J ' f ' . -5 tr- 4 - ; t' s 'jGortJ-tofina Itar. rveusaia wiaa.LV bv "WILLIAM C. SOUS, iHmtnnomnN. - TTTlTToT . If paid strictly la first, two dollar per -Bum; two dollar aad ifty eeeto, if pud witbia ts meatee; aad three dollar et Ut cad of the year. ADTKRTTSEXKSTS mot exceeding siiteea bh will ee ieesrted tu tin for eae dullar, and i tweatv-lv mata for each raheenuent insertion. Those f jrtU-r length silt be charged propors tioesJIy. Coart Orders and Judicial adveTtitewieot will be charge SJ per pant, higher than the above rata. A reaeowebl deduetloa will bf made to these wka advertise by tba year. , - Book aai Jab Priotisg dan with nestues an easpatok, aad oa accommodating terms. " a9T Letter, to the Editor must be postpaid potl-Carolha .JSfar. RALEIGH, N. C. f Tburada; MetralBg, August a, maa aT Mr. HENRY M. LEWIS, Montgomery Alabama, it oar General Traveling Agent fur the 8tatee of Alabama and Tennessee, assisted If C, F. LKW15, JAS. 0. LEWIS and SAMUEL D. LEWIS. Mr. C. W. JAMES, No. 1 Harrison Street, Cin cinnati, Ohio, ia our General Greeting Agent fur tba Western Statea and Texas, assisted by II. J TUOMAS, S. W. BAMSAY, WILLIAM II THOMAS, T110S. M. JAMES. C. M. L. W ISE, MAN, A. L. CHILES and Dr. WM. IUYVIN. eoeipta vt either will be good. Mr. ISRAEL E. JAMES, No. 182 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, ia our General Traveling Agent, aaa'wted by WM. IL WELD, JNO. COL LINS, JAMES DEERIJJO, J. HAM MITT, B, S. JAMES. T. D. NICE, iTjJt .MORRISON, E. W. WILEY, WM. L. WATERMAN, ALEX. IL CARSON, E. MCSTIN, BEN. F. SWAIN, T. ASHMAN and P. DAVS.,, The) Foreign Maaa Meeting. If wa won to calculate by the Aritlimetio of tha Standard, wa should aa; that there were not mora thin three hundred persona present at the great Maaa Meeting of the Foreign and Catholic part; in thia city on Tuesday butt ; aa wa feel certain that, all told, tliere were not more than two-thirds aa many as there were at tint Ameri can Meeting oa the 19Uu Tha meeting was a decided failure, a " moat lama and impotent eoncUisiim" to the great things that were expect ed bj Ute nutorriiied. The ball irpetied by Mr. Six-riff ilin attempt ing to explain hie boyitioii in the punt, but evidently aoi making hi" cause an; better, citing an; sympathy Hi his behalf. Mr. Uraawu, tlea4niidaic of the party for Congress, was called out and spoke, we believe, ' until dinner; delivering, as wa have been assur ed, aliuoal lb same speech, anecdotes end all, that ha baa done all around the campaign, not even omitting tlie " rpsnk the baby " for the beneni t hie Metrnpoliiaa followers. Argument there was none, nhui-eand ilonunciation alswnd- ed. Broad aseerlions and sweeping dvclariitiuiis, ot diaouMihin or c-imparieon of principles, were tha staple of the entire harangue, i If Mr. Branch and his allies were satisfied, Sam cer tainly awed not feel discouraged, as we have been assured that thut s-ch caiised at least three voters who had intended to vote for Mr. Branch. to seek " Sara " bulore the left tlie city, and they found him ton. After dinner, welenrn, (we were n-rt pmwui. that they had a cotiuuunnce of the auna scenes that were enacted in the morning. Some of the leaser guns of tlie part; re set off who mad aura noise than the; did eie-wtiua. , Aa Wa Always Bald. Mr. Branch, in bis epeecb on Tuesda; last, eta ted moat emphatically, aud repeatej the st lie Bent, that, ia the cantata just clowd, he bad made ao iasue upon the plsif rin of the Aeicri- caa party. lie said he must be shown that i was (As platform of the prt; before he wool snake Issue un it. He attempted In g ve the very lame eiausethst tba NationsJ Intsllip-ncer Bad shown lliat the 1-th aectioa wis passed li minority id the elector! tea reprrsei.leM i the rhilailelphia Cunvention. when aisiism ercaa, las AVsrtA funUmx KtumUtrtt, has admitted that the lnlelhcun'r in idp un enur m lite table poblished. ' . -x Thia iejwstaasre have always assrted.s These adveaatna of Cvreignera and tumiea Catindios, can lud mdhing to olyect Ut in tlie auble y form Intd down by the I'bibsdelphla Lotireut.. and aeaoa the; eanaot be brought to aa issue apea it, bat take the mure unmanly and ungen erous court of abusing the American part; fur acts of which the; have aeve besa guiliy, and arnica, even if fisteaed apoa theat, have bee rastlisd aver aad often again, ia tea (ld aware ediowe phases, by these saw men in ibsir party saanvsrs, N this eampaiga has But been eoadocted apoa principle but tbe whole sttspl falltbei wsUie harangiwe has besa abuse. , ,. 8 aad at Kemove4. The Admiahdrallna baa at laid eiesenled, aftet Bteea heaitatioB, to remove this Bated aholillsist - frssa the eoiea af Governef of Kansas Territory It areas ed tm cling to bim with avach prrtinadl; vea aftor he had outrseed the sentiments of tke vaote aeaaary, aaat aVWd tba Admiaistntiusi Itsett But Forney and Pierra have beaa aoav Bellad laall; to dispense with the services nf thevr Bat, aad pat aastber ia hie place. Bet wh; th ' long eUy I W hj has he been permitted to d grace tbeeeentr; h; holding aa important i.K ' Bsc antae after aseeabee of the Cabinet ao kaawledgsd dial 14 was had appointment aad he aaght to ha ramavsd t Tha trath is, be wee . aa ass aai si pat af ;, aVa pewar heaiad the tareaa, aad the Prssideat eras foreed to keep kiss BS lang aa he pos.il. ly ssrald. B Bha Is Mr. Iiewstm, ef rMytraaia, that Vee lee. pat m his plan f Is thia app.inli.snl at aaotbav B p to tbe Carbarns of tbe While . Hoase, who laves F orest so well at to he wilting ' to 4c ea yU,iag s serve bunf Is aae this Mr. Ijwas she aaasa asaa who kaundeod aad adv aatod tke sliiss homset sa i bill ia lbs llonsest Ua ' rsesalslitaet IsheaollbeBiaawlM.bylhMbill, ' vtaW) to WJd ass) heaet; to t-;or a, aase h U.s euaslry ae asttle afsa aad absorb ear sihiie snsaaia witbuat a; eumpea sauna) to the Oovernavsai f It he not the head Bad IKal of k. great fraadeai areet f VOLUME XLVL -Tbe Philadelphia Convention tu poeed of representative f ilia American part; (rum every State in tliie Tnion. . They met to gether, organised regularly, transacted the biiei n ess that called them together, adopted a platform, which the; published authoritatively to the world a thfcir. principle, aigtied b; their President and Secretaries'; nay more, thOy hare published to tba world the