1YO R T II CAUOLINA STAR W EDNESDAY M O It N I IYC , M A ItC II 1 9, -1 8 5 G. Wednwdsy X rais, Kirch 19. 1856. T ) MILLARD FILLMORE, - or to. , ' roe nn nnipiirT, ANDREW JACKSON DONELSON," or TI!SEI. ... tttdlr.loat. -A Of all the rijiculoot thing which hare ver ooma under our observation, the tact of the Dem Veenttie pres. earpingat Mr. Fillmore fortititing ( Roma, and looking at iu earweitiea. Pope and 1 all ia tavrtainla- the moat lidiculou. Even Our returned and, we fear, not much improved Am- baawedor it moved to exclaim, that "it lean ; Incredible inconsistency that the nominee of the Know Nothing ihould teekt presentation to the Pope and eolieit eomplimenta nmong the Court of Europe I" Now Mr. Fillmore, we take it. travel in Europe juat like any other American gentleman) no matter what hie politic maybe, and forgetful indeed that be haa ever been a party man ai all. A to hie "toliciting compliment among the Coorta of Europe," or any where els, why that' all diplomat! fiction. The Petera barg Intelligencer thut eommente on the ridicu. lout course of the liooofooo pre on this tnbject: The Locofiieo Prest ie to hard ran fiir.a valid objection to Mr Fillmore that it ie actually at tacking him for going to Konie and aeeing the curioaitie of the unce mistress of the world the ' Pope, the Vatican, St. Petera, ie., at if any intelligent traveller, no matter what hit own re ligiout ereed might be, erer failed to do precisely a Mr. Fillmore hat done. Th conduct of the whole anti American Party towards Mr. Fillmore in 16o2 effectually atop 'them from now briniiHg forward any erinu allegation auaitn-t him. fur with the exception of a few yeara added to bit ate he it now the tame Millard Fillmore that he we when he aigned the Fugitive Slave law in the lace of the lireaia and neural inn ul Uit Aboil tionieta.au I Voe name Milled Fillmore that he win when the Lem gtnty praised him and de deooiinoad hit party lor fa ling to nown itx bits fir another President ill term. Since uit retirement from the office which he tilled with tueli excellence and dtguity, Mr. Fillmore has pursued ihe course iT an uiiatia .iinng and uigniB or gentleman and ciiiaen discharging iiia duties in life in an uootteiitaiiout and uuobtruive man ner, eonferriug hit rotes on these tie deemed Worthy of them, and keening tiinitelf nloid'from the dirty iiitriuuee or which the age lami proline, and when he accepts the nomination now tender ed to him he will do ao with the just and roud eatisfwiion of knowing that it was an unhought and unsolicited tender, voluntarily made to biui by a large mast ot his Icllow citizens. The American .tomlusihms. The New Y"ik Trii.uiie and other abolition p pert, charge, that the hoinineet of the American iau. nat- L. ineution, ior I'lo-iJei.t and tn Pivsidi-nt, etimd uion a Siuthcra piosUvery platfirm whilst in t'.ic S-mih the Fmtign irty w;et that thct'-c nul ci to lie regarded as Fiec Soiioi-s or Abviiiu-iiiiflK. Tiicy in fUcl, htnud preoitcly whore they ought to stand, us,n the plad'.r.n of the (' iiniiuiion, retohe-l, if eli ded, t guard the rights of all Mvti.ms of the c-.iitiuy eipitiiy; and hence they imght to recite the tupjsm of all triih nitioiml men. The fact of their being charged 'at the North with attach wont to Soiuli.ia, ntnl utiiie Soulli Willi lcaoii.g to Northern interests, tbows ootu-lusiiay iljat they are the ery men who should be placed in power tiecause it proves that tbty would a liuin ister j.ublic sffaiis with ejen hundi-d justice, iu - thw tnre-spmttif the imtiKiiTn. Thi -w-tfc experience which the nti.rt hud under the foi tner administration of Mr, Fillmore, who haa been pronounced "the mode! President." Cotnmenting'on th sixth and seventh section nf th platform adopted by th lute National Council of the American party, th Mobil Ad vertiser a strict and uneom promising Stat right journal maintain that thtt tectiont clearly endorse the non-intervention principle of be Kansas bill and pledge Ita admission, as a frav) or slavt Stat, when it shall hav tlx requisite population, as h people thereof may desire that I hey distinctly admit th right of th l'eoplt ofth Territories "to ft ami their cons't totion and laws, and and regulate their tooial and and chsiitaiit afairt in their awa mode, subject nly to tbt provisions of th Federal Constitu tion" which is merely th doctrine of aoa-lnter- Tention, and aubttantiaily th langutg of th Kuistu Nebraska act itself. - ' ' - " Pcrsetfteasa Received. If bar recti red th University Magaxin for March. Content: KevolutUnary- History of North Carolina On thetrue meaning of Cogito, Ergo Sum; Wax at th Soir-, Description of a iml to California! t hil l's Ilbtory of North Car olinia: and Editor's Table, We a received from the publishers, Messrs. Leonard Wc.tt A Co., New York, th January bwrof Th lo do Quartely Revitw. Th Montlilj Stethoscope and Medical Report. erfo March is on eur uhl. paldish at Hietnoad, V a., at 13 per aanam la advance. - Wat, II. Prtaoutt, In eminent Asmieaa hit- uriaw, wm rta at unton, nri, sx on ey waa at fineg. b a Wow fra a ervst thrown by boy. The sight of th other was so weakened Vy ympMhy. that tt raaaot it. II aecord- lagly uatt th apparsta latwated It the blind a ttylns. with tracing ptr, and tring to guid th band. U it that abl to tit up at eight aad writ wiihoat a Madia. In tbit wty hi great historical tabor h beta petf acted. la rha lam Paaasylvania ltieratM Cawvea tioa, lb faithful gav Mr. Prc th.npll mau and Mr. Bochaaan th delegate to the KaUoaal C.siventioa divUioa which awgn tkt) aystar to t)l J Back" aad th shell to the rrtxidcnL Tney y to Mr. pirea that h ha Um th best boy, but th who l the hav oexlo ld I bestow th md4 a