Mortb-(tarQlin;t ?iar, reaussita triLT WILLIAM C DOUB, " iditob aneraoraiayvsa; 1 1 1 M f If wald triot'y i edvanet, twe dollar per ea- . i. duller aad fifty tnk if Mid withia , Jeatkt f uJ three dutier M tat aad of Ik TT. AorsRnssjtKxrs .ieedin; iixteta we will b iaesrted aa tin fur ae dollar, and ,waty-6 enU for 'Jack tabaaqarat inaertion. Tboee of plater length will bt ttuvrge 1 pro pom tiuasfly- Coarl Orders aad J wdicial advTtimet wll b charged 2 par eeat. higher taaa the abate ratea. A deduction will ba aaada le , who advertis bj tha year. Bonk and Jab Priutiag dona with acetate an aeipatoh, and ra Maoamadating tenut. "'" -f-rr volume xivn. KALEIGH, vN0ETH CAROLINA, "WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 16. 1853. NUSI3EB 3 Miscellaneous. A BATTLE WITH A CRIZZLT BEAR. GENERAL DIRECTORY. CITY GOVERNMENT. Win. Pallet Haywood, Intendaiit ot Patice. cojtmsaioJiiBa. Eastern Ward. Lldridjre itaiith, A. Adam. .V.uVfle Ward. E. L. Harding, " Iaanc Procter. " E. Cantwell, Western Ward. A. M. Unrnian, II. 1. Turner. J. j. Christophers, CitT Clerk A. M. I.orman, City lrea. City Guard. Jamas M. Crawley, " Jackson Overby. ( City CoiuUe. Edward Harris. " ... William Andrewa. A. Adams, Weighmtiater. E. Hnrris, Clerk of the Mar ket.' COURTS. Tlie Supreme Court of North Carolina i- 4eld in thU city semi-annually, on the second . .ndny in Juno, and the "''' day of Leceinbr)r Jtuljn. H'in. Frederick Xash, Chiirt Justice, II. M. 1'earw.n, Asaocuitr udge, W. II. Buttle, Edmund B. rTcenian. Clerk; Hum. C. Junes, fieirter: J.J. Liushl'urd; fr., Marshall. The t'mted Mahi Circuit Court fur the lis triot nf North Caroline is held seiiii-iinnunlly in this city, on the 1st Monday iu June and tha. Inst Monday in Nnrrahr. Jttd ja. Hons J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; II Henry Potter, of Fayetteviile; District Attorn Robert I'. Hick; Clerk. Wm. II. Haywood, Marshall. Wesley Junes. The Stimior Court for this County, is held on he first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and Scptemiser. .1 dm C. M.s.rm, IVrk. .loi. It. Bachelor, Attorney fseneral and Solic itor of the fourth duilicttil Ihstriet. The Cttiirt iif iVrrf iihiI (Hiitirr $exinnii U hoid on the third Mundtiy in February, May. Ai'iro t and Nuveiiilter. Ji'tf. l'tt'v, 4 '1,-rk . Ct 'tmcitittf Ike Cmntty 'Vr. William l"'. 1 in. . i'lmn't y-td'rilot K. P. -V im 'It. Tba ftllowing adrenture with griaily baara is from a work by CaoU Mama Keid, entitled "Thellunter'i eiwt,'jut puhlinhad by Messrs. Ilewitt lbtfennort. The Captain had been tra eliiiK with a Btrange party -" sealp huntera" in the mnnntaina near muita r e, when they were otertaken by a sudden a id heavy fall nfnB that rendered furtlier pntirross, impossible.. Tha " eanon." a deen ralley in whieh they had encamped, was difficult to get through at any time, bnt now the path, on amount of tha deep soft snow, was rendered impansihle. When the morning broke they found themselres fairly "in the trap." We oopy t Above and liclow the Taller waa choired, with now five fathoms deep. Vast nure la rra- Telewed the pracijiiea at twn lean, lihling arh ' ap the bluff. Thestrnrrgeaian ar mn.l f J moron nis nuga ereseem-Miapm Durus. in Blllu 11 nat n...ipareil. ITm'rata vwi. 1'or a moaioiit, bolh parties human and gain 1 ded men were strewcl ov,er tba ground, but the seuuiad equally taken by aurftrise, and stood , bear was aowbeve to be aeeu. lie had doubtless eyeing at each other a unite wonder. It waa weeapod through tha anow. but fr a moment. The men made a rn h for I I waa stiil w.Hidenng a ho waa the hem of the their rifles, and the) animal recovering from his fire brand, and where ha hnd come front. I irauea in aironinnmeni, iimscii uaca na norna, nave sam ne ne was aalrang bsiking m in. He and bounded acroai the platform. In a dmen was so, and like no one of our prtythatl springs be had raauhed the eotvidRa of tha snow, could jhink of. Ilia he id was not hal I no, not and plunge-i into it yield' ng liauk; but at tha bald, but naked there was not a hnir nnon it, same instant, seierul rities erackiMt, and the white. j.erown of aidea, and it cHstened in the e'ear wreath was crimsoned behind hiqi. He stilt kept 1 light like poliehcd ivory. I was pusile l l von 1 on, however, leaping and breaking through the ! evnression, w hen a man, Garev, whoh-aliieen drift. I felled noon the platform by a Wow I'rniu, ne of Wo etruok into his track, and fullowed with ! tlie bears, suddenly sprang to bis feet, eselaim the eagerness of hungry wolves. We oould tell j lug " by the numerous gouts that he ivas shed ling his "Go it, Doe. ! Three cliyara for tie doe-lile-b!ood, anil alsiut fitly paces farther in we tor!' fotimi htm d&td. - I To my astimlshment, I now rcnriitod the A shout apprised our eoninani ns nf oar sue- fcalurea of that individual, the alen.-e of wiie dental suitaluhtv to her fi fire. fea and earriace, idoiiiad her youth wonderfully. If the si wnnid study Uate in dreas mora, and oar less fur a pwise, they would have no reason to Tcgrel it. At prewni the eirravaganoe of AnierieaB females is proverbial. We we could say as much of their elegance in the same line.. ra, were fillod with the drift ; and it was perilous '" nnd M n"n dragging bark tlie j. brown bwlts bad producel sueh a metainorj.'i tlie prise, when wild cries reached us from the , sis as, I believe was never effected by. means of platform the yeila w the men, tba creamsot women, mingled with oaths and exclamations of terror ! We ran on to the entranoe of the track. On reaching it a sight was before that caused the stoutest henrt to tremble. Hunters, Indian and women wca running to and fro in frantic confu sion, uttcrin thoir varies cried. Wo knew our e- eniy at a glance t.hedreailcd monsters of the mountains the grimly bears! There were dee of them five in sight there m gilt he others in to attempt penetrating in either direction. Two men had already disappeared. On each side of our camp rose the walla of the canon, nltnost vertical, to tha height of a hun dred feet. These we might have climbed had the weather been soft, for the rock was a trap formation, and offered numerous seams and led ges ; but now there was a coating of ice and snow upon them thnt rendered the ascent impossible. The ground had been froiett hard Ud'ore tha storm came on, although it was now frceiing no All our effort lo get out of the valler proved i ",5"'"'" -v -... idle ; and we give them over yic!.linE . "urselves, ' whole party caged as we were, and weaken in a kind tt feckless despair, to wait for we '"" ' " , ' ,., . . ' t TI.ev had reached the cliff in chse of the Cim- For three .lays we set shivering around the j """. " ntior nnu .i1.,.,. .i..,,..m.i wore and were sear.'rhing bright spot cheer- j I"' pl" to oewenu. j i.e inur inrco r. areu ed the nehi'ig eve inem-civnsnn iiieir uani mm o"'iiiiiiii mo- The 'little piatform on which we rctcd-n : neuverins with their forearms in a human like hipcO of two (ir three ai res was still free from i "'"1 oounoal pantonine! i ... ,i.;r. . .. ..,,,... ,.r ....,.,.. ,tu i Wc wore in no condition to relish this amuso- wind. S.ragg'ling pines.' stunted and le.if.ess, merit. Every man hastened tonrmhimself, thoe irrew over ii. su-L.