- LA, llortb-Carolina ?iar. ; WILLIAM a DOUB, imtoi isd rioninia. , ... . IS tut t i If said itrtet'T hi tdswno. tw oollsrt per - a; twe itaUart and Ally cent, if paid withia ix uioBth ; anil three dollars t the nd of th A D TEH TfHEXEXTS not exceeding alxteea in will Im inserted one lima far obi i..llr, and j vwantT-nrt Mat for 3h sut.eiiunt insertios, I Thau of greater length will be charged propor j. tionstty. CourtOrdeii nail JuJirmlAslltllkSffl'nt-1. will M ehargeo 25 per ml. higner tnaa 111 aw ratss. A reasonable deductioa will b mad to hott who advertise by the Tear. Book aud Job Priutirg done with aeataet -despatch, and oa accommodating term. SltALJlKKCTyUY. 'Clt UOVKKXMENT. Wm. Pallas Ilivyvrood, Ititendant ol Police. j f 1 enBMH-KUVSKIt. ; . . . '. Ektlcr Ward. Idrulge Smith, A. Ad mi. Ifitklle, WartV C. 11. Root, . " K. II. Buttla, " 0, W. Haywood. . Wetter Ward. A. M. (uirmitn, . " " II. D. Turner. J. J. Christophers, City Clerk, 'It, H. Buttle, City Treat. Citg Guard. Jamm M. Crawley, " Jackson Ovrrhy. , td'y CoattablaJ Edward Harris. - - William Andrew. - , A. Adams. Wnighroaster, Harris, Clerk ol the MarH ' kot. COIUTS. The Suprenu! Court of North Carolina 1 reld la thi city amiii-nnnunlly, on the second n.lny in June, and tlte 3tlth day of Dwember (. Hun. Frederick Nash, his Juntioe, 11. I. I'eamcin, AwMckMr ude, ' W. II. Hattlfl, ' .. Edmund 11. Freenmn. CIcirk: Hum. C. Jone, Reporter; j.J. I.itoiiford, Sr., Miirsliall. i'l Vmtrd iSfadfj Circuit t'uurt for the l'in triot of North Ciirolitta ie'lield ecini-aniiuull i thii city, on thtt 11 Moudny in June and the liust Monde; in NotemrK'r. Judijet. Hon. J. M. Whvue, of Oeorgiti; II Henry 1'otter. of' FveiteviiU; Diftrii-t Attorn Uoliert l Iiuk; Cl'.k. Wid, 11. Haywood, . iManthall. Woley Joiips. The tiiipXior Court for this County, i held on he nrat .Monday Ul'ter ti.9 fourth M nuuv id March and S(twntlwr. i John C. Moorr, I'hvk. '. ' Jo. II. Bachelor, Attorney Oeneral an4 Soiti- j itor of the fourth Judicial titriot. v.j The C'-mrl of' Plitn and (Jwutrr &riiiu-i ; hnld on tlie third MixiiluY in r'elrury. M.iv, ; Auent ftH'l No!wl. 'if. Cih'V, t'lf'i k. ' CkairmUH tf Us Cimdj) CatirL i) Uam lloy t ! . ... . .v : I'y CtiHini ,vfri(iji--K'. P. ..1 ifriolt. N'urijjuf Wwto tSn'y tt illiuoi t'wyiirr Wilit SMtu Jityister,il. llulion. BANKS. Bank of tins Stale "f Xir.'k Camlinn. i -e rated lK3i. Cbartor op rr. 'n. liiii. ' .,:. l,jll',0 IU, din.lr-1 ioio 1 '..li .11 .iie ol . .. . the l.'terary Uoird h..l K irSi ml the Intv iiv liHKt. Prineipil Hank it It i'e th. OeorKe W. A rie M . P.e ,.'nnt. Charles Dewey, Ca-li er. J. II. Bi-van. Jr.. i'e.ler md Votary I'uhlie. W. B. Aiole- u, iiii'.o..tit t ieck unti Noi irv Puhlie. , Woid.m Woiuiile, Jr... ! loi k. ' 'I'liii ll.mk 'ivs oi-.e uii i. 'ew tierii, T.irb ro FajreUMilte, Wibami- h, Winalieih t'iiy, L'nar lotto, .Hilton, Mor,rain-n sod Windsor,' winu f 'iis. ' Oil the liirt of ttie .M.e-trV, Cuortu, l'il'. i.t Tretsuror. airf: 1., 'B. ltraueh id W, I It IWe. . On .lie part of Ihe Siu.'kuol-lura : Wu. Uovlan, tt'ui. i'c.ie-, J. II. Ill v in, J, K.O. UouIUue, Ai frc I .roio s and B. F. Jlooie. Offorinz niid hVneiva! dny- -Tuesday Discount dav V' 1'Uocx.l.it DiHueslia Bills and Biili d Coliano d every day. Business hours from 10 till 2 o'clot-V liscount- ' llnlri.jk Rrnnrk of tie Hunk of the C'ujrf Fair William 11. Jones, Cashier. R. P. Finch, Teller and ViUry Public. DtortBs. tieo. W, II irs-ood, T. It. S-lhy, 8th J.mee, (ie.ir l.iilln, Dr. Tbos. . Hngg, ...I C. IV II 11., I. k, r. IHf.trinj das )lonil:LV. lliaiu.utit. dav TueadaT f " a i ' J . RAM, lt (ADS. ital'iak and ',' (i'ih'shk C'osijusjl. F.. A. t'rudnp. Prwident, . W. W. Voss, 'Ireusurer, . J. M. Pool, Assistant Treasurer. C. B. Allen, De.,.,t Agent, Mail tnoi U'Aes 10 uiiuule after? A.M., rrive at oj P. M. Xorik Cnrtdiua Hailtuad ComjHiKu. Chai. F. r.her, Prri.)i.t. C. P. Mciidetihll. Treanroc. J. I. Wast, r re.xlil nd ticket A sent. Mail Ira a arritea 5 o'rUsk, A. M., fnua the Eat; and departs 10m. alter io'chics, A. M. Mail from the Wsst arrifas ai 32 minutes af ter 4 o'efcica, P. M. Departs at St() luuiulcs bs for 5 o'clock, P. M. , lOST DI'FICE. Wiiria:a Whita. Hr., Post M.ter. O hours, oa work days, from Sun-rise U 9 P.M. TBAVELLF.U8 GLIDE, (nair ii. iss mriitt or ni sr iiinoi .ViILTII1:KN MAIL Uv IUiLa.ua.) Thrmieli Mail tloss daily at 8) a. w ar .Mail , P 9 Arrives daily 01 j. Th Cars Irs. lb drmt rMCTHtU.V MILM" T-lloas Ilara. Ouasi deity at I p. as) Arnraa dally at p. at Tua Hack lcts n 7) p. m , WKSTF.RX MAIL By Rsiit..j Ctusa daily . at 9 ft. as. Arriree da.lf at 4 p. at. The Truia lsve . at 4 f. m 4JOI.DS BOKO MAIL (Ur II . 1 1 a ., o. i 1 Laws daily, ai p. m Arrrraa daily at 5 ft. in Th Car tsasta da ly at 1"M ftfier 1 1. n T A RBOUO' M A I Lt Itv Ta o-auasg tl m . Cl ase. o H,, 'as, Tuas anj Thur., tl 9 p. ai Arrives I as. In. Tli ir.. ami Ssl., al 7 p. u Jlst klesiesoa loa. W s I. an H n , at 1. 11. PITTMMIRO' MAIL illy Tntrr aot.i II t CIhsmki Taassday an l Saturday, at ft p. in rnis on Msn 1st so T'lnrsilas, at ? p. Hack ln oa .tua. , W r I. atrsut, 1 a. as SpUndld Stock ofGoodi! - - 1 1 r aj 9m assvsa ska Uris.s 1 f ass. -y r-J.. Hats. SftS, asy. li , 1. 