-'7 "i llorik-Cntolisj tar. WILLIAM C. DO UB, iditob sitsraoraiiTo. ,. . IIIMIi If paid strictly la advaa, two dollar pr -ma; te dollar Mil fifty eenU, If paid within ix avsalht ; sad tare dollars at the cad of th ver. ' .- . ADTKiTISKMBXTB not xeadiag lxta bco will b iartd tiaf for m dollar, aed sanely-. hiU for tt mbooqual tnssruoa. Th of grf r length will bo ehargad prop ttoaally. CowtOnUnudJwliioJodTrioiMBt will k chargM 25 por omit, higbr than the abov nXm. A rooooublo dsdoctioa will b ad to boo who advertise by ths ysar. ' Book ad Job Priutlsg doaa with utlm despatch, aad oa aooomiaodating terms. ' GENERAL DIRECTORY. . CITY GOVERNMENT. - Wib Dallas Haywood, In ten dan t ot Police. coaairsioNias. fastens Ward. Eldridg Smith, " . .. .. ' A. Adams. MiddU Ward. C. B. Rout. . ... . " . K. Hr Battle, ' - '' O. W. Haywood. " ' Water Ward,-r-X. M. Gorman, . ' 1L D.Turner. J. J. ChrUtophert, City Clerk, R. II. Battle, City Treat. City Guard. Jamea M. Crawley, " Jackson Ovsrby. CiVy ConitubUt. K J ward Harris. William Andrews. ' , A. Adams, Weigbmaster. . narria, Clerk gf the Mar ket " , . COUKTS! The Supreme Court of North Carolina i ueld in thia eity semi-annually, on the eeonnd 9 anday " in June, and the 30th day of December Judgct. lon. Frederick Naah, C'hioi Justice, K. M. Pearson, Associate udge, , W. H. Battle, " ' Edmund B. Freeman, Clerk; Ham. C. Jones, Reporter, J. J. Litohfbrd, Sr., Marshall. The Milled Statet Circuit Court fur the Dis trint nf Vnrth Carolina mi held afimt-annaiillv in thi city, on the lit Monday in June and the last Monday in November. - Judge. Una. J: M. Wayne, nf Georgia; Hun, Henry Putter, of I'ayetteville; District Attorney; Robert P. Kick; Clerk, Win, II. Haywood, Sr, Marshall, Wesley June. lb Superior Court for thia County, it held on he first Monday after the fourth Monday in March and September. John C. Moore, Clerk. Joe. B. Bachelor, Attorney General and Solic itor of the fourth judicial litairict. The Court of Pleat and Quarter Seuum i held on the third Monday in February, May, August and November. Jeff. I'llov, Clerk. Chairman of the County Court. William Boy le 1 ;JkJI VOLUME XLVTL RALEIGH, NOETH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27. 1856. NUMBER 9. Miscellaneous. FrM Holbrook'i "Tea yean Awoag th liail Baca" THE FATE-OF THE GAMBLER. 'v' - '-' Tact stokv. :' Coualy SJititorK. P. Marriott SkeUffof Wake County William U. High. Coroner Willi Soott Jicyuttr. 11. Uuteoo. BANKS. ,. .flaafc of the Mate of Jiortk Carolina, incorpo rated IKJU. Charter expiree in lwl. Cupital tlKMKU, dirided into 15.IHI0 ahare of whivh the Literary Board hold &,(K!7 and the L'nivcr- ity HUO. ... Principal Bank at Raleigh. (ieorge W, M.irdetai, I'ruoiilent Cfaarus lewev, Cahier. . J. U. Bryan, Jr.. Teller and Notary Public. W. E. Auderaon, l'iscoiint Clerk bud Notary Tublic. Jordan Womble, Jr., Clerk. Thi Hank ha branche at Newborn, Tarbnro FayetteriUe, Wilmiutrtou, hliaahoth City, ('liar lotte, Milton, M'rKantua and V. iudwr. vi aiu-Toa. On the part of the Slate : IV W. Court, Puli io Trnaaarer, es-tttcio, t. O B. Branch and W. K. Poole. Oa the nkrt of the 8tnckb Mer : Wm. Buy lan. M m. Peace, J. II. Bryan. J. B. 0. lUilhau, Al fred June and B. t AJ-we. , .. . Offering and Renewal day Tueaday. l'iacount day Mediiewlay. Uomeatie BilU and Bill of Kjchang diaeonnt d every day. Buunew hour from 10 till 2 o'clock. Jtalriyk BrmnrX Ou Hank ti,tle Cap Ftar William II. Jiea, faultier. K. P. Finrh, Teller and Notary Public. bien-maa-Oea. W . Haywood. T. 11. Helby, Beth Jonea, tieorg Little, lr. Tboa. i Ungg. and C. W. 1). Ilutehing. Ularing day Mondajf, Diaoount day Tueaday RAIL ROAIia KaMok tmd UaMoa HaUroad Cumpany. R. A. Ilamiltoa, Prealdenl, W. W. V., Treaaun r. J. M. Paul, Aniataul Treaaarer. C. B. Allea, Kepot Agent, Mail train Irate U aiiBUtM before A. mteaat 6 p. M. ( XortX Carolina h'ailroad Cumimag. dia.. F.Fi.l.r. I'KMideot C. P. ileudeiiliall. TreaMirev. J. T. Wait, Freight and Tx ket Ageat Mail train arrive a'elnrk,' A. M, frma tha Eaat) and depart 10m. afteraoVkKk, A. M. Mail from the Wet arrirea at 32 a mate af- tat 4 a'eluck, P. M, Ueparu at 2U annataa b furei 'cluck, P. M. I"OST.OFFICK. " Wlltiaa Whita. Sr.. Pt Mater. Ofljahuora, aa weak day', from baa-rial ft 9 '. . . TRAVELLER'S UU1DE. f itairtt aaa airtanaiar atiu at ttuisa , . . . AUKTUKHM MAlLr-Br Raiuoaa,! Throng. Mail elueea daily at B) a Way Mail " at p. ArriTM daily at p. The lerla la depot at SI a. OLTlitR3f MAIL B Yo-oaa Hart, CUa daily at p. m) Amrea aaiiy at f p. The Hack Irarea . at 7 p. r WtSTtR. MAIL ll r Ruiaaua.) . CUaaa daily at p. Am Tea, daily at 4 p. The Traia lea at 4 p. K)LIMBOR)l'MAIL-Br Raiieoaa., .Cluaa daily, at 9 n. Amta daily at I a. at a be cra Uara daily at Wm art a a. TAKBOIuf M AIL Br T-ou rtwi.) t?VaaiMHMly,TMa.adTbar at I p. AmtTo4af, Tbar. and !., at 7 p. Hack Uareaoa Jd.. w 4. and I n., at I a. riTTKBORO' MAIL 4Kr Tai..i II. a Cli Taawlay aad Maiarday, at I p. m Amta on Mwlay aad Tbaraday, at f p. m . Hack laae ' Swa. aad M 4. alwat 7 a. at fiplsndld Stock ofGseds! I "f .r!ir iv. tr f ' 1 T aw em f r i ... iuu. i ara, , Cw . . "-. i k prtm4 m . nm4 M fcr km Ui WrVI w.bllf uUj W a a i,n 4 w Mt-o Ok - " A. I, tt'i f Tha eloeeoflhe year 1839, and the open ing of 1840, were marked in the poet office) department with frequent and atarlling an nouncement of the loaa, by mail, of valuable letter from eouthern Viiginia, and eaatero and northern North Carcliua, and directed to ftiehnond and other commercial rile farther north, Theae re