7 Jlorib-CnrDlinn Star; rcsusmo viiilt it WILLIAM C. DOUB, - (Diro iKDrmormittoE. IIIMli If paid trietly la tdiuti, twe dollars par aa Baas tw dollars an J iftr seats, if paid within but sseatbs ; tad tart delists at tha tad of tin vssr rXtTKHTTSSMKSn t iceirir, lxtea be will a leterted on time for aea dollar, aad tweaty-ave ati for each 'ahetiaeat iaurtiaa. Tkoee af greater length will b charged proper "tioaally. ConrtOrdereand JedielaladveTtisenient will b chargea 25 pr ent. higher thaa tin abort tatee. A raaabl deduction will ba mada to hose wh advertise by taa year. taldk and Job Prtatliig don with stne, aa leepateb, aad on accommodating term. " general i)ikectohyTIZ: CITX GOVERNMENT. fm. Pallas Haywood, Intondanl at Police.' cuMuisr. Eastern Waref, Kldridge Smith, " A. Adam. -.. MiddU rJ'((rf.C. n. Root, " IU II. attle, " - U W. Haywood. Western Ward. A. M. (iurmao, " II.J. Turner. . J, J. Christopher, City Clerk, K. It. Haute, City Treaa, t'lTy Guard. fumes M. Crawley, " 1 Jackson Overby. . t vtry tiMMtuwc. r.awaro Harris. " ,. William Andrews. A. Ailania, W eighmastor. K. Harris, Clerk of tlie Mar- ,. . - ket ...,.. COl'KTS. w The Snprtme Court of North Carolina i jeld ta this city eetni-aniiually, on the second . Jiday in June, and the 3hh day of Hoocmber JiioVcj. Hon,. Frederick Nash, Chin Justice, K. M. Ccaraon, Associate udge, W. II. Battle. Kdmund B.' Freeman, Clerk; ll:im. C. Jones,' Renorter: J. J. Litcbfnrd, Sr., Marshall, The United Slattt Circuit Court for (he Dis trict of North Carolina is held semi-annually in tliia city, on the 1st Monday in June and the last Monday in November. f Judy. Hon. t. M. Wayne, of Georgia; llyri VOLUME XLVTX RALEIGH, KOSTH CAROLINA, "WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1858. NUMBER 1L Mticellaneout. j flnd. Vhulimir, haling paid aad diiiiiad The Baaw Moraa, . . . ' k tili rao TBa atsaux or rotspist. Abou t the year 181 1 period eo memorable in the liitory of Uuuia there lired 'on his domain Nenarad a rich proprietor named Gab riloviteb. lie was noted for hi kind diapo itton and hoapitable habita . Ilia hnune waa at nil tithe open to his friends and neighbors, who resorted there in the erenings the elder one in order to enjoy a quint K&me of cards with their heat aiuHti wife l'etrowna; the jouncer, in the hone of raining tin enod armoea of Mari. a fair girl of seventeen, tne only child snd heiress of Oahrilovitch. - Mari used to read French romances, aud.' as the natural and uecesaary consequence, was deep ly in,4oTe. The object of her affection was an almost peumless young, eumfra belonging to the neiffhuorhood. and then' at home on leare. who returned her love with equal ardor. It is scarce ly necenary to and, that the Tonne lady parent had strictly forbidden hertothink of such an alli ance; and whenever tbey mat too lover, thoy re ceived him with about that amount ot Ineniin n.m which they would have bestowed on an ex collectorof taxes, Wur Touni lover, however. managod to keep up a onrroxpondenre, and ulmd to meet ia secret beneath the shadow of the nine irrore nr the oll ohnpoL Oh these ocexsiona, they of oourse, vowed eternal constancy, sccumhI tateot unjust rigor, and tormeil varum projects. At length they naturally came to the eoncluninn that, as the will of -cruel farent nppoied their marriage, they might very well accomplih it in secret. It wn the young gentlemen who first propounded' Uiis fiopaitioai awl it was most iavoratily received by the young l.idy. The aonniach of winter nut a tn to their in terviews, but their cornnonileiice wpn! on -with i should he unnounred to hiia that he siiooM he increased freoueney" and fervor. In eaeh of his j told lie wa now free to marry his beloved. letters, Vladimir" Nioolevitch conjured his he-' w," the ast oiislmient of the proud owners tiived to leave her home, and ootiMtnt to a private 'f Nenaradof, when they received in reply a letter nnrriaze. "We will disanuear." he mid. "for a 1 '" the vin.j -gnsign, in which he deehirwl his gui Je, hastened towards the priest's dwelling. n nai was ne snout to nearr Let as fret inquire wbstwaa (P'iog on ia the maosioo of the master of N eoaradof, J ust not h ing at all. In the morning, the husband and wife got up a usual and went into the en ting room Gabrie) lisbi il'.vitoh in hie woollen vest and his night eap, and 4'elrowua in hor dressing gown. , . - Tea was served, and Gabriel sent a maid to inquire for Mari. The girl returned with a mes sage that her young mistress had passed a rest less night, but that she now felt better, aud wa coming down, la a few minutes M.iri .entered and embraced her parents. "Horn do you feel, my poor little one?" asked her father. lletten'' was the answer. The dny pasted on as usual ; hut towards even ing Man became very ill and feverish. Tlie family physician was summoned from the nea est town, and when be arrivedbe fooud his patient in a high fever. During fourteen days she con tinued on the brink of the grave, v Nothing was known of her nocturnal flight, as the waiting-maid; for her own sake, was pru dently silent on the subject ; nor did any of the other accomplices, even after having drunk wine, breathe a word on the subject, so milch did all parties Urea l the wrath of'ttabriol. Mari, how ev)r during her delirium, raved so incessantly about Vladimir, that her mother could not doubt that her illtreas-was caused by love. ' hit and her husliand consulted some of ths:r friends on the subject; and, as the resuU of theoonfereqee. it was unitntmonsly decided that '.Man was des tined t i unrry the ensign that one cannot avoid one's fate tht riehe-donot insurejL&ppiuess and olhc r fine maxims of thejjimeltrni-- -The invalid rec-vered, Vladlniir, during her illnes, liil never appeuod at the house; and it was determined that h'u unexpected g-std-f irlune was opened Slediras were waiting outside, and several persons: were standing in the i.rch. tp of them called to ms: This way ! Ttiijf way !" I got out of my sledgC and entered the church. ' (me of the people in the porch said: '-la the name of Heaven, what b is dolayed you? The bride has fainted aud we were all on the point of returning home.' "Half bewildered and half amueeSrl resolved tn follow up the adventure, indeed, I was al lowed no time to deliberate, for my impatient friends hurried me into the interior of the church which wa faintly lit up by two or three torches. A girl waa seated on a bench in the shadow, while another standing beside ber was rubbing her tern pres. '! . , , .1 - 1, i At length, saiu Ilio inner: -imi or oraisni that you are cornel - My mistress ws near dy- int;.' "An old priest approached, aud suit r. 