NORTH CAROLINA STAR-WEDNESDAY 31 ORN ING , V III h 2, 1 8 5 G IcUb-CaroIina tnrf "EALEIQH. N. C. ''Wednesday M Tiling-, Apia, t 1856. The Trwtk trail TIm kAitHn end innocent; f ths Loevfo- ao pat, id repreeeattng that Mr. I illmor ba nu ctrogth ' 'ba Sorth, nil therefore standi but little chant uf www, m ttrikingty i posed is the (Allowing truthful remarks of the Dairy Newi, a Democratic psper published in the city of New Turk. We especially ooaiaieod it to those journals in lie &wth tbut her labored to areata lb impression that they really believed what tbey themselves ao 101001; affirmed, fb New ;: . .,. We denrecata the constant piTit-erT which torn a Mir Uemocraiie eotemporane keep up Ait J the her a. of which w given b; the Wash ington Cuius and other tetvlinr Pierce paiiers . , fa etectioa it "ore to result in t Uemnemtie PerkKUcsIs ee.lve. , l triuui.h. od th it i therefore .rf little imu..r. Ilm't Monthly tor April, it on oar table UlM?e our eajuii.latee ma; be. We hope the end nresent aa usual in interestina and read a- Democratic " are web coward that hi. ..1,1. .J IUUW be Pii A Ed- "" " ba by bracing, and HAtlOnAl AJtEEICAJ IICOT. II rtaeiMMt, MILLARD FILLMORE, or acw Toat ro TrSa-riteiDiKT, ANDREW JACKSON DOXELSON, , or imiwiL . ward, NeetXork. Owr iBiee. 4 nasal ttrngh. From aa article ia the Uos,. a Couner, apoa the r'eoeol war ticitrmeot, w extract the follow-tog: England woold bare on ebaoee of winning arte glare irom a contest with aa, withont her people were tboTouirtil am ted and aeokitw tor tb war this the; are not, nor are the; likely tobe. oiwum tue;, n. never, forget tuetr own pursuits ol IreexV'fa, aad Jota vtetr oppressor la soest! Aaeertcaa Meeting la Chatham. At a rat. Seat oia and Cunoty meeting of tbe Auiericia pvt; uf tit emoty of Chatham beld at the Court II.aa ia PittsWough oa Frnlaj tbe 21.t da; of March, UM. On motion Tbooia Bell, Eq, waa called to the Chair, Jam O. Stockard rice president and W, P, Tavlor secretary. On motion a committee of three wu appointed "g ;mpatb'ieea with the nuw of labor and libert; mttable leeohitione lor the action of the the iruRle would tie, mileed, one wrthtr ut.. aweting. The ohair appointor .-tcaronn. a heroic tipy-m eooteet f the dora aioanf tb ; gj n. Weddelland 8. McLenahaneaidoomniittee, i belieta et do not need, like camp killowere. tu be aaaured of th ehanc ufapniU hefota fut , k. Chaa. DickeiuMalenon lowing their leader, in a rampamiv fin cm- Ti v .l,i. tinuoue btiitig effecMHer; little. Kvery aatie tor table. Thie eala.bla Month!; preeent an , .bwttb Krttnkfin P.ercern.Ma.,,. anaeal, and attractiee lut or antclar for April lwj ,v Cincinnati, a certain overthrow would Pnblitbed by Pii A Edwaide, Now Turk. await our part; ; an overthrow more humiliating TU6ckFdl-A Marina for Bo,a and " pw;j t,1?, , ,A" ... , " , , l)em uiku we all who are aotwilluily blma girls, U oo our tnble, and hould be In tbe hand ttat wa wil need a tr.iiig, popular, eafe man; of ever bo; and girl. Ita page are unmuall; a man in whom th ma of the people ean attraetira for April. PublUhed b; Dii A Ed- o.floe and truw, and who ma; be tra,ted a. v 1. , certain to redeeui thrroi anal.llieeo Pierce waa,Aew Xork. mwerable "poller" of ezottiug faetii n and re warding treaiHiri. In our own otiiiicti, uiorejyer. The weikneea of tueUoil't ineular p a- loa would be apparent in aae artw year; wlteo the DHequalled euppliea ofuaiber and aaral taiw, in. a end cietiot Ameriea, would be eihued in toe eitiBoed productkMi of Beeta eurpwuug the capacity id all the world. "To-day there ar ship carpenter and Joiner noogii in to failed 8tale to build two uuudred war wanori of the iaa f tbe Merriinae, aaeh year, without diverting a man front an; other branch uf trade, and machiuinta enough to 6t tbeta with tiiginea, and ailor( enouah to man u.eot. Hmo the duy of Truuipaiid Kojter, Koglaud hit ntrer had a really naral power to eon fimmt. TRICES CUnitEXT. SI a. Eitc i I bat recently read aereral ar- i -ticleeeatbe nMe. nf remodeling w. lUokj PetersKry, Ma" S. Whit-Tlie ae charter hereafter, alPof a hich 1 heartily ap-1 f""'" Vr t'-oior Emeu b.ii.g wore laral.h . for breadptufl, our market ta more, and P""- '. . b-r ale. at j-l (t(i 1 72 fc,r prime, on I regret exceedingl; that you did not think , anle of a larr bit on pmate terme auioel o proper lo lay tbe f re anmber th.l recently ar I H " tuimoo to good aple bring f 1 50 peered ia tbe ItcgJ.ter, on tbi. .olject. Uftae I ty,,!,u t, ao jour reader. Tlie; ar wrll written and apeak ,,,,, Ulit quuuuna. . quole prime lit tn ili. i,.mt .ml ,m a rv imtMsriaitt mtbiect. at O.e. .Theae article with eon,. Mber which I bar J o-The reel,t ctinue ligUt and , f; C1 Knt.w rF.i iw, wi'.mv-: X .l lni a, crow b ot l i l read in the Lexington Finjt. eoneinea ot bo after retiring a few minuie reporte.1 through rturr oonurm my old eoorictiona, mm ur prrr- their Chairman, Cob A.