north Carolina star Wednesday morning, febru ary.c, issg. ffottlj-CaroIinn. gtar & - --- ---- EALEIOH. N. C. 'WednoUy attuniing. Teb. 6. 1B56. T- . A , at last. It wittr uj reflcrteuce to the juooreJing "..f (Va-erce. tbat that body on Wat Saturday, .t-ttslBarik. Speaker. Ve h-i "r1 f " 1 different wait, but, under .the plurality rule, he ... ,ietel,' W hart room fur comment '- Orwtloa. In eivins tl.e tote in our last, fr Mayor and Commis.. ateur lJ Ictiou, our type Kl a do injustice to Capt, Harrison without intendiig tEl. revtf-etl Wrott-, towe was tlien erroneously stated. VT. niu kinr. the mistake, but och error eaoool nlwivk he avoided in the tste of puttinR a paper to pre. Pretuinat l.tfct . We lay before our reader thi .eek,tbe list of premium for the nesLfnir of the State Agricui tnnd Society. The Executive Committee, by .v,..;, nriumit and earlv action on till wid other I , - matter touching tlie interact of the Siciety, i,. .i,iin it to be their intention, no far u it may be in their power, to make the next exhibi. tion a uceful one, aud in every way ereui table to tbe Society aud to the State.. y Oust that the coming Fair wilt not-only; equal but urpaae the anticipation of itf Warnves frianda. Let all, then, who feel desirou to contribute to in sueces.ot about preparing at oncewtnething for exhibition, and there will tie not only a full but a highly satisfactory and creditable exhibi tioD. "' ' Vslnubte PeiluOlrala. We have received frum the publishers, Messrs liix A Edwarda.New Vork, the February nuut ber of the following excellent publication, issued ' l,y them, vi t l'uiimin'a .' Monthly Dicken Household Word, and the School Follow, -'Putnam' Monthly, batiue a few offensive article to to the South, ha acquired much ropularity fi.r the n'dlity and originality of lU article, House hold Word, like everything coming from under the uperviiin of Charley Dickens, ha an ex. tensive and admiring circle of render, Tlie sclual Fellow i well adapted to the want and taste of the 'Tit'ls at home. . A Catena - A erresvondeiit of the ieadoa Guardian g'.t a thrilling account of the grand reception of the twelve thousand returned Frenoh veierant, in Pari. - Mo effort waa eparel by the imperial government tnive eclat to ti orcaei n. For two utiles tbs National t'.uardand regubir trie at, a their UHt brilliant unif -mis, lined tbe tnMls of Hie gay metmpoli, Tl.e peopl turned out in njivriad to behold the scene. Tbe sidewalks, tbe windws,the house-tops, were crowded with tl,? excited multituile. The Kmpernr, the Empress, and royal houoehold aererf iremoat in the 0g- nificeut pageant At length, a heavy gaa peal furth the,ignal that they eome, aud the beadf a column of infantry approached All eye are fixed upon them in on concentrated and burning glial In their front, com their wouifCed oiu without band, other without aroi, maoy hob bling aloiiR on erutolie. but all unwilling to tay at hotfie.and Ioe their bare in thi great uva ion. Then advance, the olid raukofirnn warrior who, unhurt and u'hhanned, have pruted tlirouh all thi fearful war; the men of Alma, of Inker man a, of Scbastopo', those world -fauicj) ZiiUaifi. thoee invincible whntculkthe Malakoff, bronied. rough, dreed in their plain Hj;bting clothe?, their camp equipage with them ; their flags thot all to bitten, and in their grim, battle dre;. rooking, amid theVliday I'm of Paris oUierl' vv We have received the firet number of the rivinouth Banner edited and published by Me sen. Ivenp.rt and Kelly. It promise to be a t.iritcd aud useful ipar, devoted ( tbe iuler-e-t-, agricultural and coinmercial, of that section of the isate. It is to 1 independent in n liiio'. W e welcome it toonr lit of exchange", and wi-h it- couduclor much sucoess in their new eniei e. . Worth C'arulins Tiasc. W. Eln.rn, Eh(., has purcbaxid tht e!nMish ment at VViihiugton, X. C, Tlw" will cur. tloue tht aJvoeaev of the prmMpln of the Amer ike a dark thunder cloud.its eilgosjslitteving with the uuligb. We do not wonder that ran com pletely boiled over with enthusiasm, and that when Canroliert mode his appearance, t was, in Hit hnguagt of the corropou.lent, n fpark tot train of gunp.iw(ler,-and the whole city Went a.ori.isly mad. It is said that the vetnian him self wa overwhelmed With tlie scene, ana siicu tear like a child According to a correspondent of another Lon don paper, tear of a different sort were being lied abfcut Jthe seme -tune in the provinces France. The conscription was spreading the greatest distress and ngonv in the humble dwell injc of tbe peasantry. I here was wailing among the mother there na bitter a that of Rainah of Sulilce. In every cottage there was some U.ichel weeping for tlie child that was about to he torn from her breast. iThe war called f.r youths be tween the ares o (itwelveond thirty five, and in 11 direction they were maiming thomsclvc. cutting off finpers, and putting out eyes, rather than, with whole member and twa eyes, tu be cast into the hell lire of war. What are-ponsi-bility ret u)on the heads of those wbo bring uch woe upon humanity!" If tlie murderer of oue man Ucscnes ine vengrancoot iivaven. n must be his dwm, on whose misernble soul rests tlie blood of a hundred th"ii-snd innocent men ! Mr. Law ud the 1'residenrj. George Lnw, E.