1 IS ORTII CAROLINA STAR-WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRILS 1K5G A ' Ccngrenion&I. Thirty-Fourth Conjret Finft Seuion. Wjtsuixtrrux. March 2-t li6. t-iMai. Jlr. Seward i Be red a reeolutioa, which was adopted, calling upon tlx President jf the I'nited States, if net incompatible with tlx fuU.c iuterut', tu communicate all information in bit fmaeeiiioa relative to th revolutionary pnceJin;p in Nicarsga and especially re garding the tritur of tlx Transit Company 't property. Mr. Halo offered a resolutinn, which ni adop ted, directing tlx Sergeant at Aran to exclude ill pern.mii excepting reporter from the enU in the gallery (signed to member of the pre. (This wa rendered proper by tbe conduct of la dies, heretofore, in excluding reporter! Emu their tentsT) Oa notion of Mr. Seward, the) Committe 00 the Library were instructed to eontider tlx ex pediency of anm legi.lative reoognilioB of the eminent ten ices of toe expedition wider Pr. Kane, in tlx Arctic region. . - Tbe Htuete returned tlx consideration of tlx DefieieiMj Approprktioa bill. .''" ; The amendment before tbe body, pending from Thursday, m tliat of sir. Prett, appropriating (5,000 for tlx repair of ti e bridge orer tbe Cut era branch. '." '. ; Mr. Hunter thought that an appropriation fur th Long Brtig wa far eaors important; and I poke at tome length of maintaining that true tor. In tlx eourteof hi remark, he argued that It wa nut true, a ha been instated, that tbe channel at Georgetown baa bees in tlx lout injured by tlx Long Bridget - , Mr. Brtrwa, af Mississippi, while b acknow lodged the importance of tlx Long Bridge, op' weed it ootinunc by a mere patching pro- a that offered by Mr. Marshall, while he wa ; Ll( in Powder MUL dl-onsed to tot fur n fair extension of the nalu- j Dickens tboe dwcr.oM a vl.tt to tbe powder .. .. i mill uf llunolow. near L"thx t ralizatioB lane. B th, aileut ,f,i, amid wrKiM ninety-seven Sieser tampli ecu, and Cai er, advocated Harris, of IHiaota, Kiehardion, Keilt, and Uoude dred ' and fifty workmen employed. They are opposed it. a neculisr.raee, not of bum by ntuie, in most . Tending which the lion adjourned. ell, of Utim, Hall OI Jiwvnu-, ,., Im do human voice ever lireskaupon tne , J tiOB eamn at Waabir.enn rlile, Jldlier, Whitney and Walk- , over the nomination of Mi to amendment, ana .neasrs Boyee. .,,. . fc , intricate wereat once set WAsniscyoa, March 6, Ad amendment Baking appropriation for tlx repair of th Eastern) Branch bridge and th Long Bridge wa rejected. Tba bill wa Bui die posed of. Th Pauifi railroad bill Jraa mad th order of tlx day for th Utb of April; and after tlx tnnaaetion of other bosinett, the Senate adjourn ed. ; - , Hui'te or llKi'WrcSTiriravi. The Speaker an- aouaoed tlx fiillowicg named gootlcmeo a the omnitttre heretofor antliuriied to proceed to Kaneae to inquire Into tbe affair of that territo ry. Lewi I). Campbell, of Ohio; William A Howard, of Michigan, and Mordeeai Oliver, of Muwuri. Mr. Milton addrewed tbe Houm iooonderona- tion of tlx Lite nary retiring board. After delote, a joint reeolutioa wa paiied giving tone number of Congree each about 1 1,000 worth of booka, to be equal la tbi reepeet with member of preecding Cougrcaeea. Th Home adjourned. WaiiiixcTox, March 25, BT. Tlx Chair laid before th Senate a oaamnnicatioa float the I'reeident, tranemiltiug tlx report and map of Captain Marey' eipkira- tioa of th head water of th Bra toe river. Mr. Maenn gate notice nf hi kilentica to la trodoee a bill to amend th act remodeling th diplomat! and oonwUr ytm. Mr. Hunter, from th Committee oa Finance, reported a bill In reference) to foreign ooin, and th re-eoinag at tlx I'nited State Mint, of lb Fpanieh or milM quarter, ighlbe, and tit teeoUx, and aulhoriaing th ieeoing of a new on eeot piece. Oa mofiun of Mr. Brndhead, tlx Cenmit tee oa Military Afaire were inetrueted to laqnir into . the eipediencj of eetahlithing on or more naval fowndn, in eeeonluie with tlx reeommeada. lion of the Pteretary of War, ia hi annual re port in December, The Senate renamed tlx eon aide ration of the dencieney bill. After a long debate, f49,2t0 wee appropriated to pay Ut tbe engraving uf map of draning to aeeowipaay lb re porta on tlx eploraiHi f a. I'aein railroad, lloif er )Urt.TiTivta. Mr. llarria, of Maryland, prevented lb nieumrial of Aletaader Brown A Sum,' Wileum A Bona, Hugh Jeakiue and otlxrt, fjr tlx erection nf a marine Iloapltal at lb port of Baltimore; and on hi motion k wa retrrred to the Committee on Natal A'air. Mr. Walker offered a reeolution, aliicB wa ad'fted, laetraciing tlx Committee on tlx Jndi' eiary to inquire betber tlx epeciai maillee to roceedto Kaneaa have tlx power to eoerre tlx attatidauc of witneeeee and ponwb for contempt- Mr. CampWII, of OLio, riing to a pereonal eipknalion, raid thai wbm lb lluna wa or gauiard, very aneipeeied!y to hlnxelf, th ehir appointed Lia to tb dutingutabod poaitluaaf chairman of tlx nmilte uf way and meenvi and yeatetday a dietiextiu) wa eoof erred npup kirn by tlx bair, eqnally a nnelaected a tb lUrmee. II fuead thai it kevolved eery ardnew and very iuiportant enrvice, entirely inemnpati Lie nil b lb dutie wbieb were aeaigned kirn when tlx liana waa eeganiaed. iie eiprmii I i. gratiiede for lb bigb iwnor aonlerred apua bim, and ia eelaiua aked to be rei from errvitig a lb bead of the ewnimx to proceed lu Kanaaetolak, totittMmy, Tix quvetion kartag keea pat, Mr. Campbell aa earawrd, end Mr. Spermaa, of Ohio, waaapr pointed toeopply tlx eaaaaey. Mr. I'belp intrvdaeed bill, antboriilng tb I'naudant to aae llx . fcntbera U-eadary nf Kaneaa ! be 9(nd and marked, wkirb waa rar farred to tlx Cwataiilie en Territoria. Tbe ll-'we prueeeded to lb eoMideraiioa of tb L.ll drGnii'g the right uf Voter, and lb dut at Cowniwakfaer of Etoetune, la tb ily r'u, aaj ! other pwrpueoa. Mr. Ilu brey lar.l.all rffarad an amend' . i.l, rrairihg a naiuralitnl eiliim la be a rie id. nl uf W ahingi. bit an jeer iwa.rdianrly f ncU ii Uxelecti'in. t'.i. J mm, ml Tenn'Oira, aaij b amendment pr, rd a diMinetitn and a pnrodent nbick) wtit nl rr (ned I f th CwiaMutl of llx t- miiiij. kilt ib niorlia-a taw newvidoa f r a ri,leew f lie Jeara, llx amendment ak- l (. r ., Hi T of Marilaad. aJvreaied the amend- ; I fr.Miy lu i t.e un'y tlx ball 4 boa. kc.fih r.;H erjraw meiertal aata r.'