proceedings that took place upon the CW . . i i . i .r , deratum and adoption of that platftm. and yet Mr. Branch ean m eke ao irueup..B it because j his mind la out MtiHtiM that it i tneir pl:ittorra. ; o. no that t a lnme excua, for avoiding taking i - " - W , ifiu ftcitiniit ft iidlv . of if inek.le which neilhw the h.w..rable aapii-anl after CongreMional h.n-! n nor bin miuil hettted nnrtienn aumuirtera. n I " - r rr - cudeu,,,. . Thi. i. another trile wrung Iron the most bitter and violent enemies I nf lbs Ameriean nnrtv. to tha 'nntiniuilitv and soundness of the platform the party has publish ed to the world. No, don't make any issue with that platform, but denounce the party for what it is not guilty, call it bad names, abuse it without stiat that is the gauie, and the only gnnie you ean pursue to secure your object, aucoesa despite of principles. Oar Sttrplae Funds. It is said that the amount of claims, already prepared for the new Court t Washington to ad judicate, exceeds three hundred millions of dol lars, exclusive of those embraced in the French Spoliation Bill. This sum does not, probably, include all the claims against the Government hich are to be presented, though it is almost oertnin that very many of thein will be rejected. But we have besides a public debt of fifty millions of dollars, and by putting tha two together, what becomes of our toasted surplus of twenty-two millions In the treasury T It would go but a little ways in satisfying the demands against us. 6am in Mississippi. - Hon. W. L. Sharkey, formerly JudgeofMis- ssippi, and late U. t. t'unsel at Havana has consented to run for a seat in the Lower House of the Mississippi Legislature. He is the candi date of "Sam" and the people. The Mercury, at Jiickson, represents the polit- cull excitement in that State as unprecedented. Varliecues and mass meetings ara held all over the State, go; In liis admiasion, in bis speech in this cttv, that be bad raised nn issue during this can als upon the platform of the American party Mr. Branch said if they could bring all the mem bers of the ' part; to support tbe 12th section, that he could forgive them for their thousand and one other errors. Now, why did he not come ut, like a candid man, and admit at once, as bis remark most e iilently implied, that be approved of that plank in the platform f Ho cr.nnot object to it, and tlie only we; he can get around ac knowledging its soundness, is to sa; that be had made no issue on the platform, and would not until it was proved to him (hat it was the plat form of the pnrty. - An attempt was made, a few days ago, to sell the rail roads and canals belonging to tlie State of Pennsylvania, They hare cost the State alioot f 4,(HI0,00f), but had been injudiciously and expensively constructed and managed, a such works are apt to lie when under exclusive State control. Tbe Legislature, under these cir cumstances, authorised a sale, at not leas thaa ,500,00 for tlie entire works. The; were put uo at auction oa Monday last, about 34X1 persona bring present, but nut a bid was made, aud tlie sale was adjourned eine die, ' . IVJ-Tbe late advices from Mexico represent the progress ol the KevnlutHaiisU In that country, from Mstatwiraa to Arnpulco, aa almost certain to result in either in llie overthrow nf Kanta Anna and a roaiplde reci instruct it a of the CeiitralGuv- ernment, r in llie secession nf ihree ,r foar of tha Northern and Western Pistes, and their or- giinititiiin ititu an InJei-endenl Kei uMic, t fa Tesns, witli pi:iely the io,e altiraale ol jeol in vie". . Pi i ' MoNTHi.tr, flir Angnsf, baa lie en sent to us by (lie publishers, Massr. Dit k Edwards, of New York. The following ia its lit ol con tents: Turk ieh Wars of Former Time ; M; lost Youth t The Bell Tower; I'nknown Tongue Abnai Babies j Life among the Mormons j The Rirer Fiiheriee of Nonli America t Cape Cod First Friendship i Living ia the Country) 5k John Suckling) Twice Married (Continued) The Armies of Europe; Editorial Notes, B-r- Wa lcam, front reliable authority, that whilst the Msiej Meeting of the Foreign party was progicssing met Tuesdsy, that (tarn's doors were 'opened aad between thirty sad forty hwemea eatorad ap their resolve to throw their fort una with tba Ameetcaa party. The Lexbagtoa tad Yadkin Flag, Is the title of a haadaonte paper, almunding with edito- airial matter, jast iasaed at Lexington, N. C, Jaa. A. Long, Esq., EJ'llor, Jas-B Shsltoo, Esq., Publisher. Crainstvta or Psrv Poimra Wa,v sst wi Cnsieo y. f After Mr. Ibals, nf Virginia, aad Captain Joha Tyler had slept together a niter the same blsnket.it WMimaifhleresaaraablerbaftge oa tlie part of Mr. tVdta that he sh. u d declare war upon Capiaia Tyler, aad solemnly swear to "need aim or aia. Iiui greater change Uiaa this, fnm aAWtsMi to aaimisnty, fra fraternity to (tirnffs, are eomiaf , as tbe Muathwit Aa- gnst elections draw nigh. F. esaasple, Prea Imhs, ef luisvill Jo mat, has quarrelled with a ra af rlearyf'lsv. The (mstt wa Know Nirtbing: tbe latter asaile a sysseh airainat the Order, aad f-elhwith lb Jiatraal p. m need e pan Mr. C. atMH hie dead lather and a pit of old lasjlaw. TH rwntur was KrrM n ll.e ettiJ Mnt f the "lie etreutntll " f bhr H happily vnoted dowa Wllh She 1st " healed term." we eno.d aay. la Tansssi a. as will spnsr fr-a aa eitrs'H abirh we give to dsy, t,iera fiiitoii J, pillow aad M;- Andrew J-k-" IineUiia, have inten-banxd tliM lis d.raet," aad aihev b-li..-"i.l e..milMnet,ltlel dint . "'"e ar tww tr-m il,, Uro .f ( l.';.lti. Lseik, too, al tbe rlimsiao war a -el of a f-.ii.g sabsi'tiBf bwa Mr. IH. k.ua a f Nw Y -rk, ad Mr. Marry, sftse all lh hard battles tl.ey ksv f.iept.l t.etKr, Si. Is by ft. ?ik ll sr 11, rv.t'O, W j..i.. !.,.( frier.'lasnd l.velb r. ..t s !.' ! trim mi-A trm- I. -a, -i a, ti t.iral I.. TrwSy r e t . a f . evil ttm rrt.f agaxut I U. ue.w ll.br.g aew.. tt t contest, it f V. r. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORXING, . ACKNOWLEDGE TI1EIR INFAMY! We arc surpiisel to hear that intelligent for- Tbe Loeofoeo. about thi. time ara professing h" b '1o" 2 T--' , . . , , ..,;., r. th.l""" mong na, entertain or affect to entertmn ition f'r the PitDCta and tbaexalted , ,-- opinioiia ot tleitrj tiar. tKtico omtorn love now to d'eant upon riawa and noble qualities of the great atateaman. whom Uiey were wont, but little more than 10 veare ago, to vitupemte aud abut in a manner which no repetahle man haa been itefore or inoa. He held op tlion aa a perjurer, gam bler, murderer, and with having perpetrated ever act iu me oinca eioorv in nw.. imn, 1,.K. ..,,., a, ,h.t h. rt and good man, tliereuy acknowledging tluit Itiey willluliy ana imiliounwy misrepreaenieu '" Alr thueacannwleuging tneirown .m,j, i 'I..,.. 1...I aanil .ttsar With tllAftt fltll- .1 J . V . . 1.1 A naatw l'a JLuld think Wliiga at loat would have tct Clinillll for themselves tu keep (Hit of UCh a DttrtT. t , , ? i.,,, t lZ ZTX' BOW -n hut ,, pHou kers " and ' ..l.i,a.l;i.bi.M " -tw. .iMtim tit do tlu-m rever. platter-licker.;' who deign to do !!., en cs. the Louisville Journal well reuiarxsuiat f 7 . -i , u-l; , it llenrv Clav and thff old w big party were J giaid J patriotic and gloritais. thi anti- Americana who want W big votes mil ua they I - i , , ... n;lv 1""- " " ii it i.oim ' - - ,"V I that Goii permits the authors of tlienendish alan- deraof 1H fa. nollnta and noison His aUnosnhere with their foul and pestiferous breath. . ri'i. i i : . .; ,i .... 1,:- Mm . I The." a Now! V a must kn7lhM :a. . . .a. i i " j "?- ru"T. ' r x IISjHin SIIU tO IISIBU HI Ml ,iwwuc v. .'- American candidates and orators in relation to Henry Clay. In every Anti-American paper and from evcrj Anti-American candidate? wa ae. and hear the most highly wrought eulogies upon the man whom tbev now call the iinmorui states man of Ashland. They talk of him as a man of nicy utia oi itiui mi ui ,le principles j they denominate , Clay i" the, .peak of him a. .ii i :1 t.v.f...J un.i ;mnu prouaana uonoraou ,T f7J' .;7: r". :f. . Ii I """t: KZ i to :t "v b? 7Z !1 ..i.ll . that, while he was tlie leader of .h.Vl,ig party, it . ,,, . ... .,;:;,.,: ...j ii... w-o. won ((n, a.t.v.u I - "j invoke his name in every assault upou the Amer ican organisation and ask how his pure and high and haughty soul, if be were now alive, would retard such an organisation. Now we sav to these Anti-American newspapers and those Anti- American aspirants for otnee, that, if what they .l... .i n rn. .I...I.1 ii'k;. ZiV ii .. . .ml V. li i t hon": oarUJl. of ....I I. ; ;. ,1... il.,.l. I,a. j.-.w ..... "J " been, threughout nearly tha whole ot their po- n . J . . . . tl I litical lives, the vilest and basest and i a most in ia-1 .. j. mnus liars and slanderers that ever disgraced ZZJ'Z Z their kind. By tlie declaratn sake of securing anti-Know Nothing votes, they . , .... ii a .i.l ,r, now uuillliK lorill as iu iieurv via, iim mi i old Whi. eart. " .he. n-,laim themselves to hav. ',i..f' ... f ,lj tence. a set of calumniator, tft for nothing better than to have their tongue, cut or pulled out of their mouth, or bored through end through with re.1 hot iron.. If Henry Cla? was great alid good and loftr and patriotic, and if Uie life of tbe Whig or beasts or devil, can those editors and dema gogues have been, who, with their accursed ns and lips, lied away the liie'a life of both Henry viay auu uie n nig party r tloon BrntvNiNO Thi ri ntvT-Pi.rNt)T.aj! Dsmokr. It hss been ascertainedtrme the claims already brbitl'h before the eoaW ofMaajurs, lstelv eslnhlmlied ifKWStshingbm, amount nvtheaggre-1 gate to about three hundred miHIMstnf dollars, 1 exclusive ot the" rrenrh spoliati. three tinndred milHotisecf dollars! Only think of it. With a debt 'nf 'fifty millions, and a balance of ontv twenty millions In the Treasnrr, we are lied on to fool bills and claims amounting to tbe round smu nf three hundred millions of doltsiw. What will t i in Ii rie dof What will now become nf rhe-Tfert' "lire -of Mexico; which Kanta Anna wishes to sell, when we come to look at ear insignificant balance of twenty millionsof dollan in the treasury, and this heavy amount or debt and claims staring us in the face? An wonder that Guthrie talks of resigning, in view ot the ugly vacuum to I) created in the stnmt box of the Treasury. No wonder that tbe military operations and llihuslenng designs of the presen t e.lmint.tmti- commenced and ended with Hie mmout i bomUrdment and burning of (revtown. V) ithout the sinews ot wer, our ,n,t,niu. 1 resident vniino varrj in unmn,. operations towards v entral America, t ulst,or anv where else. And herein. In all nrobabilttv may I found Ibe rlne to tbe return of Soule, the pac Hc bearing of Mr. Itodge, aad the general inoffensive course nf March. In view of the numerous demand for the spoil,, and tbe inwifs riericy of the supply to the demand, it is not likely that Marry will now fatigue himself about I'uliaoraiiViiihrriiutside matter. Three hundred and fifty million to pay, and only twenty millions to do it with. Here is a chance for the adminis tration to display its Itnsnriering skill, and Win honors which nisv overshadow those nf Ursytowa. I,rt the advice ol liesu Hickman I famous lor his financiering dodges' be taken, ami all may yet be well. ftatiomtf AmertetM. THE NOUTII AND THE frTiT. Tlie IVin.M-riitic party Smith have always laid claim to sit the eoiiserfalisia of the North.' Tbev have preached thia doctrine for years tbat tbe ortuem lieuiocratic party were the only friend. we nan on tn other .i.ie of n.snn and inxon a line. Adiaitting tins to 1 true, fi the sake of argument, in what pnaiium doee it place the .-"..uincm wing in inai pan; r Imnngthe lat spring and present ausssaer. there have Been IV-mocraiie meeting orennves- linns ia every rViutnern Mate, Al each aad all f these meeting the present .tdminiatrattoa has ha extolled tu the skies, and lb lexicons have beeneanned ever to find terms of adolatk and praise soraeiently stmng. Although tbe Southern npriaitioB paper. hv dennuared tbe pr-ent AomimstratH.n aa inimical to the rioutli, and las plored their IVmorratW rntemporarie to ofa their eves to that fact, their appee Is went unheed ed, find tbe present Executive and all hie ae. have been en.lorsed by list entire Huuthern la llow stan-ltlhe ease with the Northern De an weary known ae" " I lard.," or ae friends of tha SaithT In every In, lance where the; have as - eait.led Uiey have unqL-alinedl; demiaaced Ibe Admmislratloa of President 1'ieree hseause ef its Ahnliitisi afkaili and prneliviiie'. Here, then. t Uiw striking anomaly, that th nnuthora Im nMerary are eppmviag an