Is i) 11 TII CA U O L. 1 A A fci i A 11 . . ii i L. fc li A x jiUn i l .V , JAu A it t ioo Selected Poetry. ALJJtZffT. ' Jnr t. a. mas.i Six sleetyi. tbt (till and nieaaaDt .'.rep, fiT which the stsirj pant in w n. And, wiser tit .fsveuiug weep, ! m-iy mil wevu iu O ! nere r nit-r a).. bcr grave ' . bliall 1 Lcbtdd itic aikltiuwer -! They laid hr wlif.'e tli Mia and ui n l.eiked un Ur tomb witii iovii.jr eye? And 1 bay beard tit bm-ie f Juit . S.euu o'er it like a einh; And th wild river' wailing tii (iiuw dirge-like u it tul aUint;. And I hav ilrniB(.t, m many dreams, Of iier who w i dream to mo; And talked tii bar, by eurauiur stream. In criiW.ii, :iHi iu the aea. Till in uiv wiul b waaeiisiirined, A y.iutig Ege.ri;, of t'i mind. years ayi ! aud orheir ve H ive fltiu their lieaaty o'er my youth; And 1 U,v ItuiiK on otlrar sighs Aud sounds that seamed like trut!tf . Ami luvl tii inuW wliielt the; R ire, 1 Like that which rinl.ei in tbe grave. And I have left ttieroW and deait. To luingl with the tiring col.l; ,' Timre i a weight around 1117 head, . My heart it growing old; 0 ! tor a refuse and a Lune -With thee, dead Ellen, in thy tumb! 1 Ai U upon nry breut and brain, My spirit fade liefure it time, Bat they arc all thin own, again, lyme fmrtiier (it their primal And th'iu art dearer, in thy shroud Than all the false and elnah crowd ! Uisn, gentle vision nf the hour Which go, like bird that eome not back! And Hi in th pale and I'm era Huwor ' On Memory' wanted tract 1 . 0 ! fur the wiux!i hut made Hue blest, To flee away and be at rent. From tbe Baltimore Clipper. THEY SAT I'M SAD. They (aid l'ia sad yet little think That s-irrunr's bitter cup I've quaffed, Tlmt o'er my spirit grief hath flung Her fearful gloom 'till death , 'twill hat. Then ask nie not why all alone, I sit and ciue upon thes flower Tint faded lie hefure me now, Tu tell ine of those "by wjma hours." Thou "by gone hour; lpw much therein Tu make this sorrowing heart beat glad, Hut yet euooh to make life drear, And ever make me lone and sad. I now the world deceive, Tiiev 1 ink henoath the outward cast: A rijru half hushed, sometimot they hi; ir, lion memory call th fatal past. Ah yes, life's happy dream is o'er, ItsJiriEhteateTiy have nil parsed now; T .WiMiferT mrtiu eupj drink. , Il.tli sot its upon my lirnw. LtuSUlA. , i I i I 1 CLARENDON IRON WORKS. WILMINGTOS S.C. A. V. VAMIOK.iaKl.liM, Proprietor. 'l!lSCplcrHer vinf ptiri'ha!?!! the entire Intercut I In the "CLARKN'DOS IR05I WOKKrt," rolkiu rders la - Mteaiw Kagin s, of any power or stylt. Haw Mill of every variety, Mining VI aeliibery and 1'nmps. tirist aad Flour Slills, eompleto, Harker, Tarpeutine and other Water Wheels, Hice Held I'umps and Knjiines. I asavitt's Corn and Cob Crueller, ' Hice Tlirnhers, , hliinpli. M.ivlunes, y Sliai'tiiiK lUugs and Pullien, Uottun Oios and Gearing, Iron Catiats of all Iliads and patterns. , Brawl '. " " Loeomotiv snd Tacular loir, , Flue and pluin Cy.luder Hollers, ; ! Hrelnntn-lMnai--f H-lle4e,-- 1 li on Uitcr f ir llouees and Jail. j THE Ks'fADLISIlMKNT ! Having Wra re-orgnuUd for the e n us pnrpne - -of fujirin.' pu'icta illy of the eiecitiun of ad or.b-s , tin poliiic may reit utUfied tint any ,rli whirh tuay viler will be promptly deiintii accnritia: j r-imie, and of such wurkmaasavlp as can uot fail t flv sniisfaetkm. j TltV, MKI'HAXICAIHEI'AISTMKXT ' lt'ing In eUirye nf men of talent sad exjierivtice, 1 hsv a hr"ititmn in ssyisf that th work ken- j after tarned eat, shall etnapar favorably ia every ! respect with that of the tt ee!et,rM,ed In the Joatc and at prices whieh will wnks H ta the la t4'ret at all ia a ant t scad at t'e-ir orders. fcl'AlBWOHK A im. ij.neaithoat dly Umg larp Uaom fuf tUnt prty, U Will prw Bta4t itToi to any pruw attch ta (it mm th pre fee -na with sat regard tocipm of MadiuK from a aisiaoee, I Orders will b ad Irerae I to CUreiy 1r . WMhs," wiiaiingtos) r. A H.VASUOkKELLCn. Oct. V. litt-tf. GRKKNSIIUKO irttu iiKEiuci ciiriii. VT tbe-widf The Tare, h has tea Ih Cmt (., tftmem? of tax oWra f tbi Cisafa ny mm ana tult frea lrva bt t eaad nt awaane 4- bj aaio h a lB pti ta wmk and snttea, that we hae a hvattattaai m wmf ing IoIsm pahtie. tkmi thvn um aaf-r "Mnpaoy ia ta eWatnara Caauiry. Tbe aiuat 4 the Utah ta this Ctaaay being ia th t esHs-ra wart af tate BUla, vaea the aaKf lrHa tr t ta t b . - Atlh tat asaiaal faaering, the follewiaa afteer are re-el erf eat. dAaife1 nl.l)A3f, fre -ideaL U. I ut M, Vlee I raM.ieat. CP. Mkvl..SHALL, Autr. P,;i KK ilUMi. hWeetary aad Treewaret. W. U. tt MHiNi. ti-Hfral Afmi. IHrartorwl , lli-rf iwini'H ie'i Hifall, lb. A- M Ww-lv C. P. U-ntealaJil, tt m. m. MaahUN Hw. i V. tm; Jaaacs M. tsWrr-it, J ad, 11, lar, M , J. JiCaeU Ugtsara. J. U, I !, I. r. W tr . , rl A W iiiinMM A fata J mi Bttw i. ir, H, U, t ,&n, tiutwi.-J btta Tar !-. WiLMina.- nl'a A. Wright, i tuatnr, J -ha I. ibat. I-iarrartM .Jha M, . i itarri.M. M, t'lL U - M K. I e. . t.i i ,n i,lf, H ti H reli, it s!erti--i ahmbl a 4itw m4 ta t are fr of pMstaf. rtrct, ADAMS, Airt liha i-t U fanj Ifn Wyoi Itt4tn! A X KWUooKC M f S ( i 4 BmmiTM tt4 bar M ta a sW aet , a a f t4, e-.ttll HOSE CLAUK, a niinri st ast rri. TV, l as4 al!i;4-iat tils Utl. . u I vtt si-' s, Mlta H.l!,"efcwiH H'..M,!t.t. 1 4 , iMDliMtt tf lM,t. It. II., Ue ; M S m I t fnwSml, M -.11.4 mmt .f,i, t tu- f tt ,a say wi a mt a, u . ml fmtmtf," lUl II b, . ... M I w .1 aik lull A Is ) b ? ,:s st s,eai4, w, f-'t s d H I lU MI II A, t,. . k,..,, e.M, Hu-S v Ull., a. T "r .... ,t-.. t..r.1 h. ,. I. .,.,y n,,.i, . tt . m4 . . I hI t I t t.ut i3tt t ea-t..i.A ai i, '. t. t.- ..aeu IS ra, fct I r t ,u : - ' a - il . gt eMa j ,. 4-1 ' S. . II .1. " I, . i f ... 1 tMt. h -f e rr. atpvtflr -m . tt-t m- W-tl ' Ii all fy Is J .4 ' r.-.tAtt t-f , lT,,., MlWt ;,-.. . i, 4'.i.' ! PiaCorm af th Amorvsaa Farty f Brtk Cur-Laa ' ' - i 1 At a ComeniK of ih American partv, leld ; ; at R.leh. .,n 1 tl. of OctuUr, 18JJ. tbe t- ! i, , . 