NO It 01 II CARO LI IV A ST A R WE DN 15 St AY 31 OR NI NO , JANUARY 30, 1856 Selected Poetry. ffrtn the V'tlt'ttort Vn'o. laquialtl.e Love. T'nila cr fie I'oh g-ujafatoir CeMtMrikprrt." Th tamp tie lump! whose falsi ray Ta lifcV''lic giize revealed. The liidJxn churn, fur ninny day, Jly ct.utiou& lute ouucenlrd. , The drop e falsi drop that broke . Vming Cupid' blisft.l trance, Aa. et m iliug from tweet dream, lie woke Tj curious Beauty' glance. Y)h? these but image f-irth hoir small j The itue, may rend in twain ) Tin- lx nt lliui hold our heart, in tlirall, la l.uic's c.iprH.-il.o reij;n. - That lamp star lie the eve to wk , Fur virtue Um austere . - That drop, in aullen Bmr, bespeak ' 'i'lie din jppoiuted tear, 1 h it lump may amid it aearcliing light " To deep him the'breaxt, -Koveajirij; tliere to doubtful (iglit, . l nuiogrenaiuna laid at rest, . Thai drop may fall on fnnlu displnyed; Not meret'a ginle di-w. But (had in aner, to npltraid, And give thewt life anew. That lamp may luck the kindly lereea, Our jeahxta viaiiia needa ; That dnip may make the imart mure keen j Where human frailty bleed. Then lamp, and dnip, ni"1 claaaie bile, '1'liia m.-al well may bear, O'er We'll liht ain, caat Luva'i own f eit, Nor ton hia (urw loo near. .. - The Tint te Marry. . Tlie would-be wine Itiia eiiunwl gira lote'a f'Hid pnuiun coul ! The man who torly wed li , T.i think himaelf a foul, ' " 1 he (filling chain that fret hii limb, . V enn deier duy by day ; -r.jtperieticc little hm;hea hiia W h' the heit in way, 1 lie wiaely wid who weddeth littk . A tiiriftyKtiuiinruCMtoned mate." A hen wrinkled rak nhatl twining cluig, lit tendrils like the vine ; ' . When ravens, like the linnet, ting . With Mielorty divine ; M lio hnMuy drnps fmni witlier'd leave, And not fMn rummer duwer 1 ' When wiuier bring' u goldim sheave, An I snowdrift sunny hiHirt ; When truth abuied make fiilsehiKa right, do withering wed and find delight. T trembling note young bird awakejr Jiise sweetly into tune, - A April bud eiT-itiling make " The Bowery wreath of June: So uv begun In life's yuung dny, .Mature withiuuhnod' prime lettes Hit cnuker of decay, And tiMtigerernw with time; " lilt, early tju;if love' nuptial wine, And all thai' best in life U thine. Books ! "Book ! Books ! Terartao, l.y lirurt e hand. tileawoudf or Ibe Parish li-y, hepreacHtaUve Wiaca; tm Ee the If Ife of the Firstf to Mary the moiUvr rf the eeeoad Adan, by ftaid Wta. M-aioira of llarv (he Eihtb( of K ..gland, aad kit til wtvee, by llerMfrt, The planter s U-iita, oe laajdmta 4 Aaserieaa Flaverv. will. Mhitiatiii Tha Mat.k O ft, Or l.tle tcnet thry are, with illw- ra"oo i aiker'a AJaniv KxrroiMu cvnlalnlnf Kowing, Pall- cvniainina wtmtfte. rail- i tJluatratcd. i lirar't t lf, Ulavtralrd. Urt of tie Oavrasef Kariaad of llie HouMef Ilaa- vr, by lr. V. UTun MNHire.d Dr. tta.i,tHm. lata rtftidentuf the l aioa Th"liHal H'Bititar. Hber'e htte .4 CsrwhiMi, itNHtralrd. 1h Arrb bi a Hoiaantvntia tba Luited Mialca. I Vv Urvtita H lul.-fr. Mtnstialrd. 1 be Ai.Ticaa t otiae e t tKrrv Um,k. or ItoOMkeew I liu I'riMos f m Traits bit Taeag bU.lpls. I by l..l Tl'. IJi' l ft ike Kiiraat and (he Val.iaai a thoaghts an i .ll !., .lurtg ks.ier rtlartaisg to Homo. tio.k,' aki trte. vl ITKISIS, Xd eerie. t. h.l .4 I'M .bl tor.RHi.Mi, t .l.e tiV. , Ho4fl. Tlir aoosl an4 l.ii.-lielasl dlvervUy uf tlaee. by K.i. tl.l. la. Intl. K.i.....ll.a, ar lb (hill teegkt by Iks rrn'ar f.wa. eermi. I,y Ike Kev. KabeM ett, It. I. TUe ht I' I'rva.MHr a senes ter., fr..a. a f.lkev la ki. rk.ld.ea. 1 j-iHij I baoy .ad e.rre-pedeae af feata Pep, Juim, I lit-t.l. I t a rai rc.i rm k.t J.Jia K.elta. 9 W. g. Ilirt. il. ,t .,,(.. e hkilikM al Nrf.4k aad V , I nil I . a, f.m. 1 1. y Irj Sfld yS.i..l .) af ir.a. ky Cbarle U, I ........'r's Tra. Is. m)s . ll.M-d tl,. It'ia 14, fr e iu .a. o. i.iaa.- . tWdeslhyrsptaia Irtsaleky II. 1. TT H Mm, lUblgh, Pe ISj. tt Tl Fiaiif Frn't lM09 tridtnl ANEW1!(K)KC'U.M1.NU: ft? K have ft plraann -4 aaiag tbal we have If la pr, aad Ul pwa irb aWMit Ibe bill ef lr, a new aorb 4 KUiua, entitled a ltOSK CLAUK, A RiiMtNCE BT FASXlf pers. Tks I. wck, aad lt aMttlawia. ml af Ibl. krlt bsa aaa aaU.are.s. "Ma.k llall.'aj4ilv a ' a.saa.. . 4 .a Ikesaaels ml letun fe la lk l.kioir. i4 a lea onf er.dial. It r,...4 a mm r..f ti r . iha any wbia boo kfa t-m4 drtf a tjanftrt a Mai tl Ii mi tattft i 1st MtTits ( "Hath Hail. Jajftaf from lit aeat'nvrof i" '. tf ll wr bavawl we wie Ibat r? f in ue I .td tWa bae iad tl A 1 rl' ! tt.r ark oa batata prate, f.'b ('LAkK. w I ft uf. Lbal rirrd ll, as ta rpet, a 1 t, atk, aad are hat ft will e4 j . r, Miet lt r.s tft-a (be f f I l.e 4 Ms a..t(t rtM.e4 i'rM. Wa bae feaMa MC Ihtfeb t' t (Nat ' H Uik." will asaao a tir teaaattNa lL.o d -I - Kt'b ILiI " i t t m rWfl Waaa vaiwaM of er fMfee. PrM-a ! ;j. r-ti4 a( obtrb cfra will 1 i.T i 14. Ii be sle b; aU Wttk- 1't.t t M If .Saw ).oa. vn.Ui if. u' 9 r. . Ml t I B-, H CHt.f t 10, 4, m, tilth A. it ruTiizunzns Co., UlllClllt (tlCEII, , .'fi,'y W fueawi'i JV.riAea. . . b sS.hal kjtsar, , ., .... a o n r o L C , v .v , - at ti .t a. t. f. .. I Ilsli'e. K. C. ....... free, fe.k Ue Hst, ef H.C. . t . Am 4e a la k 4- V ft free, ft. -t M 4. U R. Wtk I 1 .t-,1 ut 1 1 1 1 ! 'i u k r .. a 1 . H .l ll.r, .1,,. ihi,, 1.. .k,4h i ... . b .. .i . ,tl '. u. .,, .,., mmmf f l ,i.S ip eel.,;... .. 1: ... I I f. wH a. ta. .' .erais . I. ia u 1 V ,r.i.,hefi.;M ,... b. Kehwt Varitea. ML Zll f, Mch rcnectiv. Hi.trict to I W" ' 1'?'?"?'!? 'T,'"!?' hlOTtr.l.-l.,.yUfVulael.y. nomrnati... Convention. " " "" " ' ' tSimg ol llmaail.., by Iist.ll.w. u" j " f V. . In t'sntive Central Commit- ""K' "' '"' l"I'lal" u. the ...l..ect l.