JtttrtKfiarolraa rrtuinx unit st WILLIAM C DOTJB, tairoa awd ranriiivoa. VOLUME XLVIL SI 3 6 ,000! MARYLAND LOTTERY, T fee Drawn tb Uataia Piatt. Of taaaeli dated Lottery f Marylaad, Claa 1, to ln u Baltiaor a.L,Saluriej Mh2i, !, K. FHAXCE fit Ce, Maaagera. . 20,000 lnmber'.-l,000 Prueal 1 1 I M 1 1 If paid ttrtctry la adrwaeaj; twe dollar par aa ua i ta doiler aad fifty mv, if paid witkia U aaatAaad tkm atlan at th tad f the war. ABrKtrrSKWEUm mat exceeding tlx tea ate will ta iaered aaa viae for owe dollar, aad earwatr-ie, wall for mh aaheeqaeat laaertioa. Teas af greater length will b charged proper tioaally. Com Ordere aad Jadiaial advertieaBteat will aaoaaraaaia per eBt- higher thaa th above rata. A rataewahle -dadactiea will a axade U boa h advarti by tka yr Book aad Job Printing daaa wltk aaataea aa doopetck, aad aa eeotmmodatlBg Wai. t. ..I-- .1 GENERAL DIRECTORY. ' : " CITY GOVERNMENT. Wit Dallai Haywood, Intendant ot Polio. cuaaiMioNiM. . ' ,' SutUrn F'ari EUridta Smith. .'-, A. Adam. . MMh rf-C. B. Root, , ' K.H. Battle, ; - O. W. Haywood. M'ukrn Ward. A. M. liormao, ' - - . H. D. Turner. . 2 J. J. Chriat-ophert, City Clerk, , R. li. Battle, City Treaa. City Gmarirr Jejnea M. Crawley, " Jackaon Overlay. " tW Cuutoblet Edward Harris. " ' , William Andrew. , ' -A. Adamt, Weitilimaater. ' E. Uarrit, Clerk of tba Mar- ; t I A 9 r S O X I at A T I O If flllll. fvu'DWfl I in IvpnnwiHH n two wntqitf HBIWI 1 .1 A . ..... li. .,a 11 IN l. I. J . The Bvpremt Court of North Carolina i .eld n,. nofl Approiiaatiua Prlt,. For uautpie : if ia tine eity eemi-annaauy, on tneaeoona : aaay tleket o.ii'.i!raw tli f:i4,xs prite, tb ticket EAmGH, K0BTH CAROIJNAWEDNESDAY MORSTlfG. MARCH 19 1856. BCHBMB. -;t.iM U io.mx it ig.eiwb . tJMM it Me it 1.00 an toil I eriu of r t " i I ;.. I 1 Prim of M . IU BPROXIMATION PRIZES.. iApproxiotatioBpriiMof lue aN " " T " I - 4 : sa e .- ir: ' - n 01HI ' 4M 'v Ir' ... , 1 l.OOIPrieai auoaatiata IIM.HX Whol. tkkott !; H.lv.t Qaartfn J,. ie,iw lo.soe .ot .to lii' lu.oou U,ee 400 tea l,3l 1,000 in Jane, and the 3iHh day of Ueoemlter uJyef.--Uun. Frederick Naah, Caiet Juetioe, . K. M. Pearaiin, Auociatt adge, W. H. Battle, " .' " . Edmund B. Fraetuan, Clerk; Ham. C. Jonea, Reporter. J. J. Litohford, Nr., Manhall. The Umtrt Utoltt Circuit CtmH Air the Die triot of North Carolina it held temi-annually in tliia eity, on the 11 Monday inJuaeandtlie hut . .Monday in Nieraber. Iloa. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; Hon. Ueury Potter, of Favettmille; INttriot Attorney; Kobert P. Dick) Clock. W m. H. Haywood, Sr., MitrxlmlL, V elPT Jimet. Tiie SH)ierior Court for thit County, b held on hefirnt Monday after the fourth Monday in March and 8eptclier. Juhn C. Moore, Clerk. " Jot. B. Bachelor, Attorney Oeneral and Solic itor ot tilt lourth Judioial Umtnot, The CuHft of lleai find Quarter Stitkm M held uo the third ..Monday in February, May, Auxuet and noTeiaiier. 4ea. utiey, i iprk Un Ckairmapof tlu CWiy Vatui. William Boy- County Solicitor K. P. Marriiitt. Shtriffni' Wake Couittg WJImra tTonwr--Willia iSooti. llrgitttr.ll. HuiMin. ) il yh aaalwred l!24. I134I. II2H and 11211 will amk ba eatitled to I0, and on aeeimiiiif to the abtwe r PLAN OF THK LOTTKKT. Ia tfco mtx arhrnat tbora are tlrkeM, turn- bmd Iroa 1 to td.ooe. Tbre arc 200 full Print and aoa Approxlaiatittnt, aiakinK la all 1,000 PritFt. Tha aambera Uvm 1 1 IH.OO. orrpimiliair with tbt anbtrt oa.lbe tiakcta,priiiied ua 4iiaie tuipa of pa aar. art rotiwi ap as! oaeiroied with mail tio talc and placed ia a ala.t Wheel. Tba aiaounu uf the different 208 fall priaet niaillarlr printed and enoireled, are plaeed in another wheel. After revolving the whaeie,a aaaibei ie drawn front the wheel of uumtiera, and at the aanae tiin a prise il drawu froa the other wheel, hr bore who are hltni'foUied. Tiie number and the prite drawn out are opened and exhibited to tbd-aadteae and reBsrered by the Com aiM .mer, the prit hein plai'ed a,;int tlie nnieber dmw . . TliUoMT.iioa if rcpuHted uulil all tbv prixei etv orenu out. lt irawiligr it ltii'0 pr.ou-d, and alter iMtrte'ili, the Cutt't.-'.nner irtlh.e M' llr enrtt-nnevr. r-Pritee na.rthU in full wrTHetrt peaiTCTlon. Addrvea oriert for Tu-au to Ji' FRAN SliO. Pebf ao rf" ai.itiaara, Md. . co.pakt!A:rs,iip, 13 -HI 'ii U : 1 1 1 i-y.i' tri.. r Rirwryf i, Frait Crowrr-iid Ptratrt. ' THE New Tori; Horticultural Kcyiew. k JOU&KAi. Of IV BUUAV AXt, VrttBt-T aV2k'D PRurDULT IU.C-TBATIID. . Pecottd to ike Adcanctmemi of the Kural InUrtat in America, THIS ti m vi At hrKK m4 eiaburmU work KDrtvi rcbi Mctai tomi om of ui iwuictnU Itmurtt. fiwL. avMbw conauM troav two to tow BjrTinjr of tndl eHicvat (rum by eminent mad nkilfm Uvbtteott. rpMt it ilto awig.k4 to Ui tuUTul ail of LudaHHiw J anion iDf; engrav-rd plans of ganlwni in very tyle. oBti adapial U tfe MeulianliM of dillw- tordtriot archUcctur, beayiiiy tbe wont, KDrrarUirt ot Aewr.frttiu, w lowm, atw Tfgeta- Mftav aivwi art iUntratv4 a4 tltortu(l kn a their ronpaKiirc ttuiitia 4Hrtatnii, finraiBf tit UMrt ewo)iU wmi aleiaAi Manuai of Rural iiutWa tlry aw atlenpteti. Aa tipcrieucc4 eorp of practical wrUnv atrta In a amber, an eacaff4 to aH iia eolaoiD. It euaiaia aevunty tara page ami I printed oa tka taest paari avrlaoai. ppur, waaafaetared cxprnt II. '' Ttaii: 43 par aaauta. parablf LavmriabtT la al raaea, Fifty nu oomiabwioa oa tmvh ubrilr allowtxl totbttta wb aeu aa amenta. $1 ,ti''0 will bt di trlbatMl al Iht and f the Yar wuuk tltu wb Mt4 m tha twaatj lariat lit of Huoarrtbtrs. prtmiittaa wiU ba paid ia ab. Tha ittt prawiatt w baSv. Tba ftllowinc ara nclaotodl from and'l f aint tar aotica Toiaaurily ooDtnlMtad by ovaiemporuaaoiM publieatiuaa i Tba UuRTtruLTt'ttiiBAyiivW dttaarvaa tha mont libaral patruaaM It ia aat aaly amiiHrntly practical. bat ia written ia a aty foxbM-.fi ijuala tfa baai forU af tue lata .4. 4. i woii.j(. A Tha muat elefcant aud aaefol book ot Lb bind that baa ver uoma nur our obaerratum Jinuter. Mr. Kar.eii,tha Editor of tba H.,rticuliurai HavieW, ia a prai'iival pumotogift, and on of tha ttiteat arhotar oar uh airy buaau oL Kvposireaaaa tba glowtuK na acriTftiva iwaera of Dickraa, tba ale van t rutt ui Waipfttv, eriTi.rini wiih a tborutixh 'knowlwigtol mial r I. .Vrtf r'uiiea Jntum. .. r Ianurraf iuy it lor your eona bay ii fur your dawirrMr-Nt. It ia a rich tnKtleatuai trvat ; a rar cita binatiou a tba baautthil and tha. ufuL .4 A'. We hal th(rtiifht thl ia Uowuiriii'a deatti, tba "alo- quant adoeuteoi rtirat atimnwttnt had bftouia only a chariiheU rt.fbrtiin)a t but in Mr; Headjlva wa dia- (Hiver au t (fusllj rich mine of uiaiital weultit tliat b token ilia influence of tha apmi that i gone. Avnt rtmt Tribmmt- Adveniaora will Had thii an uBflttrpuaaed mrdiuni of publicity, a tb hoarier j.TtAL Itkvucw rtntjiataa aaunaivaiy in avery Male iti tba t nion. AUtrertiafr jftcou tos-rrt-. at iba rnt f lop.