- 7 4 THE XECE-SlTf Or THK AMERICAS PAR TY. " rci.iB wixxlt r -' j WILLIAM C. DOUB, j loima rauraixroa. ! ' I It H M i j i If paid strict j ia advaace, tw dollar perea ess: ta lulisvre u l uitJ ceuts, f paid witsaa n J m('u ; sad tare dollars at Ihe end of th ; .' jLU'gRflSEMEXTS avl ncaetiiog lxttra ' fl?, .t 04 iasrt 1 aee tisxt fur ass dollar, eed i lst-lT Mate foe tack abMqaaut insertHi. ; raws of rur lent;iu will b ebrged proper. ' i,'tttly. lurtidrajidJudicielndreitisetaeBt ml) Mehrg4 lia par cat. hirxbsr than tba abov rat-' 'A reeeoaaule deduction U be mad to who advsrtts by lb year. ' j it.k a4 Job 'I'rtatipg don with neatn u , 4-.-putch, and on aeeoniuiodatiuie term. . ! GK-XKllAL D1KECT0K1'. "T" CITY (50VKKXMKNT, W.u. Dallas Haywo.id, luiendatit ot Police. t nMHlMUO.VEs:. Kisfcr Kunl. hhlridge .Smith, . " A. A lauis. SIuLUe Ward. 1. L. Harding, ' 'Imw! I'rucier. " E. IJatitwoll, Wtrrn M'uri. A. M. fiorman, 1 ' 11. 1. Turner, . 1-Tlf 1 VOLUME XL VII. EALEIGH, NOHTH CAaOLINA, WEDNESDAY MOUSING. JATOARY 2.1856. C'y (luanl.- MUcellaneou s. From Pelrrmm't 3faijaime. Margaret Nesbitt's Stratagem; OE, ! ; A XEW LOVE TEST. Painx Margaret Xn.httt had two uuexoep ! lionable lovers, anil adlv puzxled wax lie to I chixuic between tliein at taint so she pretended, i a ulia gravely debated their respective, merits, ' wilb her MiMn mid confidant, l'liceUa l-'ielJ. j Certain It il ibe bwl a nrcfereuce b keyi her I aeeret well (uunled. A tall, hanibmine girl was Marjret ; well frm ed and gnn'elu!. 1'ull itf mischief and spirit, ahc deliKhtcd in a frolic nr ajeot, and auue there -wiebojud;;liK her- merely bj aua ufher mad lreaka in wjik-li phe bad been encaged, held her to be bat a tliouhtlei, i'lcly pirl. Vet the friemli a ll" knew her bet (lincovered bennnth her merry humor a fund of plain, giod Renin, and true feeling, which won her buth reiw:t and love. Ouo evening, afteiretuniing from a party, where ahe had met bath aiir.iuU fur her favor, largaret aat tliimlitlully hj the fire in her drening romn, h"r little slippered feet resting on l he fender, aud for the hundredth time da bated the merits of her two lovers with cotnin COL'llTS. j "V.1U see, Plioetie," she continued, grutely, iijimn- t win ol jN .art 11 aroima I leltl j knitting her-brow witn an air ot (treat perplexity. hhacb has Ins ituvuntaus. llaiuilt n Myum lius o inudi talent is so iiiiiidoiue of iMioh a jt'iod f.iinilv ;tnd x itliiil Halters me so ulieiruiiiiglv thm I tin I him very agreeable : on the other hand, though Winthmp Nurth titlki an muih Iiism, mid let me mil ly pine mid pout for a compliment, there is something so open, ec-uml, and nunly alsiut hi in, that 1 think i like liiin ilmnKt,..rjui:c nn well as Mr. Myers. "Mr. Myers is fur the handsomest," said cousin rinube. 1" "1 dotrt know about that," returned Murgaret, iiickly "Mr. North, has the most ni'iniv and expressive lace, and 1 never did eare for reolttr feaiuies. Vet, as uuiay, Mr. Mvers vt'oiill l,e 'I .i- Sip-rivr C'ofor this County, iwlielil on tli.0U3;lii the hundsoinest, and he certainly doe lhi Moii'.luy after tiio fiMyS4f'loli4h-itJte hiinsell very arceahle. Alter t-itkmg with 1 oi'!i mi l Sfptemlier. - .. 'j hitn half an hour, 1 hem to feel that my old J lui I': Moore, Cierk. i notien th:tt 1 am pi eitf much like other ieo;ile, 11. H.n'hef.r, Attrnev (Jeneral tuid Sdiiv I is all a niiaiiiiiti. lie seems so aured d my in- the misliirlBiie to loee it through her illness, and her toilet was complete. W hen we add, however, hat she was still pale fro her Utenlispositi'n; and her Itiee jet slightly difiured by the awellingt which had not entirely snlisided, the reader viiil h.iva nn diftiouliy in realising that she 4id lok as l'hele said, like a jierfect fright, Before this unique toilet was entirely mad" a ring at the door announced tjhe arrival "of the im paiieut lover. ' " '- M trgnret iIjI iy 1 to hire on a mors h;irty laugh with her tonusin. an ! then proceeded Je- intirelT down atvrs. . As sh oieael llio pirl-r J. J. t'bristnphers, CiT Tlerk, A. M. (lorman. City l'reaa. -Jamea M. Crawley, " Jiwk!on ttverliy. Cilij CoHiliiUtt. Kdwnrd Harris. " William Andrews. A. Adams, Woigbranster. t. Harris, Clerk ol the Market. ndiiy j tu uiii city tu'iui-annually, on the second in -In!.", and. the 3;)th dav of lhweinher Jmlj-i.- IUm. Kwlerick Nash, Chief Justice, K. M. IVarstin, Associate tidge, W. II. Uattle, Kiluiund B. Freeman, Clerk; Ilaiu. C. Joues, II". i o'ter; J. J, l.itchford, Sr., Marshall. i'lie t'mttd yfo C'iiniil Cimrt for the Dis trict of North Carolina is held semi-annually in tin- city, on the 1st Monday in June mid the last Monday in November. in. I Ion. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; Ho Henry 1'otter, of l''ayetteville; District Atturne l!(.:,.Vt 1'. Iick; Clerk. Win, II. Haywood, fcr M ir-lni!l. efh-v Jones. can attest fnvsi ocular demonstratiim. that tfte late pretty Mita elbi!t is at pr-ont a perrt fright a mere wrec'i. I trewhle when I think of to.e sea: I have myself Im I f..r I was ne tr W ciuht, I a-ore yott. N.-ver s iw anybody so ranch chann"d by an iihii-s i; my lite why she has lust all bar tex-th. M li. r Ii4;r, and one eve; her n ise wai hi re I ss an old toper's, and her skin lilt color of a djin Iclcin ho baikeil like a caricature of ouoof ttw wit.:!ie iu M.icls.'th. 'I'm honor, 1 f like man who ii juat tf c.tne.! li-ing caught anTcTen by an ogres.'' Si far had Mr. Mvers volubly pr.icee le 1 in his 1 door. Mr. Mrcrssnran forward to uumt Ui-.r. I la . J iijriniiou. vixa oueuf h'.i cdiiib -.nioiis Vi.ic! gained th nu bile orthe room, an 1 ilieti Mood as t.-ini lie mru.-1 4tvl ta, c.8 t' -i io nini- .1 - if spell bound. ! Xe-hitt Ic niing on h.:.- iu-.or's n'i.1, a:i.l 1-r.voi. Margaret advanced with EraTe-sclfpo-'.eisiou; more hwitttful t'un h ii 1 1 ever si-en her. and extended her hind. ' j Mr. N'-.rtU ha J xif :- i iff a m-'iiietit l spcik The courtly Mr. Myers had hot even proseuce to an idd f.ieud " i. s wii-.'n I. rc j-.:tife4w of mind muni eh In take it. I the griiup, anl wniie : w.v''h.;n ', !.i'garet "Von find me greatly jhan red," said Mara- j had t .me 1 1 iv to Myc, t, w'.'h n ret, in atone of oimetrn, (she was sotnethin of j her brib.: eyoi iLincii'u -viiii iaer an aotress, and fully equal to tiie Dart s'ie bad i "1 fear it is too lute lor you t undertakep.) I see you are shacked I thought 1 had nrenare l Tm for the alteration in mv nr- pearance. Did you not receive my note this al-J enough oi'their attribute to divioo hut it might t'icii. i- soiilc, i.ii'iit : .o.j-i le your se cret to me, Mr. Myers, I; .i (,i'rnpi vitU my :e seuihi nice to witoho-, i aiu ul.