p s as- iy v" lorlb-arfiIina - Stan rtlUMMVUILIlT , WILLIAM C DOUB, ditob a r-aoreitTna. 111X1: If paid strictly 1b tilnxt, tw dtUars per a .aas; toe dollar aa4 afty cents, if paid wit am vit meath ; ea4 three dollar at the 14 of ta year. j AM'ESTlSg.VByTS not exceeding sixteen ats will be inserted iu time for on dollar, sa4 - tweely-.v cento for ek abqaeat iertioB, Thoa ( greswr leagtia will b charged pro port tioa.ll. Court Orders asat Jadtcial ad tinemvat aill b (bargee, 25 par .t. higher I baa the bo rata. A rsobl dedactioe will b ad to hose who advertise by tb year. Book and Job Pr-intleg don with aeataea aa 4apteb, aad a accommodating term. V0LTJ3IE XLVIL EAIXIGH, NOETH CAB.OLIN A, WEDNESDAY MOENLNG, JANUARY 30. 1856. Mit cellineon.. i ike ITa.aaiia B'ftftw.) ., Thm Prating Ba.kn.et. An article esititici u rraying I oilier, in a GENEKAL DIKECTOUY. r CITY CJOVERXMKXT. Win. Pallas Haywood, Iutendant ot Police. ruaatMisHik. Enter. Ward. KUlridge South, A. Adam's. MMIf. HV-1.-E.L. Harding,' " Issue Procter. " E. Centwell. Western Ward. A. M. Gorman, 11. D. Turner. J. J. Chriatnpbera, City Clerk,. A. M. tlurmen, City Trent. CiVy Guard. James M. Crawley, M Jackson Orerby; City Clailet. Kdward Harris. " William Andrew. A. Adam. WeighnraJiter. . " . Ilarria, Clerk of the Mar ket. ... : COURTS. The Supreme fSmrt iif North Carolina I ..eld in this citr emi-aanually, on the second t 4iday in June, ud tlie'S'th day of December Jiuljei. Hon. Frederick Nash, Chin Justice, , K. M. Pearwin, Associate udge, W. II. Battle, gdinnn 4 B. Freeman, Clerk; Ham. C. Jonn, Renorter: J. J. Litchfurd, Sr., Marshall. the I'mted filuUi Circuit Court for the Die- triot of North Carolina i held semi-annually in tin city, on the 1st Monday in June and the last Monday iu November. Judow.Hutt. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; II Henry Putter, of r'avetteviilc; District Attorn ' Robert I', hick; Clerk, Win.' 11. Haywood, Marshall, Wesley JiMie. ' The tiH)rwr Cvurt lor this County, i held on lie first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and rssaatenihef'. John C. M,.re, Clerk. '" ''.-'. Jim. U. Bachelor. ArbtrneT General and Solic itor of tli fourth Judicial District. The Cunrt nf Iteut ami Quarter Seiuiniu i held on tlie third Monday in rel.iru.try, May, Auj;ut mid November. Jeff. Utlev, Clerk. taiitma uf the Vuunlj) Court. William I5oy Inn. Ciiutg XMeitor K. P. Marriott. Sheriff uf Wake f Wi'y WiUiuui II. lli-h. Coroarr Willi Scott. Jtfyi4ler.ll. IluUon. , .. Ood tir lb vrr artii'len y u Mnt tnf,.iu an b -'. nyofwil'n'; I never knew helor. Iwnii tbi. tuo, that n ol a tilled ariti, th ronTictHia that my .rujer t beard and relief would i coma." , j .Sim bearing a Tenem'ed relative relate thi ' incident in bi owa life, we hav often wondered lata nuuiher f tb. Retleet,. r.o.inde.1 of .n "ie .ten .e ean uin- .i wen ee..rrenc. incident pert.ap. aa remarkable. W bile it w.mld l pre-umption for the llie.er to Sne twenty are tear, .inee, in a Xew F.nKland 1 "P" t,v ,,T Vn'"k"' fed K,0;nut inn.,., ii ' mi own eKiperatioo, a was t.lijnh, yet are ibere '.deacon, wh.-ened in Uicrativ. bo-inew.-' n:' hppe.! .U along the wtjiry of the Alihmiftb of prudent halntn, hi benevolence led 7'c i , i i " ' " . a -L. i. f. i.. a ... i.'.. ' to be atx'imutetl for only on the tmmiid "I a "pej UUll tmiUl'IB. nuKvir inic " M" UMI noil llM . , , if , r .1 l r e...,H,l.,. a. a ChHiian brother, hot afterward. ! c,l Y". ,M't"' W' lf ""."?" prayed to be adeiKninR knave. Th uuwed in . s - th. ' Jt .-, . 'tli dyH;e-t d.irk reioaK the starriest hope." 0 ". PlKKIIC. HANKS. UtuJc f the State uf AoiM CoiWimj, incorpo rated t.liarter expire, in ixti". I uj.ihil Sk.5(H,tiK, divided into Ki.lMiU fire of who h the Literary Hoard hold. 6,tK27 and thu lliivcr-1 niiy H-HMI. i'riiiciKil Bank at Ituleinh. ' tlwirm W. Mordeeai, 1're.ident, Clmrliflt llewey. Cashier. J. II. Itrvn, Jr.. Teller and Notary Public. W. K. Anderson, KiM'ounl Clerk ami Nutnry Publi.-. .lonliui Woinlile. .lrM Ch'rit. Thin B iuk li:i liranelie. at Newl.crn, Taroori' raetteviile, Wilmington, KlUnbeth City, Char lolte, Milton, Morgnnton and Windmir. rMl'roH. : On the part of the Statu : l. W. Cuiirtt, I'uli ic Treanun r, Cl oihtio, L. O il. Dram h and W, li. I'onie, OuiliepartnftlieHtiieklMl.lerii: Wm. Ilnlnn, Win. I'eww, J. II. llrv.in, J. U. 1). Uutilhal-, At tred Jotiea and B. Y. Moore, Offering and llmiewal day Tuesday. 1'ifHiouut d.ty i edtieMiliiy. 1'oiMe.iie Uillxaud Bill. -A Exchange dipoouut ed every ilnv. UiKinffim hour, from 10 till 2 o'rlock. H.ilntih Iha& h uf Int Hank of the t'tipt tar Wtlltiim tl. J.Hte., Caliier. .. II. I', t'loi'h. Teller and Notary Public. Ili.x ro.-ie . W. HaywiMid. 'f. II. Sell.)-, Seili J oie, Ue, Little, lr. I h'W. . lo, ad C. VY. II. Ilutctinor.. OJrna lay M mdy, liwount day Tuelny KAIL KWAItH. Jlairiyh tvt titiMtm HaitivmJ l'vm)im). R. A. trudop. I'msiileiit, W. W. , fredwrer, J. M. Pool, AMtat Treaaurer. C. . AJUe, IVrt Aent, Mail rraiii leaie 10 uiiuute after 7 A. M, arrive at ti P. M. ;, . Aorta Carolina Unilrvad Computiu. Cbaa. K. I'iber, 1'rr.ideut. '. P. Meudtmhall, Treawirer. J. T. Weal. I'renliland Ti. kel Arent. Mail Ira a arrive. 4 u'cloik, A. M fro the EaJ: ad danart ll'm. after Se'chn-a, A.M. Mail frwa the Weal arm at 32 minute af ter 4 lock, P. M. Dep.ru at -Ju Biinute or i e clot k, I'. l. post omct. Willla-a Whit, ttr., P wt Ma.ter. ' OSe bear, on week day, from 8utrie V I. M. . TBAYELLEIl'S GLIDE. (itt4l i Birairvit uf aaiu at ni.tion kOUTUKUX MAIL B Kaaao.,) Thrrk Na eUe daily at a. n Hay Mail " ' ' at p. in Arrive, daily at 6 . a Tb Car leave the drpu . at a. HU TIIKU.V MAIL (Br Tre-aeau lUta, ('! daily it t. a) Arrive, daily at I p. Tb Hark lewt. at 7 p. WISTtlIJi MAIL (Br R.iLaoAe,) Clwa d.Uy !.. Arrive daily at 4 p.. at, Th Train Uawe . - at II f. m tloLDSDOUU MAIL Br K.iLa. Cb-e. daily. . et f a. aa Arm daily it i a. at Tbei'aH leavaedaJy at l"e" ailer 4 a. ai TAKBOUW Jl 111,-BfTeo-no.M II M a,) . riomaHuiiJay.Taa.aadTlir et I p. a ArriraTeday. Thar..