'UfirtJ-Carolina liar. . muiatmuT r WILLIAM a DOTJl, imto ma rnrmirro. .. tllHIt If fM strictly ia advaaee. In dollar pa am; tw MUn u4 fifty ee, if paid withia aia meeths u4 Mr Uar at th ad rf tM year, v.,. ADnBTISBXSfta act tteeedltlg til Bet wilt be iassrted Mat for dollar, aad tweatydlvt teat for -sock ttstteaeot Intertioa. Theee f greater toagth will b thsvyed pro port ttoaailr. eMOrdeTeandJmliotoladVeTtieeeaee"- will beeharged ii per Mat. higher l.a tit tbev Mat, - A reatoaable dedaetloa will b made to thee wh advsrtia by th yr. ( Book and lob Prlntleg done with, neatae te aaspatck, sad a aceomnedtttng term-. ., tag- Letters to the Editor mutt bt post-paid. GENERAL DIRECTORY. ' CITY GOVERNMENT, ' Wm. Dallas Haywood, Intendattt rd Police, .Ulster Ward. Eldridg Smith, . A. AdiuiJu. . , ...V..V. MidJte Wm.- B. U Hardina " Isaiio Procter, j ' " E. Cantwell, Weelerm Ward. A. M. German, 1L D. Turner. ii ii i 1 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 83. 1555. Star. c. J. J. Christophers, City Clerk, A. M. Gorman, City tree. Ciy Cuanl. Jame M. Crawley, Jackson uverry. City CoMttaUet. FUlward Harris.! - Henry Pennington. w A. Adams, Weiirhmasten. E. Harris, Clerk of the Mai act COURTS. Th Supreme Court of North Carolina I jM tn this city semi-annually, on the second .adty in June, and th 30th day of December fudge. lion. Frederick Nash, Chin Justice, ft. .11. rearson, Associate uugo, W. II. Battl. Edmund B. Freeman, Clerk; Ham. C. Jones, Itlenorter. J. i. Eitohford, Sr.. Marshall. The United titaUe "Circuit I'nuH for tha Dia trict of North Carolina hi held eemi-annually in thia eity, m tha 4 at Muaday ia June and the laat Monday in November. . i MyM.'-Wnn. i. M. Wayoa, of S!urjla; Hon. Heory Potter, of t arettcviue; 'liatnet AUunift Mobert V. Dick: Clerk, Wa. It. Haywood, Sr., Marahall, Waaler Joaea. The Superior Court for tbia County, ia held on 4m Brat Monday altar toe luutui Muoiy w Ttltrsk and Sontemher. John C. Moore, Clerk. Joe. II. ttaehelvr, Atthrney General and Solir- itor of tin fourth Juiliuial Uiairiot. The Court of J'a and Qnrtr St'umi it held on the tlnrd Monday in r ebni4ry, M. -Auut and Novcmlier. Jell. Ltlcv, Clerk. Ttmraday MorBlnkr, AaiRaal 16, a Wl. , . Tha Way it waa Dona, Parhnpa bo eanvaaa in the country waa mora affected by mean cbargee and 1 liea than the lata one ia thia Congreaaional Piitrict. It waa anid of tha Amerioan candidate, that be went about in a carriage and horaea with a driver, waa oppoatd to pooplo'a rnttng who eould ant nail I ana write, waa an ariemeai, tnai ne waa againai J allowing any amnio drink whiskey or rum and wosra Tote n eteetea m vongrej in ia away the poor man's privilege. It ia almoat impossible to eoneeive how any man cobM bs influenced by uch tiargej aa that first stated, or how any one eould believe U(e 1'ks we hare alluded to. We ftira tbe a bore as a tpeeimen of the means resorted to is order to defeat Mr. Shepard. The . lies againat' him were as nomeroMs as legion and prooeed from dens as corrupt and IHfiT a fte lice anl Fmjrt f Estp. Wa hra that Mr, Branch is rery much tickleS with the idea of having defeated Mr. Shepard, though he (Branch) has not quite 2,6A0, after having itarttd with a majority of about J.000, aa the role shows in the election of Scott and Pierce. No' Mis Branch (who is quite a respectable man) may well be tickled at hia election, for rnH-ed f waa honor enough for him to ma againat such a man as Shepard whether successfully or not.- Muoh of the respectable portion of the foreign population of the District voted fir Shepard. Indeed tbe intelligence, wealth and character 'of the I'irtirict, (coutpriimig auch men aa George K. U.ilger, Willie 1'. Mnngum. William A. Graham, men who have occupied the second oSce in the world and have been .Senators and Cabinet minis tersandolheniJroMor Mr. Skqmrd. Why, such iiimiea as ibeas and others that Dould be mention eil, are worth a million oftlmeewho voted at Haw tree in Warren, or the "Old HtUh" of Naih, or vvJ tain preeinot in Wake), on the day of election, ii that told the pciple that Mr. Shepard was hsugh- ....... i Vka,raml a VanHn Court. Uliom Uoy u tv .j -.,.,:. I ,n -mi the Hon. Oanrire V. XMriior-K. P. MarrihM -- 1,d, WBt ,loB,,,n fsttboIicT Record the fact tVutiffn1'kt Owalr-W illiam II. ritgh.' hihI mark it and reimenrber it, that James 11. Conmtr Willis Scoti. Sliepnrd was defeated by cross and wilful lying. lieiutcr. it. uuuon. BANKS. tiaitk if the State o AVnl Carolina, inoorpo rated Ml. Charier expires in 1fH. Capital $l,ilN,UlN), divided inlu 13,'HM) shares of which tb Library Board bulds i,0z7 ami the Univer sity 1000. l'riiicil Bank at Raleigh. Ueorge W. M irdecai, Prwideni, Charles Itewev, Csyhier. J. II. Bryttn, Jr., Toller and Notary Publie. W. kv Anderson, Discount -Clark tM Aiotnry Tkbtic Jordan Womlde, Jr., OWk. This Bank has branches at Xewlicrn, Tarlmrn Jeyeltcville, Wilmington, Klitwlieth City, Char 'Mini, ilik.in, Morgsiitiia and W indsor. MMtCITirttS. Onittm part of tlie Stnte t D. W. Courts Pub lic Trmwaet, es-vmens , U O it. Branch and W. 4. Mi. (n the part of the Stockholders : Wni. Woj lan, Was. Peace, J. II. Bryan, J. 11. U.Boulhac, Al fred Jones and B. P. Moore. JictoiDg and Renewal day Tuesday. I'liaeeuir. 4-MadneadaT. llomealie Bills and Bills ut'sjLuhanga discount ed every day. Business hours from 10 till 2 o'clock. Jl.iUiijk J)rw k mf Ike llahk of tin Cap Fear William II. J on en, taakier. K. V. Kioch, TolW and Xotary ublis. ltiaarroaa. tieo, W. Haywood, T. II. Selby, Seth Jonea, liw.rge Utile, Dr. Thoa. t , Hogo, mnd C. V. Jl. lluichmcs. Uffarit iwj Monday, Discount 4ay T-oasday RAIL, ItiUDS. Itukiyk mad (itukm Httilrvi CW;xy. - ITeaolent, '. W. Vaaa, Treasurer, J. M. P.L AsanUnlTi C. B. Allen, Depot Agent. Moil train leaves 10 minuses Aor 7 rrirseet i P. M. A.N JCtrlk CerWraa Jbuls4 Ctmponf. J. M. Morehead, President. ' J. P. Meadeahall, Treasurer. t. T. West, Depot Ageat. Mail train arrtvee o'ekwk, A. both fro aaeAaetaad eMet and Wih 4enwtt&t A. M. post orricit. William WLiu. He., poet Maer. Uttcebwura, aa week aays Irvaa Bua-riaa tc FjooL We have piled'flp proof, by way of extracts from Abolition journals, to show that tbe entire abolition press ia opposed to the American party on the express grounds that it was fnrora- le to Southern