-.i etch. wed w ith i ..r ct the fourth Judicial ltistrict. I'he i'mrl of' Vus anil juilrtrr is ho d on ilte inird Monday in February, May, Aun t ,u l Novemlier. Jeff. Ctlev, Clerk. ruiimo'tiic (Jtiiti'y Vuurt. William Boy- I. l'n'J Viri'o' K. I'. I at' H'ul-e Viitintff i . i Willis Hcoti. ... II. llutsoti. Marriott. -William II. Ilieh. i r 1HNKS. 'if Sxrlh Ctn-nthta, im-orpi- ,p l- i nuh. laintal 1 . it ire ot Vi hlcn and tiie t'uitet- tl fc iS -.note. . .I!.cl. I'i ident. .i',il Ni.tnrj cent Cle. l. a I'll'., el . VV i ,,uoi l'.-illll.,l IcSl" t e ,S , I'ieik. ., ,, N".v ii, f ,rb ,rc ,, r.li.ncetii i, Char and V iiol.cr. T .t! " . e:i.4i ' .HIM of tbnSr i. is. it ; h a.. ' II. r . . Hi,4 i.e.i . ,ta sis ii i, ,,.t ,t ., 1 1 . : : 1.1. W. t'.,i L. D U. il-it,, !',ih at 1 V , , t. ..t,, .r. n linvlm. ,ih.i',-, A I finite ut-eiitnty, tleit he iilin.t succeed bringing uie to the snuie agree ble conclusion. Heigii ho! I do wish 1 could decide.".- st "llieu you are not in Love with either," anked I'huetje, a little anuoved by he' frietol's unr on m tic indecision. "Not a bit, c ius'a and what is in re, 1 in tend Pi keep niysoll heari-who'e. al lca; till I ascertain which l my admireis lotos no! m .st woithil nnd-rii.certy. 1 utttit i kucvv oi s.ainj way to lest lite tpte-tion." "1 hemd ol' a cuhu u few years ug; where tlti xwet eih i t a Im -I'litid s ull'cctioo w ;i t.cerelv tried," Mid I'loa-'ce. My friend, M t,1 .a ! the Miiail ;n.x 'iur,ng her iiu-i-aini's a1- eoctt Iroltih.Oe. K ooWlllg liTcll to ist li'.tii nilly dif-li,;u:e, -u-.i a vit,t,e left f her iirioer licrtu ly, !e .ukv i uniiir i with dreal to hi luturu, h tiiii. i.i. o i.i i,,naid her uiiht utoicro a cha:ie. i!u 1 near that mi toe contrary, lie -cei.,s nioie tea :!,.' 1 to l.cr tii.ll ever mi l .ees, t.i u li,,.ll-a.. i itll.c . a:. i atel al.enu- n-, lonho.v be,- tl.nl ..e," ,..o,l ,i iu:.e lta uol ioa-:c i.er 111, ,;c j ile-ir to h.ui." Teiirw i se 111 Margaret'. clear l,;i:'.e! ey- sin i,cr ft ienii le.-itul. "'limi isiru.-l ,vc,' she cr,el, wi, - it it so that 1 nam io be loi" I. i 1 the n;rce.!i,ii. witi. il si'riii;;.. i'lcto 11 11 i, beauty. 'u l'tto Ui, ,1 1 e-, Ui,iil:cUa h-tci ' l'tio-he. I to , vour fi lend s bn-l,ac,l ue io.o as siie p -ke iiitj l ' 1 ia- a-ole tier ,,-i.tv l.aoi- ternoon V "Nil yes I dnnt know," began Mr. Myers, so much confused that he di ! not know what ho was saying. Howas enjtged in now glanaiug furtively nt the eorg ,n before him, an 1 'hen looking hastily away. At last partial self- pos-, sttion return"! tihitn. Ho seizel his hit, stammerin-so netliingahiut histiine bisi sh art, ; and took leave. "I tnut y 14 will not g i till y u h ivc t 1 1 me ; th secret you were so arm ins 1 1 c nn.miuieate,'' ( stii'l Margaret, mischievously, ma-isxing to out , olf !tis retreat t-t tho do ir," "It is not 1 ite pray j return and make me the confi lencelyoude.ilrea.".! I',t Mr. Mrors I ,.,kc 1 re illv ala'roie I. 1 "Xot to n'tg'it a it to night." he exclaitne,L ! hurriedly try in 1 1 efe.'t an exit, aid finding his attempts w.ve frutratol by .M irgaret's man cu vers. "It was a tner, -M-ille rmto a tuistak,.' any other time will do." And at last gaining Lthodoorby a swift and dettrous .uiovoiiiont, he fairly fle 1 bef ,re the ti lvaticing M,vlnsi, w'11 still pertinaciously urged the revelation of the pr.i misc'l secret. As the ball d mr el sed on him M t'rgarot's merry peals of laughter brought tier coiin to tier s:-le, and ths w!i ,1-? late scene was f itthfolly rehearsed for l'ncho's atiiasciii'ii!. While the. merriment of the gi I ly gi. 1 anil Margaret w m jti-t s .0 viog how M tried to do t git Ii". at t.is d 1 r, an dher riu have been, tad not fortune rescue I V"tt from the hands of the 'egress.' -Anti ln'tuv'., r,h you will know h ,w i" licwaro iif v-.itL-hes a,,;! ogresses." Liayiag the ili-cc.uti.Uid and j.SiwleU Mr. My-er-i, (,vh ,tt brains on this sui.jeui. have never cleared) to reply ns4ie liest eau to the indtgnaiit querriei of. h.s u-tm lasjioos as to th reires"nta- ttotis lie ha t Keen making tliein, an I lo solace iois-iif as w 1 11 .1 as i.c ,4; ta,i -,v llillr i.i (he c It i'.,r a as it, 11 a.s our hanoy i, j. jit., Vo ie niy stood toC I.OVK-Ilf.1 for having histahe -t and prettied girl Wc our leave of bun, and the lover, v, ho TIIH MAN Til f KIS v'.ll THK TIIKEI' !I'.I.!. he had a father and wither in heavea, and to had I. Ilw strange that peddlers had never seemed like people human soul filled things before? How thankful he was, and how his gveat auuken blue eyes loiked into mine when I paid him. Vou don't ak me to take a cent less,' mid he; after hesitating a minute. 'I tsiink you must bt very rich.' ' h tin,' I replied, 'I am far from that: and these things are worth loom tome novrthiin I gave f,,r tliein, Will you come agatn?' 'Ve-, ma' . 111. if I ,1-ia't go to mother t-aiu.' 'Are y,,:i lotng"y? . o ijia'hiu, l-i-eier i el btingrv now. I siune 't-.irs ttii,.U uioilter fe,' ;s ,;ie wlieu 1 slei.'p, lb ,nh , i ,! -;tt re ii.- .i ,iv i:, wlo?., I ant aAvakc. 1 only j know I doo't villi to cat ihaV sinre m v sister allied.' 1 ' : ' j Hid yon feel very sa,T;' j "1 felt very big in my thu.nt, and I thought I was r!..;i::eii, hot 1 iFdn't cry a Utthou.-h I felt J very 1 oe!y at titglit for a v. hih; hot I'm glwl she's up llteciew.'. j 'Who tol ! yon vhi ivetfl going to die?' 'Nob idy: biii I know I am. I'.'rhapa I'll go before t'iirfstmos.' lconhl not endure that, and tried to make him Stay, but be would run and toll Mrs. Brown what govd illicit he had met Kith, lis bade lite good itny nirain, el, ee: fully, itn l then went out in the cold rain, while I could only say; . 't.iod bless yiu, my child,' llo never came again, though I looked for him every day. At ten gtliTk bout Xew Vear's I went to tht pi ,ce lie called home. Mrs. Brown was there, but the little pilgrim bis weary feet were at rent, nnd intvor in ,re would his gentle knock lie he it-,1 at the it'-nr i t those, who, Iikcwntyaelt, forge' the necesiiiy and stern want that often sent nlnut these waudi-ren from boi:r-e to house, and that their employment might be far more un-oinSy to them tb iti tttinoyiog t us. as al its height, 1 to tell the I,.. t. t nouee 1 another visitor , I.p cirtii. yoar ltil.l,llll,..l,OI 1 cu-cltiile lioitr- ul but meet .. 