1 . . I I lowing wer a.loe.t ! KemJnd, T!is, aa h cann whieh rendsted 1 i lie Mvrrry nf the '.lanniii nrjt inisa'i -n ae-; ry in tt inf-iiu v. no k! the s.-rt ) iMvetOoniaU t.l 1 .e or-lrr wbeiiier.f inivaii.'ui , 'i i.b'ifMm, '.!-. r.niifu!io:i, ritwaN, or tja.-j i .nii te"bl that w do oamitote our- . nei iutoa tkui.!ic'vHritn'ise. v o'y iha we do : eha,.etie our ut.nuneniH to the pulli? disinuwi ' t onr priocl i!e- and w do hereiiy invite nd , invoke the aid nnd i-OKperation of ail iheciticen t of tlie State witiiuat regard to their ftrnier polit- I ieal afhliations, in m tiuMiuins and carrying out i the Ef 't niui, tiiiiiciplo and ohJvcs of the , American I'arty. ftfMfttrtil, That we do bevel.? .rutify and ess . dorn the pr:iit;iplei, entinniated in the rrnrtWrm t of the Aine: k-nn party, by the National t'l.imcil of the untile, liejiirt and bel l at Jrniladctjilii, on the iiii day nf dune, l-'i.j, in reiution to the u litical policy of the tlovernoient whiUt at tlio same time, we cnnider the three great prinmry principle of tlie or';a:iiiation, which comutut, the baift nf mir party, a pammoiint in imp ir- tnnce to any i-ue of mere governmental pidioy. Jli'ulr'd, Titut tlio thrert RretU priimirv priM- i" nr, lite ciiniipmens tu hip hohm:, othw8 and rH-fnnuiUiliti uf p.ilitioul ntnlioti, ui.Ji'roMroieriiiM-niiTive-b'iri. Aiuer.oaiii with a due rngnnl at tins sjiiuh lime, t the pn ttct.ui, itf the I'oreign-boni in nil the c'wil rights nril priviifjje tf.mrttiiteeil to frpomcii by the cun tittitioii, whtttlier t'edernl ur Stutc. ft,rowUif; ltosiatiuti-o to nif iiir. iiibtlpmnff, n l .t rij;itl in iinUMitm e nf tin gre;t pr'meiple nf r.'h-j;iiiH fr'rdum bv exlinline tMm itfliix an-l ; pwfir, those n ht wouMier(.,,'Uiei'tirfn'Miittni'ttke nowouldoontrul llio politico f the wutmrv through! t Church i?)Hiu':ii('s ur prit"ih' ; un;l ; who iv:k..u!e'l'Oft nlleuhiitce to nnv power u ! eiirlh wlutUor civil orccolesiantieal a paraiununt to tint which the? owe to thft (VinHttttitimt. And, Thivtiltj, un8werviiix devitio tu the ITnio of ivts Status, wid ri!H"nt:ime tt nil fiic tiotit ami fei'titiml atte!nrtn to wejiVn itn bondi. iVW ti, That in nil ntiiuifKUhin fur political m ui inn bcretifter to bo uaie by the American i'urtVt U'i recoiiitnnr.ded tht the nnie Ik thine in open public meeting and tlmt ail th-me who t aree with u tu principle, and who concur in our aium and object, tthall hereafter be rceouined n membern 01 the American i'arty. . tVWrW, That it l e retsniiuieinled to the American I'arty inthis State tu bold a Convention of dele-ran1., to Ike appointed in public primary nieetinj;in the respective counties.iii I ireenalmru I stitutiuns into peril, it ha therefore becomo the on Thursday the lOfli day of April iiexa, fur inipcnaivil duty of the American pat ty to inter the purpose of nominating n oauilolate to be run j p0se fortho Hirposool (jiving pence to the country by the American 1'artj lr tioieriu r at the iu-x ! and periicmitv to the I njoiwXnd iis ejpei-ience election tliat ea.u county appoint as many i IMegatcsa it clews, ami that the nnxlc .1 ; votinp; in said cuiiventioiT le regtilntfdjiy ll.c convention itself. . ' thmltfil, That we consider the 2-d day of I the la st guarantee f couiuiun justice and of I Fcbruarv next the time heretofore selected l.y ! future peace, to abide by nud .maintain the exis I the National t'ouncil of the American 'order, f .r tin laws upon the subject of slavery, a a final ' the noniiu ition of can lidates for l'resi.leut and I and ouncluhe settlement ol that subject, in I Vice-President, as too early a day for that pilr- j spiiit nod in substance. poso aii.l we On hrretiy lecoinmcnil to our of the American paity throughout the I t'nion, the propriety of wt polling tlie boldtngtif j said conventi.H. to some time iu (he mouths of ( dune or duly. j f'Wfil, However, lest soeli postponement j may not take place, it is dc-anc! ad, is tide -to i appoint two delegates to repreentMie Sate at I lavp! in such tiominatinit oovention, n. it is : rcjouituendnl lo the Aiiieriiiin Piity in e u li Congressional district to hold primary mee:in;a ; in the respective counties, and appoint delegates 1 to Kismet t 'omentum, lor tlie selection oi a . dciejiata. troin el' li rc,;iectivo 1'istrict to sum iionoioitinK C .iiMHiti ii. Jtr.oi1rtt, That nti Kxectitiv Central Coinntit- ! tee of live, la nppointrd by thishisly, whoe du i ty it shall be to attend to the peneral concerns of t!i Americnn r,y in thin State, to curry on tlio I necc: jtr Mm iv.n domir.'ftnil tnko such imtp- tive ct'Mu ; mttv bo doeined n wen nary f"r the iiioil' liioi'nuh 'urj!itii:ithti tif tlte faid party n'.'A th;it Htiid .'Alanine ciuntittce he nmhurized and rtMm'tel tu uppuint a I'uuitty K utive. I'tiTinnifroe fur ca-'li County in tho Siati; nnd that, Hind trinity Kxovutive t'tdiitniiiee do further ;tjj i'm a piuh-i'tini iitf-e f r e,fh eh-ttntf it cin-1 in tlie t tinty with view tu :t nitre th rrotili and fd'Nph'te .-rnnu tiuu uf tlie American par ty in North ;U ililrt. Ih? 'Sratrwnl- Amrirmn riatfom-- it a (. ''t' i.u 't-' ttt'ti'' Xntiotuii L'vtftirt', of ."'"',- ' " J"'"l A- r; '"T" ; trail ni itet ux th fiafjurm awl pi ,'tirtjJ t I. The arkiinn WLrrflMitTifrfmt Altnthtr Tie iiio. who rule's iver tlte I'ntverw, whfl predidea v, vr the coiitii'tU nf nations, who condw ta tUe nlTt'ra uf turn, utnl li", in 6Ttj step Itt which we :h9 advance 1 t tl.O cl.;nu ier d an in J' in dent nrxtit.n, httx distinuialiejij us by ttiia tchen of IVuri-lentM uei.ry. II. Tii eul'.Vtti n nnd devetopment i'f ft rn tinicnt "f profttuitdly intenae American fvvliii ; f f-.wai inti: ailsirhment tu r enunt', it hi tort und its ino.iluttona ; f admiral, i.r the t11' f "r twri of Troeriv Ifsi. l i.- tlio lief i-tn tlmt prwipitHts! rr Kev!n'ii.ii;an. i.fe.inilnli.n nf thevtriii. vis.Iutn, an I fvitri .i.i!i li st fr uiH-d ir ctiti.litutit.a and tr.i -.-e.tu'.ly a plitd it )initieiai. 