-q., bus w ritten a letter to a friend, the closing paragraph ot which we au nn : 1 assure yon, my fi iend. those w no malign me In tlae charges do not know uie. 1 place to,, high an estimate upon the American pany to ! ican party. Wb extend tlie rijbt hand of fellow-.! liete for a moment that any atieoipt to control it by money would have any eflect to advance llix pnierts of any niau who would "niako such ef fort. 1 feel that if the aecuaiiuii you ' v an woied In my behalf acre Hue, rijtht nun lot mB ought to denounce and worn me as unwntiby Ui sinslle-t office or iron, and much more un worthy the Presidency of tho Cuitcd Siutt-e. I. tsinevir noiniiinted lor the Presidency , ut if clevate-l to that oi&ce, ii unit lie by the olunta ry, unbougot aud unsolicited ufi'ragcs of uiy country wen. I will not remirl to intrigue ur in ception to attain a noiuiuatiou tu that exalted place, nor to aid my chances of an election, if ship to Mr. E. and wi-h him abundant success p .litioally and peeuinarilv." ft-T- Mr llust,, of Arkansas, assaolied Horace tl.i-elv in Washingion City on the flrtioin of the V"h ult., iu e .iise'pwni-e of reiarks made bv the latter in a le:ter to tb Trihunoon certain resolutions submitted by Mr. R. Oreely is said U"t tu be seriousls iniured. llistilct American t'oiiventlun. A yet w e baie heard of no move Ih any, one of the seieiul c-mnties daniwaiing this Oongres s onnl I'i-liict towards the apiointnient of bcle- . f.. r..nrssnt ii it. Mi Nntii.nal Ain'rk-n Convention, to 1 lie d in Philadelphia,' on the nmninntedi wwt if ei4, 1 will wtduhunir the '.'2nd lust.; nur. inieed. of he dwignation ot I if lor hoi ling sio-h I'i-irict t.onveulion. 1 his is tiie ea-M.n nl the courts, iuaomeof theciun ties and it w, uid iio ill fir the friends of the -American party In bold mee lins aud a.s int dele-Mte. Eien in cun ie where no on irts in tertene. there can I on d rl.-ulij in geuioc tlieru up. A to tlie d iv and place, how would Tuurs-J 1 it, tlx I B. al naielgu, anawer. it is indisfensahle, it seem to us, that th Americans of the Metmpolitau District shouhl be repressated at Puiladolphia, aud hrnra these suggestion. , Hnjithr. Wt heartily apprnv of th suggestion con tained in tbt above, and bust that every county iu this District will send un a full delegation. Itquda. Wt notic that Mr. Siarkt of tht rVnate of Miasaippi. treeeully signified hi intention to introduce bill to provide for tlie payment of tht Planter' Bank bonis. Toes bolull c institute but a stnsll portion of tht ranadiated deU of Miasisaippl, tlie main portion of .that delitoinv isting of Uit bond issued by th l'iii"n Bank Tbt entire indebiednes awouuls to m thirt. en or fonrteen tsilloms. Tbt movemrnt t.rih payment of tht bou Is nf tht Planter t Bank i But n very titrnstvt on, bat it i in tbt right direction. Mprens rt. Tht following decisions hv been mad sine eorlnat: . -r By Xs, C. ,, S. 0. Mutual In. r. y. Hick, from AUaaance, Judgment reversed and jadgHMSit br h r plamiit. Aim, Adam . Adams. inKoullv, rruasUaaufutt, reatdoe to b di vided (Siually jssreMo between the children of tbt br-Hlier tad sister. Ai), in A'sritl t . sinrp rd, in Equll, from ObsUiw, diHnissing the bill with on, By Pisaausi, J. It Low y. 8oel, fro Mrt, diracung t wrttt aart. Abas, in mitW . I'l tsstqae, hm lljde, dirsriing a eswirs V ssnsw. Aivs 'i isMiton . tHrWklaisd, flu Nl, dirert nff t eisr oV sssra. By Bsttli, J.a-la Iltrringwitj . M -era, fmn PitL iwiersmg lis lu.lnsmsnt and dirartln a judgment uf nonsuit. Also, in It rock . King, fviea KotsaN tHrning the jndginiit. AIm.ib (Hiasnn v, Jiourfy, frata Mwr, uireolff n v at sw. HI. n. - - S I 1 office nd my country by perfidy to my friends, or injustice to those who may have opp '-ed y election, or those whu in the exercise of their right disagree with in a to uiy official course. Iu allowing any friends to use my name, (if I know my uwo heart,) 1 have not been influenced by any selfish ohjoct for myself or other. 1 he maintenance of iln honor and th intereUof uiy country and countrymen should I th sole aim of et try man chosen tu fill tlie Kiecutivt cluur. 1 shall not niurmur if any other t letd;but if I am designated, I slisll do ny utuiuat, witb th aid uf Provident, tu do my di.ty. Vtry rt.'pectfully, yuur ube lient servant, (jtosGt Law. Uwis R. Parker, Esq., TiatiUm, V. J. Millar 1'illuisre, Th Eastern pn are publishing portion of tlie eorrHdcnc of Henry Clay, which have not heretofore been Bade public, but which are shortly to appear in b sik form. Th following letter to Daniel l llmsn, of New Turk, live th reader Mr. Clay's opinion of Millard Fillmore, mm of tht purest statesman oar country hsi produced I Ws.aisovox, Msrrh, 1M2. Mr ! Si: Yon rightly nudentand m In prswng n preference fuf M". Filhaort n th Whig candidate ir the Presidency. Thief did Issfor I left home, an I have frequently her in prisma intercourse7, tine y -nriival at Wash, It'gl'-n. I ear not how generally th fact way be knnwn, but I should nut deem it right to pub lish any firm avowal of thai pnfertne under nisss signature in the neaspapsra. rxuch e.arss wnnld auloeet as b th Imnutstlon nf stpisxing thsl my opinb-ns pistsaedmor weight with ! rssitj'n than I apprehend they do. Th foundaliun nf toy praferenr Is, that Mr. Fill has wlminiatered lb lixerBiivetiinernosefil wild ignal enaees and sk-birj II has bean tried and f .ud trw. faithful, hou-t n teasMeieatioa. wish la ssv isothinc in oVmgsibin from bit far At K. C. Star. Twtne liiirertalch. Iu order to give the ladies a chaiK of taking n Wantage "of Leap tear, titer will I putdic auction ef ail the old bachelors and unmarried men in the City of lUleigh, on the -0 th uf Feb Bjchelor's Hall. Choices and selection should be maie on the 14th. The subject ul Cu id who ill 1 n Oiat Jay will b divided into two clause. Tht firs t clas will be eouiposed of those who are over, thirty-five year of g, the second of all under. Th younger portion ul the buyer are request ed not to bid for any over on hundred and ten yenre, but tu leave them for theblderGirl. The terms of the sale are that the victims shall be knocked down to the lowest bidiurs, vho w if be expected to take their put chase bosie immedi ately after the ule, else they may be stolen if allowed to run wild, or else they may be left on the hands of tfie seller which be very much ob- ieets to. as it is his desire to dispose of his whole tuck even if be has to sacrifice them. Thi rare chance is now offered to tl.e l.i lie of Raleigh for the first time, aud another such Will not occur in four .long year. Every aiaidon, widow aud oentanarian cun be supplied with a