Bcrtfr-fo'olte Star. . rriunn ntui r - WILLIAM C DOTJB, : ' ID1TOE 4B PtorillTOl. ''"r. .TERMS: ' " It paid strictly la advwace, tw dollars ptr Sa naa ; tw ouars tM any eout ll paia witai is Mttbli ud tare dollar at tk sad of tk year. ' i ' ADrEBTlSEXEXTS tot ncwediog sixteen aes will be irtd ene tit fur ne dollar, sad tweaty-fl eatt for inch subsequent inaertioa. Th of (tnater length will ba charted propora inlly. 0-oartOrders and Juclietaledveitiseioent will ba enrgo 25 par (eat. higher than th tv rataa. A reasonable dadaetioa ViM ba made la kose whs advertise by tha year. Book and Job Printing dona Vita autaet an despatch, aad oa aocouiasodatiog Unas. ...... . ... .. VOLUME X1VJJ. RALEIGH, NOBTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1856. NUMBER 13. GENERAL DIK&CTOKY. -. - CITY GOVERNMENT. Win. Dallaa Haywood, IntcnuW ol Polio. coisionees. En(rn ITflrd.KlilridRB Smith, .. A. Adiinu. Middle nW-C. B. Hoot, K. II. Battle, U. W. Haywood. , Water Ward.K. M. tlorman, . , " li. D. Turner. . J. J. Christophers, City Clerk, K. II. llattle, City Treaa. ., CtVf Guard. James M. Crawley, ; " Jackson Orerby. City Conetablce.Y.&yrfati, llama. ; ' v ' 41 v- V tlltcm Atulrewe. ' ' , . A, Adama, Weiehnmtr. ), . ,. Ilrirri, Clerk of the Mar- . act. COURTS. The Supreme Court of North Carolina ) jM la thi city semi-annually, on the aeoond t day in June, and the 30th day of December ' Jud'jea. Hun. Frederick Nash, Chit ' Justice, .1 a t ll, ;vi. t earsin, jaaaQCHne augo, V V. 11. Battle. " Edmund B. Freeman, Clerk; Haiti. C. Jones, ltcnortcr. J.J. Lttfibtord. Sr.. Marshall, The I'mieil Slalee Circuit Court for the Dis trict of North Carolina la held semi-annually in this city, on the 1st Monday in June and tba last Monday in November, . Judyee. lion. J. M. Wayne, of Oeorgia; Hon. ITcnry Potter, of Fayettcville; District Attorney; Kobert 1', Hick; Clerk, wm. 11. Haywood, Sr., JMiirshnll. n estcy Jones, The Siiperior.Caurt for this County, is held on he first Monday after the fourth Monday in March nnd neptemtier. Juhn C. .Moore, Clnrk, Jos. II. Bachelor, Attorney General anil Solic itor of the fourth Judicial District, ' The Court of iVciu and Quarter Seetume is iiola ou t lie third Monday m teuruary, A(fi!Uit and November. Jeff. I'tlcT, Clerk MARYLAND LOTTERY, Te be Draw on the flat ana riaa. Qraad touolldated Lattery of Msrrlanii, Clsn 1. lo MUrawa la OUUBMrMC.IiManta; March il, Ibit. H. FR1.VCE it t, Haaien, 80,000 Humben'-l,000 Prixet! ICR IV Chairman ofUu County Court. William Boy' I priu f $3i.3M ts I " 10, lien ts lU.ik'O 1 lo.onot, io,o I - 1,00 is ,iiO I . , - ,0u is 6,0. U 1 Prises of 1,00 ars lu.eoe 2u too 1u.wj 104 " . SOO ' S3,l El'PKOXIMiTION PRIZES. 4AppraisistioBpriseoX 10 art 400 " 7 u aoa 8 40 - 2 4 . " 30 1,200 " " 4 t,0OO WO " - W " n 1S.20 l.OOO iriin , amounting to ' flM.OU Wbuls ttrksts OIO) 1UW Qiuxtm I,60. - APrSOXFSIATION PRIIES. Tlia twapreflinrand ths two turcetinr nonibers to Uiose drswiuf ths flrsl 200 Frists, Kill b snlitM to thsr RUO Apri)iliustii)B Prises. Fur example : If ticket ft Or u;s draws the 14.IS prise, those UckrU aumbered 1II4B, UHt, U2-.1 st(lS5J will eah be entitled to fltto, and so on aovL-uuix "to ibe above soheoi. PliX OMB1 lOtHKT, la the abore scheme there are fit'.OUO tickets, num bered from I to 2U.UV0. There are 200 full Prises aaii 800 Approximations, maksng in all l.OOo I'rixi'S. The numbers from 1 V rO.tHM corresnoauiaic wilb the numbers on the tickett.priulcd on leparate strips vf pa per, are rollrd ap and encircled with small tin tubes and placed in a a;la Wheel. Ta amounts if the aulerent 200 full nr ses similarlv printed and encircled, are placed Ib another wheel After revolving the wheels, a number is drawn from tbe WBeei oi nuraucTS, ana at lue same lime a prise is urawu from the other -wheat, -b boys who are blindfolded: The number sud the prise drawn out are opened and exhibited to theaudiencc and registered by the Com missioner, me pris being placetl against the number drawu. This ulceration is repeated until all the prises are drawn ont. The drawing is then prinUd, s nd alter compariMtu, the lonrnsioncr ceiiiats to its oorrveiuese. ri'nscs payable in full wiTBonr nnaci'Tioa. Address oruers fur Tickets lo It. FBAXCE C0. Feb. zu a ' Bsltiiuore, MJ. Ian. Conntu Solicitor K. P. Mnrriott Sheriff" nf Hake County WiUiam It. High. Coroner Willis ScotU . iiiiatcr. II. llutson. - BANKS. 1 JJanJi of lie Slate of Xortk Carolina, incorpj Tilted (.'barter expire in DuXI. Capital Sl.oltO.Oilt), dividext int.i lri.OOtl inrns of wlitcl (be Literary liuurj hi'bla 5,027 and the tuiter- eity lmiu. i'riiiciml Bank at Unleih. HoorB W. 'MiaT.lccai, 1'icsiJcut.' , Cburliw Dcwnv, Ca-liier. , , J. H. Brvnii, Jr.. Teller aud Votnry liublie. V. E. Aiidanwn, Diicutmt Clerk ana NuVirv rublic. Jordan VomUe, Jr Clerk This l'. iiik has lirauclips at Newbcin, Tnrbon Faveitcihle, V ihuintin, llii:itotl, t'ii, t'nur luite, iilt.ni, M irmit ia a i I W'iudor. nut I On t!ie part of.t'ie State s 1. V. Coiirto, 1'mIh 1c T ei. iriir, cx-.'fliciii, L. O'B. brnii. h and V. 11. P K.U'. On me juii i of the Si.-kli..b!eo ; m, li"' bin. Wm. Peace, J. II. Hr in, J. B. li. U. i.l.iac, Al fiel JoticH n .'i B. F. .M.xire. OlTcr".hi; in i Ueu.y ,il ,i:(v Tue"U. I i -einni t d tjf d ucfci ;i v. it. mi. a-Uillad fiiiti-t feaebainre diiemtit td every day. Busiueas Laura from 10 till 2 o'clock. Halritjh Pianrh ff the DanL of the Cuyt Ftar Willi no u. Junes, lakliier. II. P. Finch, Teller and Notary Public. Diamine.". tint. W. Il.iywood. T. II. Selliy, Rain Joiimt 'icore Littln, Dr. Tboa. ilorK, and C. W. D, lliiuliiii-. O.fcrin f lay Mjuday, lie unt day Tues-luy P..VIL IU1ADS. J!.il' if ami O'usum Itiuiivmi Company. U. A. II iiniltun, PrcTidont, W. W. at, 1 rr-asurer, J. M. Pool, Assistant Treasurer. C. 11. Allen. I'cis.t .Went. Miiiltriiu Jd.iv!., 13 niinntea before 0 A. M, arrives at ( 1'. M. Xwth Carolina iVatOeasI Company. Chas. F. Fisher, Prswideut, V. P. Memlenliall, Treasurer. J. T. tast. Fraightand Ti.ket Agent. Mail tr amvea t a'clock. A. M frnn th Cast1: and departs lllaa. after. a'eksre. A. l Mail from tha W rat arrive at 31! minutes af lat 4 o'clock, P. II. lrpart at 20 minute lte tor. 0 clock, r. M. TOST OFFICE. . VlUiam V bile, 8r., Pnat Master. ("hea bvnra, on week days, fruta Sun-rise K 9 r. m. F1 CO-PARTNERSHIP, nr.nu uaiiiii. 