1 , ' N OR T II C AROLI N A ST A It AVE D.N ESD AY HO UN ING, FEBRUARY C, 185G l r-y 4" .Vj-'-v ii -' P .-'r . Itver fu SI.-.!.. Jark I'oaui.is. j riL'. Jjmi'i U .wt, p. 4 Mi-', ill' HtnjTi I , iViTrt Z.'', f''ur S'io'i" .V-tv, ' star.! been scixing and evarhfioliiiz every vcd uli n shor loai had its bowsprit pin lei t jv i. I u'.a oro'entral America; and I a toll if tit Two Pollio wci.1 up to Y'rk, she'd t.9 M.aed tia? nrn mm. Now, I waul to i ' i....- . MAnj it.!', . i ! r ...... a . . .-.. - JWJtif .. rir(. Iml'ii ll Two Vr . caunli !b;it .), -.. i-iii' O ."' 7 Ja,2l, IS "A. ana if iim't pnt her clear p..p.i.i I.rs Carll Jiv-nr:! haw jest g..t back and hi, siie'u d off pretry quick whw.tuv . ,u Washing n. where J haven-en for the bvt in find be-.ter friend. " ., , . ... rla war. ri.it: the old U Sum lijin ib " Wh..B.y dear Mj., ud th President, ntl(llmrmrt i-ai of w.J. TI.U l"" '"" W his S , 'e-stn. V.Vr the 3 J of Dw-mlor. and threw " " "V."3-" ""''" ..rii.wi. nc'Miie noble on t.;rh a dVtstaad MPy. sou end lb Two INdhe. r and t!.r U b w Utin r.'.w Mm. j bnv'nt K 8 ttw friend ill tiiO world the. I m. ecka bea ! ! , ibr, win 1. r i'ln "i I picli'in. and I That fact fa. IVe btm r nock triod ever m Wt iin-'-lhf.J a r-l. I'm wn ttwk tua t - ' C-irr luinr. It .! jr-4 . I .a. i'ViiU.-t. 1-1 .ii -,t..f w.J. n4 'ri f.-tiins m mj UnUntt, and ttnr. ,-viii- r1 -liH-.r.K all in, ,.f ttI o waj wtlixcl "g"t- Ari .. .t"l,w. i.t it.'.. !. -h iirf tim rv.. .-r.tfi j wha4 lo mak a !,( f tieSn2 ap wry v 'i ! a lit r,i?rrl for t .5,. ! HtvitK f"t !! Bfutral.ty la? ul that why , i .-, 9 mwh --.! :i m, -- ' aiJ ay el. But you tn-lnt v','t.i7''i oil .'fir,-.. ntVu'i V r"TU3irt"'"B; I aie yOuflf liH mwaJnw liul-e T- 1'.. .1... I.. -I.,... -1 ap...' 1 ttl!!ii. 1 ltJIML' I lie .-ill" ' tt la II ... 1.1 V. . V V... t a 1 III & ir.MHl li l!,11' HI inilllllH nil Conjreoiional. Tliirty-rottrUi Conjreai-rirtt SeMion SasiTt, Mr. Br JheJ prapt4 th crej ti.I of fli.n. Vt'io. If'"!fr. Sehaur elart froia tlia f tateof i'eiuiaylTauU, ho qtuliSed aud took h'u Mr. Fitipatrhrk gii'a nntic t)at, to morrow, ; hition rcpagnant itl."nitotioii of tba IIoum. "" Mr. LvtoLer ril tint rariutt lpi"mt had Hrmbera far re rrprrwr.t the penpl and aot th beeo tried au4 rule ukta, and it eeeined to him 5ta.tea. Theadopcioa of Uie pr(oiti.in would . t.it eery attempt ahowed it waa imp.aible by act unequally, aud place the power of orgasiia-1 aay direol role to elect a Speaker. If hie exp tioa ia the banda of a Minority. ' dUsat abuuld necure that reruil, it would earry Oa hia aioiioa the rrlutiuo waa laid oa tba y y fliroujthoot the country, and abow the people ! interna la"f tbia State, 'indut-e me to ay a very tahle yw 135, aare ii ; of thia land that IJeaTen'i 8ml law, "order, bow ' few word upoa thia auhjeet. Mr. CliiiguiaaoeeredareMiliitinri u do mein- reina in Washington. - ber ahall be elected ?u'fT after the mil ahall On mothm ef Mr. Morgan the reaulution vaa frvm the StaadanL Mining latereete ef Hertli Carellaa. ' tiiiart X. C. Standard 1 GtxTUiatK : Tba freqoeot inquiries which hate been made of late, respecting tba -mininx have tfn filled three timea, tl.e ruli ahall ag.ua bud oa the table yea 12"), naya. i- ii. i I . i I . . ii.. I. . . . .. 1 1 . a i J - i .. . iuL. hm MliAll mm lo i.riuJ lu lli alautuiii of a nab. n T j. ,;,,,, , number .of totee provided it he a majority of a GiMirit Purier, of Mianiuri, Speaker. He aaid Am.t other huainexa, Mr. Sumner aubmilHd quorum, ahall be declared duly oho.eu Sieaker. that Ur Porter kii not on of the Ko.iw S ilh a adotion directing tl einnBiiue oc military j After debate, Mr. Greenwood morod that the iU(;a, ao aiucb hated, aor one of the fteruocrata, liltirn tn o..niiln the expediem-y of protidiug reaolutiic be lnid op"li the tiriile; but the motion m liked by "I lien, nor waa he tainted in ihe hi law for the tetaUiabutnrtufawatt libraries is i oid pretaiU-yeaa 1W. iiaya-103. a tie. ; liM with JlepuMicaiiiion. He waa ao old faah- luilitary poalii, f..r the eiiT""ioe of the officers The u'iri (iieion waa .4iied to he put hy ioned Whig; anil etre-y Uly aeeaied w admire j oliwnation. I find tho opinion which I thea d : ami it ajjjfxfejj!'. - j one mnj.inty .fat y) nn;.i IQi . gullent oil lug parly, , uowjtliut it is. dead, j eiprewed, euirtajacaY, To eatiafy ihons who are Mr. tnu iiri-4rd tonddrees lbs Senate fhe idurality rmaduiion waa then rejected ' ( Laughter.) imprwted in the auceeaa of North Carolina minea. , . Xatanliaea CHlsua ... The following araaibls and well-timed remarks opnu the eiercit of tb riglit of auffrsge by aaturaliied ciliien deriv additional raise from the fact that they sxpre-a tU opinion of one who k biiaaelf a aaturaliaed citiaea, of Gei man birth. Ia a letter to tli Journal of Commerce, be tats , It la nothing but natural thai American ihould ' It ie very certain that tb value of mining property cannot be aatitnated from t!ft priemjf I whh tu be their own masters at burnt, and they mining stock in the New Iwk market. Thia j ahould try renerra onto tliemseliss tb priri. mining stocks in the new lr market, tiiu """ " uxpriri. haa been illustrated during the last yearor :twis ''K 'of "cll,0'"' HtU' imiBratioa u to ibrm with North Carolina Uold and Copper rairiet. 1 1 seems far from doaimUe. Foreigners, on the assumed the responiihility of stating in the Min ing Jwurnal, a year ago, the causes which had operated in deprsaiiirig lb mining interests of this S'ate : and now, after further exploration on.tue aiihJM T (.Winl Aiaerican aBaira. 1U yens 1", nays 110.- A.4 ll.e ll..u!e a.ljourne.1. vnTm ljY-ia hv n!! t'.'. , a ariuiucli-criilt: f tit so Built oi two very i.eat ,S' and put t. yj. tUer in the atr.iti9;eat asanntr, n l there, ren t a snar n r a f 1 ink nor a tinioer ead io her but ! aniTi 1 ao a nut. Sha's be', ship "m the w.n M, mid tho Ti I'ullieo the noit S yu nee In't be aee-e d that any ea will eer imp hr; and if evcroha nhoull in daii;rrof ruituin ashore,'; im tti! liekor, .t the squab!)