-J. Stedman, the Toll, wr ent ttana ng lytcm w impoinie not epprwuie ing, to wit, which were adopteds I and dai.geroua. ii- - c... r . ).. i..m. I Let our LcuUlator hereafter reou're of ere'T ii ii,. kj-, viu,i iitii'm " " . ' . . i nartT i to lie beld in Urrenaboro on the lOii ! Bank that may be chartered, in addition lo tb "l,n,rJ , dny o( At"1' tia the purpoK ot ntiiiiinBting1 a,m ,pecie capital ai-.d Intdead of the preent uudred American candid it for Uurereor of N. rth . ....... ,,.. d,.ul,u ,. Carolina. And whereaa; the Americana of tb'u Corigrea iooal IKatrict are called up to n ninnte a Preaidential Efrwir fof lliia bintrict, (which w remunmend to lie done be the delegate from thi igiatid nM ntrer nan a reati; naai power 10 , - - . - - . ..:, u.end -itlu ba. de-ln.J! deeta, bu. tli uiatnttia thoStaM tonr.n m a nfttiom who uvned ibeia liav Hut hrtn .i i. ... ' wmhlt2, 11 Ir ion Ml U ine niruariiiitK vwiw mmm w , . ....n va vwn " w . .. a v . a ( replace toem aguio. W d.. not -pea ofaru. ee, f P'f - " . r. .. . - ' vitli tha MheriHl.i A uriio inlea of our oulv .1 MMouuary lia- i i r r , ' Th Amei lean Ticket In (Ihte. . , Vbat trangr proof ia wanted (aa; tha Pr terebnrg Intelligencer) of tb aterliog aoutidneeit of tb American Presidential ticket than lb ac tion of tb Know Nothing Council at tb capital of that Abolition State, Ohio. Tb man abo (igned lb Com prom ia Bill, tb Fugitive Slat Law, and all, I not lb maa for tb kidnappers oft property of Virginia and Kentucky; and jot we find Jyiothern Editora aerarting a a ant of Confidence in Mr, Fillmore, aiid aiteuipting tb w mil need. In order to sure the election, a man who ean eecur tlie electoral tc id New York and l'voiu'vlvaiiia, P getber with "lho ot wt of lb Sjuiliern Stutea. Willi uch a man nil will be riitbl and anfe ; wnh the choice ol New York cau ear.-; New JfiH-k j hut if we ar to bake a mei e follower and emulator .1 the "nrKiib- indict" uie weaa and untruaied uan- d ilate aome to.. I if intrigo tautened upon a then w m iy lulxr a we will, and boa t aa e m iy, but toe eoniot ill l.e a jipcrHiv one, and tniaue will i d'ui, boeer e limy ue ixc to m enl upprehenai n, i en ti inn 'iioi i ea. . old game ol running kirn down in the Sooth at a Let er fioot a -o . an iiti-liry man, while the; know lull well Thoniaa II. Cla;, r.-v that in tin Abolition aectiun of the country I. the AmericaoN.'.tioirhi of taenr) Ciay. rS-. wat to n, but t.ldri'Md wilt t oppoeed becatrse of tbe-tno oonattttrtirmal -aittemithe Coonc.te-sr t.tjtb b t-Vatfrt position be occupies on the larery iseua. H..w tonal District ot Kcu:uck). g .. a turiu an ao long will the American people permit tl.emneire fa pruceediiin; m me t;....vf n.i .n. As o be duped by such tricks and perfidious our lers are already acUn.ied with all that couraea? ; tmiiKpiied iu tbe Coiiveiition, e utnil-fhe gteitter What Romania. ha.'l.T.nd w1.7og.(. 9 r..Cx's ..'!', c nl the cloaing The number of penum-'aut to death for eon- I!!! ,B n''1 -!'" aaioiiuatea. eino, ke, by the Cbnrcb of Rome, ha been ; "! "I"' hi "P""" as to the coiira his Utimated, on apparently lair data, at upwards ol , tilortrioua father would uisue in the present 50.000,0001 How Inpigitlflcantly do the eruel-ifiaia.ifb WHHB..W ti ng: tsofall other relisWitt appear in comparU-li I Mr- Fillmore's lest eulogy iMo he bund inOie . ... . . a i .. auueeaiiful and proanemua adtuiiiiatraiion ol the to this whole..!, slaughter, eiiending orer sou. Ufuml UoverninnnUn lbs two and a half ;.ant twelve bmidrei ;ears, or more. Then 'tha im,i,ediatel; succeeiling the denth of tieneral m de reaorted to by the Komi ah priests bar al. way bean the most infernal that their diabolical ingenuity could auggeat. Torture with them baa risen hi tlie dignity ot an art, or rather a :ience. The knowledge of tlie human frame, which it was intended man should make tb means of extending the moral and physical well being of bit fellowmen has been used by Rome t render torture more exquinitely fearful, and to prevent even death from coming early to the re lief of tb sutTerer from her abominable tyranny. No bod; nf men, not inspiied b; the Deeil, could xer bare invented tbe Inquisition, or furuiMied iti armorr. Rrltlah. Knowledge of the United Mate Affairs. As an instance uf ibeaccuiac; ofthegrnrtai intelligence uf tb London press on United Slate affairs, saja lb B t Courier, it may be stated that tlie Kmdon Morning Chronicle, in its rtimmary of lb doings of ibe tnited rtatea Senate, afior alloding to tb Sctirtur; of tl e Treasury's reiort and Scnanr Hale's speech, attacking the I'modent, pneeda tossy tliai", a th 4th iust. a bill wa presented lo amend t a general banking law as far as relate to bond end mortgages as a basis fur banking. It is tb aani ts tb bill inlria need butt yr:tr, providing tor a margin uf 30 per cent, on mortgagee deposi ted by banks." The little Iruh neasbo-s la lb treet could bar tarTglit Uim reectable editor that lb alaie precioun ajxirsel of "doublf leaded news" u.ok place in that "l'pr Senai" of . 'ew York, Die earn locality which a let Lord Mayor of London assigned tW Mi. Webstar, ia bis Intruducliua of that genileoua to a city ban-P- '- - T" refusal of tint abulitinnist Americana of Ohio, says the Lynchburg Virginian, to support live nomination of Millard Fillmore is but another prm.f of bis euaaereaiwai. RlaaA Itepabltcanism, with what nee party tnterfused,raanol stand tb Itburiel touch of hi aaata. Kerr; where it ia bwgliing off and Waving National AmertcMii-m pare, sound aad ei4ititut.wial pan;, lb pro aes will go w until flier I an when a lainl of the touch, or mll of lb oda of abolition lass, oa Us garment. Tbe btmaat ntea of lb euuatry may thee eoeae toawth, regardless of party, isi support of a ataa wans gaols is tint cooaltlobim. and wbwe country i tb whole t"ni. a. M si all , ot parnit oureelvea lo Aaibt thai there ar maa enough f thai sort yet la aai tl. Republic t. as tha trwrlmv srbeeaat f the nradHkwt Ik ane V'Bl, at rM aewMiralising pra-4Mi of ap lls-baating I eujorrac; na lb ether. Taylor. That administration had m; lathers unqualified spim.val. I have frequent!; been asked what, In my opinion, would hav been my father's course in regard to tb American fiarty, bad he lived f 1 anower, unhesiMtingly, be wa national an i con . servative, and I hnve no more doubt but Dial be would ha s stood on this plutform, than I list o mv w . ce. Une word as to our candidate tor the Vice Preridcoty ; I ha known bint fr more tbnn tbiriy jcura, end 1 Lei. eve him to be an honorable, nntimiH! Kentlrniaii. It