111. Ti. hi liiitettitno c4 littt iini.h t4 the L'niled St:it- na tl.e M,rain.Hilit p litical r"n d .rt tit the 1 tf YYaahinittftn. (ih nnirv iri..tie d'.ile," did lienre sulrt i'l'l-" '' " '" " tK"t'l''s lu akB Of prl.tert it. 2d. rpi-' antaTnniant tnvary firta clJswCiedir, that sioUiieers it. " w'l. Tii a ir .Miy iifau riuHal.) adjustment of all J diffrrewur srliirli llih-slu it, im terity or wi lully. ilt. Tii aiirei.wi of all tratlenr'sss tMra'lit icsil division, fourded'.n ps'-jraidiieil dieorimi attione, ur nntli lli llnt tl.eie is , ml ditfrraiiu tsT interest and view," between ill vara. us aeons-i ul tlie l aifh, .'iili. Th full re.- gniti. a tsf Um riirtts i.f th ete.ral States, as epred and recn4 ia tii t',NititutHin : and a care-ful akonlanea, br Ui ln-i.enil li.'temrimt, "fall ihtrrfnrrnr. a ilh tKrir nlita by bi4Hliv iirirativ art ma. I, ItiaeliosM hi th 'Mtittii nf thm I nued Maiea, as l!. supreme law of I It Unit, rre.lty .lilig;atiw-y ut'l aientlvi-; ad siesiifael rrisianr ta tb spirit of niivatt,in in its'iplr. In.aeer .(hs.ii, tlte pretests. An-witi)) I.tat ui all d-.ulitlul or displ4 swint it sat, wily las le.lly aareyiaisml sihI sint unded by Mt jwlHiiai f r uf lb I ni'e4 Skate. And, a a eot.ll.ry to ft sl.,e; I. X linl il t4 r'i. itlial olaMient-e' In tbe law, We. her .NaHit.l. Sinie. or Muei. iwl. antil tbr? sr. .iihrr ri.i.l ur dwelri anetssstitiitMsnal l-y lit prttr au h.aity, . A wii'U r aud .. iel rranl fu tlwassart, of .U'e-ii a..h., bit h at pt tie etsntratltcttn f wi-l.tnl fmia ..I r lit.ary leitls's, ly tbe f vt .f llteir re, ti- . f tl,a nn'm ..frmp,i.'le strei.ii iiis ; a. d .... In U euusidrtvl a lidl ah l a.-uled ait.. .it J p.'i'.L V, A r lieol ri.'i si an. I a..l.s.'ai:itei af tl laws rei'titif im uirat,.!, and th MilUmeiit uf tuiii'2ri.' t '' u I. baste, itsirail w.. litaM b't ttf llll, hatred 'A, aaras an a-jiui. in li e I a led tkaiee, (w.ii."y 'k etsestjtt,.! at iit.ev..rti. ltd, tt.auiliy j e..i. tu. il g tb trvt.snsia.tttn tt our ab.fre i4 ; lel-to and psuj"-.. j .VI.- Tb. arul a) saIiflra'.Le. f il. Natural . lta;i.. Iawa. I ;.. eiii by lb. L;;Ltiin-u ll repM,tir K at-, 1 1 all N .Is ht.s ing lori tfriifs atsi bttf 'itsl.S I t V t.. f I la i.l, attliwtr'tr.asntti! tTttnta,)tf ail act f I'.twgta-. SB.iti frmn bl Isnd tttjtnf I aral sed ..tgti.ra, and .te.aim lUrta Its tut u It T-TIt t. :.-ll..:y la tit ts..rTti.t svn.i M j,;, j, , , f pttty ,,. i.nletl . fc.4 j , . t j , .. . ta!i.,u I .-.I. w. laealj rtus.. y afst t! Jnsaftat .tvtiitiitg .jete . fcl rw4s f.t fe4.l . '..f funislnsrt. ( sr liiteal j a. l.wl t.-.. s kiU f f l' w !! I Itttfal ,rf t-rt wftteb I ,, 1,.,. ir .r. I Toe- ti e luwtt. On I'. iUi I I, i n uf l wear,.. 'af lit rr J.1S if lb K 4i ' I tt4 ;tt eaiit) il sa iltat ".. shoal I eea tii iaan. and last maa th nf. tv," mid uf tit rui that, tl Jul ra.ale vf a-ertaiiiing Sti.e sysotto u Uihinty, tl irt.falws d lu hoey 4 tl cu:.itnt or candid at. III. Kcwnw to the aP3reiv pulieyand c4TUBiiiJ -jhHi.letH-ir of ilie lliaa C'atkdir iJhm tj, uur country ly ! advawrmwit to all pnhtu-tl taii ieiiive. le jiidati'e. judli-'ial. ttr ii,hnnaie of thoae only nlm do u4 b"ld vtl s!!fi.uirt, dirrOyir indirevtlv. to nnr f.t;,i p.e wkeiher' eiv.l r etvle'atieal. and wh-aare Atncrieanw bv liilti, educaiion and taenia". thii luIhUii.e ll:e auaxiui: ''Aaf-slv1 c - ahs t.M.v suai.L ooxfckN Aserh a." The protection of -ill eitirtti iii the Irjal and rir(ner eiereii of their citi and r!i jio riitM nn.J privilege!; lite maintenniii'e . T''Tilit of evorv taan ti tlie full, nii-eiratue'l, and pe-HTful pn;..Viient of 1 1 own eliyiuii., i.p'i.ioii. a.i.d -4,;,,, n1u n uS le.i.tatt.-e of all atieinpti' bv nnv ie.'t. i!t' or eliurrh to obtain an am - i n'lencv over nnv other in the Stale, bv means !' any pfi;il iriiUvr r rxemptiitn, by nnv p litiojii t.H.tYiii.,tifi nfits hi cm Ihth, pr t'V riitm iii!i(Mr ivil til'.rtjiuiu with nit' JuitMn IX. Tli n;flnnftt.n if ftmrnrtpi- uf uur Ntiiim.!urt', I v eiM fttiii t tlmt dini- Bwi Mid rtfiiiisiMtf iotuiuii men uf mulior naatiiicftttun, iiurer i)i..ruUt nnd inoc unseltii pfttriotini. X, The relritiin of executive i;.tnnn;e, eMpecirtlly in the nutter if sippniutnietit UMitiice, no far ft it may 1; pennitfc l liy thel'imslitut tuti, nttil eonff!toiit with tlie tmblic XUTtucfitiOn of the youth of mir coun- trjr in schools, pruvt'led by the htute ; wlncn nchoolv fthall be ronmiun to ull, without listine j ion of creed or party, and dee from imy iiilluenee or direction of a ilciioiiiinHUoiinl or (mrtisu character. Ami, innHuiuch n Chri tianity, by theCoiiHti tutioiiH of nearly all the States ; by thu 4k'citionK of the moMt eminent judicial authorities; and by the eonent of tbe people of America, U oonHid red an element of our political nyMem ; and, the Holy Bible is atonee tbe source ofChristiunity and the depofitory and totintain (fall civil and relijiioim treedan, we "pioe every aUciopt to exclude it fr-m the wcbuoln thud established in the Staten. " XII.- The American partv havincnrien upon the ruins and in i-pite d tltc opponiiion of tlie W hi it and democratic narties, cannot bo in any ait! liner reenoi)ih!e' f r the obnoxious acts of v'udated pledo f either. Ami the nvftenuitie agitation of thefinvery nue'tiin by tlmee parties h living elevated Motional hostility into a Kiitive element of outical power, and brought our m- has siiow n it to roconcilc opinions so evtietuR as those which onurnte the disputant. and there can bo no ili-honor in Kuhmittiii tj the law's, the National Council has deemed it And reanliiig it the lnhet duty lo avow their opinions upon a subject so imiHirtniit, in distinct and uneiuivounl terms, it is heieby de. dared u the sense of this National t'oiincib tlmt Ciuiress possesses n )-.over, under the Consti- tuti ni, to Irislato up oi the subject of S!a,ery in the. jSlM'e where it does nrniay exist, or lo exclude any State from admission into .the I nioii treatise its L'onslifuti m docs or does not recor, nise the institution uf Slavery a a oat t of its rmial svstem ; and expressly pretermitting any expression ul opinion uam the poweruf Congress to establish or prohibit Navery m nuy territory, it is the seime of tlie Niitioiuil (.mincil that ('undress onlit mt to leisltte iism the snl.ject of Sliivery uitliiti the 'l'errituries nf the United Sta:es, luid tl at nny interferenro bv Congress with Slavery as it exists in the liistrictoiToliimliin, would he a'viohitii'in nf tlie spirit and intention ' tlio c nupiwt wliich thn Stuto of Miirylrutd I dtd the I'ivlMi't Ui tlio I nited states, mid it i .