TU f W ftrh below from a uasn.parary, a synopses of this dMMl fct lb benefit of tboa who do B9 dasiie rod tbo alir mmrnngt, Which w.ill I found at lengik in tbia lasti. , Tb arly portion of this rtunarksU document an Samply raoaptlaUtiana readily Admitting of eondeoMtioa, bot th lung concluding section consisting of A historical rtropct of tb alarer j tjoestion. Bint b read ia ex'ense by all wbo de I lira tdlnow the opinion of President Pierce oa this fBomentoiu qnseiion. So unflinching an ex position demand and will repay an attentira pe rusal. ' rutinaj rrAin -osxaT astraiis. The OoTernmant of tha I'nited States and that of Great Britain are Mill at issue witb respect to the true interpretation of tha provisions of the Clajton-Bulwer treaty, with but little hupe on the part of the President of a satisfactory settle ment of the controversy. The reparation deman ded of (i i eat Britain for ber infraction of ourneu u trali tj laws b.i. not yet been acciaded, tot Con tinues to be a aubjeot of dieoaaaion between, the two Government. ' Tni sot an duas. ' On the question of tha Sound does the Presi dent baa reJuaed.to allow the I nitetl Mate to be represented in rtie Convention called by Denmark to atljuet tha difficulty, but baa expressed to the latter a willingness on tb part of the I'nited ruues to suar- iiinjriiiiy who outer power in eompenantingDenmark for any advantages which commerce shall hereafter derive from expeodi turea made by her for the improvement or safety of tbo navigation of the Sound ur Belts. rtARc. Our relatione with F ratios oontinua to be of the meat friendly nature tlie difficulty with re spect to Consul Dillon baring been satisfactorily arranged. ' CIUCI Greece has made the amende honorable for the sequentration of property belonging to the Amer ican Consul and ethers. ,. " ; ' SI-AIH. Spain is slowly making reparation for tha ex cenes committed by the Cuban authorities.--Oompensation has keen made for the seiiureand detention of the Black Warrior. .. Payment ia promised for the injury auatained by our citizens through the sudden revocation of a decree pei initiing the importation into Cuba of curtain spe citied artieles free of duty. But satisfaction for the arrest and search of the steamer Kl Dorado has not yet been accorded, though there is reason to believe that it will be. - NtXfCO. It has been thought judicious to defer urging the claims of our citiaens against Mexico ou Re count of injuries done to their persona and pro perty, until the organisation of a stable Govern ment. . ... Ct!TELSRtC NlClIietJA. The President regards it imperative on the finvernmrnt of the I'nited States to interpose its autliority to check all lawless irruptions into those distracted Republics, and therefore felt it incumbent on him Ui adopt preventive measures to pmicot tho State of Nicaragua from any un lawful intervention on the part of our cit incus. ' TaiATias ' Treaties have been formed since the last session of Congress with the State of Nic,iru aud with the Kingdoms of Sicily and" Hawaii. .. TREASURY. ' The receipts during the fWnl year ending June SO, lrto3, wereof,0tl3,H.10; the expenditure for the same period, exclu-ivo of payments on account of the public, debt, fjC..".oj,'5!!l'!. The amount expended in redeeming the public debt, including premium and iiitnivet, aaeKbs'i.&..K. Tl lalanee i i the Treasury on thr 1-t July' ll.'..'., was SH,!) ll.'.l7rt. The rervipts f.,r the fii'st tni.irier mh.euucntly and tho estimated reeoirtl tor the remainder of the year, amount to IHX, iWd, which, iucluaive of ibe heilanra In Mre Tress' u y.'will give, as the available res nirees of 'the current fiscal year, the sum afttO.KItk.T'Jt). The I'-pons,' of the current fiscal year nre estimated t t51,2C6,4'l. inclusive of the throe million ilue Mexico, and "t7.7,VI,(K.N) appropriate.! on no ci not of the debt doc it. Texas, U ,i . ! i' till esti tio'te i Lithn ce in tl e 'I ienuv ou the 1m Inlv. h jroo, o, i-l l,U-l 30O41. Th nmmint of public debt h.is been s.nre the cooiiuenotMietit of ilie i r t e i . .- , . - .war, I rum f W.S-M.to1 1 to Ira than A iit.lMaj.taxt, i v van r of an irly f du 1 ica 011 The pr ipri.-tv o 'f :ii l.iriif I. revision av.tj r"b imports i. A.ivt,tii- Aaar. 'I 'te naaae of lawa proviilinr a retired ;.t f.,r ' tb.itiUJ ,aVer, and iiu-reused coriieit-aiiur for S. ers 011 active service, ia recomnieodf I. 1 he re.-iiiitneiu itiob made at the opeuing f t, j .ion uff.'ungrras far a psninl teurgauiz.iti.n of t;,i Army, is renewed. vr. The House is reformed to the repTrt of the Sec retary of th Navy for details aoaeertii-ig ih arm uf the aervie. The six stream friga'cs nr-dr,-ti, be built, it is believed, will U remly r..r rly io th onniing apring. An appro priti B is r sinmien.led for the cvu.lruoliolt ..I six a'eam alo ps isf ar. mat orrjtt. Th riw xrtenditurea nf th Ite, nseai year was .l.f.Hj,S.J4": in. wilsU J7.34i.l:f eiossM of as'. .11, lis 1 ruceipU, 2,l.ailJ6. t rilhu "r'f,Vm-- f PW -U do- ring tl,.4. fc-al year, locate with military . TIZS U1"" BP r. r roads, and selected aa una Un.U 1,. ki n.ittio.. .. ' nsraiiT or con-sau. Tb sttenti.aa ofCoogre isaavlled to prariding '"' " "aster.! aad asml iuteveela tbo L.e trict, including diKati-n, nssiTusiss oaaoni a wtsaiaoros. Indiaa hostiliti prerail ia thee territotUa, bat BiMrM have bee tales to reprm them, kaasa. It la hoped that tb act prejadicwl to r wl of W wbaah bar esn ailed ia kaiwa will be seT tleal wulaeit th laUrpitioa of tb Federal a' tbority. Th right of tbo penpl h. del em. In h r sea d smeelis loriluti ,nj i stmr-ly afltr H ed aa ly sarvey and MsbltbMM of tb Nsatbawm bssndary of tb Territory raia,aa- Th.r.f tb. g. ' " aiaiery qaestioa. 1 a j Pnaideet take high rVrn there geuaatls, aaai, tat ! or hi saaaiflMt l.i,rity la hsring benfifoe. j aiai4e4 amafurt ki tha tWeib.i. .1.. 1 n-rrw, kit preeei.t pntig, 1(,,t U b-Aed rt a ! Wlalia fHBMrrissrrf r-IMIf eiM.tioO. the dial-. ... I. L. 1 ery .truer w..b- TTlt' dcoey. - ' rees- .... i OeasUawat as Mr. riw. I - ' hat last arnseeol ii. v-.,.... f I b Alturaay (ianaral of th l aiiad Htal aaid a ' ' MHi-aas) Fi I'taeideaTrai-IeJ Tek.1 a 4-Lr7Lft . 