'Shall welgin f , "tl, begin hT all mean, my reverend fither!' replied 1, giddily. " They assistsd the young t'lri to rise : she seemed very pret y. 1 hrough levity quite nn- pardnnsble, and, as it now seems to we inoou ceivtble, I advanced hesid hor h the altar. Her servant and the three men who wero present j were so much occupied about her, that they glanced at me; besides, the light, as I have said wa vary dim, and my head was envoloped.in the fur hood of my traveling pollsso. j In a few mometits'We wera married. x " Kmhraceeich other,' aaid one of the 'vitness. . Mv wife turned her pale fa.e t.it ls lue. for an iti-tnnt slie gar.ed as if petrified, then falling backwards, sh enl imiej ; "It is not he! It is not he!" "Mut of the church I ruhed, Wore the a tniinded priest and the bridal-party had time to gintlemeo, w walk down t Rivingtoe's book 1 Blora i he is said In ha a verv itleibiank kind nt From th? Attftrmiixtv (A Csisfi ftmllrrlimu tl ; fellow." Amused; as the oflicers were, at the Piimto Mrmeiri af tin Lift and Ctiar9cttr,f id-a of visiting sucheman. they of course pra Wetitimyton . ' pared to accompany, the chief. When arrived at t , ' - t the boriktore, Kivingtnn received his visiter III lllllll, ; with great politeness; for be was indeed one f It was Saturday night, the STTth of June, 177S. ) the most elegant gentlemen and best bred men when the American army, after a toilsome mtrcb j ff the age. Kcriing the party into a parlor, he tronical heat, halted for ret and refresh- liegKcd the omwr tu lie seated, and then said to the chief, ii ill your excellency lo me the hon or to step into the adjoining room for a moment, hat I may show you a list of the er?V'jfttral Kuril's 1 nm about to order, out from London W in the tronical heat. inentio the oountyof Monmontli, New Jersey, The weary soldier were gathered in groups, some preparing their'Wciiilir meal. wlliU-nthers exhaustd hv their' march, threw themselves on 1 the irronnd i Nmu.' Tlie h.,n nii-ht of1 your apccisl u V They retired. The lock on June was waning away, the watch lire, burned t the dime of the houses in Now York more than diinlv and silenee reig-ied around. Not an at Lthree seore years affi, w re not so good a now, head'riunrter. There liehta wera seen, while 1 1 he door of Umn-toh' private room closed very the Chief, seated at a Stable wrote, or dietntel die-1 imperfectly, and soon teciime ajar, when the patchcj, which were folded and directed hraid-! ott.temdisiiHetly heard the chinking oftwo heavy doK-amp, and secretaries, while near at hand ! parses of gold at theyVere iuoees.ively plaeed Ilenry Potter, of Fayetteviile; District AtUirneyrKhtirt imie; then, one day-, we will go and throw ! 'but he woul i never eutor their dwelling again. ourselves at your parent" lee wno, toucoen by ijri m '""jipj Robert 1. Dick; Clerk, Wm. II. Haywood, Sr., Marshall, neslc.v Jones, The Hii(iar-i!nrrt for this County, is hold on lie first Muuday nftnr the fourth Monday in inarch and cplemlwr, John C. M..re. Clerk Jo. Ii. Bachelor, Atxirney General and Solic itor of the fourth Judicial District, Tlie t'umi if Vc'is uaii Quarter' Session i held on the third .Monday in 1'ebru.iry, May, August and November. Jeff. I'tlcv, Clerk. CknirinaH of Ikt Voa ni tj ComW. William Boy County Sauriior K. ITM irriott. I Klurijfof H'akt CoMntg Willfam 11. Ilish. ! VonrnT Willi (tenth Itrgittcr. 11. Unison. ' BANKS. , , Bank nf the titate of AWA CnroUwtx infsrst raled Kill. Charter expires in 11X1. Capit.vl tl,5iM,GM0, divi.l I into l.j.ixxl -h i res of which the Literary Board holds 0,027 and the L'uiver eity HK0. I'ritieipil Bank at Raleigh. w tieorge W. M rilecai, I'rcoident. Charles Dewey, Cahier. J. II. BrVau, Jr.. Teller and Notary Public. W. K. Anilunuiii, liiMount Clerk and Notary futile. Jordan Woinble, Jr., Clerk, This H.mk ha hntuchesai Newbern, Tarboro' I'arottetilla, W ilm ngtoii, Miiabeth City, Char- lot'te, Miltjii, M 'rgiititon aud Windnor. BiarxTias. On the pirt or the State : D. W, Courts, Va ie Treisurcr, et-oBicio, L. O'B. Brunch and W. It. 1'm.ie. (o the part - f the Slock bidders : IV m. Bovlun. M m. IWe, J. II. Hrv.ui, J. B. (i. R-iulhac', Al fred Jones ard It. V. Moore. Dtfering and Ilenwal'd ty Tuesday. Discount day Wednesday. lhimestie Hills and Ujllt of Kichang discount ed every Uay. Jlusinfsj uoirs from 10 till 2 o'clock. were expiesses, seated like statues" upon their drowsy horses, and ever and enrni n r.fticcr would" approach them with the words, "This is for SI ijof General : ride with speed and spare not the spur;" and in a moment the horse man would disappear in the surrounding gloom. Suddenly a stranger appeared on the scene. He wore n i martin) eostunie, neither had he the mfa ured trend of the soldier; in truth his appearance was anything but uiilitaire. On being challeng ed Jy the sentinel bet answered, "lh. tiriflith," ehuplain snd surgeon in the Virginia line on business highly important with the Comiiiamlcr-in-ChJr." Tiie cry of "ofBcer of the guard" bronght forth that functionary, so neeemmry a personage, in a night, camp. The olScVr shook his hwd: and waved hia hand, said, Lri,- ir, no; rnpiMihle: Intriascly eogngcd; my order positive; can't he' seen on any account." The our heroic constancy, will eicli'oi: 'Ctiiftlren, oome to our tiruis I'" For a long time Mari hci- j fated. Atieng'hit ws agreiol, thnton a cer tain o i'y she .-houlil n-tt appear a' supper, hut re- lire early to her r ,.ni, -u ihe (o ctext of a viulenf heailache. Her w-h iiil' m lid n iu tlie e.ret, and (hey weie boih it sfp o;t ihr.oili a tjn.