H l x. A-a -4 . i .1 rtl a At, A a ii . kj 13 hi 1 A A yj i. i. J. i A ., V , iJ . I i J a, as, 1... ewO, ItVO HoCr-U OK I'hiiibeihVTATIVF.S I'KKIN'-JJ versal freedom.! let--te4 that it sb U et- ' IS'i HIESR POSITIONS. I trare wich, a id witting leas, , - j ' t i n l '. J,0IB w pif ' '" !ttuetlo i.r '; ' ttDi Jaaaanr lub. , j iiij ilo, lemtorr ae,,..ired fem France, it ia but j After Hrt P.ii nm, ofOuio.aad tttye. id ( rcpei'iin n ot li.e f.r-t lii'eias..fa'.,irs with Cue S.atit Caiubita, bad eubmitted lists tf tjurauuitt I Bd.hii.tu T a statement fiet lit regard to ba waaaartd by tack at liia caad.daie 7 I fiat eiatt.uet.1 of tact he had l.i say rh it it ha4 ! Slr, 1 . Mr. R.cUnV.n, Illinois, seat la th I mrk't . steak tat ttueettoa that heil beast profounded 1a sum by air. .oilbx iffer, aixl Trspieste-j tkar id . f re t.t,r-titti.rv 1st road ; anil it tw acoxitHg , ly raad, aa lolu.wa: "Aaa 1 n-'ht la aunraiein that tins mt!rm9ii sfruat lilmuis.Mr. UtcbardtsHt ) rtganlt Hit kau-a-.Vehraa bill aa promooie id tlit funuatkMi i.f free Suit ia lb Territories ol Kansas and rjiebrask. 2 Nr. IWitrlenn. In reply tot!. first narsliiiB of tlx gi mic-ma i (r.Hu 1 eniuja ace, (Mr. Aillicuf fer.) I bus to t.iy I voted f r the hills ur;;wiij:ng II, Peeriiorie ul Nabriultl aJ Kaniw lxC4Ue I tliMH-U tl.eto jut to ml, m.4 t llnu i Tula betora my ttflutiturnu aio tht f;mtiu4. 4 I intended then, and 1 inteati near, lltat tlir yi wha t IJicre, or whii hare j; ma. tha.'V, Iia!l - actije ute qucattuti i i.ttpv ttrtttoiitM!ite( an t, a Ktra 1 o..nlJ, tu admit idem aa fState, witli ar wiiaittit alavety, aa tha j.kr himht titvi lv. ' In common witb Nrtbem awi Siut'iern cntla tnen, i bate aaiu that, tit my "intmt, ulavarjr t waald urg. ibataaa r.ion by I toted that bill. I toted for the bill hrcau-e it a ), " rijlil, aud pr ir, and wanted notiiinj m ire to - 'tletend myaoU. " I repeat here an iirjjwiiieiit 1 bar mit la eterajid oier atom befur ny enn- titueut, atul it i tbiai if a in ijoriry of (be riaviiil uf Nanaui or Ae!trd3t are infaor ' abiJofT, they will bavait; if a majority areop ' aoeed to it, tlren they will not ba it. Thi ia th praerioal rolt of efry 1 he, Try a lvncttte I by i- Iba iTieadaof tb Xeljraaka and Ksnattn bill. I I my aancticn to tKia nrinei'ei ainco, wlisiv ' arer nreaented for my action, and nhall eontintte ' to do o in all future eaaea lh(,l may arin. It ii i a principle lyin at the found iti u of all popular iotrinnta that tb tw i,e of eaeb aeiiarata or diaiinot eo.amuiiity iluU decide for tbcuiwlvee , the aatur and character of th inatiiuttnn under which they ahull lir; and by tlii.1 principle I am - prepared to live and die. I llierefora voted for ' lb Nebraaka nud Kantaa bill neither aa a pr aratery nor anti-alatery nicuiure, but a nietia r are, i f aUU riijl.t and juntiea to Hi wople of all eti a of our ein:non country. Will thacloik J aow re.i'l tlie next iiieti .Bf Ji ' "Am I rilit in aupp winjr that be advocate Ibe r exifiatitatiuuiility of the Wilmot provieo4 thtt in loftt) he opiofil it application to tli territury twituired from Mexico only upon the around tlml ttwaa uimecawnry, InvMimcb ai the Moxicun taeal bwa is thoa lerritoriea alreadt aboliabed alarery, which ought n, be aufScietn (or all Kre 'axHlmimT and that fa amraiit bimaelf to the jataaitioa that il Territorial UYIIa ailent upon tb - ubjot of alarery (and bwrinj the Meaican lawa - t operate) war d!eaied, be would toto for billa ' with tb Wtlin.it proviao in thoqi." v Mr. Hiuliardeon. Tiiiat qneaiion require a "or axtanded r;ly. In 1H03 we aoquired ' Uiuiatana; H wait alire territory. In 183) w - di ri.led, by tin of 31 tla. ) min, thl tnrritort: ajtarth of ibe lino it waa to be free. In 1H 15 e annexed Tata; that wa alutr territory ; we 5 ditidadthatby extending tb line uf 38 dog. AM -win., through thtt ; nonh to l fre. I toted " for Dial line with a lew JtipreMri'.atire from the ' (ortll, and the wbol built ol Hon them Itenr. ulatire. When 1 gave iuiwe tote I di 1 not blire then, nor do I belier now, that I tioluted th Conatttution of the I'nited H.ate. If yno , tail power under th t'uiiatiiutii.n to escludc Slavery from half of Territory. I think too bsve " power to exclude from all, thouli auah an xe ' eta would b unjust and wrong. I have never, tbrfu, fated tu etercia that power, ex.-cpt - i priooipie oi coutpromiae, Tu Clerk tliao read tbi aoeund and iliinl In tarmirabirioa, as follow! t k "Am I rijjht in upH.in tli.it h'a ibeory is that tin Oonatitution of ibe fniiej Htutei doea a! sarrr ihre.-y to and protect it rn tha Tei rit.e rtaaof thslniiej Htatta r that in the territory aiair4 fri Mexico and Krine (includinx t Kanaaaand Nebraaka) thcMi-aiuri reatrictioii , was aeoeji. try to make the lerritory free, barauar larry exited there dnOr Franc at the timeut lb o-iiii,iti.in, but th.it tha Kauaaaanil Nolc.ia-- ka bill, WUi !t icpeaia that reatriction, but neither egi.iataa .Urery into tlioi 1'srritoric nor x- elude it therefrom, In biiopii,im ar those I TaeetliteiM irlMMU iil.a. i i law protecting .Ur.ry j UJ ,mti aherore, the -Kanaae-Nel.r.nka bill proniotos the" f Tin all on of iri manaiu anil 4etiraakar' U . ft.! . t - J H.. . - """"Hi IM niatitutior) doe not, ' In say wninio;i, erry the imtitull irn ..f antal ! JTii'i-rmiTtli Tc Titorioii i but it alfurla the 'aa proteoiin tliPiio lb institution of on Mat nf another. Thee tlxsnsof Virginia ia fc aa mu-ti enti'le in I lie cm iv territory to ihe peote.m.n f M rfnperty on ter the IVn-filutiun nai.i tit-iT I.hn.H; but Ix.th ars de stent unoa ihe h-lVkun nf tha torritoii.il (mt- staMfnt I it I l ia tj pr t.t Ihcir nroirtr, of "'' " Hih'i'. of Miaaa.diuaatta, then rots 10 ail raaa ins II .un. , Ifc, tm-wrday toted viitb pieaearaiir tne ae ij ,., (.i.ui,J hy the bun oram jri-n. u., nn, r,-,miM pim,n, (Mr. Xdliaof- "r. it .n...,la urn, i , whirb h beliered to la a.m.J wne n ;hl of srery gentleman .nro m o ami w ntiiier-taii(j tl, princip1 ,.....,,,,,, ,J144,S KJl ,iioiu iiajftjuua i ao rtr nia t it. . la reply In il.a f.rd qneail m pmpo.mle ly "fat geniiein ia f. o n TciiiiaFc, hi wU Uis .nmlya? t did notrerd lie Kanaaaand jasuraai mil as priaii hits ai th f .rtuxli n ol ire r. ie4, inaaiuiu h 4a it icialni th problhi lion 01 iiic imtiintiuii , f .1 ufy oltf ai ewutiv to ttlncb t!ut aieiaura am,i;. .l 4 ia reirj 1 1 the-, .tnl (junti 0 b khtiuMgiie gaaiaral rep y to the affirmatha. Ilo l.l e,e, ia tb SAmaiiiutiiMslily urtlaiW'ilinut protiau,and bat U waa wntun lire rnrof I .III ataaaal fen .Saa. bii.mblanmti ,i,d'J..,.-tla all ill Tirii rw toi-mput 1 ., f,; -;4, As to (' vbaihsi .r a . 1, , .uld adioaata tl, paa.x. f SMark an ail ia ma.d to Ir-riiury wlwr it waa ' (Iwly uanee-, -T, iu ce e.,u,,H., ita pr,j,. kitioa by pre rnat.ar I . a! I ,a, b bad nothing M say. try I krly ifke th night II a n,eaarT, ' aaakotill Ua 1.11,4 Iwfow for'abill wi:hout llial ' pnaiiMtiou, but aiib tabard la tha terrMori ' wad by tl, BMawures uf Isitl. kvl he at that ' Ilia a!d a aeat her, and beli.vel i nm-e aary tnpi.luliii alarary tliart'n that the W ilutot ' peuun ah . uld U ptaa.