was our wish, in obedience to instructions, to have postponed the nominations until June; but the majority of tlie Convention wer avarse In such post poneinenl. Brothers .if tbe American part; 1 Is there a man among Ton, bo is not sittmtied with il.e nominations ol Filliuiw aud llonelsonl Tbe national and eniiservaliie men throngboot the L'nion will l with ua. Ue have now standard-, bearers worthy of our causa. Our banner fl -am hi nil and proudly to the bieete, and by the aid of the Hod ol our fathers, we must and will suc ceed for in inch a wr i lies would oa ot Mtooudare nurtanoe. Toe .iv.ih ui valor of our neoide I " Pay neeila no eocuunuui. and tbe annerlyr to btiiry 1 And wheroa. educauou of our othoers ov' the Bi il.sii u too .uotori us tu retiiira eouimeiit. s A Perfect Muuster. The Auburn (Xe York) Advocate of the 10th inmanl ;! "We hav inw.ur rntds' a pMdig; of wivled uea. In coin o; with Iter. B. IT Ives, of th a ci'j, w Intel; paid a visit ton. cell ul one .f tue moat hanleoed vidians alij recklcwi uiurder r me w .rid ever knew. . "douit Fitaeiald was an ewied faun full, and In ougiit hei e on etiarge of murder. He had lll- e-i oi- liitoet, aud uioinei, and x bnitner. uoh. -t oiu .tor u. e aiiuitis id' crime cm Inirdi; piirubel. lie l i tins in cold i looo; ai.d w tboui any .ec.ial priiimtalni,, lj cHiue to tiie.Jied where his pa isnut sleptL and killed them bulb -with an. axe ; a ter arinui; he wan to a bed woer Ins youngest liroiner was bleeping, and killed bun. . tit bis aotuni guili toe e biu uui been nl any time the lihle l. d. uhu llii'UU lie Juu. juit Juuu eased Lbe Crime. At tlio lant tertu ot toe Mtpreui court he was liiund guilty and i-enteuicd to be hung the Mtit ol line nr nth. There is not .a panicle. ol d uht h will be executed, unless he happens to m.uo way with hiuicll helore the time arrives When he Drat came to the jail hmauile-ted'ui sigiia ol reuianve. but it soon wore off, and he is, uow, by uiany dcgieex, the ntdiit hardened culprit we ever saw. Uuring the tlmewe wer pre.-ent in his cell he repeatedly expreened a wish to kt. I bin remaining brother ; ha said he would w limply tie hung if he could only' kill bis broth er and a lew others mho had testified aguiuHl bun. He is a murderer throughout soul and, and with a heart steejied in inuider be will piobahiy be u-heied into the presence ul (iud. further, we th American of Cha'hain CouolT deem it In b an inaltenabl .rivilere hamlsil d wn t . n- from our revolution afv aoeai I to a joy and x;rew onr amtiments ana opinions Urou tuMn.u ana ouue policy t Therefor. . ResoWed, That we, the Americans of Chatham CountT. d beanilv endorse mid raiity the action of live" PI. iladelphia Convention of the 22nd of February last in nominittiiif MII.LAKK FILL- MOKGiif New York, for Treiilent, and AN- liRRW JACKSON IWJNKI.SON'. of Tenueseeo, for Vice Prei"ident of tb I nited Stntee, Reanlieil, Tlmt we rea gnixe in Millanl Fill- nr re -the ata'eaman and th patrim aa an wervinr. eonerTativ and national man, on dev.ite-iiy stt.n hed to the conrtitutiun and the onion of tliee htates. and-itne bi, if elected lo the office of Chief Executive nf this nation will unlike the present tnenmbent, know no sec tion of th Federal l'nion, and will elevate no alHilith nifts, FrecMjilera, Soceseionista, Foreign- em and Catbulics to cUc "for re ard or tbe hop of rewnrtt. amount of their capital stock, or-tbat which, is the same thing, tb full amount, of their eirt u- lathitu In certificate of Rail Road (lock, with the comptroller of State, at a criterion for him to Usueall their note by at required by tbe fie Banking law. And my word for it, the people of th Stat will soon have a sound currency our Rail lb ad iq f, rt. and l,li lor medium sited stock be b'ouicbt up hi par. the Stat out of bids. T day, w not sale of bbU. do at delil and the pn pie relieved from high taxa tion, and lb industry of the country relieved by being encouraged and suitably rewarded, etci ally if the State retains a portion ul the Stuck In tb Banks. . ' EXTR.V. notice an iuereiv-aii aotivity in the market. VY qu .le logs at 4 loT; Leaf IT to U. t.oN bant ai at U eta. Utaau W a bear ot mote enuuirT for this ar ticle. Ih atocks an small and U ith the almost certain prospect ol a lurjhsr adtwnt-e by th Pe- ruvutn A xent. Ilohlei are nrnt and we anvaiic our quoistn.nt n $ .7 lo jS, . Si.T Market qnnil, with suinll sales of Mar rball biand al M Mi to 1 J h U. A. 1 40. ' brra. 1 IJtr. Last sales at 4'2 cts. ; Wilminartoo. .March 20. Tismjitins:. Sah-stoda, . tliObhls. at $a5 for yellow" dip. and J 1,1 J tor bard, per bbl, nf 3 0 II- Spt.. W e not decline in this article of half tent, with enle yeatenlay of 1411 canka at 34 et. per gal.; and to day ul 141 do. at mine pric. Ko-m- iiet ve-teribiy id 70 bbla. it lerinr No.l nt sl.5U t bid,; and of 3600 bbln, common in . I I CI l.R 1 -! 1 r - r -j k i Tl'RaKit. Bj4-i;r, Him lea, . C. AymjnK rt'tti0:i, f rnn ?"t large tint. -.a. Ti; :.", (ea.t nr rH, it; f,. .Sivs, Esri Mi-Voki, sr kstt tlm. Mohiak, ' ti-n. Bid ."put steil YalesUa, et i-ihrr r.!, r W.i':, IU-4 iiairi.w, .i.. rtr T' .i ?t Bruwn -perkld VatentiRv.;l-at l-.?j V ..,.t..-. i, Hrt'ojfi. ftr 'n.vaieDl t.' ' ! h.jn..i. o. I fra, ' s if V.. n j. tlu.w 1 ... I mulM-rtv noS, -t'snvrT-. kc.iin. 1.. r..j Kxirw I'.wiy" Ym-iotU. iLr,; h (1. Rvjal tal,r White KM .'