! rata-BtBMl . -WJLLljLM a DOTJB, ebitob ad raorsrvroa. Timti If paid strictly la advance, two deliar per so avail twe dollars aad fiftj- nila, if pud tritbia is taeniae and Ikrae dollars at the aid of the jeer. ADrgBriSSXSXn aot eioaeding itxteea Be will be inserted sip timsfor eo dollar, aad bwenly avoidant Toi hc! nbaaquaat insertion. Those of greater length will ba charged proper sioneiiy. l,oarl irnlers aad Judicial advertisesseat will ba charf aa 85 Pr coat, higher Uuu tha a bora HtM A. maaamaKIa .11 Ml u . .1 . - he who advertise by tha year. Bonk and Jos Printing dona with neatnes Be despatch, and on accommodating Urn a. GENERAL DIRECIOK Y. , ; ' CITT GOVERNMENT. "V Vm. Dallas Haywood, Intendaoi ot Polio. cuMHiAaioN aaa. Eastern Ward. Kldritlge Smith, " ' A. Adams. ' ' MidtlU Ward.C. B. Root, ' K. 1. Battle, , V ; " " v " ' 0. W. Haywood. "Western Ward. A. M. Gorman, " IL 1). Turner. J J. J. Chrit)piier, City Clerk, n. u. Battle, Uitr I reas. . a!.-,.. j i u . ' . . voy vNuni. dama at. vrawiey, i, " Jackson Overby. City Constable: Kdwnrd Harris. - " W illmtn Andrewi. A. Adams Weighraester. E. I fame, Clerk of the Mar- . ket courts: The Supreme Court of North Carolina i aetd in thia city semi-annually, on the second f .a day In June, and the 3iHh day of December Juihjts. Hon. Frederick N'aah, thiol JuaticeV II. M. reunion, Associate udge, W. II. Buttle, ' . V I l a v-..- i-i i.. ii n t nuuiiiHU ae. imwau, ' - il iv. IA.MU. v, HUMP) Reporter-, J.J. Litchford, 8r., Marshall. ' me inaea txaui vimut vourt lor the Dis trict of North Carolina ia held aeuii-annuallv in thia city, on the 1st Monday in June and the lost Monday in Pinveinher. Jmlim. Hon. J. M. Wnvnn. nf Henra-ia.- lion . lleury Potter, oi Fayetteviile; District Attorney; Hubert 1'. Uiok:. Uerk, tn. 11. Haywood, Sr., Marshall, Wesley Jonea. The Suoeriur Court for this County, ia held on he first Monday after ilia fourth Monday in iu iren ana .-wpleiutier. , ,. J.din.C. Monro, Clerk. - Jim. U. Bachelor, Attorney General and Solic itor of the fourth Judicial Vietrict. The Cvurt of lltxu and Quarter Uneimt ia liclil on the third Monday in February, Ma, Augut and Nnveinlier. Jeff, t'tlev, Clerk. Chairman of the County Cimrl. William Boy Ian. Omnlti fbiliritor K. P. Marriott. Klurijfnf Wakt County William II. IIiKh. Coniner Willfa Scott. , Jlfgister. H. llutaon, - BANKS. Bmk of tht Stii of Worth Carolina, inmrpir rated 1X30. Charter eipiroa jo iKIiil. t'aj.ital '1,5MI,000. divide.1 into lo.mKI xlmres of hn the Literary Bourd h..ld 6,027 and llie I'mver' itv liJ. Princ ip il Bank at Raleigh. (leoruB W. Monlecai, i'roaidenr, Ctitrle lewey, Cashier, , J. H. Hrvan, Jr.. Teller and Notary I'nlilio. W. K. Andenion, licnunt Clerk una Notary 1'JljUII, Jordan Womhle, Jr.. Clerk. Thia Hank baa braiichea Hi Newhern, Taflmro Fa-ettetilie, Wilminston, Kliralietb City, Char- 1 itte, .Uilt iii, Morautnu and n indiuir. marToaa. ' On the jmrt of t!w Suite i I). W. Court, Pulj- , It I rennrer, et-omcio. .. U It. Ilrani h and W il. PiK.le. . . On