Administration every- where deassnvd by the raw fnewo af the Maata al tbe North I Aad Bvw laas th the ".'ft " Itomweraey have tatabkd. tbev have onifiwwly aad loudly eilnlled lbs Adminuara - m ,4 Mr. here, license of hie lair dealing with the AbdilioaMie. Ksrk, Nmibera IVeweats, la tha ewadilte M roar aartv al nraaent. and aueslv Msoa po gr rrssaia ia aa or -snuatloa ths Iradrr. af hi. h sre willin Is n It aalms with a.wlW. era At.4Uk.nUts f The Awiwrina nan asks yn to f-.rego a prexmed ay inb -a pn- liueal sul ;--ts. It a.d prfoae aay me- lereeie therewith. It oat; ak you to aid 1 attoe dowa tin eectsifaaiism. aad toaatfe wal. Ibam ia prsMrt.ag Ih righto of all aaetsuae as guarantied bf tbe CunaU'eliua. M'mpki WTttf, A (; tit O.tw Th fJlowing 'h wa ad n si.oraj In a bn I h.y. In year taf ag. ia fa liwa leg .sl.mrs, k, to 4 ap Wm - i "lt maly t to wf f-rt tba I .n "- ui tin I siint a.sis, aad ml ik.s ws, sad lo fd paMrs to tite bast at jour aketiiy N, half you Onj." A sST ' "Nir" animig ns, entertain or aneci ro enieriHin I Bmr'rt'0 r!,r,y depriva ie' of -n'f vested rijihta. Tlie American party nndertakea no such thing. It does nt aim to ; g. It does nt aim to : deprive them of the privilegea that are theirs by I virtue of naturalisation, or to lop off an v right ! i.:..l. t. .t. i .4.M I : which, by the Constitution, they areentitled to enjoy. The same laws'that protect Jhe native, in like manner protect the citneiis by" adoption.' They are his beyond recall ; they cannot betaken irom mm. iney tnrow tneir stiiem over nun; the Constitution awards it, and the Courts decree it. He c:in worship Uod a he pleases ; settle where his inclinations lead him s live nnder his own vine and (Ig tree wherever his lot nitty be cast in this favored land. 1 here is a great ileal ofm'wmeeptw on th.. point in tl Amenenn ,. , . ' . , intt panv is opposeo. not tn ine uinux ot tor- n, but to th outewt and lg- gar of alien lands and jails. It does not wish to . .. . .1 - .- - t .1. , . . r .i . r'ZZ ZXZZZ . . . : ., , .j obstacle, but to the latter the most determined. 0 . . . . - . . . TZ" ! 7 : V" - iium Runiau. mini 11 nm ucdnfiv suiNDni sits mn rf,,. .1... ; .:. 1. . ... "l' T r'," . r u 5"". i LK ? iJ ? IuT V ' . .JI? J " aiBiiiu irtrinavre ui tnw iitikk imn riiu 5!?.!?'i: ' .-. nun iTorw ian win tw DTTt?niiei dt win miuiw f to make g good eitisens. But, to the honest. worthy emigrant, the road is free he is welcome "JOT r w-encm layraana iuui one, suoj J?idL"LT!? "0t,',, " enl,Khtne,1 patriotism may provide. The American party, in view of the abuses of naturalisation, me easy and corrupt modes by , . , . . . . , . . JD. r,f '' "f '"lp " n:J' be obtatnad. and the tlmorahxing effect this fact exercises in our political eontests, seeks to amend exercises in our political eontesti J'' ?!a.i..,ion law, by requiring a. the 7',nil .f Kra,K! Uger residence, and a W7.Mr ""( before he can exercise the rights r.f a cm- sen. It is opposed to offering a premium to tiir- signers to become oltitens. Whereas the native ean vote only alter twenty-one years residence, it does not recognise the iustieenf the law which enables foreigners to vote after a residence of Bve yearn only. Is not this right? But,underthe Kansas-Nebraska Act, as it now elands, even assss-nsiirsss Aci, ns ii now sisnni '!' years' rcsi,l.re is no, required. For, rMMdm.i. wuuua nwsei nansas II .1 M-or 1.1 after a tra.e of ... l,. t. I.. , ,. ' . . . . y , " . " , -' SlmtllV fll a klM amitralum nf lutrmitnm b, hvinie i, . . . : :. ' r . ; a citit.-n, could vote the next Uav airainst the Tr of Tmibiry. ,wer. ,h. ,?ll. "1. , ."T1'""" 0T'"7 ' , T monstrous r And. remember thattbesefnreicnera u , j ''V fi." ",B-0aI' Ww,UjrB lands are Bt heart Ah MionuUI i hey are so by nature and inclination. ' DO ""T! " U0''-?m"l 'Mt U - - """"""'"P l TZ 11 V7 ?m"A' ,Hm. ,h be American party aeeks to L"u"fn: f. h" throw a guard over our treasuries. But. it does not interfere with those who have already become eitiaens. They can enjoy their eights to the fullest exrrnt, Tbev ean vote for whom thev pleas and as lone aa thevnleasa. It doee hot aim -in interfere! in anv nf their VMted rights, theee are guaranteed them bv lawe. it say. to them and all worthy men whncome from abroad, " Here is a favored eountnr that vou can reside-in ; these sr our laws and privileges, and they are in a great measure your. But, wethink that we ought tube permitted to govern our own country, American should rule America. H Uminyton llrraiix - J , f (-tarrfVayoa KtmiMf .V-ere.l j DEMOCRACY AMERICANISM,, Tbe oomplarencv with which some assume to I lac Ueinocracy.soiue who have done no more than to vaunt themselves, is ever a ridiculous feature in tbe pnrty. But theillustration of self-importance is still more striking in the claim to lie regarded aa me very exponents ot Mate liights, genuine deleuilere ol the faith, bv t hone who hsve never ven.i.lin..l ll.. 1.. ,.A ,m 1-1.. M, as.uranoe with which piditieal nortrei-e. or adventurer, arrogate a matter of courre right to ;.,i ,i,.,i. .. ,1,., i-. i direction of party, would be provoking were it not larcical, Every scribbler is " Sir Oracle." r.very lyrna nictatnr. fcrery dropper In ' on tint strong side is a leader. These pretenders never deign to inquire, much less know, what is the stitistsnoe involved, or what the mass of peo ple, and interest ma; determine, or what (hose Who realty ao or can think Tor the conn try may auvise. 1 uem iseanawe niume uiemseivea on the prrilifr of a name, and fancy the pillaged teamen in ne Ilia - insignia of power. If by 1 Vulnerary Is meant the radicalism Inorganic luawea, and which some attempt to form into factions for the purpose of manoj-uvre, these aspirant, are weloniue tn such lea.lsr.hips in it as tliey can oldain. But If liemoeraey represents osrfain principle aad policy in the vsiem ami actum 01 rnr tiovemment. uiea thnee who conform to and xecate them, can claim to belong Pi sueh orgauNl mass, which will chnoas and put forward the true exponent. Borne wiseacres have In. on aoth"Titalively an aounredthstin S.ith Candina " theennteat h I after will b wai-ej between lemrnrary and Nothiiit-iam. Have the neor l said sot K lki any point nf difTrrenre exist to render it Ben. esMrv? I'nle fn the leaviemt, where are the Knnw-Nothlngs to Come from: and eieept fmm American, where are the IVmoerau to come from beside the Peien element? I ia the American party nf this fMatenppnsa a I md in fvt well know n sunnnrter tJ th and meentier of the party f a they npniHni free f 1 1 I "1, IraileT No. A strict construe ion of the r,mstitU' Hon f No. The rights of Hi Prate J,',,, The Hub Treasury sviem? No. faj they approve In ternal ioipri.temenfp by tbe nenerarili.icmmenr? No. A I nited Xtalea Bam f No, Tariff of pro- . .1 V.. M't I" llurlo.4 al th reverse aide. Will the rw.. af rk.uth t'arolin disapprove a reform id" tin aslursliiati m law, : , 1 a pwri,.'