V NO ItTII CA R O 1,1 N A ST A It W E DA' ESI) AY MO It I I x C, J AN U A It Y 30, 1 8 5 G Iflitt-ar0ltna.tar,i 'W KALEIOH. H." C, Tht Ntw Y.rk Courier end Enquirer Mate )J it .- if.iii, Mr. Buchanan has teen inai.ucttd i.i -trmtnd llie retail oi Mr. S CrBiit", lot Bfili"tt M.tii-ter, (to kin t..artic:pa' Mm iu tl. husiue-s, i'f euhsimea:. Tt; e..ail i arowt t-t' j ff--riv of prmsdp,, wl.icb T" 1 j baft snrunjt upduri..gl!,c-.,rro:-p- u.:eti, a bat B i af Cal Beat. I ,t pre,- n.arwe.rr re raaiiut l , am it , he nMfa with tuddao and Bnsparing bUiw, has j r ..,., , ... , r Iht Br.l.-U t veniineiiv, Inal ; nuurv Jmj a. duiiuff .which tiuit smut on (aun- tiulaiKi. iwtiWu li B .w-l.eirs. i al.ed In biin. in yenr "wLeday;iI ruing, Jul 30. 1&56. - . i- .1.. jsnui i, 4i i mi n U a P.n..lii r.irtt i ' thijeiiy. v . u-.se-. i" M .Cr.u..t..,te.dutteoo.utu.J v.ul.iio to) Cluse n auu mercnajis w ." f" - i Hubj last, returned from DiJ.ni.ertu hi place of business in apt-rentl good health as ol. Hit elork left fct dinner. A few luinut after ha wat dtaoorered by gentleman who entered the itore, to be deed. Mr. It. esteemed end reelected by Urge eircle of friei-e end rabwvet end la all the releiloo which he sustained to them and the oomumn'itj, he will U"grtair niia. asd. '"' J . Xb funeral services were attended by a large ec-eoursotfimreitixcnt, un Sunday afternoon. The Oak CiV Guard, under the eund of Capt. Ilarritoa, of which the deceased wae an honorary member, turned out in force to- pay the Wit tad tribute of renpect to bit ajemorj. The remains were carried to Ilillnboro', on Mouday morning, to be interred. , the tadlaa Ireufclee ta rierHa. I ' Supreme C-ert. , i w " wt KMiwraj I Later' advice annoum ah safe. -vtsIJea. . Mg " " " . 7 -" . . ii . r.T;iT UarOuf, wh wa au:.p..i t ba tao killed ; ""w . . w-nt Vi-hiia. -.ttr.n!uc4 re:tiH priutir.s by t),i Se.uin.l' Iwliaoa, . ll .e!i wlifchl By Ki, C. J. la Latham . Sinmi,friia the H-. William Smi:h Sj-nki-r, for wlik-h the re vorv imt cu-e t i .!,! e-:tiiir in ai.d ' J')t".a!liriimg the jud(nient belo. AlfU, Ametwana, end a ainaU twrtiua of the adminie the e.'n)tt iiif;' ti-i. Ku leu kiiird. i ar m i e e kiji-d an 1 w bb led i ;he 1 1 Wilti.-uua . M oud, from Wayne, aiBriaiug tVe of the a-.linMniim fwrty i.ifl atrain. n!fFliiouni ,. Liwu. IL fcdbinweif Jlsunt b.w. rr..ri'..n. A fcw dava ajo the H u.a aieo. tu ti.c v ir atid t'ubeis w..ere be Uy eeeitWd Tae rsiSroad fruu M wcow, to St. l'elertl.urj; j Tb r-.icmi .!, to will be pruiedted by reJ Uta at tarioua interTals, ) twenty un'm. ll.; r:i:.; Xew an.l rich A raria letter, alluding to a recent repurt tlat jMr As w e did not receive the full rept.rt of thereault of the election held for ilayor and Commieeiouere of the City of Raleigh, January 21, 1156, in time for our but week'e iaeuej we ,hi week give them aa correct. rem to. IVm. D. Haywood. . VTbj. 11. llarriaon, . rv conaiaaioaKila. Eattan Ward. , Eklridge Smith, Alexander Adama, Wn. I'pcbnrch, . MulMe Ward. C. B.Koot, K iHBaUle, U. W. Haywood. . Welter Ward. . II. D. Turner, A. M. Ouriuan, J. O. Williams, , 181 70 87 7J 64 62 43 37 82 63 82 laew Item. - Ob Saturday evening last we -were viaited by another fall of enow, being the fourth we have had this winter. The cold eiiellof weather haa been unprecedented both in severity and duration. From all parte of the country we hear the same accounts of deep tuow, thick ice and severe cold. A warm day, has almost entirely melted the enow that hae recently fallen. s Bpeakax, Concreaa guenon yet throucli the same dull ( our laai1;- b:ti Ucoirue.1 i I s u ump' ti.m t'U the art of a Forei(U &iti.i.u,ei,t tt, in terptet our kwl. ' 1 . As Mr. Craiupfon only acted by inntructions, it is presumed the BritUh Uovemment will noi recall biiu but throw the responsibility on our gocerumeut of sending him his passport. This'! will not amount to war, but it will tend to eias; Derate the feelings of the two ouuntrien, and ren der more d.fikuU the mttleuieut of the Ccutrul American affair. While the Courier thus positively asserts the fact, that the UrilinL uliiiisterjti to be diniis.wd we observe that other papers doubt the tact; and iu confirmation of 4 lie doubt adduce the circum stances, that Mr Crampton was present last week at a diplomatic Banquet giicn by the President If his dismissal WM1uip'fH3liig7 (ay"Hiey,( be either would not kave been invited, or if invited, would niai'nded. Senator Brown, of lississippi, has written a letter suggesting that the legislature of his State should levy a tax of one dollar per bead un slaves which a ould raise at once three hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. This sum, he pre sumes, would buy at least three hundred slaves. and leave a inrplut sufficient to defray the ex- pauses uf three hundred emigrant to Kansn" The persons going out iu charge of the slaves could be chosen by commissioners, to be appoint ed for each county by the Governor, and these oommissiuners could also purchase the slaves. A young Missisaippian, thus made the master of a slave by his State, and sent free of charge to such a Territory aa Kansas, aould do the necessary voting, and, if needs be, the fighting also requir ed to (ustain the acts of hie Stuto in the Territory lie add that if all the slave States would adopt this plan,' they would have in twelve months a slave colony in Kansas thut all the abolitionists in the I'uiAi euld not cxjiol. Ut I'tvswx. J. In Brothers . H.irrell. in nearly all of them. i4ed' fi'r a ftxolutioti giving to Equity fmm tialea, dsolaring that the iijunotiiui he admioistmlion three .f I he officers: tiiis they, oujtht to be disnohed. Abas in Murphy t Mcr- with aa much unanimitr, voted ajjninst. Here, ritt, from Nimon, affirmiug the judgment. ; then.aretwo liri'iosiit-iris. wade bv the two winpi Ali,.m 1'arnb v. Mcrritt, fMU S.uiiW!Hi,aard-, tt llie oiirwajtioii m the 11 mje o( Ki-preMnative, ingaefMi'rs de oro. Alv 1" Walters A Wal- to tlieailuiirtotiatiiii party toonptniietliciloura. ker . Breedoil, from Oolliinlius, deviating, that The acceptance if either would have, (tiven to there is error in the proceeding of the Court ba-; the adminisiKiiiui thelargoxt abnre, and tne last low, ! wiMild hnve i'iird the election of a I'nimcrat. By Bttl, i. tn Spruill t. Pv?npurt. from Whatever n'm thev Blight have ai;f f Washington, judgment here for plaiutiH for six-' declining the proKiiio'n made by ll.e Unk pence. Aleo. in White v. fftanton, from I'er- i men, would constitute fid rernoma why they quimans, athruitug thi? judgment. Also, in Kirn- i ehould awi-j t the prvrnwitimi of .Mr.Oarlile, for eu v. 1'ridpen, from Xew llauover, awards; a j the objections they haveured against .Mr. Bauku rrnircoVauro, do not (mid againat M r, i:uilh. Who, then, in ' tmptmsible fc (aihitw tk r&auize I . " bisrreUHabla. ) lurtng laat Siturday and f'nday the adminia- Tk. n rV. I....,.-,... I tratmn lelers to hn w the reafyinsibilitT upon Ihe Uoueof Uepresettt&tivoa is presenting ft 1 . ni . , i ., . . r ' B : the Banks men, r mietided thnt thev intjsht have spectacle to. the woald whioli has never been ex- : uw.lml Mr. fjjmi.be.l, id Dhiu, .brWinir voted he awoke, and you may imagine the rvviduliuu hibit.d before. It is dishonoring our country in i for tlw reaohuion of Mr. Thorinton. Mftra. thseyes ot all imjioos. iu conduct may wen . . o. o"u. mm rr, .ni mj . J" r tr "M""""'! nu wr'io, -jiniiiviiiaiH-aiiT, luai lor raise a doubt as to the capacity of men for self uu.' ' ;j 'iX.! . , .i . . good Engliob, "Coins outt coma out! I'll Bot kill !" This was, however, an evident feeW to assure tiiemselveu of bis wbereabuOta ud lare him to bis death. He wae sul frequently able to crsw'l to Fort Uruiu. ' , . There, being unable to proceed further, be lay down to die, but first wrote an account of the mutter on the margin of a newspaper, with pen cil, iu tending to tauten it to a tree, that his record might be extant; so he laid him down in a pine giuvo and slept, hourly expecting that death, in some shnin, would vi;t him. It was dark when Important fron HaytL Froru Captain Baruaby, oi the schooner Ellen, which left Tort au Prince on the 1st of January, the Philadelphia papers of yesterday havo receiv ed advice fully oontiriuittory of the previous ac counts of the deleat of the llaylieus, with'Tt.e loss of between '.'JO aud o(KI soldiers, with many of their beet omcers, besides all hU munitions of. war, provisions, and the Kuiperiir's military chest. routine of voting without any change iu the re-1 eoulainingall the tunas mlcudcd for the prosecu- sult i'f tit ballot. No Faker jet, and y u) ,1(J war- Faustiu 1 had marched oti.tx O litlla proliability of one for some time io come. J men ag.iinit the eastern side of the Island, aud W have received Copy of Hi "Transactions hie delcat i. rep. euted a. must o. mplete. It of the aixth Annual meeting if tli Medical e iuim i auim uau esiu noiit tne imi- itr of the State or North Carolina, held at I a neiu, uui uipiH.e.i reiuge was uuxnowu, 3 .. .. . I ..... ii.......l l. ..l ..n.. l . 1 ..i Smuuury, X. C. May.' l-' then aiB-l. "" "- . ,c.u ... iu,viu uuutiiooiia lot nis nea i. oo greiu aas lie leeimg hjo.-i h.ai, that it was the general piuiuii it llie iiiiiutitant uf Port au Pi nice th.it, if ilia salie iijesiy t-eiuped lalltug into the huliiii- I (he 4ii uniai ir, oe would be fcbot h ht.i of feeling, you may conceive hia joy, when the sweet music of the drum, beating off tattoo, met his ear. No tattoo to him, hut the mrst joyful oi reveilles, indicating the dawning of safety. . But how shall he tell them of his presence? How indicate, that he, ooTe whom they teek, is near t Suddenly he bethought him of his pistol, aud althooab, therewas but little hopes thut the charge would be dry, yet the trial must be made, for he cannot walk to ihfiu. He drew and fired the pistol, fortunately it exploded the guard heard it the long roll was beat, that the poor iugitivo might be assured his friends bad recognized the nigual ; lliay formed and marched musse to hit rescue. Aud oh! what a meeting! Strong men cried like children fur very joy in his safety. A party then proceeded to tb battle ground und upou their arrival there, a scene met their view of a description so horrible that words cannot deschbeit, for tlia.oorpsc of the four unfortunates were still above ground, although in a revolting 4-eunditiun. They were sculped and indecently inutiliatud. Their death was, of course, caused bT the large quantity of balls which had pcrfnra' ted heads, chests, &c, but thut they mere mutila ted, while still lijiugisevident from the sigus of warfare around them, surlMrtTho tcariug up of the grass and sod, the pogitiou, the bits of clothes reniainiuic iu their hands. Curran was a remarkably aihtelic'Vmaa, he held a piece o' Indian shirj still in his group. Ihey wore a decently interred w huro they lay, at leant, what