. ! or jt H. re llx day f lrH( ..if,, nil, , merrked op in i ...hi. ,.'. I , t lu ii 4, ihr lfre r t In ) ir .,Mi e the ixtaralieali.41 I . ,- In r. ,H uf h a rvvai ka b oaid i i rin t"f of (fuven yana4- . ' ef erf-l.-..-niaan ' a a!ia aa . i ier i" yr, wnb a f gn !' Six arc. Mr Benjamin aobmitted a reeilution directing the Committee on Printing to inquire into tbe eipediency of providing, by legulation, that no greater aumber-ef pnblio docnmenU be printed than are required by either branch of Congree in tb performance of their legialatir dutie, anient by joint renolution of both bouae ordering euch eitr number to lx priowd. It lie over. I Mr Butler (ubmiUed reeolutiooa, inatrorting the Poet Ofic Cooimitle to inquire into the ex pediency of diaronlinuing to memiier ot vun great their fraukingbrivilrge, and, in lien there of, allowing them, by law, dollar to enable then to tranamit through, tb mail euch letter and package a rl ey think proper; alao, author, bing aaid Commillea, if they new fit to report a ill rehiting the poetag oa euch letter and package aforeaaid. Agreed to. The eonaideratioa of th. Jiefirieney bill wa returned. Mr. Bayard' amendment of $130,000 for the Talent office building wa adopted, yen' 24, nay 17. " Varioue amendment were adopted, including one uf $3,0(10 for th repair of the ijaalern branch bridge. . -- .: Mr. Hunter offered an amendment, appropn' ating!0,OO0 t th repair of tlie Long Bridge. It wa rejecwd yea, 19; nay 20, " Th bill wa panted, and atter an Ezecutiv tcaaion, tb Keoat adjourned. . llot'sc or llrrnaiNTaTivaa. The Houae die- euaaed, for aa hour and a half a Senate bill rela. ting to puniahmeutt in Penitentiariet, providing. ia effect, that Federal Court may lenience, per son convicted of erlmclotlx penitentiary in the Stale, though without the Judicial dUtriet of trial. , Mr. Humphrey Mmhall offered an amend ment, thai here the aa of a penitentiary ia de nied by any Stale, it ahull be lb duty of th Meralial to confine criminal in the neareat pen itentiary granted for that porpoae. Mr. Barbour propored an amendment lo llx ; amendment, tliat no proceeding oilier than an act of tlx Legislature ahall be conatrued lo allow tb ua of her prieona for ucb purpvaee. Th former amendment wa rejected by twen ty lour and the bitter by Urn majority. Th llouae adjourned. WiaaixaroN, March 27. The resolution heretofor auhmitled relating to th action of llx Naval board were, after eon reraation, mad th apecial order of tlx day for Monday neit. Mr. I'ugh - offered reaolutinn, whWh waa adopted, iaatrueli g th Committee oa tb Ju diciary to inquire into tlx eipediency of making proviaioa for wri'e of rrvr from the inferior court to th Supreme Court of tlx I'nited Stale. Tb Snat eoueidered and paaeed tb Invalid renalon bill. Mr. Harlan, 'of Iowa, mad a epeecb on the ubject of Kan affair; and in reviewing ti e report of Mr. Duaglaa, aaid it wa partial, per verted, and tiighly colored. Hie remark f weie decidedly in oppoaition to Ihoee of titer friende of tlx Nabiatka and kUaaa bill. Th Senat adjjnmod. llott er lUraiaikTaTiria, Mr. Faulkner of fcred a reeolufion, which waa adopted, inatmet ln tlx aommille oa tb Judiciary to inquire In to tlx eipediency of repealing th Brat taction nf th act tu remodel th diphmatio and eoneuhv vat eat of tlx I'nited Stale, which provide that all diplomatic agent ahall be nf lb grade of Minieter Kiiraordinaiy and F.ntoja F.itranrd'; aary, togellier with other change in the law. Tb lloaa returned tlx anaaideratioa of tlx bill denning lb right of Voter and llx dutie of aoaxmiaaionen nf election in th city of Wash ington. Th amendment pending wa that offered ly Mr Humphrey Martha II, making h aeeeeeary fr a fiiieigixr to have beea naiuraliied for on year Immediately preceding a municipal ! tb-n.. lr. Campbell of Ohio, moved that tb wbut eabjeel b laid oa tb table, but tb motion did not prevail yea 7J, any 03. After furtlxr proceeding, without defiilu e- tion a llx ulyert, The Uuae atljvnmed. a peculiar race, not of room by natuie, in mi ranea, but by the habit of yeura. 1 be circum stance of momenlary deetruotion in which they live, added tu tlx mt atringenl and necemrv regulation, hat e ruliducd lhrir mind- and feel ing! hi the condition of tbeir hire. There i neb dom any need, to enforce tjfc'e rerolaihina. Some terrific ex;iluiix'brre.oT in work ot efimi btr kind elaewere, leave n liied mark In their mevioriea, and acta aa a cm taut warning. Here no thadow of a practical joke, or caper of ani mal apiritt ever tranaiiro no witticiam, no chaffin. or ilang. A Inoifh w neer heard a amile aeldnm aeen. Kvcn tlx work ia carried on by the men with aa few words aa poatible, and these uttered in a low tone. Not that anv bodv fancie that mere sound, will awaken th spirit of combuation, or cause an explosion loeak place, but that their feelings are always kept subdued, If one man wishes to oonimunirate any thine to another, or ask for any tiling from some ody at a rlmrt distance, h must go there ; h it never periuilied to shoot or call out. There it a partic ular reason for this last regulation. Amid all this silence, whenerer a shout doe occur, every body know that om imminent danger is ex pected th next moment, and all rusii away nead long from the