orljj-Carfllmn Star WILLIAM C DOUB, If mii strictly la advaac. tw dollars Mr an- tw dollar nad fifty (u, if psiii within ' . 1 .1. .J l I - . . I. - 1 .1 lX monia , umm w" "wn sw. iim vt uw jsr- ADTStTISBlSfTTS Bt xodiag iUU a will Uiaaleil eaim tar dollar, Bad .-malr-aee Mtt far each nbwqMl ieeertioa. . -fas f greater kvugta will k ettsrged propors v-lly. CnrtOrdrend Jadieialedveitlaement--riUUhra2i per aval, higher thaa tb hov rat. A raonabl deduetioa will ba mad 4a Mt wh advartlae by tha year. Book Bad Jab Priutieg doa with aeatBH as Jaapatehf aad oa accommodating terras. GENERAL, DIKECTOUY. " CITY GOYERXMEXT. Win. Dallas Haywood, Intcndani of Police cnnmssintf tx. Eatitrn Ward. Eldridgc Smith, ' -" A. Adauis. , iliddU Ward. K. L. Harding, " Inane Procter. - K. Cnntwell, Wetter Ward. A. M.florman, " II. 1). Turner. J. J. Christophers, CitT Clark, A. M. dormao, Chy fre'n. City Chard. James M. Crawley, " Jackson Overby. City Constahkt. Edward llama. " William Andrewa. A. Aduins, Weighmaster. K. Harris, Clerk of tba Mar . kot I COl'ltTS. The fbiprtmt Court of North Carolina J- jcld in this city emt-nnually, on the second t ,ndny In June, and the 30th day of December Judya. Hon. Frederick Nash, Chid Justice, R. M. Pearson, Associate udge, . W. II. Battle, " " Edmund B. Freeman, Clerk; Ham. C. Jones, Reporter; J. J. Litehford, Sr., Marshall. s Tba United Statu Circuit Court tr the Dis trict of North Carolina ia held semi-annually in thii eity, on tha 1st Monday in June and the last Monday in Norember. Jiidtr. Hon. J. M. Wnvne, of Georgia; II lleury Potter, of Favetteviile; District Attorn Robert P. I'ick; Clerk, Win. II. Has wood, Marshall, Wesley Jones. The Hajfrior Court for this County, is held on he lii-at Monday after the fourth , Monday in March and tfepbmher. . John C. Moure, Clerk. Jot. B. Bachelor, AtUirnry General and S.lic ilor of tha fourth judicial llistrict. The Court of Ptnu and fuarter Sextimn is held on the third Monday in Fehru.ny, M.iv, August and Xovemlrer. Jeff. Cllev, Clerk, fit nr it Ttrfl Si t At : VOLUME XLVn. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDSESDAT MORNING. JANUARY 23. 1858. "Well," aelaioed tha aont-ar, "ainee I aiost do it, listen aada" Aad altar a aaaaa, in which she calmed herself, aba burst forth with the earatina from rm. $ba aant with all tha richness of her aielodiona voice. Tha three aatleiaea hsioiied ia aestaeT. " Braro I It ia admirable ; it ia sublime i" they cried aa it closed. AdmiraMel anldimefaohoeJ many toW a Miieellaneoas. JOE LATTTTS DUEL. Wbea the old fri)rte. Urso.lTwina. lay at (lib ralter, tlic Anteriran Consul, Mr. 8pmrue, eama on board with a roan wbo wished tn join the chip, and after some cnnsultatinn, nid man re- (eeire by the tantam asa sort of steward, he d4rn and thf handed lawk tlia other n the f the ame-hmlrrwl,erc eeerul had gnthcied to .....,.K .i,.ct. ... -or i..r in rnuii;eaiui onirq , ,s((ainiarl. I had watched Jue moat eereroUv,.i await tha eliauee of the CJerinient. wqmtbUi besidea. Hi but I saw nothine; out of the war and yet he I Weel not translate the storr ftrllier, nor mum was Joe Ijittit, and be was a renular sprc-; had enanced dtls with his fie ! " ' tell how craoefnUy and eloquently Hie fniiie at- linen if ll.e stmHine yankco: but he drew A well j -Nuw,' suid he, I'll nut "a ball in to bit pistol, -! lir of ie imposition beared pardon, ao'ttins ( and lias rciniiikhlr iri.ul l.u.l-inv ik.i,li ' j .1 mi 1 i 1 ! r.-.i. .1... .1...:. 1 ... 1. . 1 was m bis Sure a peculiar look, whirh indicalnd j le slipped sianeibing in. which tnoked u mc ; wroujtlit upon their tnimU that ther b berime thnt be pmerrcd fun to piod aound sense, allow, Uk" a- tartride. Im.1 m. ..nv e!." saw it. de-nwatc; and how eraceliiilr the Swedish r.ight - - Xowcris l the Spaniard, "lei's eoe Too STild , nisSte forxavetbem. Valvt all, tb:it to the this in vour oioutn On B'laat,' altered Joe. reaehia( oat his mi. 'Tba eana are ia tba bait at cow nistoL Let ma (ret them.' The fellow handed over h'n prstnl,bat bC kept his eye Japan it. J opened a littl ailrar aurine; at the cad of tba bolt, and Iraa, there vera Bonis pereaaaion cape there. Ha took on twe, and. havinr napped his nwa pistol, he rare it a toss into the air, catching it admifly as it came Iiciwct or, tliat the tun had some sense in it. The mam on t I planed my ejesupou the man, I knew I had seen him before, aKd when I had an oppor tunity to speak with him, I found that be had been a performer of lejrei domain and ventrilo quism in tha .United States, and there 1 had seen him. He travelled through England, Franca, and Spain, with his implements of deception, and had just brought up with Gibraltar when our ship came in. Ha ahmught his whole kit on board in a large cheat whieh be got permission to etow in the bed room, where it-would be kept perfectly dry. Ho had quieten pila of monev, wnicn ne pierea in tne purser's Bands Tor ante keeping, but he would tell none of na bow much. Again they took their stations, and siiin.thcj were ready. One twT three V And the Spainiard fired Srst, bv aim, Joa firing into tha air as before. And again Joe stepped forward and took tha self same bullet from hit month , and handed it tn bia antagonist I The fellow was completely dumfounded, and an were the 'rest. . . , Yoo no (Ira at me!" gasped the Captain. 'I'll lire at too nett time,' mid Joe, in a tone nf thunder. "Thus far I have only shown job that powder has no effect on me. Twb e have Wathmglm Cor. tlu I Unload Plait iJeufer A I'EEP INTO A WASHINGTON HKLL. it h.l contains I the seliea of ."some nior-I I siiint; while many of tl.em taking blue beea of mf.rmers, l,r(MtiH.J rr.wi f venefance ; some . en sweancg n t 1.. tna eit'.ier bur or brrd t, tbae vows we e exerutrd. The rnmwoil seems to bare ih-c;,i it pwdent to tke ne tne of ibis bam of pipnlar feeling, fiat n fa nerai balrhment bluoned with tba arms ef l wl"ctt- " usual sfer the master a death, tied been fired by ba d..mnia si tbe gates of B" san-sai, vraa ordered inataatlv to bereaMsr. ed ; na 4ubt a. lend nt t kp alive tbe non Ur sin. .,,. Th. Usiies weie not allowed to iremtis Ins iLJ, -1 . 