-l, I, a wi.Udit dia'liidly aitsYaruod tha- be l...u!d bar toted f, it. - ' Asm tb third i,i.o,. ,,, bsdida-d belitt that th t'onat.lut,oa earned tlx i n-i it .1 1 i. n of trry iota lb Tertjtunaa of II, I Ur4 S ilm. II ia atKianiiujing 14 Dial nurat on waa jpM th deelru., ol Nr. M eUtar, that m lbs Cmatitati .n oftl.slnitad Miutea ilaaifdid i Wihs forriioriee a ntil carried thrbyaet UBgaa. II ( Mr.) did nM U:ia thai ib Conatuutia rarrte J l.i a it l.riitoty of lb I'nl Ia4 Mtatea t .a rgbt .ih. l alairs tlief. II r , g"laal Ul rilj.il In proteetiiHI ofa'l (,r.,,riy, a th part .d1 ui Hi baa welt uwi it, pt f la N.irih, ia th Tarritorisaut !i I iiia. ) Siia; t bat wl.ea l.a apike .f pn.partf, be meant U.at ba-kwa .o.i.er-4 aa an. h by lU onii.raaJ Ua af lb wirl l, II meml i.t t',,i abub waa pn.perty .,ly ab.ta b.ld i partirular .Via aa of ihta ,i.itr;, ad aluab la ,ia elinraoier aa soeh I'nui.w.l .1 e4 Uj,,, h,lm,ia, tbuaa Ut Ura. IV-i tTIM wan, wlnrli t, unb taraal Ua ol t 1 w.irij i j.-uinel. and b wa pnir y ..oly when bU aoler l'l-.U . ,f ''t. n a. ...a ul ii.a r.ai.in, a ha.e ka bad B d..p.( .u t. ji. utii il.aaa a.H ao-k prnr Ir a p I . led s.-. . tk a tary ii. i te . pi i 17 u i n .i.iiiti m ul u s it i.e I. id a fining 14 a r ufn a a ijue.; ,4 ia regard to lb p . rlf. I 1 , ,1 ihe r n.iUu,; fl nf.),, -ttUr4 lis b -I ? tu asi ia r: la taut Se I ... il'l l d.iju.il. Iv!ea t'.a ,4 . e n,t, rj, I., tb S.uh aa '...fill. II a f t li.at t..-ti. era. I a. t. 1: u l u; . ..i 1 h - k sud t at h t l i r e -at J le a 1.1 ,1 j,t, .;, f 4 o,,Mf S, . L. 1 1 a.,.J 10 ua .,., , af ii .. Urt-.i .11 a I, an 1, . I a., f Has he , I si I s.m. stirH,ai.ta, , l- I l-a UI.esr ! ll at . . r 'e It .J If I a ! t ...r. aa 11 . .' u. r ii !r .. o. m I f lo ..a ui It I y 1' I et ..;! 1 .l.i.iu. L sliiii d , t . ! 1,1 ry . s k 1 m ir e - .1 I-, uf I. gi a 1 i..r . .is t't .11 a, Auta .cm i .. ii i 4 la it ail aei'v aos d T. I . aa i b 11 it lot i' i n 1 -t. o ,.1 -I 1 --a I svl iu I t. a I 1 a saisl. i . . b'f aa II . r r brrnlfj , - t lt (1 ulfd arhcil t tli inti!aiinn .fbve-? rxiu'el in that territ ry at lli time -f ii a""jui- ' ai!t"fi. "' WMi'ntl g'lit'x 1l- Iba mi.1i-Ii4 thai !' ifr:H.)t H1'"' ii' ahaibat Kraaaar, j by 1I14 Uticirc ul iTUi. iiij atiib t!i iu!itutim ( uf artery titere; hs tbiav'.A it Caroa it -in mterdii-iin tue infttitutKtn wer tiiat uf territury tl Mich le,tiUtiiin aai nenemry t. mska 1 ,"r", " . W -!;,. iu.-.ui.i me rii.i rt carry n, iniiinina -i i , alawy there, t'.i it t!i mter.lifii iii 4 IH2i rh-tM lie rctli, t.a tbii(lit tli3tilniC.r!-l H. ; wa vu in enai-ti: that raieai-; aud lia oiul'l : I! y, with the I'vlit that b i l i-.ir t bun n thia litigation, tiiht tiie iiitrlir'tinntif ifl havii f ; - lurhiM'li'n atMt ut:ti.litil the iiiMtiinti"ii ol aiitxe; vt it it e't.-t'1 there, i:ai-ej.eii in 1-4, in:i-::iH'-U an it alltiired phitrry to fri thrre. bnlf umir impoiMiilile rin oniat iticw. an at not pmiu'i-1 hr tiie of the fort!(7:f'nm nf fn-i? 'a-e-t. iU, Fullpr.of iVittny'r iii! t, reintrkeil ibitt lie ffiirilitlly ailiriiVi. tha -hiiitm ad -fKed re'e diivnn inittion of the enl!r'n;:n frutn T'Mmii!,'(i.. In ftitawf to the reC:fie iii;e;f.ij: i'nrie t.i'it Inr-Hd -ai irr-Mn't. Iib wuuld ny. n t Ibr Rr that ha di.lii it repaid tlis Kanaa-Neliri-ka 1 ill aa pronu.tiTenl the fo;mau ni of free .:titti'a;atiil be would fui theraiy tint he d.d not believa tt t wa pruin ititc f the f .rmafi hi ..f ! ie S'nttw. I in reply to the recond in pi ry. be w.ii-.W "tins ii, i uiion of 1 ivery, n prubibited in 1'.'0. that be bad nerer and did n,.t no a ll icne the j llevsould reply to'thn other uti-n bv.mtiug cinatitutiiiiinlity uf the Wilm ! piuriait. lie had 1 tl:H be u'.nd I.e. reailr, viili ig, ileeir.ua, nu 1 neier Committed biraaelfhi the pouii "'bit if 1 dctcriiiined to 'f voperaj with III men of the territorial bills silent 0mhi the sa'.jyjtuf !a-ry j 1 nite.l .Statoinho were for the fuUiHtttial rea (and b-aving the Mexicut-'ta' tonpunm-) v.-e.e uiu,, f the imwdiet of h it.atitntion uf d 'fealc l, he would vole for bill" with the Wiltn t 1 alarer intlie'lVrii. riem KanaaairNuraak. r-r msoiri tliem," This tjiMaiion rabttAtl t the i Uk wa rei'ly to a.;t with men of ant party, of leguilation of the du-tinjiiiahed gcnlleoiin fion i ny principles, ..f any fiews who wonl.U-iwiperate Illinois. V h i! be (Mr. K.) had to toy npon 'I1.1t witii him in ragard to tbia gr, ati,ue.ti..ii. subjaet wax, that hs wainut a in'oti.c.- of that Jlr. Fuller, of IVnuvlvania. reanrVcl tint r,s Cmgreas, and bad ncter taken any piti inn upon he '.raa laWinjr und r'aever indup .-i im, l e mat sni.ject iicretutiue ; tiui tie was wtmuj;. m aiiirananeasaniea.ia.ir;iuiiosunnw, ann wuuiu dn so witb great deforcnoatotlieepiniuna id' vriacr and hettcr men. niavory rxi:e.l befor" tbcCun- stitiltiuli, and, in his Ju l 'met. U 11.1 ,v cxinn-d independent of that instrument. When the pcujiie 01 ine coim'ot'raiea nifties met. ny ttieT i re ireaeutatirra, in contention to form the Cm alltution, slavery existed iu u!L but one i f the ; 8tite. The people, having an existing an I ad kriotriedped rigf.t tu tio! 1 slave", ciiinedcd, through tbotr ic rises nines, tli light tt pr ihibii tlie importation of thorn aftor the year IWM. They made tin ci.n.'ossion so far n ra- jrardeu the exiatenee uf d'llnestic slavery, Titey cl timed and it wsagraiited the rigid torejl w.u nines in cams of escape ; they clnitncd ami it was grunted --the right ofalavai representation as an element uf jmluical powpr. fie held hat Ouiizrca had no rixht bi levNIntr ntion the sult- jflct of slavery j tbnt the 'jVrribiriea wet the cunmon property ufall tho niatea, anil that the people of all the Smles bad the rilit to enter iijiun ant occupy tline 1 criti.r:er, nnd w: re pro tected by Ihe flag oi the country; that tj.in"rc ludnpriLtTit to legislate slavery iuti t!iirex..'ttuiai: from tha lerrituriiw. Neither bwl a .Territorial Legislature, 111 bis ju Iginent, any rigiit to b-gia laic upon that subject, except so fir aa it m gitl baeoMi jicceaaary to proeot the eituea .f the errnory in hiq eii'i (oaoi to tiicir proueriy lie belieyed that he Lad answered all tiie inlcrro- i'.ii mi. - Mr. Pennington of New Jorsey, in S'iswo,' to a eaM from Mr. Maivliali moat tottteiifuIlT de cline! t make any ro I;. , under tho et resins an eea in whluh hi! n iw l Kid, tu the inte. r .iratorics that h til bein tire billed tmhe vurious eniidid ite. Wiiea it ahiiuf'l be eriuu!y 0011 tent plated hy the House to ua bis nuuis in e .ntiexiuu i h the uf f.ee fir speaker, it would be tiniecnmib fitr bim sri'Hisly to consider ths propriety uf answering nt Interrognt tries lli ft may I .1I.111 t i d to him. lis hat rotea ag.iitM the reeolti..ii, and nits therefore in no measure responsible f r its a'lop liun, or committo I bl th line of cotuliint a huh it iuilii'Sted. lie acceded most cordially to the ririneiple wbitib was asserted in the rosilutiuii, mt in his ticw il had no applicability wb itnver t.i the cnutest n iw gauig mi in Ihe lloua. Tlie Speaker uf the llnu-e was placed In the chair to preserve order and decorum ftincti.m wJiich in 111 wanoirt intolved any political principle, but which Invoked the pilociple uf integrity and im partial. Ir. Jif. liictiarijson nal exaaiiue I the Inclines propounded by tb gentleman from Ohio, (Mr. Km II 111;. ..mi,) and thought that ba had nnawcred all nf Ibrin suhslaiiliiilly, with the exception of tttt Aral and fifth. In rqily to Ilia nr"t lino. Hon, l.e w..ul1 state lh it in his oiiinn.n the ( unstilution of the I'uiieil States did extend titer the Territories, so far as it waa snphm'iie to t'u'ir om.lition. lu reuly to t'i flfth qusation, h had to aar that by Ids express lenoa of lb bills organising the Territurina that had been esial.li-hr.l ubieipi itly to the passage nf the fugitive ti ns I iw, was tu operation In suah 1 arnlum s. -. Ai biths nniuirias of the gr.it linn an frotn Mis sis.lppl, (Mr. 11 trk-d ilo, I be would t i ibal he Iwl.