KOItT II C A R O LIN A ST A 11 W 1$ D i K S D A Y 310 U IV I IV G , 31 A U C II 12, 1S5G . tn m rhs Philadelphia. Timts. j irrw4irkiHlml, Aii.en.-iio party f.f Am President of the t cited i S:s cs, ia the of Nimuel lioiarlantv, onsuf th ' rli"t ntti! r of Timie, and tlx brothei-in-lw ut Andrew' Jackson On hero of New Or leans having married IVani-lson lister. Previous to this marriage, nowcter, long and httimat j acquaintanceship bad subsisted Ultra the Jack son and Doiielsotu. Lich ton irrfitl frnrih- : eofJ by iliii eonnrctioa. After Mr. iKmelxHi'i dnalh, wltirb (icoorrr J U! th auSjact of ttiis brwf tketcb km mill rr yeonx, kii(voo, Adrew Jiirkti.n anj wore adopted intlrt fiinilT of (ten. .Ii.fcsti, mid (ubiwiaenllj ent to I'M point to be tduottrd. Wbilest tliie Itiati Andrew n distinguihlied firUiliwieeand twiitiun t bis riii'lici. Hit prugrwn in all (lie lraiiili ttiat wrre lnnj;tit in the academy won fur IiUm Hit esfeein f tlif fnTosnn, nil "ifahrui wd diwivvml in biirt tl.e grrrnnf grrnlaU'IilW, and prrdicid lii uiw.-j in life with aonniiU'ra t!e cuiifiJenrv. At the final cxnmiuatioB, Dot . ! IiJ lull one amipi'ii'r fur the firot bonnrn if tlie iiietiiuiiiiu a yiiunj; man vhute parnr ' were poor, and who ere exihticqaciitiy unable t , aid kiia in liiaiitriil'.'s: Tu li'mi IKjih Uub (who wan irally In fujiwinr) pdier.ulj ao&irdod tli Crirt lioB.irn, frr fenitig to pa but an ind;fcrei t eiarniiutiun iu lYmi, in wliicli tie haifalwa.re eii!led, rtlher than defeat liii friend, whuM future dvfiendcd mi Biuch upon tlia ai-ouipIib' went of thu lge..' The ac'n'l lumore were given to Mr. J).iin-l),in. Af:er lie bad received liu comiiu.v.i jit M.ijiir Djiiclmn wa appeiuied bjr General Ji.;ui oticnfhi ai ls da Ciirip, in w bicli rnprVtty he wiiuimed to act until Jut-ten reaigned hi oninini.niuii. After that eveut 1 0 retired frum the army, an? oiuuieiirrd tliejttuily of tbe law. Having teen admitted to practico lKinelaon at onoe upnned an t.lfiie in Niuhviile' ' and un ubtaiiicd an ct!PniiB and luerativu practice. At thia juncture, while miking apteudid Sureat the, bar, winning the cunfl dene and hdiuiration of hia fellow citiiona, I11 . wo oan.eslly iuipirtuned by (jeueral Jaiskton, : who bad ut been elootod President of thel'uited Btatea, tn beciime hi private secretary and eon t Jejitial' advior. Sacrifiuinj all tha bright prmcl ut liia pmAiutiun for peno-1 uf eili( yearn, he erTtd daekxin with Bdelity aud ability durina; hi einiintmnce in ofEi-e. Many nflhe . BMa(;i whteb antomihcd the wiwld, duritva ,J'kiii'aa.liiiiiiiilraiiin, l.y'the buldneannf the r tme and the vig"r uf thrir dictii u, beur l lie avi denrra uf lYiHaon'a ,!i-liiri) band. A little atiK ji.te at Ihia point will nhuw the prcatix nfl. dome Jackai n phu ed in Major Dut.eloon aud in what lisht be viewed their relationship. A treaty bad bera made with the t'lu ctuwn, and after the treaty bad Urru signed, Oen. Jarkann turned tu ' tbeeliu fs who were assembled, and said, "if any nf tha article cuntained in thu ttenty are tiuloleJ while I live, come to oie; ifauy a broken nfti'r my death, here is mj son, (pointing y MiijurniH'lon,) gu tu biu, ha will actio my tead. I'uring Van liuteu't aduiioistralion, Mr. IVo. elson was apintrd Minister to Berlin, Ilia Conduct while oeeiipjitie, that position gained for bin the reputation nf a tkilful diplomatist. Du ring hi reiJrn( at lterlin, the Prussian Got ernment was ahont sending tu thia country five Lundred of its pvui.sr inbabitnuts, w ho bad been niuiiituim il for years at tho government tiieni Mr. I'oticlaim on being apprised of tlie bet, at tmee rcminai rated against tboir miserable Starr ing pour beinf sent over to 811 oar alint-hotisee and ehrilWiotitil(or andstsfed iha h'n - goverjiniFiit ahould be immediately infuraied of their iiitriitii.ii, and tlidt they would "not be per aiittrd ti IiuhI. Thia bad tha dusired Seel, and tbe idea was alwndoned. Whe h aatumed h- ii.e, Major loaelsi n went to Trias where I e tired heo ti e question uf its anni nation to the I'liiled Htntee was being diseaeaed. J'rnnea and Fjwin had a fen Is t bote nperating toaeearelt ani.r.vutiuu tu lhsir govemmetits, tut tlm ujh Mni-s.lii.pslt ' eff irts, chiefly, it waa secured to the tufted-Steles. Mr. D "iielon now retired fniaa public life, and wMitiuued to lire ia retirement fir several years. VorirtJ the Fillmore edmiiiietratioa, aud wbile the emnpnmiise uieaMirrs were under d.s eoetion, be bn-ame the editor of the Washington I nion, letnuiratie r. Wbile ailing in that espacily, hit tiewa were eonaenrative, and his support of those measures did a great deal lowarda seeui ing their passage. Major Donelsnn is one uf the mott rig irias a titers in this Mn try. Hit lnrgsprineeln political life, with the I'lttmi uf bating been diM-iplined Kir eight year under tlut great man, Andrew Jark. eon, qu ilifr him eminently for the high position for which he has teen nominated, t'niil recently Major Donvlu) -eied with the ltemoeratie Bany. but lit departure of that party from the pvliioi pics of Ji(Teri and Jackson, and their syca pliancy and truckling tu the forign etrwenl of our population, diguted him, and be idraliCed biinc'f with the America party. Ml. Punelana poMssee msny i( the sterling qualitie of Old Jlickorv, and S Hiuld occasion require disjilay ef tin H will be f -and that ha baa that g't-st mijii'i Snnucae tad hut in'ease love of ounlry, This is a atri.nr ti. and na hard to heat. It m purrlr a N i'1'ioi.l tick t, not is.lja the remotol Jr-rre nh that detestable ism, i-igsr- S. It ia emjihati sl'y a "white man's liikot," aud if we lu-in rsi enlctilate lu deteat II, we must 10 1 11 ii tMt T't sn I if s at the t'iiilnsll t'onvea- II in; must sismi clear in that t'onvsniiont of sll n roreHtn: kM-lt net the N fi hhell aV!f ts I, in N' V rk; msks a sound Ntn n il plati.m anil f.l f e t.iis niei utM-a it fullf and em has. Nmliv ru t re li k snaas Slid Nebrs ks Lid. and ni i. .r .iuihI a for cuaera tu kuovk the -1 o .t '4 sll 01 iiii. n. 1 l.er is ne 1 Hit hK-h arT-sriUtetl Amsfiesa ti. . ksi pre-ns of gteat reapeaiabdii y , and add i o rh. ter 1 fcoo-ri 10 lit M.p. .sriy, la wttt Ihe to'i-isi . tn i a) tl . .an suit . r aartsait lllark 1 li'pat iiMin aUtt kit lb Contention aad t mp k 1 i;.,i,i.,iri. il nb It .4 s ur rei.te,t fnast th Cotttenlio aol ih. j . I.