! ai d fo ,in of her ntVere, !' 4H acren tiiiii w 'l tahecnr of her. j Vint kimV, l och", I've Inwii nailin rtmn I Cuba and up the Uu'if n'nal while, trying to curt out lie rums ol the C aress at Oaler.d atnj A le "iiappel, to Culja, tiecUH our J'jIintTT ,..ml ln't et aloiil wi'li it "it! jut I elf- i.resrallim, ,ya tio ir, in the tt.-iil.1iiw of ualer. VV stHWld (t ! Itirv'ijsh thit jiih hng n if our t'ahinet bftda't lu -ke t ont l.nt It. 1 t en!.- rx actly ydrsw4 hoitte liificuity; hut I'm ;tr there waa liar,4 aituTilng mieain-re. W e waa all rijsbl r.tnafl.hat the Im-Jiin sndriliin in tlie ll iine liirp-utment vaajrhal boihered. u, n id pretty likely b.o upt tho buiiic$. r"irt, tho Huuie lt',nrtiitiit t'dd us to git alie.id and ti up our ( Intend matter the 1kn4 way we could. But a aooD a I an I Mr. li j' V linn aHd Mr. S lry, and the rcat of ua in t'i roreign (J .v n-1 meat, had got ttimjpt r1i Hrulcr way, and mat ahout ready to tnUe Ooh the II utid lJapartmei.t : turned round an 1 fit naiii a-, t"':i and null. As 1 aaid before,! in oidii'tacoiuut i'nr this home : d.fSculty au l ihonudii'ii Turn-about of til Uorne l)tAri,ueiit, unlcs liii'.r rti aroarel we shuuld jrot tli uiontJiif the erodil of tnkin Culjajand mny ' ) IV or Mr. lltfrkinin, ir Mr, Sioley, "or Mr. Ma-oon. or Mr. Siokleo, or Mr. Handera Blight net to be Ptoritlrnt hf it. Hut ash a thought never utered my beu'l, and I cm pledg n.yell' the aani fur nil the .i-ni. Vi e vr4' to work entirely for tlie eiiintrv'a ro-x', mi l iioihlo e'-e. And fir the It iim iVHnrimn.it ufe'tjnlutMof ua and turn a 'in uaiu lin.t war wa cruui an 1 onkiii'l. It griave me every liuio I thiiiknl it, fit 1 think like the good Lr. Waiio, where he nay , f --. Itow plea-nul 'tif to fs' ' lii.at-rw, anJ tVi...i ,.;r.'e, .' 1 tent dts;(.atii'iii tj (iitieral 1'U'roe ah ut it id ire than throe month s- i, hut revar g it any unower. And lioaiiT I ir"V-tiroi hol liu on out there alone, and hoarin all th the tioi'i tli u the Iloni UTu;iunt k.iiit J'oppms till Hi ils.'i furnemoii'a from .iH:ni out to -help Ine; an 1 up hem and be-olel ii" Two 1'oihi.H for Uowniii'; r ile. WKun a alonx in ihei tutttJe of N w i'or that terrible 3ih of J mii .ty a nr.u overl n k u, and w juot in ul" out to weather thagile and get in id nf Sa:iv II i ik atido-tire to ao.er. 'i'li pihita eooie ai).irl and treated uo rery kn I. Them NeT Vork pihua are clever folfciwu. Thfy hMiijflit u lot of newa.iiiper", IVmn vthii h I learnt what had Wen f, m uu lor two uionths pa t. When they tlie HiwnitiKvill mcliiia was aboard, and 8ar.;it Joi I at Die lm.nl ol and 1 ii.i.l..l ,.. ,....., ..i .; V ..l. ....t l..,..np... want yiM and the Two p.iilM to i-tirs by cie ; i ... . . , , for, if duu'tidim't kimw wIpi will." j '' th" "trairj 'K "4:"' Ajtiwl, 'vs I, vnx ini : in raizing run.;n. lie um not o"ii re nny urn tmii);.- ;.,hi i 'to iba murk, (live il a V'Hir hand. iin eral ; 1 !l !t-.'k hr you d e ao t did hy my old fritu 1, Uinernl JittkooB. Now, what do you want uie 1 1 du V " Wall. Major," aybo, " I've pot a g 4 many tii-kli'li jolioot pand that I d n't hai diy kimw whit to a with, nor w!iich to lake hul l on Drat. You know there' a' lteniocraiie (.'oovemiou to meet at tW:inatS to make tl.e nmuinatliin for tlie next term." (Her th President (tot up and hickoil the dnar, an t nit .losto uie and talkrd h(w.) 'I he main quentiuVis, how m bring tilings lo tM' tr on ttiat convlil!nn ko aiui ma , no? ooiim ination " rijihf. 'iirry wants it, and Wi anla it, and irh'kinsow vrai.li. it. and perhaps too. thmish he aiivo be "h n't, and I don't Ie thought that the "Lip of Stale was on hr true Oi.-uieo, u.id that the pilot aas doing his ili- ty. ! Mr fasa hiivir,; completed his speech, the iMinatc went into nu Kxn-utimseioiiuii, and alter .ward ndjiairniMl until TlairMluy. II. i rk or llki-kr. km aiii nr.. Mr Leitcr nfTi r ed the ftitlnafiiK ii'Mihr.iou: llexolved. That tl.e liuu.e will proceed to the old". i'. n i.f a Sj cukei t-i'rti ie; and if, after one call of toe r !1 iuj u.i mi.ei t all. haie itic:ied a itlajnritT i f ti.r" w imie luiuiletr of i.tt--f, 41.0 roll On motion of Mr. Sage, the resolution wa laid L. on tlie table jean 144, navs iiH, ; Mr. Hall i.fTi'red a rctuluion, doclaring. Na . tlianicl P. Baukv Speaker of the II nine of llepre . st'litn'.uon. TheijUii.ti. il was taken, an I decidej in the negative veas lt2. nnyo 115. iiiuvoriix, Jau. 31, f:rv.iTk. The Piiidfti' pro tern, luid liofir the aiate ;ari.ua ciaiii.ii.niL-utiuiiK frnui heads of I'epartmonts, in revp-ame V) resiiutions onlh ii. f.ir nif ifuiation. , Un mot...li ot Mr l'turnti ick, the ellate pro ; jji.Tohh. ofAlaluiiiia, offered a resoliitliw. de cee lod to li.e kieuliou ol a printer. On the Crst , Hariiig William Aiken, of South Carolina. Speak halioi the wl.nlc inTiiiiPr of ri.ti-a was 511, nei-ei- ' 0P : sarv to a idmiH'tT. " A. 0. P. Nicholson received ! Mr. Whhurna, of Illinois, moved that the S4, liererly 1 ucLti b, (mi & r-eatou 2; the re- rCHnlntion 1 he laid upon the table, and tho mo- ! iiiuinii, K 10 cr bunk or so-atterittj;. ll.rte y,,n wa disagreed to ye:u'JH, nays 11 , adu.tk.nal t-ulb.t we.e lakei.; on Ihe laet thero "JTie re solution was then rejected yeas 103, , wcie Buy to tote-i, i.ei-e.