aa ihey reached the depart ment, were duly prepared and lubiuilted to the special agent for inveaiigalion. Search and inquiry wtfre promptly initiluted i but for time the utmoat vigilance failed to obtain any clue to the apposed embeizleinents. The caie of lossei eootinued to multiply ; and al length the agent' attention wa partic ularly drawn to the distributing poet uffif at A circle of numerou fuel pointed anrtia takahly lo (tin spot as the center and locus. It was here that the lines of circnmalantial evidence from every quarter rnnvrrged and met The post office at P., therefore, became an object of special . interest in the eyes ol the acenl. llowexer, invecligntions in thi direction proved at firl no more'succesiful llian else where. The high integrity of character for which the post master was distinguished, and the excellent reputation of. hi clerks, snod like a wall of tdanmnt in the way of all the evidence and suspicion. The agent seemed destined to be bullied at every fjoint, yet eternrulh siared t-im in the face, end hied Its immoveable finger over the distributing oilier. Every missing leitrr, although reaching P, by various route, had been mailed tfi. points south of it for points north of it Here they must all concentrate, and here nnlv. It was, therefore, at this place, only, that all Uie I. mi's could have oo carred. Several davs was ps d hy the i;i-nt at P, and the vicinity, quietly ptimuing his investi gations. No person knew the srrrct of his business. Ha became arquninied with the post-tnasier and his two clerk', studied their characters, slid their xieial circumstance. The tint wa a man of position and compe tence, win ie honor no breaih of calumny had ever dimmed, and who couhl not possibly hai e any motive for periling the pence and prosperity of his bimily by a dishonest course. Neither did Ihe untUwnd lesprclabilily nf flip clerks benny any chink or crevice iu which lo harbor a iloulit. The eldest of ihese sod the superior in the office, wss a young man of education nd re finement. We will cull his name Curletoti, Hi faC" wan frank, his eye sieaily and clear, his manner slants sell-pnseeil nod easy. The sgent liked him and admired Inni from the first, lie learned loo that he was a fav orite with all who knew him that Ins con nections were among the first fumiliis in the 8tate and that by Ins talents and h miaoued generous impulses, he so far nobly sustained the lusier of his family name. Another rircuiniance was greatly in Car letim's fsvof. Ahhough descended from the "aruuorrary," the fortune of hi lanury had run soinewhsl low in the later generationaj and now, his father being dead, he devoted liiniaelf ealouly la the msinlenance of hit sged mother, and the education and support of his only sister. The junior clerk was a youili of run. or pretensions. He w.s uniformly reiiring in his minners. Although by no means a per son of forbidding aspect, theis was something messured and guarded in hi movements, (ar leaa prrpoeing lhan the free and ehival bearing of Carleioe. 1 hi appar. ut prudence aiighl anse from various eauea. 1 he agent could not believe that it waa the result of a secretive and dishonest disposition. If each was the ease, however, thai some pledge my own reputation that the losses have occured outside the office, I will use ev ery exertion to discover any dereliction from duty that may- come within my sphere ot ob aervation." " , - " The agent expressed his (hanks fof the clerk's ready promise of co-operation, slid took his leave. Meanwhile he did not neglect other mea sures that he had adopted for tracing the rob beries By a lingular coincidence within an .hour after this conversation with Carletoii,' he was able to seize a certain clue, which he had long been in search of, and despaired of ob taining. On his return to .the hotel, the. landlord ad dressed him thus: "You asked me if I could give you any more large bills in exchange for small ones, 1 think 1 can accommodate you this morning. 1 have a one hundred dollar bank note, which if you are sending money by mail, will be very eohvejiieut. "Thank you," replied the agent, fcit will be a great accommodation." The landlord paesedthe bunk "note over the counter. One may imagine the agent's se cret triumph on discovering, at lasl, one of the very bills lie was in search of one that hsd been lost in a letter passing that post of fice only i uiek belore, and ol winch he had an uccuraie description I ruin the ucpunment. llrving maile the purchase, he held the bank note up to tliu li;;lit. "I siippime you v. ill warrant ihis paper lo be genuine f -he suggested. . . . "Tlit re is no doubt about it sir," said the landlord. chamber, and knocked at tlje door. Presently Larleton appeared, A alight paleness over spread his lealurea oa recognizing the agent but without toeing hie sell possession, he i't vilcd him to enter the chamber. I have airange feelings en seeing you !'