-ad at T p. la Uaek leataeuw bio.. V) d a.4 Pri, at I a. a PITTSlkilto' MAIL (By Taatt Hue CJiaw) TwUy aud Katrlay; .1 a Amy ) Mrndar and Thamlav, 4 T p. a lla k lavM Ml h.a and W d. .linut a, re tliegiHid deacon', failure, when, with ecnipulou integrity, everyllung mat count ne cinuned by hi creditor wa given up. A winter of great .eterity and general baeine.it deprcmrion follow ed. Hi wife end yoang children lookctl to him for.olwinti'nce, which he knew not hovr to furn i.h, a hi moot diligent eff rt for eni; l, vincnt were unnuoceimful. A debt ineurrwjl with no proapect of payment, win, in hi. etitimtion, fin ; and be 'lly w 'he little rtin-k of pruvmion. tliey poio'e.eil, rapidly dmiiiiixmiig, with no way to i b"ia more. He i a toui of tirnyer as well aa .eiioii. and 0 rrii d the caae to hiw who feed eth the raven.. Yet king weary week, pawed and no luceMir nut. At length the morning dawned when the lat .tick of wood was wo the I fire, and little Ilittly told her father that the ran-1 die were all gone ; " and how," asked .he ' shall ' we take care of dear in mia, to night. " " The qneHtjon went to the father' heart with dagger-lik poignancy. The vtnion of hi. Miller ing wife, ganpingher life away in the last fe..rfol tage of consumption, tier comfort leu .iok room unwurmed, unlighled, and the thick dirkhe.it which he knew wouM en.hrood her mind, when made aware of the extent of their dontitution, would have driven hint to di.tmrtion, were it not that he ye had hope in One mighty tt anve. He fled to hi. tilooet: and there, in gony of prnvor, liesougbt the Lord for help ; and forgetting all other want., plead and plead nguin, lor the two article, now .penury needed, ieciljiiig - them with reiterated ennie.tnew. lie tiro Iropt In. knee, in full aasurance offaild, and with heaven ly tranquility, and went forth expensing deliver- nce, IIMKlIlg lor n, iihh.t.,-1, uut oi our nai through hi. own entiling. But, nher a fruitleno day of .diking employment, gloomily h reiurn ed home. lie entered hi. gate, nnd wa atartled to ee before him . generou. pile of wood. L'ttle John ny o)iencd the door, clajiping hi. hand, exclaim ing. " Oh p! we've got mini wood and mme can dle.!" "Where did you (ft them ? A re you ture thoy were r.ol left hero by initake?" " O no. pa! interrupted Hatty, " they wore not left by mistake.' A manltiiovkcd at the door with hi. whip, and when 1 opeift-d it, lie asked if you lived here. Hold him you inu. inon lie .am, heie 'are aoine wndlf. 'ami H loail of Wood for him." "lacked him if yon .eut them and henaid, I rather guess your pa d'-u't know anything about it." . . , " Who did send llicni, then ?" .at il I. " t," .aid he, " 1 mustn't tell , but vou may .nv to your lather, lln-y are a firenent." Ifu to what ii struint'iiialitvtlievwereiuilentcd The naekU rrihr.. A Mfcht wilb ihe fpUHn, Sin President Malian demohsbrd the spirit- ti.: ,.r ,i.. VI. ,.t ,t.. .u, V. 1,1.1 ! . .i , - ... -..i. . ij ii.. t: ;H I i uui luorr lit low aiaiiiirsinuoiiis til A sihiippliig i-:xruriou. With aoriin women hpliftine; amount, to it Tiassion. Vrle. A .hart time siu.-e a lady resi ding un X irth Pearl .street, N- V., entered a ttrooilwav dry g.ihi .tore for the purpose of iiur chasing "a few yard, of del lines." While the clerk wa. "lonkihg up". the duloiiie, the lady not into tier mun a roil ot iace, . Teuiuam oi .una and a package of kid plorei. She did this, n she eupposcd, unfeco by the clerk. Wjiether she wa right in tli surmise, remain, to be seen hereafter. The delahio wa brought to her, she pn.tiounced it "i"t the . thing." and trcijiteeted the clerk to cut off nine yards. He did o..Mr., (.'. then purchased aix skein of .ilk and four spool, of u j't.-n. "Hating comnleleil my nnrchases, he gond enai;li to tell me what my hill is." Mrs. C. said this to the clerk. The elurk. replied: "Certainly. Tliero are nine yard of delaine at two shilling., per yard, come to eighteen shillintr. siv skein, of silk oomes to one and six- !ene, and hair .tioolsof cotton aie one and four. pence, end there is that piece of silk." thu lady Miisiico and saiu; "ton roier to tne piece in the muff." The clerk said "Yes, and weut on with hi. figuring, just as if nothing had happened. "There arc four yards in that which, at ten shillings a yaril, comes to forty shillings.'' I en shillings a yard ! " ny, you Wild me yes terday that I might liaVc it for six," "I know that, but since then we have had M konsfor putting up the price." The lady bit her lips, blushed and said "Well." The clei k smiled and went on. "And there is the bull of lace eighteen yards at fifty cents." "W liy, you must surely be mistaken in tint fifty cents! Why, I can buy a htcv equally gl, u Fryer's, for eighteen cents," 'l grant it. inadum, but as I said before, tliorc are reasons why we should place a bih value on that particular pattern." The lady gate him a look, nnd again remarked "Well." "The twelve pairs o( lei I glove are twelve ilol lirs." "Nonsense Wilkes sells the saute kind for five shillings." f "That ntily show, my dear tit-.idam. tbnt Willie does not know his customers. Hut you see that we do." ' . The lady again bit her lips, again gavehitu a look, and attain said "W ell." 1 he clerk said, " I hat, 1 bolmie, iii idatn is Stephens' rast.norel "The Old Homestead." "Well, a f wot a laying, when 1 was a gal. my father end mother moved from old Connec ticut into the Laukawan. valley ill Pennsylva nia, with ten little children, till yuungr than I w, They had Lt everything, and went out into that dark, piny region to begin life agin, 'Well, tjjey got a patch of wild land, partly i.i credit, built a I g house, and went to work. Before the year was out fatlicr di'ed, and we found it hard dragging to get along without crops, and deep in debt. We gave up every thing to pay o e d'uUsv- -and alionld have felt ss rich a- kiti-js, if nc could only have raided what the law alioivvi! ns. But we htnl no barrel of btef and pork, which even the law leaves to a lsir fnniily, but we lived on rie nnd injun, with a little niolusses when we coiild'tit get milk. "1 below allowed os two pigs ami a e-iw with her calf, ttur etiw was . . grand g'd critter capi'nl for milk, aud gentle as a bimb yon don't know how the .chiiXeu. ti k to her, and wll they might she more limit half supported them. "'.Murnt did her best lor the children, mid 1 worked as hard as she did,' sjiTnriing and card ing wnl, which she wove into cloth on & hantt- loon Milly l-sutls, the Indian Malilciu in certain quarter is acting more rani;stitly and intelligently than ever, ns if fr.oB a new and conscious importance. " W.." in tlie Post of Icc. 14, descrilied some astonishing pheiioineiia that occurred at thu house uf one of our most rsiect-able-raorrdiltntr t The western part of th city, and the writer hereof, availing hiniselfkf an in vitation, attended, on Monday evening last, at the same place to investigate theo'pei-forrannre. At a little after 7 o'clock the na-ty sssemhM in th same ro.un deatrrilicd by "W" with ihetausc medii.m. .Among the p-irty was one whovvi caitcssedly a disbeliever in nil matters super wunUaue, nul he was. tvnucouul to examine, jh tilde in iler to conyinne hinisrlf that tliere wa no machinery about it. The; hteaof trickery could not ftsra inoroent be entertained, but yet the table was turned Isittoiu up by the medium, audit was seen that there wete nil prings nor wires tlmie that could b presacd in, to pnsloce effects. The medium wo. a young man of 17, with an Inmcst, pleasing lace, and a plivsintttl the S:uiinole, but was also a chief and warrior, ' . Aa, Aim.iwr. - . si Tha f J'tiKr thrilKilw .