RALEIGH. N. C. Wtdsetday KTinff, Jul S, 1858. . I1F.XRY M. IX WIS, Montgomery Alabama, U oar General Traveling Agent fur the State of Alabama and Tonnes, assisted by C. r. LEWIS, JAS. O. LEWIS ua SAMUEL D. LEWIS. Mr.C.W. JAMES, Xo.l TUrriton Street, Cia eii Mti, Ohio, U oar (jeueraLOdlecting Agent for the Western State and Texas, (Minted by II. J THOMAS? S. W. RAMSAY, WILLIAM O THOMAS, THOS. M. JAMES, C. M. U WISE, MAX, A. L. CII1LPS and Dr. VYM. 'IRWIN. ieceit of either will be good. Mr. ISRAEL E.JAMES, No. 182 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, ii our General Traveling Agent, assisted by WM. II. WELD, JNO. COL LIXS, JAMES 'PEEKING, J. HAMMITT, It. S. JAMES, T, P. NICK, R. W. MORRISON, B. W. WILEY, WM. L. WATERMAN, ALEX. 1L CABSOX, E. MISTI.N, BEX. r. SWAIN, T. ASHMAN' and P. PAVIS. For Sale. - The Proprietor of the North Cakolina Stab, baring other business that requires bit attention, it desirous of disposing pf the entire establish ment, presses, type, materials, tint of subscri bers to. To a person of euergy and enterprise, the investment would be not only a siife but a profitable one,-and might be made very lucrative! The material are good, the type.uew, or nearly so, with a respectable list of subscribers, anda tolerably good job and advertising patronage, which, with a little effort, might lie largely tn croasod. Any one wishing to purchase, will please address ' WILLIAM C. DOCB. . F.ditnrand Proprietor A CHRISTMAS TREE IX THE CRIMEA, A Virginia lady, travelling hi Germany, traaa latea ana sends home a fetter to toe "Hamburger Corraapoanlentsr," ftusaoneof thetieraaaa soldiers m the Criasea. It is published ia the Stauntoa Vindicator. W extract the following teaching description of "a Christmas tree-in the Crimea;'' "Wa wen disappointed about spending Christ mas in Sebastopul ; as a handful oi a Germans, eat of different regiment, determined pass our Christmas tide ia tbetreocbee. I u fortunately only about half our number were able to join ; the others were na distant guard, and sou Id not obtain leave. "W had our rendesvou behind a .high mbankment, and as soon as itwaa quit Fur Ikt AurfA Carolina Slmr. - rtscixujiu a ou .. . EijkU Demoerarf Tit Log-rolling tyiem oi Inlet nal ImfroexmenU bo Stait mid Ike resats j . oj Foreign indeUedoem A Warning for Xortk , Carolina. - ; W (unjoin the following extract from the last Panvill Republican i - Hlmua Siiotsan; Geo aw." Th full fore of tho aborces predion, used by Mr. Wis in on of bis electioneering speeches, about to b dark, ws reared our Christmas Tree a half pracucally reahsod by th tM-payer of Virginia, withered little tir decked with little pitch torch- J- "p,r of Auditor exhibit an alarming es, which ws bad mad ourselves, for wax taper d,,fic ' P"1'11 revenue to remedy which he we had none, and with a few parti-eoloored paper- '"form ns that th taxes must be oWtird for Untero. Close under it, each one deposited 1Hi. nd raised 50 per cent, fur 1857 over th whatever morsel of th often scanty ration he present rate of taxation. This must be done even bad been able to spare during th past few duvs ,r no appropriations should be mad by th pre cbi8y crackers and boiled mesa beef. W e had Legislature. Should such appropriations be hung on the tree some biscuit of better quality, 1"'lp. !' tat, of course, must be raised in a in lieu of th confiture of home; bat the grand correponding ratio." treasure were two fine apple. We hod also i Now when we call ta mind the fact, that th purchased some bette-cates, not to be despised in funded debt of the ' mother of Suite and states camp, for the generous sum of thre florins. men," is more considerably the rise of twenty "Bu down we not, men smitten by fortune, in - ftmrmtHions of duttars to so nothing of the lii- thos trencbesunder the Christmas Tree, sign ' debtednes of her railroad companies; we can of eternal peace. Officers and privates forgot for but admire the ol tke Slnle 11 '( liemorra the hour all distinction of rank j we were only r of that noitle old comhnmvrallk especially brothers. A few Englishmen joined us, but only when we see the enlightened sovereigns gathered as spectators, At a given signal the light were round a big pine stump, drinking in with greedy 7 $140)00!!! A MABYLASD lottxbt- N H Hlf I ax til II A t'AXA PL AX. Msvsotas' Orrnw o tsi Miitis) Lerrxaiia, B.tU.mon, Ikt. S, Ifoi. Th atsasim s Mrva4 Umi Wvia had It rsfwstsu iat la at s slowist tas HAVANA LOTTERIES (uUfy ts GRAND CONSOLIDATED IOTTERYOF MP. I 7nt S, Tolbs dfswa la Bl.iiurT, il.l, e Sslanlsv, Jaa. 1, lt,. fc . l'rzi: AMOl'NTl.NU TO 140,000 DOLLARS HVW be ditti iuturd aceonlixg to tktfUh-ciug JfuV- rrvtd. Ccmrres. The sum dull routine, varied by occasional rpioy debate in th House, marks the proceed ings of Congress. No Speaker ha yet been elected, and no'Vrobnbility of it soon. The 7'Jtli ballot.Jon Saturday, stood, for Richardson, 68 ; Banks, 102; Fuller, 31; Scattering 8. Whole number of votes, 2tXi. Necessary to a choice, 1U.5. - v.- kindled, and our fir tree shone in wonderful beauty. We shouted, leaned for jov, and exulted like children. But the mirth tasted only a short time, and we became very serious. Our thoughts wandered away to our home i, and the circles of our loved ones, now peFhaps lighting up the CkrulbaMM and thinking if us. O, thai we could have flown to thvm f "On of our comrades here broke silence, and gave utterance, to what we all had in our hearts, lie was a brave soldierly fellow. Sergeant Neu mann. In short, inartificial word, which cuuio from the bottom of the heart, he snoke of the past wben w were ail there at ears, the caption of the above quotation, as it is pronounced with thrilling euipliaxie, " I am or taxing and doubling your tuxes, until I make vou all jrmmi sinmcts, . groan" waotr them. The State Rights men of Virginia, were delighted with this lofty sentiment, this sublime touch, of the great Orator of Accoaiac, And to aid that consistent gentleman to extort groans as soon a possible from nil classes from the old fashioned Virginia p'litlcnian down to the humblest day laborer they have iiivarinbly refused to receive, since President Monroe's administration any aid from the Federal government to improve the btnte. they will not ven accept too money