-atiy U-i. si, Sef. 1 Earl YelbiW fix Wssks. fur'-d, or t, Ctsa B Ejs,sr k.r Pu, v;ui. Chins, 'ii, ... barseLiaa,orltaltrrnfn -rtr. CsrotiuaOcssrm baua. . jit. hoi fvvl,M fs!. Jencraon aa tb foreign "felemeuu" We publish, for tb edification of our readers, thfrisubjoined extracts frum Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, pages 117 and 118. Comment it un necessary ! , , "Civil government being th sole object of lornitng eocieties. its administration must tie 'conducted by common cotn-ent. Every Sieciesof Koternmetit has specific principles. Ours, per ils ps, are more peculiar than those of any other in the universe. "It is a composition of the freest principles of the English Constitution, with others derived In. in natural right and natural reason. Tu these nothing ean Ik more npimsed than lite maxims of monarchies. Yet, from such we are to expect the greatest number of emigrants. They will brines ith theui the principles uf tliCKovern- meuts they leave, imbibed in their early youth ; or.if able In throw them will be in exchange fir unbounded licentiousness, passing, as is usu al, front one extreme to another. It would be a miracle were they to stop precisely at tbe point of temperate liberty. "These principles, with their language, they will transmit to their children. In proirtl n lo their nuniliers titer will thar with us th legis lation. Tue; will' infuse into it their spirit, warp and bias its directions, and render it atetamg neou, incoherent, distracted mass. Ilunyup peul to experienc, during th present toutest, lor verification of thee conjectures." Aa Amerlran Wleemcr la th Hlack "es. Th stesm dp Gen. Knox, built at the p rt of P i Udelphia and launched ia July last, sailed too.iaf cr ardsfur.Mar llessnd Conetsntinopk. Uked up.n th nominees ss cov.servaiiv. sale . g,, experienced the great gal of tb 24th and II kh ftnl reeriecL I am. rmirt b'l serv't. tllOiS. II. CLAY. A l oiamon us View. The KJitor of tle Prlncehiwn (N.J.) Press, who is an old line Whig, thus speaks of tb nom ination 01 Fillmore and Dor,lsoo. "To turmoil of politics for tiro past has tb least of all tbinrs, 'disturbed aa. W were in Southern Kentucky, when w beard of the nommatioB ut rillnsor and 1 -oat-mi: and the grai ificaUoa evinced by the modem men of all parties tner. waa a auure ol joy to us. 1 bey men Bleu, win, wi'uiu aiBomiiinmnw n mkiii- i rt , . , , . . , ,, r, ,,..; in whos. hand. tb.est inteieat .tw j 2,'i.h of Octol-r, and thmigl. but a .mall craft, ruuntrt would I ttre.' They were looked utsm i bmg !; 2,0. t" sh rod out lb storm ali as tried avsn, ia whose integrity and ability there . aiirably, and her engines rfntmed their eervb wss no d.U. wili, gr0M .,tialacti..n. M.t it now engaged ia Tb ewiservativ portiows of th North, w ,,. . e , . , , , . . . feel ao.ia.lent. hav. th. mm. feeling in regard to I Bl"ck . h" i "W ' ih nomioatkin. Tbe; ill, of inir-i, n-. I satis-1 b; Kesnnie. Nestle A On, fr.m Penit McDon I; ly llins who dcire to W4ittttu in slavery agi- ! a i d bebastopoL Fsbruar; 8, wh aayt that -b ,al.on; but, nel.e.. lbs toier eecmjd th.a.gni j fc eiei,mnrnA ,orm, j, (- toHm, l those bo leli deeply th impMprwn; of lbe , re,! uf the Muwuri nnpromie, will Irsd , 'nl ebracter, but sh has escaped without th them to diseounissianc axiia.ion. Vi e i tliahet ilamag No lrl-class Knglib ot French hope to e Hi Bt'ideraie of all ( srtie. uniting upon .Mr tnim .re, who baa been tried,' and wu i nduiinirainia a as eonnently conserva tive and saltstactiy. Resolved, That we entertain the sain exulted views of A. J. lbineton as alsive exprcsed iif M Hard Fillmore, and do applaud h m forth bild, fearless, disinterested and independent po sition which he hat assumed upon the spotless and untarnished prinoiplet involved in the great American question, Resolved, That w do emphatically endorse the nlatform of principle adapted and promulg ted by ihe Into Piiiladelo' ''a Con'voiition at being fr nin e SoutVern tmnth piuif.rui heretofore isKurd by thn National ounoil. Re,o'veil, That w anxiously look forwanl to th elevation of Fillmore and Donrlson to th l'resi lencv and Vic Pre-ide ict nf thit l'nion aa th onl; meant of effecting a happy issue for thit country out ol it present contused state oi an. arch; and oivil time. Resolved. That the Chairavm of thit meetine appoint thirty delegates to reoiesent thit Count; in the Stat Convention. The Chairman, under the -bud resolution ap poiated the following peron delegates, to wit. V oi. M. Burns Thomas W. Womble, James V, Culberson, M. Q. Waddell, Y .ung Oldham, T. J. Fox, .'ohn T, Brooks, I)r, 8. Mclnahan, Jumot 0. Stockard, W. 8. Gunter, A 8. Biggsbee, B. 8- Howie, John W, Scott, Job i Manning, J. Me Lenaban, J . To, S.unoel Pike, Allen Oldham, I) vid Mu d e, Luther Clegg, Za -k. B irrougb. Winship Philliii. W. 8. Edwanla, jr., Owen L'tndle;, J. Mi-Ellington, Samuel Perry, 8r Dr. L. W. Gurrell, Wui. II Brooki and J. W. B. Lat aater. On motion nf Col. J, A. Steilman, Resolved, Thai we do prefer nf til others of .Virih I arolina lavonte sons, John II. Itetigu- ton nf (.'h ithsiii. for the nomination for Governor of North Carolina ImiI pledge ooraelvet to abide the selection of lbe Greensboro' Convention and lo use every honorable Aort to elect tbe am. On motion, tbe Chairman and Secretary were added to tb list of delegates. On motion, Resolved, That the proceeding! be published In th North Carolina btir. TII0S. B, Ch'n, Wa. P. Trua, See';. - A Yankee Invention, A day or two since w examined a gun to contrived at to ahoot two loads from the snm barrel, th intention .of a gentleman from Ohio, formerly from "away down Enal." He explain ed it operation to us, which we found lob my simple. Two loads aie placed in the barrel tbe first being gauged, w hich brings the seooud charge in the proper place. By a movement of the finder, after the first load is discharged, the hiiminer is prepared for the tube of the second. Ti! itnentor ibortmcd us that in th eours of a few uionths. doitble barreled irons, mtile m thit plan four thuuters would I t introduced to tl prtiog public Th singl bt rroled gun which he exhi'iited, we thould tliiuk, it uiuou (U)iertor to the ordinary doubled-barrclcd gun. ' Culumhia Spg. 1 10 for larne bids, Tax Sales yesterday of 242 bbls. at $1,40 per II. 1 an4 of 4.10 do. in order, at 1.4i. WoTTon" Sle yesterday uf 42 bales at OJ (5 9 cis. per. lb. for stud and giant middling. C'iSK We note th receipt ol a cargo of 2800 hu-hls, which bad not been cold when we doted inquiries. Fayetteville. March 9.