-! able I,- it. i American male a tety ree- j 4 sluts te, and s atark are salt. i.l 10 1 l.s 1 a--set vf UK wbii f. .ka all ever Ur mil'l, o.a ( - a-,W. ,1 f - a. T'.en..mir..i;,.anf Mr. I illm.rfs f. the I'rs omi ntlii't of Mr 1'illm.K for lb t'esat- I v He tawrti-sa t .iain,iii at I'lnls-lst- I sin. h ... M entir-ly ett.s !el. a- j I.e.. 1.1. lilies ifeenlad fts liiC lust f.W , la 1,1. .ij-iNs.lf lssp.-rsnl p..nil- 1. ot. Ii miv b-its lbs ki--st a:?! mtlitsn 1 ; . at . 1 of tl-a givs e-'atrpt . f-v iiotn4. lilies Biol ao e-as.ria'iie. Mr. I i .oof -a I'rsaiU.llttsI it I lb fa rat- t r h ao-l . ailt. k.ck sniari.al aaa) Iocs t. ha a. foiarit slli'.J tl-aif ka .. , . i 1,1 if 1. r .id.' SaiKS I ia is iioasil I , ie e. 1 t rcos id nh tl.e I il.et a oi j 1 c Lu, "t il a act ii'iooj 0 --- I thsas. (f n ,e private ehraettr, of gvod admin-j isrtive abilities, aarrf tried appreciation of j t ,,) oa, jIh t u,,nd ng port aiaid h corruptions and it,a.(i.,tu ol Ui dny. J . . ' TL . :....:.. ..r i.-.ti........ r.. .1.. i m- - of tlx United k. I.e... .mmwJ k. I. , : poliitcfcl friends in irginia, - far as w com eerttin, y in great euftuiwai II J"'d ! vwr provuica. u.1 inisrilie'JUlc in political Uliyirre. j but as chririiii lcrt of tlie menu nf the dav. we my tie permitted to any that we never knew a nouiiiisti.il! to trive more saiisfaction to a party. The name of Fillmore in cNmnsvthiuwiiha noiui natiini fortlie reUeiiey,MWiiiedtoconH'Upin bis' friends with the enlivciiins! influence of a aptit'g d.iy ufier a long a imer. AV'e had ivl antu ipaietl o ipeoly a nomination. But Mr, 'Fillmore teems to have jtnne ahead uf his only prominent com petit r, Mr. ficorfje l.aw, with pieiit ese. All pariins agree tii.it it was the very bent nomination the Autcrican" party eoiild have niad-i. Mr. Fil.'nii.re is a stntevnianiif rniinent ability and emerietice.. of binhlv eixmerviilit'C ehameter. and whoever war be bruuhl fat by the HeiuocijHy,"- wiil nud in Ii ;in a I' eninn vicrll.y i t tut atcu Fmm lit J,rol i' .'iiorc, h-mwutlc. Ttin K.vow X'iTiiivn t'osvaxTtox. The Xa li iml Concentii ii of Huow Nothing! have done well, all ihing nmsidn'red. .The nmiiiiiatiun of M.llard Fillmire ia the lient they couliWiave made mid tnat Irf And e J. I), nelwin is not bad. Mr. Fillmore i ihoronghly national, and when in tlie I'rciideiitial chair on a f rinor occoeien, gained tha eofitiijcncs uf the w bolo country, always ei ceitiiig the nbiilitioiiiat and their coadjutor. lie will cwninnil a l.irito vote, Imt whether aulG c ent to carry him in rviuaiiis to heeeen, Tliis will depend very -niniii upon the character of the ' Uenuie alin neiuinee vet liti)tceigiiale4. - , In'V will 11 iniiitnte a r"d mart, and vitt probablv w 1 elect him. liut, should Uiey fail in thia, it ( nine cm fort to hcliev, tint l.is pbu-e will booc- cupied by o mfe, nnrigbt, judiciuut and wurt hy - ; - a man as Millard 1'illui iru, i Froui th Xajl vilte I'lttriot. Yl haveWet to converse with the drat Ameri- ho did aot espreas liiuii-eK more than antis- 8cd with the noniHmtiotis of Millard Fillmore and Andrew J. O melKon. Kven our good friends, the hemncrm y, are liirced to admit that it is a giiod tickut, aye, and a strong ticket. Above all men dtfia Milliard Fillmore st-aud supreme in the anVc'.inf.i fifths ni,ies of Teniiossee. Ho was her choice t ur yesf ao for the nominatinn, and he wa the candidate of her delegation nnanU moualy in the Convention which nominated him on Monday, and she will atteit her appreciation of him by uaitiii her elwtufiil tote for the Aiucricftu ticket in November next by a majority of tllooaallda,, Had s no other index of auch a result than the exultant expression of Amononn eoniitenancca in thia city venierday," it surely was eunuch.- Congratulation, ami rejoicings were the order of , "'-. dyairleily pro,-eedNi.ota few U :tioii .vornnrh fanatics, which threatened the I disruption of the eoinentioii, liad plunged our Iriehds in doubt, and, mit a few felt mi ..giving a to the result. - They knew the fearlul extent ol'thennti-tlnverr feeling which the recklusaue-i and imbecility of the admiuiatruiion luuj amueed auiinig the Nnrtherii iicnpio. They wire nl'rnid that the delegates fioni IIKil section I, id en-ored the ootircntion with tle dcteruiinalion to force uponittucb uieuiire'a a wim,d have rertninly rent it asunder, and Mattered the party uiid 'Us holies (o the wind. 1. fhey breathed frivrwhen :liejf u1.1I thai 111 id ernti) nalhaiul nieulroru Uith aeciioita, tiy a large majority, hjid agreed Ui recojiuian the ribls of the Jrtomhei 11 people in tlie Terruoriea, and, whilst earniMily deprecating the ituitatlunuf thrcniening sectional queatiotia, had, by a majority ot two to one, sustained 1 he Kaiis-'.eorkr fecinlution, and relosed to ileidsro in favor ol tin restorathat of the Missouri restriction line. 1'liea were sat isfying evidences thai a sense of justice, that the eouatitution and nationaliani, had triumphed in the Convention. Hut the crowning act which attests the National, 'Conservative, Union senti ment of the Convention, waa the nomination for the hi(hest nfiiirt in tha goiernnienl, ol io auch disiiiijiuithed repreaen slivea id It at iwiitiiaeiil as Miilard Fillmore and Audio J. ll.neiaoii. I'll aveapuuaa la sveliturbj. The Louisville Journal, which may be regar ded as the leading American joomalof Kentucky, reapomls in the wariucat mauner iu I lie nomina tion recently made in lliihulelpbia. Tbe follow ing I frum that paper of the ZTtb: ' F.very trua American heart baa been gratified nd more .than gratified al lb reorption which the niHuinaiion id Fillmore and ltimelaoo ha met with among the people. Never in our liana bare we kmmn a nomination utore perfix-tly acceptable to a party than thia la to the wlmle American party