r CAROLINA STAIlVFEDNESDAY MOUlVltfcy OcTOGEll . 2f, 185 1tcrll-(i;irclin;t glan "'" U A L 3G Tg II , "n. C. r.iat muiixixg. ocroiiriKio, i$s. . a . i . . . J. . l The Fur. TU Tl.:t4 Annual Slat Fair ba doted, and Ui Hmukiiin here, to witness tl" sign Mid th ; and all the objection ra. ia.inet.a fug of dust which .( e. ni-!i.t'j i'u eirculstioB through tb . . Uu lime bund it inipnauuh) U jfreseot Est f the IVii.tiums awarded, Ac, in out isu Of i-.-dev. W a shall be able at early a pracu cabU TuVaMn- of Jud,,J Kurr.K, on Thursday, . ."n of in trre-higbeat terra u an minutly -tti-ifi, ! i3'iDt1 ery. Cb Kiuury is Troel. , - . C 4 Kinney, the governor of th new Republic sf K.curagua, doe not And hi path strewn wilt ... 8uwrr, Horn of th eitixen bar rebelled against bis aatliorily, and protested against th M) judgeweat which b took upon them. Th , Colonel bs expressed hit dosir i to resign, but ' tl 1 thought h ia only t aacting th part uf Ctnat in rejecting th erowo. . Meantime, th United State oatol thera ha reoogniaed th new Hepalilic, and enlisted ow IrX side of Kinney ana freedom. Wa bare great faith in tba bidoxaitable nrgy, pluck, and luck of Kinney, and, wa bav . no doubt b will veQtually come out all right, tiutta falm tint ytUxrt. l. I - llll '. I v'i ltortaUty U X trio Ik. . Th Korfoik Argua which ha lately rctuaMd toblieation, aaya that la th ahort anae of leaa J thm ninety daya, out of aa average population of host ail thoaaand, (tory maa, woman aad child (almoat without axooption) tiara hen atrickea . it b th yal low fet er, and about two thiuaad bar lean baricd, being not lea than two oat of th threw of th white and one ont of th three of tba t whole ahiding aommuuity of Norfolk, whit and black. On half of the KorCUk pbyakian who . aowtinned that ar in th grate, and not laaa . than tliirty-MX pbyeiciane, raaident and rUitora, hat fallen ia Norfolk and Portmnonth. " ' Tb ramrda of the pcatilenc nay b aearchad jm fats Eur anch Btoraliry. ' . , Atlh aneatirg of tii British Aeeociatioa at : Gbnguw, Jlr. Newmarch read a, paper "Oa tb emijjrntlon of th laat ten year from tb United . Kingdom and float Fraao aad,Oerioanf ." Fir hundred tbonaund perwn had enljrated anno ally during tlx laal lr year from Kurop t Aaterv-a af which JOOOO want from Knglaad, aad J00,'HT froaaCentral Europ. Thcpopalatloa of Oreat Brila'a baa incraaaed 3rO,000 during thia period ao that th antir inerauM f pop. fctttoa from natarnl eanaea had emlpratfd, . r Taa debt of TannaaM ia elated by Oorernor 4ihnon, in hia Meeaag to tb Legit lata re, kw k, to U $K,7,85, of which $J,W2,M0, U diraet, aad $J,7510i)0 loana or eadoroemenu II add that I ViUfiXt uf tb debt baa baaa pu ahaatd by fli State, being proeecda f til diri fden,dioftli8lata,U tl Fuuitwr. aad Ink 1 kf Tiaa ' faaai ra aad rirtiata. . . V leara any th 8uuth-8id Itawoorat, that the r war Mr new ae af feref la Korfclk a Wedneeday,' eliieily aatong thoaf whs bar Kjely ntaraad. Kotwitbataading th repeated . warnlnga wbioh hare Lean glrea to th,abaa , they are guiag Wk daily aad waehoaldaut he awrpriaad If that lajneai b aoatkaad, at har tng to raoard aiawkr diatiaaiiag aoaoaat to thoa , mtireil weekeago. . T..r i t It aaj be pn-rr to add that aithr th Nor- llk Argwa or New uf yaatarday lialaiaid any thing In relation tanWenidemia. Tb laforauv aioa puUUhad abot la fruai a privat aoare. i tin la X aioatdeetnactir lr eeeaned ia Kictimond ' h IKth intt, deatroybig property la th aaionBt T ui(U tZM.OOQ. It eDmmeaxml about half peal wa a'aWk io th atoraing and wa not aitta- goulied a-atil a tat hoar io tb day. Tb large faraltur ator of Ilabliatoa aad Bra., wa bera- d with aware) larg aeiea adjuiolag it, I 1 1 ' a Ta'Si.MivTiLroajr. Welaarafrom tta ioernal of Commero that th Pub-warUM 1ilgrah Company hav 4 at ended their e- tartirue IB ae'iuao of th uieaateruMe tarml' uatioa uf tha ailaaapl, hut Awgaat, to lay th wire betweea Cape tlnbia and thia Ceaat of NewCnaian4. w tor frna thia, Wi Journal ayr tb gratUman engaged I tl ntrpriae are n"L"noa l aare, mid only await the ra ttira of MHitlrcr warm aeaana to reinrnt Ihair ea doaiora, aa Ui m avlha of June and July ar tb i.uly usee abea th wire aa b mia with aalMy, ia Ux aaeantiax, a eetuemeM wiil t mxl with tit Liavloa anearane eompaaiea rJ'eting th ket wire, which will either namtored, aril mm aampetHuited for. A to tlx ultimate recovery of il.a a ire, titer ia aaid to be au eaten uW, aa awe d HnaiiM mat lathe NwfoalUml ehoratand with th aid of aaiiMite aaechaaMal apnaralae it auay he drawn In. lie ewMf learth U dirty mile mi aa weight Inwa. 1 n ran pinntna f th J Jnlco ling from Cap hay to be J ha'a, a rt,tnu of w mil, la very arar iiletioa, m t..l the aeit ateaaaar rrom thai airwuoa la -avt4le brmg tow-1 1 gene tha It m d, .j J'lL KAXK. s) s bad th pleaaar yesterday (baking k wide whs tha Baa world lanowosd Arctic a i ,.wsr, Kan. Hi gray Ixifv and furrowed (a plaiuly I'll th try uf has hardships aad u4rnfs. ll.l eppesraiMW inthwada lw sens and toa, la reainy tx baa just aatoswd bhiaolb ;r. lis Mi aod hyi ar au what la .rn' i f.n. w i to be in keeping with dlulis- m , i. drieg ipl.ii', a4 hsreulsaa andsr .. is 11 w tii asediaa hmgbt, with .rt d rate fi Mitl. I la an . rl la a-hinr at half past lv c -, a Tair'!ty aaorning. and proersdsd at once 'i .r Lu r-,-s- u b tin lsiwil ia th I ailed .", by wh. a b w awsii urdiaJly rivd. lis aeal luiiil ll-s rieoreury of ibe ary, where sualsiirdial web wailed kua. list pra--.nm.lan 4anng bia brief Hay psisia) rwrlel -.imtKia, 1p i.-tt ia la alterwsMa ears f r V ffk, ar laiiamgh aomiaally oa a . -...I. h wid sad inaia ims ia preparing . uaWal kmssI 4 kis spwlin.aa, aad akiok Maw's to "-ai4to ia th sawn uf tws av re ..! is. 1 a aarralit part uf hVifdi n. wli h M 1 I'll to pew eioswdiajl vbla ouwa, ihwiu-4 be prepai eal for taa pre hwasaay .i. i.t'ia t . I l.i . t ,x. oil of kh p-Iila nwUUhad il u lft p4rs ssruMis ah4 usa.lee i r i.,.i. Tli ars eeaa af the ges t'ular t, .1 - .1 . It Lw. tH iapaat aWwaat Ihre i4 kiM. II eawuid hss b lava ttsw i4 ami ; aad whs) it el.i.ai. aow ia wars i proiMirsiixi is : it is believed 14. al a wmI prvw I beee mawlt gri, lalarfia t am . , !if Sl.ttTfrt. i , ..