-XOUTH iJAUOLIIVA 6TAII WEDit ESDAT MOIINIKC, JA'NUAJI IS 0, 185C ii mi in . .I. ,m mitmi y m - eonatitut ai one great ?ctiuu of the t awn J.f- fered frva llu ri, and froia another met. mi, the 1 luol naporumt u in pcejiiarity w a !'')r re.aiiv eul 'red p .p-alaiioa iu lb ui.rfro ihaa in ii. northern huw. A p"'uUuon uf Uit. cla, held in ubjctiwt. iiied tu uerly all tb relate, but wa unite ou-n-cr-.u an-l of taur eercMi coiiocrn'.-icit in lb South luau ;n ;be North, ott account of natural d;ticrein t of t-uui&t? aiij tro'luv-jiim, auJ it iru I .rt t-eii that fr,iliei.tiae teiutjs while liii pja-: uijiinn vuttlj diuiiuiali, a.nl, auuinr or Uurr, j it' mijitit ii-.eit . flmi-'i to etiht, lu tvuie Mk-j, it uiijiti in otera. The peculiar clurarter aud uiAui tuiiii uf tlui iUMiU'n of iuciii rights, bik iu uuta- rwd ruUlioas only, but atiil woie in BueiiU uuea, ' .4wrtiA ti iu el. it i in iw uie apvum iunuiiuwi wi llie CvHkdtitutiou. i . . lieu-a, Bbile the geriem poierninent, aa well by the enumerated p jnerj ianted to it, u by tiniie u.il d.uoierati.i't. and u. torture rci'uttd to it, vi an I" i oiuiMB u tMtcb UiU aasttler in the aeaa , ol a;i;iv.k nr fj'n'.'C, it m im piuvvd uulor the g'Mi " cral aaitund uf lha tuivti. in the tente t d , feuve flguiuat eihf iivajourdtjnicaticiii;iijnca , likw alt otijer k. .in u)rc0 of Um auvrnl &taae. Each Slate eijjriy- aiijmlnttiii, aa well (ut it aelf na t. r eai!ii aud all v' itc citiiwia, aii.laim r eii:iiii ot eaob Suim lsitiie aui6.iiuly.!Uucid hy t alteijtainw W tii eoi stiiutiou, tiuUf any per- j auti i-.jiu .j auivHa I't muui in vuk oluiu. vio.ii.inz ( into auoiuer, fA-jaA uoi in onftctjuei-cuui any . law r rcxuiatiuB ti.orouf, t liincliarift-'l from Uvii f:iw or uilior, but aituuid be duuieiad up ... on ciaiui ol' tho party to wiiotu auuU ericor . laiMr aaiht i J"e by tlaea la of hi btatc. Tiiuk, aii'l tliusiialy, by the reciprocal guaranty -af all tb riglita uf every titai ajpitoat tutoi'Ter-eui.-e on tl part of another, w aa tin' preseht I n u. : of governmt-ot antihiiaiiad by our tathera and 'Uauxmitlod to aa; and by no othttr nieaue t it poakihle fur it to axial. If en Mat ceaaea to . reayactttia rilit uf anotiicr, and obtruaively iuu ruloJ.I'nj ilh it lc,U iiitront if a portion ; f tiia litatea amiM to iwfai their inatitutiotia . on tb others, or rai uua. luiul their obligation to llioul wearo b.j lunger uiuu.-'l frieodly btatea, but diatracted, h.nU une, with litu vapitcity lui t of eomuion aUvauuo, hut aliuiijliuiluioiuil ot Maiptuisai injury and HiiMiliiuf. . , frnsticiilly, it in uuuiami ial whether reiva . iut.jrfci'iK botKCeu the Sia'.ot, or dun boi ate rvtuaul on iho j art of an)' uue of theat tooouiply , with oo!MtituiiutmlolUj;aU!i, arise troua rro xwuua ftniinctiim or blind pri juJu e, w hether It ba perpetrated by din etiou or uidutniUuu. la . eitbor eaMt, it i lull of threat aud of limagfit to tb durability vf lb t'hion. .' . coioTiTt'Tiotiit. axLtrioit or itavitr. ' Placed in th ofSue of Chief Majristrut as tti xecutiv agent of the wlnde country, bound tu - take oaro that the law be faithful y executed, and specially enjoined bj the constitution tn giv InroriimtlootuCunrca oa the arataul tho t'nion, U wiMild be palpaole neei of duty on uiy p.i, t tn pvn over asulijoct Ijko tliii, ahivti, beyond all thinK tli prcAent ifine, yiully cuueerne iudi .ti.iu.il and public aerurtfy. It haa liet-li matter of painful regret, to 51 8ta!c.n, eonapiiuona for U:eir a-rviica in lnuudiiijr thia Kepublie, and f rtu :lly hiin itt advanuEW, dUrrard their ooiiHtitutii-.Dal uhlintinna tu it. Altlinyli eonacioua tf thtsir inahihty U heal admitted and palpable aiciul ev.lii uf their o-,tn, aad which r eompletely within their jiii-U.lie-tion, tl:ey engage tn tit oflunaiv and ImpfleM BudcrtiiLing of luluriuing- the d.mir lii: imlilu tioiia ufuthar Biatea wholly berond their Control "au-J authority. In tlie vain purauit of end, by them eutirciy anatiaiuable, and which they may .ti-gllf attempt to ooiiipaM, thi-y peril the very exuteiMi uf tue coiitiiutiou, ai.d ail the eoMMtica beiicSU whji h it has confrrrej,' VVbilex toe pe .pl of tti icuthurn Hwiua cjuhho tl.cr attentiuu to their owti uffiirg, nut prenuniing tHioiiily iliitorinndile with th aoctul iiiiitu tliuia of the northern iStatoj, too niauy of th iu b.tbit nuta nl'tlie lattur are fcruianeiii ly ornauixe.l ia aaia-iatii.n to inllii-t Injury un th former, by wrongful acta, ahicU would o cuime of vara be'."ii foreign p-mora, audoulr fail lu beau.h in our ayatcui, becaua perpetrated under oului Of tba I'niiin. It ia iuip.nibl to preaeut (hi lubjnct a truth and the uvoaaiue reijuire, without noticing the reiterated, but grouudl aliv-uti.in, that the R .uth ha peni'utently aanertrd eUim and ob tained advaulHsii in the practical aduiitiiatraliun of the jjimeral ftovei tiiin-nt, tu th prejudice uf th Kmth.niid in whidi llie Ltlrr ha acmeaocd. That ia.tlie .SluU a wlnob either promote or b.krate ' attack ou the th riynu of puraona and uf prop erty iu u'.her Suite. U diruia tlicirewn mju tiuc, .r 'Hud or imaiue, aud comtaiitly aver, that they, a hua couaULuJiiiial lighu ai thoaaval mf if ally amailed. are tb:Mj lU BfKrwaaura. ai 111 piciu nine, iii,pi.ii..l aiireanion, rmintjf,. ua it,.J .mm, only iu the v 'ue. dec lain aturv I iniii,i wiiiiiai Kiiaure, leatdvea lixeil lulu tnis ipi'fidieii-loii, or niiiutrprctiioti, of the prlti. iplei iM.i fatta u( th political ui;aBualiun of th i ew T i-ritoriim id" ilia iTnile.l Siatoa, What th vl. uf history I W hen the orili Ban. ), win. h provided f th guveriiuteiit of th "termory a..tihacat of tba river Oniu. aud for it o. iuji .ul, uiMhi. o miu new Siale,aa adopted lu ti e t u i a the coulmlrialn n. it ta n. I tu laupWJ-i that Ih uue.i,..aof lutm tcU.it' bo. II it the true principle, of lea. ing ab f t- drattirta. poaet, aa U-!ren tl j Male Botch rvtaiiu-J, an I Kate and Territory o rrpnlaie it n Uva of, u '"" " 'jfuog'"1 1"'" ioa'l"f. howev tu ,t wai. k did nut retain, a aumei.iu Wad - luU r am ul i.g tu iu i a . n.r of r.ltai J .:? I" '""'y ' "o already nb- P i-.i .1011, c ape j nonce, m .nied to U eou-; Ici -ii. Aiiily-l Co cuu.-evtioa of thai tail territory to i rioit!ii.rii Ma' atrloiig the ht In. ileal and oillimlil of Hi, a loi-rtoirj n. lo,. .vtof ova l member f the Cniun, u, j a, lb Bel ol S'l..Ut: ut Virginia ili g i. it I. I .sort ao I ol i't S .0 h is1, i I. . .,; ti y-i . - ii . i !l .u t . Ii. S. -I'l the . . -i- jitu PjM-ui i- 'I i mm w.l Bi'iuirelby Ibe l'uiie.1 (.. I Ulan n lc -a tuth Xuitli ; i .i who" it waa important 1 1 ni oiiti ot u. ri ar Muwa ..ppi f i'ia of tiioi -.tiiii alwia. u an au-o tl wa evrn mure iuii.ar.uutw tba y luion to i. .vi tnal M'lKitii.mi ami aliboiii;!i tl.a Bw pivvinre, ly iu. a af ita Imperfeot. aottl. - emu. v, biuiii nu-iica aa Wl i,( Wl, ,,r Mexi.1, t, IH 1 t, it I '. U.U I d b un .lie , 7 , V -- k...... ... 1 j ii 1 11 miinii,ii,iii, 11 I. u. ...a, brcl II aliov t'.an Uiow, and waa In territory, and toe.