i f our section. Nm a tnuimur, nut a whisper iifdia.ant or douU ia he iM I10111 a solitary-, unhtidual. Fiven those, whose per sonll partialities prompted them la contemplate tli nitaimatm ot other gasxt and true eamlnUlea, declare, nmonty willi' Ul heaiisllon, but wiib emliusiaain, that the Aiuoriran National Con vention, lu vie) f all things, baa done the very heal thin I1 at could is -at d.ly bate been done. M hereter the llglitning tlsibea the luted. gene alone, the wires of the telegraph, a loud sl of . rl inn follows, even as the tli ndrr f lloira the lightnings in tlisoloud. The hk k of eai.ltaiion thai was beginning to uver-apteed the fai rs of the lteinnerata nn acn out of tli diasenaii na al l'hiladelphi,hat paaeed loth face of tbe Ameri cans, kiting eiety Sng Nicbl couulenaace an image of pohtH al ileapair, , "Miilard Fillmors needs in this eltr noeol. jv. Ilia Lois uCetal ea ese slier bis sieve lii lo high oftn a it (be Holiest eul. gy thai any puld e man ei-uid have iw e.ire. II wst bine in tha lower II us ufCmgrnsa, cud Ii as tbe tnt faill.lul, laboikius. ai d useful nun In all that b dy. II ld an oke, butsliea h did. his rsmsr. went tearhing,tlioiogb, and edsa-tite, Tim V big rtt in t eleetrcl Inl to liar ica I'rssidenry of lbs l imed tM-itea, and In ilhsa-j ir on statesman i f Kentucky rejoiced at bis election, ibruugh baldly approiing Ibslofliea eisl 1 at lor, Mr. CUy aaa not a supporter i.f ihe 1 at lor adinlnliatl.aa, l.ul, to Ihe hist day of bit his ht sesrdrl 1.1 I .iiuaore the raeed ot appro bat ma and pmiss. The tlespaaae ta Mksaararl. Tl .U. .!. a. tol " . 11 tnviirrv 1 wp 111. r 1 i, k.or and IkaMtats flag, aad tpeaka out ia Ihia eae-.nragirg manner: "I'ndsrnevh tl ( Ida of , air ..rwHH t!.-. lb rteaple will, tb lay, read ll.e names o( tkw rva.r.men aim k... Isseo ww,l y to IvT I1m- banner al-dt lu tli eoaning e..a'n, Ata-t hr-at-l as es ar of llie nag, as ar a4 k-s rri-i f Iht m. a in aki ssl aieta it is saiint-t.i. I ,u the land. Tlie -saule-l kwl. ta f ikt llsi ol.l. use ker4. It are not earaabst i.t ate. s-. 1. g lt ants.r- ad asiislseioaa Ibe m,ih k-e aius back w ttsrsl 1: sa ami it rwssll as ma Aiwstv a cease, Il syA s a. n bk Uh begi.no.g ef r-n.lk-si l-d-,.miM alnM.g aavisr if the 1 of Mtrntlaa. the aalUe. l Irami'iiliiy and II. btotberly kit .d Ihe ktea lime. 1 b soouirin.t an.-, -wnh kaaalnig en it wings. fr II aisirsried sad unbaa nv intetin tani i.aiet it ia sstir-trt. I , rtniera attti tai any party stead MI IWdeol, Millard I lilm., ol Ne. i lor ' h at lkaa sasrstjs.1, kaaisd aV'Wa la I to rresident, Andrew Jturka. ia.kalM,. , , , . . T.nn. Hf t.Hdl.4 g.sMtk fc.-Ul,",,," A N"". v..by., Ib Land. Tlie u.oltot kwl. ra f ik fce,ml,l ( , tasaJ i . , , . ff fcV W.M, ha kttetv osaitfJ Ik Ib-a af ea it wings, for Ilia etsirarted and tanks! ns ; , . . . . i . , , " 1 J pelting sarwff a In a talerv. Sua aa. k.ralstinga lhal bat taa bang i.pia..iil 1, ' . , r , , i. r,U'a kasrt ikaa aa.ka. a., , I 1 L. ' I ' t Seal t Ik J .' . V"; '"""!" ..' lttia.l.stw.kll.ss.tt M valss ,,.,U at ' neus n ohveraiuw kt ai bind." , . , . , T. I . ,tl j Jist.i'HI fiso.a, abick is slirt rltsap f assrk ttm I -- eatietwj ( ess si I. eat j Mr J.., ..f l.-naessea, .s kia apeasrk tat j Ttseedaf . kp.ntbe Karaas la le m. kih aso i lo alal 1 ll.e I ress.ul rVo.turs, 1 1. Is, W llamas. tsamsr, t, sasvludieg Ihsat -1 ks d-ail takss rw.d k awn; and iki a-. art f n.s.a peoaniy " Mr. lists Ii il kad twt bawo f the KasMsC lb It, I .lo-wlt H k.W b ksr. I iS ssy !. lioa la Ihs I rsatdsol. shsaaa U U.e ealy devil j U.sl brt.a(lri sas t t o. g e. j Al e, J .-I f inla Is inM, the aVsatn i it i ti lor'ai'M aie.h i il lor l.tf I, ft Co, i mo si'! turn a II I rosolenf, 1 krsaa Yrmm AtsitUloa fcrm. 1 denunciation mid b d ) Ulmore and si-", jr. niyjtr ru:c. in j tmwtit fee" can hil lu. ia vlTaa-I ruiu them ith the m- of lite X irtti- i a i , tb. n indeed their h'H o e The oitierries' ..f: ' " ' P' nominees 00 nueount of theiro nttitul o al J- totion Jojli right of. the South, is eerttiuly witboiit nrececleni in the DihticuJ eai.T.tsses I this country. There is no word of reproach, no ephiihet, however opprobrious, that it not hcfed otn tlie.-e eicially ui JFr. Filimore With a irt of 8 ndih enerpj and 'li ii;;lii, which uiut strike every man in the South with aatouisbment. W giiii'a fe mure sumplea from AhoUtoa papers-. . --"' ' 'mat the Cincinnati GaiKe. " We are gi.ii foiit'the ae ion of tha d' invention proved i ilecrkii an t leave uo doubta to tiie character of the pla'Finn. The latter is cleartj and ihvide.ll pro-laieiy aud Ncbrastia, and in thia r', -.'t co. refund 4 1 reoitely in tlie prinea ple vj,the l eu-e 4eioci:cv. The ou.'y dif fiyc . , c, between thexj two parties is, that one ia opii.M:dt'ji; and the oilier in favor of Hie American part v. On Ibu itueatiou of ilavery etttetioiou they .taiid on til" same ground, and aro on alt points in v lied in thia lcdm que.itjinjR unit. " Fiiimore and Jonelson are therefore pre sented to the American people a caudi late f.r the l'reiloiicy and Vice lieijeiicv on. a tlior oujrti and decided Nebraska, I'm-slaiury p tttfonn 'and for the men and the principles of tlie present Administration 011 the cjiavery question, tbe ciuxciH oi tbe Northern ta.cs ure aakod to vote. "In vicar of tl.e facta prriQiiteJ, can the North aupport the I'lii!ii'Jidifua hoiniiieca and their ,obr"k v princiidva t f 'ortuiiily 11..'. Freed 111 ,!nttnt yiuid tottie wh ilea.iJe uni iioprom siii dnniauilii of slavery ; and, thcielure, the North .-4-Ul nut support uny.auau, iir airinoiploa, nov olcarly ami unequivocally oppueeu lo the eiieu eion of l.aver. nehave now tinescttifooi.lncrn candiiliitea the held. The o-iialled lieuiociay wdl gia us another. Let the licu!ilicaira nod Northern Americana give us a sot of Northcru cuntJuiaies, ami the latter will roceite llie sniqiort of tl.e Free Statea, nod as it was in the il .-cli.