-'e, in all almut lifty or sixty " hadetnptted thtr.r r.Ues hurriedly re-loading trees. Frum, thcie we obtained our fires ; but what were fires wc had not meet to cook up n them? We were nn-v iii the third .lav without food! Without f sel.iiiougli not a1 "oliiteiy wiiho.i eii- ing. The in" I. rt frilled their gnu c.vnr-. and ' the catik-rr "oV tjieir l.nilet potirhe-., and '.veto ! now M'i'ii riie a-t -ink' but one -trio ing llie FROM tlTTLK IXHIRIT-BY C II A RUES DICK. INS. . Hon It wna San liy evening in London, gloomy, eloa and stale. : Mid lei.i ig ehnroh llls of all ilesreea of di.inaiH-e. sharo and Hat. craekoj and oteir. fast and slow, ma le the briv and mortar eoo.itu hi oo,i.. Meianchoty streets iu a paiiitanlitl girbufe-ait, siee.wl tha-wtnUuf the peiiol who were mm fo niieil t i.n.k at tVin out.d llie wind n in lire dix ioiuleiMiv. In evert thono rid ire, uo awery allev,' and d-i'sra at n,nt every turning, some il".'.lrul" ldl wis thrubbing. jerking, tolling, as' if'tjur 1"a;iie were in tlie city, and tiie deid' carts a-ero tuning romd. i,.e ywiiiig was tv.ite.lan I barre I Uiatoould bv For three .lays we set shivering around the rm, and humor nnd disappoint fires new and then easting l..ks of ol,,ny inquiry yisible.-n their hornd atpocts. I ivoot aroutil the skv. The same dull day for at. an- j -Iw-'r craw.ed cb-e to the scarp, Hwer. mott'ed with ake nlantiog earthward, for pawmg . verand snuffing the air as it its.illc.nii.iucdtosi,,,w. Not a bright spot cheer- for a plc todewnd. 1 he other th Isirrowing hair. "Here's your acalp, IVm.," eried i!aey, run- ..,K PiU. . w.g. bv ... ler. . ,,.,;i,v lurhi.h ...... .... t. I il yer saved ua all:" and the hunter seised v.. ,.:,.,:. r..-, . . . i-t man irchia wild embrace. . ,ft??",r?'',W W ounded men . were ail ntenced erawlin" lejrether. ...... , t .,,,1 .., "-""'-"" "oi.,..,. or won iers ot me B,T where las toe h"t'?,,, ..' 'r"!' '"' ilh. fifth of the baarat Four ol had 0,.,.,ne,f l,v , T"" u"'7 " ne .? '' the cliff. " ..... " Von.lor he'," cried a Voice, as a light spray, rising alSve the amr wrcHth, hnvV 1 jim-ft"1!'- from t' e !w of their m "I he iv .do In r'"' if ( M'.tA r-Will Cu'llttif-oli. Ilulsoll. II. !! I ...I I- I. II lot!,. II K , I: ,,!' V., . .! ti.:.-t .!.. 1 ii I i...l-is . t'.-i-bi. !''.. ..... i ' i ' . iiraoo'i vl.:. Ill; II ill l I1' , till' I 111. I.I hi-. ,d I- '11.1- tilrHll. SI fa' her". I.r e at!'... ti o ;'-. IntlHT.i : tiiri'e:ed led ,..l.i IH-OM-II' to them "For your life, don't !" eried Gamy, catching nt tho gun of one nf th,e hunters. The caowoii came Iiki lato, half a dozen bullets were already v, lii.-t ling upward1. The effect waa jut whit ihe trapper anticipa te.!.' The lienrs, maddened by the bullets, which ill harmed them iionn iff Than the pricking ot i- ui.iny pins, dropped to their a!l-f"!irs ngain, ai.'i n'rh fierco c,ro,vl, couiinet;ccd doicciiding t!,e cliff. 11,0 , ene of e million iti. n iw at ,ils height, i,,, Hl of' the .io n, l.-s lr..ave tlii.u tl.eir co.n- i-ade.. rin cif In hid" themselves .lo-r's .-(!. II eni-cl I'liml-iliL ' ..' ...Of, t ,11 , , ii.... : .l..'i-.''lO!.i. . I OO'l.-Jl, '.lOtlllll l'l''l ,.t tlli. 1 il.on ' I .p ill. e I I.,. ;:i wii.: le I,. ..ii S,-..'.- I . ....TI o. t . af.-l Hid. I' . ! ' H. W. t . H'li. Ill I'll' . III! 1 .' 1 rvit" i !, I . ItTl . of" h, si. ( i-t -un into 11 Mifl'c.i!,, -...I i.o-.n I iTiti,; v.r-re :ti .roiiji i l"i:iii m thnt Li.rui.T- ii.c-ioi-( olit-et'e,! n 1. ..jk '. f ,..i,.,i'.n, ai,en lb' ve, wi'i'll toe inn.. :-iLe,tjawi . 111,. '. tl ri.-ii.lioe. iimli'i ii, e d I .lit! V., i icit toe -Hi Tit i ;. I I 'II to . ii. t; !. F. d Ii ui. i. li ,i.lll!ll-, A l ,.I;1. I.I Vi in l!ii ' .1 .-to I ill 1 1 toe . lolll Sill. 1 1. II.. ... I o,o, coal 1 uo.i 1 1 t e.i,. l iv. ,ic !l ii. .ud UiiU ol lixc!.a:ioc die. , :rik.- 1 1 .'''"';', lli iivk i t'r lUli.k nj iht Cajx 't'i. l ,lo l. il li., t.'.l .I.I.U-. 11. f. Vlmdi, Teller an. I .oUiy I'ui.lic. IhsKi lint-. ti.H..Vi ., T. ii. cUy, S-th J me-, iieorn Little, l)r. Thus.. i.g, and V. W. I. il it, Lings.. v I t,..i u ; liy .doiliv, Discount day Tucsilny l.ttlo, .'.ti i ..cei.f the li".iper, Harcy, wli d o tii.t.ii t. uariK tlie e.iv . we ivi'"o -II up in n;r lee', lo ,ii.!, I .ii i...iU aid. Kure rii.-ti IretU nl li.c e,.t'o!oced sl-y u r ;W, t'f it n idi-ned out as wecnitill- t i r. (. il libb er nn I tliil:lier, ..,'.. i; lrid ceased snowing alto- getber. Ilall-a-dii7i'i: i r ii-. !.m:M( rii.g our rifics, itrn-k if nn til. ai.'.".-. Iir wmld make one more t tr nn;.le a road through the diiit. It a a vain . ne. I be -ro w was over isir heads. lb n i-h 'l'. .1 t'a ii.o t itioni t'itm,i,!l .1. Many , t u knew that to hi lc, under the e:r-1 cii,sinin'es would I worse tlmn useless. The" ier c i.iit brutes would have di-cioyed n- one by one.