-miy lo a .4o,i 'X; ofoyj 11J The lh.ie ad'oiirned. wiikh J.lr. N i !. boa rivi i ed Mir. Tu'cker f, I will state. Very i ricfly, afew fiu-ts which I hare obtained by direct observation and I may state, that I have enjoyed every facility lor obtaining correct information, bitb hy examination,. of the jode'KrMind workings, atid id theliooks and ao cui.iit hencver I wished. In the firat place, I will call the attention of the reader to the Gold! other hand, should never lose sight- of the iaa. menae advantage tflVred to them, hy tb bar admission to this blessed country, untraaicled as it is by profemdonal limitation and coercive sn listment, with its fi-e press and liberty of wor ship. They uught nut lo lay claim toallth priTileges of a'eiuien a il.eir right, hot they ought, on tl.e contrary, to ' look upon that privi lege as a ho.ni, to be used discreetly, and with due eeaa of the responsibility which attaches itself to it I'nfortunately, lino point of view i in Bioatease wholly hat tight of, atd it canqot but wound and gall the true patriot of America, to see on election day boisterous gangs of foe. - Ah-xai.i.:e, 1, I, ale A IV.it. li,2, ltlainaial'd 1.4: ' U. U .tirrM.n -I. il:.i. i n . .V ci.tu II It l.lank 1. then te.c.,ethelnre.t iiu.ul er of v.,'e... prow- , Ml, NkU1, w.u, lUu.fuM. ,Kaaaj duly elu ded It he a nnijOrit) of qiiuruiu shall he declar- , . Jlr. Sewaid tl.ft. ui.Miei-reU tl e cenule on tl.e ii he laid iced to ed the Speaker ol tl.e Hume ul HepreHcntaiiTes ol the Thirty lian th (.'oiigreso. I, Mr. Wheclet hn-ved that Ibereanhil i pon tiie table and tho uio iou im... j yuan lOft.nnya 1ft). Mr. Tyson, in a spirit of rniiiprratiisr, i. Cured a resolution proposing lo elect a Spckcr l.y th pluiniitv rule; the u;cinl.eio v ted for who shall r. ein twenty li.c voles and u. ward to noiniiiat" know h w iiinnv otlie.a. all g uai lieuoicrats, j..y I "hail km he lulled, and ti e nifu.l er win. bn!! know ; Imt wa-eau't all hive it; so you see I've fot a hard team to pull against. As taMtuutcma, think he'll JJ fur me, il I'll go for bim ai'los wrd. Tb Caliir.et and I have beii liyin' lo tfel things ready before the ii .onnati m io i;'u tli A liniuistrauon t ie credit of being tlie sui in e t and spunkiest Aiitu'i.ittrati.ni bar ever had. We want, irpossitiie, in .;oa nttiu r.nen.i oi Jft;kixr.' Yoa know w'i. a re n!y i lowelbray- town to at'.ias. We i s.iuck a heavy blow to knotk-otr ill Dmilrh Sound dues, and shall lie .ondy Co. a 'p'jnd d rumpus here iu the sp.-ing. We're-- r.ia' avth 'juake kiodlitig up be twneu 6 mid Ihil.md.wha; i .ll,'iiestiMl .in;, II we cut t- iicu Hon nt us naui ii.uo. uui ,..u i .lu.i ,,,,, , prp, ni t u,e votes ti.ry may Itwi tin" tliiuiia sun.'ti.ae t ike h e 1 1 ko.hi i , , ' , .. ' and do wiio-timl b-.th s .'cs. I l.cl a tilireom-asj j '' ihe.eveml standing . oi t- ! nt thif, and wieh tbat at'ipld Conre. would J tees, aier jtr m gar,Tted-ii to lake port of the re- j xiw pruposition was laid uj.-n the tahlo. spun. U ilit,. Then wo';e roi a qoariel W in' Ml of olli K,MM mmtti.m tu , 4 liAv wfww4 Ui r-en CI. YmfwU as hi "it.!l.cl 1.1 tho CiuvHaiiil (thio) ilmM, Mi!i,tir, 1. Wolkwr t;liorr lo rcee.a U tu ft tv.r-.ilim hjf n otUi'iiiet Mr Wnile, rtfectit g ufua R itiniml ntli tre nro rtudy fur bim. 4!. m l lllC l(mr i (tl9 fir.t name.l. ir'vs tiiickli hair. Nww,.M.y.ir, wbat d.-ju U.ni , . u . , , . , . ,r . . t Wu!, Gtutrol,'1 mi I; I itiink if ym m xn- j ilmt Uv Ittvl im mh ii but li.i-l merely irf h ,oer!it Wii getitvl U Ij ft. l.vaulur uu, hi iiu).i-iMii.ii tUitvt -Mr. Cu;.l U iv..r'd tli i ! l x m i J 'V-tiwn ifa re-M.luti..n tntr.lntrcii hy .Mi. Thot IIib tl:i;rul nli'i-'li liiv r.MiQ nntl wRn.ltt( ...... J ..... i. il.v. l,.ril..t 1 .i.ii.l I .('.'.. iVtral .Mi l l it uu ijiiifciniii, iiu ivuuvetl u,e tiit rr itinl u"-".rint)i(i4il rt-.J-ttn iirs uf that tern- j U ry, ;i( li.e m utli uf f ie rivei-San .lmr.i, uuwn iikst 1 lie Mo-'ii.i't fuuun -y ; ami lie cunjureil the : setiulo to ii. i i l i-t tu tlie l.Hyttm iiulro-'r IN'JUV, ftiul tu iu-.- il at lire-.. B it;iin dlmli ce;ie lo vinlato l r'i) ii.H'uv,'. .lie ttok liie ruuiitl that ihe puMth us usfun m1 y ihe Ta'M dpiit uie uunut't, and dtttit to in.-iititiuuel hy i hi ci-untiv, mi in.ft'T at what oust. We iTcir-sE op Kri'Rf si:"T ati v y . , i iotitui whh mn.if itml iih-pudl, that aOer i!n l-aUotn, the i pturh it v ru!th"iih. inke ifTfrt, j Mr Wnlker movcii ti re-fiiM th i'h.ral'Hy rule j ni' tM'fi vrw rfj:te(l hy 4."i tiwjnritv, A nun ! tinn t.i ft'.rn ww drolnrotl -iuf of oHer. The j ftr-t : Mtt w'i Oiftn 'tV"ti.aiiii rfKijl.v ah AiIJuwh i Hill mine, and tnte, that t,he UnikuKhuw th ei)perm Ulking lu an mccup which it lious to earn in ir for the month of Janunry lr5. to have nativ ear, parading through the strceb with been flO,fi:JS 10; for February, $3,836 7C; baujiera flying.the easy prey to ih political knave, rch, ?1 1.280 92; April, $111,008 81; Mar, W.io knuwa now io drown tbeir oonscienc th S Kinest, in nisids of beer and brandy. Nay, I bave myself been a witness to scenes .till mot revolving. 1 have seen druses of druukn sailors fresh from 'on board foreign vessels, carried ia triumph through the streets, and from poll to poll. I turned away in disgust, and at that time, now 6vf rears ago, felt my admiration uf th republi- worked to a depth of M) feet, and it gives an ; ca m-tuutionsuwinai away last. hat with ineresoe in gold as the workings arecarriod down ,il"il"r fl" "J 'lios, false ballot The North Carolina Copper mine, known a 00!tcs '"u"1 "u uektroeiwa Of l,l.fi 12. 61; June. W.Oril 08. The average ex- peine, per nioir.li. for .eight mouths of the year fur working the. mine, atnounts to $.1,319. The ainount ur ld taken out of the mineiu a month, has reached us high as $15,000 ; anil it may be etaird, that the nett ftaiu per mouth, nt the pres ent time, txecr-d JlO.tsiO. T!. vein has been Hunk. 106. Aiken 9.1 Fuller II.' H'ella Camn-1 the 'Fentress mine, has moro than sustained itself i Mhen uUU the result, but SB elecUea ... ..." i r ef. t. ' . ... during the pa.-t year. It ha had its fluutuatinu-, , uuw" mnm Pr"Tra 10 M Pul," 111 necensitrv to it choice ll'H.' Two oifier hallnto were taken with similar re sults. 