7 . " F.llaiara, BOaeelaresi had bft la hie ofte isvaik of th j "ibt4U.f.itj, ; lawttatUrArftlwAavi rM. anon... trrJ s . I -"" Peatk f Kea. I. M. sWrtaa. j !. Jaaaary U-Itua, J. M . IWtiaa I died keee . f 'efoek tk .-... '.(V ,o 1 aaa Ml a i ' I aVnloectea, --a. Braatoa Br.,, of lb tb.id Arstilt 1, railgaat ' . N OK Til. CAROL Ota Balattaai witk ous sat Jasma. . - , , , - .... . ... Auraauunaaioi ivanustrM pulU tiea i in tei tatinf letter frooA i'hin. isi wkik th i writer recite tha iadicnities wkkl ar. , . ' our-baorat. Chin. MJm j quibbling of tbeJapauaoe in regard to tha recent Ueaty saadrsjiih tha Iniud States tbroarh Com. ! Perry. Ha attributes aU theM diScultic to ' tb e:W of the American Government to keep ' a strong naval "force distantly ia those waters, f """T B'l ''Kht to bars the mesaajre read, in or and urges llie neeewity of chant of poliov i ' '' U-"Xy Vnuw what tby are voting j ; , .eiv-1 mmm. a Hevaasanta af Bpacia. n,,.; k. -. tin,, . ow jvarut iroa mere was t,' d at New York 1 10.721. G.t7 ; I (inisiud for Uie same time tl ee M f - v i. , , r trow flow York m.i Btiatoa, 42,450,0H5.-In I r .eu. 1854, the receipts were $53,978,01?, and the ex- i ports $44,302,8-13, Theamount of specie nro- country the past , jcr, it i more man probable, exeeed the amount expocl. flhi Congrteasional. TMrty-Fourth Congres-rirt Sestiou. WAHiiGTo!t, Dec. 31, 1855 SF.VtTf .. ' -"v ""iiaiacametoiretlioriJie " . "vo.i.ci.,,. . "; annual meisaKe VM rec.iveJ b ,ne hands othia private secretary, Sir. Sidney Web ster, and was read. After the reading, Mr. Clayton madeaomo re marks relative to the treaty of Anril l'J, 1H0O, in lenr,th "rT ve"y,U " iht lVni'"l th. strength of the position n.....j n.i govern- ,,.y, niuim aurorai Amen an att:ur,and the njusiice of the position taken by Great Britain with regard to the construction of that trentv. ' He agreed geiiernlly with all the President lius statwi, and contrasted the pacific character of this country with the aggressive policy alvraya pursued by Great Britain. ' , Mr. Soward inquired whether the ymond taken by the British government rcirnrdfng the con struction of that treaty namely,, that it was merely prospective in its operation, and had no reference to the actual occupation by that country or territory in question was the understanding or the government of the United States, when the treiity was made, Mr. Clayton then being Secre tary of Slate. Mr. Clayton replied it wns an entirely now con struction, something of which he had uever lie fore beard, lie had never dreamed of -ueh a con struction being Kivento the lnngnaee if thotreaty. Unos any man auppose, said Mr. Clayton, that'l, in the posseasion of my semes, entered into a treaty with Great Britain to allow her to remain in possession of die whole of the Isthmus, merely because she hni been in possession of it,and then aij-netba treaty to prohibit my own countrymen from taking possession, leaving her to remain nndiHturbco What molivi) could no American Senate have had ad in voting for it f Is it pi,iho any man can elieie for a sini-le moment su. h ..; ui. ,.ipiaiioii i,y n:e negotiations, when it w agreed "neither ill occupy, roloniie, firtify or exercise domain" in Central America. Occupy means, first, to t.iVo poacsion, and secondly to keep possessin. Great Britain n,-ro,.,l , A.. :. it Britain agreed tado nci y would not exercise do- ther. Hirreeinir that ii,ew 1.1 ..... .1 . ' r- n ..... j - ,,vs siAViciao UIS- 1 01.1111 there. . - . . I ed by offerin-; a resntntion ! of copies bo printed fori y the printer to too Sen- v mi inn conriiniefi ny onerin 10. 11 uie usual niimtier the use of the Seimic I ntn f..r tic last Crcsa, at ra.es not exceeding ; th oe et:il,lis,cd by law. Mr. tJass expressed his entire concurrence with whnt had fallen from the lips uf Mr. t'hnton.and ' Ina cin"iit;riiiinn ut (he c urse taken by tifr I'resi-1 but. rind the vie i oiiuh iti by tl'ie mesaaue. i In the whole historr of the iiio-t'i,.rtii.,n., .Iil,u ! niniy then' e as lloih X to be found at all coin-! onial.lc villi Hi II Itie , ..". nij u,:.,:.. :r.o-hon of the Clayton and II.Z tl.C C'li Bulv lieniy Mini I eniMI Ainerionn tiii-urs. j .Mr. Wcllei - i-niiiti.endnl the me. hc. lie Im-, iieve.l tl.ln eoctitry e .iild never :ihainh tt the poi-! ticai she had tif iiincii rlh.tivcio t eutral Ameii-' ca hoaxer the p. . pie ,,f i,fl ( nlied Stntca 1 wet d ,.ied oh jti'titi tlf ib int 1 is p.,iey. j u neiu.er war inciiaieu tlieia Ihov won I.I ever j be t.und acting in hitrwoiiy and ttnanimin. Tbo I j oift-iij; HUbt.Le jleutm.ccd br ptaudo pb"i!an. . .(tiiMpist. bit would meet cordial response f..in ! ,' ' ,1 fvery friend of I, lie ty and lover of the ooustito- ' m .'.liii 1 ... ., . . n and of the I no.11. Mr. .e .1 t.nl iioiii.iineni that be was prepamfo to stand 1,1. and sui .n the t'raston and iiulu.-r treiity 11 .1 it i.e. , I 1,., ,1 1 Bri'ish troveniinent ' c iii 1 1 1 t i l j. I., tl at iresty. l was n-a W to 1 go further. He en. ready fi th asfertion" snd : prei lical nmintrtiat ce nf 'tl M .nrt 'dmnine. Mr CLyton's re.luiK a to pr.11 t the suesssge 1 a a a;rei-d to. i It v,s ulaoofleiel that five bundled a ldiiion al i pies of tbe animal rep..rts of tbe Secrelar.e:' . f il.e iirn.ury. li uri. r. War and Xavv and I'oslls) iler Ornetul le l.ril.lnj f..r lb i. f th . l'. prfiiet.ts;sio aim Sial ad.iitei.al cp- ' , ies of i lie nx aM.e and ducuinents for tbe u-e of i. i.i Uiciiepanuii iiL aad ol theAttonieyt.cn eral. ' Jfier aa eerutiv seasos tbe Seoseatj,,nrned to ii.jid:i;. HOt l. tir I.KPIiKSEXrATIVF.S. ..Mned.atel, uf.. r tl. read.fg id" tl journal. .uTL .,U: f;l, ,'r"rfta ""uf linmcd w . I ,1 . J, M ' Uf (IIB, 1 r,fl..l .M a I.. l.aa.l '''"emeut Xaa ..loerd. ..,kl .1.1.1, l. Clii.gu.aa moved that it U read in order to hear tl... tb. Ure.d. ll.Vaid Z rea-ling till tb. )!,. t-,j i ' l''R" '1 know wh.t' th. -.., ' J.i;,i . ... ,i , i. . . ---- . M was n.s....,ry, lo e aimi.nicai ia wining. The Ool.aiiiule n gives bin, H,a ti.riu. Mr. Camplarll, of tihio, e. ,toi,4 that the reading of the message la Imwriini ImsitMsva, ai d hoi ling that w InteiMM ran b Iransaeirsi antil tb M.aaa in.guis4, the se.l,ne of (,e messa.e In iilianr of aa orjuiiniu, n lunova.ioo. Mr. ( li.igmaa so'ij be was perfec I r willing that (ee.leuira shall divide on a qaeetiua uf or- Mr. Orr raid that tb eBei.tiluti.aa ripreasly recoen.se tl.ia boly a. h II mm, esyii.g that lb ll. ae of J(epre.ei,utiv sl.a.l rle.a their Speakir si, I mher :Wrs. ila u. l . .L Vl. 1 . . 