-r paie. '7" .WOOD ENGRAVING I ba if quiriuir WouU l.iiraviujf, cen h-re their ordei1 el.-i-uled in aa tturllal'i'd uiauner ,N)ci u(r,:M. tiwH It tfiven pi view tit AMUALfiiau exierieiieed Kn'?" .rau.Jituiau itel'i;aeu ior tiiie eitreM pur 1 ."fe i' r?ui Ii in at e tli.tttlice ' all l"rwal d a da-.oi-ruivi.. . it. v ju.-i hy inailj ttiKV wih engraet-d, , j . in- a .uai' fi't KUidr i wtain a perleot ,'.(.!.. i-h ii:.,; tete wil. ';. l:l wtit oa very Tltl i BANKS Bank nf Ik Mat qi A'i"'A tr."lhit, irnMrr-' rated l. Ohartwr I'tpinr hi t m.v il $l,5'M,lhV divide-i inn l.i,tHI ih'ruof w ti'i-i -the bemr Buitrii liviMa j.trjT aud ihe l'uii'r HT l'K. Prtiiipl Bank nl Knlei(!b. " "t ' llesirite S , M nlwi, Pronidetu..' Ch.irlw lewaV, ("it l.ier. J. II. Hrvim. Jr. .!V;!"i and NtHry I'niilif. W. E, Aii'ltiraon, li.-iou"t t'lork hlj Noitr.V l'uolir. J.ir i.Mt W.uil, Jr t'lerlt. 'Thit Uaiik li tirncu(! m Aewiiem, Tarli.ir-.' Fajeitoiille, W iboHitt. ii, Ki:ul(i. t 'it v. Char lotto, .ilillm, Al.rjrtiitm and VV,.iJir. . . want as . . On the trt uf tiie Stuie i 1). W. Court, Halt to Tri'mirer, ex-irln:ii, L. U'li. lintiioh Bud W. IL P.ulc Uotnr par" of the Stookil.lorn ! Wm. Ikivhin, Wia) -ioe, J. II. U. t.iu, J. a U. lluulhac. Al frel J inaa and U. F. .Vlnore, , llliarinj and Krncwa) day fuetday. 1 Diacouot day VYedueeday. .. . Ii.mooh: ii:il and UilU of Exohaage diaeouat 1 every d it. U'jai.ioaa buara fmu 10 till 2 o'clock. Ual,i,,k ftnnrk of tlu Bank of the Cap Fiar William IL ronve, Laebier, K. P. t itu b. Teller and Notary Public lir.iTut. ieo. W. Ilavwood, T. II'. Selliy, Beth Jonea, iiisnye Little, Dr. Thoa. . Huf, and I'. W. l. llulc-hinn. OJcring lay M inday, Diacoont -day Tutaday RAIL KOADS. Rlrij Irivn llailruad Company. R. A. lUiniltun, Preaident, W. W. Vav Treaaurer, J. M. Pool, AaaiatantTreaturer. ' C. II. Allen, Depot Ajrent, , Mail train kuvaa U minute Won ft A , M, Arrive al C) P. M. Sorlk Canlin HaUrtmJ Company. Chat. V. FiOier, Pmideat. C. P. Meudeuhall, Treajniref. t' ;u iavttinua l.ttv ia!rt d v. ..ii i ai: ti. if (.-r.iii.fc, 'I i :.. 1 jtt, ',: J..ti . ViiW:.' Biyliil -id I'!i. oiU imt .i.u.k i; lull A:l ir ftttih si.d Kiiiiiui!, tin gtrn'e Hi. ,lenitlj vuf.rllfi .. i- l U...M , ll'V 111- 1 i-W Jan. 8, lh-0. 'K I II A ti'ATI.INH, il'U'.iK.U wlt't. 'O, KaU.ifl., S C. I) r I'B-' t'O, haitiit Ih 1 , uvndiip wiiii ... .1' OMrnol l l.-cl ll A UATLIMi. Wt eonuuiplate in a ebon time enlarrinff and im proving oir lore, and ibnli tonp a tnui-h lart-r etin-k a ru !. ua war line tuaa beretoiore, wliira with wur ini'reaiiud raniliuen, juelily ae in nnriiii to oar friend andtuc pulillr Kentrally enuetially itivtitniiKliifetuetitt. w a are pieaewd to iBiam our Irieode aud euntotner : thai wa have marrd the valuaiile fter-iee uf Air- 1 harlot 11. Hevtt, lur Mvf ar ia vaea with w illinnit A i Ilavwood. aad late a Hie Arm nf ilaywnod k dpitt i who tin oar lurwter aeviHaei, jr. uiw. Lfa w ani, win anile III n ia attending pruiallt to their wanta, on tba ,.ot favurable terns, at all boere of the day and ate-lit. Our abire will be elueod on the Bahhaih. bat Mr. Seott or Ward will be ia nttendanee to eaemi fur the tirk onlr, aad their attendau will pleaee riua the alarm ball. Our aeeoonta will W nreaented for eettleaiont on the let af July end Jaaaary ia eaeh roar, anient lerine are tpeekteJ wllb the panhaatr. r, W. ov O.H.UAIblAU, : K vut i. 4 LL peveeat Indebted to the aadereianed by bead f ar aeeoaat are now affectionately appealed fa fee yawat,ae kiaaidbaaiaea aaat ba rbmnt annual .lay. . . P.P. I'KSCl'D. J. T. YVeet, Fremiti and Ticket A (rent. Mail tra a arrirea 4 u'cliKk, A. fruai tli Eaat t and denart llha. afAar S o'ekiea. A. M. Mail from tha Waal arrive) al 32 annate af ter 4 o'ehick. P. M. Depart al 20 aainutaa U- fure 4 o'clock, P. M. , . post orncE. William WhiU. Sr.. Piiot Maaleir. - Uftoe koara, oa week daya, front Saavnae at V r. 3i. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE. (aaaiaai aaa atraar saa ar aatL ar aauioa NOHTUF.ll; MAIL Bt Kaiuaua,) Thraaith Mail elnaea daily at ) a. Bt May Wail " a f p. Amvaa daily al - 6t P- The Care lent the depot at t a. 80CTIIERX MAIL (Br Taa-aoaia Uari Clone daily ' e at J p. Arrivwa daily at f p. The liaek Uawaa at 7 J p. WESTERS MAIL (Bt Banaoaa.) CUaee daily , at 9 p. Arnie, daily at 4, p. I'll Train kaeea at H a. UOLl)."BOKy MAIL (Br RaiLaoaa , - Cbtwao daily. , al t p. Amvwa daily al I a Tb Car keaea daily al lOaa after 1 a a TARDOHO MAIL Br Twa-aoaaa llata,) CTaaaeaaHuaday.Tuee. end Thar at 9 p. at Arrive, Ttora-lav, Thar,, and Hot., at T p. at llarklaavaaua Moa. Wed.aod Fri at a. m PlTT5IK)ltr' MAIL (Br Ta-aal Htri Ckaaaaa Taoawtay and Hatarday, at If a Amroa aa Maaday aad Tbarwday, at 7 p. at liark leaeaa aa laa. aad ad. aboal 7 a. m nl Oatva twut'.y. u;-l the Wti loiinlii uq l H l:i la t .nr.. -i a (' Pari i.-lioi in. law, lieu. W- tjai N.t'., will e.uitiune to eiui- -ui; liu.ini nuiier TO MERCHANTS. Stebbina. Morgan A.Allen, 40 t Lirr rratiT. aiw yoaa, IMPORTERS SD DEAI.IR8 IS Drag. Dye, Chemical, Perfumery, Aa. HAV1MU eeleeted then Mark fna the beat thai tba twueO or re.aa aaarkeat atard, raa, wiih eoatilenaa, ofre (vent ladaaajneaU the Ufrkmmt, 'tanmro or A'oaoarearar, Mala (eooa taey eaa rely apoa. aad wa aa reeeoeable teraa at aay eiailaf iwae la IhUooanary. Urdwra la aerawa ar by awll will bmwI with aeoant aad rarefal atteatioa aad are arapaelally eidietled. mw roar Mreet aaat ot Broadway between rallua Beekaaa. 'r . ii-1. -u I. i nut it,-.irMi. i i.!ee pumihere are v. 1 1 '. f i ytir llir at.i.v a.iv.-r'tM Mietii .0 eral ilii'i- ' ti .i . !hrn r vi-trVe pHt.Tf. - - i A(iti ilmre: Houi.