there was of them, lor the Turkey Kuiiards had taken toll of moituliiy, and left little but bones for the sextons and wuiiiia. Their mourners fired a aalvool Artillery into the adjoining thick et, but no warw'hoop of the fie was blcn lej witli the echoes that aunwerud. Poor, poor fellows, quite boys, too, at a moment's warning, with all their errors tiSjn them, reuiorvely hurried sway to uie?t the dread unknown. the I'nited State had niada a treaty aitb the in Uur ll.iil v. Couacil. trom CuuiUi Und, t trsiion rty vn4e-t, mjkmc in ail.iu bvoruf the j Shah of 5eria, guaranlceiur certaiu territorr Hrniin tlie jadgment below. Abo, in tturbank rwol.iiioo, F .rty-even. The greater portion i oa t!, lVrsiiutJulf, svva that, thou -h no such :ii tne , . ' ; . . . irvmiv uau jei mm niaoe, n is cvnaiu mat utosi friendly adianren haie been.oude, and it is uu iiirtiin.i(e-th itat the very nvmient Kuaiia and America are intr.'guing with the Shah, a Mpen sion of the lVrsiaa liptomatio relations with Eiiglartd have taken place. -.'--. Italy. ;', ' Oreot xoitcmeorifiSfSTi Rome in e'Mise- uueiicc of tin report that Mexico had uppreasod her legation and withdrawn bar Miuintor,and she approves f the conduct of her officers, who have ah etidy packed up COMMEUCUU Liviki-o-jL, Job. 9. Flour, Western Cannl, 40 to lit ; Ohits -l-i to 41k ; S lUtherii, 41 to 4o , Red nnd mixed wbeat, 1 U 3d tu Us9d. Whit Cvm, 10 to 48; Yellow 4. to 43. Od; Mixed 4(i'. Kice firui, ai 32 to -85, bp'tnts f Tur pentine quiet, at 37. Crude, iu.et. ltoains. ovmmoii, 5s. v , IniYal af llie MriiUtUiiii Ballir ! T1IIIEE i)A'S LATJtai FHOM ECKOPB. i rxaca vmiiiiuid! . Thrre aia ... ... ersl iciy niunstiug pa-crs anil a'Hiiee in yie iiu,;.Met. Tl.e next meeting ol ti.e so icly I he-Id in thi ei.tr. till I T.ie I 'i i fil l of tun' w tlickwood's Magaaiae. oil er num ber of tins al fa -periudieal i t ion of uiie-ua) mwre-t. S-veial ia ,e examuel will will ri'ny U kimd h:isai,: miii. ii ded u.'- iin ,f n.r of he m i bid. 4'.d-Je ;;e wriier- -if i'eK.i:it!:-h nilioii. . r.srsta .r ef JLina. The B- wn J' B-nal Miliums ruin . li a. aire wlih-h ra.itlm i; in-lit, h - U -n Uaker, of Ne Unni "hint, ; tiovm-iior nt Kansas in lie (la l n r .S1iiio-.ii, a ho is now un ih way i W- , uitoii for the nu uoe. it i atatrd. f ra.ig'ii'n, hi r in- miwioii, lernor Bir hs. re entiv .dd property iu Oonra rd, V. II. w-ith the idm .if tr movitia to lie West. He was in B.-l. a on I Thun-diit, i hi way t WliiniEnB. A Brother if Anthony iiuiiia, named Henry Hums, who is owned in Louisiana, reoentlyou- Uiiunl permluioa to visit his relatiuas ia Virgin. is, od hi ws) hs was forced by the lot in the river to travel through Ohio us Und. Tht aeoli- i.ir I ..Id. i. . cplr t -it I . Ki..a tot Ll i 1'e rnt'i'! , .i i i-cai itii iw..., i . I. v j .!. i in i . t '..!' ; . ivf , - - , ' a, 1ft aiiu-eueuo of tlie eiity . 'itld l eis .lii.s we e an. eiher sumi . uie...:- ui i-.itly eintil ! m i w s, .ill , li d. an I h ivliiug O.t in this om-uiiKisiK-e, much aiger qua.,iii. thua LSaal at tins .) il il he ttir.rpa uin.n ihe mukflt. Fur the wek einliUg the lIKih we have no re port Hit' weoiiwte noUi-ea iu titer London paraof that da .,f the continued rigtair of the saasoB. . r Kddeat Aawrtcaa TUterlsa. The Auierii-S'n elected iheir entire ticket lor tioniata bearing that be was a brother af the fa-1 eouiitj i Stwis in Museogr, Georgia, reoenlly. MoiM Aath cy Boras, made al! sons of rfWts to 1 hv a majority of between Iwiand three ban. indaea bin lo beeonr free, but tit honest eerrn died refuted and cam on to Virginia wheoee be will retort) to hit master. FretUest riant ta as l-sailavs. Tht Dratueratic txiBrtntioat tf AUbamaaad Georgia, al their recant tetaiooa, patatd rtaulo tinot favorabU It lb fw-Bumiaatioa of PrteideBt Pierot. Wt heartily twdors their action, for tht rtatua that at Ihey kavt to offer ap toast vlo- tixt lebt terribly dietaaced, we think Mr, Pier Ik luott uao te U thus rtbaktd for tb tia of tht yjatodo Iaocracy. A full AmerioaB ticket has also beta elected in FultoH Uenrgia X'ewton, Ueorgit, ha also gone f.,r tht Ameti- baa ticket by a hanaVmi aaaj. rity.. It Fayetttvilla, North Carolina, tht ether day tht Amerioaa tioket for Mayor and Commission trt Wat ehueea without eftpoaitioo. Tear tUtri tad fifty Cat ttr aa Atwlt. A California letter tpeaking of tht ex'rava- gant spirit till prevallt every wher ia tht Stilt tart: - Applet (of large tise, lo bt art.) were offer at (our dollars and fifty Philosophy tf Advertising. A merchant tnu-t not lie satisfied with alicrti iiiiig, ears the Philadelphia Merchant, hut niuet be wi-eiu ohooNiog the med;uuis for his adtcr tieeu.eiira ri-me ieople use only the t:iieis ooiinee ed with their owu political parly, which I w imj only on the (uppositiun that ttiey want ti.e patronage of uu oihern hut tim itiih whom tlifj ttiee ill pi lltlcs. They will agree. Some-liuio-, to help a p ditietil press by giving in it all ,1.011 advertising, w lteu it would ! Letter to g've id- ..a ion oi.d secure the piivtl. d adtorts'iig eii-wi.eie. &,iu,e gtf r an "iutieei.Ueni" or a "neutral' ) tii'oai, nii'l (ortt Unit nil the cu-tom- i t,u. iia. i itii M l onxt ! .iu iiiOtui iidann r tin- iieuuui-, ." tl o. .