! he observed in a very natural lone of voice. "What you said tome about Howard, has troubled me more than i would hsve thought U possible. Take a stat Do you smoke!' Not before dinner replied the sgent He msde a rapid ooservalion ol the chamber as he sut down. "You are very comfortably situated here." "I have nothing to complain of. We lire rather lumblv, but we nre not ambitions." Carleion then spoke of his mother and sister in a manner which lunched his visitor deeply. Could it be possible thought the latter ihat he was dentine J to destroy the peace of that family t lie shrank with inde scribable repiignsuce from the performance of his duty ( but il inexorably urged him to nnisli what he had begun, ani he pro lueed the fatal bank note. "Not to detain vou,',' said he "1 have some question in inv mind with tegard tu a bill I look this forenoon. I have been referred you as ths jierson who pawed it ' Will you see if you recegmze it r - Again the swift pal'or swept over Carletoii' face; but thi time it was more maiked lhau belorr, uud fingers trembled as lis exam ined the bill. " Certaiiily," isid lie,"l reeognize it It's a note I changed with Captain Wilkiiia lal evening " - It also happens," efiserved die agent, "lo r C1 as. r.lU. Aomm a tnir . "not than on tVIW UIIHII.WI,, ..... S CIW-. , I ' uvl. Ih.uitfk hi kunnf mmm Vflrv hmil. ' and I'll give you a ing jui do u. fur Shall eharge yoa atli . .(.1 . .LI.-MI. He ciammed the naoer without enecuclea. . w 1 ..it , i . i nis eeineu 10 ra-aasur opeetaror, wno alter au ikviwu at um ov .ucu uih umn Some awkward pulling and hauling, enutriv to fret one on. all but ths thumb that h eouldu't uianags ; the other bund wa in strll worae con dition, and aa, agreeably to ttiglick'a instruction, he held up bin tuuda, it gar tb idea that hi hiuida bad on leather poulno., aud wr btokea on.at the wrint. " Nw ee if yoa can hit me, strike in I" pnke taw it for the first lime. I Did you buy a horse ol Carlcton yester day !" " No'J said Mr. Fellows; " I hsve talked i nf selling his mother's pony, but I never! bought any thing nf mm." 1 , t he train naatiea open tne agrni s uniier- ni.li.A., nd .neetstor. anvnlintto di.e,-. niideralanding. For hi credit let it lie de-! worked ths g. anaidumaly and wildlv, but elared, Orleioii hud played his game with a ' 'svithoat putiiug la a blow, nndas Biglieksea cousuiiimate art that wnulJ have dece.iibd the i"iiraalnini ( renews I exertion, tb Isathsr very elect - wa n ell eseroied and aired by eipectator with- . No time was lost in olnaing iraces of the "'! ,H??'nH",l,. ,. ' . ..,, . , a . .... . , , , "1 usliava, thought Biglieka, "I II civ Una a young OMil f flight I he agent iiidged right- ttueb itl , m ,atMWim , IV, imm liisciiaraeier. mai lie woulil mil at- , ,mlwi UJ aaieaoa ean do." ami herawiih he Of course you know from whom jou had l0 a nte whicr according loan accurate du ll f" ; arripnon 1 hae ot it, wa recently lost in the "Tobe sure! I took it ol one of my board- nouihern mails. I Ins is as painlul .to me.Mi ersnhts morning, CTniferm -VV'irkin-;'1- "1 haie nodoubl but the hill is good,' said the agent pulling il in his pocket. ' "You are sure jou had il ol the captain !" U, es! 'twasn'l an hour ago he gave it to me." - "U the way, who is this Ciib'aiii Wil li ins I lies iellow." "Carlefon, as it iranexpneted; itnd t hope you 1 will lie able salislaelorilv t sccount lor the manner in which you obtained the money." lt is still more painlul to me than it can be lo you," replied Carletoii; and heaven' knows 1 heartily wish I could not tell how the dill came into my possession.' I rctnein- a very geulleiuaulv-uppcariug , be red it alter you left me tins morning, unf I 1 bad s preeminent that Iron Me would come "0, he's a capital fellow !" said the land lord. "What's his business?" "lie keeps a laro bank." To a northern reader, the two clauses ol this Slate mail may seem inconsistent with each other. Hut allowance must he made for the freedom of southern maimers aud society. To bel at a faro bank is considered ho serious slain Upon the honot and respectability of gentlemen in southern cities. The keeper of Hi bank may pass, as we hare seen, a "Cap ital Iellow. But the sgent fell pained to know Irom what source the .landlord had ob- ol it I sin afraid, sir. Lsileion added, si let so.ue hesitation "1 sm afraid your sus picions of Howard will piovu too well found ed." "Do you mean to say that Howard is res sponsible for thai bill." "1 will tell you all thai I know about il 'ir. 1 yesterday sold a colt I hsd been training the past season. He proved too high spirited lor our use, and I prolered to own a horse mv mother and sister would not be afraid to rtie slier. Isold it In a neighbor of ours, Mr. Fellows, lit waa lo pay me one hundred dollars down atid this is the money he gave tained ihe bill. Already 'a dark picture of i nie.' tem lation and crime arose buloru Ins eyes. Carleion hestilaled. The sgent begged him It is a significant and loo olten a tragical word i to proceed, as no lime was to be lost discretion hsd elTecluslly succeeded in cover ing ihe property of hut motal character Trout public scrutiny. . roiled at every point where ne sllemptea to hang tha aad burton of criminal facta tha agent molved upon sinking a bold and haz ardous blow. He sought a private interview ilh Csrleton. t-l) you know," said he, "that I am here 0 very dejical and peculiar business t" I bad aol thought ol such thing, replied i UarteUie. , . ... " Well, air, 1 will belt you. ! am convinced Ihat yoa are the very man to assist me. If yoa will, )oa will Jo me and the poet-office drpsnmrni aigunl sets tee, "I do aol understand yoa. - "No, but yua will. First however, give me your plwlge dial what 1 hate to divulge shall be held hi Ui atrtctmt coiinilenee and honor by you." "Certainly," id Cailstoo, "if you wih so. it" . I tU the fara hank Captain Wilkin had gone lo ride. Tla agent pretended lo transact a little liuini. mailed iwo or three Idlers, and read ihe newspaper until his return. The ranting of 4 light wild led buggy before the hutel, an nounced the expected arrival. Captain Wilkins a