Institution. Every few days bring new instances of their opposition to the merican party, on these grounds. We present beliMraa extract from an artir.le In the New ork Tribuwa, the leading and meat inflncntiiiH abelMoa Jotimel in the North, which shows conclusively that th"se-csn be no harmony be twecn the American party and theaboiilwn move ment: In other words, the Know Nothing movement is the beat dnfence which the Black Power can desire, flr1t rH surest the (rowth of the North, and make r reedom aa weak a Slavery, ( an a slave driver desire any better reason si record- lag the new party wu appMbatwa I It turns back tlie Industrious thoasanus 'with instincts against Slavery,' who would otherwise come hi increase 4Ua population of the tree States and render the ennrfwst between their pmeperitr and freedom and the decay of tlie Slave States still more glaring. ' tsT-Our Ms'lsrs K reouhW that The Adams Express Company advertised, a short time since, that their line would be discontinued tj this city, a consequence of their inability to make a satis factory arrangemesy. with tks-aUleigh ad Gaston lUilros.l Company. V regret Wry -much that the parties could not agree, as this community will H wery sensibly the inconveniences arising from adiseontinaosceof the Express. l'ndrtle prompt end efficient agency of 3. V. Ezcll, Esq- thtir polite and aeeammodating agent in this sily, theTtpraas had become necessity of the com m unity, far which it wsU be drSeult to aeoare a proner snbstitnU. W e trust that tbe parties J eeacernea wiu y at oe anie to saake some arraage- by which weahaU again enjoy itsad vantages TRAVELLER'S GUIDE. sarrt see aarseivoax o asiLS at iiuki j'y, i ly at f, sJi Uasee- ........ at ft p. KOUTIIER.X MAIIBr Rsiiaoaa.) TbTwaib MaJ auVsase daily . . - at l a. Wsy Mail - " at f p. Jtrrivee doily ........ 4( p. TbeCars lease the depot ( a. H TllKRJf MAIL (Br Ts-e-aoena Hare, sTInsee daily .ernvaa the stasl WESTERN MATL (B Raiumsa.) CWa siailr . . as f p. m-m auy. ...........at a n 1 he Tnue toaree .at I a. tSOUiKBOIliTMAIU-UW JUjumaav) rbaMsoaily, (eieeptrWaday.) . at f . Arrives daily (esrwpt Fiaauay,) at ( a. i 1 neSare Isevse daily ...... at I a.1 TARBORtr M AIL-(Br Two-twasi Hsra.) SVsaaan Hiiadsy, TaMLaad TVnr., at t p. Arrives Tswsdar, Thara. as4 'au, at 7 p. aa taa tsavasna M. Sri ul rtiH at f rjTTSBORO' MAIL-HB Tain a. an Kara Odessa Taa4ay and Raturday, at p. sssH..y aaa I nrs.iae, at 7 a. IsksaveeeejISut. aaslW ea.aaH 7 a. Psvtat WsasrtVs tiae isv. TVs wast t 4 eUessss a) Mi. sastw , nWary at Mr,tet4 7 -i imssx ra utnaaaas are a(Mai, aesrr asl aa4 VshM ajssasaaa asime i a-e lasulr4 ilMs. arraVtaKi s4 a4 as ks i tsa awsWtsad arae , ass a fal saae mf mtf as4 posts. wide bane. is the - ardt Mi """"I history a4 SMoeraway, at,u-s, aVsnlsry M asuWaMphy ia. 4..t.MlMi aa4 e i ! l ernealtare aaH trmm, and wlHlsasiiua, 1 fcs are alt lathe Mssnsna ears; sansa aM aVe saw sesea. There are raatve sMiss ksw aa4 assgisssl ssl k ks v sassasi II iui s awausse wswa Ha kti laarsah-d earners aoiieci.rg. liasary. ;y ysartia ErTKCTS OF FREE LABOR IX THE SOTl II j Tha practicability of extensive coltivating ' Sontlirrn eoil by free labor has been demonstra ted by repeated experiment. Several of them, narrated in a speech once delivered in Congress by Mr. Holmes, of South Carolina, Will near repetition, and ought to be kept before the people. One of these occurred in oar own eoentry, ia South Carolina, in Florida, A distinguished Methodist clergyman, tlie Kev. Mr. Capers, tried an experiment under circumstances peculiarly favorable to its success. Before giving frmdowi to his slaves, he endeavored to prepare them for their new position hy moral and religious in struction, lie then liberated them, gave thorns plantation, and left it after harvest with the bams piK stock of cattle and sheep, and a horse to iioogn. lie tiion delivered tlie estara into tneir ands. s-rvinz them anv ousntitv of mod advice and admoiiiticn, and took his departure for his distant home. After a lapse of several harvests, he returned to the scene of his philanthropy, and instead of the pleasant spectacle vrhloh be had expected;, he fn'siid uncultivated fllds, cattle enten up, and empty barns. 1 he horse remained, but was used not for ploughing and carting, but to aid in depredations en the neignboritig planta tions. Another ease occurred in 18 10 in Trinidad, whkAi had floarixhed under slave labor, but the extiitos, in cxrMVcnce of British. West India emancipation, bad now been desertn) by the laborers. One of the planters came to tliie coon try and induced many colored persons in Mary land and the District of Columbia to go to Trinidad and cultivate the lands upon the nv si advantngenu terms. This experiment alsoresul ted ia a complete failure j thofree negnKts fousM the sun too hot, snd either resorted to the towns or returned to this country. Another eve related by Mr. Holmes is one of white labor. The distinguished William Wirt, having purehssed land In Florida, and having some scruples-sgsirot the emphiyuicnt of slave' laiHir, carried down to his r lorida plantation a large numlier of white men. They commenced work in autumn, snd during the winter and earing seasons worked with such diligence and lidelity that Mr. Wirt Ireean to conceive his hiichteMl anticipations already realised. But suiiiuier caniewilh its hot diiys and ruoist nights. the sinews ol the white laborers smre relaxed, ieir strength bean to fail and linding the burn- g heat MMgetlier too much lor them, they threw wn their airrcultural implements, and in a body loft the plantation. Me. Wirt would have wt his entire crop, but tor the lortiinate circum stance that a gang of negroes -were in Ihe heigrr- irtiood lor san, whom Mr. irt purchased, and us His crop was saved. Another experiment with wtr.rt men was tried Florida by a New York gentleman, who took large number of German laborers to F'lorida, and began the cultivation of New Smyrna, wbirb, savs Mr. Holmes, was a tract of land upon which Herman colony once settled, but Undine free labor could not cultivate Soetbern soil, had alien- oned. With true German fidelity and hidustrw. tha new laborers begun their task, and after placing the xround in beautiful order, planted he cn.rw. But they tn were abruptly driven off y tlio