llorlfe-Carfilina 5tar. WILLIAM C DOTJB, ebitob iKDrsoptnToa. TEEMS: If paid strictly ia advance, tw dollars per su Bam; tre dsrlhsr asd fifty cents, it paid witbia Oil BHUt;ud tare dll U tti ad tt to pr- . .'. ADTEitrissyEtrrs not xeding iuu Bs will b iasarled nt tins Tar 6b duller, ud tsrsaty-Av cenU far och nubsequeat lnsrtioB. TUom of greater leagtk will U charged propers tioaally. Court Order 11 JoJioiala-liert iMtt ytll U hrgca 25 par mat. higher tin tb abort rUt. A raouble ddactioB will b madeBto baa wh advrti by tk year. ' Bok and Job Friatlsg den wit. BMtnei as Bspslsh, aad o aomaodating term. GENERAL PIKECTORY. ' , . . CITY, GOVERNMENT. Wa. Dallas IXayio3, Inteudant at Police. r ; OOWBItltlnXtK. ' fcn H'on. Kldrids Smith, i. " ' " A. Adam. ATWic H'drtf. C. B. Root, , ' I. H. Battle, O. W. Haywood. rTesftrft If aid. A. M. Gorman, . II. 1). Turner. 3. .Ti Christophers, City Clork, f K. ii. Battle, city Tread. ' ' Cfy iCtrarvf. Jtiniej M. Crawley, " Jackson Overby. Citf Contlulks. Kdward Harris. " . William Andrew. A. Adams. VV eiirhmaster, VOLUME XLVI1. RALEIGH, IfOSTH CAEOLINA, WEDNESDAY MOENING. MARCH 5. 1856. NtnilBES 10. Miscellaneous; . ppr biw nri a. THE DACOTA II-w CAHIVK. " A TALS Of TUB LXAB MIME OF IOWA.- . iiT room. ruJ represeutatiun of lh battl or tk etiuw Oa li outaktrt wen the aqnawa, cnafted in tlx moonoiM occupation which fall to their lot Their infant, tightly bound to atraight atrip of ""w ueu u auiau ueni over utrunea, wuica gently danoed them to ileep, and tli boji ol the rillage. with bow and arrow, wer firing at th repreMDtation of a Kanea banter. In the centre of the villag, betor towering tent of ill Chief, at the braret, moking their toaiahawk with atoical gravity. , Th jrbit men lucked at the priming of their r'tlle, put thelrTharp huntinn toic between their teeth and with a dml'miinr vAlruh..il,l.iwri rhronjrh the frichtcr.ed wjuaw. ere the Darotaht Whil the Spanith eolunwt raracod the outh- Cvn liortion of North America in otstof a-old. aud 111 English planted the gertn of aulf-gorern me on tne eontern coast, the t rcnch wer but the r u i. i , 1 iii;iiL.i.eu fiuawa, ere in iarotun t ft i. r. . " eDJOyl1 "''!; cw,U owpr0nd wha ciud the alarm. I.aal, Bopoly of th Trvu traffiea, and were raetamed . ,k. r : ..u a m th. wjoymen ot ,t by the .trong an. ot mi i- warhoor. thr doaU de;trUction around them, turv Tmiwit. iu tha trajlin m I wi. ... ..... r.. ... .... -- n . i Ua cniei WB4 tne hrst ft um. t.ntvnlv il..l.nlm Tu th particular, we owe th r ditcoverT of the Mimin lppi, bj the son of one of the members the intrepid La ' Salle. . In hi day lead wa trot diacoTered within the present limit of the Slate of Iowa, but the noted Julien,Du ISuquewaa the first that taught the It dinns, to collect the ore, and make an article of trado AT it. He was not only a brare, but orufty man, and after his counts. The Supreme Court of North. Carolina i- ueld la this city aemi-annuully, on tm- second A -nduy In Juno; ana tnc win aay o t'ewmncr Judja.hm. Frederick Nash, Chiul Justice, k. M. Pearson, Associate udge, ; , W, II. Battle, " -' ' Edmund B. Freeman, Clerk; Main. C. Jones, Reporter, J. J. Litclrford, Sr., Marshall. The UwU& ro.t'icui Court for the Dis trict of North Carolina is held semi-annually in this city, on the 1st Monday in June and the laat Monduy in Kovomber. Judyr. Hon. J. SI. Wavne, of Georgia! Hon. tlenry Potter, of Kayettevllle; District Attorney; llobert V, Dick; Clerk, Wo, II. Haywood, Sr., Marshall, Wesley Jones. The Hnptriur Vvnrt for this County ( is hold on lis first .Monday ul'tor the fourtlw Monday in March and Seitemlier. . . ' John C. Moore, Clork. Jos. B. Bachelor, Attorney General and Solio itor of th fourth Judicial Diatrict. The Court ef Ilea mid Uuurier ttcttimu is held on the tiiird Moiidny in r'ebni.irv. Slay, August and November. Jnff. Utlov. Clerk. ' Chairman of Hit County C'mrt. William Boy Ian, a ' " Count MiritorK. V. Marriott Shtriff uf Wake Coimty William II. HiRh. CoronT Willis S;ott. ltfjiMrr. 11. Hutron. himself and encouraging bis wnrriors who nobly straggled to arenge h s death, but alt in sain. Frank Bate fought like a demon, but at one time wa nearly a victim to a atalwart warrLir. But on glancing at hia opponent. Frank rooog- nisea, 4n a gay red handkerchief around hi head hi marriage gift to hi wife This added renew. Alt trAFKrtll t.i Uim l..u)t l..un..J . . ft.. death the savages, incouipliaia,witb bis dying hi, furyi he hJ fai, aftilant br hi, If, T " j'J 'm''','ir0 ""n"' arm lifted him from the ground, and at the n.ne a high clifroTerlookmg the "tather of Water. Um wltn nrvnU, Pvrt u,ur,t hi. knife into his securing in mourn 01 in nisoMleana with a heart. This decided tb battle. Tor tl,e .ursivin "T.1 f." ? 1 D.ieouhs, pa.,itruck a- tho iudden alt o kT ! iiV1-" - 3 Z: . i! " . "" t0 Pt wberd their horses wer tetB civilised lire aromd tefrwtriomeiits. Acept tbel trri ,nrt inlo ,h. flrtw, ',,wards of ' I HUT aead wrrrnor iwmainoil on th b oalsflebl from tk BaU'uut VnV. . . I - Rellctv f My Klrwt Huoal Hunt. BT . K. CStTSLBO, ASTUT. W wer encamped nn Salt Creek, ah mt two mile from the Kansas Hirer, and ah4it 6'0 fSun St. lyaiis, awaiting th arrival of Col. Fremont, who had returned to St. Louis for medical adrioe. It wa now the 25th uf October ItbS and th wealbar was ticeeditigly pleasant. We were in the midst of the buffalo country, and daily our Delaware Indian Hunters would nally nut to th the cbas,frequently aocoun.aiiied br the gentle men atuohed to tha etped tion. t was, at this me, th only one who had tint taken an active part in a butfalo hunt. I wa most anxious to So do uv vat bad ariia nbieril.n. whiH I hid n it learned to overcome. At day-ligbt, nn the !'lftiwn it was the bnmrrVrwle to do so. 2oth Oct iber, the huuters were aib'niliit. At vrl erv i.ar wch aa bleeding bins and cu ring him offerer, eould nntbeliev the statement I had made. Capt. Wolff, seaing m look oTeii. de l, raid, in these exact wonlsi When Captain Wolff kill buffalo be cut mil th ton rue. Indian liool bnffslo, bring boss, tongue Carvalho no bring buffalo nmgu ; h BC kill buffalo. This was pnirerfiil artroroent, and the infervnoe p"r frrtiy logical ; and I toon rhanged th subject, (senile readnr, da yon think I w as ea,iial to cut ting ot, bs th roots, a ton Roe from th head of an old biilfiln bull, nftrr telling you that 1 did not su-eed in getting out the liver of a young cow, after the an' mat was opened T Surely! was nn: ; but even it I hail barn, the a!urmi.iir situa t an I found mvsnlf in. at th time hs fell, i r tented mo from aileuiniing it. If I even bid whites afterwards cut up tha door to sell, but the name. of Du liu H0 will ever be remembered in Iowa. . Years passed awar. The white flag of France no longer waved over tint Miniippi valley, and me ootuiroiiuers-iuan.auvanciognn ins l ircniost wnvcof civilisation, crossed the river in quest of the lend ore, game and fertile soil. One of the first settlements thus established, was formed hv a nartv from Kentuckv. led hv tha vrandi.