Bftnrtlj-Caraiina Jiar. nuBw"i r WILLIAM O-AOTB, TERMS: tf paid strictly Is advane, twt dollar per sa- on maalas i oad, uura witn at tu ana i iu jfar- : - A O YKR TISEMSSTS not exceeding sixteen bs will be rasertod see tin for en doll", end Mntf4n uto fee eoeh nbtHtnl tnatrtiea. 9mm f pulrr length will be hergd propor tl coolly. CounOrdmndJudiotaledvertieement ill koehartea 25 Dor cent. higher than th above to A reasonable deduction will be mad to those wh advertise by th year. Book u4 Job Printing doa with mton dwpauh, aad a eoeo.uiodotlng torma. Police. - GENERAL DIRECTORY. CITY GOVERNMENT. Wffl. Dulla. Haywood, Intendant ot connissiosi. JEurfom U'orrf. KUridge Smith, A. Adams. Middle H jrd. K. L. Harding, luu Proeler. - E. Cantwell, FerJera HVA A. M. Gorman, . 1LD. Turner. J. J. Christophers, City Clerk, A. At. tiommn, City irea. Cila Guard James M. Crawley, - Jack hob Overby. . Cilf ConttabUt. Edward Harris. ' " HenryPennington. A. Adams, Weiitlimaeter. il. llama, Clerk ol the Mar ket 111 v i ll 1 ! , V0LTIMEXL1 rOSIH CAROLINA, WISiraAYOEaigG. STPTTBF.n 19,-B&sL. lTtrKBEBL-35 Cri-SllctkliT Star BALEIGH, IT. C. Thursday Morala, Sept. 13, 18M. t ui Lja OtbhyUI Superior Court. Tbie tribunal wat in passion the whole of last week Judge Caldwell Branding. The case which oreoted moet intereat waa that of the State ti. Bryant Allen, indicted fur the murder of Zachariab. Fuller. We learn that the eaae waa ably argued. Mean Ruffin, (the Solicitor,) T. It. j and A. W. Tenable appearing fur the State, and Messrs. Miller, Gilliam and Edwards fur the prisoner. Mr. Miller made the closing argu ment for the defence. "We hare heard it spoken of in the moat complimentary term a, aa an aid) faithful and eloquent effort in behalf of bii client. The defendant wat convicted and appealed to the Supreme Court. The notorious offender Watt aliae Howard alias Hamilton, having been eaughtat Hillsboro' waa indicted on Friday for stealing the watch of Mr. Royater, and the pocket book, money and bonds ot Dr. Lewis a few nights before, and saved the Court and Jury all trouble by pleading guilty. DEFtSCB OF TUG PRESIDENTS CHECK SHIRT. The Baltimore Patriot approachee the subject in a philosophical temper, and we at once surren der to ila unanswerable arguments i " When an individual shows himaelf consistent even in mediocrity, we are disposed to give him due credit, if not tor his mediocrity, yet for his one virtue of consistency. Every person, who has arrived at the year of discretion, is presumed to know much better the measure of his abilitv than those around him, and, while he keeps within the limits of bis capacity, is certainly entitled to his own proper medium of praise. Pretentious men are aliuoet universally disliked : for in as suming to be that which they are not, every one wno is ucceiveu teeis em uitterea amines In de ceiver. It follows tiusrefure, merely as a matter of shrewd polio j, that ii ismuch better toeonform toe moderate standard than to risk foilur and dis grace in vain attempts to reach above it. Who dues not recollect the bible of the Frog and the Oxf . - Some of our journalists have been considera ble exercised, of late, with little sumptuary affair, connected with the recent visit of Presi dent Pierce to Virgiuia. They eharge him with outraging executive propriety bv wearing a check or pru-cunreu suin. nt see no reason in me outcry., Every man ought to be true to his in stincts, ana wliv should we condemn that to the 'resident wnicn we would applaud ma pauper? " He ntvoulU trove remembered the dignity of nis station, onus one, mat is Ml well enough: : CODRTS. The fipreiM Cmrt of North Carotins ii- ueld judg8 Caldwell sent him to the whipping-post in this oitv semi-annually, on the second Aday . . ... , . . , i TJ .1,1 th.a.lth davofI)eccmW nd orJered " to be imprisoned nnt!l the Judga Hon. Frederick Nasb, Chiet Justice, I County Court of November, and then again to be K. M. Pearson, Associate ndge, whipped, but the latter part of the sentence he W.ll. nattie, subsequently remitted that the prisoner might be Edmund B. Freeman, Clerk; Ham. C.Jones, ... .. . lt,Her J. J. Litchford, Sr., Marshall. forthwith tent to irgnua to answer tlr charge The Untied Staltt Circuit Court for the Die-1 of burglary, the commission of which erim trict of North Carolina is Held semtannuaiiy in b hm bas CMmd Oovernor of Virginia to Hill CllJ, im " . - ... ...... Monday in jNovemoer. - I...;,,-. ll,.n J. M. Wavne. of Oeoriria: Hon. Henrv Potter, of Fnyetteville; District Attorney, . - ... i t-i i w ir l r .. i u KlarshalL WeMev Jones. The interior Court for this County, i held on he first Monday after the fourth Monday iu John l!. Moore. Clerk. Jos. B. Bachelor, Attornev General and Solltv iinr of the fourth judicial District. The Court of Vittu and Quarter Smnun is held on the third Monday in reuruary, May, a:..w nl KfiwAmtir. - Ji'fT. Ctlpv. Clerk. Chairman of the CouhICoucI, William Boy- " . Ihvnty Solicitor K. P, Marriott Sherifot' Wake Couutf W illiam VL High, Coroner Willis ScotL lteiuiter. H. HuUon. BANKS. ViiToau T Piw. Vie and Allien hare been over to take tea with Lonii Napoleon and Euge nie. 1 he papers teem with intercsung acoouuta. The Querns had on their best bibs and tuckers ; and Iui and Albert perspired in regimentals. Imia h&i4 the intnuiifni-e to kiss Yie OA Loth this morning. That suly oct-malter is one of deep chocks ; but, Albert should have been the gainer miereet , so in people 01 mis country, to wit: br this tratumolion. bT recinroonUni with Kuire- whether there exists a enmhinatiim among the I nie. who Is unnucstionablv the bottor lookini. 1 11: l I-:, a ; .t I . 