- 1 i ev u e grntilmg a ,,-rtti ii.f i f oi an iiidiiieiebLi. io iiarties, II ev are 1 int: ti it-uee to tile U'tit interest nt ttii'itiees. Iia;.v t.eisons are la-lraied by llie gieutueeo ot ue cireulatton of ti.uie paper. wneiae a par w!,. euculiitmn is nuly tifisn ,ir twenty tb"Uand, is sometime more vaiuabl a an advartising meilium than or that can luaal ol it forty or fif y thoui-and; liecaui the loiusr may go tmoug more reader, and the right kind f readers tliau the latter. Fifty thou sand paper ciroulaled auoii.g the kiwey class is worth leas tu tU advertiser than fit thouaaud whk h go aiu. ng tht middle and upper elaaiuw; j and tut tact of advertising being offered at "very cha ip" rate it enough tu settle tlit east with the know tag one I hat tht par ia a pour medium. And thea, tuu, if a maa want tht tradt of a vast region, he luuvt txH bt aoBttaded with tdrertls ing in tmall ev.nntry tapra, but mint seek out tb paptr which i most ditTusiv ia it eireubv tiua, m bracing many State in it tittotion, I and auKBuading tlx notiot of lb atrrhaut. trailer, manufactu sr and chief anise d ia all deHVtBnB of baaii isa lift. To ad t truss it tattled brineipl of taueMafnl sotineat. government ; for, if faction oTerrides patriotism nnd duty in this country where else ean mau- kind expect tb supply a riiublio with purer principle or with a higher feeling of honor f Well may foreign power consider our govern ment as weak, when the representative of tht the people act with a fillr which would disgrace childicn. It ia lamentable and niorlilyine, that that the House of Rcpresentativea shuuld hart been In aesxion from tire lirnt Monday in Decem ber last without efiouting an organisation. It it to important that this. or that man should preside over itt deliberations, as In justify tli is prolonged contest ? Wetluuk not. Th lKiwer i iu the hands of the majority; to, that whoever may be speaker, the membert of llie House will have to shape legislation. Whilst the House it eugaged in this unprofit able contest, the most important subjects are ro- quiring attention. Our relations with ting-land are becoming complicated mid unsteady; and the Pres ident it is said, is abou t adopting measure which will endanger the peace of the two countries. Ho will recall (it ia rumored,) our minister (run Kng 1 md tend the British in Ulster, liuiue;nnd refuse all further intercourse between the twollnverrnments until F.nglind shall have aplogir.cd for having eudeavorad. to emico uion from this country to enlist in herarmies. Hasty or passionate pro ceedings ort our part mny. lead us more rapidly than ia supposed, into war perjiapt tho very oliject aimed at by the Administration. Hut the House of Uepreaeiitativtii lks on the pn'gres of events of must tliiastrcus tturteiit, with au ap athy which is truly nurprising. Members enter the Huust at twelve o'clock, amuse themselves for au hour in j-tnUr debite ubout uuthiug vote once or tw ice for Sfieuker nnd then adjourn to renew the same fi ne on the succeeding div. Aiv l this they call performing their duty to' their country, (jud help the nation which have secured the election ol the latter ; by the same process ol arithmetical calculation It can, be doiihiiixlintM that, w ith therutireadiniuistni tion Vote, Mr. Smith would have Iweh elected Speaker yesierd.i V. Upon whuui, ihtn, (ills tho responsibility f Ke will not dispute the accura cy of tin) former calculation, but we cannot see with a 1 at B insistency thej ulministration party can reject a' projHiition made Iu them fo elect a l'emocrat. It it undoubtedly true, that the anion of lira Banks uion and t'ampUl! men hi hivur of Mr. Tiioriutou's resolution would have elecied Mr., Canipuidl, Bud it is likewise true that the union of tilt Fuller men and Richardson men wuuld have elected Mr. Smith ) but the latter re fused to unite w ill) the Fuller uieu, eieu tu secure the election of a democrat.: Mosr. Or, (Vdili, and Houston coneidered the failure of Mr. Thoringlon't resolution as throwing the responsibility uain the Bunks men; then by the same urocesaof reasoninc, the failure of Mr. t'nrlile't resolution throws upon tht ad- I nuiiistrntiou th re'iK.nsihilltv. We cannot now tu ittniitiiatratma parly in tht tloust ol Representatives cull etoapc Irom this dilemma, unless thev count forward and prnpiwe by resolu turn llie eh ution ol Mr. rullor, and in thut event we are inclined tn think Ihey will find, without the aid ol' cuueustes and mucus resolutions, men who are willing to shoulder tht respou.iliilny or if that will not do, let tlteni lake Mr. Mave't reaolutioii, tliev will ue apt to hod "blacklema' enough tlieu In hi'ar the rispouaitiility I and thus thev will be relieved of Hie necessity of caucusing auu will uivuie the resMiiiailolity. Amtriivit (hya. AKKIVAUUFTHK AFRICA, ruin um i.irta rant xisorr. Xtw V as, Jin. 23. Th steamer Africa has arrived, bringing l.iveriool d ites to the III b. Eurijiean alTiirs iiuchaiiged and quiet. The news consists mostly in theexieneiona hi poaot rumors bri-rrghT hy--tbejireviiiu stennitr, TherB:iltio arrived out uu the moruiii( of tht 8th. BIISK1 V. Russii.'s answer to tht svaet proposals cannot U na. repriweuwiive. who can tuu. .actnoce tliti.-, ,rrive ullti ,,,. BIl4 ro,BlMj it ,111 own oiginty aim me lutereat ol their country, to m,nr- , j, ,,,. j ttM j, will contain n.WUr grainy party or persuiml tttaclimeut. VVnut is tu lie dune? Is this folly to be cou tiuuid throulioul llie year? Are there not a Bufhcientnimljcr of sensible aud patriotic mem bers to put an end tu these diarepuluhlo and dau gertms prnreedings? Or shall our glorious gov- : eminent be wrecked in the struggle to makt f ar- tculor individuals Hpeiker of the Iloustf Ke b .ie fir better things plough hope H;is 1 ecu di b-rred until the he.irt ia sick. We have what are ca'le I natU'ital men in t'on- an abulias usent or a direct refusal, but will make counter pr (sisitioiiS lo be settled by renew. td confi'i snee.