direction of the shout. Aa to run nine toward it lo ode anv assistance; as common in all otlxr eases, it is thoroughly understood that none can be afforded. An incident bere i imme diate and beyond remedy. If th shouting be con tinued for tome time (for a man might be drown ing ir a river; inti migm cause one ur two oi me boldest to return, but this would be a very rare occurroocr. It is be no means to be inferred that the men are selflnb ai d insensible to the perils of each other; on the contrary they bv tlxgreiit esr consideration fir each other, aa well aa for their employers, and tlimk of danger to the lives ot inhere, and of itrooertr at siaks al all liuics. and more especially ia the wore da: eerour bouse. The proprietors of the rarious gunpowder mills alt disidav the same consideration for each other, and whtneverany improvement tending to lessen dunger i made by on It is immediately communicated to all others. Tlx wngct of tlx men are good, and the hours vary short ; no ar tificial light mna ever used in tlx work. They leere the mills at halt past three in tbe atternoou, winter and summer. flllntor. nun V.e Arte Orlrxttu Civcrul. Free .nailers sad Mr, Fillmore. ' A era to bat beea etcied, lb whole Abo- was terribly excited Hard Fillmnro, and en foot to injur bis prospects, blacken bis fair fame, and throw all manner of obliqoy npon lb national party which thought bim worthy the highest offic within th gift of th people. ni Irarn from a. Washington dispatch to tb New York .Eiirsa, thai a written papeFliaa been in circulation among tlx Alsdition, Fie. Soil and Black Republican ui-mlraof Congrex fMepubUcaabaa at tb Feath." Such it llx caption of a commentary en tlx j recent hitters of F. P. Blair, father and sou. in a i lax number of tbe Cleveland Leader, aa ultra j Si t Tba ..ffiea of postmaster at tbi place. ... - I von most tx awarau m not now. ncuuer ww Fivm tie Assrriesa Orywn.j A nenstbl totfer. Oxsuiw C. U , N. C March 15. 1856. Freesoil shout, from which wee ! ever, one of eery great pecuniary guin. Tlx wc -drff weaker, and, aa I supposed, more pm- Both lb douuiaent referred to have had a wide tboe who "I..V to hate" Mr. Fillmore r-' circulation ihroozh die newsmners. nartieolartv commending a call for a Xatiouel Comeutiou to i ,,. ,irth. The manifesto of Frank Blair. Jr. assemble in Julv next, for the purpose uf t mi- i looked unon and t,ImA K, ih. Ami.! J"'""14 m,'S "n to thos whoa will any Bating candidate, for Ptidenl and Vice Prci- pr. a. an endorsement of tb. nlatfin I ,riu"L " J P. V ... -..w. r" ZZL dent. Tbi call, according to current rnmor.haa of th Black RcnutJican rtr aa emlAliad in Ton have taken lbs trouble lo nubli.h what von xnaa call a "correctnm ot ing paragraph, which preeenti the feature ot tbe : euntrarT. rather, has ever t,een tbe ease, and th article: master ie never half paid for tha amall amount -How euch eeotinxnta, (the letter ofF. P- S i Z " Ibe "convenxne. Blairl oomine from neb a inure ut to shame. .tk ,l".nK ''? recommendati.m, and tl vile herd of .Northern menials wbo follow in If they had a vea the train cf Franklin I Sere 1 lice of nxnboui left, they wool I hide tbeir heads. 1 or re is remiDlr cau- f j B- when Kepuhii eaiiism lia- taken so strung root in Baltimor end in St. Louie." - , i mi nil iTiiEiiiTi. fimm rbr oVfcs, MmMUut " applrox't baUJiag Utt Bnadway, IBroaTEta,aaoDEsLXii) ' Bra, rtlali, Oil. Bjtv rerfBmrry. te.. 170 VVUIIaaMreet, Sew Verfc, IST1TE tba attaatina of th trad u tbeir lam and varied slash of Drug, Paiala, Oil. parfwaV. ery, a-, te. la addmea to tbeir regular impertatlone ef Sta, this wa tlx only rcwaru by which 1 eras Induced In accept the stmt. Cnder these circatnstsnce I mut confeaa my disrsition to be in an ill hu mor on beariiia so often "that L b inc a Know- N Hhing, was or.lv permitted lo remain in office pi Urngt, tut; an also netiring. diract trm lL in eoaMquehoe of the alaiv ttateil fact- . To source of predaettnn and manafaeture, euppUaa these say ina. however. I paid aa little attention efiTeorn, Hia,aadNAiiBacaata.Baiia. r..... as tlx mitur of tlx case would admit, and my j Monraas, Sreaoaa, Fttscn and Eaoi.ua Puriit! juujcnieni coui-i uiciaie comma; wrj i --- - - - -, hii mmnj eiear artielea paaaiijeatDracea ia irrugEiata' atocka, which tba been signed by tome on hundred - rVn4r and Addresa of F. rS: Blair. Sr.; and the reaolu- Kepresentatives.which a, proximates tlx present .j, , b piltJ1Uur:h Conrention. Black Kepublican .trength in both branches of Ntl)in hw tr,nM,lrC(J ofBI . hich h our national Legislature. ! liven th , Freoilr much atisfaction .. Tb object of this move is as palpable as any. thtM dWnta of , BUira : and they ealcuUie thing can be, and tlx source from which it emana ted ie well known. The leading signatures in th Senate were I hose of Messrs. Seward and Wil tonthc on the arch originator of er rything on having tbe aid and support of both, th son at well at tbe father. Now, the people of Missouri and the cilitens of hi. Louis would heed very little what Frank tliat U black and treasonable, tlx other tlx pli-'Blair might say or do, politically speaking, were ant tn.il -nit will!,, m in.lHimanl ..eh!- ..nuM.nn . li ... 1. - . 1. 