-naia.it itb Ibe ,ual,i uf tb Nai, ' a iu .aery thing el-, e ,oelty at Iau4 an a- J Tl.ey bad laai alii, ,d . I a.l moral auilun t .a to lb. Bfidera h ale, Jl i. mer di lum ly, l.y pri rut ef ji. to prut ttM-.r tn.invt and nr. mil . n 11 rrf . i. ,..ut t..: . ' .. : . .1 . i . . ImuL l.il r iW IF. a 1 mlMl M.Im iiilil....di. B .JUUltli0 ifl til lalClial llilertai of tb Suulll. -I" -a "a u "i na 1 M pai Hotio and tu u.j, hn panu-ipjicj in that am, re ,1 1 .noa-d by n.. ti. Km abota ail aeciienal f at ..a.e I. wa iu truth tba great tva.it. wL.ju, - y e.e.pl. ,itg!.,ru tl. pawli af tn l!ky ' th V aa, -tppi. Bob euinc yicwl avoee ta Hi (aulf - I Vicihjo, luiparted iwiiy and ftt-rn" Ii t .'tl-r ho.a .x.s.,ir.,. 1 ri. it. 1 a;tai.r.i r ti 1 1 j in n.-.ilul.l t.ia Ui. 1 a t aud Ui it .at, a ar-.l a Ih .North and In. Suuln. Aa tat llu !, that wa but II . transfer . by Ptan "' 1. 1 u.i. a rial, ulternt iv I).. at i.J. l tii .vr l.a.iaippi, laiunit. Uf Ulg. territory, WU-ab lb. llnu-ISlwa I, u.a- larr. f lo Spio, ua lb. t a. I uf that filer, a 111 aulir. dldianaul biat. ry uf the tT.liljrlt ervca tu d. iia.a'r . Jl na .er, H wa an a 1 a '""' avaiaaded l.y Ih cea,rv.ai InUrev .. 1 ll. . awaruy ut 114 1 le i I nana. lathe m-u..io, ibe pas.pl ef tU I i,ud 6 ate bat n-' iaa ap ta a proper en,i aiataa . (ll.oir at.ang h, aui in a brief mini w.ik ., ad ia a - l Hri 4tia,i ,tb ti'...l ll. t n, U.'y L-d .I...H1 if all a 1.1. b rauanad ot au.iu. ra.nv.ira 1 ? t n,, n I u.a- jej i,H tli. aim -a, Ur. of tin.. lla-a..nl u tun.a w U" a aurr iVinJ -.1 th. tn.ai.t lia m. at.4 bad i-i b win ktir an.uiaa tu the lud aud via- t.u. id d. ,a,iwl uf tb baiaiwd rvauenaa uf tl. I u Aaa-HX lis! avanaacut , nlr. var, a. uf tba I'l.ol. I:. u. ,t !.! .,. B ft li e )lu 'all by loai.raa tj lb. Bv. 11 md'h,.! 1.1 l -ll I f'.toi S-;e tw be fouadad aa Ik uiii1,ii'm 1 d I ... . .1.. . . . ".- I .! In. f, lb. Xuvaanaaaal aa lha- lrrf tf r...fina.i .Ua,,.., ih,m. bad aa.it.wj a r-. i lar.a,,. ..,4 tr , H M t. . t, ' 4 ! u w, l.ia. ad ii4 . .'. ,r il,. I. ,1 I..-. I i '4' iM lea bijia, da la ai. .-,1 1,1. I .... I a. .....TV . , - - - -'- rw.-aiorativ ut I . ai (.t on ! toe na.o.t. a, Ii.) -r.. . f I I . tn,il a a law I !. II , yaar,!,.,) ., ........... , --i -- . .-j ir-a . . 1 I l Mi. I , o . la,. , I. . l tl, , !.', , 1 , .... 'la .b ,i,,ali.a if. 1 a.o a, t,,,,. ,i:i'ai) t. , . m l , a..'l, an, a aaa. a t It aba. , .4 .l ,, .. i ,,ft.4 ,, u. t,, t -y 4 . .. j .) m , 4, t i.a. iilawn.i.,1.,,,,,,1,.,,,, fc . ,..4 bile.,- l,i a, .4 aa.,. , ,, i.,,., V "'' ' L-t a W II a, I '''' 1 11 all U eonatiiutimial r.ut:.Ki', mrtr).r'tm it. rece'.ved 1h untik ni Cungre, with "n tnuliKvatiu ...d- lui to e tii MMting ."Vhi jf tii in-.eu led w isuu. It wa rrli.caM y j I ao.Uiced in b aaattincra State a aacr.ie tw t j tbe t-.niwof f- ami ifthe t uiuu. not only at; I mi ii-ui n"ii:rM , lucimu; h. hvihiuii, , , out ut the prtwinktol r(ulitT whobj li.a rtatm .nurun.iul Latins, .-ill w. It uil itr . 1, inmuiliu J II' W O " " U.IUH. It IWCIIV . 'y iKrslieru r'u:e with aus;nr and re-riiirul ; C"ti JMou.it;on and ciHtti.l.-iiiiL lanw ti d:d ih t i - ewce - ie ali whi.B Crj bad hhkUuj ileiaawlvd. lUttUK iaw4 through tba forma uf kg,tl:iuai. , to..lt piui ih llie m.uun owiK, UU) m- , opou repeal, like any other act of doulitiui i oonrtitBliotialily, aubject to be prooouueed nuil ; lnn..vati..n up.-n pre-exintiii rist. 'o vfiiiih I jhj tinot tue I niyh ajtt tM'yjustJy cl.ie.l.le 7 f I In . ir. ti . .1 nr.. i. .....4 n w.i wit.. iu ...m. ')ri..very (iiii away with llie mm- i .."i.,.-..... iMni,wftw n1, ,u, I..1W... of this statuuri nuH ,u". t'',!,cd."',I'e?', .r'P''-U. ai-i;u'i,m of - the Kepublie of Tula?, the I iiitt-d j ottiion ot . fhc lieiiuulie of ivxai. the I inii-tl ; iy. ,.va no.ir 1 . lilAr I III. IV UVl fl.r,, 111 IC. I iti.ll.ll t ". a utiar eontiutuy .occurred, and , I.ii,.lr... n, il.- A...,:.. ..-,. ..(...,.......' i' j.iic i.iv i;!-"i! iir a ?:ruiai.eii a.K-uipia ........ . .1..- ... .. ........ ... . i. M...11, 1,1 umiaiitv Ml 1. 111 1..11,-1 na .-l.HTO, andofihe alipuUtinwof the t-iniatiint'i n. Tfcee atu-uipte aatximed a practicai directiun, in the unajie ot persevering euUcavura, Ly ncuie ol Uie ri!ireento!ivi.., 111 both bounce of C .i-c, to - . .. ii.v. i..,mi. in i, .uiu yvm.r.. q mU , .uo ... " cuiiuoeu o. iiu civmauu meir (rruiiiieapn.periy i iy proaecated. Ita prpaent appearance ia inale- pcmibla ellicy to ontroj the righta l ll : and expedient etitirtaincd ia a iu oiht-r -Mate, eniafiftd, the yniui would meet with liuteraal i puit, when, with a wtinnaratu ely email expendi htatea, wh.-h misiil thereafter l.e or)tnixwl out I rV.h fr-oi nr. und!e im'putationa of brra. li f , api.r.rtl.' i ture, it Blight aaaily be converted into a beautiful (jfauy part f il,e orig oal territory . ( Louiuna. faiih aamt liera. men will emm.-nr as- i fan S2a:a t bring tu your notice the park. Xuo irroondsfor which annnmriatiun wire mail ttna. II an? i.i;reiun rtjere were, nil? , - tturmn t itit now om-tKi with u -.rtii! it r: -!e vhj- mu.. i.,,i;,... i . um vun nnunmum- f.,r tir. .-..i. i. 1: i ln : jtiprive (he eouthem Mates of the ii('p,M-d . lutely exploded fruw ii!misioti tliensiu, that .fact Uuelit of the pruvirion oflhe act outujiirin;, i fifitaelf entiatitnte the ij.ai tiptiun of union be the organ ixatiou of th Stale of Miaaowt. I tw 11 it and the ,thr State-. But the prnema Itut iI.a . il... .... I I il . e 1. 1 , , '.. 1 Tww iw! wi um puiipif, ui.o 11m ur.d the vital force of the eotiitilutiuu. triuuii hod uia eclional pnyudice. Olid the political rrro.-a i f the dur, anj the State of Texas rctui i;cd to the t'ulon aa .ho waa, with ew-ial inatituiiuu whudi ner people had choaeu fur thcnianoa. anil null ; expreaa agreement, by the re annex iiK at-t, that ! 1." miaiw irm iKNxpuuiu ut .HMUiumuii hi." plurality ol Htnte. - Whatever ad vantage the Intereaft of the 8011th- ern titale. aa luch, gained iijf tliiK, were fur inferior iu tosulla, a they aulukled in T:ie pfu - giwsif tinie.tutmm which apiangfr ma previoua eonceoiioiie made by the Suiith. Tu every thoughtful friend of the ( ninn ti the tru lover ot their ei unty to ali who longed and labored for tlie full oft hp frrwit iperiueM at n-uiilWii iuaMu'h.n, it wa. nauae uf gtatulatHm that auuit au uppnrtanity had occurred to illustrate our nlaiicn nuai r on tui fjfitiliyiit, and to futninh tb I1 adililiooul aaaaraaea of the utieniti nn l at!ttt!tly uftho eoiiatituttun. Who would vri-h tu aee i'liirida etiila Kumpian eoluny f W bo - would rtj..ic to hail Xvxaa aa alnncatar, iimead of one nH..j ........... 1 .in., .1, - .. ..,.i.iu. , eiaie tue itiuulculatile i-ii lua oi llie ar-iut iii' ii of louiaiaiiaT And yotnarriiw yii rv and .e--. tiooal pur pu-ie would inovilahly bare exi-kuRil llirui all from the L uion. itut another atrugleon llie aim twint e iui.l wlten wi vieiurinu army returned from Mexico, and itderolicd on Conxrea to pruvi le for tl.d torritinie ae(aiied by the treaty id tlii idaliipu llidlt'i. '1 he (treat re'.atinm of "the fwbjwt bad now beuiiuio di-tiuct and clour to the pcioi'pti.m of the pul.i.c min i, which ppreeid tho evil. ofieytMiiittl eoiitnivi'ruy upon the ijiicaii..n of the admiaaioa of new .Stnina. In that eriaia intoiHi aoluritade pervaded th nation. H it tno patriot ic iuipuUamuf tlx popular heart, ftuided by tho aliaunitory advice of tlie Kather nf hia t'ouhtry, roae aupirinr u a'l tue ditltcultie ol th ineorpi ration of a new empire into the Liii. In the """""" " hei-tt. mamf..ed cx- treme ant.omam of opinion and action between nine rvprraeiitaiivea. whoaouuht I v the nbu-! u rrrT 2' "-f 'neb"Hl ""',0' theirown Ma ul theory upon th latter; and eihwn.prntative.,rUi.pelled the luler,i-1 " i luTscnam (tuvemnieni intuia reaiieci, ami i maintained tn acil cnatiiutint; riarliia of the I Slate, in truth, ll thine, attaaapwd waa, in Lnn alou. actmn of th ineral jroternment, whilsin reality it waa th endeavor by al.a.a lesnhitiv power, to furj th iilek ot internal pohcy, titcriaitivd in parthalar State, upon el- i fid iiidcpvtidciit tStatee. t)uc move the e.noti-; tutiua aad the I bion triaiaphed ainully. Tin new torribirie were uritaniieil with-'Ut reatric . lion on th Ui un J point, and were ll.ui left to juUKt in that particular (or tlmmn Wea ; and the f.