-k-door, neur which they uM toi.l -te lee 'vnitiLj,' loroiivey them lo the c ir,'l ,.' .1 : Itiho, ah -lit . fie ter-t" dis'ant, whsic 'l io.ti;i. .n tlie pni't would await ilieui. H;iving mud- her prep:ir,itj n . ind ri'ten a long letter of excuse 10 tier poren'-, Mir ,'-!:'e at an early h -nr to her room. During to i., v she had eoiupl lined of a l.endiic e, .1 u n w,i certainly more than a priest, lor him v.ai't f'.,nte' nient hud mndo her really ill. Her tut ici uol mother wiitched her tenderly, und c -os nii'tv aked her: "How do y u feci now M.n i; lire ou still sulnsnng?" Their fund ln-ilu-ie went - . the youi g girl' heart, and, with the uipr'.:.t !..r evening her auitntion increased. At diHtier he ate nothing, and soon afferaarils roe to uk leave of her parents. They embraced her, and according to their tisiuil fulnm. gaie her ttieir hlesaiug. Mari CMild Harcelv refrain from sob bing. hea she r,ea.,iei herelonnl er, she threw sledge, and soon left all pursuit behind "And,' said Mari, ' did-you ever ascert.un wlut liocoiue of thst poor woman f " Never. I di not know the name of tbe vil lage where I viu "married, nor oait 1 recollect that of the station where 1 last stopped At that t'me, so little importance did 1 atlitt'h to my lev ity, that when nil danger of pursuit was over, I fi II asleep in the sledge, and did not wake until I found myself at another station. The Mnstit whom I had with me wa killed in battle, so that dimir h id rej. lined the army. It wai in 1M2. ! every cluji ecns I ist by 'vhi 'h I might drenver the scene orth.it lolly winch 1 now expntlo so liearlv." Miiryturned her pale face townrds him, and seiied hi hand-. ' YVhrit '" crie I Voiirmin. M was it you ?' " Don't you re-.:.iguixe me ?" A long and clo-e embrace whs the reply. think nf arresting my flight; i jumpe-t into thoTcrtsfend gentlemnr quailed ii'.it, hut "iirA-4ihe whom denth wus the only rctugA ! A feyv dnvs afterwards, they learned thnt Vli' one never mentioned his rtiune to did'she hcrctf tiilode to hiiu in a., v ,1. -Vlnri, nor sy Tiro V siil' s:t!V :,vl..h-..i ! 1'. Ii ,,.1.0 I l r t'life ni .iiMis el.iiied, atol In- n ioie me iti .lie I aoiongst ihe-.tfi,-' i.'in.'irslM' I th'vriehe at the luitih o,i, !10,l A'il we C Ol otlllv WoU't led. i h;i I ii e'fpe il ti'er,;.ooi ah ci i'.e-.,! I. X .1 I ,og afterw n-o . ',e,;r.n.er dellening i.e. tiie re er-ioii -il ni- 'o,.le ;.i.,Miny. Weoiih, h 'tt'Cer, or U:i!M-ii'"- no ro.is Viiohu1ic wept iili her m ithe . :-tr. . ,o n I never to ie ii fi her. They left ttieir mmi leore :it Neunraifif, iind took up t eir nbudi on sit -tner estitte. NomeVous xiiitnrs liirmigel around the. rich and lovely le:ir-e-s. Iut to none ol them did nhe vouehsiile the -til illrit eneiiurtiaeineiit. ller mother of'ien im ph nii) hor to ch lose a hu triod: hut ulieiilently hisik her head. Vlwlimir was no mite: he enp'ied at M'isijow im theeie of ihe duy the I'renc'i en'ered thut city. To M iri, his uieutory oeeiued soered : e ,e treou ed up tho Un-ks Ihey hud retul t izeiher.his drawings, and the note he had written to her everything that coo: t per- t y. He has iuooi v. ctiiul im oi c ii W'islin It-i-ei'een her olteo n Hcene In a Log I shin. It wa- nearly' uiiiliiiglit of a Saturdiiy nlglit that a pai-seiiitor t ame to Col. ' , requesting him to go to the cabin of a settlor. Koine, ilircs tuiles d,,wn the river, and sco his ddiighter, a jirl of f urteen, who was supp ied to tm dying, i'ol. - awi ke nio and a-kd nic to aecom pany liliu. an 1 i c onsented taking with ins the snmllpaekiiife of inedieinea which I always car ried iu thejorcs!: but 1 learned s.mn there was no need ,,f tPee, f,ir her dis,iaie wss tiaal cure. ".Mic i a s'ranc hild," said the Colonel, "her father is a sihioge linn. They live too ther m' .:i on" the hil.k i'f t ie river. l'hey 'dnic ijere ihrce yis ag s and wo one knows whence or and is a keen shot, I Ir ; away f o- a year pis;. I i, I i-heis gifted wWi a n, ir- fumi 'The frj-tiers, and tue psvplu rushed im , f.iiher oroiid" to gieei Ih.on. Theotlicers win had rt Wj reached tie hut of the set lor in less than herself iu'o an arm etiair and went ulnud. Her fo uu: he r remeiuhraucc ul tho unhappy joun wsiltng maid tried to coiiwi Ie and cheer her. and , man. at Irtigilr sueccided. I Au ui t int t nie a war, glorious l. r i ttr c ion- ii-i .us mli i.ect. Mie spouks nH tiiiiei a-, il in-, i nere wit, a snow worm, thai nigttt: tne wtno i r,i-i,-,i. ,rni, ,.fc.,. v , ( npu, u, ,-iou o n, m m, ui ntr howled oulniile the home, nnd s,(,k the'wui. di . Tim young girl, bowev", ns anon as the hounehold had retired t ret,, rnpied herself up Mi line nimniiign, nioi i.oiom e i nv ncr in no, ;;',".,' - carrvinir a inline, gamed the outer l-sir. Iney f land a lclge, drawn l,y threa hon-en, awaiting the:n; and having git iuto it, t'tcy 'started off at a rcpid pure. Wc will leate them l" pursue their joorrev. while wereinrncl to Isdintir. All that day be had lieen actively employed. In the morning, he had vi ited the priest of jad rituviu uidcr luuxraugs with him ai,tit (irtur- out s mere stripliiiji4-, came back wit'i stein martial eoutitentttieei, their liruve hrea-t" eol ired w itli orders Tim ot itiefl'aeahle ;l"ry! Hon ihe henit of tl.e l'u-roaii then buunded at tiie na.ne of his cooatiy. A (Hi'-eel of htia-s, tiu:iied Vourrtrni, ss,r itig in lo huttot.-hole tiie rossof Si.tieore. and oti his faeean interetiiiif palem-A4, cineto spend a few mouths' leai e id blenee on his estate. whi,:h jothiii t04t whre Man aaa-jtd, Kalriak ?riv of tit H.mk of the Cape Fiar William II. June, Cashier. R. I. Finch. Teller and Notary Public. Uiasctoss. Uco. W. Haywood, T. II. Pelhy, 8eth Jones, tieorgn l.itile. Dr. To.,, i llogg, end C. W. D. Mulchings. Ufsring day Monday, Discount day Tueiulay RAIL 111) A 1)8. HM'i'ik mnd tin 'ton Itnilroad Cqssjxiity. R. A. Hamilton. 1'renidoiit, W. W. . Treasurer, J. M. Pool, Assistant Treasurer. C. B.Allen. Inpp.it Agent, Mail train, leave 13 minutes before ft A. MH arrives at 6f l. M. Sortk Carotin ItnilroH4 Comjtanjf, Chas. f. Fisher. 1're.idef l. I. Mewlenhall, Treasurer," " J. T. West. Fre.Khtsnd Ticket A tent. ' Mail h-ans arriies i o'clock, A. M.. fnia the Ewsti and departs Dhn. sftcr iu'chsl, A. M. Mail from the West arrives at 32 minutes af ter 4e'elork, 1'. M. Departs at 2U minutas Le foreJe'etork.i'.M. . . . TOST OFFICE. Willian White, rV., 1'oat Master. VMtoe boars, ou week ttaye, from Put-rise tr 9 M. ming theuerenn iiy:iuid then he set off lo procure ' I he y.-ung girl r vmel hint with far m.