not a-mtthcr, and there being no neoruvs for sale in the neighborhood to supply their place. lie .ew I ork gentleman lost bis crop andaban iotied bis estate. Tliese exptrisawws prove that Southern soil cannot be extensively cultivated by ires Jnhor. I ou migiii as wen simiiisu the son, as aixilnTi the systein by srhich alone it can be made productive. Kick IhnjMllrk. FACtS FOR CONSIDERATION, One of the leading snntlvee which har indnced the msssracf the American people to organise party in opposition tr;irergir tntliiei-, it the apprehension of the dangers resulting from tbe preponderance of that element in the political administration of the Republic, In illustration tif this very important points we borrow some facta end figure from au article in the fcouisvilfe Journal of the V.eth Says that sheet ; . The population of Ihe t'nired Statos to-day probably numbers twenty-live millions of souls ; of whom, five millions are foreigners, tor 'mill, iona negros, and sixteen iuitiB uativo-rorn, Excluding negms, the foreign-born populntnin of the oountry are to the native-born in the rutbi of five to sixteen so that nearly one fourth of the whole white population of the United rkntret are foreigners. Lest it be denied that there era tv millions of ibsei!rtrs in Ihe United Stales, we proceed to prove Ihe fact. By Ihe census rotoms of IK50, it apptsrs that inHH4U there was in this country an iur;reni inrvign popuiauoa oi a,. 21il,rU, From Dee, 1 IMSIS Phartsbtl sa4 KaihswSard Kailroskd. Ala aaeetingof the subscribers to the eVilaring- tna, Cbarlotle and Rutherford Railr4 west aH Chorions, held at Shelby, Clesrslaad eoanly ee the 4tb instant, rt waa decided that theearvey fr the wester division from Charlotte lo Rati trfossttaa be nadertsken at oaett and Mr. Joha C. McRas, of Vilas ingtoa, waa appointed tl Eagiaeer t that Rauwvmaiaa Lama bm Barter. Btv.Tbei eyatasa of vegislenng letters eVwaa't seesa answer the pnsnoaed esxL A Chic-ego hanker reeeivesl nonce aoay or eewmaee eaat a etgistered Istssr, anauunsng ally stollara, sent Ireas turn aaWe betaesa Chisago and the Mississippi, hod bora s to Sea rrosa the avail or neat otjee. Said sgSlrred letter coastal aowswssns1. ThesyMem s a eaaaxsaoe to tna Opertawat, aas aa insal to tha ensassaarty frees the less adsaittiag. as It did, that toe usare uslnats did not sake es mark ears of tbe let tees es, trusted to ihees ae they mighl. lnaeeiiy real aaisgwar a ill be ia saate tae tisyarusieait responsible for ell ears) Itsseaa, whirs as a enaasaoa earner, it ejedoabtedly ehesi'l he, I ne tax, l is, is asss'sal au sssss, are asl ' sn aittsd try lU esse) aceataar esai.lotees, atlese af peveoae fur wksast aswnf 4tt s Ibest prusatpass, ia ail aaaee et this, are every weave avsrks halia. The tv J bat vsssueaa a eryiat eae, end its existence pmree Use sstsxto eafersanty ef ear aortal arrangssaeale to lauae af luresgai FtreaA Cetae t Patrasrvsrvraae T arriter ia esse ef the fins 4k m aaeaf geasM at a 4isiafsiaayst.t,aa4 iaaeaot af the si eaaassa ef s Ml ptiisa.sd'lufs the met that auries tlie asrful rsief at yUo freer Hrsul, the erevre af esety slop af war to Ike R were swept ff hy it, save tost rsf tbe U. H. sh a. Use, aad toss esasruaa ere assrihalsd Ihe ensseaaadee, f'srrfaia Cork, ef fesrns Va. stostnai a barer! nl rnaaotn the h"M. aywad it eil evse the ship. 1 i.s N, Ueis did Out has rtvf seanir tVBire e vat Warrtav tto Cor-rasia Wirsas M 'luttina. strsml siswae? at CiaeMsastti rt'i stony aae kats wseeintaily b s.umsusss4 eVsata- ra rivers dartag the sn asoatke eeseiag ee the 1NSj ef Jaee ksst. The easiaaaod 4..rs bsms l,l(srytfiae la aasalwrlwae'JTl.Iisi, sad s rr-- 1 1 z.)'. Ikirty-esM hree wees s-. st has e frwtul s-rf ss I I aa sstliisi he a. ad waar. aasaal tm4 ssisniy east he sssse sil tor, to U. gochoad to! lasa s. s r. I age epeed le tourt eseee tbere arrived by son aloee Dec. 31, 1KH to IW1 mi Jtts'J lij;t First hall of ' 1C52 1X5.1 815.33S 4HH,rt-JK 3&M70 4i,777 i,474 l:i'i,tm 4,3;0,7il TOO.tKX) To thia mnst r oiMad alt three that . have arrived from Canada, Meico, and otherwise by land in five and a btli years Total 5,IWi,7il Here then wo hare an aggregate of five millions of foroiffners to sixteen millions of native-born white men. Ihe proportrou of voters is calcula ted at aliout one in seven, tnd therelatitestrength of tbe'nafrve and forcign-tiorn population at the pons woiini sisui inus: The native poll would equal sixtoen miliiiHss, divided by seven, or 2,28.1,71-1 votes, Tbe foreign "Vo'to wnul I be "re- r. resell till by nveuiilliumidi- Tided by seven, . 7U.2S0 voles. Totnl vole in Ihe United Slates. 3.(I0.(HXI Now, continues that journal, let us work nnt rfce result ol t national flection in which the native-born cititens should he equally divided one third of the bitter voting oa uneside aniltwi thirds the other. 3 he statement will stand thus: Half the native role is 1 ,14S,Wii Two-thirds of the loreign rote it , 47ti,l'.ll Total on the foreign t ,li I'.t.O-lH Half the native vole is . 4,1-T.i.HW One-third of the foreign vote it , !t!H,(iyj DISGUSTING. The vulgar abuse heaped a pan native Asserh cans hy aaue of tbe foreigner or an a, ia enough f dignsf-er)ry rasn of good sems. There it a low, dirty, scutnIojbs sheet puhlislied in this city, conducted Ky men yrh never eosjld elevate Ibemselvra above tlie level of common blackgnards: which indulges In langnnir which would hardly be tolerate,! within the preeinets iT liiiiingsgiMov , epunet ts too tow, ns negraii. ing nr disgraceful to be suipliri to the meniliera of the American party. It onremp.sr ally shun raing into contact with it as they wovrld avoid a night cart, or other whrfle ot hl'tl tnd doennt wen Who bare irn knowe) to throw tin) slanderous thine; from their dinira, ith a pair of ub;s, umiiiiHlllg so KHKn I, SHI irrcir imiiih.. . As some finh are said to thrive only in troubled Watw, o Ihe paper f which we am srwnkjng, would not exist a day rait of the alnmsjihers isT. slang ana vumiomtton. it eiministere ni ine very worst aiuuie of mankiiet and whether speaking of tlie most enlightened statesman, the pvitMst patriot, or tlie talented rvuiaios nr our country, it pursues the same strain uf vulgar and disgusting abnse. It ia enough for man, woman or ck ill) to have been born on tht eoil of America