succors, than by lubricating lor it piuuipies which they know nor abhorrent to the Atocm-au people, and bent- thi and other equally fait charges were promulgated. The proceeding of th A mot ic an party being secret, it w as hoped that uti. Ilicial relutation of such misrepreweniatiiai could bo ntl hut we now have the adversa ries themselves, furnishing w bat Ihry call flicnvl evidence to convict them of dander i f the Amer ican party evidence which conclusively prove, that the said party is influenced and governed by the pire-t motives and the most patriotic, devis. tn ui to the I moil. The ciposition which ha hern made, whether it I"! tiue or fatso, will have the (Beet tilting the American cause for it will every on that ihe party hs, no other obi set in view thai, tlio security of the Ilium and the pro motion of the general aell'are. I will show, that the party aim, to atsdisball sectional differences; lo quiet Ih eeitca.nt or sit slavery; to sec are the right of ail acliona; end to promote h4rtae ny thisatglHsut lb Lui.m. Well may they go before th American people contending for such prim iples. hurh a causa cannot Isit triumph, w losterer may ho th opposition sf corrupt poh ti ians and foreign mercenariee; and that il will triumph there can remain ne doubt. Wherever Ihe true principles of th American party an, authentically mad known, tlssy will be em braced, and, aa Ihe veil nt seerC'-v ha, been re moved from its proceedine, it wifl stand boldly liefor th world a th champion of Ameriesn right-, and lbs determined defender of tls, Con stitution and I nioo under whwh we live, F T- ignrra will no kmger I) aid to bargain witb politician tor Ih pronwo-ion nf sectarian vie nor will roni In, f .rein ascieeia tea lo permit tod to indulg the hopo that the tailed Sisie eon be euovertod into an appeadago to a fotaign power, 1 lis pnb'i.l-ert of the third degree hat-e ania Irnfiotially eonlermi a publi fv.a. it is prob able that tha publication was tol aitle.ul ( minaii.se in lb agriia to give the world souidhtog obi.-h llsty may have osnowived would 'siartleil fr.mil propriety" if so, they will fliwl Ihe.r mistake; tor every true Anserieoa will b" willing tnnU-a th obligation given as that of lb third aVgr. V, ho nevr to so a duv unionist placed ia awlboriiy, eitMr by l.ieeuiiv ,pinBienl, or by tls, vote vi Us people, Tb latter w sew eartain will never take ploee ny vote of nieiatssra of tls. American tn.h-r;aud w trnat Ihsl they will has Ih power to pieiei.l it frn being done by lis, fursiga aad Corrupt p-.litv i. al ass.aliiMot Ih entry, Isst every Aascricaa swear that r will aisln-tinthCt.lui-on ami I nusa, and nor oaintry will lo sals tnoa all fos", and oha lseelbe great Artier icsn ssj,l moving harwtonsuusly and etuliiHi ly lo that oarorr of gretnsa end glory which is U.-ind bar our repoMie, if we peine tail to th principles wbhb hee doseonded Ion Insto oar fathers, end which hs as far guided a to aiwiamptod prowrtiy aad happiness. Those are iho pruwipto of the A me rust party, aad they will proeaU. tlaU. C'tiy jr. vThrtetoa Ktw V Tb meet eheaving nowe ie being received frosa all porta af tho I ".trie. (luroaoso to pe-sgressiaf gbsmss.lv, Tk anld Psial I laswoaeiog la a-sslsmy and k seeming atnte aad tnoro slered to lao nonplo wkrer a heron. We have only to ask aar fneed le do Ihetr duty end gWtooo vsrlorv waiU f dlow. Lot OS giv it hg poll, a etesssg poll, ood a poll all. -gei bar. and w atoll oaly not th fuswign aad" hag Nukl ' party to root, bat rsok lb so. tow in In depth of stospair that thav w ill never ba abb) lo rally tt.sir seaiierod toeea fn too mod. tiet sjsia. I ap aad doiar. frteoda. "s-sw, now. i. f VpJVat.a. NUMBER 23 d.re to do it fr .tn fear of absolute ruin ; and gave tne the following esplaniiiitui: ".