1 .11 . r .1 . " " " I " 'uns, rie HIS (Kiini t.ia . aaa re-i , tf ta lbs 1're.ient rbt lb Jsaaeae I sic eld I -a read. - 1 Mr. Catnvls.il, of Of.X rrpHed that it wns at At r. hri'wa ui.,.u that tj., ) I ,4,1,1 " "'' "V" eot.bua snail of Uu ports ar m. V km"" , , """ l.al tr ' n".e.aiainM w. k it till it or .. S"' ''"'V"" m ' "! t q.as. k JrtT..?l'r. rUm"?!- jUaA-taa, la ...a , kiiiiii sa lis sn.oils. It aaa aa el. iepie,i i.amaicai ss lire pfrUr e4 th.a f,m- - -- . , iw tsawiaaaieia al.r gt.J I . a .1.. .1..,. ,. ... wee Hsrtesnaui , ia i ree. leiil I , ' - a , """ Llli, (lr. U.l tvusiM aui sail b.u luaaV, rV. , '' , m'".r"'rl 'U .U.i a,,, " ". I'taJ, ! t. tl.. abu,. fo'b dori, g abe'b Mr t?f sa.4 that ibe ete ; ''" ' b.. n- .. .BMrts.! jHwI.t-l ta. P,4,at w i.kg to. i...r-...,U. ',, 'r,',"? " " ' lr. Xar-kall lU..usrt ik M.ae sleabj L re..r4 and U dua ll.a bU. I..S ll. lluaa a. ! '''u"' i. . " ! ' ''vmm seeadaog. f lb aoseare ". ,, . 7 V' ' Aeessafy, ae4 Hr. l-rt.kiks..Mll.HlUIIMUn sauegk le eetve f e leo k. '.' d Il k..i '' lbrit.tf te ll'.ae aid U o'l-d. ' '"wa efsnhl re,lulij ialbeit.t thai IX A B TAR ED IVES D AY. M Q n Ik. 1. J.i: , red tw tfj t'Wk this aorinf4 eontmuniataaVi.fr.ias tha lre. I be retaraed by the Cl'rk to j - I "aTO purporting r. be a ideM is) the House U" P"1. preatiiig the swa, as the bou-e (Ua -nSc " " ' ' Mr. Iavia, ..f Md, moved to lar the motiosj to roeeive the aBr..a!o the Uble. Whea tha Huoea "'e"" '7 g"ln"a a move to take JUr, JTorJea, of Ten'n. "and fr. Orr i.i,d .1... The elerk read fffm the maoual to the erTect , when tberradinrln appr iacnlled Hir.amd oh. '. iectinii'is aiade, the question ni'Wt be put to the I "'. I M'r.GMIw :ii,lth H, ,,.. 1 l.. -i t ' M'r.Qtinw' said That tha -tatwr Lalt ' at the 1 thws'O'l'Js'loe.llen it "Jiall it U-cciv- I I-...LI :. : , " ,. . iwtnoiss xcwiuiav eon can n,r too readinc; Af,T.rurl'er fier delate and parHitrnmitnry TrV.T d,v';"1'!l ' ?f ?J w jeap iiu ioe Hietf-iire a hall not lie re.nl. 1 he hole subject was then laid on the table hi' ": majority. The House then ailjiurned until W. dnesday. WAsHisrotinx, J.m. 5, lSfifi. The Senate wis not in r.ion to-ilav. Hocsa or lUl-nTATtr. Mr. fiiddinc ' ...,.: luiiugiui euon to amciia me jocrnut ; of Monday, aottiat itnight appear that the Presae j ident'a mwiapi was BM received bv the Uiaiae, but was announced and handed to the Clefk, by private Secretary of ttii ' I'roeiiiivnt, without por ""-on Mr. Kniiiit. after arizini the imnortanee of a aiiee.r)- oraniivion of the floosenTere l a reso lution providing for the election of a stieaker by apluiality vote. Mr. I'bclps moved that the resolution lie laid upon the t iblc; "which motion was airreed to pmm lit; iin,a l'io. Mr. -ii-ike aiila,iittel a reaolution. that the nfol the President of the I'nited States, to- Kes,pr w''h the accompanving documents, Vc reccivnd: and that the me-aaao be now read. But thia resolution, on moth n of Mr. W Maine, was laid UDon tiie table. unburns, of The llouse proceeded to vote, rt'ro rocr, for a Sooakcr. Mr. Banks iwuved 103, Bichnrdaon "i. Puller 32, Penninetim 6, scattering 5. Whole number ut votes Illet. Xccesaary to a ehoiio Mr. Millson moved that the President's mea eommunio ite l to the House on the 31st nf lecniber, be liken from the Inhloabd now read. Jt wastu bia jujjjiocnt an ailuiirable and exoel ent State pis per. Mr. Stanton raised a point of order, that the messnfte can neither be received nor read until after Congress shall have been organiiod. As to the mctsne, it was, in his judgement, a iiil disreputable publio document, falsifying th history, of the Government frtim its organisa tion down to the present day, in every particu lar. Mr Mace moved that the wholn subieet lie hid upon thetvblc: w!ii -li motion waajdocidej in the aflirm:itive -yens 11H, iiaya PI. The House naain nrue'eo led to vote, with the following resiihi Hanks lill, lliehardsou 71, Kni lerSK, Peinington 0, scatter! ng .1. Whole nuui U rof votes il l; necessary to a chuice 107. The llouse aojournej. SK.VATE. U asiiiniitoi. Jan 3. The financial report of the Secretary of the Taurv was rceeirerl Al r. Mason moved that 10,000 copies lie printed "7 he rr,n"r to the Senate of the last Congress, A '. ensued as to tb power of th 'c"H'e '"ke such action since it would,ns was e,,"l'leJ on one side, be a violation nrevaion of the law of the last ression relative to ibepnblie printer. The resolution; however, was adopted, M'- l''' remarked that be was not in his seat r-,,en ,,lc rfcsiilcm's annnal Jlesanj.'e cninc In, ""'uM ' objected ( its tvorj.ti.,11, na irrcjularly sent here, liewould not nrctenj to ,,H! rer" "" why the Presi dent took such an Yankees ure alio .... ... , wed to ies; .iril tie wouM iv 110 means presume to say that tho Piesident has taken thia ..pjMiitmiiiy to go down on bis kt.ee 1 1 the Smith because several Southern Stnlea are to hold IVetnivr.vtie tVinvontions about the hth of January, baiijjhter. If that Waiie.ue,tiewaa sorry til President had taken so much paitu lor iinlhinr. f ir thoif "Ju"t nurb ehanoe foroneof tbe Senate's r?.?i, 'n"Oiin.y1ed Tor the Presidency as for Mr. I ,er,e. Uuhtef. The Picident takes MB """'u "fb n,eai,e m talking alsmt Central viBi.;.n na..; I... 1- I, II. . .1 , . Hit he (.Mr. Ilale.l tlx nirfit l .crewas a pl-e in th central p ut ..