home in our tieriiian fatherland. He spoke of the bloody present ; ha , proposed to ho deposited With her by the Oenerul spoke of the eternal future, concerning which in ; Government, llus might etiulde the people to our actual peril of death we all had gOod caue to suppress their groans a little longer, ns they are think. "But Christ, our lord,' said he, "for this ; generally a very patient, proud and hih toned cause, became man, and as on this day became a ' oplo. In this connection it should not bo for bade, that he might rescue us from eternal death. I gotten it is ijroamjrom jungle that tho Stale And we are here like the Shepherds, who once on Kights I'cmocracy ot iigima are alter anu that first Christmas eve lay a we do in the open I nothing else, will utify them. No man was so field; and the heavenly messengers bring to us popular in that ronisSned old commonwealth in th messsge of joy which they thon brought to ; 1840 as the Northern man with Southern princi them.' In conclusion, the Sergeant knelt down, ' plus litt'.e Mattie the cunning old fox-t-the fol and said the lord's Prayer. lower in the foot'siepsof his illustrious predecesor, 'No Sermon," the letter goes on to say, "ever i the great freesoiler, Martin Van Buren simply moved usso deeply, as these short and earnest ! Iieeauscliceauw d more sinners togroan.and groan 20,000 Hnmberx 1-1.000 Prize., PBIZK PAYABLE IX IILI WITHotlT DMItXT'O, Th Spec L tor. Fhe "Spectator," a weekly journal, published at Washington P. CM is one of the bet family psiersof the South. It object is to assert, and , week, it made to list tie for tho independence of Southern liter ature. Pistingulnhed by great originality in its matter, mid honest boldticm iu the positions it aHiumos, it is well calculated to check the growth of Northern influence, mid to draw out the tal ents of our own people. v We know of no paper that so can m ire cordially recommend. Th BritUk Quarterlies. We cull the ntteiniuii of our rrijers to tho nd vertiMment of ! r. L. Seotl 4 Co., of New Vr', iti anotlier cuiiiir.u. Wo have so often sK ke:i of the merits of then,, periodicals, and tliey are so well known t nil inte'li-ent renders, that it I i.ot ncii'Kitaiy for vt to enlarr u-hui them n ..tr. T'.ei arc ti e n-ry r.b'e't mid l.et of ti e t.r&likh pcriodi(u!."'itd l,y their bet scliol r, and lii!cl ith c iinribulions from tho pens of th e who have a world-wide reputation. words resounding through the night. In silence we clasped each other's harids uu'd were unable to refrain from tears. Two Turkish adjutants come by, and pointiug to the tree, uttered some thing like displeasure. We paid them no atten tion, pondering on our hard lot. Having obtained leave to light a camp-ore, we allowed the fir branches, now that the lights were gone, to hnrii freely, and as w had saved our billets nil the grand blnte. I lie heat was loudlv too.in 18.;7-8-J and '40 than any other man h id ever done that had gone before hiia His adherents in Alabama, .Mississippi, Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri and Old Virginia, were de lightce with his administration, and the groan ing that he produced among the people. And in order to make more music of the same kind, the unterrijird lhmorrwg of these States hate eone ulieol without let or hindrance in plunging in debt and increasing the amount of Tm Lines. i' l toe ;i;-t numl.er f ?i very lllide tu nU vo title, Ij- V. -sis. (;,. Oi- We hive tc ne:t and ).iriled piper, pul.linl.cd in (ireoroli hum mid Albright. It is ihn u meut- of all sort, m well a I i '! intiT'Mis of y,.r!h I'aHliut. I: i. ', politics. We wish it eoterprisi all i'rl of suo'e. 1 t. nleaaant. for th nixht was cold : and now our i ttixes. on their constituents, until more than ou banquet liegun and we gave healths tosweethcirt j of them has repudiated, and all of them have got and friends. The lust sticks were still glowing, I thoir people not only to groaning, but ttaggering when the sky suddenly becanio clear, uud the j under heavy Suite debts and our enormous taxes, star above lliitned like the tuners of a heavenly Hut what d'es it signify to a State Right Dem Christmas Tree. We joined hands in a ailent ; ocrat. If their 0 por cent. State Bonds are sell "Good Night,' and sought the way to our barracks, iug in New York city at 90 or 8 cents in the dol wherc things looked very different from under the lar.or are entirely worthless, what if all the Stock fir tree. From Scbaxtnpol the cannon shots roared ' the State owns in works of Internal Improvement sullenly over our heads i and I have just heard, is selling,,jrtw.ti or 75 per cent, discount on the that niie of the comrades, who celebrated the ; average J What if the State of New York is pro scasoii with ns. was on his way to quarters mor- i curing as inmdi niohey as she wants on 5 per tally wounded ly a .-Ik-II. He kept his lat cent, boidx at ! er cent, premium; and her 0 Christmas ju the trenches." ; per cent, bunds selling iu opcu market, Irom 111 , , . , . , ' to 20 per cent premium. MP I'ltvivliTMi'i-oi'iTi-vviiTr ! I' this any reason Virginia should change her Ml.. I LAV AMI ML Hii.hlG.N 01L. ,. of policy f No, lot her go on in the good The private corre-pondcnccor.Mr. Clav, recent- "''l wn.v '" ""' 'l,'en paths of State right lc ly publir'ted. shows Hint, in Ilio opini .n" of him-' mocrncy i'.I Virginia, you know, never tires I . It and his leadin . friends, his defeat was ow- Therefor to he eonsistont, it I expedient that ing to tlie foreign tie which was nrmve 1 against ' should eoiitinue to make the interest on all them. It will he soon from the follow iog extracts her bonds payable in New York or some other that th apprehensions entertained I y the Amer- foreign State, and send as many of them abroad ican partv, regarding the influence o foreig-i as pihlo. By persisting in this court of rd- . aiholics is nothing new. In a letter dale d lluf- i-y, and creating any number of little limits, fill , Xo Is-r II, IM1, Mr. I'illmoro writes to she will soon lw able to make th people the .Mr. Clay us fullowk : working sinners of the State, groan in earnest, ' ..ii I l ir something. And if North Carolina fid- the Alwhtumists and foreign Catholics have ,m tlie example .t by oiiHast U-gislauire in d feateihis in this Statu. 