-siiit .if sn Sitrrliif s -4 witn a lion in it. Villi t.f si. .stt Im. a AfrMw L. , xtracte-1 fi.wf rfeoord .4 an AtrKn stssrting expeditti'n, rrcently luhliUed in aa injjh.b msiras.net 11 . . hilst Lreakfust was prenoriag,' I proceeded to take a saunter dowo to the !. not with.ssl m faint h-.u- of a b.itb,'tu.oigU. 1 feared obr borse, to t it nothing of the other animal who , bd tisjied it during th ntht, ni cht hav mud- died it too much for that. However, 1 resolved to try, and throwing niv Minnie intu th hollow uf niy aroi. a i I c s-kiox y widea. stt over my eyes, . iing..-d down apaih aiuoiig" the hushes, now well bi-nten by the feet of' man aud borwm. l b latter I toon.l up to their U'liie in th pool, enjojim; theuisctics as ccB.pUtu.y a lite Hie nuuid let them; but the water hRkd une. nitnott ly turbid, t thought 1 would skirt aiung a little to tti lottaitd look tor ai'lesocr .potiatid socliain ing a steep, eotvnd with h ug gross and undor- o-d, dashed aside some Want lies which inter vened betwiHtn n.e and a smalt clear space of shorter Ititf and to toy Very iutcnseastonisti . uient, though I uitiiil -.a v not a tkc in. incut to i my dismai, 1 was so used to the stht uf-them I i ... . l..ir - c... i.. . r M v i . .,. 1 louoii wimsii iiiiiiiii a iv isiu, o one OI vnw The try of Ptwahonta. faimhar to every fiom,, ,mlt , , j e,.CTWiWal;a who was en gaged American and Eugltsh child who reads a book, J with a lik of oruvcpa riufchal interest in watch li.sef the aoU tam.:' tarfurmtMl, and ! f the niuymicnt of the horses Mow doubtleta Ur - t t r, i-r vi t'selccin-g one f-Hr liiv brenktast. Hate you to; cause i,f the romance of her alter hfe. Jto ' , " , :', r.i i -i , I 1 seen I r.udseer s cstchiug of the lion in the dd w presume frw l.sie heard the name of Milly j iucr Menagtlie ? In exactly the same attitude, Francis, Ibough si. e displayed the same heroism, ' still and uniuoving, like a uoblo stiiiito, stis d mngnitniaiity and tenderness of feeling. ; . thi acigliuor til . miia.aijd, f.r a few moments, 1 ; - 4 i . utniiivu .wuij I"- in tiMUitiaiii'ii vi llis ;rtiliU NTJMBIE 5 emiiient, who.aonteniled that it was the will of a circle that produced tlie j hruoi,nit, and among other things the table was placed upon hie fri lid's head but nt upon his, and no crstia sion could chutige thi. 'Afterthey wete don, the quests. n was asked, of the invisibles 1iv they would not do it to ciiivni'e.Jti:u. They replied that they wished to show him lb t his sriVI could hot control, their irilt wjt. . But lie wtiaitot con vinced. 'IivltvH i'att. Her father was denominated prophet atuong hbeauty of th tMeun he pretvntcd. force that scarcely caild perf rni ttie sujierhiuu.ut Uitnge said to tai dime throngu his agency, The table about which the party aoaiei thein scive was between three aud four feet i u diame ter, without castors, and weighing, peflps, tifty potniun. i no nrsv act tutu wo pertoruicn was We'', ill a vear or two, tlie calf grew into a i the watch experiment described bv'-W." - A i .-.r -.1 ...I...I...1 ... I lit. 1 ' i . ' l. . . .- fine heiTer, and we calculated on having milk from her after "a little. rM we began t fill up the old cow, though I hain't no idea that we should ever have made up our minds to kill her. "There wassume debts, still, but we had given up everything once, and neither inarm nor I thought of anvtiody's coining on us agin. So we wore proud" enough of our two cows, and ns long as the children had plenty of uiilk, never thought of wanting beef, niol the old cow might have lived to this lime for v hat I kuow, if we'd been left to ourselves." Hero ISalina's voice became, disturbed, and the girls settled themselves iu an attitude of profound attention.' ' , Well, ns I was saying, things begun hsjhright' en with us, v. lieu one day in came the town con stable, with a printed writ in his hand. "He'd found out that we bad one more cow than the law nllownl, and came ftf it. "I thought poor marui wnuid a gone crasy, she felt so had; and no wonder, with all them childn-n, and -he a widder. It came hard, lean tdl v 11. "lint the C4.n-t.il.le was determined, and what could she do l ot aire up. There stood ihc little children hudiilcd t-pgethes on the hearth, crying as if their lienris were broke, nt the bare thought of having the cow drove oil'., nnd there was poor and a man of great renown among the people. - In the war ut IMS, he .p ined tlie liutish bircea, and was conspicuous in severul engagements, and a terror to all who heard his uame. among Amerh-atis. II. at one lime visited Kngbind, and a Loudon paper aul in noticing his arrival: It wm'n, however, mvearv to decide on muie line of ftcti ui iimiicdiatrly. Leoiild hut help hit ting, if 1 cio,e to lia but it T i.Jt n a kill him tmtrigbt with one shot, he wa fo clice to in that 1 ooiild bardlr hope to escapu nithoiit nil ugly brusii. Surely i1ifs wa case m which discreti.in vrould lie the better part uf val goid watch wa hong by tbo chain uism thr medium' right hand. Ins hand clenched and tied close by a handkerchief Tins hand was placed beneath the table, the left hand up. n the table. The tights were burning iu the room. A request was made that the watch miglp: be open ed. Immediately it was heard to swing violently,, nnd the peculiar sounds of opening a watch were heard, i Th romiest was uiadn that the watch should bo closed on counting three, in order to show that thcro was nn intelligence iiuthe cspft riiiient. 