s.iU-rly-dfeMcd and polite individual, whom one luighl hsvelaken for a clergy man alepped out ot the vehicle, accompanied by a It lend, pulled olf hia dri ving gloves as he entered Uie house, and lighted a fresh cigar at the bar, , , The agent look oceaaion to accost him. "Can 1 speak with you w nwiuen'." "t'ensinly," said Uupiain Wilkins. The la o walked aside together. The sgent ex-hibiu-d the bank note. "Did you ever see that psprr befoe !" "Ye, snd very rtceiitl.. I passed it with die landlord this morning." "As the bjjl is ol so high a denomination, you probably remember Iroiu whom )0U re ceived I.. "Peifeclly well. I had il last night from one of the pott offic clerks, who u belting at my bank, and for whom I changed it" "Which of ihe clerks t" "U, from Carleion. He is a relisble ItlloW Have yoa suy doulW about the bill t" "No, if you are sure you hsd il of Carle- ton.' "I am sure of that' "You could stesr to it as the idrnlical bank note t" Capuiu Wrikms glaueed at the paper again, -It's the identical rag," aald be 1 Oil Uke mi oatb ol it I bis startling revel uo gave a different phase to Ihe buinraa. The finger of diaeov eiy, serine J to point' directly at llie srnior clerk Again tb agent on travmg n tiki recalled CurUHon' every look and word, in Ui eoiiv rsaiKia he bd wuri turn uiai mura ing. II muld nm rre.ll tb fainmi nm,ration ol guilt And he couldt'mn hul hope th I ihe young man wis at lnnirml ihesppisred, a d Ibat-ihe cirvumaisnc would or v Inni lloweivr, Ihr wss no way Mi hut lo the ihre.J of evidrara he hd Hf I this Mr. Fellow !" minute ago, enter a will corroborate your of it He's a plain wlo icDa a straight forward III go rtoore.-t.tiTs.na 4anint, The fen then lU-d lU twine thai had I w-iuily Ireeed. broughl him to P. CrlruMt ciprewd aoinv ( He ir..lM toward the pt oiRrr, and surpne, but cheerfully promised to afford ill i sound Hoaaid Uirre alone, ih-partsaenl any bvniiisri and mformiMn in j her w your brother clerk I" he asked, hi power. . 'j "II went lu dinner aliout fire minue go "Slave you aUped lb aubjert W Mr. ri r earlier tlisu uual " B ?" b asked, "Vrry well) pernio )ai rm do my tu "Notybkl uSenonuntl pol l-Wr, m- tor a.. uiU d a truer here Una it ln, but to have a lar Mi iiiiiiui t woniuig, winch I wauld like, m r.co.ef Inmi knowlr.lg ef Ui delsils of lii olTicr tl.aw b t1 umiI if M h swt already w out" A a. I bate Jther rvaana for not kirig 1 uenpui of die b-iir wgrn. All thi with hia, I dulik te difiurb hi runbdriic : a Ooi- to pnrvtul llow.rd (row soiperti ,g aald lhriblihnirnl of irotig prui rva Irr , h rl butint- with Crb-iom The h-io-r M my duty tedo so." , had gone, a iwjuirer well kurw, snd L left "lwe apek to with perfn-t plaiaa,M : U olfiee. aid CarWuMI. j Hul now hi pare WSS qua-ksned. II "I mum so," rrpli- 4 die sgent "And I sol knew nt whst rnhi be tlie mult J hi lit Mr yo Will d ll Ins r.a I.. -t m righl. IxrvirW nh ( riel.Hi. Il Was i ignifieTl tflamwr.Mig. Ni will tuu I ss ruu uned fart lhl be had m as dinner at n e.rtwr irndrd Us dawtiN u.iwhi. FunhrtiaiMfi. aoaTMcne U miur aa Hximi urrsua in im Ihu l)ia !!. Iluiliy, what Mr aitsr- aUinf wld be were naUri. iba she 1 e roe hi lit ,iat Wa, I at than Utl b aiHWld lV ilial i juU.l,ily M. U bd rslstrd of lb aitiy la which I t bd nbtsiaed lb blal bill, II w ace.Md "1 wa trying to recall the eimeralion ihat paissd between Mr. Fellow. It wss lo Ibis sfft-ci: "I'd quite as lief you'd give me small bills, if coiiveinenl, said I, for I shall have several liidu bdls lo pay out ol this in a day or two "He replied that hu could not do heller by me and added that hu thought Huwurd would like lochaiigr'it for me. How ut said If "You reme i.lier, aaid he, that Howard bought a houae and lol of me, soma time ago. 'Vito last payment came due yesterday. He rented reluctant tu part wua Una bill, and aaid if 1 would wait lis would give me specie for il in a, day or two. Something more was said about Howard's good lurk in making payments for the house and lot so prompl'y, and o we parted." "Where wilil find aker! the igenl "1 saw him 4 lea lore ia Ihe village." "You are aura Jie tstrmrntt" w I'liere'e no doubt practical man, etory. "Come then, eaid the agent " and And him." Cailcum readily aaaenled, and tha two leR the chamber together. I've a hide buinea lo irmsarl before din nrr, nioiher," said Uie young man aa they pa mch oat If I am not back in a quarter of n hour do not wait lor me. but little difficulty wa experienced ia fin ding Mr. Fell i we. He wasiueh a person Carl, ton had dMcribedi bnl he turned out lo be very deal, and tha agent dormed il expe dient Mi lelire with him and I ileum w some ecure place, where their loud talk could nut be overheard. The clerk proiwaed lhal thy should mak use of the private roout of Ihe poet office. The agent agreed to ihia, for he wt somewhat snxiuus lu make sure of How aid, sad he Mew resolved that ths latter hould be present at die iatervisw. This plan an also proposed by I'arlrtm, and when li -y arri.ed ihe pol olhr Ui senior el. rk liiiornml Uie junior in t low and serious li.iir, lhal his prrs -nc wat rcuelcJ la lh j ( fivai rtmflt "Uut who will aitrnd lo Ui oflic!'' akd Howard. 