(noli of the Nrttiutiul faith. ; XIII. The p'llit'V f tlie fitiTirntnnt of tlie I I'nitod Stati'M, in iw rehitiiiiia with foreign I tfterniiH'titM,is to exact Jit-dieo fruin the atiniitt, i and d jiiatue in the weakest; rfxti ttin'mp, hy nil 1 the rmwer of the KoverttinPht, all itn citizens fnun j intorft'ietn-e ivith the interunl cmiiyrmwl ttittloii j with whion nr r ,e("t, ! J XIV Thi .Vuti-.n vl, r.iunril doeluven tltnt all ' j the pritM' of ihe t Irder ehnll le ifenrehifward f ji.pTJVl:!!ffl ..,.,l,-!!...!.M,V.-;J.i '1. . f,1h j tin m I r aluill I ui Utterly tn ui ike knoM n ( j 1 esi"lencnnl tlte t Nler, nnd tlie fact llmt he liiiiist-ll' tn a iiM-niler, and it rei.i'H'iii- tirs that titore lie uu I loeee lmen1oftl;eidttiHaa.rilwllliCn-auWdintO K. Ii. BAHTI KTT. ..f KentiieH, Vr ti'f' ht uf X'ttitiMitt (o(,7, I. DtMii.m, of New Jrry( Currrfumiifitf .Mtrte'irjr. Jitfr.s M. Kraruft. f Mnr, Innd, 1 Jtmtt4'J Srctftarjtt l'liosrr.cTi OF TUB ' 7U.ll. ?,Ci.D- TIUES. 11 nDLfLMItM JUl. ML 'crof.'.J l iVtf, Jntrrmil Improvement, Jitlumtii'n, Agriculture, iliVl ufttHurt f Cvmmeree. "11 T C saw taattbs ItlUrt .ti cf lit. IV pi. of ..ttr , , tUM drataai4 .i-l a .t.r, .nil fceihttjig that .! fr. fruai the pnUtir.l atriti ssd niiarrrl. .if th. day, aWvttSrd U sue t.talra, will b. th. :ad tbev de. ,irr, HajStU-atly vair, at thw .atrrp.-ta. witb lb. t atMarane. at ss.ritisg sad neetvSiiif iltvur apprubatiiSa aad o.prtrL Oar atgrrt 1. I. atak, tb. Iiaae Ut. . BBtrrttte af lbs state, ia akU-b all cas w. tra. s lau-reMeseidapasd er...rrrd. INTIIlUl, IMPKU, r.MhT.-T tkts rtthjaV w. .sfavt st.,t. a. a..! It .St.t-i. a. a full at.iemeat I tit, itw t .tl. 't opcraluss. altl et auiee I Ft, as aar wurba af It..,., .t rtwrt.l. ,t .are, a 4. all tb esbaj lattnattis .4 Ih. Slate. j KII t'ATI"T.-1t Is Mart-, af ra,f.tusll later aeled ia the iateeaett.r tttjlftow, (aad ah. M atrt .) khal tttwr pttfers ar, ..I devatad la parly h-.iiU... d r, Ibal Ibis great a... la beea Ma agitre4e4 I w r-..,, ll,e,.ft.. I'i tl,,4. t ibt sab. )". . porttaa mi tmt pe. W ill fariar .a4 eaee ftttly a4. tb af tvlaratiaa, aal Mly ba ase b.rfter S-"t...l. wat .la. ta r fc.M,U. AiiHH I X1II.S, MAM, A II UK AMilliM. Slkbl K, a Ibt. els,. at aer husary, ... easna.4tsg tb. all. ft..-, af .it tate r--i Sim. ..4 atuaeyjuvi.g eltittaaa, Vh.rf.r, tb si ..fc.t. wiH . eeyrta, attb .ttre, aad .11 (, etrtt!.ie4 be tbraa hgt., aa Sitka t ibttse taa-pMl.l. I.r af tw4tMry, will b. aae. fully ,1,4 taa.t. 4 aery wat. It i uttaeeetMaty Pa say ss- r if w. bad tlai., bat tb .bi-t! aT IS. Iat.iaa'.m.. aa Ik. kuutl aad lb. ebeeeiag aws fro. Ih. a 4alb a I. .I. ....a. P.taH a laern., tw yaa tint, rae Sret aaaibar atfllh. Tines will Saab. It, appear. sbaal tke Osa. Ih .tie. f t.b tba pha-e Sr. t tb ,-. T I P. il -i - Tb. 1 i..ts will U prl.l4 waabty la Ute.aa. an, N, I'., a f w a.i.i.l, aa4 SMala.a a. nab rfltf aa .ay ttf la lb. aial far 2 S4 pel a, ta aitt aae. t. W fMIItt , C. C. I tll.lC. i. w. Ai.kbiiiiiT. II-.., Am. X. '.. -!. II, It. I HURTII C4MMLIW MmIsjbI Mf lsaajr taHpaa irruiiiui.i.i. c. rilll rapsy oaallaa. u laearr tb Ur, f all baallby bits aad Mia,. I k rnatai rt.b labra aa latl III as .tsJ ft., .r ismrasl tar a la at .t aa s. ,,. aaar, for is sal, rear. t. rbas R Jt.ha.aa., . l llt,.aJ. ilea fraakieal, Jtaat. t, J. r Isa, a.sral.ty, a m II Jaaaa, Traaarr( rarrla Hah, Allaea.y. I'r H bl.las, b,.alals rkj.l. aa.. J. HaeeasM. Siaaeeal, A'M..,a, .espaliwuWia W days tt nil. fa. taey fceaaf I. SMaasles, l...rb, sa4 I .ai Sieta, ab.wla, lb pi. af rait a f tb. f, aaay bar b4 .a at t Ite.att-a Ik , V ? lb (ream AI bsan W kastars skaal I 4 le. alia ' jn. r. ...dii. Mt .ii:, -tr. ft" IS , (i-. satartaal af It... ..4 I'I. I laa, INt'l bl b 't u. a, U Sal M t PI... I I I ft I k . s, s...aje a. r.W I a A. pa, MM, II. J- . I Whd U Sam 1 " , r.. Amy tU irm m J7T6 mmd 186., m hUior, x If, mmJ Ut probuld iajimtnfm ra mat i'nnteidttu Auamt. Jo a-aim w mlJ'J m tU f Ik Isltrr mf tke iim. llrmry A. Witt, jfywiwtff la KNOW-SOTIHSGS. -trTbe fin DvT-l.trtora of !DJrpeB TocUiat- f i b utit fir ib tra, the -mail by ttitrn, ia Freedom from Foreign Eule ! ! 1 Thif urk it am iha o t una ihurnughlj ae qwniatett wuh Ui ntrrcarrcnt f Amerieaa 'uliitr, bbJ Ih emum whiek have 14 t th xidUbk ftofTup ium ivhirh tv. 4i nrovt elewly th opmiitfiif uf a firrisn 4riat ia onr ToreniiBDiI lovliiutioitis aul sLiuw lUitt U.e Waa wf the cmU sfavaUd gown th Soil! Thii- i In ntittmr'i ttrtng Hitiua irbit-b b main- This s.k if mi that thwuM be ia th hanb of every B.mve bfrn iiixn well fcriip oer. i'U F.litif-iui will hra it, wf cram, Ur titer bavc prunal tnHrit in tbe qtKBtiott w ho will b uur nvxt Preisidf m?" It will produe b rattling auuu, tbe dry h.M? nf ttd imMiienl t nitans. COM KM.-.- t'bjsi tcr 1, The Aueriitn Pnrty.- I i Caavw of it uriiu. 3. Friueiple Btated, IlhtMtraW ttnl Kalurml. 4. Tb OHjectf utiirh thii Orifnnijiati' a aim w At-cuiilib. b. Tim necetvitj nt m'Ja W)r- CHiiixa(iuu exoHiim-d. ft, Tb Axicnvie of tb Time, j ltui;itid an AiutTtnio l'Mriy. 7.. 'J h iru jwijotiux, (Hi tbv I'nrty. 8. Th? IWpiU rrrcK6and Wide Kxu i.t ci 1 itK liiHti..).