1 '. - il. . . ant tool and willing instrument of his unscrupu lous leader. The old aaying, "like master like j man," was never more aptly illustrated. Seward j ran original scheme of miediirf iu bi teeming brain, and hit Sejanua, (Wilson,) with not a tithe of his inicllcc', but with mure nerve, aits by his aid to carry them out, These men want to bead off Mr. Fillmore, by a'templing to make it appear that the opposition t him in the Kutlh it to strong, it is vain to hope he can carry a single Northern Slate, Es pecial!;' do they wish lo inculcate this belief in the South; and, with euicidul Infatuation, South ern men full iuto tlx line of argumont conceived in the sweltering hut-bed uf Abolitionism, and nrtln'ly-'put forth by tlx high priests wbo minis ter around its diabolical aitnrt. Anything for a diversion to damage the prospects of Fillinore.say the Abolitifupists. Anything that will tend to Th United States Democratic Review for De-1 defeat Fillmore, say his Southern political oppo- and your Locnfnc fr Mr. l-uryear statement of a conversation M tween yourself and that gentleman, you bat at llx same lime, published abut 1 whjIJ -upfose every candid reader must tak for sufficient evi dence, thai the statement was substantially true, witn the addition "when good Democrat were aw alee enabled to ef er oa tb most advaauge Order, either la pema or by tisll. will reet prompt attentien, It June.", 1866. , T7 - eeinher, 1Mb, commenting on the Comprotniseol toov, tuu peaoi Mr. g iiimora ; ' Momentous venl were transpiring. The niriuitiunof the question of slavery was nareinoun in the publio m nd. In this crisis, it was web that so reliahle a man as .Ur. r illuiore was found in tlx I'loidcntial ('hair. The safety and per petuity of the I ni n were thretitened. Already ixd fauaticinm raised its Hydra-lwad. Schemes and isms" leaid fr.im a thousand ambuscadea. Th ensiiiist of tlx Ciiion started forth on every side Abolitiunitin here Secesaionitm there ; Acquisition and Killibualerism elsewhere. These were tlx forintiiable elrments of nnsrux wnh which Ih KiKutiv had to ope. Iluw well he met, and bow entirely he, forth time, livercuuiv Hies eneiuiet ot the peac ol tlx Itepunnc, we leave tin lis historian to relat ; bu t our rotrostiect would be iueompletd and ditineuln-uac.did e not accord llx meed of piais juntly due tu hign moral excellence, and iniellactual and Adminis tral.v hoheaty and Inlent, as developed iu tlx Adiuinintraiioii of Mr. K.llinore." This is from high Oemoctaiic authority, spoken, no doubt. In a moment of unwonted candor, tuna befor Mr. Fillmore became tlx American csmli dai for President,, It. tells but tlx simple and naked truth. That Mr. Fillmor hat " high moral excellence and intellectual and admininratitt honesty aim talent," ia unque-t-nned by all wbo will -till the partisan and let th fair and honest truth eonx forth. Tlx wisest men in th nation have endors ed his administration a wis and g"od. Ileun Clay one snid, " th f umlaiion ol my nrelerence it that Mr. I ill more has administered the envoi - enl with aignal suocas and ability. He baa been tried and found true, fauhlut, hoi, est and e n Mieuiiona." No did tbe venerable t'asa refuse bis meed of prais lutlx man, however he niiaht differ with hint in national politics. Few mi n n any g or nation -bar received uu Ksx aruL; utais tnm Ih wis and aood aa Mnluru r il mora, fewer still bat deterred it more. K4. Iamu Ama tea. ulna s il thai lb b II wa Sf proved 1 , t,a owl of Iwvify fvaie a j are as V. !,. j" suttf, wbht to be lam I I ,t ahvl-"t. II w' II I hH pv-fe Wsaatnoron, March 2P, Tb See at wa not ia tsmiua to day. Hit tt or KxrnaaxTtriyi. Tb Houn i turned ttx uniidrUoa of, tbe bill denning tb rigbl f oteta, sad In duties of aotnmlaajinters i f eleetloen in lb cily of Waabingtoa, and dr uiker purpute. After aatruggla betwraalb friend aad Ibe of lb bill, il rnrvmmitted to lb ewnmiits lor tlx IHetrkn of Columbia tl, nays 73, Mr. Bmilk, of Tannsiase, moved I reecnei der ation uf tb let, bat tb atotioa wa bud en tlx table. Mr. Campbell, if Ohio, front lb Ctsmitts a' Wsys and Meaaa, retorted bill meling ap- f a aiatiesx ke tba Leg islailva, JodleMl and Eieettlit lepanawnt, tot In year anding JusxlO, ri7i which wa namitlad t tb Ceasmtoto ef tb Wbule lb (tola sf tb 1'- BM. . Mr. Lsne, f Orgri, aad t speeee) tb nbjeatef tlx affair nf Ibat torrllary, sbewing UxamtillJ fovea bnmsedxl pprftlab af iOO.KS), la nl-r to tbe Mpprah of Ind'xa axsiliiw. II iMnwKteed a bill nx ibat pnav- poea, wbieb wa referred to tbe fWmiilawaf Way at I Means, wax will tok una.,ste Uoa th sul jart. Tb lluns then xljosnaed to Mix lay ntt. Tb Btw t-M tor tax t s-iut. Tb aallasMedl wf tb new Vx to b placed aa tlx Capitol at Waabiegbx City, t. C, it r'iVt0,r. say ll.l0 itsl, a r-tsnd Bum- l 1. I Y . I -. J . I .1 . toil w, Mt iaiij awj;fit to fx vetji aag,xrnl af air B tbnl auay. Tb aaibanaJ Capit-I, wnb lis Imaxaa addiliutx d new eVxw, will b atily tb WrM, but sax ef lbnwsu eapata !, devoted t big. taUliis bwtltxa ia the world. Mwteesent ml Tr- at fWUt, A W-v ia 'be Kw t.tk T.iUa. J.-td F.rt 11 r", I X . Mb '. eat ' Tlx I bate twaed - ls b'-wae I Man, b.k-t-iie, a, rla, ril, ad savhv to Mr. I nn t;ta. Tl-i lt tsd ssaa wa a alxr f tlx lt.ie, as a tsry artist to lata wf ra.ig tsxladxaato th l, Ms wa nsnedtvsd ' nentsl Sue.l a conjunction of antipixjiil clemeiits ti scconiplish a single result, is strange specie ie, and constitute a theme lor profound aud comprehensive rellcction, at least on the part of Southern meu. The candidate held in view by this congres tional, free-soil-league, are said to be the Hon. J. McLean, of the Supreme Court, and Col. John C. Freuiuut. Of course Justice McLean will not lend biun-elf tu the vile uses of a conscienceless b ind of Fanatics. Ilia decisions on the r- on! o the Supreme Court tdemoniitrate that he sus tains, like a judge and patriot, t!i use the lsu guas of a New York cotemporary, "all the pro ilivery psrts of the Federal Constitution Fugi tive Slat Law of IKiO, and all." Neither will Col. Fremont. He was born in Niuth (.'nr.lina, and b in been intimately connected with the in stitutions of tht South ail his life. But, in Hie meantime, their nnme, as well as timse of others, may be ued to souie little pur-p-eevalthouj we apprehend nu g:eat dunger ia any event. The worst fruit of the scheme can only amount to a temporary