1 . r. . iii,(. Seth -I a-.d I'. K. w .1. I'. Mi if tii Cuf V'lr . I N . H trio, t'.. . I" Pnt.e. I. t. II. Slly, lay !i. Oil tt.tf MOtK it H r I u f, it n ll.llt llHllI .l .',..l. ;.U'.JI U. U - li;iliii tr ihr i,:.. . , . 1, I Hi ntr h .ir, l.e w .-ii. ckisl ill tin1 i.fi mi l.or. 'i u th,-i.r -port tH.rite l i. a jt:4Uit i t- w.irtr. . A. 11; 'J .Vois Cwv'iiiit Itililimiit VuutjHitiy. ' h ' '. V. Fcoer, t'.etleot. . I' .e ,c,.,,! fiea-urer. '. T V t , t cht si d I u set Agent. Ma , in n arritis' u'cfi- k, A. fnna tlit Eist: sit 1 de,sarr l! 'w. after & o'clock, A. M. .Ma I I to i'e-l arrivos at .t touiuius af ter 4 . c... k. P. l. llepwM at wihukw b0 fort 0 i.'gUatk I. M. ItiST 0FF1CK. fTtllia-a While, Hr., I' t Ma.ter. (MlitTtwra, on week days, from Hun-rise 9 I. M. TKAVELLKK'S (JL'IDE. (iktivtt n vtratttii taiL f siLiiiii NOUTIIKHN MAIL Hr Rsmo.n.) Ikr .it.-a Mail mkm ilsily at a. ss p. m p. a H .4.. I at B Arrives wail at 8 Ihst ars leart lb dep., I at 61 8.tLlllkKX MAIL (llr Twn-ao.u , CWs daily al I p. Bl) Arntes daily tt 0 p. hi The Ha- k leave .1 7J t. WKSTKK.V MAIL II r Esiumsu,) Cloves ilaily "at D p. ns. Arriies daily at 4 p. a. Th iraia Icaies al 4 p. as HILhSlWlUtrMAIL tit Ksnavat.) Cbisi" dsily, M ' f B. as Am. daily af t a. Tht liar leaves tidily al ltt allrr i a. TAKIluKu' M .UL-(llr T.o-aoa.. ll- .) ' ri mti tun. lay. T ies sad Thur, at ' 9 p. m A'rtaTte-tsis, Ttiars and (., at 7 p. as II M-k ki.o Mow. V s-l and FrL, at a. as nrr.-IIIDH )' M AIL bv Tas.s t.w.s llw t tlsssavt Ttasotay and Hskiardsr, at $ p htus ess .vumtsy ao.j itis.iy, at II wk lesves nt Nan, and H I. a'..ut s r . I r - 7 a. a Hpltndld Stock of-Ooodi! W. v as.w rsMsniiai tk Us( s4 sik ml m- m-d tm 4 f r-': ll.ls. fst, Hal. r S i 1. ! Uls-nsis, Sm ., awavtnt ' s4 II,. . r.f,,f j.ll.. 4,.ks I ,m .m urmt. . dml! k. -S-I t. M., M.M . m nsssif, fnsa4iss4 tsW I-"4 f...:, w.H. A. av 1. Tl i li a cois-s t ad eitrtrcty uuii.,e i it lux, her eyes act dull ano Color had Tied troui oer cliees. place iu t.er no-e. v lute s n al nei 'li in cuuti ri.atioii, 1. l.al. .Uara et .1 esv her atieulion I ne ,o u,-:ul liu- in me uii.r.-r, eselaiaiii. "ind )i.u eter see si. Instil ?" - I'nuHie burst mo, hiugn.ng, and anvweied ai-j.bsiiiaiily-"Xeaeri I Mi, Msg.iv, if your lutcrs c, ul.l but seevoutiuw.what alma cbaucetotest tlw s.rentu of their alfe.-ti.nt '." oe sake in tht merest jest, but the idea seemed lo take hold ol Margaret't mind. A wild pr int had riitered bar beasl, ai.tci !. w.u dele luo, r, I to carry out. ( uusin J'bi-U) wae e.ik .ly "srsaadiNl to enter into her plan arid Ueoumt cbiel aoler and abetiar therein. For a!,ul two weeks Margaret't Cold which was a ry (avert oua, eoi,Bii-d her to her timm; during this lima I'hirbt is-calia,aliy aaw and ra- tltsd iu person to lbs uopiiries of ihetwiianiioua .vers, who, on haaringof Misa Kesbitt't illness, daily tailed U. ascertain to tht data of her health. 1 aui starry tn say that I'hnrbe, with wanton cru elty, and lit tit regard lor truth, answtanlly repre sented Ihs illiwa In bs of tht wsaas) aeriesis aaturt, and tbt daily Sauls wf two pbystoianl gave trsnatioa ta tier llssuU. la euars ul Ume, howtvtr, Miat Ntsbitl was piou. uiicsyd cnaialesonit. Uutb lovao beard tha g.sd li.iil.gs with great apparent delight, aadoa Utt h.l"Wiog day, Mr. Myars sut ustsvl to I'lsrlti tart Um toilwwii.g a-Hs to bt taastytd ki her tssseia -he waiui.f aa am wee. "Catiio Miss Ns.airr-1 fcava tuered ansieaksblt anxiety oayiMiracciM.il, Wl.ta asay I hope to see yoa f I am inipaiieiit tn wlut par to y. a a aterrl which has long boverixl on at v bps. ltarl Matgaret, eaayuubul dit.ua It 7 "ilrant snt at Intartnrw at onca, I bweuii yoa. Ever Bi it Uitbfi.'ly Jours, lUaiiTo Mtiaa." Margaret rtlurasJ I aa ns the fulloainf Ban ted liassa "I will im voa this availing at aalf-fssat tight a'rk-ck bat prrpart yaursalf B Bad ate asswB cbangad b ey illas-s." It wasalraily ksie aWsa these trued a wart writtta, and hut an h"r was alhed W ar be risina tu prepare k s.alt lo racMt t Bar Iwser. It a aa csH.ausd tl onee. Bad it asuat be eunleasad was rather a asrgwlernae, la the trl plsjra, ska will, drew all her fo-h, lark hstr fnss bar fart, t hid it bttaath a ehae luiag tap, SJ--K as toaasHiiaaa disBara la I. as I BhssaaiieM Bsufialant nr lllnaa sW4,ls vt.ent ( la have Hit Bairsharad Inita ttM bsl. N.ils luwt rarMsar id" anl-swtaiag ssila. and ot a Biakt obe-h tmieaalad tlit B(pir. wsa d-tena,), Na rarhad tot BM pr ass tad.w Usw f 'bri enter- j ad Utt rmai : sartng at ibaadd tgira beiora her, : Mi lva;-Krd m.( and snorily Vi-a frfHI? v-a Ms-lasat ft f iet. Trs are ioi(i lo . si awf ll.s r .srs Wt al. t.Hsr k-as I Ns,rf last but last In. k till ia ''Tiiore! th;it is surely Wi other aasntrer, cried r.i.ctie.. Margaret's laughter su.l letilr .lied away: she i grer very pal.i, an 1 turoe l t . y ortK-ijiitatelv to j her ofl'n ro on. 'I'liirit'ir s!i) went, ottlv poising on the stair steps I mat eoough to decide by his i loot.tcos, that it yi indeed North. I'mrhe j toll .we 1 h.-r. j In vain M iraret endeavored to elf ','t the con- ! tinu nice of h.-r .Into in ,rry liu.n.r. Her uo.-.u- j ti-., i'i!c a ;it a'ioil rcve lie ! ew-n to the Uicois- J,s -ttog I'lee'.c, tliat tit,' fll-'S !,,:! sou IT is to, or , . bi.nt to t-'s', was to t -i- a fa. 'Itocrcit f.o.o lie last. I'er. e, . in ; t't !ie oiglit t. .iiv-rt iter Inend t'ro a Icr tttteti-.i it. llut M.,r;;aiet was determined t i cirry h-'r whim oat - lymg, "II it is fair f.r .vi,., it" is lur I'.r tie: t.,cr i t!i I ivo is wntthh is t.. i! .-vill n t bear :iiy test." . She ditircc. P ceo,-, I, .wever, to g i .i.ov i a., 1 s"e X 'rt.i, iof irm h.,t:.of l.er .iitciuioii of rv-,r-it.g bis visit, a.i I p.cj.aio lii.n lor a ccau,o in hi t- .1 ittearan 'e. I'i- e'oe soon rcttiroe! fron hereira , I. irel then M i-arct. gillie i;'- it,, lict- for.t ti ly :lm 1 eooip ,-ur-, ,,'- M.l,, I i.,e -it rs. ,.,f w.tiisr .a 1 t,g ti.e an .s'.i.Mtt si, !,a,i '.,. ric,l tr-.in '1 . .. ...r ' pi',' ..it re rcticr, .w lesson ha 1 not Leo 1 1 -t tiioa itlJr : slio. ue alio: 1 llj i tor toe result o i er ti l .i"t,.i. (: ,ug i tltiCotlie.'Se t I. .l!l, Ce l to tc.i.s it, U.C Sl'Tct Ver h -art Ii-. rcvl-aie.l itseil l,i In-.