-.,ll.....dM.;,l.yAbl-.. , ri"''-, 1'",t f.'n" .Luilv LuT.! kry wilhiutbe 1 erriloric- of the Inited f.r.i. by ll-aniw. A F.leoa,,. a of Bve U br tl.l body. h.-. du- ', ,Rl iier(ere... . bv u ..ji-i tr It shall be to attend to the general coin-eras of . ... .. . .......... :.. . ..r, - m-.. r -j , w I. .-inverv aai.ex.s.e in ...r ...-r c.o. . o....uo.a Plitfenaaf the Ajaorkaa Party ef tk Caiolinn 8u.-e should seek the man, and nut ma b Who li Sam? ' WARREN L. POMEltY. , lUWRfc. o the 1,U (k-h.ber, 1A U,. f : kilbfulim-? and the l-t, f A. i-tK L , ZIZ lXZT , . . lowing reavlution were .k,td: . - v-rn V. -" . . iu ..J Wiromf .Trvfsoa. Jo trAscA u - - . ..... . i-i ' till- licu-taiiee to ibe agisreaeive P"Iit awd j .. . ,-.., .I. - ,,,,..,, HkUkJ, That, a ll tuM Inch rendered MTrMM;u, ,.f ,,. l:.,mJ, lath lie ' - . tvI'M m Hrrm-rof IV Lrtlrr nf . . caiLICTie tl. i' v r.t tii A iiMtru-jn it fn u' i.n niS M - fnfv in it iwluhcv, nu lender xit H ibee.Tiil jrtmimiitU "f lite or' Iff vrtwibO'f iitiiinttitt uliiijiMunw,, iifia, cvniiUfutivM, ritual?, r fi-t Mwunru iu ; r.rtigt, ,r. heiher ci.l r -lei.til. 1ltwtliiitn. ABM,ri, kT birth. edm-ii.m nd , eliallcfiifouripp.ieine tu ibe pul.lie dio.D i fKioi,,. iLuo fultiUiHt 'the m.iim: -ixii- ! ot uor pfitieipleo end do hereby 111 vile '"itni,ii nnuroriu AniH't" j uf the Nut. n:)!rd to tbe f.mue, H- ,,r..,r Uerei-, ,.t .heir mil ...d rclii,. ,iKl,t J Ibe area. mil:. nriDcinlw and wlpiecie tue i oierieif I rty. . . . . ' : . ito iKa tiiwiitU. .miniiiMfl in tba rilatforni 1 . . . r . .. . ... ... -1 I . T r ' . . . ... .. ; fy trt ll.e Ainertcai. party, t.v in. a"'ii v minen , nl the same, uegun ami iiew iM.iue.pi., mi of M ... the MMy ul yune. Mi, ro rcia.nm ... .... , , ,M litienl pnlM-y of llw (i.rterno.ent whiUt at ll same time, w cnnider the three jfreit primary tiriiK'inle of tlie ranuti-'ii, wiiith coiiatitute t'le ba nf nr Iartv, as i.aMltioaut 11. imn.r tnn to any iaaties of mere Kovernmental policy. HaoircJ. That these three (treat primary tirin- j ei.le are, fiiH the conSnement of the luiinn'. ol. ana reponsii.nitie 01 poii.i.tai. amlerourgovemuieiil.t" native ln.rn Americans , n.lh a due recant at tlw w. time, to the pry. ; teetion ..f the 6,reiKn.l.rn in all the e.v. nKhta., and privilege ?.iarant.l to frtemen by the con- j stitutu, whether lfedCTal or btaw. (trevuilty, l!esi(.tnnce to relij;irti lito!Branoe, ; and a rigid majnteoaiice of the great principle of . religtons free.toniby e.;iuliiig trom nnice ana . powor.ttwuewnowooiii ierecuieiorop..ourMiKi! hiwotiUleiaitroltl.eKjli(icd'theeirtinirythM..irli! ' Chureb.uHnen.iM or pr.ctly mterierene. ; and who acknowlcljtean allciance to any power o earth wb tber civil or eecleaiasticttl aa peramouut t(i that which they owe to tlx C'w.stitutinti. , AnO, Jiiminj, unswerving uevoiion to tue I'mo of the States, and resistance to all fao- nit .iw ; . , - i .. . . t , i i Uo... and .octional MtempU wralen it. b..nds. . lJrii M liAtinnll nn.i.mat.on tor noliticnl tation berealicr to b maile liv tlt American l'artr, it ia reeomineiidcd thai the same Im done inuneo tiublie uiM'tin" and that all th.we who t agre with us 4n .rini iple, und who concur in our , . i j .. , 3 . .i i . -v voiu.xlnu4 .Hiwmion U gultHl by t.irtt .! Muiik.v antit..i.i aa mane iffMturri. limi wb rfmniimr mo nj "i , , .. , , i i i ' reurunrr uexi uta time iiwemioni iniwum uj ; th nomination uf candidates for i'nisident and Yi-l'iident, bio early a day for that pur piiM and w 4 1 hereby -reeoiaueod to our brethren of the AOH'iioan parly throughout tl. Union, tlie propriety o. posipo..... inc aid con vein ii. to time iu the inonihsof June or July. Haul ml. However, lest well posl.nrnicin I mar not Xuke nlace, it is deemed aduanl.le to .pp...... .wo uoH-K-.w i e,.. . . -. ; Uffftiin nch uotuitiiiting CiHiTwilitdi, mt UU raojinmeiMl'l to th Ainerittin lUrty in m-h 1 ll II i OvnteMKitml iitriot t UuiJ rimry mrtint in tli rpp"tie ootintii, and afKHtil doliatiMi tl. American party tn tin l.t, to carry m tno , neeeuary e..rrepnnen, ana ... .. . tt.m Bln, B.HV I .n ,1,MIIWW. .htfKir Ilir Sl.O more thorough uratiiitttiou of tba nia vairty and that said executive committee lie auil.n. 'ied and requested to appoint a Coil. My Exeeutiv . onilu.ltee eacn . ouniv in tue mate; ami that said County Kxaeuttv CWiltM do further I ftiipoint a ul oiitu utea lr election yr cltictin the ounty with vewtaniurertin(iii!i j . - . ,l. i "T m fforim aruiina. Tb IT atiotittl American PUtform. At rryittar me.rtf fthr, XuIuimuI Cuunril. f the Amertmn I at tit. brytjlpn. kiltl at rhtlnilti ftkittj oa tkt 5M i,jmir, .'. ., 1lirf,lltm. m if true aiorfr.f at the 1'UitJmm and pruv tjilet vl tie Oi yumuMinH. . . I. Tb ackitowledrment nfthat Almighty Be- Jug, who rule over the t'niverae, win. presides aver th council of nalions, w ho oonuuet Ui sfl.nrs of men, and aim, in every tap by which we have ad. ..need to the character of an indeiien- dent nation, ha distinguished us by iumi token tt Providential ageary, II. 1 Im Coltivst.on ana niaae tiinent of profoundly intense American focling i ef imaai Miale altfhio'ot to our eo.inlrv, ita his ..- .. . .. . - .. . sory aim iia . in .or .oa purvw oaya o. our swmsini siwisuiv; ii. Tvasra- lion, fur tba hcrvi.iu that pneipitatrd our Itevuluti.m: aud of MHi.lal.on of the ,n..e, w isIo.a, and iatrioti!