diversion. Still we havt thought il not out of p ace to relcr to the er in order that llx Sou'hern public may Bot l unadvised uf the machinations of their tiXniet. . ' V lib the gresl, broad, indi utab'efact ataring them in tlx fix and ringing in their ears, that M Hard i illumre is, and baa been fur yearn, Ox o'Jeci of fierceal Abolition bate, misrepresenta th'B and- tlan ler. is it wrt a waUiir (or wonder ment tbl he sin mid bssuailed in tlx slavohold ing Ststea? Il certainly is. Our common ene mies are lo lx found in the ranks of the Aboli tionists. They abuse, malign and persecute oa, without stint, on every occasion, and we, nf the South, nw then no l ve. Yet there ia not a pnimiuent slaveholder In the South ihey do n t treat tenderly when eotnxr to their tre iment of Mr. Fillmore. They never abused John C. Cab b-xn as thay alius Mr. Fillmor. They never villited Job a A. Quitman, Jrfferaix lhivis, Toomba, Stephens, and other noted extreme Southern lligbls aicu, as ibey villify Mr. Kill asora! The an inoontrovsnible truths r and ander th ordinary eirrumataneea which eonirol bum ib action, w.x Id toad Ih entire alar bold tog unmunity lo tlx support uf tlx man against whom Ih deadliest batterie of tb eoanuiou fi I directed. For oar part, had aot Mr. Fillmor B glorious past to refer lo.tb tact thai b it bated by til llx Abolitionists ami enemies nf tbe South, would be a ufficint reoutnnxndati to entitle hi to oar aurdial aad aaraatt support. it not that lx i the acknowledged leader otitic Benton Democracy w may with propriety say of tha whole Democratic party of the city and county of St Louis, (for the two wing have fused.) The Democracy bay refused to repudi ate him and by permitting him to continue to act with them, or more properly, to control and direct them, they endorse fully and clearly the position he has taken. Private and specious and equivocal contradictions by tlx candidates for the eity offices da not exonerate them, and through them the entire party, from the stigma. And we Hud men and a newspaper, claiming to lx "National Democrats," supporting a tick which stands committed (not in so many words' 1 1 lx sure, but by the plainest implication) to the principles set forth by the recent letter of Frank lllair. And then men still talk about "princi ples," "consistency," Acl No man will deny that tlx Black Republican sheet, from which we have quoted, has sufficient reasou to rejoice, that KcpuldicaniHin has taken a "strong root in st. Louts. And the Denton nominees, and th "National Democrats" who prate to much about "principle," know very well that if Mr. Ilhw is elected, with his special puh lie diacluimer of affinity with Freesiiilism before the election, tlx result will be hailed by the Free soil presses of the N- rth as a black Kepublicsn victory ! And tlx most ridiculous and contemp tible juttificiitioii ever sol up by any man wb knows lx it doings piece of political rascality, ia that assigned by the organ of the misnamed "National Democracy" vix: "That Mr. How had been heard to declare that IX waa n-if lllack Kcjiublicin, and that if elected, and his succesi was claimed as a Fievsinl victory, he w' tild publicly disavow it '." How m ignanim Hotclctiiidid! Finl rrrminn Stild ltit fiiiw-Forlrt. 8TEI5 WAY & 80N, sacrACTcaiM, 84 A M walkib tbixt. ' nttn BBosnwar, tw toix, . offered for lueir place." Previous lo my reeding j T) espeetfully call the attention ef th publi t thin 'correction, I addressed to you a note do- xi their splendid assortment of emi-traDau eiaring my connection with tb American party, and my readiness tu be "turned out" uf the post-office. Th uon-oomrilinnce, on my part, with tlx plriioll of th aforesaid addition," must alone excuse you for a neglect .to pay that atten tion to ui v nta which I an earneatlv wished and your Loonfixo friend expected. While I have impatiently awaneu in appomiment ui iuj suu ceaaor. rosi friends hav "aumcientlv amused" Ihemseivea over the mistaken idea of y,xr having FIRST Prontinm OOL0 MF.UAL (overall eempeuSi faithfiiUy olxpel "order" and my removal. tor) h ' Fair ef the Amerieaa liKtitatc TUiT"ordera'' should have been ulieyed. Your Cryttal Palace, for th BEST Pianoforte. tf. sqMr Pianos, which, for volume of tone; eiatiioi. ty of soucb, beauty of Dnisb, and to nort rery thing that render a I'ian perfect, are ananr.. i rk.. ..i-.i .i.. . 7 - w.- -mi urp, premium ftr both kinds In competition with tlx most dutln gnisbed mskers from Boston, Philadelphia (itw ui k, aaa uaninvn, . NEW TKlUMPfl I Praisway A Boss bar just beea awarded tb Lf, -ttuyy friend of li s good name and the institutions of our Slate, liear in mind, whon he reflect t as to how he shall Vote for city officer-, that if be votes for John How under tbe present 'circinniame, h endorses F. P. liluir, Jr., and giiea aid aud comfort to llx fmatics of ibe North. Is there a true friend of Miaanuri who will he-i. tats To ci'liilfiuu tbe Denton ticket, by cting hi ballot for a good, straiihtforward. oiinil, opp . neut of their humbnggery and trickery ? ' Si. Lout hUeUigfmetr. Why Mr. rillawr to lflar. Tbe reason why Mr. Fillmor baa an strong a bold npon llx affection andconfidenueof ttx con servative eleuenta of the country ia nndoabtedl t lo be f und ia lb faot, that h ha followed tlx Illustrious etan pi of Clay and Wbter,and eter pmved kinuelf lo lx a national man. Tb Wor- certer .ICgit, aa old fashioned r) big Joarnal in Maaaaclinaelta, which declin to commit itarll at yet to any aaadidat. Hunks Ih wflaen which produced Mr. Fillniurt t noaainaUuB wr various, and'eakt of iheta as (ullnwt i It it worthy of remark that tlx tdvucala and supporters .f Mr. Fillmot in lb Slat which aw but a lea year tine lb scene of aarassion and disuniua eunren lions, bay always beea lb sppvernta of seceaei'X