-n of Mi itunks, so it will be in the Pre-i lioitinl election the eiiateure of a North us well as a S ui will be announced by the vote of the Anti-Nouia-ka forces of the former. , Frum Wml't Alining Journal, MurtS lit. V im the Uichmimd ( Fa.) Whig. We ciiii iir with you tho ' result, that ia ih. alection of FilUnoTe. oo jiuitoruiL'y Oepeinl iin u the action uf tha Fuiitherii! peoilW" T r mnh tr'o tkjnnl tir 'i.,i'itv .S' jce Ithe, "'iiuil dV( i r y ihui'j in Am jfiiprr ici I', mid, 1,1 lu tmriit luiiv- j,, rimtl!d ,, , u. J J. rpf,. fmr (a Ii ' .:.."" ,i:. uwn triow tif , Soiithri h livrt. ,Ni at ail. l.u, they wil. evince tle-ir g.aiiinde kv sui'tiortins aud suata ni- g hint agaiuat any anil all niiii tors. Mai k ihe prediction, OlycofliiOe la'tli. The S lu .h need not ' fear to trust M Filiui n . for they hold hrs bond. Hi interest h. Freedui: aud all its glorions prif gativas, was add for .1 mean of thin I'ottnr-n. lii ing tbe atruir -le b.r I Freedom in Kanans, Mr F.lluion) lis I eon m. Abacnlee hi organs have been duulb hie Friends, dough. It ia true, alao.lint afer aifiiing the Fugit ve Sl.tVe Law, he a qaiinled Judges and Commia sionera ta hunt, with UI i.al h iun I li-roi-ny, to, Fuitiiea. His mnn Hall evimled moie than li e leal of Connae. to con. ict si'Uiob dy 01 at b d churg d with syinpathning uli the " Jc.r Itescue." It i true, again, "that the election f M Fillmore doea uiateriallv dej-eml ufMut the rt. i, n uf th Southern people." Tli North had lit n to do with hi noininalion, and will haieaiili lei-a to do with his Flection. 'oi Htnl't'Jimrnol, Samr Dolt. The Ko'ithern Hindoo pre aiedelitited with th nomination ol Fi luiore. They a.iy the man who signed the liigitxe Mate Iaw will not do any thing I keep Mai sr; out . I kviiaaa Indeed, 1 hey go eo far a lo a-ert that h r i:l l e.en m re tiua lo the N.uth a-.d to Slavey than Franklin I'.erce. iW art tlirt) in,il!y ..,. . tor Mpericne pr.ne. thai si.eu men, ah . hate once lieeu In fellowship with " Alaililioniata"iuru " Itohgh-Fsce.," Ihey are oi all men the nioat Iburougtily itougli." tnst H ee.r lrnnl, ilttrrk 3,1. Anli-Slntery Know Nothin eool l have I ad no more hitler pill presented to tliein than ihe Ticket nominated at 1'hilailelphia. And yet the medicine baa ln delibsratsly prepared for them. Silver tiray and llunker f) okIi Fsrea' have bad na-ea.i.(ii of the Onler in ilna Mlaie lorn no atari, an I all lhsir anergic have bu di ected to Ihe wngl point f Atitstituiing It to ihe purtss-e of Slavery. THey hat suecee.le.1 ; a d now they elaiin aepiie-enoe Irom those wh'im b bee- a 1 along gulled by th promiae thai Ho Ihaugt, Face wor A k uk up for th i're-ideney From If "ft Jtmrnot, tamt dmU. The nomination nf Fillmore adit i.elson ia ehaUeng to the free spirit of the N th. Tl mie is' la.ogli Fare." and ih other teila that he la th owner of " nn re than one hundred lares," and both are laaind, baud, f.ait, and brain in the Sou'h. The Freemen of New York. who are opposed to the further eilsns.a'ot slave ry, esnnoi, witliuut guilt, catena tu tneia aid and Cumfort,' Fmm II rri Journal, .Van if. The Itirhmond W hig ur-es the elart'um of Fill mors, be, suae, if eier'edk be will "must eai tainlr pr.se.-l tbe K-alh in all her rights and in lersia'tsj" which means, thai be will uas th whole power of lb general llitsrnment in restore roti- away Mates, must ha lbs press, pat down F ( r-peoh, build np Ih daton interests, protn the I Border l(uftaa, ntsk Kansas a Mav ftuia, and 1 do wbsleter else MvietioLlsr at derm e , ' '' eiiesi Mi err and iocrsa th a -tee f bistea. '.am II ersT J-Hi'al, tamt ifott. Mr. Fillmore baa not proved hat devotion to Kl. very merely by bat ing reotnnend.d ib I'omiiro-ml-e Measures a"jn. aorvst simi It by bis a rras lurelo the Fugitive Mstelw. H,.s be aprsr,. talufllic Kansas Nebraska set, eaol sll t s l"rv Matary acta aad rssnauistaen latmasof ths pre eat Adie'iiiatraibat, be earsdlo bis tlie terv 1 kwhest alar in lb Caislosus of lajuati.t'.1' Ik... " i r-isiatmsa. W bar earner. asa ei lr-ta of th cam met," which be shall da liter over la Mivtvian fVt.a I tim U st-nrd aeay and asel th.m j la Ut appn shiag enasasa, 1 tiaw rsT lb s,,,!, 0f.,m to Mr l.llnKa. t tinra.aa 1 psrt sd th Alsdilio-n.la. ws ak eaa . &iaHlim men tsf ant'i.trtv stand a..UI Ve k.a e-ta-d aad f at , . i'sastaaaj H'tLj. I sey an ttaata. ! - farU rsp.dM ffUat New Ve . E. I I a a, .. 1 ita.a ..! ! ' , ... , . , V J ! . , , , . ... '7 " , , . ..... . ,', ......... . . ,-,,, .. a , 1Jlk-. f,.. . k. aod. wbaaa all k a kv. i. . mm.i mf tifges Is plsea keraaiH a 4 Iks) KMSJ I. ass fa ksada wt U. ' t - S Dm tkais tk. , k.gksM 1 -.!-. Ttaw talr, wa-, ; ,w ti.kst l tea.s. saatsa lb- a "m tr . i,i.t,.d .wlyesUtl --k a to tiesf.it a k i eaa plesssarsUy e s baa ta tne tight tsf I swalni kvsbaad. 1 1 1 1 1 Isestk sf I Wat Haalaf, k It, Has k I een, taattM O II, e .fststlt sat If- I eiif-S Susies aav r. and i te ly tsna e " Alasssd.. Ha at, s am Tea a a; at lb to j tv-ai nal. Mr a. t. !aekNas'tepeeea- . -Arth Asscicaa Ksliacsii.' Meeting ia New l"rk, Mr. Itoneifam said: (ieoLeioeo, I ihai.k you t, m the laittoiM of my heart Prthia eery ru dial le ep i.ai. Ii at ludet-d most aelcouie o iwe. 1 bite iseo reque-ie-i tu address yon berv t,igi,t ijul , I jt ned to mui:b iabhc peaking, and as I have unfortunately .been mis rpreeu.cd sometimes in skat little 1 have bad to say, I hat thought it belter for iTueTninead uf making a apeecb, to spend an b .ur in prejtartng my remarka and reading them to you. Mr. DoneUon tinn proceeded tu read the fol lowing speech : Oenticmen: I apain return yon my than V for this cordial reception. The delegate at the late Conteution of the American party bar thought pr. per to place m ou, the American ticket tur the second office in the sjfi of the fieople, and a diatiiigtfiiihed and t'rieil statesman of your pmri oi.o hut for ihe first office. I, deem it a h.onor l he thought worthy of an association with Mil lard Filhuore in the eftirt to carry forward the principle of the Aniprican party a party which has been formed out of the necessity of the times, to correct the kbures which have grown out uf th errors of tho old organization of party