-M that Intmrd our rHilitotl..o and Irst sooeeasluliy applicU it pn.tisuin. III. the wi.nitenai.ra ol tbe s n . if these I'niled Stall's as the parent".. ... political g'""l tr, tu use Mi Int.guag ot asl.ingt', "the in. try olijeet ui i,itiri"lie deeira, aad asnoe - t.Ut. tparit.oa lu all at tempt loaeaksaor prii.ert II. 2d. I neomprnwlsing antaeimisia (..every prin- cl le of nolo y that hjangms il. ( .;J. Tl mlviraer id an o-iuitabl adiuatmenl of all poli.H-al d.llre..ce winch threaten it in- le. ily or perpetuity, i 4ili. Tb uppreaio uf all tendenrisi. tn p!it kal d.visum, found. d.m "geograpbiotl diacrwiH asl ou, or on ll.e Uhvf ibat th're is a real il.lf. reiio of l .Here's and vie'' betan-atb .arioMS see. ion rf th I tiion. lib. The full w'-nilii u of the right, of tb ietrl St MM, tu oiprwl utitl reaped in th . . s , C'.tfi.Ututhtiii ami rareliil at. h. lain c. .y tit ttei.eral timrrmnml, otallihtfrlerein'o w It la llwir I rirbta by lei'lativ or etemlive action. I V Hwlictid tu tKw ,'iitituln-W nf l!iea rnttetl hiatoa, Ue Nii.rcm la 4 Ilia IbhU, ai'tinlf r nldigaltir) ji ail it pt ta and uiomler; mJ ihwlfoat r itubc i tho a pint t inn--vatMt ajHtw ito (ririile. luiwrtir)wo4dMtlHe jtftxt, Avt winx lliol iu all d w1itlu ur disMH.-. H ina ll mJ ottlf lr l all) aocrftdiiiej aii J ipUHdes Lj ll.e ju lh i il " wer uf tit t itilc.J Sim, And. aa a ot-.ilarT U Ilia al-'Vai S, A haUl'id rotcreniul il(ifiic to I he law, n bothor .ti iial, St vic. t MiinU-tal, until tlif f are oilher rv(siii ..f dw. tat d iHaatiiutitMuil lij lb imr aoili tii r "Z. A lei.dvf and ao'-re-l rrnni h lh ata of 'tte.o,ei.liit, n lm h ar to wiir oliatm i.i, a ia . in l.nara l.i.l ui. u l, it.a fa l of their being nf the nature i. e enpeots aud geeeme.ii s and so, w be u..i.siiUrr4 a ftaed and Bellied lili oat p.ll--, . A tadioal reio an ) in .! I), sii.m of ll U. f.-i. ilin i.noitr. and toe of imtuiranla. finog m It kUHMt .sistijirMl who. Ir.aa h'te 4 l.iet. or hatil of epprw-eton. aeiks ss as. lum in the 1 nlled lae, a friendly ii s -aeA p4ekia. . ibsl ntMpiahfiedl) ceHlantuin tb W oar bore of lehin and anpei. ' I. 1 be ease anal modilnlbmof th Xatuml Uairna ja.. Ter eil b ll.e IUaiureai'f tbe rep.'ti ftiea, ol all Ssle Us aihiwtng f.uelnei, ai4 aalnral.ted to Vole, T n roa-al. itb.utrlrortititmthiw. o all aet .4 l.HigifSM makiog graMa ol Un4 loeoeal araliaed br.gnera, ai.d ailwg ttteta t ile m be 1 rril'.rvoe. II lba"htV lo lh rmi4 IKean I'V alio k tl. k. In. of frty bate bMh..o tweed a'-'M ns telvrs and our t.lito al era I. o j " Ini I v .11 euoiilf ar:.i.,.. ll.e pre.ab'V.ld pre. ah lie f WM.ra U'l g si.leia til rew a!eri. O'-v. and of pi..tiii W ( p.. 1. 1. ot. f it odili I t.-i.H f tba w-t; I IimiiI after c ahi.h b . .er.M-s .ha . 1e. .m lha ha . t the oll.ef t -Iwii.a'o ef !. or . of il. ,sif 4m sf be !. ' ' ad' m .4 k nm that urn. and otijoets, .nan neroaiier reeogosc , t tl.,oxiou. a.-t. of .. member. ot U,a American Urty. violated pldTTfeitber. And the .r.tematie , frM r . tt l rc.,. ..... nd.:d he I fi u;m it - , , ! Ji . : Pniitf 1vntni Mrtioiml 1hhiIhv intuit tHwitive meeting, in .....t.... Or!...lJr J re onVmra, tlM. (nth d.y of Apr, & f' , ilu,rKtivi d.Mv ..t tlie par.y to inter- he purpo. of nominmg a ul..l..t. to be run ; f f p..f Mlg r-,a:.,, ,,. br the Ainern-an I'urty for t.overtior at tbe nrx . .... . :,. ' :..... nwr. ti in inr ctuturw n imi nv t (4;ici.l iitt4ittk TitM;utne, tetaUttve. judii-wl. ' ... ... ,i..-.n ..j .-.r..! : Z etijuyment c.f hie otrn reliniuue npiiiNitm w d j wurliii, mid a jeal reeielmice l all Mleiui.u . ' ' . . . . anr eoi. aeiiniDniion r cnuren WMiin an ,iw,lMlPV M , m , ,. ,,y , MilL riul est ot fflLen intiuajj any iviul prinlee or eKcniijtion. by any l:.:..-i - 1' :. .... - , it i7-a 1 e, ..t. t.i M i os. irf it member., ur b a d! vision .if their eivil allegiance with any iorwign nwer, potcutnte, r eecleiaatie. IX. The reformation of the cliarai ier of our National IK'wIature, by elevating to that di(i..i-Si-I and r;pouible Hiliou men of higher iM:ilitlc:Uioiix, j urer n.oraU, and more unwltinh patr.0tii.1n v -i ,,. ,.,,:,-, f -.,.! ..,,,,,- in the matter ofr.piH.i.itmenU. to. flice, JUtx , .vrmUtJ by the Cowtituti witl; l)ie MleTg,,. x, education of the youth of our eoun- . , , .,r.,viled bv the States : which hnll be oiuiuun to all, without ili.ii.n- ;u f creed or party, and fie. from any influence or directioa of dcuomiiialioiial-or partisan el.arwter, .... . . , m ... 1 r : ,,,.. MI.,V , ... sUWi .-, ' u A;,;,,,,. of the lmt .ininent judicial authoritiea : ahd by the eonwut of the peileof America, IK eonid ered an element of our political'system ; and, -oa the Holy llibleia Htonre the source ol. hristiaiuiy , ... , , tf. , -I I ; an, lite oc.Hip.Mirv aiiu iiiii.i.i.i.i o. at. ei... at.u i .. . I Imis exclude it from the schools thue established in r . . . . ' '. . the (Stole". ' XII. Tlie Ameiimn party hnvingnrisen Ua. the ruiit and in spite of the opposition of the 1 ha shown it iintsMiaible to reconcile optuiona o Ua M lhert C-B ll4 Bu ,,,1(Hlor i puLinini . ' . i ... . t.r i r i .r ": KUBiaiiin m i inmiiu jui-tivc nun mi , . , , . maii.lnin Ihexis tiiii laws upon thesuhjivt f slavery, as a tinal and eohcluxne ettlfincot vl llirtt auhjt'ct, in spirit and it. substun.