'l itis was done refwatediy, iwhen, at a signal rap upon tne lanic, me Hand Inns with drawn, the watch found open, nut! thcip found thrust tightly Isstween the handkerchief and the nicriuiir's baud. The watch wa. ajjai" I'ung beneath the table, without being tied, when it was wrenched from the medium hand, and placed iu that of the friend alluded hi in the otitsol, for whose especial conviction the otl spirit seomed tlUposed bi work. He was iiineli sturllc.', at the net. The watch wa. allerwunL se( at a (tiveh hour by the invisihlvs, nnu. i'.c crystal taken out ami placed in the nieilii;Mr hsnd" A largo card was then taker ( alj,,ut ten by is mcni't (quare, tiwr wi.'ch was laid n slice; ot The double sound of truu.tiet announced ! or: ,i,,ul ,B" J'? . "I"";"-'! in thecoiitcin. .... . '. . . . .lnl!.... ..I l.ltu li.tv...' .l.nl I. . L.l . .. . th approach of the patriot, Francis, who fought so gloriously in our cause in America. He was dressed iu a most splendid suit of red and gold, .ml by bis side he wore a tomahawk mounted iu gold." . ... ... . . Thrtsc thing wero of course given him by his pint!. ui oi the horu below that he had not yet noticed UKj I c iicluclcd (Us Jottatliah would say), to steal offas I fjiiicV Ah I that dry twig thai would place ii.v.l, in 'the. wny til" my vet v first retrogade f '.ot-s.ep ! Tl.o shp crackle efieetctl nttat thu more mimui.h noise 01 previous move ments hud not dune, and with a short startled. r.ngiiaii mends, as inuivn were not accustomed 1 growl, the beast awuiig Inuiscll round, ami in a to dies in this manner among themselves; aud I second, win starting at me with a lwk illicit somethiiipi of his princely bearing mid nccoin- said, "Halloo! who are you,'' ns plainly as look pinched manner may bar nee aoutrired b hi 1 emtU. spoak. Instiiicineiv, I ilirew tut rifle association w ith Htiglish officers, but his noble form and fine countenance ho obtained from na ture her-clf. ' - - .sitioD did uot change, whew, it w:is uppatently forward, cocking it at the nine niomenK and sonic sioooiUol perfect iiiimovcuLletiessob a ten f si le eusm d, diniog which 1 wan trying to make - Ho hud two ttaiiL'hl ...f. whn are .nid bo 1mm out whatlwr ho wonll cha gl or nof., The study " t icon lilstort'.n to iin-.ii Wen eceouiplislted young I of p!i.vgnomy is doubtless pleasant e nmgh vm ladies, who M,,ild spolc English with reiii.uka. ! 'h whole; but hen your object i n large mate ; blcfaiencv-. o. could all thu family, except the. Im", and th question dtqiendliig un tile .twdy niolh.r, w'ho la-gsu toolale in life to succeed in hctjicf you will be Mimu.arily "smasbed ' or I learning n foreign t jngne. - " let alone, why 1 conies it bee. Hues too exciting f- During the war all who were ranged upon one ! l J',e l,''fls',"S ... 1. side were, of course, considered eneniie to nil . UI.'K'(1 every Icaturc, trying to detect alio were i.p. the other side, and th. country I ''l""'l " ""''' "f "! IV ' was full of soldiers ...Ml military station, open t Z ,','"'.1".r' 1-w.t.fd Ins b,d. . ,d : at all time, to attack. At one time a ddier h ''?,",". ''U '" " '''l UTl 'rU"'- f ned Uuncan M. Krimner, stutiuned at Fort- ?" ' . '. J. V i;: i u""" "" '' lire iinlira'iii . What ishl things conie ii.t.i ? people's minds-ill moments ol peril! 'I'list uio.o- .. . ...i 1 ' ...,' .,' tia ls leii, near Millwliaville, O.l, went forth oon coo is-fir .till III taoie, ine riltt nv W II U-tl 1 1 ' , .e i ; , , . .; . ' I i i : .t ! was held being uiarkud in order to shl.w that its I "J e . T.i T.. . . ' i '" ' . ! ..oos. i in seiermunvs iih watnivreo UOout IU maim, with her aprou up to her face, a obbing j sciix-d bv somo power Is tienlh the t.tble wiih f r tt e relief, was a mvsterv. ,-nd what partio- ul irlv in crested lleac. n P., was the character of i u) " the anony.uoii. present; that the very things The holy said she "could think of nothing o lunch nee le I, and no others should he sent, else." In'd iing this, boweier, we itmr she (ili and he was sure he bud mentioned his waul of i bed. Kor if we are tiny judge of faces, she a them to nn human ear. I all the while thiukiug of ibu p dice office and a lie qiicstiimeil the children anew. They d- I dein uiicemciit. The clerk having uskc ! her if scrituNl the 111:111 who kn icked at the d.sir, and ! she "weie sure that there wcie uothsng else," thuborsean j truck he drove. A new thought ', and Wing again answered in thu negative, he struck hint. "Why," said he, that team lie- I went to the desk with his items, and in n few longs to my old enemy, tlraff, can it he possible n.inei,:a rotumcd with a bill amounting to S'.K,- be is the donor; It s. surely tlie finger of tiod .,ti. iistoui hd hi. heart."'. Ik-aeon P. was, however, The bulygaie one more took, hut paid it. so eimvimfd that he was thwir I enefa.tir. thai Having .1. iie tbi. she retired with a promptness he resolved un an immediate coll to that gentle- ,bt inudius think she reached home in h-ss time so pitiful! "I c -uhln't stand ii; niy heart rose like n ves ting of bread; I determined that them children and that hard-w.-'-Ing woman should have e hou-'h to out, c..ns'a'ile or no c. itr-table. "Wait,' says I to the constable, 'till I go and drive up the cow; she's bard to hud.' "lie int down. M;irm nnd tbo children beyin to soh and cry ngvin. 1 tell you, gnls, it was cruel ;is ;he ruve. "I went to the wood pile and toi.U the tixc from bel'.vcen tvio.ogs. Aeross the cle.irittg ui.d eintent intenlioii of taking it out id' his h ind. I ho tjiotioii of the card was seen by one who sat opposite, and it touched seienil ot' tho party. The petieil whs htmtd to vvrite, mid triki-ii; ti;t lite card, n "g.iod eTetiing to all the friends" was found wriuen nnnn.tho paper, to hsvc written which iho inediiint must have held thecard aud written with the same hand, with an entire re version hf the older of wrif-iti". for it was to him upside do v n. This was repeated several times. The r mm was then darkeucl, eien to the shiittio-r out ol the hrelioht . course that ts. ' the w ilJert.csa nnd nt length was f ainl by a party i f Indians who were commanded by. the , prophet Fniucis, lie was. soldier, and by the 1 rules of war, a pr'rouer, and by tliedndian code i of war, doomed lo din. The? ortlinary prepara j lions wore made and the vit-tim wits bnutid to the I stake, around w hich faggots were piled that were J soon to be kindled to consume him, ' ' . ' moved ). ' h end went toinv beai't. I It ul to think uf inauii end the ehil lren bclorc l;'.ild get cour age to go on. and ' w itii that to ecctnnuci me, 1 sii.s.k and (iciuhlcd, like a murderer, all the way acr- ss tlo- clearing. But Milly, the youngest daughter of the chief, bsiked ou in soilness. Why she should have been w. much more grieved lit such a sig'it than ever before, vte do not know. Itcoubj not lie the first time she had witnessed death at the s'ake, but tliere bad been no recent- battle, and theie (oro uoneof tho excitement which Would at end the capture ol prisoner of waron ordinary occa sions, so perhaps it seemed to her a more wonders cxperniccl, and piobabilit.es cere .cruel dee.!. Her people had received no recent against this, for it was preposterous to supjs a injury, mid he who was to suffer wa not known that nn