'I he plurality rule next eatne in order. It was ndopied by a majority of ipna. Mr. Orr wi'hiiieir !i inline as the loiimcriitic nominee. The l.itllot ui.der the pluta'ity rule was taken, and resulted ss f .Hows: Hanks 103, Aiken lilO, Fuller 0. Ciiini.l.dl 4. Well. 1.. The Clerk of th llin.se declared Mr. Banks elected. tin motion of Mr. Clinsman, a resolution was flilnpie l de.lnrii"; Mr. Banks elected as Saaker ol the Uoikc. .Mr. lisnk was tiitoeunnn con it is true; hut it has been improving, and is j capable, of furnishing more copper than at any former time. One shoot of ore furnished alsiut 7000 worth nl ore, which was raised find pre pared fur market at an expense of nhout S200O At the present time it yields 250 barrels of 20 pet cent, ore par mouth, besides a large quantity of 12 per ci i.t. ore, which, at tho present advancinr; 1 eaniii.t rcccilu viiih ut national dishonor, and .! ... . i ,i i.i ..r ti.. i r rl.,..i..,l io ih. ri.nir l.v Mm.ni Aiken .ml KulUr ! price of metal, may be sent to market at a fair thtticaiv ....... plain to bo miMindcrstood. and I -,,r' 'l" men inaue a speeon, ana me prom, in seam or solid oopper pyrites is i jf ' .,-..... disgrace; and how ouhi thia l others ie, a 1 nig as 30 per cent, of the number of electors did not evu know by pain tlie'caudidates an tL ticket placed in their bands, and lest by reputa tion, be it for good or for evil f Xow; :rreTe you lava, a ground for indignation iu every honest man, whether he saw the light of life Crst ou this side uf th water hi or? the other i tad you native Amei icons will seen all rise, the British (imerpinciit has resorted to nihern- hie pervuiicii.oe, in order to ua hi its reipiireki A leaf irom History, incuts. ' A tVo puhli-.h lielow an article from the tiuis. Tl.u S.'iiil(e ailj iuriie.l til! .Holiday. ; VdW Journal, on im inteicsiin histotical episode. lh.isi of l!n tkMi'iln.. Mr. Cox iu ! It treats of matters that have often been alluded rit i f i i.inprou.iii, oiTered a pre iinhle i to in recent polemic- del etes and writings, in at on -ii.Iu.ms v.a'p.e. some 1 1 their po- which ihe li. uinnists invariably d patriotic i p. with tl-l'-o co.if. uuileil, s it! in cie' J, H lipid Coil- reso. Tlijr won't rgnii that is the Hour j wou'tiin I they .em .l-it'-rinlued 'o throws a d im- j tier on the Admiiiistiatiun .n.lnw or other. j Hurt tlie v liecn lo .lui aw ty their tuiio six weeks and Icttiii thewh .Ie c ainiry hang by the y i lids war and i.l . 1 nad to keep my i, es-ae o i hand a tn mth and let it aim -t spile just li. -a ! Ihs Ih n wasn't uigantsed. At last 1 li.i;i.ieil to think it aas a gix d cl niice tor uie ui ink tli rponniliility, fvi I let drive, and tir . my mesuie right in am- ng 'em. It wail , , , i i .r M . ,.i . :i ! nui ii a i.uirerinn riiiiorg em. c..ni-w -at qtiiia 'em. drerud nr in Ins tt'iiform, oil ol Uie pit is . . . , , . nr .i . i . . . . . V Z. ' ... .,,,.-,' i . ,.. Wi-aahv; hut Idid lit eaiefor that. I msaiit to let (CiUS IU. mm n. - ... w v ,, , . , , - .. iuld adr..a tne n a friend uot to go up lo aew ,.r.r, sun ...or.ug.uu., who ,,.,..;,, .1 ...,.,. aaeeipB t. York, for if Jul th Twu r.Uc.'s waa a pme g we. . , i .r . - "How ;i?"saT I; "hit do n mem?" "I mean," say ., -that Mr. M Km, lis lisiriot Attorney, iriil uah her in Was than no time, and cui'leuin her tor a hll.hafte vessel, aio I you'll all lie p it iu prison and tried lor trio latin th nntTTi'7ty Isws."- Lh hi ii hi it,'1 aayi, I, "if he d ires. We are at work f.r Hn; Ci .ecrriiaan; WweruisefiaraH buea under the oi;eci'ioiiaudadiiiiofCorreM.'f "If I reins ub"r right," aav. be, t'.ingrnsj wasn't in .oison when th Two I'ollie. sailed l or th West India station. II rw, then, could du know I'd thow '.in a Pxicb of old hickory if they d d'ut mil d h .w they carried sail. But her 'lis now f iii. tu iw 1 1. on bs, and every thing i at a dead stand because the House Won't choi.se a Speaker. Wa can't hnr any certainty of gtt ting oioi.ry enougli to ke,i toe li net i.iun.t a g B till w get a Hpeai er, aud all our pbns Is in danger oil circ knoel el in th head, .,w f Major, I ""i h y a would .!) round antung tb V - T ... .. .I....I., n.t ... It .... l.Jl. WWIIIMlt l "lilj V. I". Hff v it juu . . uoi. matters to a pint, I d n't much caie whs is k -r, if Uiey ii urahix;'' sou b un lee the d'n notion of d nere.s. "I moan the Oitrud I'o greao," savs L "and M makes no difference w bkh, uu ' at .good as 'piiher.' "WoIh'svT'ii,' y iwll! )Sii litiua'tiiudi!T'.'r. rue wuk-h when mmi get uy to New York, Tu I r,,.l Aiiuri ey is .1 'HU mi ciery vms-1 that ha t'a ! siiii'lluf gi iii iw.ler,1 or has anything aboard that hears any 1 io ti a mu-kct. lie h is a lu iu.u k"oo went for unpiwdvr; be al ien email it alsua.-d oe-'l uer there ism t bit nor ttrjo, and it ail ioius uu; tu wa.cr, "If that't the ease," asvs I.' I'il leive the Tf 0 r.,!lie at an'sM her", an I 1 i! lie ..fl' t ton and so tmw It. mini lay. ho I vailed up t apt. dumper, the sa.hns-Uias. Hoi wont round .uioiiith Muuibeis two or three day aud uid m hesU I t'an.i 'em all eery si IT, ana tli loutf iiiciul.i rs wr siil.est ol any.' Th ilnrd day 1 went back to lb l'reai deut agiu. and saya lie, " Well, Major, bow duo it stand uowf iova lliiiis look any iuor su vouiaging I" A h oile grain," say I, " but aot much." ' Well, bow ia itf" says he. 8 ays I, "It ia, Dank. 1 Itichar Jaok 73, Pul' rill, I'liuiiing 5, scatisihig 3." Cat that's ili same old tune," saya he; jest tli sam lha'. Uen forttis last six weeks," " N'l." says 1 " yi.n lui'tai. llou't y. a so "I... . i.. ...it ... i.. i.,i. I . , Wir WU'll l. Um lull vm r . pw.i. ke only b. Lie Vi - ' en. o iisg'nr in i're.ident luikea disarpointe l, sal. I he. Washing. I ' sjuau .iraw mm a umiuiin niso io , yoi, provide lor lour. ea.ih a', D it now uo i..rj taia. i'o i e; grow ,ny more pii it,tej n ill the i u.ler mea sccuie I tu o li e aunt 1I..U- Mr. Catnpl.ell cnlh d upon scerul gentler (Mos-.rs. Shcrni said that lr. Cuiuph. il did not luvor that iea.au tins. Several other r;.itemcn made explanations in ihat suniieclinu. Mr Stewart, it Maryland, ofTered a re'sulutii n, 1 directing Uie Cierk to adiiiinistcr the oath of of. i fire tu uieuibj.ai. Th proposition wa reject ed. The II.ius proccele.1 to rote, with the follow ing re.ult: ll.nik.'Ji, Orr 67, Fuller 1)5, l'en nington 3; K.lilj 2, T. L. Uanis 1, and Will am 1, Win. I number 200, nereasaty tu a choice lei. Tba IIjuho a Ijourued. Wa.uiaoTos, Jan. 29, Tin Seriate was n dju session to day. Ilotisi or lUrakskNTsTiVH. Mr. Underwood hired a rmiiaiiua tutu Scut tha'tsT yote shall I waken for each member, in rotation, as their names Hand on lb roll; th membe- reiving th majority of rotes provided it b a majorily of a quorum tu b declared Hpeaker. If no se lection shall b thus muds, thea th choic shall b mail between lb two receiving ihe highest number of role. Any member being at lilierty to bav bia name exempted fmia thia process. Vl hil th vol shall b biking, no debet or per sonal tpbuiatioao shall b ia order, unless by ananimoua eoiisenL Mr Richardson thuught that the difficulty wa' thei ar too many -candidates, and this rsaola- pn,p. , lil.cul p. u.'