1 1. u s A a p..-si -a sa lAalalca. sa4aa tliss ha.a lsS kaagkt sarsiai t Its W.ll ka ny. sSaa Ita ssss a-on Asfass Wa sAs.il ka alsa.4 l .s-a is-hi Aa as aaataisrs ffissaas oaa taa katiar asks.a is. U a ft . 1H tbR. assst.lt 'it. Ill- rt, f.tiri n aktikiiot a. Mr S Bar WaAsaksa- asw, Hs -aa y 1. a. Hsas as Am sts, ass aita asAs ssaa- a S P'f a. Ltlilrs aTait.a absssi I.a4a' raasa tkt 1.. aissUoM D , t4.n' twas vwas, (last east 'aaa k t ka at aAiaili as tsn sS IWi kill ka aOS H as -SM ftslAX Mai IsUw4sim OS.H VOLUME XLVH. s T PREMIUM LIST. for the Fourth Annual Fair of tk Aorta Caroli 1 na Plate Agrkmllmral Sarirty, to 6e hrld im . Ratrigkih lilk. 15A, With and 17 tk rfoy of October. 1856. BH4WCH l.J.IStocl.. FIRST DIVISION. lf Clatt Thorouyhbrtil. 1 For the best StJlionoer four yean old, $'25 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12" 14 14 15 Hi 17 Z;irt " " lo 3 For the Wt Stallion orer two and under four year old, 13 4 For the best Stallion Cult under two year old, 10 6 For the liet Brood Mare over four yean old. 20 6 For 2nd boat Brouu Mare orer four year old, 10 T For beet Brood Mare and Colt by her ide. ' 20 8 For Beet Filly under four yoam old, 10 lit thin claw), purity of bl ood being the hizhrit point of dixtinution, well uutheutiuated (icli. gree mut in every cae accompany each animal put on exhjbitkm to compote for any of the aUote 18 1J 20 21 Secoml Claat. Draught Uorte fur Road and Farm M'oik. ' ' ' 1 For the best Stallion over four years old $-'5 2 " 2nd " " " " " li i For the liest Stallion over two and under four yuara oid, " 1" 4 For the best bliillion Colt under two y'rs old, -10 5. For the best Brood Mare over four years old. , . 20 ft For 2nd beat Brood Mare over four years old, I'i 7 For the bent Filly over two and undor four, . 1 .- Third tVtiw. Muti'ltnl or.uf. 1 For the beat pair inntnhod Carriage !l..rei, , --Mr- 25 2 For the-bmt plir inati:tu:d Horses raised in ihe Smte, 2i 3 . For the Sud bet pair mstehed H irses raised in the State, 20 Fvw tfr 1"a. StH'f UnrneM and Had l'tt F jI' tl-e b-t uiii'' ltirsc I Mro orUol-i ,) '' r tiie !.-! ,' n ihe s-,te." For Tio' 2s i 1,hi m -i-il ui :..! u (),. -t t i, If -t-.c fii"l ill II'.! II "se 1 i 20 -1 !l l J .i K - A N mr s.ro. F r ihe ip. 1 .leiil-.e-t vel i'T- lih-ar-. " . K.vthLli i.y illK I AT. F .r ihe lie t mi t ia-tm J.ie raiel in ili Sine. F r lb" lie-t so l I irire-it Jnunett raised In toe Si r.c, 15 I 2 1J 1 F ir the lt pair MjiIc. r"fti"Tycfrr4 idd raieil in the-Wr-ie, 2 For the 2 1 lei piir .Moe- vr ih e ear old r.tiel in tii" S - , 'J . 3 lor tl.r U-t single M .! niel Stale, SCOM) MVl-'UtV. , raTiu:. , th. Ij For the liejt Ilu'l user three years ohl. 2 ' 2d 10 3 For lite lies Bull over two years and under three, 4 For the bet Bull o'er on year and un der ISn, 20 5 For lb taut Bull Call, 0 For lha beat Cow li re year oid and n r, 7 For tlie 2nd best Cow three years old and oyer. . 8 For th best Cow user two year and un der three, 9 For the best Heifer Calf. 20 i I 15 I I'M The same ela'i Heat ion adopted, and the same premiums .flerod for Durhauis, Ayshiies, Alder uey'iaud llcirlorlv. . CSlt'SSo 11VIO UIKIk All) KSTItCCATTIS. 1 For lb best Bull over tbrea years oM, 2" 2 For rh.bet Bull under three yearaold, 15 3 For the U-x Cuvr under Hire year old, 12 WotKINU OltX. k For lb iMt pair Work Oj.cn, 2i i 2 I. r li 2nd best pair Work (Hsn. I') lu in it class, sue, -ante and docility will be regarded a chief raiiataof merit, y tit citrijl. J For tbe beat lot of fit eaiile, mA (as Uiaa three, 15 2 Fir the kst siuls fat Ol, CVw or (pay-' td Hcitr, 7 iM'a cows, 1 Fr th Iwal Milcb Cow, irin( ntrt lea than 20 quarts, I ,15 1 For th Snd best Mii. h Coot, sin( aot Iras than '. ijarta, 10 (joaliiy as wall as ipianlily be takea Into c-.o-iltrsiin It, deisriMiue tl be it evw, and the I length m tlln Il4nw will (it aiilk. sacuk tiok His' ks, e. me. -.miliD Mllu.V. . sastr. , Clam -Mri, C WassM east bmlU-Hrm. j , Vuf ,u ,wk t paavf liwaa, not las thsa psa of Lani!), a) last thsa till, 2 Ihres, ' aiTitas taa iilum I Heal pea of tat H ii.rs, a. 4 I lbs I For lli best pair uf I aarare Gust, 2" Milking '.. i. any kind. lot UTII JilU-loN. v -1 1 e. I F- M teM i. t' B , I r.1 .hl, " B.es-b tbvn -ik p is, I - - i.sl.f. w. 4 - tat, a.l!. A, Vila t I laa , s a .. I - .if 1 T .a. eis I alo'les IW'A H ... fi s ,. 1 1 - . I beatrta, 1 I an a, t.f ar a , . . . .'as.Mkl CU---! a f s- l a I a-i H s Msr r- . 1 ' 1 a js nas ,. ..!!, . '" ass-lii g a. ai m lft old add U-a lai ibaa U , 1 i " la .4 ft I Wsa Iks I ai ga as4y tea as astl 'd, tnis sJeea tf.s ssjasi IVa, I'saa-t. fee ft as,t I kiasaa. ta,.s a I as lNara s4 a tit tsi rsgsrbd sa v fsr ibatt I diss, ag qaali- tasa, , r"J -.s I F.sr fh Issat H as sr la", yasss tit 1 - 11 as I j V a ' a , ) .A' al I aad a-a lpa tUa. i t. a-a. ) la ' i I EALEIGH, NOETH CAEOLINA, WEDNESDAY MORKING, EEBfiUARY 6, 1858. hiii.tt. For the best pair of Shanfha'u, $3 S 3 3 3 3 3 S 3 3 3 IKirkings, " " Poland, " Brahma , " " Cochin, " " Black Spanifh," . " " tinu " " W ild Indian Game, ' Sumatra " " Stone Fenc " o ' tVtuiinica, 11 o- rTorkW 3 ' " China tieese, 3 " " C.inaua tlce-e 3 " " Coiuui m tioeae, 3 " " Muwniry Duck. 3 " ' Common or 1'uJ llc Duck 3 the handsoinent Poa Fowl, 3 the best halt' doncn Duinea t'oU, 3 the best and laririt exhibition of P.i'ihrv hy one ovhibitiir, 10 the best exhibitions of Pigeons, fill A Mil II. AHrulture. Fir tt Clit.