-te s..w the neeessrlrv itncsse. The firsst aruiaiutaure ' "f favor than she had hitherto t est .wed nny to whom he'addrrseeJ himself waa a half pay t ul her vi.iiors. They rescmblei cscli oilier in ' ofBoer,whowillinglyoimsenteduiwbaiie wishej. mnu.v particular : Iwtji were Uainlioiuc.pli a..n. 1 ".siocb an aalventure," he aaid, "reminded him tile"', n"d reserved. There wu a ieriei ot pleasantly nf the day of his youth." He pro- ! mv-terv In the demeanor uf Vounnin, which j vailitd on Vladimir to remain with him, prmwin-1 piqne.1 the curiosity and excited the intem-t of ing to procure for him the other two wit .eMC. the l.eiic-s. He en.lently admired her. paid her j Accordingly there appeared at dinner the geom : eieiy iMtile attention why did d nev, esoenk j etrican liini'it, with his moustaches and spurs; "f I've' He had sciiuircd a habit of flying I is and the son of Captain lspravnik, a lad of seven-1 ''"xht dnrit eyes on hers, halt in reierie, and lesn, whohsd Inst entered the I'hlan corps. half wiib a:r expression that seemed to declare Both promised Vladimir to stand by biia to the Ih approach a ddjinive explanation. Already last; and tne happy lover, having cirdiallv em-' 'be t.eighW srske of the marriage aa a decided braced his three friends, returned to his dwelling j busmoM ; snd I'etrowns rejoiced st the thought in ordiftaciissdeie his prenarations. Hating i that her daughter would at length have a husband despatched servant ne a horn b could rely worthy ol her. . . TRAVELLtR'S Cl'lUE. - (taitrsv sae esrisvias er tii at tiLaraa KORTIIEUN MAIL (By Rsiuao...)" ThMMgh Mail ekisee daily at , ss Way Mail . " U p. sa Arrive d.ily at 6i p. m The Car leave the depot t ) s, n . BOLTIIKIIN MAIL-HBtTitoisi IU,. Close dsily tt . sa) -"Arrre daily ' at (J p. m The Hark nates - at -7 p. m mmr.ns mail (Bt Bsnkoak.) tlosee daily al p. sn. Asrivas daily at 4, p. m. The Traie ieerea at t p. m UOLDSlMlRO MAIL Br Hsuav..,) tlnsst daily, el 9 p. Arrites daily si lam The Car leasee daily al in, after & a. as t ARBORU' MAIL ByTsrs-ansusi II w .) tlsMaTisaiday, Ts and Thur., II I p- s AryuseTuesdav. Thar, and fsat., al 7 ILsrikssvssissi M'. Wed. end I'm., at e. se riTT8B)r.i' N AIL JBv Tassr eos.s Usri ChsmiHl Tuesday and Hslunisy, al I p. ia Arrivsesa Manday aad Thnnday' at 7 p. Hack leaves a stun, snd Wed. slxil 7 a. ss BpUndld Stock ofGoUds! 7 I St eIVks Iks StrfM BKrk ft If mm m1 dt r llls, t r. -. Cr IV ery, wm4 II 1 1, IS4 ss ,f I e.M.tee ttolMsa, sl as Ifc.v ks,s n btl antki) IWy Will M S .-,- af aa O,. ims ffa4,al9 in. " l saatt a !. la .a-a .Mai aa latlisi SVISSSIISS Ik Saw (eaaxlly, w il. a. I, Tt . (ksphH'W. IU sWf, isiMira, oairt.aa tinsNose. rttar Hr W Mrtirf HmmU, Sa. Mat a - t-f sarvaass, aaat SasSal sais .aa. a ;a neMa. LSIittai kskat see, LatW f aseas W 1. 'StWAM La4w' atarww . alark sa4 I tum, aaaesalUat4 aSet sn ii tail mm4 ssale tk.at a r e . Ua . (MS, a, H,K . is wuh the sledge for Man, lie himself got into a me horse sleilge, and started for J tdnno. Scarcely had he set out, when the su nn com menced with violence; end so one very trace of the nd disappeared. The entire bnrixon ws eov. ered with a thick yellow cloud, wbene fell mas ses rather thaa Hakes of snow; aad soon all dis tinetina between land and sky waa lot. In sain did Isilmir try to Ind his' way. Hi burse, went on at random, oatetime climbing over heap of snow, sometime falling late ratine. Kvery moaienl the sledge was in imminent dan ger of being opaet; and, ia addition, the pleasant eonvicthin forced Itself on Vladimir that be bad kt bis way. The wood ol Jadrino was awhre to be seen; and after two boor af this. nrf, of work, the poor horse was ready U urup truss fa- tigll. . a , s At lcnlh k sial uf J'jrk 1!.. became visible i froal: be tff'd hi tTT "awards, and found himself on to b..4ar i f a forsal. ' ta - I claim " aw all right now; I shall easily lad I my way to Jailrino." lie entered the, d.te.t, ol bird the brsnehe were thickly Interlaced that the snow bsd not peaetraled Ihninrh them. and the read was easy to Mbtw. Tb horse prieksd up hi ears, and vent oa readily, while Vladimir felt bis spirits rctii. However, a they say ia the fairy late, he went oa, and on. tad yet eoatd Bo' and J nlrmn Ilwpoor ma (teest with the aiuvat d'fswaliy dragga.1 him tu the other idc'of-rhe tireat: aul by lb time he n-tel there, the storm bad reaa d, and the avasa sbtm oat. Ne aprarane. buweter. of Jadrisna bet ire bias Uv esimdad a utrga plain, tnwvds lb ret.tr af which ih Cdor traiertl-r deacried a cluster of f,asr of ftie ouaea. baatened toward the aeri, aid. tfaaeaSKiii.g fna the !edga, kaorkrd al the win dow. A small diair iu the shutter tnod; and the ' e Urd of sn ,.ld sssa sopeared. "W hl do want?" "la it f if i lrili ,?" " Js.h.ii.,! Alai laa Var)." Al this reiilv, Is Inoir srh like a eriat aal esi- demned lo eievutiof . "Can t' O. " said h, "fiirni', me wild boras to g.. lhr: ' - hv a die-ses."' s'Well, then, a gui, I will gii bint ebu'r er be sake." V !, tha," said tbeabj aseat "I'll a-l y, a y ." , The amdow waearfiila'y ehaahl, end a v atdeishle time sUpaed, I isdiasir, whua Imp lisfusi beeasee f a at aneuatrn'laMe. ka:ke4 a a b adly at the edatiae. Tb aid sssa re ppd, Vt hsl d v . statf" "T-wr ...- "Ha s Mif I Is 4r4af biasaalf, Are yaaeoldt Coia la sad war a jiMraaif.'' "Si,, sxi, aaad ostt y-air m " Al langlka fi-uog ltd. Wild a l,l la line illuming, when the good lady wa seated in der drawing ro-im, Vouimid entere-l and in quired fur Mari. "Mi is ia the garden," replied Petruwn. "You will find her ihere Ifynu wish to see her." The colonel went out hastily j and l'etrowna, making the iga of the rri-s. uiormored to her self: "tiod ) praiesd! I hop everything will be arranged tit-day. " Vuurniin found bis Isdy love'-'reaKd in whiui, ete I beneath 1 tree, 'close by a lake, with a book on der Knee, like eny heroine of romance. After the interchang of a few commonplace s'litetice, Votiruiin, with eonsidershle agitation, toid her that ft a long time be bad bra drsi- nou, of opening bis mintl to ear, snd now prayed her In Vista to dim for a few at intents. Ni rdaed her book, and cut dowa bereye in tokea t of assent. i exclaimed V certain " lot linlf.it. hour, mnl rnteiel it leteitoitly 'I'he st-eoe ya on-' w iiieh cannot easily ho f ,t. 'to n. There were book and evidence of lev. nrf mid tt lyitu "ii the rude table in Ihe eiit t re. A "tiimr lav on the table near the little a oiii iw. and ti e bed furniture, upan whi A the !jy'.t j,irl iV, was kt ,U u thcoienpg if a il il.t q :rt o. Mie tain fair MiiM.with masse of long Mack t air lying over herpttlVw. Hereyewa dark add I iereing. And as it met mine sue siarled sligl,tlv, ok s, ailed and I v.ked upward. 1 sjeike n fw wurdato her father, and litmttig to her,- asked her if iihe knew her condition. "I know that my lleoivurar lirelh," a!d" he '.n tt t li e win o mel sly-was life ih swecieal b.ncs ui' an -V. "iiaii. Von may iuiagiiiu llist th iiwcr st irt'i'd mi . and wltlt a few words of like import, I turned until her. A faairhnar past, and si.s spsk iu the same deep, richly melodious Voiivi "Ksthcr, 1 am eold )!a dowa 1 etido me;" and the old aian lay dgwn by bis dying child, end she twined her emaciated arms arouad hie neck, si.d murmured io a dreamy voice, "Dear father, dear father." "My ehilil," said tjie old man, "doth the flood seem deep t't the? "Nay, father, for my wail ia strong "S-est thnu (, ihither hore!" "I seeii, father; an I Us bsuk are green with tie.m-irrai yetaiure "Jlearest lle.u the Voices its liihsliilsuls?'1 "1 hrarthrpt father, as the yoice of angeltr fabingfr iui Ur In the still and solemn night lim end they csll me. Her Voice, loo, fa her ! uh, I heard it Ihrn ! "1Mb h Siik lo llieef "fsli speakcih in Pme most kesveijy "IMhsheMnile?" "Aa angel sonle! Hut a cold, ealw satil. ltul I am eold cold cold! rather, that a it ia the1 room. 1 si II be lonely, lonely. 