6tl.l).- lire snhsi-rlliers are exooctlug Ut receive this inuming their sttjvk ol kureiua and Aincrk-an tsarden and Ores Heed, ahich is much larger snd more rariid Ihsn any previous sup They are prepsrrd to execute otdcrs Prow merchants, la any pan of die tlste, on the noil -favorst-le terms, an4 will sltow ttr'm the privilege of returning all uu aetd ky the 14th ut Junr. Fumilics winhie iecd, aill please rend tHeirerder, while mir tl.x k l-full. All our seed are werrfutti fre-b and irceuinc, ail amvnj tbemsrv sow new an rp)..-n.:id rsr:rlit:s. ppsrrn OATi.tsn, ' ' lirugi.ti arit a.,11,,, . Uuleigti, N. C, a.S, MMI. . 6 1 f PK."('t'l. Iiaring lids d..e formed o lo-r'tiiv with his bn.ttter in 'tw. 1 V,t- tlO"t U. tl. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE, (itiirtL asrsarcai or statu af kautioa NOl'.TIll.ltX MAIL B IUilboid,) TbrifUirh Mail alua daily at 6) a. Way Mail " . - at p. Amvea dmly at 61 u. Tba Can ieaieths depoi al 6i a. ns SOl'TUF.KS MAIL (Br Two-aoax llara CU daily at Arrive daily . at 6 p. as Tli Hack seavra at Tl p. WEKTKBX MAIt (Bf llaiLaoaa,) Clnaaa daily a p. Arrive daily at 4t u. Ths Traia Iran at p. a OOU5IMlRrMAIL (B Raliant ) Cbam dally, " at ' p. Arrivwa ds'ilf II I s Tkal'ar leave daily al 0 after I a. at tAKUOIKj- SI AIL (Br Tes.si tn,) Ctoe on Han UeafTisesi. aad Ttiur at t s. Arrives Tuewdav. Ibnre. and Nit at I fv. sa HaeklniTMua )J... tt ed and n., al I a. (a rfTTSlMlltO1 MAIL (Dr Ta.n . iaUck l.tM bun. u4 W 4. tibtrnt T m Spltndld Stock ofOoeds! If mm W-i Vy fmaia HttM, mmm.Cr. my, w4 i Lm U mmmi M fctti lkvj t tmmM m U.4 t mww Jvi .1 i A wUf4. If U, . I'd a ' rrt W (.at l (ikU-i v4mt;y, I, , will tvi 1ihi lii ron XorKnmfi. Fruit GrvwrniRi Finnrrk i . . . i ' " TUB New York Horticultiiral TBteview: k JOURHAiOF 8DBT7BBAN ART. CPERBLT AND rfcgrU?KLr IlLLfTlliTED. Dttokd to the Advancement of the Rural tntrrcsU in America, rriOIS it ant of tli lar. aad aoai bbgiU arka X f (h kiad to tha wurll. Haxal ajrtfctucttaYa fornu oo af the priaeifs. fMtwva, -fiacai numbei ruutiuiia trtua ta,tu fiuir aiigravitiir- uf iBtM.t rvlscitra, froai ie.iKti bjf auaiaent mn4 aktlt'ul aivhitaeu. bwe it aJao aouiKBeU tit ttcful art of laniiw(Hip UanUmog; aigrtvi pJana uf fpftrdttin in very ttyU, and ad(ttt U lu tii petuliivrities f dider- ant ordera of aTuaiteture, buaattfy lUe work, ' KitYing of nw fmiu, nw flaw am, new reetar blaa, 4 e,p ara ilttaMratrd and dearribed m aoon aa ikir riiecuva qaJtua can ba dtrrutned ftirmiii tba (Mt cunplcM and .clegkviit lUitBUi.1 ai Rural UuabM dry ever aUemjtted. ' Am tsjterieaced eorpf of i-racticai writer, aTtt in mbor, ara engaged to fill its column-. li cDtama aevauty Ufre tagen. aud Is printed om tha taaat peari urtivoi paer, wauatactarcd expraaa ly. Tnaiiri: 2 perkniimo, payable toarilty (u ad rarw, ' Fifty mmta oomtnunion on eaU aubavriber allowed tu tnoue wbo at-ta aa aiauta. $l,(M)0 will b dl ttibttd K (ha and mt tha yer a.MH tbewa who aottd aa th twenty tarat litt of aubatrnhpra, Thn prf mtatoa will ba pntd in mm. Tha trat premium will ba t jUO. 'i he fultowioK ra HleHett from huadrada af ainl- lar Btioea,Tuluatarily aontrtbuted by conUiap4raDaoa pultl.cationa : Tba HoBTtcrLTirniL Revirw daaerraa tha wjorrt libanil patfonaea. It ia not only eminently practical. but ii written in a. alyle that atfuala tre bait alforta of tba hita 4, J. lnwnin)t. JC-ktrtnKtktr. Ibo tnust alemiit ftnd lueful book of tha kind that baa 'er come uudur oar obrrmfi(iB.'iV?fyttr. , Mr. K eagles, tha Jb.dittrot tba ItordcuUurai Kaview, ia a praoiit ki! pomvl uplift, and one of tha fluent avbolara our'eouniry buaatf f. He puns tba glowing Ue aerlpttro pnwara nf biekena, tba elefant rwip of ntupote, voqininad with a thorourh ktiowledKoi fMnu art. .Vfnfa Piiee TWaai-a. Farmer, buy it for your aom buy it for yodr daujehtera. It ia a rich iotetlaetuai trtj a rara eon binationo the hoauliful and tha uttutairgw.Ji. Y. 'Wa had thought that in Downinjr't death, tba elo quent asocatit rural adorowiiit had beroma only rherifhad reiaetnhratioa f hot 1b Mr, He-plea we dia ovar bb 1 q)ly rich mine of mental wealth, that be token the infiutmea of the apirit that U gotta s Mant- Advernera wll And ibiift uniunuiaaed medium of pnblirttr, aa tha HoitTieti.Tt'RAL Kkvikw circulatec aitenaivaly in ererr ttate In the Union. Advertina- Btenta injerted at the rate 1 910 pLr para. WOOD ENGEAVING Tbora reuuirifja Wood KnaTfavinr, bun hare their order executed in an anmaikd uiannar Spteiml ativn u if given to viewi of an sprieuced r-iiRluth Lraulitfnian leenK"" tor this expre.a pur pope, IVrrxma liviuc at a dm in nee ran forward a da aiM'rtttvfrc o! tha ot.,iet by nmitj they wih enjrritvud, mhit-h wiit he a xntfitjiant rnid to obtain a, parfwt fitc-mimih, Puxjk llrvtfdcra will be dealt with ou rty liberal trm.a . tra Ekcranvs IjIht ia alread) Tety lare. A furthw er ef-uK'B tt Tint dintrert, mdfaa iruoh-nttrt are willing to fir the above ariv-rilruivot kceral inter, tit xr in thfir rt-rpectia parft. Atrriri.lruml !Mkr ran ba fiimivheil, 00 erory nne ful lubicH, ht.uhotb Ktipliib and Amerieaa publirhera, by mOu.iog to our addrcaa the pnea of tba book r. u wire J. fpec-imen eopici will ltc forwarded on tha receipt f lii et. in pt)jLitj4c rlntu" v. ;km;i,e , rnL.iM.cr, 2UH iaoi)WA,T, Nw Yuim. Mitcellane ou. From the Ltlv-'a Book. . - From the L-i fj - SXISAKITAH SMAJIT. A X01TI CAIILIH1 01U . or , ' . THE REVOLUTION'. eulorrd. The younjr, lady, during hia retovil, eluV W it tip as f?tl sssWeTuild, unjied as it waav- In reply to Mr, tinmen a inquiry, now n was that tii America soldiers and patriot rcr atl Ayir.K? Suuiwr siwd : ' It was indeed aitrpri: liieueinv vroaevd the creek Iwliir knew of it, and was in th utidn uf tlm cump ; I vriu in th sV-irgue aakeep at the time, and was carried ont at trie, bat' k pan, 'and mounted faorsc 4.hai Maud rea.ly, vhich, however, waaatxm shot douu frum under ma. 1 obtained tins one I now have; not a very irood on to b sun,' and th saddle rather tli wre fi.r wear. rVi I aiw her. - Voa e I have lost my eekel hat and fin feather t but this old hat, torn in the rim as it is, baa sheltered my head from th bumina; tun ; it wra the pifl of a n.ohl anlditr." With mtiiy thanks for his bnwkfaat, and