-. Russia ooutiuuc to maVt i noes. sant preptratioat. The latest Borllii pnpers tie:ik not unfavorably of th disuoaitiuu ul' ltutiia to cousidtr Uit Allied proposal. Tht Asia Rust! Army tinik a position at Kara on the 3td of leec!uber, the triniis being esja Wired iu tnwii, leaving a t:ua!i detachuieut C.waackt itucunviii ' the fi.rtiiiralious at Kdisnlv Kr,, ,... naii -na, ,-.,.,g. i .rty reW. j h Th. RuiuJjuu. uuli-.td lar -tus cuntry may i Yeniketd vlllazt oil th mad issiau (iL-hyJ ?kMfjirsbn nun Karl bt-Sulim Pacha, supreme over palriotisui, an l tl ga Ui,roin oneriunn ilie-e pretended Nstimi il men will make the h ast touciliaUtry uiniiuoent ; and so they Vote, vote. Vote never approaching nearer the object they have lu view. Uut will t lit slate or tilings bt much longer tolerated by (lie order roving eitiseneof tb counlryf Tu up poaelhatii will would Wto impute lolhe .lineri-su pwple aa iadiuerenct to their vital inlereatt, of wbicn they tenant justly bt accused. It them tiiesk tu their reprrtsnla'ive, not, in tht Toiccof supplication but in that of comuiaml. If th people wimhl not hart tht r eountiy become an object of derision anl contempt to tht eivil'uad world, they tnu',1 compel their representative either to resign their teats, or proceed, without further delay, tu the electluu uf a Speaker, CarparaUeB rracottflMcv Rsi.ttoa, Jon. IS, 1.",6. Speeial Meeting of B an) tj Comwlssiontr leld this eveuiag, I'reeeat, I. I'roeter, Int. pro. Tat Wtshingtua Cnioa talimtlet lb aaaiber of foreiga bora rts'deBt of thi cooatr al lr I at frail ttaads for taillioava. Of the fully fowr tailliuM and a ktlf I tantt a piece; thi pne it not osort remarkabui or InhaWiUMU of th fre States. Thi giea a I thta that Thar art Busy pertont iadiaeeset rspra atatioa ia Coo r rets of krtj let BHtabert ttsMigk lo parebaM aiw! eat tacts al thi rait. If wail tht tlatt Suslaa get from their quo Us tf tat tul aostiaB, wb will Bot tay that ibtef turwigB popalaiioa twly ! umbtr giving a I chard of Oreg.ia shall ant tu bt at vaiuabl bsar pewposideraoc to lh IV) Stataa ut Ibrty I at tht gold aviue ef California? Tht lurer uf ttaasbanL . Thut it tat way IM Aorta baa a apple, th abradaBe tf gold, and tht littl wti- jairad it power to (aaltroat Ik ftuaik (ml IM I ino in akick tb lucre" it bldia Saa frta- tarty wb fafor tb oatluusd iavmigraliua of cucu, assy fa Inferred. tWmgtatiw, od tiwir ipsedy ustwetnsMt wilk all I S IM ritwu tf tii'uumshiu, claim Is U th l V trw I f A CeKly aai frMdt af th. K-thad a A c4ip.rary aty-that Ih S,.ke lo U l i . i ' f. . s ft .1 . . . e 1 ;t w i W.!U 1 tnutow l"'s iisiii ibs, niaair wj mv eiaw at a-- rr- w i i i i. L.ni. .i . ttlwtbtt asta la tl.t Batiutt. II has tea lb Lnliad fkala Traasory, to far, atwol MB baa deed tnnoaaad d. liars, and bow BtBs-k avses Usm I low ever, tht aaiiutj kat tMtired itttj Caaagta, It k I amoved 1 tb Bwsairt iktl Jeff !- tit it akotsl lo fasiga kit tat in IU Cabinet, ia only can tell oiiOMqato at tf bit 4ort M Ih I u lied Stat I meet li-aa ta aqaittbrat, ia ibo ottaspth from -, aod Ikai CkarUt Jaatta Falki.r, of Virgiui, olfl aresii k'ua as Hcrtary af w tr. Why may tsul Mr pHsro tav kit credit f V kLti Is La U Ike L..l.lln.r I'oagetst W 4 toy Iking. otwry, andafpuinl Ct4. njadara, fred. 1-I at mm other gmtb-asaa M t tosl Wrtar and fttyaulalnlity I It it WaitMit Bta o admia tottaibo t appmnl Faolknw lo tKva, If It aa weeihly lad aaybudy tls. klark bt hti, wlx It Willing It ateopt it. Wt keg Hit Brigadier ta try, at tU kaaardt to 4 lb dtsvat thhg. taasue Tessstt tektstoa. Tb Hon, Robert Teomba, "f (ieorgia, agreaa- Uy Bi iaviUUtoa, lectured aa WsJnday tight Uat at T reason t Twuple, Buatoa. He wat iulro- ducod lo tko aadiwe Iry tk Hot,. William Ap- pUrtoa, wkott gwttt kt was, aud tpokt at tnutids arabl Uegih, giving kit tvWwt osv lh tubjarl of slavery, fairly tad wilhuvl tquivoci.tioti; tad wkila advaaeing Mtilnta opmiuas, tajlipg Ik potllioa that should ka assumij by eses-y MoBIb- k few ill avaurstrrd ikdiildualt attattnt' td tht lixil't imitatioa of aaef ul den new ef ibt pusiltry yard, but tho tmsadt wtw drowted by tht hearty applause uf lb lecturor. AiHtetbar lla loator apbaart it ktvo ka very wall ra- teivtd, ewcsteeeiag last totality, aad lit attrtas titoa gsBtfaily held to that revgi-a opoa tkt tabjoot tf tko "psouluw bsetitatsuB." taalttto tar IiUavsra. Tk New (Irlewot ltil tay thst tk rVat Cuatonti-iti of lb Aaverkaa I'arf) ef teMiiaiaaa. a kirk kat family beta ia aeasioo lo tpt-iiat IMegamt to Ik Xatinatl Cesitwtitiaa, kv 4 ebtred MiLUsal Fiu.Bna to k IM ttHiie of LuaUlaat (wtk Petsl ftosj. lem.; .sie.srs. ii. i'. i umer, r.( , A. ,vr linrman, Alex. Ailama, B, L. Ilarilmg, t ommissioner. A eommunicaUeei fioia Ihe Klath ( Inert Troup.asking the aw of City II ill fres.d charge. IB BHitfrn of Jl r. tinnaau.tltt Hall was jtvta to th tpplhauls har Una week. - sts.oMs. sisi i 1 's ii.iH.n avcrta. repoi isjai that ba ba reiei.e.1 f7U2, 4, and paid out f .s-'iT.