-, I.v 1 lie to luol: .e ll nutated 1 er S. .-,.m wlo'll -he lit. o ',t of !i ,v much who ha I 1 1, 1 o.i t i; veo- ! c. ti fetching the p trio- .1 or, siie piu.-l witii i c? S.aii-1 on tt.e liKk he w'isheil b.r e in-. W-mhIhi t-t IsMllttgs M itsrr lir irt.' ".ef llngere-l; th- I :k tWae T T) l.-ith lie, hi T. and tv iii'tr North iond t.cl iro le-r t a. e't , i ,ce. acodsl lov.ditota. i y, M irga-e' s Uj-ht to c m-eal i.e." .1 ,a.e 'b-figii'et .'o iiiteiiancM iu her hands, hut she was ,,; 1 to. tat il r. .n .rai ttvl seen all. d he A young man wle, be aided at a house in the coutitry whero .vor;. several coy dtiinscls ivho seetueii to iniajritie that uieii ttio terrible crea tures, whom it was an uupm-do liable sin to look at, wns one forenoon iieeostedby an :ie,ilftintfini'e. tin I asked what lie f :t:, i -'ht of tt.e voting ladies with vehour tie rsiar,!..1 1 .' Ha repliud that ,li..-y were v, : i- s'.iy and re serve l.'i . .. . ".o they are." replied the ,,!'t r: ''and so much that no gentleman could ever el near ein.ugh ,l.ir ot thetr eves.' V i t; urr, I.?," s ii 1 the b ,-irde Twill s:ase a i.iiilvn that 1 can win.'. ut any tu.ui.h-." "1 hat yoi'caiHiwt 1 ,," ciicl 1. an acliieleiueiit whlco lil-tther vnaa can aecunpuMi. I'tie ot lorr u us to-it ive. uiol iinite l his friend to viiit"s? his tt in. :it,h. Tii.'v ci t-ocd the r .m together. Hud the thre" cii 1 we.e, nil ftt houie sitting be-ide their mother, nit looking as prim atid detnure as .l,.lm 1'ctiirs at the .-t.iite. Oor her.. a-some,l a very grate aspect, even to leie.-tion, mol hating looked vvi..i!iil!v at the 1'i niTV OK Ki.K TloXS. , A friend in Oai i, -says the Knickerbocker, sends u. the li..,wiiigiitiiiihiiigiM'cuiTenee,whieli actually took place as .Ic, il.cl,) ns illustrating a novel method of "I'fCsei ving the Purity uf F.leetioiiM :" In the north-west pot ti. n i f tlto State of Ohio, in tl.e country of Auglaize, there. is a township, the ci'.i.-.eio . f which are principally Ccrinun, arid ttotwillistiuiding their 'sit eet accent,' they are nil lh-mo.-r.Lts ol the regular 'iiiiicrrified' striie. From the time of the erection of the coHiitt up oiicklv, "h it, 1 'i' I'11 year. c.'.r;it", ti Ittitivlred nod tiliy-two, tiidie ; k:-s till three ' nei.er a Vi nig vote cist in the toYinsljipapo j ken of, aiihotigli there were over six-hundred ! voters : I t t lit the fall election of that year, upon ' counting ,,,e i..illuts, it appeared thiittheie was one mo n nongst them. T'here was the proof, j a regular straight-out Whig tickot, aud they cotihl it .t p;i-. it hv. Tnis caused great comnto- i tioit : tucr csciiti-ceon was tlimm"u: there wiut n big luootist tliein ; that blot iuui,t be wied out, null ttiili their courage (Hutch of course) up to lctci- beat iu the stireli', they went to work slvlv to tin,! tit" iiiatt who had dared to Tote tha f ruas tht AVsr 1 'wis T mr. cHEXK IXTI1K. llOl'SE OF COMMONS. Tht following extract nf a letter from a geotl maa who lias been a aieuilwr uf tha 11. it sh I'ar liamenl. describing a euri hi aeeoe in the House ol ( '..:n:n .ns, will lit read with interot. The itf e det.t .sjcurresl during tht deb-.We on Hit Kubtil IVe s reo Trade nr-iect "V'Mi ak met, bit tiear . wbe her I have seen Mener.il Morris' lust song, "Jenny M irah of Cherry Valley.' Vou ran hardly know, when v.m put such arpieMiou. lb place he baa built himself in the hearts of all eiaswa here. 1 1 is ninny , suites mut bailwis are hoii-eholJ words Ih every j b ane iii F.iigland, and haven de.tr old chair by everr etrcie tu which kbidlv frnn.ls are gatoeresl; and parui.ts smile wiih pie.taurt to are l.r -lliers 1 and s s e'Vjiiiu-fttjrri'i as tn tlit evening a n; and twiiu- uiow-r tie loving chords the tewdc ' est of the human neart. It is no mean reward tn ; ft-el tb tt the child ofone't brain hat a chair in j siicli circles, and that the lore for the child pasaea , in hundreds d" bear a intu love for ita ahsten pa- rents. In that old chair 'Jenny Marsh of Cherry Vnllcv,' is fust scuriitga place, Afterall, what are afl the throal-warbliiigs in tht world to out such heart-sung ns 'My Mother's Bible T' It possesses the true test f genius, touching with sympathy the human heart, equally in the palace and cottage. As an instance of the effect of trtta of his inanyHHmgs on the higher cbtssea, I will mention a scene in the most fastidious assembly in the world the iirilish House uf Commons at which I happened, tu be present, and which offers of a homage, tliat not only yoar national bnrtl, I ut you oountry should feel proud of. "It was "just about the hoar, near twelve, when the perfumed and blare dandles torn in from the Coventry club, or so:ne Itclgravian rout, when exiept three or foar of the Brat men in the House, no true would be endured, and no one is listened tcr, unless, perhapsi a huff like Colonel Sihthrop, or a Ilal.etaisiTiir it like Ilonrr lh ummniip, or a flushiiig htiksiir o fdebitte like Osborne, who rush es.ia ss-ry iciitettce tit . sonic opposition foe and levels him with his hince. The hour of twelve is death to bores, They dm-e not cross it threshold. Yet il was iut this hour, when, front the back IXpoa thie tnljeei tht Lnstisrilt JanssJpb- aertea that It aas alrtadj Meat deasnawtralat that ma aasatwr of reignera aosr aaajag aa it saav ciaot ta eoatrol ear ppalar ttetttiimt in a divia. iue) of fsditieal pareiee sack at aaa aesrttssftwt el- latevi, liiat N aaa been show a by atatisticaj etmiputatioa that 1'ia preterit President of tha I niitd 0 attt was actaajl elected far tht Tot re of roreignera that his opponent received a ss tjusv rty m ine Totes at BMiTt-twra ei atent and that it has bf ansae app treat, that, ia tht B'ssrsict of any important pnli.ical iatatt between tht eld Whig and IleisKSjratie partiea, tht tasting tett was in tht h lads at lorei gnera, and. th it. that our deatiny as a nation vraa aataaily toatrtded by men anat-uainted with oar taws, oar language, or our insiua'totu, by snt'.