-iia of .aauiHiional faith proved tior-u-entmli in t miriev not only tu ai-compban thi pi hilars i M vt, but shu the inaidentai aud banl- I Iv iia iint.oi '..ml lui of an awndiiia lb brovia- i'n uf th ' aie fji-ii.a ext.-aditl an ul luitha fiutii rvi.e a tn place Ih.U pulihu duty under the aafvgnanl .l tint U 'l.atal guvvrtiutcnt. and ti.Ua rlisa II lioiu 1 I1-.I11, lea I a laid Up by the b-gi-lniion of Bom ol the Sini. 'Vain dechtmaliou regarding th pr. viaioiia of tb law fur ihu cxtriduion of biit.vc, fr uu ar- vice with Itcciaaii ,1 cM..de .4 fMiitie elf.,.! to 1 hvirwut their Ir. u'uuli 1,1 r4 and UtolUer, C-ill' tn md fur a brief lime. In agitata n-rtain I i ih- pe.liQiMiy, bail iqtted fan bold ef tb iibi.e link n eeL m u. 1. ,1, .,, il l. cm a-tli. it .a. Uwrr,-J n. il, ,,:a-.tioa of U... liiritory nf W a t net ,n. V.-tJt.-., i..or. tf.trl.tly. it li:.io,Tv,,ul.:ie to urk-.ii.i lb- 1 e, r,rt. , cf et rr.k and Kt.a it a a th iiuiai awl b -i;m. tie, if nl iuevna - 4 is cirr ,i:.-UC" 'tttti.il. ..rtta and I. i.a, Ili, tlatia ,.. reol aa i '.t.4 prim Ie, i vi.i.h l.al alfaly Uru apt iMd P I ,-.b and) Ni w Mc cu, HioiiU I.C up. I rd tu tbeia I thai I llui .;,. I I aiii.J ,,,. i ir. n. ,1.. f pr . ! in th m i ivUtii t lb ,-iai uf t.m'i. i Hie r .iri. 'hm were, In .e aaiivu- of man IrmUtjh'ful mu. null fruut ll I .'' t.i.-g uinu.li.u iird l,v Ilia e.,., .1, . ... ' .. ......i f..i . I' i,i mnau.B O. nila.Ilct.4V mariaioil. ILav baa toKb piamaaili an. c..-u bf tba - aianon attend B( th i rg.j.uMU, a of I tab ai.d Aw .v.cai..., and V .,.ii (c'm. If tu y viiattty re n.a l ,d in tl.e.a. 11 vtoui I hi Iw tukva awav, Illl C. , t in I liir.i.jirial ana, ba 11. i b.rui oi.K i..:iy pi.-poHeJ to lha Sanm. at lb tlM araai'41 1 I lb Itat liOlgrvaa. It w a taaauy i. . 11.;. 1 ,1 .11,, at ui.lu ( rt-.l c and j.1,1, to dii this 4u eilij abd t loll. )t and tiioa trb.-t tl, 1 alili.le i.ki u ari, wUi.U w (i t I if p-mat-l i luttiie uuiy, Lnt i f no p..,i fiu-e Ltoe- at i and l ie utr-a-ar uf iu its,l a la la a -I j coi iib mil 1. a and ' Wi. ito-fbinua uf ine I I. i le, II. at l.j ,.,.) , ti,, I B .J -,., toad un.b rtaka, ibnujl, a.a.iu (1 .u 1 1 lb (...w- 1 II is U (i will g tauat , In Klal, In aa v:i in.ii.au..,.a M y oil er 1 .1; .... 1 lb ar..e and , t. 1 ,4 lb. I,.., uir ifnal 1 wein i trit ia on. 4. ll at d la ad in larw,. ... - .... . a n ium ... ' " "ary into any i.u.m; ur S ole, ,r ... .oa.if ti a. an t,. W .aav. t, aiM- pie i! - ,-. J . r',-ti- fiw ,u .ttm i..-...e U.ir ilne, i. it,, l, u k.na tn tbail i-aa ait, aui- jt i vt if lu I. a ,,m l.iu,n.u .. the I m.i.1 i'.t,.. i t ' f uaa .-b a- 4 ti .1 U ai.int.a, I ul- ail I Bartiu aio. ll aa ai.... . 4 a, n ,'.... .a, j 11 . I. a w" tl tir.ta.., .t, n, il., I ,i t i ul.J I -f I I, I't. X. let ,u.,a la Ul ,a a.. tint 4,-u'i. a ... itji lialja-i.iB-aji., W L.n b' f, al it la,, giiiai l.j aaitla art,, li,. m ir. uialii. "V i-l..i s,i aiata , ablh. rlil tii Ita el frf'. i.a,, a ..M l..a .1.1. ' ll. l. l 1 I,.. . a . i- l .- I., l. ... ati.ja.il. It Unh, ll .ai I ill Ii to liuaa anlf. j a-, a , ixar ,.nl. I, , n i. aj tU .a-' i B. 'b' ft H " l. 1 1. t.an I. the nf ; e,, i., o.t ... V and t.. , ,,. .n,a tl a.. I Ul --ac ill t IHi.. i- ....... u I .i ' . '. . I , M I . i. . i i.l -'b VI. I ... al.l4 fc-l liul.a (a it,i ili H u,.p, a,., l(.a ' d I tu... i MB . . bV a e't. an, I 1 it r (- , i - I.v i t Ih" rt,, ' p.v-ibb I .filial .. ia, m-.mt f f1..! ,.f --a l- . . i. tt Ba a. bd 'L , . . ty Iv I- i . . , ,4 ,-, tiaa a.w.,1 a ,a! , , ( ., 1C I , bi i, !lr.t t ui. lt4 to t I" ; l l ,. I", i ii li .1., .,;. ,-ta ' I' . I ' ,.laa J a 1. . ( . - M 4 , m I . -aw, t , a t M ' l'1 ti - la man p-i'ui. X .rniof irovernbienti- exempt f'i '.c 'mt i but in ll.il ti they w lit remit of the abu. and ot. lb lesriiiBMi exrti, f the prwejllUJJr! or conferred in . th orgaaisatiu. af a. J errrtury. 1 h'T tu Becbarired W the great priraatple of popular j airnni:i; ,m un raniiviiir; " k" '"- tora to inti-.,iij ni.,afiil .atn!iuii u tut p.p.a a. it U ! K.i ! I, ! ul tk..lv VlAtk.-ulllI fora ti.a iiite!l ni-a4ind .atri!iuiif tut i'p: alerting t!.tu,a tl.a t.ki-LuI llinr peaoemt and ut tut irrwi-'iLilv 'jo-r, 1. 1. 1.11 : U K U 1 1 ' V I n !'. UV If the tri&Kifl -( the c!fKatttu;n ar aa - itiior atriig.-'. t em mi eould nt pretent a more u-e4tfli Uu. tlB ttal uf a JSt.it wbuM ttu.ii:ui.' ytraiiy tubrauea.i.uutKMN iota t of jrovcmnii-i.t' Uiue axeludad lion, llie lm ln - cauc in d- 'utetie iulitutiun may nut iu all btti - m nfan exprt-M ounijiact bftv.ccn t!.t icflu- jn'mKnt ptjfeie'.o p-'vivm of the ,1 nucl .ml ..l I .ma. m ,.f I A BM - and i-f tho Uc-jHiidic f TrxaD, iw wqil a I' the .......I .m .-ii.i. .".i ..ii(.rt-.i, i , "i ure the iun)itv uf all the Stutf-x. . yUtMe m would U uol a ttoUtion of , ttimiinci n. iIm:J1. an-1 ilia 1 its dire-t &il i-n.j!ii- mmpnu in iirif, aui in all its direct vquen-! i;. lillkl 1 tllQ Vll "Irani. 11 Uln ri 4 Illl.Jl l. In-n rcct anal agitator, than have ,m tiii-l iu lurfing on llilj 3.4-i-e, cm mi- r lirfi ,-tiMi.lia i;p . 1 .i i, 'i . ,, . u,.- u,, ,.j ,..,.:i ,,i-MjuMir ; ,i m Wui j mm dWWl CllllipL'lieil TC'l fl-HiVUlV IllCt't exlM uie wilhcxtriuica t And.'it either Citreme tiny it. point, what if that m far h,iih Lu; di- miIiiii n i.l the I utun f II a newMaie, formed fini the territory of he I'liited 'iiati-.-, 1 nhsu- 111 tn.. ultm could lluf atop til'Tll. tV uul'l a m-ti.iuiil rtecd n. nrurlupmi; ni h result l.y a maturity f votea, either m.rihfrn or wmtf rn, ,f ne canity dritiMiut the oppr-.c.l and ariavi d j finnnritv nr. I rinii-e m hn iM.. a-.-aufcuitl.t-r i.. im - i ciin niv nontne oiiuii;ratiniia 1 It ia iiii-Mtrv tn anenk thin plainly nf proi . i-'i, iii,t i7M.iriii; oi in.li (H-;-i i ilia I nllimnn ll'ilV prnvalliBi; InayiHue .d"the State, whit-b are it im- j prartiral.le a tliv i (Vrvtiit iu 1 nl. nn I. - lit. Ii. if perm-vered in. nnivt nml w iil end ! nihin 'oinly, jt U eiihor ili'. n',-n a::! civil war, or il i.a nu r 1 ititjri v, htli'. aiinL -niinii.: !. ,ice jof nubsie aKtce mi l tran:uiiiiv.- I'i.in ' n f..r 1 what t tl the paimmte riij-a .'.f fmatii-i in ai.d par'iriu arwiir did 1 01 I. n-e -tl.- bn-t ut -n m r ! nltentii-n, it wonid Im d ffi.ult to Miie. that a.y ' c. naiderable fiuriiofi nf tU .pmpie, that any .1.1!. ; ide:nUe M.riiim of the pro) . 