--Fuld Cm)uhitie State.) TjJ-bTKwaiili)d by the Kitvulive Conimltleu.at 4-w4seFtint4 be held tor that purpose in January liext. 1 For tl e bwt cMfi' of WMPat of not less than oO acres, nor le.j9 than 30 buvhcls iwracre, $50 2 For the best crop of Wlieat not loss than 5 acres, nor lc.. than 40 bnhels per ni'te,' " ' j , 3 For the 2nd be t crop,of Wheat, not less than 5 noron, ' .- ,.,! 4 For thf Ini.-it iinip of Indian Corn, not less thtm Ml acres, nor les thitn 50 bushel -per acre, 5 For Ihe lie-t empof Indian- Corn, not less than 5 i 'fen of reclainind or improved land, to he studied and weighed hctween ,m the I5tti Xirr. n.d tlie l,ili December, not hVii than Ithi huhels per acre, 0 For thn 2nd be-l do. do, dn. not tliati 5 Ituhel per mere. - 7 F'r the be-t crop of B:irley.not less than 1 acre nor la than 50 bushels per acre, 8 Bet crn)-.f Rye, not less than 10 aerc. tior let, iff oi 'it) iiahets per avre, 9 Be-t crop of O it, not e- than I't aeni, n tear than 1" hiil.cU per ;ier, 1) iie-L cr ft oi tiin kil ileal, oot lor-s (hsn tiv i u.-rei, nor t;rin i'l hunhe:. v" ! l'1 1 :,vi . 1 li ;.:'m 13 li.-M 1,';. -M If. fill f 1'. uere-S. u.lel- JM'f a 1 , He i lli.ni ol) Bel acre uvi e, im: ii 1. .x than 75 liush 14. not h s than 75 tu-ticlft wr el", . 20 ;t; 11. si crop i.f lin.uud P 1 ii'-re, nor less tlem m-rc, 17 ilesi crop of Cotton on n d less than 50 :re. nor Ua tinurloO lh. H'r sere. IH U crop of t't.itoii .ii not less Itiau 5 a;Vcs, UoT less ihitn K SI il,s. per sere, I'i itet crop of TiiiiiHliy, Orchard (iraas, IlliiH lirass, leather llrnsa, lor tioids t.iaiuniy, rained tui 25 iieie, me bale sent as a siiinjilc, 20 Besi 4 uere ,1 Hay.notlpss than 2J ton to the aero. 20 111 Best cr.pof hacei i'maloes, on not less ' ! iliiiit one acre, ier less tiinu huahels ier fere, t 22 111 eror. of Irish PoWtoes. not less than I" i Jl aeiw. mr la lliail .IHI Ittlsltpla t.es acre, 23 I'l'-t crop oi t'nriiip. riot lws than sere, nor ks, ttnui 50J bushels pur sere, 21 Best crop of Turuiis not less than 2 acres, 25 Best er, p of Beets, not less than ) aero, nor test than 4" huslicia sr acre, 2(i Hi-si crup ..f I onol.,1 lib sainc condiiious lor beets.) 1.7 Be-t erop i.f 'fobneco, cimbiliili ijiianti tv ami quality, nl less than iSi,uU hills, asiupl.is of iet b-s than 3 Hm. of lsi, ud and ,trd ipisliues to I4 fur nished the Cuinuiilie by tl.S 1st of J.iiiuarv la'ii. 28 Be-t Ki.iKVl bills Toliaeco, with same conditions, 2U Beat orp of I aer of Hops, with full ae cou'nt of cultivation ami preservation, .30 Best crop of 1 acre of Flux, with sain account a ahoy. 15 Still, mmli to bt w.ot- fy emmuetitart on Fitid Cm JUL I. 1 n. laml iant Is nisaaursq hy s.ai com rtciit person, who shall mak aAdayitof th aisstntf y uf th tneasureoarat, and th quantity of Hi grotuia t. 'i he ar lusi.l shall task aSdatil, aanb ing lo the f..tuia snnexe l.i.ihe quantity of grain rai-es on the ground, entered li th pre s 011a li-l, wlilvL aladavit must areotanany llisspi.li esli sn I T profiiiiirui, t.geiber with atsuiplaol tli gram or other nnsiuei. 3. Tn principle ot.jeot of lb Rociety being hi pniawla proataJo culuvaiioii, it dun nul offer tirmiiuius lorcroi pnaluord ny extravagsni ex. IHoliturs; Uo refora, detailed cemlird seouut uf th ip- use ol cultivation, must 1st aisde; th tneiisa of labor aaat aaanura ttaiedi and tli kind of aisiiur aseL 4. The kind anj ai.asliliiai uf thtnl:ihqun- pl.atnig or soaiag. atatad. Isunidatof grata aad vgatatds prislsKed, tu La ethii,iie4 at lias Mi Fair, where pralH-ahls,and also to be aent k. Itss l.is-utivt Com. at Kab'ith prior lo the aiMting i.f the C m. in aaary la.,. 5. Th giaia bmjsi aii her La waigbador aseas. 1 A !. . . 1 ... o 1....1. -i. , ... b . 1 . i It ear, aad au a.crg at 10, sa if not lea ihtu f ur barr.'la i.f aasrsga iimli'i i.f sbe. last. etesniM. an4 wigiM4 sw asaasura t,as ahotsi. . 1 alter llss I nk ol .V.t aad tba naattait ol tiaslils "'.1 . 1 .....li. ik..m..., rst of as Atnfttviy, . C ui.',M. H. A. 11 ,brsng daly twiara. 10 asv. ha a-s-a . ct u.a.suiad lha taad ais.ii whit-h I C. I. rs. s crop "f h pay seas.as.svnd I V lha qosfti iy I Its U4 ia ar tad ess 3 , -a. iSlgft-IJ A. It.' . 1 Hi III I. la" lot as a, ll.As da) as - ' l1 . . ii C u rf. K. M. (', 1), ia m4 avwra .5 si ' l ij.! 1 e .p i i i - In , ' sraa-a. t i i a . a . s .red i.j A . It , a .i r q .' I u .' r . . "bare. aa I ' r..t as as a i.t .ws..,ia in aatal t ,,' t.,,. a' a ' a s, s j ga n.i iisa a . I. ' . ,1 ' ' i . . ' t ' - . a- a a ' ' - . . .. s li I-' I' A ikl f i J.S 1' 4 be -I i I. r riiml ', it a l I -.n. I Uakssl II a : - s-v - I - laa, 4 a, .at I A-1., t as - tl,a, " " " ll.l'.t, " b-a.' II - , " ) P, t " ",.m4 I - I - l - - a M M 1 1 I - lil M " - H I .-Aal a, I I - .