- 'att be tuniilrTd on every ase-' ' fnl .ulijei'l, 4ri.inhnth I.ujcliftli and Am.rirna puMi.h?ra, . iy em-tufiiiix to our addreati tlie price of the buk re. , ijoirwl. i rpneiitien rnplre will be forwarded on ih reeelpi,of ; laui. in pilttfci! pump". . i t'. KKAdl.B , Pakliober, ! im Unaanwar, Nt.w Yoaa. ' ... s. . Herring' Patent Champion aad Burglar Proof Balea, - rivilK yreat ivtterer.t aanlfelted by. the pnblie to X pruinfe inore prrfert eeeority fma P;rr fur val uhOI, pap-rf, ancli er Hunilv, MurltraKiie. Iteed', and lluuetuf A(H:ant, than the ordluary hAI KS lieielu. f re in anebad eff-rile'l, iii.lui-ed tiie ful'tn'rliifm lu di'V te a lerfi. pnrli.inof linie and attrntioli diirittil the ptit ftiurteru Yearn lu aiakiHf Improvementa and Uleeuverira tor title fhjrrt, and tUy nuw l"ir Irate tu aevure tlieir numeninp Irieude. and the pnblie genet-ally, that their eft, -ft ha.e Oven tfneiw.1 eilh ei-mp'le re'vee and llirv nuw off-r ihp IVl'KUVKIi IIKIlrlMU'j fATKN'l VtORLUS PAIR PREMIUM PUtK PROOP.-Mtbn.. . Lim)m Sajt of Ike H'uiLl, k iriny bt-tii oar in .. ( at bulk Ikt W,U m Fair. Lnulon, lfi'il, and ia Arte 1'o.rV, 1H53. Ar euperior to nil other. It ia now, nndiul.tedly, en- tilled tu lltat aptiellatlun. and aeenred with IHLL'r) PATKNT P0WUKK PKUIlK LO( h. I ori.-b ulio ... awardVd Manaia ae aWve,) furma the woetfierfeel Fire and llarglar Proof elafe, ,ver before offered to Uif pah. He. The fobarriber alee aannfaetaree all biadaef Boiler and C'hilied I run flank t'heau and Vealt liuor. and Money Hole ne l'kete, for Rntknev, Jeweler, and Private Paatillee, fnr date, INaaimd. and ulhet Val aahlea. And nre al" Patenle ! pandieee.l aad Mnufaetare. ufJIlNbS" PATL'MT PbKMl TATlUX BANK LOCK. . . UILAS CUIKRKINO A Co, Paieatoei, Oarr, Bukk, Not. Ilk, UI IU Water jitreat Aarnt fir Sarlk CuroiM, . ft. Blomm H'tlmmyjen. Pebnury IMt, t -law. Macaalay't HUtory af -KiiRlaad. . ' Tha folliiwina? trerw intereatinc faiatorw nf tlie origin and rtna of lilt Nittinnal Uebt uf rlngland. ia from Macauiav e eoiittuuatton ot bit lltitory of England, juat iaaued: o It wa, often aerted at a later period by To ne, who hated the national aent moat.ot all thinea, and who hated Burnet nvict of all men, that Burnet wit th peraoa who ft. rat adviaed tbe gnternmeut to contract a national rtetd, ISut tin aertion ia proved by no truatworthy eviilence, and neeine to be dianrored by th lliahup't tiloiire. Of all men he wan tbe leant likely to ooticeal the fnot that an important n'nl remlution had kera lua work. " Nor wat the Hoard of Trtiiunry at that time one whtch needed, r w likely nnu h to r tmra, tlie cmneela of a divtne. At "that li lard lata Gothdfihin, tbeainat prudent aad experiene- ed, and Montnue, the moat dtinng nml inven tive of Unanciera. Xeitlter of these eminent eould lictioraut that it bad bier born the practice uf the neigltliirinr e'ate to apread over many year of peace the esoeiuive laiatwn whieh wan made neneaearr by one Tear of wnr. In Italy thit prantio had exiatod tliriuih many r.enontiim. France hnd, during thewnrwbioh bennn in 10T2 ami ended in loTD. borrowed Bot lea than three inil!i"u of Mir money. 8ir William Teaitile. in hi Intefeatini work on the Batarian fi-dnralinu, had told hi country. men, that whan he we amltaMtiidnr at tlie liaitoe. the (iiigl pniriii;'e of ll illand, then ruM by the frugal and prudeut I)e W itt. awed about fire million uteri nr, for allien intereabat finir per cent waa alway ready to the dny, and that whn any part uf the principal wa paid off, the publie creditor rwived hia money with tear, at'll knuwinK that he e-iuld find no other inveatnWiit eqnallv aeoure, Tlie wonder la not that England hould hare at length imitated the example both nf her vnentte and nf htr allien, hut lltat the fourth year of her arduoua and exhnuetinit ttrujr- Kle arainat twie ahuuld have lieen draw inc to a clone bt'f.T li reeorted to aa expedient no nl noun. On the 15th of Pe,inhor. 1C92, the Il.iute of Ciimmon resolved itaelf into a eon- mi t tee of wnja and mean. Kmiert tnik the chair. ' Motitairue prorewed to ritii a million hr war of hdin: tb propottition waa approved; tuti it waa oniered llint a hill ahould lie lin.ulit in. The detitile (it the acheme wore tnmh ilitcuaaed and modified; bot the nrineiiile antieara to hnre -beun popular with all partiea, 'I'll tnntievni men were (rind to have a ffniHl upimrluniiy of invtatinr whattiiey had hi.arded. The landoij uien, hnrd iresed by the luatl of taxation, were ready to ennwut t" any thiiijj fur the uke of preoent voae. No member ventured to det id the ll nti-o. On tl iltifh of Jiiiiimt-v th hill won rend the tdird time, i'. in led un to tbe Iyirde hy Sotnerw, and panned by ihem wifhiiut any aniemltnent. By t1ii" itiemoriil.le law. new dulie were Itti ptiaeil on beer aiid other liquma. Tlieee dutira were to be keiit in the Exchequer eeparate from all liter reveints ami were to fi rm a fund on r Urse. 4 furih. ! the cre-l'l uf which a nullum wa tu lie rai-ed by tha way ia which the aravwrn of Rindinr ha af fected the interest of the trent comninnwealth of nalmia. If it b true that whatever ( to in tellijrence an dvntage over brut force and to hom-aty an advantage uver diboticnty haa a ten deaey to pn mute tlie hap itie and irtue;i our race, it can aearcely be denied Uitt.iit th In'real view, the efiect of lliit ayateta haa lateti anlutarr For it la manifeat that "all credit dependa up. a tarn tbiawa. ra tha nower of a doldor a pay debt, and en hi hvelinatMia tu pay tbeat. tli whii k a a acieutiSd man 1 f"'l' it my duly tu nuwer of a auuiaiT to nav debt a. i'a pnititiniiad-iiivulite to Vuu fur y-air own benefit, fir I need to the prvjrrea which that HH-irtf haa aiade in injM2EH 12. e-1 to make a eommnit;iiitia ka me. I am now ready to receive it. . - Ah. Ml ho unmindful I am in Ibediarharfr of a duty incutalant or- o m and which lout tieen ao long protracvod, 1 taat read ij a.kiwnl elre. ' 'Olilir aw, lr, by cuiiiiif diraeUy to the eiimnitiiiicntitiri yxw deeiiv bi make.' " AMih, I beo;' J"U tii forsive my apparent tar- dine in (b ins e. The fact, my ileareet air, Omoa tt.aVO.lt. R. Company. kValei(h, Jaaaary tl, lo BJLLEIOH AID OA8T01 KAIUIOAO. obadal far Mall Trala oaand altar Tkara. day, tba Slat day of Jaaaary, IBM. TOflCE. O KD APTCB TO-llAT, THK MAIL Xl Train will leave tbe lp.f Naevk reratiaa Ba,. t ad) at It MiBaww aafore arloek A. a., ovwa arrival wf tb ear Iroai tba Waal. Tbe Oaednelao, and BariraaW Maalev WiU be lareadnHo Ui tab charge atbaifafa.de. PaaeeWfeee WiU kave ao arwabniln aklfiiaa barcaco aw wiU amo al Wale at 11. Jt A. M, fall liaae far tralne xa R.aik. By araor of tka Pr.,aVt. JAMM M. POOL, p tf.) 1 what AfaWL RALEIGH 4 0 A1STO.V RAIL ROAD, Bal if h Sattea B. B. Owl, I Hauiaa, tekrwary t. a.. t TnR KORTII fAKOl.IlA RAII-k'tAD 1 1 V Bow