so Master Wmhaiisa. Tha Mining weasrralMiai 4yprt1isittaii. A lel.gr.ph. -ts-ps'ih to the thrluasor A., tlatod Nw York, March 12, ay, la th absent of sey tiding. f (U mUaiag ataaMT Pae.le. of the C.lln,. bra, lb eepwt WtwijM by th ttaavar Arabit saf esnaia frag Matt f salaa faraiiote, AH kavieg tseew eswi tVavmg the ie by U. tearner E liaUrgt,, as ed fearful anprehsasbm here in rrd in ihM tMmr. Ther W, k i Iro. hhg afsjeb,.., a lbs alrvsa veprd. Vat la ptuUUIity I Wrong toal th fragment b M.oa , aart f lb arete tf the Pf WIU th Rational W kl -..part Mr. nilimi Th New York Ganauervial Advertiser ia artie oa the Mbeta) af tyashirigtiia Hunt's po sition, in which it isaswrted that be will.iakt bo activ part la the Belt Presidential election, and also thai the Natimel Whip will.pmbBbly Bake as Bominition, that remark on tbt pribable our of del party : i If we whim that there in to be no regular Whig candidate in the held, it must follow, we conceive, that the main bodv of the National Whigs will give their support to'Millard Fillmore, as the only alternative eua jstent with principles and duty. They will support him on high national grounds, not as partisan, hot. at patriots ; not baoaus of, but notwithstanding, his nomination by the American parry. -They will be governed by their own views, w'ithout adopting the Ameri can cause or enlisting oniter it flag. Many tugs, wno nave not atway concurred with Mr. r illmore on subordinate questions, will sustain him now from a conviction that he is hotieat. patriotic and conservative, nd that the govern ment -win oe sara iu ait nanua, iney mow mm to be sound on the great questions id pa die pol icy, which animated the Whig party in the dart of-its ttreogtb. They know him to be true to the Union ana to the peace or the Union ; willing to sustain thejutt rightt of both tectiont ; not will ing to encroach npon the rightt of either. In hit election all the great interests of the sou n try will have the surest pledge for peace, moderation and ttatilitv. To him bort North and South can look with confidence, to strength en, and not to sever or awaken, the political ties which unite the oountry. Wt art aware that he is denounced for tigning the Compromise billt of inau. But vt bigs will remeuilier that Taylor and Fillmore were elected in 1840. under a distinct pledge to give full effee to the action of Congress. Neither of them two. d hive vetoed the Comoro mite, without a disgraoeful iiolation of principle i t .... .-. . ..... . sun nooor. i Hilt ,vmprumue gtm no ezienaum to tlaeerj, in fact, and the departure from it by the prexent administration baa been the fruitful aouree of discord and calamity. Those who de nounce Mr. Fillmore for hit action, would now be powerless for evil, if the Pleasures establish ed 'luring hit administration bad been faithfully auerea to. Nr. Clay's Testimony to the fidelity ofPltlmori The following letter of the aeat and illusiriout leader of -the Whig ptrty, will thow in what esti mation he held Mr. Fillmore and hit tdumiistru t on. "The foundation of my preference is," tny Mr. Clay, "that Fillmore haa administered the Executive Government with signal success ai d abl ty. lie lias beta tried, and found true, fiiihful, huiiest and conscientious!" An exabed triimte fiura an exulted tourve. But here it hi letter: W'iiiM0T..Mr..V 1S;2. Mr lca Sit: You'tightlv urrrlrran rlie in epiKii.g a i iefertM.ee tor Mr. F I m ie us the 1, Wtiig i n dhlnte fur the Ciesideiicy. This lMhi hcfoie leading houie, and have fieuentlv here, in private intcrt'oorne, siiA-e my arrival in U'lishing lou. 4 care not how generally the fact may lie known, but 1 should not deeiu it right ;o publish any formal avowal of that preference under my own signature in the newspaper, huch a coUi -e would suhieitt me to the i ot'ittatiun of suiis.siiiir that mv .pioioo' p-.'S-o-seihuioK weight with the public than 1 apprehend tlie.y do. 1 he founila tii n of my pM'crjKce x, that Mr. Killuiure uduiioifrteicd the Executive tjovernment with oghai siui-osnnd aloiiiy. He has le-eu tried ai.d found tt in-: faithful, h nc-t .tn-l i-oh-c-enn mis. 1 ihio sav uo'hii' tn dci..Miti ft1 ui ins cm unrnt coinpei'itiffsr th" hae both ren-ite-re-l jrreat serve to their Country; the oue in thd tieidlhe other in tlie I'abioet. Ti.y migiit pos.uMy ad imifTier the t iovcrniueiit ar. veil as . F iltmore has done. Jiut then neither vf them lrn been triii in tlu- elcvaied pie.uion he mow iiuiN, ami 1 Ihii.k lb it prujencv and i.!oiu Old letter i i:ain in1 f f. iu loukiug aey c!ange uit;ioUt a ne-oe-i'y for it, the e.i-teie uf which I do n 't per ceive. Him t'lir. Wise uu I' II 'morel In an editorial in the Hichinond Enulrer,in lt52, beade-l ' Utury A. HVao in UkhmiMtd," we I id lb annexed rich pas-age. " WKLU 1H)E MO.SX-FAlUIlr'L' L.SE !l.V A h XJL.it mt. ..5 . etTtg""a;einptlm?osrTtr-- f aod.will sulEc for U prencnt. We ask every holy's aiteu tioa toO iv. Wise's eommendatMia ol Fillmor I ' " And why, asked Mr. W, hav Toll (Whig') deserted th ma wan stood by th Constitution, tl l uion party f In answer to this questiua he read tht letter of Mr. Fillmor to Mr. Block of New York, written during the titling of the Dal tiiuor Whig Convention requesting Mr. B , wtm was delttgs'e,io withdraw bit nam. When Mr." Fillmor wrote that letter, h knew h Could not b aomiuated for th Presidency. Th bead uf freeeeilism had sworn to deatroy him for doing what llr Constitution the instrument which he had (worn Iu protect demanded of him, Mr, Wist showed from that letter, thai h (Mr. F.) had firmly rohed not to seek a ra-election but laying aid bis ewa private feeling, and pwaonal interest, to do what th ciisis demanded to knuw no North, n