1-. ,'f ihi-s c.r.si'tcn, d - t c;imiry e.n!d luive n anrrn ili-ii d ihcin chi a to j a fanatical devmiun to thin ppprm .1 lne-i-ata- if i the n lutirclv lew Afrii'flr.K tn llie I r-itcd Shiti n 1 an to ally tn ab-uid -n riiddiward the in'i r' t-' i . f tb t'eny aw. ruMltona i f Amerijnnv -to : trample nmli'-r f.KH the injiin-'iori nf in'.nil ntul rMn-iiiunonui i.l.n.-ii . u. - st Ti -1 to ch"a'-', pinna of indiciive l,u...t.lity ar' an- il,iM.,ii., niihll.cn, in ih 1 c"ii.iii. n hiirap-A n our nati- n ,! '.'r i- it ho..-ii v il;.--iii. - lh'; ... oi.i. m i-ih.n nf ('m I n or. al-.tn the lo nor, Ihu duly, the p.-ic. t wh I o; mri.t of tlie - lihltii nft, f -M i-hlzoiia 1' o '.iii.'re.'ln Itl.d ti.c iii'.'-PIT- i.a HU! -i..i .ill, i l- -at ! Un. t-e p ,;.,) ill ..( ;i. I ami tmpjriliH in il.i ; uuv.iiii.ii. Am' are HUVltloll. pairiuiic iiii'ii in any juirt f t',0 I up 11 prei arcit - - -. c .111 1 vii' Iti.ui i.oi-s of the ( rfciiuir ul ,'hnir c..i.t;tuu. iial .iomviiti-T The at-.nu of hreuxy and lac- ii.-u niu-i ii.evitab'y U.i h Um il hi tain ainiu-t tl c iin-hiiltei. r". k nf llu; cu: ili. tiii.. I ahull ' I kllotv lh.,t tlie L uioi, i atrnllir- Iietrr doubt it. fei thuiiMind liuica tli.in ail the il.l and cliim- evicul achetiii a ol (uc ul cIiuuro, wkicb aie (en- erated, ope apcr nn. ;hr, IB the unstabio mind i.fviaii.nurt .i,hi,t and ii,.,.,i,..l ,... I rely i-unlfdcnilv on thep.trUliam uf li.e pe ..lie. .... iL ,f,..;, ..-..i ...ir ' . t , ' ; ; 1 ' ie.miln.ie.Kra.j.,ua tavern!' Almi;hij fhal, tu """" .'I e ir,. a he,!,. hone r abroad, the .-i,v ,f ,he f ,;, ;,,, ,i ,i Ul,ri, f ,- ,n0 "" I liASKI.IN I'll In K V . i.nia..r. i, IWtrmlwr l, ,-,V. ii v. ronr tnK SKt lll.TAIlV OK TIIK ivriimon. l Tn u;n. 1. A X l tK K I 0 K . The niim trty of lai.il rat !y lu be I r u;ut it. I. niaitt nu ti g the itianng vt ir v iti t.t hi a-fll -I lu that no alil.e t lo plit.ili-i il ia pre-umet, ample tu aup ly ti irv, wi!l, li.oal ex- ; tcl au detnvnd. 1'b ifBauti'y of laud a.il l at (r'a'tuat' .! piii c during tba la 4 ftVal year wax .Tl.).-l74 a rca; j amuiitit received therefor, '2,;t.-i,tiH. lu the year ending all h Se.ii-ml r Int IA,?II5, I lH.1,1 ai re uf find bare la-en purveyed. . Ilr. idea tin iM true b"uiiUar(v lii l.wtM.n AU i bailia and I !on la hua htn atabb.l ed and ai- ' ""' '"." "' ft ern.r and-d-- .. i .,.-. .....j, - iw iTftmiB lor me liia.nntilHiani- uf tlie otae of auiteyt r gelrf-lal J' " . ""'J' I Acr. - l.TLl...c'f.' I .f trt,.',w) fi T,4Ti',T If. W - l .V.a mi j W"lit W " -.h dirint IL. . ml wnaljew at K''l rt-an-t. bILSkUSI.T-.. ' a "' t ""P ' ., I'"' aarfi.i.1 ' --B(u..r IB..O I. , lr lalca. "". -r tail , , , . Waking a b.iul nf 24,i."7..'rll..'lll T.H.iiHMil an ivririi., ,t( VA , jr. t .r eier the preih na ie.,r f ,ii.ua x.1.1 f.w cah, l. I a dr.-rt.a- . ',,; I '.SJii n-ra . i..l nh ac:ip B'olaarania, The l.lird.tilv that ill I nlet- I il .i raari.t (la -al year u'k laa l v arrai la v. ill It 11 ...h U(Tr. ll r lilnlarr la. na aiaai; a.ul- lipio-d I.J Ibe r 'puteaai-Hi ut lb lecrul U.unlj liiolli.w, I he amiaiiit .fl.n), all durii g tba araanj and ll.iid nutr'r'a i f t! e 1 r-m-i.i cab ndivr 1 ,r I- al.il di' ,!.'n i r. I rii 1 ,n 11. 1 1 ... 1 f I- ut .T,f Ji a. re, in, !,(,, f i;7.-H,(i:, en that 1 tb H)t.p ii.Iii.j 1,1.11111. ..f to pie.- u rif venr. 1 ... 11 nwiarin a rvai i,n-.iir,- t., i(. mr. .w.ln.arj Wvanre an I (r,.,,, i , f ihe t-untrv; I lit II la frave-1, ill . m llrgrra, I., ilr li fa , ,rr 1 f Trli'.i'l n. Tti iH I'll il! ..,- I I v warvtl.'a la med ! a Id rl, , ill (I ,1, 1., , I ,. I, -, , Mvlr bare I . rn n j-i-ul ja . , II J acr . -, li.h nn-n,,a rm ull, 1,1 1, ' c.,ie..;.n with r btial ,v tvin e' " a' na. r n e. in n e.i.ltid (.Ie,.,., V tl (.ni-.i.b. if-Mir 11 . rrv f. r I, pv ri di at . f na rlt ic... a uliliJ' !.;- f t aw. a if a'lnmaJg b.'nt et-ia4rd !. aa ib.l .1 ban I. I 1 . io a a. Tb. tie. ,4 ibe IVn-v... iMBir bv Waa ew- 4m lmj mifh mf f b acy tad .lynal alitbty, f. it . w-aa! aid la... -ad ,. u.it ,., fc u,. It.. H-i.bI ibe -. a.,..B. and li I,.',, I, etie ' U i. , I . ,ar. H -t of th 4 a-ilt .a b.e t ' cat na aaa. a, a,,,, brn b I bp I. d.tt, at-i.t t' . I if tlaoa I .ant ) ', .1., .. t it , t . f . -.. i , a f , aid tl ..it l ,ntta ce-l M ll cai ' t.M ttnvli l l, I n I -i , a,. airaa..aid a..iti t imlnl-oUt, a- a aa.awi llv a,, nmli lb I, .,. , a l,.l a, I,. it ,.,.1 ,,bi aarai' laala .4 tl.a I'.,, a t- t.H ll taa a. .n I'f tta-1 ah Ik -. 1 -m ie rrat 4 i b.ad ..f thai laarau. . aa-t, ab. br a a aa l . , aa f aao.V.1., a (, ,1 Hatinam,! ., tv Ul a tv (,t, 1 ,..na vl .. baoh laa.,.1 a, ,1 mi. b , l,,.,.l 1 1 a p. r, th ta." . l l'a a. 4 I I .4 ta. 4cil a, B. I af i , f 'h I la. i, (ha ll.. Jd I ". b-. b ta I aaaai ll. iHtaU'twt'l a, I'aa .1 .1 lb. Lab i.l, f ra.iaat lb,, a,.. , fl.-ri fl tba awy .4 Ik., taavar v,e au l.i a.a Ike b 1 W I II U ,.h-H 1 taaa ,tmm II a . a. ...,,. '.. tie ..lal tat1"' l, I. It i'J"b 1 I aaa ' . '. ',( I I b- a a tt'4 baa. l ', II. .-T ,1,1, i t -, I Iteaiitbt aaa.r.M . I.au. ta l . . .!- -4 araat. a-..4 i 9 IT. ,... ...'T, .'1 aaaaw, ' a ,.,. t'.taiiaM - tnla. ba.! .- t aa ., ,' I a il .1 m a, amj'v Haa, a, b- air 't.l'n --!'.-' t t '- p r-a .v b. .I la p.. , a.l .,1 Mi a- 1 1 .-. .1 .1. 'aie .t ohviuu and rlariar that aeurwirv etarni R,ti.,a will taii.ty IU ma. t ekepltcal of Utnr ' rn.it. uf a niiuuB. It would be a hard Uek to devica a mvr tDouogriMMM or ir)ilexia avates hn the prrt wiite4 o. It aaay l,aoi(eaJtabl toWl bpoai tha iu principle ol maiene. to wtnen every one ; baiiiis any cUioi t i humanity would cordially ! ,aii.i5 any eUioi ti humanity would cordially I 1. 'L If . 1 1.1- T. -fll auWnba, If it ware ro.uwad.Mid Iba BMriton- ! una and nr.ly aoMiar, but widow or miuui bU- tlren, could rtcei enoojrh torupply theirneoea- wy want, no one woaid raise tlte lij;htit tb-) jociiou to ancb tonaifeataliou of Um public rrati- lud.. Aow they are in receipt or a tew doliare amih which all know ia entin-lr inwficieut i l,r tlietivwt ordinarr ounxwi i. If nemiiona were '. jury iihd fin h..tj c-iiuunltod in pwi.iou and laud- i h urrniK t&v-t. ianv wthm iiwtia nava mi up luia t lilcia-aiifl .i-n r 4 llui viiriluai-e ul lhi litiriau anil icu au-4 itia haid the iiisii- vue iois-ecuiiiisniti-r. iu niini caen tu littttvt llui ou (Kit In t.le thti time for the tuu.m M a ini tial r.ro.eediic hi. expired. Thur n ,..i..,...i.4i.M...!iir;..utiiau.r'i, n,..t aer titHv'con t wtiona duriuu the laatyw, and' Iil I... . ... .1 iiaiuKU a ur El... 1..11, in.. 1 !. muuUr uf peiiotter on th roll of tiia vn.-ul -....-I ,rfi f,.r ii.it Ln.v iLunna urn- ..in IliA ... . . . .. . , iiiirii!tu clay ol June iat, n.-tro,aua toe aiuount diliuiM-d uuing the list Uacul year waal.oUo,- , l-.ot. j U( erviaion and w ntnd of it intelligent Snper- TM HSaiLL Bul SDAar. . , iutendent. i'he whole aunt appropriated ia The ficM-work ol the Mt-mcan bouudirj auney, , JITl.iifl, which cover the coat of the farm, the 1 riiiuiceiu mty, baa been com.ltrlHl.' 'i'he piuui(il-1 preaeut juildiu(r. furnishing, flltiiis up, and all itude, uinputi.il, and eminent ability dispUived in 1 other incidental expnss,- Although nria;inaUv it mcont prui-e-iaxiun reliecU the bihet credit ; deniaried fuy ninctv patient, th p-went build upun tho 1 uiiiiu4juiicr. tnilor In evc'iet , iu ill acconiinoJate one hundreil. More room liardbbipiai.d nieaieat pritaliou lie has run the . and out-Inn Mine will b reuuirej, and 1 have ,na tlin.u .h 11 tuuutrv cune. ailv deatin.te ul enervthiim in-, is.ry to' the au'lenanre oi huinuii life 111 a uii.aiiiahh aburl apace ul lima, aud yet 1 i.. ...i.t..j .ui.u uliich duly ie.iiiicd. ihe .n.l.t .