-ngvO lu no Amerieio ia Know N'otbiug rtartr, nor to any ae.-n.-t political urganix tti .n. lis a aa op,iol to the aUili ion of or iiuerferi ii. with a, very in lb I i strict of Columbia, and to any iiiti'ifarenc with it by Coiigreat in lbs dock- rar ls or snv ull.er I'l.ti-e." Ilu Ul.tvs.) that the Almij'.lr Iisliuade th negm inlr ior tu ti.e ahina. 111, an 1 l.c did Hot think thai liter could he place I n 1 an Uili!f unless tb r l,i:e vimuhl kdrig"J d an lo B level a It la the o her. In answer ti the jocular ipieitiima of bis friend Ovm Mi-sour 1, (Mr. Keiinnt.) be must c nf.a '-'nt lis soiiietiiiies fiun d that in that fiiuire state, lu Int a lis bclietel, li'l nud s..u ,.( hir aaasiia'es would nut be I ra. I.au'iier Mr. keniiett wae gla.l la basur. that bis fiien.l waa B litil aoaiitua abail his own e.nditi.aa a well as thai of olhsr uie .ui.era of ths II us, and lh aight he bad gil can-. 1 1uighter. Ml. Ki hird-.m was Mot only aiuj. ua a'.ajt bimaelf, l ilt bis fi ieoda. (Laughter.) II.. n titerkiolted on of Ihe queaiiuns of the gentleman Irons Miasiaaippi that in issui-n lo l ailndiiw aiel fu.eigoerv llsdid not cam what a,initi's laligiuuaui.iitiona 1uig.1l lal. lis Would aa a-ain sa,iporl a I'a'.bolio f .1 ..Hi aa a aunu'er of am ullisr denotninaihsTt, pn.n.h 1 be w.sa qu ti Sal for lh piao an I bis pobtical iittinenui errea ssmlrd with b s own, lie llu.uglit II. al lb mill stl.-ty in a otrnuint lik our was to krej, raligtoB 1 ul uf politics, and Ihai aa h .old neie. sany ottr ral i..a to ths -.lls or uur public to shareb. Mr. Ilingbam, nf tllil', tlr-irr I to know whelli r ilia ganilemaa frsm lilio-oa bad arariaed ur denied tiiS rilil of ; Ii pa 'pis of toe Tsrriitiriea to tti tsS any taw deprmug ai.y persona lliwsiu uf hi or l.lsrrty, "eiett aa plllll.liiiitu fni erui.e, u.-.a due a-. 111 o 11 u '' Mr. ii.. bar. lu. a drsiiad to vites,J n,i'l..eg.-. lie ba I. in lb rema in be bad aoluiiiili-l ii.ia m Tntg.tpra. Ut belief that lb pew,.) rf lbs 1 arriatri.'S (if Ki't-as biuI Nelo-as'.a bad lbs right s titer lo taial.li.b w uroa.bit Afiwaa lUts r. ' Mr. Bsiils wi.bctl il aadersl.vl that mhn be suiaercd qaasiuota iul to fcttn, b si.'ks aa a nijil-aii( lUe II .u a In Hit M ihs ai.trif tats) to f sts of Mva : ti-eli., i regard ta I t aas.ii ai, aa 00.1m- -te I aiiii far is irtis is ihia j siii4ry, It ah.ii.U aial tl hi k.aoaH way. and, las-lax b aa it" as a m .il'r abi. 'l paaLlnrly cuu-erned bail. It ait. old alnte fac a, atul Iti giiUriu r.sxa M-i.ip d Bud sl!ur-a ta gl.l 4iaa.i,airuwa io'ei feraoua h a-a ha waa rteated s a loeialsar ,.f ika II " fros liia Mai td NlaaaetolHt:!-, bawsa ia,.e. a;esa lb su.ta oaiaattaf tlss regular I Hsitaiiee it at pant sod of ik AuserHie pant ta bis ni'tnrt, lb latlstf Las eg tees largely la lbs taat-trtiy, la r, ' In b" bniiib tt.'. iy uf to gen llaioM ln .'I. ... i N, ha a i.i I ievr lh gastlinwiaa lo a a.ase. b al.su Le bad deltlaead I ins llou d'.io X lh Wi Ma-s.'sa, in wbb bka i bid esp.ea 4 U.sop.Niv4s ap Iheaul jevi fbdi od ffra'i, sad ah.li ba .-. te bta rets. I lis I 'd aa i id lu siana ( Jaoioa. tbal 11 it avvfty e 1 naii -.te f i.,.a I Hal a a. ft end aof -ttat-o sib e 1 rt.-.a of I-. i.a oiaty -.a fca..aa v . -k:" Las.'e in e tl a olari Bi-.U Itia.ia a ttt-rltt." H.mth it-.! 1 ft ill to ll lhil-1 aalstrr gvry, avmestrairtg l -a es .'i4 !t a al.ua and bis k ear, b ! It- I eel ,., ij t . .a tsii ad W lis stlars I -HI .A I ( a t.) 1 tpe,:, ..l," m a. "that tli t-sa at t vt s- V. fir tshalsl att t 1 il.,. eul.jeet .f races, b tad 4or.tI tb i lea lint waea there i a weaker rae in en-a'cnc it wiil tiic-urab to an I I a- -W in lit (wmi Thia wta rh anU-tn-sal law Brerle4 lb rare tf km in tit wssrld. lnrf;pi bll. question wheihar tb a-hit race or lh black rac was atiuerior.h prof-d to trait until ih timeeh'.uid drtrl - .n .e:h tb ailiite rwaiha'd alxmrti th ,U r t!ia l.l x-k al rb tta bit LaujIrer.J The nxt f e I "n ia. wlntlir le in lav r 4 nttmiui It )liiMttti taatlrietimi, r f- tba n;ire f'i.lnliti. n tf niavpry in all the Territri f tb t'it4 Starat t'Um Terrta-irM nnti.H tha nieiit UW re;e:iet tt-t fe.mrh'a ul Ktiw and .Vt !,r-L. A to t'na Territoiipa to brMltf. M rtKHiM I!.r "' j nereniipr. lie troui ! iv tn tue ceiit.piBtti ir. in ,,, Mii.i i-t 1 ttt th- II u i-t! r.i if ta f t l!i w..hilhi-n lottery in tuaTerritorieaid Kanww ati't N'pliraVa. in rejir l 1 1 t ip S .t clntie of f rv, n- ti vrl.etl-rtr lt ut in fr.ir ..f rtr. j lite Mi-!Jiiiri tvn.ij ; imie hebtl V re'.lr tluu i.e desire i tti4t tiif i'i-oli.iii:hn ff lit intutution of.aUTet - T in tita 1 v(ii.r.i? l Kunioaa atil .N Kitiiiiern Hta'tit a!iniltl he i-lifl. aa in lo hv Ini.lc if 'I Ui thi po ijiUfof the c-iontrT anl t.- it grcit Jiioc ilici A t the iurii.?r in aL.'iih it eio.iii'i 1) ibre l.eilior hy rltraii-.n af the lelinieal i n-.' or l.vaby . .titer me lo(U.;i.'tiliaiicc, ai'tj, nr principle t.iat slwu'ld give to ti.e Ameri can Hlatet tb proiiitHtton for wbii'h Siuthrrn nifl.1 tunipii'tt'-d. ii"rec.l. mid t .ik a t!..itnid.'iatinB be bid moiling lumr. lie w f.r the mtli- ,,,,,; , rejt.ir ttion of the pMhihitiou uf the subtantiiil ict..ra!i.Mi of th nrohibllion of she o.m!d not pre end to anyoluntienceon the pie-ent un. lie m l tburefore. ani answer Ik questions aneciS Hilly and directlv He rapli-d ! tn ti.e firr.t nmv ion. "Aro yuii in favir 1 f re storing-the Missouri re-trtcii 'i'. or do vni g" f ,, M,tire prohibition uf alarery in all the T-rri tories of the I'nited States f" I ant not. To the ! 'eai.M.I. "Are you U f.ir of aboliahinx alvy j in Ihe I)itnct ol ('..l iinhia, in the I int. .Vates forts, dock-yards, Ac?' I nm nut. Tu the third. "1)0 you behove in the equihty nf the white and black races in the b'liitcd Stales, and wish to promote that erpia ity by lgislalion ?" I do not As lo being in f iv. ir i f the entire exclusion of si.ip'ei! citite.ia an I It nianl' itln-li tsfroin ofli'-e. he thought with lieu. V,ibiiigt..n, that it would 'iiiijiort lies with tiie ailicy i.f liiiKc uintry t.. appuiut- fiiutve-iirii citi.ena in preference tn those off ircign biitli. 