-Booit It in good demand at lit ct- ' ' ' Cosn 1 he market b hotter supplied tale at i to w cts. CottiiR W not sal on Thursday of smt extra lots at B cts principal sales at V In V). Flov It dull again and- pricet ar lower w reduce outiiations. - ' Srra Tt ar.- Is down to 30 and 31 cent pei gallon, ', risw do. ho Chang. . RLG (.ODDS FOR - At No 29 Cheap Place One Door above R. Smith's torncr. Etr Er.j Turnip"Liirjvr LoVf UltKHl HrvL, tSilctun or httirr Mmi.KUii Wr(iel Erly thnnit do, -Kftrt? Huff Un UUoJ, Frvnch Amhr Kux'. Eirl- tMteh, t Lr.d tlii l,Jtr)f5 Tyti. l'Ht HatttftwcA, -Karljf lruinhirntt. (.rem CorU4 (wrur, f Ur trantsic( (Mrrif. H4 Duicb, (ur jutklic Irf lt'4i t it pMKb. UrBU)aaeil, M-mmotb. (WnT. . Kuly Hum. Aitr iie.m, orFI'l. LtvrtB -bu, or J-irld Kti Suitd, 0rn ( htiiiin.) i.itr- 1 ftilntB, tUvtlt iitU Itftiw-"! . iU'..iii Uwaitl AUitvtrh , Itl'.- I'rt'paiai' jKmiy t r'l.titj-M'a (( Kpitlaii 1 ilrfr;r W ttiic Mam'" 1 V'vV' , IritTff Sftt' t,. Hwil-tUtJJH ti .'!itrr, , y" U'ByepjtJt. br t.onF, J ) a , H ntntntjR Ftel4e ofCieear. isMUaVUROtb. ! ! Ami;,, s: - VVbt! lumip ivfi'tMi, Rri. Tmnip r'tw-il. tihHbHrbt OT i'lt-fflfirrt. if;rly Buh, or JSiHt rn, Krly Avi-l Uuh, w I gj, infc UrofD Croktti'ki ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER EMEW 1! THREE DATS LATER! HSAKVUL CRISIS IK COSSTAXTISO- PLK AND KOlin'An.'t pxacx coKrtatiNii still im sttmojv. Br mhtuj't Adeancedl t ' . Embie meil amid tha lowering peaks aad a emal mows of ibcS.airs Ntvnla, at an tltva- t on f six tliousand feet sb- vs tb level of tli asa, thre is a great lakf which. Strang to say does not freest svsn ia th present severe win ter. This is probably owing to Its gnat depth and lb oontant motion ot it wabrsi for it it at th month of Hi smalt streams Bowing into tlie nk that Ua fuam la aa; uanlity- Tn Plaeervill Aiusricau thus spankt of it; "A portion nf tb lake shores nnsists of nis she ,ir mead-.w-! and Hi nuwlier of trout, . I all sun-s, but many ol llisia Inaa two tu two and bait I set in length, loat ar b.und Ia th-e mar shes aad hmlow water during ihaay days and nigui ut winter and spring, ar sun-el nicrsdi. bis. K si li A lb gr,isniriiisot tb valley in srsmiH wiaiar, ar an grwssing osl) in the -a-' .1 1 n.'i Hm ot insir laeiiiy Um ycni,and will bav k cwipleis.1 by tli middle ul Mty;wit the temps mg spfiearanv of loe in ul In in shallow wa ter a ia ed them I am I a.el, to .striti a t.wlM.i mda.-f 1. 1 l.nriUrn, nhich they I aa a m I si s. 4 .aoHtbed; aa.i Ih assawiia wuwh In aiwsoM j whalnunte ol th Uk ara la..., ue.t ipsu lbe srt. Next summer lb vai ; a ul o vi.iid by bendieds. xv- To A.uern...- Itandolph anonry ktl'l a m. log lie eiurnoas st Aoborw', uw Toe..y of hut st, Th rt -w wa ar adeal, and lli aieriiag I aru uninut. Tli ! nuiuit.ato.B of FiIIh slid l. li. a wa i-mdi- A MeanUla l ake. Esrly York, jur. Adsa l)oirUviaun.t Bcsiiun, Esrljr, ... ..- I Vflilte, Tnscarora. ItiuU uoisirr Sclh.p,Jl (Wurmrer,.. . ton. r Karljf AXatis, (Imirlsd.);(iieos-Bt, - Lst DJ4oh. v siparsiis, er ronsr. tMSfS 1 .v,is. i Brosesli bsrics rorpU jR.niad Ssmj leaved. Caps, Iisrrs WbIM tspst t'tlukly steamship has stiaai lb weather better. II aayt sh is mil of the lest b.sis he has ever been oa board, in aa experience of tsenty vetrs. AfesHs M, avaksas. Tb Si, Louis Rkblivan ul lit 24th int. learns by a gentleman Irian Kansas thai lit Leg , islstursat T peka alj umed . Samrdiy ihs ' I ilb m-t. It was nudsr..l, bbls Ih Repuhli . that wiH. b4 been ss-ued for tbe at rest . f "TW Hanlse's Baaner (Franklin) anfurUt (h flag uf F.llssur and lamelsoa and give ttest waanaragiag nsanrt of lb causa, la lhat iiuarteT. Th. N. 0, nays, "W atma enrry Mm St dw Vim, ants tb T'ltfl Lsgbderans pane' an am delrasatbiMng all aawwt bora af ragai. I Ws sre n4 aura that was a Uw will lax passed, alitnaigh we has hssrd It sm he of, neubar ar a sar ttal U " Vweld b fwreat, wswa if it snmht psv. TT. Or ise A. browwwaa, in a rare! Vselara S.I: J V L I. J m ... r , : .7 . . that lert hav bee. sent lo tl,. r fw- M riigion,sx: u my rsitgv an my mdiitr ' (if Mit V) v eppnsea te era ntnwr. It ( Tha l.sdsrs see the A Merita a f arty. A lady eonep,ideit of on of ,air etolisnv'e thas ftael; ex presses sentiaiaiits u.s the eal jest of Amrrieaaiem. In times af yra, "Spartan nxutliera" sin va a ii.uiiMiiiv ... a will, am ama mi. ti. I,.a i ti & airsdiMn."P,"g, id t'" membera. and lhat an aider bad been ret t- in imanmg t kssir il Ii J twe v-ro.4 i ls eoworth, fmsa Guv, HlmnnMi, I.; I. a ot feed en, line j .ml a mr. Ad shall e. tj , 4-t Htata. Marshsll, Mr. .mw. reouirtng hi. American sii, m sent n, ( rget ilit i i. a , . .,.,.l.. and Ic. ,b. n, .,.!...,. ... a f "" Mtaaiki.h- Th..-a.oa M kurders have Ise i..tisrd h ilia p e . s dn U-if and it ts probable tht it has been don, baud of our forela.ber-, and tl ta s ill I I P.p.tcli fnaa B.n siills, isxve4, Fenian asoll.ars i .. 'd.i It. as ex,- , K,nMW - tanee ia . arneartsf No. I ledsst that Im ' 1 pnnc plea, and a sioril of h i ,-ss, and 4 li'a"V, ar seated i y Anssrsmn i r y sad prvat, whics, i- Hi a - - . . n af i feel as tl a rived K, a omMry ah-, y si rhl nl ur vwa hi protect mr oa to g.