a hartv ntnkaufth limidi, th (ieneral th mounted hi horse, and went on hu w to Charlotte. Anothor of tha retueee fn.ia South Carolina fnlher of 1111 Theountyof MecklenUur, N.fC., so famous for ball!, thpirit of it (xopls th pruwasa of its herv, irntt the nohla daring f iu wiituiili, during tbe Kevvlutionary strule.'luui many re erird of hemiwi written In tlm heart i f the tu Irabitauts, which bav never been niaoe publia. The history of the Sottish lrehyterinu of tho whole Catnwha regiuu, will b remembered with thrilling interest, and told to youthful generations aa an example both political nnd roligioua, as lf.ni, lit,. nptm.l.iLM hf tn.s ssnHipaniun ml tbe'love of liberty shall reign in th land. On B",w,"-ir',h bi ,hfJf" ,.f l. i.:..h h.. f.. the distinguished uivia. Dr. Joho Bm place in the Kret gallery of hUtorr. I shall offer "khraicd for hi. aeal and eloquence. , This old : ,L. ..i. t... i.:i !::. , feeble man bad been plundered of averYthniK. ,,; v.,,.'r ... t...; i!t itr " canie to seek shelter and proteetina. Ilia .,..1 i,.i,..i.;n;u. i,.n" t..,M. ,.. , family was fur imi timVat Barnet bous. At ,i,-.rt,,.... ,?,.. i... vi .i;..;.,"l length tha newaoama that th llriiish were ad. with thaawvieesof an oversee?; ' Tfi. iVlliRt T"" " p? "tnndingat J..i. j ,ij..;:i.,..i,i..i,, the door and looking anxiotiaW down tl road. 1 II. S!im. V.m .;.! t,.e im.,a Pfeei-ved ooi on m.r.ichmg, . rSnkeywnd I ,,:..al .... 1.- .n.l I weiiiiy urown, sue criou, auiirf'sHiiiir nor own a -r.i. k. .. .i!.i ,!,:. ; ohild, and the pretty daughter of her cucst, "run .""IT.". " ""V". " . the. ,..f.,l..,V. si.. .." Tl, ,e. venerable unstress. The late Coronet I'lckeruon ........ - - a a relative of Sir. Smart, and viaited hr T"."H" ma " " ,U,T J"4"? ihortiy before his departure for Mexico. I " wae Tory long ana wnimrr t - r J . ' - . 1 Mnn.h .Bboil htm m. 1..I...U 1.. V ( mm III. Hie maternni grandlather of our heroine, Tho- " --" ..v.... . ma opratt, was of Irish extraction, and removed from l'euiisylvAiiia to Mecklouburg County; beiiiK the first settler vWever crossed the Yad kin in a carriage, fur ueh luxuries vers un known in those logcabin div. Th Urat eourt a patriot, aad all aw nnneiio were W hig, od when h tmk BrMteetion; a stMm fmnd It a bitter er to him. ueu it was aseertamed that th British were g-onw to retreat to Wiuna-' nri', h sent hi wib (whoa tuaidea name was Mary ViU.u) to Captnio Uamtt ri an errand sbaw aabid to conceal from old Mr. Sjiratt. Mr w bighlf resneeted b the Whigs, who wr willing at all tiiastoduhrasrTia,whil tl'.ev dinppruved of bcr bvsband aour. Mi nok Mrs. Bitrntt and Mary Jack ajart, and told them what b wanted th eliitmo to do l r her. On th saorrow auii.1 she, twft Brit'ieh nfEcere wor In diuei at bet buaaa; th wialied th eaouun tu eolleot ten or a dosen men well armed, and com un in the rear. Her husband would givatheta a signal by eoughing. when they were tu Bra off ttieir guns m rapid ueeei,in; ti wonm ran on with tli two otlwer hii guests; the war to give ohase, make him a prisoner, and bear him off ib aightof the Jn, Thi littl pl" was litemllv carried ont. ' Th husband was taken AaeceVite ef kean. Ti f iow,Cf ane,l, ' cf F.in.m .1 K"ve. ll great tragedian, has just Mar.s-1 ti.e r-un.i Mf ll aaners: W liilst playir.g at Fve'er. in Kn;!:-.!. ?, sn.l at th kigbt af hi (wj-iilari!, Kean w ii.viir.1 u dioa mitk . ...... .a... . a. . v.- .,.11 ...tu iwvi,suiiwiis narii8,i lie dinner was uuin.ueed, the table suriipluuuiv i;.',-,,ric-l. ai.-.l tha landlord, all bows and ut mi t, li. id that the gentlemen an J their d i: Kuiehe4 tuit.-r fuond veryU,in; to t'wir nn!. u. u. Kean stared at him for Sum t.....r, aitd then said ; "ltnrnetn is It i, Mr. kean. 1 bav bud the L.n.r of meeting to betore." You kept s..nio year no a tuiall tavern ia the out-kin. of this town ." . did, Mr. Ke.tn. r"trturi lias, been kind to both of as since thea, I ree lle H vou, sit, when you lieluiied to the theatre her;'' " And I, sir, said b.e;in, niiuj uir ue, reeiitlect yoa! Many yours agj I cauie into yuiir i-nlfrT tavern, after a long journey, wiib uy nfferii wife, and a sick clnld, nil of ua net to tbe skm. t atkeil q for inarel itref;ehni(nt, y.ui answered me as iflwema tl tjt, nrnl re'uetl to trnrt it out ef yuor hnda, until ji u bad received th triHe which was its value. "I left bit family by your hihosiiiiaMefireaiile while I sought for lodging. On niv riunu you ordered me, like bruie, to take my iie niid brae Irom your house, find ubuxeU nie for not "itendir.g in dnuk th money 1 had nut lor t..n I. 1 t.rttine. ..u. .. k .1 ,..i e. n i pristiner, vu. l.o omoer. sisu. U...r r ,hen , bu, yaa re U1 ,, uir , ,,,, iu vusomie,. sscni tun uniiau mibwu, eonvanod In the oounty am held iu his dwelling. He had two aons who foil in battle, and sir daughter, one of whom was tho will) of Thomas Neil, who commanded in the campaign of 177(1 ...In. tltn IM..11...1.... ....I I hi. bravery and service. ' Anotherdanghterinarried up i Ple,u,",n, . -" i6 with the Colonel Thomas Polk, who, with hi. son William Wnshaws," was his replr. " lHi yon know Major Crawford f" " To bo sura 1 do ; he is my ancle." " And whoi'youl" 1 ... Mvininie i Axnaiir J.v( I.S0N." " What is the news nhout the Itfitish t" " They are on their war lo Charlotte." " W hat are you doing iloiv a there t" " Why we are pooping thetn ocensinnallf. The lung, slender tar of tin stripping was lit served with distinction nuder the imrucdinte com mand of Wkstiiugti-n, and was, besides, cetebra grace and ess of a polished gentleman, li said: " good-morning ladies," uud want ou his way. As he i aotcd the house, Ms. -Unrnett had (a full view of his yellow cheeks nnd long face, and ted lor ms efforts in the cause of nub to eduea- cation. To him Mecklenburg wui indebted for k" ,Rl'B"d henrliiy when Hie heard ot In ,i.. ....i.i;0i,. ..riv....,. vi ajii..... mark about "popiung "the enemy. 11..11 a... w....... '.,... I "I.Utlo And?, us voug Jiiiksou was cnl stun, ihii .tijinvi, Hiivrn-r uuouutur, w, 1110 ,. ., , . - ' " .. mother of the t.e Sm f I'KSfl'P U47I.IM1. We eiinleii..plats in s buri liuie ei.isriiitt; aad In. niv teg e'tr .tt'tc. io.il -hsl, I f-u s iihji ti lur.ir slotk her. n'n., vthit h i:h eui ,IM reweU i-tHllie,. .1001 US ;n .tt rilirf t', ttnr ItiMiti. uUiln itult 1 1 . ut 1 "its v i, uu. ; I'j'iut cmcau. W c .ir," ,'l ,' I' .1.1. Ili, til i't, . . I,,i t 1 , It.ut, t. Itttt t.a "-tuiitl il-e vs.iis:,l rt.,tn H .Vir hartc ll-e".:'., 1,-r t.,. 