"7 Uorib-Carclina "Sffar. rciuiiit f UUt IT : WILLIAM C. DO UB, IDITUB 1KD PtuMlETUB. ., . TIIHI, If aid KtHetlT la advaace, Iwe dollar Mr sa- ham; ! dolUr aad fifty waU, if paid withia f it sseathi ; mail three dujlsr at tht and sf tb - yr. " . j ; ADrRTISMSXT5 ant iseding ililm ' as will inserts I oa tint for eue dollar, aad ' twaty-fiv eeult for mck tubtsoueot insertion, j ThoM of gnftor leagth will be charged p report tisaally. Coart iVrd.r an J Jodieilalvesliaat- f will baebargeiu1) per oats, higher tbaa IM eriev rates A reasouanle deduetioa will ba aiada to , bom who advertise by th year. Book and Job Prlatieg done with neatnee aa ! despatch, aa 1 oa aocominadating tenia i I UL . ; GENERAL DIRECTORY. CItV COVKKXMKNT. Wm. Dallaa Uaywood, Intendant ot Polio. eoaeiMioxiB. Batten rFonf. Kldridge Smith, . ... A. Adam. ., 'ifidJU TTtu-d.l'!. B. Uoot, . : ... It. II. Buttle, 0. W. Jl.ywond. -Weitern Ward". -A. M. (lor man, ' 1LD. Turner. J. J. Chrutophera, City Clerk, K. II. Battle, City Trea. Vtfy G-uard. Jiiotud M. Crawley,- ' ; Jackaon Overuy. City Cuarful.fc. K.lwanl lliurria. , William Andrew. A Adam, Wetlimniter. . Ilarria, Clerk of the Mar . ket. t COUBTS. The Stipmu Cimri of North Carolina i ield i thi eity semi-annually, on the second aday 1 1 , .1.- KLL J . .Yfl t 1 in dune, ami iug o"iu uay ifi irervniiwr Judge. Hon. t'rederkk Nrnh. 1'hicl Justice, II. M. I'earaoo, Associate udge, ' V. II. Battle, " ' EJmund B. Freetnitii, Clerk; Ham. C. Jones, ReivNTter; J. J. Utchford, Sr., Marshall. The fuifeJ SlaUi Circuit Vimrt for the IHs- trict of North Carolina is held semi-dhnually in this city, oa the 1st Monday in June and the last Monday in November. ' Jvdyai. lion. J. ili Wayne, nreorgia; Hon, Henry l'otter, of I'avclievillc; District Attorney, Knlicrt 1'. Dick; Clurk, Hit, II. Haywood, Sr.; Marshall, W esley Jones. . 1 ley Jones. , r CunH f this Cmrntv. is held on ! ay aftt the fourth ' Monday in .H-mlssr. 1 he tiupm-wr ha 8rst Monday John C. M..r, Clerk. Jos. It. B,ichl.r. Attorney General and Sollo-1 itor of th fiairtli Judicial Distriot. : ' Tl Omrl a l'cd ami Quarter SenUm, hi held on th third M.wd if 11. lehru irv. .M iv, ' A u past and XovemW. Jeff. I'tlev. Clerk. Vlntirmuit of tkt Cuua'y '.Vwrt. WillitiAi Boy' l.n. Catutfy Mi' ilmK. V. Martiott. tUtetifTuf tt'iike CwHfu Willmui 11. High.' CWs'r Willis rV-ott. Hcgwtcr.- II. llutson. BANKS. , Hank of Ikt SUil- ul .V.r,A C'j.''H'yiiHt r.itl 1KI '. . CUarier i, .t'iil. Capital l,.'ilsl,o. dimlel Inlo 1 ..li(l . ,if I ic the Liiarnry Ibmrl bolls '..It" :id the b', w-i-sit liiOll. I'liiieiptl ii- k 11 lUV -h. ' George W. .M.ir'Je-i, i'lcioe.ii. r Ch i'h'- i'ewi ., l!a hier. J..II. II v tit, Jr., Tn;i.'r xuvl ". irj- I'iiVw". W. K. AhIoi. ii, I'iseoniit t iisi. 110 A,in Tu' lie. . - Jo -1.11 W Hiil.fc, Jr.; leik. Thi II ink ins hr t ,c.,e at Xewln- 11, 1" irhom' Ftye.l'orJIe, Wilia irMn,.K.U. i. ilS l.ny, Char l iltf. Milt .11, .4 ,r,;:mt.n aiol Wiud r. ,P.(T'iUS. On the pnrt of the 8:a i I. W . Courts. 1'ub ic Treori-t es- ijoii., L. G'li. Branch nod W. I!. I'tsi f. On e p irt of the St atkboldvr 1 Wm. Ihivlmi, Ituulhar, A!- fred Joins ai.d 11. 1. M.si"ie. : " "t Offering and lleneunl day Tuesday. Discount dv Weslnesiiav. Uuinust II its and Bills ol Kxchiie discount ed ev ery da v. llUsines. limirs frota 1(1 till 2 o'ch cii. Pnl'i ik Hram-h uf tkr ftmt thi Caft t'ai Will tin II. -hues. Cashier. U. I'. 1 no L, 'filler and Notary l'i,Uic. DiaartoRt Geo. tt. Il.i) sissl, T. li. !cll.y, felh Jones, George Little, Dr. lies,, l'g. snd C W. 1. lUubin. Uiferin j lay M01nJ.1v, Disronnt day Tuesday' . RAIL, l!'ADS. 'ii'i'vi tnii Vail tluitrwl Cam pit Hi). , R. A. liimilton, F.e.iiieut, ' W. W. Vans, Treasurer, J. M. foot. Assistant Treasurer. ' C. B. A Ilea. De,sa A -cut. Mail trim In.vea 13 annates before 0 A. M, trriiesat I'. M. -Vr'A laro.s Vulimd Cmjny. . ' C1i. '. Vi-I.er, Piesideol. 1', P. Mevideob.ll, Tre.sarer. J. T. Wist, Kr ghtaiid l ickov Agent Mail tra B arritu. i o rlmk, A. M4 from th East ; and departs Dim, after i oVInca, A. M. Mail frasa th Wm arrives at 3'1 mikulas af r 4 .'Wm k, P. M. Depart M 3 minaiea U tor u'elovk, P. M. ' POST OFFICE. William Whita, Sr., Pisvt Master. Ode hoars, oa week aays, frua Sun-rise f 9 P. M. - TRAVELLER'S GLIDE.. (sivti a assisvvss or sj.iui sv iiu, XURTIIKU.V MAIL (Ur Ksiuwsb.) Throurh Mail closes daily at (I a. m Way Mill - .1 f p. sa Amies daily at l p. m Ta Car hsai tli aeaM at 6l a. a Vloaa eajly at . aa. Arnvee daily at 4, p. a. Th Train braves t t sa OOLD.SUUIIU'MAIL Br JUnao...) fn.M4.itv - eunnr.av ji.vib oj 1 w-bos llca, 1 mmm ne, ao.iaa n wa isinsr ritiing, "and jo Rio, daily at I b. as ) i T hl" " Aryiv daily . at a - ! feawsislraec fro Times, Mr. Tu Hack leave .1 i I - GraaiBss dragged hita inlo Aunt Beis, l.-d- WI'STI'I' V M lit in, n.. '1 ! '" th pisev' win hw. Hors I TJfsTLKX MAIL By R.liaosk.) i H--rh. llm wa.t;.,r, I 1. i at tha t are b-'ases imfij at lwi tftar t . TARBolU)' MAIL (By Tohihus lis. .) Cloa Kuadav, Taea, aad Th , as ssssanay, 1 uara. Baa rt., at 7 p. as Htrkle.tesoa il.. Vsd. and Fru at I a. a FlrTSUOKO' M AIL (Dv Ta. -. Iliri Ckatss Tsd. an IS.l.,.1.,. mi . Arrtvaa o Msdyaad Thnrs-lav. t T P. B. Hark hsavsa . '. aad W ad. shl 7 - m BpUndld Iteek ofOeedi! t , Ih Ur(st ahh asia V? Vlf. Ilss.l.ull ln,t vy. a" o s,, u.i has t a r.is4 ta "a-y hs S h,M saulf 1W1 nu ha - -4 "S Iks aM l".t tl. tmnm, ' " " ". la ms iMM. m.iL a. . A Tl'i'a EB. HI- t-f. IJ tmrs, CltlTRaa Biiui a. - tmmtm, Hs ViMseW Vm, I i av wm hsmBlsbSL, "s. a ki. iVlL'L!":' -! f 1 - BVlhasa maat ptsssa t. Utal es. M Imrsf d.",l " '.'!. -4. IK. B.lstvavir VOLUME XLVH. Miicel laneou. IttUif to OmI Bwra. r oiac( w. euasar. There isn't a youus- man 1 in all Richmond "h T?rl.j" h "By Georgeno not ..no." N d Oam-fa Grantham, una of the moat rs,.ecen eiiuens ot Kichmond, Virgini, a gos-d many year. g.,. Tbo ..Id msn had once been wealthy: but a aeriea of niinCrtunx ...i . .,1 ( ual declin id (ho value of hU property had im- ...... c u.s wniiiHiiwutcea; ana lostned uf luring In only son a competency as ha had once ei proted tn diw ho bow looked forward with con siderable anuety to hit prmpects of suscr in tha profession ha had ehoaaa. Vuune desire wa to be a doctor. father ould not afiurd to .end him hi turope to study, nor indeed wu it then thought necessary; but no eipene wan anared to pnieura for the iu..i. .... .1.