hnsbaud "jut suited tu her mind " at a reduced price. I I'Ue necessity nf such a movement has been loug (.everely felt liy s.ju ladic of this p.ace, and hereafior there will be no cause forhusband- buntiiig iu foreign part. The gentlemen have come to the conclu'siou that the tadisde existence of the lover is groat fun when they ogi c any prospect of being converted into a frog bef ire the parson, but the mulish piopeosily Icuiaie have of kicking has lieon tested, and desperatiun has driven these disconsolate exneriineuters to the block. ' Old maids who have been fed on crib-apple and rhubard can here find congenial pirits, so dou't fear to cuine forward, having the motto "Nil desperunduin" engraic.i on jour brows. None need fear to lie accommodated, for wo have among this choice lot, lounger, heats, doctors, humbugs, merchants, roguer, hueuiakers. gam biers, drummers, pikockots, clerks, eut-tbruatio boot-blacks, drunkards, ain every other kind and variety -the heart could wish, not forgetting gentlemen of military names and honors. Let tluli e considerate ntniima, who scan every man .ith the iirno ical aisumen which a notary uses when investigating the solvency of acicliuir lulto advnplHgo of this favorable ojipoi tunity and bring their dmigiiterr and make an eligible se lection among this brilliant array of talent.hra-s, merit and whiskers; let tin ui ta'..o tu them-clies Iho-e whose accomplishment will adorn and i tmliien their waking houis tin t enable them to gird tht temple ol homely hsppiu'es with a tuu whose effulgent ntys will scintillate brighter and livelier, until the frail and brittle silver chord of life shall I iinped,and l it!i it ths bsrnssiag thou-.Ji That no w lsi' 'f.i ("'ii,''.' Th e w ho rr already eitgi' 1 should Itrtiig I ut; iheir sweetheart, otUtej will be knocked off t those whose years entitlo ihein Hi lie ' IsibUng 'round " for tucker: and who imagine their "counts" are nearly finished. Tlie subjects are well drilled in the culinary deparimotit, and cull tell as woil as nny of you h iw many quarts uf flour it lakes to'male a In e- cike. Toey have lsu UurIiI Ui make purk and j j,ruvhS ny, aim nave ccn ' "o- j wash their TTocs and bands. No trouble need be j atitieipued itiM uituig them as thej aie per- fecily docile. To we would say to the ladies, Corns uss, eoms all, w this '-' ptV. You ll rs'l Uis fullj ot llsjinn ;, Cum-, Iwy s msn, snd to tion ht eisil, Ami li be tion 't work wsii scud bim taths d I. Tne services of Mr. liaincu liUanthrop haie r.r ,. -ors.l ss auctiuurer. who Is' to " r- - i Th Uuitaian .Kmlossy bal bean ordered to leav iesn durin" tlie week htsi g lietwten Knssia' first snd ssvoiid, and an intense apnreharnuiw, es sled in Vienna, lot on tha.l,Kb tbas nrnrehnnaioo sulwide l by the annoance- meot. as aVv staled, that Kiusia areea to na- K .iiat on th term pminwed; sst ; l: :.J t .1 . X QSrV IS ll ' s ll i ll w. i iu s-r ism. r 1 1 1 hi.viisies COMMUBCIAL UECUlU). LtreiToal. Jaxuaif Kkf.lltty .Vain Bmwn A Sbinl.iv' Circular q,io'e ; C- tton has dvanrrd. Silesofthewiesoi t'' bales, inclu ding 5,CKK) bale for export and U.UtHI bares token im peculatMm. I'rwe nave wivem-ei s j : sss the marketeloseswitb an eit've deman.1. Drienn middling S:JVleans (airiij ! tipland middling V) ; Upland fair 6J. Kl mated sales today Fridvy- 12,t.sHlbales. itock in firat bands SCt, Uli Imies. including iO.SJJiJ bale of American. Richardson A Sis-ncer' Circular quotes: Breadstuff hae rsiusidcralily declined. The market is un-e: t led and correct quotai ions cannot be given. W estern oanul flour .. wht has decUiiedand c-rn ft'.sn, with' ti-.o down Ard ten dency i mixed corn 40s. v PJrlbute of Reyeet, t At a called meeting of isWsvil'e L sle, No. I 14he foll m ing pieauil !e and re-olutiwi were puuSimously aid; :1 : Wttncar. Itlint) ploned Aloiiht) 0.1 in Hi mvsten. us pniCfivrrf-rein.ive trom our nnost ontheSI'th inst'oSr?7 rtitiPtt esteemed brolber 1Iva ;k b .Rotnu. 1' hurt fore. h . it ItrsoM. 1. That ln hi death hi fuiiilv lose kind husband, a fond f-niier. the eommuniiy. one of its most u?!ul citixens and .Musoury one of it most devoted member. Kr-iwA. 1. That as-a token of our regard f r the memory of our deceased brother w will weur th usual ha-1;', of in'ouniiug for thirty day. H'tnlnd.?,. '1 hit a eotiy of these ri-olutin be torn-arced to th family of mr deceased broth- nls i to the Kditor of the N. C. -Star, request ing their publication. wyj. m. rir,.iu,o, n . in. Titos. J. Tmsi-t.i., Sce'v. Kolesville, Jan. 21, lJd. According to the Uiwdua t en, there is scare I nan nf Genius in England, iu any of tl.e arte, j from the art of War, down to th art of iron rail ings, la one of He fcynler, lamenting tu ur no of eminent talent of Crest Britain, once J fruit ful ol great men; that Journal says: "Tlit great tkitirh nation Ubegining at but to be conscious not only of tuaie K ficieuoe, but eTu a temporary ebscuratiiwi of it power. W have sorut gd painter, though efen they are finding their Matehe abruad, but for tht rvrt -letuaeee! We want a lleavea ut general (a slur at tjenend Siinpeon.) . W 'vraAt a poet (a fling at -Teutiyuu.) We w ant a historian not a brilliant essayint, ( sneer at Macauly.) but a man w hoe in writtn compendious mid classical history of England, or any nther history. Wt w ant some endurable sermon ( surcasiu lini.cli tl at tht whole body of the British clergy.) If t ic f nlpU ji t how ha no luminaHes to esenilui ou tl.t oilier baud, th Mag I not iu the (ailuii est :ate. There died lately in great distress n uitiQ wh'o ciatld c.iup irn some oiiginai air--; ti:t at this uiomcut it liiiaiot Im pre ' iidt-1 that wt hate a single c mpoecr of ciirsordina y gct.ius. - Cfflen, . C. S E. Ctmnuiy. bsuisnLar, J-utt'ary t4, its6. ) ' North Carollnaliall Eoad. Itbtdalt tut lail In i i ui iriir TsirtJaj tht lia Day Jaowrj, b, WEST. Lsavs ts.dJ'Ww', at Artiv st r.s!pi-n, i,i tliiokuta', at titSss, tirceusUru',' JnaMhioaa, " Ij-iinyiim, ' st R.tiiUir)r, " Cime- r;l, its. I. I A, U. ' or lit . II. IU ' l it P. M tt.JT S.J1 " KAMI. !,ssv l.bsrkxt si j Arrirs st rcmeorUst ' .... - 2htiiiry, LoBint n, JsintsLiwa, tnlilMr-', ttrsiuu,' Hd.borv, lUlo.Kh. uuia.