NORTH -.CAROLINA STAR-WEDNESDAY 3IOIUVIIVC, FEBRUARY CO, 18 5 0. EALEIOH. B.C. 'WednM&iy tuning', 1th. 10, 1833. OraT-Mr. HKXBT M. LEWIS, Mootgonwty ' Alabaaia, is oar Oeaeni Traveling Agent for the- galt of AUbUBk Ud TtDPCMM, WUUI DJ X,. t. LEWIS J AS. a LEWIS ud SAMUEL P. LEWIS ' ' '' A" ' Mr.ol If. J AMES. No. 1 tlatrison Street, Cln eionati, Ohio, U our General Collecting Agent for the Western Stte and Teiae. assisted by H. THOMAS, 8. W. RAMSAY, WILLIAM n TUOMAS, TIIOS. M. JAMES, C. M. U WISE, MAN. A. L. CUILKS and Dr. WM. IRWIN, leeeipts of aither will he rood. "- '. Mr. ISRAEL E.JAMES, No. 182 Sooth Tenth Street, Philadelphia, M our General, Traveling Agent, auKted ot WM. II. WELD, JNO. COL LINS, JAMES DEERING. J- IIAMMITT, K. S. JAMES. T D. NICE, R. W. MORRISON, K. W WILEY. WM. L. WATERMAN. ALEX. H. CARSON, K, Mt'STlN, BEN. P. SWAIN, T: ASHMAN and P. DAVIS. - r or Sale. The Proprietor of the Noara 8Tia, having ether business that requires bia attention, la deeiroua i.f disponing of the eniire establish ment, preeses, tvpee, materials, list of aubacrt bera Ao. -To a person of energy and eoterp- is, the irtte-Intent would be nut only a aafe but a profitable Ana, and might be made very lucrative. The material ara good, the type new, or nearly n, with a respectable list of subscriber, and tolerably good job and advertiaing patronage, " which, witn Ttiittle etT.ri. wight-baJargelyjn-creased. Any one wishing Ui purchaaa, will Pierre. WILLIAM C. DOL'B. Editor and Proprietor, BtfUagTataa to Kew Terfc. aeaetae- TeoaB hectare ta Beta. Hoa.EraataaBmukaaf the New York Senate. ' The recent lecture of Hon. Boot. Tooaabe ia uVHnermatramarkaoatbeeweUvefraaehiaa, Boston oa ilavary haa been pebliaked by the pending a bill to preveatiUegal voting in the crtr " The following ia th concluding por- ofNew York,aid that city contained a heteroge neous population, ooaspriaiag, according to the eenaea retarna of 1855, 629,810 people who ara classified aa followa: Nalive votere" ' 46.113 Naturalised voter . 42.700 , Aliene - 232,678 . Colored pereona not taxed 10,807 Aliens and ool'd persons not tax'd 386,223 The native vote axceeda the foreign vote but tioa of it : No stronger avideaea of what nrograaa aoeiety nay make with doateetie alavery eould be deair ad than that which the prevent condition of the elavehnLJing State prevent. For near twenty yeare foreign and domeatie enemiea of their lo stitutioos have labored, by pea and speech, to excite discontent among the white mo, and in eurreetiou among the black. Theae efforte have abakea the national government to ita founda- 3,413, and the aliens or annaturalited persons , tiona, and bunt' the bonds of Christian unity number 232,678. In a eonteat between the aa- f among the churches of the land, yet the object live and foreigners, the foreigners most succeed, I of their attack--theae States have ecareely felt fur frauds upon the ballot-box are ao easily ae-l the shock. In surveying the whole civilised eomplished under the existing laws that it would ' world, the eye rests not on a single spot where require but little effort to manufacture 3,413 ! all elaases of society are so well contented with fraudulent vote out of 232,678 aliens, moat of whom can be bought to vole in any manner and for any persons. ft- . . It is a well-established fact that most of the frauds perpetrated upon the ballot-box are com mitted by foreigners, so that the great question of Americanism is not merely of the political as. ceodenoy of the native population, but it is an effort to protect, the great bulwark of American freedom the ballot-box from frauds, and. to shield the elective franchise from the corrupting Influence of badnien and demagogues. Tke New Oceaa xteaaaera. The new clan of ateamera, of which the Persia is the first, will decide not only the question as to the flora of hulljiest fitted to contend, under all oircumatancea, with the reatleaa and waywarJ their social system, or have greater reason to be so, than the slavcholding States of this Union, Stability,-progress, order, peace, content, pros perity, reign throughout our borders i not a single soldier is to be fouud in our widely extended domain to overawe or protect society. The desire for organic change nowhere manifests itself. Witliiu less than seventy years, out of fire feeble colonies, with li s-1 tan one an 1 a half millions of The Hissing sneeusnlp. Ntt intelligence has yet been received of the steamship Pacific. Captain Judkins, nf ths Per sia, has expressed th opinion that tha Pacific I. ad boon disabled, and returned tu the nearest European port. Many others entertain the worst Apprehension, and the Cwa la's arrival at Hall-' fat, now nwiiwmtarily ; expected, i anxiously awaited, in t'le.lipeol hearing from the ntisiog V m. It is uncertain whether ft "teamer Tj , mured fur the purpose, will sail on S.iturduy ui the pla. of the Parific. lkorth UrllHU Xcvlw. Tlic Xoveoilier number of this ably conducted Hi-view, which litis Iwf.ire us, haa a well filled Mide uf contents, on a ninety of instructive sub lets. Wa have not lihii lime to einmine any of i.r:u yet, but we caa.endre-the .general ability td iiitereat of the a 'tiolesthat anpearln this Keuew. L. Saoti A Co., 79 Fulton M., New V rk, Puldiahera. sea, but will also suite the problem as to ths plan of engine whichwill furnish the greatest amount of power a she least cost of fuel and space. The Persia has the marine side lever engines, with 1U0 inch cylinders and 10 feel stroke, built at the Napier Works. The New York Courier snya, t'ie ne Vandeibilt steamer, built in that city haa the walkiug beam en-sirs, with 90 inch cyl inder and 12 feet strnlev auih ai the Allaire Works, The new Collins sseanior Adriatic has the oscillating enginet, wiili 100 inch ctlimlera 'and 12 feet stroke, built atlbe N'otelty Works, The three great machine -ih ps in tin; w ..rid il thus send firtb UMIn '. the u;i-esa of wh cb wi g) far to determine the most elective ajtd eooii meiliod of using steam na the ocean. The side-leter, walking-tenia and oscillating., eacli haa its advoeatee, atideftidi class has doi.e good service. Ilol never tiifwe has t he respective capacity of each been so thoroughly tested as it II he in li s new fleet. PRICES CURRi'T. PetCTsbBjgTQTlT W ,TrOwi o.t M the Inclement state of the weather the transaetiime ia this article have been limited antsy. a I'V no material change to note ia price, ana eootiBue yesterday's quotations prime red and white ft eu tl SI and at eo (as at w. inte rior and medium gradaaeotamaod 145 (a) 31 75. Cotton. 