and disunion thejoai aalt that hats held ap hit lam havt ever teemed with patriotic ani.x ipralon, and tb polill alaaa, who bat slumped ia ki name, nav In variably beea tbe difrnder uf ear natiunal la togrity again! tba aseanlt of Iraxater and ikxlb-rigbi MB. Tb Iratb ia, iboagb it Is an palalabla taoagb lo ha th old Free-mil eowima nb and lb atodera republican phalanstery, Millard Fillnvir baa a place ia tb heart af lb eetxervatit South tor th seat reaix that b hat a plae ia tb heart ef tb auasenraiiv North. H ba been known aa a pnblx ataa thitmgb annatrvatlr Baediaaw.hi bletory show a bend- tog to serlHX bwl B OXliaual worship mi tb wboto eoantry.bis political artl- ba never ba iadedaito but' alway praettral, bi political toatat baea rvev beea t snch bntxirabl msae Bta as rain St tb esu parity aad tax darabtt- ity af Ib nalioa. Wub a platform or wilhowt a platform, n section of lb repablx would (ear Mr. Fillssare't admin Mttra ion, Aar asvrry aecti-x baa abrd ki Mtoredtxit aad kaow tlul b uald deal equal and tx-x JuMiot ia taxetiia Ikmal balaa. Aad trb a character asnang patriolie tontsrvailt kx axa. aawxwf ttoa Bat lb ftiflllv .iat law with perfect b rad, saj Kiara f a boot lot tb iatitatioa w tb mnr Utaa basal and intorswed bie ba broegbt t'.MWI lb (irramMasx. ef tbi new party' aoav I anca, by allowsag tba ' ty4r Buauui' to laks Inalxg a Ha4r ef an al MX aid parti to Its " " naadllat f tba Preai Jewry. Tba Soalhasw (bale gav Mr. Fillmsra a bvg hr af lb .4a U Cuavwetitoa, bat tb sonndawo that hi nam would rials llx support t4 buaJrs.1 mt Itoxaaad naiaid nf party, waa abto-atitM4 that gift. Tb 'PbaraWand lax 'Btoax) rksagwrs p. T. narnnsa wbus tbaraeter fur ksxxaty hba portray ed by kiaMelfiabia "Anaxs. g b j" wa ander tawtaatteai to Kw Yk tb otlxr day, a bra ax qunttiut Implilag a 4-xMabetlxr tx bad bantslly g lea all bx pn pasty was pnnxadsd ( to nknb ihtbavk rap bbfjse lad F !j it U4 1 -I !.h ya to asdstd thai lb sndid ef ateealiiy lisWbssit rf btfx ttxa toot tx4 to tb musnpl.su af w U street.' ery rtanrbasen'ar to tlx 'totPi" Bed iba Wra." i Th Organ of nrnatora Hunter. Mason, Butlen and Pougiaa. on Pierre. ' Tlx Washington Sentineraayt: Franklin Pierce lit" been weighed" in the bal ance and found wanting wanting in etery ele ment of the statesman or Ihe political sage. Stripped of hie hypocritical profcaaions nf disin terestedness and love for the people, he stand l for us one of the veriest drnttgngtie of the sue. talking of nothing, writing of nothing, thinkint of nothing, but Ihe advancement of his own private affairs. Black Reaablsraalaa. Tlx Biailoa Time winds ap a powerful srtirl Bnoa Biack Republiaaniam," with th follow ing Hatewxnl that Bobady nan gain gaimxy. W eail it to th panic lar stlenthx of tb tow Wbigt aba art hesitating about supporting Mr, Fillmor i " Riul Jiraniata got hi f famnpraey, and i ad will tx il bel ally. It prefer Mr. Fierce er Mr. Bucbaaea to Mr Fillmor, jttat a it did Mr. Puik to Mr. Oa. Il la I rue thai it keep ap a great bias af warfai aguaet tb Democratic party, bat thai it all a sham. Il x don to build Hsif up and gal psasraaiix af local (faille. It pretend to rav jreal regard tor Kanaa and fie. l"a but a) lakes tery nreetnex ear that klaasa atwil rsmaia wbar il Vs. a pndMbl beyrar lakaaare Ibat there cbildrea shall remaia raet. and anra, aad districted, a thetr eaintai ia iradn. to matt sympathy. Take lex sor aad sickly iufaat that at beatavi daily till it bleeds, f. u lb at ass of t. asetidieanl Btolber, aad r. tor it il baaltb and atnanlirxaa, and yua will Ink away tb wb.. trk nf trad of tb br gieg eagabunda. tot lake away Kaaaaa from kl"ibti tana and make il fre, aad it tooelwa lib r. .No, a i ibat would Wixa wai aU rbdr. R an.' and lUader, ' Pre (hat, enta a bwfor lb ll-xa of Kep- tauves lb nnarti-w wa aanasMlevw al Mr, Thuringtoa. nf l"a, has been laddealy ailed away front ka saail In I he lUa ,4 Kp- lalliea, arl will pMUtut IX aiawni a e. fwetke llbatie uwilh Mr, ttile r. ml L-au-iao. W regit lb dubX Miii. wbtrb iwMuirea tbi ll-rtX. tba Toe day l-t Mr. Tbiin(t rwrwvwd two aVapateb- aa, each im ixlnful inteli gewX ib regard to aaaealxea bi fsmiK 1 S Bit, foan bis brother, J-.b II. 1 bing-a, waied Ibat bw aerdMW. r II. Brafler was la lb tost at. a af e-Matapikitt. at.d euvld lit bat a tow 4a HtsM4M frxsn bx brother ia lea. J. M. Parker, ml tl baeku g ka) of ! k. Srgtil A Patter. . Hk l.tot 4. at4 ataied tbal r.J.a II. 1a.'ik(iax tlettd to above) tow! aa Ibat 4f baea la'ltl 4 wa to . bwkihi b-xaa (i- tha b aa rlttk)sft4 k4 wt-lil be B aa it4t. i I.l, St. J Ikst th b-x ll-lf bad t. l.ltl , f ibret) ib-Mt4 4-!! JMr. lborlr-i-k nrti In ibi ra M) ri.d ,y Bkw ii f Rotkl.land, tax etaf tb s.toiM, Can my of tlx living,or could any nf ihedeail. if they nnr rwttored to life, testify in favor of out bold, unmistakeable blow on the lid uf Ih constitution and tb rights of man? ' a Hi turned out of offic every politician in rb Sutof Nw Turk wbo wa not favorable to tlx interests of Martin Van Buren and bit abolition ' eon lad rates. IU established a pre ia Washington city .and directed ry man depending apoa bim for bread and moat, lo dvt bi liur kxr to ixtravagant eubigiea of hi adminiatrathm, Uteoanundsd his areata tbrutigboal the eountiy lo attend alt tba' primary convention, and e to it that delegate aboold lx hose fa vor aW to bi rexoxinatioa. II I sued cxny pmrlamation of hi intea tioa to regard tlx equality nf lb Stale and th urn promises of tb institution; arnhls, be a Tared mob law to rua riot ia tlx Territory uf Kanaa for many a month, and dated aid for friends expected it, and I boix you will at 'an early day redeem that character for promptness I lor which you havt received so much credit tnim a set of friends so confident of yoqr b ring per formed your duty, that