South.no East no Watt, hut to tign th fugitive slav bill aad guaraata perpetuity to a then tottering I'nioa. " The Ciannromis wat n acted by Congrts, Mr. Fillmor found It his duty to sanction it, and resolved to -perform. Yet he was deserted by hit party, and a lesa who tuuld get Fr-uil votes phvd abvt him. ' "Mr. Wia paid high ontnplimeal to Mr Fill mora, for hit patriotic eour b bad sred with hist knew him well knew hi prim tenti tkmte knw tbem to b opposed In slavery ia th abstract. Th man who eould act that dis intrestdly,heonsiderd entitled to" well don" mot faithful tervtnl." HiiJtmnd Wkig la toivar r Mil Th Pbiladelphl iji Ji'm, biiherta a4 a aoliileal paper, place Fillmor and Dotwhwa at th head of it columns, and remarks i " la that prorltiming oar prrOrennM, wt I saw uvai w reneci in sentiment oi sn oierwi eloim majority of th penpbi of Philadelphia, and, w verily believ ui" l'snnvlvania. K maa mm living iias a stronger hold ua lb 0elHin. anil ronk.Jenr of th Aoisni aa pU than Millard rillmor. aad tmintntly do his past caieer .ho.th.l re.ld,j.g rl. "Tl fidalh Utrto lMnlW lll..n. in If52. that Mr. Fima, h. . Im,..,.-ed ,b. , i,G... in wnn u.o, a,tn .iniiiw. 11. ! iwa IT! and found Inw, fsnhfu', bsm sV-n-sl sad eon an - ... Tbt-s i wr Mr V'araasam. te- hi ''"TV ., "' " now. As U wvdl -kd by . m.rh ...emed eMemtairasy. H . b. is aad rt he... all know, and osr lit has li Irie4, sad aerer ar a ammJ Wl;. II rsmWifl a. with lb l.ritak ia? 4 1st aad vt rltar and it lb vera saaa in lbe- trying snd critical time., tn pre.oj. wvr all pirte ot tiie ., abiw, wittt joiio and qaity fa? alt, and with a Ii hand to reform and rolriM any wng that may b tleip'ed ia me xethia of lb eountry against anoiher. With him as to nan tidal of N on.l A oeetrwa party, pli f tm is at all eiasr. II .s A 1 avnikt ratio id tt iio'itent i-f isirlv ttite ya, ts"platl tis" Hijit1! for any te.a..ld man. rat Is 11 tbo g e. w. T I s nd, Saf mm, St-Ta MHIroS Saft flVu,f-ip!., tlillird Fdlnaor.'aplatforta ems hf.. .s -e iew hi. tvilenaiMa, Ihe friendship t.f Ti.y ai d vt .e tr, ad va the asm if th m.s rs.rf narty, m bw day ai d g-' erali ttvgvttal &9t4rj mm lp Uhe. Vf1rJ. Thtu tlrtCmitu- f.n M;'ty Af P- .lierae f tatsM-hiri avoa a' Aattta ry, M lerp fiver, ia tbe M. e f K tb Can u- Tbtro-.-'t'l't U-! ift-.t I A steraltrl Uraii-i Vkwi a Cmlim aud Ktlarallaed ClUaeaa, The tbitowug sentible and well Waved remark. opna tht eterciat of t a right of suffrage by at- arwliud eittient dev' v additional valot from the fa.t that they eip.raaa the opinioa of oue who i himself a nataraliil eitiaen, of German birth, In a letter to the Journal of Commerce, b says, it is nothing but natural that Americana thould wish to be their own master at home, aod that ihey thould try to reserve unto themselves tbt privilege of excluding tuch emigration at to them teem far fraat desirable. Foreigners, en the other band, hould never laws sight of th int' m exist advantages, offered to them, by th bar admission to this bleated oou,ntry, untrameled at it it by professional limitations and eoeroiv en listment ; with ita free prest and liberty of wor. thip. They ought not to lay claim to all- the privilege of eitixen it their right, but they ought tn th contrary, to look npon that privi lege as a boon, tc be used discreetly, and with a dueente of the responsibility which attache to 1'. Unfortunately tliit point of view It Id moat cue wholly kxt tight of, and cannot but wound and gall the true patriot of America, to tee on lection day boisterous gangt of foreigner, talk ing 1b an accent which it odious to th nativ ear, parading through the streets with banner flying, the easy prey to the political knave, who knows bow to drown their conscience the toonest. iu floods of beer and brandy. Nay, 1 have my self been a witness to scenes still mora revolting. I have seen drives of drunken tailors, fresh from on board foreign vessels, carried in triumph through the streets, and from poll -to pooL' I turned awty in disgust, and at that time, now Ave years ago, felt my admiration of th Repub lican institution dwindle away fast. What with similar free tnd enlightened.citiiens, falee ballot- boxes bruught to light, and the destruction of other, what could he the result, but an election of officers who very toon proved to be a ptiblto disgrace; and how eoul.l this be otherwise, at I nig at thirty per cent of the numbers of elector dil not even know by name the candidates . placed on their, tickets and lest by reptita. t on he it for good or evil. Now, here yon hav a ground for indignation in every honest man. whet iter he viw the light of life first on this' tide 0 ' the water or on the other ; and you. natie A uerieans will see us all rise, like one man, sub d e, untied with you, this flagrant siutiage alike m the liberties ofua all, and Oft the safety of it we posses&in th end ; and, as it is admitted by every one that there is a lack of control at the poila on al n tt every election, there might to be a ojie -u'lervision and a frequent challenge. A titulary change will be effected by th Know .thin piy in this respeet ; and if it had attained nothing lait- iLisui.c relet hi, we should all bless its aciiiiu. ' . I row Mcsrogus Uenertl Walkr tnd the Transit Company. We see no'hiiig toooniirin the report that Cen. WalLci bad wiied any of the Tr in-it Cunt any's boats. We liov.efer find iu tbe .Spanish part of Waiknr't -paper,, the Nicui jguen- e, a decree re newing charter to another association for ainiilar purp-.i-ei. Ti.c lull aii g are the main provisioiit of the decree 1. Tbt republic i f Nicaragua grunts to Mr.F.d mind Hand Iph and his a..