- i... ! work and the bort instrument and other para I plimntili of.th era a A, U George himself, he in like all young men of hi . He tu anxHHia to work, and quit resolved in bin vague i ? ' ueeeil in life and make a name lor him- : did nut thirst for medical knowledge ucint.y tn enjoy many boara oonsecntive reading. If the troth were told, he preterm a hard rule in the country with bis friend, the .mounts or a tramp m thewoods in nearnh of .K m- the rogue liked tonpend an h.air or more of an evening by tha eide ..f pretty Lu.y Prime whK-I blush for the fimt fumiliB, an I write hiinK been left deatitute by the death ofan eitrar.gant fathor, had c..uraKeoul hired a mall room for heraelf. and atu.tk on the n , S '"" "M" 1'"'"t,. lre inakcr. 1 1 lik''lIP, ' !'" "Ih.v (iwrire, " old Sir. Uranlham, in the iouoveme of hi. hBrt. knew nothing So far an he taw, "George .pent the -h(4e of ,. feiaare hour, in reading. So edulou.did he Mem, that at time, it fl.odied nnr. the kind old father, heart that hi. "boy" might be orer-working himwlf; and on the.e oe- caion. or would himaelf loud . l,u..'. "P"1" day or two in th country with the j-""1"". who kept faithfully th secret of bis ""! '! 10 their place. There aa. how- ,er ',7e I""" ho ! easily deoeived than "f",,'n; and that OeorgH's aunt, Ml" Oranthaio. A. oommon pla.e a. her lu" "n to their place. There aa. how " a.d.mm on ihispl.net wa ""'. '"wePiryh .duty of worrying Mr.Grani. ,"" '" erv1ots,liiid the recreation ,f "'-KenMng li:ir tia. tu tha pM- Willi cr., "'T '!'! . "'"X:,r "siswl. If Mr. Grantham "I-"" seeing Ge rge a irrentdts.- ...r. umi nd set h.'r. u,..hi drlo.iiiK in j him th nol.1 ehrisiiu, yinues ,rf paiiei.u nod , .ni.uran.-c. X,.vr (i,rn loair dij she sutler hiiu tu v it ,1 1. 1. . 1 l e. h look, hill -In. f Ull I 1 coi.1'1 ,1101 H.-I. sint. or lion si ciik. or ( IP UWll m: .ir irl n..i work r,.t I e owaM l.r 1..- oini 1,0 o linen til lie h u-ei. Id to disturh Ins stud I! ont "it- i 11 .f I i- f ul e ' I. ( n;;:llleiy. (!i.,,... i i ed .p'ii- . , i., j . ' nnhorit -ji, J,,,,, ; 'nr in ,'. 1: j, . eollM .ftf '!(;- work ( r 11 ,1,,' H, - na!l ' u I linjj in tu tens t- it B 1, 11 ci ili:- it b i do. i ii.tu , t ti,e ' "'i. I:, (li txu'is flier ,r;t., pl.td bis '' I'm hi fo,l llist she V' v i uher Iw as m !,J tin' I. CKie, V'.-Utli, . :h op n an uo eoai, i f ' .1 a ment from lis I line. riai.p'UHiiit u as lirst ui.ue, hiitisell to tin iest and eeu 1 -I'M'.- Deis, n , ir . e ! ehi -.Thpii G,. , l r'tiJ.. W. ci, (i G irfre it. 1 ron, make . -h w of reMli..n siiin.t ii; hut hitter ly he hl ul. mill I. ai,d Mis. IW.sr was lorced lo.Oi'e" that at whsever hour .4 th eteaiug she stationed hervf i tl f (,,.r,.,r ai.d l rtnltchHjl her old Ismy nose ag.iinst the win'h.wat toast a lialf a dosra liot. s i ri,,ta .1... , went to l.r.l .oil U(, .Micourt.i, jn tl,eaiB,t j'oeepeal I heopcr alum George's. mide drein2. - "" smoking cap wer lo tie seen in Io,r iia'o M.ca, , Uas sometime after this rictory of Aunt Betsy's one evening between nine ind ten that j Mr. UeanlUm ni.ol, the remark quoted ulajte. I ' friend ami Beighl.ir, old Mr. 1 imins. 1. Is lo I I ili4t li .0 siuiple old genii, nun had .1.. .1..1.. . 0 . a w.niiii .,itlaci , ,mw in Bisktng it h i Timms hsd the largest praetic in thtphca, and ws an upnght B'ld highly rsdable eilisen. More merws he ha, I rertntlv inanic l a young and rather ghhlv wife r, m .Kew Vrnk. and was l si'le comfortably ri. h everyl oly said I ought lak a partiHsr. Dr. Timus. had half admitted as mtirh, aa the two old fellows prosed iu Grant ham's drawing r.,m, adding: "If I werea IsU'heharsiill.Granlham,! shouldn't aind k. Bui as Mrs. Timms iai.ddeal v.-Miicer than y,m otbhs U like. ssasHy, and I d a'l blame bar lor it; but I oseiiuM. think Its not ri( ht f.c her to U going to parlies with ymng fellows whom I hsnlly kle.w from Adam, while I am out visiting biv pattern. " "Mrs. Tiatsaa ia ry'fod uf gayeiy," aid (ranihsm grately. "Why vs.; .,ry t.,.1 indeed. In our lime w hoold hare aaid. peth.st ton f,d. But tbea, lirantham, ws'r old fslluwa; I he warbl's gon ahead pmcaat. fast sine w r ).ng Bien. And I hnten'i th heart pf-peak to her en the subject poor elidd yoked to an old fogy like a. " . " And tb old -dado lard ku voir obsk.st laiia wi'h nry. s-avteiime ti.iul." Mtid Grantham, hasten ing tr rh.ng tb subject, -thai Gss.rge work hsrd. I daraa't 111 yoa th Bambey uf auur b resds d.v." "MetliciB. ' rep'icd th alitor sanlnitiously, "Is srienc who h ratits.1 L Bia.lered tveu 111 lifHiw ..f dy. St 4 bti hut nu will admit thai very lew yng mm isT Ge-rgVs s( spend tlieir roini. ib poring uivr s-M-Miifir books." " "l kww young Bvsa study aiark l thsa Ibev ssd fo do ia my hbhi." "I Boast eirspl t.eurgs, !.1or. It's a-t poasil4to wtrk Mrder than I uVs. X ,w lost VatMiaaalt I his dre.ng gowa, hut hsstd bars Ha hi ssaok , mg rap aad h-aniBg m Li. hand. Il slaa.paas botBii.g brishtly, and lls.uh hi. I.k was f ra. t d lo ih ot-wyrva. it aa pU.a he wa hM.rs- ! m f"sa.sj bak. ,,II a lr Inara n. I las already." said k , i-imioss.p 'asill, BliS u ssa St.f till llS.t sa , ls.. I ,1 I . m ' "llasbs bssmss) sr(l" Inanired lis 1 ""-" i - lies i-a.s y..iiu.g sua Sh 1 rf ." repl e-l M.. Ii,u,ilms 1 "I a. I. 1. si 1.1 lH' b" " l '" j " j v.. 1 - .... its u urn aeiign.ea 10 see ,yB. J., l railed to a smi i, t ,,, , . Mr. I.s-.r ' rB, and sa I'd I k es hiss." ' 1(4 tw,. .1.1 gsailsm) irtBrwed to tl draw , ls ns. Tl ev bad ksrdiy seed, wa whea n ar..it resan,4 ssh lb assr Ihsi i.-..r,s ' dido'l aay aeiv.hH wl s si s rare ka ibe I ag dnbt'i tors his bead. I. e see, si,s, sTssa U.si.tus. dl gl,l.L wrs,l ia kx Is. k Vmt .. long . . . Ur J.M SI 1 ! k. Ml h M I 1 IWI.W kia - -llf asaat be retd , levy kfd.H a 4 Dv, t Tms. k.edly. , la a few ssam'1 si rk a. In.' .