1,1 sieak lo iMie of jlis rlerks ia lh etore) lliey reiam.Mlale e very vfu-n in thia w, CarlrUHl ad.trd, wldrMwng the sgent. "' only around lh corner The Ui H,glit ttrwek the ngent lhal il would b ! !. h la aectHiipiii) Carlexoi, 1 lo do so.it would be ne'sury to kva Hew rd, who, Il gadiy, aiiyfiislir Uii ti n have supeu-d ti, ngir st4ial.il. iU-wtUrt - H sc. it.sO ut at sit probilil tliat Csrleton eoiild h say motive ia aitewpting to si .pe. Hi tempi jo leave'town. He jntieipalrd a'more j melaiiclioly fate fir the flnhajy youth. SiMie i in ward prompting seeiiied to direct aim to the , apothecary's shop, not many doors distant and on inquiry he learned that Csrleton had jusl been there. " Wbifilkjiny did he go T" " lit fnct, I am nut ceruia that he has gone," said the ilrugaisl, " He purchased Some med icine, remarking that ho wished lo write oitl tninf directions fir its uxe, and stepped into tha back room. I have been verv busy, and he may hate passed without inv seeing him." The agent sprang forward. The door waa locked iipon the mauls. , "Oil ! you needn't be alarmed, he has stud ied medicine, and know how to use these lliingn." . Mle know how tq use litem ton well his door must be forced. Hi life depends upon it il it is not now already too laie. ' Too late indeed, it was. On breaking in lo the room, Csrleton Wa found lying upon the ItuVir. with an tui.it v vial beside him.'and an uiitimslied' letter lo his sister, ou iho table. In that letter he confessed hi gililt, and besought his sistri not only to support the mortal a 111 in ion lit; h$,iT bioughl upon her, with I'oilitude, but also tj sustain and console their mother. The youifj mail was not yet dead. M iti'i'at assistance .wss speedily pro cured, but ail elforui lo save his life proved unavailing. He was already beyond consci ousness Old never spoke again. A vail should be drawu lo exclude the scene of horror, agony, and distress thai awaited his family. The broken hearted mother mrvived the tragical interruption of her late happy days hut a few mouths. And though the sis ter was afterwards hifppily married, it is said Uiatfrom the data of her brother's disgraceful end, a continual cloud of melancholy rested upon her mind during the remainder ol her lite. !Slie bus since parsed into thai laud where kindred souls sra destined to meet again, aud Ihese nllusiojis In her sad family iimtory will give her no pain. The seerel of Carleion' lapse from virtue i oon told; and the lesson is one ihat every Miuih.wlio roiisioYre lnius. il free from tempt aiioii, should heed and carefully ieinenilr. The devil peter enters the citadel uf rectitude al the oulaet Hu first Walks around, and pase by; Ihen holds a pa dry) and makes the worse snuenr Ihe belter re.isoO;" snd ends by gaining permission lo walk in just once, promising thenceforward to cease his solid lalions aud keep aloof. Hut enca ailmilleil, he goes srilully lo work to deilhiy all our de. Unset, aud before we are aware of it, he te permanent occupant of the castle, Such wat undoubtedly Csrleton a experi ence, lie was not a hardened siuner.he waa truly a man of generous ami noble impulses. Uut a lube transgression of lh atern law, of conscience, had in his botliood weakened hia I moral force, and prepared him for more aeri- I ous olTeiites. Then m an unguarded hoor.ha formed an attachment for a facinaiing,bui gsy and heartless woman, under whose influences his soul fell frma the truth and purity of man hood. It waa Irer hand thst indirectly au miuwiered Ui deadly drug lhal destroyed hi life. Tu meet her aceilie lor dres ami diMipation.he retorted lo the faro bank. Alllio' fitrtuuste at first healterwards (ost exieneive ly, and became pecuniarily einbarraawjd. II borrowed money, which he was unable to re- turn.. Only one course seemed open lo him, to aava his Iuhkit in the public eye. Al first he purloined eautiouly and slwieiinously from the mails, hoping no douhl, lhal ucce at Ui fsra bank wuuld swell those unlawful gains, and Caned Uie arccssiiy for lurther Oeprrdallon. Hul let us not pursue ths ssd topic. The end we hsve sesn and w will liavlen .i luru lh laal leaf ol till melancholy fhapu-r. plauto I full blow - in Hrieenitor' elie-i. Hie no- louulitng ra-ull ofwaiea wa a perfeol baek iiniuie. et by the SMetator, wbs laii'liiijC u hi toel, Rgam eoui up to In sorateh with ronmvoU vig ir. Righuk opaned hi eve a wide as s iu- cor at ths unexpected- reaultof bia blow, and hardly believing hi own eyes, thought he would Tenliia hi own ight, and put iu aaotbr blow. Uaivl uver heal went th Spectator! throwing ous auiuuiomut over another, till lis us.uriy rsaehe.1 the door of entrance i tlieo nmiraiug ua run, bpautator (truck a boilion, thi tim ae- cnri iu a rrubwsor s, and iictore itigiicks kws j; hers tin v, bad put in two full blow at hi bead snd cboat, and a liiglik slightly stooped to ward ulf a belt blow. Spectator s itu ono spring Vaultu-1 over his shoulders, and tripping up his heels, lSilicka fell spi-awling on the fimir, baring thus reten ea trmn biKvtator, iu aseientillu set to, a pracaical set down. A burst of applause from th crowd who bad minbld ia ths itriu- nnsiiim4iMught Uiglicks to his feet. Thru wing utt t!io gloves, he excliumsu : -"I knock under! Wuoarsyout" ''rancious Kavol, al your sun iuo !" wa ths answer,. ; v f .. ' . . SCENE IN RKALI.1FE. : J We do not often indulge iu the euniimen'nl but occasionally in our walks our stleulioti is called lo 'vents happening before us, w hich leaves n iiniiiniou on our minds, and lends us lo IhouglHs and renecliona which it is well wa as all other uieu, should indulge in It al times. We had been on the north side 4n see an acquainlsnee at his hotel, aud reluming by Clark street louiid, as is generally the cm ilh a man in a hurry, one of those little busy intentions, a steam tug, had passed up ilia river with a nuall Ilea or vcasul iu tow one