-e. And reirardiiiig it tho biliest duty to avow their opi.ii'uia upon n subject so important, in di.tinct and uiiatuivociil terms, it is l.e.eby de clared as the soukc of this National Council, that Cniires p.Heaaea no n.wer, under the Consti tution, to le(filuto unju the subject id Slavery in tlie Mates where it Uoes or may exist, or U. ,,,,, . Slate from admission int.. tb Union ?xt bfCT"' . - ... ... tm lie i tiiintiiti'rt tit nr 1h nnt rwna iitatiliitinn of Ma very a it i.ttrt uf it aiH.Mul rt,m ; anl expreahlv iirHeriMittiii any t iipinhtti ii ihhi the iMiwerof ouzrr.te u ,',;,, j,,, ,rf iri, , j iMmtiim , eomnma l. which the Slate of Marvland - eded the liistrict to the foiled States, and a rvneh of the National faith. XIII. The policy of the Oovernment (if the I'nitl States, in its reluliou with foreign .... , f.. .. " f ' , . , ' h( Uie 'im,: .r.initia.. t., alL tbtpowe.'uf the government, all its citixeu Irom intcrlerene.. with the internal concerns of nalions with whom w i ' XIV Thi .Vai.nal. Council declare that all the principle of (be t,Vd'r shall 1 henceforward avod; that each me.ulJr shall 1 at liUriy f. make known the existence of the tinier, and the !. himsell la a memlr. and it reconim. nds tl.t there I no .li.ieiitufll.oplacsofiuemiholsu'"'tdii'le eoubcils K. R. BA ItTLKTT, of K.tueky, i'rreijrn uJ'SnlumiU Coeisr.. C, ll. I'gsNI I, of New Jersy, I 'itrrrinitttnif Serrtttiry, Jut. M. !i trams, of Maryland, McriiriiiHy tSerrttui j. PROSPKCTl'S , OF THI n m nmw mini. Jh tHttrtt X'H'i Internal J mprnrrmenUy r know that tb Inleroeta ef tbe People vt nmr If tota dwaa eorb a 'pr, aad helleviag that 000 free frosa the pdi(Wal atrdee aad (narvU t4 tbe eVy devtd t- tm b toptea. Otil be tW kind th'j de aire, we -obl-oii apa ibis rifHee witb tbe aotalo d M'titiag at.d artiac lbir appciAalM'a and M-prt. Ihsr ojet ta lo Make Ik liMas lb satrrW of fb Plate, to a hi. kail eoa e Ibeirnrae iafTtl bM af aod oeoraf t4. ISTKHNAI. ,MP;M .MKTH. Te tbte mtyr apeM tw d'4r as ab mymtm a foil sialtasrat 01 lb- io(Mnii'a will rvHtre fx aawwv wvrks r iMnoMNett dct e 44. all lb ethwf latcrvuU I th Hmt. HtH'tTlot -h a a sworrs -4 roffvet to all ioir. a4cd iw Ke U la-a:n it a I later t 4 oaftl, (and oba ! r n ' ?' rT" mn ' SHdHN 4f, that tbt ffm . j,-. , j ei, a fi'a il or f-m. o ant ) thai oat f-ef"r aro a wtoeb dttd la pariv gwot omm baa bee o ao a brrrf-r. ta devv twllna Mb tie will fstatoe aod eoro foiiy a'ie lb. aJaMal 4 k I 4 only la or bifbrf wh. a I, in al lo mi i "n.'B rbM'I A'.HI 1 I It HK. VMM Mill HK AMMM MMii K. tha -Hsr bMey, are eMsiaodia j live lrott"t wf all "r ffwd atd laNcr lthf I tttttrO. Thf'e. ba Verketa will rrfmrled wllk j w, afei all Iftwta. rob alatd lo lbrv hgM rUWf mi tcx- Jae-peal le hrao ba M tadoelry, will be aoto ' Nil tUn4 and twarled etrte twk. ll is ttttttp'oi; l aay as fe M w ka4 Ua, bat ike ohillo iw Ufw,.Hm"t mm Ibe fcaat aod ibe rheettlig 00 fr ia tb M al ftdoc oteb a Iw elee tenaM oa, bwrr, aoore eoa thai the Aret aansbet of lb 1 tM will Make Ms epeeranc abt be Has tbe rn m b tbti ileY 1f'-m 'f I art. TkMMATk T imis ftinbs swtkta Wakle la t UWsUm. X, l, mi t ew aiaiottai, aod eota ae ( otob reading paa-e in the Mate, ' Oe la adtaaea. m to im aw. V. t'. t M E J W. AMibfi.HT1 UrsWo'.JI. CfM. IJ, l . - kii1M CAMulIhA Mutual III iMunraar (taiMil rruiiiuiLi.i.t. fltBI rnpay all Shu. persea sa-l niavee. Iks fmtnt rt.k usee a aatagtellf I IVaiO .re I a .are 4 lot term el ee Ml. yeast lot ds Ibmr Vale. arrtc. 1. Cbaa S. dak news. PveaUewt, Mm. l. Maywawl, 1 ie I're.i4a JaaseaF Jordan. Perlaty, II Jenea, Ttasarr, PerHa AiVGaf. lt, II, Mrbea, tlalag lltjslsa. J. Hevsssaa, lisaerat siee. All I usees ar paid with. a m4s afttr aaliafae war praf Is preed, U.arks aad I'alaplite.a. sbewiag the (lea "f a) ratiaa tk t mpaev. may be k4 aa erplialia at Ik !., a, say ml ti m Ag.aetea. A I teller mm saessst sa-a' t M Me se4 (a t a !?. F. Ji'HHAl. April ll..'.. U-lf (till I f-.. k-.s .-'.. lb. mssse ; 1 oee, I . I. 1 f r.,.,.k..g M I. (Wj HOhltT 4 HI. K . n hoi unit llefuiicrntic liartUTa. cannot ta. in anv etaiHxt the KNOW--NO THINGS,. Uy-w .i m ir7.ilwn4i.r lsw Freedom from Foreign Bnlc !! 1 ThU .rk u um ib .1 tkr.K,(lilT o,uiietl wiifc ih rrrr ef Arrit .'.hilei, .. r thai tiie aa ll fimi hualtl (uTera Ujf Tkii it T)iU twrk it au thai'ab'KiM b in th kand nf ivtrj Mttrc i-m cttim well ltrinnr, Ytw lt4ttM wtU hnr it, of i. for they have i i a jm rw 'Sal i n frs"fv ta "tb iuei,tiiHi,''a ba witt be fte r netl Hrs 'ileal? II .111 prudar a rattling among tb tfrj iMfiire of o4 p.Jitieal prt.xas. CO.MKMTl. 'br'-r I. Ta Aairriraa Fartj. I CsaMNivfUs writa. 3. PnoeipUs ritatedj Illas.raiMl tad Kafwered. i. Tbilhetf whirl, tbie IJVgaelsati.-a . to AceoatplMb. Tl "ureeMii of rtn-b aa Or gaanatttM. exaaiiitrU. 6. Tbc esiitnriee ef iheTiiae llmun4 aa A.arri'sft Pany. 7. The true ponitiu al lli Parly. . The tUpid t'rgiMantlWi. Kltcnl l it. laiurneeaa for the K-etlenre of Ikr. Anerirafi Party, u. Tbe Plan vl UieraUuB adufrted hy tbe Ao.riran P.r.r. Ml. Ibe Prul-nMe Ififlutnrc ol the Ann-rteaa Puny on the next Presidential El.rllua. L. Iltview ..I Hun. it. A. Wi.;' belter. I'ricr 7iets. Ju. pt.l.iibvii and lor sale iy. li. p. TI RSR, C. lliK)klirrr KaliujU Marrh, Irtii. 31 jCAKTETS, OIL-CLO'illS, 4c, &c. At low Frlcea for Caab t OEOiOE E. L. HYATT, No. 4-14 AKI 1 41 I'ltRk-KTKCET, NBAS CHATHAM, SEW YIIKK. HAS daw ia Btor aii'l ia constantly receiving a H'lt gortel Btock uf Carpets, Oil Cloth 8, Ac, to viiicq M invites puMio attention, helieving that an eiuininrtttoh ot txitlt ijua hj and prices will pruve a.ttiitliu l.ry tu Mt-rchaiita an I to l'ur clmr pfiiernlt, wbu buy fur cash. Ilia Htmk conaitta uf Eich Velvet TfpMtry ft Brntteli Carpets KVAKIIKIH EX(;USlltAMEniCASil'LrJi new book by Vir inie'.gilied ...thoress, enU . " I tied The llhblea Path,' I now ready. Beaaiifully as r fiiiiaiu laqieli ; 'Marion Harlan' has wove ths threads of life In Comprising ninny Sew l'atterus, made expressly : for first class trade. Also. Twilled and Plain Venetian Hall and Stair Carpet- Oil Cloths, In wib rrom 2 to 21 feet In various qui. li.iea. liich Mosaic Tufted ami Common Hearth Rug and Moor MsIk of dilfereot sorts. Tible and Piano Covers ot choice Patterns. 