-d B4. u. ss-ak f..s. itsnoMaMKimi,) las-t. a. tab. 4aiB. sg te. aska-l Hi, u,a- i I Mlt- Ti4 ll rl 1 - "taw ,. ka. any Ibieg hf s4. EALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, . WEDNESDAY M0BI8TOG. FEBfiUABT 13, 1856. "Well, what orbim?" erred tha father in great alarm. "Ho He', sitting in hi. bones, sir." .-. a , a. a On that m eveoi.g, snMim befor. thi) tariling ansouneement, Geerg Urambatu took his seat on a (tool in the modest work room of the drammaker, Lucy trims, and began with more eal than skill to put ber work-box to rights. . . ; "Where du the skein of (ilk go. Mis La ey!" said ho. ' "Oh! dear replied Lory, impatientlr; "do let them alone. lua alwar leave everr thing in such 0011 fusion, that it ooet aieau hour tu set the box to rights when you are gone." l ou see I think so much of you when I'm 1 hero." "Mr. George, if you talk so foolishly, 1 won' I'et you in again. "Mayn't Iy I think of you," dear Mis Lu cy?" , "You know very well I don't like it." "Vary welL But I do, all the aauw. When I saw the sun rise lb other morning, just tipping those dear old mountains with gold, a the song avs, do you know what was my first thought?" 'How should I know? replied tb young girl, with a downcast glano "I thought it would hat been a .delicious sight, tr yon had been there to share it with "Mr. George 1" "Oh 1 you needn't y Mr. George,'' replied the young man with warmth; "I can't help it. I'm always thinking of y((H. When I sit down to read th.B. prosy old hooks about phvsie, I And my mind wan lenug away fnim leversaixl lotions tu von. When I ride lo the Lindsays, and bilk to Kate, I alwavs f.incv I aiu tlkhnr to vmi I've even caught myself being civil t aunt Betsy j "'""i u luipresiuon mat sue was tranaiuruirU omv pretty Miss Lucy." "If I didn't know that you u were talkinis npn. sense, Mr. G:irge, 1 ln.ulJ be very unhappy. But you've made me waste oyer so much timo.and I've got this dress to fini-h by nine. I promised it forf .ur o'clock this afternoon, but 1 lost the dy going to visit those poor jieoplo you told me of, and Mrs. Timms wns so anjrry." "Mrs.'Timmsl It's for her?" "Yes. Now, let me work. Aa." "Very mid thut Mrs Tiniuis" should want a mess at nine if clock at night. It's not an. even lug dress, 1 see." No. Hut what do vou men know sloil iresst.. : 11 it . not done by nine, 1 shall lose i " Imt ut thi farce, sir!" roared Mr. Oron Iter, and she s my best customer." I tliam. "I wish 1 could sew." said Geor?. wiih .1 "Hush I hnh '" mi.t i.l.l T ... . .. . .1.1 sigh. "I think you'd better so home, late." It's getting "La'e? Oh! you're quite mistaken. It's earlv, on the caurnrv. And 1 ron v..i very Why not, if you plea-e?" mquirH Luey ' i'cnuiiiuiye 01 tiers, and i,kn. If search 1, it by at (ie.irire lieesus 1'ie rouiething tu say In you." "Sut it at once, Ihene-no," she added, cor recting herself, and sewing very nervously, "perhaps ym had bette not say it." There aa a pan.. Georc walked acnw ibe r.s,m h.wily. Then Lncy brok lb silence by oh.e, ring m a firm v. ict: . . "I change my mind. What you hat tossy Mr. George, I am ready to hear now." "I bar v. u." . And be Miised her hand, and covered it wilh khee. Xie wns violently agitated.- and grew very pal. A minute or moir e!itiscd before she coiilil sjw.a. jvi tast sne saiot "No Mr. tic.rgivjhat yo bar spuken, I lell cm riM.,LU .!,.. ,l.., - . .. . . will tell you ftanklv, Ihttt that y. a must Mot cimifl here sgatn." --. "Luey, do yoa love me?" "louuiusl ma o.st here spiin." ' Ju-t f this m nitnt, rap wa heard at th d s.r. Gn.ige l ., jusMiuic t ,i,, himsvll in a closet.- ben the door "i.pctie.f, snd Mr Timms enu red the niaa. I t com lor that dress. Mis Pr Bie," said she, in a tiHi which seemvd yry airang tu I ui very s..rry," lephed Ijicy, In have kepi y..u sil ng ma'am; but 1 was efelayrd. It wi I e ready iu lei. minutes, if iinules, if y, a will lake a seal." eer mind, lake it s it is." said .Mis Timms, fan illy, "I'll . Luey h. ked at liercBsinmer.andBndidGnorg fi.rtu Ins hiding plac She wa range's pale, and seemed ill. "Wont Vou sit down, ma'am? In five minute it will be nnishrd. Tie only a stitch or two to mnk". I was ia hopes yua would Bot want it till tii morning, ' No," said Mrs Timms, hastily, "thtoVsMor nd I sr going h. the countr ta Bight II' waiting tut as at home Bow.' G.g bad s)NB dificulty In suppressing b exclamaikm. II had beard Dr. Timms y, a.4 lo hoar liefore, he would spend lit evening at his father's. Lucy had broken off her thmad, ml waa fohliBg up lb dreas, and looking very ainrhed. ".Never mind Coding it," fried Mrs. Tiiems. sslsfier pa.se, J0 ',g hih George waaaon ii.e,l be heard her teeth chatter, sh asked La cy if sh nuld give ber glase of water. Lucy r.., and peased into her bed roue. Mr. Timms, apparently Us. Bervoo a sit Mill, Ui I. wed br. Tb m'aneol they left, th room, Georg sprang frua hi hiding place, and karri. dowe stair. Al lb oW he aaw a Iratsling earriag. II bfitaied. Could it ba? Sh bad lawn Ih Urn talk lor weeks; her name and young Melville', whu had kilh.eed her from Nw Y.ak. wer in every one' Bsoeih. Yt ta bluadee as. ruia He .,r his hair in his rstrpislily. Tb night was tery dark, yet 'be eould see th earri.g ass empty. A black dnier sat or a tb seat, and hs4ed sii.ai.y si Gg. Th Idler Balked Ih dwr 4 the earnsgs, atlk ib inteniM.a of isti,i his. II bad hardly dm, s h-.er aben be heard t vly f.sttsp .f pe.as.bing abag th paremfiL tamed si.Jl.s4rd. la mi esriit or twis Iheiaw rua-r and George saw escb ntber. Ceofg would buy sworn h waa Melt Hie. Th 1st lei seeing a ssaa at ib af tb earriag tp4 sh.l, ad H eared eBrenaia kuw . fn -e. ie.rt. rwipard j lbs b asoved tuwar4 the car rir. His mind, iharoeghly Bia, op. f. h Was rnta be held ibe le f ike mvxery, Gsseg boldly .sJ'lht handle of the earriag doer and .,pM.ed V. Tl ins easaer sw-rad sgaia seated Wet la d-M ibea eea-ed Ibe streae. At thai meM a Irasale tgat rust ed oat of ih h -use. lis k,d ih earriag 4. -of whil si strpe-ed Ib. 1 1, ehwpeving le the drner, I sraag ia. aeaid biu se.l tawde her, and th rairiag rallied ev.e lb I aiese.t. V) uliin, all as4aik. Xelbersrnk. tie. ry mid hssrtl iui. k ls-saihi,g . f l is na.iloe, la beM bis tm I reath, 1 be miaates serwwd rewiwiir to him. At boat tl earrtar stopped. "Where mil!' l tb lady plit(ing lywsid. "At V-wf n.a h, eis, Mss.T tn-s, rV-sr. roof buslaisd, lb d.va, will -). y'ai." "Ks.ed eased ."' ga-t-ed the pas,M, Lsl nsg . Gsree blls-l Mrs. Timms 1. lb j r- iss snm ... w aa. mm 11 ,s,r. i mm. . o La- .a t- k.ll a s hiiu , ia lb V'a siadv. Wb besfes ssanss b 1 M ad ,a. 7 Mam.' Lai, Bt M,ed ket ti I, 1 .d diseased I se af lh s 1" i-a i-f d s. M. ( bed s4 feiartau i Ul sb seesaed . Bhep-I -..a , o.4ofa-r b-ekal g.i.s va. A ilaa of , aa-e mi.ed kar I m tsl. h iri . d' " si as. us red. ,! 