of wlijch had been eaat off and had haul ed in jusl west ol' the hiidge, hoeing no hopes ol getting lo our office lor soma iiiucj and knowing thslour ruiupositiirs could not be in any worse. U inner an hour later Ihsn then we resolved to tear il meekly and fiud menial occupation" by observing what was going on about us. We little exiwcted what did occur. The vessol we Irave mentioned had been nioorvutir made lust oulside uf saveral boat nd as we stood looking at ilia men upon her one ui ilium approached a I'uinalu who hsd been cr our hl upon llie dock, adJressing her pointed lo Ihe shore, then in ihe biulg and then dnwn'loward the ihiouged and busy irnui uf llting, moving, headlong Chicago. IShe ro picking up a small bundle, from which she drew forth a com, which she ten dered lo the - barily sailor. He relused il, whatever it was. aud lending ner a hand, help ed her from the Vesaul lo the dock, and Irom Uie dock up lo the bridge, iiy tin time a large crowd of persons thronged the norih end of where the bridg would be, U il Wa always a bridge, and -in eontempiaiiitg the new face snd Uie rrprrsculalitf of Ihe Vs- ruiti eliHri there aawcmhled, w bad almost forgotten the incident we bate related. Our attruiion w railed Irom a vani endeavor lo over some lioii of cessation ol lugs going up snd down and schooners and brigs pulling in and ou by hearing a most audible sub ol childhood isused by some auilUen rhsiigej from gayety hi grief; it was ihe eob ol tome . uslurer breast bllnl a ilh a aciise ol lonell- snd despair. It reached other sirs Mali ours. A Isdt, dreeed in a maimer which bespoke a wealth lhal could gratify Us is snd elegance aud who, like ourselves, ws de tained al Uial place, rood unr sccumpeuied by three rbildiea whoae desire lo get l the extreme end of Uie pUtiorui wss wiui difficul ty repressed. W ilk a Woman' Uiinlernrs her heart re roguited the atrhVd el ullinon of sorrow and mil memory would lead him lo the verv hour when he lu her" depart and nut I t bun See her face again, 'ill ileelnus w.s r.ipnl. and this Ion child saw llie first fli.wi-rs w i, , b the warmth of spring hsdcilb.d Imm tie -ol ol her moUier'sgniie.disiurbed, nprooinl .,i il ihrowu aside, ihat hi ssl.i-s ji..;oi m,, with those of the moiher ol Ins children. Al his death he charted her lo pav nil as ar sue migui ue aim, tnu deni incurred in procure the nereasiries ol life;llw land wlne'i for want of eulture, had uot meresMd iiivaij-. was sold, and left her but a fe il .SUm I hese she expended in rearing s.uie b.. ir.U lo mark the spot where -he had bur ed, one alter another, her lielovrd kindred. Si.e herd oJChicago. She had heard lhal in thi r.aj there were olliees where strangers, wishing employment could find woik. She had on loot travelled many uules,unlil the had n 'ach ed Milwaukie,. aud iheueo by the kindios ot a Kior sailor, who had seen lier day at'iur day Upon ihe dork, had inquired and asceriaiiit d lhal she wished to come httiiur. bul had not the money. He brought her to Chicago on his own vessel, and had h Id hor lint by cm- nig llie bruise she could find cue of lliosu plaoce win ri, tiiualiotis were giu-n lo worthy applicants. bucli wa her story, hit had mentioned no name exrepl thai of her father, mother and the endearing appellations of brother Ueorjo Willie, &e. both of the women were eiyi. g bitterly. Til fashionably dreaKed lady luioi a bur face lowsrd Uie river, that her tears at mo i a crowded and uuutUal place mi 'lit noi Ua oli- aerved. She requested us to tike her lur.i hoys George and Willie, she called ibem by Ihe hand In keep llu ni hum daiiKi r, and ihen pulling her arm aiound the neck of i!m pimr, friendless, wanderiujj stranger, said you are my sitter. I am l,izxe. - 1'he.se two beiugf, el.ild en of the tame pa rents, how d life taut have been lltiiit paths, aud how deep their sufferings'. Wr have seen . them together in Lizzie s carriage, driving slung I.akestreer, They aic dutihiless a hap. p a thoir bereavements, relieved only by Hit ' consciousness ol duty faithfully performed, can permit. Uut while the atiUVriug of ilia! father and mother may be fiiuily known from llie story of the daughter, what m ist Inn; b -en Ihe menial agony ol ihat ollf daughter, un kindly banished from her in nhvr's tidd a id driven out into die woi Id without a father' bleaingt What must have been her grief when her letters written from at piosperoti city, from the house nf hot weulll.y and kind husband, telling llirm of her success, sml'ihe birth of her children, were unnoticed and un answered? She iiiiibI have fell indeed that the hearts uf lief father and lumber Jur sisiera, and bro'.hers, mini have been li irii.n eJ ag ins. her, Wa will say no mom. Thai scene will live in our memory whilu wo can remember the holy love of faihur, mother slid kindred. A Br lea tide at te. aad A Praetlral "t iHwa. It wss a btigbt, etcar, sold, Nuniuh r as. ra in g. Iligi'ick having a sbsr k ar, and fesbeg rip fur a tare at lis bars rouad U grmnsAluia, Marled bi go ibm, sb-i tewg, b.vw u it way to pour dowa a Hot of lc. As lliglwk airJ lb gvninaaiuNtibeiw was a rowftii. fesloig ef ems' ail ovt, mt evrlain riiae. a foUes of life, lowgtit sail eed ateiled by l ard frosty air lie reri -go l. u i ii a Ibrsi erasat sad wsit4. m wa spprosehing Uie IH rs. ii limn whence It came who was none a ner tlisu Ui Human we hsd MKiiMia I ueniv, hi f.mily cirruonuu.Ts, Irtnk and manly driusnimr, vi ) ihn g IKi i hi eoxiaiMma. 