1 be market ooaunuea active at 9c. for prime parcel. - T iiiccs. The market continues active at full trio for all grades. W quote lugs 4 j (a) 6). est, C yf No very fine offering planter wno may nave a portion oi ineir crop pnseu would we think, do well to asnd it n market, as it is hardly probable that present price wilt be as inlained after receipts become heavier. t,oa, n e bate to note a downward tenaeney in this article, with sales of good milling kit at 80c. Bacox. The market at present I bar of Western Bacon. Virginia hoe round; 1-1 (it 1 3c Laao. The market is well supplied. Virgin ia, in keea. 121a.: hole.. 12ji. Clovu Sxxo. boaro at $ 10 $10) f bush-et. Flovb. Superfine $9 , Extra ?10J ; Family llj(a$12. Salt. Market well supplied at 31 80 (i) $1 95 for L. P. Fine j 31 40 (aj l 50 for U. A. OiiNo. Sale No. 1 Peruviau making at $56 for Spring delivery. Wilmington, Feb. 16 Tupnti! Ws have no cuauge to note in prices, r urtner aaies yea terdav of 941 bbls. at 32 OS fur virgin, 32 60 for inhabitants, hnjve emerged out t publican I yellow dip and 31 60 fur hard, 'f 290 9m. No 1.. . :n: t :i..u: I sales this mominir. tants,rich, powe.ful, educated, moral, refined. Thi murning w note tll, i, ,,1, Jo bbls. at prosperous ana nappy ; eacu wi republican I i cents r gallon. r eovernmenta. adeouaie to the nmleetinn of nuhlic I Roam Sales veaterdav of a small parcel Com. 1 ' ' 1 . r i ' ill . I .1C l 111 t . liberty and private rights, which ara cheerfully mon" "K' ". - y""-- obeyed, supported and upheld by all classes of Taa Further sales yesterday of 109 bbls. at society. - t 32 12,bbl. ' t LOU a o dois, ravpiicvili euperuuv vuiu tin morning at 3 501 hbtr IF TOP ARI iCPFRn MOM SICK!ltas Oa psla. if yr ski i ! . mm !' any raptloa. if veav Sair aaiaKl lria y, BLllis't mmt, m rvnues la w, it ) oa wm h.r. s ela anmtk ksstk. oil at rs a4 llallias's s4 Vo wiUtadtk rtmf ntittf f Mraitiaa, .aVseafmHoas for th. Hair, Th aad tia, ma'WT, Bras a4 Caaia, vpa vary t.ori. wnaa. .aar. If vaa a mi! hwk bslMr. ehs.rfal.aia4 U he aa f aa ills Ufa, a4 rvbnuu? te", 184. " I W fill Ill ITllIltlT fnm Yimrkrr ."4.";. .Uwtrtt.tnf li -. ATiplKstr. ftulhtia Xie & X1S llrv.4waj, . . . .'. A: rATEST IS.VD U'ram Tue w B a4 i esua liikasals vy atariv mimsi at' IS SsU-at aa4 nuaily asadiciass s a.arttsa rnewt VaPa, " t aur eounaaalry, si-s w. wm nisi rrf. prle,.k-w4. 4r.uU cd A ATL;0. R.lih Prsraart f'l, IS.. tf ZlXaKgs UlIMNIS.-Wa hare Ja re.W4 ana kan4rr4 eaaras Qaiaia "set nwa Ilia lpor Itrs, whiek will a sul4 law ky f.laryJO, ISi. - ; "triMKiW LAI!t AND PTTTT Jast a ka4 II i. ..-..I raw loa Im,i WinlaB ul..'. ,wai ld ik. ..,.-1 ....alitiM n.u.11. a. I'sd fr la Ibis sstkl Also, Itoo pounds ratty ia biatl.ttrs aae aaas f r satV at a Hull adve by (hSClU UATLIMl. I F- je, tsML -tr Cotwsi Sslos vestertlav afternoon of 50 bales at 9) cent for low middling. 9 renta for good middling, and 10 cents p lb for middling lair, With a noble system of internal improvement, penetrating almost every neighborhood, stiraula- Bcot l.OtsJ lbs. N. C. cured sold vesterday ting ami rewarding the industry ot our people; I at 11) ets. f Th rorhogniuml. with moral and intellectual, surpassing physical improvements ; with ohurehes, school-houses and college daily multiplying ibr . ugh .(tt ti e land, bringing education and rolig uus instruction to tli houses of all the people, they exhibit a spec tacle which challenge the admiration of the world. Nor.e of this great improvement and progress l.n been uided by the Federal Uovern nitnt ; we have neither sought from It proiectioo Co poui. V ii H , 1 i'n " I. f NVI Cail fFLIN BROTBERfi ixrurrt, iim. in Brigt. fiiili. Oils Djri, Ftrfuitirr. Ic , s I7U WUlUmWreert, VeY.rt, , ITK Ih stlenli.a af Ihe trad tu llielr lK ' and variinl stock of Lira:, Faiuts, Oils, t sr'uui- ery. e. . ....... - - f . ... - pie Drugs, they sr. also rvxviviiv,:, dittKt ftoui the sooreea vf .praduction and utaiiiifsvtiire, ruf'.pllri : .T?t "ihwi s O. IOUVK, nOtlSIHI.lJUitlRVSMM.IIIIv.,,i i.SK., Mu.rsaa, rlruaoia, Faaava and tsottH rKnit H. v, Lrais's Kxtcts, and eni.y oilier articles esually embraced in lli ognisie' stocks eiiwh they are aUo aSebled le effsr oa the nueel advaittugeous Kb.. LliuK i m.l h-,t. 5 so Hi'ut i; i tin- ye i in f iio NO .ONE HO'Ul b io-j( a .Km mil n. t 1 1' i r. vi it : il. If roil .1' K V.lnpifT IT U, Offioe R. A O. R. R. Company, 1 Kalaigh, J.eoarj SI, lHoti. EALEIGH AND GASTON BAIIBOAJ). Bcheduie for Mall Train on and after Tnmq- day. the 31t day of Jna iry, 1838. NOl'ICK. ON AND AKTKK TO DAT. T11K M AIL Trsin wiU lea iha Iefol.(North Csrohna H.ll ruadl at IH iniautss befor uVlaek A. M apa the arsival of the ears from the. West. Th Coadaslora ae UkSirsv faster will ba la readinsss lata ebara af baKXHK. d-e. PaisenRM'S wlH kav so Irwabt ia sliitlmg birst and .will arrt'e at waioua at ll.aa A. M., full urns for trsuis xutu. norlh. . By ardsr oi ta rruuieni. JAMKS M. POOL, ' T If.) 