-iplcn in oi der to i-ecurc till eli.-ti -fl of a Spauikcr, ici-enir.g tlie riiht lo insist olt tin iu piact.cally herciif'.cr; and cuiu luiiing with this ha-i. will first cast th. irvotcs for the Hon. James tort ihe real order to advance their own I.. Orr, f South Curolina: and if he should imt cctcl, tiien lor the 11m. Henry M. Fuller, fact, ol ihe case ends: ' "It was about Stephen LanK.tnii that the nuar rel lietween the infamous Ring John and I'-.j ! Innocent liegan.- John wished to appoint J.din ; dedray Archhisuop of Canterhnryt the Pupa ap ; pointed Stephen Lsngton. When John, made ..I l-eiui.-ylvaiiiii; ioviling all meniUrs who agree 1 "l"" oarons, in i.i.v, i.antou opposeu to th s resolution to co-oporat with th ee.crva- ! ,liin '"h nrumeoa. The King and the Archhi-h- lion heri in e;iucsed. op met at Winehesler, kisse l, and made friends Mr. flinu.uaiisa'.d that his ohirct in iifforina i -Lanofon having no c.mfidenc the plurality tesi lbtlon yesteiday, aas lo com. i pel the National Americans lo chose U'twcen Messrs. Banks and Orr; and that n nhing was father from his iiuci.tion than the election ol Mr. Banks. in John, and John hating him as the cans of all his kingl trouble. WI.eu John uudnrtiKik to mak war upon France, the baron refused to asi.t him, lieean.ft Mana fharui was nut secuied. From the island of Jersey, John, finding him elf unsua- inchc ' wida, on the borders uf which, Iher ia 1 J0, n8r' outrag I. keen tu libertiotof four feet of qunrlx, rich in metal; all of which i ull..ion the eafety of what w pissM lnth, bounded by a fis.urs 12 feet wide. This great ndj and, as hi admitted hy eryonthat width' con.titutes th vein ; and from these facts, i thura is a lin k of control at th ioli,ua almost we are warranted in the Uiicf that it will prove ; every election, ther'e ought to he a chis super one of the most valuable miues in this country, trisiou and a frequent ohnllo! ge. A salutary The Wa-hiugton' miue, in Ilavidson, is now change will he effected by the Know Nothing successfully worked, after having Lren uiiim- !" thisrejct ; and if it hadnttained Both proved f.ir the last three years. The diffu'iilty . 'S 1,ut ll'is on reform, we should all bias its heretofore has been in separating the sine from j aeii.on. Hut as lung as fraud presides unhlush lcad ; this ii now iicc.in.plishcd hy the use of j ingjy at tl.e ballot Isix, thai e is bo urtofipein Bradford'i Separator, nhich enahlea them lo la'iug on the weight that w ill he thrown into tli melt at a mm li less cost than formerly. Tbt , balance of th popular choic by the vote 0f 'prospect now is, that it will la'cotiie one of the foreigners, whoiwill , iial-Hiiiid the only mint valuable mines in the eotin.X!jt I. JdUgh1 enumerate many valuable gold and copper mines, nine of which cannot I e said to enjoy a reputn-iU3 O.ou to corruption five, teu or twenty ysr li'.n lieyund th iiiui.e liule neigl U.rbood of their foreigners, wnoiwiu , iiiu-miini the only one liable to blame. -Aiul is a foreigner who il apt to J,e misled a hen' lauded quite fresh, net quit loom ion, but which are paying mine. The Fisher 11.11 mine, in (luilf ,rd, the Jones mine, and the Ward mine, in liuvldsun; the Kwner mine, in Kosran ; the llusncll mine, in Montgomery; the Pioneer, in Caliarrus ; the Ore Knob copper mine, in A.he; the Howie mill, all of them valuable mines. I think it sal to predict that th copper j mines of this State will prove a permanent and prorhnble as any sulphuret untie now known. But gold and cnp;ssr mmes.oillbHigh enriching ter audiol. lorn lo P "e ' w). I, "of any of cm. Tiny saidloey .,hl whil. was goo, and 1 t.,ld KtrcsM. I J.ad ' , M ' j j igU,;i U l.k. rsl ear. of ,. n,en.a,.d I J t.y if p a.f , J, J 4 ffi.Uit, the Bank, ble to be U. k m a , f -.rit.igbt. ,,,.,,' m n and tb. It.vt.araai a.ea Mau lmg out so tt hen I g t lo W a.tntigi iu I thought I would , , n " jest run hi a lew minute, and sc. I.ow Oongre , , 'j rm.s-ra.i. frUid. th ... gi-Uing aloog fi..t I b d let my lWrd grow , . a ., MJ (- ,dmnU pr.li, hg and . a. drt, so U,Dsre., ,. j ' ,,( g u shot I use I li. ina. . u.u oi ie.. ........ii .... ... .- , .- . - , ... . ... . I ...a I I. . .1 t body . knovrliig SB'.. wen, r.go, o. . .. r- k ( - .i,.inlrt.r .ml t'.ik a seat in the eal-: . 1 . . .. - - - i "Vt ui i),ui s goutl siunk, said UK I resiuems 1, , v. Iiu.ii.wsi seemed o be going o br.,k and ( ,or.t u, U tins b.i.r. will era, a lively . A m.n w st mdir,, op rr,a,. rrad.jig AJmio.s.rath.a a...o.l.u.e Uh. th e.a. k of l.8,.Bilis..dU. vons.il...... i-.a, heeb, w .11. h.esrd.tl.. Il.uk. ..ouW.kf 1 - .J.u.er. I risii,,.,. - ..-e..n- ,. i,u.,i, ,,.., j ia t wmn vm. p.-i w... ... . ... .. . ' . i .ev ars iu n.. hurry, aits I. tiling el. M.aitd to . - , , j -.i 1 AOIMIIll-U aVUM OtaU w many Uara In their w,nierd.. ill, r-Joiu , Tll, r,.4 ,u ..J ap. a4 must .a. b idobul.ural!..rpae. a.u g. 4 tire I tf 1-kcl mitniliJull ;Utm t M.1.M Una, and w.ul Uek ml-the log.. I bad , , , ,,, .- ,j . U waii g thia UI ate . ... : . ... UC1..I im in. .4tl..