vol', unless endowed with cat-like vis-1 to hate pertnited any particular ant of op tion, could traiers that crowded cb-imher and ' pressiou or outruite. It might be imagined that lust in the edge of the words I saw the idd cow uiisttisfadory t tluwe who are, skept'nvil. But sod heifer browsing on ih undergrow th. The . H ihe trust that was reooire.l in a case like the oid e-.u had u hi'll . o and cierv tinkle as she . tiresvtit usi merely that nt the darkness none in the circle chanc ! their places to pclf.oiu the The oi l cow and th-heifer were cl ue by eai h among those assembled thcic in the d irk Mime particular interest had benn awakened man.. . on Tuesday than on any former ncca-nn. Mrs. Hot who was Mr, draff' j C. Is a line hs king woioan, und isooti-idere 1 one Suiie years before ti e saerediiess of ibe Sub- ' ,, . dressed feminine, in'th t.nlh was iipenlv viotited by a briik trad in li-h. I The hundred uf boatmen, .sail. -fs, . and, their j - . frienip1, enraged in ibis dcsrratinn. were so p-1 !cm Year. TboMgbr, tent in il Hueiice, that io Is fly tin ngtit i f rtsku.g r" interferene. Isracon P, ili.-'ugh a man of po'ee, Tur Hi .isr-s Mam or IH.lii. In the early was nli a man of ni.uil, cum ire. II paitof this same month of January, most n,e 'eiermiied to put a slop in the iniquity j who are in buslines, have just liceiieislinji.il Ui menus warned nun that his lilts woo q other, browsing on l!;e sweet birch uii'lergrriwth tVat ren thick there. H lien I came Ufi they both stoitjicd and sIoihI looking ot me with their, grcst earliest ejes, so wisblully, as it' they Won oere. whi. h I was aficr." , a Here Nilitia dashed hand across tier t ves, and the coo rushed into her face, as if she w ere opposing a pressure cf tear, with great brat cm. menl iiifMigiit.lo my ren.ilccimn most vtcnMy a hilicrl' parallel su'im in my aunt's garden nt I la: row, where I wutchsl her cat gathering Ucr self up in nn excctly tsituiiar wny t poanccon . wrretclied i arrow. ' : '1 he next iiicinent lie dm lied at tuo wiih. hoarse snarl, w hich sounded a though a point hnd drawn the how suddenly across ihe siiiugs of fttiipcndi us violincello. I fiied ns he tuslnd in,, ainiiii" as well as 1 cunld at llic. middle of his forehead. As 1 did so, 1 Was swept dow n w lb the force r f an esprcs train, and for a ft c nnds lost nil cn-eiotisnesn. The Hist thing t was sensible of, s roon at t beg-in to get uiv senses t. get her, wa the clear, stioiig yoieeid r illing lu me in the uwl placid, though eame-t ninniier; " Lie pertectly still, Walter, tt' yoer only cbmco." . . II isr iny heart U':i;s d ut the Voice! Jlclpwas nt hand, but the very words that announced U at th. ssme tone Kiinted'i ui my extreme danrwr: it needed only the moat uiodarate exarui. uf niy Amices I returning fucu It-lee lo understand why. ;iseof! I was lyingnn my faeanioiig the ng grass without jostling against or overlhrow-'uig some I her heart toward him, lait after eirr-uinsiuuces ' one i.f liii-iii . slid the lierf rtu.mccsevilkrd a I nrove this u.4 bi have been theease. A si-usa of ! clear perception of everylh'iig. ! pistiee nnd STiiiptithy for suffering alnno nrninnt- I at th" topof the lit tie steeii I have ineiitloned. 1 Many of the cxiit-riinciitedescribcd by "W." led r wltou t'lo torch was about to I lighle-l, to could see notlung, but I could feel the linn close v ere performed. The table was titled retie itedly, j ihriw herself between Ihe prisoner and the fatal to me. i could hear Ibis deep, short, aojrrv td-u-ed i. pun headsof the party, and allowed to j knifit w Inch was to !ay bim helur the Dm was I breath, like si.vti' purrs of nn ennriron cat j rrmoin tliere omil the light, were brought. The kindle I, nnd declared that she, too, wuuld die if could detect a sinn king noise, which I a'tcrttun'e I rir. lo then withdrew Irom around th table, nnd be waire n.itsiartid. Jt'onnd nroe f.s.itrbi. bckiug at stream i-f blisst . .iir inhdei f'ieiid mid the meditiiii sat tlieuisclics ! ... ... .w Inch Howed down Ihe side of his uim. fnui w It was enough to hreak.auj one's heirt to ' beside it, when, placing their hands together i. All atonishs at neaneeteil nit act, , fan WU,B4 lm ,-m birehead,' given hlio by my . I. .. . . .1 l .. .1. i : I. .:...:.: I.'-T :: ;.."'.; v. ? .- . . tor nnt a trom bsil bstm hsfrssmil-nn iiiIwimm i . , r , . r. 1 . J. I endangerl, bs at first lone, and afie. ward with a brother deuc-n, he wuuld take a walk along the wharves on a hunday morning, to ascertain who broke th law. by trafne on that day. Men swore at bint like hernia, fiied bis dwell ng at s.iernl difi'ireiit times, . lid. si lost, " Is.und themselves with nn oath" to kill bim. t et they feared his prc-enc. and at hisappnstsh Mure would he deserted i.f customer, and rins ed with great eeleiiiy. . This specie of rssbhath breaking wo at length broken up, after various hair-breadth eacaoo th pai tut Heaom P., and bi eomsttriot, theauthnritie teiitg shamed into action by their fearless' xeal. The brulal dmnkeunesa of the sailors, and the dsgraslsiioci and the itiffring of thir fauili., with which Issaco. P, was, in this enterprise, hiss slit into eutitact, otssned bit eyes lo th evil of list liquor traftei and turning over hi Sh- butb rnorui la th legsj authorities, be becaw known a . teiirure mlyncat. This, also, brought hiss enewie, soatsiimss ehangitig even Irssndt iiilo toe. Ihstlller liras was among the Utter, fsota a warm trieud becoming bitterly alienated. In twin did the grieved deacon strite to eoneihat bv eiplvnstnm and personal kind ness, tirett the trilling civility of a bow, wa un noticed by Mr. tira. Iiess-oa P. entered th distillery of bi eld friend. For tb trst time for many years, It proprietor I siked ap wilb a nod and smile of resv ignition. It wm svisWtit nathing anosnal bad attifsl bi heart. " I hat rslle-1," sai.1 th deacnw, " to a-k if yon ran tell sn who sent sot, wood and ten Jl a to my hows tn-dsy T - Yssi sir, I enrihi." " Vna are very kind i Isat, jirat. 