4-4, ' 4 sad A 4 Plaid and plain .Mattings. Window Hlisilesof llesirable Styles. Flair Covering, Stair Hods, and articles usually kept in Crpet Stores. UK IS AI.SD AdESTFOIt SKI.USd Corhsrt i Se's Power Loom Three 1 1) and la gri.ti. Carp.-ta, as well as Ihirber's Auhuru Pr. made .trussels H-ply, Ingrain aud Venetian Carpets and Hugs. " 4 Capital Book (or the Runt-Circle " HVx VACATION, or tMilloaophy at ome. I.y W. V, Kirhards, A. M. IHiolr.te.l aaii ri. uletrsnlengraviiig., from by i'kwain. line rxhim.., Irtooi. elolk Tbi. .look is designed to inrlraet as well as to de- habt Uo rottiig reader. ll-seeks to teach the wo.. l-auiilal and imiortaut tru.h. aad principles of Bala ral si lence in the Isscinating gain at story. The iari de.ti. altu-h uccar in tbe rxerii-Qce of a happy fsuiily gruap, during llie Cfarieliuas bolidsys of lbs young hh.I., sre sll ataile to n their PI itiih,.liy. The arcNteuta! tall if a di.fa from Ike He gers of a .-srele.. ecrvsnl form. Ibe leit of a diKUMina an gravitaiiua. Tk.fro.. work apoe.bewiaibiw-paaes' a sosfi laibble rulhng upon tb rar)e., ai-kvol-boy'f .port ai.k "s.ui-ker" 'these and a ku.teljM other ap pareat trifles are pegs nprtl whieh are kang Ike tsoet valuable Icon, of brarlirsi aUiti.m. Ale.o.1 alt the valuable Icsmh.. ol prsrlicsl a..,l... Ala.o.1 .11 the HVKXIN.1S wih Ibe Prophet, i A Series of Me kr.a,he.l .ence s.e llla.lrst.d ia the V, l Meilitellons-liy Rev. A. Morloa Hrowe. velopmct eltb. story, aad II a l.i.elll.enl ikild aiav , fj.j-p,, K , VmttiMt . A Series ot fam.liw let gather l sad ai . idea. .b.., al I ,m , f.,,, , k , hil.lrea.-l.y W. .1. Kkiad. m- s4 anomaeiuafly, wbilf lollvotn the prls and pat- ItKioa of Harry and bis gimjnntts. thai b- rRild Ma athlr derive ri text 1hhL uu aance ia anuarurs bard atady. tor salt hy H. IK TI BKU, . t. lok store. HaU1Kk January UM. LATEST AXI SEW I'l BUCATloXS. JRKAKM of u 1 Kaaj; Nat, or ortone, by J H Junes; or the Three Antireatiees: Mine Us. of t'onnectieuA, . ode of UioO; Ten Nights la a llar-Keom, by T 8 Arthur) Masonry and Anti-Masonry, by Crclgh; CrTsulias, or Ik Heiress sf Fall low Cstl, i- tibi.'loni ' - Taory c' Christanity, hy Graysea; (te.le.a from th Three Continent, by M F Ward; laail. J Modl for Yeaag Mea, by th Bsv W A leott. It. I..- Heeaery af the "all iwowata.n, wi.a in piaiea. by l takes: eehee Areblteeiare, " Improvement ol Hcbeol h'" ' ,kt l'- 8 ",,k auiaerwa lllasltatioaa. ' Old, ee Historical Ph.'"" r "!" Preabyteruiaism, Ae . by Joaepk Hmith, II. V. t h seal eod. bf l.lelie l..aloa. for sals hy II. l Tl Raleigh, Heb ill, '64. (i. C. ISeek Fte-". si i tmiiii iumk'.q I IhREPAHEnakd published prraly for Fall aad H'diilay sale, of IHi4 44. Heysl Uis .Sert Uplenihaiy lllaatrwled. The P las af lb New Tlaeie. practically alnl esd's Fsms Posts af America Thoroughly a.1. Hart' Fea!Proae Writer of America. Tkar- aagkly Heviaad. . Auaeff IftmtlHm Ur, ir .Jrm.lnll, Vl-tfralti. tlneilrteh's Ilea ef Hrlli.h Poetry. Psrtraiu Tk ft hit Veil, a Hridal Uill Maraaly', Laysof Aaeieal Rem. Tamper s I'ro.srblal I'kllaeof ky. Corn, IHnrm SfrirmS,nilnllf hirl.4. Ikleakaiawr Jvraaalea aal Ita baere4 LeeaU tea Mere', Bew is lb Cload A lUok ml Caaaala Uoa. beau's CempkH poHlca1 atks. kirk thit'Uemplle Work. H.ur r I'omnleh- Peeal ft ark. . l ampbeir Ca4 Poetical ftaska. s Uiak Melodies. May P. sncal ft aek. Tk 1'te.t.l.lalis. aad Ik Poet, t'.loee. of M.Wrw Art. riee. t aloaat ef Modern Art. Wseos.4 Perte. I jrir of ik Heart, Eu.j Ft, ll; Alar ' Wa.ta. Reeerda al Wemaa pMg mt Ik Afsrliosa, Etc Ry Mr. Ilemaa. H. t. Tt'RJSER. R.C. Sok.tae. RaU gh, Use. JHtk, lf.'.t. !4-tf K and t'alrred aai.eMa, rtatfu a4 rastasaS. kv. Jeaas sa4 T4a, Ltasey. eutaee far e. at., Usntsw kne.ssa4 Is-W. like k-e. atlietol Piak mmA to-aa Isasse, b4 Tet, P.ia.s, Umg kawa. i L.a I. h.r. aad Bed Rlaakeis. H. L IVAN. (Ho 4. I'll t RKNbll M.naa. Freaiek IwLaaee. bak Al- u.a Mecaa, 4'nmasoa iteuutev I .so I talk, I alMugs, Pta.4 raakaorea, R. mka Ladies llaa4keerkMfa, Ueata 4a. t .11 sa4 ihmsi kefae fmm bay. H. L. KVANlt. apMver, IfcM, I It HLAI k ..sall tae Mike, Rterk Bad C alas .4 l laahs. I'la.n aa4 atore4, Rhtek aad Tstma , P a.n sad Plaid "ols, Pkanl ad UnUoleaaf Ik bvWe.lmpseta.iosA Jast reeiva4, ee ".!. U. U. IVASi'. ItayUaW 19. Ioi. UR ANDREW J. 8TKDMAN, , I Tt 1 1. V AT l-A( II AVIX.I menl la Pil.A-.', W. a ll asea4 s.a..,lr ike leerw el I katka., Ms a4 lie. . i. I ies. 4,1.1 I ... IT-if A largs lot of Mourning Goods. V -a-lai a... M a. tasbeq CIM a-.s a4 l. Us W. L A t. S. TU'Sr.R.' CompilciiitjTtmeUa, 2 Vols. 12 a flMIU Vulvto of poetry Bow prwiild M lh public X kftd tiwir rifi ia cvllrrtiM fur tk eMHpiler um. At h me it 4, a ir frml iMniil wuk tit at U abuU b ri-r4 W t 4etc u4 bUhra that every N'wrtb Cai uliataa migiU ha aa Mpttrtuaitj 4 ftMmitiH la a penaaaeat ao4 au TWttfut lorn, a tottv 4 m&ay pit tbat ttaey ka4freb- aMjf rf4 ul asluiirfi, and pfrbap fur a kia prrnr4 from rr parti for tha 4tbur. awaiK4 hy ibrir kind ro-oixrattoo, Ui wvrb baa ba neadajr, Uiwafa vlowlr, grt.wtuj: anui it ba reached it arewat txe:tkcb it baa bra itoibkH ptwar pwcf which it wu tbougbf eould be procured, yet ll fe4 thai thw ftrat iiiini4 uf the kind ia Nrtk Carvliaa will Meet with tbelaenrur tbe eiiiseaa foe whoee ae the work is. principally inleuded. Tboagh we My aol itave prudaeed atty eerjr ifrtrat poetp, atiH theae sfiwt" pnU ! (be MW will chow tbeat we powaea auaie of Mtbc pueta tbat are awwa It? Nam re; mea eudwawd with h if beat gilta, Tba Vision and ibe fiu-ulty dirioe." a a a a It is frtim ur k&owiedre of the writers that many pieeea ia tbi ettlleeiiua will derive their