-io. i , ." P. tit til .tlf 11.117 " II.M- i.;s a. .JT fctlt ..- Illt.uDOKE S.OARSETT, Sup t N. V. Rsil Rod. 7, jiBt.. tilling loner into those homely region wieie Prince AlUrt lotet to fUc-.,T Slid elevate thej gart), Carolina. Six Per C0t StatS Boadt, Tsassi r Daratvsasr, S. C. I y Isa. 17, ISA, i OC.AI.l:!) PRtlPMAt.l tVIIAUK KtUKIV ED O 1 liimuUk-e uulit lo'olok, A, ISlh st Ksn'r, s ale to the buyers that lie himself will be old after th others, and wishes tbt ladic to bid mighty low si he is anxiou to supply bit defi ciency iu ribs. llaleigh, Feb. 2nd, 1K56. tear I'll Papers of tb oily favorable to tbt cause will eonfer nu everlasting ubligatiun un the Indie by copying. .L -i t'0f. ttt f If. Obituary. It is pissint no trite and common phtc enh iriuin on Hie detiL to sav. that thedenh otMr. J..s. 11.11. Honlhan. whoss siiddrn demise was noticed in the last Hepister, wilt be leu as a toss ii hiss tn societv. of which he was an ornament a I.HSto the which he was a pub lie spirited snd enierprising citisen a l is to bis friend who can never lorget his kind Bml generous nature a l ies to his alHrcted hi.iuily irreparable I Mr. lloiilhac was no ordinary man. Ho wa one of the few men in our country that make their mark as men of note, wh i never dewrt tlie quiet and indns'rial pursuits of business. With out any of the usual aids ot professional or polit ical reputation, vei he ac pii c I hvh s and cbariuter in e.ery coniiinuiity wlie.o he wa known, M. K. wa the ann n(T a Lieutenant in the i r'reneh force who came over fr on Prance during- the assist u- m i..e stni!gie lor UK ortv. After the termination ol the war, hemnr ric l Frames Oiay, of llertie. and setile.l in the nouiitvof Mart n. near the V i-hingl-.ti County line, where he lied nnddieJ.and whore the sub ject of this notice was Is.rn iu Ihejear lT'JS. With that peculiar att-ichnpnit for jJiicm which is a mark of noble sens'-bllity, Mr. II, was ever fond of -fkiiking of the associ i i- n connected yi ith thi- h .meul his early yeam.uwdof his sirong affi'Ction for it. . . After giadMRiinz at Chail Hill iu I lit year ldll, atthe erlv ngs of 111. Mr. II uiliao wa educated for the leevil nrofessihti, bui never prnc lined it. lleln avouni ni.ui o very aotive, in- Ulustrious and pr eharaclor, be turned Lis attention to meicintile li., ami ith slight in termissions followed it till his death. Mr. 11. was a man ol stronr, vijiovous sou vmwifar.iiiv iiitellc t. lie wa. d nd of b iks, had stored bis mind with varied kuowled,; and ihor am low subjects, par icuUrly h is of a practical nature, on which he did not converse wiih lluency, anil on which he did not exhibit information, lie was remarkable lor hi shrewd iudguisiit and keen nppreeisiioi, vif character. As a business ,nan Mr It. was a model for vnnn men t-i stu dy. His lovsof enfirwa a peculiar failure of bis chamc er. T ie deiuils ol Ins bosines he at ways underspsid. In the arran lenient of hi par, th posting of his books,' lh se'.tieinent ..r l.'.s s,.c,oni. h nlrserved 4tnvtriutnt svlem. ss,mnlni. mild li OS I I'll . lie llSsI ll C.-lS-lilll v.-"i-.-. V- . ... . l:. .. 1 talent lor nuance, no man erem "i":! hibee. aither at home or in th Northern eities, 1 lie wa remarkibl for th regularity of his soul ol liritod) r;---in furniture, laper-li.iogini. iron work, ohiiu. and alutost everything contributes to decoration of our homes, we are still beaten by foreigner. Apmpo uf Ltiriuing Iniur, within tbe4 few year two splendid luim. ions hue been bnilt in Pipidilly by niillioruilii Isit!) with cosily In n railing the, one, however, fr.uu abroad, the other evidently frmn oni home foundry. Tlie foseign railing is a work of art. the other is an iron railing aud no more. PRICES CURRENT. . reterfbr.r?, Feb. 1. Whist The advices Vy s;eauier Iroin Liverpool bringing accounts of a'do'.diue in breadstuff has nffected prices nf wheat; and nle are at a dacpnt ot 5 to itleents fri'tii ye-rerd:iy's rales. We quote prime red and white at ?l W to I .' otner qualilie Sl till to 1 '0. X . Cott ii Sales of several psreel to-day to the extent ol Iihj bues at Se to TioiAct'o lii gisid reiiuest and sale are new leaf Jot to 1. New lugs to 51. Old leaf J to'.ij. Old In-, toCJ. f T . 'i ii. i . l . .e .. . tun i. inl i2.. r i.oi s viij ui auus ui c&ira cioj tu AOj. cm' perllie flj. tifani,tf to S1 for Peruvian. HacoN Va. h"g round H to Hi. : .......... flMMiiiiiH! il.v hat tsuti rrsbjen tsei.teilsasa. " . , t.u. . , , , . . , . , . i Lisas srrvic so iisu i Tb Anserxaa Almwia fwf luJ tosiiain nj . , - sri. i ....... ... . , nelil, IM tutft in Hi wj "aiit y siswnisi swiiviss sow rvirw w ' . . , , , . , , ... t admiakter tb tJ.s-wawl as well a Mr. rfth. towruv. ..ley th -f ty rJ,m ,,M w B(- i-fih-.-bs.itpll,lM thtlV tU.l-.ts-J -.Hi-, bsss- kad Wfort in mrt of tb r..J State, trwa " "T . r , . , . . IHl to 1KH'fo rnysr., I " h" -s uf Mtit of tb t ui.J U,.ss .nd , ,-""' W 1 lt t.e.sssily I It, u Iwiir w "MM n AEUIYAL OP .THE STEAMEB ARABIA 1 lllollLV IMIMUTANT NEWS 11 lrgs Ieciin l ItreadstuflsU Tb Cun.rdstrsinsliip Arabia arrived al Hali fax on Tliursday evening with Liverpisd date to Satuid iv. Ih Itiih Hist.. Issmg a weea isnr, The Arabia sailed from Liverpool ou the worn inj ,rf the I'iih. and arrirad hr ttH ibistitu- iug. bnngi.ig P7 1". ... . iu steamer A sis arriTri oo so-, steamer Haiti on th 17th. Th sl..s.r I n in. did not touch at Ouuihamntiinon htrnateagemi Tn news uftliis artiVKi Mill great uupariam-e Ti. l.sudoa Tiios-e' Viensu a wtcsesrwsndeal Ulegraph-under th utof V Tuesday, tne PiUi, al 10 A. A., l-oat WiMsm hot mntrnxliltumMg ae trr&i Ikf yrifltt of At (itrmam diet. Tin. ws retained to b auih.aiie, nod cu3 an immeos xcimnt thiwigbunl bagtaiid, IhiI III government