-a uf the younger generation -old Joe Bates, a noble specimen of frontier's man. Seventy winters had whitened hi long locks, but hs was still hale and hearty, able 'o wield an axe with any of his sons, or to draw abtad on a riflowith that fatal accuracy of aim which liadenahlodhim to render good service at the battle ol A ew Orleans. Se lecting a good locality on the very shore of the Miaaisaippi, old Jo.and hi sons built a big call in, surrounded by a blockade to keep off the Da- c itahs. I hey tlrcn-surrounded a "clearing BANKS. Bank nf the Slid-: uf SurlK Cdj iitiuu, incurpo- rateil ixj'i. lluirter expires in imwi. t a;nt:u tl.olW.'XK), divided inlo li.OOt sha'rvs of which the Literary Board holds 5,027 and the luhar- aity ItKMI. - Frinoipal Bank at Raleigh, lorge W. Mot-iloi'ni, President. ' Charles Iewer, Cashier. J. II. Bryan, Jr.. Teller and Notary Public. W. K. Aiiderson, Discount Clerk and Notary rublie. . - i . Jordan Womblc. Jr.; Clerk. This Hank has branches at Ncn Uem, Tarboro' FayMtaville, Wilmington, Klimlk'tb l ily, Chap lot't, Milton, M irgnnton and Windsor. " nistrroas, ' On th part of the State : D. W. Courts, Puli k) Treasurer, x-oflkio, L. O'l). llranvh and W . K. Piaile. ' . Ob the par "t I'" SloekV.lders : Wm. Boyluji, W. Pe.-e, J. IL limn, J. B. ti. l.oulha., Al fred June and II. F. SI'mw, Offering and lleonwal day Tuesday. Discount dsy 'H eibiemliiy. DoraeMio Bills and Bills ofkxchaiige discount d every day. BmineaS BOiIrS'Trtim tfttilf 4 nMnrfc ; Itnlriyk Itram-k ,, the Hank nf On Cape F ar William II. Jones, Cashier. K. P. Fim h, Teller and Notary Public. Dian roaa. l.eo. W. Haywood, T. II. Selby, Sik Jones, lieorge Little, Dr. Thsai. . Uug, nd C. V. D. Iliitrhing. Offering day SI in lay, Discount day Tuesday RAIL BOADS. Rub ink mid doMlun Itiwirvml Comyamf. R. A. Hamilton, President, W. W. Va, Treasurer, J. M. 1W, Asaistanl Treasurer. ' C. B. Allen, ISriait Agent, Mail train Irava 13 minute before G A. M., tfnvs4 tt V. M. Xnrfk Cntinn Rniiroad feastarny. fin F. Fisher, Pn udent. V. P. Sl-ndenball. Treasurer. ' J. T. Wat, Frwshlaiid Twkat A rent. Mail tram arrive 4 a' clink. A. SI., from th Eaatt and depart llWa. after io'cloes, A. M Mail front th West arrive at 3J minules af ter 4 ! k, P. SI. Departs at V asinule be fore J o'clock, P. l. POST OFFICE. William White, r., V'M Maater. IHkc Boar, en week days, front Sua-ria tr 1 r. n. with a lrnrm fence, doadtniod the standing trees by III mial axo eirele, and planted torn. When their Born was well above ground ami freed from weeds, they beg irt to "f voet" f r lead ore. Thus fur they hud soen no Indians, and begun to flatter themselves that tho "red-skin" had left the country to their peaceful possession, hut the wily savages bad kept a constant watch upon their movements. Perhina, had they cnlioed thamselvea to agricultural labors, the intruders might have gone unmolested, especially aa the Daootaha wished to eonrilis'e the United States governmeut into a profitable trcuty, but when pick axes were wielded in search of le ad , the destruction of the palefaces was revolved upon in council. The first nbject nf savge vengeance was 'the oldest son, Frank Bate, who bid built him cabin about five hundred yards fi.ua " head quarters," despite the warnings of old Joe. Frank, however, bad no fenr offiidiana, and lived with his wife and their lull in giant hap piness, until one summer' niarlit, whou h was awakened by the loud -barking of his dog, Springing from his bod, ho hsikel through an opening in the logs, m saw to his horror, at least fifty Dacotalis, in lull war c-istuiae.et ident ly'aeeltin tlis easiest w ay to f.irt-e an entrance into the eabin. Arousing his wife he, ried a cellar Iraploor, and. we a'tout to semi ber down, when the child ah had left in the bed lan to cry. 1 cannot leave my babe." aaij sho. Nay,' he ex. Limed, "1 will take care of the boy." and almost forcing her down into I bo small ceiinr, b i-l'ised tb inihiiigcd door, over wh'-h he die a large cheat. Th, sviiiug bis rule and ha'chtt, h t.siW th infant nd nsiended I" the hift of lliv e ibin, pulling op the In bier a Per him. A mouieiit'muri-i1ie door was forced froui its hinges and the Dacitahs entnred eager f. r their prey, nut Hate did not remain to watch their n.ovenienlS, for bulling bis iy tu bis shoulders, h eauliously upeued a shiillur in the gable of the loft, and seeing that no Indians wer beueath, jumped tu the ground, rilM in hand Bod others grievously wroundeM, but nuTa eirrgre wnue man was seriously injured. The women and children fled to the woods, am) the whiles found an al tuiibinco of plunder, com prising blanket. ri h fni. horssa, dried meats and tents, but FraSk Bate tell sad at heart. for the sight of his wWetnad him fear she hadi been tortured be! ire peruhiug in Jhe 'KiklHc. Night rameon, and feeling p'sitive that he cm! I not sleep, he ToliiuH)re. to kee,i wateh. It was a bright mM3iilight night, and as he was pacing hi solitary round, planning now schemes of ven geance, ho heard a light step approach from the thicket. Frank, at first, raised bis rifle to shoot down the intruder, hut a secret inrluenc led liim to callnuti " Who comes?" i "Aiayou a whit man f" was the reply, in tones that proluee I aoi idis r bible elfecl U:i n the stout-hearted pioneer. " Tea, and you ?" "I am rrank Uates's wife, who was taken prisoner over on the Mississippi," and as i-ne Kpoke, she advance I. The riHo fell to the ground, and Frank st'iod aa if under l he inlliienee ol a magic spell. Ilia hands were convulsively