to insttW rh( ill-will and conternptVMius denuncia tion of the condue ors of that vehicle of thhte- hood end defamation whilst, on the ether hand, they can see no demerit in one of foreign I. in Ik, andean hue tulueir besoms the bnrir ur mnntorea, If born in a Kireiga Ussd. With them no virtno, no honor, ne truth exist any where, bn in the breast of Ihe foreign born, and no vice or ; immorality is found hut th ties native Ameri can. It an encounter occur between a native enu rcigner, the former la censured without exam' nai n, and tbe latter excused. II a not lust place, although notoriouly commenced by tlie foreign populatvrm, tbe natives ere charged by these Woiiteniptible hmi malignant fiiWtiers with being tbe aggressors. Facts areemireiy emitted or misrepresented to grnlifytbeir hatred of Amer iotnt tnd their hive for f irelgners, 1'bay would change their religion, (if they eter had any,) tail deny their God, if it would adrance ihnin in tlie estimation of (lie foreign faction. W hilst such men continue to tbe control of a public newspa per, native cilisent can hive no justice at llieir bands, and tbe courtesies of life and tits princi ples of honoe, will continue to be violated, , And why is it that tlswe wretched and rile caterers to the morbid foreign appetite, thus train every nerve to depreciate and. vilUfy the American yieopleT They profess In bo native bom themselves ; but if they lie so, they belie tneir birth pises, and deserve to be classed with tht lowest filth ol Eoropethat it oast nponnur shores. " It ie a dirty bird that fowls in its own nest," sny the proverb; and tt can be appliM to men a'assU as to tha feathered tribe. Coarsi or . Oi-int mvxn iv tux let Twixtt iabs AVTt.1 I'htii. A writer in the Boston ransenrt sn slimline to the recent find isr of lbs Issly of Jaeqnes Bulmnt. one of the earliest nml most celebrated of Alpiiss guides of Chamounix, lost twenty years since, writes as follows ! .Murray's Hand-Hiaikofriwitserland and Savoy informs ue that "Jacques Balmat, the mnst daring, skilful and experienced of the guides. was the Rrst whomadellie ascent of Mont Klane. When be disappeared in IMj he was 70 years Id. He went nut with a hunter of slorsine to chase tbe chamois, parted from him near the Pie da Midi, having proposed an ascent which the other dt'Simd dangrraua ; bssr.poor Jacques was trom bis youtn s gold nn.lcr, wThi tielteree -ft-M it would be poesihle to become rich by such a discovery. He always preferred to follow thia huitasy rather than act as guide, and he pud for it Ihe forfeit of his lite. The spot from which he fell, ewer the precipices of Mortine, to tansa r-ut to reenver tbe body waa eoasidered impossi ble.' This waa penned ten yvjarsetnot, tnd twenty from the date of his 1 s, his body te f.asnd at the vansvlhoflhe greatGlacier, tlie".9detilae,n in a most perfect state of preservatina at a point many feet below the line id vegetation, and the immeiliatevieiniryofcultivated nrlda. Iheeouree if tbe river Avema Is ra uus glacier, and the arch is at itaextnaie point into tire yaHty erhenee the river empties itsslf. ( Here are eoaun-uvlly depoeited tbe dehraof the varrantein sHlas, borne oa ward in the im per ceptibly sluggish course of this greet scaatve; and kere, rsrserve-l from Che decaying hand of lime, Ine tearing esters of avalanches, so-I tha attritina of sack a subteirasiiae intirney, at thia late boar has eoate furth the cerpst of peor Jae- es. f hse at data el band to determine tbe distance traversed and descended by the body durint this ecrweofyeaiw,butreeulssetionsof tisae consumed in a pedeatriaa etearsaHi ia the vicinitv ef the catastrophe, Inrhaes me In believe it front three to ave miles. Here ie aa Hem In the philosophy of glviers, and a revnarkabbi illestrauoa of the Ihc-ry of their mobility. Tire body wot literally engiilphed la solid Ire at otto end and reappeared at uis ether. NUMBER S3 CURSING THE NATIVES. rorelgwert are indeheed to list natives of this country for all Tbe rights and privilrtre they enjoy, and even the Btnana ot eaprasrt hw they possess. They were received tots tbe country with a friendly hand; placed In a remanerating empb.Juient; and even atltnitted lu an equal right with tlie natives, in the selection of our niton and yet, in msnymtniieaa,they oenbine together to ovrjwrr the natives, and to shape the course of our public policjrand. ill fact, to rule the country; and boukHsa tint natives hava refused In relinquish their riglito to ip,( new comers, and incorporate llieir atheistical and other bVaMorai- ismg notnurs into our national and Mate policy, thee foreiirmirt not only curse, but endaavor b put down by brute force, those wbo hare sheltered ami fed them. On woe Id 1st more surnrised at this Hagitious conduct, went H a known tbat aniimg trie natives trseson Wiio eiittntenanceand exknd Viva proceedings of the foreigners, isisrl every occasi-sa to abuse and riify tlnsto wbo are of their ova lineage and bleed. With each men power and pro are the objects aimed st, and to acquire which they would see tbe star and stripes trodden under tlie feet of foreigners, and the p iui try delivered over to their guidance. With throe-foOTlht vsf the natives' amved irntnst them, tliese seekers after public plunder nave ine aunaciiy so curse their countrymen, and to atigmstiie tbem at bigots, trartorl an'd Ihe like. 1'lsey have comolttBly itlentified themselves wiih Ihe foreign (action, and uphold it ia its violaUur-s. of law, and murderous assaults ui..n l he ,ii. This saay swm strange te aa anitilc rested observ er, but it ia still more surprising, that tlie official organ oi uis Americaa Uovsmmeut, should be found among Hit strongest advocates of the for eign interests. 