-.. in. IT. tie t i ha li ma (', t t ra to C'og k " . H t-ial ptralnv, KIXU 8 MUCATAIX CZU.B1UT1Q.V, ty atarted ea Wedncadari tti 3d fcuatantk a nwte (of Kiof'e Mmitaia via Yorkrill. W ar rirei u l orkrilla lb aat day. Oa th ib at an eaj-ly hour watok ap vat bin of autrcb." tor tba oioaotaia, and amrea abeat 1U etir wi'.lwut meeting any atiahap by flood er fetd." . bo- atieu arrimir tl.e uiilitwy waa pat ia ax Uun, wliicb conaisteoTiif tb i'aunette Uuarda, wi' 1 JcliaienU of the CttarkntaMi Ititlemen. arid th Washington Light Infnnuy (th latter bearing t1 -fipmMAVmfmmUM jUi-i'iaoadi.. o.unlner Hi tie Company, ttie Cuiuailna ' lying Artillery, and di'tnvhutciit to the C rohna Ulue. the Ldgrtietd Artltry, th Vurktill Cadet, and OatiKHin Uiianla f truied into line, under aoaa avind of Maj'tr Metban. Cafit. Jonuann, A. A. and were renewed by t'oL MoCorki. After per forming aereral erolurioft and Bring a aalute by ill r'lyuig Artillery, a pnmwa waa fornird in tb iollnwing order, viz t The tariou Volunteer Comrmnlea. Th Member of tba Moaonie, Odd r'elkrw and Temnaraac ljdg. Tb Member of th pro. Tbhrrnd Clergy. Th member of Congrwa of tii United State. Tu Speaker of the Uoum of Uepraaantalirc and Memliera of th Htat LegUlaturc. Tb aereral Comraitteea eiHinected with th Cel ebration. Tb Deaoen lanU of tho who had (ought at the - battle of King' Mountain. - Invited gitffc and dutinguiahed Stranger, rmident of tba day. Tb Orator and Chaplain. and awrobed to the Mand. 'i'lie eurciae of th dny war opened by a ferrant prayer by tb Rer. W. Adam, a dmeeadaot wa believe, of one of the wortuie of King' Mountain. Col. John 8. P.e too, th orator of th day, and a grandaon of Cut Campbell, waa than Introduced to tb audience and wa received with applnua. lie tbea pro ceeded to addreae th large audlene before bint. Our position wa tuck that w could not diatinotly n . r, put juagmg trom tue appiauae niamtnted by thna near the iieuker,, it aiuat have been r i ffurt wuriliv of th gifted orator. Alter Mr. rreaum aad concluded, Nr. ISan- eroft, th bietoriao, wa next introduced, and wa well reoeived. We aball aay nothing mor about the aneech a w intend to publiah a ay tfopeia or them. trier waa Mverai inciuonta winch wav realiv gratifying too. Tbaaword of Col Campbell waa eiUiuited to tha audience, alw a ritle that had beea ed in tb battle, aud alao th t'ktg of Ku taw and Cow pen a, which ia (titriutad to the car of a Cbarleeton Company. It la iniponible to a tat correctly tb number preaaut, but 10,000 would b a fair comnutation uf tb Mraon Dreeent on the 4th. It waa a aouro of rrntilioauou to n to vieit thia battle ground and every one wa ht'.ating for relic of tb battle, beraral balla War found and w w a pewter button bclonsine: to a Uritiah aoMia'r picked bp oa tb otouutain bv Ir. Htroni of thi ouunty, it haa oa it a crown and two let ter, oc noting uia oouipauy tu wbwa th owner belonged, VV xaniiuied the itoae, oa which w KHind tU lollowuig inaonution, via t oacred loth memory cf Mat. VYm. Chronicle, Capt. Joha Mnttock. Win. Unbb and John Bovda, who were killed her (ichiini in defence f America, oa the iln uotobcr, liSU. wa I He other aide u tha following, VU " Col. Ferguaon, an otuiwr belonging to uia BrT uiniv uajiiv nereaiiieo. ' Thia (tone habeen mutilated withia a fc weeka, aoroe on breakina off tb 0 ia 1780. W heard (everal legendary talea, tliat 9 or 10 tnrioa were hung on a Urge limb of a tree atill Handing and that Col. Ferguaoa waa placed on a roca by ma men and waa then knocked in the bead Cr the Americana after the battle. The talea are antauaUioed by th publiahcd aocouuU oi uia oatu. ,, ' Oaly two aeaidanta, on a verv aerioua on, Kappauad to mar tu phiuare of th oceaainn. Thi Iia rnat awarr U. Arahhiahnp llugh baa heea making political aeh in 'it BMinining nritiaa I'nivuieaa. Ibat he can bt wtthrt Inourrhig any eenaur, ba)ua lie ia a nrivilegeil rbwnaa Call.. .lie. la on of tboae 'neecliee ha aavi tbat-,if are Aawricana Jo tuil haa tii nil of tireigner to which w are aow aulyeotad through the eappurt tha aaid ioreignera raw iv from th "democracy," w bad better nack ur bag and baggag a and leave tii eountrr." Though the are aol hie preeie worda, w give hi axaot meaning. Let a leara from thia, then, lb due that awaite aa, anhaw th gond et a ta trim patrtotir of th American pwrpleahall ia a abort tint take away from future eniigranta the right af fathig etilirfly, and annnn it in tho bora on tb aoiL When the head of the Irian I'aplati tolka thm openly of forcing the narivea to tear their country and eeek a Jkmh elMwIiere, It I time for my aoed cilim to baaoaw a Knw nothing. . Bait. Oipptr. Th Inilna Tim 1 lamorou for tha recall t Urm. Mimpaon, in oonirurnc of bia manlfoat ineapacity. A oorrcspondent of th Time givee humiliating pictar f th nadunt of th Kng- iiaiimrer (aseontraslM with that afth ranch at th Bnal aasault aa aehastopol. It aewm that while I'ehssier, Ihanuet. McMahoaaad theuther Fraweb general, led their troops la parana against ia aiaiaxna, in r.agiian generals were aalsly lodged ia a trench, wber they witaaaaed th re puis of their tore from ih lladaa. Uawaral Himpwm aat In tb trench, (it waa a bitter aukl day) with hi aiw aad eves just facing th wild aad dual, and bit cloak drawa ap aver bia bawd to prutoet him against both. OeweraJ Jorte wore a rod aightcap, and rscliued aa his litter, and Sir Itichard Airy, th auartermaater general bad a whim pocket naadkerchiaf tied over bis spend ear. K wonder that th nnaslan aay that lb Eagliak ana ia aa army of lion ltd oa by aaaaal A niU V A L OF TII I STE A M 81 1 1 P ATI.A NTIC (taxrroroc aa blwb rr. raauataaiia BtrktrxB. Kw York, October t.-Th -)aawr Atlaa th arrived thi Morning at hj 'ha.-k, witk aa week" ltir rntolligaaca from Lurup, h hav ing sailed aa th (h. A ris ha take pi ic In dia sent, ft) per ent being lb rata. The CottM market I depressed end prloe ir regular. , hobaatopnl Is to h Movra ap aad th Allissar slaking mine fur that parpiw. thartMhakaiff' army Is threaten1 hv rarg tores of it, .title front F.npnNwia aad linker. I la th i"Hh Hept., ih Kawaiaa war defeated aear Fipa'ori by th FrsvH-b ( avalry. Their was in killed and It 'A prisoners. The French baa killed aad 26 wounded. Gnrtaehakor. oa tb third, report aa iBeaW aai aaoiawral oa hie hHI Rank. The (.set has nils oa m M tpdit!ua nip p"d W) NiraUIrr sHMnae. Ta llasMana mai aknerailiwd to asset th easspnita vigwowtv, the I aa al disss baa Usasal aa asuv.aratlag ad lisMe to the lluasraa r-rds Ur.swiiiig rl.raa that be will shortly U k Ih Crime. A Jaanav is aniieipared bsiweea the Wsslsra w a.) lew. ... bcc.hh.1 . thlr UIM r,,,rf-',,'w"".