-iates Ihe delusive right and privilege for twenty tiv years from the -late of this decree, to trnnsjairt acrost its territo- ry by on single mnt, passengers and freight fiom th port of ffan Juan del Norte.ur any other '" veu.eui port on ii.e Atiantie.to tue port f Sa.: Juan del tur, or any other more vonreni ett port ok the I'scill c.at ties option of the grant- ! also tii etclusiv -right of naiigatmg by ( earn vM.elt all the river, lakes, mid interior w-ncis-nf th-Hcpu d' dueiwg vheiwtt lerm-tf tweiiiy-nt years, tt TThtrr on wirmrh thim thr dat uf th .leci et th grantees shall design it to he g vemineui ihhe route wiin h they may . lex-t. ilnx-i ilitiig th nun by the ntuiea of tii places where they will stop; and if at any tint Ihey thould wish to abandon th route so desig nated, and adopt another, or make any material change therein, they will b aide to do by obtaining th previous consent of th gov ernment, 2. Th grantees, ia consideration of th privi lege which hav been eon ceded to tbem.obligat tbdnnlvet to nay to th government uf Nicara gua i tie dollar for each passenger by them Iran Hirted across th tervitujj of th Kepublie. Tlie government ei'empts tht vessels and freight of the grantee from pyinnt of dutieat require t m,in til months, to tMtablish a tin of stea inert betwera New York and Saa sluan; and oblige them to carry gottinmaut dmrpatcliea, it ofteer aod troop without exacting indemnity, Th gov truant, in returB, "Wgeea To prutevt and defend th grantee ia lb full anjttyaianl of th right and privileges granted tty lb it decree, and alto old igatte Ittt individual or If not to grant to any goiarnment, ' ? 'j dbvappoinud ia I heir acbrma, . .. .. i f plunder, and they forthwith clamor fur a die tomny, th right to transport , (U t fayfrUI, Argu passengers or freight aoroa iu Territory, or to aavigat by Meamer any of iu rivara or lake during this CTtoliun.M Mr. Randolph it a Yitginiaa and a gradual of th I'uivtrsity of Virginia. II baa been lor tomtysars t rstident uf California. Tb lapltrily f Man ef IU-Prseal l-Ulawr. This gsnllemsa. Bow making a pair through Enrop. Mhihit. tb trw. Iemer.ti .pirit. A writer foasor tlie Journals who mot him tbfowl, aavs; "N.rthiivg, indeed, tan tveeed th anosteaa- liou eaoruscaad ..mptieity of th. Avrv-a ..- rrMiilewl oa his nt tmmy Miraagb ksnaa. II g-e. .ml twe ver,tt,.nt, JM -M, tad. k . i. . . , . . . . . I ,Bli, h j. , p ,,lWal th' ; ,.. Am.it. Mta tied ti.ouir! i.t tt-1 j V, Fillmor. and lb s.n.e U,,ng u. ' I. U ..ill-. V . . . 1 J I u . 1 Mi, i h . . ,, rvs him: bat h .forded Ih.ss ao pt-inv. Iv.ag m In aimptM aasnaer. tnd .tei ing .thi..g Ih.l i. ro4 .ual t ilh nd im... geolteu, a otilv leave hsv.pl with th resrrwt mat iav eaoa sh-,w hi some ,,f pewif tHr r , ur w-m attettiioa eorrfHi.bng wi-b hi aiNm. Mr. FiIIhsmt be Bow lea ia fcng'end, Iramw. I't.-iv Aostriv and Italy, and will hav all tiurop befit h re'r. so ih I uiird r't.isB, II ha bee il rimrvd oa- server .fitr t.Vs and Iheif ln'o..o.s. od will letura ib I noed N' a bn tod?- f Furone-ia veiMtieot ih.a ih b-Is l .1 v .a" i..mm.k..mA ...1 ... -a ... in I .... I mmtmt ,11 lrit.t.if ( aSt.Mh . In t nit. Ttf S rttWn Uki tt-ft mn Jum ..m it. tt;. f 4 S k. auk "f0.n ,m r- , fr m Vitml AHc v mm ll.-ii .. Wt!r M m i I all tt ( ..f ti. Tfwit Cfu mj, a 1 Us 14 ihf iri.r- ftt.4 gr t4 ft fa .tkif ava .. . a. A 1 a. A la. rWH K,n frtMrf (M 0 t lsrw'..i,f-f AW. I1 d.avaga. Aa r().asnkt bad tlsr. y.4 bt) w-y -4" Jritlt. IbtiMpiial ef st.paa. and H tht Ixtuf till r-y f.rutsil lira. . s Great KatraraUtx MssMtagiriSbUadalahla. An imment ratification meeting wa bold ia Philedftphia oa WednetvJay tact. Gnat Botha. siatm prevailed, the nomination of Fillmore and Doneiana were adopted by acclamation. W cony th speech of tbe Hon. H. M. Fuller SPEECH Or MR. FILLER, , Th IToa. Henry M. Fuller wa then introduced tn the meeting, and wa received with load and athujtiaatie cheer. Ia coming forward he thanked the tudieno for their kind greeting. It wa truly gratifying to witness such a grand outpouring of th conservative people of this metmpolis. lie was glad to meet with Philadel phians, in whose prosperity he always felt a deep Interest. (Applause.) Yon art Philadolphians, and we ar I'eiinsvlvaiiians, but w hav a high er and bmader distinction a American c tiiens. tjreat applause ) We ka w no North, no South.' no East, no West, Applause. We hav the whole I nion at heart, and know n part. Cheer. W desir to bav eoneord to have unity to pi together in a common cause. Applause. We desire to keep our Constitution inviolate, and oar In ion sacred and indivisible, f Increased cheer.. We belong to no party that does not carry the flag and keep step to the music, of th I'ni n tireat Cheering.) lueonjeei ot the meeting ts to approve of the nominations of Fillmore and Donolson. Three cheers. : You desir to eommene where th American Convention ended. I A voiea "That' to," Ho on ask who Millard Fillmor ia T No, no. We want no better evidence of this than ia found in tht fact that he, 3,4)00 miles awty, haa been nomi nated for th highest position in our gift. I A omm "That' o."l He hat been tried and found faithful, and Mr. Fuller frit aaaured that the people would tuttain tV nomination with spirit and tuocest. Applause 1 W hen Mr. Fillmor was in Concrest, bt wut the author of a measure that gave life and energy to the de pressed and abandoned interests of l'onntylvanra. you did not forget tbit in 1848, and yott will Tint forget itsin lrlftfl. ; When Mr, Fillinurd wa call ed tn the' Presidential Chair, he wa the first tn lend his efforts to restore harmony to his country, torn asunder as it wat,-ty hitter dissension and trctional sir i ft. Great applause.) For the Vie presidency w hav