1 fnwui s llixvwr Ur" -PHILIP THE j hot ... j . J ' : is cocntixo, and a sCwxz I P. i :coxi or wxis. ' iu two i i. mmn ZJZTEl , COI RT OS THE RICAXIXPE- NUMBER 4 WIlKtW BEH0TTS PAPERS; A MISTAKE J 1'KKSCOTT S HKfXjU OP" I There hi. reeen.lv been issued fr,o U.e iy , the American Historian wbbb ' " r..!.i... 1. 1 A 11 1 i , , 1 " r has j'tst ! sen pnblisked. has eumnian.tnl tl .1 .... U.le4-f ,;iw.;t" m r Z I "S'-.pM-io i this conn,,, and Ku. ... an.nt of Unclmble material. As a si-im. o . " ' x" f".'1'" " ? ' ' M N "IOX OF AME we tiva a ,,, wen, Utwren t7Six,i ! ?" ' " ' ""wpiUthm of; ' TEXPHXCE an ..Id codger for whom sua bad act her cai. I, Thus: . ! Mr. Crane Wel Widow I've len thinking alsiot tking another et.nianion and I thought I'd ak ymi. Wilor tiii, M-. Crane. exrua m onnimo. lion it's s.1 oru'x ete.1. Jest bawd bis lhat ate f-icti. ; . i.. '. 1 . Ida tita Insurance nt. pjwora oi lire gmit aut iorj tn txiti'i rio!! ortunoxT nwi, Having heard much of (he magnificence and grandeur of tha Metripolitna gambling house I, .:. cui i r.-A: .;.l . .1.. "ninereu ana ,l..;.u ti, -A k..nk . I Buttered, it did seem a if he'd never git It nut 4 .'o fri.nf win I'ncrT.H'ti Willi tl,e t c r ........ ? ... .... ,T nrriiKi in s.oianu, naring ra. , to. id a tlia Insurunce office, one hundred ejiiw- v., . i v,i-i..t rut)ev:rrg uiiri:ar.an duurtg tit same d:iv witb L'onoi. tha il... ...o,.i..i Hating completed all his arrangements, T.g. pi'n'cr, w'w na lt.wt.min by birth, I deienniiv 01 mil I eedtne impatient for the hour of bia depae-. ed to deiote tbe auia ton portrait of miself. lb tors; and he More el the h.ipe that liter would paintU t wis fiuielied m mot adiuirable stU imra ai insi are 1 1 , - ........ . . . . l-ittle o' eanifirc offll meiiivlrvUielf-Im ruth- i ' """"""l ' 'ng ine e gr.nin.lin which u.pl, e.i er faint-do p..t a little .ujltuuUty hsnl erchn ' i '"? i.1'"?, 1 T "fT't": : ? ? k ',nK to AanM " and bo d it ti ,t una. TbTrtflmiMI Oew-Cu. 1 10 ,U V . with llua fu.iK iayn ul lb. acknow ledg.i Uifm. ..bleeired t..ve.. mOii 1.. . ,.? ' , j M nsual, lo wn.1 tha prisone ' hands. Bat Eg- aenea, wttu a sua jaat rising ee thaetrimaf Mr Cnino WcllWiilder Is,, a e,.Sn.r t.t ! H'u'"''f cot off tbe collar of his loubl.t and ahirt, 1 conijdete, save the Hag, which O.ely did not ael . von wl.et- whe,! erl w 1 f-Uitte tl.es. ruke of tbeeaeoutioi er. esteem prudent to boUt, ...der praaaM airawm. W'idow t',,.,t;..,,- ir tvu t i -4 '' " ,'vince tba.a that In meditated j stances, as his gallery is a aoustant resort of the if. turribl. embarisin.' 1 rernemW. when mr I "U. ros'!l",ie ' n;' "a hu V"' " j ,'iUl',Z . ,h '". 1 k..j. J 1- .: - ..! I a icoi.Ji ... .vn ,,iM,,.H,.'i ii.ii.if inn .ii.iHii..i.(tn in n.e. ih i stammered and stmtered. end was so awfiiliv But ha was literal and open hearted, and it was . .,. ftrrl n iih i a ..',i.,l a u not long befia-e the crew blessed tbe hourthiw i niaie and b.th times have i caught your bell be. brunght him on board, for he war tha very soul j twnen mv teeth, while I have fired iii the air. I of wit anil humor. - . ; menm tb';tt yon h.iaM ive long sss-iissi to know At Icneth our ship went to Port Mahnn. anil ; that Sir once in vour life you had seen, if nt the here our Tatikee Tars are at home. One tilons. t,,, (blhiw hiinsclf, (p.inting meaninglv doutv ant morning a party of us went on chore, and j ward,) at least one who is in his employ. The row. li -hted wsv. i.neninr from the Avenue, fust n to 'nil 1 f." K'nerally tbe ense, at - , - r. . . r - n - w ' .1,1 II Hm ... 1. all h oe tattn was anting our numtier. Joe was dressed in a perfect shore going rig. and appealed a perfect gentleman of conseq,ueuce. Near the middle of .the forenoon a few of us entered a cafe and the only occupant besides the keeper was a Spanish omcer, evidently an Infantry captain, from his dress. W called for win, and had it served upon a table next to rhaon at whieh the officer sat, Joe seating himself so that his back CkitirmaHofth Couidf Court. William Boy- Ian; ('.wi fSnliritor K. P. Marriott. Stttrijf at H'ute Cimuli William II. Ili;;b. ('oruasr Willis Scott. ' Itegisler.H. Hutson. Id centleman will like the dtmpaiiy of the Span ish Captain of infantry, and I'll send yon along. Come, load up again !r But the astonished" Spaniard did not seem in clined tn do so. A man who swallowed carving koiv ts as ha would sardines, and wbo caught pistols hulls lietwesn his teeth,- was not exactly the man for him Hi deal with. W'bile he was pondering upon what he had seen, Joe biok a caine against the back of the !peniard,-but bwhninlfiil of bullets from his pocket, and began to t"s theiu rnpiolv down hne- throat, and wlicn BVXKS. '.fJ.- nf the State of Sarlh Ct'rtlmi, incurp rucl ISil.l. Charter expires in IStH. Cupitiii l,nl.i,i:IO, .li.i.ltvl into bi.lNlil nbarei ol' wnicii the l.itcra-y Board hohU o,0'27 nnd the Cnivcr sitv 1IMM1. I'.incip.l Hank at H.il.'i-h. tinorne V. l..rilecai. President. CiiarhM Dewey, Cahicr. J. H. Itryan, Jc. Teller and Notary Public. V. E. Aiidersoii. I'imvmiit Clerk and Xuutry Public Jordan W..inble. Jr., Clerk. This Bank naa branches at Newhern, Tarhom Favetterilla, Wiliningtvn, Elitnlwth City, Char I.. tic, .Hilton, Morgautim and Wiudw.r. oitiiToas. On the part of tbe Stat t l. W. Courtu, Pnlt i Tr.i,uur.ir, x-o9ii.i. L. O'B. Branch and W. K. I'ismp. . . Outlio part of tbe StocVb -.Men : Win. Inn. Wm. i'ci-o. ,F. II. llrTrtn, .1. II. li. ibnillmc, Al fre.1 .b.ii.s aii.1 B. V, M.s-re. titfcrin and Kcncwal ,1 iv - Tuesday, Itic.miit day VVe.i.u;i..y. lh. ncstie Hills and UiiU d Exchnuc discount ed etcry d.iy. B;i-imcss-ture from 10 till 2 iVclnck.- - did not notice, when he sat down, how close he would lie. (fcir laugh and test ran liizh. and iust aa Joe said .something more than o-uallv funny, be threw himself back, nnd thereby hit the Spaniard' with .11. 'h f.i-ce ns Ut chum' hiin to srill a rla.s of wins iitin his bi,.in. The fclluw lem-ed to his feet, but before J. n'tviiil-J Iag pardon t Lis un- inteutiidinl mishap, be coininenced a lorrput of ..aths and invecti.e, fiart!) in S;.nn sh ami partly in broken English.