1 . -. . nvmiBn iiiuntreov tor iuiiiien3ini; tnv elections and eontrollini As throwing light the concerted late Presidential Fin- ft. "...It fir ri-t I tTOmtM HuhKXMlt H MR. RAYNElt'S LETTEK TUK rOPISH IIIUULI IJIIVKTAJTr Fn'J-Vt AURTOLR,. I rOVSPITt OTt " V JO? erwie-ioo utns, Th. aubiectiataer of Mr. Uvm-'. Utto, -,. Suffolk Seaboard Trai and Bau BaaU l kr ties it to the spsce which it occupiesia em-columns iurontiinieil. " Wiuion, N.C. Sept 10th. The ears have arrived from .Suffolk, and throueb the kindness of Capt. M. F. Corbett I am ena bled to give you the fill,. wing items of news i Mr. Joseph Kiudick. son of 1 humas Riddick. Esq., died at S o'clock this momiogof Yellow Fe ver at Suffolk, lie waa buried at da break, and Mr. Corbett assisted at the burial. Mr. K hod not been to Portsmouth or Norfolk, ml w.M UU..H l.a.r..M thnt ll.a l.ll A. . i i . i v. : i. .i i . i Iv difficult to obtain direct and nuaitivi, tiMmf mwjw uu mniiuiniinii luq worn 3icwwiiars IUOB I rf.. , i , l- l , I among the inhabitantaof these unforttinatecities. j Ju? onlT which such characters are to I loam ii,h w.. . rri tf.mii. i. .,r I be hainpered, is by eireuntatuntial evidence- folk this moming. Urge piles of trunks were r1"?0 ".'! enmetirnes regard as the very beet seen lying before the doors of family residences, kind of evidence. Ot this diameter is the rere while wagons and carts laden with beds and uo !d V0UT mimsterat. Madrid, Mr. Bar- Mhr f.,ii.r.,.l,.,...v iliii nneer, by tlie Pope's nuncio, nsnectins' the thestreU. I forniation of the Caliinet and the appointment of The case alluded to above Is the only onethot ,v""r ,, , "mn!Vr has occurred in SnfTnlk. wrfmu. thomrh M CI ' Before I bad any eeruin news of the formation informs ms that several other cases were reported of.f!' Vb,,t nd wl,il titntim.WM there tills morning. I still in doubt and the subject of eonjeotiire in The report abjut the Illness of the wife .,,! the publio mind at Madi-hl, he (tl Pope's Nun chiidren of the 1st WnniaJ Iw ... I eiol told me that Mr. Campbell wa annointed. rme. The? or all wslL and beyond the reach t n.J thai he was a Catholic, which was the first of the infect inn. information 1 bud of eithor." Dr. P. Claiborne fiooeh, of Richmond, died - ... -" '. J"11 1 1 1 11 1 1'. ' - 1 1 , , - ; THE KOMliSI CTU i;"!r. ' rrt'Tiir,eTr r'TlTta vn't:!.. We do not rcr 1i u-M- t s .asu f.'r toe purpose of exrreio- nr-v i't..ui n in rt-nrd to the corrcr-m '..o.-, a. u U-lMeen i '--i Ravncr and ljrrii .sr. T :i p-i tinmen hnu given thir sutemt!irs m h-r.;"h: an-l Mr K.ii tier hoe f.irtitiod bis tfloiii. letters frt.m n'i-r rwitlem.m, wlHltlrew the sum- a.'vr ,lj.. Every disiasioote man must now dcci io lor hintmit. The oirti-American pres will ti il mi 1 y.'rt riiat Mr. Iarrtiig!r' Ian1 Iwiit, t f 'J' t., y.t." Unvrcr. i a complete vinUicr.tiun ot lo-ir .:ir'y oid its allv, tlie, lomi-h t liurvh, a -nu-t 1..0 charge of harniii. ion since inn ie i. 1 im.w h Ueved by thonssmla, that i!r. I'amplirl! r in .i go intj the Cabinet, i n condition ti-p.t :l e lio man Catholic vote should be given to Mr. fierce. But according to our ticw, it is no voou. a.-n whatever, So for from it, the mot chnrituhlo eonstructiun that enn be put tjnn that letter 1 -still atrong eircunintantial evidence in proof of (the action uf our Oovernment th. OnMn .nl v. l'Kumcror." until thev re "arr,ii?or saj. u. u. .n o- upon this important quenionJ VPm hoarse, and then went to their hovels and . ". UPP'.' he Uoce not 11.. o, .n- action of the in the hs. k;i.tK.l.i. K.U. lit.rm will, brill. mnot conciusn e on otners, w no, ura. toK.r election. isoferavesirniKcance. W.i. mM .il.mtfc. !.. own oooclimons from Uie facu and circunmtnces have we of ilmt eonmrt i ti -i. i h i.:- f.:. i. .v. I of the eaae. Let us briefly review the hwUjrj of What evidence n ith neoule OS alroit and unscrunnlnas Romish Priests, and who enjoy tlie privilvga of swearing, with mental reservations, it isextrenie- tliia matter. ll is a matter of political history, that it was regarded very .doubtful, np to within a few days of the-last Presidential election, how tlie Knmnit Catholic vota, under tlie direction -f Arvht i-h.'p llughee. would he east. tien. Scott s fmn! Victoria Iteeina to lustily, a few short years ago, was one of her own town guard, yon may any, a much below her notice as any other insignificant poor creature. He is the sunie man then a now, with this 'pmli dilation, that he hot managed to gain "t, marvclloui propcrman." A great world this? ! Mpwtat.o,,. that it would be K t - r B.. . , I An ha him. Hupfa mmmm vttrv rMnmnliU lsfMt tft- - utrmm. 77. si III,." Z''i'i i " 1" .e k. IIOII 1 W IWl SWOllVOVCU, 1I1UI U1B1IJ u, ,na lucafooo newspapers and noliticiona objected tu x t- v n wlim' I ticn. roott, recause ms wile was a uio nin'r ut f". Romish Church. ButafewdnM before tlie e- TIIKXCNCIO AND MESSRS. BAIUUNGKR lection, intimations were given out that thefor- , AND KAXNEU. ' eiga and Boaiao CatuoHc vote would be ciuit for v u - , j ' , . '; Picrco and sure euough, when the day of eleo- M.Eiito t The affair of the Pope a Nuncio ,iln eam Ul ettt Uir ToU., bim ,ith al- at Madrid putslee me little. Mr. Barringer, ,Iltir, Ulialli,ulty. ner waa the ftrn Mr. Kay ner and Mr, Ellis have all published m ,trullB:w .usoicious circuuuUuee. Patties and the subject, but none of their pnblicationt sat- flliiol BiA likc v to cliage front all of a offer a reward for his apprehension. He was carried to Virgiuia on Monday after Court There wil)-be-a uecial torm of Granville Su perior Court the first Slonday of December next. Fnblio Address An address will be delivered by Charles C. Rabotcau, Esq., at the Temperance Hall, on Market Square, before the Raleigh Typograph ical Society, at its first auniversary, on Saturday evening next the 15th inst. Ladios and gentle, men are respectfully invited to attend. Mr. Fillmore a th French Court. The ex-President was presented to the Emperor of the French on the 10th August together with nineteen other Americans.' Mr. Fillmore was to have been favored with a private presentation have worn a check shirt" exclaims a second. Abl friend, fortunately the Bowery act no tosh ions in those days, nor were under-garments of that stripe ; and then, again, according to