1 his has given tone and direction to teas yarious governmental nSDnets and dei end. enla, who essvt by command, and throw au.1 independence and honor Kit the sake of enjoying such crumbs of patronage as may be doled out to mem as a rtwaiu lor their cowardice and mean-1 neas. IWt, however foreign era mar rjesimionrateeil hv native miscreanU to resort to violence, they will pause oa finding that it It a cotve at which twe can alajr. lleretofureihe nuniahment for auch a gressiont has been eomparatiyery mild; but, if the lisreigners persist ia tlieir rtctous and mnrderousi eourse, they will receive a check oaf theaa days, wttieb those who survive will remember for tbe balance of thair lives. Tha natives cannot be birred into enbmisvisn at tht pistol's mouth, and will not continue to endure Wrongs which Ihey havo ample power to redrew. W e advise, then, that foreigners shall respect thelaws.and exercise ine privileges which they have eonfiirrcd on them peaceably and orderly, if they would avoid scenes which would must regret to all good men. JlattiMon Clipper. Tat KtvaiiTairt. t will be aeea thai Judge Elmore, of Alalaaae.nne of the Jadcee ia Ksnsas, hss hern removed ea Ike mm srswadsesniipasc f'or. Kidrr leas eUemird. W hat are those) grounds t Tbe only truthful tnewer is, fiar spec. elatione la the Indisa rami ill landa. 11 raoacsl he eoaieadsd that Klraora, a Nwrtiera man, area dis-wtosed far his Frsw-oilism. Tbe ealy ebargea amugni agoinei aim, grew oat ef Bis alleged tpaeulaikias ia Ihe pablit leads. ll will be rsBssmtrssrd lhal fssrattiry Mtrey a-Hrssssd a lei lev toOav. Iteeder sueseume eiare. la whirls he sailed hie allenlioa, and lhal of Jwl(e Elosore and ether nffteiaK to this eharre, tad intimated that ibv Could (ot be retaiaed to oatce wilaosn satlei,y snptntstloM. Z this siaralioa tin. Hier rep I is. I, ss will be eeea by retorenee to a not Her part of I his day a p siis bwmsMiuct as base) aeensld. Ilieet- plaaaltoa waa Bot eotouderet aatisfaisaMy, how. ever, aad he wet dissBisera sassa days seo. It ii rtid.nl, thervfnra, that be was sswnved sr his alleged spes-slslicuvs, ef whirh tbe Preanteat was a were several swsstheetejee. and Bot far hie groat tafrferesiee egaieet the rtuaih. Rut why was svw Judge Elsate s)iseaiaa4 at the esses nsssf i ad if he was, why trt It ant aaatHsaeed f Rsler wae reeairTsd ut to elsae Bpna the eiedKose la North f arr-uae. , asealsiekr aad Alslessa i a ad the ef Elssore'a ew.ti.HS rVnsa saaea Trial vote on the native side l,.1r0,00U Mujnrily ngaiuatulie paliue aid - HilH,U70 In making this calculation our eotemporary has stated the case altogether too favorably to the foreign ride ol the question ; inasmuch, ee srr stcad of two-thirds, fully three-fourths of the foreign-lawn population are invariably arrayed on the same side. And we mnyadd percnthetioally, that this fact constitutes the strength of trie Democratic party, and aommntt satisfactorily for the violent opposition it displays to every project for tlie restriction of Ihe foreign vote. In litis city, for example, if Ihe native population alone enjoyed the -elective franchise, the Democratic party would scarcely' ha numbered by hun dreds, but its army ia sarik;n -to thousands by commanding tbe active and senloua support of seven-eights of tbe naturalixed cititens. Alleissrienne has proved thai, as a political el ement, tlie fom'urn rote of thit mnntrv is essen tially one si-t-d. Jt goes invariably with that party whii ll ss le itself dees uirr lie, which pan tiers to its prejudices, flatters its sail hive, deters to its opinions, appeal to ile peeeioau, and Jirofita by its ignorance. A vast nmjoiity uf tlie oreign-lsiru population aliandoiied Europe, be cause they were virtually thralls and outcasts, crushed hsssseth the intolerable burden of desrxitio dynasties, and traditional social distinctions, Arriving in our own country, and serurmg tht righU of cititenship, they naturally beonmt radicaU and rampant democrats, ready for tbe wildest innovations, full to overflowing ofinsene assaesset of eyitertiment, and pevjsols isf aBfrm unknown to the Fathers ol the Republic, imprac ticable in a land of law-regulated freedom, and dangerous not alone to tna peaceful relations subsisting between this nod other countries, but to ths strength and stobsWyul thsl nioa. Courted, earescd, cajoled, but never rebuked hy Ihe Democratic party, they become lealutt sn tht eawat, anil banded together by endearing ties uf identify ef opinion, Uiey east their votes as arte esse ia favor of that past?, tt is not, be ituhsenr. ed, Ihe teven hundred toeurand foreicn Voles thai the American people have to slsead, but it ia thia immease rota throwa iavsrisbly ia ssjob a way as to gave preismdcranee to oat perte. It ie worse then bile to iasasriae thai sn esHsr- ayoas, influential and increasing an element will rem as nssaetuaiir eausaea won tea eneeunty of the hesrere of wa,4 and drawera of water. They claim tbeir ehare of Use glory ef Ihe eon. quasi, and the spoils of tbe battle. They have Use niht, and will exercise it, to renairt lhal the Gmernmenl should shape itteoarseia aeeurdaace wita UMtr crude aaa wtaa aangemaa BotNsaeef dieneslic aad toreiga policy. e bee aeea thss ibsare eiertod ia the ease ef K atrra, ia that ef tViBBwh, ia that of Jets Mivr-aau and ether aolitical refuse, who here vieiied America, for Ihe perp,e of difolng Iheir peevt llor aoss of the solidarity af natmua, aad af incylealieg heresies Btterly at rariaae with the calm and nuioaal eoanarle of the tinder ef our G.nsramei.'L These peraionsje priipagaadistt lailed ia tbeir msschievwae mtsssone may mak be attributed to any rdaetaao ea tbe part of Ihe tureiga ehohert of llemuasM to eaermrage aad propagate them, Issi xsihcr to tbe Blading eoea mua seas of the Anterkasi fssple. I low long that rampart against Ihe lariuae erare af radieai. ism, gruwiag Urges aad asore tormislabie ae it gathers anovsln from aBtraal svrarats ef issssa- graals, willeuaVe to dMrad the bulwarks of east t'uastiiuuoa and political system i bsyood Ihe be of bam eaacity but af nolhing be dust to arrest IBe pertfc.ee end surging tide, rt Bead at seer to predict that Ihe great work ef the Caere aad patriots or v revoluuua Willi be alutaasely everwacimeii.Adi, u. ore. Wher tsstw wretrk, sn tost, so desd, " Wha osvev t tneuwlf bslb said, This Is say own, say ssilvs uuid, Moat of Gnd' creatures, hnman and brnte, have an attachment to "home, sweet home;" but Vow and tlien persons are foond who discard all tmth (nrilings, and would transfer their homes to stranrrrs and outlaws, if they eould tliereby receive a temporary elevation, or secure a fuller pocket, ror such persona we iiate no sympttBy. JitiU. tlipprr. Twanssaaa, wee kept bask aeltl after tb.e etontiMie, e pa sis! I v I to ia Alahasaa, where be rsed4. toardt asVhery sad cuWrfuawc are wortby ef tbe srs eat aheflieg