- and . desirojed us in deiail. "They ninl l e met and fought!" that wis the word; and we rc-nlvej to carry it into execu tion. Ti;t were nls.ut a dmen of us who "st.s.d up (,, ii" tl,e liclawnres and Sliawnces, with fi,iren.ainl the mountain men. We kept lirinp tt the Ijears as lliey ran along the !i',loi in t'oeir aio xaa do-i-ent, but ourrilles were out nf order, our linger were nitni'ied with cold, and our series weakened, with hunger. tlur btilicts from tl.e hideous brutes, et not a shot proved deadly. It only stung them into Hoicer rage. It "as a fi-urfn! moment when the last shot was tired, and stiil m4 an enemy tiie less. Wi f'ung aurav tlie guns, tind, elutching the hafei.cta mei bUHl.ii knives, silei.ily awaited our gristly fs. We had taken our stand dose to tha rock. It that some onilnaf was struggling through tlie drift. Several ewnrMneedf Wlbw herr-TWi", tn-' tending to follow, and, if possible, see.iro hi.u. The doctor armed himself with a freti pine; but before those arran-reinenfs were comp'rte.l, a strange cry came from the fot, that caused cur blood fo run cold again. The Indians leap ed to their feet, and seizing their tomahawks, rushed to the gap. They knew the mo.tningof that cry it was the death el nftheir tribe! They entered the road tint ft had tianin'ed down in tho morning, followed by those who had loaded their guns. W watched them, from the platlorm with anxious expectation, but be fore they reached the spot, we timid sen that the "stoor" was slowly seitlfng down. It was plain that tho struggle had ended. We stood vailing in breathless -silence, ami watching the Uniting spray (hat noted their urn gresa through -the drift. At length they h id reached the scene of the struggle. There w'n. an ominous stillness", lasted for a m meht, and then the Indian's fate n a announced in the ad, wild note that came nailing up the valley. It wai the dirge nf a Shawano a-arrior ! They had found their brave comrade deal, with h scnltiiug knifeburie I in tbt heart of in the snow, j his terrible niitagoiilt I the low pine I It was a costly supper, that bear lnat. bnt, j perhaps, the liaenlii-e. bad aved inanv lives. "il yc i We wmild ket'p tlin "cinnuaron" f.Hr to niorrnw: i i ti..iit, lio ,li I next day, the man mot: and the next what next? ! TT. it tliem ; l'crhap ilia man! - '.vi;li' ' i ro! innately, we were not ilri. c.i to (his ex- oil.: i t i ) t'0'.-man , tre.nit v . 'i'l.c liot had :. o nin net, and the sur t tutrel fr in the i face of the snow, previous nioislcnel hy the situ V doi i'.r. assisteil ; and rain,' 'on li ne caked info iee stri ng ir.ii.g tt,c te. ritie.l ; eiiiiuith 1 1 liear us, and uooii its firm crtit wc fscttpevt oui in i tie perilous p,t( and gamed the warmer region of the plains in safety. V-'' d afier urujclingl r two boors, we bad not ! waa ..urdesin lo have the first blow, as the an il VI L IKIAI'S. Iitil i-jh And ttitiUim ItntiriMitl Catuy. I'.. A. toudup, I'raudent, W'. W, Vas, Treaotier, J. M. i' sd, Aitaut Treasurer. 1'. U. Allen, lh ; t A-eiit, Mni train levies IU uimuto aAcr 7 A. at ( J P. Si. .v.. any. 'Ik ( tritit Hii Kiitlii'cl Cumti t .i. t. ti.lier, I rewt. Sent. '. P. Menie hall. J T. WrM, Inket Agent. M ill in n amies i u'cLvk, A. M., front the l,ii ; and depart" liiia. afer 5v'rlut!, A. M. .vlail f oim the W est arrive at 3'- minutes af ter 4 o'ol . k, P. M. Imparl at 2d miiuie ba frt4 aVl.k, P. M. ,1"0ST OFFICE. Wiili.-i While, Sr., Poet Master. OiB'-e hours, um ouk tieye, l.uia Sun-r'.a t 0 P. M. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE, (saairtk tse niriari ai or ania at aiLtit.a XOUTIIERS MAIL Br Rmaoia.) Thr.Mioh Mail ebe daily at 6 1 a. at W ay Mail - " ' at p. m Arnvss daily at 6) p. as Tbt Car las vt tht dep,s) at 61 a. at bOlTalEU.Ii MAIL (Bt Twoaoata lim, n,i dally a( I p. a) Arriree duly at 6 p. os TUallxklaiiM at 7i p. as V.rTKRX MAIL (Br R.u.a,) CI.W. daily at t a. m. Arrive daily at 4t p. as. Tl.e Train leave at 4 a, as trOLU.!WmKMAIL (Dr Raitaosn.) susasoaily, at f p. m Arrive aaiiy at a a. Tat Car leave daily at tOm after a a. as T A RUOKt M X I L-( Rt Twanwasa II a.) ClosawaeiSlun.Uy.Tuesi.BaidTbur, at ( . ai Arrive Tumdsv, Tburs. aad fat, at 7 f- a II tc's lette m U m. H 4. and ri., at ft a. a PireVa.l iP.O M AIL (Hr Tassa-aua.t IU.a Cloeeeoa Tw.Uy and !saIUrdy, at 9 p. s Arruei ua Men f in Thursday,' at 7 p. as IIsk .en a..,,, asid n el. liil 7 a. a l ined over two hundred yards. Here wt taught a glimpse of liailiul eloie os. As far as Hie eve could re u h, it,n sied nnon the same impas sible musses, liesjutir and l iiu-er parnlyieil our exei tiims, and dropping uff, una by line, wo re turned to the camp. Wt fell down armtn l the fires in sullen silence, liarey continued pi 'ing bug and forth, now glancing up at the sky, and at limes kneeling down and running hi, hand over Ihe sutfaconf ihe snow. At le igtti be approached the Hrv and in his slow. draiViiog manner, remarked ; " It' a gwioe to Iru, I iccliu." Well ! and il it doe ?" asked on of hi eom- rales, nl.ont rs-ing far answer to Iht TiHssii.Hi. " Wl," an iv it d e," the trapper, we'll !tik ' lit of Ibis hyar ,luj alia- ann-up, an uis.n a gisid ban Ira. I, ton." TLc of every face) waa changed, a if by niyt. !evral lratii to their fret, to!, tlie t'ansiimn. skillrl in snow-craft, ran to a hank and dinwinj hit baud along Iht oolubinj, shoul td back ' f rr'i i7 irU; il grit! ("That it true; It f ; it Iretee I ) A cold wind anon aftr set in, at d, eheere.1 by the brihteaiug pr fspeot, w beagn to think ol Um fit, that during uar tatt hours of resikless ihdill. reiMW, bad been alinnet suJiired lo burn out, Tlit Isslswares, eeitiug their tomahawks, tota mencrd bacwing at tls pine, whilst nthers drsg ged forward t f si lea trees, Ivpping off Ibeir brancbe with lis keen aealping knife. At this meiiieul a nervliar cry attracted our atttiitloa. ainL lookti.g arand, wt perceived isi of Iht lodoins dr. p euduesily U..a hi knee. Inking to groai.'i with kit batthet. V, list ia itl What la ill buut4 Htnrsl yaice lt aa atany language. - Ynm-mm! i'uat yua.'" replied tha Indian, still Jigging at (lot fr.! sjr. und. To Injun' ii,jU it' ma rmtt id Oarey. p . kiog Bp m .cave wnim iu i-eiawar nau vli, ppsd of. i ree n tea a plant wall known la the ax wa lain asst. a rare bail w.MvJevlul rMi..ltulus, lb If .wi tVfa.fey"t. 1 bt awm uf " asaa r" is give Iii it bt the hunters, f.otn tht molarity uf ii rv4 la of a nan. It uslaiu baaaaM life. In aa t lie, and aeneiiuiaa in si it, lb is tscuknt, and sen es lu fa doara even ens ', ima'.s, for the most part,, came tleru forommt down the cliff, lu thi w wore disappointed. On reaching a ledge some ten leet from the plat form, ihe foremust bear halted, and seeing our posi ion, itJ tu descond. The nest sin ment, hi oonipanioo, maddened with wounds, came tumbling d inn upon the same- ledge, and i h tieri't growls, ilia live huge b..dici wcrt pre cipitated into our uiidst. Then camo the dosparate trng5le, which I eannut describe the slmuU of tht hunters, the wilder yells of our Indian allies, tht hoarse Wor rying nf the bear, the ringing tomahaw k from lulls likt flint, Iht deep dull "thud" of thtttab- bi.ig-knifr, and now and then a groan, as the ere-cer.t claw lore, up the clinging muecla. 