presented Andrew Jackson Dmclsnn. Applause. He was tht friend and disciple of Andrew Jackson. I Renewed applause.! And nonitlh could hav occupied such a position unless he had been a nrm anu ueuiueu paM-ioi, anu a inwin ui tue I nton. n hen the Convention atveinhlod in Nashville to threaten the integrity n( our Con federation, he mado hi appearance there, and asserted, in the language of Jackson, that ''the I nion mutt and shall be preserved. " ureal applause. W a art charged villi being a dirk lantern narty. A Voice. "That w&t a Wise man who said it.1'!. . - This is certainly no. hole to th wall, no dark lantern place. A ll is open to the viewSif those who chiHise to examine our principles. We are charged, too, with lieing oppnseil to th foreign er. W are not so; lait we do believe that eitl lenship has Income too cheap, tlre.it and long continued cheering. We wonll give a warm welcome to all who e ime to nor lnre with a sincere purpose-, we woul l eiteiid th benelit and priv'rieges of onr got eminent to tbe oppress ed of every (and. W belieie list- a change in the nnturalitation laws' is necessary a plause and that the purity ot the ballot box is abort party and higher than party triumphs. Ilimiewed cbeeriiig. Our deiire it tu kteep I lie t'nion as it i an nvlum for tlie opjrcsed a home f ir Hume who seek it tor comfort and true political and religious freedom a btossing to the downtroihten.a rvsting tiluce ih-astnait ail run. I applause Let u look at this heritage 'fours. The "old thir teen have exiennrd tl.eirsav over new territory, and f!esed new lands witli the glory of republican institutions. Loa'siau has been secured by purthase; the richness of the vallev of the Mipaimopni ha been otiened to our I people in iis lolnesa-.tne sunny Inn I of the Ai'rcs 1 it now within our fold, aad even iha rnci-iS.! j gales of (he R.e-ky M mntaioe, hav been lit ed up, that our rue 'and iustiiuiioiis miglit reach the sh.ircs of th Pac 6c, blessing all and holding I all In the strong embrace of I e 'ttim in I nion. I Cheer. 1 Tlii I nion it it our determination to sustain, and tins meeting it an oidenra of th rettrrne in which it it held lev tin. peotd of I'hiladeliihta and our a-'hlt t'omiu iiiweallh. Mr. 1 uller retir.-d a nid the enthusiastic and prolonged shout uf all prent. -HI ill Harping aa my Daughter." Tii 8g Nicbl prints of th south continue to harp about th immortal seventy four who up. ported Mich .rdson dr th 8pe.ker.hip. Now; whn it ia aonsiderad that of lit seventy four only atvrnitwa were northern Bum, and that ihey supported tint Kansas sad Nebraska bill because they regarded it a th bt Bitvur aver ena. ted "ia favor uf fredoa," tbUk their oulbra nadjutor need But hot aowiaeh of their alii ane. . Again: Tbe soutKera metatiers who eupported Mr. HicbardsoB, ar. with a fcw eioepti .tit, st eessionists and disunionists, who ar hoping as they do, that they might cut a mora ron.picuous figura la th hew government than they art lik ly tn do ia th old. Huh r th msterisls of wb'rb lit great denvierali ntionl erganixatioa la formed. "Held .-faV.r by theeohesiit iwr nf publick plue.ler, they r ready to unit ia th support ef any on who will agre to opeu tb door ul th publick fnti to iiieir greeny reitciousnees. " Andrew Jacksoa aVinsls as wis m4 tht tdon ted of Andrew Jacksoa, but only th apbw f Ilea, Jacks.' wift. Kvr mtamhatkii ssf," aid tb (ineral one la Washington, with atigh, a tmil. and a twiakhiaf philoauphical bumof la bit eye." jrta.oe. Ptrh.tai th Utt aatwer to tl.it U eontslned I I. tb. follurtn titrart fiom th will of flss. ! JL,-, r.vrt raoa V,,n, J -,-, Win.-- I h. aoeath ta my well bl .4 nephew, Andrew I Jack ksfoa. so uf h.mual liomlsAB.d. r1,!! I""' to "t 'iy tb 7,' " ' Vur.uoa. that l.e , ' ' ' .. , . ' " 1 1 ' ." " ' r,!," ' f " ' ; hived evaintry, thou'J thev be nwailed be fmiea -''d.HBtl. lra.1.... Th. f .. U,. grM " can U.,u..tt. h.ta. d-inf a u, ';!n..r. to wtum I . re-pon.,1 W. I "liais-ua . vw u B BSTimis 1 Bl j high regaf.l. ssTrt..n, and estsws whhrh 1 I -ear M " "'' d kxwbK Mr nil W !!' aal a ar l.lag la pUeeewr ofono rs.m a. a p.l"-n iliat lb ol I ills. will ia l a. t.llt ih graayt balk uf U. A an pny in Miiisrlisl, sud wok favoralii prus-t of eavvina tl. vate. Vt eaoa.w uf eeor sitMMkit tb rtd i.f Mr Fill- a Ih IsS'.r la' -ran i tvts A km .- '" ka" if h as'captt it tt- tl. Iid pUif .na "f Amtrieaa priM pbs, t. will carry th. M,t., . Tsvt'. rhavtun est a avt favor. I, I la let th He ,4 r.llasa saw to M a-w. - by . I s. a.,K.tv. . bvri I. sere I iU ! ftni-ta- f s,warl ."wstti rrfn .4 .t,Hm t Ua llltdaf k W fk' t I (sail taH t ymt M a )." ' m 9 t4 t If t,Hfe r ltt ft !'- r-ltijr I w I - tit In ii fin irt w nf on KsiaiM l. t f ,in'rt I lft'i-. m t'lf, Bt ilt rm ft . fc mp If f r S --r 9 turn i,,, j fl.l fty.-a lK. -r f lit.,. t- ra,l. ftvi mm U it lafttk. ita h 114, Jmtrmtl, Pkw. Mat r.illlr. Tha lVi-ai-l.M ii t t Ara R. 1. f tf ..pH to paid.,.. .Aa.aw,ia.M. d ptfas Utd.1 111 aeM. Tk.Ae) 4 Utoi wa. ' toM. T' Pf-rt-la- J -a aal ' atata tl M tb C v.vetioa Wa .Jo .It ta I bttal ttl t'ort-f j a Arrival f lb Meamaset Arabia. SEVEN DAVS LATER. . rx cosrtaxKci rw,x-ixa rsvuaaBLT ! '. I srrrosEJ t ieie of tbe r.ciFic. COTTON IXCHANGED!!! BaisBsrvrrt caxHncasBi.x BtcuxiD. . II tunr. March 12, Th Cunard steamship Arabia, with teveu dtyt htter intelligence than that brought by tb Africa, arrived her last night She left Liverpool oa Saturday March ltt. .. ' : Th Peace Cuuforence wat progressing ftivora- b!y at Paria. She bring, no tidings of tjie long misting steam ship Pacific. ,.' '' '.."',' A despatch wat reoeired by Meatr. Brown, hipley 4 Co, agent of th Colli' s lint at Liver psd, dated (iiasgow, February 