aawbad tt balalla, BMIee W kerebe are ew Ibal guwl "V pnatwro broatbl daa that Rnad, ia tandrd foe ta"t-"r1alK0 tlaa Kalvigb t.aalaa BaiteaaA, will uer-e,va4 by Ihlet aaaav at hePvth t'araliaa BaTtraaad Drfwa la Ral.tfk t-wtV laaaiay by the Coapoaiaal aad wilt be traaatai ibevar wllbaajt fcplaadld Stack ofOoodi! ' B ae ewa I. a, IV tag tba larfawt awaA af alap ed raoaw ai I,, H aaa. t aaa, ka-aa . Ceaja. rf. aaat w rarlaa, tka, baa eoe baaaa aeaaeaud ta Pal'lfb, aad aa Ibay baaa W-a baaa(bl aaarwfWIly laef wm aa an eaea we aaaal w anal! b wlaaaa tTMadaaaa tba awblM .wa..ily . a t.l b. Trmtn. apt. II k. PKeura, tatiTt tta iintHota, Mrs- Caroline Lee Hents. - T B have la preea, aad akall pabltab aa tbe Nh If of r-hewarv. owe of ibe "aoel brilhaat aad faaal aatiag Wiarkt wbwk kaa ever bona pobltebed ia tki taaantry. " It la naa tbt lifted aad elaa. al pea of an af Aeaertee i ekoteaw writer Mra. i.AKtll.ln Lba II KM I abvdy who weed ao tuwrlak af trwapeta to herald bee a a, a, f,a ,l,a ba oMahliabed a world wlda reeaabattaa yaare aaoae. Wt aaa y aay, kowwvoe, tkat ia lb I aew Work aba aa aabiavod a ttl-Vary, aad rewehed a Hteraey tuadpuiat, far ia advaaeo of aay of kae piioi a awaeu. no aay all eta have eaaealaed tba aaaoorriaa. aad wo duwbt aal Ok at una will be iboee- d at I he anlbw waea tbo B b eball afpaOr. Tbe eeewa am aVwwa part tram laabloaabla bfa la Baotaa aad ew iota. ERNEST LINWUOD lrbe tapbaaaawa villa watek Mra, HenU kae ekeeea for lb it new aaa charming eaaanatloa at bar gaaiaa. it will be eawanaed in a bawda'aat ttme. vuioaae wf abwat i'J page, prb I,M wnbowv aawal diaaowal ta tbe trade. k baa liar ar avaat mpialfnllyreajweeted to fat ward tbtir aedava at a early day. jou P. jrwrrr k con past, rrainaraa, lit Waab agtaa Ft., f -.alee. JtttlTt, rk'KTOU It WtiRTIII.liUTiiM, Ckvelvad Obi. UKI.IrOX. LAWP0RT It BLAKkMAM, Raw lark. J. B. I.IPPIKWTT II CO., Pk.la1.lpbi,. February, l"A. . T tl looeewaor to E. L- Etidlag aVfR ameVeaiaard, waa kae bea i"f aaaay J aaa I l lark Pill L liam.a. aaa m at la 4a. ot 1 in, . it. IH'e Miiiittiiie. A the annuitam dropped idf, 'heir annuities were ti lie diriibul niuuti the tur-viv-ira, till the iiutliber of aurvirora vrm reducod itinexen. Ater that time, -w liotinrer tiril in bat In pi to tlie n Mio. U waa vheretoro curtain that the eixhirvTuh century . ulil be lar edvanoed heliiro tbe detit would lie flnallr extinnilid The rale of internal wan to lie ton per cent. The advantage ullVreil ti the pulilie ereditur by tliia nctieilie nniv teem sreal, lout were not outre than Mifiicieut to cuttipenaate hiia hr the ri.k which he red. It waa not inipoa-ilile tlml tltete mi(lir be a eiMii.ierrevoluiiitn; nnd it una eertuin (hat if there were counterrevolution, tloatn wini had r lent uiuney tu William would hum huth iutorcal nnd print'ipttl. Stifh wat flie origin of that dilit which h einee Lei-nnic ihe ffrcateat iiridicv that ever per- pli'li il the nwariiy nnd eonlinitKled tlyr pride d riiuewuien and philtia. pln.rn. At' every "In so in tint jfi-iiwth "f that debt it haa liecu etiii.iii.lv axaeHe.i by wia men thai liitikrurf v and ruin were at hand. Vet alill tb tli I.) vre.u'i i.ii jona. inC; and alill I'mtikrupiir and ruin 'were aft ra mi. te aa ever. Ti litn the atreatcoiileaf with Lewie tlie F.itirteenlh wat dually tcrntinatel hv the Peace of I'trecf.t, the nation owed almut Efty million; aud that debt waaconaiilered, not mere ly bv fiii-huijtiiif(iUiraa and ciitlce Ucuae oratore, hut by aent' and prnt'iiuiul thitikcra, a till incuui- lirtitice which would tiermaneittly cripple tie e I "fo'io. Neierthekta trade fluiirali'J; wealth inrreated; the nation liei-am richer and rklier. Then cntne th war of the Austrian rMicewaaiim; and the deld roaa to ii;lity milliua. Pamtihlaieer. Tiiatnri an and orator pninuuncid that una, at all av enta, our can waa deapsrata. 1 et tlie tig;i of inerraamr pnaiprritr, iiti winch eould licit her be ertaaterfellrd aor concealed, ought tu haw eati-lied uheervant and rwllasting una that a debt or iK"y miuiiina waa lea loth t.nEland wlitrh waa (n.verned hy Prlhata Uvan a debt of fifty million had heea to the England which waa gots trued bv Oxford, ttuoa war attain hmk furlh; and, under lb enerueli and tirelirtl Willi nit, iiicvicttt ra.i.lly awelled lu hunuriU and forty milldia. Tbt l-rearj, th Lankrvttt aneirty But only proved able bi meat all it obligation, but while meeting tie. to iihligatioita, crew richer on feat that the growth enttid alnioat b ili-curned by the v. In every eounty, w aw waate reerntly turned into garden; ta every eity aaw new treel. and anaaiew, aad Market, more brilliant lamp, more abundaut aupplte, id water ; .la the aalHirix uf evwry great area of induatry, w aaw yil'aa multiplying faat, each euibueoined in ita gay bill rdi4 nf It lan and ruaa. btl tl, allow niditariai. were repeating ibal the ener- giee .d tbo pot.pl warelaem down l.ytbe weteli of th l" bite burden, tb Brat j.iwruey waa per. fiirwid by elrtta oa a railway. tona the bland wa iiiteiaertrd bf railwayt. A aeia exceeding that whole amount nf ih national di bt at tl.e and of th America war waa, in a fcw yearn, v.htn- tartly oiperi'loil by thta ruined people tn vtadoeta, tuniiela. emleanbaieuta. bridea.tiatitina.ei.giitea. Meanwhile tatatioa wa a liuiad mnataiiiiv tax Induatry, in conimerce, nnd in ni! tbearta and tattninmeiTe' neienoea winen reiunen uniecr me ucutKonoi. o fluent- of freedom and of ennui law. The inclination of a euciely to pay debta ia pro-1 portioned to the degree in which that eociety re, pacta tlioublifiitim, of plijnted faith. Of the atrength which eonaijta in oxtent f terribiry and in numbet of fijthting men, a mde despiit who know Ho law but hi owa rhililiah tanotea and headlung paaoi.au , or a eunrentioa d eouialiata which proclaimtall property to be rubbery, may have more than- lull, to tb b of the beat and wieewt (vovmnientrHut th ilrength which if derived from the ounfideruia of capitalist uch a deeit, audi a convention, con never poaaoa. . That atrength, and it ' the atrepgth which ha deoiticd the event of more than one great e .ntlict. Him, by the lnw nf Ita nature, from barbarvam and fraud, from rryannv and anarchy, to tulbtw piviltation..ibfr,T bw1 orderv As anon ttt the llret intxxtoatmn or victory wa over, men of tlieory and men of buainea aloiowt uiiaiiiuiuualy nMntwnoed tint the fatal day had nuw arrived. The onlv lateaiuan, indeeil, aciive or atieculntire, who