( the I'niicd Siates on which the eye. nf the oi,le are turned null va.ily more aliifnti.Mi namely, hnnaa. He iut,l,un the autliority of .Mr. i slhoun, that the M.aiir., doct.ine, o much talke.1 about, 'was rj.in.iliy au-j-eated by the llri'ish rV ii.et. Tiuo, a-aaid l,y the I'resolcnt.'u have h. nrreil f in l tnas r .nirary to .,i cder, nut tli I, ml t .ken place by b.tiit ou of ihe Preai.lent." I bis i- u I the Urt tint tlsf IVshlmit has Oeiirer. d aiivure t.n slavery. It a iuw.lting to the liii.ii. nty of thia I. uh.ii bar tl,e Pre l.leol to ssv. e0-t, that men who diiwirree with him ei tint aulijeet are ,,eiii ies , t t iin C insulation. Mr. Hale sternly r bulled such nn iinimtatinn. tliel. f r punishment of nor n-.it.ioal sins, nr tb hu liiiluitH n utoarfiai.oi.nl pride. permits Mr. Pesirc to rriitvy th Presidential chair; arid (to eoiuos d.i n into tli arena nf the ibmvi ue, a-rlppcl d every ihing which M.uld cloibe loia with torutive dignity. I l.auchl- I ,Mr. w ;,-,, nter. calling ou ,h. I a res, hiii in, which lias th President for Information in Kansas. The Sena tlien adjourned to Moo lay. . HOCSE (IF KKPKKSF.NTATIVF.3. Mr. Moo oCcre I a ree.i ui, B that tb acting tfoorkv. fair of tins llouse be roqiieId to Itsck all thed.s.ra foad.ng n.tliis hall iuatauter, u d keet. ihfiu securely fastened till a speaker be eteeied, aiilva O'ietH-,1 f .r tb adutiaaioo of alateut me na ilers. jl.aughter.J Mr; Mac said b at tbv had e.dasiaetil i pvwsdmit for this ia tU mcetu .4 a P .(, , lighter. w asuvoed I lenient IV, ia luuti. 1 1 lerdiuela hd been for nearly thiee years 1 "Id t. gr ..a tb eh.de. a suis-nuV. siad ; wer oa the fiint d'brenking up. al.aa tb saagiatratea 4 11,., by advic U St. liii iutain. , (hut tb gateau, ibcltjfockiii ua UicAliuaJ Uli thei sststd. II aaa a4 so maehef a Kaow Kmhing a not ta acn..w We tb Uading aullx.nty u4 l.ns t.rSatsr.tei.1- itail.fa.t ll .... .1 .1.. i ! bo ad.,pt,, h lei.tured to ray that tlieaalUul BAturewWJl U audi. iU,er fr rrfieel.tuent or ; "tberais. lU4hi.) aa to here aa lrei.ua ia I let. b..i.. I VI. I ,1 .. - hi aaotk uf Mr. ih.vie tb resoluli a aaa ta ble.! aed tb lluaa s-ain pruee.ted su v,.a, Itai.k liti lifcarjaBa, Jj. rullrr , Peoele.. too, ti, na: taring 4. .Nr.sp.aerv to a Hsoir 1 lo. 1 a s-b.,i.xis, vuoa vara lata with tliesesue ree It- Mr W. ler. i ,ib tl, vsra f aaitieg lb . sarvaiive .uienU,gered re.Uuli.-u oe.t-ieg i Mr kr. rer.lwg loia ,,,M,, i '(Oa-.-eo .a4 a l,..,,4 team part ia toe Uov '"J tbe.r sUsi, and tUrelor. b a a. , cl.aed to sorreaoer Mr I allM, wtol. (W sue I or. ! p "f . r,-S !..,. M. teojunsayaJ to .aWtital. lb. aarai a .si r. ..ai'Sa. k,l dalsuaasl Ike 1. etatiblbaUis ft Mr ,lker,sl.aere.. seei.eesit.ia ea le .. . -- - j su ssissih enei mi aarre salt la : ' , ... r tWC-Sl. i Mr I ut... s,., .i.A u. tl.L j r.i i. ... "" t!'"o.l'e. ta eirraaislieee.. Te eeeare ., Ijf b.rw.-y i. l ,.,e be .... -evusl u.. aaae. .T Mr. leaaseg.. (as, Spek.r. Mf. h.gae4 In tail lb. rae.,b.tbs Maw i,''v' ' . feailes-aa tk lb. ..f ie d.UM ll.. p.,u,., . ,lfcwailbaalabea-.iall.ays "i. ' 1 Mr. I .vnde , feres a re I oil a li st ftesa aaa) mU" fWa.J.y m m af tb. ean.led la .e... J,l, m. I ll a h-.ke ha llasaiha.ei anb laarboee aooal a,-, ws ."O IBI.t. Tka II mm lb lb. vyt, al biU i ntH k. t Hl vtl- ko. e.eard le.tre., .ll"atp.oentti Hanks ll Ili.UiJ...:! f.t'll aed iw o.od t. ,o oa ... .a.. , a.i .. ler :.n, I . ftoa O. ttlafih, t lieoeoti a,.beia Th lltahsatbta luised. . ' Mr Bays Vamimotow, Jaouary 4. 1&6. Hub'S K. aaad a peraoaaj expls' T n. tie aU frtqaeaitlT excr. .b onin- tk.iCht, and tow, that .eircusaaiancca were I .og to a disruptioa. It was with prof 'i; .vgrai b saw a great party fcraaed A the Ntrtb, baaed pon the single idea of boatilitv to tho institutions cf the South, which parte huUsavfreedoai to be N'a ;,...! a i " , i i . .! oapjsrry v-euilociai. Villi! tu ine same tint the Constitution rec; unite slave rv and tt formati.m of that instrument was the result it Imrmony, concil'titiuB and compromise. If that part, e.erobrandpoa.ion of tb. tiovernment 1 and be thought it wnuld.diaunioo ill be the re- ! . He did not dsira this. Ovi forbid it. j Mr Allison said be bad no dipoiti. ej to vrar , on alavcrv in the States, but he was opposed to ' ira vclm,i, - . I 't extousion. The lam-n then proceeded la ballot fur pc.'ik- er, with the foUuvrinic reeulti - Bauka, , ItH Kichardsoiv f ill rutler, ;,4 Scattering, . , 1 S No choice, Mr Dunn urged llie Mausaeliunetts incriilB-rs to sat i ince their persounl tceiinga and Vote for Mr. Leister. Mr. L'lldurwond orTtre,I a resstlulUin llvtl IIia Plirst meinbar on tbejist be put intioiiiiati"m"a'ii 1l"ted for, and m on till n Speiikor is elei'tel rwuuuon w tublci. AnotherJiallot was licn token, which resulted preciaely, bke the alkiva. Aad then tin llouse ! jtirncd. ' r I t S li . ri t it m l lilt, Ji, v nil Kit I, RxTmsKatwiLY rva Tin N. C. St.vs, v A. M. MCPIIKETKliS C, MhrJr.'ak Omw-, : JVitYinfi'io Awl tTbrnnunon Urrrk&nft WiltJ H'-v. Korfolk. Jan. JTho inelemencr of the weather for the naat week has onerated err nineh vi!':il',',t m,t ''or transactions and buaiues has 6"1"." '"""ed i: in conenueuco. Fl.ous Is in fair demand at S93 'th 10 for S F.; 101 (ij 10, for Kxtra: $11 (,t 111 ( Family. 'otto . Some few tranxuetiuus at t j 9e. for fair to choice. Xavai, Stoxss Continue dull without truwac tii na of note. Wilmington, Jim. I Tt-rVTie Further sales vesteitJuyofO'.'S Id I. nt $'4 ,W for yellow dip and ?1 30 "for hard, 2H0 Iha. This morning 133 do. changed hands ft same figures. Simrits TtRt'SSTiNK. Sale yestcrduy of 100 bbl. at 39 cent l pnHon nn advanoenf loent. Xo sales to-day up to closing our report. Hosts Nothing done. Tab Is firm at qotation. Sales jsstorday of vi.et inns, ar iviu rv (m Cotton Sales yesterday of CO hales at eta. for low middling, 8J cents" for iiiiddling, and KJ cents V tti. for good niidJIing. Salt 1,0"0 aacka Liverpool ground sold this morning on private terms. Petersburg, Jan. ,4. Wiir. vT th market to day was more active. One parcel fitiO bushels nriiue whit sold for $203. Prim red $2 to 2 03, Medium and eoinmou qualities range ss in quale ityetlrlGitolUO. Corrosj We quota at 8 to Rio., with" aulas to any at uutn or these qtiotations. ion vera jsotnmg na lieen don at tbe ware house for th past ten duvav The stia-k of old ....... leaf ia very small, and la wanted by aianufuotu roes at M to , f Jh old I .iirs simable for work ing $(i to 6 new leaflet to 8, and new lugs $4 v o. Ftot a City brands of extra tinj to 10. Su pei hue J'.IJ. tjuxo i "jj to 50, for Peruvian. Fayettsville, Jan. 6. Spirits Turpentine 35 cents. cllow Hip Turpentine ?2,00 per barrel. Sr.: ape " . 