- llis linguage was abu si.e that Joe's tmjier wss up in .i moment 'n.d instead of asking par-ion, a he had inleiidc t, I'e surveysd the raving man from hem) to f. oi ami then said: tin on, sir. Tour language is i eauiiful very lieuutiftil f..r a gentleman.' .(h! vou call luc no getitletnan, eht' uttered the noin in a hovering pnioii. 'Ill were going to call you. I sb .ul call yon a j!ickit!.s ! caluily "and font. mptn'Uly. uttered Joe Aha-R ah !' half growled the Spaniard, rolling hi. eves wii.lly and furioii.lv, '.Vow, h Snn'a M'irie. v in siu.ll answer f.-r that. I am ceteel- n. an 1 Hut vi.tt von ne let-fle curse! toippy! Aha nh! X w you fhall tibt !' Joe would have laughed the in itter off.but be found that the captain was determined to fight, and nt length bo resolied to nciHiuiim.ilnle him. The keeper of the carerallrtl me to m side, and inforuieil me that the ..flicer was Capt. Antonio Hilar, one of the nl m torb us duelists in lb place that he was always quarrelsome when under the influence nf liquor, and that his com panions always left him alone, raider than bar a fuss with him. Xot ft.e minutes lrff..re vou came in.' added tbe keeper, 'four of bis fellow ..Hi crs left him be cause they nw be was rip for a fuss. Ho you bad lH-t'cr get your Irien-t away,' I pulled J e'aw;.y, and t 'Id hbn ail (hat hnd jq.t I rcn ti )'. me, l-m he otilv smilcd.'and n-air- east of the lati-.nal. A nai ther end of the hall brins y.m nbmptly asint a small door, fastened on tso inside; j 'nf ring a hell; a cilored servant look through a latth-c-l pnimcl, inn fee if all is rili?. If he discover 'a woll known vust -tner evissiietitviBitaf nffttch pi ties, the whole party ismilmitted; on the prin ciple of tHiirs thxt "a pcrs jn ia known by tbe company he keep." Gambler understand hu man nature better than any hotly ctae, and they know this ..Id adage is as true in hell as it is out W were admitted first into a room ' beautifully carpeted, fresco painted, with chair, sofas lounges, &o., nf rosewood, large cenUc-tablc; on which wen the lending newspapers nf tha country, nd around which sat several well dress ed gentlemen leisurely resiling and discussing the news of the day. 'This was but the half nf a dimble parlor, the reception room, or aa Milton would say, "The vctibtile of bell." Utir guide, who was a well known nashington these weve n me, lie picked up nan a Ooxen goon . ntMtl(m itro,luceJ ns to the keeper of the es suer.toi in. nmi sent tnein .uterine iiunetst , ,.1i:Hi11nent: iel!b,i him that we had never been Holy H int Marie !' ejaculated the Spaniard, . ,.., . .,ince .,,. .nli .,. ,.uri,j,v 1 to explore bis infernal dnniiins. He appeared lituhly delighted and imme-liatcly opened up to while hi-oj see'nicd atarting'l'rom their pickets 'whai a m in! II? mv .l, 'tis thedevii;' ". hurried from the t.liu-e. l. kone.l fir n e tonivehim tbn knives, i did -o. and then .;-.v hini.lit. Ibcni un b-s,-iit-lecves When we mi ned m the cafe, be ui pi a. I.e-l tha keener. Y U want your linives.' ! si.1. But ihe tir f'elf. w .laiel in eak. Jo pot his hand to his ri .lit ear and Icl . lie of the long knives suit. Then fr. ni (he lefi ear, he drew the other . lie I 1 lis keeper crossed him self in terror, and -hrnnk trembling away. But we finished our wii.e, and having paid fur it, we turned to lU-p-irt 1 ... ii. ., ....u.'. u..,...l .,.. r..,,nj .1. After I c was gone. J..e ..-.rhnd . 1-.0 ,..i, chandelier, eoetinr three or four hundred dollars, brilliantly lit up, flung its glittering ray on gold papered walla. satin damask curtains, aulas, fto. In tlif centre, nd near on end of the room, stood a long six legged table, witb a richly embroidered spreai, fulling in foi ls nearlv to the floor; on th wall over this table bung a massive gilt frame, and large as Ine a huge crouching tiger, with eyes of glaring fire, lip apart, and apparently roily for a spring upon his unsuspecting victim. Tb cloth Ik-it.g removed from the ttible beneath, ra- I n,lr.ii a "K.rii lljti.k " with all lite iiiit.lnmfwils ii-u....:.i i ., ...:.i ,... f..ta ,i. . . ." . . . .i , r. ..... . . ... ,,rii,at well known fascinating camtv0rychtt s, of the yard yet. and as be spoke tie threw down j rrptumtiuit SI, . 2&, KM each, lav piled tip r ' 'ofsil'er nrsm the cointor. ' in .me Bimcr, t'.r tliecoiiytnicnie of the betters: Xo ! no! nI' shnr-iol th per follow t , j a small b..x beneath lay pile, of bank bills crw 1 n-41 1 leave jour money here-.l..n 11 , ,,, h , f ,i,ml)le fur ,eJCmnti.m of J. tiicwe.1 it np and wen t awny lautihing. i lhlM ilt; Wh.nwewereshm he explained to in. the M- j, wfti u in ,h, evening, and tin plnyera eret ..f h.a pistol.. 1 Iwy were a pair he had I ,md K in Th, k Wf tOTtned u, wj,h used in Ina let-ardeniain perforinaiices, and such of lh. tlll,l.hw f.silishly young men cam as all wiatards ns who pcrl .rm tricks of catch ing balls, etc. Tb main Uriel of th pistol had n aminlinn elulSTSff with th nintd for th Cap; but what appeared to b a socket fur th rammer, was in fact, a second ltrrl to b sore, smaller than tb ether, but yet as mrg as th bore of ant rif.e pistol and with this secret bar rel tbe priming tub connected. tb appa rent I fin-cl of th weapon might be filled wish p. tr.lcr and bill". nd no harm could b doiie When Joe fir"! returiiedwtthhis pistols. il enurs 1.. U.f 1. .1. .1. Iumu t.,a,ljwi will, ttlAp.k 'T , . , , 7 , Ij tscse sin charje., ai d tl.rn the other loading was f..r no. ; ),.;.,, J I' Micct tn npiiear.iiice. Ji iuo scan j Ilnl'i'jk flraitrh nf Ikt Pnuk of th' ('apt Vor William II. Jones, Cashier. R. P. Finch, Teller and Notary Public. Uiaat-ro. Urn. W. Hayw.ud, T. 11. Selhy. Seth Joa, Gaorg Little, 1H. Tbue. Hogg, and C. (V. 1. Huu-hings. OJoring day Monday, Discount day Tamalajr RAIL K0AD8. Ralrifk as. UaJttm tUiiroad Company. E. A. Crudup, President, W. W. Vase, Treasurer, J. M. P.M.i, Assistant Treasurer. C, B. Allen, le; Agent, Mail ir un leaves 10 minutes after 7 A. M, arrives at ti P. M. .VorM C .lro.'aa l.ititroad Croswl'. Chs. F. Fihr, President. '. P. Mei.ilsnhsll. Treasurer. J. T. Ueat, Fr.bbtand Ticket Agent, Mail tra a arrives ft o'ehk, A. M, from th E it; and departs 10m. after Seller, A. M. Mail from th Wast arrives at 33 minutes af ter 4 "etnek, P. M. lsvparu al 20 aainnta U for ft 'eluca, P. M. ie.1 lus il.. it ibcre was n. thing to fear. 1 tell ; lnilii.., .f.je had . b-ii-e l the secret barrel o. bis nre at once. fr. ui his very msnnev, that ba had I nmn pistol, while the S fltiiard bad lfen lilling some aiile lun in Ins beait, and kit liini go, - 1 t ,,,; harTel ci'mii taiiisrpii uiiii, au-g-a miicn? i u.e . i,,,,,.,,,, n.,,,.,.1. I. lined -.in'es, iinti ..enerai oi if. v.r.iev oi ..uo- there, as w bad, ont nf ruri.wity, and war in duced to "trr their luck out of eurxisity, wniob generally leK tbm out of aash, out of character aad out of friends, in th sod. W prorviaed leav ing, when be politely invited na to slay to eup- ter; it snowen a nis diii oi iare,wnico ineiuueu soup, roast beef, oyster in all style, ducks, ven ison, omul. fish, en s? .la'e, coffee, nuts, and all th wines an I liquors to lie found in tbe bast r tarusjits. Whoever U admitted to th room, eitbetr as iilntersxir siai.