the part nf the SfciekhoMera :' Wm. Boylnn, , "Wui. I'&w, J. 11. Bryan, J. II. ii, Uoulhoc, Al- Ireil Joiia na u. f. .iloore. OBerin); and Keuetral d ir Tuedar. lhvuouut day Wedneaday. Hnineat Uilland Bill ol Kxchange dieoount- u erery oav. Uutineaa iioura from 10 till 2 o'clock Jintngk firanrhitflkr Umitc rrf HiirCap laf ltiiiiain il. jonea, I alner. K. I r inch, Tiller and Xi.tnry Public. Uiaii'Toaa. Ceo. W llavwood. T. 11. Selby. netb Jonna, (ierir Little, Ur. Tboa. Uojf, ud C. W. II. lliihliHira. Oji ring i-Kj M ind.ij, Diaeonni day Tueaday HAIL HOAHS. Ritl'ioh mni Viut-m HaitrdM Company. R. A. lltmllton, Preaideut, W. W. Vaaa, Treaaorer, J. M. Pool, Aaaiatant Treaaorer. ' C.U.Allen, lep Agent, Mail train leavea 13 miuutea beforeS A. M arrieat OJ P. M. KorlX Cirotina Miilmad Cvwuay. Chaa. Y. Fiaher, Preaideua. C. P. Mendenhalt, Trmaurer. J. T. Waal, Fre.ghtand Ticket A rent. Mail tram arnrea 5 o'c.ck. A, front the Kaatt and deiNirta 10b. after 6 o'clock. A. M. Mail fnra the Wet arrivee at 32 aiiuatea af- ter 4 u'clock, P. II. Lieparui at 2U muintca tie- lure a o clot , r, M. POST OFFICE. William White, Sr.. Poet Maater. Offieeaoara, ea week day a, from 8un-riat tt 9 r. m. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE. (aaairiL ax ntriiTt aa or atiu at tauiea . NtlllTllKItX MAIL (Br RiiaoAO, Ttironk Mail eloaea daily at a. at nay Mail ... at 8 n. Amtew dajly at 64 p, an l ut are ic-ai a tiia uepot at Ufa. SOL'TIimy MAIL (Dy Tao-ao.a IIa.it Cbaaea daily at I p. i Amrwa daily , at 6 p. The Hack loaeea - at Ti p. WtbTiUX MAIL (By Ran. no ad,) n..ee daily at p. Amyae daily at 4) p. The Traia learea at 4 p. ULDSIIOUOMAIL (BrllaitaoAa.) l"oee daily, at p. Arrirwo rta'ly at ft a. The Care Uarea daily at lOat (m 1 a. aa T A H in );o' M U L-( B r T wo-noa-t II tra, ) a tiaaeaon -Minlay, rue and Ther., at ff p. at Amrel Tuela, Thora. ai.d rW, at f p, Iiaa-kla.reaaa il. n, wad.ao l rH, at a. ta PITT.ilKIIK)' MAIL (lly Taaaa-aoi.t Kara I'Laaeaoa Taeday and KaiuVday, at I p. at , Arrivea oa Man-lte and Tlaraday, al 7 p. a Hack learee ea ju'a. and e-1. aboait 7 a. at Bplendid Stock ofGoodi! W'B earn a raawtrur Ik waravat nark af aad ' "-y day eda. Ha, tat. kaM.It. aay. a 4 loiailaa. tkaa ha aeee a-aa eraaane ha katatah, a4 a ly bar taaMt twaibl aerially they iH aa aiat ui IWU. aaaaa aa-a..ia waaae, bait h plaeaM aa tbow ukaai la ear eaataaara, Rwanda e4 tba palalaa anwi i ally, ... WU.aV.tVa. TI KIB. rH"-. Ill- BMHira, OAlTKMa Altatliii a. 1W Baaaa, -aa W.na. f tl t- "'t ataai aaf ea, baaa. 4bta , 1 1 r-.e-aaa. k p aV-a-aaa. LA Hi 4 lelai fk-a, Ladiee' Cam fVaaa, Lo. ttaa a I , Lada' !-. DaMaa, kaaak 04 4 I'wM ttaoaee. 1 a aa.... aa.al.-aa4 I aad m will ba aaM at bawaat aaaarbat art 14 ood eaaaata Ibaa at U L.Aa tM-Mil.t. 11 VOLUME XLVIL $130,000! . MARYLAND LOTTERY, T be Draw en tk Ilaraaa PU. 0-ad eoaaolidatad Utury af Maryland, Claat 1, to oammora M,l, rir.laj Marra2, 85. R. FRAXC'E Cej. namarer. -. 80,000 Humbert ! 