-vaicoly bad bis gilt to mo iswome public than a denf'ruiunr licctn to ba sorea.l I aloug the iked rather eitv. that the l,nk ,,l II, V V t.v.' unli'iii.viod the holders of its Is viols began to oall iu for richnnget their numbers went on in creasing ; in a very few day a it wag a rush. The bunk stood the sMmi, hut it Would have been, of course, imposMbie to statnl It n fortnight longer. The proprietors calteT ft. commission to look t litnuli their bmikat'th investigation yerhivd the creditable condition of the establishment, and the publication of the authentic fact by and t v calmed i be tempest. The banker, however, trac ed tho alarming rumor fryiu sourcit to souroo, till bo at last erfiMtly succccdwl in tracing iu ori gin to a certain religious college." in relating Ibis fact he added; " Sir, tuiitters go so fir with us that wescarcclv i!.ire to speak a contidcntial wwd at our own pri vate dinriertnhte, lscause 1 yso:iic means urothor. i umstiN lis way to tne cHlege, and is there care fully recorded fur future emergencies, t tieuord r.lher to our detriment or for a pressure to make. us it. i s. ineiiiiiig nun vise we could not do. V e dure tint trust our servants, nor tmr own children. Hir s.K'iely ia tinilermindcd by secret agencic." 1 kjiow be' spoke the truth; 1 bare, heard it con firmed by a thousand authorities ; and have seen fact. One 1 desircto mention, in a certain eilr, the h 'linesw a fiir lamH and renowned Americiin statesman, whose name ia a hannor for ntntiv, I hud tb misfortune to ii prevented front ntnk' in; Hni iii'ipiaintattce of that disiitigulshed gen" Helium, by tlte sad accident that bis only anu was just expiring. The young, man died. And the I leu; rend Father Jesuits presented themselves, with irrefutable Proofs, liefora the downcast Protestant father in the prime of hi -rici, claiming the nlit ot performing the funor- riles of his dead son, because he was affiliated to their mler secretly. Had ha urnfe..-,! th. Rinnan Cotlmlie religion publicly, who could bhimo him for it? it is a matter li.e.. imI nnd one's conscience. Hut that would not bare answered Ih contemplated object. A secret af filiation was necessary ; and it i, only after th death of the young man, that the lather could learn the fact, that lie had near his bosom, in bis only son, the Inheritor of his name, fame, end in fluence, an alftlliatcd memlssr of that terrible so ciety, the members nf which ban to abjure tlieir owu personality, for an absolute blind obedience Inwards llicir superiors. Was my other friend not right !ffwvTiig :-" We dare hot trust our own children "Ualt. (Hiptr. It doc really seem tu u, that if those poronne w honppoM the American movement would divest themselves of party prejudice and pause only fur a moment and ratleut calmly npoa the subject. they wuuiu wiin aa anuon unauiuious voice ex claim, that the American party ia right, and that ii is th only party in exUieuce, in the hand of which the attain of tls government can be con ducted with any degree of safety. That tho ptin ciples incorporated! uto iu eroed are thin that a cre believed in, and ei pressed by tliuea noble and self sacrificing patriot w boa voice we can no longer bear, w do not eee bow any one, hav ing nnr respect fiir hie sswrd, can deny.