-tators.se iilwi admitted ! Ij tscse auoticrs fret ft rhnr-it ; d -m't gsmblera human nature J in eicr waa iniptitirnt to have the llou-e organue.1, so mem- of his; Then nf couree, it f. r- m POST OFFICE. Willis-a Whit. Mr., Pint Master, Oft..- boars, mi week days, from fcia-rise tr t P.M. TItAYELLElt S GUIDE. . (issiwt t nirtiTca nr aui.s r aiixii.a NOUTHEK.V MAIL Br Ksh-bosb.) ' Tbr-tnh Mail el.e daily at 0J a. ia Way Mail " at 9 p. a Arrive dtily at ) p. a The Cars leave the drpo4 at 6 a. m W)I Ti EUS MAIL-(Br To-..s.i IU. x, C1.m daily at Arrive daily at IH uaea ssave l 7 p. a WEMTEUS MlIL-HBr II.ilb.ub,) a.sssa daily at m. m. Arrive daily at i f. as. Tb Train leave at i p. a OULlSlPB(M.UL tit Rait ansa j C1.Mi.L..lr. at 3 p. a Arn.es sa.ly at ft a. a Tha 1 are . daily at PHa after ft a. a T UiH'mif MAI!,-il!tT.oa!l4 .) C'l.ssoa l.ii.. lay, Tnea.aaid Tbur, at t f- In Arrives Tuosdsv, Thots. and !!., l - 7 t- a II wk b-s.su S Wed. at. J t n., at ) a. iu I'l rrlt.)lill' MAIL Bv Taaai Buasa II . a t'lusesoa Taesday and NMwfay, as $ p. a Arrive an Meaday aad TbwrMsv. at T p. a Hark leava an Pua, aad Wed. ebowt a M litu Darkness,' said Jo. p tfipously turning to th Sitae isrl ' Yoar name, airf Antonio llnsr, Uaplain in tier Moat Latbolie Maiestv's aeventh rea-iment of iofantrv. But f ar ..lie, sir f I iW'l entnprehend.' u, yon w.Mii.in i aow u i wonia uiiynn, i am simplv General of a body nf men who kav old tViefn.el.es to lh gentlemen who hams sin ne and heretic, down her.' And Jo point ed moat mjiterionsly down to th loor aa ha spike. The -.laniard emi!ed a very bitter, sarcastic smile, al. it thereupon JiHi bs.k up two large knives whkh bty upon the bar, and tossed the.n, on af nramdlier down his tbmat, making sever al wry face as they took Ibeir passage d..wn wwcl. 'I he felb.w had evidently never seen thin? i f the kind don before, for b was ast.ai. l-e-1. Now, sir,' said Jo, mskinr on or two raors grimace, as though b still Ml thk knives me her in lh region of the dlnphram, "yon will wait her nntil f go and being my pistols, and Jm shsll hav atwfsctioa. Will y.l wait V 'I can procure ptstoh.,' said th officer forge. leg hit astorishment, and coming back to hi aa- - 'I shall fight with at own. If joo ara a gen tleman, to will wait nr. J tnrited la as aad bade as wait ft.r bia. Hsrelhenil O. crteal' cried tb keeper, 'where I mii.e knives P 111 py y. for 'era whea I com back,' saM Ji. ...! Ihea bi-kwd ft.rmwosa st. I did 1 he .-k th ken m fnm his tsw. ,t would bai never g'd his weapon ofi'. Aasooa aa .!.. it th .her pistol into h s n aesion. band made tVeaxrhang whk h wa apuk of at th time, be had only to pre smartly anon a spring at th side of th atock, and b bad thwhol eharga, whieh thothr had put ia emptied into hi hand. Bo h had th marked ball t di pos of as ha cbos. Ever after that, while w rmaiaed In Mahon, Joe Ittit was an object of both aarioaity and drco'l on shore, fur aa aceounl, all col ired to suit Ihe eisrnratcd ooncci ti. ni of th cafe keeper. had leci s).re. over the city, and tl piooaCa- tboli'stheie wantcl nothing to do with such a man. .inly to be sure t.i kcepon his jovhI bunmr 1 piue. AX AI'VEXTI IlEOr JfX.VY I.TXH. The Sweedieh Nigbtingal ra nainej thrc weeks in Pari with .ul sinking, Witboat sink ing tha laagaag, Meh ss her antipathy aad wa abiMBt ta paa to straits to lAr, to Bst Lmd.. aodiena for, bf a wubmb sb wa tirsdof ilnoa. 8b bad left Paris by Railroad, bat b-f.ee e Ing lh Channel. b tosdi ber ran, ia tb II .l af tb WitX. as raerait ber strength for bar diea srseal.U voyage, by a niglit's rswt. Tb musical dilliianti of tb eity B-ilogne, Havr. Cahds, it did not appear whieh war anxious !" hear her, ant tnoegtit atersc nt bers e iuUl dr (heir mileage and make his baa iness better. (!) This is but one of many instit Hi ns in tin. riiy, and the I iger is Ix-miU to be led q.w mnr. Ttiniirt'TliMJi LA"W ICTnf- TO TYRAXXIOAL LAW'S. and li a other from bia sleeve and i.4.1 B. to krep tlm moil be refarns.1. Il seems ibai J f.4ind skal ready w lak him off to the ship at owe, fur he ws Bh.I g over three q.irtera of an lioor. aad whea be cam bark be bsd !.. superbly avainled pistols with kb. a. He k.adrd tbe.a wiib p.w.ltr m th pro. an' oi Ihe fMnnird, and then Baading aim a ball, kd hia if a WHid mark it h sr. mid kauw M again. Tn fellow hesitated al first bat al length b took it with a mad fysrtmw and bit It between hia leeth. I shall know that,' fc esi.1. 'aalaa It la bat lac ed stains! yaar .' N.Hr se,i yir pi-t I.' raid Jo. Ik man us.k t'-ss batii, and stsmiaed tl-sa, but he is sail. Ib Mb' t1 er 11. elks, vnd b ib aad be t.dd bs I sd no ''f t. Ho oar w-rd pat tb alts w, A rama.d Ihea t (! esfv.... 4" ... ' Tke. l . 1 .ni .. o.'V ut.s.1 t a wide a I ' b.-4 f -i.e. . (.. -- iw-.v ..-es ee e ssvr - .,1 I i s . ... t . k tb f ii ,s 1 in ss b- I f .r i. J.-, ihs I -. net vet w be w aid Ms., foe t l.