-h - I 1 ' 14 For the best sneoimen of Cotton, 50 lbs, in seed. tbe greatest variety of the aboy arli elo rai4 on one tarm, the bust specimen of Virgin Dip Tur penti a, on barrel a sample, thi bestapocimen uf Kosin.one barrel the best do. I lent n jirepared or drew'd, 3 the best do Flax " " 3 the bet Maple .Snear. 3 " the bust of laf Toba;c", not less tluu 10 pjunds, .3CiW OnM-i-SaU Vrbeimiai 1 For bc- t half barrel Pickled r Mess Beef, . Sisiiu.le t.i liA emikeiL ?5 a 1 .... V...U I A IH.itrhk.1 ..h tta. tk.sk X I c. wa. .1111 i..a. 1.1 ..,.-w.v., 3 ' " don. Bacon Hawis, 1 vj( nntbwt of nue. one to be eooke I as a s.inn.is, - " 10 4 For best half dot, Muttnn or ciiisun liiius, 5 5 " boat barrel Una Herrings, 10 0 " liest Cut d 1 1 7 " besl barrel Shod or Mullet, 10 Exhibitors must itate tit nnting mode of Pick ling the JJeefauiiJ'ork and curing and ptcserving the Baoun. . - . DAIRY. 1 1 Best sample of Fresh Buttqr uot less than 10 lbs $10 2 2d best do do do 5 3 Bust Fnkio i f Butler not lest than SO pounds, 10 4 2d lies! do do do do a K Hast siisonuen of ClieGne. 5 The process ol makiug and preserving the Butter and t 'hoe-e, and its age, must be given iu full by the exhibitor. FOOD, CONDIMENTS, &:., Ao. X Best speeiiiittii of Who.tt Flour, 1 barrel as sample, ' - 10 2 2d best - da : lo do do ' 5 3 Bust specimen of t?oi n Meal, 2 1-2 buah-' els as sample,- 3 4 Best siecitucn of Buckwheat Flour, 1-2 barrel as sample, .5 5 Best specimen of Rye Floar, 1-2 barrel 11s sample, 5 6 Best specimen of Starch from Wheal, Potatoes, 3ths7u. sample, 3 7 lioal aueuiuieu of Wheat Bread, 3 loaves, 3 .821 ls;.t do do d 1 do i U Best specimen of Corn Bread, 3 loaves, 3 10 .Best specimen of Uniiey, hall g-illun strained, and in couih, 10 lbs, 3 11 Best spacimmi rd Crlijkors, aoda, buttor - and water, III lbs. eich, 5 10 rl(,.t specimens of Jellies, Preserves, Pickles, d.tin-, Catsups, Cordials, Ac, Xo., each, 3 I ; Itet sicinien ol thn f.lli.winn dried Fruits, vir; eaeiies, Pears, Figs, An liles, ol each not le-s 1I11111 hull i.ushcl r U rapes, Piuiin, Cbcrriok nnd Wlmrtle IseiVies, of .icit -lot less ilitui 10 lbs. at a sample, each, 3 14 Best aoiuienot D.imestic Wincnnt lest tlnin two Lsjille. 5 15 Best and gicatcst raiicty of Domestio W ine, not less than two b-itiles of each. 10 10 Best specimen of Isittlcd cider not lest ' ihaujuie dot. b.-H'cT 5 17 Best speoimea of l.in'ivl, Turpcntina, Castor, CVlloli .""ced. Fennel or any nlher taricly of oif ma lu in III Stale and prepared by tlie exhitiitor, ' 3 Fovilk Claw Jivt lirnlture. nii'in au.it'it.o lu ihx luiiu. 1 Besl aud grcattisl tariety Apples, flu HI 10 A 5 10 -s ... (cars, j " " " Peaches, I " " " tjiiiiices, 5 " " Figs li " " " ti rapes, Fruil Tree, at., 'f.j. I'd t'ht &th. 1 l.arguvt and has! vutfctj of Apple Traes, 2 " " . " ' . Pear " , tio 10 . l' 1 "' Pach " " Sirawb'ry v'na. " lUsb'ry " t, '.teeberry' " Cranberrie vrjtabl,t Best stalks of Celery, CsuliHower, Broccoli, Cabbage, . Kgg Plain's, ' Variety ol Squash, ' Peck Oniuiis, ' Hugar Heals, Carrots, Parsnip, aud Turnips, 1 2 dot. uf each, (breach variety, " Pumpkins, HM4ktli Tlliail .Strrhaulrs. Firtt CVos iVi.srs, 1'1'ofllis Let Sols 11.11 Plow, til) 2 " " do. in ion!. I. ired in llit Stsl. Ml' 3 " " lio. ilool.le M.aild BoaisI, III 4 " " iiianiilM'nrrd is Hi Stats,. It) 4 " Do. S I. ra. Plow. , li. H " " I' .. in . uul ii lurid in ll Ststt, III T A " Wr.ii..bl Pl.w. HI 8 " ttisiiuraoliirad iu tlx Stat, Ili 9 " D j. 2 I; .rs Phew, III I'l " " tnriu.tt .ciuroa iu tlie Sutl. I'I 11 " " SuU.il Pio. IU 12 " " I'o. a.auufsxiur i tlie State, In 13 "aCirtton S,47ipr, 111 14 " - d i 6 15 " " Tiarthel t iiltiyslor, 5 14"' ni.iniir.cturad la St!, 5 17 " . !lrr.rw, S 1 8 " " ntavtufsoiurssj ia Htsia i I'J " .Jbirs Is-ih. I oil " msni.rai lunal lu Atale, 3 21 " " I oi R..l,r Smash, J .1 " " It .li' r i,r arusiiiugil.ait, wosh! i.i AloSi, , , S 23 " - Aelgiisjlaat yarieif tifAgri. eulluisl n.tj. .i.i n a. ftssnufaclnraa la it. " sis, l.j i.ss tbbitorvr aadar l.is sa'svtri. a, A.saasf Ctavas arat IsaSsrsVt 1 at, I For tb U.i 4 ur 0 h i " - . 1 b do I " 1 I do. i do 4 " " Itirgiog ( kaUbtig iy a-bs? tar straw, 3 " " Mobst er!, llhimi.it.g,) . " - i art ami I ka, I T " " W l,a. lrr. , t " " pair way.. ur pk.w llttaat, III " " I art Sa4 lie. I 1 1 " " 9 bursa piaasAir Carriag, 12 - Vd basal 4". da ,14 " , l'..fas, Korksaty, T f BoggJ. T Boggy or )u Ar.avti, 14 - SI lss' da ' do 1v4 faA-.-,t. 4', . I U.a IsAal as.) nt t arria.-e llsrmsa, ' " " P' gjy -ar ftsokr da 1 - " Oa.. Sa-nJla, Bt aaa .'alegsrf, 4 'V - I 1. tio aS,, " " eaa 4 k.ra aragsaa karaaas 6 - "it. 3 d-i 4. - J --- - .. 4as- . " - b... Is, I I lh lir, 1 t " " Carl lis, i lo) " " (aq ba.l iia t Uba, II tl I Wis t aa M afar a. I f.ar ksaat fayua t f i.lirsj srfta aat tl a ! it It. I s ItnsssJ, 9 fuf bast tsas a.,li I 'k, 1 lis lasy Moasd ras.-iss-iwwa af I tiaa asaskklkasttrasl HI ttsl N.Aa, 4 F 4 Uss I ir-. A 4 ipiRH itiwry. I I taat taraaa II .raa '.art, . it " - Ks. as, -. a,, t b- u ..I i, ,. ,!1 4 7W-b leg Hv' 'a a. ftak. 4 t lsl by-ks.e-a4 Ifdlej;? 