did not altar in the general deluaion waa Edmund Burke, l'nviil Hume, un doubtedly one of the mmt prolinind puliiical em iititntaia ot nia time, declared mat t nr limit neaa had ex -ecdi-d the niuilucM of llie I'ruaderx Richard I'teur lie Linn and St. Lewi hnd -not rune iu the face nl arithmetical 'enionetratinn I', waa ttiipoeaible to prov by figure that lb rail tu l'nrmli did tint lie through the Holy I.nnd ; but it waa poKtibln to prove by fiunrea that the mad to national ruin wa through the nation al debt. It waa idle however, now to talk alemt the road; we had don wiih the rood; we hail ronched the goal t all wier! ill the revenuen uf the iland Nitrth of Trent and W eat of Ueatliog were mortgnired. licitcr fur u tu have been ronuuered by Prueeia or Aualria than to be wad died with the interval of a hundred aud forty million. And vet thit great philoenriher for audi h waa hail only to open hi ere, and to e,im ptuveiiteiit all around him, citio increasing, rul ti alo n xtrnding, lunrta Imt tin all fur th urowd ol Inltara and aeliera, harlair inaufficieiit to eon- tain tbe ahippiiig, arttfinial river juintne tb votct ininuu awaia oi iitouairy to ion vuiri avia' porta, atreet belter lighted, houiw lietier fur oiahed, richei ware exp wed t eale in alatelier ahopa, awifter carriere r ll.ng along tb ennui! ti er nada. lie h.d, indeed, only to compare the Edinburgh of hia laiybiavi with ihe Edinburgh uf hia eld age. Ilia prediction rematnatu imaierity, a memorable iunauceof the enk'ie- fn m which the alnuigot. Biittd are not exempt. Adam Sttiill, enw a little and hot a little lurtlter. He ralinittwd thai, iniinenee aa the harden waa, tbe nation did ncliiHlly atiatnin it and thrive under it in a any that nolx dv oi uld have foreaeeti. Hut he wdt nod hi eountryiuen nut to repeat nit inform yon th it men end wed with aeientifio Hut. nir. I demand, without further delay, what ia the important JmH you dee t re to oommu. nitnte?" " It ia aimplv thlat Y mr houa being anuated oa the apex of a hill, vwitb ntdce eloping .iifh,:ioiit. It to allow water to flu- tlerefi,ji. 1 bare tui IH'd the Coev ll thta euld nisht, and an, J you fp,m Tour alumliera, to aporiee you"! tlie I not 4hnl y a can with the eaae drain your cellar from tourtlillorerit direciion. ' You infernal eenandrel 1' (hrieked th aatoa- ielteil and infuriated proprietor, 1 I'll teauh you a trick worth a diaati of thin, aa be mixed th fun ny gentleman'a cane, who had eommeuved a rapid retreat fur tha enach tit red uight-eap and abbreviate garment after him, at fa t na two aptnilla thank, could enrry Imu. out tu tunny gent gnined upon hi uirauer, jaiaped into th eunoh, which wat at unee put into full lipeed up B aifjulntng hiU. with the enraged eonniry gwa- Iieman, in euriaueq garment uuiiwnng in me breete, in cold porauit, but whoa hot impreca tinna againat ua nil were tnough tu ttttle the mirtltof a lira Yankee. . - i . - On arriving at the top of the hill, by one of tlmae ainguhir eottianlenoe whieb tome time oc cur at the eriem. to mar or haighlea mie'e happi- tiew, t auddenly anal in oontact with ta open rnrri",r wlireaat. loaded tu overflowing with ladtea and gentlemen who were returning from a country ball. Th attenth a of the whol party ant aoon ttiroeit tu our red capped, white garmented pursuer, who, not liking many lady peetatura, hurled hiaoati at ua, (which however, glanced by and atruck among and nrouaon a family ofpigaby th road aide,) and oommeueed a rapid retreat' for home, fnlhiwed by. a down appealing piifet, barking duga, and floek of quack ing gee-e. The a eue preaented wa th mutt hidioruea Iniaginabla, and uoh a wild outburat of uncuiilnibilile merriment 1 aaldnm heard ; in deed, it w a tit ubjeet for th pencil uf a Ho- 8r,h' ." . o- l- uellah Traveler la tha United Mate. The London Time puUitlie a aomowhat ex tended notice of two book of travel in tit Vnl ted Stole, by Kngliiihwuinon, una of them anon yinooa.au d tlie other that uf Hob. A. M. Murray. which, ha been republished in tliia country. Th lui.lor 1 handled with aim..vrity hy th Tim erit, particularly a credu'.uuv, and dun-M-tuently impoaed upon by fait iiifurmnliun, The filler, which appear aimply under th title of Tke y(iaAwoma in Amrrioa, I epukevi uf ia th following terma: . rreiea'Inf aa I-lopeaent. A writer in tue rVmucratie Quarter'y Eev', in akeicbing fw wt Uaiiea lia'ien, record u. fulb.woia in, A m l.ie liunL-aiiu I. rd, Cuoi.t ChrieiJati W had a-aia to paw tiie tewa at I'.f. Sen, eeomriatued by b,a dat!liier lli i.li, Vounr;. rMuttful. charming, and I e r-. to an ih.wi-.wi ! nvune tell her l y her n.i tl -r, . ,,ut t. oun I tea anna fiaind bareelf nirr.au, . ( I y hint of ; ai'fcn,rm Adorpm ,,f nil km.. to'i-titrot-iiug ri.h and p r, Bil.ic at. d .i erur, ti ndi f r,4 pai,HWt. gmvennil gn. -it ana a i-.h-Bal tuiiruouieiil, l,uii abe waa ti, queen, j and w here tl.e eapiruiu cunleudcd f -r t er uml i hyaghi.iitiNg their addreat, grace and lii.-iivd auamiea. ii nen arm ea'ere,i her cnrruii;, leu eaeahera were in the d!lo -mrn.v.nng aronr.d herarin:A. At tli ball, the m,v icvit dan cer wero devoted to Ley.. They I nd ocitl er coree, attention, tu eiuh. Iu,t bir hi r; wlmreut mariy beautiful women Frrrrh, 1 n oh d P.uaian were partkuia rly amrtttie-1 A inotigt tlieenreinj auiior Helen eelecteil tl e , ,t warthleaa. The Che- aber Oietan tl --..t, it i trite, a charming fellow, pale -nnd b-!ic.i;e, with fine blue eve, and long black wavy b ur. in tne i.lnce M true pttwim, tie had eloquence of lunk aiid.woril; itt abort, lie diea'ed with taata, daneed rn inelloui-ly, and aniig lik Rubirii, But. utihnppilv, these o Ivat tncea were e..ntia-,i-led by gra-at v'n-e. A dtaaipa eil cani' le,-, and anWitwipled, tha Cheralier tinetait had quitted Ntiple in eonaeaiinwea of .n, acanuaui ad venture m which h had been imolicaied. Tba - awitng lighter and lifbtwr; yet anil tbe Eirha- i a,e.ild guaaa. a.i-1,,11 iril u aa axiwriment. The limit bad been loif lid. p.ten a amali iuvreaao might be lital .m lt-i gloomy waa the view wbtchtieurgefiteii- lie, a unineter eminently ililipeot unit t rattienl, tok t-f our linaocial aitiiHlii.il. The nation lilu.t. id eiit.ceived. eii,k under n deU nl a hundred and rty uiillioue, unlet- a uuvtiua of the load were Hi o by the Amt ruaa c, I, tuea, Th atiempt tty a ponton i f tbe load un the Anii-rieitn tol- otiiea produced another war, 'H,twtu hltu with au tililiiioinil hutulied miiliont ot iteiit, ana