01 ,14 vc,. u,tt. w ili.tt,,,, 4 llavw n. I. so l llf tins .tllav..i 1 : wl nh etr l.-raier Sf -.f'st ir .l-.t I. . tl ,'.(, wt! , i ! wtlb a ia ullciiUiT.i- I t .tt 1. ! Ii.'.r esi '. i: li,.- i f.i'iiri'.l lint .- at s 1 f. Uf - i I-,, .It. tl iukt COil usSlIN will tie HiejMsylsfc,' 1., 1 sienls it., ll,,. X uair, ami lis sUvimik.' ain im-im ring Ibc alarm wll. tlur aeeouiils w H h 1 jss, ,i , ; f.,r St tl.t n-rni ..r the kt el Juiy sift Jai.alT- o. i. i. ;( ..r, an.e, s 1, rnt see spct-idc'l with the ,,uri l.s ,: . r,i,riiiii. 11 ,ii ni.iMi. aubiuct ried John Burnett,- alio also ewiralcd fnim'lr- mnJ. 3larv, tneir-ekleit uritighler, was aaiU I be the Krt child liorn betwe.n the Vadkinnnd Catawba ltivcrs. !si married Cant, dames Jack the bearer of the Meeklanburg !eclarutiun of III' dependetiee to the I'initiiieutitl Congress. Mr. Wvlie, nl Charleston, is one of her descendants. Busannah Unrnett wna born in lTlil. As ber family and connections wore Cuiisjiieuously ac tive in the Rovnlutb'uarv war, her curliest reoul- lections were of it stirring events. She w as pre sent at the rnat giitheriiig ot the people at Lhui .lull ou the 1','tii and 2tMh of May 177.1. The provincial cenventinU of X"r!h Curolina had as sembled at New hern, in opposition to thepr.M;l- Diatioii Id tiovernor Martin, and had ntipmve'l of the acts of their representatives in tbe Oonib t.entiii lonree' ot llio uinied cul nies. Until 19th May, handbills" were luniight by cxr-, containing pews M' rhe battle of l.exiuru.n, which hiui taknn phit-e esactlv n mHith n-ro. i hese acre road to I be vnst assembbtge, nnd tilled oil vrtili i-1.1 li u -1 1 -in . Jhcn tl.eru was no sort- tii-nfil fcelii:g; bfll ti.e same soiiti.neiit tiertaded tbe musses i.urtti nnd south. An ntu k t u the liU'rties ol Miis-nebtisetts was vie ed as ati at tack upon Can linu. It was a (.1 iriuua d iy for 1 old Metk'eiiLnt; mid nf.eu dceiiheil by Mis. Mnart as "the day of throwing tip of huts." Ti e I"! e of country and libany iired tbe heart ' of all rlaa-ca. . Th brother of MifaliiiHb. W ib I Muni HsMtett, iluHib hot a la.l, was bent unjoin ' in jr the patriots. lie T-. . u 1 .let n n . 1 J tie;;i o, i iHirry, 10 bole his doilies in tl Woods, nn.l I att iiiiig hine'f IV'.iii the wiiiibw bv a rt.iie, 1 .me iiitrl.l h. u .,.l ,.. I 'I, .el. .11. m ltil.tl ..i.A Harriifg'fl Tfttent Champion and Bureler Proof Safes. fplIK err at inirrt--t iunif-iid 'y th p-iMla to IT'r- ure mui perfect Miriiy iiuo F'f ftr tal rst Ir papfT-, ftic1' hf l"B'li, Vrtpii", het.-da.aud PontVtti.f Art -nnt thftn the or-l'iiurT HAFKH hercto- tv in tittehtid eirrd-d, Indiicrd iba irulrkcribera tn ' d v n larfe prii'nof tiire and atleMiow t(irii the l-ftst tM tirtt-eti rain Ih making Impnt-uirn1a ; aii llst-ifcrlrawr ihM I slijrt, tBt( thv n.w ttt : . it n- t Kttir'1 thfir nntiiertui iiun'', and 0 piiLim ir -I' v, ftrtfit lb-ir if4-'rii ha-a b' riicd with , ( i y tu -i.ref'and h. ih.w .-r iH- " 1 M Pft tVrJI It KM VI St j'v A'f K I WiiRLU ii KAIR I'KKMIl'il ilrrf V-J-iUat truth the H"fj U's 'Ui, iel 1'!, and in Ar-fc- JVt, 1h:j3. . dmt 1770. ;e.tMio a xt t. hti miiwc indt-bted t tl. Pi ! rfrd ht hitd arrtxiBt ara no aue-.),iai;y fp)aU4 I metft, a hit old oicMe mm' ( . .... t da ay. rY. rix'i y, A' TO ME It CHARTS, Stebbini, Morgan &. Allen, 40 rttrr ITStttt. hi T'Mta. llirOKTEUS AND UK.tl.KIU IN Brnr. Eye. Chemical, Ferfamary, As. lu 1 7 ri in the ilnike.t rx rioj nf lb Itevnlu , ... m ..... -II ,1 , . , , ,.t... .... niv t..niii -, w. ,t,-,t, nitr ,i.7 ,.i( .n titled ...tt,.t-.-.iH.ll.t;..e. d ..;.! -.ah ll.UI.-H i t-'harlesl.tn. liritish mflitary guvernmeiil prevail rAIINT POWHt.K flttiiif l.tK Kit, iwheh also was j(Nl everjw hue, thu state-in th L.tiKuug of m.l-.i Uresis as ai..ve,j terms tks most tertcci firs j lienoral tirmtnii "cut off Irum th Inion Ilk and llarglsr 1'rtte.l ai-s eves betore efiun-d tu tin-pub-I tlv tail of A Bliake," the ilibobitunts hirced to lie- 1 tnke urutectiou cr flee tint etiointrv. rtisainiih. , , i V!o1,TiWr ""'"""r f." V"'" B,,I IW family, tava all po-sibl I" It sail Chilled Iron llsets I" te.l, si t Vsn'l lour, and ; . t , ,i . . r 4. . . i. ,, ..... ..... , ,.. ... help to the refugee. Km wns aeaustoiu I to Pnvsl Issstlles, f. flste. Insmontti, ana ..Ih-r V.I- 1 "'V . ""i r!'" unities. Aad are sIm, P.l-e.r, fhv qrchBe.t aed M.tsl.H.tr,. el Jl.l,fc- fATt'XT fKH M ITATIOX BA.Mi l.ijtK. elLAX C. I1EHU1NU a C. I'aiMiees, (iarcs Bus , Nos. Hi, UT a HI Wterlrl Agent for Xortk Carolina, J.' R. lllomm Wilmington. leensvr) SS. -. II AVkNU seleelrd lb1r stok truss Ike kesaihal Iks I a.'SMsrie nr furr.,, asarkets aAurd. can, wilk r..,,ait-ee, -T arval ludweeaseats t the Arr,Ari, I, i.r. ey Jtfscaera,rr. In t4 ts ,a gewds tl. seta rely hps. sJ oa as fyasvftattl tersis as aay stMitar kese la this eeaalrv. Otters I. aerMW er tsv Rssil will sssel with ee4B4 ad eaestal ftllealiea a4 ar rtwlwll? .4ieite4. i .V- rear elreel east f Broaaar betweea I vltu Ksebaiaa. ' 3 Ottio k. S P. R. Company;, 1 lei,k, Jsaaary tt, Itsu). LEIGH A5D OA8T0S &AIL&0AD. IV fecked tor tsf ailTrala oa sad aitaw Thtua. day, tiv Slat day of Janaary, ISM. OrltX-OM AU AKT l: It TO DAT. THEM All, Trsi will Irav III. Hrs.lN-rlkl sr.lias Halt. , l ) at II ssiaair kef. '.lBrk A. M its arrival ut it) ears frwsa la w . Taw Caaears aad Hsrrsre Mster will k la erstaM as lake vastfe ef ha, rr. . rMrrs will asve I ln.al.te la kiltiag bsrred will asTt al weldea at 11 3 A. k, tyll lie trains , KarUs. Ity seder wf Ik Tre!!. iAktkt at. foot, (7 tfj lsrkt AfeaL nALEiiVli OAKroX rail koad! . lablft ft BtHM 1 a 0nVsvT KaisH,, r,lass,)i I, V Tllf Jit. Ill ( tHUI.INA tAILknAlfll a eNssflelssI tl lSrlSs, atle i Btsrslty at, aa Ska4 (ss as ssaw kraahl SWw Ikal ia ls4ed 14 lrsat-irtalM aaer Ik Balelrk At Itasfcta llMWaa, iHWreesed kr tklelwaseaas al fke nk , Mr- Caroline Ice. Ilea tz. "t t T k kae ia press, aad sfcalt ssMus Ik !th T 1 "f a.rtrwsrr, tt lit. ssvst brilil.Ml sad tssei. aaung Weeks wkiek hss ever keees pwMtvhed 1 tkt ettanlrf . It I Ires Ike gilted aa slestaal aw at ew of AwerteB's ea,rt wrllers Mrs. I. A