1 e roes to lit point lhe, I at thaa Vial b iHWld lake ibsl .iMMtoiuiy wssh yae to apea tour lemosi l!u,glns, st.d ' drsir) ig satv r.i.lssw wf guilt u bu, iouud toll as if tea regard II s pwihl tb.l your , among hi p-,-"S al hem I ' , fellow Clerk raa be gmliiy ad ihrs deprstlv j Tb fnl bl slres.ly brrd where Car ttoa upon the avsilf ' Irma lived, nd h basuroed atone to but "Yea shack sM' nid Carksua aat aiuSiiUl bous. aassiuoa. . ( Tb J"n atsa'a itjodirf rvid fcim ia "Hyassh fily," raaiMMM-d th getu). "t Wuly bdy like Maasjrf. W by I ruid slat-M mt . Il ik of to- "II jut r to." b ssxl toamofif toiiM Mr. B. kiaU.'.ftrlsiaMd uS Miw-r. "Ht down, I will h him e.lb-d. II rs- MJ-a' , a ..u. p-,, I toeodej. Bnl, rwniiueg -. M-s't ms Is asnssss, Wm tks wss ' duly siuvJ ast be si b.f t tasw 1 anvaie epvaVMS. soewiH ommt mwMmn, ksW sl.w s .., a4 saat W 'to as va rciug ' ss-aisMwd b as s4 SWs !! ks m4 ! ssssfcsl sssiss Kti mn4 . es a u i , , . I blwi lluwsrd to be porlerdy ht.M "i'ertsotly, I know aoiiiH bi Ucoosryi sad I Maevwly b nwr luH(.nt u well luended. But runiinurd U, Sfal, Hjw luweihsr b.d by II SMt, ihsvsf sra, (d die TajsiWaseow to tWtr true .iarrs, aa aiun i a bos douS bls ail Us UmI " I will d sit I .wr.M ed Csrl. Sus'ked tbsl b hsd biding alf.ir lo B wid to 'ut.. i di'iof, snd intiliui wrnl to b'i ebsntlvi, i-u ) rail bias. N.rah." I bav asily a word tosif tohias.' rrplird sbesaiiw. I'rrlisp it wdl b a w.il I. a to to ha fuvat. toursd 4 11 ng bias dowa." . "A yaa faVswe. My dsugliMM Wll ebea , yua Hi w." . sisrsb, brouiiial aad swly 1 t eigb. wiib a twitcb. s su.b as to ssy, "Hurrah ! slsar lb ld -This is say "(," and I'm about to play the livalxat Sum ui a tub M Uu'ebais, rope. U'btsrs, weigtiis, ad oa !" Al lit atrrailel bars be went bringisg to lb ",raabppr" gofiy, wiib ftrward ss'l backward iiiags. a1! dovt'U ciiuftla, eiuhi!y throwing iiisn-s'f tssy ia lbs "siild luiunao' " nf hi unioe, sad Ineardly tUinsuig "bow tins would slHSMnf tb auHdsrt,"aad w tolor. - I ariaei,aslf lis bad a fw,M f., as bs M if' pes) te rm.be buticvd sij.iin.g bsbiaal bis o't. Wat not vwry wul linltMUMt dinnr tim It wa just u.h a fv a ougbl In I wrvxl oa aa -la.irsiM snsr t As vi kaiwl Si It yob full m..l sd, Jal.jtllls.1, It sliow- I il rtsr l4 uu b to ti, wa m jolly green j bis wl i or va wih mlris reeeis xbiiig b had ibtks oyoo- just seen land from lh vessel, site quietly. aud Ml thai soil wet von-t ul woman wbicli nou cau nsist iuquiml U b iood in need, or ws she Ui, ar wss her eorruw och llial it could be relieved t A portion of It railing near u b as vacant and towaid Ihat, aud al most al our aide, Uivse Iwo women ism lo outers. The elmigef was a fair, b mdsoiu girl ol about eaieaaeau. ) mats, nsu li y bul coarsely dirssetl, with sliuee not wily wall Winn but heavy and unsoiu-d much tor her i st a si lot Ui srasou. Tb ir girt la lion I set s.uiplirily and aidi so ramesius whkh despair alone only linpart reUud her lusloiy uuimrrruptod hy wiigl obeiiiii,a (rom,hr Cim.uaioo, tut elMru aiiowpsuitd by tears ol bodi, V ba Hut psc for il at lengili nd ws git it rhsnging its older just enough Ip enabk u to (tale II bneily, ; hiei said lhal sh ws bwia la Boston, she kid no bmtbrr nut mu-r tiuwj sbs mm inber ed lhal alia bad a sisier, lb eldest who nsm Wss l.ntui lliat Msur, " aisuy years go, ss nisi her lbr's will bad nisrlled aud The Miauficlurli f el Horn f smb. Sut fusr of our readers ar aware, perbapi, uf t . am luotof lelior acquirmi bi unnuf ictur born eomb-, and Uis kind uf material frma wluuli they S' wrought. Tlio butcher, nfier kil.ing a s ser, sends ths bid to tb tannur or Ihoa wti pur chase fur hi n, and finm them lbs e ml. maker bt kins lb bum and Iliads, paving 'im'i h;i bun lnt'1 for tlieiu, and the foilovnir ui .1- U adopted lo make lieautiful com in Ir, in er kod burns and mis ghily hisifsi Tb born,-, uhtn taken In tb luuiory, have ths lipt i,w ' I wbioli ti) are iu the cane ni l uu.ii.niU ufaa urtirs. If the euuiti lubeiu iloisa bu s ono, f.irvhl dren, the b.rn lo wol spnai:.r, by band; if atriiight Ciinb", lis biruis cut Irom nd lo end, alUT whii b they nr place 1 in c '11 water to soak, and af sr rem a nius t!ii fur so.na liin,ar removed and soraiied Willi uteet i"ir. Tbe prrs.nmn Ihen tak ilietn iu ban I, and al er boiling them ilisalsr or sperm ml, i.Uuvs lh n, Inspruss eompossdof iron U ses, lei:ed with charcoal, and when lb h' tu are 'Uum-ii -I .'i-y ar cut with shears into lbs pru;i '. . 1 i i ni ., .. . Fruia thia twin they g i into I m inui department and alter be. n -'a . , ni-u a -ahavot down to th proper ilu ko.ss I', or cutting tb teeth. i'bm .in I ' ':'.. th teeth is egeteditigly t:2en.o:r ait-i .; ted. Tfie horn is piai- 4 uii oa a n. '''"'', bMle4-4 'uadertb luuiii euti-x nl '. i . jv. easing down of the liosr the pi-- n n -luto ao enaibs. Tln'V aeattve-i li.e . -"I ; - lis ll pn while warm aad pla- ed in ti. ' u of tb maker, who grsils lie-in or i,a; i, bwlli, after whu-ii toey go loin Bu- .i ', iu i 'iho tliem by'iliiniig lbs surf ice v. it., p drd bru-k, obtained trum Halo. to'i cimi. Alter bnig orlu. Iv wlie l, tlio ..mer tak them la baud, and wnl, a ehoiiial piepua i i,, spois ibeas ace iSliug o his a Ihm, sl. n iots ar brought out afier lbs oo-uis t . . i--. v p acid in a dys aisds of Nimr.iiiia w-l. lie lys hsvmg Hi i t pi weifnl vlt, .'I o IU i " i clitin.snll, pipard, iho nmili L uia. e to h-im i sim-sbal lb appa uanee of toitois. to ii. 1 eouila at then pi.d in the sun, sol sf -r le tbomuglilt dnsd ar pilirbed. Tim .