- The aiitbeiiiiijity of tliNiirg "Washington'!, letter to tlov. .Morris, waa denied. When it w I beard that its euthentioity wa questioned, proof was adduced to show that the letter wa no forgery, a was alleged. It wa established that Wash ington did say, " I most devoutly wish w had est a single foreigner amongst a, except the .Meripiuds Lafayette, who aula up.sn very dif ferent principles from those which govern the rest." Then whet did nnr enemies aay next f That "the circumstances that eiisted when Ihat letter waa written were very different from tlmse that esist at the present time. That Oen. Wash iugb.n didn't intend that hi letter, olsould be eoiistrued s it Is by the American pkrty And it ie by a itch eonteuiptible quibbling as thia, that all these important tact aio evaded. It is to b lamented that men will nut turn tlieir back Upon the con not demagogue bo go throneb the country preaching to thorn, and who care not a X; what becomes uf the eountiy so ihsy can gat lm bavies and Hlic W say il Is to b lamen ted thai thry do not turn their backs upon them and read ami think for themaelve. The A merl es n party declared thai Tho. Jrfsreon, the father ol liemwrmcy, advocated th principle, in hi day that are advocated by it member, now. Tint fact wa droits!, aud tb proof baldly called for by our enemies) whereots.n it was lnrr.sloeo.1. I hey were told that Mr. Jelfrrw eaid, " ; thai sss as,.g Jimi ssosc Means is urore ifthtrtdtma oersrfrr, jrum Jnrriii intiiHHrrnvlilual, cos., sscfrio, or Im rkntrrrr my U ssoy Itt mttrmiJtii, I ean eeanoly withhold myself from Joining ia the wish uf Silas lieait, that there were aa eceaa ol fire between thia nod Ih eld world." Th American party declared that they were witb Jackson. The prosef wa calked for. " Shsiw s," said our an em test, "on o.lilary fact to aatahlaaa your aasertwa, n noreuiiua we snowed Ihoni wbers Jackam dc larsd tliat, " B it time Mot nv tAoo.f aemsM a UHU asor Assert con ssf sW ixr nj Jtnlimij Ik fimtprrtnj fnjlimd.jmtd'mr osr ; or um ia a tkmi I ion, f oar jtrttnt ttolirf ss, limit kmmr pauprrt ourere,." Sum us th far of ! tlut enwmlee of Ihe American party have Iti boUnatosay that they ar with Jack XI, 'J bey ssy that they still a.! her to tsnaoc racy, ae propagated l.y JefTersia, ita fattier, and belli out by Jackson its main pillar. How can It Lo eo, we tok ia all eaa. tor, when they oppose measures Ihat Wer near lb heart of Homo) grett msu, with a biltemesa beyumf uoe-riHioa, eri ly, titer i a eat diSareno between isreoaeracj as it wa and IsMnacrary as It ia. Jaxrirsnt U.'rorofr, Pi,nra The Kichmoad llnuirer insist ihsl there ar bol toe partus in th I uile4 Slates; "the lasnvueracT on the one eide and the rabble of torn on lb other." la reply to thi aaaertitia U. Nw York Herald pertleeai y aaktt ho ar the lenocracy f Vt est ar Iheyl W her are tbey t Ar tho New mk Van liuren liufsto fives, aiers, of lis ofl shell ediainistrsl.su type, Ihe llesaucracy T or ar th bnslila nard sto.ll iHrkinaoa men t or the Jsf. bat is cos s.rt.i.tsf or lbs Nsuilssra sssssorvative of Ihe Cobb school of Ueorgiaf Are Ih-oe old Itoawwrat in l'h sees ton ot sae4 to this rotten almiiiue trti.m,ttolMnoerucyTcsrtoibfwdihssirtrnd and dsia.H-wl.isd spoil mea that ot ill cling to Iho pohlie plasxler the real geouia tiemoerat.c jsnv? W hen loir Kiehmnnd oitomrssrary koa tooad In lonraev, w ahall Is oabtd to pros to kw aitiri sal u loot hs. that thav ar two other great prteo- -b rabbi ol tsms," wnk Swward a tkoir rbsnipb, and kss dssoaieaj pvngvaases e their platform, and tls great Mtkasoi Austin party, (orws-l at aeas of to Us avatovtol of both the old Whig aad urols, partsoa. rnirtTr. iioahdhci. MM. MtoiTMU Is fs to tstrouk r OS sg