( Ua nf public bmierl''''"'''!" call appropriauot. made -.. . , iihj i...e more loudly on me (feiieruaitycl the (iuverumeiit lone not bticn ciuuuatcd, but a'lnigo bithiuoo re- than the inmate ot the boapital. It object, be iii.iiu." umiii-eiiiieil, 'I hu bliu-e wurk will now j inn "the Brunt humane care and onlbrfitened tteat Lc pi-navcuicd'w .1(1 yijior and liuiabod u auua aa j incut of the inwine of th army niiX navy of tho pr iKlicaUe. , . , ! 'L'nited Stale and nf (Jurdliatrict nf Columbia," A lull icp' i t ..i ihe n orttiuns of the Couiiui- : atrunply cuinini'iula it tn the bent and kindmt woo, wi."u pubiMUed, wiil exhibit much liner- , feelinga of the human heart. " caiiujt into inatiun roiui.ve to the turntorv a-- ipiiiel l.y tliv treaty uf oUth Ltvreuiber. Ift-iii. It , imhass. i-.ii.a.Ui. -1 ui.t twentv uii;l.u i. of tti-rii ol lun-l. 1. i.rt i,k tl.. i.:-- t. 1 Tl. Cil.- ' ... ..." 1.1 i.nii-iiu c.ni p in Ul'Ull r.. p.....,n ul 11 . i.aier.cl I1..1.1 north done which an a,i' anil houeat discliwco of lu 'V -' i e ".ih, which, iuoukIi nut ,v could iiccin.i.linh. Its nnerationa rln'rin. ih. n. a.u!! liii; uh 11, .. U o.it l:nlft.ln j; lactlltlea tor 8 I1"'1'"" bir ina- In 11. rial VUilua o auuio il th rtleuma nre : iu.tiia.nl, 111 d produce wheat, coin, uad btlaauen I hixoimiiiij , th iiih iu i. er a llu'y arc better ' udapo .1 1.. r.u.iii. tiopi, ailvir, ami Copnrar' loutiii iu the iull.-i but n I 111 pi teer, and 111 nutuv Ijin-a tin I'i-uuiu ul aiiuient patlish milling 10 e ail i.a vi I aitt. Tlw caicrn porliuu nf the cou.iii v, tyiriiciuijj up..n thu Colorado and ti.L riiru, pn -o" (a a .iri.iT-'iUru.-t, b-iiijc u lm(io-V-i" i.uicit, tuiUiii kuoHu tu abmllid Kith adcr ore. - Tiii ! ritory intuit m niiich the abiale of hoa- tile lii iiain 111 it ia be avci.li thiol i;h which thcy poialruiu th-ir oi'ttiiai v. n..ri)i of the tiilu, to the Aortiii-ni 5t.-U.ia ul Jli-m ., A poiiioii of it, JioivevCr, 111 occupied hv .1 aeiu'i-civilKiiPtl tialion of liwjmnai t"tiinoirf.il 01 a I'oiiitiili'nu'V ot l'liinaa anil I in,ni:'.ia iiouiiun. uum' i rill(E, JV 18 aai'l, annul tw.i'tb iua.ti.4 w.ir.iora. Ihey till the anil with niunh smaiM. misins cotn.n. wheat, coi n, and beana. aud an. Mid to be ever kind and rrioiullv to Aun'iic.iii -iiiir.i.u paming thruui'h their n.iin.trv lo I ali.'i.r.iia. '1 oi-v nra uri.Lir-iii.-l to act up'a ohiiiu lo the land they w-cuiy, under . me Ecncriil luwof Siaiin or Mexini. and mani feat much iinihitv in t l.v the tranafur oi wr.ii.irv lo tue t nncu .3lnt tiieir pw.e-i' in inav be u:i- tu-bed or iiijiii iou.lv ail;-, ted. They are .aid tn.l Ik- ul i out. int war with the li.ttile trtbea iithah-f ilinir the country north of tlie i'.la.nnd their o ly b.;rn.i-tu ihcic.-upitinn of tin nelr a.-,(uned eouhtry. 'I he -e la.-i wouL! aecm tu claim for them eeul ar cun -hleriilion ut the han-U uf the ti..veriiii.'.i.t. i I VTKNT ol'1'H K. j S:nee the fi' t of Jiuiu rrv Inst there have been iaticd tipviat.l uf ethlcr u hinulre-1 patents, and within tlie ye;',r rh ntiiulicr wilt prnbtil.lv reach .ii'.l .I- iiiiuii.uii. jfliuuilU. ntul e".-!l.Mit ay'trlll that baa I ecu adopted, nml vv!.ich ioi-ibl-. the oilier pr-aa.'1 Iy tn t' t.un uc and di-pi,M- of cm iy itri'i.-.tti n tbiii i pie-.ctilej, It wi'i r.' juiic a Iti tln-r iii.pr-ii r:a;i n to cum p'e e l! we.l in 1 1 tl.e l',;cnt tmi.-c building. I ccu-twioifc '"it 7.Tl HI. tlwtni: tu lho de- I tlivltv i.flli gnulc, an additional etnry au re- (in ul 111 il.i ttiit up l' ! vtaa Inunu iieceary ao toe natniitita lm ctuciit nnd sub lascnicnt t n-'lii-l B st, 1. i th.it i-a Ii niichl jp riiuiertcd .mi, a a:.-., ih.it into -u.i- 1 1' e- ni 111 wlir.i the rcqiiireiucnt of tlte I'm ut (iff,. ! duua nl it. lo aci" uipb-h thi u j. i t, ma-1, e a ul ct auitr pier and ai . hiiravc Ii ite 1 ivn iu;i .be e I obieh are icd in tl.e c.-ria-jHivdinj atur ca ul (l.e e ia' v.iiitf. 1 hese and o her ad Jitio'.a t ab ut l.Ki.tH" . a. id vet the le I.' eirVli, Ilium a .ll lucd that of the ea-twit';. The north pa t of the building alu tild be com rncner Tin- et ni r-d r is ? ! !,'rMit without a jairt.cn. A f. iri. U ruiuirttc for it, cn (ruction ba- hea-n aubin'.ted. There ia a lav mom In th I'tt-nt, OBIee. tl i-rit.itr.1 t!i X. .ional tialierv . wl.Hi ia nut ti l f .r anypr-etir.l purpoae. Il baa been made the dcrait..rj ot ika eurio-itica of ihe nploring aii'l uther evpe rn.na, and of other rireartief.-a w.aby of (.rrarrmi .ti. If t.T roiil l le removed tu a rn.weeuit'-!-pi,ce it , wld In very advan- i-.u In the P.i Lent tlfee, i nrro-m ia,m-m Ibe iaret in the bni'.d ng. being two liBiidtt-d and alxty foet bc-g and amy two feet 'I incbea di f.ial and rxliii.tiiiM') id re',, t a model, far ah'cb it :. lt ealcili'ed and wa pMba'ny a.-aigncd. 1 1, t omw.a-i aicr cml I tl ci nVtar- atitat wuicb i4 m iiiod Ie o. a .1 1. trt-atcl aa u-t ',- and whi. 1 p trrd 01 eim. mk b : aud tliu a. .old lav bm.igiit lo lii.-hl a t of ai.airla, nei.r aaa by the noldic, of .-a'-lv Icmi iinti. rtanee than ll..ja a w ao w,l etbi' ilej in tlav calanna J m -.la iT patrBied in a ki '., Tim would be a . 1. I .-.p. ,ili.oi l., 1.....11 .ia, one af t!, iai.t e it.ni.i and tit art '1 g claa-e of iar ritiaen. 1 b e nia, ti a, ti. tit glry, a eerf cwra-ua, ia- te.w.lliB. and a-ttuc V. nn.; U all..m to and a'tieo. kr. l.ua.Ur. of v. .,.., wbwh ia itili. .v pvH-.fi kit. whew ,,,n in . .......na -I, lb. ... , c v and to. huh tl.a ,.,.. e. J ..,.-..,. Bh.i.1 t'.dr e...oii,r a. ii W,., . p,,!e4, .f .! Ml.-f.l 1 r. .!.,(,: 'i,I .. n is I., d -tHrb i : j-e-.f halvrni l die, in tl , buab t'i-.anlt. afreet. aa.ein.ia.-e,.beini.,-., id it e i - ,.. Tie- o-IW'i. ba..,e. ,.i.. ka hairier 11: tl IV.i nt ('1 , and u.yf il Ih,.. I 1. I.. are 1 el.. here. ' r..r..r. TL 11...... I I I..I .1.. .1 ! I'TeT;-- V I' ' '"tli '"u! ?' a-BB w. i.;r.r V.i..a . . i ". .. - -7 ' ltM..l,.1,lr.T,,,m. .,.,., !k.. !axMft.n,w t. a aidwi il-e , bpm. nail,.- .af !. L lira- y-a a " iyi bona lairm Bala. I ' t-al.t I ; "t I t ,aa b.-e. f a tin li ,4 eti. ! t.'.a !r).-r- tb;l 7V at. " - i- an -a f 1 abt. at 4 I. aMNaf,.i-:MII.l4 app-Vd , '1"T': y-i, tt I a . f.ar I.,. 1 . I-,.:, .., ,fl t p,,, IA... t .;..,(,, vv '-.rf ,, . MH..M . 1! Baa b if talree r'aa,t n, If l-faenf.,tailaal b-e lb aa .Im M p,-aar 1 .i-.'. -.- .',! !,." 11 .... a... n-a.! it r- w. I I a I . Bawl ,. a 4 I 'Tr-J 11 t ..-., a ta me; an i ine ca.. 11 .s leaua, a I a.a ii.toru,. t ,d the im-rea.. . f i i,u ihou.id ,, !" c.miv.ciiob ti ini-y aei actuLted r t an iliitl v tiuMa'i4 4 -lUra. drawa tnm the 1 . ,inin. the genera! a. Uun .,f the Xavai ' ' . . -' V1"-"' " 1 ' " l' "" fud. Ihe annual ebaf,. b. thti.ra 1 :Piir;e Ibatd. I ut ii.tlu.atc. Ii. re.ili,,-, u Uu,h.- ''"f'y. and the pi J ..ft!, aer n.nif.rBieril. laliti.greof ami iirinlending i id in tftoriiigany ittcer. in .i e.-iul cruet aim ""Uj;h fr.mi th liability of man tu 11 u?a t'. 