-s. Mr. Robert nmwell, wbo fernierW livl tn Schobsri ananty. New York, sow res.des in th city of Albany, Russell aytpaar to b lb victim of anpropitiou eirrumstanoea. Itusnll baa an unhappy facultv of d-dng baainas contrary to law. Oa Tuesday last Mr. RaU was arrastd f. th eleventh NaatucBBlnma est la. w jirs hi-xainiiiatiu l "Weil, P.nssell," saiJ the magistrate, "yoa r Lsro at nil, I perceive. "Yes. sir." The fact is. Siuir, I'm a wiclim HI .w a if I car what K .h'-T Ku. I dies, he is sure to wioUl so.ee Is.t ur other, Whea 1 ennies k. Alhsiiy, I says to myself, K.isselL my boy as lltak a tiui.t to av.rn.w ana try twin n hounds. W elL sir, oot I g-, and what do y. tb.nkf Bcf.a 1 got bi lb next rnr, Barney W halea tanned oili sh.rtililer, and ear 'ilat'a anin llielawf "tfbt'agln ihalawf I rplia i and b ays, Wing dg in tb streets wilk.il mutate.- iiaaernniingiy arrssneu m, aad brvuibl me t tk p. he curt. Th of tl.ai ioec .f fua wasaftneuflnd' llsrt. We wbatdid I dolbeaf H'an'l say," "Well, l.slen 1 I'll tell ynd. I add tb fo hoan.l to '.o.if Aunt Haul's friends f.s? tweni ine toe Channel, in order . erjoy lh etonisit ( dollars. Wi'bj Ibe pr.-da I lK.iKhl a sow an ....... .klk .ss denied a Fru.ee and its Prov i li. .is. I bdi lis lm, bui.t a pen in tl, inesl biN-k yard, a.-d lli. wg.it all my troubles al an end The prooeee m e.nswsiv. and -t.tpi I. They I bul I is Wwt.iu Ulkcer Il.aull c Hl 111 y m' rt hi a-s-. s-. r - , a. fpUndld Stoek ofOoodii r I see rslvl Iks kt.t.! sm s lie's v r 4. a n ii. M sis, i sss, s es .1 o.h- see. 4 U mn.1, IMS ks 1 fmt ale W ... mmA ss Ikss ks k. knikl rrfsi.j tk.J Ilk. .(, ,k. i.,,i, A.' I k ft,m4 I. ,k, tkr. to MS -, frW-Wak4 fSStM ....l i, it ft . Tt Hit. MMira, titirtas) niiii. MW N Urt W ....... .f kMta. KnrM -K Hen is. kmnaiaWi uki m I4M. tliy a.SS. Labi' m .t..t sss. L4 Cesese ilw be -so tl ! .,a Ul... at. , U H ts- , . Is h a wl Jbb I ... i. e U.Me (..''if1 -' i- I . -r- 1.1 : d - y s . I -, th?bi of bttr nr.. Nosier w tn esntnlric iai'll is I apartment thsn thre rrrav remlemen ewtee.l, aad with an air t authority, aad of severity, v.i, dssnded her pirt. As. Bisl.ed, baa faiih'ul n bar sowi.f sites.- th.ll of Frwr. Jnny LinJ badl lha tb panee, wit1 ! slisnni WTd. Tke fenlleaea rend ll with aa air af dieerast, aad ikes rpb4 wilk .(ernes i " Ob ! w know to bva neglacwd an preeauv tlMi. and U.aly- sea raling aader aacunuus aaae!- F.r ab imdo yoa I'. ave, shr r demanded Jennv In-I, n'.Uf4 to br.k s.ko.e, "ii.n l.,n.lk.i'ii!,esi st.loss Y'o sti'i rr lh . p are .i lf - tliet An iutrioati' f nisi r.ok l-ss in.i ted fms farts, abeva bm ..e omle.'l" dop. and ' a .w al- te a. nog t-. s-e t K .gl. -1 " " vol v.ei ier-hv c f" . f . .. a M w -e-... Y-..-fo-e ar I t.. . .i- - d '. u' !-t.f. t l.ol t , . t e p-ee. ." 1 I ,.. . . Iri.te !, 'h ' u . k n : - ' I ! . i ' II I - r --- K ! r - i - .. i s-t a I .,; ' w - l "I . 1 - This lime in fined fir - k-1 l .l ,l i ' ti -Ci Well, ka t - I ... v.e i tw i w , I t ... I .. tn skmaMIMsl Is.H nskaetartlM. lei C.Hhl!'cr.. 1 ..: Uri, st w- I e !' 1 k es. lain a. -4 is... mm v lm i Kre.4 -ft . .- a r .is. I H V-s ; " .kn gabvllr i.wm : i" U k. kue. V sjH" I' Sl llW "! J Tke .-, 1 .-k ' l t ' ' Ik tap. 1' ! n e.ss- tmm r-n .-. 'b r s- I h b - a..n ke H 1: , 1,., H. ..tb, II al ly ittsh l"l. " 1 o,. enr-l J I"'' I 1 Ssif ti.K I's . ! ! a e-l Jl sr. I a lMrtvoeil kf s ir.. . - f tl... Jf-S I sbll tv, .He srf-d .-tf.' ' " -Ik. sa's 4 J r. m , se l se b sf- k M h,mAMmm k.s wr Ik n,..,..'J B.rd m a st e aoanll v or a d. 4. Using a.s. . t, ma iu pbJ. ba " It a at -, ; I7ud bw ... re . II. .N- p.. a U a I - -. Jf k..l -k ke .4 k.f.w M..h,H) J-bU w4.a- kt kwislui a r" -"-t . s .he I . -.- f. r,ne h.w. ....1 i i irl. 4i.ile in y I. I j in . p. A m i-t . I 0 -, , . . . V ev'i-w- e if v-rti. ii V . I, e . e. ' lor V l.s i.a 4 vr si.n Irw tteil ,c-ia v . iaait. s v.i.r a- i..ltal. I as a si l... 1 I au- n n u W U in Ik a r' l . I ...J i usse, k.i.h. h in iIm V .. J is HWiM 11. ls. I dwouted u. 1 h.a riled nfiiiev Badll, a Iw bad m arrested again. d-ltars." " n all. what diJ ton do tSa t" 'I aa mv ww and pig, sad boar hi a bora aad carl. 4 andarksik k. draw w.. Tb era first bd I fat en drew tb attenliea polaeaaa S.ckla, M Hid that driving a cart wilbowta Urena wai'aia llis Is." li r- reeled me lb at ff-nc. wkioh a....i hrr In of tv dollars." "W.IL wl.al d.d v m di next? -I I the l..a aoi t irt. il ls,-Ht th half of a ehsre-Hil wse-,...' "Viell. wkat soicea J I J k.nst with aft thst?" "f li mm I bin, air. T I'ai d .y I a m met. re I i..t ii o '. i.4ism.a S .odis p. I me I. hsslUr.s. l e.VSl 'Hoss.ll lb is Bcla I 1, -mi (..Ins. ' VV hat is a a lb law." I ael. I d Mbia etisrewliK ..idn w o r Ti.l . a a fin of iba d-4hw" 41 Us- dn J.aawl id lis iksraal Ivi. "I't.Or. I -44 sail, and tknefbl I wall ... v I t4 . i ytni yeif bewnsa lbs . ... ,n. ..' o .4 ;, W I. si's lbs wf ,. v..a- I .! Jsy, .J ya aej I am , . . .' si,Hsr fm 4hh.'B beat nit' Bfit trim Ml . As 1 'SI 1 UscS.1 1S4SS I. II that's made sniv positiun tn nie yini sec they're ginemlly con cerning ihnut what kind nf an answer" their agwine to git, and it kind o' makes 'em nervous. But when an individual has reaovm to s'pos hi attachments reciprocated, I don't see mbM need there U ifMilu hsiii1 Hustraiel tlnwirh 1 must say it's tiuit emlmrrisin' to m-pry continner. Mr. Crane .Well, then, I want to know if you re willin" I should hav Meliay t ' Widow Tb dragon 1 Mr. Crane I hain't said anvfhin toher 'bout it yet I th.aight the proper wjy was to getvmir consent fimt. I remember hen 1 court ed Trv- pheny we were engaged nn -tint Iwlore m.itii- Keiitti knew nnyiliinu aliout it. and tsben she found it nut, she was tiuite put out -hcoausa I .I:.!