1 Aupl ui in tbo galle ries. 1 lie Wjnil'l pi'o-erilrti no man because of his religion, tin rwirrHl"'ti'nouni.e nu maiilioiviuse nf his 'politi'M, but n .11'.. I .icCoril to all the largest liliBrtv-if .ii.i.ri.iit ar. 1 .'r.x;.roa.iiou, of cunscioiice a-i I "f w ir'htu. Il.j cared nut lnt religiun a 1 milt iiti;li! p- if"., iiur t . what deunminaiiuii he might U'lujii. lie l'ie M ili imiucdan. Jew. or .ii!n ho Ho il I in e id I11111 ih r g it to wor Inn ju-il it; lo ll.o dictates uf bin nirn judgment. A-! foreign-born cittreiia, ho did not desire toexclude ti'.om. He w uld invite them to some here an I enter iikui the public tmd, tonoeupv the public territory.au I tu build up for themselves homes, and teiclt their childrun to l-ivetbe ('.ui- atitution anl la vs whie'i protected them; kait he wimjI I my tli it in air mattera ut ri'Kisla'iun ami I ndininistrniion Amoncatts sin. uld govern A mar!. llrmtppltin in the gilleiies I Tiicre being loud erica of "eall the roll, th II.Mis priK-e.i led to tha on hundred and eight ballot, with the 'following result ! t Mr. Kinka, nr Mas. HI Mr. Itichardeon, of 111. ;' li.l Mr. Fuller, id I'a. .'.1 Me. IVnnin;;tun, of N. J. 7 V'. muring. 3 Whole number of Votes given JS'7 Xe.-e-s iry bi a ehoii'. 1 4 There having lieen no vlwlion, nt three o'cl.s-k the lloua adjouruml. THE llt'l'SIS lUVKIt KAIL HOAD ACT,. DKXT. The Now York papera coatain tariuns details of the lale ae.ii.ieui nn lbs Hudson lliter llail rnad. We hate only room Ibis morning for the Iiuluwing sin TKamisr ox or a ntinsi, r .1 a. 'T In tho hall of tho Kvcbange lluua met a gentleman laboring under gre:U meiitnl ulfla7'! .n. Kngagtng in conversation with bim, we levntiat that bis name waa lllifua lllanchard. pobli-'."r ; and Isaik-eller. of t'hit'.izo. 111 and brother of Mr. Ulan. third tha publisher, of Nassau street, X York. Mr. Ill inehard waa mairicd 'on ill 7th o Ibis month to Mis F irr, a 111 -t b.iu fill anl acouniplishetl la.lt, st Iter b ine in l Kalh, St. I.awnim etinttly, in this Js'aie. Th hippy couple srere on their wed ling l uir when Una sa ri. lent atwt.it k them. It npne irs that owing tu lha rn wded si-t f th ears at Albary. Mr. BlauHiard atid bis bri-lc wereseparaiedf uiii M -e P 'Well, a Il ly friend, who was learel'itig vtiib them, and in" ths society id bis wife, Mr. Blau elmrd (urgot all alatut her nnlit ll.ey aimed at P ait'hkcaps, when Mrs. lllanchard snfgeslcj llial b should go through h ra'S and e if he aaild Bud her. After the train hi I l"f I' l.Higlikeepsie depot, bt set 0 it .01 bis r, an 1. 1 d ll aaa dmtng lh' brief attaenc tl al tl c -ilamitt tevtirred. Me. It sn.-lia'd apmngoul ..f fliedu'r of 1.0 car and csjuia- J uuburl bt b-i, into tit aUi W. t Aa a aa ths craah waa over, ha ru-I.ed a d I Iv Ihroiigh lb res ki d Sara in eamrch of bts its, 1 ahrwaing for I.e!;.. and cillinj on iter nam. Um bia words " ar only as-hoed Ly oil. era equally distra.'led, wh s telaiiyua and fiian l wer in tufted in ll.t (oiiiuiuM mill, or Kplirl toby Ihe cries a..d gn ans of the si. If.'rer.. For fi'ves-n uiUiUloa Inch at .lot-1 a Biauy hours, Ik wiuglit ber ry a her srili.uui sucve-.a. At leogtli s- n.e on aske 1 il bia nam waa Uufus llUni-hai d.aud 1 hm tti friend hs.k him I ti.e ls -e wl s his wife lay. And wiiat s sl ), ! Uu.el hi iir! She who, f in. nines bed. fa), was la'Piiuil will. Istiuty a id meilluwiB with l.r yuung j..f, low lay I. furs iuia eru-hed and maim , arid blacken I so tlu.l he had n a let-ugi irel I er as h s wife, alili-.a -li l.s bad .a-so. I er a seor isf l'ilt'-s d 1 ring I n tearrh, auptv ting fr hi her fae that ah wat a p r cob-red owan. Had e -i d WMh a.rroa, be wnid bate ihntwa binv at.ii tiptsii brseotbtyl lib teaa h ftt in bis great ai.cl and has lwailal br .lead, bad nut ll.r I iMindvra held bim twk. Then hut nol.l wilt minlai. her riuloees ai his aalrty, ami tettle hiMi bstp ihat all things ouM work ug bet tw. Ihat a). a w.M yet litatu mika h.s glad set, 1 and b sra his l .s.' Tun aaa only oea of asattt astali ssan-s H asaetiiijr tat frieoils Slid r.ai after th accident. T1 unf.trlunai lady waa takes, n ). f t rtiausas Hons and fdaeed under Btedieat sf.itl. Her lefi b is f a "I uea.) in its tvlaena near tha ankle. II . isf her bsnds ia hs-tlv eitl. and bar f tee and ttfla otl ars ebnrebod or ets.il.led nearly Wrk, and l-ee t ea r ajmwbai lii'u-ed Th aVrte fte w learr-ed from tarioaa rssatHsa wbe wt'iesoed 1 base. Mr.' Hlanehar4 wa.k tta Inta Into iba ro.au where bis wife 1st, and after allow ing ua bar aa I eon.l.t-., ba t di tb min alar f a beautiful woman fn m his teasum aod and "Tttee Va wbal -. aaa ihia titn saeierdaf , lla. !!aarbs-d bia mai ft.f. t!iroiirb.sa her auffeiinara.l1! ei.tH ber.4 (.riitode. cl.asstirg krsr baaltaa I and a 't -1 g stir I al asaea b.. ful aad resogtied. Il.'f 1 liysic.siis aia I'a.ng all ih. bnsa aktit ran do, a.4 slrstttg bs.issa ar ir laioasl Ibat sb Wul rfssttV. tATAtt rHOM Mrilli.. sesit tt r rai svttass rtaawat, Kew V ik. Jaa. !. Th al ranter r bvls frasw N-w IU leaps, hflnga list ana data ti U.a 1 iib ii.atant. I T-' rtiaaniab a-anef Me !., aviletfrVera , ('im i)i 1 H, csi'i t. tail 1 . f fviia Aa- as l.el I, ;r .Is s t,',s.rf the ta('f . lilt cal afaiea in Mel ra, fa, I A l"t ea fn 1.1 Mel t , bt ibe (It 'a. a'sle l' al af t.ea ta tt 4. tt-' acted .aatry wear a 4 1 asy s.- I. Congretalonal Ttirty-FuaTth Congre.i Tint Eeuicn. Vi.uisn.-r Jan. 12tb li5f. ThaFciiT waa nut bt aeniun to-day. ll ic r IlifarTiri. Mr. rmt1Wl,of Ohio, rawed tttnt ta .e.ltitttn rottfimna dnUva tn taa miuur b finid o!l af-xt IV'Jiwa dar.utilpua uiliataixaur'lprrd lr Ihr llini. lie ftfcaiyri a rrt'i fiT-Wnvg )i r(n loli m. l!,nt io aiiiiulv W uld abort a t rati a bii'b f..r tha aareral eaadidatea to datine their ilit;?-t! riaitiiitia, aa invited byh ed' Mr. Z- ilir- r-. r-d.iti... II off-rrd to tha eatolidaiej for thair ne, a arret. ciMitainiag all th party platforina from 1W2 to lx&l, I. et ,er wiih'twn aneioiit plalforma.nanie Iv, Ihe l'..nii:...t.n i.f ihe I'nited Smtea and the forlnrnttrtn nf InJe; endenc. and would offrr the IJiiiie, were it w.t fur the bu t that a enpy e iuld 1.0: I.e f. ur.d Hi 1I1 Qnjjewainal Ubrary, it Laving ).en iiMutired tlienoe to make nn-m fur the worka i.f I'ti.'eiie Sue. (faiuMpr.) Aftur debate. Mr. Camptailt witbdrrt bis re-o- ttlB ...i; .k. lui'n, at the P'tiueft ut Mr. liicbunt..!!. W01 rhiiiijjiit ttat be K-ubl expt iin his tieas witlmut the ueeni.'n nl lite ten minotea rule Thesevrral iuierrngati-.ns eiibniitied by Mr. Z-dlicuiri-r, i' ere read, when Mr Hi-dtiird.-ii 1 1'l-tJi f-r it) rpel t t the ej'e.'t ib-it iii luting f.ir the Kai-sae-Nfl.ra Ua, he design I tlii.t lue people in the lerriuinee lt..-iild feltio 1 lie ii;-st i..ti oi siaverv fur tlicdiM-lve, and he wunid luliiut thm as Stnica, with or without r-l-itery. lie iid s-.id ihat laiery wuUl not go there, but ha 1 iu.t uig" I lbi a liie reason fur toting in f.nor. fine lull. He bad voted fur the t application of ti.e Wihiiut prmisu i.uly in a sp.rit ot coinpr..toie, hut w. 11M nut apply it Jo every ttirntorv; nud, in his judgment, Ibe Constitutii-n d-ies in't cai'i'V slavery or nny other inatitutiuiis u( tli States !ino tu territories. Inn nflurda pru te tutn equally tu uiie secliuu of the lit. ion as to ti.e ut her. 1 Mr. ltiiiks (Uayuhlicaii) then expressed bis tier's, iu reply to theeame t-eres uf rei.lutins. Hi. .li-'tii.-tiv hi tli.l nut t-e.mr.l lluft Whriia u v ........ a.., ... ..r ,i, c..,t;,o, ,.! (,.. ',, ,.1, ;, ,,.l,..l ,l, .t.verv pi-iihihiiiuit. iU belieieuT 111 ihecon-tituiimuiliiy uf the Wiiiuut pr ..vino, and that the t'uuirtitiitii n d c nut can y slavery into the territories. Ilo .f. fI .I.i ,T i,ri.i. iutii uf what ia - it'eraal!t c .i".l to he proiicitv. Uut that , ;..i,.,u .1,.,.,.,. ,,..,t ... ot'rhe uniiiiuu tiiat ths Ooiiaiiiiuion uf the I'nited States is an iiotiuuieiit of Irendoin, and that Congress was wrong in repealing the Miss ain restriction. Mr. Fuller (AtncTlc an) replying to ti.e inter eg 11 ion, said he did nt regir l tho iuinmn and Nebraska act aa pr. motive cf either the forma tion of free or slave States-.he hud never and d-.es ti .t now iKjvocate the constitutionality of the Wil- inoi pinvi.Jo. We bellev.i that slavery exists iiulc peniitimly of the ('inistitutuui, and that t .ingress lias no right to legi-lnte it into, ut exclude it from Ihe territories; and Irul the right lo legislate so far as to protect tin. )teople in the enjoj inoi.t of their r'.gltts. Mr. IViiningtun taitigoutsideuf the triangiilur Boiitnst, moat rcspeetlully dn lined to mskii any rct'.yj but if ever the lloU'C, .lumld nd 'pHtim as acumiitlate, be sbutild respond. " . Much cuilusi'iii prei.iiU'l li.r.uliiittt the pru cee lings. Mr.' liarlisdale propoiii.ilril a rrriea nf iulcrro ir ito. ies to Mr. ItanVs. the effect, ate vou now a iiiemU'r of the Ktioir X.tib'.ng tnrty, in favor nf the alio! ;ti 011 ol slavery iu lite ll. strict uf t'ulum bia; do yuii, wish to pr. mote li.e equality of the whites by legislation, arc vim in ftivi.r ol inclu ding furci;ii b im citucn and Catholu's froui of fice, nnd do you favor the moililicatinu nf the tai iff now, a you did at the last ressiun of Con grcas f Mr. Ketmett suggested that he would add to Mr. Uiirkadiilc'aquerries iIm follow: "We sh -uld like lo know if either ut the candidal!, whether ho belief in a future state'!" I'ruvidcd they aoswer this in the affirmative, he further di-ifi'il Iw know whether in a ficour aim !-tate. Kx ccs-.ua laughter. J Jlr. Barkadale uppruai liiug Kir. Kcimetl, de saaude l, "lo you intend tn rut rejection on me! 11 you do, 1 repel and hurl it back 011 you witb acorn and route. npt. Th aoitl.i-ion which this occasioned was cx-cea-ive. and many erica ul ' itrder," "order," was sounded. . , Mr. KcnitcM said that no such nsimiti rhniild iutimij.i'.e bim. He s'.ne I U the liuuae that he uiaoat nothing mors than to lie jocular, and bs thought Ihat the qui-rrv i.f the geutiatban sl. ut Aiuericanfs ii ju-;i:ii l the suggesibai. Tits diaiiirl.aitce'b u iiig Itctsii uuieted, Messrs. lii.iinr.l'iin, It inks and Fuller, further replied to iliterrog it'-r;es .r..p.un led. -v The lloil- ibeo i.riss.e.li-l to Vote for a Sneak er, a itlt Hie foil niiij reeu'.t: li.mks 94, Kith ad stiii 0 (, Fu!'. r .14, I'enii rgtiui 7, smttsringS. tt hoi riuiulierof votes'JtrT; uceciutary toaeboic 114. The liuuae ailjuuroed. , WaaHixuTux. Jan 1 1. !rya, Mr. !uar ni ved that when ihe Sen:,! .).-orn ii adjourn to meet on Hiuredny Be xi. and tss pi.aKin aa agreed to. Mr. Iluuier mote. I that the rsenat do now s 1-i-uin. He Ihunetii llial thet should either dona ieo'i-litite businesa bi-fme the iirganixatiun of I e lit S, so or tins t i r e lent, ' r do Biu. b mors than thry had la-eu dning. f t Hi ir y.iae.d taking lb amis of lb Siiat upon thai 'subject, be l ad now moved that lh (senate ad join n. Ths im. lion w t?iee.l tu, and the Senale ac etirli'i.ih a'lj.Mirrie 1 anul Thnraday nest. lIofSRoi mrat-itTtTit ( Mr. Traluai rt pl tl to a leuidik nf Mr. C 1n.pt.0ll, uf Oblo, that ibt re was no It 1.1 hi the. Library uf t mignaa. and aaid ibal iluoe were Burner ml lillone tf lUilll di Ilo k. Mr. 4'iiipill explained belt L c .me t ia ik ilia; s'sli oieul, and admitted tnai oe asa- mi-liken, lb Hutil pr.i...svIa.llo tin f.r a Ppr.iker, si'ai rs-e, nith,t;i b.lL.wiiig results Hanks fXi ; Hit-hards 11, 1Kb, Fuller 31: renningion, H, scat tering H; n.-re.aar lo a choice tsi. luring lbs v. i tig. Mr, Lindly said ba saw the IseivMarats entlravuring lo aol d.fy lbs Jsnuth m ths iu. .art, ai 4 tl Kf"l.lieiie udeatte rmg to soiidtti ibe Norib un lh ttibar; thse er. atiiig two sas-t.oit I pait-ea, Itul he bad toted f.r Mr, Fuller. bu ociii,..es Nvii nal ground. Tl.ere Is-ing Bo elecll "f r-akT, ale.lbei tie wa I .ko. wilit tb I llua ing result; Jllr. Ifauka V . II ch ird- a Ut, Fuller .id. IVnnmsrt H.acatierii s. Xr.sss.art in choir lnA, llunn ibe .t-ts'ee.linl.,titMsra, llarksdal and Keltt.eit nia'le f-rrsuaal er.tatt..tfts eonerrnitig ibeftere -a. ie-a arms beliaevn tJ.em IN das ba'a en IM'uitlav; t.tli ri (.leasing tbeissselv lo h a.iti .n.-.t Ths last tola N.4-iy Wsaat follttwa: ItanksSS, Itieliar Isttn tit. lultif e 1. I -nuiligiis . as attee Itr i g!. W hole ni iuu-r of lutn i7, u.s-iy IU a ertoie 111.1. Til UiMla B .j.-UISied. W tMiiai.t .a, Js Tb 5tait waa b.. ittsans b.stty. a. 13, II .las ar lUi-Bi-tstatif Ba. Mr. CJailmia bat it. g eeceotly wtiltdraan bia asipp..rl frt-m Mr. liti-baitiMHt tot Si eiar, atatttd lit raaaiats why lie s itoa Id reavw bt .a I 1 il al .s Itsnn. Mr. Miitassa dtr 1 to ba uittierst.std aa iu Bo msi.tr ota tultei' to Il.a tit. taT i!.cy marked ! l y liia ieia -ersl e rati. ua. ba' would bera afitsr b fre at diai- ss ul ba f. ta wbar it can b ata.1 effiaily bdu Ua Boat tiKad lot Mr, riirbaysiaua, Tb ra-ylt 1 f tl s on kandred and twelfth t..la Was llota at'twttteiesa), aa (..ibiiaa Itssl.ka llleb-ar-lssta ri.; fuibsr St, I'etottngtoa K, assattaring N, tt hats iswhw .4 fotea t'7.Btvaaaary ta arbor 1.-4. Mr. Wesbliora i f JUin, iiffseel a reaobilbss to tl.af ll aing f.t. that ll. thus will pen. eased iHttttediaie t to If e ebs. ti.as of ttftesiker "tii t-sr;" ai.-l if. after lh r.dl shall b called tbre iaies, aa meml-at eh-tll bat r-nt a ataj.sri y .'f It-a wH..ka natabaf i4 tteea. tha toll a,.. 1 1 1 rt!.. I, tssllt ms-ittbttr It s n avitiiig lla) larxest auittl.tr tf toiea. prt.ttded it 1 9 ilia maj -rut of a qa -futa, attatl I ddared "lattkar if tba Jlia ,f iia Tliirty Ftrili ! I ottgresf. I t s of Mr Tr'tv-a, lb tt lu'l a as 1 bt-d tta ibe tab' -taa lu't oa-s - I I 1 a I Ii . it ta. a as-e l.lrn; ika Ii , yaw M, i tatii.sif aa (oik-ass links i: K.l.s.-l-va FollerSI. Peiiuinrlon 9, arattariag . Wan number nf UiO; necewarj to a cbuio lUo. Tt:a Hotiadjouroii , Wa'HixfiTjs, Jin. 10 Tb FiitTi ai mil fa ee-wion to-dny. llor or l!rpE.rTiTiTra. Mr. Thrin!"a 'i fforatl th f II. win rr- lutioti: Thai Lewie I. tampl !! of (thin, lia declared Speaker or tha lluuae for the ThirtT-Awnh lotiRfwa of tit 1" til led Stntea. ilia i.l'jeot ana to eoMributa bia nut t !ir l an fin-aniiatiuo: ntid .he Iim rr poaad tiia name ut Mr. t aBapbelt, behat in bint to b tee olijeet'en.tblclban Mr. Birk,forwh..ra be bad been ruling. Sir. lialUeat nai4 tbax Mr. Caniplatll was his rtuilhw, but until b uld be a ure. that tb aeatimetit i.f tlie lloua waa in bis fator, ho should not change bis tute frotn Mr. Itarika. Mr. til Minis tu..k a aimilar view, saTmg tlml tloaie who have I een r. ting for Mr. Banks should l;av been c 'imulie.1 befure the intr.elu:ti,in of tl.V retfe-liitinn. ' Mr. Mane said it was the fault uf the anti-Xe-braakait: that tlie Ilue i i:ot nriranixed.rta tbet lisve a maj .fit-,-, and ran if they will, enact an oi(rantxa'ion. if they will gire up petaonal W f- cri 'i- tor plttii'lpie. Mr. I'urt ianc difl'cred frr-m the geiitlcmnn from lii'hnna, (Mr. Mace.) rtie" IteuiucrHtic party ia to blame batauee the House notorg.