1,000 Prixea! iCHIHI. I priaa of .1 -1 1 I IV Priiaa of lo mtneia te.ooe u 10. mal 10,000 .one o Ill.K le.WM 3S,U0 41 (20 t.200 J.uno 11. t0 ' ib.anoia S,iaM) ia a.eut to l.txie are ton " SOU BPPR0XISIATI0N PRIZES. . 4 Approximation uriaaa (d III an . ji M 40 0 - M ti toe w m 1-000 Pricet ' amounting to tlM,0u Whola tioketa f 10) Ilalrea $; Quarten $S,1(1. APPHOXIMATIOM PR IE IS 8. Tha twepneeadiaraad tha two aoeeeedii aamk.r. to Usa draving tha tirw Me Friaaa, will ba aaUdad to the o Afipraiiiaauaa Pritea. .Vat axamuJai ir UrkM No. 1 1 Ht dmwi tha t-j.3Se priaa, thuM tiokau aambered IIS48, 1124, 11211 aad 1125 will mnb ba entitled to $100, and ao oa aceordiag to the a bora achama ... PLAN OF TUB LOTTERY. Ia tha ahore wheraa thora are Sll.llliO tlkna. m.m- kercd from I lo 20.1IUO. There era Jun rull Prinj and $lt0 Apprntimatioaa. making in all I.OOn Priaei. 1 lie numiMtrit frnia 1 to 1,00- correiiohiltiis wiih tha nuuiberi on the Ui-kcu,irtnte4l on neparHleirii of pa per, are roltt-d upaad encircled with imall tin MiheM ond plaaed io a fla-a V hicl. the aiauuttt of the different ?Q0 full prize rimilarlr printed ni eneirrled, are pla.il ia ai.olhir aheel.-. After revolnurhe wheel. nitmhti ia drawe frota the wheel of nmeUerii, And at the "ante liiu a trin- if ilrawn from the other word, by hoy who are l.lhi.h..l(l,-.l. Tha nawor and the prize dlir.rn out are opened anil exhibiteil to lb aulienie anil nyrn-rM . !v ll.v Coui miMtoner, the prii being placa'i uuinr-t itiii'" iHtuiln-r ilritwa. liiiiiioiTHfiitn i reiteiin-il until all tin- nriei are itrawn eat. The drawiiif tv i-hni prini-il, anil nli.-r eampartwni, the omitioner eerntii i iu cuncmoi. Pnw, payiihle in lull withoi t iibki rtloa. Addresa or.lvr for Tick, r in H. fit AX' till). Feb. l-S Hal.i.uore. il l CO-PABTIiEESHIP. 1 KKHII iiAhlI.N -tK.l.- ll.. ni rrU-r are Xlri)( ttUt to rt'ctit Ihl in. i. nitii Ihnr nt.u'k f.f tHirn Am ruhii ji;mi in l Utmrt wlikb ii much larger, mil ruiiii' nri't-Tinn ai.t iftvu.u uuu iy- I hey are prepared to la aiir part of the Star-, i'l 'roin mrrchneu, 1 faVMr.il.tr ti-tlnr, Irtllli iDjt all MU- ... I ih,.'ir.ril,r. -. i . r- jfarranlrd I will allow tlirnt i'k void liy the 15lh ot Jioi' f'.iraihi- arif Int. h . o. n .V hde our fclo'k 1 tuli. AM fr-h and reiiiiine, ami mnoi; tt.. ip- ti:- new and pli.-odld varirtirc PE-CI U t OATI INO, , lrltftuil, anil 5rei4inn. Haleigh, N. C. Jnn.S, 1R!.6. - o 1 P. PE-'Cl'D, having thin ilny forned a rvpart a necliip wiih hi brolhrr in lea. tlen. ' Hat. line, latent lifilf roun;v. N . ( '.. will ronlinac to'aon. iluol the tt'lioh-nle and K tail lm llluine.w audrr the tna of PKeCI 1 A UAUIMi. we eomrniplata in a h..rt time enlirrioc and iui. provine our ri..re, and eliall krep a nai-h lareer o. k ii nnirie in our line tlian lieretuloie, wlni-h aith ear io reat d faeilitire. Jnmifv lie in oftnrineJo our fri.iola auillht publioarncrall aimeunily inrilinitiiiiloreinrni. We are pk-aaed In inloem an, Irienil aud i-untonier that we hare lernr.