-JII, loaviisg balavuca in kawisof Tiwaturtr torn an I lee oa Traaeurar e and Tat I Hector s tcenonit tral tht lotlswiug repurl akick was adotwasl. it witt Tb ou...ii- apteion to txtmlM Ine! k y,fmti demand. Treaearer 1 lax I ..l!eot. ask leave ts rwrtart, that they find th B-snka, te.. of swsh, til earreet and plainly text hitellipwntly kera, that In afair of the 1'iiy Treavewry may a asertaiued at a glaes. They find "epti as and Mtarwy la isMB iriaaot in a reanaratni oeceaa. 1 be t'cMtssiltee rtwyitninend ibi llisj kt alti-wed tht city Treuarar res. ta wall sod tieellrwily psifuriwed. And farther that heUall i-e-l lb saua ol I Vnr attra ttvuN, ia Use log Boswlt, apeauig mw Buuka, . i he Cmmilte b-el rt due let tl.s City Ci.fiaelne tbaa puhhrl lev stale .that vry dollar aawsord sa l Tat hWaa, espia few kaadred a dlaet Ussd hy een im kail K sd ier. st4 Ineot tsatt.PoiU.has beM e.dlecie.1 b4 duly psi l um its t ilt Treasurer ihi ig ui.rIW4 in lb bist.sry uf ut iih-i.iist ta U.i t by, so tat a tb ksinw ledge i4 It I 'umm mew 'itedt, II. li llkMH. I., v i it i uiii v.i i luta. Eneruuin. Toe Kin ire of an aitmk upon Kar4bj,-Sul conseiueiitlj he kt oni'entr.ited nil blttvailahl forces tbrrt. Selun Puflit wis e in amped in the mountains ul lVrehbuyniKi. Tue liuasitii sttaek un Krtenmia it not considered pr. balls tl pret tut, owing lo tht rxhtustiwnof tiv,it aud Sil t roads. tsi.Laxu tan rtixrt. Tht feeling in Engltnd ouuliuue warlikt, lad i l Franc, It It again becoming to. Tu French blew up the Docki of Sebastnl on tht 22d ult Tli ntwt fruit England is aniuiporttnt. Tb HiUiem la reii'reueo In the I fetish Sound duet quaslha Ota I eca leoVtinitcly puslpuaed. inx ciisn. Ther ii nothing later fma tlit Crimea. ' !. AtTairt ia Asia unchanged. , . I tattma, rtwedea eonliaue actirt, Btilikt prepara lioaa. rOMMEI'.Cl AL. t.irr.Hri. Jan. 9, 'ofi Ssles of H day liutM bales. Market dull, lml pnert ancbanged. alluuutb antwa tircutar rep-irt a deelino( I 8 Iu 1-4. Tb sale pi speculator lad K I purler I weft on thoasand bale ck. FUhtt ha ulvanced OJ, a ith lit prosed detasnd, W host advaneed two uee. t'om firm, bat ( in Yotx, Jan. !i4. Tte steamer Baltic, hieh left Liverpool on Saturday the 12ih inslinf rived this morning at bar dock in tlit X'urtb River. - - On comparing htr newt with that brought by a steamer Africa, there is no object of material cunsetjueiice to differ from it. The Petcc prnpoe It submitted by the Allies ta Russia, hid not en leceivtd tht Ctar't answer. Somewhat butter hopes of peace seemed to prtdoniintlt iu the people'! minds. Russia hat had the time for her decision ou tht matter extended to the 18 instant, am, etpectas ti. ns arc ut an oxeiling pilch lo learn any clew to th Cinr'i resolution regarding these Pence propntitiont. j. Yet tlit reporttfrom Vienna and Berlin still Hint by adv ices received therefrom St. Petersbutg that the Cur will make no further coavcrsaioni in the matter. On the other band, it It known that certain formal cootcreiicee were in session in St. Peter. org discussing tht prpposilt. These councils were attended by Keesclerode, Esterliatv, Aeliaoh and Sommer, The iiideuctideoct Bclgt puklishet tlit text uf the Allied proposals. The general impression it, thut Russia will neithor accept nor reject th teims tut will send Count StukolUurg lo Vienna wiih counter profKitalt. 1 bt latest ntuiors hart a mort paciti teoden- cy. Pen mark bad announced her resolu. t neutruli. ly in the war, and ba ho connection with the tllianc't made by Sweden. . Frvui tlit Crimea, tht Bolt id brings na ntwt uf interest. lien, (hnar Ptoht and bit troi.pswors at Red. uU-Kule, thut in bythtinuw aud the Kuasitut, for tht wiuter. Napoleon ignis ibreateot tn go personally into the war. Iu Kng'nud, Richard Cubden, bail again pul lisliedaliew peace ptmphlot. It is drawing much wtletitioa in the I'ountrr. STATE OK EXtiUSIl MARKETS. lirerpool, Jan. 12. Coth n bsJ declined from ) to r. Tht sale of tho weekaaumattd to 44,. 000 bales. Fair X'ow Urleana waa at 6 j Fair uplands J.J ; Middling uplands S S IC -" Flour had tdrancad tu It compered with pra- yuMit ttatemmik Th weet't quotations art Hit tain tt per Africa. Corn, whitt unchanged; Yellow tl 2; Beef, Pork sad Bacon quiet. Lard CD Cd. Consols hid declined from 08 18 la C. w open d l.sve i t-ii i.i ,1 li AmertcBit river, and t', intcil.get,e, f, .. ti, mines is very i-fti-mii-s i.j. Tra-le duii and ti.e i. -i:.ii.j in th iati :t was liijitl t. r ti .iir and gr.'m. , fegdate to tht f-.lt l'vreti.'.er lvjs-f -.- received. .Sml.iiiir ws his.d nl'... K.nr.n s party which went tottis.k Fiit Wixlla Waiiu, which has in the pwes, v. ,n t,l ih Indiws uf Xortbcrn t'alifnrtiio, wlmwre K.ii vu-rjuiiiiin- deiireda'itiui. llenrjre l. .rl,.,-, Anifii sin i?. tnJ at Uahaint, is dead, in Xirarautt t'lj. Wall er is receiving ectimit hy everv simmer. , n,4 tffectivt luroe Bow nnmlwia (0. . , .. ; -TA-III-D. ) On the 5th inat., by tl' Rev. P. J . t'.irmway K. M. C. Williimson id Smithficl-I, to Miv -arali Jane, daughter of tl Uto Johu Smith of Wayne. "At Buliier's Hotel, in Salem, on Thursdnr, 1 ith iint,, by P.ew, Mr. Balilm n, James !!. Miel ton, pultlisl.ernf tht Lexington and s'adkin Flag, tu Mist Maty Virginia lorg, of vit enunly. . Si W I" ii I i JTJIICES CUlUtL'XT. Rxi-otttD xxrtcasiy n t tut X'. C .'tit, cij X. M. MCPHKF.TE11S i Co.. MAoi'muj Grvrn, ywardiMg and f'l.wnnWim ... , ' ' , Hmhant- Wxih' Wlttrf. J' ' -i .