1,00 Flmir not so brisk, jttayorj Uffioe, ItAi.tii.ii, JnimryC -7 tli, ISofl. 1 ,.y v He fWI UK Citirens of Raleis;li are invited to at the Mayor's Office on Friilay, aaaenible the lllh insiani.pi l oniocK, r. .11., to appoint delegates M tn attend llie Southern nnd Sou I bu etc: u Coin nicij inl t'uiivcntion in the I'ity ul llicliniond, u tlioutllh day of January, Ix.'il't. ' MM. DALLAS ilATWOOU, Mayor, Raleigh, Jan. U, l.s-u. 14- Ik To&U and rveiy ot-ewhoowe ci. IirBIIAVKtlEllKTOHinK AN Mil Nrrp THAT V f w bate Bait arrait.tii.iiis, le eoaaaieree bSslttess, dnreglha eernlns e;rii.r. In the i,irth wast: at ibe nttra tin,c, ratlin- en nor eel obrrs luttaa titrwaid sad settle This rcjoest kss haea atu-nded la, by only a ftsrt. and lite tursranuHtHl .tll dee is t Sr. ait I ateottf .eii! reeO-'r it -tli.tj'ult-'y nreesasry.if they " ' " pen etttoro teir e,'aariure, , fiisrr do IS In lh HBat(,ii nor allortacy. ltk .itr.cr nsitic, w bars i;rui;tetl every ie'lel aaaa lor lty oat rt liters l.toa... i.ranlof ki,a.:v cbsUng u)t our bsafinii la lk; tit. reader, ll infa.n.ttrao s te eE!l oyt.n tbrte as s An r. e. K. I iMbblNO; 1 f). The books ef K. U H.-.Huir Willi., rkssrd Jas let sv,S, sad sll seessBDIs staksd ready fnrftsyaieeS. -fan. , lltA. ' A At. at. I I. IX. Or f ATi nr fohVaV.i. Vise, ti INTK1B ISIUMJ IPllli irnKn la a hn tteae, tb rr.aeliitter of eer Wn ler Vla.lble wilt keetald at eeat f ar t'ask. Thsea eke kaee not sHiihrd tbesiseivea aoaid Ao wt II losisMlueeair -. . KJNU A IHiiiii. KsK-iib, Juo. I, IrwtA. -3l P. R. All ikeae Is I, bird te a. a HI itssse (all SI eer sad dare ikeksaeeoents, ky cak a ante. "TATLOa,' BICK60H, GElVEaT CoT (iferrassora a Hefts, T-flaf t I.V..) Maasraetarrrs si.4 keleeafa !se(rrs ia C L0 T II ING, Ks.aj,d:ji.i.v tsiai.hr, SLW YOKK-. eaeaary J, I',. t-ta. AMBB.O.ITl'li"" 'pilF Wttryli. J It J n.iw ,.M i. serslkreark J. lbs glass, aed 1 e.4 reorsrsl likalka Uons t)vi an ii ,s o-ar... ie mt,f l.fl.i, H ll u .M Iwm llao to.h el ll sill, r I '.to, ll a., s.ag lrf doly.,,) le 14 eaatly .e.l it ta ieteetvleaa so w.trr. sir se eeti, are ss.it keel b aia. Mtiwajair-. toll.. . t , . J.HAVllk. k.W.tk iMsemkey, IJtk ...A. . , T "wantedT IMVJtXl-KI. ASU ll.LIy yTIIITFiri.b, J nBibrs taMiiLs w, llNivririn, t. la I... ef i, l,t fosinly Virginia. Milla v I, iSei Is desd sad left t Kmiaahasl A tilllste kilAeld twe aegnsss, Addn a. TH. miip, I.aaia, Warts t , Mies, f In Fruit TrcciJ 'Jfl (UWi '"'H TIIIM W Iks larst a. tVJ.AItl k eds. aalira ae4 IU,(e,ere esfeet r.a.tj .af - I; J,s. l.lal.y, sl.e 11, ,.!,, I.eilOard t'e., (' . sod lhr.e U. lb f. alt aaa I rrah, 1 I Sll.. a , St. f ,, eoKstri, ,af A fi ), pre kse. At.-,, leiintax sad Ct .tta . I'.t. aa. eeetia. Ttssa wilt sA . te d. t tk. ssaVs. la, i...kse Lisd. ky, Xea Wereris, etneea J if.. sea l'ra-ak j'"fii a i.i. pi rr, ! Uani.ri. "e. I, 144, l.a H. W. WF.MIlIKMfUS, ffafrtilu till Ciilfsrt! fc.aaU.fiml (inlrit ilk Xirvtirt, It'Ot l brerpe'fHyti iha all.et'ee sf f f amfker ait neks to kis eelrel r- llretle ante end awitsnalrd erUt et Prail Tra -s, eta braces aeeae to last lra. .ril.. b lb-wie .art.t yi.i Arpl. Per, l ae-k, 'iaa. Af prierl, t kerr krrtstloa, A I e . M rk"Ue ssserls sut Urai-ramys. IS t . t .ittme, ele, ete. A l er Is... -.. -, s..,. I e ik IA re-k. win ra- t" r"l s'Wn , i il sires, aeell. peeked ! i.l iliati.lit,,! i i . ,.( ike aeeeirv, j -.far a aiee.tr I .. al si te see ! ase-pM4. f fm.. "s al i Cats l-oj H sr. O tow , o. d .-.oar. I o 0.0.1 I HUM mini faaasal,.! kiae.kol, -l. A, g-rf IV, X. S, II... t, o. 0. W I KG J Ai U AR Y imooooin A MASYLAND LOXTEEY to ax psuwi on vas HAVANA PLAN. WAotaaJ Orrn-aer Twa Nmusi) Ittsius, Baltimtrt, l-e, 2, l65.J ins Xaaarera af tka U.nuA I ,i . i i v-j : -- wis ,iaa al ttravisjt IL HAVANA LOTTKKIES IT.. L.. i TZZZSJSttZTX - ' ' ' 1 i " GH tOTTERY ON THE HAVANA TLAN On tho third SATURDAY In ajjrju Mouth, GKAI WXStH.JDATFK LoTTKl.TOF'MP. I Clou 5, T" b Jnwu U Bslliui.,,.. M.I t. is I ; PRIZKH AMOVNTIStl T9 140,000 DOLLAHS H U U 4ntiil Hh4 ary diff to Mr .M?ei May e mjiifnl K-Kiot. ' 20,000 Numben!-1,000 Prixe! emir payable is tviLwuuiit dl tios. rains vo r.vKsr SO nracv.'n4 Sl'lUlMB. I PiIk ,d . $4ii,u I u 1 " .' 2i,Hiu 1 " ,iwii is I " 4taais ' ta I'rlljM of l.tlWare tWWars M " fun - - luo- $M.ona t-.lhsl 4.OC0 S.'ssl 8.eia S.iwO 1-.2W) ItjilKl tlHI (le - siai sua . sto kmj 0.IMH " ,7flO t .)iir.,luialiun Piiiesol 2C rs 4 I ' ' , hj - h ... lava-a. 1J 11! Ifit S8 Jll " " at Sbi.maiing to I.WHl 1'rii.a, $ltti,oa APPIKIXIMATION PUIZKS. The tare nrceedfittr anit the tare sMaanM.linaa -an.i to llnaw aiaalne ll.o Oral KOU I'rl.... ... ...oo.j , I asi'l'tvAiuisuiai riiiet. ns aleva. j ns pjuiiii i4 nil Trite, ta (luraulaed bv the Slits 1 ZMsryhm.l, , I AU ti'-IO't l tf S T..,lt,rl.H .,.11... at. d,l l.aa .1.. Jl. I i lonr.itilHI. iMtir tin' lllli(,nei:i.liol sivnul,,.. ftt OS' X." liHKNAN, (seaenil Agen for th Cuntraetor." V UNO F T II I. L C) T TE R V s Then nr. to,IH'Tlietr. wilnhsnal fri e. t an . -. TUere an. I,aai Pnic: Tk nuaih.m IV,.- . Jo.lXitJeo. esniMuling wllti llmw uu ika twlirtM.rii.ted u wimrntu niipsot p,.,mr. are relii-U Hi aiol rneiieled w.ta small tut lubes anJ plwnt in the Urvl. 'Hi tMht Aisjuuxitaaiina Prises sr ivcid.-d as aln.v. Alt' r evotvuig the aheelt a tuiubrv Is ilia j out of tha aheei l uumlvers, aud at Ihe tmt tlntj one I. drawn l''ae wheel by W. aha are hllo.llel- ac.. l ase e up.'OMl suit ruhilntnl te tha amiknee Ul MI'S Magi eredited lo llie u.u, arses I.. lh Ctautaoiitn" r. i its oi.irallun I. is-twateJ U.I sli lbs Prires are ir-iwn eill. rcrsoas sii-binir i-srlh-nlir mnnt,.ra'Biit.l sn.l U..I. erilera farb, with iioh-ucliniis vrli.t tu do tu tu-e tbcv reetihl. The aiaeing will'.be pramptlji sent te all pen baters . rKK'K OP TlfK ffl. Tl bolm tl"; Halve. I; Qnsr. ,I0 ; IVgl.ts t,JJ. . AUibaas orners t,.r Tirkcu te - V - 'F. X IMEXAN HaHimare. MJ. The Brillih Priitxlifuli ihil ttir firmrr'i Coltle. cheat nEjrcTio. v tiik meF, Or Till kAITKR ri'llhlt ATIoN. L. SCOTT t CO., NEW YOUR, coniii:oe io publish tlil- follow injj leading Urillah I'ttriwdieulK, tilt - .. estv a........ es.uxrry ((ViMaYrrufirn.) 