clenched, his hair at. aid erect on his he id, shiver ran thrush his frame. ami lie tottered d tea several psees. Hut not ao to the fema e, who had reoogniaeil her husband as ili drew near, and now exclaimed as she ihrew herself into his arms; "Frank liny own Frank 1 Do you not know yoer wile?" Yes, it was hi 'nuig-ro turned l-ride, her fct lures stamped with sorr iw. but still retainti g ber early Isiiauiy. Mu'iual explanation folloirod.and when the delighted ilu learned the safety ol horhoy, all her hardships vanished. Ii now np- Iieared that when the Indiana hail entered Bates's louse, they f.nd a keg of whiskey which they drank freely, ami then plundered everything, re moving the chest in their Bcarebes. fioutwnnf them quarrelled lor th hsnkerchirf Hates had seen the day previous. And drawing their scnlp knives, one speedily teiived a m-rtal stall, and fell directly u in the trap dtsir, llir .u;h which his blneal ran um the hidden wife. She believ ing that it cum! f iom tb vein ol her. husband. shrieked alu 1 1, rhus llraving the place of her t'.meeuliucui. Drr.ring her lorth, her cantors hound her, tl.t-n rilling th caliiii, apfdied the torch. The Usly of the slain Ihtcirah waa em stiinfil. and oirr his b.inea It.ite had mourned as for thoat of his wife. That day ihey ' parked" the plunder upon what hores the Dae it aha bad left, and started Tor their homes, which ihey legained tn anfety. The prmed ot Funk It itcs'a share of ti e sp.iils enabled him to rrhuil ! bis hou-e, but Ihis time olose to thnt ofhisf ither and enclosed with a high Blockade, The D.i tah, honerer, never reiume.1, and in th Course of lima war driven tu the r ir W est. f rank II ite is now on of the wealthiest land holders in Iowa, a memls-r of th S.ate benale, Jihlg nf th t'.sanly I'onH,' Bnd Major liiMierm ul Jlililia. Inn baa dealt lent- our mesa, feats of during and gallant horseman. ship were being relsed, -while our roasi wa preparing"V Weloehua, a most successful hunter, and aa brave and daring an Indian a ever fash io&ed a Sloceasin or fired a rifle, approached me, remarking, "What for you ho hunt buffalo, g it buffalo Pung.if (horse).' I had, while at break feast, almost mad up my mind to go tSis, how ever determined mo. In quick time 1 bad uiy horse saddled, and fully eq'upcd with rifle, navy revolver, and sheath knife, was nil ready for a tfarfa; On this ocasiou, our party consisted of enrol Delaware and four white men. besides mv- serf. I rode out uf-carmp, sirto by side with We- t luouas, wno seemed gratified that 1 accompanied him. the buflaloea. Tram being daily hunted favs!ral.ueks had trone south about 15 to 20 SIv messmates, hi whom 1 related mv adven ture, bad n-t the sli -litest idea that I had lost my way in the chase. I came int" rimpwith the, rest of th party, that night, afsmt seven ' el wk, tired and hungry. Alier eating a hearty supper, I wrapped mvsolf in mv blankets and was Kt aaleen, di-esiriingnf the jip!iiod ho .i I had fr ithorcd iu my maiden hunt after a buffa lo bull. Taking lu Natives A tisn sTotr, miles; and ive bil iiiKtrn'TtwrrTtiiitdtiiia Uf irn.'BxJjffjl worth telling. A ludicrous vcene occurred the other day in Anthony street, near where the new theatre is in course of construction, which, if a brief descrip tion may convey nn adequate impression of it, i : .1. .1,1, ...a i.: :e i.... r ,, i.i, . .. . I ".'v "nil ..is si. wiir, usi iieiiiirr lorin-is F.re h. bad travened the littHS -ar.len, the air hM, ' .Th(,it w n h, of hta father' Might no that BiernrlW nliht. without feeling a rvmwwl ana of Ins filial ubh TRAVELLER'S GUIDE. (ssaiviL isi Bsrisri or istu at titsioa NORTIIF.BN MAIL (By RiatosB.J Tarosif k Mail ! daily at 8) a. s wiy mii t I a. aa amrsf ssatiy BS Of p T Car leas th dennt at fi B. SOl'TUCKSi MAlL-(Bi Two-boss. Ilsca Oteasia tVily at I p. Arivw daily at p. Tbb Hark Imra at 7) p . WKSTF.UVMAIB, Riiibo.bI Cloa daily t 9 p. w. Affirm d.,ly at 4 p. . Tb Train lea at t p. as OOLIWHORIMAIL Br R.msos. ) CUss daily, . at p. m Arris daily at I a. as Ta I are kaavw daily at In altar Ua TARPRl'MAIL-tllyTBo-B.-nnvt,) CbasM aw rtuBday, TaM and Thar, at I p. as Arrive Taasvlst, Thara d Ssl , at T p. as Hack as va -as host. ytrl. and tri., Bl 1 I. riTTSBOK'i' MAIL i Pt T.ii..i lls.a Il ium Tus.Uy and Saiurday, at t p. ms oa Slswday'asid TarJay. at 7 p. at Hack b-a'aaoo hn. asd VI ad. alawt T a. at ndld Stock of Oootft! s e(H.j ft.. ta.fXl si .t af saseat e-y S'f rs, Msw. i sr., Ik.(.k v, aaal tt i .. iSh wn rtaMisd as Bsl.l(k, aa last ta. Wa Utu nl.i,t li..; Bill a t.k ( Uw al .4. fetm. Wa ak.ll V Sl 1 l . .k . . U.. m t, ra ,la rlBtaat tf rss fs-s ly reaoonded with th IiI skI ehillior tone of th war-hoon, a vollry of am.w rsincd around the fugitive. Happily only on airuck bun, aad that in lb fleshy part of the arm, so that b kerl on, straining every nerv tn reach the slnckaile . i . . e. .i ' . i - ii i i i annuls ma u.uier a tnioiii. rim er n nau pjon many pace r gi(aniir Indian orertiaik bins. Turning, like a stag at bay, b deed bis aalar uist, anoraetauiai irnsa wun tu nut iJ nia nn and thin aped on hi way. But now to bis -ror, b taw large body of tb Dacutah around hi father' daalling aa b aiinruached, firing urer " to lb pasts of th cabin with arrow to wbi'-h lmrning t-isr wa attas-Bed. II" pu 'l but th ersrs ol hit boy amueed him lu a sense of hi nwa danpr and bis wife's perilous aitualiim. Directing bia tpa towards the mr, where h fimnj hu, "dugout" safely Bmnred. h a wa beddhng aensaa the rirer to a settlement where tl. wer a larg BuaiUr uf while. Day bad soar i sly dawaed oa tb suefaiding tnrwing, bf r twnss BS.wars, gm4 asm aad true, wee ready to as him aetwa th rye. Ihey eared na Binrefur IVaentah tliaa 1 1 pralretf.gs And. Beted aprai tb siiwraftB bms- Bteat regardlea ol eea(Msra. I rssaing aboa bis rat.1tiea, y-xing tti M tbara to ward h eli-win g. rail an arming there. Both. Htg reaaauil of hi a.uaa bM a Baosjldariiig psU ofaalies. Hi bs4utd m tt k4 n iaaiUy f-n.ls-ad in th fUmea, fa aag l ha asha and ehar red beam in tbeeelHr, they f and aim Warkrei Wow, dust Hie) tliey wrr j one-l bynldJu Bales and two uf bi y. oi g-r ,.ua armed to b laeih. Tliey were oVbghinl te are Frank bi f.a- Ihey bad fsrsesd that th eolaasn of k that bail arisen fmm his ealna wa hie .., assmi, but asiw thayid thwr ba M FnwM with bins in their rrh way. II said but It'll, last rretly yis-l tn ag kt wife's deaih, and veal I did I s kf hi s si To hay earn tuia.ao nn anail.l bsvs inipved ti at II Bi.lJ .