'lickst Ageat. taraaa. . . 1 . ..llMiMM... Kmt1 lll lwi,l 1 .niri -' ' " - , - -' . j , prompt slten'ton, ' ' " ty June to ltW5. , " Flrtt Prfnilum eiiIdtdlPi(i-Fonft, . - 8ISIJWAT ;t B0X8, , aiKWArTtasaa, P4 Htf WAis!s sthts. a asosDWAv, saw top:, Rm.teetfully call ihe attention of thvpubfiet , tli. lr splendid assortment of seaii prarel sr.i aitaar pia.i". which, foj Volume of ton. sstici it nf biui-o. beauty f laiah, sad In short every thing that reu 1ev a llano perfect, are ntisnrps.. ed. They wjis awanied the erst premium ror both kind In rentKtitioa with the moat distia- anvtliir.g linn' vr : jlr. . ,. . nX V"H'K'X0SRV RET1 jNrThoamnJa f fedittafM lv t T,.-..:t. i UKakiu i.fiui -are--tlfaea. . iIuts j! i ii!ii-ike u, Hit Ibe" pafKr- wi!b eertifii io-j, In m knuwu ifi4jjl. or lireii I V lh'je h. iiav. oti .-t-t lot ni.Jrtib sua l.'e. 'I .,!.!. fiiT-t tt i'i ; i ; . 1,0 0 0 HOLLARS AriRBe wl.o will rer tbiit bs .vet f"t'ti,h .1 ii i; tertilirittd tltirieij tbe lieit he bu b-.U Lis no'iii o;.- W ,u ii.- F.i... . . Jail mi r;-enl hnd rt f, Piri rli' ee;'i:lf ;i enei,iceiti!i,0"-f . Ai . (.-rrtl .-livtmi of il.'rifji tale of tbe Viiu-tiur. l noKu-r hup ,ife-l ti ii- Li.ji i otks il iroeruully, lir. Tobiu but lak. Q tlii- 1.1 oath, I, ansl I TAIss, of ths tihv nfo'.-w Teefc. tk-i ''duly sworS da depo. Ibnt I tnmj,..iuid s l.ini.3u. tiHea Veaetiait, sad tbat lbs itirr'nltDfii of siiii f is emtnistd are potiistly haitnle to t.tlie It i.'.iwi! i . va la doable the inr:UiJ uaiusd la lb. birvcto i. ,. . rulh, d nnkers ,'rool Uoatoo, Fbiladvluhia Nsw vvtananyina aaek beltle ork. and Uallimor. . I aw Vork, January tb, I8ie, NttrHBrfruil-JlnwttiinilJiriBr ' Tllk! Fayettcville. Keb. 15.' Btt-os Supply of iacon oooiinues giKsi no oniinge iu piiew, Ooas There is an abundant supply of Corn, and prices arc lower. . Cotton We note a further improvement in the price of Cotton, w t i good supply ; priuaipal ales at 9 for the beat grade. Jrutua Flour haa do. lined Z tn SO cents on fir our private l ursuits, nor appropriation for J the bbl. market well supplied, cf H i notice a sta'.ainenl ta the effect that the lion. W.. C Hives, of Virginia, is collecting records and m 1'erial to enable him to write th life of Jaaae M.idiaou. Tbe Fredoricahurg Re-cont-r truly remark, " thai a better man for -na f i risk eoald not have been selected. A ri ac darsh p, p wera f pit snt iatei-tigaiioa, nice discri oma ion, a deep veneraliou and high ad nut ation for Mr. Madison, and an intimate famtl i irity with tli auliject", are the qualities which M ' Hives will bring into eierci-e; and tha. oitli astjle. .f digmfied simplicity, clear a a sun bennt, warrant the eielalion that we shall hate a book of unusual and extraordinary mer it." ' - ; - farelga Peepers and t rtmiual. y .it'cn giitetnmeuts still continue to send their psupera and criuiinala, to our shores. Ao- eonlina-to ihs Meeaaee of Gov. tisidner, of . MafUihiiartt. thir een hundred and eight pa p.s, many of then, criminal, have been aent uaok us Europe, during the last year, from that Stale alone. TheUoveiaor says that if this ooano bad nut been pursued, it ia believed that every on of those person would now be insaates of Ih Slate institution, at a cost nf at least on hundred th usand dollars per annum. Th laws on this autijoct should b rigidly enforced ia avery Stale, and our country not allowed la b atada tbe receptacle of th sicioua, the 'egr ailed and the inaane, whom ftireign parsimony and w aelty delibarataly and unfeelingly eodovor her. . - - A Wewiliera View ef the Threatened War, The National Intelligence traaaferato its la. flueatiat esluma aa anki froea th Cbarlastoa Mercury, which atrongly depraeale any iota. ruption of our peaceful relathm with Great Britaia. Tn Msrcury is wsll known for it 4e- votwa ta ftontbara inures ta, and doahtlaa l arises tb seatimeat ia referoneo to this quae tioa. Th Mroury argue that the immediate aowaquaos of war would b la the high! de gree diaaatroo to both aatione; dhat th value of the matter ia ootroverty is very small; that nei ther Great Britaia aor th Coiled Slat can, ia a ant of fact, eolonia the Mosquito Coast, oa ae ami of tbe anbealthy eliuiate) that aoteing eai b aiaad hy th eocfllet, aad that, if w aeek do- saiukaa, TU will bring k to as mora certainly than war. "Our standing army aad oaty Tub ! The Mercury add that, waeaa afford ta erait ia tli MttlenMat af thi queataa; and, If h Jaeitioa pfaa, wa oaa boaovaldy leai te the arbitramenl ef aa impartial umpire. Mil Ilia ef the I all. d analea. Fmio a document fnau tlie War Ie(irtmanl laid lief ore the Hons of BepreaetiUtire, it p- iani thai the Mililia in the States and Territories amounts to the large aggregate of 2,479,725 men. Thi do not embrace lb mililia of Ihe Stale of wa or of Ihe Terriioriee of Oregon, Washington, oraika, Kansas, and New Mesioo, from which. we preaume, no reluni have been received. Tli return do uut apfiear to be at all complete. a the esiimatea f the force of eomeofthe Stales re bae.l upon data furuisbeif several year since, in one instance tliat ol I'eiaware tar back as 1P27. It is probable that ths whole mililia fin of the luiled Staiee at ibia.tim is not leas tlan S.rOU.OOO of men. It would be interesting to know what portion of this Immense fjrca'ie earn posed of regularly uniformed and drilled volunteer enuipaniea. Th United wtatea Mint. By the anual report of Ih Director of th Cni- State Mint w learn that th depoeilee received aud the coinage at th principal mint during tli year amoanteil in goU and siltr aa follow! Depoaitea, $U,214.CG0 Coinage, - . 