- unskilled in th mys teries of rte publican self-gorammentand ttinging lo Kumpeaa prejudice. Mill attached to Europ ean natHinal.tiea. -and actuated by any ether bm tivt thaw that which alone should ba tlit gui lt of an American freeman. Lit of oouatry. Tht JitmrHal prooeesls. . r The disco tery of thia fsot was tht f rst causa nf the organisation uf tbt A merit in paity, bat it , was not pht only cause, Tbt banding together " of the foreigners in this Country for put I cat pur- ' poses, iht establishment invar midst of ,,n avow ed and exclusive fwtign party, and the rapid ia crease iiUbreign immigration tu out th .res hart induced an inquiry into the. future rmlttioal pros pects of our Union. Tbt result of this investiga tion haa astounded tht pto, tt of the country and taught them that bow or never the Bat ire born eitiicna of the country must burr all minor dif lerenoes oi iipiumn anu anna Hi one eommon cause, tht preservation of their guremment aod ' their American institutions from tht dangerous control of these twarma of fort'gntn that tb fat on to overwhelm the oountry, tu seise and corrupt nnd pervert ita institutions and perhaps destroy every vestige of A marican Batioaalty aud Ameri can Republicanism. "From tbt MaUstiot at preaettt within reach, the calculation hat been Made, that, anltse meas ures are promptly taken to preserve the political power of tbt nation la tht handt of tlit native born eititant, in tan yean or at farthest in twen ty, ihe foreign voters in tbt United Stetoe will actually very largely outnumber the nntive-born; and tlit overbearing and tyrannic! 1 disposition al ready manifested, the fortign leader afford ground fr apprehension, that iu such an evvat, the native-born ciiisen will indeed become stran gers in their own bontaa, that they will be treat ed at hewer of wood and drawer uf water tor tht insolont offspring of European despotism, that they will be debased and degraded in tht land of their birth, will be excluded from ant participation in tht government nf their own country, and, if they murmur at their late, will fi iead, "it is tt i.or any utiitr clock, l.reatoe l a ! ng as a lettiaio , in.-!!- i, jc . it t e Jllis, vrtio oiov ,r-i t , i i-, c i as ,!e ;U0 til Alt ehra.alilas l...r. His he at'etit .01 of the Whig benches, on old man arose, tall and silvered. From his dnrss of top boots, and drab j be impudenl'j toll by tome haughty miuion of uroecnes, nioi 1.111c coat wnn gin nutions. one tne l'ope of Home tluit ttiev can pack op aa would luive fancied he had been dug up from quic' as they please and go." some region of the (irorges, had not the fresh "Thi it Indeed Bo fancy tketch, bo hidaoo l.l.s.m on his cheek, caught in many a hun'ing bugbear, ooi.jured np lo frhrhtta timid native to, , ruing, utol his hale, hearty look, proclaimed into tht tuppurt of tht A.aerican cause. It i 'the nnc oia r.ugnsii gentleman. 1 ins wasv uiey, of Yorkshire. At first the dandies stared, and were inclined tn chastist such unusual audacity in invading an h air sacred to 1'eel, and Stanley, and Kussell. aud t.lndstoiie, anp 1 Isrnoll the:, , Hit,: l'e et is ini- .-ioti iie I. ..I. ill III l" a do Hoi 1 i . . he torlte.l lo ! 11 V,,..-,, : - . f: .- i:o an,... .,11 l-idv 1 d , 11 . M l., tie toun ,,iao vt i :: t , li'. r,-;."t '.. . : .c ' I -v ' 1: ... a .1 i. , 0 11 . , v . e ut he . 01. 1 1 1, i , f-i't. 4 a I-. ,n ol tl,, i- ' 1 : t. v . tt i'!i eori, d 1 chite-.i.ditiil.g .,: -eiiofl giaied l..e CO, o-t!y. indeed a too and rtnliir. Tii hotnitalitT which wa at afret, ptopla bt-T 1 h tiiert 1 txttodtd ' tbt foreigner wht hart Bought bomet among as. ha been abuaed. Attracted hither by whatever motives, whether to Cud a free anvernment or a But somehow the genial, kindly presence of I mere chance of sneoulatton.tbeT have been warm- the mail, and the good old gnrment be wore, to I y welcomed as aelf-txiled patriot; ther hat which even blast young Knglnnd softened, aaved reoeived our kindest sympathy and most active him, and the House relapsed into listleness. But I -enoouraeeoien t : tuev have been clothed almost list lessness soon grew into interest, when, after a immediately with all tht privilege of citixenship. most earnest and touching anneal to the I'remier, I Most cruelly indeed bate our favor been reiiuit- " to save ine 010 ciorv, ni-u oiu cusioms, sou mu tu. lorwt una eireauv oriramsed in aur midst, a V i.V li .-t.o . i. ,1...;. tt. ,,.,. . ! peiisinury ui r.iigian.i, no repciue i, wnn a niauij, foreign pniiucnl party avowedly attking to niou- r.,iLi..,t 1 ...ii-. .i 1 unletting niiti.ia, uieaong oi 11 omiman, pnr iiy our frovernmont to uit ttieir Kunincan iucaa. .. .,.,. .,... 111 ,.n i,ir.i ,..n ...... 0 1 ...n a- :i .1. ir . .1. I . .i . - t 1 . not, t.i-v. 1 .1110.0.1 wen OT-o.iw too viievt iooiwt 1 ui tsss away irom aa wnat one nnnerto been tut Is'sottltil w-rds, which do honor to the head anil pride of evert A merieau heart, our distinetrve heart ol their author, produced, the Iloustwas nationalitv. and to brinr nnon nt confusion, aa- peiiecty s pi tvneii tne 01.1 man sat uown. 1 arctiv. aiscmv and doubt lets civil war. Should - nir 11 , 1 en icu, nun, wueu n rose, ins voioe 1 mi oi.teot 01 int turtign lea gut Bt real tied, tnt faltered. 'I admit,' lie said, 'the touching beauty tun of American liberty will go dowa ia tttraal of thai ballad ; but 1 deny ita application to any I darkneat and tht hope of tbtoppretssd thraagb- ut('ntii 111 mine. it vsiss ssmie nine uriorw f lie 1 out lot wuria WIU M lartTtsT UIBBa. I sensaiioti sutj-itieu ; out, alter it uiu u, group 1 giitbered anmd Oslsirn and l Israeli, to listen to a personal description or the author, wnn wa 1 i :l: ... .t ... .t : t':io I I 1 i.uiiiiinr to loeio 1 nun iue piriiiriiigs 01 n una aim I hi ti..' iti' ci Vt.t.'.l Wt TO 11 fts'i:iim at i t !'-i l!i-r. It Il:lt ;;.t lrcll !-;r;M'!lHI, 11 id 'In; I.i. t eln-li'.ti !tn;c tme l.nj V ir li. V"t;' ut.ti it w;is nr ttu suli- ' jet-! l MtM r-'.'i irk mi'l vi.it(l('r. i : iV::. ti wrtiii' I.-tv iiK nn ttiit-dt ur iliMMiPr-iun ! of t.:t i-nijc ', tti ::iri'tt, a ltc iiiiinii-mtl ! iVti 11 ( in- evi t'-n. li :, t t' .M;it .u;, raiue Ulig . nn I ''rniiiii W i I Ii 0 ciiii- of tin 'iu,iniuliuii, J " "ii, V(? it'lt': in U iii it W.lt Totetl j 'Ii i,4 tiicKft nt v Int flet-'tiun, nuitl nn w!J j Ihits'ituiup. ' it ttUM .nf,' .vim Hiii'l, mul "it wn'f.t intUdv NATIONALITY 'I. I.'i h i ' I ! M.. t' ""'l.ll il" v ..j , ':.IK i tt h-.