'i the I'Miltnrgh Ilrrhte ( U'ti.j.) 3 Tht XvHh IhUM liai, (t'rtt Chun .) 4 The Wentmiiiitlrr Heririt (LHwal.) t Htartraod'i KitiulmTyk Haflaliht tTbry.T flllTo great and inijtortaiit vent lleligioas, Political, nnd Military how agitating the ealiuai.ef tbo Hltl Werld, give Is lk.se fl.l slloo, aa inlarret and value tkay eeVisr kt Inre (aurora, a. i'ttay eee.y a atbidls gruuol batnava ike b.nily eritirnnt4s.ll, at., rretle s.,-t!elii.ii., abdH.Uf ra BMtr. ol Ike S'Splsster. Sltd Ike Haul, toes loHaootlke blstorias, wrii'ta beg alter tha lit lug liilm.l I Istla ke reetssia ball have faesetst easy. Ike Is Ike are. gross ol ikl sr I the ba.l .eslea a larne snare ia tlar.f (,s Jrs. Kvary ssevrateel Is rlo,rly trilotsrA, I, lb.. ,ii Hired t ot lo, end sll si ert,tiaiiei,a bar- b sij uiaii.d oat. 1 ss ivuor fo.ui ika Critaea aad froie Ilia liable la His. k eoed'. Jt-tirutiar. Iron li. of it nest noitelsr e,.otriletrs. il.s , etere loir llisil.U I reiislilr nredonl U lb ea.rttl. ol Ika errat helltK' i reels tl.sa rail . bt ttbrre 1,,, Issied. fli.se firbellral. shir rae-rsrel th. ikrre arret ee. lilool ...llirs of lir.ol lttitria .H kis, Tjry. end had. trair let ptdillr. banjaoult As listers tdiheir aeer- Selrr. As firmans id tba ioot ims'Ii 'tnd ertttra. s.-ln re, l,h. r .lure, sf. rallly. end l rl .io. tkrv Masd. aa tbry aver Save slte-d, o.,r,valbd ia Iha eer, d ef Ut ters, ketes ebeaulfrrst indirbraeehle l.. ika a koiar and prior, si.. sol man. Wltila le Ika lio.llnral trader et every .I... tkry farn.rk s mora ..rtrn-l aed satisfaet. ry rrr-ird i-l Ikeeerveel iitareiurt el Ik doy, tkroeik osit Ibe aurid, tkaa raa be toeil.!y oMaieesl trot any tiller aoatsj. ISAHby rilPIKrl. Tke reeeiitt ef Advaaee a keels fVasa Ik IWItlsh ptiMlsken gtv edtbtHanel vsltu le Ikare Rt-irtat, re. p. r,iiy aering iee rresval earltli t stsla el Kensjieea afslrs, toasete' k ss I key roe ., ke fatserd ia Ibe sanli at abseni-ees slo al aa See ss Iks original sdi. Mobs, Trim a. Per aaa. f sy ass ef tka f.-us ltrvleaa.. ,jl a bl ) leoef ll,. f-nr Hr.ltws .. US Ktr aoi M,rr ef lb f-aor lliiba..........rt.. Se fur ell loareribe tti,ws...aa.....-.A a Fi liiaikwuod'. Us-siid. ,.. v-,,,,,, n a as Hisrkw-Had sad Ibrse Ka.ires ......a. ... t'e far Klerkeaead and ika low. gnlres. ... HI t ' Segment ta A' aitWa a nil is. a Itt (rotary, M-mf tstrrraif In tAsr .Vol. wkrit tmd WlJl A IXrusef af lavr, Ctl lllllMI. ' , A dtsee ef twrelT-Sve ry erat, froaa lb skeve seteesatb k klteere la i'teh. erdmog f.-or et.-rr eefrle ef ey eae er eaere t Ike M-eo werka t .at: tawearve of lllaark eod, ae ad ewe kr, .. o, alii ke eeM le eaa aO ltts hat tr l-asr eeese ef Ike Mm ll. vises sa ilieakaeaa l-e t - sd ae aa. lTAI.h. 1 ll vrlnalt el rilisa leenealkea aerka all) k alclissr., Irseef t'eslef. aiesslky eseii.ika Paeta., le sot yen .ef Ik t oilad eta.ro e,ll ke kas Tojeeay Me? liat, a yrer f,sr -ltle.Seoa4." eaa) kea yeanae I eats eyrei I" sea sd Ike hat a o a. 77; fa n mTTu'.s a viuf. TJ ICiMTUU, AkU I dAClUlL A.illli I b era- 11 r, tit!....'' it.., r. k a, of k, ,,,d iw isla J, P. Kfcllaaa, PraafrSOaS. f trS,et. Vs. .,,0.. la si. I oll.,e. lla..e. I - . tt l IHa e. IMO kafaa, sd ta.tsl Wood sod koel k'egr-irtesa, 1 Sas a r a,:. IS dir. tke seeel saattal Is Wt.rk Ht A fit .:.. .re... j o,.tt k d. od te evo. to f . r 14 e 4rr .r,lll. Ikr o. ...S.ts I strl.ra.Utd t ratter tkr fst-t to tu K tti'l I. Ada t'l II' I Taii VOI.I sit A ! tka srrrl k)ss , n-,... j " lo I .'.t-ro.. oed 'arf-a fka -re Will ko f '. f -a .rat. .,--. of lk I a . Bod K l oaraAa i I -atJ. S, ftl Tfc sa.tote u.l'isal.lil, t-tm" h'e.iHssaaa f fo a ad . S' -r.O f. .It-.tt Wa ak-eid alea). ke eddir.a, 4, .aa. aaa,... lo loo l a- i'ah., ll.itsAAU ri HIT A i ti, Ho, .1 U..4 Ml.et, ! l-lf. W. II. UI.. U, Commltiloa Mtrtcbtnt, aa, A tuts ivr sysirv, yHaUfcUa. k. s t lllla.ll Ut At, .ot a , -r ,e t'l I t. Ill I 1 -a ,.4 I,., 1 ll b? 1 fat, -.1. A A. nilllr Hl.t. il ,k (U i -l ivoiers f S.aoeaar, or so la r.s.r-oao.,. a a r "ft.aeiMAlf'ffcA, ,9. 18 5C.:, Book! Books ' Book I TT'JXXlg AUITk Re P...kase. e eai'v ' reara ta tke far a set. ke lUaanCartaaa, , KkssieHi.ias, kv Is-g teeny. f-et f Htse.iks. ky lenUdtew. ' ' . ' ' Beery Hae4 east ktrbeaaet, ky AkkatV . )rake,ki UaaailtaaAi'eleeael. MsMir. e( CmikariiM, ef kaasa-a, sad bar ga.isss.ss. Tgvertive, ky tlenrce eead. leewoa: or tbe l .rl.k Htvy. RefareareiMlre Wusaaa; Fnta B tke Witkeftke Fir.!, w, u,, mMkn af Iks seeeea A.lm, M tv14 witu Nisaeirl ef Kein tka Rights, sTIus' itadaad bis e...-sa, bj nsrbers. Tks l'ieeicv's VIcUss, er IseldseM ef Aexrieaa fiarerv, auk ilbiiln.li..e.. Tbe kletrk ttirb Or Life Seeaes as tbejr are,' will) lllae- trarit.be. t aikart Manly Eierelseai eentsleiei IU,lee. Bail. ' Ruling. I'nviog, r teetac, Uuua sail rkoatiag, liln.lrale.1. sissv's rilagy, lUastrated. I.i A of u e yurni e( Kitjlsad of tb Boa of Man. nvr. by Pr. II. lioma. Memoirs nf Pr. Sampana, lata Ferltf tke, tales , r,'ttKii-si ecetinery. Wheeler", history of Serlk rsndlns, lllasrratatl, Ike Arrk tlobov,. Koatsoi.iain lbs tulles titates. br Ortiila 8 lloluls, lllvstntetl. T!. Amriraia Cettegy lovkctrj Baok, sr BeaMkeep- ir Hoots t.y. "-the Pro w of Pcsee, er Traths Ifer Yeaag DUolpla. by a ia.lv. Thr l.nsf cf the Forest and tea Ysttcsm er tkoagbts aaa bbotrhesa tiering an KmsUt Pilgriaiag te Homa. -k'eelr's sketrkra el Virf inis, 14 tbtnea. What is Pifaibvlvriaaisi. kv tke Hav. Dr. Codee. The ntoral and uatallsetua! divonity ef Bases, by KsH A llsti. Th. linlo Kp.KaaUaa, er tha Child tsagklby tbe i river Dttes. . ts'. nB. t.r ky tka Ptv. Kokeit fteath. D. T. Tb eit ll.... otCreaiine; a Mriaa ef Fsouliar Lay ters, frota a fslber te but rbildrrn. Iiaby nstl rorresrionriencs of heartel Pepys, . ' Juno i ilfttnl, ky a laawjr. tanlrv .nj MMMWakllaMM of Ink EvaWe. V. S ft. llisfirieal a4 t.eaerittis 8keteha f flurfulk ami Vit h,ll, lllatsfrsletl ly W. tl. Poira.L Tha pitetry ntt mji.Ury ef Drams, by Charles 0. UOIiSUil, . . lt'rlaker, Travels. Voysgrs Hound the World, froa. th.doathyCar-lais eon (o tae presvnt tlw. rotaahih, U.D. Tt'RNKR, . S.C Bookstore. Rsl.lgh, Iteo, 1844. " , Greenaboro' Temaltl College. rft HJ'tSirmg aessloa of Isart, will aanvnieaee on'thc I Soli .b,y of liaeemkay, 1 .'