-'. ... i w L-. t .. - .. . n, nrr nre. rs. wncn i niatte up nt wind almut Meliay, thinks me, I'll dew it right is nuie, aim spe-ix 10 me out w man tm Widow Old woman, liey! that's a purty name call me! ainaxin" nerlite. tew 1 Want Melissv. hey I Tril.hlc ition! gracinua aakea alive! Weill II give it up now 1 I always know 'd yon was"a mplet.m.Tiin Crane, but I must confess,! didn't think you was euit so big a f.l want Melissv, dewyerf If that don't heat all! Whatanever- stin old call yon must b to a pos ah d bsik liv, yon'r. old enooiili to be her father. and more tew Mul sav ain't onlv In her tweinv- neth year. W hut rcdickih.iis idea for a man yntiragc! as ram a rat tew;t? is asionbliin. hat fools old v.iddiwcrs will lu ikoo'tlieuisclyei! Have Mallear ! Mr. Crane Whv widdi.r. vou surnria m rd no idea of tieing tiente.1 in this war alter you'd been so polite to ine, and mad such a lust over me and tha girls. Widow Shot yerheail Tim Crane nan o'yer irat.i me. 1 her s ver hut on that are taldc.ai.d ore the door ami the so. .nor y.m put on on and inarch out o' t'.eher, th belter n il bo for u. And J advise vihi, ator via trv I., vet married agin, to go out west and see if jer wifYs add iiiol rlT re'or ant'islicd on that pint jest put ajiule lamphlaek en ver hmr 'twuuld wbl to your appcirnnc. iid.aibi.lly, and Ik of anr- vio lew yer when vou want lo nourish nnmd among ihe gab au.l when ,ve've got ysr hair hlledjust si.lintw th spin n' ver bock twuuld not bun tout h. ks a mile you d b ib- tirely onie-.sia:)i if y .u was only a lectle grain atraiter. Mr. Crane Well I uatart Widow Hold yoar bmgii yon eonsamed old ooot viki I tell yon there's yer hat, and there's th door holf with yerselt in quick ins Irs, or I'll giv yoa a hyat with th broomstick. . si- t - i : i wnviw o.is.n.1 ss - ' m ui.no, t.it' cn-wi.to I to h. r.m unin I . um m with UieaKit . tlia nh.ii.ais fifib of wiHi hi-, bands uiibiiond. , j Dt . Inv, 17."), after listening with hire ki th -Kgnionl was dre-scd ina crirain datnak rl j p acli of the King, formally ra-Viving aad reoog over which waa g fvpauisli mantln frii.gcd wilh j nin'ing the liniiad Statv of America oa of gold. hia breeches war. of idack aiilmnd hia hat !'h notion of th .earth. ProvHxw tu dining mid of the same material, was garnished with whit j immediately after our return from th llais of and Baltic plume. lu his hand, which, aswa hav seen, remained tree.lie licl.! a white hankercnier, On bia way to the place 'if execution be was so eomiHiln.!!. Juliou Uaibiniei. maitrtde suasi by tlx tapt iiii, kwliuaa, who had charge id' th i Aug buitel In old Engl..... I, on ennva', lortrCKsut i.lient, ana Lirds, he invited pi into bis stuili.., and tber wiih a bold band a master touch an aa ten. iean heart, irtat-bed to the ship tha Stan and si. hi , i ni. wa, I iu :ili. tueact Amerioaa by th lli-honof Yiiro. 1 At an early h .. on the fif h uf De;mb. as me procosaion moveu stnwiy torwaru, th j ' a ni ir uiiy w 1 1 previou armngeinent. Count repeated soma portion nf thefifty -first rmnlia j I .adueta 1 by His E u I of Ferrers to tha "Hurt uicruy on me, 0 thai !" in which bit , v j do .r. Ho whispcrd, "get s near th tbroaa giHHt prolate Joined with Mm. In the centre id thes.pia.e, on the spot where a. uiuoli of th best bl sid of tho XetherUn.ls has, been she.), st iod the soaffol 1, covered with bl.ick icloth. Oo it wee tuo velvet iii-hi..ns with smitll table, slinaulc l likcn-L-. 'm bliu-k, and suppoitii g a sil ver crucifix. At tl -'iir of -the pi vif um war two p . p iin.o I a. toe ad wuli -l.-.'l, uiiliaung the pufpjM t T wlren tiiey were uiicinsjcit. lo it. in 01 ine ik tin. n J wa ine piorosi oi me oourt, mounted on horseliauk, nnd bearing th red wand uf olio in hi band. The executi aier remainod as nsual, below th platform, screened from view, that h might not, by bia proseno I for it waa necessary, outragt lb feeling of th prisoner, Th troops who had been under arm all nigh?, wera drawn up around in order of bat tle; and slrmg bodiaol arqueluisicra w. pot ted in lh great avenu huh led by ill tfiar. a yon cm; fear imihing." I did m and found my.oil enactly in Inmt of it, eltiow tuells.w with the eetobrnied admiral leird Howe. Xa Lard we 1 1 nrse.uiusly sUiiding as I eulered. It w is d irk and fojigy day, and lb indows bring elevnte l, and coustruoted in tl.eaiitiquaKdatyl. with Union bars to contain th diamond ut pai s f gla-a, :gmjnle.l th gloom. Th wall we c bung wilb tapestry, rcp ranting tli defeat of tl.e Spani.h Armada. 1 hal tlx leaser of tecogniiing in the crowj of t ctators, Copeley; and West tlie painter, with ar m Amarioaa ladie. I alto noticed some dejected American royalist in the group. After w.utiog two hour, th ap pro b uf Ilia King wa aouounce.l by a tremen dous roar of artillery. Ho 'ntor.i by a snail door on th left of tli tbnin. and immdiatlf atd hiro-ell upon tli chair of suits, witb grac- iui aiuiu.re, wun uia rignt loot reating oa a Tha aiiac left onen br the soldiery waa sored-1 wool. 11 was clothed in royal robe. Anna- ny otcupiouuya orowu oi spectators, t-itner t .... ag.uiieu, o ursw iroia ins -pociss to iliat surrounded th market pl:tce,.oiuc af which. LstHl standing at the present day, show by their qiLiiiit. nnd venerable aruhtioctni, that they inul have looked dowu oil the irujjiu seen are now depict ng. It nut indeed a gloomy day lor lirussela, so long lh residence of tho two n-'hli-s, where their forms wcr as fiiunliar.aiid where they war hct.l in as nva. h love ami honor ns in tliuir ieu pr.. inces. All bn. mess waa suspenuwi. inesleip wer closed, lh bells ti.lieu in all tiavimrclies, thronr.ed lb roofs and windowa uf tlie(buil.lingt j scroll eintainiiig hit speech, Tb Common war summoned, and afrr th bast I of llieir oiitranc hnd tub-tided, ba proceeded taraad bia apeecb, , 1 wa near the King, an. watched with tnteasa intcre-t, every ton of bia voice, and every w tiun of his oountenance. It wa mnnwat of thrilling ami dignified exultr.ti.vn. After ama general and usna rcmaiks, h eon tinned, "1 lost no time in giving lh nncesearyonlor la pro hibit th further umseca ion ol ofienslva war upon th cnutiuei.t of America. Ai!o;vtiog. aa An air of gl .ami. as ol som impending ealaiuiiy, j niy inclination will always lead me to da, with settlcl on the city. It saented," mvs one re-1 i decisbtn nd sTccl, whau ver I eolleot to b th W'idow (rining) lit out, I aay I ain't a gain U. stand her and ba insulted Bn.ler my ewn rut' and a git along, aid if raw you larken my door agin, or ay a word to Maliesy, it will be the wum for yon, that' all. Mr. Crane TrenMiijuu I 'A'hat a buster I Widow liv 'bmg go I mg.ynu verlastin' old gum. I woi.'t bear another word letup lier rs I won't, I won't, 1 Wcn't. tin Mr. Cran. iling there t lb time, "at if thedny uf judsmcnt was at hand." As th pn cession l..wly passed tliMugh th rank uf the . tiers, Egmont aaluted tbaoflleera soma uf them hit ancient companions with nu ll a sweet and dignified conissur in bis manner aa . long rcmetulie e I l.y thua whn avw it, And few even of the Spaniards a.uld refrain from tear, us they took their last 1 s.k at i',e g ii ant n .Me wlio was to perish by ao wmf able ao end. - - . Withasteailrttcpli milintwj iliaatwilToM. anil aa he msed it, gave utterance to th vain wish annHi of my parliamant and my pa .pic, 1 hava pointed all my viawt and nt sure in Eropr,u In North Aiuerica, to tho entire and our dial r concilia ion wilb tlis Cnlouim, Finding it indie pansable to t'i attainment .4 ihia nl.jsal, 1 did not hesitut to go tn th full length of tl. power rested in me, and offer to declare them." Iter ba paused, and was in evident agiiatiua, ttkr embarrassed in tending hia addrea by tin dark nrsa .if th moin, or aHivcied by a vry a unrai ain.4ion. In a moment It rcsuuie.li "AndosTer bi lis. 