- "H it I li lt 1 tM I H-tP jT'.i i- XT a. . iTv'7.1 I.' !m'i -m tnlif, I UUt H1H '," J 'Irtw ne:ir. tin' I s!f ui-l an t ! iVifhT tp.i'itii-s. ttU 'h he in! nover yet in miif ir I t iar4 rt-r, he qrw-r litt arm witliiit tl !fl hr 1 1 a nf. taty h" hti't ti'lt -iurii.x illlriW riit a r-j-ii -t tli tiit- ''riVri ut -i.O t'v-.M l!v il' IWViM 1 ri t - !;,v, fllttl VOU set it H'iiti tu; h i t .1 tiiiumc nt i.i.; in.! ":" 'i i iriii iur u I ft.le, t!!ir h-i-.l in v.uiprliiti furtittg (uiu. 1 if a.--' m ti1.11.."! t the jiit, io.ikuiR n t ' MHi'ciy ut the riVK nnl at ttio unfor tutia p yilth, h tUrti wiikfi) u t tli oht;-t uf the titnw aui-, uiuj tUiiif li'f t'u I. hu'Je htr a Ptilt'iun I tntwt'll, lit al iinn. :ii I J kiM umu her lip-, wliiuh fsiieili-l 111H wir-mj-t hi r?tif. Ho thtii, h vtfl th j(HiJ fth't iair'1 fiirtiwell in th inmr tnthr ihiUiner, Hidohjiu't wax aitliicref. aiid that uio-nff 't thu f.Uk kfUvk lwtiva, llfre- upxti ho k-4vi aruuiiii furprirtcil, an l ej:u'ula- Wbo would have 10!ivfNj thnf an avfttparti m wtHiitl tail .a-h a U! Jt wan r. Uny the lii-t of Anadiiai au i ?apphira." It waa wiu titua before tl.e ti'l er uDiiiSciK uu- dwattu4 Ih joke. rtn fi;rr, - - TiinvvH'.v. r;.i-i...i::i. tin rainy afttruooa in the eav'ievt ptrtof aa tumn, 1 heard a low knock at my back disir. and tlew nta-oing it. fomol a peddler. Now, fte-l-dit'rs ars groat revsi'.,.o to a, a. they leave tbt gates open, ihey nerer bai t aoy thing 1 want ami I don't lik the iaees that bel. ng tn tbt most of Uitiia, esp-cinliy those of the stt ,ng bren wlio go about with hula packages ot tuirst goods; and I nlvayaciost the door u,.ii them, aaying Iu mys!f l,iy. This ws little Im-, aod b waa pal and wtt, ai d I . 'ke I 1 rol l ( forgot he wae a peddler, and a-Vs I hiia t r a" in by the tirn. 1 liioaght be ap s.aie.1 A-Utoilil h eipe '1.1 Ul tl buy eottic ,.ii,g. (or he ..uiMtciioe 1 opening hi tin ho: I l.sd in. such intern n. lia lo ked up in my f.ue very eariie-t.j and s-v-lly, when I leld htm to wana hm.ss.ii iy t.,e fire, and tliat I did not w,sh at poreliase anything, lie rtt ahtwly from his scl, and iM-re 'wa swMoethiug ia his i air whn b re;.risMd ma, and s detainssl him B, i unpiira why bu was tul iu th rsi.i. H replied I am out si. i y day, and can't .lay in I t a litilt ram: litsiUes, imstt priMiare slay at boma I then, and 1 tan atili to or oo rains dats.' I 'How much do yoa earn in a ilay? 1 'Sotietioies tail siiiliiiigs, a .oictiiaes an, and 1 dinks not," ai.l the old Iu:c!nmti. and the , b ll.iltce Mio., titeit lo ads iliereduiolisly. , "I :ei, . ...I u w,-s ;1, .,;.:'i,'' said Saui, pulling . ' i, it: a U in,.' stirkct, "at d may I be chatted up if i 1 anil o tig i'i ,lo it ttc,ain. 1 am going to v-.te i ti.ut, i le.ldiiig out tl; licliet.) and vole i open, I tm, l'il let vou kiM.vv that I'm an indepf-iulei.t j Amei icnu I 'i.iiet, at,d I'll vote ju t a.s i please, I and vou can't help it, by -leniiiim !" t Ni in he won! l.idcp.i.it his btllof. The e sol the, tliriWTiM t'litdi rhiifges ,T e7 rbTiriTiTnis a .milliter looming ;" and true to hi ttor.l. ?-nn l.aii.ci over his ticket npen. One of ti e old : judges t ok it, nti i. . ti.niog it a few seconds. v.ii'l tt.e in, lepeudenf voter, and I tuners, .aiorris lanow as. won Known in laney ro i many f us a if we had looked into In kindly lace or ictt tne warm prtesui ot Hi Baua, OF TUX PAUTV. DEMOCRATIO To fabut tht aeiumntion that tlit Drraooratit party, wt have only tu analyse tht volt which bat iieen cnat nirarsmker of the Uuutt of Keprteea- .: ... i . t.f i. - , a , . mio i i c i iV IV rTtlr.n I -t,-,-" -Mt win, r. iviouaruaon uppor TRIALS Or Aa AUTHOft, f K . f . Authors often find it dirnculttoiIisrHsMof their I lional one. at I ao tonSdantlw eUfm.f Me. K ware to prudout publishen, who think more of ought to re wire tbt Tote of Uerasjcrau ia all tha coiuim -einl th in literary merit liut wt doubt Bmtet of tht I nion. But it i deatrving of ra it many e s i.erlctiee trials hi tbt Inline circle equal mark, that litis if far from being tbttata. Ha .viiss limine, authoress ol Jane r.yre, I gau bat oat tolitary vote from tht wboit af New :....,..- - : . ..ri .. . .. -i tv. . . . . . . , w ... . . s-iigia-io, antv sua ia iroaa jaaim. net teliiug tier of Ilia aux hcr iliiicus, and of Ins t-iaokftilueoa an.l j.-v til her recovsrv. Other Words ne sail ol still tenderer imtsirt, but M ar- 'iret scarce uoders.s.l scarce dartel listen to I aem t she w is saying to herelf over and over again " lit has not yet setn me h will eitange when he ace me!" Si entirely hal her fueling entere.1 into the situation ah bad assu med, tuat sh actually forgot that sh was play ing a part. Tti bless. J wor Is she dared n.d aecerd as ber's, we- iill falling on her tar, and at but ah i- cl iiined in deprtii n M Slay you have not yet 1 s.ksd al me. t am fraatly changed. I'ray pray know the trnrst," It is true that hitherto, from a motive of deli cacy. H int hrop had retiained from lo-.king at Margaret' altered face but h now turned his eye full upon litr, taying ia hi eutdial, manly way "Margnrat, there la no worst to ma, where you are euncerned. , Chang alter ar yon way, yuu will aver be tn me bet dearest. Ho not weep, my love your fart, though it wet pleasant to luok upon, did asd ga.a my a foctioas; they were Won by tniietlnng I sitter your aoblt, geoeron aalnre, wbica le still left jua, tad of winch, no misliirtunt aaa dsprtvt you. lieur Margaret, all a tliat I liavs n, )vssl in vain. Hat Msrtrsret was anablt ta sis-ak, ao v!.,lei.t- ly wa aba weeping haepy, bli.sful tear they wera, bsit Ihey compelled her lo lly from tl.e a panavent tn regain her eompnaurt. t Iu ranching liar own roion. howarer, she lost ti'A a tnome'il ta flingiug frum her lb disguises which di-lgurad twr. Tha tad disapttared from her n.nsi, Iht yllow frum Bar Ireiii, and th patch frusa bar ayt in a marvsll us abort s-iasi of lima. 1 1 or nub, braulilul bair wa re Uaed f n m tit agly rap, and f-.hlal aia.ply ..uJ I, mm 1 .. .,.i:, f A twhilA r.,1 r.t.laoa.1 to sbatlaw wrapoar: ttcilaawat ! "Br '" "' 'hiiig ali -isy, and tl.so, Hurt bt gat a .pi-, s aoig'i, hick (lattled l.v! brought a brigtil aobir tu bar ahsaks: but th Iter were tt sissrkling ta Bar clear bruweayea. V. intbr p North pacing ap and e.w tbt "' ff "m,s ' ttsHa whn so enteral; sb s),.r-,rb"d hna an- ' n"0 know mt am, percuved and lay.ng bar head an bis arm.h-died 'l," "'' ;"'" ap in h,s la-sv. ;Us. . am. l mil r. n taras-l aad -! al h-e .1 