- ..J . Horfolk, . Jan. 8 Flu t Has continued dull, with a downward tendency, c th i. k it is temporary hotvever and look for reaction. -W e nui.lt Sui'ieilln$U to ).ExiraJSI3 lo B'l.Famiiy 0J to 11, Tlittupplyon market it limited. : tsnaserie of all kiutlt ectttinue to ru'e h'lilt. 8urvt N. 0. and P. It V In Ketined 1" tn iHi.oriithed JI to 11), Loaf II j rn PJ C, C-e Kio III to l-i, truayta olid Java, Bone- SaU L. P rl,7.ti. A.rl.16. V Navil stores. Tar ii lo S, SR.: Knaln ?l f5 fo 2,87. Spirit Turpentine 4tto 4. fiir um I lote, X Corn White T'J, Mid 7S, ieilowH. utS Th tevtrteuld weather hasmateri ,llv att'eetaJ' business, at tht Canal and Rivers are all clocd with ie ' ' Potertburg.Jnn. 25 WtittsT Ralesofala tit . 1. IK) bushels lit-dny at ? 1 0 tu it. V e nisi prime whitt and red at t- other gradu jl V-1 W I M). 'x-- " CuTToK Wt q'rntt ? tu Cj f r gxid piitn lots. Toanvo In fnryd request and s lies sre. rte? leaf li( MS). -Now litga 4to5J. li leal , $H bj Uj. Old lugs & tn CI. , . FLoia City brands uf extra pi to m, Su' pertliie ': "' ticsNu t&i to 65, fur Peruvian, BsfsiN Va. hog round 14 to HJi WUmiliptn,Jajl. S8. Tt s rtvyiNr FiiTihet anlet yesterday of lliit) bids at S..M) f r ye low UiK and 1.60 tor hard per hid ,l CM) bids. 8rTt Tht market - apfetvnHquiet, tnd hear of no iranthctiout tuber jitcidiy or to day. '-- " ' - i ' ' ' )!oim Salet vtsttnlar r-f 850 bbl c. mmtwii at 1.1U for meilium sited lil'l. T.t -Salut yesterday tiflOO bids at 2,05 pet bbl. TiBWt-SaUtof 3 rarttat4,u0,J,00and 10,51 per M. at ia quality, . FayettviUr Jan. 85. ttA.s,Tl.t market hat boon well tupplied tu'iet at U te 1JJ, hug round. Cots Wt tdvauot our quolutiuns, fair tupply on market. CoTtoK Market t eaily-stuianufneturert ar buying ttont tourtb to unecigluk bot thif ptra' notions principal sales ut i lor List grsdvs. t)4t Are wan vol fVvr teed at iO ct. Fi.nl a No ohantre ia prh-e re. i.'.i tt littht. Stick in Woreliotise about 41X1 Bnncls, wLith it uncommonly small for the season Pittx In demand at Bets. hnsitt Titi-isriiit ill c's. l!.iw Jo nu change. T ACEHTS WAHTLBl! Kako Ktnty when Yott Can! V1K HatiM-ribsrs Vstrt Uy.rmr lbs tii.lvii M l Wuti.is ol a Afcal ia s r I'nuniy t ihe I mil BUjtSW. 4.ttl,-0-'tt SIHl esjiSllli- ItH-SIHwJf lUSlid l-f-'SI . dutlars per day, wilkuul ritk. i,r -bstut-a ::r ef see kind, rull ptrtit-elsre ef Ihs aslnr-! ol tltc Usrts, wiUkstiisi by astilrtsstus ILs tub-etnier. and f-t-wsrslmi IINK l"ost "It's autap pr-Psr r-lars p -et, () i'l BKY 10.. Piaisib-li i s. !. tending ouwiiwaH, Pr'.cx Mliehangnl. Bevf Pork, Lord, and Bm quid. C.s.4i ft J. English fund rallied yasterda) Uir-ighlt at th ! ih., bat a ra- Upsw taljMsiat-atly t.s.k Ise. At lb rltinguf jastarJay't -nea, M-ry wot asy aud in good deasand at lv ps .eel. At Pans thru per aJ Ih Mat af J eeat, and llie market elnssrd at a ktT In lit rat ' .f kit asryi-1 ,,.,. J:. .-. . .it. t - e - - --e- a - s " J tela Bad la A1U, Waskinttoa Jeaaary t lei. It kat Ism talnaii I bat tb long tailed uf ailtauc ket Spain and lb Western '..wrt kt kaen formal ly ..nas ei-d, tht IrM binding kerself to susl in t tk Md tea ar Iweaiy tl.t . asea ia ll-t Kpriag. and IM kutef pn miting la prulaat ft.h ssti ntisrtsls, and pwia-tUily Ctba, bell. tatoat manna, ll it usia st lentil asaritel that Austria will sibmi l'r peasfMaiikiW tsl tl-a lies ass Ih, tad tall a lb Ihet lo spi-rt tt.eet. w tktit dale fruta tl.t Crime Ui tht 5ik all. Biasit, Tk RaasiaM ksvt in tea as d ilsssr fonllcalsuB ovar Ink rata tul msk4 tw biu-nt va tbtWtV (et.ee! PVIIesH-rrvns tins at Ti-beraaya. Gee. Oa tsmt-a uf Mr. Ilirdmo, Untswrnef fll.JO ' wr.fa'-d-atMr.4 B...aM J. II. ! Mattempew sow hs his d toi. t ! Adj strwed. t granted f -f past ) ear. ll it rwfsnrted by ltgrt.k.'Val Wtshiegiita, that Mr. DsKksnaa kat writlea to lb tepaft rsenl at f. dselarlng kta iatoaibai lo itwvo Trttet Pewpeet, Osl-Cirt r't Alt iev. Jtaavart ', Tnee IMlKo l'.t. I ksl I la Pari. Xshjory a uj twMaikssi ky tkt stops i a tht FVKTIIF.lt Xi.wS PF.K BALTIC. At rt. Petersburg, on llie. 3rd inst., tht war ossncil ktd conrludej and it hat been aiadt know a that tht Russian lactic, for tht approach ing campaign, had undergone important avudi ficatMtn. An order tent from betd-qntrterr.ln-diuate an intrntiua to abandnn tht Crimea, and a part of ll. troop bad been ordered to re-ii.fono Ih division ureler tinn. Monrtvutf, uthen were to join thtOiaiid Army of tlit centra. Advh-ea fntta Kiel up lol'tb, ttal that tlit w tiers w tr till i, en pit trad, between the lower Baltic porti, and Ihoaa above, Rosut I. ad i-arriid oa matter in this lint with great activity. Aa American slop baj arrived al Marrud, and waa .loading witk hemp ami yarn. Xsw r.ot Mokti Vinto. By latest advices lo LmdnB " rUturday 12th, ntwt from M ailt Video ap to Xiivetshcf aanownet that aa th 2'ilh rovoll bad brukea Mil ia Mont Video, and wat kept up (our dtj tia the iiy. TUnent wat bluialy, and ia Iht Oiaflid IHUman wee killed and a aaurh larger number Wounded. Oder was, kua ettr, restored on the 2!)ih, when Muum and tko rsvoliiliotary party tmbtrked W Bueant Ayr la a tirtmer. la tolifi rmity with tit drmandiof tb dlph tattle agents naideal ia Mont V wlrst, tb f.irelgn tn during tlit tbn't sffrs) ttslnts ted a ttri.-' ne-ullalilj. . Tk uttrUnd mail from India kadttriirda Maieeille oa Fr-d-j H i I Ilk li st. Vttr Lttasf rant Lotpoa. la tl. Lmd a poal wb'.i h kat direct tdvie an lit a.ai'tr. It i staled Ihsl ihey cantxit OonQrm th repurl oftltt akitgaf llarat, l-e;ng ip ir4 by Iht I'rr- tiaeit. t Reiuews from lit Baits f Fraset tud I'ng fausd slrfiw t furvhef dri.res.iiss U th ntom y ajaikrst of yid. Slut Pails. la wsll iiif.naied quarters, ill UlieisJlktl deftaitt latelbgeiiw oa lb ete Ifausaioas wi-i'd reeek Ik British (stvtruasem frwea Vumna a Ik I4sh Inst. Tht deerewet of balllna ia lU Baakaf F.i.gah4 iapwaidif fll.tsk Tkt d"-te.e ia lb Batik of Franc f.ik ss.th wastn.'