7V 4vil: ii chin for grain or grass seed, S For best Broadcasting Mvliin f r sow ing Bon dust, Uuanu, Liuie, ic 0 For best Ditching Machine, 1 " " Cotton ftin, 8 " " do do manufactured ia th State, 9 For best Reaping Machine, 10 For best Mowing do for Grass, 11 . . " Hay Pros, aud Cotton Press and Uriel Machine, each, 12" Fi-r best Shir,! Mnebine, 1T-v "mutMscliroe, " 14 " " Cora and Cati Crusher, ; - UAXiJiutt liU. 1 For best Fanning MiU.CrnS'hellcr.Strair and Stiuidc t utter, each, 2 ' For best Corn Plantar or ltrill, 3 .. Turnip do 4 " I'uinp, - 5 " 1 " Churn, Sausage Cutler nnd Stuf. r, each. 6 For aost Sewing Machine, 7 " -' lirsiii Cradle, 8 ' " do do made in the State. - l j 10 1 I0 D) I .10 8 5 3 Ill , i 6 ! 9 " " Hay Koil'o for cutting down Hay and Siraw Slacks, 10 For best Hoes for cum nnd eotfon cul ture made in the Slate, each, 1 1 For Is-si II iv aud ruanuro Fork mada In 11 e Hta'e. e tch. 12 For tlx besi Scythe Snath,"""""" ' 13. " " Vegctbl Rout Cutter, " " FiMCbur Cubimt Work, 1 For licet Boilstead mad in the Stnie, Cradle or Crib (or Cbililrao, Kiu'kiug Chair, half dot. Sitting Chairo, Centre Table, Wasu Stand, i " Sola. 5 8 ' Ward die, Sideboard nr Bureau; 5 0 " Desk, lba.kC.iw,o.. 3 10 " Window Sash and Blinds, each, 6 11 " P.irmul Door, 5 S1I01.S, HATS, 1 For best Pair of tiuiitTps.isii's 11 ion, 3 2 " do do Shoes, 3 3 M half doc. Broana, H 4 lJdo. Dress llaia, Silk or Fur, 3 5 " Plitnlattoll II ii, 3 C I 2 dm. Wc-d Hats, 2 7 " Straw nr Oras ' do, 3 SCNDRIKS. 1 Best lot of (Inns, . 5 2 ". Si. . lie, or Knrll.prn Ware, earh, 3 " C 1. 1 (hullo') Ware, i'ots. Ket tles. Ac. 4 Best I'l of Wo.. Irure (hollm ) as Duck-' , t, I' nbs or I' tils, Kei'lers, .to. 5 Host lot of Cur, llinels, ia. 0 " Leather, Sole, Kiuor Calf, each, 7 " ' S ile of 11 in ess Leiithnr, 8 " Dn sso-l Buck, heop or Coat Skiiu. f 10 For gtuatiist tui icty Kded Tools, Au gers, Jtc. 11 ,Foi "leaiKsf ynrieiyof Machanici T.Hils tnale in the Sl.ite, 12 For the 2nd best mid grilles! variety of .necuatllc i o -UMiivn: in llic ,siaie, 13 Rest Jot of nianiitactiiied Toba.ao - Cli illj.. 14 Best lot nf Soioking Tob.iccn, . I l i " II. x Cigars, i 10 " Tallow Cun llc-, 25 lbs. with pro- test rf inaliing, 17 Rett loud Soi;i, u0 lb. with pMceiinf milking, 18 tor, Ssvjinten tf Toilet ami rjharitig Soup, with pro -era of making 19 Best Barrel N. C. Lima,. ZU " ' Sett Knives and Fuikt uiauufao lured iu the St ile, 1 For the best l!uekkln liMAM II FOI li rtl ttnl.fartivrt, FintClnnMiU Fulrle. 1 Ui -t piece not Icat than 15 yds. Cussi... '2 mores, 'i " "- do iln " rsnllinetie. .j 1 J " do to n is, ten Jesna, 4 " ao no I.iiiAi y or Ker sey fir Negro Clo'hing. .3 Best pie. not le-a ihan15 Jilt, Flannel, titsin and twilled. 2 C Beit pair of blankets, , 7 IWst nicer of L I v arils Woolen Carpet. 2 8 Beat II. uih Itoi?. 9 pice of sliiniiij and Sheeting, III " ' lied TUking, II " " . Cotton Jesus, 10 & I'l 12 "' Rule of C'to:i rami nil numliers. 10 2 13 " lot Coit .rJ Twine, 3 14 " " Paifir.iii;i!iiiig. letter, can. 4c 3 15 ' Coil of Ibifss, 1 1 am p. or Cuttun, 5 Ili ' Msilr t-A, hair, Moa, Shock or Cot ton, Id H-itm4 t V.i.s II tfkUd Fubtirt. 1 Real I'liifiiteliwne, ' 8 2 ' lta.lqoill.leo(. Hi,) 5 3 " do .b. S Ik. 4 " C. kjlurt. Cjtlon. t " II ins mad CarsH, A ' I Usui. Itnfc, T 2ml beat H i, il l. k Ileal pair i ara II s. 9 -ini bast d .. do. do. 1(1 Beat rn.r lo.ta tiis.lt silk Hot, 1 1 W .i!ea Shall, 1J " F.ai Mat. 13 ' into 18 ytrdt rgro 4 3 10 li 4 a I a Wil Cloil,, 10 1 1 lla.1 pier 28 yds. P.ig Cars, 3 15 Knil CouMterpsna, b DIM RF.rioXAMY PRKMII MM. Will b twsrilrd fiw ei.aiributiiait tu Floral Hall. Works of art aad Uata, aeadlft-wurk, paint iags, drawings, 4 e., kf. DHAItt II Vs4.tpari)at aasj Isaaaja, iirtiiirtti, F.sr as. h i f th laa Im- etparlroetita, or ftftrie of sap latent, aaa any of llss Mbiwtng sulgts-ta, a pnui.uas, as Iwbinsi 1, l.tWl da pr-dit nr l.ai tif l aaual ai sis of ftssmg faa lobkar, by alrippiug th g..ra blades aud eu'liiig the tope, IU 2. I .a end elects taf aul'tl pbilng rtrs. am srant elraataaisai.aa v.1 suii and sub suil, t. Aei;.lti k" sell a isTrro aa ftiaiiur, laaj ll,a fAlla '4 lot ! la aa'ay r.Vars, 4 A.fi"t iT as.,iaeti.sa of gypaoAa bedoar tk lalls id t,a tnlo-aairs riiaia, aad s.nwi reafsseittety TH'I i -I a ..smPi faasr, aad wo Ik la tier, ter aa as'l as Ulte I hair fan g a 15 15 I'l 13 1(1 10 asan eaaraie. ua, t. C. al and eUas ft laf b-anadaat, (T phiak. doil . f basaj aa liisl.aor. li. II .s la'a in . I. ,sm s t. lb gr a 'k ll Ual ttilaga r l.r pt w ..r f-n h i ) aiil I t givaa t.t a... a tl U al prsstkaa sad wkaaH. j as- in aaoi taal ti. aa ate k.4 b Al.ftf.o bt I d-P. 7. f -at as-aia uf r-.'i..sftlU ijr.,ni t ia lbs e-iltiaats. a ! era, a rtaa.statd t"l,A taif ffaaaa., is4. r-saa f 1 ft, t .i., I i i s) I . 'al I tl k ,( It r- if. M . tanai-r,i.'., n,,.a ai-.ssr rit. a.aiaai. I.S I.,. a . r laa d.ft'a(, ' V Baa.ft.a .sr pr.st'ftiaf pesssft i,g ar an p! 1 ikg litoaksa r s- ' la as Asaoara, kkalft tr oatti- t-r aata aad a.iei,l (i-.,i..p.ft- a ', J It. 41, I'f tV Htss, ful tie Wis. .Is ssartftlasg ii ; lsi ia na Ca'lft, j 0. T.da aw ah wo-!, er awaanp asas k, M ssj I paalf suit, ibtka ko.4 la 1st aaasaralaly d t a-riial a-d et.aMi,,!,,! a.atiara a 'as asftt-t a ill. I , la, a ..a, II t slsst .sf rsussal as sa t l ta farid.iy. S j I.' s.a 5 a,', La ia .sf baryia at a at '.0 , ft., a-i-.,' y f t t .rtae, j 1 1 f a i.a. aissl aa4 pr..fl J MO. tat 1. NTJ1IBEH 6. 