and which have brought thu country to the very verge of social dotuption aud anarchy. It was n aur il, gemkuieii that the fieople of this great Confederacy uf Mutes should turn idcir eves uia-n Millard Fillmore, w ho in his peraoiial qualities. aud in all of the characteristic of a state nian.it justly ranked with the great men who bate con tributed lu the honor and glory of our common country. It is different a ih myself, gentlemen 1 hae held tail luouide aituHlioni iu the iiuhli- y - a- service, and can, therefoiit, nitrlhutc my nomi nat.on hi no other circuiiiMauce but my earueal devotion to the conserv atit and iund d jcii incs which firm the basis of the American creed. C'uier j According to iny undoraiaiiding, gentlemen, ol he causes which hate c u-litu.edu u new -pnriy, ney bate hut little icfciei.ee ..tu i.'it auieceilenis v old Wbigs or old Hein.K-r.ita. Under such de signation we hate cm-li pursued in other day-, ur own view. W e nave entertained -opposition .11 regard to the neceaaiiy ..f a Hank, and ihct iiienauis of national imeie t. Hut iioweter v e dulled on such qiieiti.;!! , vvli.-nm er those an si f a piticl) secti-iial anddisorg-in.giiigi-barHeier, ti.e lending; p -tiiuts of our country were ulw.ty united, Cmt and Jack'oii united to tdodily the l arill ol In.S, in order to gne u'"t 'o tlie couu t y, and ae.-uie the eierut.nn of i..e laws. 1 Ic y niiJ to dis.irin the forte of eutiiueiiia whijh were calculated to uirnymie ecctiun oi toe I 11,011 giiin-t anothe;, and ilt ey were in w aliteilicy ii uid not lie otherwise than participant in the .treat Amer.cau nioteineiit which , inlendcd to check tbe ratrenluf the saint sentiment. You see men tu the Nuitli proposing to auhily the niwa ol tho land. Y'ou hate seen men at the S uth doing tlieume thing. What would Wuaii. logt.iji, JeSersou, Madiaon, and ducksoti to men engaged in audi atiempts lfW,.ieuil en.ur . .nion. i.entlemen, ii would be na-tc of w.oUa 1 uoa.ier 111 de.aii thia qiieiiioii. All alio a e a qua nod wi h the public hi-tory ol tho-e gieat men, know mat ihey w. u.d be with ui htia.nug. toc.eck the rectiotial ngitaiioo.aiul icliukiiig the neres llint a si.nc or portion ol ihee . lo can eu o ce a c ni.triicti ui of the Ian a, c aitrury o Ihe course poinad out in the constitution. (en sanoii.) Tu real . re harm, try tu the tarious secth 11s nf our I nion lo brighten tin- link, which bind u iogelier -s sovereign S.ae. pmil'y th i,i. 1 Isn t icul .rffiieda g. r- lo a h.i b we are ei p -ed hy tbe immicjauta lo our thorns from for eign lands sifTto re, u.iiale all ih higher law inlluemes abr.d and at home which bate n Iriliuted toolso u e the laudiualas of our letolu tiui.ary latbcis the. geiitlemeu are the nl.jecis of the American party. These ere the oonaide rations Inch hate bmught ut together, no mat ter what we may have been heretofore. And these are lb eounier;ioit ahich will bind u together until our liovrrnm' nt is brought back tu it original niity, and tiuihlulnfas ia re U.rcl lo die relations of pu I, ic mey to public measure.. W hat seen the present Administration uf lbs Horsrnment employ ii pitronage to cement a pmy aitluail reference to any legitimate aiand ard of policy or principle. Men alio have preached ecesaion and disunion have been given tbe prumiueiit olSuts and hate been made almog when it was most important that ihey thou Id U weak. Old fashioned men have been edited and slandered merely lieeauaa they adhered lo the ntaiim which governed norma men in lb best day of our Klblio. Ya, geullsmen, w hat been procrild ihn ngh.Hit Una land, for dar,ng to say thai w mwiiUmed Ih d-vt.oes laeulre ied by tear greaiest aisle-men. desidsiil 1'is.st nrofeasin 4 Is follow in ihe footelepa of Jargon, "at placed bimarlf In direct antagonism tu Ih sanding sentiment uf lhal great man. Jackson said llial it t patronage uf Ih Federal Gotertiment ought St h la brought' to h., agsint Ui fieedota uf rlewlions, and lhal it na lime w were ssorr Amrhranitnl. Mr. ,rr are directly the eiailrary. Ha prost-itbrs from utlf large nuaat of bis fel,,w citiaetts (ar dar b g toieni-e lb pritihge of ullaru.g tlasdr erdnksss. II kss vatraeiaed kaiional ksen, ia order tu build up the agitator-, aad no u. en U Mrniiasd to sea thai ataaler bit hi;,.. .... ,l. k. " 'H TV -kMtrj is Ihrsateti.! with at, .n.ll .-u- far met !ai geria W lb Ulegmy 1 tha l'k ','oaa Ibey Uts tier I era ia any Lmat wrwd of wr kattay, II kas sntnatsawd lis .livtrin f ! afhim f' in a ImmtLi b.al recti I fteut kai alms a, it -al as-1 bet nsai fot til war, and Ib-wVli ilaitsel by Ik Meaaioa ef rpstksrih vtitinasol'wkiek rav gnliss ihs right uf tli 1 pi is g-tsra iLethaoites, ,a 1 aut-euar notn ng bal sn al.sid.ssia.Ml U ,h Coas I ab-assd duly asf Crgrt. lo guard k tti.t. I k. 1 il. -r.l O. I -1.. 1 L . 1 " " T ' , 1 aoattaMsait t kitm Ktal (UmaHts aaJ i.t. ir, ttm j,, , s. le a, k the t sledaieay ol htate na .,ttsl and . . ' """ - aagsian saaew aieaiatt ' p-ieoai. Mid aaasl el lbs Aatrrieaa put. 1 l raM ibati it aa ssl was It oot nM ta atotsss Uts tli apssrt of sajr natryaam kc j g'1"! k powsr ta eiatreel I hern, (l.aikarf- vesi, . 1 Ob. - airk, gs .tWaasn. aad I era d aw. ( s a. s-arf e n,at oatr trfgwniaairiSt "il I a a i ats.wa.osd kr paaka an 4a -4 at tk.a aba. kat laakHard ta.aM.af Mat ka .4 Ua . U part es, aad I kat a rsaa.4 ctsa) lb mnajewsw uf Pa.a ditkasaaa, leas Im ike tststal awseeaa (.( iks I Was m f-try k serve akoh I al.-i TI pmnmm, seal tbst Ike CC Ciaiasp4s skksaakas keaaawilsd "b.l .ksseg the fllsrs a Ik I asaa, aa i, - - j , 4s .w of h .a I pmriota .bt to esSy. irrs-i active ol tbe deaignatioa by which they may have beset known aa party men. A ht lira ol war, when the kneigs Cat bivaslea our noil, every rrue beared cittaea should rally to the Qagofhi aiDtry, an wbea ductriL'es are put forward by party leaden, wbfch are calculated to render in operative tlie check and halluces of the Contti-tut-ori.eiery patriot should throw of party shack le and do what b can to render bannle-a audi doctrjmi. i on jau. ll jronn "a Uial W are eouatituted an American isrty. Let ua he true to the spirit of soch party, and let ut forget that there were aver any diff.