1 will not trust my- ,,.,:.;,, st ! t uu l,i,. r works of lu- CAX A WOMAN KEEP A SECRET. "IShswla wososa kerp eratf V. bo ever knew on s kes anything twsity-wr boor T' -Thai's a hbsl upoa tb sx, Mr I'odkms in vented, 1 will bobnausl, ky torn thrio rejeeied bachelor, w a ouohl think ( an other mod af revang. Lot nybaly pat a secret in asy fmm seasiua. and if 1 coa t keep it till th day of judg ment, thaa 1 wasa'l chl isteDed Laura, thai aU." "Guess I will try yoa om tim, and Tod kin applied natch to hi cigrr and walked out. Thes b. took to hi. riiop, and eat a o of LOTTJiUY OX THE HAVAXATLAN hingl th axact aia of th larger heart, and On th third 8ATT7KOAT ia mob Month. placed vh woodea eoanterfeit m a paper with th (mailer one, that tlirpackages might look as near alike as possible. Nearly tea tim Podki na entered the tilting room where Laora and her friend Mary wcr busy plving their needle. Seating himself near by, he drew from hi eoat pocket two small bun dles, and presenting on to each ot the girls, re marked that he had king contemplated making them some presents, but hoped that as au spe cial favor to himself that thev would not tell each 1 otlwir what th paper contained, "lamnt wnd I Mary promised obedience, at tho same luurcis. ting uneasy glance at the mvsternais psru-'s. Remember, the first who breaks her promise will forfeat her claim to the title of secret keeper and mend my coat by way of a penalty," added I'odkina, rising to extiibii more fully t'i sor rowful looking garment, so "tattered sod torn, ' that a tailor would have been utiled to decide what was its original shape. The girls considered themselves safe concern ing the eoat and cbided th wearer for being so skeptical in regard to their ability to keeping a secret. Curiosity was only half satisfied, how ever, after ascertaining that Podkins' generosity lwst..w ed a heart. It was not long ere the donor overheard .Mary and Lau a in iho kitchen, teas ing one another to reveal by some siirn at toast. the forbidden fruit. Rut each stood her ground wonderfully, and Pod kins feared his coal would remain Uttered. The girl's sleeping apart ment was eoijtigutius to the one occupied by I'odkins and llis fiiend Barluwt As only a thin partition separated the rooms, it was easy to hear ordinary conversation from one to the other, without the folly of listening. Th two men were snugly ensconced in In-d, when Mary and Laura entered thea djoining bed room. The door had scarcely been closed, when the former exclaimed . "Now, Laura, do tell me what was in your Caper. It looked just like mine, and I verily olieve it is the same thing. I shall not sleep a' wink to night if you don't. Come, do tell, that's a good gii l.and then I will tell what was in mine.' "Well," replied Laura, "titer were two sugar heart in mine." "And there was only one in mine," said Mary in a disappointed ton. At thi. moment a respectable nartion of the bolster went into Barlows' mouth; while Pod kins took refuge beneath the bed clothes, to mother his laughter as best he might. At break last th next morning while Laura was pouring out the coffee, I'odkina, turning to wards Barlow, said very greavly - "Well, there were two sugar heart in mine." "And their was only one in mine," responded Barlow, so exactly imitating Mary's tone that she fancied herself speaking, Th coffee not dropped, to the great confusion of sundry cu and saucers aodlhen-citmS a bifrst of laughter from th four that fairly made th dishes dunce. "I will take that eoat after breakfast," if you please, Mr. I'odkins," said Ijiura, quietly, after th mirth had somewhat subsided. Horti CixoliB8ix Per CentStaU Bond. Tasistsv lsrriMT, R. C, 1 , J C'K4tF.D eROPO.jLa WILL BE RECEIVED O at tkis - Mill I 'rlrk, A. M , 11 of Ie, MSt, fe lb parebas al $4,a vt Bos laswr ky k Btsw W Sft DrsJiH. Tksy wilt ks 4at4 Jaly 1st ISSj, aaii rsitrsnistils ia tea years. They will bs tsraed ia ssau l,i) ear, aad will have Mapuaa atUMbsd f. ialnsst at siajier cal frt : anHaw.pajifli.it ffeai oai.asuy. 1 Both vriarinal sad ialrrast wilt be psysbl at k i Bsakaflaa Kep.klie. Co J af Jira Yrk,aalas wbers ' lbs aanhaerr prefers ts base Uveal pavabl at be I Treseary vf Ibis Mlata. i - Tacia bonds ar assaabtd trm taxatioa for aay : parpoes wbstevev. fartie bidling will ptesee a Irese tbe'ir letter darsed -l'rtpo.ts fur N.C. eHocks," b lbs aadtrsif a td at BsUigb, N. (.'. siMeessfal bidders apaa bslnf Isfonaed nftbsae ' seataae af tbelr bids, esa demit b siaoaat or their ; bi-ls with the aeentrd (nterset lluai 1st Jaly U, ia l either lbs Itsnl of lb Bepublio, Mew York, tb llnok of lbs 8tsts of M. C, or tb Uauk af Cape t'r, 1U1-,lb. 1 The rlTbt nf arretillnc snh bids la whole or I part bmt b deeuMd oi aslvaaiaKesus te tb State, Is I Tb Hilt will bs one and ia Iks arssene ar the (lev. -reviwnHScrrrrary wad ewtptroiter af Stars, &4 the rrerldeat id (be Hank of the state. 1 D. T. C01RT8. I saross rs 1 1 ro sr ev C v civra.'!i . . 8CUEMU. I Piiie ol 5 I.0.D is ..0 . t " 2iiWii XJ.eo I " S.oesis ,a I 4 sisi is 4,1 I " il X.'SSJ 3 Prises of 1,1'tWsrr 4 " vOUsrs 1,000 M - tVH 13, l?S " . IIK1- t,W 4 Appruxiiustiun P. 'wsof 20il.sr SOU 4 ' l.so Sao 4 u u ij j wo 4 " p-a siai 4 - x 7&" .tim II " J 40 IB - ill" UK! 14 li" MtK) 4k " ' . ,!IW l.litfll J'ri'es, Bttiiittntini ta $140,1100 Rale'-li.Nor. Kl.tSli. t Id 1 .UOIUrMLS will be rsrrived sntil l e'eloeS A M. X l h d l Jsnasry (est af -'5o,0O boads tbs MMie'iiiirsrtrr s the fure.iae, exeepMbst lb 'stlrr wilt beitatrd Jsnaary tat, 1 s-ift, sad will b Issued ia saias of fjeesack -edretnaliis in thirty years. . K. W. COCBI8, Pah. Trcis'r. , Ki.3,UjJ. 4S ., L . , , Tj'..njFtr.'i l.OOO.POO Etiidrn! A XEW BOOK COMING! PMit ''"lV,LTl,lnd of th Forasi aad lbs Ystiraa; s rboeuhl Al'I'KtlXIMATlON l'Ul.EvH. The two preceding and tiis two saeroetliat narabsrs , IsiiKiuurs of a leading periodical, it Mertad a r thus wmnlnx the first So Prl-ei. at eaiUlsd to protbuud seasstlun Uiaa any which has basa I Aip oximstion 1'nr.i-s ssshors. '1 he suriacnt t sil Pri v is gusraatred by th Stst ofMeivlaad. - " - All lirkcti la A Lotteries sulhurlsed by th fltet of Msrvlnnd, lias th HlSojr,phed slvastu ot "P. X." llltK.VAN, Uenersl Agont lur the Coat sotor." PLAN OFTUELOTTERYi There s MMf Th kels, iir jtxrcd frovs one to 90- o. Ther srt l,iH PHreet Th Buljre from oat to j zo,0tl eorrosnoodint witi tltote on the tiekets, priated ob sewrats tliit of paper, sre nHled up sod enstrrled whb enisll tin tubes and pleeed In to wbel. Xhs 60O Anproximsttoa Prises sis decided st shore. After 'srohatiT the wheels s nmitlwr It d'Swa oat af ! be wheel of iiombvra, slid st tha s.inis tinis oes Is ! ihswa is the Pr's heel h.r Ikivs. who s s hfindfoJ. 