di.sli b punhslu-d lb next day put . Q.Hcrenl lac. upon uiv sois'i s . ffet that Itussia tisl unty aewptea in niim ... I. s. it tats of m txtttttl " ' , . .. i. . , ... . i .. ..rlu,. a ml 1 Uis si gn ij isiiskssos p...... - - les Mug un h.ipsrs wr now utmntned. ( U ntil wr irwsi Inst lUswa bad merely aenepuvl ih (Ms.p ssals V prubsng th negotiant. and gain lima, Tb abort is lot th sum nf all tbt new. Tlrt prupvt of n speedy return of porsnb lowed up ll , Th news f Kus.1 eec plane uf lis .liJ neumssttlons. eausssd an lnmnwsn et l is funds ens percent., nndKm on laribmg. A pani also en est In lb wher aMrk.ta. lb iv It diy Hi E-lis. goveeameal puldisb d adMpatck Itosa Miuisiw ! toonr as l"ll wsl llasei (re t" auori Iu ptopunl M . bsi ot Tin i.ui.l l annocaeement tortied Ih - ri'mnl sud its Urv.i.n twgia tu Im ihnt ttiss- sia nsemly wants w gam Urn ny ilsspu lisii-.ia) i meant in us iu. is rsoax.s. -fmrm. Ms th slerv " bhits f r his ai hriety, and, as a e.aise (uetioe, .1 .1 ri ii bisentir life for hi un form good benlih Fond a h wa of lOovmmita and inno cent amusement, nothing uuuld divert him from his duties ss a business man. In th moral attribute nf hi nslur, he wa a .... tv-ni-oorA. llnnesiy and eotiscien- tiiHisnese in all tb relvtimi of lift marked hi character. II nvr ruuud tb poorer pres ed the niifiB-tuuatc. tb. mwt eensoriou never ,.l,.rs.l him with hard decliof or unfairnesa. Soman ver picsasacd tbt hifclmr oonbdenct or warmer pr-onal re ard bf bit) many customer, lit wsa lwvs alhr.fiy msinbosino not by theproflu of 'a wijd ndadvcntiirusspecul-'tloni but bv th (low and stead vtirogress of hi well- managed affair. Although a man of econmnicaJ and iudustrinus hsbiis, he was liberal so l geua- ruus in (li iienditurol his means. .11" hou wa tb h .me of hospitality and of domestic Comfort, lie waa ir forward in scbemsw of public iumrovenient and tnterpri, ana tievey withheld bis c. niul mitn for th relief of hu man suffering. in tb c.l circle the death f Mr. U. ha left Vuid indeeiL 1'ulit, affsbl and couipaniona bl tb many friends ho enjoyed his eoelal in trnore.ean forget his buoyancy ol spirit, hielieerln uess.bis'fpiauiinilr uf temper. Th writer ul Un knows, that i"r. cultivated s pbilaophy, a qu e resignation to list ill of life, nd t cbring hot s to tbt futurw. II win ed to have trained his rbarsatsr and feelings tn moderation and charily in all thing. Although truagiy attach I 11 lb Kpis-opJ Church and regular in the u'neresi'io ot n nte-s mwi sssn .Jt ssi.-sliiii. tie' w'as"nlirivflssr Inffl ll ss tarian bntrn and int"ie-nr. leeiJe1 and Wiltainrrtctt. Feb. 2 Tihi-im-isr FuHlxr sales yes-oid iv of ifll) bb's at '2,tW f ir viri-in, '.Mi l for yellow dip, nnd l,(irt for hard, nil per lihlnfSSO bid. Nothing doing to-dav thai we Lhnrof. I he mariet is ninet, and we bear nrnn. traninieiiniis either yisterily or to-day, I'.isiss. Sulcs vesicrdny nf 550 bids, common, at 1, 10 for lir,M bids. Tm.Siileyeierilynf 121 bids alS.lOrssrWil. C..TTn?t.-s-Suies ye-terday of 70 bales aurted grades at eta pur lb, Fayrtteyillf. Feb. I'. Ilvro Ttir-warkM well tiupidicd with bacon, and p.riues lower.l'orn is in better supply snies lnnt wagons nt U0 eiMiis, No ehuii.i in price of Cotton, riupplv ol Flour light uo ouaiii-a in price. Oata sti.l a arc and wanted. Snirits Turiintine35 uts. per gallon. Kaw do,- i 10 and $1 H SitccMsorto E. L. Kardingr. ri'IlK mi.lsr.l .-iied, aha has hern tor tiisny yssrt 1 flerll for K. 1. ilsrdin;. wss en Itis IstilnrMt J.'imsrv. IH.". aiipo.nuil Airvnl for th "KslplK ltr.inih,Mlir tan setae tasnuLwiurcrs with wh-nu ilr.. 11. s cuua-".eit wbl 'lomn la iusss I Ui is cily. tl'S ssats b.ll elsssul Clutbiu thsl hsvs givsn this lion is ri pi t,itn.i. ii iimW siijois, t)l ne fei-f't,sud the priiss siil hs iisit. its, sud s Imp as satUrsctwry tu evvir iaiUiulsr. WII.MAH U. vTILUAMit. To our Fornisr Fatrona. BfFOIlK l-s'inx ihsi-tly for am asw kerne w IstWe the ptssssre tt reemwesilbig Mr. iI11sm H. tt Itiasis lo y.isr Invorsl.le ennsiilt-rstina. Ut. Wil liMsiwill hs ths ton Iseihties fur suplrisg yuur WSQts Hit itr iuta li, as huts Iiitb Slljoyvd by tlis an- dersij;ai-il bn llit is-t tihl Jisis,' .vtr, WilhsiH !- futl nntliiirUeil tn settle ear keeks an I serosl'. W new, for ths Isst tltas lims, say In ,il la.el,t4 iea Ibst IH II UlM.VK.i8 Ml M UK HKTl'I.KD UP. HesMsM lias will t sUna4 S- uiil.fur'lhe n-lis-s o. Out 1j..biIs isials by th Stsie of North tsmlia. Thsy wil. bca' dsls Jsuus rf tt ISji, niel will raa tbirtr vssrs. PrnHK-sli alii b reesls4 fur lbs pnrchss of si VHilti.i,.!-wh. h will b usixl Jsaasry 1st ioj sat wilt rue thlrtviisrs. Itiith classes wi'-Hoods wtlt hsv enanoss rUeli4 for Inlvrvslat sis per rent ier snlium, psshls oath 1st et Jsn'v snj Julv-m ra-h snd evry yssr, sail bush pt iictjiiil smt irlcre-l ill bs n..vble st ta tlnk mi Hit H-opubPe, New Yo-lt-u nisss wbretlte Jisrty eret'ers to nave tlii-ni psysbts at th Irsssury l tu Clate l Ktirtli C-iroiiiia. llicy will bsisiasdtn sums of They ars ssnrcs-ly essuintffil frntn taxation r-rsuy nurims. rartiss biililiaswitl tib-sss stttlress Ihsir Utler n aum-il "Proasalsfir H, U. Sluk," tu ths audsrslga s.l it KsWeh. S.V. ttltmssful M.blersupua being Wna-Qieil nf ih seeep tsnre of their bills, ran dss.isius tbe swiiant nf ttsn- b ils silh tlie secra-u inisnsttutneii-ieiutiii tns nn-ter si.-Hcil ill eilliiiH lbs Usui of ths ksnakllr. Nee Vnrk, ihs tl inket tbs Main ui 1. t, u ta ibiak uf Csps tVsr. tisisiuh. Tas riniil nf sen p'.ing suik bids In whnls er In pert ss limy bs dcensa most sdsulsguu tu lbs buts is bids will bs enensil ia Ihe pre. enee of th Gov. srnor, Sserelar.v Slid Cuintrtrolisr vflitste. sud lbsv Prs-iduut ul lb llsuk ul tlis Blsis. n.T. COt UTv. 'Wi rreaesrse, Rsh'llth, JsS. IT, 1K5. Grceneboro' Female College. 