-in;. le. d at Uiill f'si.li Bates wa aa iSKarwat drmas In fiahl bb U Iaualw, yt wnbiaataar af ar hi eah a Baa l.unil, b b4 liy pa baagiag bts girdla. Vawgeaae" ead ha uiy IM.aijhl- Li h'a's daairt. f ,t a lias af ar this asiirag. tb D'"abs kn-i aa frosw lb twi at la 4 a party 4 ll.sm esan proa nee a'-!, ana tt gation, and boat. a deeper los for bi boyhwad's saw any game . After about tiireo hours gentle (rotting, on nf tin' p irty eiurted a cayote, ud wnclviscd him until ha disappeared in the brush. When we Tcaohed the brow of a hill, Welui-has ejaculated iri dei-p, low tones, " Hutfaln, " lug herd "plenty cow," 1 turned my ere. and, fur the first time, beheld a larza herd of l.uffalosooeu pving ar. extensii-vj valley, well wooded and vca tired, and luvoriant with the peculiar sh rt curl d gran, called" Uiiffalo grass," on wh:oh this iiiinil.l principally lceds, 1 liaiud with delight and astoiiishuient at tlij wuvul night w.hich pre sented itseif. There must havo lieen at least 6tKK) bufl'al cs, "iiiciliiling eus and calves, li was a sight well worth traveling a thousand mi'es lo sue. ?some' were grating, others plav luilv gaiiilsillng, whilst the largest number were ijiretly reclining or sleeping on their verdant 1'iiriiet, little (ircaniing n! the ilaugcr which sur rounded tbeai, or of th murder. un visitors who wore nboot to disturb their swet-t repose. Tak'iig the word of c .nun nul bum Capt. W'olfT, a big III ban, and one of tin! finest pi oiwii -tinned liieuTe er b hel l, we kept silent, to await the direction winch th hn .lv . mi l take when they discovered us. An old hull tii tjltioued several hundred yards in advance of the herd a Senti nel ; I they invariably follow him as leader, even into danger, j II soon pi(-l n; and snddonly, ss if by mnic, ti e whulc linnl w is in in itiun. Wo meupifd such a .nit,ou that they passed wiihrn rille shiTTr At.a aignal. the whole party, ojjept rnyself. galioppod alter them. I was iuteinely absii.-hed by litis iui(.4iiy eivviilciiil pa.slugwitU tuuj;iv stride, an it were, in review before me. Mv mny, anxious for the chase, fretted and ebnmped t hit hit. I singlad nut what I tlwught a fat cow. (the bulls ate tough and har t, and are only hiitite'l bvlli Indians for their rot.c their fb-sli never fasioj eaten whei e-iws can- bisa'aiii? ii and in a few second, 1 wits riding sMull wtawt. It require, a very fleet horse to ou t take a burliib. oow, A hull does ti d run quite f is'. Af-er eh of nlsint two miles, J w i" near en uigli to take sight with my rifi-, by stopping my pouov, I tired ami-wounded him In the .leg rounded, end carted again at full S'.cvd, tne bull il . run- ni-ig b ss swiftly. I fired again, but this time w thont elect. Not wishing him to est too fur ahead of m. I t.k out my reynlier, and r it within pi"ti I shot, when 1 discovered 1 bad chas ed an old bii'd instead of a cow. " I fired with my pistol four times at full speed, and was endrevuring to aight him again, when the ball suddenly turned tiros sie, within five yirds of tny b oa-. Sly wolbtrained poviey la st uiiiv jumiieu aside, 1 no bull, in turning, got hi woniidelleg In painful pnsitl'm, Sand atop, pad, which givem tinia and nptavrtattity to sav my life ; fir, with my total inesperioiiee, 1 .liould not have been able to have matere9 hiiu. Sby h re juinjied aaid ttrth'uit any guiding frim ma, having been trained to this by th Indian fmm whot w pun-haaed him. 1 rehaxled my rifle, and took d!ilir?e aim at a vital pan. When dying. 1 approached th miMiaiey that hail given me such a fright, when he turned his large Week eyes mournfully upon m, as if upbraiding m with having wantonly and tirelessly shot hiw d. W l. A Delaware Indian. In hunting huffaha.when nwnuBgb to slHHrt. rests his nrVt on bi saddle. balance biuia!f in In aiirriiri ma on leg tb other U thrown oyer the ride tV teaj,yit, r then leana mine side, Uk4il hi eye is on a level wilh th ofiieet,Bu4vk sight, nd ire while ri ding si full spo-d, rarely missing hi mark, and aahlom yhssulg m4n tiinl lurihar than a mil. After reentering fn.ni ttil hi -hi. and tb in tense esebemeni ineideninl to the rhsse, other sen sat ems uf a dirTerenl ebsra-lsr, alt bo' not Icaa disagreaabl. innwdially tllel my mind, I dis eoiered thai I wa entinly alone, in an oninbab- ltl, wil l ciuntrr, with nor, a human txing in sight. I had chased my bull at bst Ire tail. Sly enmtavnHasa had taken a differmit, direetinn, asw a a engl buffalo t b wen. My aiind wa Hilly Bll IB III lalriu o BIT l!ullon, bad b;ri mt r ket rompas in camp. I mounted aiy hor anil walked to the t.p of a hill to ve if ' I could lod An Irae of th Mrty. I dise,nred hsm'g mthe distance, Samay llilrsnaw twen ty uiiisi off. My mind was in a slight decree r lieas.1. altbn I was alml .-, tgn aront of sit g rip'i il pssiti h I tn before. did nsi de put. Uli ua-a bllmg my horse, I gat hire aa hour's rt.lh grtsa a s Ine-k, and Is appear.! Be.tlly a-vrr n.ed at my shbsIi.i. pnas Mbe! Lrnla did i thiak tbavt day, be ran led , so fuil s) bi and hisb ;nril. that tn frW sa t w. aid he rednra-l t . a Bsre sksb ton, ant that I bsild I iW.sd, in nrrler In avniyaaa life th m. ooimni of snow, tn irtkai bl fiesu. 