1 ded. Thote arc 'encii sosi exltllitc I :o ihs sndieao lb nibs bvi;, erv. (ted to die oa drswa bv th ' Cooimliuurr. l'!.l. cperstiga is re nested till sll In ' V 'set sre urswa ca improve-; ' !l ' sDi'k of tho vile hMicrisy of the hwdiiig rf, lmro,n.ii-nis, and in chai terln i and .i l...lili..i.iul. 1 I., i, l.tlol .....! !.,... . 1 t . .i !.'". I .... d.l ii n il i li nt in i i priclors - Ve feorvt fnim m nrirf' sfiTc " ii rres.i vs The National Intelligencer, that application has I.een made by gentlemen ele. te l as delegates to the American Convention, to be held in February ne tin I'hiladolphia, toth lion. John M. City ton, s-king the use of his nam as a candidal for lh Presidency at that Convention, and that he replied that he preferred his present position as a Senator of the United States to any other j stu b a man as James' K. Polk placed in tho I'res- Al-oliiionUts now. Doubtlessly many acted liou- oialde, but igitoriintly in what they did. Uut it is clear thai Uirio-y nod his associates sold them selves to Loco l'ocoi-ui, and they will doulitl receive ll.cil reward. ' . Our opponents, I v j ohtttmjhi (he Jfjlice Amer . -s ami tit Mr. t' liHtjtittywn. ifrwie tht fttrritt j t'uikolirt J mm ws, unit tiejtultd NJ in Oitt ,Vu( . Writing on the same subject, Julia II. West-1 word, ia a letter dated Baltimore, Nov. 2H, 141, i says: ' Then judge my deep mortification and disn- j poinlment lo find the saihtr'a Irirnd. the master spirit of the li wars, "th noblest II.. loan of theia all, rejected by the American people, and re- iuilcrih ' bunks on Use present plan anu uu 111 accoiiiiuo-hi'iiig terms fhat they Werevauted by the In-t l.i;;i-lHlore, there will soon be he.u-d some iiriiiuiug in North Carolina. r n a lit ax. r rices c unit EXT. Petersburg. Pec. 28. Sine Iho holiday commenced there lias been no sales of produce, th Mills aredoine nothinz this week : In da we hear some enquiry for Cotton, but har heard of no aniee. w e do not slier the quotations. Cotto I hitter, with snlcs tit 8 to 8 Cokc per bushel, fnnneil. Rilto 82c. BsroM per pound. 1" to li'ic. Floi. cMiperfin U a UJ ; Kxtra f 10 a 10) ; family ll to 12. S.u.T Mai ket well supplied ; sale 1,90 a ?2 fur fine 1,40 a 1.50 ford. A. (iiMxo Sales makiiie 5dtn $o7. Tniu no Priming per lotl , a Q lugs ii i lair to good leal, 0,SO a i .ill ; tine leal, 8 to 10,50, Wilmington, Deo. 15. It 'sin 5W barrel tirE hav ths plsasar of aaaoaaeiar that w bar lY iaprM,'aad shall publish ahaat th Brtt af Deesaiber, a asw work ar (otto, sauusd ROSE CLARK, A K0MANCK BT FASKT TEBN. Ths lsst work, and first continuous tats of this bril lisataadfaselnatiSKSalhorsss, "Ruth 1111," aohieisd a saesess anexamplsd ia ths annalt af lettsrs. In tb issued daring soasrtcr of a century." Bat it is unnsossaary tuallade to tUe aiorlts of "Kuth Mall." Judging frost tb auoiberof eonies af It we havsteld, ws juds thst very bedy In the United fttat bss rend tt At respects the work srs have in prsss, HOSE CUAttK, ws aa oatv sav. that we retard it. as la sverv mneet, a grsaler, a better werki aad ar evattdent tt will aat oalysattsia, bnt evea Increase ths reputation of lis dittinzuished suthorcss. Ws hart reasons for think- Inn thai "Kosa Clsvrk," jrlll aiaks a greater aoasalioa thaa did "Ram Hall." It will f.irnianalensnt lna volf aver 40 pagss. Pries II. li, oa receipt of wbiob so pies will b sent by sxail post pa i.l. it will be for sal by all book sellers. Published by x , MA805 BROTHERS, Saw Vobk. Kovsmber It. tbl. 49 It, LouiBburg Mitlo Academy. order, s..rly, wbh nstiuetioo, .h.t to do ia cat they T uil ..T7.I i '!" ""jH.t.!? '" i ! Srs sold. Tb diswing will b promptly sent to 1 11 uiroker PRICK OP TICK EM. Wholes 1: Halves li Qasv. U.50: Eijhll 1.14. Addi ass onlcrt for Tickets lo F. X. BREXAX JinUimore, Mil. Books! Eookj! Books! VyiXSIEjASW I. Ths Kew ParclTaae. ar early ' ' 1-ori is the far M eat, bv Bob-art Carilaa. Lsa. AluMsrhelm. bv LHUaiarey. twoj iliaaaibs, ky Longfellow, llooiy Head sad Mcbuaaer, by Abbott. Hlraha. by Haa,iita tal.oaer. Mraaoirt af t"aiK..ni. af Russia, sad her gureesssrs. TevensM, b (searce (aad. tiieawaast: ue the Parish B.,y. sW'ai eai alativa Wuawa; K.- iv. w ;r. .r .k. Pint, bs Mary Lbs ssudwt W the ssaaad A.uias, by Eald-wia. Jl.aioiri of ir.-ar the Eiabtb. of Enrla.d. al hi. sis wires, by ilerWrt. Tb Plaatrr's Vietiss. a laaideata af A Flavery, with illaslralioas. Tbs SIslvb Uhl, Or Lite Be aa Ibay are, ,tb Ulos-Irstiona. Walser's Man iy Exercises: contslnine Rnwic Rut- In. Ridinc, lirivina. Fescinc. UnnlisK and Shu..),.,. ' llla.tratrd. t'rsy's Mery. illostratcd. lavas of the tHF4na of Knilanslaf th Hooasaf liaa- over, by l(r. D. lsnraa. ateasoirsof lr. esaituoa. Isle Flriideatof tbe TJnlaa TbeoloKicsl Pc-osinary. w oeeicr s bislory af snrta Carolina, lltastrsted. Ths Area Bishon. a- Rutnaaisaila tha Uailad atalaa. By Orvilla H. De lisle, illustrated. Th American Cottars Covkerv Book. r n.jataVeea- ihft Made Ksey. lit frioe of Fa, or Truths for Xoang Our plss. y a awiy. ii-T rkvtchea, daring sa Ksster Pilerlmags bs Rosa. Foots 's sketch af ir(iis, 14 hence What is PlwabvtcrUlBian, by th Kcv. trr. Hods. Ths moral aad inteliactaai di varsity af fias. by Ssn a lists. Tbs Utile EuiMooaUaa. at th Child tsacht bv tbs Prayer Book. . fennoas by th Rev. Robert Booth, D. D. The Six Days ofUreatloa: a aerias of Familiar Is- tern, froaa father bs bis ebildresw llalry and oorrespofidfae of gsataed Pspys, Jnnellifrd.bya Lady. ' Iistry aad orTetpoBdea f Job Evelvn, F. E. 8. Hi -tori cat aad escriiUv Scubas af tiorfolk snd Vicinity, lllastrated by W. 8. Forrest. 