1 'n .1 b. me. am I as. r "Of sa JS, t." rsy-lssd lanrr slfl "Va'fd IU draws. o,l Mrfl'11,., a II b ! be., a tl m rnbig b-i, tsh W. ' j "km il I'm ai a.' wl t -sa4 SI rt. T eam, 1 a trssaal (, 1 "You'll wear it th next time you go out with J the Doctor. Now, I must b off Uood-by, dear f ink iimm. . tli woda ttuu l.LouM hare wet yua at'thadremmaker's!" "Yon metuitf " vr-YeX Just In time to see you home, wasn't I? I must say, dear Mrs. Timnis, you r a model of punctuality. If you'll allow me to say o, I think the idea of driving to a dressmaker's at nin oVOwk at oight, on purpos to gat a dress, quite original, flat ha! ha! I. beg your par don for laughing, but our Kichmoad ladies are not such stickler, for exactna, by any mean. GiKjd-nightl" And taking leave with as much formality as if he had m.d a ordinary vi.it. Georire'ran down the tep of th doctor,' bouse, and basten- eu Dome. ! ..' ; a a When Mr. Granthitm and f.Timms heanltli servant say that "Mr. George was aitting iu hit bonra." they burst into a rosr of laughter. "What do you mean V aakad th former, a. oon a he eould speak. But tbo girl was too much agitated to replr. Site trembled, and began tu cry, and (book her bead ominously. . "Come along. Doctor, we'll soon see sfhat this means," said Urantham, r3mg th way out of n. rim ioi u eo wuerner tn boy w there.." . . - T And the two old fogies, quit excited, haataned 10 aunt notsy window. There was George aa bdfore; uot a , muscle hsd moved. . "What ll4 deuce did th girl' mean I" said GrantUinn. ' Ik-fora the words were ottered, an txctamation from Dr. Tanius drw his attentiim one more to the window. What tltevaw titer might well tound them. They saw dUtinctlv a man lean into the nsiro, apparently by the wimlow'. eie George by the throat, and with one powerful jerk pull him out of th chair and throw him to th other end of the room. , "Murder" grouied Grantham. . Surely two old gentlemen, of their ie and age, never ran so last a did they to the Sonne iif the outrage. Gasping for breath, the father burst open the door of his son', room, and bott ruhcd in prepared for the worst. "Phansy their leeliuks," a Jeamssaya, when they sitw George standing in his shirt sleeve., in the middle of the room, as eool as a diplomat j ami on in ll, Horror ot horrors! a skeleton a 1 la Jiruuchu, recently imported from Paris, dlran- led in Getiriw's ilrsums . i.u too ies stun in . neiier, l,et uie an vise yoa, as an old I. lend and a meslical man, tu be careful of vout mm.' health; he evidently reads too baid." L mg 11 n I hitter was the leetiir George had to endur st ih hands .if Mis Bsisy next nitiming; and far worse to liear than the few words of re proach which fell Irom the lip uf hi kind old f.tther. "Y m biv lost, sir," said ho, "an ippirtunity on which I. hay been counting for years. It was the hop of my old age." And when, few days aftorward, old Timms called on his friend Grniillmin, and bild hiui that he had talked the matter over with hi wile, and that ah and he, were both uf opinion that he had belter tak a psrtner, and that they knew of mi one with wkuia he would sooner associate himself thau "your boy George" old Mr. Gran tham was fitirly petrified with astonishment. Stranger things than this cam to pas. F01 the old doctor oonipbiihed In a very cheery time, hoa ever that he had no siviner take a partner, sr. as to g 1 out with his wile, than that lady ab jured society, and insisted m a, ,!; aveniitg reeling and talking lo"an old fcuy lib s.. S...I VM T: :.. t .... ... J . ...v. ,, 1 sisiin wnoin is.irge ti esme smMrnly intimate, came over one morning, atid notified that Mr. Grantham that her husband' praetic would tie ruined if Gorg resaaihed a bachelor. Sliding thai sh had found bin a wife Mis. Lucy I'riine. "What ! a'drcssmakcr scree, hej Aunt Betsy. But when Mr. Timms rave out that she would reus tu know any htily who torgot to nail on the lutur .viesar. t.eorge Uranthsm, and when George assurcl his father that it was useless to 1 talk of hia marrying any on eh, all nbsiarle j vanished, and the marriage was duly celebrated thaold Doctor giving awa the bride. F.tan Aunt Bet.y w ti roeonuifed to the maruli, hy th insurance that at least, on of Miss Prime's an erebsrs hail euro ever with O plain John Smith. r A Tear From th. Fall Ri lowing acoimnt of a 1 A Tour blng lacMeat iter Monitor w tak th fob louchtue incideiii - la psssing dowa Hroomwcld street, we think it was, w met a msa in th winter uf Iif this " I " l"n 0,r bis pal ssaturea, and with Naff ia hand, lalsrring lo reach bis horn. Th. bad work he made uf It led the bystander lo think him Intosicaied. He wiatld walk a sln.rt disiane in a very unsteady manner, then paus and lean upon hi staff, a source of merrimrnl tu th by and of merriment th men, who, like lb Levite of old. wagged their beads and passed .'J ,, mar .sua. Pausing moment to h k at th eld ma a. w hAiiMil m l:..u :i S k t , . . all,n g..r . isj utess new amioualy wstehing his movements, and ti hmily desiring to no wmieilang tn aestet him. Sh might hav B fourteen winter, was richly dresesd, with preny iar, aae a ey lull ofmeMing, eiprce aioei and l, with bwdts ia head, was probably oa her wsy losch.sd. Th bills Samaritan did not k.g remain inacliv. Approaching gen llesiiaa (?) ah ioouned. with a faltering UHtgea, m ins m nw was at-m ow ner lair Cheat. ''I that old f enllemaa st.