1 aha.) tsara when the abut bii down, and I never Hunk u hM A--ar.Hss,ul One nf iho TiTirifoTS m4n-th)raty bsnealh the intl ictio T n hotaun, went hastily ovef tr t'ne nearest hydrant fin; a drink, ami," chlpp ng his mouth to toe snout, imbilied I lie Croton as it camerlrrHto rnost forcible and plenteous manner imnginalde. Ilanlly had poor Paddy, however, tasted the gushing fluid that disiemled his ehecki, when he bolted upright, and with A look of agomzed liornvr eoinineiiivd a aeries nf panto mimic coiitonions chich were absolutely painful to witiias. - "Ow ow ugh!" be groaned cnnvulnively. at tha same time chawing ut bis throat in a fiensied manner, white he spirted th water nut again with the onei gy of wounded whale : then, sud denly recovering th uQ of his speech, ho shout- ed "IKh ninriher! hut lies gone; Ha all over with ina now !" "What' gone?" exclaimed the crowd that bad gathetcd around him. ' I've swallowed him I- Oh, bowly St. Patrick, I ve swallowed bun. " And what t'.i deur is.it that je've (wnl lowed 7 ..... ... i "A snake, a mnrtharing sn kol Oh, holy I'atrick pr.itect mel w "Sluire thnn, ve've mad savin u' yer din ner," nid a fuilow-lalKirer, more alive to fun atid ymtmtli), wl ila a sluoii f umglcd incredulity and lauhier followed in which thu poor sufferer could har'lly retram fMiu joining. " Hut was nnli, limn? Inquired a symps ihizoig individual, when lb eicitcmonl sule sided. " Alive, did ye sav? Bv the Mossed powers, ye did'nt think I'll he after at ing him dead. Alive, ia it? And did'nt ha jump down uiy throat iu snito of iny isuilif Then i-bipping bis hands to hi sfoniaoh, lis exi'laiuicd : - " I )cli, hone,- he's squirming m. Oil, h wly St. Patrick ' (I.i, why -dtd'nt ye no jer work entirely, and kill the sunke. in this luurlher'tng country rivi ? Help, he II Iota tha insnles of Ok hu'wly M mm! Jlclul murthnrl UreP An lf-oor Pat, lii.tiaeir I by fear, cut up more capers than a Cainaiich Indian would ul a war uanc. " Tul, lul. lut ! 11 quics, man," reluind anoihar. ' . How ilo you know it wa n annke? " How d i I know, ia it '. Did'nt I feel him wriggling hi tail? Ob, howly St. Patrick de liver me 1 . A benevolent looking fentleman her sugge lei that it niisbt poa.ihly be a fish, or i orhsiu an eul, and ri'marked Ihere ought la lie i filter atlached to every htdrnnt in lb city, as the water was full of all (oris of aniinaloulm. "It's an ail, li s an ail I" howled a h idman eatching at the idea. "Mike, Us su ail. Hun for filter, and ye II ealeh III rascal pnsinliy A Alter, a nlterr was th feneruU-ry l "rub f.wb filler. Slik! ' Without iftaii-ing la Inquire inlo the feasi'mlity of using tho artii h- in qoe-ijt.ii fjr lbs pur)s de-ired, Ihn ' ilistru. led an i f f.nn star 11 with ll aiared of a rae suth f.r lb ul- in lltuadway, where tha fluii- of IWIu. standing IS IB" SiSS'iw, umuiiKHifturrTviiiiiiwu Literary Item' wismsuvoi's remvisiL nsnrr. He wa An early riser, iiftea before daybreak in the winter when the nig t were long. On such occasion be lit hi nwn fire, and rote nr read by eandle light. Ha braakfisted at seven in eunimer, at eight in winter. Two small eups or ret and three or tour cakes. nr Indian meal. (called baeewkea ) firmed hi frugal renat. Immediately after lireikfss', be mounted his horse and visited those parts of the relate where any work was going on, seeing to ipreryrhiug with his nwn eye and uf en aiding with hi own hand. ' - T Pinner was served at two o'clia-k. Us ale , beji tily, but was no epiciita, no. irtcal iibiut his frnl. Hi bevvrage was small ler or enler, nn I two glasses of u I M uleria. II look tea of winch he was t r y f.md. early in the evening, and retired far the tnght annul nine o chick. lfeonfined tithe house by badwetther, h took that occasion to arrange his papers.p t up his accounts, irr wrire hatter psssing pa - ofthe lime in reading, ocoe onalty aloud to i.-e family. . ' ;...-,- ; Wnsbinglon do!ighld in tb chase. Iu tb li uti t in -season, whenh id ut early in tilie m otiiipg tnvisit dUtant parts uf 'ilia eaiaie,1 her, woik us going on, he often tooksome tiftbe dogs with him for tli chance of eiarting a fox. which bp uocaaionslly did, thouoh he was P4 alway ncceasful in killing b bi. - II wa a Ml tidiii- and n admirable horseman, though hs neier claimed the merit of being tinaceomiilitdied fox-hunter. In the height of the season, howev er, bo would be out with tin f .x h-.und I wo or Ihioe times a week, nceorminiiied bs bis guests Mount Vernon and too izeutli men id lha oiglibirhooil. eineeiaUr of tli Fairfaxes of L v.ur.or a hi li rl a Shis friend Ua-irg W illinm Fairfax waaxnow the proprietor. On such occa sions there would be a bunting dinner at one or io nine.' i l iieio esiauiisiinieut. at which con- viv.il repa'is Washiiigt. u is said lo hare enjoyed I. : 1 1- I.i ...... I i :i .... luiscii wiiu unwouieu, uiiarity. :, Jrvimjt Witshhyjlon. h tMtr y. ot-rtiB. Dr. Franklin did not acauies in the vary rer oral depreaiathm of vanity. He was aceustoiued to say that urheu he saw lha many things in th inierwoureu ootvveea men, whioh gre-.v entirely nut of ynniiy. and without whiah th srorll would to worse, he wa tempted to think that w should ihsnlt God for onr vanity as much a hir any other gift, Perhaps one phase of Ibis i not dis tant fio.n the thought of Burke, that vie lose all it gr.isanoss. II this a it way, the follow ing charai'teristiii story miiis M iliuslret it ill notk- pitas I- : .., iV t reiiciiinan re-oliel t- kill himself. In order ro tuak his deparlare fir tli other world tlio nioro he -o m, he WMiethe followinc nn his table: " I followed th teaching of a great mas ter, far Sl.ilier bst said C Is lug an4 IteecsTlBg Pi aaaat. A jadieioos rwTsraridenl (a ladr, eridillt- ) ef tli N' York Iliane Journal, at tb tliat U..a Batter id lad re giv ing and receiving prase mi ia A Miroectopm w i. h iany nf th.e sex hat Bever hestowtd a ihoughi, upon whi-h smnt mor or in ermr, and which few perhat . t :cw in jot the right light; and tii-wrpr pruceeda tv asy sum loiiuws ; 1 think it a safe rult, f r every ymieg Uiy tn adopt nerer to lay herself under pecuniary ob ligstkaiaio an married m--, b e-mne ted to ber ly tha tie r,f blood or family, bar nny gift whatever, except th very Bitting atipp priai and eijl.leuiatie one of a borjajt of 8oera Whatever may be th relations id the part .