- . , , . . , Tb. M emu, M BtiU aeriMsa, baVwab aao saw tMraany. af T Franc A Inniyr. Aaeriagsf thtaeaa rtadi4ss U gaag Ih nsihda at th llaaamali papers aa "a lunralile enaerialkw and aawdaaaaliiaii uf rh WiuMrali erawd," ll w a parse ef gtaad Awtoae ia the fMsty to) aid to Bs4 eat al fas a eharaetorn-iH-a. Th numt hasoftoa towa It hat lansMrreey f Awd the ansa esBMlde aHtutum a er ksard was thai gtwa by a bl'intaMMryaiaa aho Bever werved tr.aa kw UIilj t Ihe pstk pmaiad aat by the toaaVera. "M hat at J . r' at4 h. "liasa nary it i alwaia to ta wiih rowr parte, right ar aroag. ThaW.I aad m'.Unw Attol Road bs dsw-tared abvidaad 4 11 rs .! aad asarrtat a pi' ahsarha to th sink sM debt". i ' , a 4 tha psaau af tto si 1 1 fund tot Ih payawataf j . , I A I'PALLI.VU AFFAIR. Oa $atardy mornieg mat Kichmoad eitr waa thrown into a etoai uf wteoe exciteaMat by tha announcement that two alavee had beea abuacr d from tlieir maetere by aa aboiitioa ag 'at, car ling biruaelf Fraaota Auburn, and ' tat on of lltrm U beea butolmred by thia maa, who, oa neuig arirateu, una a targe quantity or etryea aio aiid put aa and to hi exiahsac. tt e ob tain tite (dlmring parueutare uf tit aorribl mt (air -from tb lu;Ochof Haturdtiy; . Autajrn arrived iu Kichmiind aUut f inr wtwka ago from the Xorth7 audoouiuud work a a carv er. On the 3d inat.. he noted from Mr. J. .ha fender a urge thro alor bsick koue oa Haa atreet, bctwaea 2M and k.d etraeta lor the par- poae, he eud, ut petiir:g a rwMaurant. About thia time be fi ll ia with a negro man named Car ter Jatuea, belonging lu Mr. J. II. Orant, and in duced him t conaeot to run off. pruuiiaingtf b.k hiia to tba North, t arter having tireiun thd0 uf thm..uvtrr, penwii'le'l llayiiaa, altve hi Mr. Jeaee Williams to acooui)iany theut. On Tueaduy nigiil laal. Carter and Itaylixa haviug ar ranged their nUnartarted to Auburn' hooae to and couult b 4. lhry mctAuburttua tba way, who recon uied Carter aad then pre e- cd ihcm to hi Iwiua on Main etieet, wber e took thein into tho ibirdm rj and tlier p.ouiiacd to get them to the North in aafty or lorwhi life, declaring that h had control df a ael which would rail from thia port oa Tbureday or Friday mgbt for New York, wber they could iniinudiatoly get euwikivment at 75 Der loouth and board, and tliat a wa a regular accut of ueauoiiuonM iu run 01 aegroea, tor whivb he waa paid. Kelvin on what had been o.l.l l.lm Carter paid Auburn aliout fHU in money, and t-aylit and blineelf Continued hollaed h-nui that time until Thursday night. Auburn kicking the door eurly a hen he went out to get them Hi hi, and all lh.ee or them aleeping together on th aame bed. Oo i hurnday night. ny the DiaiuuVh. Carter eompla'ned of being unwell, -d Baked Auburn to procur him aom medicine. Auburn iuinie. dialaly went out and returned with a bottle e i- tatmug paregori and arrychntna, of which lie gav tarter doae, wliich pniducrd death in a few minute, lie then mailt- llavliaa ait him in remot iug tii lJy to the cellar, wher it waa hit ail .night. Next morning lie procured a new alwivel, made B.iylii.. dig a hole and after cutting the throat of the corpse from ear to eur. and ho ping open tb bowcla from the nit of the .imanl down, deposited it iu th ground and covered it up. Thi inhuman cruelty ao much alarmed Hay lia, that he determined Iu eacaK to hia mas ter, if possible, and especially so, after hearing Aubura say thJl he had killed seicral negroe before. Aooor Jingly on Friday night, hen Au burn had gim oil for some purpose proUbly to get a new upply of ncnws liayliaa sent into uw aeconu aury or tne Mouse, boiated one or the front window, jumped into the street, and haa toned to hia master and informed him of all that bad token plaoe. Mr William immediately gave inch information aa he had obtained to Lt. Wbeat, of ibe night watch, who reported the f. U to Lt. Trueheart and in a short lima thereafter tha night rVl.o were all iiiakim; diligent search lor m negro till l anil murderer. A portion of "" "". guHini ny i.iuiim, torcca an entrance into tb houa, but Sliding Auburn a I went, en tered Hi cellar discovered tliedciid body. A Correanomlvitt of the IVifi-al.i.rw g!v bur r th Mhiwlng account of the arrest of Au- ni, and hia horrible death: Hating learned from Havlii-a that the murder waa committed by a white mnn who had ooncral- eii tuem in the house, the officer act a guard a- uoui ins premises, aim ai a late hour, a man was aeen to enter, lie peroclred that the place hrd beea invaded, aud at once r-ecrrted himself. At ivugtii, nuweter, tue oraoi-rs aiscovcrco. n,m in a eoal bouse ia th neighborii tot. The door waa forced in aad tha roau uinppod a revolver at them which fortunately miwetl Bre. Watchman Hill Ui en Mixed him by the throat while others recur d hie pistol and knife. At th moment of bis eeiiur be blew into Mr.- Hill' fno a quantitt of wbil power, whah cnuaed that officer rnmir iliaigreeabl sen itimm. The priaoncr waa taken to th rage, aad on the way Ihiiheradniittt'd that he bad killed Carter, and considered himself a rool tir having done It. He aisikigieed to .Mr. Hill forl.l.wiag the power into hit face, and ad vised htm to drink sow water advice which Hill thought prudent to disregard. Fortanate waa it for him, the whit powder waa strych nin. 3 ' Oa arriving at the cage, the prisoner waa seis ed with apaam, which oontinuH at short inter vals nut il u died. Ilia death was horrible, and exhibited all th peculiar symptom produced by strychnine. II awallownl th deadly drog at III Bimncut of hi arrest, adopting that desperate BMthod of avoiding th punishment h would ccr lamly bav undui gone afler pnHf uf bia guilt had rom Hit S. I. JuMrmil of Cum THE RANK KXI-KKITIO.-v-TllKILUXtl AliVFNTlUK. Some of th piaide encountered during Dr, Kan' March, hav wild interest. At one Urn II beoain aeaaary to send a fatigue party with piotiaioB, to assist th mala party ander lr. Kane, ia aa attempted passage across mith rlowBd. Thia party waa under th command of Mf. Brooks, Krai omrer of the expedition. He wa aooompanird by Mr, V ilsoa and ether rob aatoar. IHinng ibeir travel the found th ic ompletely imutrabl, aad a am drift at hut wept wildly uer the floea, and ia the midati a heavy gala from the Niwih, th thcrmntnetor, to their dismay, aunk to S fly seven degrmn below aero. Human Butore could hot aupawt lb lev rihl uld. Four of lb party, including Mr. Brook aod Mr. W ilsoa, wer pnalrald with fro urn bet, aad with greet ditkouliy thre uf ibeir oompauHMi, after naiinlring great entering reached lb aiiio and announced ll conditio ol their omraiies. Their chauea of being rascaed Bamd xtrmly email They wr In th atidet of a wild erne of enow, ineapabl of motioa.protected anly by a eaavam torn, aad wilb ao land aiarka by aha a