interest, and thuugh viewed hy the aevere ey tf eriti"ia., they wtmtd have been rejected, till it w thuu(Ut that public ei pettation wtyld have bee a dappeinled bad they been omitted. JPHtrira. vr aale ahoteiale and retail hy the pahiieher. TBI FAVORITE AUTHO&ES Of THE IOVTH ' A Stw Novel by ibe Auihorof llogf.n f 'uMt Edition, 10.CMX) CojtUs, Aotp Heady. THE II I DDEN PATH; A Ao, By Utarum HarUtntf, of itu-kmoHd, Va otu tieyniU -imo. cut, 4U4 Vimjt Vut$l 25. fpflE extraordinary iaeeeMif MIp flarland' "Alone X running through editiunfier edititta, with great rapidity re-pubihel in Rutland with a ttill larger ole trantilnted into the French and Uertnan Unfruaam with marked aueieii-i perbepa the evidence of the originality and popularity ( her writing, la the language nt an eminent eritic "She way henceforth take rank among the moat anceeeiful aoveliati uf the l uited fttate.' i'liie who have read 'Alone and theee who have not. ufaould will be lntereKled and gratified to know, oiher romsoce sndeong she is a poetess of rare fe- licity we are pale in predicting that her new work wilt urpea all her previout efforta in Ine delineation brilliancy and pwer, and thatMrerby will be called unb to record U on his iHHikii an one ol the moat popu lar and iuc('CKitul of modern literary Uauei. Aince n admg ' Alone.' we shall impatiently await the appear anceof 'The Hid-tea Path.' "--AY ). Kemi Mirror. J. (' IKRBV.Piibliber,l IV Naatwa atreet. New York, And for ntr ty all boukaellvrt aii'l m-w A genu. W. L. POiilihOY. Raleieh, 18i5. . 108 New Books. (1 RACE t.EI!, by Julia Kavarmh, author of Nalha j lie, ll.ily tit. us, Ae, Castle Bailders,-by authorof Heirol Redclitfe, UsartJ Ease, Ao. Travels la Europe and the East: year la Englsn4, Scotland, Ireland, Wall. Eranee, lielgiaat, Hollaed, Uenaany, Austria, Italy, Ureeea, Turkey, Syria, Pales tine and Egvpl by Sauiuel Irena-u. Prime, illustrated. 3 volumes IX uio. The Prat-tlesl American Cook lliMik. Mis. Strirklsads's Dorset nf Hfi.llntd Vol. V. Vt mid'. lilu.trsted Ns.ural lli.tory. Hoken Urakssa, a Se.aal to "beuila," by Mrs. Caro tin ,e llenu. I.rael Potter, or Fifty Years i Exile, by Hermsn Melrite. Moilern Sundsrd lrsasa, XII aad XIII. Uude for My. Eo sale by. W L. POMEROT. Rateil., April. II jS. k3 Bccont Publications. A view of the i4,riture Revels. tous eoneeming a Future Klale- by Asi-blii.kop Wkslvly. Tke t.'aivarML Uo liaserutbe Kartb uo Monop.ily, The Plurality of Worlds Edile4 hy Dr. Il.tcbeoek. t'looils and setokau,- by X'lisrlc. .Kaadc..albof of Peg tViithtigton.1 t'kri.iie J.ibn.tons, by Charles Reele, aathor ef Prg" Tke Elder by Mariae Jawes. E.bel: or U. ftoukle Error, liv Marie Jsrass. Roasaee of Aawrt ein II. .lory, I.y Joe k Usarard. Maud, and atker PoenH. by tennveou Plays, by Anna Cora Murratu UlaAvas,by t bsrle. Kia.ley. 4' or roils by W. L. POMKROY. Raleigh, Oct. I, ISil. lll-lt Irrrit ftkiifilitit. f P II E N EW Ct IM E, by'Thackeray . Tb Ui by Mintoa R 1 Gold- -Reality vsrsus Fiction, lie! per. A visit la tk eanan before Bevastopal, by Rich ard C. Md'armick. jr tieewe in th practice ef a Sew York Bargeoa, by Edward H Ihioa, 1. I. , Tke Life af (lama, by ki foa. Tk FeoUtep ef MU l'sul. life la California, Moaataia ad .Molehills, by Frank Msrrvstt. II is lacy l lb council of Treat, by Baagaaer. Tb Araacaaiaaa; r Note ef a I ear among tk la.'iaa Tnbeeoft'kili, by Edmoad Reel Hmith. A i.'skt af tVps, by Job Breagkam. A.-kerb-a, Politusal aa4 Hoelal, by Hckef. Fairy Tai f maay aalioa. ft Irt Ultm nl tkt Bri.isk ffj. Ckaadlar'a ."! of l'vpl. Fiby W.I. POMEROT. Ocubar 11. I&oi UM I'. NT PI RI.I( 4lW"' l; rary bit. aad Crrsspsa. h Cewtom ef Hicslagloa. Tbe kMH4 Rua l Or. Dtasbma af Caval Uf .k. ml a hue. mi t'karlts. Maaua aa4 an raaaaaals ol reae4 kMtcawf m H..M, a Ul. k b etu I'm... In wl. : ft ke. k myt, by t. R. Pkllaaaee tm. stick's. I'. B Bell CeOik bn4. Roget's Tk.ssaiu af lag ll.k weed a4 kl A new addHtaa. Uweary aad HMacWal Mussllasiss, by B.arruA. - a.aM.ry a(romaa Life, by Jam F. okartaa. . I. lm 1 al..l Baa. 1 1 Kal..k Pas. sad P easeH, ky R. 0. 1 Psaek. Is . sms MeaBoir al Wsnoleaw. A t'kiM . Hutan mt Rlaa4, kv Ckadee Dl'k. as. P.g Wugiaglwa . t.y. ky i kala Rs4. Tke aaee lead i ou.kee lry. KIM, ttt. me Hams amay. ky Jafca lis.. Cake, f "Ika V.rglaw .'um4.s,s Ae. Tk. k.rii.k Oevkaa. i M,l Huh la tba Rew Wart4.kv Mrs. Mary 4. Halmaa, awka l"Tssaw. ad e.M." fke af Haeghtea ! saa la -Askeey." Frank Uelle Jewraal la e.ike. FBleky . W L.POM(kT. tkepMek f. Mil. CKEENHl.OItU ItTtJl llsitllC'I (IIP1I1. VT tk sad af Tkrsa Yean, swk kss bee .1 tsr aad ee iiaesay af Ike aars at lk.s C pa) .as. a ar. 9tmm trass 4ks . a assisaseau kaee aawsaek a larg. Caaila. im mwm a, ae. , Ik, as kais aa ke.te. . saia, kalk, pab.M. Ike. tkeee tea sal., t'aaii aay la Ik. ka.keea C. eai.) Tke ssas. as tke Hae. ta Al. t'-as) kei. , la li. ft essera par. al tk. flats, wker. ike daag.i bm tl. t awek less. , A. Iks Umt aaaaal Mseflag. IV IWtevtag sSet. Were r le-le4 JtMk el.ntll I. . rrFlk, V.M Pi r P M K Ilk H .LL, laws. PkTKI. IU.. aemmey aad W. M. CIMM1MS. Ueaeral Ageak I lire lore I Oaaaa4oeaea. Ja. ete, Ir J A. M C. P., Wei Rsakm, he. t , F l s l.m. U J Lw4.av. W.J. MeCaeeatl g. W. tl(Uwa. J, b. t ale, l f. Mete. ttuas-U lM W.llls u g.s. ft tssMesM-ss. R. F, Li'ly. fl. H. I aAa. , Wt.a.eaew J ka Tsyl". n...n.. - tlilll. A. Wright i.e . T. J -kS I akaaa s R. taak. Pltaaeva-H . eill. t treeeeew. PWei g Itwm . be I. .evi s - ll. kert M. ftesics. All awa.waaw.ailo... sk.4 ke dir.' Wd la .k..r. aey ltm ml purtaga. PtrrR At4M, Aagasl tl'k, !. . L . - s ' CLAKENlKJX IRON WORKS. WILMINGTON