'IV UK Mortnit seisina uf l5ii, sill ssius.eno.. ib Ihs I Silk ilnv nf Usesmlwr, IS...V Thirs will lis nu vi tjiilin m iulur, ncrpt niw days, for rtervst ea at C'lillslniss. . -- A 1 ibsdrpartinrDtsoftbsIntt'iuiih.nlsrsu'iw supplied wttU -Dlclibl sr.d ISltbf.ll Prutrsfntl Snd 'tsaehers. I Tin1 nrs! eluss hss bsst illi hlvd lot two svtinn, lor lbs sccouiiumlslion uf ihosv whs tlssire to prspsre fur lbs reantsr t iiilsrs eoatve. Uirls umWr It yeurs of sgtf will b. tvsllilr be received mis ths IsslllBliun. ltri-u bus will 1st seut ob s:r.ttcsi!ota, to sll pviMins desiring full micruialKiB. In iclvisnv .to ebsigve, eoun vt sia iy ae. T. M. J0NK9 . ' , Prsslilenti tlreenshira IsseemW, 18.1. 47 M HirhiBond t'hrlsttnB Advmvts, P-irirttof th Age, Ktfwbern Nss-s. WitmltiKUiB ftoaiinerclal, r'aysttevtll Observer sad MIltoB Cbrualel latsrt I Itases, itf lost l.uETim rns. W 4 5 tr. 6'rasrW A.lssrti... y l.m1 xAppltsQe iIiiiJ,tlP(j 5-ift 4 34 I.ros-lssy, SCBItml-t EROTbEHb Co mponr&fts, Atttii.iii is Btiigt, ro;lt, tils, tyts rrrlinifiy, If , ITU W lllUsssiirtt, Stw 1 crt, ISA'ITE tbs sttentinn ef th Irs.lfts their ln n I varied stock ul turugs, faiuuijiis, 1' try, no li, a billion Ui tueir regular treperiSMnns oi -!S pl.lirus, tbey are siso reeeisinji. uimt l-nm th sources cf pre'iluctien ad Biaituhicturv, sui ofluoTH, II l, sad Xah PsrsHSs.IitioMn.l lbus, MoCTiss. biosors, Fm:u and k,koi.isu I'ksii si. BV, l,ris'.fcxrsnss anil nomy utlier ariitlea esaaliy iSreel in lrilgsista twk. which tbey ar tbw enabled tu etler on th most advsstngrou term. . Uniers, either la person or by mail, Will receive prompt tlentieB, if June xii, ISO . .. firil rifiBlniB ftcltl ilttltit riBM-Forlea, 8TEINWAY & SONS, ArrActt;!i, it i 88 wai.aea jtum ts. seas aansnwAT, vo, T)sptfii!lyT;sll.the atteniioa ef the pub'ie Ii 1 k, their snleudid asstuiB.ent of send grand and s.p.nrs Planus, which, .r volume uf tone, einstiet- ty l toaeh, beanty or nnisii, snu in snr Ibing that readers' Piano perfect, ar anenrpn- sed They ww swsnted the .rV premium fcr both kind in eiiuinct.iiou witu the must ms'in-gul-hsd nuikers from liostoti, Piiilsdvipii New j ,oik, and Hummer. - kew iitiijir:i i : Ststttwsy A ?os hsve jnst been ' tie FIRST I'riimiaiB Wl.t MKuAU over all eutnvi i.issl at tha 1st Fair of the American ln.utuie Crystal False, for th BKMT 1'isusiuric. ,. - TII.TON & McKAIKLAD, - 33 Maiden Xjui-. Wtw Torn. ASl'FA' Tt'RE-9 lF TUB Viirttl KE aowntd Slamander Sales, Uaak Vaalt. Iiailisaor lienot, 115 1'rntt. liustoa lpot, H Howard ty. liii iBi-HU bsroi sskuig IbSM Iu "tils nitb ear Sliur. a,vs K. is. HAllUINuV its).is. rh. , i5j. t : DECLINED GoilTtJ. . VI the earns H solii iltstlun of mf Irlsa lf, t have deiliicd siii off VI' est snd bsvs suBcludi d t re- uisis 1 Kalrijf U, BI bnv tbersf'irf purehased tb n lire Moot f tloiell brloef o. to lil.Vll A llluU, ssd will esrry ua th ktersbsai 't'alleriBg beieilres IB all it Jbraaebss. I skall hats us) satplny la lew weoka. tret rat t atlet Irual Us Aurta su sssass tsiiiy rscuniuisuslrd. I av bow u hand a gu4 aasorlsseal ef Cloths, 'Cass. Md VesllBTs l to Bssd ta Mtr. 1 bavs slee a band 1st uf if iau Cleilos. wbwk mil b sold 4 As f tataad dulng faiisvlbBtly aea buslasss, niy artlrlss Will bsul. si vsry saull uar trot. All 1 wsal a fair irisL tiiva ass a esll, uae sod all. I. It. MHOS. Rslsigk, Feb. I. .til -t yy wlltidrswlnf rruea Iks biolnsss la wttstk I bar I Sera siikssd. f rater sly slBsev tBaake as B S'B- sinus'pablie tur lbs pa ims-iTS su Ittoislly beslwwed ass, lbs tn- st li I Nil A Moils, sud sol. nl tonus nsiiss t4 lbs as ths Is Ui.J. U-lbaua, who will e-i. bbs IkalMMMs. ' T. U. kIMI. - Jl TATI9K, EICKSOIT, GRAVES A CO., Manf(wtuh.n t.t.4 WhoUwl Dln im CL 0 T 11 I N G p Nos. 23 ami 25 liKV MTUKklT, NKW YOllK." Jsaasrv T, 1951.' t a TO ME HO 11 A X T S Stebbini. MorKnn & Allen. a t 4fi STSHT, HIV VVI.K, IMPOnTElU AND PKAbfllS t!C Dngt, Eyti, Chemical, Perfumery, Ac. T AYlXtl srleeted tl.rlr sterk fruat Ikelnst that Ik I I ifiiasrs-Vs r uestos msrkeU tlurl, can, wi',h coi.lolrueu, urTrr grunt iBdueaati-BIS tu IBS JfrrdMet. 'SesiWiis of iessKiBcec, to ebtdla fnuds tsrf sua r. ir Bpu. and sa at rsasuaabhj tsnas a uy similar Biiusa I tbiseestetry. tlntera In parsue ur by wall will sseut wlik proespt sail eBrcful slleulioa sad sr resr-svli.lly S'dHiiWd. gT- Four suwU oast at Uroadssy bstwasa rullos I 'lis kill a II. f a To all and tvery one who owe tn. VTEHAVr UKKKTIll OKM ANNOl'Nt'KDTIIAT yy w bar MaadB artBBg-aH-Bts, tm uuaiBtsBi bulesa, dunaictbs uetlBg afiriBg, la tba Nartb sti si ills ssete luae. eulltiiifea ear esisbsaier Ss sums fiwwafd sad set lis 1 bis reread bas baua s ttnaili-d lu, by ouiy rati, sad lbs targe Biamtat still das la Bsaas and bcsi iubis will rssd-r it absolutely neeseaary. If ibi-y srs a ! paid keler nc deuarlara, im place uksi IB Uu aae-sysj.Har BIliBsv. Wbrnessr -jniesii le, w bsv graalnt every gear a-krd I or by mmr ( but lbs Beity uf bsally aluetag b ua ast-Hares la IU1S Slty reuUers H tiaustetiv sa BS I sail Bp" tbeni as we a bs.w. a. is it an im .-su. ' R Ths Woks a I. L. TlAi-llag wlllb . JsB 1st ISJil. en l allfieeouols Haled easily fuf psyaiaBI. daa. , Is. FOIl THE 1,000,000. . TllfcltT. . PATM'I Mar.sss.a-. v, (Ciijnhii etiio.otw.) . t !te.3!etllroatlw), ur. ler ft. new Are pr.-pid to sseeut. all orders f..r Mantle. -tnbbj Tops, tnlnnins, fedewtUi. IHIashs, Hiabs, o in hnitatimi of Ith-na, lWiU V '. Neapolilati. snd nil f:cy; .nual a streliath. beauty. dnrabihy l. nal aW. and In some respect ""r"" - ha. hull the east, iinre m..i- - ,Ute, it . wholly trse !om so " jo. -- --- org.d.(.lnst mere brt taint, es- . pi vsniisKtrse. form th, I.Hi.pcmt.v pol sn . 