their prudence was overcome hv ioyout feelings, which prompted th tongue touuer shouts ot tlisnk uelore they were entirely out of th woods. My wish has not been granted. Your friends have Ixen disappointed, and a second tim du 1 etpiesa mv dosire.and with Hun my ileteruiimitiun to lie releoseil from the office f postmaster at this place, and so to remain so bing as any on wbo ow js allegiance to foreign power has control over any branch of the government of tlx U. States. Tu the best of my knowledge audibility I faithfully discharge my duty. Ami now fwiah to call your attention to soiusiliing which 1 do not consider a duty as postm ster. hut a ple-.isant duty . tu an honest citizen of a thristiun country. In yuur blind seal lo remove all Know Nothings and appoint "gooil'lrttiiocratv you have succeed ed in filling many of the offices with either ieiiornmuees or graud villains. 1 uxan there is a man of one stripe in one office, tnd one of th oilier in another. ery often have 1 seen puck ages sir impel fee ly directed as tu In obliged to the' letter in order to tell it destination. -Bills so filled that a correct poeting of tlx nun is quit an accident if ever effected. These faubt are to lx pitied ratbei than abused ; but robbing of the mail- is a matter that should j-ec.it the diaappr b-ttiiin ufall honest men, and a rigid invemiuiitioii fmiu the department. 1 have neie known so much enuip,eint of lionredatioiit umiu the mail as prevails in the land at preaeut, and. so fur as 1 bate ever Ixard, the pruirer authori ties have made nu aixuiiit to Itrmg the guilty ones tu ju-tn-e. I hue Ixird ot m iny robberies upon Ihe mails in plio-es distant Ir m hero, but now It is next tu iuinsible for a vnlu idle letter o resell its ilenttnattnu, when sent from here In Ha-eiitli, N. C T ere hate been Iwoaviii to l hat place from Ixru. and the reception of one, 1 know aud bo: h, I think, haie lieeii denied over tlx sii:uaiui'es of till nn iwr pci skus. Had I n-nither motii in desiring t reiea-r fimu the olbce, 1 w old not willingly bean agent ol a power which suffer such ouuniiers to go uniiuutstxi, even u icioiseil. lhee a ewitti me suthcienl reasou 1 1 u-'ilV nur den initiation. The present quarter will end on lli31stin--iuiiI, uik i ih, u 1 expect todiat-hurge my duty, and nu more after that date do I intend tu receive any mails. 1 pre-ume Una will be timely not. or of hit iiita.tlion, and you can act aa you cbouae about Ihe appointment ul eonx fiertou biact a poatmiuiier atter the itlS'Ve aieniMiiieu date. te -Vrry-rewiieu,luUvT uoia. Ac. JOHN F. .Ml KlULL. . jloTtvio hSSu, Eq., r irsl Assiatani I'osimaster nenerai, WaauingtoB uiiy, D. C. A C.vod Practical dofca. An English paper tells a ttory of a scientific lecturer, whiwe mpular d c ,ures on medicin and tlx various science therewiili eoourcted. bail given uffenc to tlx mote "urthodox" mem hers of tlx profession. A eoopl of embryo M. D.'s resulted npon testing bie medical akill. They accordingly called upon bim, and, on of tkem. a fix healthy young man, with a ruguish eye. eomplained uf eeruin pains in tlx chest. ough, night sweats, te. Tlx Doctor beard thi tale, a-ked a BUiuir of questions, and, af i a totig dianoaia, declared him ti lx ia deep eoa- tumption. Thi wst juet"Tet wat wanted, and tb young gents could hardly control tbeir mirth whit Dr. Mill went bi pmecripttow, sealvd li ap in an euvekipa, and diractad it to on of oar list e'.rmi-ta, pocketed hi toej aad bowed tbeat out of tlx room. Tu th ohexist'i tlxy rashed to njoy tb pent ap Uugb aad handing bim lb not be rand: "Thi young man it Buffering front etreuw Arrata ia IB regloa marked lf- astaem" by phranologiato. Pray, thrfor, girt him amnion sense, ii grains;wit,l drachm ihorar whip ad fioWasi J. M." W hardly eixet lb Dqetur will get aaottxr prufnt tonal patient bora. 3.1 TILT0N k McFAIRLAND, 33 Maiden Lana, Haw Tork. ASiFA0Tl'Rfe r f HE WORLD RS nowned Salamander Safe Bank Tsulta Baltimore Depot, 145 Pratt , . , Bostoa Deput, 14 Howard street.' ' v . 127 Ir F 0 R T IIE 1 , 00 0, 00 0. THE U. PATKMT MARBI.B CO . (Ca;ttol $103,000.) Mo. Sort Broadway, cor, alker Bt New York. Are prepared to execute all enlert for Msatles Table Tope, Cidimnt, I'edestiala. l'ilaatera. Slab, So., In imitation of Siena, Urooatel, Pjranees, Neapolitan, and all fancy Marblri; equal ia trength, beauty, and durability to real marblt and in una rrsneeta aunerior tharalA anil -1 u lian naif the coat, bnlike marbs ited iron. wood er late. It ia wholly free from all ohjeotinne which are urged against mere surfaee wurk, share aint, se pal vanttsh. Be. form the temporary potion and beauty i f the article: MantrlsTrom 8 to $40. Or ders from Hulldcrt, Cabin Makers and other ao licited, and aatiifaotina gnaraateed. Agent for tb principal eltiee treated with. Josera LSna, Bee. Pi-.-rra Bivsts, Pre. Ixitil 0. Micklii, T. Pre. Raleigh October 1854. 12V ly. KEW YORK MILLINERY. HRS.8iSHBKWholci.le nd Irlull lillentrf ind Mfivf buoui WarrDoaiw, 161 Irsadtir xe v roiik'. MRS. 8. Is sow la Earup tor ths insHtpirsm af Klectiae; arliu a fur tb roriaa Trad, wkirk will arrlraand hartaily for is-irrtiea a r aloai UiO tirat of Mareb. foiiilii-rn and Wealarn Man-heato aad Millinrra are reaiati Ifiiily lurilrd t call and raaraia Ih aara toforr pareliatiux alar a li era. Pallara Baa srUalwaja a kaml. ana atat by t irrsss I say aV drtu. Feb. I I a im irakl)i-flty Mnm Eijlni f arki. D. BTJEDOS Co. wtyr.a stixit, emsixi.yt, xtw roix, , Jfiinrjbv-liirert of tUeum Eugintt milk suraWr Ihlcnt cut off ami Iluiltrt. rpilR tubnoi inert not ualy SMi-rt toe supertarllj S. X ib euaalnKtiu f tkeir Eauinar, bat will trf 4ina to IrauainitiMis-lriirU more pvwer wllb Iht taw ai faea nf bwlltr.aa BI per eeal l,a araaanr ef ataaal ikaa aay euW Kaniae stsaafaclurr ia tbe Caua4 