their po aitiua eoald be know a. Lvea to drag thea maim ed aaea Woald bav been. under ordinary etrsum taacea, a work uf dilbcalty, bat to Ilia aleader party left al th ship it seemed to b impassible Or. K ana, wilb th bolduass aad courage which justined lb warm aiUebmetit toll towards him by all aader bw aoaamaail, m leae iha aa boar or ganiasd a rsscu.sg party, bjaving aa board oaly thoa ab wr Bun ear r to rauivlhh.k.aiHt Wartod of ia toe wih id a Mm gala. Blearing' by vaupaaa, tu rauu Ih suaerera. After aiae tea hours' eoeetont Iraiel, daring wbn-b two at th party f .iuird. and others reuutied to b kept from lUep by fore, they atraek th tail of in hl party, aad aaily.Magjrsrmg aader thatr bur amis, on by ram-had lb tout, wbi-h waa ai asost bid'Ua by Ih mow. 1 h eei as r, Ksh atored th tent, wa affeelieg bvyoa-l deaerlpti.m. Th party burst aat lata MM. Jk klUr Ar waa iaaawdiately buill, pemmmaa waoksit, aad In party ato Aar the trai tiaa alter toatiag Mi venal. L- was ato aertled, the having torn to this tins with- ' oat drink, kt ura awl as ibay wrravhal toar huara war alkiwed h the hall, la maiawd uf lit froaea party aw sowed ap to IfcilUtH rouse, pUud o .Ivlgss and drsgesd ahiag by their com paaassa, iw. kau li la ad'aneewid park log th Iraah, t .-Id of I Us atasoet evemy agaia atervuok litem, lirti-atl aad MerbHX, and iea th tUiuiuuui toy llraes, auak aiea ibe aw wilk stoop, ll wa aely by for thai Ihey a ere j aMmmi .t. I. Aid.e. ah a.dd 1 to have destroyed all .pl.oB wTdarger. A , u.g. UartH tl.vw wiy. wo. lo,iaa.lety ..,1 ,f by ir. Kac by lb sa.pl wastag ol brs baaa. lbry reeshed the shin, aflrr a walk nf aiily. tor bra,sta dragging thnr viiipi. bw bskd theaa bat iasu.ail.le Or. II. c, ll uv rlbgmt aargw of Ihe ski p. Insa w towa a b toatlh paaweaUr of that toa rial a-tveaiute, ra- risd tl.s retura aj raeny. Innl h BUa.hr ' diajuf ths.f iojsr.ea, a Iwa a, Badvrweal ' astaia. wtor ar aw rwaWreH to perlsrt J BveUa, lb w edilM-a i4 these aba dragatol th , . wa mini samaBahi. 1 usw awmvry ha a has aassaureli av-UMad li sfa sv ia lbs a.klsl ! atattonng defuiaat, rxesabtod a a-pMal. I a sarfsMi asm mm rrasaww a, aneaaaat am ia asto stougwef lha aliip. la ll.a aale .4 esois madamith sarb mm use j Awl v Hm sWya, tost alteewasds aW aiilirvlv nmunaV aad the pswty Bads I, kaa wsrh 4 thss aswks furr- awaaWaad Maaaawd lbw wuWa lis aaid. lawyhty haa ll.tos aia bsea sarpuaid. it mi with aaea aaw, by the itoawt ksata ia list eiTdiiMa. , I HESS! iSUKS. . IWaaaor Sehibaaer, rfOcTmatfy, ha mad n1I.Mi, .J i. i. I . L. o&cers aad soldier, wa wer emplovl by the Britmb Oireraamat ia oar Kvl.u.i.ry war. Th work is Said IA throw awack hirht am aom fcatarw mi thai gieat straggle, and gtvwa S views oi larmimmm ... lul.i. . f . 1 portiia of oar peopkt with whoa ttray eeme ia eaalaot. ttoat of 0. letter, published ia th Northern joaraaN, ar very piotarea)ue and fya- via Oo of tbes lettera, written Tecanbr 15,1777, from Sckaytikok, oalha Hudson river, sava that it is "a villaga inhabited by Hntchmea, ail of them well to do, bat very aeltieb peopl." Th Hessian oftiwr add thai ber th troop bad to aufler the knit lima, from bora atealing. which, he utlla "a dammed babit, u titer ceasing tu annoy ui daring th rem of th march. The people ooaiolingly ob-e.vcd that we had either stolen tboia uuraetvee. or had bought them from people attached to tin fcn-Lieh, who bad efc.k-n them from tii patriots; therefore, luey bad tlie right to claim them wherever they eould be f ;und, ac cording to aommoa law ! The application of thi Bin priuoipte, housver, did not much caiwabou tb identify, for But only theCmiadmu but also I our imported Gerraaa horses wer 'claimed.'" Tb village uf Kind -rhook. Columbia County ' (Mr. Van Bureu'i reailence) i described by i described by J aevenry bouaes, of Hutch origin, the Ueaaiaa aa comust.ag of aUiut aevem In louabuanu in gi'oeral, ail ol ar good people, luoult very aclf-ineriistcd and eovetou f.,r woucy. Ail Uicy sold was iucredibly hih." W wonder if the people of that section till retain tbwe characteristics of their .ether ! Our llesiian upeaka iu ardent terms of tb American women. Mint and well pro- rurtioned in stature; pretty little feet and hue Mid aad arm : neck stud houkter beautifully white; complexion fresh and healthy, without needing auy louie ; white teeth, ch. tuiingly red lipa ; bright and lively eyt ; a netural grace ; merry and eil'-cuniideot face ; d rosea well made and becoming, aud lilt'ng cleanliness nliove all. ihey ar uioatly ,een, ' he adds, "without any oovariug on the bead ; at tba meat they put on a nine ouoa. iiere auu there you will nice, a oouutry nymph with hair flying loose, or bound with a culoied ribbon, n hen leaving the noun for a Visit, they will wear be tb hut wherein ihey live ever so pour a ailken mantilla over th jhouldora.and put on glove. They are very ex pert in 'enveloping themselves coquettishly in these nuutillu ;' on uf the white, well ahnped anns will alwaya betray ileek. They have on there occasions a neat and very engaging little bonnet on the bead, under which tbey understand bow tu look I or to with their brilliant niiechievoue eyes in quite a uewituuing way. in tue r.ugtiah i. olo uiea tlie 'bellca' bav ullcu iu love with pink mantillas, either of ailk or weel. llicssed in thia fashion, ihooegirlnere running, dauciiig.akippiuit about, offering a friendly greeting Ua one, and alwava rcauy lor a auappish unawer when mduv erectly addressed. luua we aaw them everywhere Handing in scores on the road, which wejMAssedover.laugliing mucnievouaiy at u, or oauriug u somelime with mock oourteay auapplo. At first we believed tbeui tu be city giiia, or at least the daughter! of lb wealthier inhabitants of the country ; but no, tney were tne daughter "t the pcore-t farmer, whose clothea did uut leave the least doubt about their situation." An attractive picture of the fair damsels of that day, which one would hardly recognise in the few withered, palaiei and atooping forma that Time ha left. Oue of the moat interesting of the lettera is dated at Cambridge, Nov. 1 j, niter the buttle of Saratoga. The lltwi-iau hae been taken prisoner, with plenty inure of hi count rymen, aod of the Bntiah, and of oours ia not likely to b in very oompliuieutarv mood towai da the American anny. Nevertheless de aayi some thing" which make ui fuel prouder than etcr of the gloriora patriot of that du'. "vV'hen marcliing through the Ami-ri-i m can p," niya be, "all ihu regiineuta, together with tha artillery, were drawa up