without the a.h nice who help had been lenr. eeiited iiidbpetiealle. Agu'm Engl ind wa g.7cn overt aad again the wratico palimit per tated in liecniing atrottger and mor Iiia,uun9 in wt ite nf all diagn atioe andprugn, ati, of tat phyatctant. A ue bad been vi-ii.iy avnr prii-ipomu with i debt of a hundred and dirty illiiuit than with a dobt ut oily million, ao elm wa viaihly mor pniieiiw Willi adeUoftwo hundred aud forty million limn with a del uf it hundred and lurty million. Si.n, however, th war wh'hdi aprang from lb French llevulution, and which far exeealed in ooat any that the w orld ha aver oaw.ii, leaked the powt ra i f public rrnlil bt the minuet. Hlieu the world waa Brain ul teat the funded debt id Eneland uaoutitcd to etulil hundred milliona. It lb moat euliirbtetitd wan bad la-en add, iu 17' that in I hl.l, Ui in tereat if eight hundreit mib loan would I duly paid to the day at the Uauk, b would hav bean an hard of belief if he had lent told that the government wuuld In In po- M-aaiun of th lump of Aladdin or of th pura of tertuiiatua. ft wa in truth a gtgautie, a temi lout debt and w eaa laardly wobdnr that Ihe ery of do. pair eltould have been I, uder than ever. But again that cry waa found to bar been aa un rftiaoiialil aaevar. After a few yt-ra uf ex hauttion, Etitaud renerrii I beraeir. Yet, like Addiaon'a tab tu'tinanan, who continued lu wbim pwr thai he wa dying et neemiuuoa till b b rani ao fat that Mu ehaaied ItiW e'leu-e, ah went iki e-.uipliiiiiMig that ahe waa aunk iu pov erty till her wealth tliowod it.eif l,j token, which mail her eomplnitu ridieuluut, A I jaghaki Prodia-aaettt. In liereeiUr, I, w were traveling through an of th New England bwmOn aa old fa.b baned atag e.4-b, with a friend wboe p-iwer, of making lua frma th tligliu.l caup aor maul, feat ftiun any paaaina- objax-t llmt b cb-a ti all ark. It aaa midnight, at w pproaftteai lb riling uf K d. It .tod a largo noiaaion btaaaa ea the nap of a ll'aagwr-e-ef hill, ek by tier ruad. W bea a arrived opp.-ite, I, a aaked ihe drin r tu alop a few mihutea; lb r-(ti-t waa beerluily woentdiM with, alth.meh a were aP Bao4 Ireraiugt keul what trick fee beat la tiew The "Englialiwooiati" appear to have been ge nial and "well eonlitioiied, and quer wa lull. It eaav lar la w afl -med wit i.r of cotitradi.-tiou that w find it aa ea.y tw ay the interwt of eilat hundred aiillMaaa aa tr aw- Tb luney gailemaa marehed direa-ty ao to tbe front die id lb anattrw and kma-ked With baa aana bMad etujaie-h to aaka ail lie iBhaht-iwla. erexor ni,o ,i,a c'aiury .go.vo y in interva , wlw1ry a w a-b w vaa waa raiae I and ..at rapped red nii.bt rap aaiMH-inj tl ut 4eiy. eaaamraw. aa garara.4 tWraoaoA " -"' ri. ,J nlt mm u, at '.! d-U-iua. fee era aaeaaaaa aaaa aaheea ai-ag iftaa tan win itaawiea '. -7 - --"' ',-. i, ..i.i ,i ,, .u. a .... beaallieead ol tba aaaae pwa ' It. wa eoaaved wb ie a. in i wa eeaa ia tt-ietoy. Ti,a j e re. eaif In agiiaeal Ibal tiier Wa a a avaat Ait dwe tor IHegwt aaat ba paid at P.l.i.Ull av aa e" I, awa . at t u.bi that haa. gteae Uiu : ' r lietwevn tbe Id all lt.eit Hiatal W tw la Pnabaaawlk. eaeept oa way tn-, bl, wbl-b aaat ba H"- 'be upalaiaHl H . aalaya, wm aa bep,aaat In Vld p BtHUber ifolividwal ,'id Ik fe i I a Baud in ad.eaee or aa d II a., ot tbe td.. I ! I tl. e Will ba aoU l aaa wa ape a raiian-a Hy , ( a-.ety !, ih in in ueM l. d , - I i f it i if 1 Bud Rear tort atH a sa by Mm aaV e 4 area " .ry fart alar. aa,,,. j ll.i-anabt bd II em tot. r d raa Bu-(k.Ul lb aaapawytogt. audaitwo i iMlraaa ot I WlUdAw M WILMAMk. j ttrf )rf tm ,f tmj,, f TAi'e wee " T . ' . . . .1 - , ., . ,.,. r aider anerrurl-leaa.aari.,,1, w hit g n rwaaav a- aa take l N - w a aal t.l rd r. . r .1 all. nai- w,i t... U a aaa faai'loa. f a. pi ' ag yaaf i ad 4. aaa s4. a. baa aaw e. "I i-f tl a aa ai , a. d Ui taftt abi taail tat kn.laaa liiai.) ,.i-ti,.4 1,. li.a a,y rV-, id eighty Bill II-l,a Il eaa WarJIj ba d-aabtrj that ther aiaat baa laeeil am gnat fallary in t'o tV'tiotia of Uuaa bo ul ara.l at. 1 of b aa a h i lieheird that long u-.e.i p i'f r- 4.5-le t f-tij , iK-na, no agtiahy fa l.i Be I ly a I d.g n,or..i i,l it I a: uia' l facta 1o point out tbat fallacy i tb oPi.a ! a tl.e ttage itiitie tniiai n-i.tly l..y me. in railiwr ui Ih a Ittiral e-,.n, aaiat Umu of flat ha- i hurry to ttee 4w fr a m ttvfi'' mterriea. t.ajiaaa. tin, H U i t P- MI llfl' lira Jiv I 11,, I, id i-0 1 1 ' ted ( rap, with It pt.et nl evil ware tnw ad- '.te tiiu-tow. I bey nwir In a g a-ntit euitainvi ,ta lair t-f 'r tn., we a li. l leiatea-i-aieiy at tl.e d . r p. Itie'y b woue bi Ih fi.nnr etrat gwe, wh again tb tiprioior, who la alarm et'iwien-d- Whol, wl.at'a lb waller? V bat wanted at U.ie lime uf night f ' I'tt'trm Bt air, f -ar tl ta Iniradoo i iui 1 hat a eoit-U'UW cwii a to ruaka p, V a a-i'.a.i y . at a tkaa aWtia. 11 y aa-ri a I ba kaaean. I . A II 1 4.a. aa-a ta- . I e. ata- n' Ptl , . a.ia .M b-T at , a-,r tw tww.aa. a a I ft ruvntry. 1 be B a,b aa ajW ri iiic itir-fittiRi iBd r'j - kn if. rpilg aawdee.fd baa aaal ayaaid a tl. .1 Mi. I Tb'ifma aildiaf. naaw tba ..nae eao -,f tl.a bank ree-ailaa Bdl , la) ib a.paa' .. daioaa ad glle l.a a, r a l.aa. abac cat watt deaaa-d bawd a .-r lla laa., ly aa. ab.'t aad abaea abaaOa bte ba am wat ea.li a .-ro. hau taait a bbaeni ekar at li a i- .y-wetga M .be aaOHa 11 LTob Babdgfe, Awawaa, l.t I f tla ffaat o-ia!u I l y ii b ea.a.t pr- grr f e.rry eiie-.v n al m ie, awai-o I V ii-e ina-ot eo ta ,4 aiey bt. n to gt 1 b i 1 I f. 1 bey an a tha the de-tat gi: and iImvi f.o d that wined I mg. gn aa aeil a- tba Said. A ba g itieiieo. ta.. - -to t ut Hi lH.iait g that ..a,. 4 a., as ib.t or H !t el 1 1 r M I I Hi, -' f' " '"' . '""'!' ' ' a I, la WH la alt' W " t ear a '11 o, aia'a-a-! pasr. !