13 ; bkhIisi of priming, topping. As., eomprisiug . at least thiee ditferent axperiments, , tO 15 j 14. Cultivation and comparative feeding 6 i value of rye, -. 5 SO 15. Plaining, catiire, pruning and support . ing in onen ineynrdt dilfereiit varictict tf -20 Grape Vine fur ili tabby, or mnkinguf Wine, - 10 gl I : . o,, i Jt?r.w eg WRiTTt.t cogai siriTioNs. a l For each of the lieet 6te n any 6f tht 6-Uowing i subjects, premium, as follows; j - 1 On Ituitf tying aJii etiridiing coir Jind 1 whether nam rally txsvr, or naturally riirb. or good ! aiiiisuiiseqnt'iuiyexnausteu nysevere cropping,- ? 2. Ondinining, , - 5 3. On ro'stiau of emps, , t 4. On the neciimulation, preparation and , apnliftition of sMk yard and stable manure, 10 3. On the fi-nnmion and eortitueniif composts and the application of ihein. . 10 (1, On .the.' green sands, " 'or gyiaeou . eartn ol lower .ortli Carolina i.s Mniutrt-s. ind the facts and 'causes of er! , i or umi-ef- . IV. i, - - 3 7, On H.e properties and vulu of th ' ' Snithera Pet. (or"cirntlel I iva.i".. any ysri-- . ety.) and the enllure thereof, whei.her for . j saving the pea riiefied, or plowing under tl,o j growth, green or dry, f.sr lusnine, ana ns a ipicparation for wheat or other grain crops, and as f.snl for swine and other stock. 5 ti. On tli comparative itn-tlt of nlaittiux nnd tanning, and of th two combined im provement of land boing nnaiJerod, 10 MINERALS, Ao. 1. For the best eollecttiin of usnfnl Minerals of the State, including Coals, Iron Ore, Copper Ore. l.in. clones, Mnrbten, Sandstories, Mull, Peats, S nls, Ac, discretionary premium. II I I U I I A T I (I K I . 1. A'l niCniLers i l' lb North Carolina Agri cultural Society will be furnished with a badge of iii.nnlarliii, upuu payment of llie aunuitl tax ol' $2, ami will be required to ear 'In nu t du ring ihu Fair. This hudg w ill ailiuit the ladies of hit family and children uuder 18 years of age, during Ihe Fair, v '.-.v.-t- . 2. Meinl eri ..f the S.siicty anj taniilioj alone, will be admitted on Tuesday, the day for rxnini- auiiou and awanls by lb judges. All competi tor ar expected to be present. The puldio will beadiaitledonamlafier tt edneaj.iv. at 10 o'eloek. Prio of admiasiuii 25 acute. Children and cr Vuuts l'JJ cents. Clergymen, Kliiora and Pupils of charitable Institution adiuitied free. 3, Agricultural Sooietius ami Institutions from nthef Stales r invited U. send ilelegnles. Such Delegates wiil be proscnied with aconipliinciil wy eard. .: 4. A 1,1 F.xl.i'i'uori ivln Intend, lo compile fur tlie preiniums ut tlie Nhjicly, niujt l.eoniim iiieiii h.rsnf the siune, nnd bait' their articles nn the ground and enlnrcd at the Sorrvlary't Orlioo in lleci',.i.iou Hull, nt or before 5 u'chaik on Monday ricniiig. OiUil.!-1.1, wittio.it t'.iil, tn that tiny may lie arranged m tneir le.pceln t Uepvi lineiils, and in readiness for examination by the Judges tut Tues.luy iuorinng at 10 o'cl.N'k. 5. The rejulmioin oT th Society' must be jO strictly oliserved by eil.il. in. rs, otherwise ihe ."s-iciy win not i e lea; hiiaidio lor ttoi omission of any article of animal tint entered iiu lci ill lulls., s ... 0. No article ur animal entered for premium cm be removed or Inkeo nway belor the eloso it tlie rxliibiluav. Jku liieiniuio will 1st imel on ariicles Lf ai.iuiiils reinoied iu viol. iti. so uf ll.it rule. T. All article! am) animals cntensl (i.r e.liilil-! lion must have cauls aliui bed with Ihe nine I er as eiiterwl at tba Kcervtnry'i nttieej and exh l.itor I ii all discs must ol.tnin their curds prcv nos lo j placing their arliel nr aiilun.lt ou the Fair gr. unda. 8. 't'h.st wbo wi.-b tu offer animals or arilcln f.-r sole duiing..tlte Fair must ninity ihe Secretary nbeiii'h intention at tbe time of entry. U The Fxtcutive ouo.niltiu ill euipbiy a day and night guaid, and u.il ut all iaaoiisbl prv cauiHan in ihair power, for r. a rate preaervitlioq of articles and stis-k ou xhibitiiai, but will not b riponsibl r loss or d.nn ige ttiat Biay ta-eitr. Flnbilorsnnst aii at eitt'u.n tu their artii'les or aiiinats during ihe Fair, mid at the e)oe of the uli. I. oi. .ii attend to their renioml. , III. Tbe ftwaribng ra.nimitr or judges. aeleiM. I al lbs next Fair, ar earnestly rt-qnnsted to 3 rsrs rl tl.riii-el' s to ll.e el.ainini. of tlie !.. . o Ut Csmiiniuee at Itooeptmu Hall. ut. .n ll.o grounds. tfrertieiriy. o Tiirsdny m.wiihig, tbe ll'b d iy cfOtqlr. Kni. . 11. Ib nurwteau tit Judges awanl sperm! or ilisarelnniars nr.ooinn,, l,u sr ill i...k,u.,.,..I In tli a.iecutna I , lunntiee'tliy artieira iu Iheir els wbictt they aity tleeia wortby tf si'cial noiic and lot a Inch a offered. piriuium bat Uot brea 12. The Judaea on Buiaiali will ktv rrgnrl to lh svtHUiriry, early avsioring, lb. r.H.h bree-ling, anibeiiaracii-ri, tics ef ihe meeds who b ibsv judge. '1 hey will make proar aliowaucaa for the age, foriling and esoolin..ii ,4 Ut aiiim ils, esMeiatly in lb bin ling elaasaa, ai d will ma g.ta en .on -!'tij"M In o varied liiimsls, 13. No sink of ii lri or qualiir will 1 1 t lnrl - led wiibiii Ihe r"uiol a ct.ami.Hee will I t np pointed lo rule out all l'bw a loa.l,uoi git ie. II. Aoiuiiala 1,1 wht.