-.ii- ized. Other extilattations v cre made, when the ques tion was tit kn on the reauliition, audit was re jeciad yea 60, nays liD. Mr. Cnmback otlered a reaulution, declaring the lion, liitniel Maoe Siwakcr of the II. use. A debate enened,' in which several gentlemen on the "liepul.lican" side tOuk part; tlie subjiw invtilvuig tt-.e propriety of tho course wliiclr lias been pursued by the large laidy of Uank men. Mr. Cumbavk subscipuemly withdrew his resu lutioii. Tha House proceeded to tote" for a Stieaki r witbiuasf.dloTiing ieult: linaks en, Kicbarii j 4 run 6-). I oiler "-'J l'siiniugton acatteiing 5 N ci espary ton choice '.iK. The House niljnurned. Wa:niNBTON. Jan. 17. SrxsTr. JVtitiVina were present d from Com. Slew art, Ctmnnnt.iter Samuel ltckwood, C0111 uiaiultT A. K. I. n-r, and Lieutenants Willinrn l.'ban ller, lbdiert Handy, I'eter Turner, K. C. Itowera nnd Frank Kllery, cumplaiuiug of the action nf the Naval Ib.ard. The rrcsiilent pen fewi. was autborlxed lo ap point a coimuitan on printing on the part of the Sciuito. Mr. Clnyton subiiiiited a resolution calling on tha .Secretary nf Stale lor a copy of the re.rt of adjudications made by the ll mrd of American t 'ointiiissioners at Paris to liquidate and . audit claims nf A iirtu icaii citizens ttgainst the French tu.veriiinei.i. fur debts due tbeui, and for eatis-f.u-ti .11 1 f c ! ;cii provision was made by the con vention hctwoioi the I'nited State and France, of April .'Sill!.. 1MI.I; nnd also for other informa tion in the 1'cnartmcnt of Slate on the same sub ject. Agrrt 1 to! Mr. t'lnyn.;! also sill. mine 1 the following reso 1 11 1 i. in. fu-A.,lveil. T'.at the Piesidei.t l.e.remiete J, if it la- i-uinpatifiia c ith the jiti l.tTi- tTitorer7"i,i i'..m luut.iratc to the Sen ile copii-a ul any c.rrcspiin ilence vvhi.-h .,k pln.-e le'tween lt.iuie) Wcbater. Sci-re'nry t..f Suite, and the Hriti-h Mm stcr, nnd the minister from CoMa liira, iu respect to a 11 11 c', winch wa nl niitte l to Nica s.'un, I'oata Ui.M an 1 the M. s ,-n o ltuliaii."., and a copv uf sittsli iiriii.v. with .Lu itistruciiijiifs given to M Walsh, the ciial oent dcputid by the Fnited Stales tn prioeiit that jimjn l to the Stales of Ni caragua nnd Costa Uica, as also uf such other correspondence aa may bav parsed between bim ami the said Secretary of State, on tbesute jct-t; as also copies of the correspondenc with Mr. Kerr, Charge d' Afiaiis of the I'nited Statue in Niitariiia, in refcrenc thereto, tugt thcr a ith any corrcsTiondeuoe tti'h the govern iient of M caragiia or its minister, iu respect to the snme proVer; nnd slao copies of any letters not beret. fore ronnnuiiicateil, ahlc'.i may have been ad- ilressed to t ia goveritiistmt bv ihe minister of Ntciragna or the rn'mi-lcr of tirent F.eitniit, iu rel'e enc to the 1-i.ns'nn: . n und 1.1 rp rt nf tlir inveiilioii 1-taecii the I'rtiteil Stales ai d tireitt llritniii, signed April lHlli, l.'-.'tl, and pruclaiiiiiii July Otli, ls.it), ami. I ihe reulie made to tl.rui if any. The resttlutiun was sgiaad in.- Alter xevutite tess.,n, ii.lj. iin ca till n 111- ilay. j I i lluiisg or rtrar-rNrsTivrs. Mr. Cnrlile de livered a a)iee.-b, ti.r the purroae of showing that h fault- hi itrganir tl.f II. u- rmena es front disturbance of ti.e Cnmprontisemeasures.and the ffeal nf the Miss nin restrict wn by the Nabrna- ka act, a bit h ba given feid to bean lea agita tors. Mr. Sf cMullen aleTesl bia protest acainat that nortion of Mr, Carlile'a apeeh aita.-king the Demixiratsy, and retdving lo bia rolleaguB, da fentled the Kansas ebraka bill. Mc-ra. Stenbena ai-4 Z.iTliei.frer mat! rU natiuna enneeming Ihetr aeternl aiiinions on the qneatiiin of slavery Ttv-trictioeia. Tlie If.tu'-s iben tntetl with tb fnllowin re sult: ISnnk.'.'l, HMierdton f.. Fuller 3?. Pen nington i, Orr 1, Witlinma 1, PHer 1. Whi's number of votes fi'l.l: nectsary to a ebnles 1IVJ. Mr. Villiams nfTered a rn-nliilioti that the House will proceed tn th electing of a Sneaker n'rsi tswe, and if, af'er th roll shall bat 1 een cnlle-1 three tintra.rto niemlr shall bavereceited a mainritt of tli whole number of tntes. 'hen. It shall train b railed. sr4 tbt meni'.er Ilea ra etsiting tb higntnt number of tolas, rtenyl 4 it b a maim Ity of quorum, shall hedeelsred aho ea fstakr. Tli resolution was rejectr.! yes J rtara n. Th llou-se tlien sdlonrned. tTasBiatiToa, Jan, 1, The .'etiate waa nut waa in eeesioa lo day, llnrsior BtrstiraTATitts. Mr. MseaolfeT ed, in a spirit of eooi prom ia. and with a view tn Benuniutslate all psrties in lb Ilout, ths foil-wing resolution: P.etsdre.l. ihat Vsthaa V. flanks, nf Mane- cbnselia, 1st and la hereby declared Speaker uf Hi llnaic V. i.liam Cull-.re. Hers: A. J. tibata. branncr, rwgaaui al Arms; J. ,. Johiiaaa, I'oatmastey, and U W. Mi Knew, lkavr Ksapar, Mr. kt heeler move.) t lust llol reai.hni.t ha laid aiata Ib lab , and Ibe BttMiisa was agrees! as yaaa 111, nays 11, Mr (i I lint ad.leaisd Iba (liars la fWtnr nf lb ad. .ti.in of tb pliiralllt rule, and Brgad thai it la) Btlstpied an lb rt-eatsnl rtsseaabisi, aa nth to st is t(akerti.B,t I ehs-ied. II tendered In rh IV mirita ths.r own l-srmer pia.-tu and policy. Tk lb-publican jarly stand rsrapatsa ta ad. pt tl rub. ... Mr. Cobb, of Cie-rgSa, repl's.f that, la I"l9.'r oft was mora deean.-tattsry of tba plurality nil than waa Mr, ftullirg, wha etir'naliae-fii wrt.ng ia rim iple, Ui.ger aia in trndeney , and uught not lu I al.-.ted. The I snul.iu-at.a, Il.a lal.erdat. by mtir g f r Mr Tb.tiii g'iai's ra.du ii. , cuuld bat eleciel Mr. I'ampUll taf IHSut asssikee-. bat afty-two taf tliam ttts-d ia th ncge lit. The btsoe, tba, w-lh lb tt-pal. brans fa. It inks ai 4 dirg-Ui!sa:i.l( in prefer nest to a ateB,lr of ibrir ob pant, (Mr. Caaaj till, to wboaa tl.ey bav no poliiwa! olgectuHt. A e)ti.liias ma aa tb atat nf lb fact rt- ganlittg lb pritat agreement, ta 1h i, in rss-r.-rt lb pluia .if rule, an I ttorieg Ut dtaraa ansa. Mr. I .A.H, af tteorg a. si I il.al the I m milisss of CfnrrtHtss i-a tt. part al tb Ihaa. eea it and H b.g startiii raratrtast ta il.etr iaai.. tit Mttettassa rti pbtrably. ).' lb I trnsoeralie eaaett es-lssst-d it, 1 ha ressdutiisa waa tarrstd bt tb la hira Baswisd by lb miat'tttiy, at that j liHt,ttflb tteafssrsiti atemlsara. Mr l.tdbng , mttailbalaatd.agall t..sexpiana't.-tta.ll..ts(ad ttiat Iba wri4 aatd tb eoat.irt ad, h-.nl l, I'ei.a i rait fsatny raap.at.tlM (ar tba ad. pteaa Uta I last p araniy rttia ia -ttt - Mr. Tama, ra. It er to ta.sk. hauM..,. d.bv-ra-f. aa.k tba.bato..,y,w de, bar Hfssaker, aba4 ibal i her st Bit bb eat- tt N.baw.aa ,w.tf sa tk II aaa. A ti.i'a am k plaea. tatalvtag tl.a Bsstax taf rear satil. htt fa? I ail or Ui tarts., , lb 11 atsa- I and Bfte fott ar pr.faad ega i f a awiastai ms t-"a, , J Tt. II .a tj an,.). ir I9KI 1ITEIT1SE1EITI. .h, v- -wsAsrs-swws--s trm I 'tascasr A Ilsfi atsawwl AdmrlimMf II as A pp Idea's Baildiag 1st 4 it Broadway. BCHICrFtJir BROTHERS at Co. aviaroayaas, B Dlvi lss m DrnjifTiiali, Dila, Bjr, rerftmfrj. If., TO M illlaasHlrsscI, Kew Yark, I5V1TE Ibr aiirnUoR of the trads Is their Urge sad varied stock f Isruge, fainla, llila, i'crfuni ery. A., Ae, . ..Ita ad.litiuB to their regular hnportalleii of Sia. pie lruss, last ar alas rscsiaing, itirerl frosi I In sources of production sad wanttlnclure, supplies 01 itwTn, nata,aDu nAit.UaE;aHiia,iioasFi,v,oas.B, Musts as, nposuas, faaauu and Kci ism I'nnx. BaT, Ll'BiK'a l.ITACTa, and many other articles are alao ruabled to oiler oa tb moat adrautageaus i teres. 