tttlLI N K LK 1 HKMI atari, wk weeds Bo i.artsk ef Irassitels t kerald kef fa, fS sk kS aslaMtsaed a World Witt r.aUliMi ,ars stfoae, Vt.wsf my, kowever, Ikal In tkvs new Vfork ske kas eliietd vtssnev, 4 roehd a lileesr, suadaoial, Isr 4 advaa af 04 v of kor aeasbaisrat'rts. w sor all sU kave ssasiaru la asaaaoFrls. aad we 4awM not Ikst Ikls will ke Ike ee 4M etlao ril4as wkea Iks Itoa ,ill jeoear. Tk Beeweswrsdrowa I prt tr fssbtuaaat 111 la stoetaa llrslwl, ERNEST LIN W0 01). I, la ewftkaaeaas till wkkk Mr. Heels ko, .. a fur Ikls awaeliBrnlBi smsbsIIo l ks araias. ll will k eaasfansed tn kaa.lstwe I lata. Vulaav of Bkuai Ijl sags rev I l.w wuk owe asaal diseawt as tk lead, H..,t,srnrs sr asaai raspelfi,, rsejassted I far- ar uveir rsMcrs SI aa eftrt, s. joiix . Jtwrrr It rtiVfAXt, rrausntaa, HI waskiBoiaa at, kstoa. J I WOT, rUKTOi t 0THIKOTfi, I1elsad Vkss, MtUXJf, U-trOItT i BLAKIMAW, ksw Task. i, . LIPriMtiTT 4 Pk ri-lring Ciecka, O cs'.cr liielrict IS. C'.l They urTerexi so muoh. and perilled everything, ralb er thm recite Uritib pr itecti.tn. I saw th It. Jehu Pin.i.tu.11 of l i.bing Creek, wilh tbe. very eves, aasiat mv initther in sen ii g and milk ing up new meal bags, in June, 178"; while th refugees nf Sf uth Ciirtititia were oollecting and forming ifnir lainn Is l w, at l ien's llrsm h. One day, a Hu. travcl-wearj party of fngi- tira arrived at th large litre at.ry big In u. sn.uiie. liItihn Darnell, and craved hospitality: It was ttenrn.l runt ley will) los lumllv. Ilia if, a erippbi fritsn infancy, was plaeed. ou a leatlier bej on Dolvrba. a, a a 1 It a negro Wnmaa Itebinl to hold her on. Mifl had lalleu if seve ral limes, and ber far waa btaek with bruises. llr sua, Tom, boy uf sittaen, was with them, and a young woman, their boaerkeeper, atnd Nancy I 'avis. Mi told their kind hosts bow lb British and Tori bad com In um tor's hoii; hew sli had kicked up every thing, and tan th keys among tb grass ia tl.a yarl; but it availed authing; th amy fired tb rxisiaa, and all wa ooi a piluf lose, (ionrral Sum ter's family, wba bad aoaned wuk diRu-uliv. ward received aaual warmly, aaj remained b mar tba a Month. After lit slaugl.lar of lluft.rd s mew al lb W'axbaws tii wvrtintUd were brought tu Harnett's hone, fusaunali aaw hr mother isl six turn. who kad but two arms anvwig theta. llsr ialh nd Iwe irwilisr wee al tb batil uf llsnging Ibek. Trembling i.r H eir (ale, Mrs, ttaiswU went lo I bat kill to btaia Udiogs, and thr beard uf lb bsiitbs, snd lb daarh 4 fkplaid la- cnlled. der th command of Colonel 1'avie, who had a skir mish with tha Untbh by ntcbtat Wahab's in the VVaxntiw settlement. Jack Harnett, the brother if Susannah, was of this party. As VvW dr dona w ent up tin) lane, he saw something In a corner of th fence, dismounted and saw a Tory, whom ho knew, named liixtin, . Th Tory threw down his gnu un l tun ; Jack was kit on foot, bis hi'tree httvitig gttnc on with the mounted troopers. The tight just then commenced, and whilo the youug ai.tuier waa making hi way towards the scene til" action, tbe Hashing uf the gun showed him the corn rows in the he'd, and the bullets bistird around him so thickly, he "seemed to 00, v) ns uis own worn, -in in nnti,'v 01 the discharge nf three hundred guns ;" yet I he escaped, henring lb 'li's we.ipou ia his hand. I'asfjnjr thioijh the bine be look to a tree fuC shelter, hied at two. lttltish ilrHgnona that ciin.e near, and went on. frrarntly linwas ebal- eucvtl tiv si m ot tli Americans, nnd cay th tvuntersic.ii. 'dnck Ituitieit, is that you T called out V. ill I". -I It ; ' wbero Is your horse 7 " the last I saw 1 f him," at swerrd J.v k be was run- nint alter Lliarlie l'oU. ' "Uet ud uetiiud ma, ibt lit". suiil th other, nud tb twu gallotipcd off toneiiiee. in this battle, Thomas Kpratt, then over fifty. riseived three bullet wounds, and was carried from tb Hold to Ins own bout. A party ot Brit- isb soldiuts arrived there. They were told that Mr, .rutt was ill; but they insisted i n bavtng' the houve for their own sii-.k, mid the uwner via removed tn the kitchen. It waa here that Major I'niier, of ibe ltritish army died, while Cornwab lis and K.iwdun both stisalby his bail, aud aver ret, w-rth lifteiUmndir, that "bewas one of th I eat nfl,, -era , hut ever crossed the ocen. A Saotikv, -kvsii'inu wasin nlienileiHY;l.eaflerards went into he kiti hen tu exaniiue Mr. .Spnitt, 1 hut is tlm lu itter with you, uiauo I ' b sled. - "i bav a fever." Th lilivsioin"felt his iml.e, and cxi lniined: "W hy, miiuii.yiia are wouudtd!" And what if I 11 in; s.i d the patient. Ah, I am fearful uav 1 0011 fighling apiitiat your lawtul sotareigu, King Cieotg.-d' 1 hav Imwu Bgliting tor uiy country, aud ll 1 was wi lt, I wttuid do tt again, replied huratt. Well, w ;l, t ou r a brave (uldier, and I'll dresa yr.nr wounds for ymi,"aid th riodchman' and be did o,aud attended nn him as long as th Dritisn troops occutnssl tli bouse. lire initadden guot tiaik In tin Atiraft oyer bundled hea l of entile, hfg, Am. When lbs tune ram tor maruhing, tha army formad aim betore tli door .and then formed a hollow ai.usre, with their drums mutrled, Thsw n,ayedi. a mournful air: till at length th army deitttyeil. aad tisik up the lin of atareh with a lively tun and a qoicsaten. Tli eaus tf thi ccreinony a Hi puiuet. 111111 uf one ot theirown Bobbers who beiv hui g from Ilia limb "I atrs,hvlng bea eseeuted lur ab alledged attemt to drsrl and join laia a troops. Mr. Itarnetl's hous wa also visited by tb Hrillsli auidiais, who plundered it of tverv tiling. Whew one of tb horas w br.iigbt up and bri died ftr their ue, Mis. Ilnrnr'l walked Hp and pulled off ih Widia. Nan of lb mew threat sued to kill bar. ''Voa can ibi alieaBwcrd, "lamioyour pwr; but il yot, d,yvawili b Hinihd for it. Nieg a aria'k el snilk which th intf oilers bad benuf h! I rota War cellar, s're fase'l near, and pahd it nvr ith bcr bH. lb n.luriated ftohlieni rushed at ber, swetring they wuu'd cut ber to ptes-es. ! Ittfjnu dm!" antd she, with aa air of haughty deline; H)usi ill l sbt al from nery busn iu Hie oain try." They .bit imi mJat kr, but went away w illegal lb milk nr bore. S.M twu weeks after this sIT.ir at Wahshaa y.ung ass a waail William Kll. wbos brst'ier tirJcred nut for the rescue uf the euouv. Tliey