-In each whrat tli time of giving td raceiting the presenff eireumjtunces may HuVequmtly ,w eur which will stake it extrn'n-ty wkratdand Unpleasant to the lady to remain under ntdi,a lions, and equally impt.sil,e f, r ; to rone! tb nbligaiion in any way. IuJ-rd I t,k a ls 'v ot native refinetnent, delicacy and proper eNf respeei, will elways I unwilling to mci t pe n ninry Iiidetite4ness under anyeiri-uu-stanct-s, and the c nattionanew uf being dHpiy iiMlebtrd to any other than a dear friend, f.o" any gif-, ur fanir, is never agreeable. Ladie--and very voting tidies. : seinliv nfj ten incur improper obligatii ns, by alt. wing yen. tlemen to pay Hn-ir travelbi of other titiansei when thev are accidentally throw a upon the pp leciion oi ine entienien In Such a case, nn man sif the vrorhl, i--jUain!nl with the Msnse ef gnml ocraiv, win bi-u-ea lauy tn retnam In his riet.t hy refusing tn aci-ept payment ftorM hers It nftrft happens liowcver, that men of genepm imphl' cs, aud even wi ll bred men, will decline taring remunerated under tiuh cireumi.laee. ft-oiii a mistakes ilea nf the reqnrrgments of politenest a lauy snoMi.t, rnrariatjiyi tu-it npon rN'eivlnii the price i f her Jicket, even at lbs risk r f offend' ing the eentleninn. I liavo knrnsn instahces iri which Indie have Uc:i nbligid to Incur nbiign' inaoftbia kind to the very person., ,.f nil others) nf whom ihcy.uou'jl lct wih ti le indebted; nd. oh the oilier band, in which genticmaa hav been drawn into an cviri" foi ihr.se r.f all elber. for whom they vriuld lie lean wiliing M msk any peenniary sacrifiie. i " vrbew all Is bait and tines a mure I algb, - L-f is "1, s a- eui duty u to ai, Theknifo wan eleeady amd'eM when a sudden thou ;',t atoipcl him i "Ah I was It really M d iere lint sal I this bow ? I must be very sure ol that, for otherwise I shall look xcai rely riili eul nia., Ila at once set h-mt resolving tips pivitt and rea l thn iih two or threaof Sloliere's eoniedis, wliieh, restoring his good humor, wived UTS III'. Aasnalng IHiala. A work oB "InmI and Ihteling" bas recently bean publialiad in BuaUaa, which aoniaiii far Buar amuBeiwtit than mm would sir, eel In find la saeb a yuluBi. 1 h care of Slaiar llillsr and Felloa in Ireland, in wbiub th former gen Ihm wa hvt, is an illnatretiusi. - Th Judge in aaasniiiig up lit nideuo aaid Bi the juryi "tieulleme It Is my duty lo lay down tb law toyon, and J will. Th law y'a lb killing a man la B duel is warder, therefore in lbs discharge of my daty I tail yas so; toil I tail y. a at lb same in a (airer daat than this I Bsr heard af in tlx whole eoorse of my life !" T. nl.vai.iaaa. I, Iba HM nf Im.I mA Woodward, (sight in lingland. Bad the latter slip-oaf, bi oi,ent sci4isad, Tak yor lift." Ti whwb th peoatrsi Uwd ryjand, " ABytlon but Bhv.te." "II'J Pui." or. . Ytbs hrs uf our Ttsv lull ii. wa yry odd. al". in tn rdaa ef the node. He SfresH ta meet a H'iiish ueSeer a apBat tlare and boar, wilhout eiaidi. W Ua lb ritras rtarsd la lb pot a wa greeted by a sh.4 fnaw - Old Pal," iyiag Htadi absent Ih.r tv pad of. hil "Pat" was rebwling lb cKrer pprv bed Bed .kd. " M bal are jias aV.altodo. Is this li r 4idu of n Ams.icsa uft.-af and assa if ) f W bal I aleiat u .(..? ' replied tb g-aial. A penny oaeati b put la a bssbj. n li. lr id f BiiiHtrl lara al.l a, kill J-as, and il V.l aV.n'l haat tb r4res in ks lim than M lake dd Heath ti hang t T ery. 1 are a g-m -at. t oa uraere n. 4, li.si 1 liunisr acopir j a. 11 ar l.tti:ree in f eoa'ti-es, but 1 . innam lha aiarn nacMaiiy 1 tr. a liriu '.-licar. ai 10a p,.ouu 11m aosi aas.f leii 1,1 isase isteaninf on ill imintaiu. I srsd tHa ..(li-! f Hind bias si'd near barrel I resaddhvj ray p nr. and vor-l fait Wd la J BPimrebtlf ssf gwap wde saBi.tiwg a pi a. II 1 lb diic4i-a of . ky lltUa, (ertas tlj beoieg tn , osaeu u v-.iiji i.nuss 111 ui i,ii er ij m , lau a tin e-ti..i - ar par1 ; a ar so aiap- A pr.ltcaTK HINT, III Euirlund ili tho ruin f.r ladi to attend tli as.isc ; in Irelaud it i lb sxeeutloa. At any pl ii lha practice ia absurd end indelicate. I he Inr aex who ciaittii Courts of Law list n iog fit hours tn nvidmia and Sechon whick thev c oil. I ilk mimerast Io, vn ifiheyun derstisMl 1 hem.cndentlv 10 to exhibit thai r eh arm auJ their wardrobe! An agrvtd murder ens pleases ihem a traiiedy Would. Hut their peculiar aengui 11 hi listen to th detail of an anion for breach uf promise of ntarrisg. In ci-es of a..'ucfl m and ;iris. , lb crier of lb uurt gives a preliminary warning-t"Ludis and hoy will le v lb eourt." I reedlcot on of lbM cares, in which tlui hulk of tins llieoaled npeeialora did njt vocal tlieir SMts, thair prn- ricut curiosity was predominant In staling th facia, the piimucuting Bounacl, set lailios iu the e .urt, and n .t wishing In wound their sns of dclicany,-hesitaieil fur nurd la which to wrap up th nacessary gnsuncsn of tbtdatails. Biolli- er, 'md tb judge, " all tli m odast woman hav left lh court, you may call thing by their pmper names." Then f.dlowed a greet fluttering uf bonnet plumes, and, in fir mmules f er ine rppnuif, II. f ur e left tb eourt. S .ttclv of .1 . r ... 1 11 . . 1 , - A . ..... " It'. 4' - ijr, oa; A 0 sanl uuttr astrf. ys IlanrlBg Trkle-A Harausa Dodg. "Walk in, gentlemen, walk in! Coin in. and I e the turkeys uanue Ills cur'ous real cur'oiis. Coin 111 ami ., 11 yon dun t tielicv 11. It s only ! hillui , any h..wl and il 'taint Joyoa ran bar your won Issek I Ai bis wo atneeeb bli'h I heard bsdur Ihe di ef ahaaiy al a A ;od Xafurril I.anillor J, " "OKI Dad" vrns the Ilimiliar lltie by wb'eri was generally known the cewntric landlord nf Ite htit-i Luvrvillo, New Y' uk. ile wsu i g 0 1 easy nul hme.t aiij tinsiiapi.-iiyrs pvf 1 ring to lat chaaied Mice in a while Mlbcr tha.i bo always ba.king mil for mgnei. Ilemi; it was not a very hard matter to imoose on him, and Bianv were tho 11 hills with vhah In) was "stuck" in the wny uf Undo by bis traveling customers. Imleev', be would tike almost any thing that ti offered him in the shape of a b it snying that bail money w is nhmi' tu good as any, as souif how it wouldn't stay in his pocked.'t Once, however, he took 11 V which 'ck to him like a plaster.' The more he tried to get rid nf it, the more he coulju't. II paid it ot t sett.' al times, but it cam hack as often, returned A "p"jfu." Atlenglb atravuler, villi whom h , was Milailili I, stopped for dinner ou his war Pi l.'ii. a, and it oeciirnd o 0 d Dsd that I i lull might go" dovin there, and sie pina; into the dinning room "villi it, bar. led it tn bi guest. sttking htm to. put 08' "'on the first old fad hf met, " ntid bo won! 1 allow him one half th amount. The gui l to 1t it aiftj promised to do ss well with 11 as b Gould, nnd account lor It on Ins return. On Lis way back from L'dica b railed, and Old Dad asked hi in where be hnd paid out tb I i I, an b had got it strain, but could not fur Ih life of him, lull where it hsd com from. Why," sai l th friend, "you told m to put it off on the first old Tool I saw, and sv 1 paid yvtt fur my dinnir with it.1 The old fallosr saknnwleded himself sold, and after paying I.i unest th half according tn pmm' iae, and giving him hi dinner liesides, insisted, that ho bad five dollars Wi rlh of wistloUt cat nf ihso erati ,n. - A what dy' rail 'mt" crieaMv rushing frantically inlo lb aiahltehment. " A nake alchr, for lh lore of ! A snal i-si.hi.rl Oh. h.aly St. Palrii-k!' be noitinoe-l, malcbing up a filler and applying it I Iseiiernl Training" an Onolsrr gailw-ring la le his lip. ! on -f Ilia iu'ari'ir Piwn of Near York Stale, la l oan oat w 1 1 J. y Ihsle id tl worl.l " Sly g-sod felkiw," said tb aioniahs hero of Jiaphragma, what is tb with you?" "Slntter, Is it? is'nt eveiytbiiig III matter? A snake i lb mallrl l is g-H an all ia my bllv I lib buba'saa bullaiaNis "An aril How cam an ed in y.oirst'.Hiacli?'' 