ssss'ssejeo w kse4 wo r.s.sss to i.ts. A tmmuf eeMrsws sst sswSis Iks Missw., I es's-is. oswi S. fM.is4 wok Im4 aa t-sfsg Is uvsui Mv.lt to fs's.s4 to test rose ssyUs, eo ss fSb-e. soses ftso swststl sv Jses, 1.4 ,fl4. tar M'aeeHitsdthatk,raamasN.rrters'4t hakb.o i i.rviswl p.tmast.r tvtu(B, ia ri" V ' N' AUtn- ,lM W not hold ull.ee under the .tni.nisriinn. , y ,1??"" " indivMual who in I j '- ",l"u""l e-jwn.it. adebhemt fraud up.es a .rtJoo ot the p,, of Sutu.tma. noouotv (tiu, Bragg', homi.) ,,, prrremi., g U. be a V. h,g. and writing a. tuch w the 11 ... Ji!tHian'iiu of lb tJtJJto,dsoM,s of a trac.ld etiaracter to ciroutite auion ti.e Wtiakarsiof Nurthauptun cmnty, w his be ahrged had ob,ot.nsto Oeoe-al SkoU "on account of his military tame or rather as a fighting man," and who likewise objected "to our platform rela tive to slavery, the Fugitive Slave t,w A,-." The triok waaidiscrwered, h.wver, and th tool or party properly enposed. Vet, her he is a p pi'intcd to a responsible trust by this precious administration I A pretty follow be to b pieced tn uBtcel H ,1. Umtld. The revenoe returns of Ureat Britain, owlnj; to increased relation, show an improvement cf 7,741,548 for the year ending the olst'of Mar. and of i.l,O0fj.5;3 on the quarter ending a-uiie time. Ihe apgrcgate increase of the year is made up ns follows : Customs, JC8,'.8,46 ; ej. ise, 1,770 017 ; stamps, i71,572t and pmpertr lai, .i,0oi.ti71 amountirg to 8.hl)i tie. Tl" receipu accruing from the post oflice show n do ereaso of 7:6; crown lands, Xi4,52o ; end miscellaneous, tieis.Coj? making total decreaaa of344,tW. Theretur is ti-t the quarter show an increase of li44.l t in the ra,tots, 635.209 irt lit exctso, 64,U42 in stamps, 201,434 in prop, erty ta, end 166,444 in the miscellann u. . The decrease in tases amount to l'JX,yt4, in the post office to U4,73!t and in crown lands to i,(Kl0. The Increase in the etistonia ia chiefly owing to the arrest in Ihe fall uf the augar duiiee aua ut tlie duties upon tea. STnti Chops. -In passing tlirough thisrnnnty and the crwuty of Carteret on rur nay to lleitii fnrt, wo woie struck with the fine prospects of the coining cr.ips. ' Wheat was Iieing harvmtcd. and the yield is sai.l to I abundant, r.mii.ri ' j wbn were eompcllevt horctofore to purchase Dour, na.e um.ui n.n otitv cuoueii t.ir thfiii awn sup plies, hut a nuitutity tu srv Th Corn eiop looks better How lliau we tone seen it ut this sua. son for some years; ami if not visited by storm before it matures nod is boused, we think, a full average crop will be mauaiu Unit these rwuutiee. in Jniios, we learn, the prosjs-ets for tine crop . were never better. . A'lroeni Artrs. ' Lato Publications- - SPEKCtrHit snd Addresses, by tb, lion. Henrj . W. llilli.nl. ' hire in California, Mountains and Mols Hill r recollit Uims uf a burnt Journal, by Krank Msrr- yatt CBCut Corner, by Benaaly. Tb Watchman. The Slave of the I.smp, by Wm. North. Turkey, Hnssla, The Mlack tiea, and Ciwaasia, ' by Oopt.-Spencer. Joveypratt' I'rograu, ar Adventures, in A, i riillaUslpbia Hot, UtiuB. fvrttuded ou facu, by 11 0. Mstsoa. Th Lit of Nspoleoa Boaapart. by Ma 8. C. -Abbott- 't vol. tMtav. Vat aahj by II. t. Tl RKEn, H.C, ltookstnr llalelgb, July, 1855. ., ., b . "VTOTiCK. All parson ittdetted to th firm of , 1 King A'Blggs, or to th Ut firm f J. J. lligra h t'u., ar dcairsd to make Imtnediet payment, a en of th firm of King ft Digg iulends leaving ths Btate to ssltls permanently in another being desirous to leav ia few a months. It is absolutely . accessary that Ih business should b dosed forth 1 ' ith. KINO