Mrs. Mulaprop, oumparisonsareodornus, " for certain ly. Presidont Pierce is an m.ira lik. Pn..iitM,t Washington than Hamlet to Hercules. We have been practicing tkescale since thataoEiistneriod. and the political tendencies of that tliding-scale have been downwards. " But only consider the imoronrietv of the thing," says Mr. Grundy. We can consider no such absurdity. We contend that the check shirt evinced, not merely propriety, but maifest pro prioty. it wo a natural executive out growth Bearing in mind the plotting, intriguing and m t .7 P I Tu i j r. A ""i"" u V. wiUiout aonic strong impel asping spirit nf the Rimiish,Kl. what " " rf lum e nwWl 'f I Ungcause, and when the cause is uuwea nnd 1 only at a staid in Porlemouth be; I'-Krn""". ;r-t man n Spain TZ Zn h bCHlytherehas hadit ' k"ow wh w! W' is better and likely to recover. m he receive huHnformatum by . steamer d.s- pUw Mr tZ .i ,.nw tt 1 1, a .ta.;n -1 1. k- U ..1 - - - ---------- ;--- , i m . . .. - n " . . ' ... ..'V . , I W I ... rr, .Uo ua. hi wut unnii niio vil M(adV It thi lt nl n nsr. k K"""!"" U Wl WWlMlHIIHn rnWIIKKKl. Willi. 1 ... . . , s J. r- ... .-ti i dignity, what then 1 Washington would never ' The u nndouhtediv on ti e i..c.rte In J. oi"!"" " did it happen Tv. VTjLZil' lu'J n ! ""'J Norfolk, and cause every lr. l'ctte There is still a (treat ileal o'f sufforinir in both places, and the Seaboard train and lluv touts it is thought will ship running, for they are sinking money every day, and then where will relief to me uistrcssea come trom ana bowi lbs polite gentleman to whom I have made allusions in the first part nf this letter as tlie source ot my iiuormaiiou, tens uio ttiat ne was in Norfolk a few days eineo ulid saw GOO oases. and in one vv ara ot ttio uty Hospital be saw UM lying ill, 40 of whom were dying, and three died 1 .1.- .!....!. f.F invocation. We W..U n .uwli.rht Mv mind I . . 7? ' ' ' "J Til . ..I ,7f . . " . c . . .1 ,iiM luvun miu il cm imj inw.uiun uuku '.. tout positive belief. respecting what really patched exprc. from this oountrv to convey to l'""1 b,?wMr- TU'TI ?.J ..T him the glad Intelligence! or didfieVtZI ?.h? of ,MJr,J-. l ?. information beforehand, virtue of an nnderstan- , " "oul state oi me eaaa. a lew uiings ding previous to the election The views and i " . , 7" uTlT, ' related hi. aonvertir;ith the 1W. X matter, is norths iiUrruf manilcolcd bv the it wot it was a natural executive out growth vbile he was there. He saw taelve bodies piled t;'n. part and parcel of all that had preceded np jn 0ne corner of the room', like so many deod thre.hT 10 der" nf some cherished plot? . Do we ever hear Pro testants exulting, that this or that member uf the Cabinet belongs to their denomination f flank of (h Stale oj Aort Carohna, incorp. nlJ 0 0,,n,equenoe w,nl j , omck ooat but by rated 1H30. Charter expires in 1HO0. Capital . $l,iO0,O(K), divided into 15,010 shares of which "explained accident was thrown amimg 1.1 Lii'orarv Board holds S.U2T and tMe L'nivor- hie countrymen, who were in uniform, and be ailv ItMHI. Principal Bsnk at Raleigh. t tloorge W. Monlocai, President Charles Ilewey, Cahier. J. 11. Ilrviui. Jr.. Teller and Notary Public. W. E. Auderson, Duoount Clerk and Notary Public Jordan Womble. Jr. Clerk This Bank has branches at Newbern, Tarlmro thus presented in more than one respect the most noticeable figuje in the company. i ope s nuncio in tiieenmpovitioit otitis Aivriaan t aiunet ot imelf a very sunpn iou cirv-uni.'ane Why should be rejoice iu ilm appotr.ruwntof a Papistf What was it to him whit was in tlie vaoutet, uiiiww we puppoe thai ni.- I hutch was derive some epecial bene tit. or tlie it it was, in one, check, or pnrti-oolered because hogs, awaiting burials and among them was the fw",tmnt WM eoBs.ful accomplishment wu mv. u , t i . . i no, jm uuiilllMmiOII is check, or parti-colered the bombardment of tireytown was a checked shirt affair. It was a Bowerv exnloit, and mieht have been followed niter em broadside by a collation of peanuts and bottled beer. The ministerial and oonxular nppiintuients, with but fow exconuons. indicate a check shirt policy. 1 he Kansas troubles are, altogether the result of checked shirt eoun- sola. The Cuban bnckine and filline the L'tah nominations and retractions and the eiemplarv niniys into northern ana southern Mexico, all in.licnlo that the ruling 'principle by which our government is actua'ouis that ot the check shirt " It is for this thorough consistency this firm determination neither to " make broad his phy lactery," nor to rise, even fur a moment above his appropriate level, that we honor President many em was late yonng Walter Scott "U of Uobt 0, Scott of Uichniond. ' It looks like a hard ease that the dead should be thus huddled together, (..itilcssly like a parcel of slaughtered swine, but it Could not be hclned and tlie one who would sicken at the recital must think of the circumstances. nt hHnl fnnn nithnv P.,i4.n.A,.l n V..r..11r none from the former, have accepted the nse of ontradieted, that when a Ifrmuralu; delegation the tenu sent down from Baltimore. In fact, frum Pennsylvania watted on the President and although tlicv have been gonemusly offered, I remonstrated against the nptwintment uf Camp, besrvf none'being accepted at all as yet belL "' Pn""It replied UU imuutlalml" What 1 cannot luarn Uie number of deaths in 1'uHi. " "'"' ' i'is not ma In a fow months after the election, the Cabi net is nnnounced, and a prominent Roman Cath olic Jesuit is appointed tor that very Lpartmcnt Where Jesuit espiouage way be most eiicctive tor party euds, and for the purposes of religious iu-' tulvrance and bigotry, liutuodiately tl erciilter, it was charged by a portion of the Whig press, which oharceil went tlie rouuds of the news papers throughout tlie country, that opoii tlie ig Willi I'll uniiilivll llB Ra) net certainly gave It to the publio in I ( M i-ioS, rtlia. Uua. .upoiutrautU mtulo way. Whereas witn tne txplauatieus now given ,. ,i1i,'; t, ,,,,t.Hl at to it by both of Uiew gentlemen, it would seem ti , lis ouulll u proreU- , denied, to be no evulone. at nU-tht. haste of the Nuncio , wu uu, ,nd hlu) nol ea to u. o ty to inform Mr. Bamuger of Mr. Campbell t ap- h 1t j., newspaper priws. Here, pottitment ua mer. expression ofjov at the pro- u ' .aend strongly .u-picious cii. uo,- -w..m w......b , tan mkuik runs to exnlain. to S very ciihioc- 1 want to know whether, when Mr. Barringer Inted his conversation with the Pone's Xu&cia to Mr. Ray ner, he did nut give it to him as some eviuene oi n ourruot tiorirain net woe a ir. ll.i1i.,jj ,,.i,: Pierce's friends and the Catholic priesthoodj Mr. lHl, .t thi of t at about. What is the truth f A charge of corrop ion between the friends of Tf,, l, .... ... . , . . - , . . I a snintv w wirnip jtm vetvoes .1.: u ,:: J: i 7. thi administration and th Catholie priesthood Ziill - XT r-i 7"r" - W . . " i "P Catholw vote, has teen made That charge has position -nf the Cabinet before aur inmi.inr derives additional weight from another eireuia stanue. It has been nubliclv stated, and never ruble extent the sudden change of position by tlie Human Catholic church, and the wiehlui); us iufiueuoe iu favor f Mr, Pierce in the election. But tlie proof does not atop her. Mr. ISar rinper is, at tliat tiuio, our Minister at the Court oftM.ain. Accordiug to sir u s ism sin -ciunui. months. I Uie ji.i, KWerBUlent, by their secret tel. gr. ie eonu-1 nie txu 4,116., despatch, receives th ' 'nT I new of the forniation of Mr. Pierce's Cabinet, a Singular DlSerenc In Ttdea Professor Bache notices the following singular difference in the motion of the tide in th Allan tio and Pacific Oceans. On our ewn eonst in the Ion that we should be gratified to learn that th mouth or Norfolk. This iceine now to be utterly impossible. No one keeps any count of them now, nor of the now cases, but Mr. Corbett in forms ni that language cannot express th state . vv. i.Tinn u. Uf aiminx ai Cmil I n.rl . Mirturf it I, u l,..;,l ... l.!l. .lu.... things, nor are wj astonished at his sucessful ao- an( fari fa , to wniplishmentofhttleone. True to bis ante- A mournful sensation was created to-day by CPllltlltJI hlal lntints1vtilt-pa sx.lina aunliaM fi-illa I .1 p.v,v..,,. uie appearance 01 in Mlioard tram tu mourn' luiwnm. miu BiautuoKcoiiars. . nncuoaoK jew- ig. el: j is, uowevcr, adinuwibie. and with chH:k Tl. n.i..:. ....1 :r. r, 1"H" . . uim win. H 111.1 mat, and doe it not justify' th suspicion, that tli appointment was made In pursuance of some previous pledge t The Papists in Eurnnealreadv knew Campbell was to be in th Cabinet: of kindness of Bedim a wretch reeking with th blood nf martyrs tortured in th dungeons of Italy, is not without significance. Immediatelv aller th last Presidential leotion, for the first tint in nor rm 1 villi te uiiu iiivir cull irciiitni. Bra iiib .nnniiinaiii i.,...i:...i.-i.-ti. . 1 i .1,. ., .1 iii.iarv. ill. iiniinr.. hia .n,.M.,,t ... un.i. n 1 .v... .. . ,.r..i... :i 1.. i in 1- j- 1 " . . - : : . .... . .v....... , - . . . , - . A 7" "J w" " "K"iueamiy uouom-1 uf tiiat road, had cudeered him to all with whom I mwssenor 10 mis eounvry. nui even minis. mmeu ID Slier l DIM. " lilt l'Mri .Hiliev." ... 1 j . ., , 1 , , M I 1. n Ulfl ftunhlMlM IH.Hllk.. m1 I t .- , j . ua nw luuimuurve, auu nis uaatn is ueepiy is- . ; , 7, , I "tur Olir TLirt .iMulmiMlhi. HiWm P-.K. I I ' 1 Yamm ik.M. n . Ml ;. 4- ,L.i i urn w. I - - -.- " ... . i . " ,ii ... niuru. ,. b. i and repeated for two years.- been mad th subject of remark and comment I especially within th last six or twelve months. I In th midst of thi state of feeling in the I tnr. Me ttsrttwv .ml Ale HeiniM, k.v. . , . . . . I un I vers-aioo rst in Italsigh afterwards in Ha Hi- u. lwD .d,Bno, uf Ui regular mail and mort lamuotttlrnow a.tothpreeise ,( t u iuiulcdmte!y eoiumunicatcl.-to lajiguagetUt eonversaUtm. Did not It. .ubje t- wnomJ-WhTto the Kuncio of th Pope of matter nlat to thi charg of corrttrtion with RU,B, Anif great and luteraatiuR mit in tin friend f Mr. Pierce, and, whatever Mr. B,u,luluuimlion was that a 7.'oi VuiUic k4 llamngtr may hnv. told Mr. Hayner In that . Ulll)1iej. N0- Uv .huuld the Nun.-io of it not told as soms evnlenc. ot ,b. ,, " nIt UM to fct t,18 ,. , f ,ll( or hi giveronint to do iin t e r ,eo- .:..r;;.. ..f ... 1.,,..,,. , ( , o.oir ndth.ilof th public miud th Um it I ,n wUt WM ,hi, nm(.r ,..,.,.,, i ,i,h u-orred. , ,. r- I , .,. ..'. r hi. .l,..l..ioii, f,m. . i. T That lKMides, if th transaction In Madrid with Mr. u WM iei ,ud kept ,lv t, i.lent Brmtigerwa. notbiiig mor than thi fr tmal MWringer'. laslletter. He .ay. it was UoB ol a fenaos) Cathoh at tlie elevation of nn I Bot m.. Bahia r.o , ott- or lwo t!n,ird. U oounst, tro. too laf to think about excluding .' f T, , th I il .!.. , , , , itahlo from th nature of tli conversation itself, I ,. . In this connexion,, that mysterious visit of ,i,. ,.. ,k. ,u;, ,..,i u I " swracaM t'sthulio, It wa so small and trivial a I cirrunutauc as hardly an man in a million I would remember fur a fortnight much less for I I l it.i it.. . j f.L.oit.ii v . I lledlnl was fSS his srav tn .ml Inita'tuwl I v ... . ai I est urssfim i mwnern, i sii.mi . . . . p...: j. i.:. !:." i u 7- " ni I. """. iranais isi uas-roiin una - -- ' " . i.r .r 1 uncomioonlv Kinnncant oeeuma at thstnns or 1 Fevto,i.l., vVihuinghm, t. hjabeth City. Char .V ' 1 VlVJ 1""' 1 Z'S-ZES "ZZ? Z," t - ..... I,. . .i.. .. . , ,, ' """" " "or sevewu weens, - - . zr 7, : .: ', ' V , It to minO. v. no no Bot hssru ludivlduals at - ...... .i.... ,,, KlU ther, ar ,u(rr,nir widow, and unbans wnora " w 01 trmoniv rrneennren, ... -i. ,Jii, jmi.,L.. ,i..i, " k .i .... ...1.: . i I hv nromotins' several nf tMm So ik. ftn.1 iwnltiM I ..... v . . . I eer 1 Mictv. jmwmtt .wHiin wnnp, iruiv, I t r .. .: " ' . "'e. I ull.lutlull ml tne nroinntion Ot Uislr 1MM1UM i . ... ... . .. . j. 1 J...1....1 . V.... .! 