-k or intouralsd V' -IhTink, I guess!" wa lb Beanies rerly. Al which, with th eail i hem. tin. Intl. an?! .af aterey aprucbed the obi man, and aft a BKMHeni s tarsal am. lb two were seea wB ding their way (long lb treat, the lint nrl supiHing Jlss batering form of him whiaa Ib Bhieeliag crowd had hsft le hi fan. Ob haqairy. mm prniiMss wet in wa man was wotiny as on narmgg.at sail m a morning walk, wa saihlealy overtaken wilh a astul bliadrm which waa tii ess-ess, Ihoegh sseswsinsi uf ll tin sel!, of bis ansi ea'lr g.u. II. i lesnuera's man. and ickaes sulireciad hiia tn lb jilnai and jer m o nHiinu.ss, save in SsH.l heart M git 1. W tried e. rear her sea, bet wer snal, a m tsa, Ib.w bk aa aaai m Ihw Heaart, M w.n Id, surk es.giK-s apw MVnr Ih4 girl may be, a say, G mi blea her I J A Usstgh MUew'. Th I a r4 etury going the roamds of the paper k Id oft man ia Arkaasa, who bad len drinkiag till 1st her sl.tgl.l. aad tlssa started for hwaM Isaattt of seen ohv ainaaa. lea reasdmig hi w pr siaes. he was ta far g.w lo disessrsr ny dH Ib d-anki! be wa aleml In lah.i.il.1,4 tberefur bud himsall ,iwa m si, e-l who h ws.alascoii rends. 'fi Ih bogs. Tlrfy happevwd w. ba m whew il.e aaw sar arrlsed, fs.1 vi ref.irsd a. tbr 1-. Th weather Ming rat ber culd, they, in Ibe exasaat km4 and w ih the mesas hMi.lny, gat ll..,r loped a ' s&i,,ibS it. a mrm . hi I, 1 Bisr s aw II. vets-bad i.s. L.I 1 s,4, j wok . tler geallemea. I '. : , , , , ; , - , . ---- - and. .M airbing b. H of lb M f brl.e of a eg eK'U.awd 1 " ll k , my r's friea I, y-.'.a fi a uf a b'd! N 4a dtafgre .4a. bsT be trM A I'utl iHtsroskkkf tbas l.test I t lever girl - 7' .'"" " - ty.og ass 1 '" qoeoent tor n.aie. ,. , , , a lu p,.aPy. ahl,.f war w IU I ettber .t mi him, and aiber. eevi.g the part .4 ed ewv.'s sad Indian war, so I pvri.l tha ,(- sl p. an4 1st Iran.,. k ,,. mm ' ""- 1 he aea.lh ya-eseeii"! b.m float laaiiig j m'rkaii.m .4 th rsvb l.vali.ts fr lb 1 1.,4 (w mtutsvi' Llgbf It.fusir si I ... ' l.....rsi4byetr-.ur.. T.rtt.r.laBBi.lt,. Lew.4e. , ( ape Isar to ll--l. wl.iit,., tor, we e .-ao4. 1 rv lsnler. Ih. Utter I U.H '.v U s'ol ta ' It. 4inf h t.if s. n.f.evU.. la lb UisHul ig I" re! .. Il.ee fm a aweteuf tei,. I getting ea la .N-eih Mn.. ,f 1, j M,ma nt Borsm-e .4 hi whereaUesis, S sonr-asd hiutaaif ; I I y l.li (,swsnl 1., I snada, ta nisi tii.. j j 1, 1,,. . My bean i. tick aay heart 1 .aA-s i'.ol oh. lb aaaa 4sr a A I'll, I aat 4 grMs4. I am smi mad, I am .'t s.rk I am a.4 wall 1 I'm 4 etisif I as ajt Ib aaase, I aai. Iala.l. ktsew Bnt hs ; I'm k s fsl in II. eter ia aasae Ob, wkra ts4l be h.eH l 'gtr? irons the Fayttltrillt Cbtrver ' Isaclaits Satlbaal Bsttl af th KevetatWa ia North Carotins, aim. or booii's cant. Cntil recently the Battl of Moors' Creek, fought February 27th, 1776, had only a tradition ary and local existence, or at most a passing no tic, in American history. And yet no battht of th Revolution so thoroughly illustrate Ameri can valor, and none has higher claims to rank amongst tha decisive Nutional Battles of th War of ndependencet Jones, Carutlters, 8win, Wiley, Wheeler and Davis, deserve well of their country for the light they have reHected upon thi loo long neglected battle field a battla Hold upon which the bo of Gov. M.rtlnwer blasted, and ilia royn! Inn- nor trailed in th dust, though uphold by 2tC0 Scotch Loyalists, eoiiimiutdcd by Gen . Donald McDonald snd Col. Alexander Mc!od. veter ans, on of whom had fought 'wt Culloden, and niidor Gen: Wolfe in Canada, both had acquired distinction and fame. The Battle of Moore's Creek was fought at an early period of the Kerolution, and is the first battle fought within th I'S, in which, victory lurched ou th American s'taa. So that In North Carolina not only belongs th signal Ktavor of having been, the first to xhaolv barself from all allegiance hi the British crown and th first to declar herself free, sotereigu and tinieien,lciit State, but to her, also, belongs the equally glori ous distinction of huv'uig is-en (he ft' st St.it that fixed the prestige of invinj b lity b Atner'tuan anus. And yet the battle. ml itsi.sti in.l effect have liecn weilinad within thv kuow ledge tf those who bat dwelt near the modest atresia which it was fought. , But a day, wc hope, is dawning, whon it will attract attention and ae pi ire national fainV-a day that, a hen the AUxitndcr' and Brevard of Mecklenburg art motioned ns the first v ho prnclaimcil ludeieudence, the Lillin lootis, Mis.re' end Caswells, of Cap Fear and Trent, will he tcmentUered as ih first victors Iu Ih great Kcvoluiionary strui&le. Tuapnrecitite properly the claim which the haul of .Moore's Creek ha tn national di-tiiiion, it will he neces sary to present a oonilensed statement of the ac tual e.nidition of the t t.huite. prevt.ats tuaitd at th tint when th battle was l.,u-ht. Al the close of Ih year 177-1, bop, wer en tertained thai on lha meeting id a new Parliament all the grievance, of the Colonies would b r dressed. But lira rejection of Ch.tlmiii's bill, and the arbitrary measures nroisised and carried through Psrl anient, soon cm. inc., I thetolonies that their hones were vain and delusite. and that an ui.pe.tl to arms or suhiuissiun were th only auera wives lert. From I7oH a milltnrv force hsd been starloneJ iu Bin n, to- intimidate anil overs the inhale hunts of that city. The Army whs under the coiuiuniid of Gen. Gage, who, ou the leth April, 1 77 J, despatched Col, Smith with Hut) men to destroy the store th Americans had enlltA'tcd at Concord. Id this enterprise Col. Suiillt was supported by Lord Percy mid WH men. They accomplished their object and fought ihe battle of Islington, in which they lost in killed and wnunihsd eont mW men, and slaughthcred about Itsi Americans. Ou the 17th June 177't, the battle uf Bunker's Jlill was fought, about which time th British lore wus sugtiieiitoil by recruit from Kurone, mmiaianded hy Gvnuriila Howe, Btirgovne and Clinton, To eounte act th tqienittiius id this Urge Army. Congr.'s, in June 1775, atitsilnted Geo. Wsshi ighm Cianio todrr in-Cmef .4 all the Aniera .n hirers, and on the 3rd uf July be Used his head quarters at Cambridge. As troops rallied around Washington, h con tracted hi line towards Boston, determined to axmiiel the Utili-b tu evruai tb Mrunghuid tltey had so long poesei. 