111" a.lB ia reumrta lur tb pn-rer ! hnve l,,u n ir t fbtvttfv fva- Miff R-f f.frtnMM. t- r i 9 nn tt Iri il m, cri r-i a atr . i - i.. 1 - ... ,! m t v ti i j . v.f It" drn. k.. -LS X ... i 1 . j' 5" . i1" :f-.t-l it. t'.unlcr. f ..f.r. a.d b... I Hmwr,, If. a. , 1 b,- (t. Hall. Caa.b-I4 : M ,,e.F a 7. -.b!rib-bfib..r,,...4 b ... 1,1. mUu '.j,, f ,M fc,, .. attfroval j T. M -flaanalitn. Cb.tb.att TT M,,. ,. rt.e-er. It a,Ji, a ea-t t m.y,i ...,!-, I ...4 f.w ,.! aa ,. w,,.,!-1. If but ..,.,11 nuut- 'tin l Jne. A. Bdt.f, ,e llane. I ta. at , i ,'y t.rr-1- "l rrbiaim J tevlrw lb. prim li.aw .4 I I.a I. ..1 .1.- : tl. a i t . l i e . a. , o . t II i.laa. laarWI , lew thaa three or tbur yea r. which W the longaat now i I.l time the rnnm beoartm,Bi in il.a Pi..i IK bnildm- aua. IKPRnra DJ tula I vith any h r of propriety, ba retained. It j therena-e become, a quoatioa of utoBaeot whether tiaimwliata prparatioa ahould not ba ad lot the auueipatad exigency. Tba extent of aouie of the public rrounda has . . ... 'D ... Tba extent ol bea tnnoM apoa, whilst perhapa Heirlimiu alimud hare baea enlarf;e4 Oround enough fur public pnrrwa haa not been rfrred. and'many Tear will not elapae ere thwe will be an tmiternal reirret that mora enace had not beea retained' The eauraataa fur imprutinrr and ornamentinc thtwamd... k... iL-n i.,7.r..u,t Th..i. adimtorf ft.r th. ,!!" .K.,.,M k. m,.L, bn Con?reaa. nra admired by all tor their neatueas. U-tuty, and tUKtelmness. r ia tun conneium i wonld repeat mr tormer 1 oouy in sit mgctuer, deliberate and acturniine, .ccinuuend:itipn, that proviaion bo uiaJetiir tlieXauJ by Jiffer tueatw authenticate their eouclu- j i rauloyneat 'i a competent and intllijrnt lain!- ; a to Iteuienaut will have to rtstiia, and tba I l.id I- M. r.T. . ...pe mrdenor ts uirintend the iuinrovement I of the (Hiloie ruund and to Uiivet and dietrib- : i.. ...j.. 'j I ute properly the aubordii.ate and laborer. I be appropriation for the erection nf ouiM- I., r.. v " itiuiial lluepital put the Innane uiudtcd. they hare lieen judi-: are nearly cioualy an-1 eotiaomioaUy expendl, under the therefore eatiniated for them. The ani though apiarei.tly larje, will net be an conai-turcd when the bumaue puninae ot the exnemiiiure aracim. t"t y.-ar bate lieen laitre and imnnrtant. em- I r . r bracinu a vorv areiu extent ol cotinrrv nnd near ly all the Indiana within the lamndariea nf the I'jiitcd State. Wi'h llie cxreptinn ofafew tilboy the Indiiiiia have been wf II diapuaed, and ahximis to cultivate ami ptc.ene liieudly relation with ii. Several impmtnnt trratiea have been made, and other eipially an wiirwam be roadv fur aub-uiii-aioii tu the Senate. '1 hni-e alreiidy in fnrce nr nuiuerou nnd of varied ch'iracter! Manv of ttii-m contain objectionable provision and tiptt hilioua, wl ii-h tlie (;otcrliiuent waa coinrelted to iut-ert at the Indian, own urget.t solicitation beiiir the prudiietiun nf thu t iemua ilillncm.v, whieii tou ul'ten atirroiind nn'truaty Od aion. It tbej-e- (ure requite great eulf ntul vvimiiim to execute .1. ... .. . .1.. r.vcry exrtiun ha been niado to ctlect thi : and, though a mueli ha not been at-coiiipltHhed int wa desirable, yer it ie Imped a better elate i.l ll.tu" ban been intrudui-cij. tjoiirrt-e -Im been ceiieruus iu ite mure recent appmpnatiniii (or the benefit of the Indian, and diaplavcil a cinnii tillable pirit in aid of their reclaii,atioii. 'I he only increase deaimble it in What ie uaaially denominated tho ''civilization bind," l.cinjf, animal iipprnpriation by then. -lot Uon euuicient then, but it hi obvious it is not o .vtarcli dd, I of. i, ul yiii.twit). To,- i. i now. 1 It' would be well forns, in ourc.mdii.-t toward. il.. 1,.,1,.. i i'.,ii.,, ,i.. i f,i... i . iictoicnt aoeivtica Whieii have tor nip.ny ye:irs labure I Ro jan cveringly, cud ithdcr ibe circitn -utaucra iu ui-ce.al'iiliy fi r-the amelioration uf their lunditiim. They hate cuntri'iited lurr-ely to thi great ul.juet, having expcntlcd within lho laat mi ctta, til tllo,j alullo, ueiittj dollars aud it ia doitur tl.ciu iluutii c to uMcuipi ... .t..i,i,iiii the i-fiicts ol their ii.i'1-.-..-iu.l I11I.1 r I.Xj crience aliowa tli it th" iiiatnitneiitali'v of te ligmii alone can 1 Deet that n ilicnl cIibh.-'i- In tl e habit, ctiatoina, inannera, nrd mode ol tliinkint' of ll.elu.lian that i au deairabl. liecemly Oovertiment ha uot Ucn remiaa in grantinir tiie ui.n neceniiry to aupply taith tiieir mentnlaii.l physical wania, and it ia ho-ed the laudable ajiicu cautiii.cu at me laai aeaa.on i t v oi.frea will alway govern oureounciU. lu continuance tov't'thcr mill theconlial .-oiaimtiim nf the pure and aelf Htctili.-niy men who hate devoted ao much time uud un.-i.ti .11 to them, will relieve tb puir Indiana fr"ni tiieir cvoriMt difticultin ami einlnrm-iiieiila, may t, ml to elt-tnte them tn au eijualtiy with the whites, and avert from thia naiinn alarov amount id obhaiuy. that mieht fotheiwiae attach to it. Facta have 'deiuonatnited their auais-p-ioihiv ol imjiruvemeut an J eveu re liiieincnt, and thoi. f.re it ta our duty to perv lera in ail human td.in to preaerve tbtm l.v. 111 extinotion. KKIOUT DF THE S.:clir.TAHY OF TJIK - XAy. The rep. rt nf ibe Secretary nf the Xavy rec niiio.eiula tlte construction 1 f u l lilii nnl alcatii sliMltia.fif-a ar ! atiri.ai miiim . . i.r..,,:..- i.l. 1 1 1 - -, - e.i.i-.n. ..nu Willi ibe teault uftbe apprentnehip ,y.t,m aad the i-Limm-, f ,,. ilt., f .....reaa f,,r tb Xvv: Bi.iiutnin the niailili.m M coris.r.il r-uui-'.uient : and rcctmnieioli an iih iea e o( tl.. Marine coi i a nju:ly Heated. The retnrL. f the ccrcUry on th avrlina of the llnard Bill I l.4cJ f..r with ao much ani lely bv larj(i cla, of reader, that th. ni ia full : t ws give " Th rcart of tb Xaval Hoard of fifteen of. vera ul tb. Leber grdiaa, aaactnbbd under lb. Act to pn no 1. Ih. albeo ary uf Ihe Navy bae ii.g Iihb ap ii.tvd I, y.iu, I hat in ptirauan.-e . 1 ) ur ii 1 11. mm carried lb aaai 11.10 etecutnai, an. rd In tba (.ruii-e ua a! lb law. Altera caruful .aamit.ii..a. .il unVera aaae, ia their J."."... n..u lc...l.l.ipl.aa.ll.g 0-uin,,l. '' "A "Lr!",, iu, U'- ' ; "f " 1 r,,,,'""'1 " "f , W- 1 .''? ' tT- ' "''' 1" I' tub. . u bat beea fib J arrai. In lU : I IB lU onlcr ol rank or l,llt '-ver BuWcaUii. r 'rfH 1 " ,nt ''""'"" d ..fecr. "I-"" ' ' J H-" !r"" ulna., a'cnratetv aa.ir, ai. 1. 4 Inctraaed. kr ; " " " " ' H -l.e i pay ( ii, in. i iiiTii 1 r t.d . I. nr a. i-incic do ' n,. . ,1,. w f ,).. .,,. mM I ' ,1 - ,1 . , 1 . 7 . .1 iit"1.'.1:. I te-V olj, "m,':Al" n ." '' !-" .e.,. . ,! ,7b Z I, 'i ,?4 ...7l" t" . . , , " "' " J" 4,. ,...n...,.,w.4 by a . rorb. invi.hr. aa , ' it h .1, -.d.n- fb. ,i-. aiU. U.e loaee I r vie ,4 I'a-wd Mi -t.b,.a.ra. lo .ag tbvi. a a i . v-s .y u-e n( t-( m ltlf'141 rita., allltA , ., . - - t.Hi-t at-4 It e aaacolite. but aalura'U i-t . i I - - - t a , , "' ,,,a . w anu W.t'l P-.aai.ll i l lb. e.0,'1 tb B 4 tb. Xaiy, h It tart iu talanaf IM bii ila. ba IMtil.ay a Ib-ae BBal p4 It. - I I - - - - - -,- . JW4M. eate.t. ft,; . m.m, rbM trnr"!""""1 Tr- b.- ,4,,,. (. 4rpr, awim Iv fr. ta lb. aa-a. 'B b-b, a, w.4 b. ta....l latL ... t .- - - alia. .. a. U ua,b tVlaa' na tlf .-aba i a. p a 4 a ba eat BBaBiaaaaal . 1 ban aaaatitl i b .'.a aial Ua 1 . I lad.