0! il Wis a fearful scene! Over the i l ilform bears and men went rolling I and Mruggo.igiu th wild batiSt of life and death through th trees, and into lb deep drill, I staining the tuna with their mingled blood ! Here two or Hire men wtrt angaged with a winglt fo thtrt torn bravo hunter t.ud bat tling alone, hiery moment the bear wtrt laa aening tht number of llieir assailant t 1 had been struck down at tht commencement of Ihe straggle. On regaining lay feet, 1 saw tht animal that bad feiltd nt bug-ring Uit prualratt body of a man I It was (lode. 1 leaned over tba bear, clutch ing il sb 2gy skin, I did Uils lotteaily an self. I wa weak a.w dly so were w all. I siru -k with all lay f .roe, tabbing list annuel' hi Uit ,ritss. letting an tha Frenchman, tht lsar tamed addenly and reared upsa as. I endewvoted to avoid ihtrnoasiBier, Bad raa baikwanl, ftwdiug l.ia -f with tsy ka:b. Ail at owe I max against a anow dnft, and fell iivtr oa my back. .Sal tnoenonl tbt heavy body was pnvipilated a wa, tht lirp eiaw pierced 4wu into SST thuubbst. 1 in lisle. I lb monster' bstttd brmihi siel sinking aiblly Willi n.y ngbt arm, atilt iroe, a roiled war aad evar ia Ike usi, 1 a a blinded by tht dry drift I h it tayself entwine; weaker and weakan it waa Ik kv uf bkssd. 1 ftkwutaj a drspab-ing eh. -at but u emlit sua bavt beta htard at ten pa. as, dtstane. Tbeall.eie waa a auang .saad ia my terse, a kngbl I. girt tissbed aensM asy ey.e; a kwrnMig et psxt aaeeed wver Msv (aoa, tessreiiUig lb ss.a; ti,e wee a email of eiugeing hair, I PERN' ICI it'S ' I.lTKIi ATI" RE. T'l'jmn this sulje-lt!ia Xcw York News ob-iervea that a claw . f bonks ia (eipular al the North, which is aa ini. linns in its mischief ss a rat h-do in in the dyke d ll-.ll.ind which all'ivts the time ami thought of pul lia.lil'e like the m'taini of the tropica and which vneuatea and pel rs.les the wiiote system nae ttie lumes ol buriiinc; olurvs al which lolls tho body to rermeo and invites to that stumlier that kmms nn-ntktr. Ilteair, it savs it full of it it fruit ia seen in the wild fanatic ism of one sootiiin, and in tho impraeticthUi onn. duct f another in lUe as. nulls a.gnint the l,' ui. n. the laws of the L'tiile-i Shtiii', and ihetsHn pacts of the Consiitution, which 'liistiiiiuib ill "Black Kcimblh aiis." It alio Iii to the "liiera tiirc of phil inthrophy," ns it is cille l, or aa it may be better described, lb I'nclc Tom' Cabin li'erature" of the present time, W bile, it sal's, the Abotr.loii pre has dune nnietiitug towards creating the fan iticism and disuuionisni of ihe day, and lb Norllieni has d ne mora yci the fio;ilioua and moii 1 i:iotis inlet isf Smth em life aud customs, em mating from pens calc i pious, and from puM sl.iug huusea cat!.'.! res pectable, have done more limn all. It proceed.. ; "Wa would like to see tht life of II i.lou laid bare uit h all tin) f unics that mark the page of't'ucle Toin'j Cabin," The citineus that moral Athens would linJ cms to hide the r heada in sbanit. Cases cm bt found, aud that not isolated, that a ill mitcli any cnaea or per ms created by Mr. B'. .at. Lnl thestTcffs aud alley uf llostoii lie tcarcul, withoiila eainlla. and brutal husbands Nili Id wifrs, "Topseys," s illiout numbers, descried cliildren, weary and overtasked maidens, and women Seeing from home opprees.isn, ti rannv and want bi prostiiu-1 lion, could Iss pmdtKvl. l.ii that form a basis for a novel of "Lift bm ig tba American A: he- nians," lt th t'ei ent doreloinement iu that fashionable part of li.l..n. "the Miawwut sie nna," and tbt eondm t of li t Iil.a,s aud the Cobarnt with tbeir wire. Intsnoe lue sloiidird fur lb doinetlit lift of New England. Let I be tyranny ol ll. a husband which mukesiiin v a nnbl In-arte l woman ia that ci y cui ie too day of htr bridal, and the boor that aba was bm a tyranny mora mieral in New aingbuid than any part uf ibis I and bt uufolie I. Lot tbt dimen sion ol the gr a bog down of sewing women and woikiug girls tba si item of ..rrU,tioii and crime, ibat uuderiietlb a twnailb clonk of reli gious teel and a warm regar I for sutlering hu manity in t'lt distance, nurk tht aH.-,al sysitia uf lb Nor in lea thee bias out in a Hotel a a tait of real I.I; itl tbt kovtl bt followed with a "key wdh tl.e names appended," and lli &aith Would have l.tii t. i- a tu blush for auy sI ti wiit'.ta by (,..ea alealuirs. Wt butlld like to are lb Botel Wnllen. Ltl it 1st eal sl "I'eler Ptuua' Lviltsge, r, Lilt aul .og lit lliiuuilliropts. j Uritish might "nave supposed theaiselvaj at ..inn . nriin. ft.itiiinr to so twit streets, stroio.a, .rrwts. Nntiiiiig Bi eh i iga the hronding min I or raise It ' ,tbin for the spent toiler to do, but tnstiuipi-e ihe m-motonynf bissai-enth jj-sj-tii" t' utfH.Mjf ufni six dyt, think what a weary liit h lelf and make ihe beat of it or the worst aca irding tu the pmbabililio. At sucli a h'ni;.y time, s., pnjpit'uviM to the imoresi f religion and morality, Mr. Arthur Claintaa, ttawiy aeriya.1 Iran M irsfillea by way ol 1 .vtr, and r.y Dover i-ich tht Hide eyed 'Mail sat in the win-low of ihe Coffee h ai-eo'n Ludgatt Mill. leuthiHlaaitd ees:vmsihleb inscisair-r-ounde.l l.i.n. Ir nv.iin as be inly on the streets they ' u'"io L as ii they were every one Inhabited by t io ton young msii uf the Calender' story, who blackened their and Item .ailed theirmtseries every night. Fifty thousand tiara surrounded him where pooph) livol a. unwholeaoinoly, that fair water put .intu their cn.wdal roiuns on Saturday niHit, would be corrupt itti Sunday morning; aliwit my lord, the eounty member wis nm ne I tl, it thoy 1 ailml t , sli-cp iu 'company with their butcher' meat. .Mile, of close wall and pits of houses, where Ihe inhabit-in' gasped for air, stretched far away toward, every point, nf tho compass. Through the heart ul the town a deadly sewer obhe I and 11 ve I, iu the .la.