17th, which aayt thestcainthipEdiuburgh from N. York, paoedon the Tlh of February, large quantities of broken ice. Saw upon it a quantity of broken cabin furniture, tire ornamental doort, with whit or glaat handles, a ladiea .work box. and other ar. ticlet, tuch aa ar commonly used in th cabin of of a first elaat steamer. The Edinburgh wat then fiva dart out1, in latitudt 40, 30; longitude 45, 50. Thiain all probability wat a portion of tii wreclruf tii Pacific' ' Th Arabia left Liverpool at on o'clock on th 1st nf March, and arived at Halifax about 11 o'clock Tucsvlay -eveuing: Sha .briug 123 paa tcngert, but encountered no ice, losuranca had been' made on the cargo of the Pacific, at Jf.2tl 5s. fre of average Tht-Peace Conference al Paris hat held thrte meeting, tut nutliiug uf th proceeding, ia suf fering to transpire. . . - . . . Aft Arniistio to nd in March, but not affec ting the existing blockade, is announced. Rumor b"th favorable and unfavorable1 a bound. The goneral Unpretslon is that matter, thui far proi5rM fuvurably. It ir reported that Bus-in concede required limitation, but will te t ahaiidun her protectorate over .the Greek Christiana, The opinion Increase, that immediately after peace is signed a general European Congress will meet to adjust tbe balu;ioo of power. Tilt oxcitemont icspectitig Auioricsli difficul ties teems totally extinct. The Mayor.ol L union gave a banquet tu Buch anan, hut the hitter wat tunimontd to din with thr Queen, and Could not atteud. The Armistice has becu made known to the Crimean armies. Omar P icha h is retigned, and hit resignation ha been accepted. Russia, tlie Allies aud Sweden, continue to make active preparation for tlie war. Late and nJ.trtuing rumors had lieen rsprend, that Russia v ill start objectioiit which will sause fie Conference to break up.. These ar regard.'d however, at a mere Muck jubbing rus. COM MF. Wl A. I XTELLlfiKNCR. Cotton unchaiige l. 8aleuf the week 00,000 bales. Kipirters took 300, end icculaturt 13. 00 ). 1'h market closed quiet. nreudsiuffi considerably declined mid el ated dull. Flour declined 11 pence. Canal Baur 31. Sd. l'hi.adelphia ar.d Baltimore 3't. a 37. Wheat declined lire pence, lied wheat it quoted at 9. H I. to 10.; white 10s. yd. a Us Corn declined ont shilling Cd. W hite and Jcl- yollow euro 34.; mixed 33s. Cd. Provisions t. ,i unchanged. Naval tbit quiet aud ! , , unchanged. Consols Ul I a'Jll. Tb Amiolcaa, ad tb farelga Party. Although eurr .unded by to many element that hav sprung ap at different period and on various otcaaiuu It it evident rhra are but two Parti, ia tb eountry, al Ih prastait tiint i Tht American, and th -Foreign Party, Tb former it composed of all tuch divisions aud seeders fr m iiirmar partiet, and ptraont at are opHaved to lureign Influenc and tulfrag in th country, to fortignart holding offic undcrlh (lovenimetit. aidia favor nf a cbang la the Naturalisation lawa, limiting eitisensbip to twenty on years. T lie it th Amarioan Party. Wherefore It fol lows, that all wno appns these views (tod arala favor ef what they reject) ar entitled to b ttyb ad lb Foreign Party, And so lot.gaath A men eaa party mail t iiu thair presonl esition. titer an ba ao third parly an amaurly which ia p.-asanted, for tlie lrt time in th tffairt of iht tmntry. Tlit Idea that ther i any tongrt a W big aad a I at an a; rail rty Iu tb eoualry, I a b'gieal aUurdityt Ihey Isith eased to list, wbra th America party sprung Into etistewee, aad war wa decUnd against It l.y alt oppusing fact loot, that noawed th tureiga eausa aad tbsav formed t foreign Party, Th opponent uf tb Americaa eaus thmfor. art) anliattd and funrtgn bannar, as th English and French Ugh! Biider that uf th' Creat in behalf af Tarkey, tgtlnst llaaaia. Their awa lag but show tbr retpacliv pus it to and divisiueis tbee ar but twa parts to tb war. llussia aad lb AIIim. Like wis, ther tjr bwt twa p.rtie la tfata eoun try the American, and th Allied Foralga pny, wa bava aa nthar claim to Asaerieaa'-tvaiernity, tb.a thai they ar pi-d to American. Tb Anwiivaa I lb party of Ih country th Ii leads af lb l aiia b-i elvim that Aawiaari should rul Amrint, that th sdaiinl.lrsli.ai uf It govesstme.l mmf b i 4 iu iattitatluM rtwtaia pqtul and peifeel a they sain from Ih land, efil, !i a.blii W bow gb.ri.ait Waadiiligtua il "Now 11 Aavsviaan guard to aighl 1" J,M-r-.,j,A .sda. Knk ftNlii Mi urrnii uif lit, Tstv.i vl lses,.-i k '.J, IsX Sl Hi rrOrxAljl ..11 kslMn tl m ...al I ,'.l-. A- M . Ill ,. f- u. r. v.H.lll. ev J i. .,i., .! 1. I" , ul.n,,, , ., aiiLMl -.. 4 (. . rf B.i-is . ft mm uaMW, (,, i.t, sm -t a,, a. ., j,,,. , h, r" r a r.T.i mi JtAttytkA. ..,4 ''i.eawt. rtsi-.; fcs .1 ins a l ml las k 1 T " t " ""I !. AaVar Beai b its, mt, j 1. .a4 ia ,. 1. Ik. Bai I ai.tl.ta kat at Ikl R-Ski at Ikla IV r., oa. I oM s . M ka.at .V l.aaa Ikait lattar aa Still a!vt k. a C. tka Mini a. ataut I. L. p,ata af la. It. eit. a,a.lr .St 4 , att-jaf at IM.m, .a ik r,M.,M,,k.at- -..rtaa, t W T'lt T. tTaktav t a. v.a-.., i.t.l.t. ttst IL l A 1 a . , . Vilj 1SX Lilt. T "t At rr tt itif Wtt'iiisoiii, t n L'."'.! . "l"' ' " . .t bit. u , a i, .,, At..