-rencet between ut a Deinocrnta or Whigs. Let our triumph be that uf our country, measuring our claims to tli pub lic confident- by no standard but that of honest devotion to tho principles iif our cauta, which 1 no other than that of the Constitutien aud the I nioti,. If w succeed, it will be mainly through the eiertiuns of the hardy aud manly energies of our young and middle aged men, who are curry ing on the great enternrisct necessary to the'de velopment of our country, cannot b 1111 pted by old party watch-wohls from com letingthereliirm , which Ihey have coiniuenccd under thellag of the start and tripes, and indefonceof the entitnent which proclaims that, American aiulit to rule America. Such patriotic devotion must meet with it eurreapundiiig reward. Oeutlemen : 1 was educated on the banks of your noble river ami hate always felt prido in tne prosperity of tliia great eiiipoiinm of our country. You hate always shown a just sense, of the importance of maintaining" the Constitution, by strict adhe rence tr- the principles it waa intended to "perpet uate. Y'nn have always been natii mil men. un willing u, disturb the harmony of those feelings which ar necesnry to ourssnfety or prugrcsa as a nation. It ia flafering and encourag lig.thorc fore, to the. friend of th American cause, in other parts of iur country, when Ihey hear that the great City of New York is with them. I could mft doubt that 1 was right when your ap proving voice was heard, in the formation of a party aiming to heal the dissensions In our land, (Cheers.) It was in this city, in lfJ, that first leiirned to discriminate between the mere party man and the ; patriot. It Wat here that lien. Jackson, though the guest of the Tammnnv men, toasted le W.t t l.i.ti ii.ttliowuii then ci i.siilci-ed by that ancient mid venerable siiciety as not 1 rtlmrb.x c,n, he subject of Slates rights. The old hero of ihe llermiiage said iluit parties were-nut to lie reject ed bei a-i-oi- tl.ey wrnt bctniuj tl e spirit nf their party in ihe supi urt nf their country's interests Thia, genilcnicn, is 1 ur d. ctrine. We have left tl.e old pui ties tt ho were uhal.leto Ininquiliza the land, and stand out on a plmf. rtn national fn'nn beginning to end, and American in every feature of it. (l'rolouged cheering.) V nen be had finished rending hit nddress.and a he resumed h s seat, Mr. Ihine'.soii was again warmly pplin!c(l, nii,echeers and a tiger lieing called for and given for him and Mr. Fillmore. ,-yL... Cciigretsional. hirty-Fourth Con,TeMriTt Seion. Wat-HlallToM, March 3, lsJtt. Stx ttr. 'Mr. Cuss m ule a pertsmal exnlana I'on in relation to aconimunica'iou in thia mn n iug's N iiioi.al Imelligencir, signed with tbe n initials of J. W. Webb. ., The Senate then proceeded to the cimaidera tion of me bill to uuthoriie the coii'trncth n of t-n slooos of war. ". Mr. Hale, during the debate, said it waa en tirely absurd to undcriike to put our navy on a ' fis.ting 10 eiiuipete with other countries by thit appr. prianai. If there was any ant reht-ri'ion urwar 111 the public luind, it originated iu th . . ... jieei-hea made in Congress, Mr. Hell, of Tennessee, said the object was slmnly to supply a class of vessels which were really necessary fur the piotection of our com merce. Mr. Hunter had no hie the passage of the bill ought to ere i alarm. Wc approximate chain ea of peace by prtjasriug for war, ibus di minishing opportunitiea for fore gn powers to speculate on onr wakuess, either rt J or puprs s e.l. Th bill was paeaed. Ijteh vesael with com plete equipment tod machinery is estimated lo si ts'rtlT.UM), Th Senate proceeded lo th consideration of Ibe Trumbull con tea ted election rase, but it wsc not concluded when ih Senai adjourned. , Hoc or KsMntirariva. After the Irsns cction of business ol no general importance, th llous proceeded In Ih consideration of lb a Icienry Appropriation hill; but witlioul coming to a Conclusion en lb sul-jert, the llouae d fiuiusd. Vi ioru, Msroh 4, Stsavt. . Mr. Ilu.lt Introduced a bill whs-b wa passed, making Sfl appropriation of ttni.OOO (r th erection of new fortification fur tht de-fen.- ef Glvesii.hariior and hay. Tb Trumbull eoiiirsied eUctioa ca was la ke up. Mr. Stuart (poke in ep position to Mr. Tronv bull't claim to tb seat. Contending thai the til'S' ad lllinoia rendered hint ineligibl. Mr Butler gsveMli titw ttf a portion of that jtswrnss tlfsa, and (xpressed th belief that Ih f. now daiea 1 onatiiuiioa ptsaetiMS Ui qoaliB ealhins ofUnited Siaus Ssnsk.es. and lb.quai il.stb.as culd i be eon trolled ur atudified by Sute Coiiiutioe.t, Mar. Tout ay, Seaard and .Butler svrally crgtsed In far r uf Judf Tiumbull't tlaim ta h.s j Witbaifa concluding ill cubjeet, lb FmI I : . I 11 r at btrtcrvr.rtv it. fin a.4i.a nf Mr, listen, lbs II ) t.a k np and refsrrsd kt I'-c Ci-aimiiis oa .Vaisl Affair lb Reset bill i aaibe aiog lb axiuvi'iva af lea tluori taf War. ! . Mf-s.Sa.oh, taf AUUeaS, ktttaadaased bill pretMat lbs miralurtuHl inta tk ( i-l fhlas f fw g riiala, paCs. banainst, and Imsus , sMws.ai wbarh wa tsfrt red to tli Commit! ua Foreign Affair, Tha II wse r ,eriad ll. bill sskkieg ippents-i . I.ama ta an ly sVt iesxiai f. ll kWalyaw tsd lat g J stss Jii. ... (atattat uf Ms pt'paaiag kt ; fskaJ b Ik marl a.apital y stent forth car i JMi-h aad diaaldsd . Ibe aal.jastMasstd faaiar waa, at a asksiajacat 'p'evsud, sfls- dia. Mfirksa attl, Ik k.D V as a I. add tk lha dtvasst. fiiamnt, Mareh I, Mas avs. Tb eks.r kid kefoaila rVaaw teas ral 4ifa.aariitss A aa isrs.li it kf4ar. Mr. Ilsatsr fsl lb taall Making ppaw passtaoam is rti tas-l . pal i . tia Lll aauttHLiaa iks ..lliins iLi.'