-d the ealual.le eerileea of Mr. t'harle (1. ltei.lt, lor re rl tear wiih illiam A lliwo l,aiid laleofthe tlnn of Urn "d A Heutl ; who allk oar former luj.irtani, ilr. dea.' b. Ward, will unite with ii in a leaiUna; prunpii, to tlmir waat, a lha m l fan rable Ir ni., at all hour- el the day and u jrht. Oar atore will he eloead an tha Rabbeta, bat Mr. gcotl '. Ward will ha la aiti-adam-e tocaeeulo tor the airk only, and their atteadat will pleare ria the alarm a-ll. Oui ai eeanla artHl pmeafed ff ietitemenl on fta'T" 1,1 ol July ana Janiury la each year, snl trrui are ierih1 with the pa reliefer. I'. P. PKStl KI, o. W, (1AT1.IM1. aje.aee wakt a. peraea Indehied ta lb andrrtiened by bead nt are now aHerlfonalrlf atilwaUd to for avmeat, a hi aid baaiaeee maat 1 elnee'l wfihout dlay. r.f. PK.tl'ri. TQ ME lit' HANTS. Stebbins, Morgan & Allen, 40 ci.irr nairr. srw roia. tUPORTCRS AND HEALERS IK Drngi. Eye. Chemical, Perfumery, eVe. nAVINU aelaeled their Mnrk from the heat that lha ataaiaati ay vrra auirket aSord, ana, with riibirwcev off-r irraat tadwrwaaeota aa the ifarrAoaf, 'eyaieioa ar AVaaaaafarar, ba t.B4ala aaod they eao rely apae- aad an a raaeoaable term a aay aluilar howa ia thieuaatry. iwd'ra ia paraor'er y mall will meet whk pmmpi aad earefat allrntlna aad are reapaefally atdielleo. pf Fear Mru eaat of Broadway between Pulton Beakaaaa. I Ofboa R. tO.K. K. Com pan v. KaUigh, Jaaaary ill, ls. BA LEIGH AID OASTOH RAIXEOAJJ. acbedu e for Mall Trala oa and after Thnra- . 4aw, the Slat day of Jaaaary, 185 XJOfK B.-0 JBDArrKSTO hAT. THE MAIL XI Train will leaao lha Lvp.rt.1 hark C.tiJiaa lla.l. r a-l al It anaalaa wef--ra i a'rtah A. M . apam lh arrl-ai of the 'a Iroat the Waat. Tha Caa watort and lfrw Hajlar will ba in iradiaeat la laka rbarae ot hafyage, d-e, fiaojei will bar La treable is ahi'iiar lair.'eara and w.ll arria at II eldoo a4 1 lt A. H, lull lima traia. f.lug orth. By nrde irf the I'r-.i l.el . - d A M L.I M. Pmib, T-lf ) lirk.t Agent. RALEIGH k OASTON HAIL ROAD, Hal la;, ft flutea E. 1. Offiae, I MAt.ain, rvbraary S, la.e. j VS THE XdhrH 'Ar.ol.lA BAIIItiiAU It new e-iaayU-ieal rarbarlioia. naaia la heply rfi aa Ibal faeal ae naaaJaaaa aaaoyhl dawn that kavt la teaead war traa-faueaalMW aaar the aataiah A taaaaa llailraad.W 11 h raaif aat by Ihla I awbaat al Ihalkaeah Carolina aallraad l4 tm kaarlah l-aal H'y by lb t'aaataaaaaai aad will ha leajtaa-Mb-o lha,, anl,Mat aWlay, aaenre rbaff. aad ffm4 ajaaltn. d ta It-a aa4. era Mrraae aad xbeeaala( thai Haaad 0 il l.kewjo ha dallaeead al rba aaaaa mi J Alldarafae Maeht aaaaat ba paid al aaaraharf ar Paataeaaaaih. a-4 aaa wny M ,bi. wkMi maaa ba paid in ad'eaaw or m eVIt'ery a lh eaaAa. F-ar; Mart will ba aeeate I y the and afanai a laa aaafay ta !- aa'aalax'IK the (taia n laaaa af fa- ata aad p4mv Owaaaa aadabnnn af f.d aaa a.rtaaa,d In boa waaai aiaaiwawy naaaaaw, aaaa faafa f-i aai -ai aaay aa I aaa a. a. a. Iliail.ll, rnaiaat, -44. AgcnUWarittd toScllMp, rilliiH LllttVT'TUK VMTF.tt StATES. f IMk aabaarlb riaawnataaily ia.a aen-w Vane alike 1 otr trtxrrt ad uliabu csAEACTra tMI kHtl.