!i'.nof !e In wis fnMa dense ai,m. neeinrv. ienlrr ad 1 mohe No. The peevenMnaisf Jesuitical Inierfer- 1 enee with fSese ends and reforms f No. The preservation of at on.litutirmal I eioa, Ifryani ble, tf not, an organiiation enpable of eublisb- Inge Southern eiMtederati. t No. Tbe sl-.i.txr of Ibe inuudslii nf f.4-ri;a panp-v and enmt- a.lsr .n A cheek anna those who deem the' swear allrgisnee to tlie noma and ant tn ll j State, and wlm regud the slave as a rUel laborer 1 and tneoiy f No. . Thee lr are tbe ;rfc Int. of hwa, on hi I the encts-t will king? r a.ms ; and Ih people ks t intelligeal la enuotevnoee aver I ise'i'-ws eirite in tl.sl 1 ef toea be the; eld eerks or young eVm go Tbe Aaseneaa party l f-lh re.,I!ea Is the swey smm f ear tosi R 1I.1 linsmsv J tt (Ap M,I IL, Unit, "'. tw hvUn.ts. I A Patav wirrta Me. A geailemsa ly I Ul aeaae af Man, rending aaar a private Bv 4 I aeawai, a ana 4 Me puny niw, wbe hnka fmm km k ana. The man is Mtddsa I tnro4. aed rweliei un-a a ls, eink. tHsu - 1 d. - v an ar vat, sirf" 1 b riU,o,.a w I raihr larwd, bet lionkieg to d ri I,., atwaa- - I in h a pea, he tof ld 'lies 4im,Ut maa I mm a maa by aatwe aod e a so by aator." - Are ! sa T ri e4 tsb 1 "why lam 1 a ssu aretta) y.it a est tww will Ight awe 1 1 wa," , AUGUST 8, 1855. REV K. J. BKlX'KtNRIlMJE. -Thia gentleman has tddrrs d a bg and able letter to Senator Sumner, of MMwachnsetta, in letter to oenator reply to a disooo in New York, on known that Mr. sooorse delivered br that gentleman on Ihaaui'ieetotHsTerT. It well known that Mr. Simner is an t Itra- Abolitionist a ntnaiie in fans who would nullifr the Con- atitation of the country to carry out his favorite . ..r - : .:. . .l. i a ... pniject of emancipating tbe slaves of (he Southern ( r-tates. uni .vi r. Itrcckrnrulge point out to htm the impracticatillitv and danger of auehan un dertaking. We wish that we could make room for tlie whole uf Mr. Brerkenriilge'e letter, fur it is so aide and conclusive in its foot and reason ing, tluit it must convince tlie most inveterate AliolitionUt of tlie folly and sitifullneaa of his labors against slavery as it exists. He thus rcliukea Mr. Sumner for the course which he is pursuing: . ...... ...... "And yet, Sir, you, an Amerienn Senator, sneak iug in the name of that great common wealth in whose bosom stands Bunker Hill and sitting in the seat of that great statesman and patriot who saw bo hope for public liberty, higher than tbat which rest upon the Union of these States; you, an American Senator, who have studied the past and who fear Uod, allow yourself to bring the whole force ef your character, your position, and your great gifts, to bear directly upon the point at which alone it i. possible to a reck the oountry, and to destroy us all together 1 The very madness of the times assumes in you, its most-frantic aspect ; and yon openly avow, that slavery in America, is a wrona- sa e-riavoua and unquestionable that it should not be allowed to continue nay, that it should oeasa to exist at once nay, that A wrong su transcendent, ao loathsome, so direful, must be encountered wher ever it can be reached, and tlie battle must be continued without truce or compromise, until the field is entirely won. Such are your words, pro- loumiiy eloquent unspeakable frantic 1" It must be obvious te even one. that there exists a party at the North who are resolved to puao tins slavery question to this extremity of a dissolution of the Union, and that Senator Sum ner is to li the leader in the desperate cause. "u, uo,wiMiMnuiiig uis iBienis, aeai ana des peration, we rely on the Sober aensa and sound patriotism of the masses of Northern citisens to arrest the prueresa of the fanatical, and. as Mr. i recsennuge 00 rreciijcautnem,"trantlo party, before they shall have proceeded so far as to be .. .. . uname to retreat. 1 hey may rely on It, that the Southern States will defend their riirbts to the last extremity ! and they need not, therefore, expect to frighten Southern men into eomiilianre wiin ineir wisnea, or into acquiescence in their injustice, j ne south possesses means or retal iation which will be resorted to when necessary c.m .I..:. . . .: l... -ii l . i r mi.,, p-ruirauuii, 001 win nor, we nope, mu tate their adversaries in violence, or in disrcgar- u. k mi. vuiipuiuMuii unuerwnicn nicy live. 1 he tn ion must be Dreserved. Were it dastmv- ed, the North and the South would soon be engagedin hostilities, or the North would have to act more justly towards the South than Mr. Sumner recommends, or the fiery Alioliuiinist. would have practiced. Whoever undertake, to destroy the L'ntoo is a traitor of the blackest stamp, and deserve the most ignominum. death. We oould see tuch men perish without .beddidg tear ofoninpasaioa for their fata. The following la tha conclusion of Mr. Brack enridge'. letter, and we heartily ami cur in every sentiment which it utter. 