111 J ...1 . ....I . at lllS Iteilill, IliL II. CIUII. .nil In.l.l m III. I . . .. r r , 1 to treat lltm WHO Utter unveituru n buiwii WHW, J . . , . . . ... I lotto, Milton, Morgunton and Wiudaur. SIIHtllU. On th part of the Stat t D. W. Courts, Pub- . 1. 1 r.n uu .1. . 1 w 10 xivasurer, eanucio, v w .(.. m. . U. Pnnte. On t ie part of the Stovkholdert : Wm. Rovlan, W m. i'soce, J. 11. Bryan, J. B. U. Koulbao, Ai fred Jone and B. I. Moor. , Uffering and Renewal day Tuesday. DisoouBt dv WediiesdttV. Domestic Bills and Bills ol Exchange discount- d vry day.. .. . Business hour from 10 till 2 e'olock. Xntriyh Ira Mr of Ike Hank' of the Cape Fear William 11. wones, vasnier. It P. Fiuch. Teller and Notary PuUie. tieo. W. Haywood, T. 11. Sell.y, Setb done, Ueurge Little, Dr. I ho, a. Hogg, BelC. W. IX lluuhinis. Offering day Monday, Discount day Tuesday RAIL ROADS. Rattiijk and Cotton Railtmd Companf. F.. A. Crndup, President, W. W. Vas Treasurer, J. M. Pool, Assistant Treasurer, h All.n Uenot A rent. Mail train kvs 10 minute after 7 A. M. arrire at 6 P. M. IKerlk Carolina Railroad Company. , 3. M. Morehead, President C. P. Mmdenholl, Treasurer. J. T. West. Depot Acnt Mail train arrive i clock, A. M., both front th tost and West and both depart ato, A. M. POST OFFICE. ' William Whit. Sr.. Poet Master. (HVc hour, on wtok days, front Sun-ris tot P.M. ooost of Great Britain from west to east ; and on th Pacifio their motion is circular ; they .weep I round by Asi, turn and flow back. ri'.ESIDKXTIAL ACL'TEXESS! member. I V ct these extiressiona bar pasxed I -1 . l r 1 .... 1 I . r1.1. 1 . In rut li n n.v.. .w I.n . . . . , ICli.,'.IW!i"'.77'.re-7!r.. V'lmuiver I can gather 'farther. 1 wUl .iv. vou. rUully ,uippj.l the publie expento. " j"" 7 1 .!r. at ..,... ,,, wrari, w - j, w ni his disposal t and the monster, who ",; j u W in delecting Free Snl syuiphims. lnmakincth ,u " J0"'""- . u Lj... .b.. 1. i,.i. ... h. I. ' ",,. sniwintuiont to a J Otsi nlli,.. h. ,,.,.. .h. . . . ... ";" ?V a .....i . v.j.'r.-. . r..'," turn. But U any 01 a bad reason le on v fr,. s. II l.. I, u..r;-T. i - ' " Aboard ami Ituanoke Railroad train has r"r "ri jiugiw. u fa Uihv afterward only tree Soil lawyer in Washington, in less I .,1 1 .. t... , :. w , naradeif 111 sute. u and down ths N,Mhrn " .7 T .. , ,, , that he will ? ' 7 ' ."T BVIi T IwXtnf.Iltrtn niiius nn mtm intlU II IiV .nntitK Wt tU attention to th adnrtifwinf-nt of tlie Mewn Tucker in anutber oulumti. Tlioj- bsre. M uiual, an xteusivt aud veil aelected wmort- mDtt where, we doubt not the ut an4 wante of ill claMi of the eommuuitT can be luited. -1 Ik.n i :i . :.i .- 1 w uvui s. t(i'i 1 1 i uuwf a.atu. Sasv Aiika. The vlavana correspondent of r"0',, !he iun individual toth bench of the 1 IiitAlbMn.r n.iu h.i S.,,.. 4.. I District n th plao of Judtre t ranch, deceased. i... l, . 't .i : ...i . .. . I Th. .holitinriLt. h.v. I.ini a,...,, I.i 1a I'..,..- impoverished and distracted eonntry with tha 'B U'atrict witli tli) Judiciary la their snug little fort use uf seven million of dollar. UMm" "7 go ur to realixe tneir withes. .Mlhlnt. .if 11. i. ImmM 1. . U. I M ASH 1 MOTOK. 8ent 4. : . . . .1 t . . . I x- i...t..:.... i i. i i . innMid ii ilmil. ud m Mt.t. ! tl,. 1'niiM.l l -.u since v an xiuren s na oen Mates and England, he having succeeded, it is ompelled to Nortooise so freoueiitly as the pree aid,iB getting two millions of dollar in hard nt,j This is a term coined by th admirer, of money out of th country at the time of his "a '"wy t accisHin in turning out awsweun- Biht "7 '" nnms of AortoB front mm Nurtliern i,.. ii-... ,i. . j a i . . . vuiimjuir.iui,, in. usr siwr no appoinieq mm. rr.KXCH AND CO.VTl.VEKTAL CROPS. Bmst h advica of all but Cabinet. The last It Is vert difficult to obtain anv reliable infer cum ?' "ortonuing is in removal of r. II saaiiua with natiect in tha .mn. in Vrmtu ik. mnd a Collector of fsn t raneiaco. and ptws only speaking as Ui tiovernment may die- -i'i". " pi.m n. Hums o Methodh rui(. Uin..n.U ill tt. or permit A Pari. ..respondent of th. . M. C trum Califomm. Tb.Trv.ur, Zttm ' New iork tounsrsavs that tlie ruin. b.v. don. Tr,u weni out in me sisamer ot in i mueh mora daman than was sonnosed. (ma foot J" of August and will reach San Franeuwo lust is verv tiirnifteaat nrics have advanced eonsi.l- f . h eUetioo. Mr. Hammond was sp- arablT, not only at Pari but at Maneilss.aiiJall pointed by Jhi. administiwcron-,' and m a firm Th. Washington Sentinel think. Ota American tb I'rovinciol market. . i...r.... o. ...r. uwto, woo ci.uns w nav dms party ara responsible for th Louisvill rioto anv In Northern tlennsnv the ertms of wheat rre I slectea Benabir. Iher t muah trweulatma on bow. It.avst and potatoMwai all bvry short soma of them 'O"1" "tiiepriiceamg. butituinotnnlikely jl , tnai w. snail raceiv th niwt accural stalemsnl I any amy wi ui sunjwn, aou nn mat la convar- Mr araliica sustiect at tliat thi gralt- :.l 1 1 L ' . . ..... . , . UWMUII VH MM FWllll IS S VWWU WIS WDDnS - ,.1n ,."uml,hl t?- ful of corruption, w. would most likely ind price bars greatly of them from tlie California papers, as a profound wwwhat th particular faets of tb may bo, silence is maintain ou on th sulgect at the 1 TRATELLEE-8 GUIDE. , (ttai vil ax rarcti of iu at a.uion OTllEUXnTL Thfuwrh Mail cIimo doily - - - - at ft a. as Way Mail " " at I p. m Am res doily --------at 6i p. m ThsCars lea. lb depot - - - at 61 a. m SOLTIIEKN MAIL Br Two-aoao Hurx. Ciuae sloily .....-.... in. to) Arrive daily at 8 p. a Th Hack toavew- at 7 p. m WESTLU-N MAIL (tlr R.iuao.,) , Clossw dail p. m. Arrives doily oil a. m. Th Train h-ve . ........ at I a. nt. COU'ilH)llO'MAlL (Br KuinooB.) CWsm daily, (eaaept Rond.y.) at p. m Arrivwe daily (eserpt rHmd'ay,) . at a. Tb Can krave daily ...... at ft a. m TARDOnO MAIL (Br Two-noas. Ilm,) Ooews Ssiaday, Taws, and Thwr, at Amvws Tuswisv, Thwr. and Mat, at iUrk Immiis U.. w d. asei t it, at PITTSIKtno' MAIL f Bv Tsssi noe.s tlacst C1oaa TwMlay B ttatontay, a I p. Amvw sat ,w.'l.y and I nunoay. at liaek kmvws on Hun. awd i U- about dsccsMtd Chief Justk of th Circuit Court for tin. Di.tnct 1 his gentlsmt n is son li th old ditor of th UluU, and hi appointment a So licitor eoouuntsrr a warm oit.Kiiion in th not half an avaragi advanced. Th Courier ha th folhiwtng on tb subject -At.aais Aivwr.T w vh. tnnr on Tnx Conn us xv. Ths aw fromtiermany In relation to tb gram ron w at a very nnlavorable baractor. Th Mpplies at this tiros of th Tear are aaually verv smsll and th prices not high. but th accounts fnnn East lru..ia, Pomeromo, Silasut, Meet, km burs, and lloliirin, hsv. eansed great xaiaint Ky will giv hardly ene-hslf th average. 1 k wheat has bee so much injured by tb rw that the enlira Vaa of H Is feared. whitoth diisas. avian!, thai tli took of old W heat to eirly nhaastod. t'mtor Pf"ft". tliat h should have diwoverwd, ea I did not noil moling Mistsr Jone curs and thaws etrnwawtone pricw in all the Continental ' " oiie, tne noly AboliUon lawyar to th swear, they wiuld sand him tuiail! ma-kets. with in eocwplinfi wf Hnllan4 hav " . 'u " "" Senato M a fiosr In our Judgment th psrtiw moat "to bKm' considerably advanced. At Berlin, rnettin, and toou.snu Hollar r annum sutlim, M which lit tint eeenws of ruA and bloodshed which hav tokrne, tor several davs, knlter h.4 entirely I vwnii.m wwwiiiwr ot ns I'iMnn was i oscarrxl sl law, la various part of the country, withdrawn Irosa Um toa'rket Bop thi ha also I eompetilor, Th Ms is not an bod, however, or looofoeo damagnguos, wlm, f..r tlie oaks of so. rapullv advanced, and m tb hheniih nvarketa aewnsa, lof, whoierwr .Im .Mr. Illair may U, carini the support uf fureiirnef, haveindulsed in blither pric. wers tid than fut tb last fifty Damoerocy it nadbtod, and h i th only I tl im'Wiefisn.mslnry spiral. to ttxirpss.iorM and - .i " w. mi. pwn www wiwwi.i .iw .o m rviewiw. Mmpwrm witn anon wug one brains. would be supposed that th Spanish authorities, who bad duHiused to oommuuicat it to any on. would hav first given It to Mr. I'.arrinxer, th miniatur tcprtweutitig our eonntry there; tnow iug they must that it we a matter alemt which h must reaaonably foal much tiitere.1 , or curiosity, t leant." Uut'tiot from tlr. Uarrin- account, in bis iot staiem.nv, ui.y peuicu treat him with utter disrenurd a nolly Miou bar pasHed bmt mMl .u, tl0, tou th joyful new to th rho has vertlnrugltt jJ() jj .. , t im mo to hi., im up In Memory 1 , i,,, to his joy, which b wa Hi.bU to i bfrwonla ia Matw. I 1 ....... a . 1...1.1....1 ....1.. press thai flir. narnnger i. Bemi 10 mw news Ulor it 1 rood miblio In th street..-. W really think tliat Mr. Barringer had enue to foel indignant t thi. want uf uiiiodcrnii.-n and of notice iu regard to himaelf. V e feel iu lig- or'Porumouth. and tb! oflicm of th. trn h. - -'l -.. h, ... ruing "TZTaZ ZZ. TJT," nohtoem,uirath.partieul!. . ' , . , 3Z,l 7Z7 Ui to ix ll, kian. frW . .Pri..,d hU renioraeleo. eruslty. U . - that' tfi. Envoy Extraordinary and Mnnstef eouM ntTne arton,ed. that.nd to subject him to th nm summary tb. affair at Madrid must hv Impress Mr. l'hnitenti.7 .rf th. 1 H4 t.le. of A.-eca in 1'ortooso.U. jestorday. tb. death. nnmUrwd "aun-.v. . mv. ram. in. naui, . "r..rT TL'T.Z7.T.VZ r...:. .ii. 'T r i7"-7. I - .. , aevtnteen. 1 meting out iu wtnwr. iianiaea ir.wn tn lace 1 . " , , nn nsntv. . a mmlr of th Conn-1 ,h prwof In impmding perit wriciooou ana pit. i tmwm s inenus, ana mat a 1 mauon in reg.iru ui in. mi.. i . ... . v . ..' .. . ... 1 .! h.hM Uim.mI.u j ...l. a-A i swr n rstoiuMi n to jar. navnnr. 11 n aia. n 1 own enuntrv. ner u tn viuni nr-ni "...t oiedtmSundevrrightlast. wnnntry i ms) to Hratil, howsv.r, whither bs " ,?ml,nV Ifcr Averv W. Wt lliams. tb niasfarsuA sina isr of nJ Hiougnios goinK, out pec tn -- tb V. illiams familv that has fallen in tb pre vail- lMl ," d religious dmnotwm, whenc b ing .pidemie, died hvt night I " ' I know that Mr. Barringer'. letter, dated Bo- Th qnastios h. been asked before It bear atoga, July vi lSia, wbloh appeared in th hut asking now and will again 1 why was this nns- Whig, is relied on as aonclusiv, both as to what sary of th Pop tre.tted with this unprecedented really took plac between him and th Pope's uiruncimn ny oar ituvsvnmani r vv as it on e- 1 rspresenuuv at aioiino, ana a to itial gentle count of his pre-eminent peraonal worth f It is I man's prment imprto en th Bisaus whsroby lolly proven, that a greater Bend never appeared I Ui Auncto beosnx so early poasssted uf th tn human form, no It tor th oensvol. m nod information In regard to Mr. tsmpboli appoint-1 L Vi tf . 7J n.tiiuta litis in a chain of toleration etlnbitefl by nis master to the Trot- ment A .urwry perusal of that letter, it la trua, I 7, , 1 n.o.i bint eterr ant r-ligi, f Wher.vsr tli. Pope', authority makws th. whJaffalr. in Mr. Barringer'. vi.w, " .v.donoo, w h . h must . ni 7 .xtenda, .n.naring p.raeca,m .11 dimen, vwr, mnaU mid.y worth th. p.. fi Ink of JT' t-t rVmaii a ! wa.flh.r-T''liiieith.prvT.rtyleon.1 will .how th.l h T"i ! S .' kiri Attmm Ij.ll MM .111 .M ... I win.. Irt. m 1 1.. 1 .ww I . ... I the 1 '' vrHM Avskridg, Chaplain In th ' ,n7 Navy, and formerly a meuiber of th Virginia th Kaow Nothing are to blam. Tbey h! ne ury. i wueiMws m ge np a pony m ncunrag ana .um- Jt Is U. common Immasioa that Monlmmerv tat war wrween rsc.- " lair, Ei- prant Solicitor of tb Court of I Whsreumn th Staunton fnae.k aila a fuuins,ha been selected as aueewwwr to th Morvtold upon altockindiamCoontv Conrtinth mien urn, tatwyer dons was Utu creot man in tbos part at that day.andon oneocea.ion, whil engaged inn trial withJudg Holms, tlisn s vouu. man. aa onnctttoa sowumiL Lmum verv nst npua th (liare thai b had develorod Fre nrofau. Th Court bod to m . i ,v ii . ....... - r-ti wnuowrv, ci-wBur. iiiniaeii a eatt I ittK auuiti bnt itiiuk trf twunui)iirt tk 1 k im-' a of httatoe ha bean of as r-eat 'hit for th plao. wittily remarked that it wa Attorney. 