-v I,.... It,. ti.AH i. J . - . Lm . J r, ', ,, . ,,J I d-; w Biu.l ba. a pf.er by U k ur l.y cru. tn ,i... -r . m ' ' I I .1, I t.H. S,rf,ll.W Li kn..t ILi. hSIlbM S SlI i . i. ...... T I Vj !rr ul IVamiivtna . se.lm- i . . .... ...,., i "iv eiu" sis I, iner m mi way 1 II..IB li. I . f "" ' I1 """ ,;f ?T !" ' "The,' they ar. Z re, Harry.- ..Is I ,i,er Usiaea. iI I" If 'cry do.l. I cou.d , t H ? L J. ,(i M d(, 'ltlin, -,M 6,.d out a any Iblng was du.ug, , . Ju ' . ., ,. ,t(U Ju M,A M, , .!'. tb. ,.e..p.,-r,., and -U.LiHg , ,u tU. , al.i.l., andsoii.. wa.-ilinx as y ...I al ,,. aufuiiii.iiat.uu out." I turnej rriJ nl wln.f e lo Ihe man who s.a so il lo tut, no l,o s I, l hat j..l the lain luo ti rj had a lieu 1 ) la bet iitif.il Inw r." F.taf'y." aav h"t "the d.'l I ly hot an tuns. si. I li ilbi.u'l no yrli..iis. ' kt upoi airtti ar they doing," sv 1 Hih, they re rh-. m ( S,aVr." snv.be. -t'ii.Mi.( i-vker:" asr. I. I or g .oiuui ia s 4.i inuir ' lfi.i t 1,.. ll...gni.. ".,, ,iih.u.n.!,l. ,1UML" V eil." I, "ihsrs u im.. wtr I l lin k lb basmew may 14 d- uir, aod I .lnu'l know but its th U oniHie; nd I! l U, Mm to go ai.d brin llic I'D I'oli.i-s rouadhere, aul bring bar gun. ki I r on l..c Capiluh 1 beu ad u surd and gi.. via -ot h ut tui.fgan a. II tisry J.ai'1 do h, iheu Lat er to i. al-ail th.ir wirs, or tuaii.i lull. lK,sri,iug il'.e a. I nia and dml 'i.ii . m old CiusaasU d d lb lluoip I aiiiiiieui." To. I'ltxiiev,! M ol t ni'inl. U Jerk study. Al last h. sa.d. "sil, M g.sT, a dr-perat di rvuvrdy. I y. bs. "I.., v- li at It w i .! , N(UV.lam, lu.1. i -hua. aboard th. Two .-he, .d. ,ft...cii..w i" ' , IU;.. :t.i..pilwr.i.lhi.aaii.ll.y.., lirf, kv.e so.. no y . .Ig-a- l . llgl.l tak i4 B1w Bp ,4 ..k. ail sail u Il VsiivKii..itlr.M.Juiti..wo,i;r. I !,,. Aod if u.m.ss to n. Unr wb I get i, . .ne e. .... I. -I ll rf " ' ' u.rr ym mnit lfcear th..uir. I cmite. I- 1 as It-il. R I l.urr M ol i . ,..', . i., . ,. . i. . . s it mi t I r-.,; I ' t 1 I. .. I V.'l t S I I. I I ruva:u f air l.v. its i MAJl 11 JAth IUWMMI. i ,.i i,.. ,r V I 1 . 1 . rv.k'hl I or II. lilt II 11. u i , the ,svaiil let an Hi, ' 1 I .:.... tb. iwi.to.ii. i:.aii( Zr7Zi7u. , ini -i a in hi fr t,i. r-'W,. , ...miilhiuo I "Ib.a A cvt,. It an ,! fp th. ..Hj.,1 I if i; 1. urr I r,rev ti i r.a ni l U-'.j" p.iuti.'Msl, attt.ws a fc.asl s. ol... . .1 . I.IL.-.- a I: u. IU Mes rut ' ta MA t.lBSH U f - y d. sna.iu.11 . . i. ... .'. I.. u.. luk a muriates to l'i'"b fee. . ... I I .! the i re-, buj .uip..M4eta.eovor.,i suaasespk',y4 . I k i. I f. i. .' ti tl roan. K..y o! ii r.o d so I fy ... .t i. ,-y o tl..'. b il. si' r Il I, J. IIMd to v a d w k .11. l Uh"iog U lut Hi ' ii p , i f a t .d i 1 hs ,s "I . I B. l .1 r , i" a. i ,tt ... i ,M P. roi... k'ul, I I SI o l lo I U s I I ; y kn w . 1. i. d ti.ii Mr. l uilcr. ood, at the uggestion of Mr. I'unn, withdrew his resolution, knlit to m .rrow. Mr. Crawford gave nt.c of his inl'i lionlo 'utrodui-e, lo morrow, a rra lulii.n, prorssiug t . slsii a Fpeaker inontuf th way puimed out by Ihe Constitution for th election of a I'rend- denl of Ui I' aited Stat, r at by thai, each Slat Mslii g on rot f .r Mpeaker. I Mr. A. K. Marshall i.ffered a rvsolul' m, de claring it tn la Ih du y of l'i v.ral parlisa lu viilhdiaw their BoBiiuaiiuii fiar tb Hpraketship a Ibal ry airiulssr might Vol a a deawied for tu best Inlsir sis of ti, MM,tty, lie and Mr. WiIimsb advocated lb adrh of tb resolution, a huh a as o, pcd hy Mas-r. v hitosy. Cu.len, .M.M.il.sn, and lli. hanU.ii; Ibrhft named des-ssr ag thai Ibsr rata be a-t uioa l,wa Ih iti.l Americans and th lemeraia antes tb former cuss war k tb latter. Mr. A. K. Morshsli .ilh lrew hi resolution. Mr. Htaaart wf Marylaad, iff red a rsakdaiioa that, with th smnssoi of lb rvnais, aa hsss a 8t.ket shall b lcisl befor tlx Ilia al Fbiaary nstt, Ih ll.ais will, an that day, l- joawa Butil list afistk uf May neat. It was mauifsat, h said, Ik-ssi lb devbpaiMits that II .a aow nl so impossobl m rfsn aa bscl'lo s ii Is tba pretit diser.Un lrts; aul after lb repieatnlalis sit. II h ewlled ith II sir anaaiiiawat aa I relarmd hither, they wi.uhj Is Ib Utter m( art d to sask aa W. iSaa. Isa Btolii of Mr, Todd, lb resolution wa 'aid ' tht Ubi. Tb I loos Vol. f..r t;iewkr with tb lollosr nag re.su Bvaka tr.i.thiOi, Fal.-r 21, g ion 1, Iterely 3, Willi,, Id. sad. i.d t, C. A'Wa I sat h. M hoi aa.ber uf Vvi 1J ,, vary la ehokra llsO, Mr. V fcitney ffred a rsialat f ih rl tt.Hl of a .vpk.r, lb l uk thersia lu b t.Ud Carolina to fore tin in to niaks a selection be ta ecu Messr.. Orr and Banks. Mr. Colli, of Georgia, said thai as h had de termined uid to cast bis v.,t tor Mr. Fuller, ia the vein thai Mr tlrr oniild nut b elected, Is ah.ield act in bad faith did h favor the adoption of tli irsnlution. II would sot irrespuclit of all i..u.b. union. Mr. Col uid that if ilery gentleman wr to set mi the principl Uid d.B ly Mr. Cobb, it would hs imp islhle tu effect an electiuu. Fur himself, In tl.i pecuh'ar aiat of s fairs, he wa willing to act irrespectii .4 parly. Mr. Ovouck oppvted lh re,luiin, appreben- Mr. Humphrey .Marshall remarked that rd.jec "" returned in rage to .-Northampton. Here iloa.I a the l'.enuhlMxns ws.e. be and hi. ! Ungion caught up with bim, rud the intrepid Mends hd been unable to ..bia.n f n in Ihe He- ; prelate said W afflaet.1iryp:i.alS. isf TliMrprin- r --S-Thesa.harUmu measures are in violation . . . 