-. o,'.. a . n-4 vol ready f.r saas.asliirf bats to p i 11111. th hind ol Ui bsnuor, who, alier b ai n-- t1 -sal an iron plite, tie litem Uu bio k. ia-hu-o d lulu lb shsi de-iiabls tor li iiaii to a. tu ns. They are -bra place.1 Into the l.a.i-;. ' giils, who gn theis lb fiui.lniig too li 1 v -,i 1 and wiping ll.eia carefully, whru li.-tya v pa- . to lb bands uf Ui pi kr, u un iIm ui 1 pa. kgvs for lb saariiat, Ttis eile uf lh hoi'f i rot i-ut su-l in f v li ed in p.-cket and puff c"iiii, itililo- u 1 it pi al llie buol, sl'er gam liiroiiii tio- . 1 :t,f j ol tli burn ui tuiio'd imo eotulis i f v u kin 1 Th clifiping friHti 1 ls bio-ns aioi U. i. aie . lo lbs buruvi s,w bo tusaiubv lui s iIk'Ui ,nto ( -t . at d Prussisa bio. Kutwitlisianding many of llii-',i s . ' a lowaa eight euats per J- rsn enti 11 s Im ' pas tbrouh bine or lee d.. Mo t pti-.- Bw lisi da, ea, b tiy. l-f 1 1! - 1 . I U msrk. t sud it is "Uiytian.g 10 i)-.- t -i, -1 With whisb llie are iwau tbi any tt 1 realised uma tL u.snof-iWfu a. id) bar l.usbsud, bs.liig been b-mstied ROf IHMII USniSHI HISS t J It, ory .no., fa- pined ' U k" '"" ' 'J. a utoratsiy as a rl k leil.ss I "f'm wara t iac no doubt wss. dead At ins sou m nrr sisirr airrisb' ner p. re 11 is an wiafliy; lb pin! w brb 'diute aa y Luii bad btoufjn silrot rrgisu, snd (!' a abitosut B'Siauebuly rouiplaoniigt by Uie hr lis nuiirae 4 bet hist Nsa I'dlo angif aud rrimius- sud dissiivsiiou by U father m u iub,tsssi ik hi. bus. "N-w," ttHsswhl brid losses rauw Up.u ttnui, tud si last J sua. Ai.l.o..,h I wa.J be wi'l.og slo"l to toew, CaBdorurd tbslif la bf Irvibt'i mill ull red to leave lb otfie. As llwr I h, "I'll se.w r fwral fiiend sosns4i,ing b btv . gsdu-rnsg Ut It a worldli gmls ll.ry po.- ' li s - ' I A ..I .J I I .1', ... I - I . " , , . . ... ' . . ' . r J toons pawl l 10 Out Hi Sg'Ut ill J auisoustiWr il piHpm to biish th impor tant Misjeet uaul Cerb-tua' iiura. Hut simsm auaeuie psssssj aad bs did aol re- Sppef, - . " I thobi h sshI b hsd only to (oansund the eoriH r," Bstd tb sgrnt. i M posibl, llowrdrei liil,"dil Ui botthsts fsue to diauar. in Uwl esa f I foot besnt to tsspoetaat ha bs p.snWy gone s rso toa ftmmwt boass.il, A aasrwr af aa hmr pssra. I nbtM hd hsd ib ta walk to Mr. II.' bouse ed b-k. km nil he dnl a.t asik but i psre. Tha sgent gesa auBy, lis aiud five miavie tongwi. tbsa rdd Bpna a dswiMv e Vlr I dow." be ed. to It' Je.f gre d in.a't nr, " did I ua SIM srs II 11 UII b kSlTiai ps-pl seess bi Uiii.k U,s( Iimi f T of fii Aatic.in rainy are avsinly ,1 . e. ie-1 , , - -tb foreigners sir ! ly In 0 rountry, !-' I leseome Bsiu' a sel, an 1 a-s i:-ar .1 I i, 1 good ilissliv and e.i 00 ,1 -e tua. 1 i. i . i laks, Tli Amsrii'V parly riiu-rs a, .-n no e-o ssd against sub -(iians. It d -1! B-a-l I il.tortsrt with IllSir vsslsd pri ilea's. Il u .I, if II wiH.l t, d. p.iis lloiM .f s.i'-V f i-' . sis ll.ru ua -t tl, f',.e.titi'.,,-i. I .e.liii. . pi Uta't'. no wsr upav w.r,liv r i I.I 1 -d . r uti.rv. le. Il B 1n.l1. inii! 1 I-., p.i. a of ai.sr .fit y sa-n 01 I ' t u --. s.es 10 pa! S S o,. t. Ins n... . e . - p. ,...! l-f f. - g-tetl . .. . I I s on (-oiss an 1 ' . - ! I - UmsMm-s .J lii -d l.iir. l. S-o .' - - 1 k. a g'eat "4 r'w'"2 ' i- ' West, is llf.a.f loo. . ,,r u ' ' . ' v ptrtisl S1-I n a-l l-i H.'-'i I - I ' 1 ;k.sv Si frsilis U s Ua. o- -a . green .. -ana's, rss.v .re.-.,.. (-.! inf . rwaii a, . ! bis ys I Ssd ml , t-'db .Id f-.Nu,maiiJUiUsnr. " A. I Ibis II gbeks i4, at I.b, le.i U sl,w. "s at k'". 1 a U. iulonaau ik In. tman. HN, WhIiI nbtima laisM a, Tii se.w sr rural fiiend something b Brr . gsdu-rlisg Ul U PMBssdisf tobir!" and taking a HI preaajra- ,J, fhoy brlk the fnmi city at I be it bulb, att-l ' ot In "'' a-e u.-wn',. - "1 t'rtl.g. I2i.ks B.Bi.g trnmh.mmr ..d j .a,,, ,,, . I.,,d pwr. Iud -- the-f --' l Mb Wl StnUnbing spring ntsaibsd MM end m IM , .. . . ' . , , , ., b test, ba B.in " " 1 j , . . of tli 111110 111 10 iwiHiim, llrrlr lli. , srs. Is wa asd eVaMi, an-l in sfanSniur , sis v q ' -; 1 ' , . h;swHi.r, t no-saoia. t.-4 if u.i "sbBMNbrrS Is. bl ' US bis brs.M lis s. . t. Ir I a as is. sis.. I lbs nsa-sa ot pd sbs o-a .r bi fssvs. a , IV..." ailed lllt v. "is. M- ' s .. I -k tbi pi.r 'A 1 1, 1 b I. ! . i'. eg ,1b. ( 11 I t I lU, S ,1 li II 1 ut Ms', B ss.per sa.f l. l If 1 il I ( . ,1 tli u I la .f I-. -I.i li. s, l.o 1 r A e 1- .s 1 I. II. Il I- -s I il l.. Iusl sa-sb nut. a I aM.Ml 4 slwlignt BT Tr.s , - 7-- - srs, sb -lo -as ts so 1 paetsxds, Ibsl II ks Walked Ik -sl' is 1 'I. fo b) On il,,.-rd Snddodlsl.d " M , moihi w k reisasnuU. VI lH.rs.se b wsat t s.i"i j III hki.Iib., rill nj in s .uy, spi.u her bnig -. r-w. li sh l,. i. .' follssscd, d llb.k gat Ihlungb tresis-i f. , ilrd daU.bu f, I ontd bet Uol lu a Usppist , S .ulisti. ps.rs. a l srs-1 li Mj lulu tb Unngrxan suk lii ls- .i.,u. , . i ,.s . i.-s ..I i.s ki.g4-..e..paf gt.os. Iajl.li e.rt ,No.. were Bow l (I but lb l,iber.ib laiitii'g llw-ss so, s,4 lHfllg tu ll, iasiislo. ; , II . t l. , . , lob .1 .. ot .td- tssaparsd WHb a . to 1 j"" I"1' --" s-ks-a s.sm i ' "y fist slv bul rensm . ski. b H s I'sfknia sir, y- a;J I k to k te bp Hi bk. nd irrs I .ar,r i n b'loi.ney .,uu.Uv jua f 4 Sir, isr f It's niis s-May." sd braih. tut aiira iM II. 'I, I us Hit rsMint.- III lefnii 1 b .n.i.1 Sat i.d b it t. his in Itii g rbiiii ib s. i ol wivoi ia l i.e. od Ssriillring dr.oii.oi nu.rll I. ,d in. bs I, .Star Ml I . f I l.jria ,.l I. r. lit w. 1,1 1 la, a of hi I w,i sui.lis slid bel bj'jv ii .jM.i..,,,, l.sl U . I. s . 1 1 , I. a 1-- M H I I .... t. S I i. l..a

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