-a of the tine fruh nycr,. W hat seculir want e.iiil l Ihe million nrVriif h im in beings, whose dadv lahor. sit days in lint wcei, lay among these Arabian olijeci. from tin. -weea of which they had no escape beLwemi Ihe rrtdla and the grave what secular want ..ul I th-y possibly have upon their snieaih day? Cliarly they could want nothing hot astringent pdieiuin, Mr. Arthur Cloiui in satin tiio wind.ivy of the enffee hou.e on the Lu dgvo Hib, o mnti ij; one of ihe neighboring bells m iking sentences and burden id songs outol it i.t spite of himsnlf, Jtnd woiidei ing how many sink pimple it might be the deaih ol'iu the courso of tot year. As the hour approached iu change of measure made it mors and mo, etasperaiing. At the .purler it went oil into a condition of deadly lively imp'rtunity, urging the pipulace in a valuabl manner in com to church, aunt to ehurch 1 At the ten iiiiuules, it lK.-c.une aware that the ei.ngie.' would be scanty and alowly h itnmorel nut in low tpitiia, they want ooana, lliey oottta ! .vi uve stHnuios it n'j-tu-mni n.iie an-i ainsia every h'Hfcminlh iieifhirwlKHnll'orthre hondred seconds as a gi oaii of dpiir. "Thank lleaveti !" said Clt.inan, whe.l t h mr struck, and tbt bell tnp;d. lint its s-.und bad revive. I a long tiain of ttlllaya, and toe priassssioii wntild nit s; .p wi h the bell, but continued to march nn "lloivcn for'v.! nc. 'sail be.t'a il tanscwhn tr lined io.mJ1jt f hiv Intel this d.iyf" There was toe dreary Sunday of hischililliooil, when be sot with his h ni ls 11 ,r hiui, tvarwl out of his. !He iy a h .rribl tract which commence,! business .atiiii tha-poor- ssbild by asking him in its title, why bo wa going lo. Perdition! a pint of curiosity that he really in a frock and d a vers was mi in a condition to satisfy tnd wli.cli, forth firther attru-tioB "I hit. inTuit min I, hit a p r t iiiu-is in teiy other line with tonit such biieiM.plng refeieae as 'i hp. The s.c. iii. r. 0 and seven. Tliere was the sleepy Sunday id" bis liy!,on,l. wbe ., likt a military dese-for lit wis m ircliel to chapel by a tiiipie of teii.o.ers, th,e limes a Jay, lu tra'.ly liaiidciifed t.. an .thcr b.v: and when be would ATHKILLIVI INDIAN TBAOEDY. The f . bowleg graphic deacriprion f Ibe death nf ihe brave Fonianelle, ehief of Ihe Oiuabas, in a ei ogle hau led e-iofliet with a band of Sioux, we eopy from tlie Missouri liemocrnt. It is tk more interesting .m acoount of having occurred very recently : Login Fontanella, chief of ihe -f)mibas, baa just Imo lain an I scalped at Liu; Fork, by a .band of Sionx. Logan was a noble fv!llw,an.i in this last mortal eiuillust lit dosnatelied sa-eral ,.t the eneinc to the spirit land liefore, to herald the , coming nf bis souW H,. fought brng, dcper itely, on.a,Va'n 1 .hr and with ' great -effect s bnt numlssrs finally i ' 1 i. ..vcrcamo him. and hi life depai U-Uthmugl, ;!.'"?' ' i . j , .. , i, .-ii . , . disivssite.-l to sns i.o,.'O C. s, .'vu',.-. lie iiir'i ii.invr 10 .lis te ipie.anl his name shtHild beatrved upon fame's in Ttim.i i.i;oct. "He was on h's annuo! bunt with his nation. A number of his 1 dsjs were pitcln-vl ujvon ifie , ptaius near Lmp Fort. , As s yieng e- ir-ior one I day rode armind 'be adjacent hilts, be esoie.1 a hwei ful ban I nfVioiiv. em-smnssl alon r i siream t in a I vale. He liastened t . inf,a-tn i liga i of ihe pro;.in.(uity aud pvwer of their I "nitunl f e, L-gati nrlercst hi people to back iinmcdiively, and pMeeed in a airtight line, vi:h nil sied for tomie.w hun he would rcm-iin behind, and divert the Sioux, ' by false camn files.! ml other devices, from a ditect pursuit of them Tni was about twtiiglit. The people got under was as ipiickly as possible, but tint en soon; f,ir scarsH-lV had they turned a highland when several warriors cup In tight and discovered the place of their race nt eneam vmont. They examined It and fouiTt ttnt thcOintfiashal been there, and they .hew returned n notify their nUinf ami bring an a l'uale force to pursue anil slaughter them. lo .gaii. trmn a timing place, saw all, and knew that, no time wat tube lost ia drawing their al'ention from the trail, whiah lhcy wrsald sism dis mver and f 1 uw no ', tnounthTg hit horse, he d i-he I away at full spc-sl across the pratre, at rigt angle with tue toute Ins truw n i l taken, and r ruck ai'uaah.oi tight miles d stnut, .aa an nmine ice whe-1 the tioux Could ditiucily ten it. He bad aeirccly dono so before a powerful bind were on the spot be and bit poopta hai put left, and who, ithoiit atopnlnstn'distinguiali the trait, started fir the Bra, winch they saw rising against the clear, blueskr, and where ibev expected in an other moment io iiuhuetheir hands ' in the g iro of their unguarded victims. But lioginhad hot been unwary. As oon as the fire was lighted, ho again mounted and rode eight or ten miles fitriher, and kindled another fire jitt as they reached the first, ThU rather bewildered them, 'they dismounted and axvninej the ground. L 'gin anticipating this, had trotted nislwalkct his hnrso around it, sons to make fho ftniiearnnce nrem thegressof treading of a iloren horej and this drew them Inf ilhe liel'ief j that asinailbody bad lingered bebni. I an. I km. lie. I l'ii Are, and then g m lo where Ihcy could see tho new fire burning -, and tu thry folloa e I with renewed nvi lily, I lie same thing happened aa before. Log in had gone, and .another fire met K.ieir astonished gaxe, while the time tort uf fout prim were about theona around which they vera now gathered. Their suspicion were now awakened. They examined the (rminit in ire el soly.'b ith fir and nar and disc.iverei tint solitary horseman bad ift'co'ned them, nnd they knew It was for ti e sole pu.n isw- trf lea ling Ihein off from tha party .whose emvtinptnniit they had first discoyereJ L"g.i. say them going mtind with glaring, lf TW',1e. n ,m, In.iance, il water is now tw-Vr-nve i, -t ,..-o,. )t v- i. tonehe-l the so-face twS.sw hah-Lit. .Jf any en baa a tislt tflJor tiian mine I woi.iu hk to know it. THE SOl'.ND IH'KS QVESTIOX. Tlit Tn'mn publi'he six eelnmnsof s, t-s.vws de ce between our' l.ivernrjeot -,,,.f t'na f 1',,. ( mark in relnbaa to v,e Saed P e. Q -s,i-,n. Tha final letter of Mr. )lt j ta Mr d's-l.-j-r. anuooneing the t-uviciusions ,,f -,mp l-,,vsrnn.ent on tht prrnvsviiiiais snlmiit.c-l b,- D.-n.