'fu effect thia ohject, Washington needed men. money, provisions, and munitions of War; and to Una point, tha gehaatopol of th Kevohitlon, th utir energies ot I lis Colonies were direct.!, and lo that point, and th injasion of Canada, at lb tiois the hattleof Moore's Creek waa fought, th concentrated thought and mean of lb t'uloniee were devoted. Hut it wa nut until the 17ih of March 1770, nearly a month after Ihe battle uf Moore's Creek, that the British abandoned Boston and left Ih Americana in rswsesshai of the city, Whilst tb wholo resource, of Cimgrrs were devoted hi the invasion of Canada, mid th reduc tion of Boston, the patriots of th Southern Stales enutd expeol no ex'ern tl aid in defence of their altars and firesides; but, guided by an en lightened IMihlie sentiment, ibev banded I hem sell . ogethr, deteitniiie.1 that the Cavaliers of th South would not h Is-htnd the Puritan, of th North, either ia their bite of hlsrtv or th pracl.e of thosa warlik feat by which akm they saw their liberties nd indrprnuenc eould be maintained. In th meantime Great Britain, sa esrty aa OcM-rr 1775, determin! t". open the impaign uf 177J upon slol grsndearthal put to hiu.li th Biengie numliers which the Aoirrtceu eould eommaad. Already British train, hsd I -sen msruhel Into Canada. Gen. Montgomery had fallen, and hi army was defeated, before fnel-ea. Parliament autboritted the impressment nf '.'".("si seamen, and Ibe ettlisttfism uf M,IK) sokliera; beaidee which, authority was giten tu en Bag b.retgn BMretnan. ui tb uiimliey of lb, tssj mor., Ib erler lo "ks.k down all i.pisiiion snd rffeetua' sotmissio with, nil bbs-d-ked." The plB nf vfi ramp.ign was, lo recapture Canada, set Nw York, nd Bisk innd up. -a th 8 barn St ilea, thr ,uh N nh C ir lina. Tl" eafaur uf Ih S uth was entrusted lo Kir Henry Clinl.ul aad Mr Peter Parker, who V 'gBd alring Ibe C.M Fear, landing ibeir - s a ---- - - -. - """I- so. sm .n cisia an..,., . Sim, isnsiia mi n-iis.r.uvisi. in si.... ..i.nio a .s n.eni lu.ewarm in ina American raqse, in sdilin as lo this. Gov, Maritn bad renrksented Ih J lb Regulator and kVsitcli for.es on ihe I 'ape Fear uhI J be ma-iers-1 Into tb British sttsl la Hi sianilsvr of 4 e.sJmt.i Thai rb,e osea, s.it p.id by ib ir.s ander ih eMsnmn4 of lir llewrv Cbi.tiet, cs-obl traacree the State aad form a jonen with Ihe ip uedr Lsa-4 Ibsnm' in irginia, ahobal rallied under bi. standard all who wer h.val to th King all who wer inimical lo iiidejeadenee, and 1'kswts all the ranaway alave wha emk be lo disred hs abactduB tl,ar situ era. It was tt naatd that Ihi army csild ertrst with and sasialned by Ihe Nirnhweaiera wmg uf il.e II ttiah army 4 Indian ftxm I'et-i it, and by limit number. eild eaatl 1 1, hsatih . ear rea der. But if i S'siva. ,. in th a.l.a. W ssl, ng. km w--uld Isfh to h relief .,f Ilia H-ay bers. Males, and b..tia. Hose In esatseaai'-n of Hwt,4t, feosa wl.ieh ysdal be eould etash rsUiieas in Ih Nortbera Males. ll a at Ihi erleaa U tb destiny ef tb CJ ... 'rm s. .sra waa Vii, bailie ablest at-evetawr.es, ihe enure ..a 4 llrfise.iheraesmp.gr., ..4c.av.pelIGy M,r- lia ae.4 bit llevue I bob a le . fat Nnli . ( .r. boa a bat k. wbs k b. ke the spirits of lb flesM list tstst, ikal h is. I s.a mmmtm thai Im t.a l 11 ,.m slass I . - ,- "- am staling s..ll,,..- tea. Hot I Will aodss.o. 1 lo eni,t ihrm t .si tn gross. : On staeelted lt r...aaMa4'ii had G v. Mar 1' - . ,sm.. . p-,,,1,. -m.s.., ,a iwav M la-layssei- J"rtSli rr -Lea, that 11 (.,...ni...i e-t inly Il.e4 n,s f.a'a on I f.H as nn Ipesji. Rrnsh peases, and s.ar. I.ighw .y ; ..t.e .htsb lb.e--.ldaaf.lv man B,al,;.rfb - Paste . sa4HSs.aa. urn, m bltti. ilearewk, Has (se. Hi ll.g ,la.4a ...t l .i..s. a.4 'V"" '" rvj-i llj.s.,1 l..hH. Lag tse l" sr,4 M te kip r. rl.Kat i tl bo tie Neribasn r..tes. NUMBER 7. propositi,. is Hmwo's Hiatrtry of th Highland Clans, the 4th tnlum of whicn is devoted to a minute history of all tb Highland Regiment who hav beta mustered into the British service. In that work wa are informed, that after Brad-' dock' defeat, and on th oouclusi.m of peac be tween France and England, at the termination of Ihe sefea years' war, U officers and me. in th L'udon, Fraicr, and Montgomery Highland regiments, had extended to iheiu, a criotoe to re turn to Europe, or remain in th Ctdoniea and reeeiieagt ant of lead, subject u. ba sailed into ac tive service at the pleasute of th King. Amongst the nonil er who remainr.1 in the Colonies wer Donald McDonald and Alexander McLeo.1 th former of whom was Lieutenant in th Loudon Highland Regiment in 17-16, and ihe latter wa a Lieutenant in th Frater II ighUnd regiment in 17.7. The sain author nv "whea tit war of the American Hevolution broke i ut. Howard ..r -i i ... . .i . , . , ' i i. remain- . i '."""J " " regimenv ... ,U. ll ,,., .IHU.H dietl umbr tb asm of tht "lU.yal Highland Highland Emigrants iu Canada and the discliarg- ed menof th 42 1, nf tmr' and Montgomery' Highlander who had settled in N'orik America afior the peace of 1763. . Great difficulty was cxptriened in conveying th recruits who had lieea raised in th back settle ments tu their respective destinations. Adetaob ment from Ca-ruliiia was obliged to relinquish an attempt to truss a briiljr di fciidod by cannon, in which Capt M. Leod, its Coinmauder. and ni'mber of the men r killed,'' " s., " In Gov. Swain's Lecture on th British inta sion in 177li, he sayst-. ""Towards th clo til th year 1775, as w learn fnan th account of Il.e proceedings of the American Colonists in the GeiitlcraniisV Mag. it. ia ..r June 177", two Scotch officers, Messrs, McDonald nod Mcl.e, d, paused (Iimuj;1S New hern. They were suspected nf some sinislerde sigus, snd questioned hy the provincials eniicern. iugrtieir hiishtes. They pretended they were ofiicers whu wer wminded at Bunkar's lli'll, and had left th araiy w ith design to setlls amongst their friends.'"" And in a letter from Brigadier General James Moor to Brig Iter General McDonald, dated "Cuiiir at Uockn-h, February SM, 1770," seven days before th hat tie of M.r.iw'i Creek, h says, "I ca'linot Oiitclutl withu I reminding you, S r, of he oath which f oa and om of v.ur'oft ct to 'k at N"lrn, on your arritil in this euuntrv, which I im tgiti