nuule no great effort, brwever, merely whooping when they came near the place of hi capture, and firing otf pistols: while Captuiu Unrnett took the road to Nntion Ford, his men surrounding b pretunded prisoner with dew sword ,ltot erery house they passed on lb wy? . From oyery quarter tb news reached Char lotte of th capture of this individual. His wife performed her part hi admiration ; weeping and biinetitiiig hi probable fata in b hands of thoa murderous busbmea wiio. killed Ilia Mviesty' foroign suldier in cold blood ; while the children went abont th house crying lit riftlit good earn, est for their father. The quati iirisoner, mean while, wa brought into th. presence of Co). Polk, ti urn whom ti roneivmt a set ere leoture, and wept lik a chih', Cti tnin Uiirnettotd linu he might thank. M wife f r what bad been done for him, and warned him if he ever got Into such another svi , b might get nut of it tbe best way he eould, Tb British itmuud S nunilssr of handbill (for they bad a printing presa at Charlotte,) and had Ilium posted up nil over tho county, warning Ilia Majesty' suhjecu not to mijcnt or take say thing frnui Mrs , Ihe wife of the pniteotiou- ist. In the following Jaiyiary, when the liritish army was again npproachnig Charlotte, this same man tied precipitately with his family, nna tray ellcd as fur as leniisylyauia, and nearly killing his horse in hia tlight. Hi experience was a w.trniug to others. After his departure, Culvpei I'olk pliiced thefe.mily of (lenerril tiumpter in bis lious. l.ittl Tom went to chool In the neighborhood inore tbuii six nu nihs. The young stiiMii of the vicinity, while the enemy wore in piscimi of Chiirioito, wot removed by tl.oir iriends, beyond the x'sdkiu. Miss Barnett wsa token nway with the rest, aud did nut return till soma time 111 October, Shortly U-foro the British Inn CtiarWtttt, the Whigs captured an express on hi way to Cam 1 den. hearing a letter from I.nrd Cotiwallis, which stated llial be intended to leave th tnwnrth lubiibitnnta being so hostile tu bint that they killed hi men from every bush, in eld blood, while they wer engaged in collecting nirtigs lor his army. Ik-tore the imemy retreated from the pbice, they buried their dead in Liberty Hall, and hurtied down the huiblitig. This college waa th nine which the liritish goveriiimnit refused tu cbartor under the name of (juecn'i Museum. Kmin thi went of limrtiing, nmny eminent men in Chun h and State rocoived their liientiou, who bate dt ne honor to tbeironuniry, Sinunnsh Uarneit was married In 17'JS, to Cieorge W. Smart, hn had thre children, whom lie hist, and her husband died in lsuG. II built tho bouse she occupied in lNii. She lived usu ally shine, and gave, accommoihitiontn travellers who passed, aa ths road lay ti ear. William II. Crawford, of Ueorgia, oueuf ber most esteemed aciuatntance, always stnjed with bcr, a b wnt tu and yelurned from Valiiugtou. Sli becim agtenaivetr sciuinted wiib men travel ing in Ilea aoatn, and having a retentive mi arnrv, knew almost every family, their ittdigreo and connections, fur aeteral geociations. 1 oung or old mijftiTg nd ber ready tu cnivees bu any sub jes t. "I hat lived album," aha wa Wont tu say "and yet 1 have an two of our l'rosnlrnts. I knew Antlrawiieksoii t and many a tima little JaiiM folk baa passed ahmf tb Ttaid titer, with hia breet-bes rolled up to his knee, lis was a bn-bful little fellow." Mrs. Nnnirt was rear I in the duetrines af tb Presbvtm ian church, and iemembred all th minister abuoernpied th eea -ulpit in Merkieiil.urg a the tun of lb linyulution. Mi Itilked with interest also of the politic of th day. and read the newsn-ipers, eeen at the ege of ninety. Sits inf.irutetl Mr. Stiuson. on bis visit lo ber, that on of ber relatives bad l-eea telling her of a p. lili.a.1 lc fling to be held . in York District, aud bad .!vi-al.th ceB-j.,n of Suth Caroliu In uu th Inion. Mi intimated to him that alls had heard i f thi new device, and had also Peeu.iiit. rmeJ that many nfth gis d, gifted, an I great, uf f with Carolina, were not in furor nf fi' 1 s.i.n Kor her own ( art, sbesaiji Th N,.rih and 8 a btnol e'loul.ler to shoulder In tii tin f ,. Wh. ubl soul neir family bii'kering at all time by a eonipromis.1 lht stump site-rche Jc.ivored at Ibis period brought to ber mil d ll nut when si. wa a girl f f.iurteen. For temr eta lime sb r 111111 here, I to hav beard tha hesind Jsaies Hall, ol Iredell, wbuwaaalsoa captain iMrs- gtstna. I tier ha snod upon tb at 11 mp. In bi fringed bunting shirt, his hroadawora by his side, heraiiyning the ipl. Alll inch y.aing, etiS n lersti-o-l every word uf bis soul stirring ste h. Ilia them Lectled 110 big welds to set itnff; it waa the liber y taught as in' th Mil I and ll Church, at lb family fir-siil. Tb resnotssc-to lb orator was lbs noble daring of patriot, ia Ih in-UMIenanca ol t,sli..nnl and indn 1 losl rights; and (very bush la 1 V Me, klatthlirg as Vfeel 11 h th rile report, dilving bk lb nuble.s liua-ler. Tl eo tb I nhed .Siatea ft.ruied cue t jttnrry ) and a W hingtnn led bar armies, cringing, grasping, grinding, gveeiiy monej bun- . vwr, 1 1, air, unt to aaw. I aiu now i!jmv.xi-ntft- 1 was then at Its nadir but! ,1 in tho sane man th same Kean whom you t-rilereil l. . tu your ilnort "' 1 have now the same hat red to oppression that I bad than; and wer It mv last meal, I'd not ul nortlriuk in 11 huuse boltingin to o heitrttea a acoumliel 1" ientleiDenM said he, tiirBin to l;iit friettds, "I beg paniun fir this outbreak : but were 1 to diu under the roof of this lime servinc, 41, 1,1 loving brute, tii first un, uiblul, I am sura, wuul 1 cb ke me. Kean kept his word, and the party si!jtniriied to anotbor hotel. ,. resre, IS14. biH-lpkia. BaccoMor U E. L. Eardinf rVHRaaWt(e tu si m 1 r a n iiTuB in....... MuW kWa. n-o-ry WasarywW Iwk a. Ma,. .! 11 he BBrsaau. koss sowl v-aa. a Beofaes. 4- OIK ( afcaea, taajBe c.we PWoe, t f ksssasa, La.. Mm ki.Si.s. a sat tkasa wW k sM M o4 vaaavia a it. k. 1-. iadssd mm ' saarke, an I a S- aas kaa Par asaa, re -v. -... s.. r-a-oTn JH;: '" ZLT'JL'.,l T,n !STf. Jl 477. 