-. i: k, eni- brsjesw ail that ia aWilntely ne ,n tha co re pnndenee: . itr. Vhrcy to Hr.lfcun'r. l'zeaTv.ys JStitb. WvtiiMg'oa, N'"'. a, 1". f Pit : I proceed tocuninimii-nte. he P !-. nt't retdy fo lbs priposi'ion of the I'aiush t.vern naent to the L'nited St-itirs to ioin in a e.aiven.i(. with other power in'e es'e ! in the 'Soon I Cues' at C ipenhagen, for tlie f nnaise if .le..t.-ri o g on tint sun;e.rt, I ne ir-.e-eily reistton hit i-eea ve t'ni'eil hitate-i have never he-m e Preodeut e',e"isbes an f (eat spssit!'-.! to sustain and stien -tt'.eii ttice, an I be winirl eiive.nely re ;ret th t! His det-e-m'n.i to asse-t wh it be Issilca-s to be a just ri..;:i in a i -nneveeptional'ie manner sliouldl-e T"irie.t as an in.Iieaiiiin of disresiio. t for IVema.V or a want of a proper app-c. iui.m of her fnends':ip. The -xaetimsnii foreign csmmerce at the entrance, . into the Baltic have been a produ. ti' e source nf revenue, to IVnmark, and it vn-y nat'iril that she should strugleM reiainit. If tliese exa-nti ors were fouiidel in riuht, fvt I n'nel St ties, w -utl ' be tht last power to interfere with her enjoyment of theta. It is n it peopmel n iUsn t?e fnc-tim of roof ih this e-mi nnnicinioin that has elt-eadf b"en dou. an-f tlie tinitel States have a'ontvt '.' the conclusion that they are under R'i ..biio.ition , arising frum internationillaworrroatrstirulatinn hi yield to this cla m, llenniark.'m th cmjirary, hasad.ip'e,lniiffct'etit and aneprsi.e'te conebi-i..n. It wt fa til, oid-tle I that Wh nations art anxious to arrive n a sa'isfi.-fory solnnon mf tiiis vexed qiMstl m. The suoje-i rnrer' several other p iwcess intlced all maii line i a'roi t an I -Penmark has invited them to be renm-enicd ina , eorvention to assminblethismon'h ai C .nenhsgen, to consi cr a prop-oittt'oi pi l.e offered by bt b capitalise this revenue, an t ti apportion amang commercial poasers 'rhe sum to bi i-a';d f-r Ibis retuincimlion of the mole .f e Uectingil. The Unite t St iles have be.n raspee fully iin uel fosend a "vpresentaliye to the proposed eoutentiin, Witii.uil atnll ii'iestionlng tha fiir inten innnf Denmark in proposing thismeasnre th P. osidetil feels e.nlrnin. by a sense of duty to deelint Ihe nceeptamse nf this invitattmi. is to assnmo aa'the basis of it nreeilings tht very rightnn tht part of l6at'k- wbioh Iht tinted States iKmy. It is assembled' without auy piwcr t piss npnii the right "f I'enmavk hjlevy a eontrihution nnon foreign commerce, but nnly Bitthoriie-I to adjust t!'har o bt paid by tach nation in lieu of the Culhatlinnsi heretofore -a-rsessed npnn thair resiiective vessels anilcnrToet, The I'nito l Slates, however.omtast their liability tn pay any contribution wbalevcr. The main Unestiiin at isno I otwren thi rjnerttment a:d that of Denmark Is, n , hiw B'urn burden shall be borne by nor m-nmefee to th Willie, tint whether it shall be si'ije-ee I to any burden at" ell, The propswe 1 tribunal, it will t pcrenlrel by llie restriction upon itsjtriiKli'ti., expressly p'reehtded from ielihnting and dejiiling npuii tho nnly eeH.oiv iiue"i.m at iu between tha I'nttw-J featesaml Denraark. Thi it not, however, the only JifSnilty which prevent the Tr'csident from consenting t'l ls represented In the convent! n. In claiming an exception of nr ships and thr'r ear; .ea fn m t nation by Den.n irk t the straits of tha Biltio, tlie P.tslde it Is vindicating a, great national p. inoiph. nf extensive and various aptilication. itl i.t .tinieun ia Inches, and under, Iheiroltioct. ami .list w!nt,m t oibers. If esaetions ttial tits imty etiance in saiciy was in immcoiate flight towards hi home, and bt further knew th it by the time they emit re'rno their way to their place of starting, and find Ihe trail that bis own people had taken, they Would bt beyond the re ich nl danger. The ramix, in the meanwhile, had divided Into mailer bands, the largest of which w to return and pursue the! bnahss. and tbe-ilhers lo endeavor tn Cloture the one they had mi"d. Tiiey knew t i it he tnii-t be an Omaha, and ibal he would either g i further and kindle another watch1 Itro, or start ,,r bis nation In anrngtit rno; and thtrciirt one party want oil a little fur'l e', and the others sprel out towarlls tht Oin ilia omiutry, forthenuhiosanf interisenting him Logan nresse j forward aa fast as hisjadeJ steed ooil l liear h'nn, nntH he ilnigtitln hnl ai.tlrnly etq b-1 theji, aa the day das ned, to bis h .r.' Tin I d iny, he sa y bis pur oar close upon h s track. II turned his corse f r riv ne, which lit distinguished a. ad.Mance C'lveri'd w-ilh treoesiud uiidergrnwlh. He nuei-eeiicddii re u hing ii, and Just withi'i its vc -e ha nm; a'a1 hidi in g'rl dipping water (rota tht spring. Slit was start ed, and ah nt lo cry ..r help, w benh ha-t Ir S'ulrc I her that be iie.ub'-l nrste-'ti'm and assiatan.-t. With the true instinct uf a tf.Wa wouian, sne apprcc.aie.1 ai' nation in an instant, and alt her eympalMiw trade at flit entrance inlnthe Bailie wert anpii- tsi-ed In by the Cnitad Sta'es, similar might, on the saint principle. It ilemande.1 at tht straits ofljitirillsr and Messina, at tbt Dar danelles, tnd on nil great aayigaMe r vera whine upper branches and tributaries are. occupied by different independent pows s, Th Pre'idenl canmrt tilinit the co-ntteney of tueh a tribunal a th it pmpoe I l y I'enmaik as he would do if this Government ere repe-tn. eat .therein tn deil with a piinc'idsof si.idi vast iuipor'ann lo tha wh, la no n aercial w ot 1 1. 'Tuor it ground id" " lojolnli g In Iht pr 'p"-a I foaTciii -a l e as routr llmg as either f thf .resin. g ivrnmuf of tha 11 aii el S.nles will never e-eiswt.l o Die prt- teusioti lhil.liii W or'd U ! a ed tua-ljust th piliticil bilinea uf lb' t I. it is tlearty t'ate l in ,lhe p"(S'siti n which I'snua.k -has suhm tied to the l'nited Si.i'et t'oit the o venliou it I" a upm the rj-i tints ichtiio to the S iU'iJ dac i l C innavi oft a t'.i toS svstu ii nf Uit European I alaiieo uf or. It is m .rt thaa intiinittl I that Ihe t-ruT is 1-. li siibor I'm fid tnth lat'rr. Of the uliliiy or w i lorn of iht po litical lhe..ry of tht hi'ifs nf ;e.wer in its apnli cv;i m to tht K'impraii tSciily of n itions It is not , .rupi(sml to tpr"S ait "piniol. hut tmeigh of. II u j ft' r,. -o ., - ! . williiigy lave birtered two meals of indigestible wr,'t with hi n. fli dire td him lu' dismoin! ,erlrt'Met a lite I detcrminsjii m u ai ternioii loranotherounce or iw.m.1 inf.