1 Orders, either iu person or by mail, will receive ! pnimptsllsntu.il, ' 1 ' imn 2, 1856. 77 BriwMyn-tiljr Stum EBginr Works. 13 WAtita sTaeirr, BBiatxl.yx.-sitir yoK. D. P. BTJEDOH & Co. HAMNG recently Rttedup the extrniiv estab lishment at the above named place, wa ars prepared to manufacture alt kinds of MTEAM EN UINES, Bnilent, Sugar Mills, Saw nnd tlriat Mills, Pumps and -Gearing fur working Mines, Shafting Pulleys Ac, and sre prepared to fuviiii-h castings of every description, we would call the aitctitien of tsootheru llanters particularly to our Sugar Mills, Hating purchased tlieapntir Ptuck or Patterns, from the late firm of 0. B. Hartsen ft Co.. N. V., ws eau salely aay that we caa turn out a Mill which fur strenetn, duiability and neatness, eaiiuut be excelled by any establishment in the States. A long-experience in the business readers u compe tent to execute sny orders, and wa . would - advise those in want of M.uhinerv lo gite u.a eall. En- giuea irum t iu so nurse power altraia on band. lb P, ltl KfiON II N. I O.NKI.IN, 8. tt. (,'ONKLI.N. 17 itmos, Firit rituiiuui Guld Vtilcl Piano-Fiirltt, 8TEINWAY ft SONS, MAKt'ricri'RFRs, 84 48 waiaiia sTatty. uka a DsotnwAv, sew vuhk, espwtfully call the attention vf the public to k. their sulendid assortment of semi .ran. I nnd square l'Uaus, which, fur foluuie of tone, elastici ty of touch, beauty uf finish, and In short etery thing that renders a I'iauo perlt-ct, sre nnaurpaa- iliey w.'i-s saanled the first i remium for le.lli kimls in competition With ths most distin guished makers t rum ftoston, -Philadelphia, New tura, auu iia.tnaure. NEW TIUI MPU ! Stcinwav A f-'oxa have lust been swar.lr.1 the FlltSi' i'rouiiun OoLD MKtiAl. (uwrull cuuiHti liir's) al the lale Fair el the Auurican lu. mute I'risul I'ali.i e, for tin f Piauofurtca. 47 If. II K A 1 OAS MlillT. The P.eiuulc Gas bight j l ouipony srs prepared ta liirui.sli I'm table (ins Machines suitable tor .Ylaiuibictorie, Stores, Iiwsiling Metises, dtcaiaboats, Itmlrnad Stalinns, A.c. These Machines r wsiriili-1 to five .satis faction. They art manufactured under S. T. Mo Dougall's Patent, and are the only ones that wil operate tteil inculd wealher. The l.icht produced is one half cheaper than Coal tins mid less Ui.iti the e .niiaiiiirst follow Candles. They are easily managed and free from iliniter, and the prices 2fi per cent, less than any other niaebiues made. The Company offer tor salt Slule and County liightsfar all the hut tel. All orders should Is- audirssed to 8. T. McDotUAbL, Agent fur Ihe Cempauy, l.i:l llsuina at, New 1i.sk. Raleigh, Oct, 'M 16-V. 1J7 bin. TII.TOX it McFAIItLANI), 33 Maiden tana, New Turk. ANl'F ti'Tl'KK." OF JIIE WOlil.D I1K nowned 8 ilanmn Icr Safes . I'uuk Vaults, 31 &c. I'.altlintirr Pepot. 1 lo Pratt, boston H. p.il, 1 1 Howard street. 1-7-ly. FOIt T i! K 1 ,000,000. nn: ii. . v ati: t ma hii i.i: tii. (fiionif Jli'ij.tHHI.) Ba. ta Rntadway, ror. Vt alker st. Stay 1 orl. Ar prrpared lo 'execute all orders fur Mantles, Table Tups. Column, Pedeslials, Pllnstrrs, S!sl.s, fir., lu iiaitai oa of Hiena. ltroraiel. Pirancrs v.- 11, 1 - - ' .sc-npviiian. ai a an isuey vi ar'.iles ; eqnal itt .trinyth, Iteirutr. and dural.illlf In real uarLl end ia tne racta superior tbsreitt, and al lens hea nail ll.r rod. I nlika aisrlte'iir.l ir..a iwl , slate, ttitalinllyfree from all ol.jerliemt wkiek ai j argvd sysliutlsnera aarfars woik. a bare faint, en- ' Bal tnnilsk, ac. form Ibe lemperary p..lisa and btranty af th article; Mauleis rroai to ftl). Or- drrs li.au Hwluera, Cab n Makers al.d mkeis so litited. and ssli.f.ell.. auaiantaad. Agtatalur tbe priisripal riliea Urale.1 aitki. J . siiu l.tnu, te. P..vB Husir, prea. Utai. U. M it mis, V. Ira. Bslrik October 1.'.4. lrj ly. BANDeOMO WOOMfl TO BE MADE AT BOMB. " ritlt sltevt eta be mads ia every towa tad Conn- It Ikrvaghoat lb I nioa. by tngeag ia lbs maoBfai iure and sale id aa article apua aliirh, for aa aallay af )o, aits tbouaaad dobata a year may ba matte Tb article ia a f universal daily ttonsuaiptiea, aaa! ta that baa passled tb brains ttt atrim af tba moat eminent Pbileastptra, 11 ia aslf avidanl that il Is deetiued I baietane a f tb moat asostsary of tb aecresiiiae of lit. Tb artiste bt a Ibat aiil bar aa ready Bad per manent a sals aa (oar, I all particalara will b seat by mail, aa tb r. anpt f I J earn a, or aa txpsitolaat la Poat I ifftcs sla nips, r-peeiiaeas seat wbe rstjaietul. Adders JAiistS T. HUH A b tt ta.. Hot 4,sM. Pest inb.. Kew Yaaa. Ralslgb Oct SO 1.'.5, lt lata. Lociiruj-CUnet and rietnr Tnmt Xaa- - afatHtiry. nil AC K r. IIUIAII flaW. .W r.l aafaraa-a. S4 rarsylktrrssl, Bta Tark. Mr. tt. k , as aaai tall US ati.aU.a af atraagnt t isiuag Ik ally. aS asp I ally Ik. at la ika Irau.. m kit as Stents ft artstsattaa sa M.stalacl.a-y . la ika aasy " af mttsiaeilra) latillu.s, ka Ia aaabtrd ta nt. rata all atstert "tt Ik ba.sl pwlMa I rats. 1 us Balrraeass ars rtp'el auk rhaia tsnlatat sa l I fall aaaartteasM ssr rltk glldlar Ib all Its kraart,.., ssMlataifc nek ilk. rasa ala, eak. awMe. aakr a malasgaay, la (very tenets aad tttaSile a aaa. tattlers Itses all parta f lbs failae' Sisot tad Caa atlas ae.rei..i muk peu (.latsa, pa ktS auk Iks giaal.tt wl tars. A liWral Sl'.sstal albtaed la llts Trade. H. V. Sl.ll.rt ti, 7, M,aa4 !l faraym at , H. T. siti , laia. Tha Hand Sewing Uachln. sst rti tiatB t aitta rtriay nr r. i. ilium t v. i. tint UV HoWAIUi A IiAVia, IhiMu.S. 'I'llis il .. a ..a ant-ant el wa, ks,t . I tkras Tbtaasda tta i.......n, .t t.ttwy al st.bk, ailkssst kv-a at .I.t. TV,. etibkea art Matt tka sasra as ta k.td ....... ..a ttat-t m Ika tastlst.a ssf k..r saaaeaet aa Hy, istain t1,aiitsitska4 fraat bsad mmrm. la "t tt tsrrfaraB.4 Boa M b aal at Seat tb. r.el..r, b't bst.g I tastiy satsstttat ajtHtiot 1. lbs bst l.s arautg , y II Wfl.atiu. An-bttaas" R, ilrl r, , Xa'J4i bnsadast. H T. ifiit;.in,l.t.,o a.et by taail aa ae,l -ali a.) Hay. ISiS. .a lai 'ptlK tttnilt At -.4TfMlaaaaaal.k 1 Iba talaslaal 4-alatt lbrakal Ib. nspk,, aad paltta art lastt.d la iLeta at tart ib. ata ait ia --. -a ak tka IX I t l I I I. A b I It r. Tk.t ara eaattwiad aa ika fllHf tgt t CklMII I S. - ktrtdaa4 nymal, ltb ak aitssi.toss. M tba asnt.a..ialib1 tasrw. aa !-.( .,. "'a-a ka t..Cr.i.4 as k tka baas ta ' "- -. 1 ""lAblblTT. Atcl P.AIT AKB IH g Alilt.ITT r t. est wartaai tk AMIf-ICAX ATC l at bar.ss)t .f It. Bwtaaaaabo, aal - ' "-- " as a-a r. n j a'.'ta. In X -, " '"- - ,w sta a-a r-s!st as'-s tl hati .4 1 1.. 1. Iinwtm, A Mtlt aaeessast. IMPOltTAKT X bata,kasBni tsaly ta alTerlr, ..j " ' a ir-.5h- I .i. toluTZTrZ'" Btea aa. avaraga a al la, rt tnm i to tur,.o. mil S,r.af,u i ujT!!"' 1 I aaa aWairowaf ISU isoa, UoM ,Vu. a!T every per.a at. still " lsr I IB lBtlai-ad Idim ,. ... , . kht m iatlai-ad fruM .. , . Da fwd witk.aaatua at. a, k,.