80 after B brav armwiltotion, tb worst I to t expected. T h. I pro., of r rank 1 Iwew s ahrawdnews and astuU I PrMdingJoiHie announced dit if Mister lb. Irae. I ciou. circuuisUnea, which g to e.iai.hh tb proof of th bargain between tb Iletw-ites sua th Itomsn tatbolic.s, as cnarfi-u, ai u w,..-n un. not been denied authoritatively by tb u ..o.nis. tralion organs. huw bow is all IhtsT rarrisai s m-.j see notliing in it and, in Uct we supp.- 1 a, tb. nficcltng mind of th. eouutrv v ill can. to a l'uttinir all tb fact, to- transactina woto. Aft stating what btwen him and Ui N sdcio, bs go I " llfuf aot at all auppoM," 4c., e ho II. miBf th. Ou'd Ul lUl.n Ultlorille. nav. T vlaoled hurry to dual out this wcrel to the Nuncio or. o tolaT, (which i. tour. probaU.,) why ahoulH th. .Nun. .00 v. v Lpn OB jrt to Bni M new. f j n i 1 . .i.. ,1,.. u ... a mat'sr which hod rs, in th. next paragmpb t "Th Infeiene I "" r .... ;.,. ii.. 1,. mnA it...n ao. Tbialaurm?. yoaobrvs, ba '"'P " D7 t 111. tlioiolei. j-ar..' A MODEL ENOINtER. A aorrwapmidsnl of th Journal of Comm. re who lately ma. I a trip Over th Eri Kail road re I. to. lb following Incidents CASE Of PASSMOBE W1LL1AMWJX. PHII.AtMTt.rla Kept S. Tb Supreme Court H.mwthintwaoutof.rJtolBtbntiB. W I l'snsylvsia. in eostoii . her, refuses to grant hod known this Lwf.ww: but i ran akg on trms without antwrent tmuU. This foot had, how- rvr colled my attontuas to tli ngine, and to th wginwar. ll wa n an uwg man, wiin a 9 f. to ' bwavy board and nsmtrtacbwof oobnm bair. If m 7 a to ppaafB Imprissi i ua fa.wwbly: 1 dwcnt I B. to him that any nss may know wbe I allwd to who knows bia. t not .now avs nam. A w amwnscbwd tb swmmrt of lb. grad at Is i i - ' Dayton and when within Hftf ria f it, thse " I T" arm. arwd sm.'h la wWot I .k-ld wall th Kee. ' fc " I board ewgiaw. TW tmt.r of tt I mid wot toll. did not amin N immrdiatwly: 4 when I LaU rullicatlon. Or-r-Crnr.l m.4, by th Baa. Uwary Q W. ti Hilar. liS in lslit-r.1.. MmioUum sod M.,ls Bill, at fwllMtiwa wf . Horal iooraol, by Frank klarv. Jtt ... . Imi Cat Cwrnwra, by bwaaaly. To Hiliu. TV too of Ik. tarn, by Wm, Knfc. I (Tarter. Bsm, Ik Bias pea. so CI I., if t'opt. SBIST. FH4.!fhi 11 WM llHO. buhS tow, b, U aeitl. With f. that M th left ml., to ttum. dnv tb wheenen that tds-, and with thi. an Tk Uf at Kapalw wwSMpwrto, by Jwba t, C. , l"g M h k.k n to Dunkirk, arnvWig U.iny AkWU. I va. ttoievw. miaM bshind km, ! toft I sol ky g t TVIVEI, ' mimmkm mt his to twe It wow tk moot rapid. S.C, ' I wwtwMbh,Be4 skillful operatsua. It wasatwr . xUlalgV, J.I, IMA, H my tortun ton its. thrleas of I'aismiar. Williamson, who was nrnmiitwd for eaaatwatpt bv th I sited !ttea Dis trict t mm. Judge Utwry tomeurrad to lb W ihws, bul differed In sen of lb views of th to. Judpw h mix diatent.4 from Ui dweuloa. Jo-lv- llluk rad th graundaof th dseisbm. Th Cuwrt it is held, baa no jariadietjiHi into, fering with th jtidrwMttUwf ih Fedwral Coarto. f'.iuris have t. Iu.i.s nnwar to dwaijing sassa 14 oatwmrA, tM Ihw l our eould not go Md lb tweurd to awwrtoui tb U.t whstber Ih ov mitmwal k tog ol me not Jadgw knoa gav aa wfsnma adveva to ma- for I si tkssr(inq I luwn 11 vet or B..W- f;.nn,wi.Mii sum ww iiwm te u4 drivto at it bwsily at work ajaamg Hi ' bd;rticth to mm writ f baton, k,,lt. and e "d Hint nrpw in Ih IrH 00. a. and that Mr. w illiamana He was d ang, aad k. did, what I douU vy It"'")' of ria- to nfnmng to tow St .u k .l,i.w wm la to. of the drivers of k. H ato rutod that th power to iasa writ asf ad to prejudice., and hv tuurbt Haw to bslisv th Amerirmu tmnual w as an outran, on tbeir Ttyktt, and an inaoU to their feel. res thai ouglit to bs rnmitad. Tbto sun foreigners if left to tbemsalv would prnt.bly hav bad the Int.lll g.ue to pareaiv that tltey njyd Bo political privilege in I Ins oiilry, iee4 a a gratuity that suh privilere as thry thus tnjoyod would b continued to tl.rm, 01. 4 llist th wiovswi.nt to rewtriot tt fhrwlgB inlusae ksd fferMie to fa ta r immigrstioa, and them and their hiM rwa as mack H did tb nattvw. Bwl -perwtad Be arwoad by tto) cry of npprawhm, frua. rwsatows port. .ft.. Ily aitrw.d UwwweWas to a lea wa to net f laww front wbtrb fat ttoAr ooksr mooKnta thy would oars atirwtt. bar iiaM. Aaaitatorvni EertasC tv-Nww Terk.fW. tomlwr III Tb stwwt FmpiraCifj kMtmud fllMI A.pitiw.ll wuk vo I .Ihb.rwio awuls. bni.r to to lata. Bad baa Bwartf II, UJ0,'JU of s(wu ew btoal. and riveting th chains of th Catholic elm" h in thiseowntry. Wa It lntend"d as a publi manifestation of respect to th causa of religion in gnra! ? Why limit the publi. vmsel to a papol mUsry f Art thr no protrtlant divin in tin onntrv, wha have long hasmeys to trf.ina la visitb g Ihflr friends uf lb Mm faith, and who I is framed Ilk. . r. .1 r. .. -i. . n ... c I . . 1 wmiM. u. w:ii iwr n.nuiu iwumwi M Viirmeai Oinipi J UWI.I'WS in nWl n WOUIO I , 11 i,w But wht oiie-tlonsf Dun anv man awl iurtifv It A ad Una brimrt ma to wb.l I I were stubborn and Unnraeiioabia, ny doulrt but that tb diatihctioa wa dictated b aahils airi. Mr. Borrinrar m.v m,A kmrm n.ol of xommBn eatioa. gratilud for tot in tlet lost I action, nnd th I any attention toth Cunveraation altfa timet but, pmmia nf vote In th elect wait to cum? The I on returning home and bcomlnf aonuainted flnvwrnment annaidenlh Caiholi Vol of thai I with lbs Raw of facto bar., talllni tu mind Ih. enantrv an important elwment in stectiuns, and it I orcaaion aad incident, of tliat n, fa to willing to pay for tt by tenmrs and vmeaa I joslly set tt down a a an cvidene of a eliarp bstuwd upon Catholic aa Catholic. I which tli oualry bad long bsluived. Whan w ennaid that this fnrrtqn CotkoKe I But what w hav to aomplala af U, Mr. Bar vuta amoanls to apward of il.(), or nrlv I ringer bo not plainly told lb wswatrj bis p. n. sillh of tli whole into uf Ih In ion, and U j I bslief, instead pf Isaving It to b gotberad oot a a ami, aadar th dietotioa af Arebla.hwp I truat Inleraae. ugnaa, 11 liauwrtane I at asui aprwweiabsa. IB 1 . . . , . . . th..l polities divi-.o, "hamuia, IW , TJ.TTZ' , " lli 4th of Mareh, ln63t Ther I aa vldawe. 