- V i.a, a.,.u ti . law uf ea I. taa.a.1. a.rw4..4 j iw ow4. I inge with the autemnfry of a awora Court, a awora Jude-Advocate and awora' witaeeaee, aalijaet t tieoaitiee lor ni-appearaac ; and yat each waa trie eonilibiia of tba Aary aa arired bT acreutrioa, and- conceded by atateamen, uftcere . aad citi-ni;aMr tba loud cry fur prompt reform I echiied thmutrh the country, that Conereaa ia iu 1 wia-iiHn failinr to paaa tlie general and on. re eon- ! wuviom fajlme to paaa tlie general and a .re eonv I prehamiT bill onXinally reported by the Com-; nittee, instituted thia eunimary tribuBal with i;nui majuriuea. " Th ofticet selected to eompoe this lViard wer in tenn IiixWy laudatory pronoaiMnl lit men tic ihe-deliceat tank. Indeed, when their Ban were aunouueed there w.-u a warm and general expreaaiun offaiorand gratifiration rarely exliibited. liefor proacribiiiz remiWtiuD aa autliuriteii, the opinion of the AtUinier-tioournl ! waa ked on the true interpretation of th ful. 1 wiiia'pruTiaion of theact: 'Provided that bj t ed. andtcer upon mid Ikard shall examine into or j ., i!'....,.t nn... il ..r. t -r i- l)i.T6 thi-ra His oriihi..ii wa that thia cutir :n :i it i i -1 .. ... i j . CHpUiuYaiiil a nimnudcr. when the eoinuiamlera ...... i .i . -u ..... . raust retire and Uiecaptaii will act aa tooltuert o! ttiat raiia. . Aimiie exaimnutioua haMlijthui wi n mane arm tlie proper Jiatemcut reached in the manner Coiitoni.l.u,-d by the law, the in in total of the npiuiuin will be certified tu the Score- t ry in audi f .rui uf authcnlicaiioo a ho in hi rcgumuMia anatt ee at tu preaci i be. "The few regulation prescribed wet chiefly bated on thi npinh n, with the purpose of pro tctiuj( tho olfieciK wboae eflicicney w aa time to uc cxaiuiiieu lino I mm trie eiigiie! being piejuiiicctl by the influeiicM or ufiuduca u.;low them iu irrad. vrere nut allowed even to be i ioent ul the nro- cuclnand lulibcratiuitaiu regard toeomwandcre, and thercfire could nut aid to ell'ect their own prumotiou ; and in accordance with the a me regulation, a c.aninan.bir could nut hiv the uiifiunu.ii.j ii.. i.l. pie.-cuee, to exert iiillueiice to aecuio hi pr -nnotion to a Capbiincy ; ami ti.ua it era dei-i,cJ, that if by the executiou ol the law, ofiiit-m uf tho lloaid ahould lm peu to be tirotuuted,tlieir pna'sedinn uliuuld not uo taiutod ilh tlio blinliiinj; ettspicinn that they labored tur their own udvunccait-iit nnd not the public ijood. lho llcpartiuent, therefore, by filling the 11 inrd w ith men of hih reputntiou, and accepta ble to the country and the Navy, by aurrouiHiinc; them with puiiy-uari'.s ..nil restriction, to t-ecure impartiality and justice, and to reunite the op portunity an 1 tho teniitatioii for imiulgence in action fur personal gain, by apicailing before them the entire Git mid lecmila of the Depart ment, boned: Ilium eucceaafuj oil'.irt had been ma le to it, mho Ihu faithful and am r.-liiUorv execution of a-liiw paeaod with ci cry indication of r iriiiwt kuliiiiludc to plumule tho efficiency of the Navy. "The order notifyi; notify. ii- the officer of ther i r .i.i. iii i.-.-ni.,. un iiiimii ui ouue; iney coioiii utecu tit irj.'tui luiKohuli too .i.Hll 01 tjlllie, ' an 1 reiut tc.l the.ie.-ution the (iih ol July. And now, Sir, while tho uiiemiiun ol Ihil law 19 uy a-uiic iiatieu with uiitiiuaituim, a n aakilary and iiiili-pciit-.iii'e corn-ctivo of Bdiuiticl ill, wiucti ili-jiren d U.o service, by otj.eiait i r.t Civcd vviili uiiil,. uit-i-il Jiicoi.'tcnt nu.l ilissatia foctiou. This can hardly be regit! ded aa unnat ural. The provisions ul tlte kw S10 generuaa ' indeed, at.. Kindly liheial; but they tiro lit the saino time rxa.-tiitj; itnd sh rilly juet. h prnviucs f -r the carclal sitpp. rt ul sumo, and Ihe prou-pt removal ufnihei -, aud li. wevcr faitl.lully, hon estly, and carefully f.eeiit.; 1, it is a meiiMiro nf roloriu, and no uu-a-ure of that chnniuter ia ever executed without more or lea inconvenience, dieiippoiiituiciitft nnd disanitent. Act lintel, no .b.ubt, l y a lic.ire tu oek truth ndjutic,us iit.iriy 11 1 pnsibie,l.iiiefc Oioutdit it aafest tu entiuai thy reioiut ret inerelv to the I'rcaiilciif and the Secietary, wbo-e uciuaiutai.co with tho ofiicct!., bulb per-oually mid ollieially, tnuiit ne -enssrily be veiy limited, bin ch'rlly tu the i flieei-a ..f t!ie tbiee higher itule-i, wliuae kiiowlclc of iinlr biuilu-r ofticeii- uttiirally enables th. in io; c. lu.-.n .beauty more thoruiihly, anil wi;h lc lability t err. Tho ta-k waa delicate, n'oj mvoiicii sti it,:r.cs iiettveeTi tiiityftml r.icSlii.. I hey Bin. men in. 1 ii ii,!,;. t wu, bo tr.iiic,' It. leuil, if Uicir wm k vvt'ic pcrlcct, and onto 1 !y free from ci r..r, Ttiue i:rn.r. il tbcv c.i't. wiil ,ii and .-un h l.e ilis.-oveied by ih'c If. t! 'pin. ut uf time, hv conliiinud iiopi'iry, aud 'J 'aim. 1 -j.Ai.-i unite observation, "Tlie i Si -era .1 the Xavy. a el .-. are iirmiil bn.iv, se .-iiivc, patriotic mid sell ncr,lieing, ami if the aivi-id nf ai.y one ..f tht-e gallant me;i haa l,W It iii.-alliiously lukell ftum l,,i;i,ail riht 111111 ded men will any, let hi country restore it to him with ul! ijic boiiura and reparation due to itijjied i.iirit, and while 1 cuu 1 y nu me.ni roc. nu men d tl.e adoption ef any iiica-iiicol ie, ,il or any c.ur-o pnaceednig in c uniii I u iib :hc geiii-ol a. Hon of t.e lb -aid, 1 hive .,.,,1 ul.t there t.nul I I 0 .iiul will, found a remedy f..r itnv mistake . r et ror i f ji.iliniut, if the -erviee baa thin been deprived-id a n.cretorioua no lca,ablc oiii.-i-r, either by rest-Million or by ilr. ppmg la(!' which have oomo to my know !i; 1,4c, a-u-urc n.e tint it would be but re4iuuble lo pr ..vide a y pay f rllieofli -enwhob ive been au den ilrip;ed ftoma service tipnn wjiich they had bemtol. re au exciivcly dejieudcd without any emiaidvmtioii for future elf-ieliance. "H it, Sir, Irauimt oi nclud tin bmnoli nf my lli'in.rt, witbotii il.iiugju.-tice to the ofli.en .f the Hoard, from the apint nn l b'inper with which they riitervl uain a paiuiul ami unamiglit duiv. nml fr-m the ean.iatnc and diliten. w iih whi, h they acyr. hed tlie neurda of ibe lh- piiiiuieui, 1 ,ima it iiul an act of aiuio'.o junttce Biltkaof judgment, ! have au abiding emtio- iin mat 11-ii.ry a 111 prove that Una work rein vig. rated the Xavy," imparted to it a robust aud active heabli, inapired ihe heart uf lb y. utig and rtllant uSceri hitlieim drooping wiili'li'ipe- ton,.tr.frhn',r 'V' CT tentiarnt with the MTtH-e s watned iba tlu.ulit- !. aud th indolent to quit ll. bannt of iule- nea and ek the path ol duly leading to linn., x-mm anu ex the path id duly leading to linn., . cau-ed the e..untry torvnoa with more pride and conl.l-iM-e in tb k'iief of the invin. ibility of thi. ricl I aim r.f defet,,. I have no i...ia- liota, and t.l..e much l.ir-nr. ia aa. ,01 lhat I r.at B,rT uty wtlniM . na hiy allma in th new impi'V and rca-liuea for duly aeeu and hit at tb Iv-p r'liwni. And, Sir, thmtkh lb Buiulr reported inc.tn- : petciit a-ai larno. nnd amy well a;lr.-t aitea- .1011. ia inai a C.r. utiialiin. nf ilaelf .ullti..,.) 1., jut,.y ret'evtiou op. n Ibiard who wrr liu..d j under th law to make a "carclul eiaminaiiou." and reta.rl ihe name, of all whoni they ju.!k- iu-1 competent, nfen-ry gtada, t do the r wl.