. . ... w ,k t M.iA. ... .d. Ma. oere.1; toally a resolution wat passed that Ly- man Trur-ttiull was aWt,! Ssn.tne bv iha Lasev is a or of 11, in , it fur Its years from the kur-hof M ireb, 18"sS y S5, nay S The Senate waa addieaaed by Messrs. Butler and Toucy on the subject uf Kansas affair, aad Mr, IIol replied to them. Th innate adjourned. Horsi or HietrsTaTivts. Mr. Hickman, fr m tli Couim.ltee en Flection, made a report, preaentiug th reaeon for reuewing their de mand for autlHirity tu tend for person aad pa pers in the Kanssa contested election ease. It tart out by representing that allegation on tiie part of liotemor Kceder is, that the Legislature which passed the election law tinder the provi sions cf which General Whitfield wits chosen, was imposed upon the people of tlie territory by a foreign invading force, who relied upon the g y.nimeni, have exercised it ever airtce, and that the people there are in a enhjugated state. It then discusses at length th following ques tions: . 1. The necessity of having an investigation of the fact in dispute. 2. The effect of the act of Gov. Reeder in iasu. Ing certificate of election to a portion of th Legislature. a. Whether the evidence to establish the facta can be had atiafneturity by depositions. Upon thefiriit puint, it is drged that the state of affair there has excited .tim feeling of tlie whole people of the Union that it is the theme of a Presidential message end proclamation, and sovereign Stales, in different portions of the l' nion, have considered the propriety of an inter ference by men and arm that the question to be settled is, whether military power has seis ed Umn the Territory and governs it by a strong hand thai thia question involve the existence of self government, and that it cannot be settled hy groping among asscrtiona and denial, but ody by the facts ptovon. Upon the secondioint, it contends that th people nf the territories cannot be prejudiced bj what Governor Kceder did ns Governor that the people are now contesting the seat through hiuiinnd that il il waa not so, s ill Congress cold and shoul I investigate it, if a reasonable doubt exists as to the right of Gen. Whitfield to a seat. Upon the third point, It arguea a commissioner hi take di positions would be f.uitless that the I 'resident regards the presence of the army thero ar neceaaary to preserve peace, and the execution of tne commission sould bring the belligerent parties face to -face, and incite to' hnstiiitiea 'ha it would be e. n talent to a . effort to obtain testimony on a battle field, and that commission er" Wi uld be powerlo 10 preserve peace. In the course uf the argument, the committee a lude ui the fact that ordinarily In despotisms theireiilijects enjoy tome degree nf peace an 1 quiet, while, in Kansas, the nttlers are not only alleged to be reduce to a state of vassalage to a foreign power, but that personal safely ia un known, and murder and outrage are ai ! to he th almost daily reeorj of it history. The report is voluminous 'and argumentative; and I concurred in by Messrs. Washburn of Maine, Waison, Spinner, Hickman, Colfax and Bingham. Mr. Stephens, of tie-.rg'a, made a minority report, ma maining that Reeder has no claim to lie heard, as he waa not elected under any law; and that the fact that Kceder commissioned th number of the Legislature who paste l ihe law under which fleneral Whitfield was elected, and I n' ev'1 pimed the judges who conducted 1 ' election, eslopsbim trom any further pnrceed t I-. 1.1- irk.. ... . . Inga; his main, if not inly argument, being, Iha' the election uf General Wh ttislJ wa invalid, the Legidature uot having been lawfully cho rea. Toe further consideration of the tuhject wa poaipoae l till to morrow. .Th llouae went into Com nilte i,f the Whole on tb clt of the Union, when Mr. Grow mad a Siech in favor .rf tb free Stat aid ih question in Kansas, tu which Mr. Cadwslle der replied, . The lloiic aljiHirncil. , YVasnisnrott. March 8. StstTT. Mr. Brown Intruduced a bill to m vide for lire construction ef a railnavl and tela graphic eotnmunicstion from a point on the Mis sissippi River, south of latitude 37, to the Pacific Ua-esn, al San Franrisea The bill grants to lbs company about t rty milium of acres of land. for wb-ch thej ar Is pay fifty cents per acre he- frr getting any till, and requires them tn ds- posita nan million liars WHO Ilia Uutcrniaent a nbnn that they will faithfully carry rait th work neenrding to tb pnrrision of th bill. This most b man within aix ntontb, and with in vighieen month nn bund-ad mile of tb road muarabe eompleted." Th Government la to pes-fOOO per mil Kir carrying the mail nntil the road hi (nislesd, and ten yr lUrsafise, aad tueh ma able -am e lb ,setetry of H r msy dtrminc, fur carry- Ingarms, nisnillontof war, etc, ' Tb. rraxd U ,o b. f,wf.itod If not d.m wltbl. , , Icn year, aad all h. to revert t tli tailed Stataa, tj.fH thac which bar Isssai paid foe. It grant the right nf wJ thpsugh uablie t 1 r . 1 . 1 . .. , btmU f.mr ban Ired y.U -plc-gt. no.i. k iv privileg-a, Ut nllr., anyniy U tn aoei. rrstrt roads whea and where they pleas, aad 'get utk favor froal th a.itrasat a ihey aaa.. Tk bill wasrefeerwd ta tb commit! oa iksj l'vrie RiilpMil, Mr Welter ssi l iha th nmmitio wml-l ew-leav. kt report tn tk whole (jl,ject ant week Tk Crifiesit. bill u tika ap and passed, i e ii.inois caiisste-l cieutioa cae was eon- Tb aside -at f tb bid making ppmpria- tataie esb-nlalbwia la th (, g ran, Mr. FiHaP' tisaa f. (trUantliaMH wa piaipsied until kt ea of air test few. par, high miadd cublsl Monday negi. I ntaa, a he. ha aM rsned to the Utdlrseti'' T Sessat liaewsaal rw aWtioa. offered by I t) nnc of Ihe pnlitlrUn Intriguer td wl Mr fkamfser, drsHing th C oa-aills ra rorstga law to tdvane klmtlf. sad stark b W Ralslioaa ki tsm.lilse Ik ctpasliaaey nf m-mtt cart , th rwspeet of sa af all pet-lira. ' af kagbdalia, ia urdr tosff-lally Uarnawt tk ltstsff Cssrts wwaiy wfh fatrh regubtlleg lb pay aval of .kudd. lis eaid Ui 4iai g .e by tk . mm ha. a-riU." .' Prwsident ass d'f..w.v Il I led. Ihsl afVef all that bat hssa tJ Afisr dsfrals, Iks res. dati.. wa paaaaj, and aboat Bsmum Unkrnplcy. the - Frit" ' tha -.! tjor, I till Monday, Bhstamea," l.sa ever owe bandied aedf llotsg at Ftrsssavtntxs. Tk Sraakr ! tk.stnat dJlar. seMted bt kflj aasar,k" lead taste, th lls a