111 bow ya eatn In 4o "" " ItiK lrt Mm inquire If Jo. really awM tbetnr '. I eenoisj lpr " how mas-b!" " Well. theo. I sui passu I must explain," said Mr. (iraff. " It' all very singular and mte eve over Instvi-wra ciHmnts, tiniating the s. a i roes id their past profits nnd lo-ses, with a view of so shaping their- busiues a lo secure nv.ie of the on and Ics of ihe other iu the future Course of their mercantile tmiisnctimis. Tbi, if ever, is the time lo improve fnsta experience, and this la. I year has or ought to have taught must men id business same valuable lessons. At it opening that is, iu January, 1 SJ." many of our most prosperoa merchant will rrtiHsmlier Hie leartiil stringency ol tne ns nsy market. Thisv who Homed Mt'ly and fairly through it all. will perhane remember well how nearly lliey were ewughl in that hip ot thw ire, as a. Arctic vovsger w oild t iy Many a gallant firm that had straggled hard and manfully, went down by their side, and prolstl.l v there sre lew ot the eurvitingwho, inciiig up tl.eir year's so eoonts, do not In4 sal heavy eimrpc for dis oounls and Intere-t, ht-i-irt not a small per esatag of losses from had debts. That pressure ba psssssl awaf . Bui let nut the truth be so nnickly f.srgouen that it wa all occasioned by etilargiug busin eat of pr s.nii to tli anotmt of real eailal Invested, because credit w.s tmi easily ubtaiaed. It every merclianl, then, who in former ye irs etiendsai Lit btMsveaa largely on a very ssn i'l capital, pafbapt enmetimea, in th aisd race of eotu petition, doiug large trwnsacti.ms without profit, and even at list, foe the sake of tb nam of extensive sabe, or be, su- be had laid i toe large a stork, repair Brwily toextend less. to tell ntily to sat mu4 raliabkt aie., and at a fair pn.it. II msy re thaw gsi all tlie en-i nn or sell so largely s in 1154, but at ike end of the tear ltori be "ill find that he bad is.ticd tar mora money, ootidocted his husme w ith less car to himself, and bt ri-k of ibot sating of bis wb le life, wiib which be b's alsrats b.qied and pethapa begua lo elucil bis rhildreti, and whss- .bane St tb support isf s t wil whs h may l no sr.. sr. ,fl P pro vol for ihe fsatily. Let hii bmg rentnalie all th shifts and atienrs of the 4l tear, lb beast tl.svln.'t on eiioi'. i.i cow, witn ii, e tirch twiga in per iio uth, Cluing toward me so innocent. Mie tUaiKhi pour dii.iuuicr that I'd-tfome u mtik her; but instead ol the in i Ik-pail I h:ld llitil l f-Hi my band. Mie cmild nt a known what It inriiiil, and yet, as true a. I live, it seemed a if she did. "There ah shssl, looking in my face, wonder ing, I hain't no doubt, why I did'nt sit down nn a bg as usual, and fix my pail and there I on liie siilue -hie ol it, the tiibie was lil'l-l di rectly over iheir beads and thrown upon Hie bed , o.r ... . worn nre crinm qsiOT toionray ; lb-,,,,,,, cubl fo- hi. huge tail, as b robed in rite Tim.' TnTswv done sereral timc;-TbeJ panu vai-uemiig uierc w.i uo nop,.ue iorw 4 m t wll m,m medium then seatca hiiueell alone by the table, l"r"'" 't ana implored bis The b tier m.gm.li of those tew year of ns- and iniuu-diai'tlv ihercatter it wa. be nd moving, : ",4'n'5!' I aients well, v raM gnrts ull tliat. Prudently A i"eie moments transpiit-d, when a I ud crssii pnptiin"s (hat something had be. il done, and on bringing the lieht the bed was found lo have bei lifted, nnd two cf its legs were re-tii g iiiii Uw .usic. I .ur ol ih Tatiy It. en attempted t stood, trembling, before th ..sr dumb niiinisj hold Uie taide gam-t the .irenuih of the i,i. ic idy to fall down on my km. s and ask pardon for iny cruel thoughts, and there was the heifer ksikitig nn ti Isdh oh, gals, gkt, 1 b'qie ntaie ! of you will erer have lo go Uirough a thing lik thai." . The ?irls thus ddeil were very still, and a di or twn was just heard while the tear las pod Ilk hail stone down rlina' cheeks. ".My heart misgive iu I would'nt a done H. Tiiisse great innocent ryes seeim-d as if tbey were human; 1 grew so weak thai the exe almost ft-II. I turned to go hark ready to atari or any thing rathr time hs k that animal in the face ngiiu with lb axe in lur band. Yes, 1 lurnnl awsy, bin liter half aer.... the clearing was th o n.iiil.ls woh til writ flying out in hi bandr My bl ssl rose I lb. u;hl of the children with Bsithing tot si I d.a't know what I did'nt tlunk of. He a walking fast, 1 turneil tb row was riiiht before me. lib, girls, there ie stood .o quid, chewing th green birch leavsw, 1 was I k Lnbr, Ihe axo would ut rise Iiomi the ground I cotild not do it. , "lis calls I out, I heard l is step in th under brash. 1 ben my strength Sew bark. (l wa w ild air. -tig as a lion, Isat my eyes teemed hot ith spsrks of tiro. 1 shut (beta, th ax sswnt Lack rrs-h, a ileep w ihl bellow, and abut fi ll like a hg. I bod stfu.k in th whiu far on her bead When ntssned my eye she was hsdung al me, and so hwrrte anffsard in their i I he chii limn hi. kid long sod intently uisnn I I, heard the crscs ol a rd'e on my left, a ehtru her fai-i', whicli was very beaui.ful. and In sib-ice wl.istls vdo.eto my bead, and a third on niy listHoed 1 1 I he toiif. if icr voieo, whi' h acre right, s ihe slmi iold among- ih fur,BUCoed.-. full ot anguish, and war me!'rd from bis fierce ' bv another short, sbarti narPlou'kr than tbo aii.H 1 1 vield to the pnssionnie enlrestii- of his 1 nr-t- another track, a svtisvion fike 4 rd h it child, th victim wo reb-aaed. and while be ' wire aen-s my neck, ih-ingat the b itt snt ."th remainoil itmoug hiseaplors was tre.tcl with lb t show, ihep could Isil ju.l slghj the lion ever my utmost kindness, und from Milly received many I head. and V had tired a nuance if an io,-h bed,?lie f urth baling t pnsifs of ihe m i le and seneroua spirit she al ; 1'si low, i an .thor furious snarl ami then a roar nrst ni iniis-ici inoimnng nersnii a (acrinve lur i ami sucii a ne i:inn a yard ut iny yinsinin. in nie oi a stranger au i an enemy. but the islds were toe much for tbrm, for, after a def ei ate struggle, three ut' lb four were lamled with l He table up- Ii the giveii up. Tlie !-rty then -semhh I lHlt the Inble, when fter a tew luisueut s eonvrsiaen with llie-iu t vision.-., una saoi io it, neiiio ir, I'l-l ynll rouen me?" a question lhitserer.il ulmit t lie hoard I ..wl i l....l d..i,...i. .. ii i ....... i "I ,...iJ'. .i.;i,p. ... ,.i i i-..l' i ,i . rfotiicr, writer', hand, and sll owed to remain there! S.iii afl.r this the Amerh-an Anur was rei scveml scsrtnls, ilruunaii g genily all il.ewhde."1 forced, nd very efficient measures tnken t'u , No hand uf th circle correK.riided lo it in form or chiiruler. Uf thie b was posi'iv. The touch wss aevetal liiocs repealed. All at th tat. Ic felt th touch of hands. On of tits party, who wore a Wig, bad a gnt.p at that antr'.e, and eamauigh being scvtiw-d. On iriiileman wlois hand was resting upon the bie-ti-im's. was ttikii by ihe wrist ami his band ibrown aside. t,fd wsi violetnly si isi-d. I bewriier ternd had a grasp like a v 'ice usai bis knu . and came nigh tssing drawn lis m his chair by a sturdy pull at his fisvt. There was an uiiun-l iksble b-rl of I roicr beam m.