-ieri.. Ms; li'd tdm. the na-t stvle.1 A aOT.tAo. an., wise mmm i a a i ... .1 li. tei.rd Lt w k . . ....I rules fru-n lb Albania burwi toth br4 I'suhc't Uu Boston. March 27. Th English steam Pro. oeller tmew, arrived hut niiclii Irom iiiverpisii having saile.1 therefrom ou th 12th iust., ah hrinirs three dart later advices. The l'eaue Conrerreiic wer noiding uait; eessiona, . NothinK hid transpired in the Crimea. Fifty thuusaiid liriti-h troop wore reviewed at BalaklavaOth Marvli. a The While Worst wer blown tip at BCUaato nol 28th Febraar. ' . . . . , 1- . ,L - ltd.) a- .1. Advices irom vontiantinopie vo me .ntn rso- ruary date that ao Austrian Courier bad ar rived lltere, with propositions roleiive to th Uanubinn princtplities. A ttiancial erisit had occurred at Con-tnntl- nnple; en liang on Loudon advancetl to 1,37 and on Vienna to 0,20, tb Euglith pound tier- ling ra'ed at l.v. i Hit Minister of 1 1 nance litd appealed to the merchant inviting them to clvise tome remedy. Tbe ri r I.muli again oiiea t Lloyd t tteam- r had commenced running. Aa order to tuspeod hojtilitto In Asia had been forwarded to Omar aud Selita Pachas. Advioee from Norway aniiuunc thit a sarioat commercial crisis prevails there, 'I wswy owi: mercial bouses had tuspsnded In Bergen alone. To Manchester market wat firm hot with ualv a moderate Ijuainee. The American mail steamer Washington bsd arrived uB Cow aa, . " MARKETS. Cotton was less quiet and let firm, sales oa Wednesdav 12th MKW Hale.. Flour bad advanced. W bant advaadd 21. a 6d. . Corn advanced. , Consult VI, T AM now rsertvlne vsf IP8IK0 AND rCVItn I tTOCX OF f AKCT aad BTAPLS BUY OOOlrn. ?J"J psr nksa sailed os, su4 wpssudly ss uw was buy ni'tk Ca.h. I I dssm It anotesmity te emunrrate aitlelei, sir 8wck It barfs son wall samirted, and I wanluis snmsy fsr then by Uis lit sf Annt sail sad Mi snsbls si srt It. I Intsnd islHas Uneda a little shesner for iCASU llitiiusaos thsa llicjr hav beta sold lu dill mar ital heretalis-e. Sstss of or newspapers are sd , piles the Csihlri- tsta at hiwer pricsa; why net sows usrrksnt hiiiuw suit, ir tha rnls worka well Ia sua ease why sot ia th ether. Mat 1 leave tali point for wieer kesdi Is dis. eu. Oas thing however, I will ssy.sad that Is, lean sail Oooda ehesiar for Cash thaa thus ke tall oa I i sad U maami tiassi sad to teat tkiimsuar, don't taks aay word fur It, toil esll sad try, sad I think I ww ill he abls is prove It is year sttlrs satlamstlea. Krerylwdj sail sad I as Cuessisee, tniiui!tiiwi, Fxtra Kny Rlsn. nsrly rami er laws, rtettiy, ly Orten Cluatsr, Ksrly Frsme, Ksnj Short Hrrsn, Lnas Orssn Teikev, Lour (Irees Ksssl'a) fssaatu, se iWve.Me. barss Had, Lsrge Yellow, ; I'sar-ahsru-d, Isawe. Early Flat lluich. Strap- lessed, Rad-nSineil, Fusa ksvsd, iKsrlJ ii? . I arjre Xortolk, email Cherkin. Iriekles.ibsr.e Mlsae, Kjy i'Mal, e aVloysa.,Valiow Aliet'leeB, ' t,arre Vsrple, ISrotek tallow, Rarly Farsln. Rata Cass, r Bwedi.h, lwrsee. . if re Sera. Rsrlv Carltd. ar Cat eslad !Lavnilr, CALirOHIklt KLvTI, THE ILLINOIS bTfcAMER ARRIVED. Nlw Von, March 7th. The steamer Illinois U. L. SVANi. BEAD THISf All thesswid'hisdsttbslrsllH EVANS k COOY-M. ev to H. L. KViNrt, moat aetlls their Motsa tsd Ae- coaata. Tbs ubscribsr csbbuS give M,aerisdst(i'see, hM.tV.MI. April 1st, WS. 14 t. New Spring and Summer Goodi, , t OR tao. rpHB BVBnCHIllKal HAS J18T RaTl. RNBu X truss few York, sad is aow n-'emng the Isrjaei aud niosi euaiiitsis a sortMienl. f t Abtt AhtiblA- I'LK ltt UUUUb ks mr ksa IBs pManrsaivnsiina; to his nnwaruns Irienas ana syslumere. IntrsduiiSB all tLs reraat atvles. Callevsl. tiinabsnis, Lanaa.Ma has, Lbsllss, liaisgs lie Lanss, bHH and fuils Bursaaa, aad 1 leans. buk and eiras Uoaaets, Silk MsaUIsi, aad Pari a.. la. He aae lo talk, far 1 ksvs eotUiasa, Csmt aad loan. uESTLKxtRKI wtaB-lhsts a Ibi asaseuasai f l.kio.., Lib.b, and aMa aiik.Bo.. Uive sss asali if yuanaul sew, ikai,sBd g.od tluutls tiau, uuob, sad bases. Ala, gun .KAUt at Aba t.l.'iilM. lata avual tlna wsa aad ibsl aast asllisj gesda 11 tost! W by esalonisr, ilup sad think ans ronuar sao hsluts 71s sup, I sss Sol srllttia tea sea tsoHeBol lisss wura at shati.rakbearanin.nui kl stanna yen kfcVV laUuUn, .ki In baw kaik niitna ik- last Blursa esil, sad I sill asil v nved liooda Jl aa sksap as sua man in Uis C.iy, toasi t se eiau lost kea nald fiaT kw voia, or intend dovns as. fall and ess ., snd II t a boi orai a waai 1 ;, okas salt ss 1 aU d ease esse k. ewioi's Co.ssf, m dour skeve bvans aad Cooke's, and vioaiui C. W . 11. howsis! adule and Uarneat atanalsstory, Fay- to.dtt., . . ALIXtSbf-R CREECH. R.le ak, Alllnd, (stV . - . A NEW W0BK. 1 eBkfss r vas sot ra. ilwea Balm, , Koaemsry, Sses, Ssvory, itBimer, Winter; rtnest Tlasll, weet tfarjor&m, irineetTlivina, kBy th pound or bll.) Hed 1 Im-tie,--Vthitt llaleh 0'nTer, 1. norma, er Freueh, Hlua Urate. llrrdr w Rid T B, Tiisotly, tauari Ceed, Ksrly I'slihsxs, , Ratisr bettuee, llrowB llutuh, r Rnysl t'skbsg. Imperial, Philadelphia CtbKsge, Carled Isdla, se lee, at hits Cos, flreeo Co, Fellatios, Wsrd'l Keetsr, fins sntils r Peesls. sklllmas a Fins Nettled) Hearhnooil, (eitra Ons.) Caroline Wsler, Mraiatals llpsot Water, Piittlev, or MiMtnutia HwasU HIS OlSBKS, And s rrewl variety af eedl Bst Inelndsit 1b tVi id vartliemrnL It "Sunk firoliiiMx prrml Ult B nds. , Tassji Uei t,t, March 11,1' " f SEAl.KIPnnPOSAl.Killbewfivpdati r ..III It oMnek, A. M . IVh f Alll es.l, iho poraoa.a at t. '", of Mwtk !'' Maa iB l, dated ia ntrv lt, l14, sad; thiny jr. sr PrnBSMla Bill alas Ise reeeived tor Hi ja. e of IT ,es of Usndl w, k-k will Imdalsd Janua r I t, I".' . both sisass- of ootid- will hara r.u,,'bH. o im-ri t tl atx per ii ri 1 a&MBia. paenl ti, l-t "f .lai-u-oa I Js y, ttB"Si-d. Thepine;Misii'ltf,rrsal wi.l tic.r- kaasttha Usuk IS" UernMlf, .