- t n Arvitinciit 'thm V.,-tU-t-r if ()lt Aint'iii'un Piirtv. tt. Tb'tr !lnn of Ope nit ion aduttd b tlie AtiifrivHii l rty. 10. Ihe Frut nlk ol tit American Party on th nxt I'reKiden.UI K1p'Hmi, to. tieripw of Hon. n, A. nine Lttter. t,np7.MU. Just puHliflied and tttr nai by, li. X). Tl KNKU, N, Cs Biok!'tor. RaleiBh Mtircb, Uhi. 31- CAPETS,' 0IL-CX0TI1S, kc7ke. At low Prices f it Cash I GEORGE E. L. EYAtT, Nob. 444 aku 140 Peak h-KTRt et , kkar Chatham, J.EW VOUK. HAS now in Store and U const an tlj rectm-lng a well afrsorted utock af Carpet , Oil t -Intbs, tic, to wliicq he inTites public attention, belicTinfc tii tit mi i'xumiiiatiuu of both quality and prices will jirov crttifH?tory to Xerciianta an. I t; J'ur chasers fH'tierallj, who buy lor oaah. Hit Block cotiaiiiU of Rich Velvet Tapestry & Brussels Carpets In New Dtxiynx. Sl'AEUluH ESGLiSllAAMKinCASZ-rLY utifl Ltiraitt Cairtit ; Comi-riiiing many New 1'titterui, mada eipresxly for tii 8t ctas tjnde. Also, Til'.td aud I'Uin Venetian Hull and Stair Car pet p. t oilX'lotliB, In widthi from 2 to 24 feet In variou qunlttiet. Itii lt Mok:hc Tuned and Common Hearth Uug. and loor Mrtta of differeut aorts. Tnbltj and I'iano t'oTprs of choice Pattern. 4-4, ft-4 utidti 4 I'lnid and plain Alattingp. Window Shades of Dwirabla Styles. Wtair Coverinjr, 8tair Koda, and all other articles usually kept in Carpet Htorea. ; IS ALSO A h' EXT FOR SEUJXd Carliart ii e'a Tower Loom Thiee l and lis- j gruin Carpetts, as well as liurber's Auburn Pr. uiade ilrusavla a-iuy. lugraiu and Vauetian Carpet and Uup. "1 Capitol Ml for the Home-Circle." ir.r0 AHHVH VACATION, or Phllimoiihv at omc. by . C. HifbanU. A. U. lltiiKtrnttd' nil ix fli-jfttttivnirraviuir!', (mm dtini by lhwaitrs); On volotiic, ltitun, cluth eAtra. Tb ij- b.Ktk in defined to instruct a well ai to di Uhl tin- ytiotif nadr. It wrk to U'arb the inort beauiilul and imMrtitt lr(b and principle of natiT ral Jvikc ia tbe law iauting gui ol atury. Tb inci. j tit iiii wmru pepar in inc psjwricnrf' ui b uuppy iHtDlty pr,ru, Qurint; uie i nrtctiuaa nuiiiiaya ui the yoanj; H-f.ilt-, are all manic to mmir-tfr to tbvir knunkdgf ( pliilopephy, Thearridrntnl bill of adUb from the tin gftr of a earelcM arrrant formthtteit of a dUfuani'iu on pravittitioB. Tbefnwt-wttrk ufMinthe wtndnw-pancn' a .mp. buhbt rollinn apoa the ari'ct 'bfd-lmya purl with a "aiuvker" -these and a kwadrrd itbt-r a pariut iriflitsare peg upon abieb are hun tbe iuopi va)u;ttIe ltinttii of prat.-111'al wisdom. Aiint all the' britm hfv ot phrnlral 9i ietice rr iUttftintid in tbe d- t !.. piat-iit of tho ttry; and tb IntcUif fnt cl.ild n-ay ; mure dWtin - t nnd acrurat? itIrT sbottt tlnm, ai ( i tu"! niH'tinrTifrucly, h hut; ftdlowmg ihr F-rt and pa- t 1 timet uf Harry and bis eunifiaaioi., tint in Huld poa- ; ftti'fy (Jirice I run lrt buuk on avieiuie in a qiiiiri.-r burd aUidy. rorsalebjr 11, D. TI HXKll, N. C. Iooktture. ' " La YE&TjSWXi; T ITiWca lHKAhJ of Fortune, by I B -loses; M. Kssy Nat, nr tb Tbre Apprentirea; Ulus Laws of Connecticut, I ode of It'ioot Ten Nights in a, by T H Arthur; Masunry aad Anti-Masonry, by t'reigh; Cryaialiu, or th Ueires, of fsll Down Castle, by Miellun; Theory of Cbristanlty, by Orayana; Kellers fruta th Thre, Cunlinrnts, by M f Wartl; D.u ,1. A Model for Voui.g ilea, by th Est H' A .teott, l. D.; noenery el lit nail Mouauint, witb IB plaUs.r.ia.i it iii. li Ii h7,! rWhool Arrhitariure, or Contrll atinn to tb im pro, meats ot rVhi. s I Ib. 0 3., with lllaatrationa. (Il.i Hedajoa. or II taturleal Pketehe. af We leva Prr.l.yti rianiam, ht, by daaepb Kaiitk, 1). l. I'brsnat H oimI, by bitaioa. For sal by II. il T I K.N Lit, Kslsirb. P.t. 2n. it. N. C. Book Btor. ' ' SPLENDID BOOKS ! I) RRPAT.F.T and published (iprewly fur Fail ad ll tliday aalMoflHiei-uu. Koyal . ' Uti .eri Tllastnud. Tb F ! le of Ik New Ttam..l praetieally anfol ad', rssl I'pets of Amertr Tbsraaghl, 1 el Hart's Fraial. I'ro Wriursof Aaa.rica. Tbor agbly Kvbsa4. Woadrirb s Hem f llriti.k 1'o.lry. 1'urtr.ils Th Vi but Veil, a bn.i.i t.ilt blscauly's Lays el Aaeient Kuase. Tapfar's I'r.v.rlttsi I'biletopny. Ci.twa (War frittSfJrwIflly tllmiHalrJ. (Mjenbtisacr's Jenuabrs sail it parrrd Local 1 "traea's Rt. la tb Clead t A Book f Caasola. ti..n. keats's rsp1el pt.etiral Works. Kirk Kbit. , Vtaii Wis, hog f" rossplel. reetieal arkc -aaipkil', ('.atptat. rtieal Mrk. Mater.'. Irlak Melattie F.lllk May' IWlleal Wark. 1 if rr.verblali.l aal lit. Fast, I sl.laH MaStara Art. FtrM aerl. I abi.l m4 btaarr Art. Waa4 harie. I.Tfva f ib Heart, tu.i kl. Fly Al i Walla. Heaeda el Wan Jaags af lit. Att. him. lit Mrs. ttwaaa. II. I, Tl llKKIa. M.C. ttaakalara. aU b, K.tMk, IH&4. ttv if i, a. s raiivssa, a. aiLis, ,.. asayia, A M. McPIIILTIUS A Co., I lllliltl (tlttll. W (Watsasaaa NfltnU. 6 tstiwratg aul sat, aoaroLx, Ta. asrsssst mm. fkajM F. teswaaaa. M.llea,, V. C. tt. . Fras. m lb. Htmrnt af a. . C. It..;, Mat 4. 4- . 4m a. 4m teaaak m I mmm Fa, K.t.i,b L. fl Faaaak. Fit ul t I MO. I k. M.aa In4 41 Baal.., Isr M, bltk4, I I eaa4 al F.eaars tl f ?. j 4-a. H-ll. ka,. Jlaa.pai H.i4, eWIHa-ea. II !.! A aa. Test. OMaW. MSat. 41 f I Leit'f , It 4 7ols-s Ppr. Ot t F tlUt t4 bh. bmei rrr. Frt. 1 -" .a. .-'b .-, kaaax f. -4 Ma. U Fafae. - II. Waetk Its raa, !..! t ulsea, F Frta. ft f s.w by a. Tt tf , C. kak taaaea WARREN L. FOMERY, 16 FayettoTiUt BtTWt Eieigh, A Ct,LICTIl XORTH CAROLINA rOETRY. CompMOgTfuUa. 2 To. 12 mo. fl.75. rpHB VulaatM nf poetry B w pri4 U tha sablic X had thtr rijrta ib a euilN-tiun for (be ceir's wb as. A h iarraaaed a few (rwrnh apmed a wivh that it sfaraihi hm randerrd a .aBfdeta aa iwaatble and pablubad that every ISurfh (.'atohaiaji night bare an oprtHnity af pH;si( ia a permaaeBl and e' vanirut fMTB, a t?.py of aaany piee ibat tbey bad prob ably nt4 and admired aad perbap fur a time prearrrrd frta rfxrJ for the aatbnr. Eaoara;ed by tbeir kind ev-opvratius, the work haa hea steadily, ttiuwb low ly, xtumVk autil it ha reached iu prtmnt dxntlHMib it Ur Wttuipuihit 1 rM-urt- many pierer wbirb it ara iboubt Wu!d be prturud. yet it t hsifd tbnt tbu ttrnt ailvnipt ibe kind ia Nnb Carwlma will meet with tbe faurf bj rtt:rrna ftr wbe ur tb work ! prtneipaliy inndrd. TboQifb we out have prduced any eery j:ft atltil tbet fi'4 print " tbe Mue" will lir tlu utve poM- v f tbe pA ttuil are w rty Nnturo, men endowed wtJ bt-.-het gilJU. . Tb Vipi-n and tbe faa alty diine."