tss- ,., u.4( m - mJ Lr utitmived, UlNttlcttl. Ns" iaj i t' kA iv'jT " I i,!t tftj a) ilJipfl, l. Tsa aad sm.U -lanacft. an-.d erri- 1s ataam. Ba ta a.lh m.obar," b rpl4 ateal ,-wssa ssrur'g'ing for astry ia bar bngat i i tea. , j ll ut y-a any bmtitersor si-tar F -rist as. Wintkn p, sht sai l, in l"W, 'I beta a l.ui sir, but sht went I avitlier tstr-l -.te, fill of tn l,.,nr-s. " f r.;v ma a j l"l a mould sp' brt serl sis, prt)s4 mI ns.t I eaa Steser i 't Its! al-i .ei?' rers-f, sn.ca il has retetlfd to mt b 'W nisntv 'o saiied tt nsolher, sf d . d i I, and I od g-Iter, os is li s ! -- of B- ' ' hcs.rt. .: g liotl why I mgU so.' Il.isa gla.1 I aia ti to I, n', I, ge p, aes i t iht i ' V I ,e d yoa saesirWa Too H,.wd v oirswlf so ea: .tie t-l trt- i ' ttitn Mrs. tirt.an, on aiieal,' kirg, sr. si b-t, I sin But H'l.y .V sat h Ljva I l she g v y handed it back t aid : "Vsw, dat ish a Vig dicl-et." "Well pit: it in the b, x." - .1 I 'vim. "nt y.u sayf" said the i l l Ihitclunan, his eyes lag vtii surprise; "put linn in de bos?" "Vcs-sir-ee. put it in thu box! lam got n' to vote it!" "O.r! no! nil gn-st! nil gout! Sat ish a Wt dirkei) said the old I Hitehmnn, shaking his head. "W ell. 1 rei k,,n I know it's a Whig ticket," said r'niu, "and I want jou Input it in tbt 'sol, darnsti n quick, too," "Yi, m! ilat i.li not gid; il it is a Vig dicket; wt not tUe 'em any more," said the old judge. tn: tirog to reoeive "g.sit tlit kets" Iroin ui of bis ticnnan frtend. Sum a t nt out and cursed till all wa blue said he Ii t i conic i.tar lo ro'e, and he'd be Hare bergaste I il he ant poin' p. vote in sp'te of all the I hitch in Ihe town. h: p. rto, after csding off a little, he again went in and tendered his ticket, very neatly r.,l. , I up. Tht old judge bs.k it again, and n.itwithslnnding rtam's demurring. unrolled ,it and looked it ntcr and than turning lo Sam iu a manner and tout not to bemisunder- tood, aaid i "I tell vihi dat Ish a Vig dicket , tb t it ish nix g,H t aad dat w not uke 'em anv moral" tsstm agsin retired, cursing all (lemecrat gen erally, aud the Hutch particularly, and assigning them the hottest corner iT the brimstone region: and waa going rut to eurea every body that did'nt corse them, when lit wa interrupted by an old lidiebman in tb crowd, with : Sim f'arreit, I tells you vat il Ish, If yoa will tote tier t'uitrrgrst ili. Set, and leaf drr gounty, we iris y"a so morh mooi.h a dakan Jot tart you tuttt'd vrom." Katn tetatrhed hi head. Bluilied awhile, and then said I. .si a he bad nana lhar lo rota, and want X ou' away without voiiu', b guessed be d un H. Again Sara msd l is appearance Lrfora tbt judges, and trielerv-l bis v.ae. I I. saint old ju-iga took it, tad looking tt wvtr iiietly, lu ned lo .saia an I m:4 : 1 law, .tat i.h t )im'rgriii dicket ?' and dr-.ppeil it ii.ta the bos, Il li ely f.oil.cr oecrsMnry lo ny that Pam went ituk tn th eastern shore at th t;ent nf Ih lost. slip; and that, al ll.at ! liou, and tvr aioca. ttoaf Usrman ia-sn-.ip has I tun tl K. Thaitswtial I call "prawn in g Iht purity of elerlbms." Iffsisa i I'i ., J l.o I rH-iooot, ih man wl, g t tip tb fir I bra sb.r in ITstt. a, is nuw a len't a::tic i nri.l in lows, si. t ri ots tl,a f..l lowii'g lltci et,', r.sil.Srted aith his first eCsrt ta Inlrtflo'se a-l itrj rovrd brs-d id h-! "Tbt flrvsl , I - f i-npfo,-,; ft, ss - , f it. fU i bogs dltihicl Hclrtt.-r usee ll.e le. I nf tbtt linos i f a ho. bu.Iiug tn scant v ineomes her fathtr'tew 1 fJI'-'v. iiii'e ma-lc-a' Jo tjie iieels .of tut family. ventured Usin Hie ea of au!ltiireiiip,htipiiig Tor lucrative r.yuge. She darctl nut mention htrpur p, c to her lather for fear of bis ridicule, until Iht surer of her first work was fully a-sured, and even then bis icy ooldneaa might have ditouaraged anv oua uul an enthusiast. die tried vaHmia ways nf Increasing thair ia- con.e, but failed in all, ithotit mentioning her project lo hor father, she wrote Jane Kyre.a work of which Mossrs. Smith and lildcr had tlit good sense to It C irt tbt merits, and wert aouraguut enough to publish it, in spite of its peculiarities. lyre '-er tic ftw llamiihiia, tba ttat that aavat ttlt, aad tbt bssmt of Preaidtnt liarea, give any support to tbt adminUtntioa taadidata f .r Speaker. This aprteara at rang ttvoagb, and aurely argue not much for th aWitasifity of tb I tans oe racy ia Aw Uaatpalurt and w Kng-land. It ia further to bt noted that Mr. Rtchanlanri receives on vote only in ea,-h of tb Kutet tf New York, New Jrey, M.chigaa, Wifoonaia and Iowa tii from I'ennsylrama, thrsa front ma wwa Diat oi iiunuie, ant; two ear, from Indiana and California. All tbt rest af hit his- wtiicti migiit nave alarmed any l.ut a really pir- purttnattt Irom th Huata. including 10 t ite.1 publisher. AUsuttliree uiontbt after the I from Virginia, all tbt tote of South Carolina, appearanca of her novel.nnd wlien it aeetsa wa Uad 4 er I turn each id the (uatwt tf North no longer doubtful. Jliss UroMtn rewlttd tu screw Cat oliaa, Georgia, aienlneky and Tt bcsm up her ci-nrageuid inform bet father of the step bastdaa aix ar (ighl bouthara Whig aad Amtf ah had taken. leant. Mr. Brontt.tt appears, did not loin hUCunilr. With xtl. t. .n K:. r l .1 ..J even at meal tint. At dun.sr.t'bsH.st. announf with .ly on from lb great niak of ,S w Tork, ed her intention to ber si. era, adding that she and with anly eight ta all frnva ibeaisiiea Middl w. u. i pin iv io esecuuias oei,.ra wa. Aocisruingiy Mataa, let at let Bw maab tupport bt t rs l e marched tuto but aludy with a copy of her from tii North Matt. Vt ell. aa gete earn rota, work wiapped up ta a review of it, which tbt I aa wt hart taid, ta tach of tht CHaita tWAliot.i. has) rectited, and tlit following ttvtraaliua a sue.i: "I'apn, I bav been writing a book?1 liavt you, my dear? (lit weal ne reading I nut, papa, I want yoa lo Ps.t at It." 1 can I U tmubled to read manuacri "But ilia nrintfl." "1 boii you bait md beta involving Toaraell I r.t.u. ...I .i.i. a any aucn i ny txpens. that tbt Dsmoeratie nartr It a sio.o. . gaia aonve tssonty ny it; may 1 int gtlt no support fur it aadidaU or ita ivd yoa review, of it?" pri.saTplw i. X.w Knglaad, and bulas-ry bul Mit read tlit review.. and ataia aked him If U il.. M..I.IL. ..a W...L. ' - j ha would b.,k ever the book; be taid sht might I Us. fact af thtataadsiraldadiMlusvt (acta. . " . - - . . " . 