in tin of battle. Not a single one wa rCgolurly clothed in regi- mrntala. Kvery oue id' the men wore the clothea wherein h used to go tu Church, into the Sold, or ttie tavern, luey, had, however, the apar ance oi true soldiers, well (.iwipliued, and with uch a military air that not much seemed wanting to accomplish rucccnn ! All niuokcit acre pro vided with bayonets, aud the sharp-tihootora had ritlea. Tbey stood so inotioiileaa iu llie line, that we were really aalouislied. Not a single une of them permitted himself tu utler any remark to oue oi ma tellow aoldiera and what is much wore, all of them were iornied by sweet nature. o tall, so tir and muscular, that it did one heart good to look at theui, and we were all delighted by the view of ao flue a act of men. ll is really my opinion, tlutt, iu regard of stature and beauty, of the male puptilmiou, British America ia excelling nearly ail tlie liumpeau cmiitnes." The lloariaa (peaks of the wigs worn by some of th Americana aa ery ludicrous, but he adds: "The master and head owner of these wig are aaually gentlemen between hfiy to sixty,, who apparently have bow for th brat tim in life marched to tb wiund of Ui calf akin, lt will aot b wondered, therelor, that many of them ar looking queer enough in tlieir eiiuipuieuta, at least when reviewed by au F.urupeea soldier. liut oa tlie other band tbey abow ooaapicuously enough the apirit tlwt guided them wbeu taking to rill and powderhoru. lt ia uo laughing matter at all lu meet them particularly iu th wood ; Ihey ar very expert in taking tltsir aim with perfect tangjrvid. 1 really think tlutt the whole people bav natural uienia for war tare, aud that Ihey would malt eioelloat soldier, la general, 'Ion it to ail the foroee there, to stale, thai abea w ai arched dowa their front, ther wa aot a aingl aaaa who exhibited any rancor, haired or a ige of scro, or who tittered word id eiuliatiuaor maliui-aa paashm. Thuy behaved aa if they paraded to git us a mark of honor." HiK b la aa account by a Heuiau eneni v uf the Amerieaa iddirsi. n,r Kitolutioa. (.Hi scan not read it without new alinu-aliua ol th plain aad unpretending, but stern and fearless pelriuta and aarriura id Ibat immortal peiiod, Nu doubt, if toe allied puaera wish Io try the experiment, tbey ill Sod "a few awr left uf th saoi son." SKBASTCiI-OL AFTEB ITS KUKfiMIO.V BY TIIK ALLIES, The faaMpbra af Maraeil.es paliisk tb f..L lowiag Inter, giving aa . .i.anl of Hi atat ol Melswlissd w ba oe. upl.-d l y th Allies-. After erassiag slew eeraelery, where ihsr ia tiki a ehapei rt.dlsd with, balls aad bullns, I aterrd haliaalep d Ihmagh aa eooraeows hreas-h Bsa-ia ia tba eenirat hastKm. A large f .nibsd aaH arutaete all Hut aid of lb toe a witbia il tie a Sahara. aaMipeMal of saw II Iniasea, whieb wer a dM awmpied by I in..st eael tradea sua, 1 bw aw ratr gradually deserads low arde th water (.ar rrt .erra I., a s..rt of plat Aom emtaaa'lsd with a il'tto brfij. hi. hn.sl.led th nhabitoata to i r.-s a sirart beb.w whsa sms toat aaiaa traaaArs4 it isttoa torrent, la that smu.1i spaa 1 esas'rd ity-igl.' shells thai bad ant burs Is, and hails. V Hie pswrarded to to straH Bad Usslesird al.ivU israr lu lsass al Caibaria 1 il to aa ewat.1 quarww ol the It-a a i all Ike boa have iM sioi v, ar very Beat, and are aurw-aadwd with rae-ieu. they ie m..aw U.al baa m4 imasied al least a hall ; tlu-y are cua plately galled ; all tb iun.itare aw b as maamgav ay beaslsieada, rtat sd drnac.a, writing desks, Ae wa It lag aal tb street 1 umarked a 4shvwJ Bawtor'uf 1-saa.ss, n.ai.y plants (aassxt uf ibsaa ruber ttorainssa.) as, a halts er eatraswdiaarr. pwrtrwils f th r apa Na ' lr. aad Hi l.ssisrsa l.agsvu. 1 be i tod of litis qiiaris gas ar ,.pi.Hbsalre test eppa hi last I stsisaiies i it. lliSM'i is sitiwrlsl : it at a Bratty whit l. Miff. lew I ia-sd l ili hH ear ly eg eat-tor ituir. the si.. Tha rharea sld pi. ii,.i iS a l m rseat la. a.lB a rtlt tsdiasa. as s.s.. ssits.rd my kill, la l .r sjwwise ' a awl was to b wi lha atrssM ws. P s-t. is hws,a,.a pistol r assvad.wsrsi ,.i , ..a . aslancb 4y Till to.trsvst awttta-is), 1 1." towa at r.w ! ".awiy na an i tnaai laussiaetsva pwi-todaiahoalyiaatb asas.4 I rvat h a.d.I.stw, tel . ti ts .itirj 1st It. X.braaka fraaA Aad aba ar roes air ad la ihe si .wis Mw i-f Ibe j Mat dahgsUua Irwaa New fark sod by aad mm ha. ass bav a sss-y aads-r gvwawd. Imsi artaaaa laiaed their di iisi 4. Th 4 minaa Party. as rssst th, sBnpa. rrm toaa jsaarusr w a sat towa to ah naara, Th aaaesw aa fMs to the r ll the aaaster sl lerssssls. t a Uaiawa latana. it to bav atotoa-tod Psiasai ,s4 street by Wewst. f. at tlaf hsasd ry atnasi wall i tor toaa, lw mtrmt at kssffht, baba4 wrosih sawavit rtooos ef arttUary wer rue4. Uw u toyoajnU. I sy, to toar to argaaita. lb onlays, which ar Wide, aad phjited with trees ' aon diSoah to anjoy oa' walk, a th K na. tana Mill oeouny Fort Constaotm oppemto. "'7 lb re minute they throw euW a aba'l Ppl walking aboa. i Engl.ahman wa kiUed that Way ten p cf tr"" n aa Car a th dock, we aaay dittinrtuih the Baast-aop of tha Kuaaiaa fieet riring abev th water i it baa all bean burnt and tusk, with th sorption of a small MeaunaT on her beans ends wtHh etiiunr uf til luilitSrTWtTBj treeS are actually covered with projectiles of every de criptioa th docks kav autferwd eonhlrablv from oar fir ; akining thara was a qaartor of th towa et apart, most likely, tor work urea and in valids ; it is bow a hapalee maa uf ruin. Koth it r, in tb towa ha beea destroyed by a ; our artillery baa only rained what wa indispensable; i. waa "th Huasiana, who during their retreat, aprung an enormowa number of mine, and w are fiuding more daily. - ' ; Fur th North Carolina Star. ' ' Ma. Knivoa: I bop that yoa will pardon m if, in these piping tim ' of peace, " 1 presume to aj1drc you upon the aubjeel of Native Ameri- oautsm, and tliereby, humbl and unpremmtng a they may be, to present myviewa a to the exinteuce or non-existence of the Democratic and Whig tnirtiea aa they existed in thtday of i40. W hig parti, 18H A to tii and id iiw. . tbw existeniVbf th great National Hemucratic aud Whig parties at the above date, none will deny, and with tii several National question! which wer repeatedly agitated, every political observer is fumiliar. In tba campaign of lfeoi, in North Carolina, all of the iama buhcrto contested in our 8tate were abandoned, with t'oe einirleexccplion of the ques tion touching tha publio domain. It was con ceded by both portie that a National or United Statet Bunk