- k - - 9 . It r from iur oiwhilirf of the writer that many piteiriii ihit eidlectioa will derive' their intercut, and though vittwrd hy the severe t-y of critirift., they wmtld Unvf bt-en rte- tt-d, utiii il aaa tlitmUt that puidie x ptHiutlin would havt Iwtiin diuvooiated bad tbfy biu omititMl.- .PnrACK. r'or a,v wholcsU" and) retail by tbe publiiher. 60 TBS FAVORITE ACTHOEIEfl OF THE BOTJTH A Sew Novel by ihe Author of Alont." bii,i Edition, 10,(HK) Copiei, JVb Ready. THE HIDDEN P A T II ; A Xotvl. ByMnrwn Jiarhimi, of Mchmond, Va one ttcyaitt -tnt. tA. 434 i'wjet 7Ve,$I25.' "fpUReitraordina.y acia?ofMiM Garland's "Alone running ihrmijfh edition after eJitio with jrreat rapidity re puMifbfd in tnghtud with A utill larger ale fransluivd it Ui tbe r'ri-ocb and tiortaan lanKuaarfa wiih marks'd iuticrp -if oerbupi tbe bert evidence of the oriumalily and popularuy ot her writings. In tbe litiiitajrf ni an eminent critic 'Hje aiay henceforth hike rank aiming tbe inot uceiiful noeliats of tb t'nitfd Stati!.' ' I'hOfe who have rend Aloft' and ther e who hare not, vboold will b mterentAd and jrrattth-d U know, that n new book by Vir inia'a silted stiiboreaa, end- tivd Tbe Hidden I'atb,' if now ready, lieautilully a MuritiB llnrhiiiiK b'ta woven tb Uireid of lue ir other roraanc and onhbe ia a potas of rare fe- liritv we are io.fe in predicting that her new work will uriarfl all her ihwioiu ettort in fine delineation brillianry and power, and that itr. Derby will be railed Upon to record it on bis btxik a one ot tlte utoat popu lar and auccesilul of modern literary iue, ejinee rt-tidinif 'Alone,' we vhall iniiiiitieiKly await tbe aiMrear anreof'The Hidden Path."-" A'. )'. h'miiiui Mirrur. J.t' liKKBV(PnbliPher.llt Nassau street. New Turk, A for late by all bookaeller and new Azcnut. W. L. PUMEHuY. Raleigh, 1H&5. 10K New Books. 1 It TK 1.KK, by Julia Karanab, author of Kath T lie. UniW (Uiritf. te. t nih iiiiildt-Ta by author of Heir M ltedcliffc, Hearts Knt Ac. TrHt-el in Europe and the Katt: a year in England, St'i'tJuad, Ireland, Wnlea, France, ltelgitnn, HulUiid, (lerinany, Austria, It sly, Ureece. Turkey, Syria. lle thirsnd Kypt by Hitumcl Irena u; Crime, illuetmted. 2 toliime 'si mo. v The Prueti.fil Ameri.-an Cook lt.ok. . Mim Ktrieklandii'a tioeon ot Scotlniid Vol. V. WoiffC HlMatrated Natiual Itirry. Robert tlmbnai, a StMual to -J 'iniii," by Mr. Caro tin Lee llenli. lrH-l letter, or Fifty Yeer in Iixilc, by llerirane Melvlle. Mixl.m Standard Drama, volume XII and XIII. (lodcy for May. For vale t- W L. POMEUOV. Ritlaigh, April, l. j. 52 Eeccnt Publications. E M'KNINliH with tb Prophtai A Heries i juf-Hf. nioiraiid Meditation by Rev, A. Morion Brown. iUeix Day of Creation j A (ftricp oi' tatutSuir h t- tim ituiu a father to hie Children, hy W. i. Hlnnd. A vi.-i of the Seriptnre IfcrveintnMiw concerning s Fnhire State: by Arrhldehop Wbately, The I'niverpe no Ieaert, tlie Kartb no Monntly. Worldi fi tiud by Dr. Ilitebi-wk. t'ioudi and Huahinc, by Charle lieaJe, autbitr ol Peg WoRiiigtoB." p CUri'tie JukiiPtoiie, by Charles Rtade, antbor ot ' Peg Wnlrioirtun." The Klder Si-ter. by Marian Jautea, Ethel: or the Ihmble Krror, by Marian Jm. Homaix e - meti aa.a llblory. by Joseph Danrard. laid, snd other Poewn, hy 't trniryaoa - rlty, 'y Amtm -'vnk - Jd-rni(t. Uluncur, by Charlea Kinsley, For Sale hy W. I,. pnMKROT. Raleigh, 0. L , Ul'-ll - Krrnt PoblimlioRi. 'IMIK SEWt'OMH", bv Thsck.ray, Tht Land o I Hold Keslily veraus Fiction, by llinloa K lleluer. A visil to tb ssiap befsrr Hevastopsl, by Kich rd ('. Mct'araiirk, jr Keens In tit. praotta of New York Cargetm, by Th. Life f hi. Son. I The 1'Ml.tep, of tit. I'sal I i,tr r.iitt.raia. Mouetains and Molehills, by I Frank i History af tk.etoaeil af Trent, by Bungeney. Tk.; or Notes "f a t aar smtmg tb , In ban TriltraufCbill, by F.lm..a4 Ka.l Kuulh. j A b.ak.1 of t b.p. by J.l-n i Asseriea, I'olitical and Itoetal, by heiialT. i Fairy fat's, nf assay astians. 1 Htrt. Liiresof ib llnliab Mpy. i haiflier'. I'l.a of ttevastopsl. For .si. by . L. POMF.nOT. (Vtobrr U, I .-tii. l.'t, 1F.I F T PI BI.K ATIl..-Tlllt I.ITF.HA- 11 r. nary 1st aaal tterrpaaeaa ih Caaabea f la.'.lbgl. Tb. kcapJ So Or, PiHk.are, al Coavml Lit. jrt4 li. eulfon tf sttele ol t'b.rity. Habits ...t ai.a wita rvaisaaUuf reur4 tuachlag tb M.L .J k... k. L. II M.. I.J.. U.t.M.ib,i K.l h.eaye, by li S, Pbllaa4er Da,, eut-a a. r. a. IMI Sailb abi,a4. Kag.l'. '1 l.tntaaraa ml w.atl aad ,-braaes. A aw aUUmaa. Literary a4 Ut.Utritl Mwetlaasea, by tl.otf, Ttarts-t. avwirtry M l a- LliB, by F. Job. low, euapai la t val .11 sea. lb. bjigii.k Faai H4 F . by R,,reatk. m I ttw M.aM.ira wt Napaleaa. A 1 bn4 ' lli.btry ml t.Bla.4, by t'aarle,, F , M tSt.itga i a baaaltlul a. I bari.e jtr.4.. Tt. S.aate I..4 i a aartbeea atiay. F.lll: lie, lb liana att4e. by 'aha taelaa Pa.., aalbaraf "lb. Vwglala Coaw4aa.,a A. la. I..rtik Urpkaa, i Ot, A H-ww la fc Kw H irl lit.. Mary 4. U tha,. mm bar at -la.ral , .4 enti.tttt .. sib. H. tra af flMghlea ! seaeel la -Akr.y.a FrMik Lealie. ioaraal lar S I. sat. by W UFIlUFItOT. Sfa r. IS. Via svMlkw.-lt.ib H.ll. by Fsasy r.ra. a raag leaeag ay Ik. siarvM, Waalarrl S by a Mb!afUt lrl,(. re mi. ay W. I. Four HOT. rt. Jlk.lM .1 fiMT0-ll fUEMIFTIlf Of CvJlHlllS L1FK. Jaal r.e.i.,4 a Urge (apply af tat. v.l.alil. wark. L. lll KIlV. I art. bee I X U'i. 1)fl, 14 lUaua frnfrnt, 4t(rea tua. ta aa4 te sal. if PanVat( Hot, J. u kana MI T A II II I i. kJtlSF t basTata.llaa., t...aeJaU Ob, kkJLkl 4 Hlki a. Faeb(. bar. ?. r '11 M - ti aaetT.K br ..4 a 1 ..4 b-.' A FrtaraWrg, lla. f,' t., la III b. N41L1 " k.,t CaWeiaa aad A ..It. la et-e. aa4 M a I b, ra-raa-a, . J i ; V.,"tl TT H I. 