12,045,952 Th branches at New Orleans, Saa Franeiaco, Debloaega, Charlotte, and the Assay Ofios at New Y'jrk wer also activaly emplojed. Th entire amount raeeived and aoinad at th mint and it branehes, including th Amy Office, du ring th year were as follow; Receded, fU.574.371 Cuirwd. 6fi.312.732 Th Tlaa tekt Th na of evaa and three quarter millioa dollar, agreed to be paid to Tata, aad which Texas haa bow accepted, cannot be paid till a- bout the beginning ef June, aa the act of Con grese pruthl that th Secretary of the Treasury shall git ninety day notice, by pubis adterti- mat. of th day of such payssent; aad that Q creditor will b xeludd wb do not preaanl their laiea to lbs tnasary thirty day before the day lied for payawnL Tk Secralary will B4 of ft Kir m, givtlh nidi anlill he retwit tli Mnt of ths Stat of Ttlaa, duly aatbentioaud, aad aecomiaaid by aa act w ilhd rawing all elaiau by Ttlaalo further indemnity of any kind. ....' d i Th alagl faraa rrlaclsle. Tk Natauejai Ilea strati Review, which had jo-i laaen maiiM)ed ia Boetuai by lies. 1. Buen aouUin eUboraia aril. I iss th one-let prnieiple as applicabi to tli I'tasideiwy. Th writer that lb fraenet isf the rututita- taa auaimillcd a g eal error in altoaing I IVaei lanl la be slijcihW i r a aeoeid term, and our public inii rovi n.enta. They hate been ef fected by the unaided individual efforts of an enlightened, moral. energetic and religious people Such ieour social system, and such our condition under it. Its political wisdom is indicated in it effects on society ; ili morality by thapracti- oi tlie patriarchs and th lia'liings TI ie utile. W uhm t tu th judgment of th riliied world, with the firm conviction that the adoption of no other system under our circum stance would have exhibited Ihe individual man. bond or free, in a higher development, or society a happier eiviliiaHoa. A Hard Hit. Gen. John McQueen, of South Caroliaa, In re- ply to an impertinent letter from th impudent I aiidhypocrilical aboliliouist, Lewie . Tap pan, re-1 muiend lum, luatead of expending hi erooo- ile lean upon wall-fed Soulborn slaves, to relieve I tli crowd of indigent white mother, ia Now r t i , .. . .1 xora, wno mase anirta for six centa a peic,! hilst their little ones are shiveriug and dying I for want of proper raiment and food. II also I NOomiudnd Tappan to baa tow hi bnvolnc I e-i those dnacribed in a recent address to the New I York public by the llev. L. M. Pease, th bene- I olent head of the Fit point Missio; establish ment, aa followa i Five inter dark anddreary winters have I we spent optm the Fit Point, nirrounded by I S.iint Turpsotii e 3i to 116 ets. per gallon. Kaw do. 91 111 to J 'J 'ib.. Last at the. Taa fliieago Deawicral a hading pa par la tk Vurth vwt, (del a Mreag advoeaiaof the Pieroo PlsJ dam r.y ui the e.try Admiaiatratiem ssy. aad W enmaMod it to th 1 " mW delegate lolhe Cir conall I'onv.ol $130,000! MARYLAND LOTTERY, T be Drawn on tue Havana Plan Qraad eoasolidated Lottery nf Marylaad, Class IS, ta be drawn is Baltimore Md.,8iunley March SI, It. FRANCE J Co. Maaain, 80,000 Vambert!-l,000 Frizes! . 1CEIMI. $'IS,It Is io.oii i New York Horticultural Eeview. A JOUBXAL Ot IUBUEBAI AKT. at riaBi.v axb rsorusiei.r ii li'Tsstid. Vcottrd to the .liiraNceswaf uj Ik Burnt IiUtrult in America' , ritlirS ts on af Ihe tarKSet aad mix I elaborate warks X of tbe kiad in tbe world. llural architet-lure lonas ois ol uit priecipal leatures. Eauh BuniiKr contains trota two fe four entatlaxs u ino.lal culkjes, nuyi Sesixuk !j smlncnk and akillul ari-'bitMls. riunoa is alsJ assigaed u, ths list-fbl ait of Laudsesp. tisritsniiiK; eaKraveil plans of gardens ia very stylo, sad sdaptea ta tb paoaliaritirs i0r nl orders uf arvbileture', beaa,ilv tb work. Baajavlnirs of nw traits, new auwsra, asw vegsuv . . NEW TitlbMPH 1 . 8viwT ft 8o have Jnetbeea awardadthel PIKST PrauiuH CHILD MKbAL fever all eenipeti- tors) at the lata Fair of the Aiaarlca Institute Crystal Palace, for th Bear rnuori. . -. . 47 tf. TILTOX & . MJFAIRLAND, 33 MMdon-IrftnwL ANUFACTURES OF THE WORLD BB- aowned Salamander Safes , bank VaulU, Sworn to this day heftire me, " , ikimiiwi niwt, ognT'ir. PSea lb A oSeents. auliibv ths dniei'Lta .nil I'at. i:t Meiltein Dealers Ihroosboul 111. I'toul Staiee. ar-Also for ssl llr. toina llnre Liioment in pint llvitlss at 90 cents, warrantee suettior to any utb Ir. Tobias' iiffiee, HI Cnui tlsud ill Fsbraary 30, IKS N.aVorb. a ly Ae. tlaltlmore Depot. 14S Pratt. Boston Depot, I Uoward street. blei FOR.TIIE 1,000,000. THE 11. ). PATKNT MANB1.1C CO. (Cj..'tJ $1C5,000.) Ha. am Broadway, ror. n alkar Mt New York Are prepared to execute all order for Mantle, Tabl Top, Column, I'edeslislt, filaatera, Hlaba, Aa., ia iraitauoa cT Blena, llrocatel, f)raneea. Neanolilan, and all fancy Marblrsi euual iu araillBrtratsdabdeesatiblassooaaaiheirllrfltth, beauty, and durability te real marble 8ucoessorto . I. Harding' - , v f pHB arKliwrIsiie.K " wlnr has - sajij.yer 1 Clark fiw K, 1 Hardin, was ou tb IHai.ytf :' Jitaaarf. IS.)S, aitointed Aaeot for the "rtalriKb Hrsueh, tiy tlie ssnie nsnulseiurars witft stma yr U. waaoane.ted wkilv Coins bus-atss in tbis rut. Tk esut style and tlass of Clothing ikat hut. Kit lbs Ileus lbs repntalbin it iww enjoys, will lie kiH,eua tba prit-ss will be naif na, and ws htfps as saU.latury la vrry pariicuiur. W ILLIAM II. W ll.1.1 A J13. T our Former Patron. t);Ri:iRK leaving lbs sii y for our nvw koine wa k.Va X 9 lb plaasar f raeemmending Mr, Wtltistft II. illiaais as voer favorable eoasitteraniaa. Mr. Wtt- liaais will bat tb state facilitis for sapplyiair. y.ur waets and demamis. as bats bee tiijejad by tba aa denuinen lot tba last etjnt years. WW ,w,(.ii,ii. hh ,nwiw. w. H ll. 1 ,i 1 J U . rvspectire qualliles taa be d.iarialned, forming thai arid in some respeota superior thereto, and at lest I. . , . , . i ,i , . . i ii . i I . l . . . i . it i i i. : i 1 I ..1 . I prli of I ';" 1 " t It Prises or W " Its " 10,000 I l,i ia t.oes It 1.00 .rs INI " 500 " BI'PROX I NATION PRIZKS. 