4 f ..... I..1.1., Matttcl tton b t - '- der. from Biillders. far..,, Makers ...d olio. . u lioited. and saiislaotinn ga.rai,t.d. Agents lur. tb principal cities treaten whu. . . r u .i:we UsShlP. I res.. doaitrn ib, ot .,- . IflVKt 0. AlKak", 1 Kalelgk Ootober 1P'4. l.J-i). rpitK AMF.H1CA!. HATl H Is now l.n sole 1 r X the Vrlnsipsl do.ilers tHruuSl.eui ' " . - ths pablis ar. ibvilcl p. ;''"' '""'"' t sLi-rU.. whb Ih, 1 .VPtUjl F. Al n. l.r. Ti... ... .....imileil i n Ihe l'Att.r l.b r.n. PltlN.:II'!.Ko lwtrl.sln-l sn.vnl. with sllclstlniii iu tbe snsniriaoi lulibi ("srls, s umgia I per.i B.s bas tlelBnB.Ueii d f W Ihs n.l Iu """" nT.I.IABIblTY, ACl'K.t:v su Tin lianufat hirer watrjnt th ' ; AMF.IUCAN WATt'll a la vsrjr psrtlealsr uf Its waiiisn-h.p sod perfumw I ' . .V. N. n, rifto see senate nst-s, ii a nsmes m- BiSBulsrtarsrs. ur.iist.v, no Aim Wsltbaai, esNrsved ea tbe uneeairnu A 1AVS,- .4 las Lookiiig-ClaHet tod lie tare f ramo Su- nfttctoiy. nOnACF. V. tiltil.KK 'tlor ass) ; mltnmmt HI I'oe.yib-slreet, Krw Vol, tit. M. V. es weald soli the siieBli.Ht of sirai,ts viMoos; lb elty. sad ssuesl sll) It " in ! tssd.. tu l..s Irsilse A rruua sud IH .fcularlol y. Is th- .s sseeluBst aeeHuaUrd Ui ililui, as is caaficu iu rr .... sU orders m lb li.aeel I l-ss I'lSl lb. KatsfuueSS ar replet WIl eoni. s fpi.-imrot sea lull ss.orta.SBt w-rl-h jIIosbV la sll It. brsnrk... CO-PARTNERSHIP. Htsll UAKIk Si ril -lbs islarSMfi are St.aettf.1 tu rareiir Ibis mwrplng Uivir stsek ad koeslsw and Asacriewa tard.B ssd (irase aevd, wbisb Is ssueh lasgsrsad ars sailed tbe any nrsswus eup- Ihry Me 4s4srsd aasserals orilers fruaB Bseeilatite, is sb, art ut ta ruts, su lbs must fo.areMe ienas, as'l .ill allow Ibees lb nrlvib-t aUeiaiu. all ua. ,.,l. Vt Ike Islh X Job-. y,M.O.'-s ui-aisx sard, WIN Blase ea IketsBfders run lit i ICil t 4VIC, ons.f.e aierwe t i .,i. am -ut e d are Ibria tu liiie fere wih his Biatisl rrts'um. II and -!. aa, sad ssug Ik.atsm auasts sad but nn f. i. luosa for the str.te n1 trujii po- eyl.BU.d arts i us. hiielctliis). Whi.sll.e wa ry p.pnisr in tht county ot fteriie, -hrr h long li'td. I t J. ', I 'id. rri'i l utTUMi, aiiuglstaaed .---ssss, atetgk, 31, 0. 1) F Pf rn.'kevlarlkls dsv reva d r Part, a Bee-biu wltk ki beirflsee -la-law, teaa, ay, ,al. never as a eaid Hs' f st slkJi but s, Thai n in l-O.t ! h wu!e. led un tb delegaiu from Ilia tuniiiy of Hyti to rvi th .Sibi lMisutulni. As ntemletr of lbe..ea. 11., lit was svas-i .... pun- .u. - . .- " c. ... ,,. k t kisdut,. aud for hi uiBsrvt" nu. " llw ,i.,i, i,,i i,,, uiohiiJ,, 4lndl.l Vols I b fSi f 1't et I I, A UATI.IMI. . la U.a dottiest rwis'usli 1 . llO laved arid i tse I t ol lime rVate'ftr st las fslber il IS l CtrasagB'll laninag to SV. pf. i ear str, aad ek.ll tes a H.a. k larrsr K- thai Mr It kal l ut few CiUbIs. I' sr k -m immr l arn. I s is -r lire tbs krrsseitssa. wkwk auk .. O UAM l ot SiTV t..rtaplss and Vloerur res bssm a. urea. bur Tsrsi, I -is, Antbaay Aras'laad vs. kliskesl Dili and wife Klrl ,. Ji.4irbsa. ike ksiie,if ft'is Arasstasd. dee'dib. A'.bi. stssd si Arssetead. ItspeMilBfta lbs sBllifartlu uf ttiuCsn Iks'. Iks d.-f.-e.lsBis IB tbleeaa.- ftr Ban reeolsate . I t'ale stlata. It le Ibsvsfisr ordered that advert! -uesuat be f asde SIS ske la lbs HsUlrb Hue, papas pot ll.t rd I. eke tilt of Kslett-k. fur said Baa SaeidsBU last aaar BS Uss nest esrss wt ibis Uuwrl la bs kaid ibe'.ieBaty afura- suidualtss Seennd M'sadsy af Is'u-B-.ry Bast SI tb I'osrl lv PillsWu' Ibea sad Lkrre la aasurr plia.1 av aVsaur In said stilt.iBw Ik. 01 be braid a. I-.-1S and jadrwsal take pra ruSif. sm,b. ea tbara. W ifBsse W. P. Isybv t lee set Bar aald OrrS al at. BY the sersssd MeSaday at N ue. A. l . I ski, ad la lb I Bulk year uf Auaseiess Ir --ass, re w.r. lAtUou, e r c, di w l 1 I tww'cVtr 'AT t iKlTrlik t " t dWr. lvTr.5aiVtklilNerPt'NtiIMi lOuhliBrs. tick C'll. roes wo.Hls, Bak, maple, tr-rt sad easkngaoy, In bssd. . .... ... . . Itnlsrsfress sll ports -f n.s l intra niairs aro lo ads aeeaiad wilk pru.,itrs, jpa.ked h i grealrstul esra. . A liustul 4lv"ani Sllusrea is ' H. V. rliil.K.n. ' " l, 7, ,d H Fuse. ik st., N. T. rfsv. , ll. - , 4s-.1ib. IMlU)lTrAST , TO rVEET I0DY. I.tflBlk l't Ibrs years 1 hsrS krB n 4 io '-BB.iaass.kis. WB ly ta . e. il. sad rvu. i s iiiieal V, alswutliirs. wbum I nirini.trd n-r t."H .s, k, Bbirb bsssvirajrd lantlis Isle st Ir. Ul ' "U to l.tis. s..t si.sdS . r rd '.si inj BieS. s.t-.o E. it. -to. Iu s to Kuril Best rprl jg fn masse IB lbs -sin-- louio.its.. I BBV drelruuaufn rlu, lull 'n-li ..e. i !'. Art l svory BrrHf.u'.o will 1 1 a. 1 1 bis Ibe -a ut I'-d iar. law. iea.-4 Ina '! en-cees I t.s.s Weal. urad..ik, aud ike lu-sf l sr.y skB.-l- -...-io. . kava rseattrd fres lkur I k.n- lniic.o is tkj Ari. su', ss nabial p.u lo 1., I . Ss.. tn glls srsr, prrs-n a rl ane lu ns loo. f ' -a i-f Iti at tslaa'lir BSssi,a..f B-akil r s b'ti''- 1 1 -is I. I . ( rfaatliuf aasn.1 lbs ki .elaass herns s .. u.l.d as l.i.r- asae al Ibr l.esi rtsMraa u a. r-u- ' "-" Kirr.sse l'ss.Uuni-i 1 r nhi Is I i.i s 1- i a well as. In tills e.:, ! Isve b- ... .... .ts enksikrdw Ibe l-u . i. , rs.l a to. al.l lol l' il-t lb., ats Bislinji f." s i .. pr y al It s It l kasiaess l kbk ellbrr la.l.rr loils.m. Of .s, and wi b Je-tfeet tare make a env lisnl-'iss lg ,Ba. s,.,..tsl b.l.i- la mi.vii. s.l. ul ho-'i'.' bib sad Vnb.d. ..m I l " ii o". r J s li An, ... s..a rlrailaS ftnlB b s I " I ' d . Il .-a Uesttsl tu- '... S. l bat f a el ! is-B'e , -,.- IS. atari It. I pun ll-s te-r ad' - ' "' ivard ta Its apedl-at.1 . I d r ... .I. r -t. lail ll Hru. lu ,. I Ik Ar', w ,. sent. . faetlv ad.r.u-4 les Bs ot i "... r. s I . Adders A. . fir.-'.'S. . ". " sat ' a . .V. w t .1. Jasaary, is, sj. J-lu la ben jm. lb- r.-B.elud.r sf ear sViaie I laiLlac will k, e.,4 at eH t ut'e.k Tk -a uks ka.e Be S'lpnirdttMBM.i,tB WuBld da ISsll N- SISS." S aS Stssk. klli A til'.' S. Hslsl k. t.a. t. lA M. f. A .1 Ik ja ludel led Use wtllplsaas Ball at ear sd ttia ib.u aeeuuat, by sa-k uv bssmj. ritiiltMilc Cult-fclll"! iti Fi'j it n- r II Mratsre-rusd kss )ast ufeasd a aba at Mr, I P.u.ssj l kat. i.BB, B-sr Ike eurw-rl Base at ISe VirnluslsiUdMSs Kill asare.VI Bf sad aud .NLW Yltl.K Mll.MM nV. MiLimiv.iiiVsit ii tttii t;i -ri'-.j ii. Mn C stli V ir hsusf. :f I tr ki .y .v ; rr 1 n it a . . ta BjaW t far s)a- la tl a I'-ao. f -ii- I M' sWMOISil Its SIS . .. . ', c II.. l.., : laaeeeusrd la Inlets, )aiile Be Is nAW.a Iu aar tri ' m, .I ... ..... Bess- svis lueaaw ua- m. - " . , ,. ,. . .. . esu l a r.i'ei- -s w- n e"'"-' '"" . " la.. I. ... I.,. s-L !l ia tit b-rr'- . "' "' .'l-'snia, I ... t ...j j ,.. l,. I., ,w ,u i .......I ... i.i- Tu i . . . . m ' ...are a liueeal slisra at Use t-UoSss at ike e-'.M-, I ul ttutl M Sfl'l t'-eos ti,r wu-iu'i.e-u i j i t..,fi i r.i, ie o, a el '.u in. 1 ilaas A ' J y ALaf.'H led liml Ih i writc id th hat Iv wa nisn .r--ir -m wiy - ,.i. as t i.