-is do' v ' rpat'l'tly aril effi.-iw.tly. a.k r ai.d atlontf !f t l.ut a ..nail ii.nnlr nf ,,ffitra bad Wcuiia) Urcf- 1 ?' ""ulJ S.vti. uf lbe Xavy f-r Ibe , u... i.i.n n jar nav again an I ag-.ln og1 Ith ,lm aa. .a,'!., .... .I.U to rn ll. I J P"' ."'! i '", "aa.oa aurr .i,i, have rrpurtad aad I prcaac I ,it. h m-.,ii.a. W.,ul. era,, meml .r. f IVltu 1. W'f- 'x' .I-'T' M H? tt i ". JT: . .7 i. . , ' ".a .or aj-aaw un IPI n tea latlB VU . f .!...,.... ' , . B.MH-ar 't nad li un-atie l"in l-t to ait. ' UitmM.in a.t Ciliaen lli.il a.i.i.1 l.i. a alL..I IboriH,;'! etij.aearvbi.ig uuft U a I ,o in, .lere I ii - . ... I i ,.,ia ii ,1 ,.;t.u t - .-..., ... v raiitm, m,,w Mattn T r atrd tl l M a.1- - .-. a . wwm aavaa.K aaaaa- w m - - Tblb.t.(ibt which m-,.J.,wc:v bib Urdwiiig'j. II rlul.a-k,d..I,Ibi. C. nl'. 'mZ d"a.t,,r- ... i i a-. i i l tar t BV aibae. a a I! II j Th. r. g-ral.- . pr-- riUI. .I.Ub b,v b. ' to. i imm. II. Al.ll, BW.'rt, -p-bi..wi.ti.eU-r'-ai... ...hiii'..i'-.4,j. w. .v. i.,B-a.t jj-j I J .l. . L-.f.i.n ... a a'l.-l.a .. t aaUVat tJ I r" " Bm,pa..y -tun t air. at at ta. rua-utia t,iai. P r.attnpatr narl -afge.lt fiat a,... .J bn c.o pubie baa.uM a,exrlyi ao, tba efcarire of full ratea apoa awepa ail eweea, tuataad of half rate, wbaa rnTuZ. w ia ..I.. 11- . F"a M terlv in advaava. Ha raetaeiramda eaainaU prepavmaert ny e tan. pa or pmfm m .C: pamphleta, eirr-ulam, and all other trniaJaL' pre parol ant by atanpa of tera. lie apiin are the ix mooU.'TZZ the Collin teamen ia diaeontinnane nf (kT. L? . mooura none a lacontinnanca of tbaJ tra i tr pay devoted tbem in July JH5- ill re t(,i eubject at om )enth. and with Ji majinity. ... prei. maJignity. ' Itxrxnr ortni 8xrirTAr or WaaTha (W rataryof War (Hon. Jeff. Iavk.) arp-. nmZ onoipenwtioa to army officer, and a reviaiuBj th taw reapetin(5 tiieir ailowaneea. -AUo, the annri.ioB of tlie teat CoBTeaa, inereaninrtk! nv nf ttia rank anil fila ft,. i " nliated men. Alms an Increase of t&t eorpa, and th addition ofav militaryallZ, leper. lie recomniend ajudicioaa m... V. . . . " "' mil ana of aea ooaat defence, and eapactalhr raa !.. ... r,- !.. f,;(.;.. jii.' f - todfid th approachc to New Orleana.HiI. -i- . ... I r. : i ll preaenw, aieo, a ne anu lorciut argumaot u fTar of ' Paui6a Railroad, aa a mens natteBal defence, but avoid reeommenuia :h ! eonatractton by Uovernment akL JuVai,'S ; x.m..iI- :Hi:-..i . ,t;...... ...f . ' " J . iiuui-iw. m i.i- mill H.iaTiv aueh -JJ II- .1 il.. i..l u r.i leenovrstn actual atrenrtn 01 tn arit.L. ffteen thooaand even hundreo and fifty to au r , 1.1 . .1 - 1. ii. . . ' "1 ' thoi ...inniiiic-sioi i.uiifiK vwciTauiontaa I ii-.. .... ii . o imuuicvi-auu iiaiT Bia .enilatlaaM- i c i 1 il.i r w .. . i 1 1 1 1 1 r. . 1. a ' refused, twenty thouaand 6v hundred ui tweuty-two; number of eaaualtiea, fivaUioaau fit hundred. DUioition of the traopi renjun prettv mucn aa etticq in laeianguai reporb KALEIGH, N. cT" Wednesday Morning, an. 9, 1858.'' Bir.Mr. IIKXKY M. LtWIS. Montgom,,, Alnbnnia, i our tietieml Traveling A gent forth State of Alalmina and TenneMee, amlated by C F. LKWIS, JAS. 0. LKWI3 and SAMUEL 8 LKW1S. ilr. C. W. Ja JIliS, No. 1 Harri-oh Street, Cn cinnati, Ohio, ia our General Collecting Agent f the Wenern Stutes and-Texn, aseisted Vy H J THOMAS, S. W. KAMSAY, WIUIAM B T1KA5IAS, THOS. M. JAMES, C. M.kL. WIS, MAN. A. I. CH1LDS and Dr. WM. IRWIK. acci'itit of either will be oud. it Mr. IS11ALL K. JAMKS, No. 182 South Tea Street, riiilatlelphia, i our General TiavaUai Asent. ntaiatcd by WM. II. WKLD, JJ0. COl I.IXS. JAMES DF.KRINO. J. HAMMITT a 1 JAMES, T. I. NICE, R. W. M0UI11S0S. I I W. M1.KV. WM. L. WATKRMAN A T.ET V iCliSO K. MISTIX, BKX. F.8VyAIH,T. ASUM AX and P. DAYIS. For Sale. , The Tropritttur of the Noam CAauuiu Stit, liavin( other j.uaincaa that retptiire bii attentloe, ia d. s'lMin uf iliapuaiug of tb entire eetabliaa- tiicnt, presaee, types, matcriul, liat of iuukH- ber cj- .Tu a person uf eueryy and enterpriM, the inve.-tiiient would be nut only a aafe but prolitablCone, and might be made very kcrativ. The inatcriaU are good, the type new, or eetrlv ao, with- a respectable list of ubacriben, 1 tolerably good job and advertising pafronige. w hich, with 11 liulu efi'urt, might be larclj creased. Any one wishing to purchaaa, iD please addrcM WILLIAM C. ItOt'B. K liter and Pmprietiir CengrM. No spcukar cletel vet, and not-inueh prota bilit of any coiupruiuiae. Wr. give up nearly all of this weck'tiaiuiB tin.' 1 til lietiUon of tlie Picsiili lit' meant tat document fr.aa the .lepartinent. FaUiam'akiOBtkly. J Wcfiavc received from Mr, I'omerny, tle Jaa uary number uf Ihil able American Juurftil Heii Un ui.uty other articlc-v it lioa tn diulafa series mi b ikespe.tr and hi play,hiok ail uttr u.-t much ntiention. ! Tli School Fellow. We aro in lehted to tho publitliera, Mosin Kt ai d 1'Jwnpl, New Yo:k, for the January hi l-r uf thia excelleiit Magatine for kiya ad girk It i tta 'y a beautifully printed, handaomelyi I tattate I an I w ell fi',1.. I pi r o Ij.'at, and il adai rul.'y suite ! to the a aula of that intcrcauiig elisj fir wb eh it la intended, Keith Carolina Chxiitfaa Adyaeata, We have received the Brat tiutnberof thii Ii i published by the Nurlh Cnrtdin Coaferatiai of the Mutbialiat Epiacupal Church, aoded JlJ th 1'iev. It. T. Ilellin. It i really a very at papor, and if lb preoenl number be pchaal .twill be a valuable auxiliary In advancin Bat e '.i.e fur which the Urge and influential body? aa 'liaiera are lalairing. It ia publiabed ia tail oily ut the exceedingly low price iifj l.y, partial Invariably in advance. , Pay year Poatag allk ttaatp. Tb public generally ahnuld itnpre 0 t I '' lie fact that ail pvatae tnuat be prT" either by puatne ataraiat or tarn pel envelop. Tl.ali,lo, all letter, ,..t bar no ' ... . ' 7, them Ih raouey will Dot bereonval iu payti.cnl fur potg at th window a kra tu payti.cnl fur ! fur, ,! na mailing lelb-r Biu.t prtvioad I . , . . I l'u""'e nip or tainH .1 envelon. a 1 are relucted tu abie ur that a Mei next tb I lih itut., th anniversary ' battle of Xw fr!nuiaa Vocal aad iMtraa Ul C. ncert and i'tmival. will bjlvbrBw benefit nf tl.e Volunteer Military tVmpaey''' dependent bi.iatd,." Th. ConeatA will lai P1"" at tl.e Town Hall, aad, tt iiecuaielui'ioa, tb t live) will Ik held ia Ih new Tempera Tit perfuraiera, w umlentaad, are erlselptt niemler of tlie Cortav. and an ar tkat ..ira aa th. ettiaea of lUlelgb will W Ml t . , . . , ,. j.Jla . 111 ..-1. 1 a a'-.a 10 O.I Q vatltca. a" - M$ . Can. Carter, aa f-n.Uh.4r- B ilb ticket, fo tU . ' -- - - -..a, I m,re Crt. i Tb; tribunal aieti. U.i.city a ' , Sll n'l, IVew-iL tW-JavUt Xaaa mif to' Henry M. tVillta. Nut IranetaaM, Cal. ,1. ' l .h, vtar.ee ( a.la McKv, Cat-' ta ' t n, IL Clarke, Cravva and JardoH " I'!- .i.a i. li, r,.,'. rV,rf - IU, K. ll rT R.M-.r-T ww ; ' -" " f" - . J I 1 m. ,.. . 1 a auaiii . laa . 1 c . . l.nioM, bptlt M. II. r.i.". ' Ha, .. . m vl .. tm M I vt at, n i,Mti ya,tr'(a; r . e. a. -. - . r t, ; u,. . M 1 1 M . lowLaa. i.lkiai "TL (. . J. h!, Iba kiegbaaiJ . ravoa. ab inlut t i . I ,n. n . i.-ii, "Ma . .awaaj w. - v -

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