-h a sotmd nut cf sovUnni. by. , . , , ., ,, . nig or ueiui; invn ttirvw or more sl l close to- . . A tssve-dny afterwards. Mr. hr. inner was ran- .... .,..1 T . . , , , , , ...-.l l ,' . , i : .i ,,i , f t ier. nnd a hustle ni niy side, winch wau.l... pans in n siiiiariis. ami moon rotui n- i . :..i i i- . H M hi. friends and I... duties a. nn America,, '" hL: ' " ' ' wmoog ttie grata "Now roll! roll for your life!'' shunted N e'ear toire agtin. 1 nsv sated the tr.sjhW the iftiig brnir. in his cioiinisiows giiing meaka k ns down film. I bad t Isold myself un I y lb axs-belte ', M bis n cs. Willi bih hands. It seemed to ae if I was I The ruutn wssiUrk a. Krebns, but el ih. al dving tn-i, . fellow knw just what to gntt,. There was n t "-Wb.lhste r. het il.nt. wber i. th ! '"'1'Vn,''e,w '"" 'I- '' tn.y tlie Indian and psnih town along ibe.i w qb bi-itid legs, wl i, h sent i bpt,i fMntier. "They man bed," says the hi.n risii, the sleep , of is-aclt ol further uai e.-r. I - - nr.., i.-no woo a r-iatiiiAii i - - 4aata , gsrrts-in, whivh surrendered without firing at ' Amcuotk or lur. Ill y, la. I'll l s T, fiin." Among th priaoner who thus tl.o.sit I'm.Wg Herald tell the following anoi'doie wl -utely fell mm tlie hand, of the eni-.ny, were I th lv. ir. l'lasensr, late ,( tbi. my, Ihe prmdiel 1 rands and hi family, Th prinoi-1 Imring a st.il 1 1 rh IN (Springs, a ccrtiiio pies of honor, gratitude and humanity, w.ai Id , occasion, h was hniM by the uipanv gail.ei prompt n, to ew th.l th w.aihl at least be ea ,,w. p, ,m(., ),,, ,i,elll fcu ,, (,(,1,, li .paredan igmKiuiiiuu d ith after Ihe msgnn- vmssniwl. Th hull loo m of Ihe In ltd was pi. nimty wheiawl been show, hv ihrm, limit'! pared f..r religions worship, end tin so.li.ii.-e is iiiihloabito.lv record,! tl,ft "l . ..J j . i i ! . i ..... . . , , ... . r M b.i ....-. .,, .ir a,, , . - m-j o-si's an- aairaigitu , lie eSBtser ailbOV.USSM .1 rest. mufrw aoMsia W" s "iriioia, ..i..iauiy never , ' " -s - " o owrmvKi- aul largsh VMS lllss.urst ui VMS nioTllUrd ! urcuuii i i in giiMioiogy, wt.sie l. rts wilhuut ulsiac iu tlw misvt that waxier rU.ii.ed. These wrformni r Istcame, to e tleyree, terri fying, and one rertuu iwliti Imtl k-lt Ihe ri m, alrsol o think that spiritual eyes wre b.-liiiig into Ins, and tluu spiritual ttnger were puking ny." They bad probably sl.d msrh bhssl, td j lud Hit by ton, f th ymmrcr and me fuy hid bsngnii'f Ih wr-wh.ip thn.uuh list w il-' nlooa . his bearers, t,fUb setts, H, whole ier dsmssoi. and fesrlealy brandished lb war club, f f. rinstos? ws. Uked n,mn as a g .d jolos and but It w.s in slf defence. Il migl.1. ml prolst-1 u. ,.r.dingly. ri- mo w-t luoSli,i.g. av w.oii.i nv neen j. licy hi pe nnt the prswd I were whispering. nd mt unamlv l.v ty. pma I elueftisnt to go free sgtu. sbs6i.g wilb . ' ed lhr.mf,la.uul, cjtigregais.il. I ,.i I . ,io "" of Ih wmwe. Micy I... I expnemd.bal it I ul. Lri.drat..rrd to wiihsiand It ! n simp! w.sild -c'iw bi.s that ie wsy ah ulJ hate lee i p,,.ruuti'i:.' il Hie truth; bet to iwipssss -dctid idher than to hang ihe fih..r .d" .l,y i -Mopping .Urt iu . .uses.., be a .ait r IriTi.-ia. who b-ol asied us life . f .n American . ts..il ih. 11 allli-ttl laV ttasa nun. 1 mV wiJ Hi oliitxal in a i-a.f-i-.il M fit ciim 1 m '." -J ' i-v m i - - Mimnny rr m- j ,!.. (s.,) y,m (Vhw if-.w th Hot htr I II r m rrm gagdaii 1 "l, lowa Irft .t.kasti a at . . io Il ! w luiiirar wtmrmm ma 1 DPir 1 1 itkA . i . rtme wstn) wre fooli-h. This morn. eg ahrnil i n-. in si-pies- mgnia. sn i et. sua i'eln,k .l.thiiltm w.k. ssid-hmly ! '"" "' ,l'.r'"" J".' ??. "P ku a .e. -.. .1 say to trsw. ' Mswsi mm arsssW t. rlil. ! we mine a fleaf. P.. he is i. wsst T 1 Wa st -til.il ad II hsid't fad b. turn iswer a new leaf, th-wie bis ail, asell ins f.di euuld not Miete sssaslawl il. Ami I eotjld tool send II t yow of ail othsjr. I trwd to baaisb th llsougbv. and nt M work rin m.sr ear, ally. Hut lb store it susaid within me, .ad f ti Wilb tsunltal ditaetts 'ssskd ansss mtmA Ui IWHtaww P , h it m want T I scoot. 4 lb i.ss a eak and silly a mere rdianlaay nf lis Vwsn; last time, and a much as ksasatbst lor cash Let bim do all Un and il will 1st to bim, whatever time may wni, a happy w year. If be ha Wsw in lb bbit if kswriwinf eithsif nvsney or lb of a issa friend ss idors steul mm hi isiim, thi. sa a rssl liai so f.-rsa aa vstiesai Uwbst it hs ss-st roan ; to ( up lh hut It was of no use, I had to snerumli ; Ih more j awt larger . J mor is 'I si. (i. rt of th same I ridirwWsf and f ;hl it, list mssre titul and irre- i kind that bat teen trsisst 'nt rh4 . ios- i.lil.l . th bsanrp.ti.sa. wnltl to titarvsSaaai a-l ul aoaa im ratarti l IP tstcttrtiv laaasnet b ba did BLOCK (I Uttll.i rsreess. and M tome awe, I myrasss, I tatde John I ka-l to hi, tb msrua.-aii it, n.is.t.tss.s- "Thsr.' taid I, piunting lo lb p.s'f murdered eriit. r with ay &i.er, 'lb Its, yoti y. won 'I altosr us I aft. a.ita latat il ttiaat Bnta us a I., r rl I uf Issrf, I kis is our Ltssf loswh H if yon dare" "lie tku ked away and l fell down n my nra I y the p.or rrntrr my ow bands l..d killed. I nsM- .s if mf bead Would beta's! I o.l.at a laaani.aaiMll I .ll ... II XI illi unerring prn. ott, withuul tojury In gs , my, smi qeitverm niw up, in return lo his pnt jean hub, tut. 1 1 liytehmaa and bit -a shade or any id list t.ras .sr ornaments, .l I e"! lake np arm gsinM them, sssing down thotall.y, where ihe real a..w which many wete iu lb num. Il.el p of tl. j The Indian chief wasdi.j.d.a tsstr.l aa J ""- tii ae.- ,.i,t lhcr, ' -..imii.g through the Led l-s-ts ws.tls-s lalaii . ff, sirwek tioh-ntlv Us Aa.srl.nn eb.s.ner, and In. ci.!.. daughter, w indow-." w hrn obaerting Ih tsisyii,,.. bry on iht ubla, ti ihrowii atonrct in s BisV.orr I.. .ii,.p.. r.(t il In tsa Hi iii.b vessel, s ss csme 1 ss..prd II .ir tram to tust Hit !.. 1 hi. j.t'y !. b ail Us .arti. thirtofilel fn.-nd. n. r in l.r biild riss, I en discovering ber S f'd ww l-s.k ap lb burk-t. enl t,ipssd it m. asif .l ii ana er. im il Ui si-n laid, on- n,.,tis. noic.ly rban -d lbs Jio i j" h.r .r .o l ! when s.-i r tl . as ii i' .tbsd nn i his I a I I ta.t. U. .lb tta tri. bM toss ..l. II . .7.1.. i .1 .. ll .1 - 1 '.'.'7 -V ' "' " "". " f" '" " 7J u J ,t i . . l ' !'" V J 1 ' " "" 'atetwsssven.l i with l.sr fvlt,er, and It ws. siyo kiown Uwl ab . ltd ssal-.t'l how. Inst.i.tty fr ppio Hi I. k tl. hi- al a. tsil f itm v.t.si. tia.i.,h aii .-i. 1 1: ntSsiiuiO thru, in t...r. ..niti -u1 t ... tl.m l..,.;.. .1... l.-.l I .i . ii. . I. a a.,.. 1,. .1.. . .. . . . . :.... eM,lyMrf.lMiwitntcJ wi.