4 Approiiaiatlon prises of If are ' .-.. t " ,. .,, t " 4 - 4 " it " t ' .4 tat - " " le.issi Hi.oo , t.t"0 lO.So in.eisi l.t.ose 4M SIM ""' I'M " l,J l.eo n.lo ssual eoaiplrU and alcnat Maaaal af Rural tiusbaa dry ever attaainted. A eiptriet.ced carp of practical writers, sstea In nuntlMir, aia angered to nil its sotuaina. It contains ssventy large pafes, aad it printed oa the taast pearl saruwed papst, ssaautaataitii asprasa. Ttaaa : 1 par aaauat, payable Invariably ia ad. vaaea, fifty avals evuiDuasta oa aana Mioeertoee allowed tethoss wbe eels as agents. 11,011 will Ih liirtribated at tba tad f the year aateng Ibost wha end as lb tweaty larjyart'liit f suburibsrs. Tbsei pretaianis will Mfesoxa easa. laa list preunuai win be 1. ' . . . lii. fullowlni ara sslsetae Iroa bsa.treits or steat- lar notices, toluuurily euiiuibutsd by KinteaioraBaoaa puidleations 1 lee IIOBTICWI.Tll.I. t,i.w -.-n. libtral pslrunaiiS. It hi aul only awin.gtly practical, bat is writlaa ia a st.tts Ibat equals tl bast .torts vf tb lata A, J. Downing. A'letsranew. The etoet elrrssl ana aseiui neos el me siaa taat I kaa r ver eoms aadar oar obaertalioe. Kniwlrr, Mr. lleaf iss, the Killtor of th tforfteultarei naview. Is a praclieal poawlogl't, an una of tbe lusst sebolars KM. Mrtinlr buausol. He twwal tba alowine mm- rintia Bowers of Pieketis. Ih elegant coseip of Mr. VV'liiiaau Is fully authorised to settle v books haa kalf the cost. Unlike nsarbe led Iroo.wood or I ... ,.. .k'niiH lit siKiii mi ktiim slala, ItU wholly free front all objections which are I gm iLKU CP. Reasonable Laa will be Uuwd ee- liBttaeatsaafore aaauig tbsat ta eettl. With aur k.i.v- aeya. e rv. u. UAKUiau. Haleisa, ren. s, lati.x e dried aiainst mere surfse work, a list raint, eo tial varnish, ke. form tlie temporary pollen, and stauly i.f Ihs srtu le. Miiutel. from R to 4t. Or- ders riora builders, f Makers and others so- lleited, end satisfaction (fuari steed. Agents for tbs prinripsl eitiee treated with. . Jussra Uas, Bee. Pairsa Rtsvi, Prea liOTai, u. atieakaa. e. rres, Raleigh October IR64. . 1I2U ly. rpHR AMKIIH AN V ATC'II Is aaw aa aaU kt A the prlo.iia) de date throw bot tb enwntry. an lb pubit ara tntite to easmtnean lest ta eaaiiiy la Maiarlus wilk lb. lMl tlltTMl AHTK'LK. Tb.y sr. euaalrueted aa tbs PATEhT Lk.Vt.rt PRINClPbK. e long tries' aad appraved, with aaek allvrailons in lh arrangewienl of ths psrts, aa loagsa porlrniia has eeatonsttale ! a Iba best la Insure RKMAIIII.ITT, ACCI'RAI Y 1RD DURABILITY, Ths tiajiurastarer wanis! the AMERICAN WATCH Lett Ptlcss amounting ta $l5,tal Whole tirkeU , Halves tf, Qaartars !,. I every Particular vf il Work man .bia ad warforai at .h,l. M,ibil.wilk a tbutouah bauwledirsol rural I anea. rl. .Vale t ' i !.., , .ai r po.iB, mwiHwrnw in. Paraiera.kay It lur your son boy it for your I ataaulaetarara, Ul.N.MMl.t, IIUWAUU DAVIS dau.btara. Il is a rirh iuullseiaal treat i a rat I w aiibaat, sa.rato oa iba aetseMal. biftsliue lha aesauini aao id. ateiui. Jiryw el .1 as ! Ma had Iboaihltbsl la Dowaiat's SMIk, th ale. I , , 1s ad.oe.laol rural adoraiaenl hsJ I bteoaia -al, s T,oOkin;l And PiOtUTO PrRBlO Ma-l ekertshsd rasseaibraaoe i bat ia Mr. RBlee ws dis. I - 1 . .-. DECLINED GOINO. AT ih entttBirt li'liutiin of my fH .,, t BWmsti fo4ii( H'wi ii4 hivra ccnflu-ifej tm ro. muiib m Kvlfii(tt nl h itanrtftrrf rmrPtirvtMail tht n- lr(Hol oi umw Mumcinr m n.t rum?, c will tmrrj mm n.eT?lii CaUurinic litMiiMM ifiail it brant-livav t shall aV i my MpT; in Urn fraxri, 1 1 rt dim C Otitis frtMB U Nunh nbu ewwvi fct-h'.y rwcissdtiL 1 bv iviw en hftttt t, iwi.irHt rf tt-ith Cauw. mitl Vwtiiiyti lu to ( to rK- Urnx n.i Aa I inNaH din fcriiu lrally Mth rm-hi- t ansclftj will baaulal at (Jvijr uatl p nt, 4 nut U a fair UW. n a ctH, on an l h. TH iibdrlrn fhm i iMfitrHn In h 1 h .v bra niralr4, 1 FwIut my taut'Tv lhanka Tty t- p lit- Htm ml klMi m-ttuft. ana- v" aaa fif iht mm t Mr. af. H Hi, n'l til -u tabint. . t. KI v.i APPROXIMATION PEIXBS. Tlit two prsHnf and iht twa wiaan.,ny unmton I IP V.I. ai skeleton fingers reached out to a, and bear thci' ary for bread, when w have no bread to (iv. v nav bean compelled to last th widow with her aaw-born babe apoa bar boaoai, friead- lea and shelterhts upon lb street, bacaua w n.rr aa rausllt risk ana of nealal wealth, Ibat tokens ihe intaease af uts spirit that is gsoe iluml no 7V'SNS. Aderlisera will tad Ibis aa aaserpssse Meilisat of publieity, as tba lloatlrri-ti MAL Rsviaw ein-alalas .Alensivtiy l avery nim. in. vim. n,iir Bt.aU laaeriaa at tea rale i oie par vaira. WOOD ENGRAVING TboMfeoalriae Woed Kaavatiait, as k.Va IkSIf rdara esaaawd ia aaaariiallrd ai.uiier . .mf wit. font If gita to views af AMMALa i aa tserleiird Caalisb Draahl.iaa la . lor IkU aipras p. tm. Persoas lltia at a dislaaea aaa furwonTa - aa a.n.lUii. hl. ia .11 I son Priu. aacrotyna at Uio .jl lay aiaui wey wise aagratwa, aaas esaeeiaw . . ' . . .. i 1. . L . II k.- ...M . ..... ...1. Im ..1,1. a . UH.r-j(, 1 Mi.riJ ... Tba aaaiaan rroaa I la 2.ueo sorrsseeaaia alls las w.i a-"-. . . - r - want and uflerint by lieirgary. abame and crime-1 1 those drswlag tks Irsl Prltea, will be nttilsd ta . , . ,. . . i. i , . the ApproslaiarJoa I rises.' Pur eiaieple i If Th fact uf living here is not in itself so hard a u. M.. Anm, A. Ueksts the lack of mean to opply th wants of ths ab.ra IJ, IIJ, HJO sad mil will taeh be .. i , m , . . .. 