yoa will find difficult to reconcile lo y-nair prevent etaidtlbt." , In ronly GetiX MuDu.iaUl sitrs. th Boots Emigrant, ar uiiler mor oiygiMlons Ha th King and cn.wu, tlikn Ui any ijlUvr power, aud denies that tbey iraVheraluileil or ungral tin people. In th proce lings of tlio Comtiiitlee of Safety for Ihe Town of Wilmington, on ll Sth of Octo ber tu3, I Bud that strl vessels, outward bound, lingered at the mouth of the Cap Fear; in eonsequene of which th Committee Kesolved, That vry vssl nuw In Ih Riy. er Cap Fear. Iisvlad nd cleared nut a abuv, (befm Ih lUilt dvy of Septemlter last.) do pne oeod im ttieir rmpeotiv voyage withia Ma day. from thi d it,' (Jmtrt . Why did they linger if Bot waiting f,r Recruit? Ara B: Xo. tb tBth, th Committee Re solved, that no vessel whatever shall .osd any rargo bi ny part of th world from this port. And on th IHJthuf Nov. 177), w find "Th Committee taking into consideration ttie'dangsr with which th inhabitants of Cap Fear River ar threatened by lha King's Ships, bow in Ih harbor, and the open and avowed euniempt and violation of Justice in th oondt.et of Gov Martin, who with the assistance, of the aaid ahip i en deavoring to crry nff tb artillciy, th property uf the province," A. v - W hereursm t'o tim'tiee I appointed to (Ink cKsilts nd boats In Ih channel so M le Itrevenl Ihe nutlet nf ihe British shi ; aud en Ih 6ih of January l,,0, Ihe torn mil lee ordered all ihe Pilots to be arrested and kept from piloting the sfjuisn, ..r -ictijiig to tuem supplies, (fii'rt. Where were ibey earryiug off the Artillery lf ' Among the letters idGerge lit Third bi Lord ,onh, Is-lile l by Untaghain.) w fi nd th hillow ing( dated 11th of(eil.r. 1775 : " Agre to aend 3.IXM atn. ahlelly from Ira. land, against North Carolina fi at, outof ih hop thatth Highland aattlera will Join. Will eov anl.rtli raising of Highland Keginistil." In letter fnan l'i Earl of Durliu alh lo Go. Martin, la May I77S, h sssure. him lhal I has bis Maiesty' tmnnamls to direct Gsb'I Gsge. Bton Ih Governor's application, la seed sum alii and d sereel officers, to lead t' people ,J North Csrolins forth against any rel,silnals at lempls to daelmy the public peace," la Ih Kesolve of ths WilmingtiHV Committee of Safe-y, as esily as SJ of Jul 1 773, ws find m. ppoinnng Cmwmi'le n wrl s lo Allan McDo. nsl.l of Cumberland Cuanlv, (hu.lutiol of ih celebrated Fhva I whether he had pis, (ared hi ervb-es to Guv. Martin ki enlist troops la Ih Royal esu-e .rrr Why enlist troops for Sit q Carolina as early as Jut.? On tit lOih of Jauary I77C, Coy. Marti issa d hi prostl.nts.ti Ml enlliitg arsav .11 Ih well Ifected ki rally ar uind I' Royal standard at Croa Creek sn as reach llruiisa'ak oa th I. 'ilb ij t'absnass Iy7. l.lkU...,i til.. M,, , . , , .... ,. . .Doo.ld ha. .,-i.e.vh,Mr.,nld SJ I, is , ' . , ., --- ani am inner si. imm im a i.e. tl, ll.ttl ot ( ,v,.-, ( ,,.,bl i lb fl lb lel.re.rt, amt.l ,M. iiiil was general, Aftiander M Lend Coh'nel, nd gl fri.told All.a waa re.in.fd telh rank idCnptaia. Q,,t. Why reb Brunawirk est lb 11th I. ".", siwii ..." ins'is. unoT rir -e.se r.r- kor did a. re-B Ibev nil Mai f Cotlld th e f,irvshv.pre!ed. wills! tl. At'aniie nlled le-tween f Or did l v. Msrtiakesica savclii.s Ih llighlaedera lo B Kim, thencl.Mt, l..if e-lt I bat thu. ensleavied to ie.-t l,a 1,-1.11 I, nka lit what may h te.me-l lb rhain nf pe - anmpiit . iiH-n.., in favor uf that mips,.t.i . sored. I w rets . wr revler. I esiracts Tr- li- i lev. of M.jorGeal II we, who bd sac-..-d (.col Gag in lb ea.iavsnd at H l. a. II e ' laliers sr ad Irss.ed Ih Karl of ..rima'l, ' dated Rosbaa, Jaa'y 177''., aad may tat f mod ia ' Ih Amsyieaa Artbitaa. 4h srttM, 4ifi V.J., ps O'J. hll.h.v.V Ib llm firal .i ygrrf j thai fl.it.ia slt-at'd bsr e.atteti.pi.ial an int. s .fib ".atibera !.; until the rcll. ws ' deWed S.ih of New Vok, eawiilsins .d" a' drain f ats bs army si. tha Hnih f.imi " whence ' h eaa promise lin-ll III 1 1 ss.alni t the 1 .,, .ml ; nd d la, " 1I4 . .ra.-c 1 ,i. U g aul.fr lb dep.r..ir of Mu-r' I . .1 11, f-, 1 - . J. . ,,tUl.liir'i dlt-af la d lb. '."Jd f W-i.,f . be 1 At h set. M flea CliYbn eaUrd ...,,.,. t. - i- . .. w a .'on stssif i a iso as ,ro ng la ti.e vircwry . ,..m. II,. I tie. a ah,. I.,.,. M. tm .. .. d,... - 1 l. k, t',. (' lr isis, l n,.l ,,(u,. tra,apN--.. A ..fv . v aar L.lstii'a (leseHst, h n4 f 4 Oet.d-r f v. .. Ih. pe,ns-,p.l ,.. h- .B. M r.1 rtse.,n-,., . i..,,i. . ... a . 1 1 . tb mala Ma m I,.. St.-In ey, , . Ka U.ek .aam.-t.-a. bt Ms f, f p m t-mni .1 ,v ll , ,!.,. M b.,d, pro ii als tla'asv a. 4 Ik. -a tuill.awi.is l ll, r a . s . L. 1 ... I mn u 1 In ,,th r.s.,1 i. , ' n,.he P' .". "Th R ,yal High- i with a tingle man t ami. after I, tt i,,g br..uglii uo and fcin.grant llegi iiient, .ir felth two banal- la shs.p of war and three aiiie.l vcels within li""" embodied ia 177S..l!egimeiilsl in 1778. half a mil nf Wilwinirtnn for th T.nrt.nee of re. ursi ..no. Hem wns si iss ratseii irom ine i ee.v vmwm s-w r in -.n . .n-i ... tn was., 11 a af w-t,. atenlnf.he II ghlaK.ksea mmiim4 I. thai t . l . ' -L. -J , . aawBaj-ss.! I miil jji hav sroiintments ia the eonJ bat's! a ef Royal li '.isnd tm;grnts, to l-s f inned ss - sth first was knows t h coaiiic'ed, w .a A has been for st m. time." On th 2Ji of January Gen. II iws scLnnw!',-. d the reception ot li f torsBi,s.,jii, a from the Earl of rsrtstaath to G v. Unio, sr. j x ram of 0 v. Martin', kttteraufji.th June." end bthJulv 1775, for th as ot Gen. tlintoB. 'I lit. letters I hare been enable to fin , hot u,.. rny yet U brvrngbt to light and explain son,. 