-rior multoi, I ,,,( g p. a small na'utal tsawer to which tht at bis si-aiily dinner in Ihe Hash. There was the I .i'.i I b m. In l:ie vero nf il,t wo...s, while sb iiitnruiiiiabit Sunday of bis notta-te; when his would m -unt bis b tr-" atid lead bis pursuers mot her, slum 1 1 I ice and unr.len4iig of heart, , ,T. e ob'iel b"r a ,d "lis mounted his would sit ail behind a le'do Isnuid like bev'wa 1 bor't ai.d dashing oiiin a serf cn'i.-t way'lirouoh const. ucti u ufit in the h ir-lest, birv.t, and )., ss-, l leaving marks a'n u the titiisL by tti aig. itcs. near., s Willi ont Uinfed nrnamenl ob ! which tbt ceil'l Is Ira.-e.i, aw the caver It. tht drag of a ch i.n. and a wr uhful id 1 dog their knea, i.,ioi.g sod hi. lug Iht hard t!y, , m-n'M hear vobt. mne-l wuh lb mar of mf ab bat ihesr ketcuet d.nt4 i-tf at frota tbt urfere 1 yereary, and all al .sart the rlawe were draw a. ut ut a tuek, I ot say th-eh. ibe anght waa lifted from nay br4 Lss.k hvar !" cried liarey, "ya'rw 'sly til- j mi, t i was ahsarl ie'seet.s U. I'ol d ,we a wbesns e' 14. sw,l..,., j I sat ai m leet. , nil l ing ibe now t ut 1 ! tnd mast a art .ever l.m ! I u. v eve. W'ke.1 acun'', I w-bid see tin ti. 1 GRACE IS FEMALE IiKE ;.S. Hoel-Jy hat aaid that a Parisian gri.ell. Wnb a hula tultt and f.t.lsa, will cowpaer tht w..rni, wniie aa nir:iii fwni, wiin ail euawks.dainasks and dnttnisnos, kMika.snly bk animated cailtsee tsoreo. I liera us enm essgje. in (bis tleiemeiil. lot. m -re it sod sub mint trulii. Tl w.vtHi of Franet utsfiuesii'tably base a better las'e "1.1 dreae than liossa id lireal Urilsia ur Asaerwa. la teak .air wsollr country aad litis, tliere i tun moeti ol wktt wa ts, ed "a.sbisM, ' m femaiaalt.ra. 'I be Udieewf A ;lo Ss X-at dssm see.w le fahK V Inellke Mors tbey epend tsa drsMe, tke preitier tl,y ba.k. Aoeswdinelv es,e sees but women toveeed sll over aliU bt pniikbug of fed npiii ibe edge of the leaves 11 it, .si! were a fortification' ag nn.l s reelotssol le.nis.r.natitral a If k-tini. and gmillt IMlcft-oa.-se, '1'liert wa lb res ntf-.l Isiimlay of a little la'cr. when he sat giowingaol tiiruiigli me tardy bnih if list day, w 1:11 a ta 1 ten sen. a ol Injury In hit heirt, snl no murt ro,il knowledge of iht bssM-ise-iit bsetory of the New festaaieii., than if ha ba I Issen bred am mg 1 1 liters. Ti e. e as a lc on of K s, atldtysisf ua tryiccabla biilnrniMt and morliu, Hun, tluwly pitsinj bvl'iro hi. 11, A?f AW'KW'AI'.D MISTAK R. It is related that a gentleman fiasm Virgin! i, bearing, oa batur Jay list, tliV afriso lof his f...n ll aoge ctsarity, in the Old Ibrtnirstot, waa ia tbia city oa defvate f u.iiiese ttaaicfy, a run away mairios.a.tal loalch at One eough. bite out Bod Tisluntaercd lua eerii. e to as-i-fia tit imp" riant ctreasoisiee 4 ni-a which, .0 any th lea, wa stsdsi-eti! of tdi.d'.m.s kitsdnss. it api-earrsl, however, u in.inry, Ibst st wae ao. kia friend a be was t Le werr.ed, hot tht ever teer isf Use gen.leitan lesituorariiy in tit mIMp ub. But as k be I tvlu.-et . muyh inttueet ia aols lefts phi led btnseiieal pr.:sf f,uis, be. aeshl trustad with the buJii.cs uf prueurinj a ssnu.e tor. Accordingly, he butr'e l n!f f ,r t! at pueiease. and nt ,ktn iniioi-y on o wav, ha w is ,. r. e, o a stalely re,!siii 1, ei d w tt 1. ef at llie it- of, ia fesp. use n ll.t I rl! t ng i.g, by a more Iota f liintritv .-l! tire .e-t m sle tsfssni, "Is ll.e Mi i .--er w 'I...1V l.or.K i v askel li t f'.rm man, f we Hif.fssse lie was e. ting this iMjfs.rts.ri e'.ar. rf ) 'lie ss," rep1 . , the -1 iiea t tlje Inslsnl'1 "j,'i,.st'! lit Iti'.i.s ,-,.t ".9 ti',, V k. m. : 1. I It... I' T ie pursuers toon f lluwc. Pen tl.e !. 1 p.-lie t in illstam d.wa tl.e hraiicii th r sic Iut 1 iht wa'er a id follow I It Je een lmg a I for B few s!c(.s, as it HI t bey b-fse t.ui.11 lis s ides an I leave f siipriots iu iftat dires'liiaa, tod linyi In-net up tht 'rellii an! r--d thep'l. t el wtii -bbe title, est it, w'i'hout a trai-e, a i I La-' to whe. e Lr-iuwas e u.c'iled. Mhe ...l l him to Ho uinl and t;e. d away, while lua toirttirrs weie gmng iii a eoitirary direction d.wa li e ravine. He did so, tnd g d a b og di-ni.- out of si-'tt, and j;ti'i liiought himet f mi. tit lu I, unlit! within Us yorisy. 11 lias 1 ...g lean t', e!ieri- hi put-.'' nf (hi- gnernntciit la a .aud a h laog'Triss c .inplu siy. "'l Iha Pr"i bail wol Bo. yield in any ca loth tightest relxiin-a "f i' . e T'o f -1! -swing .pi Ratios fn m tht DiT .!i d i ur.iei.t eulaniiiiog ihe pr posit u n 1 1 th go-er-i. Miful will sh .w lite iiiten led e-mio-xiiai smii-.,nt- luil'llre "f ll. tWI sn'oecls: 'liesob-t tiiis condiii ai, there is til. I toiler win Ii ihe Dioi.h g .v y i-jirmt o si 'rr- i t a', aamr'y t that lb or in spies' 1 ai J .1 'an. 1 due) 1st not ix ioid' T l as m.e .1 ( o n r,e er money, Inil as a -li,i. il on. T'.'.s w..u'.J lc in ,-.Mil in. w.lh ti e h;sl.y of ih K om i dn. an I wi'hlbs pirt wl i h Ii e .av oe f ornicl in I1, h Um-. of t! t r-ol'h'f Js-if", M i-e, tht ill slim eo'lM ' 4. '.l .d . f s , e end .Imr. lcr win. il el If lO'Slie 'a 1 "' ft t'S let I l- nl to nosh. witB fe.Hh of danger, wi.enin a val'ey ju.t in fr-nt of jj, rr.. bj i,uc.ti. r .da sc., 1 'i.y nature, hi in It taw llliy brttst cmuini nn tht lull to I ,).:,. i ,-,iii,fui to atmi g-u . ,t mere niesn linn, uirjssrssai-i,iii., w-ow returning ftoiu list pursuit t4 ina peoiiit. lie ehaogel his dire, ti and triad tu eeiwpr.bul hit ..f b wsw was much svlisusied to Itear bin with sol', lent essel. W illi tatage yell, they piuegrd .heir towel la ll ' ir lrsV sl bs and gained afwut boa. As iht appr.cbed wiihin g "d sb sing dissesstt, L.en t"ia-l sud denly and sent a bullet ll,r..uf '1 bie brwn, 1 hen bti lifig as be t slbspped nsi, be as a ma lt tenth tr bile iht d isi "au I Ihea aoMber. and another, entil four were eireaa almg Ibe plain. Ju-t .hen, however, as he was re lead ng.hss horse iiuo.'hVsJ and fell, and Ibe Land lushed Ulfl him Uf.-re I ks hsl,weil feisrvetel tat Wk. lit Was .1,. a with ballets end arrows, and gashed wots tomahawks, aad pierced aetk lane.