1 "After alt, 1 cannot persuade myself that God ill allow as to degrade ourselves so utterly aa w ureas: ap tin. gloriou. confederacy on such a question as this. 1 do not allow myself 10 believe that tbe maaa of the Amorioaa people are an tterly destitute ef the niblime instinct of their oountry a mission among tlie nations. Civil war is not a reuieuy 1 11 is tlie meet direful or ail disease. National strength, ia a dsy like ours. and to freemen, i. not so nueh m glory as it ia a necessity tha grand necsesity oi their liberty and independenee. As to slavery, it isenuestma cabut which men may differ, according to the nenessity ot tneir oonditme and the point of view from which they consider it. But the cordial aad indisaiiuiile Luton of these States la a matter euneerniog wkwfc ae Aasertoaa wa has atrwe heart in hi bosom oaa possibly have but oiuuiuii ne pairpvas. if Ihera b one nulitieal duty common to as all, aad transoendently clear and binding. H ss that we should visit with im mediate and condign punishment every party aad every public maa wbe ia But luyal to tbe Cama ana me l onsututmn, . Yuur lelloBitiisa and obeilient eervent, H. J. BaecBaaiimia, BsoiasLauai, Ky, June 11, Inii. There ia one point of view from which South erners especially should look at the platfinta of principles ol Ut Amerteaa party, it tb dis tinct and emphatie recognition it eoataina of lit right of tlie South aa guaranteed by the Coasts tuiiua, but which of late years, for political pur pose, or bar the aeenmprwbment of party cade, have beea lost .la-hl ef aad disrewarded. Te tbe honor of tbe Aawrioaa party be it said, they have laid dowa a platform a National and en - era la Its terms, that the iaetioniau and Ahull- tsoaiste at the North eanaot or will eirt-ttutd upon It. 1 he party baa purgad itseir of th discordant elements whiuh have formed integral part ions af all political organ isai was hereudore 1 and Bow stand, before Uie country, and the Mouth ia par ticular, oa a basis thai s,sry friend of the Coa- etitotio snnuld endeatror to uphold. Heretofore, poliuaal partie in sppoMtsliing tn delicate quee. tioa of lary, have either avoided a direct issue with tlie question of shivery. ia-n.Kredil.alln- gether.er have framed d.aibtfiij raoluikexenpa- 01 aay oonsirunis-o mat diflerent tonalities aad op p. -nog minds might ehouae to plarVunoa them. They here to catered an the sens with words aad dubious asprassnat, aa to affetl 1 buita.U af thought, aad aetioa te all section aad have thee eulhaed, aa it ware, ih rseeoaahle expeetoliueat af la Nat Ik, and added to tbe em- barrseiimente aad danger that earn at nd lbs uh- tset. Mere, however, i a panv. aad lb aalv oaa, that aa had Ih boldnaas to evutte cast op,. l ead squarely aa line quel j and to stand ap te lb rights of th ft mill, a asenesd by Ibe CvastilalHaa, in so ;.wti msnoer aa to leave Bathing to doubtful enostnsctu. It has swept the Abolitionism tn'aa lb platform, ll ksssv.x.1 eduVe eV.ol.le dealing and trwackry w hich baa nereiutorw temasw. this suldet: and while plaau iulf apoa tba CnasllltHnav it Means 11. ngkle of all lb Stales under tbat aaerrd toslra meal, wbieh ia all that H,att)wra extremists ever demanded It ie Ibeparty nf U.m Aanvriraa U km that ha acted tho.b-.Wly aad faitofully.and it ie tlie only part; sIahb llieee Iroaldoa limes, affia-d hop and seeomv to tbe rkmU. I eeeomy to tbe Mouth. Sou there, at a I Uiw m Bear part I ftoppnrt it, aad aU will eewtll. WU.Umrmid. Ttsrtt ne Fataro-M. Oa'.ttardet, In hit last siller Irosa ran, reports Hi bdlowing " A btelr sen.aniMi Ka Im.. mm.iI In ll, Leri.lsiiv" b.fv snd il f..liti-al salooa. by aa Snerdote ul which. tns,i,r. I An n I ... tlx isntr. Ii hi said, thai li. Mimrter of War latsly eoaumuaieated to lr.!.J d t asirllsaa I'nmmandraeiit of th M lii.ry n,isi.i the hhin, a tolrgrsphi, dc.r.,lrh, inf.Kst him af toe deaasj ef liener.l Mevran, his panic. ,1ir rieod; but tbe l!egmti worked Islt, sad tl.s Hlawir.g wotd. wsr all Ikal could h d- rners-i, 1 am rained to anaoune to vno l,. ties Fmpsror . is AntA" Th Marshal. an sVatUieg tbt lb Fmr.ec? wa 't 1. ro.lied bos, ami pannml prm-laavsti aa to b .l l.evs, in ala.i-k kaaid: " ei , .ns. an e. ry aWnt e nafwra at Ma-. I ,m f - lis seel k.s preelsmsleas to Ibe prinler. and theo visited Ihe Prefeei- bat lar aa diil, aad awaaoiiately ksmed to lbs p'-ni-r to s-t-' passe his pc ;,,et a. The rbr. i.'.r al f, tbat aa toarno g of tout affair lbs family of J. rwsvsrs furwitt bat the l.ieieei, o-ntsnted I kHn.U with twist tf to BSna.lst.s, ss,mg . At toea.' J atmt, IH eras ent tl' ieii.,. " NUMRER 29 Tm UtavtsT is Et- aorx.-The PhiLioVlitliuL ullctia savs that tbe harvoting season in Gi-r- anv auu fiwitxertand annears to have keen Ilk that In our own country, somewhat variable, with occasional rains, but on the whole remarkably well adapted to fully mature the grains. Ths f rencn journals speai unanimously of excellent crops of every description, except tlie better sort f vintage. J(ye In the more Nuithern French rovinces has turned out remarkably well. Tbe reneh and German pn tiers represent the hav crop as being fully up to an average. Horace rceley, writing from fans on the olh instant. 1 a letter to the New York Tribune, gives the flowing as lis vicwa oa European crops 1 " As hear vague retwris of indifferent harvest pros pects iu this or that quarter, let nie aay that, having travelled pretty extensively of late, t feel satisfied that tha wheat crops of Europe for 185.1 ill be a full average, while that of hay (already r the most part secured) will exceed the nual yield. 1 think I never saw potatoes more thrifty and vigorous than those of France and Switter- nnd now appear wherever thev are not stifled bv the intone practice of close planting, which u too couim.in. Nearly every variety of veuetables also looking well. The weather ia variable. but generally dry . and cool and I know not hat could be better Tor tbe maturing grain, ye (now nearly ripe) look well in Swittrrland. but not so well In France ; oata are late hut generally of a good eolor ; India core ia often yellow and slender ; but neither thia aor rye is extensively grown in theseotions Ihase traversed. The great staples are grass, wheat and potatoes, and all these in the main promise well. I am assured that the prospect is equally good through out Germany," . , Stl.TMntvn ntVlBaiwtA. Two vears since. few individuals commenced borinr. salt wells at Pomeniy ia Meigs county, Ohio, and their effort were crowned with .uocess in olita ning a greater snpply from one welt alone than had ever been known. Encouraged by thi. result, thev sul- ecribed twenty-five thousand dollars for the erection of a furnace, one hundred and fifty feet In length, upon the improved plan of evaporating by .team, and In four of five months afterwards it was in successful operation. Ever since it produce has been front seven te eight hundred iiushei. of salt daily, and, allhouuli their first attempt and only experience in aalt operations, the; declared a dividend for the first year of sixty per cent, and thia present year thev will divide seventy per