'I'Hi HIKI'F FATII - Jaw 4. ...ikar X "-f 7 f Ikss , U 1VFFJT, II, 1AAA. . " " " ' - SttTSa. ak. U.aty-allaal Mlaaa4 A4a I. "a. ..4 ba) aU by Ftneibara). lees. 4. I ROW LIT 4 11 H K , ' fflXf It ( fill I, bat. T. Pw a.1. RALEIGH FEM.LE SEMIXIBY-I RALEIOU, X. C. . BV. W. H.CHR1"TIA.A. M- Pp.Am-1"W4 v- w n ftlRlrtTIAjf.A. H. PrasiJiaS alW4 1 kv 'a rflwkia satii awat all ta bfsnalw wT.atsatiaissall 1 Kb tsreies of Ihw) knrtitatioa aill n.maM-e Trlu.t tb, Dtk of Jsausrv. T th. almrfv a th, press iM,wh irk srs sfsnoas aa4 e.s- . fcmUI.. aad whiek are l. W is,e;li'iy tariDi7 ntsM aad IttM- ap. wiU k. forlhwltk a Ur. for a Uif aoaiker at koarders. Mu Cbrlu, IM Pr..iieat is M atv a tf K. U. Cite., hat hu alss r.Ha.wd is xrml athools of th. irsiais , laiwitr. Hv has b.4 nteasive esperienre ia teseh. Inr ia Peauar flebools of biirk rrvlr. thst persons eemiaillia. thei daaKbWrssa bis rhr, ssv reel aril amrv thai , Arjr srt will b BisJv aecery to their iuprotMaeat. j Teras per Senion of t'iit muatht I Board.: laeladiax aating. sleeplar. Il.fct. I sad fel........ Knjli.h wilioa. . aa Piano aad tiuiiar........ ........ M.......i " ' tw? uf iutrnmeiil,.... ' Prearh, ltalisa, Anglo hsxea. Ancient Lauifuaiifs, j Paiutin and Ilrawinit iol nil tl.eir varieties, Aedla- sort. e.. tamrbtat lh asnsl price. - ! fAe i'remuUHt iouM inform aim mf ' wef i.lrefirnihl that each young lady tdumtd tnpiy i br.i'iiwitb ber towels with her name dintinrtl. , kvJ on them, an well is her other clothing. For t . :o particulnr nddreoK Piof. II. Christian, President; or A. M. (lonuan, Kxa.. Sec. of the lliwrd of Director, RaleighptX. . Payments one half in ad ranee, the remainder at the end of the 8omon. It it very desirable that Pupils be nresenl at th b ginning of the iesion,as the claae; will Die u be formed, and a delay of a few days tntty suhjtct them to iuoon- vement'es. . . Student will be admitted sny time during tb ses sion, and charged from tune of entrance only. DIKKCI OKH, C.W. 1. Ih'TriunuH, A. M. (Iobmaic, T. II. Kklvy, J". II- Yro-. J. C. Pai.mkr, M. A. Plkiwok, (i. T. lIooke, N.F. ltEiu. II. PoniBit, Raleigh. Oirtober (Hh, 1855. MO- tl J NEW. JEWELRY 6T0K E. C II HUES ILTUOMPSOX WOULD re"iiectfully inform the clllcns o Ksleiirh, tlis county snd the sountry adlotDtng ikk3 t4"" hs kas just Attrd p in sil,n-IW styls, th huugu tonuerly oeoupie itj tb, litsarsm i ouipsny on tii, went stds of VsysUevill Blrtet, nnd Wlwra Mr. 8. H. Vouut-'i and Murrayand O'Neal's dry food etoirr, olier, be hu uiened alar(. al beautiful m.'ulllnfUt of XKW" JKWKI.KY. of all tho niudera ulyles. oun-i-CHK of the omsiaestsl uud the ut-lul, sud to ahiull he invites the attsnuoa of ttie lediei. . He has, sliw. for the gentlemen, a pxid lot of gold snd filver W'atrhes, whirh will le rnrrantel to per forin well.iien delivered to the rutloioer. Also, a f-w exeflleltt DUtOLK-HARKKLLKD (iL'NS, ronglil on rtpeWally for the bunti-rs of Csrolins Al s prent variety of Walking L'snes. In lart. Kttne New Jewelry any end ,ory thing. UMUiilly kept in such eUihlUhineuts, amy 1', fotiml at price, Utst cniiuot fail tu pleatio the cuftouier K.ririii!; executed at short notiV, nnd sstUfs LIST OF NEW BOOKS, XOW JIEiUV. I Alfred Teuiiysou Mautl and otlier roems. 50 cts 11. t hsrles Reads Teg Wofr.neton, a NoveL 75 CtflltS. t'hrii-tie J .l.r.ftytie, a Novel. 75 teuts. (.'louiln iintl uiiliiue. 7' t'cnls. 111. Williaia lloaitt Land, l.nlsir and ;..M, tilmo. til A Hoy's Adventitrr, in of Attvt riilia, with ilhi'trHtioii. th rent. IV. Tbunwr He Onini-ei The Note lliiok. 75 epnl,. V. Churleu K iiirel.'V The Vi'yiijjee sod .f Avieas Lij;n. isl.2j. iiliiiii-ns, ir tl.e Wondfri" f the Bhore. 5lt rent., VI. I.ieut Am.'l.l. n of lr. Arn.ild of Huhji... Oak .Held, a Notch tl. ' t ut Ssl by, L. l'OMEKOV. Or. 7ih. , ' lis niflKU TAtl.OK'K ,i:U' HOOK. A IIT T-'IsniA, l'lll4f t.oo-l'ltoo ssnjAi'AN, IS TUU'KAB lSH. 11Y l!A .AUI TAVI-Olt. Tith elfant Kteel enrsviiigs. 12nio,uloth. I'liee 'I hi Tiiluiot Is reeorj of the audi.' tn exrMH eire iiit ri tip year's travt-l in llir i am-l i-Hiutriri ami la iiitt ti'U-tl twouTny an aft-uiit.-i)ika of their prp. arril ithrairal and ritt a-ct. Tiie r'"ti!i" the I writer ' uLttirvaiiiiX,eari: utrrt ni.'hf --nine -T. liliffiiTlj aatnral style a hirli.i Unra -tenses Iti' peviiita worha, We Wt'lfume wiih Uaurt this limy prtmirt work. The la4 nf thrie tuluiurn -nujtriiti)f . ibf Uavi-lfiii Ontral Africa. KpTj' arid India. ii tin of the in.-t in. dt-tatltcshlctrnvatrrs of ths dsr. W e know f ni Umks of tbe kind that ksva the rvadar's aitntia so tout h altvr"-- Huudny Lriepatt h. "Mr. Taylor has earned a rrfutrtHna as a travellrr, arrer rifnallexl hy aay Aaacriran, and ear(a-ed hf hut f w rrauni aow ItrtnsN Vrnlar the arb rtlna, that tkia n lunik will b eaerally enrv-vsi tu be bis reateH aad heat w.-rk." hot tale hy W. U PNKBuYt 0et,J7th 124 loipurtaat ti DoDukrrftn sd D'ilrr. THE HOPE MILLS. 71 fullim .vr., aad 71 flerKroa fit., Xne Vuri: FTinelpal OffiM 10 Trawt lt Vw Toik. rwtory, No. 3D, t t SM llsl.oa St., Jersey City. MMIK PIUU'RIETUKS of this long aad well tl known , Coffea and Spies Eatablishmcnt, 1-t.iititiue Hi prepare lb beat PIIAHM tOF.l'TICAL ltl HFK8 ia as for raising brew', biaraal, le. ad mlhrrrukM. ft. Tkey als prrpar uastanf, i eo au4 asany other artwlasaf daily a lnay fussily, wbteb tiiey offer paa ta asast raaawaabl. I. rats. stalogaes aeat ta wnl.r who ran,), tkasa. ! a. H. A J.U. I.XHAM. V. B. I 'aasuaesrs a4viMd b int air for lion j 111 arlielefc FALL AXD WINTER GOODS, 101 1158. ri'lIK FultasriLer lakes pleaaur la anntnineine ba bia friend, and esisttsmae,, tbal bis rAI.L AMI F-TCH.K. Of hTAI LK AND FANCY I'll) lilMlliM an at.w ready ftsr ,iarai aatioa. II deass it aaasrsaa.r aad anealltd far, ta spe.k af tk saisaat af kis Fall' pwrab , brs stork will anak fae iue'f. A M pewte. H I farliy aad.r.ia.4. all right aWa, Hs, Ihi la th. kwMt Igara. II la.ite. an and neb (a rep4ar af aj.iaan..llo nil. ad tk fx will k nit,, aitk oa4 will ss4 fro af ab.rga. II. U I V AM). Um daor sbors K. Fsiitk's .mat. Ralei(k, Hsvi. IV,- IM. Il til ICIIUI Tllttlll llltltl WorUi of l-4 Warrai U Wntlnf . Wer fas iasss W InoSI, snail arsl IfureA, s.'i4, Jme srAa-A li, Atybesl rami yryre wtli 6s ytsitd. 'Vlit a.a.rtUe wilt ealbtel all asersals Bade said J fcsws. 