-l, avr-.u n.d a. I., ia 4, a. real part af ah awanlry ere aaftk'af ft m $500 to $3000 a year. Aay naeaaaaelae aaa aaa anahe a naiaaaaant halt B a with baa awiatt mtimy aad nah. rtal-.fae aad Witae aatalalay halt 4aa- l-a. la aaa, A, wll a a-at fpaa aa i n 4 ateowb-te i a-i nf baaiaiian. AU Inaaieiaa oaaavaaaa be aaaaa naa-k tlaaa !--. aaa aad l.aaaaj all iwaaaa aaa4 aa Affaaaa aad r.aiaaa alraaaay m Ka t-aaa. ht.a m ml aaael..,aal, a-lr A. U. f - I I V X. eat laer af r-a-'a. htan eaal Moaeroted ka fa. a a M aaat. aw Tavb. Mea4 It, la-a, ll. lm. TIAT.TTGH, IfOETH JIWJJJIJIIIJII tlTHIIEITI. frmn Tirktr A VaWi. tnmtrml iidtartuiao Bum Applrt.li' KailOinj J4 348 Broadway, SCHIEFrLIN BROTHERS Co , ivroircaa, 4d Mauce lit Brngt, riiitt, Oll, ltt, rtrfumfrj. e., 170 VVUIIaanKtreet. Kew or, INVITE tha attention of the trade to their Urge , aad earied atoek of Dntas, Patau, Uila, I'arfam ory, 4k., to. Ia addition to their regular importatiosa of 8 to. pie lrnita, they are alao reeairint. direct from tha eoaroea of nreduetina and nanufactara, auppliea of.TooTB, Hia,and ialLBBCuaa,llaoirira.Cnaia, Moaraaa, Srosiaaa, Kaaxcit and Eaouaa I'nrcii. any, l.ran'i tXTOAora, and many other article oaually embraced in Unipgieta' ttocka, which they are alao enabled to offer ea the moat adraatafeoaa terme. Ordere, either la penoa or by mall, Ul receire prompt attention, - lj June 26, 1865. 77 First PRmlnm told Vtdul PiiRo-Ferlrt, : STEIN WAY 4 80N8, BAarrajTuaotaa, S4 A P8 nun aTacnTa. art aaonwAykaiw tokk, Reapaetfally call tha attention of the pnblie to their apleodid aaeortment of eemi-grand aad uure Pianoa. which, for volume of Lima, aiaatiel. laty of tooch, beauty af aaiea, jind In abort erery thing theft renderaa Itano paftoat, eauniurpe aed. Ihey were awarded tha firat premium for both kinda in eonnetition with the moat durtin guiahed makera front lioaton, Philadelphia ew Vork, and UaUimora, . . i. .... NEW TK1UMPH 1 firemwAT & 'Hoa have juat been awnrdv.l the FIH8T I'roroiuni OULU WIHiAL (orerall oompetl tora).at the late Fair nf the American Institute Crystal Palace, for the BEST Pianofortea. 47 tf . TILTON & MiFAIRLAXD," 33 Maiden lane. New York. 'ASUFAOTUIIK OF 1J1K WOULD RE noniieil H ilftii.amli r futca . bank Vauita, Tlnlt'minre Depot. 145 Prntt. He. .lloiyiia Depot. 14 Howard atreet. FOR THE 1,000, 0Q0. I H l; i:. . P 4TKKT MAHBI.U CO. (Capital 105,1100., o. 3m Broadway, cor. V alkrr Ht Sew Vork. Ar pr. pnred to fiernto all orilera.. for Muntle Table Topa, Colutnin, Pedeeliala, Piiutera, Slaba, Ac, iu iniitutiou of Siena, llmcatel, I'yraneea, Nenpoliiun, and all fancy Marbleep equal in atreiiith, beauty, enl durability to real marble and in nme reaierta enperior thereto, and at leaa baa half the coat. Unlike marhe laed iron, wood or alnte, it i- wholly free from all oljeetiona which are urireu aiainut mare aurface work, where i ainL en. pal eaniish, Ac. form Uie temporary polirn and neauiy time article: Mantela from K to 4U, trr- dera Iron liuiidera, ( abine Mnkera and othera ao licited, and latiafuctiiin luirantved. Agent for tue