1 h poetry aad sayttery f Vrssass, by 1'karMs VI. Lonaad. c ; Uerstakar's Travels. Voyages Round tbs Wstld, trost thedesth'.of Ctptala - od s th prvssnt tias. 1'w salt by H.D. TURNER, - . ., .,. H. C. Hook-tor. ; Rslelgh, Dans, 18S&. V.', ; , , . '4? , Greensboro Female College. TlIK Hpnai sassloa of l4S, will eowmtacio sn'lb 14th doy of Deosnbsr, I Hii. Thsre willfbs a vacall.a la W inter, except a raw days tut nareaiioa at I hrtsttttss. , ' A II the depart men ItofthsToslitatioa are now supidiad with ebVieat and faithful ProfvaMs- aad Toaoberss Ths Irst sinks bss been divided into two sestio&s, for tbs aeooMWoilstioa of those who desir to prepsr lor the regular 1'utleg ooarsa. liirls under 14 years of saw will heraaftor be roeslvesl lot tb Institution. Cirea lan will bs seat oa applicau oa. to all (arsuas desiring mir Inforauuioa la relertooe fcl ebaxfea, ,( Slsdy eYo. . it . r T. M. J0NK8 . President. flreesaboro IVeembar, l55. ' 47 M Rlekniond .Ckristisa Advorat, ftplrit of tbs Age, New her News, V Unalngtoa tbsnawrcial, FayerteviU Obstrrsr sad Miltoa tkraaiel insert timet. Fit Ute Surlh Carolina Star. AMKUICANS! STAND BY YWK COIUlS. roa itoxv or rouri. W. 1). HAYWOOD. public station, and declined for th I'rosidencT. being a candidate Hew Fspr. Eugena B. Iraka, Ksq., pMpoae to publish at Atheborough, "Th K. C. Ilulletin," a weekly paper, "American" in politics. Ttrins $2,00 ia advane. I 11 Vsrm man. FOR COMMISSIONERS. Hani. H. V. Turner, A. M. Gor- M.Jt.le Han.s-Seaton (sale, C. B. Root, T. K. Keutress. Ktmltrm H arJ. Kldridg Smith, Aleaander Adniaa. City pirs eopy. Fata HiNxni: Th charter of svral of th old Banks of Virginia (most of which hav identhil t'hair. IMd Ifsay American peoi Icf recall that expiession, ttr Itro-lkinU ij Ike (ni.'i'rr fiirmtnoflk I 'wittl S nln are ytmrJuM fi o o. Yea, sir, w hjv you now better tlian ever: and when lb nam of J ax k son and others of vour vile t reducers shall be f.o gotten, y.4irs shufl be reiiiembercd and live in the affections of all lov- T uf lilierty. It wasirriyu influence, ailed bf the It us j Jtlek role that caused oar defeat. Asa proof, in j T", "A"It,,''r MoTtaawT. Fttrritjnimm an.f months ther war over l thousand naturnlis- ', broncba being about to exnira, much disco -f Hlkoltrum rViMiatfr Qoaltfiadmu tor t'Jtlet. ; .j. ; ,; i, lrjsin as lo th rslativ merits af tb old puliliahad ia oar l-i of Hatorslay, a stsl- ( I. , Wttar addrd to Mr. t'lsv. Wv TIiokI, system and th imw fras banking system. lh KH-hmood Mo inrrr t. ks grouna in savor ni in latter, and f-.rtiflcs it positioa by two letter from Iseorge 1.. Ksmtsma Kq., Cashier of th long Island Hank of llnn.klin, Mr. Seunpsoa a as formerly a nirchantof lliehno.nd. in high stauding, and his opinions oarry with them much ' wichl. II thinks th feature of the gwneral bankipi law nf New York (raid, w'ln single vceiiti.ia of the authorltv to roiv Is n.ls and ' monga;ea for a basis of rircul .tion. 1 heir value mstit to tb .foot that tb INmtmaaUrr Oeneral j Frelinglmyasa. datad N York, XoV . occurs hsd determined not to appoint any Americaa to t ftdtowiag paragraph i 7 ,i.t be,loT dls"froa th lion. R, M.ar thaa Din) lii .usand. it is ci, lently I . Iwryssvr in ralattoa lo tlsat matter, which will giv th country mm idea nf th Jetaitisra in that nrpanment, and th prnsmptkaa which i practlcad agxinst Native and I'rotewtaats i NusAiaisoa fryaa. Hotsi or Rrar.iirtriv IVe. 21th, 1S55. IVarSiri I mm is ynar rarr of 22d instant. said, hav born aaloralisrd t thisauy a I. sine th 1st ,.f Ocb.ber I tt mm ntarmimj J'tttt, iknt Is or oeri evaff lute ilrritlrd the 'fret (4 one: feuaa of Amerimm liultt y, rwairoWrsfa mulum't griMtiatU.htJI'ilu A' I rt, timer. Matthew S. Davis a young tssa who has so cht a solid sdueatioa, wttb oxprwas r.1 rsresce lotus basiaasi ' oftsasbins:, ana has seteotsd It, sot as a striping . ttoan to s'ims othor oall, batata Bsrraatient peoteaslon. Mr, Davit Is a arsduau af ths University nf Knrib L Carotins, sgd was presred for Collrjta ebicfly In ths ' (taboo) ot which he bss now become lh Prinripnl. Ws , base bad, tbs.sfurl, every opnorianity af knowing bit qaallnealit.ntt sd ws eon&dcnlly ssenr tb whs may feel inclined te awiraniss ths sebaol, tltsi ihey will find la Mr. Davits loasherUi whuat tliey stay wilh oaiforlBnilenM.'Mlenptutrast tb Moral aad asaatal f,-siriug i" the' ehildrvn. 1 ' Desrd ear a Had la tbs v'tllsgs at 1 10 per'month. Tmoon Kngliab IKpartweal , Utisaad tirevk li.tH) Inehisnts sxpass Tb ncsiHeestoa will eommene ibe tad Woadsy 1b Jarasry IHs. ity idir f th Bonrd, ' A. II. .RAT, Pssatnssv. I JAS IFI. B. Ill IX, fW't. LosiHarg, Hov. Irtlb, ISi. 4 4w t,('.uitii:s. WE bar la slurs sad will sell below Inweet aur L.t rstea. I SBM Hsi ks "Jeffreys A Dsrsay" L. B. Bait, ltaJ 0 tliowiid AluM (alt, lot) Hide H. flard ClMekcd tfagsr, i In .lo Cofes, ' Half hoses boaffiagsr, Ji'S llsgs Hio Cutlce, - IIU Uoxet Pole Moan, da Hrowa d. It) do nhi-aitral Ollv Rosp, tiritWds ttsVt raa HcrnnSj 1.0 da d Cat do. Braona, Rocket, Wrapping Panes, Twins, Herat Roses, Ycssl Powders, Olive Oil, t.boeoHte, Candles, gather with all sitl grass af Iba War a th Rmi . r sa . I.r-r saav ia A. M. , PUKKlbllS A ;0. tbatr ps-sa. Kvery afaveweai I. elo-ely e.ltlcld, I H. , Raamsk lt.ua , Xorlalk. 5. R, Favtiealar siUaUa give tussles nf 'lar The Britiib Pcrlodirali and .tht Fanntr't Gnltlc. (MEAT RF.DI'CTIOK IS THE MICE or tbi Lima ri'uuca: tost, L. SPOTT CO., Nl:W YORK, continue to publish th following le iding British l eriodioals, six : 1 7Vi Lundo Quarterly (C'onierratire.) 2 tke Edinburgh Heri. r ( Wkitj.) .3 ' ' Tht Xar.h British Iterirw tree CsurvA.) 4 I Iht Wtilmiitiuler iVr.'rw (iil'm.) 5 i :i.- ieoo'i Edinlmryk MugotiM (Tory.) ! 