1 turkeys, Wal. I shall Ire I 'm fust, and pretty And did'nt lb 1 ariBint jump In my i.ailb ariar, whn tbsv begin to feel their pa's wilh-sit ssving 'byyer leav,' aaid lb bewil- (bat that sajo., BnuMgif'mairn.yoa der4 ..fi.'i-rr, eailnaionng tat sasrew tbst ill " 'm. a . as His n..ii ttik up. y 011 id lis midUod couutie. Sly eiirioily being 11 itd.l il.sbur.a j lh "iwoslnliin." rcfarrd Io. and enliT.-'l. an aid many otlieri, whin kinnlarl aitractrdl tull iwed us into lit shanty. . "Wal gentlemen," aatd th xhibtlor, "axpsHtt wjnighl aswi.il beuin. You that 'ere long it id A flood I Ma. W liVe a good Jok. mys il.o New Ymk KJ tionnl iVinocrnt, vcn if it hill lis or enr irt t, (lid therefore giv plac ti tl following yai'n gotten Bp by the Columbus Fact, fanciful ihoiioll it msy appear 1 ... A 1 m ! 1 uoul story was told in our bearing lha uther evening, hy an old Whig, which we do " l remember ever having seen in print. Of coln-a: we do no, Voui h for liie Uutk iu (very parucular. A lew years aince, s pirty ni very iiisiinvoie SouUn.rn planter, two of whom were deuiori;iw, and uti a whig, being oa a visit th No.t', sis iiiTiicu nvisri eieciloa lim 10 urn al in nous of wealthy, artmajratie, and withal very beautiful lady in Southern Ohio. Afer being sealed at the table, which was lusuriantlraiiresd htitb all the delicacies which wealth could com' Biaud, a large burly negio earn in and sein-1 himself directly (ipptv-it tb gsnllmnen at the table. Tli gentlemen war be) well bred tonotic lh Intrudvr at lh lima, but immediately upon Ins taliicnisn! from lb room, usi of tli -iu rcuiaikcJ lu Hi lady 1 ' What e.aild hare Induced y .n to Inanlt Bs by t!i p eiieof a niggor 't your table?' ' u' gentlemen, b is my husband ! rrp'ird ihel dy. ' Your husband !' ncl timed theth es liiuulin. Bcsiosiy, wilh uuteisned atonisbmeni. a Yes, my tisicr li. st ruined our leiu ly foid in niairyuig, (nd 1 reaolia-J to yfual har. I his ctdnred man ns wealthy, and su 1 married liion' Pray, who did your aiater merry T -Lrd cue nfll party. Vt tiy, she msrfied h fisro, an I I hms nev. fpn able In hold Oiy hem! up eiuec !' T..a two loeofico rasde an excu- fr cutiii lln-ir visit short. Ihey iideavind to keep li a j ok a seem, but lb bi would It-il, sudsoths story g.it out. w ""M, CiMTt nsi aIIMisi, MiW s-fc r Si....,W K.. . M ' , asasa s sBwsTjBSasnV w swaSsssB) p4a Lbi tar aiSisaj UdaTaaatlatl lb l4r?i, ao I yearVn.g that - lhr wa Bu Spslr'nslftWIi"' s-lt.sl. 1 ll.a ana'eli 1il ,,.f isorsi.. l,i 1 bar r aha Hid Pal Is a, -be 1 i bus, sav ing : " I al are juaS ss bray BffiiMHWiillndi .lib .Isem-wl-...;4 '" -tinijon is-atbS. ao iBipaiaast t bad Iks e as H al . i a laswy tl, "r-d ak a.'" Fres-k Bia? Tbl - - - pany sh" la Wtan,Ursa as gindasi. Bad I De T'.'anrsw. Bem rii ar ef fbs 'A 'laat tnssa Mrse-k !) tb (,aMs, tJI.Ma wg a rssssHsi as-a," ' A ilsa. I.a.. m sisll a-a aa e.iaarv trail. To third kft nf Ibaor aantaf, IU , f atlrtr, m were bi.-y.) aMsssd tl.S ery Irs ll iu'Sr-l aa slai , g ry, 4 1 , .t A,, ax il., ssmisI i.f lha f U iBg e. l.sa j i-si i l' isM turlxr rrk k a nfl b- as? eiv.otia. I ih ds.sj ts ai.aalr. biased sf ! aa ..l,nl. ary saaa tts tallest al l .dbs B Vasiil baa ,11.' wba wmm m nis rsaw. rose aa psa,p. raaiy hi ti sal !, kartsessl I ka Sastnul l ontcr. 1 into baa link. " Bui, my Biai., that won't da yoa any g ul now. Il sin id lias la-s-w atlssd.ad to lh hy drant, and ibmyva might bar drank .with pT feet safety. . " "Aud won't it ctcb bi now .kd our Mike, In a piiius t sr,, ttrnmaf nghyst as b dripf' I tb increment ia ib'psir. isfaoure .t how i...uid ii T" iha. snnribcrt what will iW ma of mT' et. la.m! SI ike, piih an ag- ey truly .intul beho' I. "test a ene-lolojar I'k baaab," aaid a wst fr-an lb rr.ivsd. " Hob far a drsntor,' s'J anthr, " and gel a (t.. . b pump " Th ,igisi,a was iinmediaisly pillowed, and b starred bar a drag aim near by. Tb Arx-uWary, bwer, applied an o.li instoad 4 lh pimp, and lh par Mb.sr. afiar a viob-ul retching. sjj.IsJ g lively Mark l about si I inehe iosig. -O. ks-wly M. Patrick." be asi Ulmeai ars rirrwinx iiuusdii relirf, by did id J snake clean work i f it and k II lb (.is as well n-l ssaSlsasd itA. bsrkipf Asa. hsil a bsr wb'-ll l'. . Fr b n PMaa-.d thai wa (ul danaar tt . . 1. a. aaa 44 aa lb party rs.si t-aj a ! li s si. nl ka lasarw lb Sanaa 4 Its lltmt, b SS)--''f rli'. ts Was a ras' ad a, la I bag I ar a SosaSss PfvsavA Ps lb ts ia 4,aasast p. 1 rir a-t av fbas-.l tb fas v aasa '4 r.d IH -eaH, . vl 14 I I 1 skie sf 'n4 b a . wte. Ib .a 4 .t.a I ad a"as is-1 raw-aiaiK Us Ismsb af l-s Irosissr aassa. Ifaak mt th ava.4 ibsy bss easi lb.. ?, .4 f. Iluwad t!. ie.d la sisasw. ast tl .B w a ol a j AiaaS af llsa If I at la laave.sg lla awasssiil id a As4 ssad .... nvsaa a 1 na. ll. Ikav aa lls Sillag bal Ibis t.llav H. U litis-. I la, ,4 k , H, asNSaoiavl -. as.l asf 4ess.I lasfa- p.nniasl, f aj abay ri lmg ai. bl aa b. ne, I discoy. ad la lh left isf Bay aval rae a bssrasa srllboal a roier. As 1 appnawBea , 1 raw gi.iasKl ih nl tji.i ,.,,,,1, . Ti ? Uu ' - , my T All ,MB,,, ,tnt r,,;, riel.a, ytucn,a, aiAg wiy stnB his t 9f,,i I bare sh a ke I lU Mr. of B IMas.UT lss.1 rm li, gmasal. II t,.ld . Ire j ml, M k. tfmt..ln ;,!. ,,,lurtaa.. .,...,. ,...,. -i-- w. fBrnd t b Wire.-. .V. J. ;.Lsrr. bad diapi-a-l whil bm pug, I joy! illy e-si.'s t j ( bis la o fin It a(i a re-'-irMng se irci ttf nn ,.... . b.r. lis tad ke at rei 1 a b u-r 1 lb.p j Tb War tt( lis. Nail (A. Th Ax bas). I was mp. Tslbss IswAy srr.isislaaaa I I mi baa lb tdb -wing aa. l.a . m-ereii g U -ar j Btiribanad B'y osrivai la tsp ibi Bight, fsjr I i" -sey,- ss . srf n,l rmsul. wiiav raa.a4 one., b k- k B iii4 j wi Ik I X- aias 1 ant i-n. ip h.mhm ska sis p ten yn.