-! Kiiiii a 11, aw at I- g tad I. r lU-ttartdi g hi- atumaer aad tfcaa ettwu.jj b.m ta ll.t abd atud of a LV. ember Blgi.t. Ma dear air. Intervupied Mr. Nifliti-au, ff-a'l a... ton, it, taut eard-a m tue appaat u-g far lef it y a in tba 1 1 a hi It, a barb ti-W ae kae.' t,t aiiuoiaeaa. Wa a,,, i'- M aT ar: ." Zlit btTLbaT: ' ' ' amirotth. AVafaaa. k'a Meaajaw. , rVg aapaaveaiiy vt ikat aaaa lali a tea LADIg' Waab.ag a4aa, taad Caoea fnjaaea, la- 1 1 iba aaa, aad ia al r..rrmd b. ba tl. a. dlaa aa B.Haaa, laadW Meawal B aaa a t, Bbaek bad Calaaad tta.aaea. Tb abaaa aaamtjaaad Baa aal (baa will V eat 4 ai tadt aad aeaala tbaaa a M L- STA- A, Met, IwV. ta t aad It aaa ba aaa a aay Mgbt, aa h a Baa aaaa ta, aaliab .f lb aie ptaaa. Il aaaaaa ta daaUy, aad ta aa ew.il lad I H I taoaeviaaa aa a. Me m actd, aaat wttt baa ear wwiafwlrad. ' aM al T. J MATHS. Baietga, t aba, t;ib Itaa, 4! rMTLkb I P. Ua a. aa befae .aa Mt, lUaa aa e-oi. wb aatay. way . K la. IIAkll.a. laMit, fab t, I.. ' - " 'aIiESTI WA.tTI.Dtl' " Mai Mosr Wiva 1.1 Cast 'I 'Mb aeabaaaMaaea ama U peaavra Mm W'ileMad at 1 baatt. a, at aa A, awl a t-aaif at ib t aiad ataiaa. f B' 1. at aaat aatBae Waa a a aaba a.val dollar lf day. wubawl (tab ar bwio.,afy aay bind, j ail p eitaaa af lb a aaiaea at la baa. a. a Wl I ba a--. bf He0 g tb aabaavoae, aa4 t- aedtag I'b k raa 'aaay. a -, l-aar aaV j (. (ij 1 1 Ail t'J l a-avai-Uaaa re. b it el li Jiroaent I P.ai taar ov (at bawl. 1W I, una a n ,, lle-a a avi rH. 1 Sd.otlt p.-,t,ud Ibal at. aaaaet a.,., fait btioer a lU id t'iy lui ! o a. ilrfa a :- a ab-it 4 r''1 BuilBu e, ttaea Biader a U4t 14 l.ua died aad Mtv mnla, il aw auata a da-b i f Bwodrwd a. 4 b-rtr milii'W.a, aad laatly a ! a debt i f i,t,l l.ui.di.d milioaia I. i .t-l all ! ibaitd tailsf tafcfal tavi.laV. Ti '-f gr.aily arrat4 ft paaaw. "4 tb l.ge.eai ll.a g-wei'y ' Boata-eaa'ed i a el'ti gtl) by wkb b Ibe ltdu Wa b butaa. It a la eti aaa l bad (a orra lo ltm ' I1 war .-e.iaiii'V ouii VMa.iil-la, and ea pea-iailt a buy grwni baet f-iraji.pie.t ibta c-ur la-a. a ta. im.- t-i n y e l, totra lu,.' lie pl.ad 4., nta p i'.'u t. b aaa. a I n.rti.e aaaue la lie tit. p. rot a ar 'latrd by mi aj ta-tiai..-." ' ,.iai ua lid It na B'V daf aie V mr lnli . a'--, tuti i n i a ria-.i-l tl.a tl. m if w ail tl awir Irolr a I ro '.itiil : p.aiao I II W aiil aaoui.o'd- P; f of li at - f . brti.ga 4- BtV Laud I i.a aa-toui wimb h, raaa,,it ax1' tai.J tia a. -i e a ,t J -,d iu a hw b y a 00. l-ailliil; ba leva iNlataaad, aaat ia th a Iwaatoarv tta abHrd, 107 a It ba I llilib!d f Tiie taWaaaatua' 'I few B'-f intetiu.-ie-a, air, taut ell ua La gad a 1 wk. bar I tn ,"10 i Ir , i-d 'Tn lb , la-a' d "-I ! a., Mi r -! a. friad. lf.it tba a a ita i a In I r wa, tall n-H I M lime, 'r ail t.--e a h.i w- yi I, 1 .'- ' i:W a pi ttaaia) , af, ta.! r a lit m. to have mml aneiceileiii uee of her oiiinrtuniiicw. iler ire truduction evnlently carried h r into tlie better elite BKirty of th American citiet, and the ra markvil tue lull. He ot nt her rank and una wherever tl.e irnvelled. Either ah wa well in formed on American tuple bel're the weut aliroad, or he nianifeatal a Iryitlahla induatry and jtnlgnient in collecting material to illuatrat her otiaervatloa, Mufar doe tliit eiiartteteriilic prevail that her volume, though light raniting.be her and there th nanect of a manual It ale unde with atalletio in a enndenaed form, and 1 adapted to convey much ureful iuformaiion. We copy from another Enpliyli Journal the fob lowing etiraet from the hatter work, dararrildng bom of th tpendid maneixo In Now Turk : llnvinr riven a brief dearimioa of tit tyl of tb ordinary dwlltiiei ul th amuetil, I will mat glnma al tlwaa of tb very wealthy, of which Hii are teverni in ruin Avenue, aud borne id the auuarea, aurtiataiiig anvtliing I had Itillieri. w iiunaed in royal or ductal laltaoaw at hoaie. The external ui awtoe uf titaee manaioot ia Hllh Avenue nre like Apaley-houer, and Muff, rd Ik.uhi, ht. Jamet'a; Iwutig atliialatiliallj bnill uf brown aioB. At Oat liou. which 1 viaitod in etteel, alw.ut tlie largeat private reeulanee in tb city, mid one which ia enianlerod to won bin lta grmiaat plend.d- with tle grenlel taata, we en tered b iotou marlile bell, blading to a eireu lar tui ttaircnta uf great width, the baluetredee laetng liguree eialairnlely eaat in brunge. Alnne ihi, tiairca wa a lofty di me, deeoraird with tdiutitig in fieeoo of eaatern ace'ii. Titer were nicboa ia tlie walla, aim containing Itab iaa -taliiay, and other tmallj'. ul wlr pour itig over artificial una. Ther were an or tight magnificent rwewpiuia raiui, furniabed in vartona ulea tbe Medtataa lb Ebgabetbaa, lb Italian, Ib i'eraiaii, tim aaodern Ei glili, A. There were f.iaiitaiu of fury work men.hip. pic t urea from Ih old maalera, tatuie from Italy. cAid'amri-e.d art; poraalaia from China ami r ret; d.vma.k, ebilli id gold. and lii)t frdatl Eaat; fa .laha lapeotry. table id malachite and ajrata, and "taek-aaaka" uf v-y dcaastiplion. In. the Mtdiaval aad tlnaialliaa apartment, it did not apitaar tu tne that any eiiBcbmntaiM had laeen anvamitted wiih reataeet to the lunotur and dec.u-ali.ana. Th light wa au tallied by paaaing tbroogh wind wa of rick tained glaaa. 1 aaw one table, Ihe ralue ad wl Mi might be ala-ol ','itxl guinea. Th ground aaa black marble, with a wreath of Awr inlaid with very ciatly gemi atma it. Thv wt.ro Bower or Laaebea f fruit, of Uo-ooiaaa, eariaio- ttbaa, raloea, l.ipavae. and caaerald, a bile tbe b-dvr wee of Miala-hlte, a rriattan or fegat. lb rtfi-at prfMlaaad by thi lataak miiiaen nf Wllh WW W-d lery g-aaari Th l- r aim aeya a area-1 y Ira Hgiiia.-wily furaietved tbaa the reeetdtua ramt a ita ebaare foriwed of stag. born, labb inlaid with agata.,and baaglng iNinaa M VAabmere, ro-i ly mlaed with g-bl. 1 herw wa mrihitig gawy, praduaa, er priaminent in tiie da.Karatiuai or fuitiitir awerythtng bawl vtdantly bo eeleeted and arrwngaat l y per wl very rir,t tal Aaaeig tb very waooiifii, Wiok ofart aaa a .uiaax-lua d reBa-j. tiielu4itg a.i tf 1 etiiiii'e, Ir-ta the awtioiee. abaa-b Bane ri-aily entranviog to b- k Bpaa, Ati'-tli-r mao.i. n, win, k X P. Willit latly daacrrtaa na Ma laity falaea f teal bd art. Ihiaagk B'd aei etieaai., aaa equally l-auliful, aad p.arn-e4 a larga.wmiar gar-teo. Tina aaa apl.f ata bt'l bf paaaulig lheuu-?b B auora-aabiB of ieiyiaMUiilult.au, tb walla ,af ahuhaor hung wolf paititicg ahiak a-eald have deng' ted a na taarar. Il aa a glaaa Ian), In. g with a l.i?h daaet a flow f.aniaiw wa placing in ib rei'tr. ad roid ba wl-hl Lwain w.ta uratie. 1 aba. and myrtt trt-., anb ttlter ft.aa tie trt4ea, ant id them tf r-at-l,alle gtowtei, l..ta".f t,a 11 r lli,t aa aid .al p ll-bd wbiia taarl.la waa thnklv rarla witlt email preen b ri T l.e eleam d wl.it marl.le vumrt troiaa e.a',f toeabiiapa ,,f uraat -trwea and otb er ahrut.1, wa laarii.-w'arly Irani); ind.al, tbe lid bad a fity bb a, taw-en. a ( aw rt.M'b -w-aai. .Ola aa ll ca were i.,r tt lanattia With my blaaaa .f l.aai I aaa ain,tiit thay a.