1 tin deasli, fat her ?" And be pesaed ayrsy. .Ve lor Water- I I t a I a, a, wat ..vtaiara ,m,a,a a ' ar . . , . . , . a a , -, , 1 saw irwif wiatra taiiaiia aaa aaais. Ti - li If . f Ii ..1 A.i. .Han bent Oown ner aM a little ator. "r o"r"-i Ih.v. crnimilledthe Imprude, 0r..i.,g - '' M. f-e-iiy cn- yi-i, ..rii.i.n,ngt..y.m,.-.y d.y." M.rt re" ,' ;''? - cadlected ih tr.1 leuer of Mh I'reo,.) ".Now it "l-"'" J! n .f d U.e 1 luted U. I... I... to re-M my d..t.n.. Tltemem-ry of " 1u K'K",W "3" v r wetfe and genii vote will f..rm h-'nr- i A a !riineB of lb treaty, w think lief d f award tb jynd ids lortare of a.y eii.tet. I b wing attenl.e is wmlb raUting alM!i.g Us but I hv d duty lo fulfil ..wardsyo. 1 must va'ue, A Japa. se rl kmk brought three reienl lo yiai a strange seerel, wbh-h pUoea be- I J ! ks on b"tr,l a ship of wr, evidently Iwaea us aa immrta aiotsl I barrier." lor ! He was aitler afraid of hi own Ismtj That birrier." .ratuti Mari. "da. alw.r I '" "t "''-,., the value oLhfl eiiaied. I nmld net-r a. as lem. j a, a,f. " i "7. M ' "'" "" ' ""T "I know," reidwd t oarmia ia a kr to ea, , " " . . . ' . " . "Ilia V'ia bai htta. ; but ileal k. and ihrr year f mourning ' ltairrat.J lri. do iti ik officer who barred his pasage, tl'rcicrttTsirl my humble duty to In excellency, ami say that Dr, tirilti'h waits upon hhn with, secrcuntid imjior tant intelligence,' and craves an nudienceo.f only 8ve minutes duration." ' The high reW(it in which the clergy of the Amoricnn army wa helj tvy AVaKhiugton wo known to every officer and soldier in it rank, This, together with the imposing nature of tho chaplain's visit, induced the officer ofth guard to enter the head ouarters snd retwirt the circum stance to ihe tjeneml. He .-quickly returning. n-hcred the chaplain into the presence of 0he CuioiiiandiTen-t'liief. W ai-!iingtou, still with, pen in hand, received his midnight visitor courle oinly, when titlHith olieasved: "The natnru of the c immiiuicntion I am nlsmtyo iniike lo your Kxcelleney must I my nHlogy fr disturbing you at this hour of the niyht. While 1 am tint permitted to divulge the niiuie-of the authorities ftvm whom 1 haie ob tained mv iiiformatinii, I can assure yon they are of the very first order, . whether In point of of character or attachment to the cause of Auier- fenti Independent!). I have soucht this interview to wimn vour Kvcellcncy against Ihe conduct of j Major ficneral Lee in io-inorro' Iritile, My duty is fullilled, and 1 go now to pray lo the (ioil of battles f,,r success to our arm, and that be may always hnv your excellency in hi holy keeping." The chaplain relireil, the officer of flie guard (by tigoul from the Chief) acc unpany. ing the reverend g'-utleineu Iu the line of the sentiiols. When fh warning became known in the army it ereaied many c ,i,ji'i'luies, to the urce Itopi whciKe tlie chaplain acquired hi Informs ti ni. i !, ing ever transpired, and she secret u " 1, v l.i.c the mystery reiuaiiaj lo the preseut ' time, The eondcivl i.f C.nuenil Ix-e In tkobeltleuf Monni nillt n rv fairly jtititied the wtitninof Ihe cliathaiti. It is cei'isin that the brute and skillful iniiimiatider bsd tm lennihg toward the enemy, hut it i -rb-ttgbt that he expeeted, by thnmiit; things into eoul'iisioii, t Iimhui the merits i f Washington in ihe public estimation, and thus himself aspire lo ill Command i f tlx it i r, iv. Thr InUrvir w bctwsoti th gehi-ra' has l.cu liutiinpetreclly ttarrated by thecliMiiielersof Ihe oven td she hemic age. W e have ear relation Ir on Ilia venerable Jaine Craik, who, a I'ins ii iau -envral tu Ihe rjlsff, was always ia ihe suite ntuh l"'Mnmieler-io-Chief iu the moment of bat tle, lie said: I he meetinif waa ahtunt. lieu Whingon, with vrarmth, dcuiaudcJ of the Major General why the advanced puard of the army wa m retreat, More the envuiy, having mane lutle or tm resistance. Lt inwcrd in language explanatory, but ileoorrius snd cltccr nxe. i he t Pier tt,.ii mil qi ill you. s r. com mand mi this grofltiil' Ti which I .re replied. lour txeeliencr s orkrs -hnll olieyeal. aud 1 will be the li U liv the Held.' But the poetry of Ihi mrinornU Interview wa iu the chivalrie ardur i f Aleiande'r HauiU ton. He sprung from hi borui,ami, lesvinl; th n'.insl 1 1 itarlf, drew dit swanl, and, addressing the l !nr, aid. "tionerul, we are Ixlrsj el, aad the moment has arrived when every true friend of this eoinlry should be prepara.1 lo die In l et defence." Wasnington, ihongh inwardly plesv ftl Willi IliS herole Uevotion al Ins latortt, Aid, yet dcanoltig it inapt, noni.. la tu the battle field in the then uncertain firlooi of the fight, raliu ly observed tothe youthful enthutiait, "Colonel Hamilton, you will lak ymrhorsa"-th animal quietly cropping the nerlmgs hard by, anooiv si ions of tl.a aeen that wa enaiMrd by II, in who h aueh sei-nraisj.irlui n, ila actors. Dr. Urif&tb survived l)i wsr end breams recmr nf a parish ih which (lrural Washinnioa wnrsliiniied, lie Wa elected first Bishop of irginis, under tlie nw regime, and whea aleatt lo ml,srk fs,r r.iirone for eoo-aerain n, sickened end died in j'tiiiioietphi, lie was a rifie acln lr, a purni atintster, and aa ardent eathusiaat ia Ih eaaae vf Aaiarieaa isxlepeadafie. on a table. The rrty as returned from the inner Mont, whea Hiringiou pressed anon hi guests a glass nf Maileria, which he assured them wa prime article, having imported H himsell, and it having received the approbation of Sir Henry add the must d stiiiiiushcd Ihw rttvinw of the itntish 'I lie visitors now rose to depart. Rivingtoo, on taking leave of th Chief, whom ho escorted to the d.ir,aiid : ' Ifour ex ji-lloucyjmay rely upon my espeoinl attention being given to tvie ;7itci- tutvt uvrfct, which, on their arrival, will he im mediately forwarded tv.Moaut Vernoa where 1 trust they will contribute to your gratification amid the shades of domestic retirement." - lliy- ington remained for several yesrs in New York after the peace pf 1783, then returned tu 'iiglund and there died, lie was never called to account by his Uoveiniuent Sor the uffuir