-ll l.reu.ilillia have I k. a tsar. led niu. I 1st paraded im.ni, th Ir i.-k lhal 31 is.i.irt n.ty tea lb pru au mils. lii Tba aeiaral Su.er m.cn'l.i.g C-n.aiiitees ill Kir pariii ubir dire.,.n tn nil "ani.. i.s rn Iheir departntwita, n4 saw Ihsl aMare arrsngi d la III la-st urlee poaaibl to res-sen are! fscil un tbftbth..i of the Ju.lrea In their esamioaiion. 17. Tlie Suiwruil-Hdanis aiil aitofifaih a l,f Ju Icaa in ll air lt.ia.lat d. I nrii. til. and ta out thftditlarkttt arlsatisa .sr tnttttsl w. 1. etau.io ed, will ettaeh pru eai.lt to the urth-l. or Magt lo II. ttiorasslul an.atala arer the Jielrtt la ibetr rrsia-ciiv daptrin nils and p"iiitoui il.t d.flaraol atttt le or antniftla lt be aiamtned, a ill tliacb prit ttrds tn tbt arm ies, .y i-.s lo ;t.t sarssaaaf.il aaiaiaia tftrr ili Judgaa' r.si.ns bate Issar taa.! an tiitt dabfrd lo th eoairavan of the Ftt-eulit CoaiMtllle, IB. 1 l.a Jo-i.e a .11 nti'.. ft pf.ra.ums as ana iussia or aria las ih ibir alio a, n.t .worthy i Ili'SSrh llirts be an e.arii-tiit.s. I' V.I. Prftesianitisf sr.. and araar.ii willla wardr I mj'tt'', uiile.a the .rsa. t wlpta lha ' s" m f.icrii.g 'I a r . I r t I ,atvafl Is ase4ahH plater tks i.yaiett in at., ! st ! ana To i.'. t t'n tt ill Mt.-k 'loallihl ti.ilL lair f I ails ha si. . k - ! t ...a . !f ll. a 10 Bill h.'.a aa am. I. ar.l I.I a io.ii,.,,. tlji tai 1 ! gr-ta.la Rstigiii.i them, Willi ws'ar s.i-i i-ot a Oars Ihey rittl t I'pl at In fK ot III tiWAvr. SI. AriVIsst atAftiils. lurrd i It.a Sia. when Irtwstrbl 'tt tf aeiln a With dsr arti, ,a wot late t.fST-a irn.a, .ber Itiltsfs! r i I a-.nal. a. lb l 10 ' I. rtegR en k- 1st at. in,. I s .....I pai,. 22. A' i r.sl ftftuiiiaiaie I s iP M j-. .ii ' d.si-iait-'narv t r-'nuurtta at ti t op'i ai 't lb t.-t-l ta I Mtiti .ti. '.Z. 7 he Ch'at tlsr'iist, 9 iih tflcaattt this, la Ml ftttb lalti s Ituiil. ti t b.urt of aAt,HitA"W to ktwp I'f -far . H. .S tlfiibit.sr ki.l 1st parlsi1! 1 Vo aoiar 'I "I 1 i B.i sa lltta t-t m tutsl ir awft ssj f, a.i, i.-k-aa. . Trai at. At.,asia, k i aa .' aly ekiare 1. at a a sit pfA4-s ; tb4f.rf tl.a s'j, '!: nt rh .r;t to .las .ft; kwaar, ana f ai-a-4 ks) rsii.i'-i ti-a lh grvn.H, "!. atssq4 by asatt.a.ttsiA i.f a l.t..sUlt L.oa.it.. ll r la. I 2. All asa i.iuta. itih'. a t.ts, r oihar i M 'f t4ttiT, tt it '' l , i t t j- .tirn, .f ii t) tft Mp MT If ti- M t rf,' i.ttt I tni I ta itt. H- -t" i, I . I P f tta. .'! Ut I ( i .s f l f i ft" :.,.m. Mf.af b ' j- . i Mf ! f 10 t i tii I- ' H . , .-.i m t I.-', ( , ii at-.-.ai .'U ( l' 1' m ( V4 IValU (-) aTU.1 4 U j r. 4 ' itfifl rM.v 41 i la. j . f "-arl -. S , -sat : TitCi ... ..II wiii cailtiie JnJ:e,,t . l k on I ; . , iii.si,i! ta,-int,ie u.(n re-t .-u ti,e rr til I, i,:rnia Ifiu, a ' .t';i 1 b-t .4 t l-viol.l , s. a., ,;!, ..,,.K ! I,n i lo ic tisi-'r I .e.r awstJs. ami ..t ti -.o - eitv the assist, at n.-ir-l, i .Ve 1. I lit.' ti t a td li." iiuk.cib. -I. til ami Ins aula si. ail gi per il to th prefer arrantteairiit ot alt e,l to ilmir real-l'Mita derartmem.. i tb J,,.: ., ,-, ! t.i tl e..- 1.-.;- j ii.e M j ticular ai'"n: t art'cle exii' p-iiiu out d,e articles i.r aniinais to ti.'ri Ju! -a. d oihcrv.i,e i-seiiit.ua tie ex uiiin iti n oi'ibe J.illSS- i.i. Tlie track will be open f ,r Ida trial of har ness and sst'Ure bor.-s every ti,T ,u,-,fl, tnir. " ' ' A band of tnmic vi'.il ft in a':en.-!an;e, ea;ri it iy, during thv tio.irs of ext.ioiiion. - 3i Aaelaeisa.t radi.- wi'i tn'.e .l:..e of the grounds during the night. Itros. KliH., Chairman, ), Jno. C. Pamtibot, Secretary, j Fx. Com. The Piuuccr Boattaaa ef the Mississippi Btver. A class of niori fiirsoporiif iii all tl.atmil.i t the man to tilled irob'eiiieu.iiaviaie.l the Niis-i- ipni thirty ypinsgi. Tho following nneedol will illnsrrate the keen serie of hmiur that pre yailed among them: - "Asan illustrution of their rodec'.de t.fhon'.r, is roinenilxTt'il the story of "Bill M, C.,v," He was a niastnrsiirit,aiid li .ii Miuecaefully 'ilisputed for ch.vmpio!i!iip cu almost every faBuiu sand bar vin.l la at low water. In a terrible row. here J blood had been piibd aud a dark crime ecimiiit- ted, Bill was invied. Mumentarily off tits guard, Ihi fell into the clutches of the law. The community was excited, a sictiu. was demanded to appease the oft intuited majesty of jutic. Brought bol.ire one of the courts bidding at Nat.jliex, then- just chsing itt aesin fir tho summer vacation, he was tuliy n. remitted, and nothing but the procurement of cii rmoiis bit! woul'l keep him from el ering thrmigli ll.e long nionthtof tqinitier iu durance vile. It rue ap parently useless for him lo exneel any ane to go into his IkjikI; he upiicuiod, hosever. to tin pres ent, dwelt upufjlie horrors, t him m.i:e especi ally, of a long iii.pr;miuiviit, and n.leinrily s Mivernltid that bo wotil'l present hiiutelt' at tha time appointed for tbe- trial. At the last luement Colonel W , it wa. lihy, and on the wholo rather a cautious ciiixeu, came In the nwue.nn.l agreed tu ay ten thousand dollars ifMeCuy did not present himself to stand hU trial. It was in ynl.t Unit the t ut pel liieriila tried tn penmnilo him not In late the rspimjil.