aetetoisoreiiesv MaaaaaaA tYesassSSHS. from Ike Columbia Timet. DIGNIFIED LAXGCAGE., Jt it aulte common, on tnrnini ever onr ei- chsmgos to find in those journal opposed to Americatrs. bitter diywnciMnsns llie parly tvlwee mewibrrs are branded ae "tbe fungas f tiety; "mushnami: "asidmahl csnmsers', dislurliersof tlie nenee; "laquisitorial hand ef. Kumens;" "lower it re is of society, who stihk I Ihe worthless end vagabond who assume to be more than their fellows, and volunteer to defend fits Tlits of property -holilers while they tVessn- elves, are cowing the seeds of agrarienism," These phrase doily used, serve ee an index to the heart of those who select them for tbeir ase. IV e not only find each language ia scans of onr exchangee, wli-att editors are bitterly opposed to Ihe party, but in ennvurst tba arawi Carolina gen tlemen, from whisn we nugat ?o expect heller things, they ase Ihe identical lanaage la order to demonstrate their contempt for the A merican party. Ho on, srntlemen, exhau ynunwrses of abusive epitliess they eanrua tail to convince llie tntrlligenl, Intininlate In linmi end erase ine party, as you think. Abase tut reason has always nen'tHs weapon wssd J.jr pvlitinal mastsrs to their illinr slave. The suns dl Carolina have long submitted to tbe iron role af a self-eisv,litutel oligarchy, and we think the day is am far distant when our native ntvte wiu n purged nt irs eon irt influence, which hat lieea permitted torrid in allof thaeouncilt of tht Stele, snd hss e (erred jrasa saoat of aur Jsililscions tilt power of tlmoat beotola rule. Our Representatives In Congfeca am fast ssasv eaioe this n,totnot. Someswvelungsineeiliscl4d their aispoaiswm an power to pjay wii k the rights and Interests of I heir constituents who bete lieea tied to Wasblnctna inAwsenss and driisa fnm Reeislanre to Ce-opereiirss, aad friaMuwralive to abject BubmMwosa, aad are bow be ne Mil noa tha euV.wk fisr sale, ihe betkntal li wsocrstis party being ceraraed as Ibe wdiler, v a bop in Itase w aot tar stwiant worn Ibe people will toaek tbeir Reprsssaiatieta that tsKy aat Jbsir eervasrlt aad aot iheir dtrtatort. Cslaste tat Joss t Lima ton Tat Tbe Toronto ll'anads) J'airiot sajst "Two Aaseri- eaat ea WcinesiUy awreseg last, wishing awe a free pas srs imse Lsieov.a to haisn rerervad a email boaaly, and ssurtd to eerve to Ihe Fureiga l-sTt". Thy erere furnished with free lo-ksis through to htrar, end imsseskately toft ea iheeare bar lhet;lst Ihe rserailing idkeer. hesnagof thei! iatsatioe tosbip at Paris, lake tbe aViffsto aad Braailord Railway, aad gt tbesr tesiage Ire to Ihe ' land ef liberty,' case a.diee to the eastdsvstor by letegraph to keep aa eye to to fames), w bea at I srts (bee at teas ate at carry sssi lhir dmewe, bat emse arrastial aad tsksa sav Fndiably they will see Hersssoasul Isssss they retsira. lky wee yerss(l,to I sr. sseeer a, esst sarvtsd the ske a itstls toe tot, AvesrtTt or nt r ,rs irsrnr Sorvn.-TK foIl..wii,e im i kai u.srl,u-,l hv the Lev. It - Newton, of Mw.smi.oL sa n U.uree of epeeoh at the krst s.o,t,erarv i.l iln Sui era Aid .Nwsety, ties Cltv ol , ew Vork I "n o.s ocnasian, bj.U tliat a,4 verv 1. a,. not tv humlred mile fr this civ. a).' ministerial Isrotaer ..- a. .-n vintetc 1 ',, and with wbasm I bad st-ent .,ial ei I .eveoingi ia aoc,ii,uuc-tuuMj. iut4 r. oniBHsae and exoenei.c.'S , f tl, ,,ni. r .l Nsilh, walking seeo-s the f -. r. s,l. n, a. I m is seemed, in th.ai-htful awasl. Ins Vr w k v !, and hi wlu i,i cuitTcnaare u I and ct ,two, as it his bosom heaved a, ut some l" efaotion, suddenly, as it enable ssfrr so repn -v kie fcelr ings.tuineii r,nAi,d with sears in his e sead, tlv Mr. Ncwu n, 1 reel so lr W hy." said t, anuirwhat Mirpri-- L "what is ltssntrr, Still wringing Ins band in appueat sr- ft replied. tMi sir, I am tbrnksug about tin tUvet of tlr South." My tarpriee and alarm, which were! ait for sMasent gave place immediately te am loi r toe ing, and t pnenpily replwel "ib, )es. 1 think 1 know host la avuitliiw wiib jou. 1 fot'ib4, luo, very bail, 1 have fell an ever since I cuuo north, and bar passed thriorgh the strews year city. Tba pour, wrwfc'bed, oWa ir.clilen, Is aeiy-rji- object that 1 have srt-n, in th tlioiif husas) beings, begg ng arid bi'nding about your stiecls, iu hovil d away in tb siftialid dons ia y.air slk-ysj and especiullv Tuesr ire isegroetl o, what iscrlile 1 A downright hearty Inugh from my friend showed me that i ws auderstood. "Now mv rml brotkr er," said 1 "why do you not coiue South tad pre on to ue apt) oar p-aw negroes? ''Why, you won't let tee," exclaimed, be. 'Won't lot you! W hj, ye ere srsil see wasst all th nreaxihers ht we can get." "Ves, trut if 1 go sjowa Suuth to preach, ytm will hang mo." "Not ifyisH proocli tlie fiojpej of Christ," soil I; and if you should noios flseje) to psesxh any ether go?!, yu iwihk to be knag." ?U 1 vio.i than half rihl, Mr. rresl dentt Paul aays tliut it he, or even a it,-.l fnea heaven, preach tny other gosp.1, let him be ao curssxl; and we kaisw it i writtpn, Cursed isew ry one tin heagsth oa a tree, PltOeaVtSS OK THE FKVF.R rN KORfOiK AND PORTSMOUTH. From tint Norfolk nanem of reetorder. we ban .L.C I, ' r. .. . . . o. loieiwing report ol ue Hoard ol mealth: i nursday, , new cases and 2 deatbe la city, 4 now cases and 1 death in hospital. Friday, 17 new cases ana t death la city, and two new eases and 7 deaths in hospital. Saturday, T new eases and 3 deaths in eity. and ae new case and 1 dvth In hospital, tjine tht 10th of 4-alv ss to mturaae, stars had bee 60 eaaet ia Norfolk, af Inch m died. Tbe editor of Ihe NovfoTk Bullaeha. la hi Uses of Saturday, anaounoe that ia aonseaeaca ef ai nissnis waving, sn paper would Miemporarl It tuwarne. ' The Howard Astoekd.m hod erraniaed. with a sum of RiDO, for th relief of the sick. pt. I W.H. rergusoa wa elected President, James1 A. Sano'lers Secretory. Bad Cantaia k. W. How. 4en, Tree suss. , Th Hoard of Health hat ateras'ineJ aareafler to publish only th ueath that eocur, aad Bui ine aew eases; - . , Oa Thursday there wees tare aasw tJ selUw fever on bnerd tlie Pennsylvania, aad the patients war nmovad to vessel at txtchor below Craney Island, wbfet all other eaaet twearrief aa th Pennsylvania would be carried. - Two bead red ncisoas nsntle Bsnasltiesit man of