1111 grenl and important event Religious " l'ulitiral, and Military now agitating tho ehanged banda yesterday at jl.O.'i tor large siie ' ! of tb Wd Wrl.U giv to ibea PabHeaiioas (jnrrelL . iBisrs sadvah they acvi-r bs or pofto-std. T-Sal.toJn, jf CO bbls.at Jl.00 per bbl 1 i,," T!7 'U.l!?,r;i,'S- Sal!T Je" ' hislorl... -life, long miie, th. .i.l.g l.l.rrs, la lb. -..ihll.d r',r.' bids, at ?2,oO for yellow din, and 1,50 for hard, j faeu be rseo.da thslt bsv osretd sa y. , Tha pre- ales t bs found ia wb.dele i per a itsj. xso sate to-oay. Si-kits TtaraxTiXa. Sale yesterday of 170 Ibis: at 39 a 40 cento per gnllon. No sale this morning up to tim nf closing our enquirie. ottos. Nil this moniing of IU) halo at 8) a b cent per pound fur nuoJllrg to good, FyettTUla. See. 88. Not much doirg in tb market th past. week, llooon is without chang in pric. Com oa to 70 ot par bushel. Cotton in batter demand at V per lb. Th re ceipts of Flour arc light, npirita Turpentine 34 cant per gallon. Haw do. 1 JO and 200 per bbl. is alwaya anrartaia ; Ihey ar not easily cob- Turkish i,(!ier sCT,ed from tint ell to b fertilise j and hava rart lt ver brought th alu , t,, .nse id t honr I'aaha, tien. S illiama ol theor far) worn a sale became aecasiAry. II prefers Mats rt.wbs a seearltie tit etn-ulating notes at their fair rash value, not to (icred par. Mr. B. ka agnin-t lh p. I icy of brarwo banks. I - jy Ta Ustarrniaas IVtuCiit-A Jiw.iagsr a statssnent enneerning ths snfiinUnsait of a Ma. Gaixaa Vrrroaior Tli Snnrewi Court PoMiaaM la my district, at Madisoa. Hocking-! of Loaisi.na ha revenwd the lat decision of th h.t oountv. North t an.liaa. which I dsmira to r , rrt . ... ,. . , eorract. tb pnuvrnatuoi , a0 j,m bo. ! ri,,( ',r"H u,1"' Inxai! wa bwtwswa Mr. Iloratisi King. 1st Aasiasant 1 ,rm wi u ot i s t j m protsswn, ana mat Mr. l isMmaator tiaaeral, aad sail, aad no with ; Gttral Gain b pat la possession of his prop- Th praelic u4 lh hanks in aaing th note af vMi.urik is. i 'uassisr umsisi. an avafSMS : . . . .. . . . , n ium ferssciiss bmvbss his sissb nras.iics.iiw ir U il va'i.a. .i . . arty, now amounting ia saiu lusavarai asiiiiutt , 7T J . .. ' . M your arttol. Mb tht iceptiisn, lh subs- ' rdeatl Us, aad always v theia at discount (sstit la ssrrwe4 a far aa it gossa, toil it do Mat . aosiar. U alaar Htatea, oaiisTaea all that ocrwred btwra Mr. Kiog aad j Tliia I perhap tha atoat remark .),' rasa la Z!. , rZ , . trc laal annata of ths, aoantry. IbjimI Clark, rZ ' r jn 1ftl' 'or h arpoint. of New t mm. wa tha f.tl.cr ol Mrs. Jain, went, Mr. King : ssked as If tb apt lieaal wr a 1 aad a .ara. during hi asrtit lifemm, m.d a (anw-R milliner I aaksd lilt if ifwer naaaulJa -ill tw..at.. . k iu. I... as JL.. . that hit i baiag a Rasw-.slhing Would b aa ob- j tatas. I now hsj death S..Mck will was ..and t laettoa 7 II rwt ltad. " I I sat acting ands ar- kot aaotbsr will wa dissmsvvsd. avakwgatrsully I.l tm aors Mi Vssa. A Washiagtoa (urts porwlsnt of lh Hallimor ( li.pr, ay taay, Mr, ol Lh stiosisl liobel. aad liasMtral t aaa ara mash alike, 'tis hard to tell toibcr frosa which. Last weak s gentleman (nming d-wa tha atair TM-d asil, "ti iy. 1 aaa'l tad tbi t bsng past ad lh in llis third st..ry having to traasp thr aighu I, . , . . ,, 7 . i t" .J - S J -I -'T' m..-. -ii. . nam J tmm a p sss mtj s tvw ww ths askad him sf a aallva-tom !.. I il ' .-.1 -l .'. r . j - . , , , . : iwoii; saw jaws s .ra. .asavrms ssasaaa ass ptv wao cir i at B va ssay, oaia uass vaaa yw aa a fcaaiga Issawaa t lholt. both eueally anfwad through ai.ss Mbssanorarias of Iter ad.lrraa." t .ant aiLi aad went osit au.a Ur (sot o apfsniat any KbOW Nothing, and te 1 d.ftVsaaal dkslril.sstbwa ot kU aasnasasrta tara wst aU whoa I has to Ulna to th or- -. ... L..'..A -k 1IT ilr . ' 1 '' . ,, ri"""wsi aa aslraar, f ton tna Mask af tb aaa , aad fr-Htt rwtorred. thought be errtaialy saw l.uy bafor I ""i "I she-Id a lata stay hs lhialsa Wrs4 keraslf. to thui him. rl.imd ' tiny I liuyl good iA-l .IT?!: toafsataa t . rnt I th. ,. wilh a sir.gU.sm. of pwrpress.aad wilh a muu-k Old l aw yoa ( n-.w." "firT a. mmmKJZtl' "t narsasaratssa af lb h.gbaat ardr. ta las rcti-, said Hi Ueawal. -ys. ascwtOld Caas .gria." aa apasintaasast ha yaw bass i mt aoi. aa-e L. u k. f.,L'. .. .l ' rapslully, y.sar usxl seal (arvaat, IL C. II RYKAH, How rag Mo M vt Miarassi.-Tb L'""rtT " raaar-wa.hU f sr th tollowiag I I sretar gs-atlamaa, tha iltt thaa l SSI line la a nmm aaila . A fSTWIIV bvl sal aaa I a. k. I L,- a.i rwsspiatsini .? tm) I.. I hi la a aaighboring .ty, at Thaekry'( I wvasMissst siar, a y.n gs-atism toostmsj asaa af hit si. at. 4 aa teas polit imadssst, into la rilMjs rwasnti proiasrty act a hi legal sad aadaaiv legate. Fnaa est aaart bs jmsuW, ia varvs shspaa, ( bat awvar dirxwtlt era) aha will till within th las two year,) ah ha Wa battlia( with bar adver saria fa? aaor Amm twenty yasars, aad aa a- peatdad ia that tisaa, ia that Uugathsa, thraaan.ls apaa tswaaaaad af dollar, aftoa rsisssl aadvr th grsslast aiaWwItiea, B'iattias alracaff.laa pairing hat ubdssd. .V. I. Herald. j as. Tha anpaal Ukea migm la th Hun nf .New sttissa T dr.rd . l" ir: i.1 "v:7.r rm.-J- tea fc A a J -mmrwmm -s PW'lt-al XO P-4l r4"4 toU , ap, llms. ! i7 tTJZ tWrtg. , p., ,nj 4,d d d-ewv. has .-.k ant.l lh tea, f , gt l b4 al.d hi. I. to f, a, tH. fM mmm4 Jt tofsnsal sa tb had by tha rt bctK . rsad baaaikawaimf wrwaj bias ta bat aaula. ssitl :U''"-"rw to p.,k aa v.lbanf laa ta at bfM a. aw a hat tt ia. Coart at th t htas auatstian da ing it aaaainf torsa, vhtab will naaaMtae aa to. Irat tsf Jaaaary, Tb ttsrkasaad raqairar y thai Ass I saw Nov ens-. aad tha Aitcsmey tttrl af that Cssasawa aaita will pfsms-stM Cv th appnsatsasat f U Usja., ahito lb e ..a Sal.alf of lh anpsl ass will U adaesd If tb li-a t. l. t al.r 4 daaA Itlaat, Arse. with Iba. leg'taw UaaffsssM, Attoswey tun teal af New Vrk. , Ft llTIir.R FROM CAUFORNU. Kw York Ihs. S, IWS. ABBivti s rat Guriua Lav. Th at. Caig Law arrivwd aarathi aflaraana frnsa As pinwsl, Winging 27 paasawgsrs and H.4sl,HsJ ia pM princillv saBslgad a f..luws; Wall, Fargo A C. f .Ts'.lgsv ire sail a Co, 2ll.'s"b, Matmpnlitaa Haak. ltD.ia., It .y. A Co, l4li, (; Itoneata, rshasrwsaa A Ca.' (Vi.!"). Th Maataar tsuldssj Ago, with Nw York data to lh Jih alt amvad at "aa Fraartaea oa tl r'th, aad lh Btaaassr C.irtsa. wita data la In bss siavaa, will b ar-. 9th arrived ap oa tha 4ib inBtaeL I b Itoorg Law be-ingt (taa I rons-inr oatsa ta tb ath inai, b saas a raeaieasi na Nt Or leans twatatday. Tls India war la th Koeta was f sugraaalog with aaet Hitaaa and is.itorsh't disaatar aa aatk ssdaa. Nearly all th ladiasss af tl. North I Vv amvas s gal aat ll. wbKa. . A tra bsll had basse toead agaisiat Oar, I h ; lisjia taUsf, fug aja, saardar U ln. Ilirhard , mm. i Arrival of the Steamer Paci3c. ONE WF.F.K LATFK FROM EIROl't isrial-Tlim ismiioksci raLborisasiv su ssoTBxa aaTTii ia tag ibibii. Ntw Yoga, Iiec'r 2H.-Vh Americaa a trans ship IV i tie arrived hv-ra this aftoruoua, with Livorpnid dates to the 15 instant. Th new is quit ImervMting, FrnnC"Aaia liitsllip'oi.