K. C. ' . A. V. VAfcBOfch.fcl.EJI, Pnprirter. ri'llE MitisrrilxT tiavia wrlia the salir iaWrsat X ia Ibe -lUHl.MIUJ lttO.l enters Ibr fteass Enpoea, ef aay peww er tvW, . Caw Mills of every variety. Mining Machinery sad I'ump. firiet aau Flour Mills, coasplete. Varker, Turpeatiae and el her Water Wheel. Rice (eld Pumps and Engine, lavitt' Cora and tiub Crasher,. Kie Thrasfcera, , 'Hhiagle Maehiae, Bbatting llaogers and Pullies, OolluB Oin and Gearing, i Iroa Catting ef alt kind and pattern. . Bra " ' LoeoBotiv and Taewlar Bol ero, Flue and plain Cy iader Boiler, Blacksmith work of all kinds. Iron Dour for lluuses smf Jails. fllE ESTAB1.ISIIMEVT Having beif-orgaliid for theeipreet purpee of insuring punctually of the execution of ail erde ) the puhli ilic may rest mtisCed that any work which ' fer will be promptly delivei.d according a j , and of suck workmanship as can not fail may offer, o give satisfactioa. TIIE MIX HA MCA L DEPAKTMKXT Being in charge or men of talent and experience, 1 h.v no hee.tat.on in s.j .ng that the work her after turned out, shall compare favorably ia every I respect tual or tl most celebrated In tb A'liles and at price which will mak it te the in terest ol all in want to send m their orders. REPAIR WORK Always done without, delay -and having a large force (or purpose, it will prove advantageous to any person needing sock te give me the prefer ence without regard to expense of sending ea-w from a distance. Orders will be addressed to "Clarendon Iroa Works," Wilmington S. C. . A. H. VASBOKKEfXES. Oct. 28. f. NEW JEWELRY STORE. . CU1RLES II7TII0MPS0N WOULD renpeetfully Inform the citiieni a gy Hmleigb, th county and tbe country adjoining i that he baa juxt fitted up ia aplendid My la, tba bue formerly occupied by the tararanee Company oa the weet eida of Fayettcville Street, and between Mr. 8. H. Yoaog'a and Murray and O'NeaTi dry good atone, where he ha opened alarge and beautiful aaaorttneat of NEW JEWELRY. , -of all the aiwdern tyleT eouai'titi of the em amen la) and the aechit, and to which b invitee the atteatiopof the la-hen." . lie kaa alo, for the gentlemen, a good tot of gold and silver Watches, wuit-h will He warranted to per form well, when delivered y the eutouer. Atao few e ice Uen t iX)l'BLE-BAUREJLLKD GMNS, , I rought on especially for the huntera of Cnrolina At a great variety uf Walk tug taaaa, , In fact, at the New Jewelry Store, any and every thing, araally ke(d in anch eetablUhaientt, aay b found at prteee tUat eanatd latl to pleaae tbe eatoaMr LIST OF NEW BOOKS, X OW KKAUY, I Alfred Tennyson Usud and othef IVnis. 60 CU ' II. I hsrles Kcade Peg WoCagtva, a Kevel; 7i eeuts. Christie Jnhr.-t'ine, a Navel, Tt esnts, , Cloud. au4 Stm.hlne 76 eeau. III. William liowlu baud, Labor and liuld, J vols I6sa. ' A Hoy's Adveemnsla iko Wilds of Au.trlia,ilk illustrations. 7& rents. IV. Thomss He Qolocry Tb Kot Book. Ii seats. V. t'karles Kinr.ley T he Voyages and Adveawi of Avmaa Leigh. l.2j. tilsaeas, or tke Wonders of the shore. 5 cents, VI. Lieut. Ani4l. f,o of Dr. Arnol4 of Bogby- Oak-itshl, a Novel. 1. " For Sals by, W. L. POXEROr. Oct 7th. 114Ttll TAt LOU'S JEW KOOK. visit r usiiu, Hiss. too-.auo aiaras, i TUBTElt IMS BY BAYARD TAYLOK. r'iik elegant Steel Bgravieg. llaia,eleth. Price 1 hi. volane la record af lb aathia's wa Mrl snee dming yer's fraveilmthe atwveuawed t'oMnlews and I. .mended la eanvey aa eceraw mea o. meir ir. seal nkvsicalaud weial asaaeb Tks revolts el Ike writer's aheerratlms are give ta th seas delightrally natural style which characterises kw (devious eorks. -Ws weleane wiik nleasur tkis long prouiise4 work. Tke Isst af ikre volumes comprising Iks travel. Iu Central Africa, Egivt and India, of os af the am-, ia- delstigskle travelers of Iks day. Ws kaow of ao book, ol tlie kind Ika. keep tke reader' aUeulina M murk alive"--m.adav Iiiatrk. "Mr. Taylor kas aras4 a rsvatatiea as a traveller, never soaalled by aay Aaiericaa, aad in'sssed by but few pereuee e..w l.vtag. e vealare tkt anantea.tkal this sea book will ke generally confessed lobs his greatest aad best work." PorFaleby W. L. PuMERUYt Oct r fc ' 15 Inportait It Bogukftpm ill Dilcr. T II E II o"FeM ILLS. Tl Folia St aad 71 Aerfauan .., .V rort. Principal Ofl 101 Freat iu, Saw Trk. Factory, Xa. M, 17 1 IS Uda St., Jersey City. rjVHK PRttrRlEtURS af thi long aad well kaewa Coffee and Spice Establishment, le prepare tke beet PHARM AOEl'TICAL Ptlft BKRt) la ase for es4, 4caU, is ea4 eOernAs, . They ale prepare Maatard, Cam 4 maay ether article ef daily an i a every family, wklek tkey offer aaoa tk moat teasoaable terms. Oetalogae seat I dealers wka reqaes. Ik. R. II. J O. ISH AM. V. B. I'easasisri adviatd ta laqaira for Hon Mill article. FALL AS D WIXTEttOOODS, rot ins. riHIC Suhacribar take pleaaur m announcing A ), iia friends aad eastoenera, Ibat his FA l.L AM WIMLK bTilt k tF KTAI'LK AM) FA5.CY I'KV UOtlDS ar muw ready b aiami aalioa. He 4em 11 aaueeeaaarv s4 xld foe. U soa.k af th utml of kia Fall' pursksa kk etaek will speak . Haelf. A U prices kt I gm.ra.yaadrle4.all rlgkl4ura, msi, IMJR le the tewsal Igure. He lavitae aae ssd all (a lep.ter ef, ila nail, aa4 lb g4 will b skowa wllk a goaa will ui wee et saerys. H. L EVANS. One dee abee R. Bmltk ssraar, Ralsigk, Sept. it. WA. lift-. tfr ICIIIII TBItllll IIU1II Warth af Land VirruU WntirP. ( Wrr IA mw Hry, 10.1, aad iid M-rA, ur isAa A tAs A.yAcst nwh yrmrri v.ihe r.ll SakaevtW will ealleel ell wernaU aa4er said I laws, das ta all ealdlera Urn It 4ave M earlHt W k anldM to aeaa ta Immv Wlw ae vs. nee sk.t Mea. Pbssmb aaevaass la tk. Haks.rike, fcy eaa.l aeky Aaaa'a kssewlesseaay a Ikvaugk Ika backs a.ll kavs tke, e.ke4 a. figh aa4 SeaM..sases a. ma ay rssara bm.l CHkee eppasile lwreae' M'4l, Faytw..lieS Riiit, ore ,. a 1).kk:r, Cetlera. t-dgtng. ftlkawa. J I ader.lesvea. iMertlag. t-tavea, II eatery. etaa.Si0 irtmrntag. Jaet le kaad at Re. IV, Cheap fl. II. U EVANS, Raleigh, Sept. t IKA. Ilt- 8and Taper. a St l'I KItlk Artiela af Saa4 Pspee. i lr-m I la ft. aes.iky H. D. TI RNTR. Raieitk. kept. II. Ill-' a . - A Law I lock of Wonted Ooodt. t m I U .