11 nt VnllP ftttllia VlllIP VHrnKTIItl lllllll Blmlifl hi lliaS 'Wrntw-trnr-Kansaa ebrai.lia.iMasli..a Jta.. . -J . . ..A7 . -'-- ptheir pMpriHer. and airdvsaUtvdlywbitna arasils . . . . . iiiflrrtamiaiif uf liiftr tffrm nf.fl mil i-aa ysr n ti 1 1 1 1 1 v i ' dililial th right ol tl. gei.ll.mau trim jvorin J . .! to the general prosnerity ofth5tate, do not . nan as.eu nr arms. 1 tie rung was nirious, nui i - . , , ' . , . , , , l i equal, in th latter particular roal and irtsn. Th I he had atmiuh character iiihsnuton todeal wnh. ! He was it,.en,il.l7 to fear. Whil. J.din wa. fu-1 """" " e"npiiion o. improve- rious, Lang.on hastened to Union, and at a se ! "rnU "l" " ' i" ep liiv.ra, has Issiu end meeting of the barons, on the 2.'th of Au- j discouraging lo tho.. interested in thecal Seld., gust, be read Henry the Fir,;', liberal charlOT. end .aiu d uhu in ihe mind, of oll.rra, a. to and after inducing the hamui u. appro, il. pro I ,,''ir ''" Tl' CUM -'lay.. " ''' yii.aa., Ungton made ihem swa.r lo U tru. 10 ! the d.lficulty of pr a-uringlals.rets; but there .arhotWaiidbicnqtieror di iu support .f ; ol1"" 'ndha.1. lba th. improrem.nt. ar. their libertias. One m-ntb after, a new Papal ! " Perfectly feasible, and thai then ia no iiu lcrate arrived. Cardinal Nicholas, and f.a.nd . I""'-"'' '" ' John was warring against ibe charter of Henry. The treacherous King Is. wed in homage to the Pope, psul Blteeo thousand marks hi the legal. and promised fifty Ihuusar 1 11 ihs bishops. Th they will hence b completed is due time. Th different companies ar ready to take eoal to market as soon as the iajprvefl,eo.t. ar comple ted, ilailniads sill also b built to th eoal ding that sum. ..I Mr. Fuller', friend, would r- ' ,,,., hi ou,. j Selds, from different r,.,U-o i. already eorr. fuss Ui tote lor Sir. llrs. , rages, aidr.1 hiai in warring against I lis llhertie 1 tl- I 1...II- .1 tl... .m A.hl ..t. rM 1 , , .. hf hug. slid, and wnt hand in hand with uo of Drsauuiai ic eau.ua ifaoines, am being ailin g . . , , , . , . . r tn meanest, lw.t, an.) treicherou,, and fero ihus lo MidurM th principles wf lli Adiaiulstia- 1 cious ti rants that ever wur a crowa. tioa. 1 Mr O x", resoluiioo .a rcjecte.1-).. 30, l " Anbbishap Ut.gta was tru. to lb cause ; 01 ntierty, ..B alter l'. Inms-ent bad aista- Mr lis, lusss ..ffuad a JuiioB,nroyidini for " '" n. ted with it. Langton tli eleciioa a ssker by a plurality ..l. Bays Bienced fn n Fsj el lev ill, and daub-Caroline only requires a charier lu build on a immediately: aod thsrs should b a road fr an Kaleigb. t if tb amount of eoal ua 1 eep l!i r, there eaa n 1 ha ger I any doubt. Situated in tb midst of a in agricultural country tlailr also abundant tli facililis (r miuing ara equal to Tb ll. use, by a tuts of vaa l'., hay I'Mi reluaed to lay it Bia ihe labi. Mr. T'lpp. ffura-J aa a ewl.-t.tut a re.lutinn declaring l.. II .a. W ilii isa rAasilK uf Virginia, .ker. li said that Ih Ih-BHcrata bad an thoM id" any l laid in tb I aitd Stale.; and was the 1.1. and smil (A llicosuf M gn Char- j x v; t proved in a short liiu. tl.at iu traBS, la. 11 ass to tl.at csu what Msmuel Adami rirtti.,B to maiket will b aa ebeap a aay sisa- wastn Ibe caus nf American Itls-ety. Mecca Id .l.rc-l i- th ai.ui.lrv. In eunBsetma wilb tb I esiir.ee iniimid.td no raj.4ed. VI kea, at u, iBslh.uil,Ui beds of iron r. Th gral tb fea.1 .f F.piphanf, lis B irons wailed on ,bf Tg rmt. i. carried dowa John and demanded aa aawer. h. wished la fc.iwaB :UV and 1 (mil bedaof irua or bav isMM uiswaied to lUui: II a ilmaliy rule, wiih twl lUut off until ILier. sd Ih-v K'ailed th ct. which will furnish an araoBnt of or. ih.cuiu.yol vh-oigMr. Banks, or lb adop- rpit . .dith.a ibal Cardinal Ui.gn would rf , wbitk will pr,uut irun.equal lU, , f ui. re. lu kaaod ihciioaofo.. " M me rung aureus "" " i, .,y m ,h s.lU;h pig. Thaloa of h. Wa elm w.ia Ih. iKuwoiraia, 'th. J'-"ww to their demands. Afiet ha go rid of j M f RifW Mj lb i,,,.,, j, m,n lrt, . u..M would ut for B Boat, of ( "-. Jd atlempted to court lb tb.rch up,m lb, ,( IU, g,.,,, mhtm , lU lW.rra.1 e-.wras. , y yiewii.g enain privilege. 10 It, nut e, bea op., ,arkH, Mnnot Um.tis,ated. ThU, Mr. Baiksdal mu.l that lb whol s.bbwt Ungh was undincbing J,, Ih rs. oll.Uny. I u ,,, rate uf richanr. lslwM U bid oa tb labia, but Ue atobvtt aa. disa- ''"T ' '' '. "h to Lang- j ,bi, .k,.,, y, T,WI i. fltlW bfibt forme; gr.J bj.a HI, nava l i'i "". i which th Papacy ipiasd iblf ia an- , circamsiaao which wiU b a great relief ia Mr Tripes roilnl.t.t ... f,td-ya li5 misiakabl term that it w.IJ swppert Joha negialating bs hoada. llrnr lis w.-k ajsan aay 110. rigt.l or wr.sg. Dart aei.ber Kiagly p nt nor j Bi,, rfj u halwd la a omvhli.a. 1'endiug Mr. liAkinaa rs.dulion tl lb ass rapnl oraiasua . J l animal Langton t .Ijuurkrd. I seen for a siligl jM.ent Real tba eaaa of , fred.a. V aBIto. F). I. .1- , , ... . , . - i hsa Joha alt.sstaed I avs lit barons lb Penal wa nut in smssu n day. . . ,, , , . sub sa array o Picn airrcctiarir. aa I itbnyi list slur Itaraasist fiVi.Tb. ir, ha.h ' I )ul k atged Lngti4i to io.mni.ii leal tn later f Hai not tba Lad example been belor hi ryes for the last ten or twenty joar.f It is, therefore, nut so much th lengtu ol hi resident in ilia cinintry, wku-h should b looked lo wilh a view lo his qua ification to vote, but bia cspacily tu act ao an indepetident citizen is expected 10 act, Iu a republic where eiery cititcn comtirut an integral and active part ol th whole, every man admitted to th Is.lior uf ciliseuship should neuassarily UiaUa to uaidcrsiaud the laws ul th Laud, and tha Uor uagtiu which they ara wriltta. Tlterelor. nuhooy sb uid be admitted toeliiscu siiip who does IKI1111I and sp.ak hnjlirrll. This wisjld include, at ouixt, both the iguoruut Irish man, th. bl.K.'kheadvd peasant nf lies. ahd Havana, and many a "mafui, liilu dome," who sometime pantos a quaruii ol a century iu Atui -h au his exclusive rrenchdou, and can read no A.l encun paper except tb Courier Jet Eiai I him. And iflbi reading, (last to say writing,) and a certain know led g of linglish, wr laid down aa ncecasarj to qualily as lor ciliirnship, y,.u would probably arrive alth wisest reform, which the graaiiies bf th.evil ao h-udly calls for. Tli rttr tha guca unto say that iu, migration, under prupr mirsctkui, i ustquestiuaahly of great advantag to thiseouutiy. Assuming that tAK),000 imui.grunu laud annually Bpoa our boras, and liiat tb( avciag. amuvt of money which aava iuiw grsail brings . itb hint