Norfolk tnd Purtamouth, aad their families. est niBiiay in ine steamer Uenrgia for Haltiisxn. W find Iht following Barnes published ander the obituary head t Mwe Susan Kern n, sred 0: Mr. Elisabeth t empi Mm. Emma Tolaa, aged 2S. aad Mr. Mary M. Webb, aed x. ia Portemoaih, at w irara from th Sanitary Committee ia lb Tranturint which baa aesia commence I publication, the deaths here brea as lollowti Tueedty t, Weaneeday 8, Tbursdsy 7, Friday 7. lotoill. The tiuvebwr at bisw eases had svd beee so great and the disease bai assum es a BiiHier birm. Much indignation prevailed ia annsenneaeenf numlier of ciirtena, who had escaped to tbe Msg- ; 01FIC1AL LANGUAGE. " Wluw) are deal with Know Nothings, we jcel with isstliiws uf euciety aa well as ol party ; uf uiea up.a wkom tht ban has been placed I y ev ery sincere 4'lirisitsa as well at every true trt . Th syuithuo friiuidt of th arraigned burglar saw no doubt shocked at the plain manner in which hit skulking villainy it spoken of I f tli prosecuting oftccr, and we presume tUes are men at this day who are of opinmn that tlie memory af aienedict Aruold should Iwtir ned with leudernest, and tbe action- of tlie Uartlord Ctmventioa ataiken of with axtreoit vauiien end oemesy." ' The shove it tint kutgutn of tha Orgsn nf the tduiiniitration tuwsr is a party whiuii poltes) more rote U, T.rgtiua at tha recent election, the say other paity ever polled before that election in Ihe bistory ol the Mate, and ot a party, too. winch pulled ever USl.issj veto in tire Nam of New Kurk, in November hi, W hellier sn, ivs ful or not, ii bat polled muny thousands nt voire in NurtbCsmdiiia, Tennessee, boutucky, Aiabana tnd Texas, as it will in eery other uie in tbe Union, wl er on election is bold aud eondidatet Bominated. Blackguardism It Its i wa. ant' dote, and if th official paper of tlie 1'rasidont can find approval in such assault as the upon parnns, e have no objectiou. They digi.ire uio,t sh of th,se who us tbem aud, next to tlio'), all those pcr aone, If any there are, who endorse tlteiu. Tb Unio i knows tbtl the) so-caliol " Know Nothing Party ' embraces rnullitu is-ut theahlnst men, once at it ewe party, in toe United iiiaeea, as well as thousaids wbo hsv ts-cn prominent Whigs, North aud S uth. it kuows, too, that it weuid not dare to sny to individuals by noes, what it tayeumlar the cover ot generalities, Jt attack, therefore, are md only mean, but cow ardly. Men, trut to the Constitution and tha Union, thetirfut tf the administration know. beloltg lu ties American Tarty, f.nemw to lilli Boll a Springs, orgaattin g diemselvm into a Board of Health to prevent oiiiert drata stopping thera. A tsa against ine tmmtujnl attU I snt is- denying Ihe eiiiten permsssaVrii to laexl there with Iheir families. IVatfrclim of the Govern. it pnrperty waa tbrearroe.1. It U i Me grattcsl a i Sou It y that a eilitea eould leave with tl. town. ll knows, art among tjieir isrincipsl aseaiu,nt tnd yet it makes its bed aud keep egmpnuy with these common assailants to tha great si' "f tlie tio, eniment, end without tb least round to truth. A'. i.lyrttt. ATTACK BYlcATrVK't 1UN S I! KI) W AHOX. Ev tract from on of Col. Clai borax's letters froeatte pine woods of Mississippi, -ablished in the New Orleans JVsllat "1 eel out bar Augusta, bow!ing merrily along ia a blood red buggy, 'ib m,i i bniuntul; roofed over with Ires aad vine and the air fragrant with Hie breath ol flowers. Tlmiewss only on drawlsxck the myriads id" A es ol every specie that awsrsnsd artaiml and ravenously tupped the Mood from llieetrs, ne. k and i',..ii. s of my burs, it is whst it apswpristi ly formed here, tly time;' that is to say, tits period when this Buaierous family of scour,-, hats ii all their own way, aad neither maa nor Ii-m rsn venture Into tbe wcshIs with hnpunity. New Shs 'cattle Crum a thousand hill.,' and even the e iid dees, aeck the be(le ef men, and huddle eround wme smokingpina, masaed in come open fieUl toeM-;e tbeir periodical Hsrurnitnr. Oa t suilden crvs ef tb toad 1 found mysell ia eae ol lbs 'sts?r rag ground,' and a simtiltaneias rosr fris bvs estndrad infuriated animals gave ss.tus ot my danger. It ks well known lhal the Spain.-b a,ai advrat provdts the wesjwled bulls iltheass by Baanting tbemoleila r lies.d rel Bug reh.ee It wa lb txilor ol thews, it wat Ihe eol.,r of mv enuiroi.es tl, Tb ftsseet Us(iilal is an m fended I evritl I his htlleuins; herd, 'ilicy anui:.d Ihe aad by Isr. Mlmsr aad As m (Wgruna ilarriaua Steele of th U.K. N.y. Thre. Sistort of Charily from St J JJV, Md, ar Jo I her. la tisatowB af Rufulk, hod heea rM and awwardes to I'entasasmth fur tjst relief ef th tuflerers. Lstesv. We bay the A .1 iA by way ef leisgrypk irrea Petomlssre t Rsriwn Bssil TV) Retier Baab tf Kaa- iaa4 s insist lisi ill IriMei Mtdisi deals m hemstd bto aasnasMsse to asts hssaavwd aad thirty millssM ef aV.IUse, le additi m. tbsss as esany fssessdly anwrtiee m the I ea4 Ik lafbea. The efenMtve '. f la eswd, pass to tksss fMit toase a eessiel to tbe swsasl sfswa heedisd aad wwaiy all we of eV-Haru, ihe IVwue af Ihesv ps ifat st-siry ssd et.i deeyier tt esiy. Tit Nsw T"( Css.rs.-Tks New York Ea rre ava Ibe ssases will aot aressal lies a read MsWstaiemlrstaati-'ipahHl. f romaelaalislents Uo-t Ur rsfssned the p-snsla I of ihe Nate will peabaUy sm4 clewed i.Vl, all t II. era gasa f srsat eetea sad a hail pr eessl. la I re yaar. The ssibeg ss ssasss teral.l ss toaay ef the eg. teuliuia) ai-sioiies, i -is U s iss, i to tha ensa ervHrl , l sns,- '. torisg towns is ) snteis rner, , ti,.l. The cry ef bw .k w,,l ,,r..i-l.i, Ml fna rViisstmssV Wsi Wlie Iks semes of Us vt,..k.l, k.ti aa a is ksspesHsM rera' I asi hosn, inssd s-f r..ef p sa esstnUssa VH,tS will fall short ii,Uv, A Rt tti. Tbs Hjllowlna sketch hi lake frogs theeeaeainTi'kstee ef the Boslna Jimrael. No relleclHiB of our ran 4a to ill asauty sad aatbut, or deepen tbe tore af it timnl v)W quenc. Tb nler says i At paints! a asaa met my view in Ihe ears ss Philadelphia to New far, a I hid ever eeea la my journey. A hdm and her husband came into the rare t the firmer place, and war swtled near ae very rcst-ecl!,! in aperaee, ad the laslv, sa parsicii, aaensamuely ialer eeiing. Alter a little while 1 aottred I stranra ftsanner la lb gem lessen, which sesmid to lads eel e