1 kwuW that Ui esprwaeion "nl ifmhd," ttse.l ia Mr. Barringer' IsMor, U asiied iAi as pr irf that it aa tiiu sid of th 4th wf Mareh, 1M...V Is it any proof t Cabin! places an at tb will of tli I'raoi.Unt A at may b to all intenta aad Cry m as on;wtt,ud to such an aHo t"ng bs.r utersuu It actn dutie-h is spp. ata-l tn.u indswtl, a . -a aa th gus him to ate motive oa ear nods mail ao. 11. w ins 1 nsmato pieosa, umta by piece, eornlnr. asxung Kid, vols try an te it ana aua in ptowa ap ia hut toad., la (wiy swvwa tola ato from It tint Ik aandawt amrrwd, fa had awtswllv aaahirpwd tt. setl-w MfH aad bod ptowd It ia faio toadar, leaving tb tttato Court, A Mopes Jot a Aor Th ,rtnwln I from a Freaew. nor'1 a ynaeg weaaan. wtoi pratotHts to fawv a divlaa tewva. bs jww) bwea baawd a to tb Ortoaaa fwtoas, Rlwi w to b eawt to tk t riwasa, twwtwadlef tool she Sow 14 tot s OrtoitnHl ia a vary anwvl tun, Pto) peaks oa the l.;w to vwrr aad d.hhw rata asasw. All an ask it to auepli.h bar gvwwass salwrte i aa womrt of a awrreowt, aor. pwrol. aad tea ma. Mt ta at proKul aamiaitttd jegwwKiu.i j at a varvnaaw,- IfoWVHsOiB Irtworiarv rtcrrwatM. Pisets. ll a. J.a M. Kilo, af CnetH-ut oaauf in aid ,Vlnoa 4 aw m sis aad I'ustiaawtar ttoa aade taa ftuiwa, has hooa wo hie w-ovaW. In a b ttot to tb Hortfird Fimss, b evt b mn d Ikrawxh ton rwaiwt and an Tarruory, and ks wald l tmi oaa anlitary 4(eUr af th prsisni aitmiklwtrsiiva, Fvaa th aorty adiPwa faa4 Baiarlid him aad Bud ha woo tha kardoel luad thot to poti wot pack mala of 4wMrary hot ova tarrwd. w t(M with Mr. h itos wkwa be ssvt lhitl.ail rHMw s admii.Wota tovwt lsau vary low. It will net Jt jf sliM p.atlr. toetowt populati'wi, this Fneeira t alhobe n to mav I pa Wlel iM Willi wnntrnUlng StTnct i olit WS Br I B.4 aarpriaed to e that it boa so- u red tw aol. I Bt toinistor and (our loreign mlataaahr, B'W I ar w srpritd to hoar that k has alreoilv if I aiKnoted th sueewaat af th BTOaent CatholM I t'bisf" dujtie of ll, lti.reia Court, in tha peraua I uf th prevtit T t iak 1'u.lmaalar tisuorol. I 11 change, bla Ii. . aver Chriatoadom. aoeoriiing to ex ' our eeutitry, h dep. p ieties mid "' with bis mini'ms, tlimUKh th pud y m: '- Af h.a awbnrdmi-lwa. bv aonirollin lb eo-ction. Ihr.unh tb. ballot ha! u .1 H r-i.e practically f .Son whatever. It u, V" - tli pulicy f our ivaintrv, aud R.! our I' .' pHc s of b aiortn l re-pons.luity hi. contiol of th lialM-b..t, r as nun ii I,.. '.. a. If ne received mil orders dinwi!) fiom the t at. n jt.elf; and yet o tr ng is arU'. I '.iy--a Vh.lenl is poftusn rago l intet .ei. I 'l tl.t th k'fua P.erc par", en n,,t fel dgr lat. n of our a li-eyf.-l .0 re.entiM..l at the eare!.-a tn . -;,-rawv a. J eavs'icrniooiieriii hi. h our Mini.:, rat tl-ef . at. i...t ... ...!..! lo I..-H Ufl t. l' tun Tat fissvvaai ( kala a.T.. Mr. J.4ia Wth-1 daralsnd that h wsn's his sorvioos 1 s'.J k arli, af New Vurk, w ll.alf of hiiwvlf aad ae this aa well ia Novembet a ia ii.nh. It, tbf eiiiwaiw) who wuOerv-4 .w of a.aals nnd I thsref.., lb Kunrio bad ;.d mm u bal.eve Btnvwiriy by Ih b.m.tatr4iwwnt id lirajpeam. fans la I rj tliat Mr, Campbell's arrvira bod wrui.a a tutor to Nwerwiary Msrrv wBoniring I bswa Baked fo l.v th Prrantont b would I.. whwlhor Ih rlalmaai f.w damage may raaonaa-1 i nrr though L let. Bud aa tliat account not hlysBwwtto fa toiavbarawd by ih g. isiaaisat. I verd la our America avaUi of pn.odur vat Mr. Moray fa ronliwd, branly, that rmaawal I k ouel, anb ptotveialj uf b.m.k v toot Mr. was sasaiiiiaiii anawnar a wt it in aattiar, without th araviwa Boartua of t oagrsw. II sswai to a that lot aawly iumitatod Cnart uf Claims is Ih wrupav tvibwaol to dit and port apun Ui aeeno.l at ibetiiav towaaerrehaaia. aad that atua tlteir awnwuoa, tt is pnaatbUt, t oa gna would art promptly aa4 wioivly. LSB.J.toU M ;.;. BwlagoiaiMr. Koniagsr lays tli K'aawto waa tb. 0tM paraua to totorm bua af Mr. t II t p. nolo. oot 11 y haw mweB was tha Biarf llvw bai wa. it bwfura Mr. It. Iwarut tk saw fato toaos atfawr auwra f tt a tt a day. ar a weak, r Bwmlh I ll dav, hy Ihea U was ao awtmr if a wook, thaa BM not mac, motto if B avaitk, ttom it ta a vary grael manor. 1 mm, Mr, tditor, an s,meief tkapowfakw-h wtnka wa ahuat tl. 10 vary aststwriou waal bihl aa Ihwaa. 1 duo t tad to toot a J-.b h.iVI..o.:-"d ve.ra. 1 be d.c'4 was B Wx withawt fuwwdolem. hot if thov to beirtharof.. H. kukhamef to uy af fUUh foaoJothm, 1 wont to mats th ehorg. 1 ll.ii k a 1 a IT k B.t;, I tn R.O.V n nvMtauy aiwiwm w aiaiv uio i.i.m. . j sv.pi. f aw a lox.tos, i bo. a prv a a ... . : I. !' loot. 4 rw.el f ail II gBlleoiwa (L et t'-.t. f F-' J 0...M atO'-'fum t4 wi'h II. oi.tta, sr. I I I.' 1 ll..i .. . a 1 thot tb.v Will v. da w.,.tstt It. J e.e 1. - Ie. I .1 . c an r ti It, lei.iic B.U4 to ths 11 LIU. ; ,s. 1.. 1... Ilm ti.iul ol h e. oi l n I no.i v f..r it tollrt Nuncio id tl-s t:.r : tio.ernment bad lend, f. r a dny of too, m ki.. of it W r.eal. that w ca.a. Ir Sir. r .rr l .if. oi.nt a ti.a j.r-.f t b.4 or uf our t . unlrj aaa '..r;,,.,. I " lo-t 1'ro.oU liti.l .1" I n I. e I ' Bt I ths ll.erar.l y 1 ti ll lb. I I -' lnnieialtonM ball a a much lb art-"' Pup I'lU l.. if b hod ! aeol ll fr..m U.t swlhieg e r-'l f . rref" I tort .4 (wm iuit W r not d.. w 1 aw b, act 1 ." Ill:l, w y. r Hj1(4-i1? 1 Ota Oiiil, hi Wlna.Ur, l1t uf An (-ti, m ttt rtlf iff t. Umit, Mr, At Oranra, Kwr -., a ih. mntf lUuttaM, i p.i-i f Jwlna It, it art bt Tl. feiarois uf Noitb I r ;.na ..! I" U I. ..t, a .ebinx.. .V f. .0 i. co. tly iu'i ' " -n ' r s - Uis.t bono, fiorn I . .. .- o. t Oiui tindtM taa.i'.t ..:;:' I BV tb I. IM ( Ii - l meal. J ' TntNw V ik J"i if 1 -ttiat to- :'t- itt-y ol !i 1 r, . ,- T to l. "I.-r IU I. A.i.". I II ti,. I in V 1. . . . . . I a ,,! & . - ' l l. .a s j -t aa -en el ' s ' t

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