1 ntirted to tieo, swde ae asfwuieg ia tke above w.irl h. nam. .ml 1,1 .ftiiril .h.llae an I n.if,.tL I . T ' " - l r - i:-. Huai, t th noules. Vim bar. bera compelled, l.y PLAN- OF THI LOT T B IT . r .v p-op... - " tw V. m,. .k . k.. ,k, ae. a lk,ket.. fact treading lb icy pavesaeats, until th nails I mmn4 fmw I la There are tee fall prlas aad have been f rosea from their toe ; to se tbair 4 CP V. SIl.tKK WMnmtt aad eafcrf ini.sw l Porsyikirett. Hew mrk. Mr. hV V. o. waabi call Iba auaatlaa el Itraagers vitluag the ally, and avparlolly Ihol. ia ths trsdc, to brs el farastte 14 aratMsate and M.aalartory. Ia lb. eoa SVesioaof aaeifaailad fariHtlta, he Is snabl.d tease, eata all erilera tbe lowest potsihh) t na. The Aaloosss ara replete wilh ehiM speeisaeas aa a Tall assartMenr af rnrk gtldwrr ta atl Ha-bran' h..J atouhlinss. tiek ailt, rose wihm!., oak. ss.ple, sebra 1 aa ssabugao, Ta atary vatisty aad eoa.iaatly as bean. . Urovrsfnak all patis f ska Hailed St.b-t adr'aa- ilk BVaasBlaaat, pasha wilh Iks i awbsia the I ehali.nrieled ea ..narata stems of a. -r..le. floek Breeder. wUI be deall with a very p.r, ara roll til p aad saelrelad witk saull II labas aad liberal ttrat nlaead I (hue Wheel. I Or Knassas tiav Is slre.d) very lara. A farlb. Th usaaau f UMdiiarsal M fall crtsss slaillariy r astaaslaa la aat aesire.1. eaUss pabliakm ara I ariate aaa eirel4, ara plae.4 I anothsr aae.1. willio ta gita th above aJeenusawal taral laser- Aner ravotviBg tae wnaais.a saataav u arawa mi ta tu iu tair reepeeiit ba ts. i wkel of anaiban. aa at tat aaaaa tiae a pelts is Srawa A rrleallerei Rooks na be fwrnlihe a every i A liberal aV.oant altoesd lo tk Trade. II. V. alULBR, , 7, t,ad II karsyhk el.. N. T. Hot. t, ISit. la, CCuPARTNEESniP. Ut-ll IIARllKX RKKD.-Th sal. ,. i.f ,,,, eaoseltn 10 rereiv fbit in, mil,, ll -r ' i turelta and Aattritaa Harden ana ilfn-. e, . i i,l . is asaah target sad mora than aoji (,r... .1, ,,i. Ihsy aVJpevir'd u .t.iau tfr.Ur fr. ra wi.f li.t., Iu say paitul lb. rlistr, on ll, ao,. lii.ii i.iti ti i-.5. onile.ll silnW tbem tin' fVi.ilrj nf ftu.i i,n VV nt, btrkt tMl of Join , . . Potailles Winbitig 0 4, Will plt-rti,. .i,.i tin i.i Ur. abila oar stork I lutr. All uur lo-l ,t. ti r . .,! treeb sad aule. and swmng irss vo S"iaa ... ioi 1 apleadid iiiruoi.e, PlKcrii A lU'fl.t . Droiti! oi 4 f if,., ... K.-.jl.. C. i .a.k, . . had Bo halter for her, to boy grow loeriminal I friaa theethtr wheal, hy hoya wbe ara hliadfidded. fi Mkjoei, frMahoUi Rngllsk aad Attrrieaa peblirfioTa, , , . , . , , I The asaiber sad the prise draws awl ara epeaod aad I hv aaoalac la oar addrvM tb atieo ef Iba bowk re- BMnhoud, and g.rl. uito wanton woatauhood.- mihit u Hdi.. Hd regbwaawd btib. ..'Zi 1 Yt bar been compelled - to bear hundred of uuforluuat beg ia vain, ta ia tb aaata of our I'M TOR PANT T. TOV?,:: TO iVlUiX iJUUY. ,i i , r , ,0-.. w ., ilwev. th vers hatag pl-eed acwiast the aaaibor 4rawa. This ape rello It rspaaled asiil all the arises are draw aat. Tk dreein is ihea ariaiad, aad eft Saviour, for aa opportunity to re furni,' and when I eessparisna, tbs Canisainaee eaniti i u lu oarrooiBese. jsar- rnsss nayoato ia ran w it., t ...lctio.. reoelotaa enptts win aa arimsn n wo i ..fpi m i It sis. i paatogs stassps, . , v. naatti.B , rsini.oee, lot Uee.aatt, Ngw Y.aa. datiMrd, giving ap in despair, and afterward tli I hopla j aud all for want of a little af that ofl which thousand an prodigal. This is bard." AaJrea erdera for Tickets la E.rR t!rR A CO. BslUsMra, MA RALEIGH k GASTON HAIL ROAD. Ealsigk ft Oattea B. B. Offioe, I kai sloa, Pebraary I, ll. j Their Batlaaallty. Tb democracy crow a great deal over their Sol tumulttm. n e would b under pciai obliga tion tu .mi. ,,f ti ait tiPirana if lii.v wiMihl tall mo :.- . a trb wr. vauaoww,,, saoaa. urstr vocaouiary- A , mfiM4 uCb.rl.nt.. .Mkw Is ber-k, .it Half tlie perfj ar (or Hqualter Sovereignty th f" i,, 4m, ,bil, la. other, tor X. o interteuUoo. How do these pria- I BUHtod for leaasaoeiaiw aver tba RaMish A llarta lplcagrr I R.ilrod,willhreeaivhylbioUMpaayalhaHei I B.,lB.J llMni I adlrltfb lWOa MrtOllV ha Rn oatter contend that th liibalii-1 cwnuwl aad a ill ha m iMeu4 ihoao witbowi tint uf any Temtorv behwiiac to tke 1 nlled -ls ar.siraahar, aad rda muni Aw the wan. era areaaatra etaoro oiowg uaat aioae via hmwot lira. Caroline Lee Hentz. WE hots ia press, aad shsll pol.llsb a the teik of Peheaart, aaa of Iba taostbnllisal aad faael Baling Wotbs wbioa haa aver .... aabliehoa la this eeeauy. It U tnoa Ihs gifted atot ebivsal pea of oa. of Aowrlea's rkoieMl writer. Mro. oAlllll.l N K LRK wha sail ao Bearish af Uwaiaaw ta keraU her lss, pa tk has esUblirbed a world wi.le reputalloa yr.r. agnaa. W s.y ear, howoevr, that ia Ibis aow Work she kaa aehleted S vi-toey, sad raaehrd a lilstary eueils-Oal. far ia adtaae m4 aay m' hat wrrVHatssi.rlB. Bo esy all w.o Bar eaoatine IBs at aasefiM. aad wa doabt s-s thai thw will ha Ika-oe- diet of Iba antics wbea Iba Him. tksll sppor. , 1 he as.ass ore dniwa la part front fashionable pit la Bastoa a Aew lota. ERNEST LISWOOD. I i OR lb lav- lbr jmmn I bava mmmm tc4 la 1 baBiat-M.hnuirn lj la tnyerlf, andaaiinitihtlVai t. a IrWtA'ier. VlitiH I biv lnlrHH fWr 9 aab. birb bHarif4 m tb raiaaffroa 9.1 ) tn met aMti, mm4 bai ing arraiirinvta to go tm KunifM. mi ttrtn;,. tm tha amua M 1 aa aiwtr'a mt g'viiig full ia.tsraHiiia m K Art to mrmry ) ba niti rrailt mm Xh wmm mt ihm lhA Ur. 