4a. a all subtler, far I 4. r ee.n4 teeebra It lb aM.n la 4. .4 aa Ibal. Wltlaaa ar a I an. .til area. Feranu aa4tsg a.rraal. la Ib. SWkambaj by asatl sby laai ksafajaloBaiai.y ar tbra,b Ik. tUaba ail. b.t. ib. ai aa.b4 al rtgbl, a4 isinuiasas 4aa of ratara - i Fl lril!Aw, MF ii i a mm lwrrrs ll.l.l, f s; .ti.tili.f F.l.1,1 IVii. Ilia, t KabUIUa 4 CsMAt. lut to UamI. 1 IIH MUST rnkltl4)ltllia ASw VAMKtr AbV ask Fall aa a taw I baaka. I bat b. ,ta Si at lyiail, ka lai, litis ba tk. saaeaal, ab a, loaa, Vlel A Mw A.tlas I Catblaailaa, ' t l"lb M..IIM t T. aa. Pit MmMI WtMb Fet.g. A I.e. F ' A-wt i a ta at.u MasTr.e.lbs, S.a'.a4 F lit. Tl I'lll p. F lU II flvMK HI Mimiil s SFI. I bill, W i tkaa 1 ai ml aaal tag ,-.. balk I. pwa a4 ,.. a.,i..i a.4 tt. ., a.Hl,.g .f,S na,.t- 'e4'aa, 4 4.,.4 lv lb, a, af a ,.-t. 4 .. f wt eat b r - i W. L. VFOT. tall . H.y I. IS-X S4 , ... ...r . . . t 1 I -a FFrFirrtl - 4 M mt a M.aa. Aa.. (I Ikaa m U t ..t.taun la a., ml, be aa by . a. biAii A blt'u- I0m UE0LIS1 CDuBTJIS lBtof iTi flRE Sort a Carol iaa Aaaaal r ijit e swrta i areliaa Aaaaal rosfrr . , .. waiiad tateww a eklv psrlnJi " assas, ta subaerilwrs are aathoriseJ if (.roatas. ka , . i.teoded topoMU, a f.mHy Aliaioa. M 7. kk aa UMrrs of ik U,ik ! j)'1 Lhi rch, shall h dev.tted U . munm J .srtA f .nl.m, aad furmh ialliwct Ior ? elas af readers. Ib and q,,,, tb,?. psmxiiesl is t fc Httl to av af Mr Charcb per, vkilsit will kurpas llrB ,; ,jJr ( lo tB, Winl, 0f ouf ppl. nUn of th cxistiu,, " ta the aeeewijl?!; our positioa.forwca ta tiie rWir,tiB of e ; pat , oSdeiitly eMetb bT eratioa of tii Jlomdera f our Chtircb ia auTT ? - of th BUte Bj!t nnrerews, and hop 1o kVTE paper so interestmn ind inttruetiv ss u mZl patrege-fTOni tlie public grnerally Jl9 . Advoeate'' ill b nahlislied st tt t - -- tll. firiit KumYm. in , ', i ,.Ji.K ,f, ,1,. 4 . lerenea- It la believed that ha i. ' Co, b eMmmenced on the 1st of Jauusry, Ihj. k" tieslriUwv that as large a suhscri.tion sspowsit.LiJ obtained hefor thet'onfrrence snd the ;h and all other interesti U in ti e uttt r.rie ttB peetfiilli orge.1 to secure snd C.i aardi be anMt2 address of subserilwrs, porticulnr sttentiu J paid to eorNOtness In writing the pel sous, post otfioes and t:uties. Tirna th aRsnry of our Ministers nisy writ direeii' Rev. W. E. PeU Fsyain-Tille, N.( ' Th payment aril) h Xted upon Unlw,,, the first number. Tlie location of the paUuki, office will b determined at Hit Session ol Cwd7 nc. WILMAM E, F'KU-, WILLIAM (JAllTKH, laKCS T. IIKFUX, N. II. T. WtLSO.V, W.M. JJAH1UN0ER, July, 18&6. t Committal, Bttp tm4 arfrV m th Mr4 Tnsmt, Hrj Coodx, Gr9rit3r- Fanning ImflcmtcLSs m Hl'SK'AL INSTRI Mr-X 1, CARRIAGES, FRUIT TREES,, Mt rTTartrs mm rpr T ft, s aim i ,m CITY OF NEW YORK, AT S PKR CKNT. COMMU-MON. fe Hon. w. A. (Iraham, 0. K. b4fr. to. L Swato, J. M Morth;!,C. f. sUadcultail, J. V.ti.hww M. W. Woodfin, and otiitrs. K. mt, im PETER W. HIKTOH. COMMISSION MERCHANT, os. 25 and T6 tviTHExv's a jtAKr XOKFOLK, VA. CM'bTIAI. attention P"bl In sel'ii r Toatrta. Fim-i O'itutx, Cottos, Nsvst. floors, 4c, Ai: Aw Ui'Veiving and ForwBrlie ii"lt.. . KKFKIl T Pb. 1,. Il-ltton, E.t. W ake t'oant,. N. f . J. 11. B. .Kunlhae, K-tp. Kol. ljli, N. t'. Ili-orge W. ll.nyatHttl. Ko., Halt i).-li..N. C Wm. rtittiiuicr, K.ip Vi;rrtr.t..n, N. f. Dress Goods. 1)LAIK F'l.rtm.i riuM. sun '(. !,,!" Itiitt k Vat.'i.'il no. v. i;. 1 e !. iHii '"hud, tri"!, Fipitril ntitt 4)t.:f B- . fbtili, llcrtigf lo Kane, Fri-m Ii J. -..-.( " . . v t l.awn., a lare nit el lit vci i Ift. ri - . iihijlliitiiit., liritlianU': plain llutli-.l and f-iii.fl Alio-!.!-. i:. l. i v i v , .Vareh 2'Jlh, Mii. Ten Dollars l?cwaidl C!TflAVKI)iii-i.le!.it Ir nir .' I. F-'niilu . . fey Ijj riioi.ty, no r-t. im , i tl.( ,t.Tf ll-nr. 1 !,. ah. .,1 t.! I. paid b" refm t- A. .-. i I'.i.i.V. l.ool.l.t Hafi! Hfi'sH hk's s( i t.u .(..if of ii.,t. r.ej-bt pi'! anijietit l. It in. aii.i i i:i H i f i itr ti! t it1; it'' Ffn Raleiyh. Trl! kiI. it i vs. """L.IW I'll,''.'.'.)' I ul MILLER 1;.ih;.,;n, n. W1IJ. attend jirudiptibiaii ituitte--1 tu tl.iHn A Lar (ft) EUck of Wciatcu CooiU. Vai.nn.; F,.i4 t a-ltH,rr; Krai Freneh M.i ,i Ill 'I',' L.piiiS ilelia. " lt- , tie4 Le Letlt, frees I tie to 91. I' fltalli.ard, Fln-w. .n4 llr.ylvbra,e, It.r ir. ve.ii 1 r, ttt. F.a4 K ao.ll'.i.s r'.ll.. W.ll. n. a. Tii Kll A large lot of Mourning Good Uoeaaastacs: Mol,.;, l.u.-in- f'aat" tltk., Alpaoeas astl ileLaio. -W. II. I R. fi. TITKF.R Ir. rpriig'i Mw Vurk If 'Pllf. (antra bMsan t ied nd baj arfs. k) X Uardner rtpring, ll. II, keivd aad far l by W. L. fOMF.ROT. OoUWwII, lUii. Irt- LACK aad Cotert4 'a'tisess. Hub, a4 Cas ) Ky. sa4 Te4 Lin., prr.pat bat M raats, ti..r,ta bereer, a.4 Ptatt.a, (ike be arte Mlaek S4 lleawa llasnl.H. h J 1 .. k. Flis. bsais, llaaaeU, S.,t. aa.l De4 lli.i.i.i.. Ft. I VSF, Oetobe, 4, IMS. !- HF.N0H Maria., Fraaab IsrLaaea. H ark paaa. Bagtisk ria, frtsswiaa lalae t.salaa I loth, (.tib.rra. I'laid t s.baiyre.. I " iaa, laWiea' HaMk.Metafa, Oeala 4a. I . asaatia hasftsr ya key. II. L. lTs napi. Masr, iRva. li "I ILAl'K MUiJaTtrk."Bla7rM-l t-sss J ( It.ala, I'lain aa.l Vl.t.r.4 nilka. Hears mm e.JorM Talasa , I'laia aad l"laid Uuka, "b.kssl Maatillaaaf tit lalayt IwtporUtioaa. im reeera aadforaalaat H. t. kV.tb. " IftS, li- A KDlthW J. STEDMAS, ATTN Mbit AT LAW, 1 f ATlkll ssaa,4 la Fin. Sara-, X, r-WtMaeSal i 1. regularly Ib. Loans l.katb., Maa m ll.rsttl l April I If.. i l HTJ, tattsr. 4f-tag ! J I I aaaralaa, l.arllltga, tela,, MaBf btarbaamiss 1 rtaaaaeag. Ja tm kMsd t lla. X, Cheap flae. II. U TA-". haiaigb. Vi. I ".',4. Ils- Sand Paper. A fl rrilU R Arlkl. al mm Ta,. j ttmm I 1,1. Far sai. by fcel.ijh, ID. 6. ItbMl III- Hllllll Afel. TA all Kll (Oil hi) li sen reet.Ml U ltk at. tmmm mm ar t , r niSUv't. k.Wlih Oeta IIHb IF-t. ' ' HATS f 'HATS!! HATS !!! 1)F1F P-rt HWrt a, -4 U-H. (Vib ..I III K Sit'k rWl. taal l- V.aaj , t Mf .M W tl.. I'.t ttj as M. It. BTA CSalal (. IS.i, 'r- I-ulici ttnd 0nU nottlerr- - .. a, ..J a gat StM.fll m aa a a J t ailaa. I.rwas. .BM...i ' - kla ml(K Jt.y MJi. X F.SH...I,. l-es b. bkLll llli k, I Atl I. Mik, ,-) ata. W U. SV. . I a-