'n.i, eonnes-ied iia th invsi n of Xurtb Curv , in 1778. , la th same y.diime ol th American A-.v ... png" I''''. I nd-a letter dated " N'orh U 1 , h j lTih 1771". "in h;h .1,- 1 - . . ... .. . .. .1,1 m.w s, "Gen. Clinton and Teodurar. arrived asfs. Th tender is lo proceed to Cap lest in .n!i Car lins. in order toVais yoluntern, th-zusands of wh io are sendybi join tl Kine's tni.s. 4 All tii Highland Emigrants sr most frieadlv to Government.1' In the Sth Tolame of Au.ricn Archives, 4th Seres, pe jy. I find a letter dated North t a rolina, March 4, 177C." where the writer, r.fter giving an ace 'Utit of the Rattle of Moore's Crt-, "til stiing that it wa. Iinp,.ih'e to rlf:r.i,. Ih ardor that prrvnUcd In the pmvinrt; that h had seen "His excellency Brigadier Get era! tu nald Mellon thi. a ho is f!iradianrd in li'e I eif j in tb sistv-fifth trend his nc ;" that C-is. Mmire, Caswell, Pjlk, Thacksbmi Lillii gtot, .ti Long have great merit, and that ei'her would i.e an overmatch for Il iwein thnt kind it straieev ncce-sary to seen i e success in the wwdl.nd .ml swamps mat pmaii in t.asiern North Camlinai : ,V, - , ,W ,i mit liv Jt,in mm bimstlf, j alter promising Gnvenimmit two ihm.sa.,.1 men, nig the Kegtilatov. ami Hih Under lrru Negrti Head P.tint, to sns-ik off with two tesw 1. at a time, after hearing of the defeat of hit cm. issaties." On peg 10 of 5th Volum, of Ajawicao Ar chives, is a letter dated "Edinhurgh, Scotland, March 14. 177'.!," in which th writer says--" An officer of the Royal Highland Emigrant' Regiment has arrived from Boston, for arms and clothing fir that Ktv'iment ; that liefure he bP B sn..n in tl beginning of February, more than 8'W turn. had been enlisted, hijuwhicli there wer recruiting officers in certain parts of Amer ica enlisting moo." The officers, lie ns, are tu h gentlemnn mostly on half pav, nmot K,t whom he mei.ti m D maid" iii) mat I aad Allan M.-D.- nsl l, both nf wooir. wei t fi era at the llaitie . f M' ore's l.'ieck, .. . Whether the etioVtiee mhaiu cd siislaiua tit propttsitto i, that tin- S.-. lch L.r.,lis! werrraua tered Statu the Brittkb rcrvic for th purpose of Isiing sent to the Northern States, 1 leave othera to decide. . Rut I fe nt hesitatii II In s-tving, I I liev tii So tch Loyal sts thought llon'hsj e listed iutiv a battalion of ihe Itnttsh r;m, thr t vim lo la? usel iu the Nor'l.cr.-i States. In ls7, th. wilturwns so informed by .Mah-ohu MtKav, wh't ceuuipiuited Gen. .McDonald' arnty, Ui which three mi'inhers of hi litmilv had enlistcl, ntul eiteainped with them on night on thehtuw of the hill weal ..r this town us:n ttl Ich lie man. shmiol Mesirs. H. L. Mynner ati l W. B W right now stanj. At thut tiio Malcolm .! Kay wa 17 years nU ; ha subsequently joined the Itrilish Army, end received a pension fr,.m that Govern ment until his (lentil in our midst 'vim years s;" To the same tfect hi th tesiimmy of lluri McDonald, as detailed by Mr. (. ur jtl.i-rs Iu his last historical work ; and mi runt ths n lml cur rent of testimony nmongst ths de.cend.nt. of those Whu were deluded and cajoled into the sup port of Ihe House U Hanover, l,y the Biost ikil fol appliances of Gattory and fiauii. But whether I am right or wn.ig, I think I have laid enough to enntinn every North Caro linian that th history of th Battl of Moore' Creek las nut yet been written nor has h jet acniired its mnrite-I posilioa nf nationality. I filial battle prevented an iuvnsion of th State, sn invasion concerning which tn tl King writes tn Lord North, on invasion p'sn. ned by th last Royal Governors nf Tirg nia : n i North Carolina, appnusd by th Earl ol 1 srt mooth, eoiifi led in its execution tu Sir Henry Clinton and Sir Peler Parker, with inch aid ss Ihey fould deriv In, in Grn'l Gag tid II sr-; surely the memories of Ihe men whofiuslis'i'd all their plans end prevented th Stt from be ing desolated, are Worthy is? Illuatrioent h-'nors, and Ihe field onon which (hir valor w. dis,r,v ed should lie classed amiaig th fiati ,n tl B it, gntiinilt of the lUvuliilion. On th other hand, if th num. of Duplin nd Simpson, Trent and Crip Fsar( mt mid Con quered t M, sire's Creek, recruits who wer des tined In leave th Slate lo reinforce t.en'ls t. sr. aad Howe, and enable them to uImu;-.i th Northern States, th Battlsris la tb seal of dignity, and presents spsctselsof patriotism and self sacrificing devotion to Lihertv and Inde pendence that will eemmend itself to ths a lours lion, of the world; and the Banns. ,f Mune. Lib lington, and Caswell, Ktnan, 1 ha,kstnn, Martin Slui'umh, snd Ash, should It indrlihiy s.amped upon Hi memory uf every son and d.uglturof North Csdina. This rommaaleatliMi has evlen-led bevom! an original design. On sums future e--i.i ,.t I may trimhle yu w ith a glimpse at the at n' tti.rt asei tu Indues If lliglil.ndentu tsk arms. B Fsyttyill, Jn'y im. ISifl. I i . Tt Fa-anf, Ftfi't l,' trtd n'. ANEW COOK COMINOi llf F tM tb p)atr fmn S ef ROSK CLARK, A tUMAM'i: HY tktM IKS. baat aadSss-l.-oaa iilbM,.. -'Uh-S Uli i.ti.-i si, im so, , i,r vmtmm is,, m i ' sassBs Hltssaa.tse ta lkaat.es Is al Isltres. Is tea I tesseana af a u-smsg peritsliei, li - sissu t . m , a I " swia.i... th. ss wki.h k.s s I "; , loatlvar ta Irt. mrni af i tsints. im trt eotu at itats flail. fiiri.i, lk. ,.,,,, .( t, h...d. ,. ,.. is. rrny m.4, la tha I allrd St. l-s ksa ss, "t n rastiavis lha ear w. hava la o.M. H0 M I.Alik. as rsa mmf sav, teal aa rsps... ,1, s I. a., j r.-t ?t. l"'. "-snsr mm., 4 s.s r ,mf ...i ii . :i..t '' "" ie-va.e tk. r.,-.s ... . i . fli.lias.1 I s .n.kats,.. k rss-as isg Itisl Ksss I Isra." II tssSs s fcr. i rf I I Ik. a kH.k If-lt 1 l all (. r ...l-j..l I ... ..m. P' . , ! frasttl.th, aa r. h m si..k s. ,w. ' t ssa.1 r- ll w.il tr If i M-'-he 1 t X I f. r.1 1 1-h ' -. 1 wsssiaKavIt itsi. ' ' I I a. , a. ran t'.s., a. chi-si is, i A.M. KcPiiLrrrpsS t Co VlltElllE Cllftt. V. tril,-... mm4 f PNieiJcil r5 tetsokt s i'(, HORfOU, 7a. ? .'. - 1 .. Tk-s... f. I.v. . 'a! ... ' t,.Maa -a-. I rss. I a- k l t '' Ii..r, s! W, N 4. aa 'I , I. 11 n. h as s, n,,4 a W k. W ! ss.s 1 rss,.. al I ..as A,. II. sis..-. -i " i h t)Mskss i.f 4. b.ss, h ,.s !., u.tit h. mmit r. , h 1 I, 1 a It k f Vs. I It. as 4 rB, . Ik,itr,si!t "sir-fkil;-! art I rtttti: .a 1 .. , .. . t g T. l..,'l,-, r ' . a .. 1 s'.-i sa i .a ' 1 . is' t mt r-'io-.s c . - m a. I) s.-4 l .. . Ii. t ., ... ai-a aioaon. k, . . a 1 , s, ears a ossal , as', mi ti. fs.r,,.f i lUl ljk, 4sf M, 't't .. t ... .. si . X Isss. sr... f 1 4 t-" f a-- ' M- -,, .1 I . A-,sat MJ. !'. t noi io nave in mis ratwer t.t soiuiis it i , t y v s, f (, , J "Mi. tsesstge I TltlrsH l Ice. .f-etl Itt isiissl t4 b t ("if C, ''V

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