aotaiaanicUt..a Irtat t t.f k rrsd'iiorsesa k-aek upper ef it kh Cnirt tt ft aaa, shU kill making p Wbs kr w bat thai bat "Uakraptey" I mmlf pr.asrtaUaas (a Ha pavoasat af saw t si past si m las. twlaii-a, aad very tasaeaafal a kaim la ad hi wa to the csidessa aad jadgataM Utak. f ' of Ik r. Thi wa tkat first nf tb kind aa lat k a a' diekUsf tmst trtawaal. IMakt castaed. bt raistbtn to tk mh whtekj sassaklh par a I ha tb prta,at ft battue staled II f n saw Urea I aot waa sa a. L. ,.1 -..1.1 i, . .a t. ........... m aa. twiaasi tost j Oi k-l . tsaaid la caart to tb Co otitis ef -i im-, wn;ie oa the oilier k . thai tu action of th court Mpsarteded L ressite. c tb. aubjeot waa wA di.prW ( Iloua passed th bill making appe,, fur the paymeot of in.ali l M(J ,kJ and f.r the eupoort of the West Point AeadetT Tbe IL-us. proceeded to th, csiosiaVaucTi tb. report of th committee, cw ,UUaM per in the Kansas coo tested election,, ansa puwer to examine witnesses oa uath t, Mr. Biiye, of Snub Carolina, oppLej position taken iu be rejrort of the uuU;,! th oommitti on lection, and aoass, quence, nrging in farorof the right of Geneed Wbiitleld to occupy the seat aa a delegat, tt Kansas. j - Mr. Bingham proceeded to ahow that a fL bl .,. was made out just.ying the coraeZT to ask fir power to eend for person, and ramsT and tigmatixod' the members of tha KiIl? ialature a usurper. - Th House adjoorne'l; WasuiNoToB, March Tlie Senate wn not lo session tu day. . Housg r lUfResx.vjitiria. The Hoiiset, sumed tb cmsideration of ra,lati,m rtrwrbj by the Committee on Election, asking tutu to wild foreperson and p;iSers io the KsnaZ Contested election cose. . ' . Mr. OHvtrr.-bf Miswrnrl. cpoke in npp,itin w ench grant of powenand in the course nff,it remarks, charged upon the head of Q,. ReeJtt and those who acted with' him aH the strife and bloodshed in K atisrei territory. Mr. Curiilmok, of Indiana, admitted, at cW 4 by Mr. Oliver, that the object of the mi j aid societies, in guiug to Kaniuw, wo to Dak it Mr. Cullen, of Delaware deemed tlijfaet f the legality , nf the act under which General Whitfield was elected oonulusivei the II nine, get, Ing as a court, having no right to go beyond tht record. - Mr Walker, of Alahanji, expressed view nr. ilar to those of Mr. Culion. Mr. Tyson askod loav to offer, th folUiwia. resolution: ' ' Wherea.. tho intrepid eon luot and cienti5 iul of Pr. Klish Kent Kane, in hi late expedi tion tu the Polar regions in search of Sir J.hs Franklin, aided by th officer nil 1 nien umltr hi command, hare placed hit ttamo In tbeirst ank antong Arctic explorer, and wherea tht oDtervaiion and discoveries he ho made are io portam additions to geographical and me tore, logical science, and valuable in the light which they shed upon th current of th ocean, a rat th myateriona change in th magnetic need), and upon the physical laws of the g'olie, aad whereas the narrative of these heroic labor aad tlfcir magnificent results should be widely diffc. ceiig a well us to encourage the spirit of scienti fic research among our countrymen, as to cxprta th profound aeue we entertain of the merits lot ertiees of the explorer: therefore, Resoled,That the committee nn the librarj lie instructed to inquire into the character uf tht bonk about to he issued by Dr. Kane, at ki latter press, illii-tr.vinna and binding, ami rert th-it opinion on the expediency of ordering a certain numlier nf copies tbe"enf for use and dlttrilf tiitn. . Mr Letcher objected tn the Introduction af ti t ab-ite resolution. After further business, the II iuc adjourn! till Mondar. Vurgliila Th demicrata, or anti-Amerlnana, held Convention recently In Virginia, over which F.i Lt. ffovernor Leske nresided, and in the cner-e of thi genileman' remark bt ctated thai T gini would go against ftl'mm- and Donelton "7 tfren'y. thousand maiorltv. This remarks) ' fh e'arila- n wa more than evan Fi OoTernnr Floyd rabid Democrat, could swnllow, o he rose ai.i a'd t . "I alneeeely depeeeat ibis swettneal strogrH. 11 m exhort this Con rent io in barrenny. k there lie no sectional lesb nay its bickerings but an bnnirralile and lui'talde rifalrr I each no'tiiei nf the Slat to mil. trip Ihe other in th ntabtrry that It will l able tnmllap: for, rsv friesits, we have na mean erteniv lejontend tffsiaat. (ajr. Knnw-N'oihin brethren in this Srat erst alb of a powerful and ineresaing paste. . Wiibsasd chieftain, nne whom they delight ta honor, lb victors, if victory at all. in the ls.aoeraev i Sat nf Virginia, must l wnn hy harmony aad enaciliallon Inwards each aeetion, and a Ina sad nntlrine, oneeaaing and nniled aetien assiag t nu-lve." Tb' ""M saasvn vn'glr enr)rmstKfll I tht sta'emeet nf Mr, ''lusrt in th Philadelphia tm eenlion, aa f llnwsi "I an; a.a a asnrnln man. Ml I Mk I as p'sdrw. with a. .pi dganf eftpMeneav ht wttk Ih stadard-lswr yon h-vs ksleefed. wsafel carry erst) old V'-fgini, Wa there went ints ) Wast (vtnvass under every poaaibl disadrantai. tn rmnmirHin In a finished orator, est whs was familiar with lb people, srid with ike sn atf lhal mots their hearts.' Mr. Wise, with kit elaebs), entes and fnm mtaroperaamtariont. lewis 1 raratse staves imrwrssbras upon the sample of Vk 1 ri'-ht, hy Mnmping llie Si fn.nt an end tk T' U, "TZLv"?? WMs lot ll.er ill now all rot f r "" r. Tht Richmond Whig and Ibe National ! IV geneer kd pledrred lha-maelve to surport ar. ' Um" ww,r Partarrfsrry exerts piw ful IrCrienee In Virrlpta. We mast disattatsn , ,,,i, w n ear i h.ntt r1.it all th r!g(lnf and donla that Bv btrssofore I res eipresaed." , T'S weight af niboritv. It sia' lt cp, kl "1 dseldsdly agaipst Mr. Lawk and hi WW "rity. Millard r'lllmrsw Thrwe paper which Itnssln that anyth'nt to K Btada I y sqninier dir-y water kl Mr. FdV m.. w ll Ond llwtselvea very a-h eat It r-UlMfr aad t lag. "T1. f .asUilo. af my prafoewta hj Ul FiMaton baa adatua stsewd in tisrwi ae r" " l ahk aisnsJ aarwwM Cndabltf. II . . . . . ,.,i,.i " -- tast trtl cast MM traa, iae a-, . . ; wiii.m,."- ti.,. tn

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