-,taai,ed apaatleto-e whob Waal-l bate tbrvwet bo lb .ba-ie it. -! -aa ia tt m-la r 1 ,ti Count, after having informed himaelf of time faeta, tleaired. bat too htte. bi put hia daUu&tef en aar guard njMm.t a uanwrooa tfiactiun. Helen lietened neither to tlie lvcu, tl.e p invert nor the urdera of her father. Tli man fur whom he endeavored tu dettmy her twtvam wai already Waaler of her heart, and the ubatinately refused to believe ia tbt diagraoeful auteredeiitanf tha vtiung Itnlina. tf OneUn had had to do wiih a fit her who lacked energy, perhnpe ht would hart become the happy hunuand of th voting; Count, and tb paai-eftill pnaaotaur of the iln menao forlune with which hew, au ftuulically in kn . Hut the Count knew huw to carry hi point cither br maiiagement or biro. 11 wa, an old lion, tie bad preserved all tha rigor of youth, ajid nil the mde firmnea uf an induuiita hle charifotor, which nothing but paternal ten dernejrHiad eteraulYeneil, Sell willed in hi r. aiLjtion, atern in hi excutiin uf them, be eaat bImiu! fur mean to put kort Ju t imUil tbi, enrpet knight, wbu Bad dared In undertake tn beoouia hi am in law in i)i of him, when accident threw into hi hand a letter which (jnetun had written to Helen. The t'ltevalier, impatient to attain ill goal uf hi deairea, ptnpn-c 1, In direct term to th young Uiiunteaa, au elnj.etnent, and propoaed olandeaiine meeting, at th hour wbea th Count wa in th habit uf going out to play whiet with torn gentlemen of hi acqtiiu.tam.-a at the Conraraation lluutta. A rot nlaoed in Helen t licit wa to be tha aigtial of content. 1 he young girl bad not read tbe adroitly Inter. ptod note. . "Put thi flower iu roar belt." aid the Count to her, offering a rote, "and com with me." - Helen milling obeyed, aad took htr father' arm. in tha court- of their walk they anal Geatau, who, eiiig the roe, wl overjoyed. - iheu tut Uount conducted bl daughter to th reaidanu uf ona nf thmr acquaintaao, and re- 3 netted her to wait until he came for her. That nne, h returned to the little bout ia which li lived, al tlie nuukirt of Baden, on th Lichten. thai road. 11 had aent away bit tervanta, and wat alone. At th appointed hour (Jaetae ar lived at th rendexvoo. leaped lightly over lb wall of th gibden, and findiiijr th dMrhut, entered the houaa thnnigh one of the low win. duwe. Then mounting the ataire, lillwi with plonting eniutinnx, he directed hit atetot biwnrd the uparluient of Helen. There, inaiuad of Uia daughter, he found the ftitber, armed with A brave of pirUil, Thel'oiiut cloaed the door, and aid to Ih wretched ii u-iati, trenibiing with ter tr. "I eould kill you; I have tb right to do . lou hav entered uiy luoiae at ni;iit. Ton haie broken Into it 1 could trent you a a fka nothing could b mure liulurnl." "Uut, air, ' replied Oaettui, aluvoat Inaudibly, I am mil a ruiyiar." "And what ar you thenf Too hav com to tleal my daughter to ttenl un hnireaa to aleul a forlaite. Here it your letter, which anveilrd bi in yi ui crinitn il intention, I lba 11 almw yoa no mercy t But to Ink Jour liic, I bad n need of thia trap. Yoa kautav th tkill of mr ri,ht arm; a duol would kayo long ago rid mo of you. To- avu'd cudal I did iet4 wiah a du-i, and nuw 1 will alay you only at ihcUat eitrutui ly, if you refua tu ultey aie." "What ia jour will, ai i 1 1" "You muat leave Badon; not in a f'-w day, not to ninrniw. but tint vory hitlaut. muat put twohuiidied traj-ui i betweeuit ami vou. and nevor again coin intn tbe preo,aol my ilnu li ter or my ill. A, the prua "I your o wd ence, an I tu pay your travelling exnenaa, I will give u twenty fhouaand franca.1 The t bevalier wil el t,,ik. ".Vol a wrdl" cried the Count, in avoi.-euf thunder. Y'ia kmw me, nnderrtand ; t ta- Its ur life at Bit turiYV, and niimume it'e la.i- tiatinn will la tiuutalial with dcli." I ulaj," alaitiuirred th t'licinl er, "In gial timet Y,,ar twenty thoueand f, auc tie in mat aratieiarv, tike thrtu !" Permit ni to de- lm your . ff. 'r An liiiiaaruoi geatatr over ti e l"iid.-l m-1.- t y which tbe Chevalier eu,re--d fe: Iv, ai-d i,.v n man whudecliuea for finm'a euke. Hut," aaa l ha' "lite tx'rci irj i lotWci." Otaa if "ri,, i. no key in ll." "Ilreak th hnk. thou." " W hat 1 yuit a tali at tn "Itiouk tl t k.. k, or 1 II il.iHit y, u. ' The piat.d an again firecii ed, aa an uti-j- Biettt wbieh dmilit.il po r- I v. Gac tnn ul.p I. It it aeil!" luil lie f.iint. "Tike il,.il par k- ge uf tank B'dea; ibry br Viut. liaioy,u a ttx-kt laia I "Irl." ' bat doe it cfttdin J ' "Same paper h-itera ail-tre,!'.! to ni-." "Lety-ivr p-arketlaaik lull in lo ut id U.e 1, - tary yo hav brukeia opru." "Whetr 1 tnuet have proof whUb will n-.n.,. . t -u " Hal - 'Uut. air, I tam-ail U hare all the ftioe,,; a butglary. I ait.it that II r, 1 - r ali.nl !.i kiiuwa. ILild at, ,11 di alh ! II,....' Al,' v i.r vtaot.a w mavle. I waa emt )--u n,,nl 1..,,.. Hial1e. ISuw ruB are at' ut t f v. I ita II , belure eut. Iibaa.it iti, )a until w an- 1 teiavue fr.ua Ilt-len. P ,i Ine re't mike ion.- 1 ea.y. ! will retura Ute, sid wnl r,i;i i.-i c , pi, itnt until 11 morrow. V u m.v e 1 t ... pureuit, and if my pnHa-i. a Ut-.au.ca t.- -ar 1 r-ekuaaam. larn'u,!'' After thi adveiaiure. w bik Bia le a - .a r- " llelea eili BO .tigr ibuild. t,a-T -ii a 1 I -i-bad lr.m her tiaatl, and ai.e aridrrie.j or f , , r e-Hiaina, rap-x.n ta a tr- tnenl 01 ca.J y iu , rtiit of ti Euiporur ol tau t. C omatarw wf pa fork. Th recaipt of Lotion g, 1-! at Niw 1 4uruiglblat lea day, tbe J on,rl: C -otuat etaatea, ba Wa ueoau I'y l-iffe, ll e a i n i, (r data ua oa day (tl Sa'thi aio..ut.i.i g t 4IS,II, l-etng Ua latj,ea aniai aaer 1 . !Ur lajavat i a aihgle day, at any d.etii. t (i, !,.t I ion 1 al ll , lo Wia It ii"r aa , -I. th to'al lia g 1 1 i an. T',i. ba ruaiy iu am I, Vol iul Uig-r thau ai. l 4 14 I latg--ll ka w-d a Utg. I . I ,til f,r tl onii.e ni- o- free K I a- . I d I 0 A 1. nl I t 10-1- I , I-- ti ipti 'I t l.-l. i. f 1 1 f r r it I a ,1 af, I r I I. ill 11. I ... I 1, ,'.; , r j , L i" o , I 1 1 , i oa llurbit.a-i.eun i'ai-..a. It ae lad lbin. .aa t ; Auaat . 111 b- Idig future In It.aia viol- a ,ilw, Iha-ir W il-b ia a(a.i,l in great ta.ia.ma to ) ewra- d g 11 .liet with tt.e baut,tul end t aia. - a lit 10 il.ear epu-tobd w.aaa.1 n; n I 11 aa I, pr iv -H- I- -t ih adu iiiaaeola ahu ll baa ban -. i. tr. -.la .. aaw k e-at.aad tfal-lowilt la di.) J at tb4albof Il ea fnatirl far j ft. i -. 1 f t . . a .1 ( ... I V-4. 11 -'..I .. 1 i'-t.-f t 1 i f .! f -, fe te ,1 f r 'i-

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