he wa msl i Jam of Ihe Maine Liquor taw. At every pier in ears stopped be evt. deatly replenished the vaesram to his Uimel by a aew vvtak, aaiil res .ei4 aat tit wiukms! alp ia hit tt, 44a thee) mi hastily and wat ltd opened Ihe ear dun, and sealed hie if ra tt. w ills hss rt hanging rmisitto. Hie wife era mere distressed. Bad tried to prevail enn him to sous to, an4 to) gasre her p.fa eliirb olsssrt seal brr to tb , I we geniisasea rose, ead, with the aid ef the advr, he ea. hslissd ii aa piaessi ra a reclining ismitioei oa one of Ibe sat beaealh a window, Ms carat apparealty fell asleep end at wa oswagh to brsk esse s heart to es tb Miewavsns thai that devoled a It leYtabed epna a ssuwelese huslMsitV rtss einertd him ae wuh her ehaal, to heea tb det from making him esssotaforut.ia, if M hand fell to aa annleaeuaat psMttna, eba geatry replaead tbem, em wbet Issdew tbeta wnb a leer. Before at ri-is, ia b. If ork sle ssstssed aat to hava him waked, and asked esmof Ibe genile mea to 'pna-e wake him, a st was a ssrange ciyxasWs's del tml know what to,' Tweer thrsw mssed asm a little, snd ttiea she went him wait a eases sen tie, sad aid 'W kev v4 ls to New l ark, e4 I m gted. pna er e torsst,' en be Urmek ar to ls ant I Hi a had la sympathy af ail ia to ear, I kaawi tor there wss ssetif avast eye eavssg the todsea, aad amey a eve e mm asssmi s eaeea. svrvq ia rtw Task, hewnabl esst totse th rs lik bt wa er stored nt by th Csssdassor. and her alieatioae ia etussirg toe torry ee aeentunsss at ever, i as wi J, pstalsM and hUwe 1-,-m her hrsrlal ha haad. Iss saw ef her wee ia lbsaaf toass aa ii "WW sk sede, heggieg him to ew aad s-s i. i - r )f fr, aad be emwstwd hse issi si-e a but n aiad kv ewe t a, V. My lrlliag enaaraesna reasertsd '1 kt st wn ic'y hrra, aad tss be speses tisd'y le sr V a, sa, a ul Hif I sil. of rsrw as ma la ana 5,V aia, plsntod heir Beads Bear tht gruuad, hire w In earth wnh Iheir huuto aad hins, and irian-a st me with savs us eve. The fierce pimUnv IJisjked tbe mad, aad ih pan of Uiwrsosoa wst to rvrtreat, Theasoasenl laheelel Ihe pursuit eoss see need. A oioowl ofrrnatvsvs)kse. ilvm' aad then? Irtaqilsng feet wae 'like ll roil of thunder. My tsnrsadoshed lorwsrd, Irsniw wok terror, aad ua Ihey plungsal, wa every sole eeu-re Ing sbisra everyihingia tlseir oestrae, amy s,-4 toaubliBgesseraaehellrsa, aiiuer, lis ,m.i. w a tbeir dreedlul eriee, and fatlrcring nearer r i Basest ia Ihe (earful rhe. "Tb oatest aw became Vriertps. te t t miaate we shsssld I vs bee ttverrome. and tramples to dseth I but st !hi junctor I threw east any es accost, sod aith a aolirl rl,-e. tj, used te fight ever it, end rear mm '.. -terivingallull speed, I Pe.) mil a mho. ; t1 in lariated devils Irsmple-i it ima siosn., at. t eeme rwstisag oa, Iheir boraerlastnns; arsi t bogjcy, aad nppsng wp lb rile nf ,v h'-rsex thss tearful BHisuenI try were pen, idi ha Iv sa,-..). A avaasaroes eat, wilk a lor-s tup, I There were Ur- Bwmlttr i Norfolk Sunday. Vre. Ketdea aad Serai K. Itorum, all peomiaeal aiiiaraa, wre oowa wiia law lever, ae we ala Mr. T. II. Rmwrhtna. t son ot tha edihw af ll It ...Li tieaj. M isna aad lstr atheve, with their bail lie! rhartertd lb steamar ddTs ead left (toadsy t r y Point They arneesl at storsarg and toft yeeterday aserning aa tb noulhsva ssrs, la I'ortssmasih SeaHlay an pbytiesea had six " ws af frier, and several others occurred. A I tense Asm iwowtsa ee Foavtnw fsnsnf The leading lemaertst paper la Ih hm a iiiinota arnti bsraen Itswtueral. Ilea what rto paper mv la regard to tb view ef elivery sw- ' the rtsid, and into llna 1 pl-.,-, r- -- t . 1 f I . 1 . , ' . L . . . - L 1 I . ... , .. . Tu.ni By ine niveum) awaigranr aew rapidly " nm i, isn m w Ullage this costs, fry. J et ear sssvlers Wwir ) bsi-jry being Ibsa list asy sm I Is p,at. At la miad lhal Ih eVdhrwing Is the laagwaf f thss th rh,4eluma asda 1 ,.lt, lest I sw eaing innsniny erg sat, smt ear la- goaga, I sue mrewsom wne s s oi-iarre. ,r ,m esrAi, We eteusUlly sail alleaiine) to thia fast, t w ' twe bntilee ef Sewsll Tsykw's best vr -I i, ere I sVn asst weal to h held ssamsatesla tog Us er4a' s thtr laeeet next a eoil Inrk'r. "4 lis 'y, pother. aasly wjeM Dsnsoerain authorwrt 1 "-Xh ssiuff ih U shot m u.e l.kre. W ar willing to 4 anything lmoerstis to ! '" lB bsueaesa bo. h ! sr, I sails the bank. bal aw would as anna eeile- bslwiwtng we never beai-4 bef.es; se-i s - - with the frieede ef bwiaaa tbmtr la the ttnatk. ' thai gnt M pal nsst with tle ir-. t. i I - at with mea ia lb North wis make a msn't !, eisrl.ng roaad. ceaoiing the I4.. .I ii ,i ij tiinhpktee et hie tirasal mlisev tssf,arslea bw spilhwi, and shaking theeerthvih t1 . i sssw aaa arase ate eeiaswetsr aa4 hss peiasiplsa. touswonng ymasp. -s now isiriy in i t ii. Tee sweat lewwersr pnmrtpln IkMmmht asdesssl aad made op say a.in-1 w r. - a I .- .- seswg, mees a aa a tVaWgyesf ees-: whea ihy wsaiM diT... , . v ri.oe' -iisry,l as list aVsst Bsss Jg rW ' fM ''- I ess r. I. bossier. 1 y t r Ibseaese asw essualry ejsnald eontiau rats, what pprsrh 4 cm rsolo !"-'. eh-s jr itsttosw, fh boas f tb ernremsd tram ssm sbsr;v la.1 ssen'itlrr.-., s I easel ees af the tewsia, j Whips Iweni, Oct long, slm h il v mm, - . I pea lb foreg.Heg Ih Mernphi Eagl area-1 carp"" d-tter ty, a r... asewts as t lkrws i t V-w pesw' f- ll. .i,;- ( m. e sail the alteallos) af very slsrrh-1 ley to ' 1 hrs I. 4 .,.,. -sr n this tiarihng eoafsi,m. Aeemdma I lilt caul f ' y Itoatnssrelieairnsa lb bt sswif rt'eg rid 1 "' ' 1 ml slavery le to keep a a heal iky fimvvm ess ,. t"". ' ' I " s yet roalh&ea orsK pri.tossang a p" i. iimn.,r-....i-'T Hi. I..-I devaliaa to tbaitheva laeest,, lydsasee th Aawruwe early foe ml tog ef IWts to rWk, by ss-usmi asenaa, the iadet ef bssaiga pbehisasism safe thss wmairy. j pet Ihesr marts Sfol Lns-li on H ibe seaw-n, II a tlo. I ,- to sj-eM pjrp.ee, ni I ft, I i r Al rolr" In t I ?0,b t4 Jl. W ! ,m maa. ea I s 1 1 1 bsrrs esrele s4 I i Is la k. W sksjssf ybssse ff. ill sat C,e'V. S - ,1-t, a.". w,ii y .lo g l-J aed t l,ew U,m irrsp r .sirv, rrv .I,,-, m.is I',, lt" s r M'H T Oi m . . J t ' e i s r a i I ; I.'. - t f , I f io l-'t-r , i' . r,,e tore, bp to tt r-r..,, w.t'eg S i I 1 .1 I , I t, Sol B.i'S- S ,i SI t . vt ,,-4,, , f .it, ,4 . I ,, St ft ; l-i i I I I i, i 'oi 1 I ,