-iiityi -vnt lbs Court's Kiggasti-itt lo let ll.e mauer al oio wa unheeded, McCoy was i clca-eil h luhlnring In. Hi c anil tiiiasanling bit yv n y through the Indian nations in due lime 1, reached hit Ii me in "Old KitiMtiek." M lutlv rolled ou.nitd time of n'ul i pproaebeil. As a unti.tr of course, the prdi'i'iiliiiee of Mc Coy's relovn weie ih ubicil. The public bad doubt the Colonel had m heird from hiiu l.neo bit de artorrj. The Uiori.in'ot the uppoint- e.l dsr itrrived, ti-.it tl pn.i .tier .11 not present liiinsc.f. The ityemling crowd and the people.. f to town lK-c:nue excited -nil exi-)it ill Ci lom 1 des(iaircil ening ens inining on apats---ltio Oourt wasou the point, fiuij. .ti ruing, when a dis tant hitsta was hoard: it vi as h 'me on ihe whips of d o wind and echoed alone, ceh moment (.rowing lou-itt! urn! louder. Finally lite rxvtltitis cry aaanaugl-t up 1 y tba Imi'yeriioB about tba Vent ol justice. Am. titer inotuont and McCoy bit .beard hang and mnttoi. bis htxvd torn to pinoss, ,ia ojes bs';unr., an I aim burnt to a de gtc that v a nainful tu, lab ibl rn-hed into ihe court room, an 1 liein sbcer exhaustion fell pros- u tie upon in Uo.r, Oid Col, W i morn. aid him at b would bav done a li ng 1. st brotlier.nt.d eves unused to tears tilled Put in .tuning when Mdy related b.l simple ta'.e. S.atting from I.imj.si iile at "a hand vo a bkit, be found in a lew uay.uhal, ow ing lu the low s'- iga of water iu the river, au I o,hcr iiuexj cctci ileieys, ii wti- inipnsaible to rcei'ii Xiitcbex nt the aisiinti .l lime by tuch a lrti.de ol o aiiuyatiee, N other onuuary cmivev anee, iu those early days, preaeined itself. Not to be llmnneil, be nlaiudoned "lb il.it," and, ttll hit' uivu bands, sbsirs a c-ihoc out of tbe trunk of a iaiivn urn, lie bad rowed and pad d aJ, ahaoa'. nilti CDs'-viun, thirteen bundled unlet, and b'.d thiiA icilceuttil bis priatiisealuio-t al toe expense of bia hi". . II. a trial, in iit pro- grusa, lirsMloo a u.eie ii.rnit bia chivalrous con1 ilin t imdthe want ut any p.aitrte iis.iiuiony ..ii for litut k teitlivt of u -I , guilt), even ts-Foto it , was aniiounrcd tiy tin. j . y or us'.riued by th Judge. . . tuut ftuiklno," Tool is a queer genius, and Imp t.Jf a.tmt tail ones iM'casionaily. He Vittd us the uther day, in our oaiictum with a "I1..W do y.Hld., i ll fe',',,11?" "llaihi, Tom," said ve, 'n here lint y..u been o hrtigT" 'Win', sir, I've been ib-an on Severn river, in Anne Aruuilei counlv, taking Shanghai notes tei t cl " " I "Ab. indeed," tatj wa "art they very Lai j down ihare? ' . , I "Rsiher said Tom, vlrilv. "1 her it ot e 1 pl.t' whero lha,' bav been iitl. oiplilig to bull t " "r" " 1 ' 'k'iv i.lt.ei i day as lb hands vir jaiitii.g up its brii-l-pieirnlory te tnikbiniait. ttiey wire taken w.i.. rliill and ilnwk Ihe wh le l.uiM.ug Cfip'ie d twu and kept ou ah iktng l.li ll a ! ri ks ei dust nf the tjio'St qm.hiy ! J..-I nt tbi.1 jonriiirr. ll.e i t. lis came on won i e..e ,.1 . r and ll rv roio.rteiK id sbakios' a 0 b ti.oli Jososlbat tbv acre ei.i.reiy ot, ou d b.r h ur-, and ti e pet p . in ibn ifibletrtiuod ll,- n,-'tt ti e snti was in au rs'lii-e,' iiiasal'saH v.-. "Sol SI "til." an t T ill ''U by I was si v I'i'o n. i s loMi iir down n river ib olhtT .lay, siol ssvt f.iir nisi eiirrv.iu a ' , . ' 1 ! I , I'' till I... i. J a s- b.s ner to ' . , th.ua. 1 lis idol.- i .1. a on, an I thai slo. k i ' ". whi. ii w linn, fi at bg. ml tin in - of lb ' 'I m I. . f..r fire a.. J, sn l ibeo i . i r-l.U af il. ...lil ai d plied up, at H ' limeth'.lii.g -.11 ib ko-'a uot ..I it '" . 1 ' ''su'l bettky anvtbii I I e lhal. Tom. ' "li's . f.te." .a.. I hi, and ha ni nol int I "T'l-ra's farmer it,.n ll. hh in an at ' po king aanstsi, li tuts bis i, o,'ri i ol In lia t hai.1. and a-la i'l.a u,t against ti. a ties, low ah'.rl liioe the ehill is.a, aa i.ti, and eie.yst In the or, hard is shaken tjff the tri e oa ta i . -gri-ond."' eic'lil I,,' said a hlliij ii.r si -let .' U lh lands "'I' i'l," fta'iJ Tew, tl. V t Jp 'afl al.-t..'s if ri b .rr.. I. iM',,').,iti easy a. t i s. e . f Hi! 'i ( I, for H J tl al I il Dials lhal" ISA. Tmu air.iiii'i. .1 ' M . t f is-i of n." - a. i aid h es-i .i.n-r. as a. 1 f- I), a nr i - . 1 I.. I r i.i , ilit a, i.,t tli .'.4.r r i ' at h'liiMlabi o-i(,,l I ff tit I J i It i '. k -' f y, Itlti ll tui tiAj atMin n' l! ''. ' 11, ti With f ', l,ttitt,it kg s im t - - f s 1 1. I lo tt- w.'t aH frf V,i s -l -, i, I 4tirr i,t - I fi. i n k ri i !.l ts im r, i 1 . ". 1 1 e MM Us- ps ' htt I f tk f-f ill . , r tt 4 M "t ' 1 4 tt - ttit j ' al I' i T f i a-, , I Ij " t .ai a,Jaals aa aaas I H " " 4 . l..-a s ta 4apsa4 lb J-Slk (as Illy M t- SJ ) M LtVAV il fa in t-i I s .sf . s m. .s -k ,1, SS tfisr t t'.i a. l.i . 1 1, 4 ll . asi.tival.ag. aa-s) a. f-ar ' I sS ftflsaaa aaa f sja, jas- mkita-i ,f "m i-t. Ml lit tat ' . ls. is ' , it tat a.t 4'S 9 t