-. PRICES CURRENT. j Petertbiiry. March U. T oaicv-o. Tht market continues activ M lull prices, tor .good leaf titer i nothing like nough opening toeawily tn demand. nd for tueh, prices b.ve further tdvaoced. We quote e-muvon to middling lug. $65f- Fair to good do. for?7, andnecat oo adv a hog-head brings '. Mid-Uing tofcirdo. W(n4. andraidfltkalli. Waxxr Sales to-day have been liTht, and w aunt prim red and white SlJiJtii $l,Il), in ferior and medium l.5.rl,45. . Cottvw. Th receipu have been heavier, and th market is less arm with sales at 0). Coax. Reevipta small, and quote at 70(", i5, the latter for small parrels. Bait)!. Virginia cured lt No W'eaient t in market owing to the failure of the arrival of tns mitimnr" steamers, on ice unt of I e. Fuit . Th market it dull and the supply it mora than equal to the demands. As price, tr irregular, w omit qunlat .ms.i flcMo. There is steady demand for this ar ticle ana tbe prices ar nrm. Nile hate been heavy for the last 10 dtyt at 57(ia7l. Ltan. Virginia in kegt, 12Jf,L13. No barrels la aiarket. w :jt i-rw Wilmilirrton. March 15. Tt-artnTix So change in price. Further tale of vesterdav of only d04hhl. at Sl.R8f virgin, fiii tor yel!o.i dtp, and tl.Si for hatd, "f 20 Die. Only a small mi soiu tins morning at sain ngura. oet airs tcariKTiKt Aothing doing. RosiK. No sale yesterday or to-day. - Tax. Sales yesterday afternoon of 344 hh a.. and this morning 520 do. f 1,75(4 1,8ft f bbl.; the toriiier price tor wet anil tlie latter tor dj y ptroela. CotNA.lHIOtiu.hela received sineeyesterdsj' report, and changed hands at CO onts "p hu-hel. Bjcon. We note i tair enquiry for N. C.with very light receipt, and th price ha advanced. Sale of 4,000 tbs. at lJ cent 'f tb. for hog round. . Flora Has been brought in tparingly, for tome tiiu past, and the tupply on market it ex ceedingly light. ,: Small sales this morning of N. C. Brands, at lor fine, f t,00 fur tupernue, nd SS.75 ( bbl. for family, . TtyetteTille. March 13. U.roiv. The do- mnnd lor Bawni haa impnited, and the articla-i II ...111 i n...ov, j,, wiif cv,ni., vvurn is xcaroe - tnu - t maiited. t'otiou ia luwer best grade tell at 0.nts, Flour it scarce and much wanted. Spirit Tui'iK'ntine 33 cents. Saprrlor Te I In the Original UaK t'knli, In Butt oO ami 12 poawf, mnd in ilrlnllit I'aci aijte, oy J, J, 1, S ami i yoeucj. -.' cog ii,i ar .:' JSiTZXlTO otiuiati itvtsioat v rat acvat.ua: vtt fcx.J Wholesal Dalr ta Taat alf . -V. i tVr s Mrh m4 AV Unit, PHILADELPHIA. xn-Teas la Mstsllle tv pat op la hslf Ck.,u, iintalning a vailety ef bulk His -k and Ursca la suit bavsrs. . i'rinted-liwaf prte,Tsris, !.., funiUl.rtt hyatail in so w r. n nrorr uipm. All Teas warranted tu pte.se er an sste, , Onssmt ths same ric ... terms tt .11 taaoMoulv Hslf ehsts at lllaek iwatsia sl-ual Hi laaiads, aad wf itreea siei . peaag. Mta. Usrih ti, ISVU. , II. SiCe of 13 Nerroes. ! tl T VIRTt'K eta dseeee r tht t'nart ef Plesi snd I Quarter evasions r fti.thawi Cua.lv, at rVhrHary Tt-iia IKS, shsll, as vtM.wl-ltnr Ihsrela afpMet td. espixe I ss a ths art Iti4ii it'wr la tls iw af l'iinhmi. p. T.amUv th loitt iltv tf sril eat, MlWl Isksly vslashle nevraes, e.,nfisting nf tn. wsm-, w.vs ..d r i'ls. bctnni;iiig te tlie eatsts ef Alfxanter t'. Arwlsls.a, ilee.Me,t. -A erritlt af sit ssoaths will etvsn, ..d Imnd uk .pnrared sseutttv r aetri-fl ef the pur"lisee. CI IVtK NK LIN, liIi.l..i..aer. Ftbrasry 8th, Ifct, It nt ( Astlll-.s I s.d Ms 4 al l:lis, ARRAMKU UtrsH Usa.iur, sm.ill ul ! tots.lv l Ilia Bl V. unaiis, sHMiasusv, nsktiw, n, t.. AtpM s. Large Ui.Ht. smas. .. ( Basher r'u abr1i ) Ciuua, for preservs, Jtwtacat. Will., Ore. a, Esrly aia-laecks, r Ksity Olm, ttuhawt. lllIM, Rr HHd Vslsatlaa, r'Kilv.r fWi,.,, Wills, Hi Hirnat, irire J sllrw eurMfcara, Drosrn aawlilsd T.leuti., Larg net H'slhsrsisl, Mrlu.t af TkMsaed-l-! fop " Huit.ai Oulua, Oue, ' waits r'nttiiR-ai', Rs Ir 'k, " , JV.Ih Iixit. h, , t'laabsvy lls.h. IHsBterv .IWw, faaa 1 Ksir tisrly Vtctarte, 'b.rre K a, ' ' K-Tsl U.arf.av n kits Kul ,a-.ljr Hvu. 1-sti K-y. I'rtt-,. Early Vi-llnw 81a W.. V., li'.il.a, er K.ml.ls, ( .ilns Ktd tjre, M ksilj.l'lsi. vt .ntl, Lsr,iebiai.,8r1tttsrllijaasUupf, t'sroliaB..t (Ssli. jUuuow l.ri.w4,r Csp, ert. I '.. Fstra Early Turalp rsotl. Uadtrik'. kstra Early. rsriy i.r.te,iaMiM asu, batty risaie. mt UIin Red, hsrlv Wa.bt.gtet, olsia w l.r.e, Ma.l wrlsl, Karl Orsjif. -Ksrly Hslf Uf Blissd, Karly May Mr, llrty I'hsrltuUf losh. p . i.rf rmtus, 'llwarl Mas Impertsl, irtsi.l I's.il al.erv.t.i, trsurh S.Mf eugsr. liU gltly llulrb. i,iw l ' " I. n. (thirty I lisaipuaiKsflnia jLargs a tu. MarriHiHri, I, . 'V' jTtova, a FlsS ? t'try. Il SJ.I..S, mf fasf. trly l -ta, vth's L.r Talk, krly ra.at Lf l.silv rltlrv.iai, Ksrly 1ti.bL..4, Urvva 'Hsa haver. hart,-, ttraaiarwl e"V. t '-Hi., Us llslrk. ('. o 1,1114,; t . Ls., I erg Lai. lniaikau. r.su. Ck I .ai Ihiira, a Ur-eaUlasU, MassM-lfc. ' iVraf. Isg tlrt.gc, karly llqra. AlU thai., at FIM,' barg. a bil, at I'sria, W, i. tolj, kt t..n i. IWi . 'a..a.) ttstfsi Siiar, S .M, av ka rar, t.tlttHl, l.rk, i Alssi kattf, . . TstrUtttav, varkiawit. lB rVsrurt stun top, im( slw,ai, wane Tintir-ms., hrl Taiton na4. iWWow Turror n-aaed, itiMSsmaS tt S Or, , wrN w. s (-... j-i., ?. t'.r'v Ta.!,. a P... t.. kiy Ap.lel.A. Y,. '" "- r m,, i f,, tmtk .,r-s, b""k kar.n,,, aa.il.,,, ."""t jeejev tWnap.itl. farly A.I.M., (!!-. (. t a, U-. kit. ts f.frt. a It ' araHTt 1ot.H' r. rlr. Pi Baestte, ' C.a.n,I.kA k Vvtakiy, .''.f tiwwa. I Units, 'atlt I -Stta, kariy akatt U -aaa, la. Irrs. y ., Uaag 1. a I k SSm'0 f-a-a., aa gaaaal L lavr. B -4. !.. t ilite, ,pa .V, a. ,fcaf1 fiat l-k. go. p. t Mtavaai, a kend. Sua Iava4. -a'r ei-aa. I sr. kaflafk. I tkattws, S-t h la, U(, t,ia,, r ..' aa ,,aa Via oa, b.it t-arv-lk, . t. .",. k.l - I'a'tl . ta f.,.. , .,k(1 -. , .,t.W, I a. i( l.laJ . 1 aflf i pH S, j Mo ! taatftav. j l (- r-tttl, j ((H4 l4it.