- ha been reeaived of rii folia Ssars before tlx Russian arm No partiealara . bad len received, but the gurrinna is suppnaed to i hat sanenderad in e.nsoiuene of I is fiimiii prevailing. When Oeneral Kvntiand nuthr Mien ma wa alx ut aondmg a Hsg of true ta th Russian ta ol! 'r terms ot eapitulstion. - - Nothing eU waa known but it wa l.slied tl. garrison bad (amudcral, a it wa only om K.tssi strong, and tliey war too mack reduced by faiiiiit,to t Uieir war through tb Ru-aiins. Hner i'ss-ba wa near tnuui which th lluaaiai.a hold ia fore. t ntrm th Crimea, the iatolligatrn i. that th Russians bad attaekaif she astraatity of th Franck line with a war af !,( men, aad af sr aa hssar'a lhung, withdraw. Iloth armiaa wars ssmfurtably hssnaad and prvisi.sd. Tb Irtng still nmlinued betwaea lix north aad (oath id af rwlsftstssfsd. Kasta has ard new hma at llerlia aad llsastaarg taf f fy mil Una rahlea, lh Assatrian artny ha eearaJuveJ to lh fsa aaitiag. Naples ha paUiahd a eneivtiia with tb I'nitrd Htatra, drfiuing llie rights of acutrat. Th tuaaa i.f KngUnd had mad aa ot-lar ia Coaneii. aathnrisiac the Usee of X4Ta,ts la Bs.laa by th Itaak thartor. Ha .eating tb pruat seta (sr peas, ther ar a Bias ot itrasifiiary ataimnta, bat if ago bet si ss f' lend or of foe. snd alt ahevlumiags fesr- lee.lypotoe.lea. Tha Ic.c.s r m the C.imcastid floa los llslliei Llsrkaooii's kfsssine, irom Iwaaf Its mdsl noiisr untrihn.ors, give a more 'aiolll.lbi sod reliable asfo.-sl sf uw sieve -so. s af rb great bslligarsat hs esa el.et hers ! 'aesa. 1 bees Peviiatie ils s'll- re . nssi as imas great pa. ItliealuartiesarUre. II Usui W ici.k but lea'lte avimaaaly aas aetsr. Aa Orzaas .. lbs most m.o.aad snle s Msieaee, L'te slars, Morsiily, sd llelisioa bey stand. sa they ever haisa.and, ss. sslia.; ia lb amid 'lst 11 s, Kela- saaaidtnsd isd'smarsUlt W ibs ssbolvr aad prsfaaelauel maa- anils ta Ihs tnlclllenl rv.'der af rsry ssss ther m.atsh mois aurrect snd s. tlafsat. 1 lyrsssordsH las onnvnt li.ersla.s of ibe day. thisiagb sa. ibs oild,lkaa sea btosea hly btssed Irom any I tlbcv aocro. ' I Ik. lutto. snd KortbCar.dtn pra.u- generally. Dlilvr for LB Uaa, bllad st lowest pisase. Dreesaber l, toil. da-lf. 6000 Fruit Trees, ii';, 1st' snd Had. ' ft tbs Ftaost trleel FORKIO.T s-4 R A flTR kiade. hs.a.e allbeli el.ar. J sr sat tlir way by Rati Road to R.tstgb, suaatetiaj af Ap,das, Peat aas. riatss, Aprbr., ttse. tanasasad Cbm .sa An ask. - Psrsnaa Waal ag I roe. bs p- st ibis seaaeia thoa,4 Sail, as send i Ue' onlara teit saw.. Jsssea AL Towles, a. V rater's Hall, ia Ital.lj i, s id Dal d II -nry Hln b. asoa, nfib's saaa.v, aism.a.ent. ts tce:ss osdart ad itttvsv trees fu st. dor sg st sb.casa. dOeUUA LI&DLST Da, (t, 'ii. Tb.ws.it- Adv. s mis mm, n mrnrn ar A LIT A nT.R KI-AVKS AT A! TTKlV I v .d.liitaa.1 vsiasr. n-e-e as. nnis, ea- s . - - -- - - ERKO FOR ALI AT sTRLDoM, (vcknav,12d ln-uuil, M af yaang snd vslnshl Regraea. sam rtacd of ausaee Finn ( ta IS, (too af which bars .a. tat child.) sad girle tram lit!, end saastalaiwg sa sseelleat seaaaelroaa, fsjad aaaa. Bad atbee sa-aiU.ma H I and aat eeer aarvtsa, Tsaee agroaa srs yoaag aad aary likely, aad p tun eaaliaaattoas wblek lass. aaa tbatr valaa. Tbey sill be 4d lae saah ae appravod adarssd MUabi aolaa M say Mat M days. (alt aiU kaks plaae ia lh efismmn, P. a. II K.I HILL, AartV. Rslttgh De. It, IU. It. 1" l II pel.ll-be . re aildlitsaal tslatt tier. Re) rials, a. V aoikiwoo i pre.ally daring lb i esaat .srillnj "Isle a, Katwtseea ' -way ILL Rg OFF stairs, iaaawaali a toy as (aw planed to tb ; V , m band, of aahas iWra abs -i sa sm ss lb. ari.ia.l oi- I .'.'..i.'.fcu a. tioaa. TERM. Par aas. P. av of Ibe fn Pevtaai,...a.......... i Foe ass tw af Iks f .ar (.slews.. u For sav us ran aVtb. tow aUl sawa For all fwai as th f a, ..as n M For fllscb weal's kli- le Foe litactwuod aad Ibra l'.asi....... ....... as) For Rlsekeso.l and I e fsser Rev aa...........IM ot itiyutraff lo (at mode in nit react in edmer. Jiossry cortent is) the Siri.'e rkert tmnett ' trii U rtrtmd at liar. Vbl lil.lXii. A elssaaat af twsa ) -aa per cenL frsm th abscv prlaas will be allowed la Uaos anlaetag luar ear mar. a.maa af aay .a a mure ol tbs above warbs, Tbaai Fr sspta. o" xltaakaood, ar af oa. Review, will to Mat to aaa addi. .sf t at loss soplss sf . fass k Vlaws SB blsekwesal tor 1 SB' SBS. a. .a, PO.il AO K. la all srtoelpal CI -leased Town, these weeks will be del. sore, tie..' tout Wbeee.es by sasil.lb. Pasta, ta aay east a. Jt L ll' blaM sill b bat Tsaaiy-tosr Cosm s sas tor -l.UH.ks.rad, sad bat I earlerB CeA- year to saeb sal Use lis. leas. THE FA It Milt ' .V (1 V I It E TO bTILXTIPIC ASD FRACTH Ab AiiltlCI'L. Tl Ua. ; lleary Riepbesa, F.R, (,.a K llakaryb. a. 4 Iba I. la i F, NeUti Prate aaf af Se-eaUaa Agrsratrara la tale I al'ege. Res II a. 1 tola, fc.s.l t).ta. vs. lata)' .gea, ard eeassfae. Read Bad (lej t.sgrss sih Tbi b) ewsioe'ed's, tt maet ctant-lel Surk as A rri EDWARDS ' ' OW TIIR ' LAW OF BAILMENTS. TABLE OF C0STESTS. C lhspt.r 1st, Ballmwitst eh apter 2d; Ihsposlt j chapter Sd, Oratnitous Commission, or Mac dstxt ohspter 4th, (IratuitOu Loans! chapter oth. Pledge or l'awaa t chapter Till, in Inkepm ehsptor oth, C our on Carrl.n aad Carrier of l'aeeagr.a Th sbove enantar ar ire a tea very f ull.mstlng hook of 86? page. On eopy will b (sailed, frs of nestag, e racsipt of (4,60. Juat publlah.d wl tor saw hy hanks, uori. II A t?0 144 Kawaa atrnt, H. V., and 67 i Broadway. X. T. lit la STAT 14 Of HKIMTH CARtll.lMACIlAT HAM l'0b STY Court of Pies aad ttoartsr pa sums, N.v.mber Term, I "41. Anthony Armetead va. Mlehsel.Ollr.aa.1 wife Kills Moaguea, ths belra nf Rosa Aratetead, deo'Jrlso. Ana. stead sad Arssstsad. Il spisnwing to th. aallsfaetloa sf ths Court that th drfvndaula la this anas' ara ann-rcsl.tetita of Ibit rttata. ljLs therefor, srdered that adrsrtlsement he made aia j "sektla tb. Rsletgk Ctar, a papsr pol.li.hed laths lty af Rsletrh, for said ntm-eeeoiente to apneas t tb ' est term ol Ibis t'ourl la bs held for that yoaly store, "aid os lb second MnBdsy sf Fahron-f aval st lb "Coart H aa la Plttabaro thaa aad than to snswsr plead or demur ta said politluaar the saute witl b. besrd exparls and judgment taksn fi eonfessoaa ta them. Wilaesa W. P. Tavlur Clerb of oar said Cart at at. rths ststil Moadsyof Rar. A. l., la, aad la ta satb-yasr sf Aisenaas Indsnendeiieav . W.F. TAVLOB, C.C. C. 47 S. W. WESTDUOOKS, Pfopritlur if Iht St'ltor. romologiral CardtM lii Karvrrirt, 701X0 respeelfully es I lh sttertlcs nf af Houtb.ra cilixas is ki srieci eoiiecuoa aativ and aeelinrstsd varieties of Fruit Trees, tossing aoai 4D.0VU tree, of th following vsrirt vltt Apple, Pear, I'tacb, I'luai, Apprirul, I herr Nactarina, Airaoad. si, a caotoe anortmewi Urspevltt., Rsavrles, 8trawlrrls, ets, eta- All ruer, seaompantasl wita in. aaaa, will re el, arempt attealisa and th trs aestly Backed snd directed t aay port lea f tb ooanlry. P. t. Psis.a wish ins uraamental Tree aaa a (applied. Oatober, llt&s, isn ra Tlabl Vefrmi for Sal tt Auction. 