eent Since the rectum nf this luraaoa there nave beea ere otliera built, all of which have been successful. The aalt ia pur chased on contract by tlio KanawhaSnlt Comnanv. and their agents pay for it tha fifteenth of each month, so that the manufacturer, hare a read; and cash eale Bt home for all they make. without resorting 10 remote markets, lhs process 1 maKtng aalt by uie present plan of stoma eva poration, ia very simple and economical, and is going forward night and day. It Heeling Mclligtnctr. f Hoiti Panax Bi'iixd Ai.iva oi rna Mis- stssiet-t. A special correspondent of the New Orleans Ploaynna, at Bolivia, Mississippi, writing i"w uat 01 iv tout, aay. 1 . - v I 1 .L-. -L - I ... I , , ... ' s trsrs mat tnnre is oonsnierauic aicxness on the river now, tha boats often stopping in bury their dead. I waa informed by a physician that sevea were put off an Tuesday last at Napoleon. Our country continues healthy. I heard a good story the other day. It Is tough, but my informant vouches for the truth of it. On the .teenier , an her met trip, there were many eases of cholera. many died and were buried. At lenirth all the eofhn plank, were ased up, and the carpenter was cnnipenon 10 maae nie uoxee out or old tint boat plank. At sundown, another ease died a deck passenger, lie was thrust into tlie box, and tha top loosely nailed on , :. , . . 1 J he eaptain ran into a wood-yard, and not lik ing to Ston to bul-V the boil v. bargained wllh ll. owner of th yard, an acquaintance, to du it for aim. 1 be box waa left under tha bank alone till morning, when the wod merchant promised to hide it, ia the aanrning he eent two of fats aw grnee down to dig a hole ; when they came back. their evea dilated with horror, and their wool ataading on end, awearinc that the dead fellow waa thumping and knotkiug to get out. Hie master went down Bad a atrannatuht presented itself. The corps had revived, and Boding itself a rather etoe quarter, exerted itself aad burst the rather slight fastenings, thut releasing itself. The maa Was soon well and Ie war chopping mod al the place. Tlie boat ha landed there since, tail although tba resurrected will asst to tlie landing and talk with tbe officer., no peraua- iiiinHTnn sin 10 go on ooeru. lie ia earful of being served another trick. Onon Aovh-1 Tlie Hon. Edward Fvereff rs eentlv delivered an address to the piii.il, of tbe Public schools of Boston, which closed with this language. - let your nreaent superior trvod fortune, mv young friemis, bate no other effia-t than to Inspire you with cun.idcratenese and kind feelings to ward. ;our euhoolmalea. l not tlie dark pes- ions, aim na, inB ana party feelings which learn men to hate and villify, and seek to Injure outer, auu aniranoa into your young and innocent bosoms. It tlnwe early bunors load you to a mora strict obasrvanea of tba elstsata oommaadmeat towanl llwaa whom you bat. dishonored ia those school. lay rivalriew or who, irom any causa, have bare prevented from tharin with yiai Ui. enjoymenu ol this day: and aa all of jow may not expect 10 Bnow what Ibe eleventh ""'"nnwot st, win aaoj a poor Set h by ailing you a good etory. ine ceien rated Arrhbislinn rnshey oaa in younger dsy. wracked ae Ihe roast of Ireland, el a place where hie person and ehsraoier are like unknown. Stripped of vry thing, be wan derd to the lions r a dignitary of ll, rhun-h, in search of shelter and relief, craving assistance aa a bmthe rlergymaa. Tlie dignitary struck with hi equahd eppaarnaee after the wreck, dis trusted bi tola, aad doubted his rharactrr, and a i I the! se far ft an I e i.g a cleri:jinir,',r d d n.d wia-v n enuHj even lell how umy eonimsod toeots Ibere were. "I ran at one ssti.fy 3 ou," aatd Hi ArcbbtalKip, "that I ate a. a tbe ignorant hnpoator, ;hi take me bar. 1 tiers ar lvn eommaadmeol." This answer confirmed th dignitary In his suspicions, snd hs replied with a so, ' Indeed thr are but ten e-iininsmlieent In my Bible, t,n ms ths eleventh and I wilt re bet you," "here it ia." said the Archbishop, "A bow eummamlmeat give 1 auto you, that ye love eaeaaoUier." vs.Europe, R,d enntent with emptying upon ns b"r rst red psot ert and lawless Wis uol. eierv now and ilien, seeks out a faded fruials, dignified with ll-e epir!tii,o of "trfuir," and sends ber over to rather our surplus eh.nj by lhs wh.,la sl. The but adventure of Ikie sort is Mil llacbel, Mie has enured late Mtraet to gue twa heedrwd r. first sntaimn la Ih BMth gtoalng Istnf sUntemlMwl, which the istore- " '-' '"O fi , (l.'to'sM.) and bar ker I eapse, estimated at I .'. n.id. 1 hs eon- I "''ir, w s.p-. etjris to mak a I B" who-) w ll us toe gnwi an raurh to anMn'ol up " '"oaw Ibe sussiss whieh ettwnded iU enwrv-rue opna or g.ilui.iiitv. 1. " " tnl-Lb-ned slue sd.itr. U bsv raw.B to ll.nt Im tins Sim, .ill will tod b a toek y a Its pre trwrs. Thsot, ly eircniastane rieulMO-l to f-ii a d'.nt.t, is tbat Mi,, It. ts rail.er t. fsrs.l.snrr.1 in I, is tn rrnat t (vn.ra, I'm ber intrts 4! I ,o..i...... dnr-i, I dear ibn.gs r aiwsis UaImjusL. Bed Uehmn M in lie ibit, . MARRIED. i. en il,. f j I th) ( ,1, q , Mr . Iv c. n i 1 ii-.-i, t. h V . I'. tt sr to l Vt sks c nnt v. AaoMTinviv or Foeiiovrr- Ilnrine li. Cogr, and while t), i-i,rka Kens-. ;;i l.'H : t- n;icd i ne nt, ;v ah- M'. fa in was uouer divu., ,n in the Senate .;r. t ! move,! to amend the bill sa that the ri.M f aj- aa nf h l.lmg ,,rt . e m th.e icmt "hiailil be ei. nncd u I 1 .;; !- , ,.f 1 S ate. Thin wa- s m -.i r- ;iv. i, t; a.10-1 -i for certainly it w.aiid m m t. !.- 1,1 ..,,,; surd thai foreigner, iNxurm. ;, i.i-..k;:.. ewiae rvqfai.intu-u.-uv 1; 1., ,ni .., rota a Mi xo tt.i.ronv a at jii.i v., im i-, TntsmiTvav, should beailowed inn, ike t v t! ir Vti- the laws ami iiihtitotiol-. of . cr terra. .r.es and till the office therein. The i'i .u.io amend. meut passed the Senate by avaeof twenty -three to twenty-ooe, all the Krw-iil-rs of tlmi h sucn as 1 nase and " aoe ot Ohio. u,, u ... pmsin, Feasenden and Hamlin of Msine. '.iteaf Vermont, and Seward of New York, voting ui rt, negative, and sier a si.i.itahi Stiri a i. tii wboi x Sni'TH Tirrixa with thi v. One 1 f the reasons why the Freeaoilcra of the Senate all vo ted against lhs amendment, and all the Smith, rn Senators for it, was tliattliegiantiiit; of the eia tiv franchise and ihe privilege of holding i i?n e in Nebraska and Kansas to nnmtttitahxnl t r eignrre would enable ac!n of men almost uni tersally Abolitionists, to have a vote in deciding whether slavery .tumid or should not go into our territories, - Why ia it, tlien, that we now hear Southern men 1 extolling the patriotiem and tninn loving spirit of the bireign born. If they are so patriot ic why did Southern llemocralio Senators, who profess to love them now so much, vote for Clay, ton's amendment f Their efforts now to make party capital off the foreigner, after that vote, look very had indeed! 