7 i.Z', w Z.'zrr" - gry 4 will k ma-4 fcy Ik Voes a4 BfsIB resi. aoii.ua lllliu, U Iks .. ... so.as4a.usa la Ik -.. WI14JA H. WILLIAM. SHa af sani sa fnmm. . I It, m4 aV.n e af .a4e as rsos,i la kaa aVaat SllilBlllS asa,ka a Ikal kakaaen. T owf FoTBrr fslroni r aMioasual HI 1 I fFOttK U,ta U...1I1 tar awe aw kaeaa we Ssk fc. A- HAMIHOk, feMa.t, j l)lS s.se .1 r-a.a4l., Mt. Sll'l H k -if. PltklM.il lllr-valtllf tU fjif rklTllf. TrtKasaAmtreMti )s4 sea.d . l Mr, Tin i s s s l.t -I e. aaw Ike iwsrt eaat af tk v arlk 4 aealla Rwl ktar. Ik Balst eita al wla, k We ft ftlwa4 awl wll ' kaa al ks. It aae k, fcie skill ad taaB ili.-a ks kt WiaM S awtr 4a OaH, kaa awren hkeeal kw f Ik pa", af Ike "k"e. e, T. AlsT"Vt Utl(k. Ae(ws4.IU4 SO-I, AKltOTTrZL V iiltaat. t fwm lawrM tUraliwNi Mr. W tt" hmmt ,t! feaoa tha 9m lav'Ha i-4 a-ep1t t$ fm atMa mm! hiiuli, na tea te 9nfrfm4 J IM aa. 4fitfn4 IW Ifca ta4 tM , Uf iiit to l.ll. ft.ib-t.4 tm ar U-k. and -Tfti4k, W a mmt ilka la ntm ttm. m t .iHki,. .. .t.t HI kHIhllIH UK l- TH Ml I 1" Rsv4ii ttiM ailt W afi-swH 4 Ntwta atkff aahtatf ( I aHtta wh mt aif ftrift. K. L. liAkl'l Hy, k.M.K. f.k t Kik, AOtlTS WAITIDM w . v. . . . . w a matt j war I r t,aa :m rrSHI aBaVatU af ki luan Is. a I m Iklssak i I'M Sakt. KS. r ue as , a, Mm a 41, g 4k faaa, a4 M wa ea4 ok Ik aaeaa t I laafa a af a 1 4 l Isastis (, af a. I ! Isael a aa kaasaw as i.yks, a SI , f' aa eaB. f atasw aak) fc aali,k altk ,! B4a tl 1,1,4 4aas.w4 4.11 M y wnkas tt.B Is aat ealf la, lt s eta si.ais a, wa'. s4 a k'4 14 , M,a af ik a aaSar at SMS4, ad 1U lew Sse ft wlaV4 I n al l I l,y a4m g Ik Boasastkas. 4 4. vol Hiaxl. trverwllmiiig aiik spptehnmom. sh bsd been killed, cam lo Itarnetl's bttse. buiag burst into lean. A frssenl lb aged J.dta Ua- with l.lrn a Tory pnst.i.er. After atiog, he km, uf t'isbing Crek nle up. and U,uired of drsnk fieetv. ami resuring ! th Krnei of lb bar th list. "!. " sh. rHie.. " 4 bsv Mill, and M br..' tier s death, b became via drndfnl stews frsm tb battle I'ld ; Captaid Hied brnlly eitl, and elrmk bia peiat.aae on lb iadaadi t' stiiis, AUisroler, was Mi near tha T ' l.lS sfs-nta.) from lii wound. Mr, bluff ill of rha mll t.t. and is sine dead i r.air llftt i-traetaded Kllet log iiiio ll b.e,aiid weuean aeavreii i iiviiy nim. in ,rv mad bis earfi, 'I k omtastit mtro tis,k a roe uf w.ter. and waul in teareh wV th uhd- af man. Tracking htm ! tb I.I n-1, si f me I am tying iieiima a k g. two iiimi'si tar is I" ia tb b .a. g bias wa'er, arid bwnd op his bd. 1 ti. lle,detit. am 4, tai.ers, rwar shiKl ibal kindle wa oil 4m , Ti.e re.lt'ent In t! ountry f -wnd it naeesvary o be. Hatr rt-i, and s..ia er.d 4is ta Vultd lb lelt It l-sr aifftv. Usrt.ert's ei e .n.Tjl-l nut of lit I.e.. ll Ur.lwli t,k Ihreaatsns, lloVrt, l.lar, and iHvinl.ar am-mg ttv stsin, utel J.awib is severely Wowi.dad." f u. h th story of a siag' family in tkwa l'aas ! Tb aged and bresved la'l er tuna. efevdly pal, but attaeed red a word. 1 1veweau.d d war lftHt?ht tu t t-rl'tt, w ber itur hr,li rmiabarr.i tng Mrs, M lure in liulisr m tr gallant hi, wIni, with In beuietiaAt, Kohoei, artarward died if lis attustds, I a rrt H'g Uhv r.tsr. ib matron bd t4 In I -.a net, nd wa kl UtU,.l. J by bis i : ,. Il.l,p alM attending on ber busUl.d. i l, l,B-t.Hi nl Mtllnre wens v id , iuaiuiso s nf Ih Bwt4 fsmtly Wiiliar M'4'iore, diwguibd as t a ia liar s,j, ss a ta.. m al L t. erty llsll. art I was..f'e lt is b.Betck kn It, riB t.ae.fr. Ltrtl, l,a b wilird to tiil kts kvoih. TU dcteat nf (istea, and tli memorU Bur ftu nf tiaiwrol homier, fi.bd th tutttry with lerr and disy, l.r'j oa lb nun-iting .4 Ih I'ith U Aarssat, (:hi, ii, rad natw I d a.U .es nd fugiti, aaak ag ttwnr way Sa I bsrbtita 'wrl rwiie, wuk c-is twasaf b ..ta, r..4 ap to Mr. Harness h"j, dia-olil, aad Urad. 1 ra. li" '." sx Bat. do kl us ke ''-.- Suiart Children, " "Awrltcrtti lllackwoodra Mrtg.tr.itte thus ilia eiuirses mi the practice nf tryittg to stn-k "book Uniin" in the keails Of chiWren while they ar )Ot "babies." "Howl have heard Jon, I'.usehius, pity tha poor children! 1 remember your Imkiiig at a group of tneoi, and refleotiue;, ' I' tr of such is tha kingiloiit uf heaven ' and 4jruing away thought fully and saying, .'Of euch Is th kingdom of trade.' A child three yenrs of ne with a book in tt Infant hands ia afi .u lul n U! It is too often tli death warrant, such aa tlm tondomned stupidity looks at fntal. Jet beyond bu ei.uipie hcnsioii. What should a'child "thro ymirsobl nay, even fiveor tit years obi lie taught ? Strong meiits for 'tliee,k digestion piuau not bodily s.tcitjttli. mI there b nursery uic? and nutacry rhyuies. 1 would say tu e'ery ".rent, especially every niotl.er, ain lo yrnir ibnthvii j lull them plensnnt rnoriea, it itt Jhe cnut try, ba not too careful lest they get a hltlo dirt upon their bauds and clothe ; earth is very much akiu '1o us all, rind in children's out-of-Jojr play soils tm m not Inwardly. Hiere la a kind of ormsanguinity between all erenluiaai by it we tiu h ui.'tii the common lytnpulliy bl cur fist suUsUinee, and btrt a kind- lies for our piior rcititii't'.', the biutes. lxtt chlltlren hav a lie, npenntr ipott, rttd bar lint , though they wuk q,uaintuc with the .'piga, III doiikeja, anikllie cliii kvlu tb -y nmy torut worse f.-ttnlsbips withil.c vvit-er li.itli.tng oin-s t eiiootirage familiarity v itii 'l that love tu court tlwmj dumb tinhiitiU Lue .:l.il.!ieti tind cliildrcn bive them, TUitro is a i.v'.,-iu.',i niaong the.it which tbe world lut.tttie iibi!tfr;ttes tn tho elder? It laof Hmie iiopm totiie 1'i.n you eln i.id mnka'tbem wtise ti nt ia b olt vii.c. Ab.v all things, make them ljt ing ; llii-n . they will be gontle and ol cluiitt nnd rtr I) ul", parents, if you bei'nm obi and pour, t!ico w ill lsi beuer thnn Irietid, that will never in-bct jou. hil Uren brought up lovingly at J. .or kkeea, will never shut tho.i doors' iini jou, and point where tliey would bavo jou g i," . s Tb M4el tVsliiit, She wouldn't wear ber veilsi en o iy avil. Thinks her complexion looks fairer than stcr, in eotitra! with her atilib, rt.nde Iswk hes new dr beus tli Lid of crape nn Ihe aUit len t deep sanaraioi nnugh. hua'lilv rvl'iie to I. .ok in th diremuin ot a tires e.mt f-,r i tie v .