was inexiwdient : that the operationa of the Tariff of 1H42 met with the approbation of toe country answering the demanda or the gov ernment, and that the power nf th President, in the exercise of the veto, waa unworthy to array the great parties of the country. And thus it wo with tne category of principle in the cam paign of 1864, nut only iu North Carolina but the Liiiuu at large. livery measure, save that of distribution, hav ing been swept away, I ask if that, in reference to the public lauda, oouid be atylcd strictly a party issue? , Why, sir, behold the confusion it produced in the Democratic rank In our .State alone, When some of the ablest member of the Oeinocratic party rallied tinder tlie standard of distribution. Such men aelien. K. M. Saunders. Hon. A. W. Veuuble, Iudcm A. Mellae, together with a host of others, were numbered with tli'xe then called bullert. T hen I say, thiit the ltciuocratic party, and especially in our own .State, wliich sickened w ith the split ol the Northern wingot th Demo cracy died. The V big party simultaneously breathed its last. But, air, they have been followed by other parties, one ol which ia conipoaed uf rhoae whoa motto ia " Liberia et natural solum," known aa the American party, while a second exist whose lole object is liluntirr or the sioisof office, which professes to rally under the magic banner of an' cient I lemocrocy. v hion latter party is a futioH uf Juswiii all, and of every dye, being welcome Io a seat in the Pynngoguc, who will renounce, all allegiance tu their native eountry and denounce the principles of the Americau party. Then I ak in sincerity it it the M democratic party when it embraces many V) bigs, and such too aa were once the acknowledged leaderg of their p'.irty T lt is a " soi," clastic, flexible, pliable and ac coiiiuiodnuiig party a party that cater tu the cuprice ol old line Democrat, old line Vt hiira. A!iolitionils, Frcesoilcra, Foreigners, Catholics ant recetiMnmsts. And here, air, are the leaders and the 8ower of ibe old Dcimratic party 7 lHies it not uecee- nrily l ilow that the fact of their refusing to command dinbiMida the army wliich ibey have so gull.inily oft times led on tu victory? Where, ir,are Houston of Texas.Clcmmona of Alaliauta, route of California, Borland uf Arkan ens, Siockt"ii f New Jeraey, Cone of lieorgia, l'-artlutt of Kentucky, Donelaon of Tennessee, and legions of others, of whom these ar promi nent ? And in our own " Old North .State " we behold Jauies 11, .Shepard, the leader of th Democracy iu North Carolina in 1Mb' and the candidate for tiovernor, and in 1862-'3 the choice oi'S-portion of the Democracy for United State Senator, let in th lata campaign we bear him proclaiming Ihe dM.'lrincs ol In Native Americau party. M her ia David Held, a man wtittn th Demo cracy la "day of other years" delighted to honor, but in the Piattv Ainericn armv ? Aud tu com nearer . hum I-would ask, ir, where do you Aud th American Democratic chaiupiort of my own dear native eouuty uf Chat ham CoL A. J. 8tedman? Fighting gallaotlv ander the banner of tb Native American party ? l ..1. Meuinan ha ever beea a Hemocral, aud on from principles, and when a question of nich vital Ui po rut no to tb country u presented h is ciNiairaiiicu oy a sene of uuiy to join issue with tb so called old lleinocratic party and carry out ia good faith pur and genuine Democracy. It i true thai our young friend Col. Ktodman, i yt bum tared amongst Ih youthful members uf oar party, yet we took to him with hope and euuoueoo a oa of tb beaea lights ia North Carolina, and lor the future triumph of principles in thia Htat. The Ami' du Col. Stedwin th boo or to cay that they hav "swoped" him for the Hob. John Kerr- to that xchanr permit me aay, that tb Nativ Amricn will adbar strictly aa tbey ueens u a sappy xAano. 1 be blase ef Nativ American!! baa aot grow a dim ia Cbathan, aeither will it, aa the people Anew tlwt they ar right, and ar detera- tued to "go atomd, lies per tfully, AMtrtiCLS C'baiham eo., N. Oct, 16, lHoi. WHAT THE ABOLITIONISTS SAT OF KNoW-NOTHlNfilsM. Th Naiiooal F.ra th Abolition organ pnb- I.Hied at v ash mgtoav regard Kaa-Sothing isa ia tb fir Htato aa aa Inrirtcild obstacle to FositttisBi aad Abulitaaiiswa, and eal la it the ton hf at ally .4 slavery aad Ih fkaitb. It aay a "ihsr readers tea thai Kaow-N.hirgia is . p ntiH.g just w prsdirted. her it nan uot lale, li ssvta to ruin, In rttatae whr it Is do m.aanl. rl seeks to Mibjeat BepubtH-anura to iu as- wbrr it is aot, li array Usslfu ia biltor oa)ajiti m to it. la Indiana Ind oea ef tb W rstrrw Ptato, it h. Ids back Itepul.liraoisaa rrB aay eflM'irwi a. tp. la inim, Maswacb sella, and New Vo-k, whet Ih KepaUieai bav dtseatarigled thwatss.lv, it is era k the i nnhrow them, the playing into Ih bead nf ii. it.lu.n.is rati, b ami ll.e Biav fuwer, rnanling lb tooteraeal tor auloa ia the free Biatoa. In a speeHi la Krw Ytk short rjta tin, S-i.a'or V. il-oa. isf Ms., b Bat l Is, b grwat Bso- aui . t i.'ii. aissa aani' 1 -aw last to lev al Washington thai aa affawt ... t be ss to asak th Amarwwa Panv how d. a a l al.je.H saldaissioa to th hlavwlViwar, ! I ati.ls ap av miad. aa a awmlHsr uf lhat in gjnisaiioe, lhat if il underwent a l'r-K!avry uu i iasiMi, i r aia, ii nan in p si l.t r .1 into ( tbsaiatl .inw. ITrsmsiid. sheer io I I rasa Bra reaulved to aV ahat 1 , e. u I to th Ato-ruaaa parly fitaxt tmng a I'tu rsavery ai gas. u alas. It Bill rmair. aoan ..ft oa, iIm.1 ia Nrw ork, rli ia May a a ned y of ll.e effort ihal as to b ad to e i (en Us Aiosvtcaa party into a .11 av ergaa Itattim, and I said to Ih ergaidtatioa ia all rwa- Ihst la Aale-nuvsry sasa uf Ih iiilr I sstglii Io pasikim it. that aiawwitoAaan. j to lri) la.d us tout 4 aa lb AaU-.Stoiery j as. vso.ee l, lhat day tt k-aid kagia to 4aa. la Jons l-t tb Aaswrsraai pawty -want to PhiUdst- I pl.t, th ttoU of la tovDVsr I "! s-ksd b pasty to aaasvusi the latotasa al , usasssa, mawa aj asvswsw aa I aiiaasipaaa, , h-ai lb Bark aad Lf was ef ew larkt aad, gaattoaaea. l.saf to aarht. aad I i ink toawasf I aat, thai Ih Bras. a.y va aw wr asaalis ,. r"wd al that baaVA aad dswsetad aad da. pssrdlsilk. ia Ue Maa wf SW lack, to boa Bad wait with tha gaxhariBg boets ef 111 fuemea of New York: aad I aay to yoa xcoaana of New York! it i your Brat duty to erasb oat poaueaiiy Pea among yoa th earner ana l-y- on had l llmaan aad the Barker, JTo-Olarery Uiadoaa of th .11 of New York ' . Taa Abbbkai Paarr awa twb Reaaa Craw Ltca. Th American party bar aaid to the UWiea