-i., P aid Ural kreaek M.n.u, all fcadS I e'S Iwlash " !. fr-ta . l. I fe ra I k.iti d C mi k, mrnmmm aa4 U-a. Is- !'.. trnt Wae.lie (Mesa, , P j auks. t.l 4 I PKOSl'KCTl'S SOtm CitOLIM tUUSTtl iitociti. rpHE North Carolina Aaaaal Cafereae. l ' 1 WetkKi..t ..p.pai t a, aln Z j U.aw4 Uiaaw a weuly p, Warui. : a.ais, tM subscribers sre aatheriie la taawTTi 1'roaiuMa. '"" i ,. . while it .hail h. Ahgham t. Jt.T " : aaa maiuuitt thedoetriaea aaa uaia at ik. tlzS' ' eUUt tht rch, shall be oatoled ta mli ike mitntt f A'ertA t'ersftaw, and furnish uiteugebe iar n la of reader, la MX and mypwmtt the tH periodical ia to be euual to any or aw t'harck tl. per, while Uyrill surpasa them a.i ia auaBtedaal : to the want ol our people. The entire mauiheiZ!! of the existing Adtocetea 'i ts IB ac,MiurJ our poj. tion,lotoeru to the pabliuttioB ef ew paper, and we confidently expeel (be heart) ratio ef the Members of our Chunk ia allZT of the Slat aad Conference, aal hop te ,,JT2 t aMil intat-Mtiliir il liia.,...:. p"IT.on Xnm tb g'oara.lyi Th " Advocte" will fc pahiish. bed at a. ' bw will be tesae4 a " practicably after las nextBeasioB of r ' ( tt " bebeved that the plliea.a ma oe convenoeu on ta 1st of January, .17 desirable that as large a sabaeriuti. a.IikL ohtaina.. h.r..r. .!,..'... '.j .7 W mbi M 9thm inwnMti j. ,h, ,nwr peetfull, nrgeJ to secure sad forward, L.?. addrex of wbKribera, particular attentive Ll! paid to eor.ectnes ,.n wriUng tks nelson, noat offices and f . " ts - . - j aos k . may have no opportunity of ubscri bin. thrli. th agency of our Minister may writ dir.oT' W. ft. P.1I Eavetteville. S r.. The payment will be expeeted upeaMfe ' the tlrnt namher. The location ir.u rr?.m eftc will be determined at th SessiolT WILLIAM E. PELL; " W ILLIAM CARTER, KIHS T. IIEFLIJc, N. II. I). WILSON. ' WJI, BARlUXtiJER. July, 1866. . ComtniUet. 95 Dry Goods. Oraries, Fxnnicg lmpTemec! " Buks - Mt'SK-AL lasVRUUKMra, . , CmiACEi, FSCIT TIIEJ, a aiiwtM mm ran u a m - CITY OF NEW TORI, At H tV.wX CENT. COMMUWON, JT-fltce to Hob. W. A Oraham, O. g, Baiirsr. . L. INvaM. I Merheail.0.P.llea4eabaU,.Oar M. W. Weodfta, aad oibsn. , m iMk, MH PETEE W. HINTOI, COMMISSION MERCHANT, - uu. i amd 6 oTiigr't wasar KORFOLK, VA. SPEOIAf. attentloa paid te selling Toasec, Fun, llss.a, Cotvoh, h'irsL froaaa, Ac, Ae Altai Uvceiving aau kon.anl.rg tloeus. , Kkthtl TU Cbaa. L. Illntoa, Eq. Wake Colnty, Jf . C. J, tl. B. Koulhae, Es Raleigh, K. V. George W. Uaywgod, K.,., Kalelgb, M. C. Ws. Plummer, Esq. Warns ton, K. C - - l Dress Goods i PLAIN Figured Plaid. sad Arips4 is, j " Black Wuerrd da. very cheap. Satin Plaid, Striped. Figured and VI.. s D.lsrS. ' ' t'hali, Berage Us Lsee, i'ranek Jaeoaets sad evaiaW' Lawns, a large assornaeat at vary low prieas. itinghams, Brilliaaleet Plain. Boiled and Figured kais Meslias. 1 11. U EVANS. . March 29lh, lilt. Ten Dollars Keward! STRAYEDontole frowssy plsauiioel Frsskllt eoaaly. a Ss.ardsy aigh. Ike Ilk Is. I., a ty Imirrrt Hrmm. Tke shore reasrd af U-B dailsff eit kf paid for his r ever aad delivery te at. A. . PEKkV Loai.bnrg, August lllk.lS'i- - -JUUlJ&RtllL. BEEBE Camp IEEBE'8 Spring style of Hat. Leghorn, Hire apeschy, Wool and Soft Fur Hal, al M C K n A Y A O'NEAL'S. Four doer above R. Smitk't fcraer. Wbiu Front. .1. S. Raleigh, AprllS, 1S&4, tV n. w. an il. . . . tucu LAW COPARTStRfiUIP. ' MILLER 4, 110GEK8, (AtUmty and VuhmUim ml law,) KALKIiill, X. C. YV I l.L attend promptly toall business entrusts to Iheio! ' oct24 lli. HY Milk ANI lAhlilhfi CDLIAIS. 50 r v besea received lit Ilk a.C W sea salt al are la wsat. E. L. DARKIfO. Raleigh Octo- 10th 1SS5. it ir Ir. Iprisg'i liw Ttfl . . 'PIIE contrast between goad aad bad , If X Uardner Spring, II. U. Received and f r al by W. L. POMEROT. October U, ISM. - 124- D WARDS ON THB OF BAILMENTS. LAW table of contents. Cthapter 1st, BailmeaM; akeptw Id. Deysin cbsplsr Sd. Ural a.tuas t'emmlsaknaa sr Ms dataa ; ekspter 4tk. Grataitea Laaaa; skat htk. Pledge, ar I'eeaer ckapur 7 Ik, Of lakeefsm klk, (iemmea Carrier and t amers a ra.wsagere. Tk abee akabter r tral4 very fan.wtwg a book af M7 page. One copy will k maiM, tM f palg. a rseetpt af l,uO. Jmrt Ublitbs4a4 fae al by ' iii.iii .lorin . rn . 144 Nan sire. I, N. V., aa4 Hi Braade.;. 1 T. l.n 1 MtatillM Cloakt. Jut U EuA 1 sR ri'RE MDST fOMMANPINU ANB V4II"T X sesweai. af Fail w4 Wmtae Ibasks, tksjl set keea eaeasd. Uu la tksmarksb Veleet C'lnka, Velvet A Mav Aa.lqa la Cambiaatiw. t' Maa.les A Tal-eee Silk Msallea ft. k triage A I lias Maria. ekawlalVam II. m , Mea.l-.Te!lisg rfcsatoacd glsakrts- W.ll.A R. 4. Tl t It" UjI '" lilts oils or Cognae, Wine and Eu a rra anu-nos y t r (IIIUANtttllb It S WPLATT-STkHlT. -t a- N w'tUHIkS- Ralk II sll. ky Pr ' Fudge li a(. ky Ik. Maevet. WUsf.s ftat. ky ft lessalsky k lk.lit . L. POMIROt- OIINSTOSII C BbMISTRT l)F fO" LIFE -Just reeive4 a targe rM ' " aly fastis wk. W. t. PvMklO- .bus l a. .A . IJw-" 1rlt Rs arsreiag pef, 44W stsea, I wrm aad (. l. -t MtCtt Fet.W.g Ree l. !' bkT 4 cr k.y roo woWL Nee, T. V f v. i.rrt aess Tafca, "ir!"? futC I .Wf-mleky UNtiWkbbl l .....k.rg. i-e. t. wasMff l: i r v

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