- V-k ohrre to panj p.elirs IB bars thew payshl. i ths Trsaauey 01 tlie BlaU. anrsasifiil Id Liars B)n tisginf, se I ef tk m'- p laaiol ilinr kids. esB .li-jMo ..1.. ai"S o li ia-' t ! t a the SBlrii;ned ia ths H.iik of tka H.i.o,m- , N w 1 ork, or 01 online of tlie Mankl "I tkl-"i' t. PariisaMdiiiagaill pl-. Min." Ilietv lrn?rr. binud "Propoaals I t N. I!, moeka,' to Ute sn l. r.ia at Ratai,k. H. 0. 1 as .III be ,ipoaed la ths enoiw if tti- O-.v. rsiie, M.sTstary aad Ceaapmll,r t, su'l t'.a frssidonl sf ws Usab al toe Stale U, W. fol'RT.s, .' pBtiiis Tri-a iirte, Sslilfk, Mareh l, isid. , Utd from t'alitoetna arr ved tola wtmiing al S a'ckich fa J w. M. Wkiurfd AUsas, A saes wflh tl.a'-OOO in Urs.ur. Tb "John L.' 1) rau v.soai lor sv.ry, ot HortWai Siv,.a" with mails and hot gr from New a..., .eahraei., lbs Vs.kls Usroaa. sod iki n I Ira Huaia rarbed it , A inrpiei,len! of li t ,r Y. Express at Prof bb-ac. leletrr-i, l,t tt l.llowa. March 54' h ! "Th bark Uneliy... nhich arri.ed ho-a hlaf from i all; Ji tel. nf 7 delryaiea ae.e appointed ia Ai-tlwhicola, picked an, oa the 17th inn "tkrwkh Aaacasttna. Tb Lisado Moralng Bsietwiedl; 4 J nsanees 1st. 36 2'i, bong, 7J I, a meesllie til tst, no bsrsd 13 U." All Ilia boat oa tie Pacite kU tb wisrd "Pa. Mli" eaB.d oa tret cara. th liinsiis ru' Ctmeei tauaj, and a pr. err ace si pressed for Job A. Uiaxsar li Uuteraur, TV Alabama l fVantlsasI ( rVwaneratal) ep wsssn tha resHenisuun of On. pssrsa, aad dw alar its pwrpaaa t snppnrl Mr Fillesywa, ia awrh aa aeeal. Tker ar UusMand of twmuerwia hsv eneoadilsonally rsa lrd ra twr (? TdXmmrt aad DotMlsaw, m msttee h-m the awui Atstritaat awsxsiaaia. b dt lb A labaat ikaa Kasi iael has sads n rnsolv. rt wald W wis ana, wliw. nl lk aaaatesl. tttsi list Kinrbsxt of Uude to y f.lHKW, d u- n-.a., sW.ansn. rne-vsi. off lb rlaht- PohtieerlvBa moss, . , lk. Ml. .tt ..ul. .1 Tb t mx, lik other ttritish journals, has bswa g'mvesaaly all mis) about A- merican IililsBMering In Niesvagaa. The new ssmntr; jast aanated by (irsat RnUun. euntaml thr tlliaw af asnple, and lawaaena aalaral rswsxree. Thin abobt-al robber; give an tiew t tbslf eVMNsva daasMaraas uaua tha taiejah; ef Ameriru land stnalli.f. Tat Washington I nban ts aca ing 1I4 editors of 1 be Inieliigeneer of lb " of li.lluwlog anil..rmly, ut lait years, the symsasikiati' their foreign btrlh pUua." If aub prejudice ean, ia 1 tia bplutoa of ill t'abia, bits geastlemew ef tha York Mb ot Feliruarr, arriied on, on tlie Is insi. 1 he tsolden Usie bar Panama and Brother . Jiant than for Ssn Juan, left on the Ath. Tha mianing too unt hisikt ot Adam A Vnn wee re cenilv li.und wssiied svhors near bus F.aaM'isoo. 1 lie trsi settnei. 2 milea, nf lb Sit) anMrbku Vnllny Ibiilnay, ta om.n-id. Th Csbliirnia Lrgielatui e-aed rewilutiunt deprecating tb leain ot Hooks to la I.idiao bav been roenmit'ing depredations t lb mmih of Rofii Rner, V4 fssrsan, mantrred. m ihe Unf ol Fell, a battle iwk phvre at I'agex's Hennd between a part; ad frieudly lodlin and tb I lu-kUrka. (iew, w .l leave Kan Francisco ia a lew dayt for n-r with tru.p. . The Isafialaiure of Ore have sss morsl.ted Ik President for lien. M oul s removal. ; U.lls were tntrodu. ! la the f aliliaroia tegisla 1 tor line S itmek "Ut f Calilwni. M taxirs. Ihill rsoef is. II. .hi diminishing Tii"Kiih Aaasnena and ('liiUaa war steaiiier arms bmndrrsiil near Maul oa UidUh,aod over Jul lues hies, 1 A'l'ire Inna I'ta Rica stats Walker threatened to allsrk I'nnts Atenas, tsoven menl bad sent lo delenel that pis. Indians oa tha Ail am sal atb'i kd g. New (ireoa da, wb ch 1 hey partially burn4. , ARJRVAL OF TtlF. CA.XADAI asarasw. aaWHad Bartlaalarlx I lk bsaUsra Baal as. I proa tl Is. Ts k olUined sf til BeoksaUees, er test ky at pre oaia I so pan uf Mm Coots s rs as sfio. c. M. naxio a co. - ArWaltsral U-k PaUiabsrs, IS kalian tvsas, ban loik. April. Is,!, Uis. . '-' Sa of IS Negroes. BY YlHl 1 1 al s dsrrss sf tke t'oait ef Ptsss aad aarlae Ssasioos at flastawa frkeBsry ion ! I !, vaai""-" -fT ." ed, siv I sal at Iks C net Hsaas -m l tna taws af Piiistaaesairk, on Tkaeadsf tk 1Mb day nf Aon. f ,tsa hksly nnd vmlasKls Bstssss. eonsuaisx at a., Bonne, b"Va tad ti'la, bloniBg Is Ika aetsoj sf AlessBaf li. Aiwieiand, dsMavad, A eredrtofen assaslka Bill bs(irB,aB4 k4 With ainaod ami II T I olrad asl tl.s pasikoaae. irflVkll gRWLISi, I. PeVmary tsik, 1st. sny relighsi, that mast yield. yield at lb aontrwl aaf raligioa, aad retigkas to 1 ..dlart ft annum. 1 b nrrot ef rbe I'opa)-, wkMk U not a eery err- jfaals, has been g-l aifVusis wsy af saying that polities mnst bnbmit la ttv Wsstrol of ba Roman llierarrhy. AUatrtt atnamw. Aftlh Rt.amsr pljleg tsstwiwa lb t alisd aVasssi and awgUtsi, wki.w bare loat, tee Aesaie, hire bawa eVatr-yasJ hy lesterp, A AoauVera laaa. plying base wsa tb wtuert tVsr grata and Eaglaat, aeald at .swoweiar these Tar:1-1 ... A trs seal le langrwea Tbtabip ft f s Bird, at Pkilndelpki from Uaad-an, has briaxghl hither a In original p"V irsil o the fsm. aa British pairint and statesman, ! highest inlelUuC, aad real deals bar (or a hall Job Hampden, sent tvast b; lb II". Jam Malory, boa Ban Ibey latrvert tb igwurnat, Backanaa. It Ubaged la rb II.. Mctlrrg., ' wue bail bs here bo I a few year, aad yak member of lb Btiliab Parlismmit for (.la-r-w, . sdsansr for a ootroilii.g ne ia tb diieiua af aad I to b presented by htm. tbeeueh Mr. Rocb' j awr asTairt I , to tl.t Coagrem nf tb I'nl'ed Rtalet. A mtig of tli triwB nf "gl.,riws litl Waswiagtua" wat bsdd m llvewwih, aa lb I lib Inst, and rniilsd lli aominatioa of Flllmor and, II a. Dniid Outlaw, T. M. tiarreat. Col. Tlx, as a E. Pender, aad "there se-lr isd lb meeting. These ttrnn threw etareee far lb aatrbit af Wasbirgtnal Tha Wsas nf lb ,'raniaba. kle" will