of tho secret service. It was the general opinion at that time if -rtivingtoa had been closely pressed oa tho delicate subject of the secret service, j character of greater calibre might have appeared ou tho tapui than the' king's l'rintor. IV hen the unions liiving'on espionage became known theie were many crHWulalions a tu the amount paid for the secret service. , .Some went so far ns to calculate huw many guineas tb ca pacious pockets ol an ofkeer s coat made tn the old fashion wiuild contain. The general, result was that, including the Quaker's loan and pay ment made up to the Dual paymeut in full, made by the Chief ill person, from a thousand tu fifteen hundred guinea would be a pretty fair estimate. lt wa a cheap, a dog cheap bargain ; fur al though gold wa precious in the days of the Con tinental currency, yet the gold paid for Ihe secret service was ot inestimable value when it ts remembered how iiiucb it contributed to the safety snd suioiwi uf the Army uf Itidependcucu. f - Tola east TrlSea. . Oa tlii theine a lonf whi t;-?iiT the IV - ton Courier we took i.caijn to it-mark tint the tailed ute imirttd mora anucesary ani- elee aad exported more unnece-issrv artit le rf blethsa any other nan .n. Th !-.llo-ingnre, ..era tn Albany Eyening Journal will nod aitit strike others as it did oursel-" if ihe uu'h cf our remark : i A'afitnt'i T.rtmragon, for the yesf ceding August 21. 144, we Americans lmnortrd frosa JtuMpa, for our own he ids sad th e- of our wires snd daughters, $l.ps-:,;.0M worth ol bi n nets of silk, straw, and U-jh ni, and of bats cd aap Vetbatwfew of the dead-pietes ! give evidence of having been eC fi three tb..a and mile away. All are seemingly liome msite. In that fame year yohn snd Old America treat ed themselves lo i3.7;!2 r.Mt world of wnt. he; chronometers, and cl( ks of F.uropesn msks.-i their appetite Phi fur foreign Jewelry waji fatted with $U74,!2t) worth of the article ii ram which; Willi, int Sighing, they paid a duty of thirty ner cent. Uf leather to rover their Imnds and their j feet they sent aeross the ocean and boaght bi the tune otM.isjj.m) enougn to hiue-bihd th na tion and sicken it ill inr.oUs wan. Having killed of all i hr woilMi otanufacttifeit; we let the foreigners tike from us in the Same year $24,225'!7'. for f ibrics t f .w.l that w had to have, or thimg'it vt na'Hcd ; for linen g,t ?.6l7,luo, fof cotb.n giKids only ?l t.74J.Vit; for etnbmh'i-ric $J.KV2,74'.l, and for inm and teeJ and tli:r taanuCtctarr $2t.w"tl,KV. Cati iderieg ihttt America t the , richc'l country ofl the face of the globe in the ores of metals and Ihe means and skill to reduce O.ein, the lust iient must have been a hard one in a double sense. and perhaps induced tlie importation by our people of solvent aud aids to digustion in flfd shape of $4,G15,733 worth of nines an I liquor. Old and Yonug America bought nlrna l lasi year, and ua tick, uf thing they could miMtlt'hay made at bone, to the eiteitt of lli,2i1,4s).t Any other concern in the world would bust up" under such recklets hoine keeping and mnnajn nicnt. . a......' Then 'era Leg. A dialinjuisli(;d public speaker not long since illustrated, in a conversation with us, the singu lar want of ncqiiaiiinAice in cerluin localities with scriptural ubiecl and phraseology, by the an eciiote w subjoin. If tho extreme ignorance of tho hero did not relieve bun from ad imptitattou of the Burt he would be considered a soar a blas phemer; but our informant, w ho vouches for tho facts on poisons! kuowtedge, say that the ease was nothing more nor less than exemplilioa tiun of the happy simplicity which eliaracteriai' some of the hauk woods counties of Tennessee. It eeia that aa adventurous sob of the State mentioned, born and nurtured among the moun tains, went down to the eity ol Memphis to "sock bis fortune. ' He fonnd Instead a complaint which th Mississippi water not nnfroquuntly generates, anil which whether it ttnUs a speedy tcrtniuatiou in,th cramps of cholera, or whether it gradually ssps hie in the chronic I, rat, i tl- wat tu bo Ui en. teil. il ws tn the latter shape that poor Uagty "picked it up," and month alter month it tuggoal at l.t vitals, reducing nun nay by day, until al length he wa but the outline of a iiihii, a mere peripatetic koleton. A worthy aim iter inarkiu the poor fellow, ana seeing that the k ing of terror bad "spoiled" him, determined to call oa him, and offer spiritual cannwlauon. it never occurred Iu him that th tar of any mae bora in a f 'hriaiian country could ba entirely unfamiliar with Ihe terhiag by which. piritusl. uljclre usually approached, lie llieretore alter eotne kiuu iniiuiiies atiotil th raragoathediseas wa aucumplishing in ling ley's system, bnavcheil the importaiil subject Somewhat thus: . My dear Mr. Barley. In view of your relations with Ibis wor.rt, how do yeu freir 4 sic, was Ihe prompt reply, 'ltiin'l sear my poor Irieud,' said th parson, and let m earnestly ask yoa if sou everthinkot your hitler end T ism, sii rtagtey. 'I uav t tuo ton nothing else f.ir mora ism months, 'Not, I am afraid, io Ih right way, Mr. Bag ley. I beg yoa lo pu and reflect. It if lime a lis I liegiia tu wrestle with lb. Laird, I he tick Btsn linked dowa It ih miserable, ealrleas legs extended before him, and with aa ineaTableeiiraii of amtrmnt in his counte- bene, eielstmed; IUt!aitb th Iinl I What with them t'll't planting tu his ewa, 'why, I'srson, be'd Birt ai into b II th Very Ural pass, 1g Mea whs Itrluk. There I not a mall nooih-r of young man In Ibis community who drink anient spirits habit nally drink whenever they gel an otiptitiuuily, end aianag Iu asak upluuities In meet Ihe demands uf an Inci dent aptita, i ber are father snip mtiUiers, Pat, etreiiga si it atay ap pear, who look an with eomp secney, or alter only feeble word rf proeeai. Thaa yoang men are growing up with a habit thai is l-eeomihg strung with their strength ; and 1 ready liaer er Utai nf them who-e autfTitl-liskitig skin ik slcohitlic breath pnphev of the drunkard they are rario'v becoming. This habit of 4rinking ij acetimstii,ed l y a stranf infaiualioa. They bat no idaa tl.st tbey ara liecnming druhksrdt. bringing ruia iipou thsui.rhrs, grieving (lie Cttrlusjili' oftri t'rirs.' Amoiig other interesting fact of I Dov a tttistical viowoftlie 1 nite.1 contra, the llostod Transoript mentions thut the non-slaveholdind, hsrea third greater to;uatioa than the slave holding Stale ; that the foreign vote of the eoun try i one-twelithof the whole; that shout nee third of the w hire population of the slave states) are lave owner ; that the Put e of New York has admit one-eighth of tlie population of the Cnioa s that there ia one house to iory six per ' sons in the country ; that the Roman Catholic ha but one-eleventh a niiny ehuclie a the -Methodist i ; that th numbr of person who I'M KitstofthM"niip istwelvetiiiDsgresletr Iliad nf those who live West thereof ; the distance be- tweeit New York and New Orleans is more thari that between London, nod Comtantinnple, or Paris and St. I'etershuigh; overtwo-fif'tluuf tdb national territory is drained by Ihe Misiiseipd and its tributaries of the I.