principal eitiea treateu with. Joaarn Lamb, Sec. Purea Una, Prea. Loth O. MiCKLta, V. Free. Raleigh October 1S4. , 129 -ly. NEW VOKK MIM.IMaUV. BBS- SIJVMS' Wboltule aid EMail Killtracir iBtl Stravf Ciurlf. Vnn kntf, HI Brand nay XK W TOIIK. MRft. B. la Bow in Knrnp for lh expren nurpaee of aeteetini aoreltiiafor the Spring Trd, ahi'h ill arrive and be ready for In-nei-lion on or Hon. lha Urat of Mrrh. Hoalli rn and Wealero Merchant atol Millinaraaa.. mnertlulle iHTilrd 0-call anil eiamln. the lawn before purehaainy; elaewhera. Pallam llon nel alway en hand, ana arm by aiyreaa lo any ad aa. tree. n.J Brxiklyn-fity Sinn Eagine Work. Drl.-3TJiiD0K ft Cor W4T emrrT, ha)i.Y, hiar may;. Miimtfm lum of HtwM Kngina uitk lUrdont foUnt nt off 0ml linlrrt. fpilB nheriber not only aaarrt lh aperlnritr a. X the eoaitnarUoa af their Knpn, hot will urf aataa ta tranaait ane.lhird mere pawar with the oat aarfae af hoiirr.aud M par eanl laa praaaar af leia man any auiar r.uitii mauafartared in the l.ailed Htate. mamlaioina aa eitial aperd, wilhoat regard u amanni af power applird te the enyiae. Alanfri m their long einenr and Immeneefaelll tlee, thy ayknowl ilj( no eomjiatltor in the manufna. tar of fti W Slillt, cXaw ami Cri' ,Vi', Hiram Vm;w, Mining Vmi ai.tt Ctttrinq Jnr ,Vin, Sluijt inf and iVWiea. mi y ami Uykt CaM laor, oJ Mill Mnrlnnrru ifnsrry Jrrripiinn. .ollharn rianter' atleolon la aartlealarly dire, tad toaarnawaadiiapro.eO taaar mail. Ta a.iayln-llr f eonatraatiaa, ro .nln.ary p.ia.r aad (rant uaxal.il lly reaii-T II daotde-lly wna-rif to aay aow ta aa. - Or d-ri hy mall, ay other ia, allndd ta wnhnraenpt noa and diepatrb, a. r. aiianoa, 1 D. P. ML'KDll.1 It CO. a. . teaatia, V t. a. C01MB f fab. t Int. The Wonder of the Age. ' Dr. TobW awlrbratad Venetian L a meat nW aaa eare t holera, l';a.al-ry, rwap, Caalte, anige. Ill al .nenala, Vaanlting, Hani. T.aKl.ak. II. a.l.roe hat rrl Itaeda, C-4d tr-i, Moa.,.,1. Ulm. laaeet eiiaev, T hroe Kbaainal .ia,. ewrllloga. Old naerea, at. Barn., Unilaea. aad Pa laa at eakaee la Ik Llwka, llatk aad I kaat. ,-..' tin II C M I IH- TRY I T a Iir. T ( ba aerab-d kl l.lelu. al f. elrkl yaara w.iboad ever kmg adHAan4 a.-! for all ra. Hera ad the ea-ary nil that la naked I lo Be il aeeoed. log ta tea airrrttua. no nxg will rvi t wmim' t it After aaea aa.i.j at. Il da a4 nod it betle iban aayil.iag yoe have eet triad balor. BIT iot a MOMIT BKTl'RKFD. r Tkwaanda af rmiArala. ba kera feaelted peaking 4 .nt -era tlrtae. Aow a day It ia the pretlife la &l lha paper w.lk ea..Saea f roan no. eaow p"ian. ae r1 by tboa oka bare naaae need lh naaaieta.,. now tar. 1 o,.M a.a e t ,a 1 : 0 0 0 n o 1. 1 a a la aa a, ai. .ll ,,-a. ia.i u ai aatlakaj a laaa eeii.SaaO rfat.eg Ii' ll ba ta bad ha. veAaria ba- hae iha raMt.. , . . . -I-"' 7 "L"T x 1 K""V -" '".lar,.: aala ( lb to.li-a l.ineaaai kaa aleted 11 aa 11 la.i-, aaa. to laka aiavvalil, 1 TaMaa be, ua.n Iba bl. I e wing At, t. Benot I T abaaa, at tbe . He af New V'erV. Wl( doty laei aba neeaa tbel I reaap-aaa L.n.aaeet eaiaeal VeneeJaa. and that lb I-IF"!..., W ., t H reanwaaa-4 are nwbaeuy naraataa le 44 taleaaal.y, eaea In 4 .al 'l a .,aaft,iy naaae a taa ItianaMa ao eaaaeeariaf eaeb leeilM a , aa. immmmrf etk. A. . I Tonus. Pwaen b tk Aay bef.