. Ther wlll'be n vsraHsala rVliitr,xeept a ft days for teereatloa at Anibtttb.tiartieeatseftSsfnstltutloasraeti.r lw6iltll with Pltbittut aett ikitbfii! I'rttfesacrs sad TsSakera.-. Tbo krst etasa. has Wen diviilod lotu two aei.aKii , for the nreoiiiniuilat.ion of tbosa svhu desire to (iraftsr lat the rejiahtr tollfira at.nrse.'(f 111. aotler 14 ye:vr ef ag will htfrttaAcr lie received bite tha In'bititien. Circu lar will bo asnt oa snr-iieathta, te sll rtereons destrlitg full Inftriua'dtai la refersaea lo rbarges, eours ef study Ae. , T. X. JONGS : Prvsid-iitt. tlrsen.i'oro Teerinbcr, If55. 4T et ltlcbniti.i.l t'bibtinn Advocate Bjiirlt of tha Afe, Xewlteni Xce-, N ileiiaeten AiniBirrcist, Fayettrville Obaamr ant! kllltoa t'brontele Insert I tia.es, - Louisburg MalerAcademy. fllIK Trasvees tsir plossars ' Is "al.oevVTB'fftgio th s ptiblle, thial they have armred th. istrvbHsa f M f Mtltbck tl. Ilnvla yeeng insa who kssan gkla solid .doi'Slion, wilk satresa rv fsraare So tha kst.toe. ol lestthiita,, ana has eaieoi.d it, aol as aten&leg alono se -u inker ealb kul aa nana ansa! rolesaioa. Mr. iioTis i. a groiluela ef tks binvoraity el norik tarol.na, slid aa itratarcd for CollKa rbirAy ia tbe &obot.) ot whirlt ka has aow beeeni. tba Prieelftal. Ws have bad, Iharrfuri, every otiportanity ef kaoaieg kis o,ttali.rlicnsi and as aoafidenily saawra those aks ssny frel isrbned I aslrentss tb arkoo, tbsA thai Bill ad la Mr. laviaalaehr te wkesa ikey ejoy wok romlurl aadauatldrnre lolroat Iks sStsrsl and aiaalal Mabiing of their vblidirn. ' llusitl ran ka bad in Iha villa . at llo eernottth. Tuitloa F.nitll.h lraarlieiit ".on balis and ilrark . ' ' I'.e Inrldaaial asro-niles OOAA Th nrvlrrs.1,1 will et-staanea Ik tad Monday la Jasaary ISiA. Its order of lb. Board, - A. II. ,KAT, Pssainur, IIASU b . HIM., ArrVy. boslsborg, b'ov.Isih, 185. 45 da MNU111E8. K hsv la .tors and will sell below biwrat sssr. 1 ki r send Harks "JafTrejA-A Hsreey" L. B. Salt Itatu do lirewnd Alans Halt, 1 1 4 Iti.l. Il so.d i;m.brd Sugar, lu ale CoAae, ... Wl llalf lroAU-s Loafgagsfa . s) bss lli.csoe. 4MI hosss 1'ata oep, ' da lltoea do list do I k"telri tllva r),iel, yBbls M.C., Ilmas Hrrrings, 3.11 do do t'al do. Iln-Mtis b.trkrla, VI r,.iii, Psaar, Twist, Attfs Hosr ..sat Powdrre, Uh.e till, Cbeo, lata, Casdlrs, M.asld, Adsntanlin and rtrrva, toelker wiu.aU ni. eh'i to ta foaad ia a wholesale rotrry. .. a A. M. M. I'll bbl kH A A 10. Ae. A, lUsaoke N,e.re. Kerfolk. N. B, Partaralsr sllenlioa Iil rs to sales ef Plow ssd Ziorlkl.ardia tr-.rks -seiwrelly. Order for Li., I.uta.t, ir. kllrd ol lowest rlcr. ' I'rrrotl,,'! In, IftSA. AA-tC '6000 Fruit Trees, Or tht F bH -lrr. 0 R K ! U X m.l K A tTX K k f n tut mi Ist-rtr way by Kail Hm4 to Hl rb lurttttja mwi i htT.ft mm. Vnf wantiHK irM ia pkmmi lliU fcniin k,t M rirttT l Hall, In M il-i.U, m i Unvui l.-hrj tr( h ot."!, M ikti rtmrnif, art my f hU t miva mtUrn a4 siaiett-r Uvet fur we, iftr.H( my aW VALUAliLE f LAVKaS AT AUCTION, WT U.t ME OKTKnKD 0 PALK AT 1 t'l.l'OM an4 ralM t Kpya, skawt r4 af atiirii fruta in in tVeMH ti U I. a4 rkataiatnr H Vltvtitnl HiMtrt, tA4 twt4. mn4 tttta 9rHHm4 tn la m4 mml 4mm rr lt. ll.ri e.i-rtrf- ;-. I UU ary liH!, ai WeHfJkAkf Aa ftrssTttlt, b tHl hmfntm 99H, Ti ll rr. f'-t ffsk ar araa4 m4 f MfnUabta ai v la r M a) $b a ill I'laaa U Us- ftrTAfa. I. J. Ti MUHl LU A-rtV. IUIe.4lk ! IW. - tl. 1 aT TIIH Ahll. eeelkrv lot of ine 0,n ff llo.irss. t'.'als, Tsla.se, be. Also a frv4l so-.ly ul t I.." a. I sed V..i, to ka Bud. te ot l-n ell of nkok ei'l ke eeM tew f-e cask, fan ...e end oo iii yaraett. a4 Aoa'l f rgH.e krvngik wkiaa aiih. klku A Mi. ha. b.bltk, Mo.. It, l"M. t-At K. R -Tboae btd ttrdt S Bill please ask. a, of sonata lo arlllr ee. ef krfne. tka Aral Any ef J 'rv. s S, sa saw of ika Are. a.nlsw leee ia Slot si tkel liar.. Tbaae wl.o due I eaatorly Mk IA ,! ,f a - i !i al ta ll ke Belled o ky eel. tlsl.ijh, oe ISo, lt- As J .HI, ST tlf. ft' amain t Mnl II .--' i II IT II It I III k ft -( etl of flaes aed i, -an, Aa aa-aaa kart V TrrSa, I S-A, Ao 1 toy Aita-lrot vs Mokeal tMivraot elf, (tot, It saftse, ika kaltsof ft ae Arw-lsA, aVe'd.ie. Are. alro.i aed - Areaetred. o fl aft,eater o Iha asl' fossban 4 Iks faatet it a ike dra-easM-a le It.la aor ore aoe.es i .too a f Ikl tt. fl ie ti rf r. rtat. rrd Ittol aA.aetraareoel te aa.ato sis wrattte lbs btl tk atoa. e eer. eolv-k. la in 1 Mr of A. tat. A. t-e ao B-s is..4eta to eear a. AaO ..... t.r.a. ol lOaa tao'V le bo kaid Ibrt saaotr ob-re. ... ia... ,t.r o.'-.. I At sk tor of katooery a. il al tt. I et M -oar te Pi'ta o.V l.e and a.ee te eereao 1 '.e ta a. eer tutil f. t-H-e -a t so roes. IS he keaed atiatie rd )d.toat lot re fm mmh ..satao a, fBwoa. Hrteooe W r 1lUsr I ore. I for eaiS I assay OS ot fa lie sos oed st.es... of .. A. I'o I -si, aad t tke atk oer ef Arr.eea le.t.'orsWoa. W . r. I A I I.1 1 H, ! V . i:. II-a L'.nitloij FesiAU If i&lMry. f 1111! Ofaer S.a.a be ! eill Ik. d A lUaao. t.-ara t a. eo.k.eg oed l.,kia 4. for elAiiiseaJ a. arsaa, eti-tt lo , ar olor, ood oia sj. ra. , r-ios-t. tSaa-SaUf, .1. - - - 4. ,1, ( ll,n oaf atlaaVsi 1-0 a, 1 1 fiat A.