-,. ..kMl. ' . kaa SMMivaJ Sraaa it.... S . ' . "-sss asms i tbaArl 'kina fraaa Shi lt "T uwraeas ia air veejt peratai chaae aa aome iasa JTL ' u U.utb. alua.1 lit. ba kmi..LT, ...ee. of ill, Usl i-laaacan b, a. rardi s actrr, sad Iran alsureUr lo scn,aas i. li,"i.T f 1 lis. Ir this rii,,ah. k.r. wiiLia VoJT .' tbey are raakiai frtaa $8 to Ii par slay at tl u a kasiaeaa ut abit-k ailbar Uulias tar uj,!!?" ' . ana sun p.-rirct ease u.kt a tary kail .' is , ia tanesis parts el Pt..i - -.',. matmeiM -f lielilcel Iwsium.aBd bal a, few slillLgsate,' JtJ? '! to start it. t pun ilia leeeipi of tma Sullar, 1 ui i Uialelj tend le lbs applicant a prinitst tin-tlt. Z taittios lull Itmtnietioi.s ill tba An..wLi,k .mT' fvctly understood apoa heing attea read, r Addrc-at A. T. FAKSIlNjl, N.SS, WestSHtlgt Janaarv-, 16, lSifi. ... w aura. -JM iJookfl: Hooks: Books! WISS1R ANU ITkt New PurtW years hi lbs fsr Hast, by lUUcrl (kl T kbtsierlielat. by DeQuiuaey. - . Wong of lliawaitia, hy-lAHi)ifelluw. '- lbiaiy lb-nil ami Mtitontier, by Abbntt . Ftrabu. by Hamilton A Falconer. Memoirs ul Catherine, of Russia, and Uur Simsss .Teverio,by tteorrs fSnBd: " tllcDWuotl; im tha t'arisk Bay. ... ; Heprrsrntativa Women; Frum Ets tht Wif.rfa First, la Mary tht aiother ut the secoad Adsa, it BT ain. Memoirs of Henry tbe Elgbtb, of Eqauiat aj v six wives, by Herbert, a laoom lae nanter'a l u-tlta, or lnclilents of laaL. Sl. ...I.. 1...1... amtsi f ba Muli h ilirl, Or Liia Scenes ss they are,' witi m, Iratiima, Walker's Msaiy Exrreisesj centainiDg Ruwirr fsf in. Kitlinu, lirivutcfcnt-ipg, liuulioaasd tkualisr Illustrated. ' Dray's Fler. Illustrated. : - - ' - Lives wf tht tcaiscnsiif England of the Hoars af H. over, by IJ1-. t). fiuraa. ' Meatolrnof Ur. tiauipson, bite Piettdsofof tka t'uai i.....iu.w r-trniiusry. . t heelerV hiilury uf North f smlina, lIlnMratta, The Arch ltisli.ii, o HuRtanitui est luc Uoitstl clata ut s.rviua r orii.ie, iiiin-irineil. The AnnsrrnD i;uttage C in nisile Kssv, d.crj Hook, or Htanel, The Prince of Peace, or Truths fur Taaaa hi.ri.j 1.. . 1..1. " 1 'TbeviTrrAISirrnV Forusi andllic Vatiean; ar tkos.kl ititil rikvtvl.es, iluring an Kastrr ri'.Brirasge to hiatx k'ool.'s sketches of t'irginia, 2it Ht-m-t IV balls Pri'itivlerhiiiism, by ihr her. lit. RmIm The mural and iitlellist-iusl diversity of Kaets. n Nail t llati. Il.a lulls KpUri-paiiaa, or tbs Child laagst kt i. I'rs v er lniok. rfiiMiiiis l.r the r,v. Itiibcrt Siatib, D. D, . The ritx lluyt ol't'reatiiui: a scrirt of FAiuiliar Ls trrr, t'rtiin n f.ilht-r tn his thihtrcii. Iniiry sii.l riirrspoeilenre ot rinniits) Prjiys. Juno' htunl, hya ba.ly. . ilair.T red t-iriei.rMtiiltiice t.f John Kvctv. F.lLf IlitC.rieal sod lies, riviite cktekes ul SwrloUi sat Veiiitty..l!holmlfit i.v W. S. Korre.t. Tbe iiM!tr)'-aoil tutel.iy t.1' t'ltkuit. kv Ckarbta I...llnn.I. " " HeislaKer's Travels. nyajies Itiiuml ihe Vll' uifl tu ttiti pratiutt tide. , ft 1 m tin .iiili'ilCi)st For sals Ity 11. 1). TI'liNEIt, . I', lla'dotaa. r.alrlgh. Dee., lajj. Greenbboio' Female Col'ege. I lll'-jr-prini; fi-...ou ..! s,'u, iviil r.uilueuei. ia tW 11 er, lvi.i. Tlttrc uitl t is p: a lew ils) t tnr irtrtstiiiisti J :'iik .tat i.t 11 aii.ii in V it'lvt t'lirisiiusa. All tbe dep-trlm. in. ofllt tnstit.ill .aarenaw iaa.liei aitb vdieitint snJ laili.l.l l .t.u.sstrs ssd It.-.tav-The first i bts- l.ns b.-rn uitt'btt nil. lau ss--tntas. at the a t-i.tiiiio. in'. .10 uf il,..c v I.t. ilesiis It irrHrr a Lie risttler - li.li-ie eiUO.-e li.r'r Uli-lrr 14 tttrt aiH b.-r.'af.'..r 'ti- rn 1111 .1 ll in t! e- ntiitatU-ti. fl.t hirs will ! seiii -.a s;u tie in ot, u ail jiersttes Irons? lull tut ri.otliMU in reteiemc 10 i ksigeii, rtatrer sf ttc-'iy it, T. . .tiiM'.t Prrti-itat. lirsrnsl. a. ttceB.trr, IS.'t, 4; tl Hi.liao.ii.t I'i.tisiitiH Aflss.isie. Spirit af Ut .ft. Neat ere S.-w. vt tluile)f:i C t-aiuirtt-isi, t'sjilltta observer at-d alilitat I brttihie li.ttrt t titsrs. Louisburfr Ksile Academy- rivilE Trutlrrs i.kr pleasara ia ant. actiifWtl L t'Okii-, that thvj Unia sccursdlbe sctvitcs I kt Maiiksw d. llans a luing ataa a ho bases kts solia ailoralii.B, wits r.v;rrsr-frranes totlts r-otiata sttra.-klag.ss btis s-l- u . ll, not as a ft'Itsst sleae la attsiauthar call, baiat a perwtaneal aenfrttsta- l. Itavia It a urn : una af Ilia I lilttrellv at Ssta Caroline, ai.d aa pr.nMrru l.tr Celiet; cintky is tt' prattol ei tCi.. Ii he lias tn-a ieolae ll.r l'r.atll. S tate bad. lhri.-l.aa, rvtiy ta.fs,iiaiiiiy kbi.aisi In tttliCt-alu nsi atil aa tirVenl'y atet-re It. ass st eirv fuel im lo re la f-atrt.tife Il.a etboal, tliallsr aill fad io Mr. iMiisa l.-t-herm wtitati llt y aitjtii: ettn.f-.rt stiH r.tar.il.'i,.a tulmst tba aiural aad avtau Irainius t-f Itisir ekiltttra. IhMirtl can be had ia tba village at It" par smbA Ta titav Kn-lik Ilrpartlaml I V f.aiinae.l lii.tk llts I 1 idco'a-rxpeasta 1 he artl ..sea Bttl tt Btwrnra tbs sad alsalt; ia Jaaeary taa. Ity ardrf af lit Hoard, A. II. fcAT, Paatistut l)A J1KI. ft lltl.L. .s.r i,. lai.lotrg, Jiav. lath. Ii. . 41-4 M'Mitttm. . . . . T g hare la twra aad (ill tU btlaw Uaraa ms bet rtlta, ton "a ka "JegrsTS A lis rery' L. B. (all, liaai ua i;im4 Aiata rail. It) Pi.lt It Sard t'ra.krd fagar, B tl I stttaa, s Half barn Uaf f.g.r, o baa-a HlaCi.te. b-v.t Pabt ItoaB, .'- tta HrewB a. tttt da I b.-tao-a! Dtlta -aa, W 0 bia lfssw HetTl.it, -s . a. cat a-v llrtMsais Eaael Wraeplef f.par, Tlss. Sst Pattsi. Yaaal Pteaatra, Olita Oil, tkaasdaas, feats Msal.l, A laat.tti.aa aad rarnu, tecrikat uk all rasa la be foaau ia a akafs-ate triM-.r. A. M. w. i'iin;rl:Ht id Sia i. h. s. Maaata, gart-'k It. Parllealar alfaatea grtrm taiaa af ps aad north Carol tee raseaat gaa,aa.ly. IttaWfarbw ttaaaa, S S I i--l tt Istarast (fit. A. Itstasabat It. a. - 6000 Fruit Ti-ecs. Or Ika Pitas, aetata fllbl: Ili.V aad N A flTllts as aa at. iMr a.y ky Rail Itt4 at kti't. tsat4atia(ef ABidea, I'saskaa. flees., A r " lartaaa aad rkertlaafssr sabs. i Petsnaa aastlhtg tr a ta plaal gals nai t1 atUI. at eta Ikatt ardrte aery eaaa. Jtsnl t" al I'atmsr'a ll.ll. ta k.Nita. aad H.t.J II 'art ' asaa. efatta asst.lt, ata asy egrets t ssteeirtttsss a, ' doMU'A U.tbLrf lesa. t. II.' b- . . 1 v VALI AI-.I.E Hl.AVF.S AT Al'CTU I"rit.t ptotrrnrp r fair tTtL' , T rt.i aa litrtMi.lM 1..I..L t bast t-H . I a.4 ttlasUt r,sv... asyttaa W -" " I talaakta .tsv... aaasfttaa ' I1 ''" k aat i ' m II la It, eat .tatattHI aa est.Uaat -,IB" aa asi..sl la ia aad I i a"" 'I' atkart Tk-sa a-1 ot as. .., ..lt..t It.'? ta.i...a ta.tr as taa i II w t At 1st ea a aefaatad iti f"" asa at say M at at ta. assta aOl taka alas ia is .h-- a P. i. 11 KM tU B.U.klWll. 1CJ. " . 1 I ty T' Mail', .a..v.. b4 , a., ft art fee. 9 tl.laaa taala. tsltaas, b AW tsesev; t I I -.' h ., 1 --s. aa I ..i ta ka s. ul abt-B a.U b ts-'d l.a 'k 1 ""V., ty yaatl.ta, aad 4-s't !-.-' aVakujk, t. It, Hit ras.asssa.stt as test, aa. sa s. w- . . ... ... - .. .m sa bsa " aiy. I -... at ttt st nt i . ut tas Itosa tldsa. 1Ua atta aal strs l.s, esuissss a. ll ha ats.d bt aa & fcal. js, net mt, t It t ats-fita- t-a i tl I. .a a tba 1 i tsattiattat ttat a lte ..a II 1st A,.,t II

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