( I I tH i j ft! 4 , wa, ., 1 It .Mat, ? I? rtttoAW i ... . rWav, 1 m I rvowK, f' t a ., ' aa Sat4, .m ft a 4i I MM Aft- 4, . I , -f Vt) I MtitlXtil Unlit Wat, ' h "aw WVpfi,l .4 . wM, W , ,t I taat.aa. j . . ' t k1 1 a f Kaon 1. . . t ... Tl". ' 1 l-'' . s.i. aia .a a ikt a-oal atka V.M.iM.al.., fa , " - ' . """ "4"U' ''K''twfvlv, I a IS pt- 'a. m ti t (nti; t rf let mi 1ITHTUIS ESTS. trim lwl S4,f, timml A ......; Apptstm's Italtditf M 4- Ut Ciostoty, BCHfEPFLIN BROTHERS Tca KMItlSJ, l, UtiilR-IV - BmS Piinli, Silt, P;, P.rlimfry, If., I70 tVUllamsttreet, Sew Vork, IStlTE ths attsntioo of tht tnJe ts ti,s hirp. and varied stock of brugs, P.iut,, tjil, 1 t.iuu, ry. A., e. , In aiMitioa to their regalar importstii.nsof Stt. pie Crags, they art alee receiving, direct Iruni the source. af preductien snd Bttnufsetnre, tutthet' of Tooth, Haia,tmi,N'iLl!rMKt.bors.i 'i,sk, Mo.tvss. feoKiss, isisca and Emjlirh I'lim al T,r trait' ExTtMTS, snd Kis.y other srticit. aaal! mBved ia braggtst tart, akich th-y art .Uoeuhhledto otter un tb mast tdtaaugeuua ternta. tlrdera, sither ia pertoa or by nail, will rerviv prompt attention, j, June -Jti, leii. j; First fitraluta toltl Vfdtil Piaiio-Ftif'M, STEIN WAY & S 0 S, '- ..MaitKMOTfaxa, HI ft . wauEB ir.lT. tA ttOAUWST, MIW IuK, 1) wpectrully call the attention of the pnlci I k, their snleodid a-sortment of semi atfo,. !,,! ' (u.r. I'iaoo, vhtch, fir volume of tuu., .ntici ly of touch, besuty of finish, and In short every lung that reuilrra a Piano perfeel. .re nuinrr. ted. Ihey were awanted tb nr.1 tircm.un, both kinds in 'competiiion With th most ujctiu gulshed makers frvis Boston, PUiladcluUia New vork, and Ualtmicrv, " '. 7 FEW TbllllPri! frriswaT ft Fost hsv iustbeeer sw .nlrd th. FlIlST frouiium GO Lit MUliAL (i.v-rli competi tors) at th tste Fair ef the Ann ri"sa ia.tiiitta Cryttal l'alact, fur tht BE3f .Piuufurir. .. " tT-tf. TILT0X i McFAIItLAXD, 33 Maiden Laaa, Raw York. r I 11 1 -4,. ASIKACTURE!" OF TUB - newned dttaBiaudcr Sales wtmr.n rr T'ttiii Vaults, - fcot Ttaltimore Depnl, 14H Pratt, llostoa IHaart, H Howard street, '',. . - : lMr-ly. FOIl TIIE 1 , 000,000. Ill Ii I.', It. PATKXT NARUl.llfO. (ftfiiit f IC.5,000.1 Si". aiW Ilrntdwty, cor. W alker Ht. Ncir Vork. Are prepared t etecute all oficra for Mantle Table Thps, Columns, ldestils, ntatten, fiat,s fcc, in imitation of Sieua, llnientvl, 1'-. rmo-r-' Aeapolitao, and all fancy Msrhles: rnuii tn mrniiH, wtrni.t, iin UUrIOIIHJ ! IVll t lll-l ,"1 9 aad ta f mit rtisiarels superior thervito, and st !-v han hall the cost. Cultle marlar iseil iinn nu or tlate. It wholly fret I'vom .11 cl .ivctiet.t a hn h ai . ttrgeu sgiilust niert turfact Walk, uheie t nint, en pal varninh, tie. form the temporary pnlun and beauty i f ths srtli lo; Mn. 1 tn.m t) to ! in. d.rs 11 oiu Uutldtra, I'abiu Maseia and utneis so. Ileite.1, snd vstoi.iiciioB guaraiitvi-d. A-rnlt l..r the principal cities treated with. Jotvl-n Lias, Bee. Part nismi:, lVe.. livti (j, Mickits, V. Pre., ftaleigk Outoter lbCl. l:.i -lv. kew vokk millixi:j;y. T.ilirmsia inJolnwCnit Trrrhw,:tillin.!.i y. s ua, . i. ii-iw m s.ur.ipt tor tlie tt p,ir-oee ,.f ' a. seinainf i;Uilin lor t;,e ,i,iii t,.,i,. ,,.a .III srrivs.nd l,crily lot iij'ito.e .n, cr at- m r..a ftr.1 af M-irtib. evmh.on snd tl n,i.rH .M-n-li.oit nn l Milliners ses i-ipectliiltv Itiiitmt n. cull fn,i rvmoon th. ssm. tvlurs parnltsiuin. i-Urvthsrs. p otpra l.o-,-el alas; s an Usui, snt ot lj i ika mauv . a disss. Icl. .J ia DnAlyi-cilr Sltiim Enjliif Vwiu D. P. BUEB0N & Co. H iTCl tTBEr.T,v)uiailLV5i, M - yiKk. 3luiaclurtrt tif (ilea Enginu Kiik Ji.:tH , I'jltnt ckI njf an t hmlrre. riMIE sehn-tilrstal w.lv ewrt lt.c mp. r.ri'v r,. X. tl. sonittaruoa f tlisir l-'stir... i -u , satee ta traa.aolo.e-t.ird ssave y ir k ot, ll r no,, sarlaes mi tHitlrr.su t. per real o. prf-u. w itnviav lla. a.y uihsr bagti,. atsaafaetsira i. ti,t Uile4 at.iM, rasi.lsltuus i v tu ipm 4, .MU ait rc -siti. ataaaat of pn.rr Sl-plir Is ths 0 lit. " Alsefror. lb.tr lung tsperivRr. .iJ s mP, fH . .. ties, llo-ys. ksu.ljdg. a. ciffeir"-"!1' la Ur u.. ... tar. ul Af.Vfs, Atw mil liriM .V..', .Vv, aa IS.mp, A'laia,; Vsiwrrad iitartnj ttr .tfoic. .Sa.if inianj I'hIIih, llrmf mJ l.iikl t 'utt- ami Mt'1 M'lt'ttnng tj efiy irrrrirfu,, tioi'Vi.r. PUsirrs' altraiHNi It f4-tirtlarls Jot. i t laoitr feed uhh...4 ruar k.ul rt !,. i, ,4 eue.truetitts, evtrfc.ir.ioisv p.vi sad ; ert .i.r.i. ; rw4rt It Dantpa!v sat nut t. aa) t- . is ... ' Or. rill .il.sr.usiauVtiirttdi..iiii-r,,., i taat St.. iiu.t . r iki.1, D, F, ttt'UBtiS k i u. t. VVUBLIS, t. I. cavavit J . I I ;;. The Wonder ef the Age. o fat! 1rri. t..,h it.f.iH v-tw.i, tutj ( t f, l'Twr-,iy-y, rat. HA,, lVrffMft, VbID t !tf. )lnmfm, TavWai Vt?4 llkbla. "tl Vl, lltawasii. hrastlie RitiMltll I"-!. ra, , . lj-t Isidv, ISnrha, lr. mt4 J t.4 a . i ba' 01.1 , r.L UMI I MBU-TRV IT. T bsa ! wmintr4 1,1 Lti'W f- mT Hay I ? tt U.g 4-- 4 Fmt t fr r ir.r lUtm (avf lb fBt-rl tiaatl Istlktt l',, , sf I Ii4 i rttt -m, ISO OK! JU. t tl?li''lriT It; llt.g tatj tt. rr tr- r.ksry, .LTVritk Nnt li-Ilf in. jt9- TaMbli at r' tt ktf. Wa r--. . J I m a I ttl rvl. fflftaatj. Av I i, i HawltM It .l ta rf '(tl rtl t. PneVm fwrMK. m g I itv .. (v- t - i. , ,f tk iw4.t(w4t 'i.Tti"Miif rt s l.ooo huturih I ia K . si ! itakat W tf , i , ; , e-l . tNaatkl )!-1 ! I.ap ). lt W4 U.i i .. (..f f II I t.-.!- , h l,j -'f -t ft I ! 1 i' " kinntl f !!, A f ' latt-i fc. it (tail kf ( V I. iu. usrft i b rt.t t . tM ! t4t W Utitrtai.t, kH, 1"( gut t,,., ,u It t OATIIi 1, .-t I TU. i f f 1 alta'f tf N aim ti- it p ,w tM , J ' t e.a. avj nil i t t4" t' U ih-,m- 4 ( etv f bavfar ,t ta, t,e i. , n ia -. i if 4i v t i - ' tf tytt'lr tatatl lt J .OKI, t .1'. Etd If 5t " at mi. tr a.." rrba ft i " t. , , , t a J I '. I tt , a(.4a t n? 1 (j f-.mt bu 1 . -. AW. i I 1 t. t,si '. i J ApfntiWantr-i to t 11 Tilhi.i .,. f ;jt : rimwi ,. J H'fti bii rut ,t i t4i.i it t Mtiitm.-ivi , i , (ear-t .1 .30 to tlOQQ a 5 i ... . i-".. ..! . I al - -a ' . -.. f . . a . ; 1 ....... i H.--SH.I'