Catholic -"If yoa will euar fia-wardaad State (uperior to that yoa rekaewledg to tb Koxoaa Pontiff, wa will receive and treat yoa as oar qaam, rod welcome you-inte our rank a good aad tra Aawrica. Not oa of them baa enme forward to make thi declara.loa. Not on of tbera baa show a disposition to associate with .their tra Amerieaa brethren. Thi is proof noagh that it is all right and proper to exclude thea from political trust in this oountry. By their own act and conduct they hav shown the imperative necessity of the present American F'-J- ... ' .. . , , , If they were not obnoxioui to the charge pre ferred against them, tbey would have been fore most in advocacy of our cause, because we exclude no maa who will prove by lit action that be ia true to the principle of the American Coo atitntion. They have chosen to place themselves in th position of bitter and rancorous opponent uf th right of American to rule America, and ar pursuing as with the malic and vimlictivc nes which in Kropa, they exhibited toward Ltithur and other great Kfbnnere of the six teenth century. They hav auch ahormrof "religious libsrty." that tbey wiil persecute it champions, find them where they will, and thia ia the secret of their extraordinary hostility to tb Amerieaa party. ' .- . i L euiiectioa of aora log pieces both in prose aad varie, original aud seleclsu, ooasisting of lliaiocues, Soliloquies, Parodies, ae.r designed fur tfas use sf schools, ao. For sals by W. L. P0MEK0T. May 1, 18SS. 3 THK gubsorlbsr sill eolleet all warrants ander said utwe, doe to all soldiers for It days record service; lithe soldier is desd to their widows sr minor ehilJren. Persons sending warrants to toe Bubecrihsr hy mail or by Adam's Express Company or tbntaxh the banks will have them eaftied at sight, and remittances aame ny raluru mail. J. H. KlltHAH, Office opposite Ijwreeee's Hotel, Fajreltevills 8 Raleigh, June lViti, 186a, ( CARRIAGE MAKING. Raleigh Coach Factory. VTTIU'fAMii A IltnrSr;, having enlarged their V V etaniiBineiit tiv the s.lililum of Jenkins' Hhoa. on Harirst street, are fully prewred Io eterute orders for CAHHI Al.r.aof cverv desertlitioa. Kuinlovin esgsirienred w.irkluen aud uaing tbr best ef materials, their Work will always be amtbed ia a styls wariwal io give "anieriH.n. Kepainng done with neatness and despateh. xirj- Faetury en ilargetl street. Bear tba Bspti nu si i am .on tuna, nesr rneHssoairllall Raleii,'ll Juns 0. ljl. -ly. "87 FOI CHEAf GOODS MUSRAT& O'NEAL T J AVA taken tlie I 11 A A. Htith, and FaCy and maple Dr Stor lately oeenpied by W. and ar reeeiviag their ateck of Ury Oooda, Urocenes, Crockery aad lilaae M are, ac. Being new beginners they have to build up a trade : to do this thev are da. terinloed to bt andersold by none 1b the City. They will sell goods cheap and no mistake; to be convinced of this Tact call and price tkelr goods before purrbaslug elsewhere. All they ask ia e showing, and if the goods auit they guarantee to make the prices nglit. 1ob t parches before ex iniiuing their stock, if yn waf cheap goods ianai no, in, While rrant, Fayetteville Bt., lUleigk, N. C, March 30, WA. It The Etr. Juba CaUimug forki. CI'N.MIND H aposal)tli( skstrtos, or leerare bo.'k of Kevelsli.ini. Hrel and srread series. the Caian.iog minor wurks. First series. This velaaie ?oo0iio the following: The Kiitgev af Uud, t'krist our rsssover, Ihe Comforter. Caminiag's minor works, Br mod serier. This vol urns contains the lOliowisg ; A Mrsssags fruss Had, lbs Ureal oacr.Bce, tkrtst reseiviag evaaers. lAV-tures oa lbs ssvea elturebes. I vi.L li mo. Ijvrtujcs on ear Lord's Muscles. M " Lsetttr'-s oa th I'srsl'les. m M Fropht'tie stadiei.; or, Leetarvi on Iks bonk f Danls vol. II mo. ' Lsetarsa sa Rnmaals. I voi. It av. Seripuu-s rssdings. (leaeeui. t vol. lt ms." " " Kxmle - . "... !., J.BI. atrk . - " " 11 Jtfatlasw M a The rtiarrh oef.,re the .4, " a The lent sad the altar. " bVesaVlines, or the blesses Ills, - Th daily nf. Voters af the dead, " V.dees of tb day, st Vdcss of the Bigot, m m ror fsle ly L. POklrtBOT. IV. Uareh tik.USx, THE NEW HOTEL, wtuwH, a. c, IS ana a tor ths rsrsptioawf Vlstisv. TblsB. tsl Is asw aad aswly faraishsd, aad Iks rVasrwaan a. II ass svsry strrl a kssp a UtMrir 1101 Ca, aad rsadsr tbatr gaeett ssssftmaMs. Tksy rsspsst ally sslteita skara ef penile patraaaf. T. i. JAHHATT Praprietnra. MAM always ready a th errlral al us asra. Mvg Jlst.lajt. . (s-wtt. ffVEAA. A sniwlsr lourlanl ofUresa aad Blask A Is, sxrsly tor fsiaiit ass, eaa to rOaa al PKiiHhLhV Hlt'Kli, JV-1 RKl KM KU A MKIh Hats, Assaag tk.m w she Veaidauag list a asw style tor sum. "' .... - klltl lllliUB. apni it. I ass. Itw Book. MBLVU.LK r. trt-fcw) khj tfrr ysarssl giil,. faiaalehy ' ...... w. L. FoJlklOT. April T, l4l. M 4 . to rat av t at. a. uaim.ia. j. v. Bsbtib A. M, McPHXTTXES ft Co., viiiuai iiorui, Furnmitmf aad Omiastssa JfsrrA sals, A Baaaeci anisBB, MOirOlK, T. . aaraata.. Tkssaat P. Itovsrrwa, Halilst, . C. ' 0. T. M.H.l. Pres. Baak f the Buvt af . '. C. Dewey, fasktsf a . 4, . M. Jmm W tosesw m Cap Pear, Rahrl.g L. OB. toawrh, Prsatasat R.ia.Lt. mtmn. Met toastter, AW. H. ktliklat. I rsosVal raraMfs sTk sf t Ass Ji.lt. B. as'ssve spsstes a haul, Bsillmers, .Wawatisatllretwt; r Mas. 411,1 tltlt n xarlk tlrtlil. Casfd Ptsasaad Usawlse Iwivat rot ary. tsstias Aey f ajtlaj A. 1 ll.lhset AamHttetse at Jska tsswd e'A .a Ba sil to aav sthses PeUstsa ks aetl ssa Ctssa. I T arpswrtai m UVe asuslasvt mt ia t st nVai Aishalt. WMkta sad ads Pydi eat hranii pvtl bps aad U Msrssrsu as aaa ranBsaai ef tow .ass. ll te Ikeesfoe arsev4 kv ths t!saart that s-ui to madsls Ml etdi m m B-s-vk faeshaa Sow e Msws aapet imMlshsd I ths City sf lUwi.k haaa4 sa s44ssva to apprar al Uss assl Tssm mt it is r.nt a. to tot Ssf the tssailg af t'hathess s the Can Blmms to Pwtshsssaveh ea th 11 11 . I Mm4.f ml mm, essstor news tors aa4 Ihse as ssswn psa m aWssa a ad ss-aasa a to amss e.lt to heard saaaw as as iS.si sss Js4sssal Ishsa ha? pa t saleasa, Vila.ss W. t, tsetse ( wrk aar said -mrt mi sSV a Hnm,t ef t .esse. P , .1 to, sad n Ih SSih W.P.tTlO,i.C.. A, 11 -f rtorng. is I, Ms. est Wsealaris esssaa. hg . skiaa ia iswtag. . . ,a fa asw kf . IsFryTirtCT. Vhus,kto j I "r;,;"1 tox -dl awu Mnrat wrsrTa CAItlAGlS, FSCIT T1EIS, A alrnriwx aaaa Waw ( N tM tf ' k CITY OF UW T0li-rt - itm m cm. oouhusio.. . . ' aVns-s Se Hsai. A. SHshst. A. xt tosses, Bl B. ? Bsa. 1 h Hsrskaa. C. r. hsaSsiiksrl, t. W. Osksea. u B.W.Wu. , iu.tmT 1HS FA?U&IT2 ADTH0EZS4 OF III AuVlS .1 SfWlaKl If Ifcf iBluoitti ' -Jlont. "x - iiraf EdUium, 10.0U0 Copiu, JVoai JTcecfj til E III1IEK ATU 4 Aoce. Hy Mi'riir t ,llirlmd. mf Riclimtmi, fa. ea tkiutu limm. rot. 4d4 J uytt Jyut, fi 35, THI extraonlioary aarrese of aliss Bariaad's 11 Aame rasniag rkroughediUoeafurr aditioa, With araat rapidity aa).iblistied ia adigutad with a atill Isrgsr sals traas'att'd iate lbs Freeeb aad.wenaea laagaaga wiia aiara. sucesw" wt psrasps ins esse evtosaes as tha originality and pipalsrity of her wriviaga. Ia th bmguageoi aa eaviaoal sritle w8he saay beaesfertk take rank aniong the most saaeseefal asvellsts ef tka uattea stales. - "Those who have rsadAloae' aad rhess wka have not, should will b inters. ted and gratilsd la kasw, lhat a aew book hy Vir iaia's gifted authoress, rati, tied The llhl'lon Pulh,' is Bow rt-ady. Beaaufally as Manoa IlartAnr has wovwn ths tftreatts arirfe in other romance sad song she is a poetess of rare to. , llnty we are ralf in predicting that tier new work will surpass all ber previous efforts in fine delinsalisa. brilliaary ari.l power, and that Mr. Derby will be called spun to record it on bis books as ons of Ihe most popu lar and successful of modern literary issues. Hiase reading 'Alone,' wesfist! iwptienf!y await ths spnsar. saeeof 'The II .Idea Pall,.'" A. f. AWa.se i.rrsr. J.C bKKBV,Pnlrfisber,llllNassanrtst,VswVark, Aad for sale by all.bookset)ers and aew Arena W. h. FOMEhoV. Kaleish, 151. f ' ICS LA TEST AND NK W iJL JtlWA T10XU. IBEAKS of Fortime, hy J 11 Jones; Easy let, or th Thre Apprentices; ' Ulue Law r t onarettcut, I ode of 1H50! Ten Nights ia Uar-Koom, by T S Arthart Masonry aad Anti-Masonry, by freight Cryetolin. or th Heiree f Fall Dowa Castle. by riheltoni . Theory of Christanity, by Orayaom . Hellers from the TbreeContinant, by M F Ward) Uaniel, A Model for Voting Mea, by Ih KsV W A Scott, I. D - - Scenery ef th Vi'hit Mouatain, with 10 plates, byOakes; . . rtebool Arcbitenure, er CeBtrirBtions to tb Improvements ofritkool-Housea ia th B. 8,, With numerous Illustrations. Old Bedstone, or Historical Sketches of We, Urn Preshyterlanisin, AoH by Joseph Bniitli, 1). 1). Cbrsnut Wood, by I.lelie Lindon. For sal by li. D. TL'UNKIl, Kaleigh, Set. 211, '64. ft. C. Boek Ator. To the Tublic H AVISO parrhssrd cd tekea paaseeetlua (I Re. vrnttter lasti of the set! kavaa Hotel, sisaaied ia Ike t..wa ftlxford, and f'.mierly ewned sad seea pid kv l. A. Pasrhnl, Kso.. 1 Isks this melho of ls f. riniiig ths travelling pul.lit. that grsli ful " kit past favars, 1 still mltril their palroaags, aad eaa asssr (hem. that ao vfturts shall he wauuug wa mj Bart, that tends to the eomloM sf disss ah assy favor Ha Bilk B nil, to reader taelr slay pleassat aud agreeable. My house u now 1" good repair, wilk eanalorlsble rsoa s, sad supplied stilt good aad experieaet 4 rtombst si 4 dining nmi servanta M roubles areetsavsuienl aad eemsnSdiswsaBdsap piled with au tlitlei ansarpassed by aay ia tb stale. 1 slut ks. ii oa fcsnd i..i Ibe aeenawnftilslU. of thepalv Ihi.giaHi dlaekiaad baff i!, sa thai 1 m aide at all limt i to send prmtns og, aben thrv wiib tu ga, as well as losrrve th.-m in toe way stpleaMiir rides with Jla'g. gies aud ssvses well tralaed to hemes. A. HOPKIKB. . Jess I Ilk. IS4V ga .gsr WsrrratfB Wrws aad tirerw.hs..Pstrtot espy KM MI.UM'AL lltHilaa. (Vi.lsn.ls Die lioasiy af I'rsetiral Meoirins, vol. 1 and ( asw rt itSy 10 he eomplrlrd In ikrre vnluint s. t'liniral I.. .ur,.. - sa ike iloii. ... of i4Besea4 rlnl.iren. I. Iluauii.g M. I'rdl. M, A. Id., M, U. Pro. ri -ssr of OUietries. A.'., ia Ike Uuiversil) Of Nsw V. tfcr Todd na th arrrotiS eg-lsw. A Let. ion ot terl.nirsl terms en.ploye4 la medisal '"'Sl sf ths present ilar, by U. At. Hess a). l- L. L. n. The t).si.o.at. ryef eWCssesd cHsres W Amertea, I.J M omi st.d Harhe. hsst edllioa, Tbe litssasss ef Iks llumaa Te.tk, $ Pot aad Bar. rUe. yf sslr by W. La POMEB0Y. Beptemlss) T, 1MB, v .. . .. . (a . Tb Book fcr Ivery Ki la Xarth CbjIIb fliHi: MIKTM CAROLINA Plllkl Ha Htat. SMlsiaiag all tha aselul toravs whsvh srr i kaat asss traasaMutas bsiweea a. sa aad sss a. as aeH as ia stielsl suiioast trejeiher sith uSeCsasiU.iia et Feetb I araiiaa aad Uts I, ailed hletrei the act (ling thsrrt ef Clerks, sheriffs, Ac, sakalalsd tor the saw of to eta. issas sf North Carolina, awl and aiml.vmal.le to law. Compiled ky a aaaasher af tka hank Varaliaa bar, Asy wr.,.a earl. ..ire r seam ia a kvWsv, sr tVst ewes st ia pottage stamps, aid revets a son af ato book ky mall, frea af postage, Psreeleky liKKBT t. TTJBKBB. C. Bookstore. svaesigB, April, ina, . , Harding'g New Stock. ObB frUads svd patreea Will ptoaa rsmss.be thai Harding i aaw to hts VURK CITT sapnalswdiag Iks tosuafaear af kie avaca af Fau.4 Wiarta Baaat Ms Cxawarae, tavssssa uf which w are ataig riewsiag. . . , Our sl ls f goad srs saperiaw, aad Iks work, manslup aaaaet be txsslWd ky the wk 4 sisdaaivslr. . . I i ar itsasively en It enisird la Hia ttradv-ssada kaslaea aioaeaa assure all, that la llbSI BAV OAlNH will b gives. . ' . I. I. BA1MN. Depveatoer Bth, inoa. I it iki.iiblt lAlr-tiUlA 11. tA tbitlit. rillg aVsi(sd hs torf apsaed a Bke, at XfrV X Thsmp-sa s Iwu.lna, aeae ih raw aasl af Ih N-rth CasWtaa Bosh tlsea, p th aspselal r ir deuv t asuUsss. aks toeir plia.a! ahsee, asd a WsBdresst toad af katr. Hs kapss ky his skill aad w esur.n , hi. kastasas Be ealy a. am. bad ssewrs s Btosal ahawe at to slnas af the pablM. ' a . , v . d.T.AUTOa. sslelgk, Aiurast, I Ml. M If, , Hadiea DrcA Cox1a! RVf. "Wk ad Wklt. ator.4 Bllka. . " Plate Poe Irs Pat tonasd ' Msswi AwMms B.s. aassstatog aal Alaa a Is.,, aasastassatef Utrawrtafl, Marsalla ad FtorasM Bllka, psesalsby f.tll, $. TlXEER. Ill -Bept, 11, ISii. .Ten Italian Iwmrdt 2TAAT K a states atom my alaatottoa to sSaekaw aa Sstaras, aifci to sah tos a srss Jseeat H -sa, 1 as a.sr, t-sars ml te dsllae sill k A. B. FKBBT, s-sshdwrg, Aagasi rlik.ll')- i h, Ifrlni. IU let! fpil eaastswa hetwsew 4 aad bad aaaa, Vf A UarlasY awviag. Is. Is, .. . stiv4 ss4 tor aaav hf s v ...... ,Ur0MFI0T. , fwt..ber It, l-ii. . ta-. HATS I IIATS!f HATS !!! HIB rs Mta. Wl It sat. ntk s4 Pss l aps, buns, sa itsrad awe, rmavaaaa Isvassar toast w i Btaa, af to hasas si rise awt . ' M. to lTA"w. I ' Ostahar 4, Is. . I pet'ltflflsMrd aa af bis saajsatto g sraBt.irt.urit: ritUIH. . key ass as uve4ae. Cs.T-s p.avaai tabs bt kks'tisiist (tyWo . NX tga $. 1st iriiiri ar 4 r a n . P jUl9tmtM Bd tiU A wkatoag shses sa. rr -se 1 ursaosg. th fc.gbsst toaskat prva ataf to pas a sash. Apy f to . , BAIPIT"- " II, 1A. ' , l ...