'hire tl.eiu bee and indcieiid..nt Slate, la tlx ir St", a i thus ailmit'.ing I . ati.m fn.m Ilia king tliat instead. .f uieetnig suohafule, h bad bean Uoms, I lia'e awriheed every cuiisitirraiioa ul ay albniwd o dioio tb an ir uf his kin and onua-1 own to the isluia and ohio.is ot v peoio, I '7 f 1 pf I k evie.1 be... s.-l ; v4 ss -,W4 ! ik'sssrt his s4 it w-Hii ik- iks ds ' tna wl sets vow as n' te . iS4ilsm. od d ill se.s. Wa avast st ar sra.l- FACIXH THE EAST W,IXIV,' r Itst fion.hv. on mv wavt Sund ir Beles.l, I noticed a little by trud;ing along, wlvow I , recognixa.1 as a sdndar ia the claaanexi tr biii.s. It waa very inclement day; Ihe anew wrufalime fast, and th ground was already well ord, which rendered th Walking dimeall. In addition tn which, ther ws a very keen pircing wind, driv ag tl sleet into your be and nearly taking yoa nl your feet i my umbrella wae erl lima turned oiopierely lusidooat, t, tile ) a mas was toiling an in front of m. an I bow b managed t keep ap, er hire tie bad our-ig to venlar oot alall, nntn. ha t..rmy dsr, I eould not l.ae in. I overt.k tb lull fellow, aa a drew nssr tli acbiad Uoua, and mid lo bim ; "Well, Jemmy, this kt abirmv dar In be going tn Kaiwley rclnwt, 1 wonder lhat y.a er not afraid to cat al tn-day a liitwobap lis j , ar ysja not almost fr-ata T" no. Mr. V. . ea'-dth manlv littl fe'lnw. looking up to bi ; "If this was Moid. I sh til l bs evil riding d. wa hill on nir sbl, nd I slieuid'nt mmd tbsauid rl.n, and so I i-aghth't min i it an. If lldidn'lhlow so. I ti-.ul.n'l mind It at all !. lot H I pretty bard when yo have lo fie tb ev.t wind. Cnning up fmtr our h .n.e, I had tn walk a gved way against lb wind, and it eilv took Ihesinef any face. o vall.n.k Mr. ft. will be i Iters, to-day, Mr. E.!" 'Ya, Jemmy, I think h will." "I boi h..l."a'd V lilt' f.iend, "I lore to ara the until. isc, vo wlsrn be d not ssk H m if be only sail at in. When th w,nd blew a hard I bid a grr.i ih'i. I to turn ba.k. but the I th'-u-b I W.-..1 Ih'i. l-au-e Mr. II would bs pl.-i.sl l . an ll.sl I had e u.s t..rukgh j U iurm to Kat.'th h . I " j Ya, J.imav." saii 1. "-or, sres liter IU , tria tke .eitlsof s.l.lib rli..rs ; and rem. u t ber, my dear hoy. t'si W ilv mi mi sh j trr ..'rml v ill veskrst. do r (hi, I tntllMd fr.a. hi. il.r.,e n. k.i1. l..ks sl.rva. even an-. bit eb.i I ike row. and !s lsi when , 1 sees U.st b,t to cm lo asi.-al tn last 1.. ..rd." 1 W er s ml e by lit ehareh. but bs we hnrrsed np le lull Uiek path, leading to l Irnlkis nv, w bet lb seln-4 was Isrld andtli t w.nd am ssn4g rao-l tU rbar.-b Revasr iban r, M llf abssi t,..k ar b--a.hwsv. MH.,Ms.d Jea.k k)M. I. ri(r aard.and pa-bed ,-u- 4 --r, ea r "g h" loeslk and ! l ganing, "U.l, lr. i... b..W I sd I am iksl ws.bo'l slssjs i.e. I.. (. lie east sa l," Tra wnrds i f imn nt offe.'ed rr a f Iheuaf'rt mv a'..d. Ilo es iiv t r.-e di-SM.at-e4 an t see res y l g s;.. s,, dor n vrir tsu. fl,e-s. life, ir ssldn end - -. e in sv-i s, ssn..sl is4 -.."Is. ,. t Hi." Th tleuftit Hai w st.s l Is k ,. .... . i ti...n .1. -... I j...i,.g j e le el Ir. m d ' s mt-rm. Ibe iej.a'rsrr .t a. :.. !, ! iy i if I d l Mas j af its i-l s tmt whlra aaa ass a war H pea pi .fli 4 has s.r .1 p rrl an.aws es, m b,ui lea at , sm trss.iy urvk-wa ly Ibe -. ertw tit earfb. Iinwisi , wWb oar "lavl news .I,. . I.k - k. 1 -.. " Ikiiaftl as tl sH.4il.b. ! tbts a4 si Ml i t roeerfll, tbsnkful sab. H uoieklv, however,' turned lo other mak it my, humble a -id anUmt priyarto AlaigH- whkh might result from so great It disarm-' Urmwt of th empire, snd that America may b fr from I h ealaoiltiea which has formerly proved la lh nv.lhsr country, bow ssnual asuaarcby la to tb njuymiit of rooatiuiuuul liborty, ltflicion, Ungusgo, aud aftretii aay, and 1 hop will, yet prov bond of penBSDsrot BniuB btwra th to caintrios." It is ramai kad that tie r, ill is eel si .r d f.sr rauliug hia speeches in a ill. Knot, fre aid as pressiveitiai.ua, N ll.i eacasioa hwvi dently einbirra-aed! h hesilate-l, choked and tecnted Ibe psuif.il duties of th oa -as.ua with an ill grace that d-us not bclg to bua. I can not a.ic.pi'itely port,-sy my sensation Ut tb priigres of line ad. Ire.. Every artery lwl high, and s riled i'h my Aioerksn 1.1. --J1 U aa ! itnp.s-ible .t tn i evert lo Ihe pp-sil ahawnf the Atlantic, and not lo review, in niv mind'a eje, tl mi-ery and I bad myself ili.-d in areral rtiges ol tli woic-sp rai q t miua, Uimiglita, and kneeling na oa nd of tharushioa with th iMefcop nasi. is nun oa in ntr.er, n waa anoacngaged (nrnestlyin prayer. With hissja raised toward h ive i.'wiih a hmk of anutterabk mdnea h prayed so fer.si.tlj and loud aa to 1 dMfnetW beard by lb paotloer Th prelei, mush afccied. nut inta b a bin. la tb silver cru cifix, which Egm.ait rei.este.liy kissed j after uhich. having ic:ved ahsolutioa for th last t me, lie r-e and made a sign tn th bishop a elite. He ihcn sti'ipd i.tThi ni mil and ml Slid s"i!n kneeling, be drew his silkcn, which he I. id brought f'-r Ibe purjee, ...er his iim, and tepeaiii.g th aor.1", "intir fiv hiinl, 0 ls.nl. e uimena my spirii, lie com. ly anuit the tr..kc ut ll eicnu ioller. Th kiws.un.is . T I viiie nil-n, which from ti.i. to tint I. a I l i en h" ir. among b'. s.j.i.li.-e, were now l.usheJ ibto-ilnica, s ihe ntiiilstef of jostle. ;irringoa the platform np'..r.stcltd his victim, and wiih a single blow ol the ssonl arv- errd lb bead Iraa tb boly. A ery of Borr.