-e na, "Caaada Wanal, IC.ai. Prt-a b -eat.. a,l4 by the 4ntet aad fabant M h.l.e .a.e,a lb.- -,b- al lb I a.tee elate. rm A .... I,. aab i. t in' M'-eee U.aori te pent kwttl at a eaaaa, Va-aeied eyaanaj la aay tak a. Of T - ,.' aetil aad St. eaTb. kabaaaiy M, 14 t ly AMBavOTTm 'U aanarwiiy f thai la. M af saea Ibeaawk A 1. l-.i-a . a. a-, -a ..aa'ae 1...,... 1 . .Z. . ' " . . r.r"7T-r Mai saa a ill taaai la ae a.e"-d i.Hai 1. i, MAI kb. aiai,b, tbaeaanbae, ttlh CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY - MOSSING, APEIL 9. 185G. Miscellaneous. lift in (he Booth and Sonth-Wett ay raaaiae at Ktni.n. The richtlar, Editor f Arkanaua. There nerer waa an aje in the annala of tiroa or a country oa the aortace of the rjobe, where duelling prevailed to each an eiteut aa it did in the early biatory of Arkaneaa. Not one pnblie man ever attained to any eonaiderable ominaneav either prof oe ton al or political, inthat purple land where law laaared not life, withoat firat paaeiny; thrmlfh the terrible ordeal of blood and fire on the aiiaacalled field of honor. The Roe tore, Con waya, Crittendena, rVviera, Johnson, and Bor landa erery.naine of note that ean be mentioned all fVjrniehed no many eiamntetof thieetrane-e yet general rule. Kren the loeniiny; and elo quence of tlie mild and merciful lawyor and ptet, Albert I'ike, lo aubtere influence or distinction, availed not until he had proved hiapruweaein mnrtnl eamtliat with a redoubtable foe, . ' In addition to the nanal canaet operation on all frontier to produce ouch a a'ate of ancioty, an other "ne etiated in the atortay ten of politico The W hij and Ihnrtoerata were nearly equal in numericnl force and nerer did hoetile fnetiont display more intcroat, activity and concentrated bttterneea. On the Mump, in the forum, and through the pre, everywnere, and by nil poaei ble nienna, tliey harlod their furinua anathemaa airainat each other in term of tuoaaurelcoe wrath and denunciation. A a neceaaary conarqtience, none nave nien of the hi;;(iet ciHiroge reared an. pire to be leader in purlieu where aurli a poairion niui oe won ana ninintaiiitti at tlie Hiattiine: m mih of the p tol, or lie.fure the fcatlul point of the Uowio-knifc mid dotililo-'bdiroil ilain-oe -"OrieMinnrable" lieeuliaritykitrkcd the eourae of etteti (Kiraonal contlmtaf they aliuoat nlaraya ter minated lam lly to the inditiiluui enttnged iu the unnaluml etrilo. Noconihu'uiil thought liia foir fume yiiid'cated bv merely wmtrns lua nntniro nit; nothing would uHic laut lb roniidi" ;raiY oftlea'h. Indeed, the otiiverNal opiuiofi of tlie coaiiniiniiT reparded lilotidlrSj rncoiintora n hainelul in the extri'ine arurno, oven, than po itive ciwitrilitej nnd na every candidate for pop- unr nvnr nau prepiireq mnii-ell well, hy lony; pnnitine, to use tlie int grem