-VJ7 pwitiuul new1 paper Tmblished in the I'nited State iu ' ln-jil. Hoi were Whig aud 743 wore He mucratie ; thsra are 4ikMX0 Itnlian in onr territory j at Ihe cl in of theRevuluiiiiti there were but' 70,'sii In ibsj. old thirteen Hates, uriitrdiiig lo en'Minite of (jen. Knox; dtiect and indireet tax paid by aeoh white mron iu Ihe country, 4 21; number of teal estate owner, 1, 600,1)' ni, or or, in ah ml 3,1'Joftha fren male over twenty-one year of Ngji ; Dumber of federal oifiee holders, (uxclusivd oljarmy and navy.) ii,4iti, a I lue fold increase ince S 801 the population having increased about'yive-folil i one-four. Ii part of Ih people reside ih yillnge, town and cities : the number of people to a dwelling in Nw York city aver age mure thau lil, in itoston nearly t, In New Usleans ftl, ii Hichmond about 5 , in 54 eotin tics the female grcstly prclouiinate, in US te '.area, and In 7 the foreign horn. tiHtnyton, Ikt Kiay't I'rintrr, irmJ tUt hfnH vr r i tf tkt Anttrirnn ti'mnid. Mfall lint mystari's thai tx't urrad in th A tnr icart lteoli,i, tlie empkiyineol isT bi'iuglnn. e-litornt Ike It ! Imette ia tit rtir of the j it of their frosod. and las'uig up dinar food Ir.isa at ssy lent r-aeliiiai t Vi 4 deprive ss of ibs ktp'ns nf thinking last J,,unlglil list bee mute, if nut" "lluah P eritd Marl. ". I tsmjur yoa yai p ea me in ihe bert." "Yes. I bl e ea ting b"gbt -l,t y.ai w. ni l l.t ln m Hot I sot li i f rtonata t ate I ss wisteria 1 1" N r( r -al l,ef era a it. i a 1 -k t i,i" uieirt, , 1 am tosrtteil.' -i,m'-I 'i ie -'. ar- lake a filter w steb vVt-atsi hnga f a? waie t hi ttlork. lUeipieSaaaVi f-r lb B Waald tail I e -.1.. Ui pa lb awiey. li.a, ia w Inch be as et.V'Ct, a tn airh warigd, and w t Itelit'te reMrned. t any tat aaid that lb Otao I wa taken tu rh act nf aisf gioig l,e result Is n si.. art Ui I al. Tb pttrabaard ! was ale an ! at and vary a lab atiaired. atid a sa- A merit aa eotnmsii ler. is the mral sat ato llt r. The lime thai tin reniartabi eooneeii,,n Puli pUu is uf eiKifa aiiknowa. 'line i iihk h prolaiUilliy thai It ms-y bar taaaatatte,) at eorly a Ih t losing ol tb canti-siKfl al 1774 a II la known that (boat that permd II Un J!,,rna bnr. rowed id a 'iikar bt handred guinea in g.,d ftr itrft seetai sart'.ea t4 W aahiiignajt' army, and that 'n!hi'tta'of tn! iind isai importscaa aa sUaina-la, lrsa ihe diabararmasii nftb lmiVr It-i. for r"t tnUne. 1 bry are strong. I'.aar Itolt ! Tber is not a uiau uf you but Mend In ih 'Wk '"""'""k-sJi't f f d i ii: a drunkard' diTti, i.i"k arnuud e Ihi man thai man yowr Bughlmr mea f!5 meet youevary day man whom yarn know are ging juwl as etraighi lo tNi,it as l kv rna go ; mea a lux basioaaa rapuitl aa Is waitilrring, of entirrly dwl. and who aeeta t-i be frtven up to o!ym a, deiiruta trcnien an I lit detil, aud reiorniber lhl they bait trial ti I svuti paih that ) aw a!k iu, and with tlie asm feeling tf ae-otitT. Iel ih ila Muff tliaa la- r ,n begin to los Unit A Hum . If" a Hun. An Editor out west tlitit talk to hi non-paying ubscribere and patrons, It this epf oal don'i bring a response from then, he hail better sus pend operation. Our ili'hiirpieiita can take the last paragranb to tlieiuelvs ; I'i imh, J'utroM, Adctrlittrsi Hear us lor our debt nd got rnadv that yoa may pay; trust. us, that we are In need and hav regard for our need, fur your indebtedness and dine into your pockets that you may prompt ly lorx over, ii any mne you--'iie tmgie tat roll that don't owe Ua oitied,iug. then Id lira yretay atfplnside,eonajdaryourlf a gen tleman. If the rest wish to know why w tluft them, that i our answer: Not that we cars aboit oah ouraelve. but our urcdiUir iiu. - , - , Would yoa rather thai w g" tn jait and joj ge free, than you pay debt and wa aH keep moving f A we have agreed, we worked for you; a we contracted we dai furni-hed ndr neper bi yoil t imt as you una i pay, we nun you. liar ar aveeemeni f.ir ioh wiirk. eontiacta ftf ulisoriplon. promi of long ef dita. and dun for deferred payment. W ho i there o mean that be doti l lake a paper r it any. ns neeo nr speak we don'l mean him. Who so graan thai he don't adverttst If any, lei him slide he ain't Ihe chap either. Wba i o 11 tlmt be daa't pay the printer? If any let him sli ait, f if h If the man we are after Ilis name iis Legion, He ba beea owing a for one, twu aud three, years lung enough lo make as pout and himself rich at aur expense. A tatCB OcIL We eat lb following "sell" from Ihe BufTaM llaily Hntublie. It occur ia st.try In-n ia now being published ia that psper, nut'ei "llu ried Altf. In 13(1 I em lo Koeies.te', and was there when bat lublini (area was enscted un Moon; Hop., A wagaf Mount Mtitris f .und a (iisiiiny ol hear bine, which ha palmed ' 1 tb I", ma of Col. Jme Itoyd and eoinpariy.of Ki'tnluti.aa ery eelebrity. Th aiililary took 'il up end ii pleted the humbug. A ,..iiikos lom ial a planned, nd (jot, Seward invited to delnsr ti.o funeral editree. Tb cheat wa discovered I t oin of th 1ieier faculty a dy or iwo lief . re in oaisoiB Rtaliiin. but curb wa their fear uf tb ui. b.-ri, Ibatthry kpttbs,'ietti, Iheinaelves. Neier had p tor Ittaiiu sorb a pouipial luuelal. Il is sni powd tb i af'j lb a and ier p f Mowed i( the proetssion. liov, fspward was p-vriiru'ai y elmfnent on thi farcical ote-usion. 4 1 , li t r ii sens," aid be in hi exordium, "tl ere w as (;. lory. N'otof battle, blood snd Ini'ier-ai -t re, bat of dxatUtud Corn (M is, ivm i-h I r,l u and BhtHial cub a Iheuj ai fn.i,. 1 so l d i. r illed, if not as tpiril-etirrmg and nnei.-tui " In afewday th tjecret Iratad out lb j, ke raa too good t k"p; el.t -rs arani.Me.1. rl- cor auarrcle-l, th Blililaiv rore, fcil'ti ev l.ad mi rdrt-: thiiyhadleea unt"t uamert .Ptilv a,l i, and to till day ya caottot p n I. an l-.l.ai nsi.t nf Itbchtaner ia a rfore lender ) 'a ti. ni ' k dim if be w.son of the twace m ti M um Haps, or tf he ws frtieiiirly e;d" 1 with ( .v. fttjwsrd a aiatioa otr liruin ctd reuituis. , atria'lenea ia y"a, and puiut al yt u ! 