-e ike i.(s..,i ii..a i . ., ..... , . .... - ., ,. I ..u.a MoO forwig-iar. Tn .suit pv)plit.i. It mm th. am tia a) great a its fors gn, yel th Bslierrnu.isl4 ar anlj twi ta grt aatlrtf -re ga. Nrtwitsv the Manut.g fasrl, tb hag N.s I.I patty Mtk by national and Stai leg, .la's. tat cwlarg nad tttead tb prist'egaa uf thus foreign emui Bai asd nravict. Tb Main Legislsiur. kas ntly f il . law net puws fr ta as it ta-nuie. Ily Cur, an t.a BMrsfV. ri - ..a .m aiuis.H.. w,w e lbs B kl. sbliaaa are. lots wuwa list Aual MU anisvuier r-e is een r.. .ue-s - -- - y-j " ! utl ur W aid a ,1 fc- .a ait- arn ta eta-see l-ejaa baa led Ilia all ed a -le. .1', toe u,.l i. a.eji r. a mnt it. i n. (,,,,.., as tfceur sues a. , u ,.aae . b. ua" s - - - ... 1. 1. . ..UiiI.m. la kit . . i .. i .- - - - - - si- s ' ' nf Uneis dalosa i n a-aseu's w II to ( rot Bstlleas-et . ike OU' J Is ellj ( let ut I" I"' I , , 4. , , waie-e knee are r.j ,l ,1... i., ,a.u it. I ir-' s- '" ' tsswe es. ABasrWBBs.B ka tlaksa. A- wsinntly User.. ad tod f.-nw d.tig:"l , Ik-es.-rsr,s sta'en.o ut f klstas. n w uf ttr A-n rirw. paity, wrne- f lb proepeett tf th party kn that tBt f.4l wst turb4, tiak as ot f . T.Zr,.m,A ,h, A.ssrts kssMur bad r... ! b yh.-d-b. k fr.e. d-1. I. an-1 r.,1- tk -e rr M. 4m. L. w . 1 - L iu,, I h . kind....s. I in ..fertng ti. ku... bs j ..f. ar.-,,, s. b, .. i. tb Kopss. t tr.h.1. to .... men, Ibst b i.- j ' ZZTC: m?X ' sbnma artv, I..M via ti Au-.Mn tntl-B-uluf lonne, e..B. owu... -7-" ks. led lb. .11 .d n to N'" be lat d h . fam-ly. lb r-.ilt--t , aos .uinornvud l-.n-cr it, a d I nt I .e. aud I I. - "I, t. re h . - ,( UusH-eu.. d w-ptcd ...e,.u t. u-asily t . rbild en- and if ther. I -.v def-d. f.r. II. Mils Is si l' A.-Man I m I.wad , IU llB ay .pit y uf r e.i Is list a,4 I La.aa.u.1. Isr.t,r. Tl r .Biasilo'ealad Wl'h sluut.dd.reM, au.,1 I'm.. li ..iM iias ..f tl . bd a wnh ' uui Ko,d in wn. kn.. kssui .fl.. 4 a .' 4uMis-lNiiid Has f ' ail.U- ki lisesiais. .sol s oral, g ea. xm Bt'e'a I l'.el ll iol fOBIiel V . ... t. but .!, Baax-k ae ii did .siuis I' n.sfsHd to-nl a.,4.sra U.a ur- t--it nsua. Aus'Sn, e-iuit t wt tbs eeesre.. ot I reK IM AOKXTS WASILSS! Xak Km ey Ttiwa Tun Caa! 'I 'Ilk Sea, . ' a. a - . i . ,i . . W ' SS I ten Iao liias, wiibj i ss..). u in- . tu. .r.,a.,l,,4 Vuw Pre.. Ut.1, 1 bl tr-l . ! t.-.tatd t Is sw.k-au-,1 u-a.d u.s ..-.-rs wur. tblkat .rt to Mturai,, Bad nUsi r.-e.Wd , f r"a"1 " 1 M, ,, a nl to al !.. I n and I'aira. BieJ tb. Un. i.,ul,i.g . lumn to U n.l.r.1 : -!- ' U ",r )m cpi, e s..l M 0- y.-urm r.wt fc , I .1 . 1 . - -' . .a, .. mJ fsu. i , . ... 1 . f. . .. I taws less, i si's ess. i' "i a., n..e ,.a ta rl,ai re lire ass s, . - - .- - . N,,.,lsll I sra'S ta In4 ' ' ' d so 4. - o l ei-r t f 4 ios I a l I S,.,e., , $.. ul s I e.i-s s- ..-a a ass-a a- .area .(plt.i ii'M. fi-a as Saw sei-.y d sf g, k 4 I -1 rt II II - f ik ua' .r- i bs isa,. . Ul i to a.--u Sy a 4,.-t IU as, a . sd.a''k fast !. s rrf" t 1 1 ar I ' " , r u ... i s i . r, i.iss i. '.u. . I ' )'s,. wier t i tb peesa ,s 'edstoed a- I'.e a J m ess- est e-e af I ire-l'l Bed baa, as-ss U.V.U WUV s ! WANTED. IMMAIltL ASDwILlltM II tTTl I l.t. 4j brolbsrs lu tlmu , sriirtirvit. ..ur. te i e . uf ig'.t H Vitg.uia. Mil a l,.ls..t desd a J b-fi to unsasel A W.H.s.s k H...J Iwanrtfus. Aldieaa, TH K'lf. i atsttU. W arrsn I . . I' , I '"" B-sslia e l. u.a -,,e i.e. If tor l..,u S.rfatMa'. k, e s biB d W M lit sr. a-e r -i-.e oy tt IBS ss fc..e laerrliar as. in rM I-, Ilk t EfTtV!)! fill Jilt' ritr V.. I'll. D. BU.12CS & ti aft. Mttrf. HI .! t. l t '.V ,' ,'ey.uee 4 lull. I. ml ,-.' .'; '. ' T 'tl f. k."lWn. . ... . ..a si'l Nt I'.l oll - o 1 rs' r a--rt tJ b - inaa B.y alb t I I i., .a s.-a K7 : hats: I 1 1 h n n-t m j 1 ('.., li ,a s. ak.n Mated pnosl BsBsKaas la, lis lvt-a, this . Until i B Its farto 'sM fjf frd I tl- bJ Weal, tjad nsaawri.( tb iiuniicrslesa atf coeti . i MtwittyssBwrt. wbssr I Bwrt tds .nd '. t , a,4VBr-u i 4 fa.ntow.lbs- st Mb '"I lis Jb-rsef., fn.,,.. ery 1- v K '. - ' id' t I .-U V-. ... -M-i er. ' A.-truv. - - 4 .'V ' w tbt r,.eopn sjTSrv.BnU des.rt, ae M( hmm ttmrm j, , j,.;.,,. d k.. 1 start ef taf y t a. rui ot. , ! Iuim nuuth ss lb surssi p si .j uf vlvtory.' Iluisrl.eo . , -k lu torn ef sai.ur p . as. W. II. IAhll. Comrnliilon M i c L u n t , d u t. evotir, VA lleshSftaS). e Ce I I. .1 BUS - . . 4 a 1. as, al tai .a-a-1 ii; W and Mais, f t . a - f - k aj I' i tlal n i -t 4. t'lt. ; ' j' tr mill y I MTU- intaiaslisf w. (Xl '. ti i: r'" r e-se a.... u,.. s... a ... h. ..... t at rt-d bslaf PSir,i lams ne i n ae r" .re i u, a a i'- .t I ,1 a A-Tlel I see el nf 1 ra -I. isis.Ib to n.e bv l.f. PI'S',1 M. , f. W kl. I ska'l aal I iba Mfle-4 h. l-ssr. i i il a I snu It uhs dm. 1 ! I Hy f Ks t. . I.AT.S '! ! ,e 4 dty - re" tear ewsl, al I J a ... ,1 . , . .... .A . ...I I.. a. wata..l..l Us V ll k . . a t,.i. Bit ret -ef.. ail tb IsulMse r 1 1 . w . 1 " a "s h u... VI.C... ... ImUI.s.11 kt I. t as. V.sI.ih. Il L. tVA s. Pt.ssH.' .0,1 rs l-a.k list tot, lis I a a , .Ibi- B sad eM . .. Mid IB st rf I . j 'r sa l ef fi - - V-e 1 11 I b i u'r l-'l ifibe I ir lius. a 1 "itsd ajalte Bs's... l-i.i to I US d r-U-i lbs not, a. it .s mi I . h ug l f , a a ' , l fovi 1 '.r. i .I :.". !.... I.' ,1111-; it. H. 1 1 p ... t . , i- Sl. ft te .toll t-s ; ( t'-s, lb-- a. ka .a 1 r-e. ,...-d i B . of ' m4 na I I. I . 1. il k 4 l I - if... h .-si

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