-.k .. and I !d nl j . ..d tU vsw. .w long do .n ' 1m ran K. Krnmwer. Iter ...if a. welt a, J, ' . IU. -,'u. t ; lb II l-b hid far from d . task I or tm4twM.n4 why H had a he. don. j rtj , uf M.r fwl IM, ibsi hsid ' ' I n l-m smvle bee tl.. d,t .4 '.Kractb. ud lit'! A1.4 . 1 et aulirnc buft out I .nj o. gal, , waatongi,. In,, fU-4 t-.ni.a-el i b.c,.2 ,r 1 1 t.,,.i. Ml, ih, F era dehcin.ur "I l,s 11 Md.rn Po. a- j wber. !... at. ly asawmmg 1 - k . f .10 1-.1 . ...a. - - band. I 01 Ibtl h I td psi'ivstlj ;n.ld I. no I ntv," and le.iiir.f iit.n her tt in -1 Hal r. j luiony. at,d dui-tj.ti lot v.ac. t h. I,.,.. i I Per a at an t in it ib.i, .hticscr 11 ' .i,g .tm-rnn. If lis bi t mvrsicl an Aaneric.n I thsl iu b.mr bs mmu ad tl.ai..-r 1- to 1 1 Awm nt r tut N.e Cmrleia. Tli I'rv. i p r a, ilv nl.l .sc"in il,.- 4a, k. I ad eow-e i,eg her ho.hsn.l a fr ends aa the tb aopb.-sii.; "I laHl y try ft -i,4a. . n ,. Henry t'lsf san. IM present cbaplam to the : 1 hs U-t et- r ,u. ut lhl e-f eie--ei if ' ..i,.,r of his I. Is. tb w.fl.i l .t t'-n m f t-' 4 lr fr-m llos ( It-." lUit wet no i" I nitd nisi. !m was ss.nte yes,,, agnarrt-1 tb e. f jrrat.st. n, 1 . e panj I ra.cds. .r ... 1 a is l,i.i.s;t as the V r-n,i,n d o..-.. r, bet ' smilsa in I hat cottv-gati t-si day. . nt wh Idrnt "f "tihwrateya irgiwis. Vt hiU prs-w-h- lbs writer attw f, and tl.a iw-lin iosl slh J, 1 1 -.i-,,iy t,t, ssfi pr.snd't.1 mi it,.,, on,..n i ' fi'srd N, s.. 11 a-ai... l to t ss st if t .r tar. IW MS d.r l a tt.fv-b ailos'sd a few milesfnsm 1 t U.C st Marurai b. loli.l.a- as.. I. S l.il.d . I th. ,l.otM, r of ln.l,.n rhlrf rial .h il a J ! I tl s l).l I J jrt'.,t had roo.e a. irI s tssssttm lb atafasM a,s ml at p Is bssd !- am wilb wtw.1, I, e It V yonr wr, 1 aod 4.swtr.,.iiinsanls to liar, ns was Mt..ctii j .rwi. tit, bs sit f.1.0. ya-l bv Wss Mositsssl.sri ; ipe me4.ua, iloa , wa liltsM apai or t t:,t a ,1 , ,41.1 lb tea. (, his ksnd in gist.iude t a- , lV aWaac st s.s . M.I. I sp. s . Cob. t ' ' f s msl I st isat i oti It f. . j by lading all mm b t-tatic fail hn Jo l th j j esr. gvti.. mwtt.u-ttrd ia 'uiningitsssr rms .4 lb h I i...g bim e.s,,.l r t-b, iifi. g ; l,r hi i.,..s.... l.w i,Vr, .li,f:.,.l ., , j Grecluboro' FriUtU Col f C6 cap, tvaal usawsMss. iktt ktj atr tssr prasal4 I mtr.tnt. Th mvtsttWHtst ai.awsr rma, " : (iu,. wtaa sloti M sild M i f tfrtire, t't lorn ! Iseada to sr etwrytssly h i ewiwe Mi. " Melb tbe r arm with b.na, Ocai il... 1 V . titf V sot na I . 4 cH.:tar this a .r,.spr ssais.-isrsti w atsss t . , haissfw, sast sst k..a s.i a..,si ..r-lsil, ik. ! ,,B , " JttiJ I to myself, tht is Urn sis I stti.HUsr Hat an tot iosa)-t.k htUla af naipcvl j M,d be, "tt 1. t..y d.S -all to presu-b whmi ! ba air on wh,.h ts A suvt. lis t.y ii. n l,e ; whub t-. f r.d at,. , . ; ,a, , j I "' '!" ' "" ' " ' ' 1 wdlh. 4t.a- fs ik. a-.l .,.. wrist v,, J w,tl to ntiif Ihit whim, hot arn I t deuce (y nf-wute-m.ttmmwil w4tst4 tt (ta tstne tnm.rt.pio4. XttH W ysl Itetew tn aae. at4 t atr h nitmilBlly. ajad hi rt-j tsd4 tl,. teat wis), t.. I. il a (, or dss-ltsr .(n.,., ,, . "j" " a awall ttssw M a. w.a tkaas a. assr tatst.tw, a. . h . .,.a.,. J..,. .1 ,.n.u I aaa. as d J I. a la a im Wis. b will .1 .,11 i.-ll t aa Hat aul . .rt o... aa I.. ..,. . a.1 ll .MS.i.i.. lo. t r.ua. f .0. ... I -1 kl -......i 1... r..i .." . . 1 . . " ' " ' ' " ir.r sl j Was al iii.e. iqaausl, oil:, id l' t p.ty j avid, test, she bsd only .,..? sua kerdwiy .,' by ihe bsola, tank Hat tarn rewl., I wsbhl hs. d-t. Ik .. (.sj ti er, ' niiintstatttttwesasiiH;. ! aad bsf"sdin rvtsslu e 11. thst. as a rkeaaaae U litesk nw tlu pttvtia-s. fewtervHig tw trnf m bir ! in. etiwrrb," tM a- utsw ibis rsa. ,1 - . 1 a -a. , ( ess) ihii of idrmeut, I bin-had J din a tsayiktee of I vsst ilt.of b atstia, w hib sn.sssy td .tw an tsea eneii.sa, Prwaeoilv stih t,sn I: ' taking k m . 1 .,. 11 .4-. - . - ... - ' rw.ots .i-o. , pw.i sr ssmnsss.N ws .,.-. .... . ( hi- 11,., ,. . . , ... , . . . -. -. -. - - - ".. wa wh. i. r mA n-1 in, .r-i anl us f. la Mi.f a. IMMirw, aUTIsl4 Ahtstvllol.:. I "Tbismsti h W. la my mis t t- e. ! tsw .wply and Ivawrwhly ttcbarp all the tt-eaelter. wbtto that l4bar t)t eai-b.4 j m.ra. Urn su as. iy t sopr-ssast, -,, t , ,1 she n4 haw ptiel f.tlssr Ud lw ign.i.. 't MlW 1,.., , VwHa( xv Homcii.ae I h lkst.t ,1 i..sl . ,ss.k ef tb.siiot thu In tsttf i.er--. by lUpsstt. , tai s.1 - r. an I ttas.wl m t.,.t,.,e. -t-a.-l 11 f ..( ,y ... I at w m rd twreiful. and that il.tr f. Hy we., ' ,,' ss...,.kst.Mswist ..MMit. tvnd tbtw,. .., mrh wa m mrtytaw , twyamc tb rw.lt. -nstibwr u t.d M,ti,tttt.ib)nem. Atwib ft mm earn. ... f tr tU. mii.t aloe .th at. w. ,., I. M , ul i ,m , d . t.s . fvothwiu, hwssj. b.s feaasaw 1 ,kmrtr. 4 tv tmprws-m, tstwllawtj so ' k-y..w,- I b "III s B tssl k.msrrf S.IS, ( U,U,,ti, Mdler, l-twissl h.,SMW-lf I tht p.itt U a w.li ssai,.!. ..I, pt .. .A J,,,.. f ,a,,, .,a,l ,,.r L til.- . Sasssw, Lavsaa.' Tatars Wa ft- evawtlaaaa ttrataw. Lsvlaa' Mars alaMssss, lat sat twsaaaaa tlutaaw. . . t aaa aSaaa Mlasd tWats ssaJ kas. .01 SS. tml4 St alsal sa-VSSS, I sal ass Iks s Mb-avas". .la. IS " mmn to rs-wssrfol, .d sos-b tKt ia(law pas- bspf a.4 p ,rss mtui. nwastaojieg tnnsi ( .,1k a ..a. ,. Sy fwthsje I. tsassr ass -a. Il..y kol sr-f 0 1- I taajal a . van ta. Ml,i.s ! Uss ..Ih II, ...Ills., 104 I .1- : .asssarea, sod peasl tiltag .ssstss.asiitiy atswt A fasr w l.its tiM . ft-!.-. w sr ta..stl l , k. I" la al ae I a bs'd tj .all. s.st.slla a.i I I tl.e.. II lo ' s.ll-rwaiaraJ ' i d.fasna aasp.asat4siltM, t all bis hsh bs b-v ing tb p. V- br I sll wilt , a l..st.l t...-! " 1 Ih m.i fssttit Ssa tl . t id ,1 s as. as. alal.l. t n , " Il as n 1. lb.d....ft id bit. w wa i Wsasds-y. ssM.lly sst ar.a.'y, atHI a win HOI a let b'lss 4 maw IH I I l ie rt' . a ottiie kl i -sssr.ta 1 l- a,si i.ai iimstl I..I w.lssal aa, , . . t a .. aa ' 1. i .... : a. aaa baa asiBteaaaeas-aal srrwrssruy. I lad lk I baasW Ik, b W 'HI taasv laa.k to i lb a. d b.-eCaa. t.' at OO t ..list fsaao a.r i f.t i. tr.r..ags, r)tvm i"stw v . . .-w . -- - - ... . , . . , , - ' , . 10 Vah, I all rttatawtlssr, ibt I alastd a, ik , -4a1lj 1$. Tiassria. au.4 I tjm.tm. (lw lbs. !!, l.sr ty'raaaad. itTtitt Sn I ssiaif .4 ssih lb . bl.,1 wssar tsrir t.srtM bS. tsrf, 4f iu irti (. . I V wtiif 1KI l r ft-. l.rt rsajsrwi ir. j rm-ttis ilii. 'ufiic fit tef l I f t'tkfej u',,. lm ,(5J j ,.t h I rt . l 4 i w , t H H f fh t mi f . f 'W r 4 P ." t K1 itW J f. f , ' l f W IMI'HI If tm it J i an. t H' t. - "f t-"ill, ' 1-tM . f) .1: ss rt OW 1, . Ib-w, a( , t ts 1 fi'4 l h . ..1,1..- ... ' ' ' ti 4 t - t Ifp fe.t. t str ts 4 M ! . Uf oKfe if t

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