faille la N-tambsr aelC M Iwtat t r.sks-il's tt W.w. Tk 1st Issgitlaiar af tk Star of Teles ba Hewr that laved Ills, Tb Philadelphia New say? -When (sen. rVntt wa nominated la tG2te lb PruBidrB-v, what aesan es Isoirf tb Use. , rse leadesw shed near Mr. Fdleas-ra I No kss saag wa atrvasa; Wrk at tmittf aa asteaate j ela nf the aduoraon and beta Wko-h ikey ntrnainad f e kww I II was a par d anaa-e aassant a law giving t Mra, tlitatanb Cleeket a rnptitrf pavrsia, aw w-iaias n ,io oa . .11 II. ... i.Jd -a -..1,1 V,m..Arl " ak,aa is-se bsd keen "a a.rtis as aaj and tateewled Uvid asdi(tasi's!" al Us a.rv sen aa, thas is- asrslng fcn -wnir; k-smac'; aad I si fdksd Me, rdlsn, w.M ,., ear.... awe. C, k.d yr flare of IrvoH. Wa t-aaa, swallow tlr ewe a.anta, wslst tir ew - iiat -s 1. . . sssssme.t. and tradaea brat a ardewtl; tb A , w; Ighuef fur tk frtaehsw) ikit rnoH i,;!"1 j ef Tales) .h ks tk wl.w af the rapa. C rvs kstl, wb-s alurf ia A elaaete larbe. of Ibe rapeet bare tk tulleaing ttiw; abwal Mr. Maaua, Amerirwa mia'awar al faro, 'Mr Mason wat at a amuf Ual Uisly at lb Tb liariea, aad ki ey k teneal as ftht ea lk auarge d'tFsirt iaf rtowbavu la France, a fiat larking black. Pons en, observing bis .lead; gam, said, 'Well, Mr Masoe, what do yosj lb all ul y..adsr blfkea ia bit etwuroidered roat T Tkuak,' rsi.l jd Mr. Masses, is 1 II regarding tb agrw with tb ey ef a eurBWeur, 'a by, tlothta aad ait, I tkmk that fnik.w ks itttt a iwotwaa4 4olar.. taaia astt i.ivrt rana xia.rt llaurtl, Msrek '.s-Th psae aoafrrsnr it still in n-ogrssa, Tlat Mad leal n sue appear tar aeabta. Persia has onaen.ed ki take part In the asm lev nee, and Allot eu (Tel a it pleoife- leoi mry. Th bwer aoaliliea af avdtnar bar declined ana-eight k, and elrned rt aa 1 1. with a lendeney Nn wards a further aWlian, Riendaeufa km piderably adaarl, and am Irm. lard nu.te tleady. Naval stores Irm. Lows, Is VJ) ts ir.'l ARRIVAL UF THE EMPIRE CITY. Xsw Tnea, Murk !. Tke etsasssw En. pise f'hy baa emesd ftoea Havana bring hg dat.-l to lbs S3rd inst. The I', . FHfst Pofoaaae, Pitfi af War Cyan and art. n nl "s.swr Fobon. wee in fiprrlerTft II Iht Oriilnl Dill Ckntt, , In fiuim finJ 12 ,wnfs. ia V-foZo- Vi ew's, I, , I, ana 4 tMsxitv. roi 1 a li ar eTElTriUO fe CO.i loemrtai. mssavens aw tas tvsi.ur est rat wfavele swalsee km Test taly. j. , tWos HsrM aod ATisaA rWeerte, Pill LA bKLPUlA. ' J-tr-Tese Is kl.i.lll Pa-k pet Bp n kilff bsals, imooisi t vaitafy W both Misik aad llessw la sail barsrs. l-n.tsd list press,Tsrws, As, re rk la bad ky asail ta s1 nk ard-e Ikass. Ad T'as narrsalsd Is y'saea s as a. la. IN. sad ls S.S-S prar sat asfSa r nil sad on aaly. Half skoals of Rlssk eufelaiB sl sw Xs puskds, as of Grs.a sat " p"sa tseh. Marak It, - U . SO.OOO XV CHB MONTH. . E B N S Tl1 N VT 0 0 D , II; t artllat l ea In hi. a Lllim till eav a ,0110,111 oa, p-.-,. III .1,1 O.'l'J l lO'S ' ,' -w. ,. sm sissl h-s bsjro fksarn,aerd for ths last as ' last b a., f 1 nark frni ik p. a oi tie Ushuutii ssiine , tn .1 are aw irlBiisf u s . TWENTIETH T1I0V?AM t4b U BIaU4 d' t-n4 MU ftrrtf l'A. f 1 1 t U UW kwrriniikiiiri, as tia uar r 11 ef i-j f mumm ma bbtkre.Jly tiMtHreb f.. -ll. ..I ii.. W V.k kli In sskaaf (!, f) ItrdtaVliWIi " Ut frll.illlf (KitYsUMiil if 1$ IMib tiarirtt bit ). iin.'iHa.'t bi r t; llfAl Ui tHmC tt) lit Ual h f b r mtnUti MKrtwMt -,,' ) -t .- m Sf all tfr laY tsf llitainn, Ra) f . r nT th lUnl .! w 11 4 Mr. 'nr;.i. ! Il -'i ljMUUy lt.ti ti r?i fl.-inn I , 4f ad ofafuUr '( f u !Mt " ttt baft) WtJ f fl lflb ti't I;,,. t.-J. a. lU a.aa Shi b.sat ttat m'. itti al r-1 . r V . , ' If.- tatt tbtrt1 lbdPl)l tfcr., !a T P- bll llff l-ti( ta tMr4. --lill.4 -It,.-!- bttitub lr t'ift:of wil -f bfuti-tewl Uss'H . rtv4. Tb vW" U Wrm4 -. irrm-i-f ' bxVttiUft ftui r J.i- M" ' laV'' pafal"1 Yr "(.. tsf t! ti rt . Wavridrrfmlif taaL 9 ill aVt 1 t.M itVtl.. "t. In i'.a Mt Itrvad af t.i i -. -rmf iiiaW - 4 , H'i r-saj,, t . -1 lit.. eg wA in Vf re th- ,. 4 ti. r Ha &b ih ktwrb mi t'l t rnt eawat ti tiii I j i rt trM 1 T IU ,V-st;l-t firvtH, H - - ' ? ' ' FORM P 00 K City Tax UU I mitt, Amili AT THR liAVOtfllTrruiX tt ( i mm Tit, r 4j mil A prtl l I U ik 1.1't Tt l."4 9m tt rvt fmr. tt t'Al.LM .,".. V. year. am. H fmmt mmm i viva at. mm rf4 Hm mt) rmaltMTA, if fM ftatT IMMffw4sttit1itltg a;rAf t ( We.ltt.wa. The Korll- Caro2ioa Tcru I.j. ' ,- - t ii"' Ike tillnU if Iii't t " ' ; i . , THE AVT 7 1 ' " ' ' - 1- i . CLKV .1 it- 1 .0 , rs aal.t e J 7 A . ..4 .-. ' .t ...Mb. Br,.h .hip IV-.rl.l mot se.ral " " .7 ."Tm..-a1B! ' u,. . - " ' , . ' ! BM'M f 'wsatwass aywrswif aya sifiinr,. . iww waa m ill iJes wpiastajiiivwwe., wen , a' . ava- e t son a tat lh II f , I BM . -; w! r lk. I's.aia a tb eamiag of th Vd. sub wa. aiiemM by lb. , ef Ik tarwas War taaael d mail air Basra, , .. .. ... , LATER f ll'iM II AVASA-ll lXoW ri Ml I SI Tllti IDRT. tr -,. Pi. fc. . ' S-.4.S. U v., s k free stow set M 1:.' 1., ills.Bl Ii, sal ,., -'' I- ' .1. -ruth observing all K" seey ,, rM. Ulnn " " a M.a N.phi I row l,s h, a " V"W, 1 ).,na. and a, heart' tmisevos, Msrh J". Th r losWe'l H, si Imm at m fuothsr I hr, fr-a lisvana. -"r 1 arr .td dv Tt-m II iarl lb. esrioailMa hstsi aibied tk aW . Tkeliliiaail h'Sama Arsrvwksd arrival a Mawastm I a -.,.!.' WtsUar, aaiaioing T? i' ', " Msay rli d ..ttrt were r Ibe suei ef iwant; fair miea, aad Ih intake ' at.14 B.rso af fte eras peie'er nosrly b1f ,ri I l", pi I't . r, what va .Is F isr.oiia.l tl.s r j b n'v s Is a-, in'' ihn. .1,. s,i,t,:-d l b "i ll.e ,.'! S '' e'en. ran il pr;, iy .1 atiawer lmi a ai- I ye'f) n Ul' fi-U It'll ' ( 1 (t I , . LI I 11 -J. tr, . I 11 S .' 1.. o i .r I - ... ' I't I ' . !l I . ., 1 I m4 1 i.f I t. . T

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