1 t,er la eot a ma totalit sicbl undo hear' r j an tdan tnao alio w bate d,tad and reartaeted: I I a .; a ia, f wta I, tr I shall vt hal is tb Biyale'jf I SJ til lr, y.. sli r- ried ihe. f a,r it, tny wit ta, tt at f at a i rat I, at. "W i,i rsa j i, ms 1 Rot g taa, I beg. f y a ; a t ila t - ' Hera, Idaa." 4 lb f J-al, -nr fd facl. In Ih year 112, I g-at g tss W llna t l.aa Say trAoiatil, I attiiaal 1st '41 etaniegata .li.. and hdjM g,taa Bed- B. bsia II b-ana imsaaditltely brBaaa4, Bhaa ifd s y lbr artatea vt,4al s-.w-at-a-a. Tb taalf uf la kswaa sad in p atnlfa W th tr ngly d , d In dief B.J J atraay ba, attla.t af Bn latapaat, w faM-lvad to pttab sat. Til T', wnnhy fnsker ta'd lo M .rr's, ,,sr tin I. fiiend I'. tliati, ale aa tu a sua nf ta a. bul the tootf f, ihe rurp-ae of war? Fnatid 4iaM,rtli. I l.iara. a a.aal bin. and itfii!it,a ia lasinar t-siief l.a rank wtBBl aa ry tieir-1 a -! eue: vol I ti i,f t--aa, to Bat I us tar . t i laani ,,,,a--ti,a oA,er who bad pufha'ad I any a.i'1. Mortis, hi after, saa traitngtai Ui j Btsn slat h been bi'.J in gtavi re pal, and wlm ne firt 4k wetit ! s 1 1 .aad lhe,kr, f iBtl old Broad brims sfntpla t Cut g,,. aaa j bad ihe fairaat pncls, walking v.luutarily led t, In, oa hi . a ji" due t Ut'r Pi aii dug ap ft aa In garde and bt d-4 over l.tib Into the fUU t4 aeioad which will enwrap Ibsm , 1 k. f I ' h at U'e1..!- ir-ii .11. ih caoiaamlai i-i.i. f, ska at 1 4i-a i-i) id il to at,d lbif' autt ilaikaal aurmw. and wbii-h a in I,,,,.;,., nut a of Jvui b nutty in tie f, i, ", tb fnnt ssite armlaw I id d I trt eft-ta i t tit.. b gs tne n early grata, and tun al'tea ei a t a. a m naaoio if id talua of tb 1 Ih eai f tl " rtv. l'itluB lo l.,ot er.t cal ' a igamninBsa owe. Th I, , tnl lead away tvaain,at,ial i.titiief tun-1 by lb t aif , 1 tt.l, 1 ..four daaiihr, 1 fro ail ihia ntia. l,K.f and insert is a plaia end Il may nl ll.tl It Ireaiy ia id lotarti aa liitiu.1,1 pnneaf failhft.l ia hi bntgain, and I ntiitik"sU oe ! kinl IK one lo which w f it tmall end tt w-tg" ii, I'M" t.f : tnn wpu'I ini" ., if i'ij inn. rtanc. BliW'le is un anty asia tu in -a who Hat a drt, ie j 's th ae,ai b,ie.itsg tf tl - ell. - 4 t'-ast J In evti fit ai BHtent i f r if Vi I'nsta's or Vtf llaary elabla. be Ia II. Ai"nean enttip lat f.ra ), co-illtsiutl) bad lept off tb afi-cl of tl ef vtit. - . Tb I otiiteaf of the sicral aertie aat n bell a,tir-t tl si staa a sti.piri, a artaf at tea as Iu it, taxbuia tbruugb wha-k attle' .fiur of ,aat iela,ttBt,t W -BlitBlly litl ISeallfd ia 4iratN B eta.s fr.tai td 'j badiiurtfe 4 th weilt s got ii.t-i ea Li-r'iod, ile lig St. 1 dy I li,ws nf , U baa tl smH ad ft I pPias f.tna b ,a a qui ih ia., k al ia soil plil Id rvil ia piSaa. V) d . a4 a I...W thai tali, lai da. Kara, aula by 1, aipbattf bfaB of gUOa,Bdaf. ,f jfaatSI-4 r l't liaBlad by Ih Japan-. Aad D w ll anaradly m n M b'Og laf-a- aillf rnettajtaebwe laT Id 'hi'lh ; p.ati.i,. ! I It lata Ma hesa ,l.l k a-al-l tbwr- bt bead, asad dia ipeMrtne, aad ld tb way j taa lb war let er t a ms bank d tliiaivetd plaia. kaaw try wtl. lb .Waver, be attaatd Id right dot ti't daib ss t f" asked tl Udavf. d. d U- oghl i., a ,.!. ab.rd w.al y !'; w II ii b"k." attang ta boa. Id stem taatlicBad I rsa, Th sb' rats. Indeed, bad la in lo e"1j id' lai M taertlt re aWrbvt dett bib , I daa. eaat, and Ike fill ctvki waft t.li gska letted iaa-dt M sal aad aaif aa abi a ptatoat-eta 1 1 aat h..-k as it fa adl would b Ute arritea a Jaartta. tbe Wh aa .rb, wba the hgdi pea.M. 1 be Cms? pee ia th )eb y 4 Jra tx vavBntea will Let d iiis Bd a Uaa a I 4 II H'ltlJi ersnt s a"d, bsd su'mcton sr, In the Jao- of i.atot itata siartlittg tl.aa ' Ink king's print wonld pn tisbly hats baaa th ttd i 4 th taa r'tsa llo m by eoatmod-if I'er- taat an sat upetif bf dotiag the wl,ol af hi rV and A-lati'sl fsiltlmg. And te if aott' aoia are tn aattl fSae. N M eatia last It was Id a4 la ttasg aea tba aad Ida JapSaa aatkottlM eea in "Bal. 1le etartpaes'ne'y apea CI, ina da fthH as wob a "e,aal BMBilatf of t ,tineie.a with tti fiet a, ti- fat rl yJ (, Stall literally - 'a l ahosa ,J ty Sol ,oa It, Aitteti, as ga,rl ad Id rna of Atsierie. I Kl tbw taaisisaiJe patxaty a a.l,a.. Whea yV'svliiigmaewt'! Vt Tl o k otttf. aa ib iseaieas by tb l',niib lurs, be aa.4 .tti BVtrtneg if bit t, e, ' tf pf, ai'iiaitta da-ir.d, or firming. A 1 tlaaa wh in 4-1 on ket r n snug in llitir di wnaard tra, k, btt I'lasa gii, tlie ,aaier 1'iar aa the maelra up if ibty at 1-b4 tu da b the baite f lb c Biamtiiiy. IibmI, al least 'h p them (r n pat ting ill ettp t-i lb lla of II, a, r Ba, olaa-a, and that i a fiHitC g aal. .Vavi.ijWd lV-aoVi.a rrlalaf Haller a Mr. V irt Triaib;. of (ieireetowa, I. C, ia f .rntt B th b daa luteal ad a coatiaita-a for I'limai t tddiere al.ott Bill Ie et TrlBmpSM at Hallteaata Mr. J'aieih Si r. In enexikim; eft n'triat Mil in the iraiii 1-aWikMit r. n''. s ! "I know Iba lliing hiks ft'Si f, r-isir lit Itailrtiad Itself b sirenr hit t. ti.n.drou thing. It is a eearttivB r"'er. It sm lo Intada Ui irovili,' T INoioiw len.-a. I'S tv suite, though aolmtittid to t' i" i-i'i-n1 ir t--at.iatr'i,m, alia, at defy belief. ('. idnty i ago. any ansa dad n.l I to" tlt in tin fat I" a lit lialtiBMf and "I i., lUHimd w ml I ' i" Hsttiator t3.7VI'ssi ,,,,,f tjra.l. , .re,.-,. i; IHI ia a sremih. I AnoU h I - t ' : J a t aaai tru k bed. I t,i ii 'l I ' i.. t as Ut tdd asati did. Bow liii.g ' t -i.f ... atHtwsy Hi ha of in Italii o ,i a , I i I .-- ruad,wl,a baptaiotd to b preai.'v i.l it, a ti -a Btoeliug beU la H tltint I i p t i; a ' ' work un f ait, and aba I - t't .-!-. i i pi talk of building ra.in.al II t.et. ' i I aalit Bauuetsios, "Ah! gm I "yoa a4 4 i tl-il. I k.. !..! Min-i'.i I - bra io tlea a,asl,i t od t" l i ,1 r B,u1a, I bar en-"J lb tfr,n, il, ibair tua. I as s f.m4 v. r t '. r o . taiiets. I list ln U d up tl. ,f r i, i d lay ! udeei and ki ss-alt d ldif It I eo.i , 1 a,f era'lira-.fHi mad list Sull by SQmmer deal . i 1 v-i, n"' tou ea l-to t ' i klrf bat btd bj tetter ettld beaadaa ba-llig I ftta ll-eta. 1 I i i '.Cfarf alia taa- B'-rt laaaciott sod dnrsbl. 1 his tfrtjrot innl j A n4 t-1 tl - ii mat live! n- ' 111 nbtis e graat intiiaitaniattc sice. Mtlara1 , ats af -if lie a t dy. lot a 1 ta ll, ptaaaal Haaati,i'ie aad fr . trt, and t eitv. s;t,4 ipt-l Ii HI tb a. at. i t, saw s It b a BMil WVtc .use lii ry f-r all l'lilr. I itiiit d- u a r u i!,i k af i ' I'M. Jtt !!f-f. ' in, Ji

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