11. "realm an j deliberate vote. In Coogness, belie tneir declarations on theetump.' , -A'ttrUk lirm. . Tn WsntoTo!t TtaaiToKT BovitDAir Ita- rtT. The Waeiiington Star learns that the President will urge on Congress to provide, im totel ately after tlmy come together, the means of making the survey, on our part, necessary to stablaih beyond future cavil, tha boundary be tween our territory of V aahington and that of Vancouver's laland.and therestof thepossessiona of the. British Hudson's Bay Company, lying contiguous to tba territory in question, "The House, last session, passed a bill to that end, which wns defeated in the Senate. Ileecntly, the ditTictilties gmwing out of m'cmnderittnndin between the people and authorities of tlie two Governments, in that quarter, with reference to tbe precise locality of that boundary, have in creased so as to be most harraseiug and perplex ing to both thus proving the preming necessity for the survey tlie Senate refused to order tu be Bade. 8trxt SociKTits. Some men affect a holy horror of aoeret associations, and yet they sup port tha most secret of all orders that of the Airej c nim ill ill uouioiimiion ut Americans to support their oountry whilst tliey view ae perfectly barnileas.a society which pene tratee into the fumily circle, and worms out tha private doing and saying, of its nienilre. Such men can " strain at a gnat," knd vet ' "awallow a camel" without difficulty. Tha seeret of their acutenese in the one case, and obtueenes. in the other, may be, perhaps, that the Jesuit order, being the richest in the world, ie liberal to those who will .lose their eves oa its proceedings, and lend themselves to its de sign.. Some person have tlie faculty of be coming perfectly blind to all other ulyecte a be goiu ie ueture tucir eyea. FsTta m tri I'ropt . tori 1st. Jo-boa B. Giddiugsof Ohio, tbe Uigh Priest of Abolitionism in that State i. down Uaiu (h. Ainericau party, because a change in the natiirulitatmn l is would ruin Sautbn. Ho say. there are .0,t n-0 abolition foreign vote, in I thiol ftittt d. lu 11 ikiauisiti it is th. same wav. The majority of tbe population of that voting Slate ie Ibreign bora, and they have elected a Freeauilcr tu the Senate, and passed resolution. denunciatory to the knnw-Nuthinjrii. itc 3d. The .Nebraska and Kama. Bill ad- mite wnnaturaliaed foreigner, to vote, ia those territories, with a view to make them tree soil. As 111 Ohio, W tsomisinand other North U esu-rn States, ao it Is everywhere. The fori i -nera t-l out to the tsmimon terrihiriee and v.ne every lime against the Smith. 1. them not then a ne censity for a National American l'uriy to cheek tbese abuses 1 trenrvio ri'izcn. AxoTHxa Casi or Anim'Tins v Catiioi in. Laura Connelly, a voun girl l.ut fourteen .o.nf....- l;i;..oi. vi. 1 11 ..r.t ... ...... was forcilily earned away from Ins boose jo-fi r day morning, aleiul surite, and, in spite ol her cries and entreaties, ber aliJin tors ,11. c.Il.1 in getting heraway. It issupHiel that sh.-isat pres. .n, enswii in m-ine i-an 01 low mv. Ilieg.flliVS been living with Mr.Uiinell for more than a year, and was a great favorite on account of her strong altachineiii to Ihe family. II. 'r toother and lu-r ti-;i-l.aher are supiHs-ed to he impiuated in tins heartless affair, and the ratrne of sin k eilra-.r li nery eonduot on their part is attributed to the girl having nianili'sioil a diseuiiion lo attend a Protestant Sabbath school. WMathswfAii),ra(if. Clfirirto. The city nl t hi. ajo is a pi n e n. t.-l for (u exhitiitiim of tenx-iou A holitinni.in. h is notorious that a fugitive slsve i-ann.d be reviver. ed wlw once gets to t hh api. And here is !in eiplanatn ti. Jobu Lewi I'l l I. .n, in his si tical view of Chicago, gnes a slatein-iit of tie population nf thai citv on the lull -lo!v. 1- I. Ai-enrding to liini, there vi 1, nn ii .t ii v inhtibitajiis ; nf wlii.ni '...'r7 n. rs An born, and 3j,fir'Jivere I'tr.'im-rs. 1 Tlie Monteraly Herald (Itomocrain ) f- " Its following .lory about Ihe rtiacuainm at I 1: ,0 Alabama t Ant'siMj. AHer Jinl.-e t-li.rfri.l;- h.v! ' .... 1 huis,'hatlilton,and inshin lot. I ..mtr.. - 1, moot of lb asseinhly er siir;.fi.ed to . a nuuiUvr of men they bad all si eg com. I sure for V) inston, di-..i'j.:nij mil n. goiog.i; enrne through lb doom, s. r,. pi-Kii j-i ni ut a am. low that wbi conveiioi.i, in.1,1 m nia'.v l f', a frieti'l of ours was 111. hu r l, a, on aa I a s;ienk!l.g closed, to a-k what il meant, lie s .t h i I to his surpn-s, tin t thry tre c 4 . .: i. us A ante ,j..ij., F fv lanTlvraor Gtv. Cam It i. ma., on 1. trial a New Vm k ui.li.l rr ill ni !.-h I r e,,H scriptma "Th l.de and 1 lines nf Hen' al I " It Will be issued in on. larvS Vi.lnnis ,1 I naes, uniform iasi-leend ai.,io,er wi.tt ' i . u b.M s Thirty Vears lu the Sena.e, ' snd v. lit printed and-nr the snpei iiitei!.liir of (,,1,-r.l f s-l bim.elf. "Vv'Lo Is F 77. -W f A s, ,.. 1 : ; ,1 ,, 1 V ,1, , "1 0 a it'isefa-l '-' ;. ty, mnd 1 nr...., Jvwmfeanal ... W.'ii f.Vre . ( . tos 11 a. Jl,,y ,t. H . - . a 'Mrf itt, KSO W . ,N o T II I N G S . r-TV.ir lie i Si ear HeiM la t anil., t ts. '. ia. e - Frdom ftom Yqt E?.!t !! ! Tvkk t.H M If smm its a. ,- te. -f.,,i,-i tM. tMIkl4el tilth lt t.4-tff re ft I ml Uffitat ' tia, i Its ia,.iaw tSBIr)l a)r t4 H I - ) tsf-g fi.tfu), U-m It) vem, t ll t "ell , l.-tirl v M e ,, , . ... sf a foretigM iM.-nt ie.tf f ikh m Ml it&. r,, imI Jon Uai Ut . mi ttt -ii gTr u e.-lt I ni. t (k Mt.eaw s tt-tot fmHm, k . tgelto f lWleJtt.ie p,fRs.Mtola, til bex w area U.t It to , th. fct, f,rt , I'- , tie f -ilili'ital ' ., e.l .- t f ' . a ' e -e.a,.i -i ,, a.- "i ..! 1 ; Ki.Mlll. .1 ! Vm M .1- mi'i , v4 t.f..n4. . SilH, la A FM-.l . 1 ... , H. I II. I I As,. I ts A.