'aim in4t'i ti th mtM I baia ton fm- nr4 wilh. aet ka Many Mif haiw)lrtlK,at 4iat rvaairral (ma ibu ha UHrw4 tm (b Art. aM ab aranw wabiag fr-sBj (IU to 14 a 4mft to gT mmmry permi m cha to fai tata pmmm af fbla vatosaWla taaf Mabtiia f art aaa, 1 Umtm la mm llwenbarr ai'H tb bwalnw karvta liaatoJ t U1r tmm mt th I pia aaa ba atf karac-nt' tu fbar alr, taa I can ata ntf to Br mane in l'Uilvtlfaaia aa all as in Ibta t ba hava nttbtn fisar satbi anibarbfaTin (b b. , an4 ba m, tiij thai tkj ara aaabinff fr-ni U par tiay m tba mmmmm, U m ft iMatncat la mmu k aiibw a. a tfamtoajk mm mngmf, mm4 llb arfa- anat mmkm ft vara bet 4n tofti ait. WftraJ tat-iaata vahtasa mmjim mt Fa-ittavia- tftaatl Mrita4f bna I'biva kmsttmttM ta iba Art, tat 1 40 omul ihnt prtmawHf, until ft('ntiful ia ( rntH, mwi tli tmtturj m Air ft ftdlMitM mm Wat, i Tli nii(ha h fc'wira if l bulJ t . ". .... . . I -- ok. V . a- I Ma,U1H 1 1.. f..n AnamiLam gaf Jk itu tit 9Cvt mtm M "!ln Rrmftl Ptti uf : '" ' ' " " " an-ao am iiuw mm I ' I A. 1 .. H,.tt,A .sibJ l.araMlsawa tuduk TV aaas Deevoevatle priweipU that atak j ali.g!-erat pliai l aa a p-wtHMtof U Iwat-j wtM, tw,h lie-rre., rpeM,velv, unite In a i dstanl ltrr, ssska a aoik ta? a health . ,raii vwl." Tl.e wriier ia be lliew oo ae. ! il l ana. after tlie .p...l. af .,.. ad ;aia bj riga leataigTaUoai, a tl, teat -weaa 4 'liiig lii,,!!. f,m pliik phb-ai T eauh writer .rell r. ib miI.V aataieal riyl As rtd asf k." - I . ... .. ' w-h woter ao I pr.seltiai thai litet wee . d. T tsUvvuie, ., ranee ur- a . enuier. U f Mm. flMMl No , w4 u Almr Itoa of Hi evils of prsniUiiK a I'l. ideal to be aaesrumilt opi- d lu ab other 1 and aa d iettia racial led. I eould be mute fatal tu th bith Ibae that of , . .. . , , , 1 .uitvoi.teigBiv if whh-k I'ra.nlaol Pierea. Tk alii"Ik I an aaa an lsbsraU arga- , , Willi A Kile.ln, IK bat Baa, 1 1 la rt ly to th Hartastr'. It adatis. how-1 dawiratM raadidtt Ue rpakrabip.. ara ,1.., ,i.. ti,MMm wha tkih I Ik acknowledge I e:.iraotia. Ut a beat f,ua thai SMt frwaident our! hralre truaigb tliey Biat auntbtr ao atore tbaa a era areaaatraae etaan ara( ia mo .u uuww ujouua " ""'i --" .,.. v ; j 1. , hake's d.-a. . U c-po-d of Hutch. Irish h. d..,, - ah. P- f pn-rV- "rt" --- U" l...d JtVt.1bX,.Ve.-r.' s!r4 and Indiana-may legi-lat. ap. tb suht of ..j-.'a ... rlC-'. -i-.-T -!L " this, of hat g-.i.s. Uteri a. I p. iba iweiatof aao sVllJr. I will Lr. slt.ry. and .leludo in SaiOiara Btaa wilh hi T w Z ' tk. mZST " ""' " -PM I. a bba I!.. !. W .,, PV , p,i., propef . fvas th. g.". .f" bl -lT?t Jlr. ..d a,la e-awa. k doa ta w...., l-.l in-ta,. tk. Art. whok wui h. e, ZTXt? r::-1 -.rZ 'ztz'"':- .a - thi a.n.r , aiKl Tny man who w a e' titan. a-d A.paev. M g4. or. e.,W u kM " " mMn " " ' Ba. sa. a -ttaik Be whether of a X .rllier. or a Mouther. Hv,ie. T A ltT'tZZT dOHB P. dhtTBTT at CuMPAMT, - J..,.,t. Hi. I-I. avgoto lb Tlnrir.-ilJih pit.,aw.y. i4 " B. A UAILTB. Pr.l.. er.u.a.. 117 W..k,.,o-, eU . . s-ls , aad tlia winMO-r. aai.a.a ;; . JEWKTT. PIHXToa t WOhTIIIMlTuW. . NEW VtlUK MIl.I.INfWV. lHhsaalaa laowMat. Ia tba Kaal, m Wadaeaday, aa asotioa of Ml. Ilaewa, a reaolulioa wa paasej tiling ea aia h th board of regeat f lb Katiihaoaiaa laatilat with th aaata of tli II.. Ga- rga K. Badirar f ibis fHala, aad Prof. Paltoa of Maaaar WT Job a Pool, of PasojaoAM. I Ih da leg 14 tVae tb tdeotaa b'atrtet ta lb Karhaaal Coa watisa af th Aatsriaa parly, I U beid la PWIadolpk aa th tU iaaA. David A. Beraea, f Xovthaaiptnai, II. A. O, Diana, mt WaahUignav, aaas ills OilUaaa. af IWiie, ara alternate. njarta. trotla atailUtba. " W bar tacattee) tba Inst aoeshevof a aew psayaae, kasaa-aag bl till of the ,VnA fMsi - BmUHm, pwkltahad at Ae4e Urnagh. 1 Uii Stata, ' W K. 4. Urak. tea, libs Beat akee. af r ansastabl diatoaoioaa, aad of tke right strip la e- . S .a .1 1" - o. o . . i... ,. IHvMaaVa. - TV P.Ti,Uad Keethava Plaadj IUd "eaiy kaa daelarad a divided ef ItWftsl. ! tk part af A et.ail.ata ih Idea of euthody Ui I im. r rat it rvd ntair. it awasaaa. wirw- i aaaa-asraite ewaaifawaiar ww tnm ,-p-a.a.p I TViaiwratt wbe ftiink I Iba aekaowie-U I :.mot,a. U a. beat ' . . , , . . ( ad Ik rip-ioiura uf National law n it t., be rwehtetert, bat ; itl, 1 ,,nr r.,.,;., .,J U d aw ig lh4pinl"a la ewy'1 ottaa Th ttaytsN Rat war Treaty. Tks) Lawtdsia Tinaoa I begianleg I talk Ilk a aa a th CIjloa Vainer Treaty, It netwa. atsvad'isi.d so g ee op what It tWs tut auraaiiiig. t'uftumUlm A'yms. Matlotleaef I aglUk Bad Preaaek AfrVaNtar. fkaate Inierwating eUliotios ralalite ta Ik ag. riewliare of I rasas aad Aaghtad ware gtaj la a tertura delivered a (aw data stare ia Cora wail. j M. H d la Trtdaoaaau). la r eload. ail of 40, ISS),. SO (rno, aitlttd, 1'1,'SSI.iSSJ are Bow a keeital lo t.Mieiet ita right to to wheat or olbaw ..real errapa, whii la P raae rtM-awioh. -t.ladlh.l.l.a4lK. W.'-ava-liiv tWtkaiaw-wa. lb .' ' , . ,. , , . . , aterag gtoaik ef wboat pow arn ia ken lead I haa. Bad, by wa; of dt.trt klf. f th wk.d, 4 . u fnmM j J4 .9mn. Stnuarraeottiettt at oaee aad forever, throw lb ai,,, Ui peadtta af P.ngliok lead atabowl AU 4 L nrtblesw asttletaeo,! of tUIItt) Into Ibe barfti p., ,,, w,d U at rf pi aaek A. I 12a pav see. ta fwtarn. ealla the) AaaerKwa g.rtera- 1 b aa-.t-erf rtaeep gea aa aaek haoaatry at ' , , ... ' BiMei J.iaaj issi, aad taa wood pewdaesat akattt aov.ltorwt.leal tbe l.l.baatterf kaWvetakca K,,n, a., kwt. ew ag to tb d.fevwtMa) ia St.. tietU4a ptassasaioa l K arag, aad Bald H la aersoge. Ikowa kt a4Bwlina( la tbaa l shs.p 4aa.a af lb will af aak euamtnoa. It ad as ita Mr vk to Praate. la I mate there ere aaaaab ., . , . . .. . 