( notwiib etending all which h rosw amid bit s, ami wuh his .du'.l,e. r He n 1 k'iif.k pif I arowitd bl'H ble prtsslreit leeise and fell wuh hi lurk UfSifs tkeif , .tf pe-, fel esoirel ellll ing, lit was sks'i-kI. ant kundre-ltef wsruurt kjet-t a gresit war d iiire t vt-f s. nl. TWue I, eiw 1 nlsisfl', 4r risf and I 'it a .bl t ml we billowed lo the.pott I.n I by Ibesighe aed UmtMisl. -s.s si Uis aeii.a. s,J loe y ir pttUsee and .ir stese of iu Itravt ( tsety l..nj. Iv eoinuwn ial and f al, lost i' to tu sent as a nipN mci.l to t-ra-. s . f rs-iniir. 01 -es by wb rli li.e sisirm .ft: boia ic bet l e.11 a I iisir I.'' Ntbtssing u:s n the p lineal .pics'I. edl ylhlt rttiuct, this p yeroiio-. I 0 0 i to ! 1 1 1 ike any pit; n .r will it si bate its il.len al .niisl ('.tola lesttii 'i d nt e- io lis til p u .. .tl I!., ij ah eh ll i(ite.n n as lu I, e nine w In- ttrnnts- liB ..t t's'o.h In Pm .arf tuliiiiiuj Ir I'ci.n.aii lo ll e e m-i.Urel. .0 id thi te, ol. ll e-e i- a ths Insion to "It.e .,.iti.-e tt, i,s. mi ie f ,f li-ri. tati, gtht nsUt -ff'f .; tee s-'s (r v.h Uit It sl.HI e.fa-l-. Any t,e-i.,l,'l.fe .i.t has Bstte f, iht tafciy and f Uiy . f t'.is 1. ss i-ati-.a tsssy e ml to' an e j.t 1 ,'e , , , ,i j., . 1 f no z . j-otere for le ttu., a's. 1" li t ei'-nl U. las 1 .r'.ei. pittd in I'o.s ad1 ii's-e. Ii e, . usl, tl mill Lit) 1' 'I M I'" '- ' -sal- I ! I'lteiihn. Wh Is tin I ,.i 1 I 1. .io 1 ,11 1 ...4 ,,t tt puli h ' i t w I. 1 tt . e sv eider III lo nisi. -I f-o "t f li." lid' s-suttd lUX w M.I I li4 be.,! 1 t tsoit 1.V1, I i ia C .ktstwetiug IVa si k I .' H I l..f tis-sa heT 1 t i-eOMtt th as t Ms. Of t t.11.1, .-I S, d tsfcee uf lsnr,e.l im Itsemid lit sf stilf br -cade, alpm-el I snu.l sew i'n nnoMi-r e'ilea.1 ,1 Uv; tnv b I . r.. ii,.,i,..,i, I .l!,.wet. and In I few ! w u in a .itti, lo,L,w e it bi owr suaiti-es. but I " 'g''l uslir a pur.lig teleet ti-utf, Willi V to-- s .f tu . sstteuie a dof u 1-ie.s- ui isiBt wert i-t.ri aie.a I I wee !.. ! 1 lu st. sij tti ia Ira. j The e w J round B w st .0 a rrim- Wfc-t ren4 Ik lafftiifii I. raio bee with .fsi bw' el.el bed If" aw inf Biv snieg.. tatftr BMiMisilu a. ibe root isvatt 'luil . ssi-l J Whu bast fsss, net use f.--ta hie deed jt tnt V " 7i' 711' 1 T ""1 ".r m,, " ,. . w d ns.k. a , ,f I t I rte! ' ! gw, um 4 . le s"1 'f t- I -V f'fvl "V fc-.-ft,. 4vi ikt-r lit (Mk2w t-tmij tt..; wf s. fct-i J ((. f wm m l f - - tw-k- ll bej ,,t-K ifc, . mm f wmr l f t h& ' tu4 n- u r it !f m wh Wll. m tHf ! at sw UHI tw -itm fmm f M ffll.tnif V. t Bm'' fr.j t tMi( fitf ! j)f i.,, A ... it,.,. ..ff f4 iA4 1 '4 ifi !,tt. lot", ."-nl,!.; it'-h ttyf sJ't-i i A -fc4Hrt yta 4 tfes,U'l It m . tlk lK p i a ,t,ttjt arts, i 2 .ft 1 $ f h i 'j trfMia x 4 44 !. U i (. A ltifiUfi ifr,i kJ f ty. t4 'oltwiit si-. Ha.w. . till .ttlaa WM awaA. 4-H f'" U ll !- H tw-Jif 14- W. k tl M Ut W 1-44 B (.. IfVlr. - - - f pUsi' n.f WMruaW nB. I L4iiit, t, rs. Uttw (W Wt. U I Ltwi.tM' M s-tawts I 44V k 4 1 Im - mimm4 aVBN Mr. fkm mat W tvtkitl 1 least wtaTexat mtltH j t. ( U ej tti t-m mt tBw) Unt m tht twj i.M it f. Or ff trtlH ( VtwtfMa.!! irwlnmiitthiii l'4 " ttf e-'li lfU.ti .,f 't Mtt'f l M lilf i ? i' Mtti Un,., mw m ittuni,r w mn, 1 tltaS J, taw H I. -' 1 ! if .y, A fei $tt 1 ffKexiil i.r nv, ( ' Iifi f ti c it-.ti kit t ihm r-- .r. tt. i st fo r)M I In rKtiiBttMif ftwsta t' tri'ifi i, iH ff-i Ut,f m 4 task j FHi f, i, i. 1 IbmI Hi,ltfi.r t i i I ii't'tw t i ldhltU ull Vsnittrw, H t,.-k let it.rtisH ni tM r. . tt. mn .' t lrtr(at mi I tn t'a'1 mi4 l. m br f.-im II -i.t U t.tsf. ft,tt-r1. fit" ' lifil I f f . M t i f r Tii nri trf imi.f t -i i. ft ! hi' t. I . .4 11 ie , I 'M fel.-ifr!s4 . tm Vilfrtl I it nt 4 t , I nr 'tt-t,. i fMimrr in tumk tU r K p i 4 ' -(! itt In le ; rxt.l at !', rM, " K ' I It r.l I 'it j a l' tt? ti k rt-4 . wt l ' h-j - flifm h w t m I if- "I it ? J Jiii' ttiiii'iM ti.t !,(, I ti t i! btW ft.NW WJ HA m tt. !' rtf i f f 1tf I" fya tr.a.rf-,tWtS ptl', i-sf, !t Is f-ttiiJ, KH 4f tU tstNy i nil uHitluH' . ( t ;i'.,Mit!f 'f r pSif, i i HilH lb f tr ap f. tut. r ti tiiK H fr-l -t hmIi, f ite itt,f t(,4 mm pnru4 I-- i rfti Iffc 4 U, ilwii laf- wmIi mm4 " n tmtaH.4 I rmrk; mi-i l fi tttt't -.htr h.w-Uif ft lw w-- r nmj mkk 4if; .a i . i. M I . . . - I k. 1 -. a. I '. -. t. ..J it . m k .J L eHltl MataV I 1 (u il (t rWsta 11 BM W 11 wBtatesa Hl t( 1 U ll.d t wwarTaJTeVe f-S mm I f y ir-tmt wj" aw - "-bbj ffynii "- L " ( - - - ' t Aa iH't'f fcrffe! Ipt.4 frw lU Oy-il u'l W.ll ftf 9tk iUrw mtf '"! '4 f iM, il i Uffn)'tl I'ti.i.; l hn tr'l -t Im, 4 f St,,4, al a fltir. ttua 1 tar-t. Ti .-t in a rg m-..,.. a., 'fwr, -- fi j j.. titit. i nra wm U Lai 1 aa.J ! Be . J l...J L, . ml Lia sw.aa.l.-m ft W ! ful 1 II WW ; . U . LUI ti IsUaB Iff Hi l"t:it ' MtMilrwl, 1) 111 I ,i i' Yi Mf, . Il'l. trp-iin4tM T th? 'eWeU.f itmtl. (, li Hltrj f rsatta fVrtllH tt Smr k, Niw. 'Mi. wS ' I aftf m Itfii , I t J ft If nl Ml Will lit-? 'fniuy H.a ym.r 9mnr I raflM hi it!!! mitB-'a n w a n, Alnt'ittl it llrf I fl l-a t -1 I mir jfHiiujf lftt Mtf tr -W m t .t ilrit'it a ); wi'ifi. tit tMiiU I M a 'u. ii U4 'r tt - m iifpr, I 11 n IA tUm Ut 4i i it-i a IM. 144 f l brmttfUl aft a if - ftH a' "tl H n 4 a iwtt'a liitU ftrrr ia Ji, a( t-i tiff, (I (it l.f fl a4 a lnita.a ih Utm i ca4l f'1 ' - thm w nf v t ett, -Ji 1 il t IN tl.wM ', friwm P( - 4'shI a f -ss t ttti i i lr.' U ff.-j-r. It ). It b !. f4 I 'I tw f.i 1,-, .' u ltil r j f p' " 'r f-m a f ta I, bjb mi rli it. Tie a fit ia ilmr ! ff m ' ?" m4 't Ittij, m4 w'i 4.'an ta-'i' K 7. laif.a -Tm thi .!' a .1 -a uf t an t ! ' I f A r -' t ", sis!. (t 1 I . ' 1 j,- fraat tf r ti ;'t tii i t ! ia f.l ij', 'U ir h5 r. t r,iBf'if. j.f(r'.!' fM I" t IfSlt. .1 I Ml .'..oil . I i ' ' arat!itf'g .?i f i.n.i ' l".a.ei . art i h ("f r i l.l I t'tf ' t '' ' rit, fr. m t s-.ti, tu f. fs"lrf I-1 ti ;, tat. !.', -.i i !'. ' ' m i ra lir l ir" -t la y f : ' " v- ' if i itiiW ll 1 i- tlt'y1 f H ' ' ' ' '-' I iUv V l I li--T- ' I ' t I ", i 1 bf '!.. I f I i n r f t n li t? .' J I - f f - f S tf..xj H4 i' I ' 1 i" ei, r, TV- A, I P is., t en l in. f-a tor- , , . I i n is,. I , i .. ":.-' ... no .,1 a, i ,1 s i ...i I r si Ii ... ) 1st - e- f s , ... i t keattrs, II . i,,m , I I .re ,-, a r It i.ery i. . ! ' I.e.. lie h s 1-en LiIfs .H, she l.ssis 1, ,i-su ; t, e w.l . but s- a t ,i lies I l-t Je ,. i i l.siiy It.i I ; a e zf n, tbt L-t we I ' " t srsseiu I sBsan-a," at k ; tu.'

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