.tviO frastet Horth Cuoliua Biz Per Cent Stats Bondi. . I i Tat-AStty ltriutai, a t I "'.i--- Jsa. 17. ss, Slltl IIIII'ltllPIWAlJtWII.LKli tkv l.H t0 attiseBs.t aaul ..Vlsti, A. II .. Iik4 ts v, use I. Is- Ihe .nr. l,se, :"J " Oil Itxi.ts u il Lt H Buut at Sunk t ar diua. 'Ihes nit. kwar Usls Jiiua. rr 14 tin, 4 will roe IU" r -f, Peefsssls will Sis l t.r,...J n lbs mr.t,se t.f l..ltsistssistilfa will eve tatsd Jsm.si trt Ij, sat wMI raa ttirlr sr. Htk rlassas al UataJs wilt base ixi " aosebed I ir Intend l l ft e.al per eltas.MjsWs e lh' l Jaa'jr sat Jul la s. a tss imj jr. su.ll.olK risietftl tn laurosi will te psl.l al lbs Ust k f lbs Hepsklia, hsw wtles,esll. l-erlv ci"srs o, bait Iksss pajaMa al tk Itearurv s On t'eis f 2lbrlk Camlie. TkrywiM ks i-.ws4 la taws ' !.. Titer ar tlprsssly ssessiilssl lru Is Ism ! s V s.tv-s. Psrllss kiJJlfl!l pi. " as.irr.s Ih-'l Mlers ts. 4rssd -Pr. stst-Tf K, C. Softs." U ib s ,4 is k sw SI It.M.-k, M , ' Haree-slnt k.4.lsti m krise lif- ran .1 .f lbs st ei IserS s ,., S.Jv rs. t-tls 'l W""1 "f ' " ki4 wilk Ike setre4 telr-t .1 Wiln . --.i si 'r - o,.r. ts4 la eilbsi lbs Ua.tl ( lit M-i . f" I Iks bsakJ Ik rla 1 te, ' ''I" t'esr, Mslsitk, s TU. H.m ut sn-.u'lst M. 1 kid. It tk'.b ar is ) ol ss sssr kt .s4 ssmsI s4vst.tssr.ss la Ike S'-l is Ike kits HI ktsJ la m. see-aee m .- eae, hsersui'il a4 t . otl-itui ul ovs s.. s i fsMiteat sf Iks Dauasiu.. rial.. IUIth.Jsa. IT. H. I I pair tflalastblot Uy l'rirrly. I il "t' INT l a Ii"e I of 1r-l. amis tf f 1 v I F. W Kl. I sbsll ted to lbs bi. el lb t ewrt lliioss 4.-, ia Ike hs-t biil'i, r. .t , a Ut 2nd way t lei mary i u, g , ll,s l.s aad lot oef...lhr f W k n M, Nsale r llrsl apf ! tlie r-. o le i t ll V Mitlrv. L. lb tut fitmts M t. .1 ... N,'-r Mresl, sd rs bk lisj t..t- Itsl. u-. t-t pew and weli !' ed ts. n.ii In. i u , m tt.4 ta a dftirabi p.it tf il i .lv Ir.tu. ! tail will Ueasw.smh-ss I m Jiri-U by s Mrtr. t, aia tr B. It. tU W.I tl, 1. ..! J.n.sr; 14. IHf 1 Taall and aretj ci.tabocv.t tt. tatvttiikittt'i"i. ' 1 1' i i kste s . I - tf-ii-p. .'. .len-f tks e- s-ief ..es. o sll.ssssss 11., s .is - vs. ft-- ssrS . I 1 s ls- ' kt ea r S f f- sst Ik. l-f s-t . ill .. .t- . m.l re .t l-s .1 ssrss swl 4. ,s,-. I- r Ws I J ewr t Os'i, ssr.H (- bs.ws kses e'-sf set .4 t kf um I ' - sasl-v wssiet - Wrtss . ISSSsrl.s ss . U i ! !t.i salt. frtstr Psrwt kast nit l BsIuhim, ll.t i . ' m . PV's-".-fw,.t,'-.f ritp !Bwaji' t Ifl Wastrst, II Kaop'eal ia Ills myster. : army swtsrww arwcif . Vrm..m, ; Vr,u. .,lUr, fr. a.,, Jlk., .llfc 1-4 ltnirlM.I It IV.atW InaHl Mit lfa'akl mm tjm awat4ail. -. f tea si IW.o at aw1.i ta. 1 , ? a ,i 111. a. -Is . . - I., t,U..ljf reotry. wkevker kit -.(f.-vd J-fJ '-'. dad i. P.w le-, b, rw..rw. Tk. .4 ,U tt , ...ft. a J llfJiS''" tb. mlt-Hste. readcOume Pwk. I w Vok .4. the -a last. ai 0o ' I U..JI 1,.l..,l-l wi..'u..M...lM .1 lVev.r,i;.U ; ts.gers"d lis....... re.,e. Fsv.l Arrtsr tr Catrtt, llil-i. - Ws leara . J,... I il.. wrtses uf a -snl-ll As.ee ,, u . . . ' A sh.k i s esnt nnst . t rtpriisrcrd In T.i rrswidee.lt M-ssgw irt two Il.te ttundsy lasl. a qwvl aKs beisrssHi Mr t s.l l-.,.-.et. a I ,. , . , , j f' -a l . ( m-I. " " ' I . . . ' 1 ha I aasu at. .1 aaf al 1 -siaali.i. tan all ' ..... a . . lbMd.a!aw.twtmirlai.sff..(isl -"", I-.iwswsf im ei.. inwi, - - - , i Tm '' I I4 tk war "er or o K ok. . . -i a - J . t-.i. .. . .), a. aT -li n.a tTW .Its ft lit- 1 A Bt. , f I r . at a B . . X i . I . 1 . . . . . . a. I .! - ! I.A1I.K lluiM ( ALIfi'KNO ! '.! ARltlTAL Cf Tili. UAXII L WfBni ll!! . I II a T-k,s a l let I- -a. s4 all a r s. Jsa- . I'-- II. i I 1 I. ti ki Al tb rraaktia llael, kt aatt.ipie, Tt, on tko alfki f tko ITUi itw, lr. a, A. Ana klawit, mi Ike. i mi . K died aader distraaetng atrminai . lis bad vU!U lb iigii.it It UI akt tt ts t tW rwlalir, and reiBraaa kt Its ttotal akowl 1 t'sl. k la tko ss.ts. Jaaa k s-ktwts tetey.. hr f ibt ksssrl .at Ukwewd l U ttae tf kit 4sk . AKBROTTr-kS v -4 'k ' as , . . r , "V. el ti sea - ... ,. I- i. s (Ml -rf OS - - J ." It S I ss.- .1 ii ' " f.,4, -sst I s s, M rivilf ,-: -4 it. e-s. ss 1 I I ' VANTr.D. Is m M , 't k bwk lo B ia Ihe f-ees fr .su Ih tpial dtslrtrta. tit wd.r akea lb j till f rtires ,gh tablnb. leg ll. . Til Met! aa atfs j U sk a prsrrsfk est. tiatt 'kt tl I es-twia il,ai rWoit Aaaitadk uwbts rtd. , I t th asm ft fbeett, bewg ia lb til'i j CSs-l It H , It ikn ft ek ft e4 a j 1st ttrtt l.-i.l, wkerear-o Unet 4'ew a r ! y.. Its a4 rd three bal-s lutnf lrk, killmg k.sa iy. M- soarrsMsi f I gaet tttaseal .4 U 'a-i t t IM i kaJt la 2,y-t'. rVM' T I'tat, 1 at thy at raid 14 ut the tif.fvt- ' tstassd.rK lb Uaaral ! la laildrs aa. tvl t.eaa. H as 'ml, Titst a wr tU tsu ',. lie ,rtf dstw, Tbsl teeny l es ts V e s.s 1 4 tnd rel..e.t i (ssniki'ii g . i, I lie ntti !. i t e , . ... Tb Itt ar I . I al K P-sersb.-f 14 . .sal w.lj i , p m A ,' bmrt.ts Mie (Vpr.al'y rr.,,4 mm sb,M rU ,.,. ts ' j , less., -s, A I..,. J I . t. f -el,?, t. a ibe -. mi fvaitts - srk. i 1 a .i n.. si A s.( sill t taie4 bef ' tt f ' t tf ( . m seat rt 'Ai.'t .', lis rffb iivt. :: etCkstibae, d-tJ at ti iS"1 I tl I lit . 'r

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