1 ,i . i, ... ly daMafh'.rad 4 isi,iBJ af aatile, th a aavwr that k. regard to tb bsava of lb treaty ea k , vkll. w ,4 1 mm mm- ut part at toe aasaaaaa m-m, iho.o a mmt half Ua a oaa bat alaat-litTe4. hul IB rhtoaAaa 12 par eeat, da ring tk yea. j hitherto beea aotklag to tiaadia of. averaja tr,ht k w4. HUNTS AMI OILA Tbe Sv.rib.. are aeaaar I 9-i yt ess' ader fw all kiede af 'Paaau and 1 .ike spaa Ike at sat liboeoi Baeiao . rtK'ID A U ATLINrt. J. ISM. I-U t. a. . ressvtss. - fliLi. t.w. stsri A. H McrilETTXES ft Co.. Illtlllli IIICIII, 'oi ar-.aiiiajf tMol Cxaauastoa Jin Aata, roaanal smCsbb, RoaroLX, art star a. .Tbavos P. Devoveaa. ll.llfas.B. C. 0. W . Mot 4.. ... Pro. Beak ol tk Alat of B f, r, praey, t'aakM da da d' W. II Jo M da Heoaek a Cap Tr, Balelgk U O Beaae. rre.ia.oi a. av ts, a. a. Moom KoaA ft awlts. I Is, n. aliased. I I roaWaat Psrwat's B k mi Ta, A tea. h.ll. Va. I hl-aara Sa A Bold, B.lilee, ft. Hlooeoat A ttoa, Baw Tark. ttetaltad Uhte, BlILLIrUN, LA IHhT ii BLAKKMA!!, ht Iwh. i. b. tippi.viivrr co., ' Pkltsdelt.hl. 1 Pobtaary, I Si. I, d..t III. Wli .looilo aad K tail U rbet.atol rhtl 1 A MVtU.M,. v W ertitet,,pi.ia ia a .lo,rl i m .i,li.; o I ,n. praviaii oat sluea, sail skull Lr.p o taiti -ii u ; r . k alurtiiles la out lira tln bitiio'.or. a! . . , r laorea.o l fa-ihl,., lio-'ifr lia -a ..a. j t. i,, , Ban In. aaa ir teaerAlltaoo.)!, n, ,t,:.r u i... , nt, . . Wo r piroa4 In li. ! rm our inrt.ii. aid . .i . . ikat we keta asl.t tbe fioni.' a-r .( Vi I hurliw U avll, lor ta ar ill .!. a ih ,t:..a. A lis ,!, aad lair', t lha Iria of ll. .-! A sV.i. , 01 . a lib oar brao e ei.uat, air. Joe L. w ."I, With as hft Bltrilias pr,o I, lo ll-nr w.ora. i i, aiael raid- Mvaaa. ol stl hnert aat tbr Say ond ii , Oot a.. a II b. eUr U il.l,.ili, o . u i ni i i. ... i . . : . .... ti.a ealy, aad their aiioauata will ria risg it, ball. fir aaWoaala will be Betaented lia't.tlti rn'i.l no tl. M af Jal aad daaoart ia seek j.o, at,irM Unoa tpriS-4 oilh lb. r, r, risiitu, u. w.ii, B:s,kot) wtwt a. A LL aeraees l..l.kl4 . lbs aod-r So-,1 i , I . A or o. i hi at or. aow oStlnooi'-lf i t l t , poyaaoal, mm bit aid tsaot b. H...a u .lay. P. la. I I. t ti iU or TBlaabla f lly i"raieriiT I )l'K.s!'A"T I Iid ef Trwot, sn.-i. t. .... t 1 e as a,-- I .a..u a ... . . - t. 1 St Ike t'ealt lluaa d.ior, la tbe Illy iW p. . ea tbs Sod ttay af Pel ivory Beit, ol I .' r hi., aba lloua .ll b,l Boa tm-fttim II.. r W t aa SaattlMt1 ttteowf ro,r.iit ti.s re-. l.,.4t ef II 1 Miller, L-aa. Ibe li.l t.... 'a VI f. .1 ,.. IPA-IHMtl'IlsltnU lit ItUll lillfrifr Btrea,.Bd rare, I... k I n r.M V.. II . . A A IP -JO if AT. ' sals will be eaoh, eaieoo I aaa do A t . S. U Bowie Karoaarat ths etaeon aaeaoo of Hat e t. W. Blag ta giro a ' ty skaoa( aaatolllas f. Haa So. log llo.ifc Bko-h I 0. II, I'o ' Jaa nary 14, In VI A0E3IS TA5IiO .I Vik Xiarj hs Ye C;! a ill errlae aad bo tooaly lot Iswea, Una mm ot mmmt ta 1 l.rt ol St., -a. ieib.r aa WoMaew Mo.rk.oBi aad ttilllaeet oea tootaotrolly leelkd to .all eo oaae.0 Ut soot, boftif. aareboslog obwwhoeo. P.ltora B.Hi- oiway ea base, oa seal by sat feet 1 .a d- drooa. . , IPektJ Irwsliljl-flty tlria fiirlM VrU 10. r. BTJ1C0I 4 Ca sVwa atsstv, kannaira, a(w voei, Otisboe g.taa. 41-PI Lfttter gad TtoUoay ft part. Of W I BKAMi gaod Vkiss Lertaw Poeo. PrW 111 ev f m awsa, w-h II KS So Beaats d Bias Una Popov, Trim) ft, nenh l.w. 000 i-,o, gd wki Psstaasa Paper, Pilot ft kaa worlk t . poeaalaky M. t Tt'RKPR, C. aw Boloitk. Key int. Iht; tit HtlU byr.ear f"a, aoOtos ef Per I V beat as, fc.l Pare.. At, t Its. t of taa a. ABBII L. pnHBIt'tT. If Barring t Patatit Cbanptca and TCtttglat Proof Balaa. rpilf gtoat laterest a.aaifr.4 by b (Mblbl V f praauiro etoeo Brft If fn.l P re par tel. B.0I0 paaws, saaatb as M..., at 'tftgnf.t. I., mmi mtH aee-otal, H..O It.. .!.,. P t P El btrota. A eo la BMhad ..aVS. Ie.hv.4 Ibo iaWrlln ta Ve a bar. OMetkHkot ita oef oioia dona Ibo rasa Kowrteew 1 aor. tf aa.ktag tatiraisassis s lheraerjee fee U.eaaiatevi. oa U..t e ec r. loatr oiio- ri. btioa, ood tb BallU geaoeolty, Ibat .aei. ba a haa , r .0 nt ot enaple. sanatu . ik. r oa h tb. IM I'HiiV ri 11 r. a k 1 mi , ,11 i.p g Aih rm.mi tt PIKBPBUiiP.'aaik ('kaaayitaa frijt mf itu H'erW, aWrfaf tera wwt ' oao a. mmi oao-il ir taoeo ..aroe wok 11 . mm. aVrf mt knih 'Ae H'orhff fair, LmtJ , letol, aad fa Are- WA, Ih'.l. As sopatiae a ftfl sshero. It la las, wd,abl.4ly. oa. Ulte4iiha ooo.iioit.Ha.aa4 fird an 111.1, -d t ! I.. 1 t !l 4, Toa", 4-id UI fh.k.-e.U,. a.,r tp)ti s4 aa 4(vtt i ilw. I el , Basilar I bm4 t f .. f l.y l iw ,il, wiifto r-k .r i ratll p nteiitf pf ' As . - . . .... WBfajia t w I teN - ,wp f Mmtmrmy Nmm t.vmsm Hmmn t a(, ,) 1 1 M a . i , ltVntf rmd mf W Ih0f,t. pl aaliaa iltaari mi anlf man aba mrmt."y X iW ewMAftpvAM-Sea mt !!. h If a mm. alii Bk naff fcMlwf . aej Ba M wf assTajr at) mmmm tliaa anf tiaa iafiM nie4adwtorw to iba t tua4 HiKe, , pam h. tWa-tt mtg-tm as aa--aal mt fmwmt I 4a laa aa na A)rVai ijkwir tatl.t m 4 taataa a Aft. ILt- fAlllbT r-UWlAb fbiMir L bt. Cls.baia.'a.ti''''- I 4 U lia aanatri bai.! Maitftfta aa ftlbta.itoawiki ft.Ba U,m injmr jf fa. ,' mm. I rttmf jn W, I!. M U mi, Commltlloa !I e r c L 1 1, i t ni I iin th . 1 M lintogtK, , I . I ft4 &mt$ M fraaaf ttala a tat baWa anV(4 aa to FW Mr. Xls AlMHWf a1 anafaa4iiaa atj b iw44 tlotlaf v4 k. i-d) fta h.-k. ( bMa a4 VaM 1, a4 Mara lt.iaa av 4 Vtt, f Httwa, af4alpa, al fpi'ai rasattltotB, flala, iMttaeatw4t mm4 mm at apalstoa. AM a ale (- ! 1st seait 1 a,4 Ma.f.avftr fJUt-RV fAM t f M W lAllOg Asa ft Lrf K. piLa c. ti r it p 1 5-i a r. ( , Onaaa LHi-xC. Mm. Ili, III A I i4 A rm fm hmik t atah ,m4. . It, Il timumtftrnm, I aTPy . y a-e v , tray inwg ' ' IAW ,W a. r 'awveaj r JBf, tmjttf4 mII., if mr9 mmi L'tfmt 1 ami 9,t4 M'l VttUmrrp mj rrp i9fl 'JIMwfc iaiBta tuatf-fV au M. aaa t aw .. MtH a I toaar mmm mm 4 immm m t ts Ii 1 W W .tt-piat.a.. t(4ffOit tf '' aaJ I rMH ,t,m Ivsv 1 f f w. f i rtf u r a a. k, auBii. mtt . w,, aun t I'PHliwIpntarUi l tV m. .. . J. toa g-mm, mm 4 ta a-. rr. . It aa t " 11 mm a , , . a fnutvaa ta at 1 I . U -4 fswe-wdl f I rm,r , w fts , ftdki mU toaA '- t V.i. a,t. I atar I b !( mmm aa4 tj.aai, 41 fit ft ft a-a. 1 ft awsvaita, I f - ?. j $, ft. rawaia I hat?! im:: u anfcpro4 1 ) Kb .t hi ... .H 4 , - . ek ,im . i I) P. HI lll"V k 10 bollitt ir,b J m.,m , t 1, a