-!.. W't n lera if that bandsome Tompkins win pt-.es ' ber win low everyday i insane enuugh tt think that sh will ever worrjf wjamt ' Is tery I t 'i.f drawing nil her plot am) rusting her little Into hand on tier black bonnet, thinking it mny I 0 sugfestiv of an early npnlicatinn for tl some. Cotieludee to giv up buelieepiii and try bisvrd ng at a hotel, Aeeepis Toiupkius' invit i tion tn attend th childreu's cmirert," just t.i pleas litil Tommy i Tommy isdeliltirtl, an I thinks Tnmpkitis is a vy kind reiilbii.nn to giv him so much candy and so msny lion b-n. Ilia mamma !gips to silmit eertnin little a Ilevuiti..j ot her rr.t, in th irises of prutracted cuvrr sat ms, wnlks, rides, eiills. Ate. ' Mi cries a littl when Ti rnm ssls 1 r if ab has not forgotten t plant lb jbitier in a eertaiu cemetery. Tompkins cm, in and tl.ii k her Imlier than iefr, ilniltng thrush fey letvrs. Tommy is sent out intN ib f itvlenrfo o h. "pretty dirt pins, (to lit i ' e ? ili uutbn in tt a new fr.srk and Imusera.) and tnuros v-v uiin- iteeied tntiiid In niamrva ael eeka very r. v.n' I to b bataed un in the air by 'I'oinpk-ns, who de clares himself his "new, new papa;'1 Th Model Matter. Hb?iiie to think of Xb ! hef ireine weel on bia bat .es Its first gbas. May l seen s.i,iing y aieg girls to gei seat lu hurt h, i.r or b-riiig carta idldrv cr.is.iiigs, oetiy fi-et that ai ailiiu'"lt, pa as mr. Is t.itvinci f.,t I e wa nve ms l lo In akin. Hi children must r-a hsiled afiae, o. If b I a.a'l any, be would bhs it, b linked lter-.himlf. 1'iaas a deep sigh very tun a dr. rsul past bun with feats i It, it. Is vry psrliuwlsr als.ut th t.ll-h of kis lead or III hi il kwgbt) Ibklik ii lk Vary lnlrriiug iii Mai k. ikm't walk evtla'at V muetiwtih bsirhibJre: wnan he dV, t..i ihe nnmnml Haviias Itnatd aae fta .-) fi t Be 1 paxrv: piiieas ngi sa ith all I. is kesrt.wt.sj dots b 'W the. e ntni tu il? llrf "ls bit'- Oti.i. k.i.iaJ Ui.. J..n trswjtnj r.. so I .oa. I w aat. li oteets tuiH iHti.it i t ri. iti. int. ,it ii rvttt,, , wm.im f...n , "al-m sa I sspnt l" frava eon g mayiing 'i 1 to wsoVw tits tavsrl a- ts I .r ' in IV. n,, Ura which1 f a I th dtat- d. t pea.ls st.lj i iirrw be shell ! tat, tiistlmtu, "5 Madera Ku4 wilurs. On of tli m it s rik'iiu rti!i'iiite i f it rn novel writer, is h fiet the! tley leiec a'tvmpt to fiei itt lbs i i id id ti wiih l . 1 tb y ar (swill a-. Tuy d i nl 1st their seix- in ft f.r boo or I ardm . hts.l in titer !ty gtound or lehind Ih ci'tin'er . f a vr'n-- p . . ry. Nit, I y nn meatis. Hal in. tent', ibt-ie t, ibv drssirib It im't-y-oftb flttr-be-s ant) v m. rotrlita, and It, lii eat the a-een-riit'e of t nie l.r. Ftedt-rii-k Vcr ' t 'I'ln'.ey vl,.i,..-," wbrtlny ai as trnorunt f i,..uo . f arisbwiatui !(. s .bt isuf i tlotma ii i v Wilier now a diva debt-Hl ii Ce.f,.,'i i .; staie'y aits is, a!tv'r is-. i- utu and a.sn-sh'ipe. lwaiai ; lileil . i charai ter I eiilser a itvtie. ..f d w t- i 1 i . -1, with rla-b ng ayes aud ihst i. ' -d t . . n kn is' bt oioumrd utHrf. an A si . ,01-3 s prb.ima d.s of s,tes;b,nst v -v,.d in .,! ir.i ty' behalf wh'.m be Li.al y omit hi mayeiK gBi.ially wiisui.t:.e r--n, m-.. I. v i drawO n ll Wril' l-I,. .rn e t. pr . i r . latartals f t their product b e J. u f kI tl t I' aaual ttjfity of cnttitiry siiui -s ba I . 1 tbry Isaraa-et kd ,..rtui..iy t e-.i t. t. Another tk.eg wbieb as ihe t..t d a i aplwwta It aulUttrsbtf., ia the f .t'l st ..,. Sttiy.ng tu ten ilsle it stsl s( an-tt.. 1 . t iust as atteufd s f. r a Utile n.u kst k dorks and a tried pig thre tiuoa a nst ut Modeling bl, bh bi tv.t'Sir! In f. , .. n I'S brtttt t h ft gtstil lo mi'. I draw gtit dvMyBr, i eb-r tkat r. . r to lii Uim't.,4MI d ft It.kS l! tiii,b N si i n-.t b I s t. ..-..t r .to. oi is ,i 1 ta I but I sd est' r It .1 ll-i, t naBd ll, Inei b nl. dreei i' Bg'd 1st tbsn lo l.sta lo th Iftti: li n i-l tt it a.t .e t .1. . it I. i 1 t assthiBg o.aal. M s.ly BM4 kliyamk assd jCa-wwalliBi -eary kyna tb eaUas aad ti- a o, f nsi.k ' 1 k asaiea) awod i " t- ) wilt t ll-.w; gat lb y.tang a.res ti tb ..14 e.l, I tsMMMlkH fty maw ikal asoewMig. am will a.. f .nd g, bask." W itk Ibis aaewef si I ll I t " Sse seteia. kal ia last Is a,i bu di-a sud mmmt a., emral . f a Its I.B1 y St Wsslkan keaes4 s4 M Mat I MskUtur( bsd Ul f Tri. ftaw '4 "-"'"' j I tk to eevU. W kit Hi (, k tatreod U ! tba sshhi p.dl ll. ll nr,Hb-t...a. tl e I oa Ti I V4 V I , 1 1 ,, ,1 ' " "" " Sllnw pbrtw,i,aaBS I .(. in pnasiiii af lanl Cora sib, o4 applied k ktv,re-iaiing tkat bar atatr augt't la reel-.red. C ssasllii is.ttl l, Id bar al,e ii-wl l h-tt hav ll 'ra, Mt kdrl that m! i f I er chil li war dsn t tttars. r.ed w ll IvAwi kmrwleg W--W lo lal. f, and ll.at stveombls oa U get bg wi'h tul s-i sni". "V ,41 will I. sis toss-ti lew g tie la woik," giotfly replied lb . .. "Hut bl m b oi i4 tb ker.ro ehtblresi, ' peraieled lb rnatros.) "it y ar aitarbad la aw, aad 1 lei tttaso." "Ion a rnnirg old wuaasn." l4 tkaeaoaah assd -aid i - M.aS bake,, f 'tmnr tm j ia a b4nsd; B4 lt- wtr. d l. had "dt I tu 4.-,sss Ik. -a ,u h t , S el, l.s o.sb..l-l eotb"T wk bad never lies ..', 1. i..iieeip oaiwreaik. HiliswbsliT ,M,.U. n,.ttm .! i and rf.iioiia..ui h i frnn , steel . erlir, ' ikej tt.v oi'itest!, kit n s bangs l is wire's ptrtrsrt In it . ui.., .l r v..)el ' j. , ;,,- ., 4 .1 , , nn 1 in 1.1 1 l.t.eleis and msrr e Cpleyov! of hi. B, f, - del wuk t! I ddMI dsa.U.ei I . lvsl.,wrtM bi.eaiur . i... b d.-y-4 it. Th lavalayill Cmrier pye I'. follow Ing Irib Ut t tb sseupi,ti,ai of I Itirmar, M If a fool man wants to . gsg Ia a t os. na Ibftl will ltur kit, ia said.!. life tbe gtaal. l moaal ,f la, 1. at tte as ee-tiung ust-ee ewrtaiM than fsras-f. If ka ba laadeol lata nf mind kl I tt lav a tatoW. If k n-a 1 to .tsr la a bal-ky ovupt.n. la k, sa t.,1 , !.H. I Unset If ke wool It i4padavt, bat I "s r,.., tt.i bins et ft 4 of !, ka Wllhm baV maat, 1 I kr i k t. ikal I Ky k. a tar a , i . i onk. i I I a.... 1 s.. ! f W. II. M I I. Commlulon ctchant, ftO 4 S'.S si n t -Tt llutlr;t,.a, v. I , tia..i.- ih t.il MO ba t.,td ball s 1, I -.t.i. I .a tl a, 1 atrs, I . 1 I ess, 1 I s lia-tt i. ,, v.. a, ay 1 ' 7 ' " . --. wm w t-s . a a t i ,ti trf it. I raj Baaw OS aw may I Wiswa. I Vila la 1,,, ts, ss. sto svllt lie asp. j SB.. t '.-, ki IMIUk It- Saa, III ft Ml at,!".--! ms. l.., fa. tia,i. 114 sot (, sm mast i( I"., as rtriktsj' UUu':, II wi at tvt ye , :..--s;i, t: i t i , ft . T...HAtfl. an., fast - I. Bfa ea

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