-i a tr-m IS . I w as ; Bn wi fna l e ssrk ... Ilogrrw' babu ad irs(n On ir way mm lad In with t'noinia i ai .eg ul n.iMia.1 lines'.. Campiwil. in lb bib I If d sel.ar lista, Wba ware I as ill I t" "f ll I sali. ap-ks in. Mid . ae 'ei li"in to danc." Inbi tbta.p relerrrd la ovir eiiiihiior threw peibapn a peak sir at lev.l half pes k of eorn. Tin was aooa gatharad up, n ay with. ait nnn-h piiiahldliig and fighting oe Ilie part ol 1 he frtaiberad rocipH nts, wlei a anted hi f iir 1. Li 'hat kind id "fair i.liv" mean- log, wlii. b B'Hlll g. Pi ila e oiplaiasiila 111 lugiat Italfof th priexnl." Prrs.nlly il was ail iieyMiii il and tb "ao lieor'' called for th "tTf.irinane," a PPMuiacI, "V, yea," aaid 'laei-x iii.., doa'l la) in tew big mw. but 11 lim. . if yon p.ese. Mnktap m-ie-iv 'eai a hialy ti wn !' Ai line, erayiied flnt. an 1 1 Ida. k. grs y (Ufa, "manned ' by a log thiri l ,f dncjr , an I B"ar-pierctag 11 r," sta led IT with "Yaiike Do alls.-'' al very qouk lius; and. sura in iuiJi, very luiLey in II e.ip lgn In dahr. hopping froul on leg i amaher, eroaaing eves, balaits-iug, chaaeeing -bluing liyihihg, in !er, kvsi Io lh tslistory art eep "nan ing baods" and "turning pMars.'' ill, Ibal i eurioua!' xclainied b audience, si os allas.ssisiaJv. "laevsfMW aoylbing like it bs fsreF' No," aaid I h ttl bltor, "si .;t y,. Iido't. 'In aft ia (die In a,' as lb pons esu, kUal.g. Jaeidi kissel ftai-hel, and liffel np I i. v 1. and weid. tmy!rt. If Rachel was a pretty giil, and kept Ur foe rlssn, we can't ae what Jacob bad toi'.y (la.Ul. .V. I". faJuO. . How d.i ou know lul that sl.s sl iopsl bis lac lor bins.- I', H'luu 1nping i ssd imff-euenily pr. diir-d 1 f tii-iu ph-asore, ..V ha liasan ko io J io b's case. tielillemen. h .Id yr.nr .-u- lbs esu-r Sue 'b's weet.ii.g was tb p in- .1 ,4 b' . lod 1.. hiw him bi k'.s her again. - .(' 1 J '.: It is cur nioni.-u Ih .I'w . b i-; l . .f ... I lu. a sura lhay'rai llit r-aiiia lo tba mf i pints. , I I aic l Ibea turkeys i and il.er ami i n op lh.il s sirop ol wsley alii I drmk again in tn i 'em ihot baaieai g.,l tar I music." Harcapun . I hs turi aii in in atiuien. ami l l-lt whioli I ys'aan U, and seen b- w u i ia they d 1 it ; leirrssranc h id P'd ki-'d IU. lim be li.r. I -it.-lireen, venUut, tiaseaH tb gal lii , iwiaensa, jai-ob wrt t him lo d-i it IsiiMn Senaae-nrr and Vis-eia. Ilid'-ol usi rlire , f.- a y Ol. M a gof.s I ic- b c. Il.reati-ri.-d to ii-ll lisr ui irot Tiiete vtiaiuwea j a.-- tl eee s Poly one I! 1 I . I I l I r -, and be iJ frni f ad ila bios. f I...W a V 1 i.--i...a r,.-io.i 1 and he was .-fi jij to, - Ya..l. f isHlks I ' "a .ai a. y as .. 1 in ireaaiiey, ai.,.1 ,s-n, ai a ln Ma.s. wa . a "Ws'l.'V, 1.4 tl a i.. e. I,m .lr.".f t .1 mmi, bast I ga Bp f ay a i..-i.,.l al rbsia ,i I ,l. aid t 4 IU(.lit ssxii d as, i la.nH tn a I lb llaae, l,arb I vcy daltaai mly if y went " J Mi.ax ml bnowiVlg aaf boeaaB i.i.aa.y . "In Bias ibsifa a lasss said tb is k -aasd j f., aa; aafsi.. tosasia dialling kf i ssa iBisun aa k bsd, ai 4 i-sieg (ni, tw k but . M k la j buvs-Ing rasnpaaaid I nisir -I la If, ss-a- ia ib .sis j r"T mi (dvw.i i'b lb 1.14 lull. I if Ti D at . fca'f asd, b!f g-y f-'banad, issasta t..t.ba4 H by alsaeg bad aba B bi , ssad cnlr. ..( ib mt , kad tl A did t I apt ttaif L-k4 m as wib tis-l naiscrel M, d 1. p.) Ill I. I, 4 a.OTdb a,,)., a4 ad,iie ly re ' fa.ia.sli kSI l U aaa L. alaaa It "ai KUU u L . I... 1 I , . ..L . II... - . L .11 lb W.4 it I Ul.b. I li.'.d tbal 1 bad I I b m 4s4 M u IIm I isak waa . a placaaal Bart plaaa( ki Ik field Al tkta t, ak- l VI Nh4 l i b. S t" lb-alS-liiiI As aa l baa4ka aaav. 1 l.ll ana. .! 11 m. 1. J a .u Bm. 1 a.aaa," ss..d ba, wba rssi4lt4 wa kam4 sank it. .-. a. Wa ai. i ii B a mf babll IoMsImU 11,r is a way of piavsnt eg liogaia saying ill BMnred things, ihy re yi af lait Jioa.' ' I ail sad J' Wa II S- . kal Isseiaatulaaa sp'. 'prsy I...W it Ihsl In lav Mauafed:' VA bj," ao t S'aplf d, JiisS ImspMsr m sy of bun, i, I J.as will net baas ill Bkisarr I word ti'l Is I repaid." JI'bv ( yoa're drunkard f-m't all" 4 rwnl, Br 4 vrr bsb.ls is baas, hlj -a, ) ur bsV 11 . . . w w wuit y a tu suite ib ra,m, (ad gue ' them a clisn tlial'm. tb 1011.1 Ir. 1 bi', tNi, yn ga null lis pt r,-w -u o.ti. nut lo.ra A wiun,' and If y-s ' ltd sss g sl .VutJ. esi'y ti-l ' Misa I hl yim'ra se with yosir ! v leekon J.li erl.. osrai ay aa, ysi 11 b 4 -in- a kersic lo m. ad git 1 ihi-ua b al rdresure i b wbal y- a hat oj iya-l." Th a... d us i tl.a aud sore Nira-I, aad aoe f as I,, b t!-ir plareinHuding, Hsreess-r, on rN Bad lren n ooiLlor kt I last exhibition. 1 h same wa g.e lhp.aigh llb Ih (inn fa ling, "aui" and d li.eli.g," iedy 11 waa observad lb at lb motion of lb tap 1. , I I t it k-va was BS .1 lively than i'l ia, It s-niek lb j '',' h,i "'' '' baaan Mtieg aa . ( ' ' Our wn oe-ini'-o ia li.al J.i a he basnd, alley aM, tl msv 1- 1 1 f C. ks-l mf t I' f. . i.i-d II I'r l 1 1" s" i Jiluisl volll ' 1 -' '.' 1 ' 1 . fir i.b Wk (lUlllid to si p i.g at ho i" r ; r bats ass Hi e. r, s . j 1.. . , a a I. . is -on. ! li hi lt ioaiss-nst. r bavi ; rpni I.I Th Wtl, i bi dis Vp. b- sr jb-n. asrwaal t-.i.tfcw, sid pmrnl vr.lk .ja.w, tf yassr -mt f -y a ir-t " 1 vally y f. sad. ae! 1 b-r r rssetsl' ' sp' I d I M- l sre thai jisst l.ef tli tniis baaa sas was scam Ul . as Da p.i isn bob oer. simw 1 and uanisuresl. b ieipa.l .ut bim!fth las luw. B11 1 saw Ilia sasa l-u.vt'if btuissdf with Boalii g a,. an bgfil k'.dliiig wsi ander a opsa ing b oaupi tba si it. In mv .tax y s e n shiV. Tb tnrkr e,ia- liu ). s-e. wttn a iliiss Ire t .sr. ..d he tti aii b a lb bad 1 . ssa on Are itaal lliaiaitys bufipsid al.-al Br4 a am I . I. I asa ass ib s-i,r a n I ahanvad Moautlnask. aakinr rasl aad tad. g ). till tb Ire bad gnia .!..., a4 Ibsy ware aa'ty f other bsad I II pp-p- In s-ld n Ibal lb osiihny mi this iassul,. b wa tsriai ef .1, t!.f wat.f, '-a ,y iv ' Isrcsl r f t sr. ' V- ' !t r.Ir '! tri fi-J !t .1.1 a lit sh" I -1 ksa ) - s s I. it. , .-...r V..ta t h si . re i i,s s-f-. Ss'ia -r f...i..i fc r a i .vs . ..! af S.tv lis h 1 I at, as ai"-"-a i s a ...... a s. o ' asaaa a I ' -- is 1 o. s, - -1 o i i s. A-t .: I a, .a t su k 1 r I ' I t 1 a