k liltitlS. - ' N. B. Th, rsmslader of ear Rurnmsr Clothing ill bs Mid at a fery -aouUl advance oa Irst as, for eash. hl.SU k ltltltiM. - Balelgh, joly, 1 18M. M-4t Th Iff. Lit fnmmini War ki. CVMMINU'g spwealvptie sketras,er Isrtarssn tb Ixs-k uf Keystations, ftrst and second series. Lsnaailnr's ailaur nsrka fint ssrles. Tbfs velum eostems ihsfelbinlagt Tk, i'iuger of Uod, t'tirlst uur rassover, ins t nnitonsr. Cswuoins'i minor works, gseoad ssrls. This vol. ams soatsins lbs lollswing't A kisssrnirs fr.so Uod, Ih, Hresl nacrlDes, Vbrtrt reselvlng emnsrs, loeiurss a is ssvsa stiutcavs, 1 vnb W a., Lev-tares eo our Lunl's Miracles, m m , Lstturvs ea ttio Psrslites. ' M m Prvpkstle stoulssi ar. Lectors en the beok sf Dsaiel, . rob It wis. Leetares e Romas Uis. t vl. 1 ns. eorlpiar rvsvlisgs. tlenssi. vol, 13 rtiovlus. " " Hi. .Vlsrlt - ' . BLsitiisw Ths rkarek hsr.sr ths I'ssd, . a Tlit lent. ns Ih. slur, a n'adieUa,srtkshbtsaed Uts, Th daily In. Voles ( UeisVwd, m m Vobvee ertfcs das, " " Vvocssisf lbs snUt, o n rut ! by L. POMKtvnT. Jt Usrck llk.ltii. Uncle Sam'i Farm Fence. BY A. D, MILKt. With llluttralhm by il. Orr. T Ih ssss ah kss Ink la his keart, vrs my, ofiesd lbs IbHik t Te lbs ousssa wus It tlx o.oitirr ..I living skihlrsn, ws sey witk cita.vsis,ftps,4rs aw.! Ad to ail vke regard la esorwl dixoity sf a.ss, iho purity ef aooutac ths salvation sod prsr r pn-r ssllerlng kaavsaliy, oe agsia say, hssf Isttsess fit. iinr Tkis very popalsr Book was pabltliv.l Wtitnerdar, Usy 10th, tn l lbs wkole of th I irsl b.Mbs was w.d tofor Sslardsy isktt Ik oeeeoU svlnUa osj t.v.0. lisktsl V ti,.w, kls Uto, eaa awry sll tola ia as week t W bav aot read a bsssk of s ssork Ihritlinf later tst, of sock towltrking arjfosssnls, sn leeviBaung tlvls, as this aswatotorsas. It te ss srfHssrel la hver of Iks Msla Ut, whirl, tekss k..lS tsf lb .toolset fcoort wrtags fr-.ie It sya.lky sad " two sad asraitk b IS dFlwdrd vir.net W tk vice, Istosswersne. If to Sis Is Towporwee Itorhny, lb row S u ageatlsB, ewl4 eeolrlvs le est s toe J Ihit bssok tole svvry haillr la Ibis rttlt krlors tk asstslswUaa, OS tolitv lbs Lr, lata. art, onk s M.iao Lso Is wv state, ewJ4 easily to. ssssisd. It kwla sp so llllrtss oi.k sse.i.si eisnvias set swiko, tke eaelllpl.sst srwssals, or ss ssss, eso Ikts grswi , ss,l.ww. TksesBk ar blied to to ssivsnaj aoas-ry sad SWeolsJloo eoeatioasd by tals tssikisg varo, ad s ok tsvsv ssrvaw.a sw, will aot tsf sorw, g.v n a porstab It Ikty Ss, os srs Mart it will tua.k lh.tr V.talSe lllgklsat hsgla, lot salt kv n. t. Tt km. oletgh, Af. IU. . C. kiK.k rluhg. Shirt Establishment, Ma. flf John tt. w 1 rk. judsok, fowler l Co., Msarvy..wrsrs aad w kelotal flf.brt ia Sliixta, CoUan and Drawls. ZOTU EilfiUri Itock tor.a'lT to l.': 3J, , i-i Caps and Hits. . TiErftE'l t tsskt t-ki. J biesk. I'M tsS white tt litis. !., torso ssst Lefkera. sVM aod Nss U.1.' to fsssr '",S e, rs sklBwBat 'svoiss wlkia .S"S Miae aw .,tsw (.nort. ttswtS So MiessaO tkn, broewsss, toll. Usas s vvsrleo stksvll4 ' Um rust, stosv, Mms o i s, teas. 1 . at- U k V a . M.rak .k, Uit. I It aosr. foss aad Agaaspy, Tint. Tint. XV'S ' rsd bvi If 1AM. eow.isrt.ee. ss I' int. IS SS "la V-.S'S sf vf ssowy esriao. n. w ... a I S lt'i l -s lam, slivlt m wiol ttw tssst ssjrk Cktissos o ua4rd ui Kj ..f s. v- SrttltL gOTIf KtH'l't IH II tt' as, laws. to os.il wo U etssoifce ! , towbt 4ons, k ysot l are va v r .r a..- , a- WoM4 SS baal .SI .'. 4 osil SS . t as sub Sv soak s ftsso. I. L IM! ' J.ir'.i"i . i r l. few? Botkt, Mft TfLlf .i.,l Mi-v. N.t sts ol kuls. Fsj . s, w t rvi; r r-IMn. H