hi tea dollars, sis pillion uf dollars ara thus brought yearly il l iinulatinn front this snare, ak. ' Ilul ,iip.nig," boutiuU,"tluit th vng of ach mail's Bi.ans i $110, it would amount uaixly ailii.Y And it Bt tl. latter Bgur a likely lo approach lb real aterag a lis former! Now, put down ieiy man, womau and child, to avarag th pric J a Virginia negro at so, o asu or child, or say irojtl, and lb actual valo of G00,0u0 immigranu it, auuntiog turaltar Bad other additional valushUss, al leas ti hundred : 1 1: 0 SHU now. at .rj j c , , v lbs. ia strongly put, and if iaoreaof aatsneej wswlth eould b unsidrd as aa drqals eoai txnsalija fur a gradual dcra ia Ih entimtsl ruf natisnaliiy, wa ahouhl regard lb arguaMat aa aaan..rabl. Ta folk. wing (nggtauoa, huyr, i a all worthy ul alieuts . luauswat Iw Ih. queslhas, "How ar la protect aul! agaiusl th iulroduclion uf paupsv and ctlmiaal isawigraaia, lb wnur r( hs 1 "Yosioaa Insoilut Uu iBtrtl hy rairt Much mat esisht U aaid resneetrf. rli yali , tb pasprl sy.l.us, ana giving iw. of th aiming ilr.uf tbi hai.; Ut I dera j ts.ys CotMuk, eanily k-ft a la M.Wrbm.g lit rsssuluia aubsaittad by Mr. lUkia.a, y.trdsy, pr.rr.diag tut lb io tau uf a .k;.k by a plurality ie, Mr Mvijusa-a moved to lay vi i. tU labia, hut th Bitasoa ka dwsgxsd to yea Id" aa..t 1.. 1'itt r Ule wa llsrw rejected jskuj iko. is 110, Mr. J.a.n, ..f T.i . "le.derii.g," a U il aaaaensary t ,t lata further tVia.laat 0,is M pr-IJ tbsiilaia. on IM r lis... a l.usll Isdla my (anbcaaiing rw- 'j of th .utbori.se granting H.lhth purttUpriiH'bhlh... neiriM I Wr t nvkled, e, W ..J .lul 1-. ..-1 1 .1 1 laupr ar uacrBd, you ci.t l.tesuict aa haninsv a-c.dit.g to ordr front Rmmt, Langt. a furred Ih 11 Ie at d thrvalrned to toaBHBhi rat John' army al a ll dUpent), which act It nedily trvad. Tl rlHt and Irtaneaa ef lanetnn .ru.lrtd Julia, and a lb 15lh of Jan l-l i, si r.eDve I, J. ba !gsr4 lb rh se ll s barons ba ked Is 1aii(0 ih tit uf y U regarded as important iter tb poUi. I know. K. I.MMUN'l, t7eWsyst it Hit .V, C. . Raleigh. Jati'y SI, 1 tod. this rasp 1 A assa may U taadsd whhna BHir tlssa a t dollar iu hi p-ahtt, sad U LeorlhsleM, tssluahhi aciussuiua, Utaa IthtsssauaJ UU h h) pab! 1 f l.cifrss !. whivh lh rj l-cl ul hi sb-rtn. of aVa .iJ all tutth o n.'ii mosxr." . with tb asm of tb rwadolai, .ho.lnll r-.it ' wihl, tb.is hra.i.h i.f ," ,-aVrd a tU so,, af a Bisjon'ty of lb IIims. A Tier dr die, lb isssdaii.. wa laid anon lis lb!-)ss l U.nav 0. Tb II',. IImsu a.ljinn,Ml, W'iivl.i, Jan, 31 Tk Fs n .as n-st la ns.sioa to dey . b,li., I list Ih II.. M.wdswi tthtrr, a Ksrt Rapid larrcaM la r.f.lsth'a af Tttai laaa ha Inrrr.ssvvrry rsoijlj ia p..pulaliia 1 th .h.4. nwb. and, b.U tUy Uid Londoa, 1 jeara, la lb y'ar 1 tU neosa. r lUt .a.ftiled tU f.ws to th. lulu a.d H IlJ.i' hihsUi.nl. Al lU rrasidenlial , iiy k I . . . 1 , . ..... . & IA! . Ium. ,k I, Mt ge of Langt, n. II. HiH f.- tseniy Urje,!! .eelion IB I' .. II al .t east was s.t., wsi tbt.au u. U,i F.r-. fit I. H lb I- in.sii ul ll,. 111 m L I .J it . A lb liau sin a had inftrv.'l ( 4i.nlrrat.r 11... aui.t in atn . .at s.n. w ana a Ihq Innorssat ... as bersy with hi . k th p.od Wt'. K.O ...J r j2. It a.u.1 hereby 1. .b.-.n rt.k.t U tk II of . m..uiu. a. . f M.ra Chan, aed it. fr,.d. , the hv lea nr M'.l"). Ui .U U in saaui.t.. as J ,ha aa la his Utthersr and ssintrflM. tl ratio f ab.st -a. ot. to vry Silt a hi Mr. Maoieaoa k-ov.l Ih.t tl r.lwiK.B is. oa V., ,u frfnei,, tr,l,wan, beaul J d.n, and hahilant.. If ll .r had I aw bcw in tl lii L.U. as tbi. so ajrvssd ks-.rM 1 Id. Bate L:. . i 1 t . . 1. A 1 . . - .1 .. . . 1 1 I. I . 1 I.il. -i.:...n., - .1.. .1 . . c , , 1.1., j .1 AIimTTfll M'. Ltrhss f.red a rssMi.li as thai Kn bo U, S. t I 1 isrioua .svs, as 1,1 nalilt ship ,1 n i th I 1 on. ia TV', ft gohoal. and , . imi ss.ii tsi.irsisl al all. It is s,iiw.i 'i il.sl . mat rbt... bs.ll th.s .anMH'r. a,aiil.ie h.r in pfr" " 4" r nur4. t u.u sL.i-s ! !.. lmiel U.11 1.1 eiavs, .pwli. of i'U !"'" snd urtti f sno.4 ..-s s sd p.srd.ta' l.Ugu .. a 1., ,rlr IssMS sad bail Iws, I b It ilt.e si. .1 1. b.1.11- 1 ki llart a l ssssrlr E-"st' I t,a, ". mft il'sis. su it si 1 rusa.a'f. I tll lr I . . I .11 I . ..I L 1. w . ir k' f ..ter re tUi a. lloU t H rill tU advrai of Hi' K ght Is f " s lor ssa whM llfj, s a avay-wiiy sf . t iba sa-sv of Usms asd leu ass I - m"..,. .11'. v -.nth .l,i..i-la I'if.. Ibr. I ,n tk. w.Bsi.U ik.x 1m U.i'i4 ll..l ' lhH., .fcsil sl'rsv .h. .h Ls aWWrtd "i! 0'l f ea.y.a. y t .b Mrik. Nspl-en n.j;, i. 1 ui-1 .. . in 'y !, v, .. .a 1 .. i-t .I so ll .f.ir. bat I .-.I f I isf ihn .. !" a. a p ,. il stui ... a-i hrt. I ' . ttur tud T'slip fipert r kUlXI .t ki UUt l".-t. rris" .1 . It.ssi. f-1 . k.l F mimmy f.l-st. itaai.ttiA . I sd kf HP TtMr. H c. b .W.,k, t ls. hi. Ids. 1mm, P. I .! it, d.rd .ilh.il pup.latb'a lU ritio Wmld klMll.nli tstmg ail in tHeri.ra Ih rnaels of llngludi to le mbaljlants. At U.I at was 1 iiis.rr" (In. a isr I'.rsiMynva. Mr '...f. 1 Mr. twhs f.red a rsaw.ll as thai . biy. FUould ..h a a., a as "t.-ha Usn k.U r. evil t ta T.ias no U lb, 41..' IT . tm I .... ..a . .... ls-'T sfsrssl a rewdauon nrt-vidieg f lb .hr.-ii uf Danks, Urr. and l'"i. of I ssw"; iv.nia, U sp- .1 t ,Httt b) Ik.. k htai to h. t.v ' l-S'ttow. asal rert lu a.SM b.r, ,gat .1 .1 ss d. to fr-d., k ,.U1 U p. iu' iu of T.'.Tli, Wing thr u ITT! ,", ilVT-'-"- ' " " l.ssA Iks st-r'fa ,4 ll s f-pub.ti.-n 1. l' Hn4iimeiM..r'i uas'iaa. ' thlstietrnwMBt U n..t-d of SIMW l lJ T..I.II hrtsrtb C. .('l M.J tbs . . ' .. . 7 iLTI 1 L i 'Z .1 . " " tii-" . . - .1.1. V. . . """" i" ass.l ball a nstiltM. I.n kss l ii ,.., niiIVlils..lilMtrt s.ssl.4.1, lgl.sW.r.d I'.l. Iaslrft lt,a.Mlh. i.Us... isrrs. s snsu tl.si Ituku 4-l.. 1 Mr Tsi I fso. lsl tU J r.i.-i,h f lU r t sfiel li hwd.g J ti. Jwsal. , eh. irar.hy, . I grv.a a i--i J a lw i . I oa wm Ms ,. r ... i " IMOlll " , its.

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