1 ii myaetaim 10 a niiiloro4 a aatnaal party, evening bt tent hie daughtm aa lavitatiea to why wt sapp.-e w. shall has tss let rt tltlos iht anna ts una nun. n 1KB int meal waa naanv Ui.it It la ...U, M. . 1. bui wt tail ine aitawma wf last &xwn t gaa, ta iaeunata aad Iowa, the froas Uliaoit, aad twa Irom Indiana making ta tba eatir Nerth waster Utate only aigbt. It will It b terted that bt gal But a tingl tot (nam tb great 8tat of Ohio. wt Bav thu mad aa aaalvti of Mr. lich. ardasta't tot lot tpkr, la ardat t show tb nf tb allagui) party. tunrluded, he said. t bil lren, Chsrlolte has Is-aa wrttiag ahivdi, an. I I lluuk il i t baiter one than i ensxted. For aum yoar bt atvtr asesitiuatd tat salfeet aguia. pie to tht facta w bav prs.ntsd. aswl a-k tl.ssa ta put them ia Ihe eeale agaiaa tbt aevfssai.saa of th Nailbar llsia stratie pessss, aatsl Wwrasine for tliemelvee what each prtfaaiaa) ar worth. rOMiITION or THE M0RM0X8, Onenf Ibe wraltktasl farsaaraaa Iha TiMiaaets. Mr. flrelv, inlh mi l.t of hi "wirineerint I twt tall tht followiat st.-rvt "a hen I t.T tli rial ership" at Washinitna, baa f.ssad I earn hss-e Kt asula, el,el til lnraart. I told :.it:. . . . 1 ... .. . - ... .. timt tu at mvrra with an intelligent genilamaa a 1st rrcei.tl v ntsda tbetiip frtaa the I'ataaarrnae lb llaiassi.d whagav bstrrild aeesaint ef Ihe Btnral and awisl t-ilili..n..f tl.e Mormon, wbh slesi ba spent sssl nt..iajl,s. lis ItA tbasa web lowing doe per and dreisr ia lb slough of fll'hv atieualtiT, wiih a cartntntr uf gig frum bed to worse till Ilir ahola (jbria uf ImpoMara ia tl- M"l-, bt the mlsenaa M vaala aad dili He sate the ams-en art asrvly all aaibma to It from lite b-rvibh? dan , a-penally tasaM aha bav l-oen "saaled' as Ike " sptrilaal wivet" af lb I rSHt aas.rati.t a scrttcndrtdlv htrsiiea, lt-a ttrwaia aad aa- I 1 tk Ins atMl-Me. bold tin taxsi.tp.aa delasio. ikaarly all t I eli tsrJiaa B kwv, a ine s-v-sSsf my win I asaant to ba rich 4ia aaid sb did m erant to bt rich all an -wuaV-4 aa tasaigh to makt bar .iafirtbla. I've wnrbed hard vat !, and bav rsrb aa rbh a I waa to he. Moat af mt sat 1 14 ran hTa-tU.i lm at, aad bav g-vad farsa. ktd my wife aiat tumlurtabl .... Ilf,rh.n, x. II, aT'astVa, 13, rkittibl( Riir-fiitiii i(4 Dt kt(li(. " af Ih I rfSflt aassrati.t tsss H ...sit a ., U Mr, aad at- I A T"-a t tti brr.1 .4 hta-1 "Tb in aadrs bav f-sa-a U.ret wm aasdt aa ta Brie- '"" - s" "t ! tWte. a stss aal rs.bi.hl brou.bl , I... a. h.a V.ng'.era.y. .- of wl-a U. a a tZo.t tJt'iTLJ.Xl Mn.ks, s,..k. rb.M..l.ay li..r.bv.b HlIrL 17,171.: i trPn. brt-s-d aver iiiip .ft.l hip. .Vtoests-s and Mr, tl t l.e sni ii, I!- p.. .bit. front V. ., ogt. n, Iu g. lo 5lst-( fii.l, ai.d se'i. loan his stt ttait.t b- its itiirtMiupa int.. lids ? sis.sud I i-rtsropt uisticina fsr Tour i Iv t is I rat -elf .4 1-s td er. Htth bis sf.sk 1 pstrtata- it s-.tat. B 4. T. LI"V If Id.tna. Hundreds ef th- tettvtd. alsawd mew aatwaily attewl I bag lb privilege af t.Mgt, !, ti. con. away a lib the IrtsKtaaitd train asxatving . ... . . . i . .. . UVa -rj. but lb e.nn.4 he allowed. Xaarlr all I -i. i.. a...t. v ....... . . i,..is as ) 'ir j ss tio: I I the-. "I bav as si tat d-o artilv a bee ft ..d nl Irta i,a klrkn- 1 " I Tba IWt was ..a " ert-l Msr-srvt. a. 'I'rav f ,1 ns a taa r1 I ba sjfca Ih'h j.i. ii . . HI Mir, tJttfrna iibmiii., f It,' tSsU, Ii' tf-V'W n- .V 1 tW ll.V I P Lmt Mt.. kSMS ' ' mmXm ks.,.M k.p a i lUlwf was -.a --'j-s-r. sal 'If t-ef L tin as . t . avss. t Hum, U. ! pr.aas.4.4 m 4 -,..4 l. I..ar. (r. t- tb I ' ""' ba-tw. sts Isasa, I ..f mll (a4 Mal 1., .tt. Ilrs p ,4 l o a. a d k ' t - -,4 u . .... - . . . . . . , . i ' , , , . , ad m mm U s-al .1 ' ' , " . . . . , . , tjpin y.tmw t ii mm w iiw ,--t,-.,, "ssa.il pmtud a ..est! f s , I, . k (wt.ijU.a, i. a I mkm iassed vttr ss t, I lU a b .I.i i.s-l had Th. mmmmm awnl.a. r a mmmt warliaf asi-ss lad 4 n.M -s. H. b still A s?r i-tS's !r.uii.sn wsra tirb a to jo.ttfy I-. in. .ar t, s! ntairttgs, ai.-l as ii. a a mi res-i f.r l.ts e f gr,H-,,t a tb ,-ur 1 er tss tssti.g trta -ft, , w otss W'T tr aMf l.,si j ss! i' I usual, nts le th ii, .ijt nf mtt"S --.-'; -t f at dsv r tW". HtatPl -O Mteti, mmmf ,1 B 4' s -tiSl- r f tii u -t I a ", ( Tt t' - Sfeo,t cs-os .Jt He 1st tlthl , f s.iit f gitp .f V'ssrc ptra at tit cost- i.f t!-e . ' si bs I ...I ... I d.s-i. f s i -ii.e- sit. io ,i . s oi-? f r li-S " ' ll i. ) "t t',. S I.f lllftf ,1 tO f I' ' a-s -a. I ii s vst, ats.ti..r l.-di assd vine -1 rl o , . I b-ft h?. ii i .aa wsrll t. slsv t.ltsi I tt ai I-, f , il wtil I n. its f.v W I .o p.ssv, bat li e i s'st fca j ar r- 4i,w tl- I . I f , , ..' I sti I, '1 asnt la ut s tt.,, u. li - 4 'it i t s V,,ti y, e.,.. It .txs.t. 1 h I s I I i 't , f oil 1 al.sl I v utis-1. Ia ir-I, 1 4 w'i tb.t.k H w .!.! hst .1 i.i t t-.4, I enisai I Itsv astoal M IA .(, I tU IkstUt b y of ki barj(sa, H 1 lot tbt but peddttf bad tbaugW ia my ryn 1 ft to IN ! n sltts u! tht cs.-. "and tusrd if Hii mmt I'tl if ibay tssald. Mssch aatrturaa ai i t an I'utan nmi iy. un lb dT j d s r rali:r. a r . are ra.enlad by many nf mm. st.4 asm 1.1 i'. a -so.rretgii. i inp-t tarritssi ait.l e' ttl atasn tsa it saas . .U aa fb y ll as s..l,er on, a ,wl,.r tUeil.aa lt.l iah. Ilundradaas Htesn ass. t i ,,ir !.-. im r.-hg mift. t .wt, rr baard ardirsnwd isf ll,a sariiual wita" aja MsIiim r. ., 4e , a' n.-l ia ll.s , iva so 1,1 it Um ei II ir amaaed sUi-ti 'en iha pigs at rather il.eir rr,t tl al fs.lt Lska. And ah a misiuvt p-si.trd t ft car .4 pr.f.riiy aad hlt W- my, a, nsaas. inpa.lss swtnt I tst a4 l"tS..tv. a. la .iiaid la tb .f ittei.su snd ml.er r. I g. iriM esa t vt be ili. Il m at. stsil A "I. siils'' .4 y stii ss rrfu ly a si. Wcl lr--m il a-ssr b ventu.esi mmn-if 11 era. ad llwrt is bill nsraol aa la tb asaaua a baipl y a trtwMs.mt Intruder it d.ad uf. ratsrsBarg. lis nm tsss a. ft t TIT nana.-- k.t. -r n... P.. it at I i-r kifm i,n mu k. I" : aaiM r -.iVsv.t-cst, a.,d as rit.s. m m th 'tii.i' , t, , fl. ! .',,,, , ,.t'. ',,, I. V ft. ,o . ! ' ,1 . -.' s.ol 'i. trati Mr. TA M .(-; id f ,.', sdb. 'ii..iii.-ut as r. a I r t( i. I t . c h P. -is, mm 1 il l-ata a ki.,' -I I ,i,t..( t!,s ss loss to l I-, ba l--.4 lb M ' st ntg b ft strt, drew 4 ttVlriK f tlt1.r..ts B-iss AsWawa. a. aaiksa) af I f TH It II I. , I,.., r. ., I lot. I -.i . i. . 1 1 ' $im l" t.