- ros IV. an lb rsultitode, and lorn franlle wiih resulting from t'jstubls.inne.s of mis rsrv km-, grief br.k through tb rnk th a.blars and j miw so proatrat. i.ut n . nso lurnen a as vt asr wildly tipp. tbrir bandkerehief la th bbval ! to our bumbl and lmptonate peiiboBS lur ra thai simaoK-J from the a aff 4.1, traaring Ihesa ' Hef. leaving th h a.se, 1 j elled Cnsrlej w.d up. says lh ehr.siik ar, spreci.-n B.em.oi ils.a' West, wh-v, I thought, wei 'enjoriag ll. rk b L,v and lb li.cilemcnts of venan-. The he.d : pr lit'eaj riit . f th dny. and ikaisiug lh an wss then sel on on of lb pile at ll send uf lb guith nd despair depinlcil in tb kng tia-e pluform, whi'ea manila Ihmwn oier M ruiutila- of our Anieri.an Toria. 1'eimmd Jt.ei'.s ul trunk hid il f is the pohlic fat'. J of .Vijeoi N'a.'sa. , ll ws n ,r n. on when otde.s Birni set t to lead j : forth Ihe remaining p -Isot.nr lo ete-mion. ll 1 fvni'i n f na IJry. Eniigratina I U.sisia b id lern as-igned lo li e rnraie Li Cbsr. lie to ' nf M,.-b -vn was s,. f ..-at daring l e yea- l"i sc.iuaii.'. I .1 Ibsn." w'-h his f.te. That n.i-1 T'I tint eiery h' u-e ss filled wiih traveller I reman reeived lb f"l tiding with less j. j wn.m g l-U I'ery Iravriler al thalnae, tieno than s shown by hn friend. Jle gave will remember ti e d l. nliv of oUaioiugabed wsy to a burst . f indignation at the rroellr and in any of the hotel., even if l.e was Willing I put Injustice of th -eiilcn . Il wss a poweiful r-1 up ivb inn r l,.e ur ines l.ileil..s. nnitsl. U aaid.f.a eight and lty yssna of I Tli Rev. Ibeej H.nwn. se .. et.lric Mr U-list fsitbfula rvica tobisjarverrign. Yet,' h added, ' Biln'nt-, si..( pe-l at on of ll be-ela a Ana l, ... bij ,m k. I- rela-eil fn m a life.d sm h ' Art. it, si il inoaii.- l if i fmild l av a rmnn lo larsr-aaat fol ma. r. sum no. n musa i -..nfeee, savii.g n tial o.sssj rrswrs to .ne -- ol eoofe-i -m. W hen arged nd to lh-w away th few preel mss momenis lhat aa bvfi to him, l. al bn,'ib cmsented. The I 'Mint "s. drensrd in pi iin 'oil ef blsrk. sn l w o a Milvne esu hi l ed I ibis lime, si.-ol liliy Jesrs ..f sje, lit was ts'l -rob I, "ii Lt.er. ! ilsrei, m il alt kether af a bint-elf. 1 be I. k":r told b.ra he a aid smira Ibey slum 4 be so full s to ri..:e it i.,.iumry tn put are. ther in wnb linn. A' an easl. k.air. lb l!en I gri.i!ria wss.t i hi r. a. !. d h.J.s.r.Mid n rsiire.l 'o bel, an ! gel .snobs. I.b'tt shetv. Ah.igbmsr.1. molairul. U wa Us was r..sed Iran his siu. Iters by k-st-1 kntstiog a "II 1 ill Von t! sT' bs ' U'lor.I, Lvt .b e Mi'i. I r..i he fr R I I -.r . . u'.ar sites on (J.a !cr ii'i , sii," ntl-r-s roe-ei.ee. ll.s f tui SB.m.'l, SI.S . y a kiint Muir ..! wi ll .!ca.'y step Hirongh li e ISIa. i st wi.td. r, . . h.s to tb p's.e of etevuti-ta,. "Y n.u.l ..- an . If etln'e l those, hisa''.t.s...ti.s sl...ijt , aid tl y- I . 1. k-aw aot'oig the rpe.-...t. rv. 1 1 1. r a nv-l in il , "tv .iel . arv-ci.erri . It-s ,,f .orn w I'.SB In b ns'l. n, til that ut .n ' "V. Iiv y". tins is only -e in ll.-rv. i U trr" ..., im 4 endurii g nna.g. He Was spired '! by I "t"'" 1 r. llr- n. snd M -i i. .ii-t o' p'l.?. la bts Ur k- nr. wdU-h had filb-d Ig- ' ni'ei. -, snd mv-e Y. here al.elj. .e l I i . ! I n...nt's rail iib bue-nes ; tteah, Ike bim, 14 tl.ii.k thsi wa' en. kb f-rite I. I, nu ia bad w b-, b w t bn t orp'wn f imily to : .. bigara!" at wm I..W. I Tb Ivndb rd e.-sscj In tlri.k ao bo, sod Ul As b lr.l lb seaff .U, lb apparvlos nf rfeatb t'um to lh.r re. serasd to ht ap-r t m ban. IUsl.ll rs..id ll. dsd-vibith-ii, "ufteaa U bad A fnn O. a o --lo . of his la'e .t-ie-a ..fended b.s aiket, l( k4 wtsr M kis knowb' fr Jtful'as'.B.vard Tij a .:.... in...i n V el-. cimniiMed sy ..fiVtr a reins lh King " j U In a m .o-h. rd h tl. I-l-i .d if I' l,.n I I ev e. f. it ...i 'I l.l ly sl.re.4 Ikvl o. asi.g l a ie.. ! ! rem . t g mat, h in.,Mir. if j "im our tr-un lo il.f !.'!." s-ts Tl iy ir !' It . i! Ike'y i.f I f end. ftet. s aassrevaa): l-he i ota t tn'-li-.e). Ta trc-.. wl. -li u.'l.s b u. i.t .. laasr. la l -SMfra 3'' f-t In It".'' pun" 1 I'S n,.,,r , Her. a plait t br !"., si b lirtit f si . t-e itiv 'he mt1s .Isr g-e. so-I . ... lev , s- t. root g ' Isiret, ..f l' f - . a Is'1 t- nt J il b l.st ee'isKi If s !' ' ' U. the aftj i.'h.n, s... t ft. s, e tte. I T.i Kit .1 kel , f l 1 . I f .) e . " I tv ' . Hi- k b... 1 f ,l,lN.I ,N I wnl I. . too g "t o wt-u.-l so I se; 1 "I 's a.M ll !, H-tl, is. g'l . ,r I i u- , a ii.et lr-a Ihs I - n-r." J.,. ., k.....l..-str Mr. I! k. il.s tL i .1 l.i m a ia," ai.lM 1 w.iivo! aft., Lus II b-rt tU ''" taw . il I ? swlt.ll blm.f, "if h ar ssfs on ib.ei " ir bswef ks-t wbl ib a. b l, .d that as p Ueeasn w. aid du-wsee it wc ' sgia IU Isw a seats -... U," a. 4 -.dekaa to "tksct to ka (raa bis " ftitatt ebtidcea," Hasa.l s eas aa'U for sysspslby. aat a ibe w. Unfair llirvl- rs".es hta cvMW.d cbca. Ik rt.ri..sn. falssd nf desU.sg - n. and aosir.i.tg eve nnr r ts b-W, re-se-et-ear lb s eh,! ee . ... ft br Insv-. . yi ns mmt wsv iiss.kful. lea n . joreg. Ut 4-iag mm .teal' a pM -f cor j str my) Ikeas'i I Is at kt t. "I t l.s a vt ni il." i.f. i V I v .4 !i a. s -il e-i .W1 h.11,1.. ea. W lb-..I pt.tl.sr . d . n. so I rerp.ui.. lh w f ! " lo fl..i," b .ornni'iet hiis!f h. bs li ,i J...! bsad aa mmt p era.ai n. ll.sl i4 hi. lett-w mu'.-tm. fur Ik e l.m.rs lle-gl 'lf tT ' ins r..ei.i,ed p.s- . lb gse .4 ll a .'.iiia.b. fby an tb lake d.fls. snl, woh Ihe K.-1 a, placed m les-k . wbo k i siri iiy res-...-! ik. I a-sna.Kin Iks re.n-.. m i f r i m ! so ll "n' enl a naaw , 1 IW..I . f II... ens L. tb s"'.-.nt e!.'- h of Ml. iMt-l .. "I.t lbs pUxs, -.-tsl-y I bent ..r rl-s .--t.' rv II tl.ss tn li- .hries . v n. it-vr. li.rvit rew ih.n fss , n It- e.lr., Sl hi Iks. r rip il.e r . v I ..l.r.i bs kaekt ' e -I ' f ... o m fsttas, ' not. I I k S e'. e , I1 I.. ill -.. --f e tnOM ,e. 1 in its W-a. "4 oe-... hi in hs'is- r. i-uiiiv-btf llsr I -e a..d il.iaOi-t th. r.'!i. the w bev-j WilM ..o r, T- e ' -l.e lire -i. r ,i l i fr sfkmrutj ml t b: s- ' v. ft--. v . to - 1 H I Itdew.e;, il oiih ll i t H..r ., ss .1 r to t . 1 1. an rv r .i , elite. - ii . f-. 1 .1. ii e a.4, li. beat ka4( hi wa

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