- A Soa.1 X 1 'aa, ltf ) t'l 1 I - A Solae MoewW fart l-e ' " I vim IT A PI' l. Wo H, areoa n4 I'd. I !. . loaSos .1',; T At.. I tt rn A .1 4 af ae Mom, A ttrae. a lea V aw'l'a. f 11.1 -. eaBata-aV-ea lit. I ' HI UII 1ITIIT.SE1E1TI. iW rteaAar A flrr. tii ApfdrtW, Bsllditg Ut 4 US Brosdaey, . Bcan-rrtw BROTERaiircir tsrosTtss, AK DKAUSA ia Dragi, Mnii, BJ rtrftmrrT. It., ITO WUliasiStraet, IsewTerk, ISV1TE tb attention ef ft trad te their lore ryif "CkU,S' P'u,i K'bb i'aHoie. , livaOtHUea to thah- raglw hajaemtloa. ,ft. pie Drags, tb.y are alae reoeirin,, inH nrK soaro. of predaolloa aad esonufsolare, nphn of Tooth, H aih, aad N ail Baesa ss,B0ase.c.,as, MoRTau, Brasoss. Faasva and Koun.. i. ar, Li sis's blvaAoTa, and auwy otb.r srtvcle asoaily embraeed ia Irggi.u' slocks, which the re else a sbled . sUor oa tb atost advaatagaeaa Order, rather la parson or by mail, will eel prompt ntuntbia. It dans xo, 18M. 77,. " Bwoklyij-titT Stem Enjiai tnVu 13 wath srxssr, aaoott.va, ntw toac, D. P. BTJED05 (k Co. nANINQ reeaatly iit.d ap the sitsn.lv eatab Jahawnl tt ths a bora named pUee, w ars prwrd to Bisaufsetur all kinds ef 8TKAM EN. 01.NK1, liollara, 8,,gor Mills, Saw and Grist Mills, --r- uoenog lev worsing Mint, HhsfUag ralleys Ao.,and art nrerared in furnish r..,,n ... wry deecriptio. a wnvy u . ntvmra t'lsiiters rmrtknlsrVy to ear goes, KiWt, Having parebd Iha ntir tltock of .'attorn a. ttom th lata Ina of U. H. Martso lltloi M. 7, ws ean safely asy that waaaa tura eat a Mill wkieh for sfreagih, daisbihly aad aeataes, esaswt be xoellcd by any establishment fat th Beat. A bong sxseTtoae ia th buetoeaa reader a compe tent to aiecut. any or.lrs, aad a woald dvis the ia want f Maebinary to giv aa a oaib Ka glnts hut Ikilli lion power alwavs oa hand, D. P. llL RUOM ; h h. coM,Lii, - . 8. B.CllSRLI.N. ' i . . ' . 1273ioa, , Tint PrrmlBm toldStdalfleM-Fartti. i; SIEIH WAT ft I0NI, 1 ASir0Ti;sr,s-, Hd A M wauia srirtv. ;, .'.... sa SSOADWAV, sw tosa, , Respeotfallyeall the attention of tht pahlie t tlirir silsndid 'earteat af semi. grand and .uur pianos, which, for vnlams of ton. iallei- y oi itnioa, uesuty et Buish, and ta skon yry thing that reader Piano parfoet, ara aaawpas- sed. They were awarded ths Drat preniiaia-for both kinds la eoH.wtitbia with the ntoat di.tia gislid aisksrsfroia IWstoa, Phila4vb.hU, N Vork, and lWtimure, . " : KEW TlillMPHl " ' fvsixwAT A Una. hsv just bea awardsd th riUST Proaiiuai HOLD Mb UAL (overall eomr-rU-tnr.) at th 1st Psir of tb Anerioaa lu.Ulut Crystal Palac. for th BE3I Piaaofort C. ITEAP OAS UGI1T.-TU Bentol flaa Light J t'onpany are prapared t furaisk Portabl lla Maeloiitt. suitsbi for Naaufaeturies, tHiarea. Basiling Houses, "tUsamboat., Hailroad Sutlona, A. Tbee Machines r aarra'tted to giv sails, factlna. They ar saaaafaetured antler 8. T. Ma. IbnigaH's Pslent, and ar th only ones that ail operate well la cold weather. The Lifht frodured is ens half cheeper Ilia foal Oas and lea tkaa th eoWBnanrst Tallow Can. Ilea, Tkry er easily tnaaaged aad Ira Asms danger, and th ericas ti per seat, lees Iha asy other sssahines eved. Tka I oetpsny oiler for set ttiata and Caaaly HighU far 11 lbs Htatoa. AH enlera akoald be .tdres4 ke 8. T. MulAJbflALL, Ageai fur U Ceaioaay, . 0.1 iiaoAUt, jvsw loag. Helelga, Ooi. 10 l&Ui. lll-im. TILT0N k McFAlRLAJCD, S3 Maidan Lana, Haw Tork. ASUPACTTJRHH OP Tilt WOHI.D VI. aowned Halaavaider bafaa , Peak Tsalu, Italtlmnr Dpet, US Pratt, Uoato llepot, II Howard street. " . lot ly. foii ins 1,000,000. THE tJ. . r ATBIT M ABBLB CO. (Caosoui $105,000.) M.StM Br4y, av slker M. New Tee. Ar prrpsred ks xat all ordera frsr Mantle, Tabls Tops, Calaiaae, I'edeatiaia, Pilasters, aUeb, . la IrallsUoa of Hsraa. HrvxtauL. Pn-aaaea. Neapolilaa, aad aU faaey Mrbt aueei la etraagU, keeaty, aad durabilily u reel Brkl ad ta aoaaa reapeeaa snpeeaur therete, aad al lea has kslf lb et. Unit k rkeiiaed Irua.waed or slau, HI. wkoily fre froaa All ebjeettoae wkich sr argd against am ewrfae work, akar fsiet, . pat yaraiea, a, reeva ta taatpeyary asdiski aed keenly ef Ika artlciat Maalrl frost t te AeU. Ur- der fraa IMIdeva, Cabtaot Maker aad outers s. Ilclled, and ntislaatkaa gwAraaleed. Ageal iter tks priaein! iuea traatad with. dustra Lams, . fits Bsnia, Peea, Levii 0. MlcxLas, V. Pres. Kalilgk October 1A64. BA.ND80MI nroOMB TO BB MAD! AT BOMB. rfTbe ahoy eaa be ssad la eeory tear i .. tr Ibroeikoet lb I a lea, by aagair Cm. by aagagittr ia tb tssBUteelur se.l saw of aa article aea akh.fe, tot a anliey ef 10, eae theesaad atdlar a yr awy he Bisda. Tb Article I on. of aniverea! dang aoaaump lb, sad a that has pniiled kh keoms ef a., in. uf tb. moot eadaent pkibatoprr. It Is self vidat Ibsl ll is aeatiaed te beeosa one f lb Must eeeessery ef tke aareaaltle ef III. Ik srtirl. Is eae that a ill hav ss ready sed per. SAaaeet aol. toar. I all particular aili be eai try kail, ee tbe re. r'.t ef l.'l eeale, ee a -wivobat In Poet neioe staler. fareiiBens seat bo feotrs,l. Al t-oa jAklkd T. IIUKM A Co., Hex iM'i. Isoet nil.. sw t oSS, Rsl.l.k Oct AO lrx."J, , Ut lava, locking Oiaasaa AXid fictar !' mfaetory. Tlna tf H V. a..k:H n-W. I I ealaa 1 t .yit atrael. kea trek. Me M. V. ha Baold Soil Ihs atlrSlleB of MroeffrrO Slau eg tke etly, oed ea rrl slly Ikoap oa Ike I aa, to Am a s teBsie H s.evoooao aad Maaaferfay. to. .- arealoa ef eeasjoellod teoilllore, ke t. aaeklod ss r ,- , rot aU erdero oa the lowoe. eooolMe I roa. 1 l-o Aelreoaaaa. ars fapare. aHb okorre aeartosawo ael fell latat! laa. O. ad Vok (tldlO I all lla Wao. Aao SBOWlallOff , lark gilt, VOe BOSads, BoS, BM1.. 0000 oed mekaf-eey, ta every yarloly se eowetosoe ua ksed. lHd.aSa.oa sll perls ef eka Pailod Atalra aol faa e-tea aseootod aok proaaBlBaaa, eSa atk Ik grael .at af sera - A ukooal dlseoaat slUoaad to fka Trade tl, f. i..brit. At, AT, SI, aad 1 1 I -rat is as , N. T. A, lU. A Tbo Hani ScvLng llacLIn. isirnvi ss I a s.a rsv.av err r. i. iKiiiii i i. i, nr;: BV IH.VS .IRI. A t'AVIK, rKtU"?. fl'ltia tta-s.ee .sl a.iv SAW a, asoe Ws a airv I li.res.!, I btoode l .. o e 0000 . ee teAra es ... toe tel. ef lk.ook a. a. k, e Mfc-ot. are o tooe. lie SO tat. Sao taataad tl., - .. I fcA BO a, tht , .... 1 1 A Ik. r'H 0"0 .4 ti 't O'.'- lata ,1 ..lot ho d-.' r . .4 It. a k a I e. lie wt I, faaefor a.1 wok el kaO a. It aa tka 01 .1 !. etolo koisaad ae-.'! a-fa,rte . , Vr iV, fe .1 1 ,4 eae!., af H a it -1 ItsMioi' P lls. f . lt traedee. h I. frtrrs a,' M4eelo alt lj si.las.j? ...... o ! k. I'-- "! ri'iirt ami an a. ati it i. ...-. . I. d J laa far.oria.al 4 I thr. fe Ilk, . Its aaAa m takitt ta ma 1 tk-l 1 la it Hip'MM' ' i 1 1 1 T-f a- ak.44 tt f41 I ( I H I fill 11 Lk. aj tU4 mm 4 mm- a lifitif mi k m4m- am.1 u surk a a t a a- r ( mm 4aka t) b ia m la Mkoa tOi.UI.tUTr.Jl. ri H t riAtlLKT. IV Ittim ffsrf laa AMI Urji AT 'It tU mmif ml M $ tai f a- , a. ) a.. r,,S . . m-mrt Ware.' a.'', I M ' V ' i I'Al. i'imm, '- 4 ifeff a 44 I