01 tatardnf lb. IWlb day of Iseoember last st the bit. eaaiilear. af boiiy Tiesherlake. de. d l. Vtr laa af lvr aftbt Cuerl ot P..mly I shall rr fur eel. asar.ltt sf stsmwika, 14 ar U VfcbT Lib a LY KKliRlH aeaaisting ot lose nf irsnaca two artbraa saaaea sad tb (alas f boys sad girls sad Basalt cbUdrea. RUsd aad aaraetty bearing totstaat rrasa sale sin be rsaatrads Fwraoe. saaiitng ta pay easb ean does. ilioa. a. l itustar r.a. a. LaMl.barg Da. I, Isis. 44 St. TTOHIl, saatblat f la 0or Cssta, llo-iara. t ools, Ta'maa, tt. Ah a frc aa. It ol t'h.H.s. t'aa. aad a. ling la be made so assert sll af shieh sill be said tow fee task. I all asms d tapply yaeeael.aa, d otml large I lo hstag Iba she. sub. await a iiniiii. b.l.i,b,Xv. 14, Sil. 44 it 8. . TVast '.4-1 I'd la at sin pleas make ar east-mcais ta seille us, ae before lb. Beat day of Ja. wary, ISS4, aa as af tb (ns e a parte Va Lav. lb Slate st thai tin. 1 bass sbedrs'l cam ply wilt tb above r-iat sill be salted ae by ea egaea. ReJelfh, Set It. (.tt at J fc. A . IK ARiiixti'i ruimixii TAni.HiiMKiT li. asd ba day. 1 dnaaa l,.m'..'s Waal Marlae I , libit stllKTS. Idas Pawai Hsna led-ieSbakar I Lain base Fieerk R'aeer IMS tos f aeta. jtV sa, sw toS M rasas aa assa. W se a1.ta masy ; gawds sbtapav bs es.r. Is aedse staab Is .s'lsir i IMS af el.ai. la Ibe tras, Jaaeary lat a. r I gaad aad baaaWaa. Ciatbiag, wll at lb arl) rs; .Ut 1 1 iMfbiag tt. aas a tea t.tiy. I e, a, I si. U tt altera eer smbl.sbcd. aad in av to gis It ektav I ..l.ii ,L. kO-kM. S . i, l.-J sa ' iba 1 p"- i Card to Mt Patrons. (iv issiLLAta fob the i wo vftl.ru tt 1 1 (Tka saw. by mall (a-nld) bs Calil-asa 4 ' TP t rLATIHI a ebaags laeer bssatoaeslst ea .a., ... a - a. e i aat af Jemaaara I a bat ae..!... tt . : . . 1 A . ) . " a . s.l PH sTtia IgM W9m ltl M IPs I lTT MV pat Ft aW v r m ttau.m. n.M Hvay sav. au, progrww a,,. i..,. , ia M a. to .(. ts. .,-.t oi .11 II at kaswa tkat ditalsaMSS sl-t ta tts i . , , j. ..i j ,l. l.. " . Mat. ea. Ta ..! indaiaesnbseosdiket Mas w Bitk tt Iht Hilt if rttftk ftrtllH. A blVIDKNUaf Is per eeat. ha this day aaaa asmlarW ea the capital Meek ot tbi Bank for the last ail asset ha, payal.la at la Pneial Sash aa tb teal Men.toy la Jaaaary Mat, aad at ta Kraarbes tflaaa data iherestlor. I HA. likRt.1 I'.Ji.r, tUtoifh, Pea, t, in.y t,;U that Kaglish Cahtnet. Isod I'slosaratoa and I'anmnr urge aa tlat war, wbihst its mt of th Cabinet, apfssrt kapedaua' .agt-eetlna, aad nbrc tb preat epaisrtaaity, to ataka seats. CiiMMKIK'I AL KKWS, Liviarrnt, IhM. 1 4t. Ctvva I he atark4 (dvassred ( at lb begiauing of lb wek, tost toll o4T at lh si.ee. . , P.alaoari rre r fl.iisl. aad prtos anahnng4, i i a ReMga ta. Jilll UK.NT. baUalag leak sav4al ids , It, !'. Aiyiy to T. tt.sil g. ' le errry oskee pan af V "f " sa -a-14.) J am Ibis toe . to esg I W IL. t., ' , saaats. ea. s. RemMteaswe toe sav a to. afcaee aMIl..ae abaald j a. II be ll .gs4bn la.aawias auk sss,...ls .1. est. to seldnaess. aai tl.l. ta lb. fal.ll.ba, i ready ssade, aad assr Iss-a. silt s-at.e a ,iaal ..ar by aasatng as sard at see ad safillag tbasr tawtos d (isaeiits aw dse. uitrrsd. (leers be saldrtsasd, waai wo', la lb l.hntl.l tot'TT t t, ks. H amd (treat, Rea Y-s. lit W. IL MAIiSII. Commlsilen Msrchant, - (o. 11 (obt wsts( rrsrrr, , - , llmtos.ua. t'a l-'l.pd. flRAt, ll-l A. A sa. ssl is aaai.esa sat af tinea end sma r tosailf a a, saa ba ttmo4 ot (K.. l.k A (Il k. Va. ta, Ifcsaass Pelesabsig, V. atoaaa Its, las. ?W 041 a-eU U, tlaasfa r, a.,., a el-aa aad tor (III Ra. t, IS, a, ml If tiiji tt Mil k. Re. It, H I Ltulsbtrj Ftmtit nilBtry. Ibatd al tBItR-IM to.se U. .las (.as )aet ee.ai.ed Vy par slaamss. si. av Sslaistasrg. .. 1.tt b t U h HI . U H R A. fVl taeiag (ae.Ue tor ISti sill ssassass X kt-aday, ebteh elll ba laa It'b say as J. b r $ ,, aeab.ag asd I gklt t fm e-l.liot yesslaas. silly tsa s.r. aliased sella s A. U (Al, Frl.lp.L taassbt, IStA. to ei. l"MVi:i:MT 'IVll. 'Aaea.1 Mas a, lY, lad ml Tm.ls af , 1 tl . I . ..,. ad kab lnJ. a sll Is b.'S al fb F. a.l.e as Ms II.S ' It. -a Mar-is tt e Vo b itsfelbr.atasa.il. lU .SAkl.V, S- I.. esaM'a. bea.t.', !.(, 44 I A M B R 0 T T f I. rilHI aaspeetortly af tba pietaea bs. It Is sera tbraa.h X Ibs (is. Bad ia aat reversed like Ibe i. fast .. lyaet B4 it aas baaaas Is any lht, b; ss Ovs fras tbs pll.h sf tb eilrer peala. II raj aat gat Sn.lt, and bs (at easily eafsaad I M ts tmevtaa ts s.'-f, air or aald, sad sill baal to agatBalmpairnl. f .'i.i . I. i. HAWAII. R.l.lrhTse..bt, U.h .lV'l. 4, " "7XlsTl)7 IlMAt'Ib ANORILLltVI tt HlTFIELn. j brr.tU.rs t IliLLS W, ( w its is 1 1, Mr ta lai af Right Caanli Vlrgli.l. Mills W. Whiin.ld Is aad sad left le gmasaeaal A illisj biitsid Iws laereee, Addree. , Tn. Kinp. Civlat, Warroa ( s , M as. 47 Fine Trult Trees! Oft fV i( rm ll Turk af li e lartt as'.r t- r iv kiad. Sail, a and torve,s. w eaady (sr tea by .baa Li-iv, at-e l-.r-t. a, tesotswd C ,. 1 , rd tlaaa I misy.al lae t rek, t Ss bam R. l aa.stta af A ..l-a, pcasbea, 4 petl at. R . e Sa tlri..s P. .-Saaoag Ts wilt r" t s te dol ih.is jUee at J-.-! . Lsaa Wj, Ms laritoa,etlaeB Lia"'.?.' aa. rs i ..i;t A I.IM.I f t, tiwLN MM l.tl. tot. 1,141. 41 -e.w emt t. Taa (ab-tWs has rraam.4 b.a. aad l. psra.d le See. e s'...a.ts S.l rs- s fat Msbte4s, asd I-""-' l.ww. -,b,-.t, I' I I I R B lilt . Traml .. hn. baal, R. t. a. VerMY, R-a. S, Is.J. asa. . Fi m: o. I. cr CoRnac, V'lnc and Enm, tits wsrvi. o r.s.iat t mti a inki 1 1. s t ; I 1.411 t '. I T. S l