b'talea, inaiaiaiuiat aa raalap4, ailboat ragarta MtaouAt powar ppllt4 I llx tsiaa. Alt Ir at ibrir hmg liriers a4 liiBtBas farlH liaa. tbi ) a kaoal jdl n aoBpalitura la Ik waaatar tarn of Su,r Mill; ,ti anvf Gritt Sfdlt. fteant Was, Mining ;v;m d iiturmy Jr Mih. bhujt ing ami 1'ullirt, It any mml Ltykt t art-. . ingM,and Mill Jforiarrg of ever f , t iA-srript'sun. timilhrr Plaatrra' stlratiaa ta aaitleaun-lT dlrwtoe' Mtaraw aad insrt-e4 raasr still. Tka atatuuellyat" euatlruelitx, estraorilluary l-iwev a4 treat aaraktlity rtailtr, it aoetueit to p. rote to aa; bow ta it, Orucrt by mail, ot tarwia, atioaa I wtta praaiit aas a4 aitpstrk. r ii'snos, i p. r. rutvv.t B cu. . restus, f . whilii l Fti. fl 8 im. The Wonder of the Age. ho pat! . " Ir Dr. Tobias elhrat4 Voaallaa Liaiasrst aW iM rax Ckulara, llyaealery, ra, Calie, tauks, UraeepM, Voatil ng, Maaaaa, ToaUtaak. Uasdaaks kne4 Ummam. t:m4 Feat. Miwiaii Biles. Uaael 8llB(, t'kri Raraaullaat, Bwtili. Ot it( I'aia, Itoraa, knitnaat raaae Of woeiaaasto Bw Lisjka, towk tan t bee. , , KO ll'ljl 0 T R f I T a Dr. Tok aa ka warraatad kit tlaiaarwl rto aifM joara wilbMt tr bavlaf a tianl at4a tor tot nv isrn ortkosaaaor il utattaaakod stls ate aasiet tag t tka stroatioaa. SO OM B ILL IV IR BI WITROCT IT ABor one aais n. Iry X 14 totlsrtttl aayutisg ye bare ever IrW tofor. ET VOIR MOMT ttTt'RaKD. r Tkaaaaal of rni8tata lata tooei raaeistd tax tl ar virtaaa. Row a 4aye at hi tot araetia U III to palm with ftxte Worn mt keowa poraoaa, or civo by tboa who bar aeret ansl ledtcia w lr. Tok, sars to ty 1,000 t 0 L L 4 R 8 to SB ea ake will proto Xat be ever patina ootuaoat Sanaa laaUaaa a kas k4 bis sta taunt kr IX as Pakix. Jail o to afontt 4 t raa-rSM twassna lea, Aa aoroMta ewvtow m - rrtad la feaana. A (oinl rwolutloa wat adopted by lb Legit- foar uf injuring hi Broapacta tor Ih I'rasideoey, .tHr id" New Jersey al ito last seasnx to preienl tisrt the power which ba dmittod wa lodged fraud and imposition ia tha Mil irf adulxraied ia bis band. laaUtut ot Kaasaa,aeaording tobiaoai to ibevaotiiuisx and tow cording to Ib right wbleB neadwtteux f mi xa, im ba appmaied by th girveeament, atltal gj TAia. ef rb t Ity af Wr Tk. WU mmA ba all4 uma Coneiatt ta? authority todo A. m . ..r a 1 ..-a J .A I ai aw a - tw 1 - - a tooiwsS that which nol-siy d, abtod U Ixd tb. rigb to .T.rwal proper.!., and rata of e-b bx tottl I " ZJZITTZ?! do, Hiaanly object wa to tonka a pompou :Di Ba analyx ant tliat may hav been add. era la.txM tr,.aiuy at4 x rte toeoevia asw a....t.. l.r.M ll.a M.untr aaj ttiiii laamiu. i .1 i . .1 . . r.i I oinvtl oaefc kai-ll. miiij , - t making it mieimBuoT at atn pn-mga aaixiaa if quelling dianrder la and Impur guano, instruelihg uur rxnatur. and aol f tne VowtM laawoat kv state It m saje atkofoSca-aaxording Rrmwwtiwaia Coagra-s. to ask fi tb. sp- I-k latou-sa ws of ih lead, tad Be-; poiniwenl 4 Inarxrlor wbo ar practical cheat- OAIU t a. I l j i . . . .... ' bixoolf. II. thulitionitwi, by bi. traatateal ef Katiotial i Democraia, half a dwtea Northeva Rtate of tba I'shx. IU ltgrphd to New Txk eity to ptvveal Aassriaaa eltisen. leaving oar shores to erlU ia Central A at otic. II and I with gaan. ladaotryafMi Aannrding bi the Worn tor Spy, lb arfragnt prntla.-tir mdu-tyuf Mas-aehaaatla baaWrasx ed frtx x baailrod and artoea millnx la IS, to tor bandied mil la is.1. miking I B growth of IW I par canL ia the pr -4 unite eealib I .4 tlx Mat la ton year. In tlx a, t TOR!- worn It ib la 4y tout . rarseeta Wool. stjw. Prlo 21 AMoowto, .Mkytkara(rtaS 04 Me4,- Walora Haronaa am I m4 -a r-AIlW eal lt. y-W Ha ttal IWttlas at 4 mts, arraM4 ef" x 7 'pa Tatou'sJl-a.0aru44. SawTarb- . fokensrito. Its 1 AgmU Wad Led to Sell UHUVT TUS tMTkP AT' Wtlk ttaooattaally ltalotaw a' I bk. Atb met General lathed learnedly ,h ' ',fc V1" THKnl , t., latall ata Bail hiw 1 tw ealiota. fruoa tour tu I .j-..:.i. r...t.-J ,.l ;ti ..... t .l. . ' . rnuv.i t'"-'. - - ' BtX sn wiwMhi. Irusa tixhl ni iwtit , in irncat. I ' anartlaV aa..lbar aoaair" In eaia B aroat advajit in tmtm waa bttadred aad bietc Re lb.4taand laa 1 RIOtT tUTVL ARB RAXIARXA Cb" Ib. a.l atilasnt of tlx asasH laptartonl point- mliloxand ah alf ; to shtxa. f nn fixriewa milW . , . to tinny idit to tnn ewfisxa. fnsa Iwa bun- Ml quaattua uf IM eg. itoanaand to threw milium. and aqaaner. ia " eopixe an4 bromnjfactarw. from nrx totlire WaadoMBol know Jtnt lb atiUw-xinw tollsasx t in fl-. f.n ibnx-fxnlxof a mlin ,. m im V ii to tw.i aad ikreo-towrUl millsx; w el, eat tea la. tbsaads ofixrowa party la Jw llsmpabir - , . ,, . . , . n friow thrwa hundred ttoxswnd to tt BiiIIiub uex to boat a pwiiariy at mm, in irui cattx mM4rmi tad iwentyxr tsxataand dollars. oflkil iwpaotod saaurr . XXIHrklSI.MI a.H aad oatUn IB part ot ia oowauf at aaaaMtf naa $500 to $3000 ft 7tv 4sy uaraoaaalat aaB Saab. i WoaaX -isao WIX Sal ywry aU owtioy aad a ftX. Ctalew. t4 tottr 0waMalX Fa'd "ItoW 4! I r-x lik lb tkntrni af R. Paul f Argaaxal la r"B at bt.lrtassay, wlol rxx nf kx landlady wax d,4wHnga A to-.bet 4 sttr 4stbnra lb re of wbtwa wtraifX alaxt Hi "Id aaintt aal a-Mtla. ri-l ia this t- w, bat, awlhxtively. ararxito "ob. b a goi4. eletar stauL I k,w, R,r b ed rh ' of llyaasa mm toee Utaa owaoa sax wtv aa4 kr,w, tliat . aua as hl lo iihm I Tx ss -tlx ba bad r baabaaala, an not l-lirw aa, aa4 aa as, nwya- foe aj-txet "x al be aVagblen Pur. ad lbfber,ibrw srb, I alway thought 1 tbonld bk bias Bat B ,trlltX 4f HtrmH. boardrV " Siat, 4a, will o-al baa ioal m- " al Ilium, All laaooiaa aaaa4 kt " ttrawa u.mm atX IW' iU.ao A.awta 4 radian elm. I Ik t-aa. ' . rta-H-r "' ri r. f'm raa,ir Maes a4 llloatnxp Beoot. boSB a taw atra-l. w tort. t.k K ttx. (VOAP toWaeTrr TtaftXatx, Pa . ,,ka aaax I ataa mwmm uakl,kl bl'

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