iirirnuienf, wluuh chmcd ill diacuaaioii and ailourpd the moat Hub- born ohjcetnr, rery few meetinia oeonrrml where the apectnfon! wore not jrrntifioil by witneaaini; tnennil(;litor til one or bub ol the ainlnuou n vnla. A may becneily imns'nol, the n.mt of nn edi tor n-uathe urnet nerili.ua of all oihcra; and lience tlie npiaiaiiiK faction rcitively aelected the entire oorpa to luannee their journal from the iiint deeprraie adteniurera ti:l could be niUMlor ed and paid them ttixordingly to do their own fi((htiiitnnd that of nil their aimnyniiiui onrrea pmdents. In nnme instance, tliotinanda of dol lare were expended an more (itctniuiua, beaidea tlie oner nt cnorniou aalm ics, lo proniiro the pen and pmtol of the moat nntorioue ductiatp in the aoulh-weat, 1 emild apeciry one man, an ex-aen-ator, who i.arcd hia riaelo Ihiavervcirrumatantai. However, leaving tiitwc vnuc piiernliiic, the followintt brief akotiiti uf ntriking and real pnrlic ularn will afTord a tolnrable cnni cptioo of the atern trinla incidental to etlitorinl life. . . Karly in the nionili of July, IK.;!), lraol Wanda, the proprietor ol the Arkanana lVmocnil, wi I'iiti-u in in fiuicmm, tniaiiy piupiovcd in the roaiiulaelnre of written alnftder (or hia weekly leaun. A aoildea ulaui eat llni pcrami waa truelv e.ii.nli to mitke an ordinary I cholilor tremble itli atiprp!ienion; Lirynu ininMai-iiroii the wide world wilh. ut fiedine hia auperior in hyrlt-al power and agility, In Ilia prime of ymiili and roinmt health, he aeeiued a nii(lity luaaet-f imh b n. an I c'atic ainewt ilioiij a Ilia myihle Miln when he rent the a a-iwit imk. Ilia hand looked I ke eleilge liaitimern, and hi enunteiuince bore iho impreea i f reekle Lrmery a anrt nf mule lUtiiiiifo nn'd rliulii mio to nil li.e lien ee i f .l.l. J ion iitiinun race, jnarves tieie ol A pecul ar tint that bene re.ldiali yellow which reaemlilea the iria of the eagle, of all eolori eonaidored the aign of the moat daugcrona charnctem, Imleed, he had acuiird hia lille to Le placed fo-emnt in the higlieit claae of the fighting chiv alry uy uitriua leata pcui.rmu in all tuaprutct pnruitiea of llie aouth fiom Charleston to New Orlean. Nevertlioloa. he hod eiure nenne than to rely for impunity on the terror which hia name an irreaiiibly inpited. Ilia iiffiee wna an armory, A huge double Imrrellcilebid gun hung at a abort dietance n'oove hia bead, and iialfa d-iten loaded pitol lay beaide Itiia on the table, while the li ver hilt of a dagger preyed cot Inm beneath h real lie waa ready for immediate battle, who ever niiiit lie tl aarailant, Suddenly fmtihrn rcarnmled on the floor be hind him, and a etout.. dark feattired man of Kindle age, with lung flowing hair nf raven baa, and flaahing black even, ruahed into the mora ia a atate uf wild and nlinont phrenaieil etrilamenl, and threw kiimelf into a eeat. The e-litor, at Brat, anticipating a hoatile vleit, eneked a revolter, but inatantly perceiving ba Biiatake, dei-oeiieil l,e weanoa al hie oIIhiw, ei- claiining a he did o " What Bow, Kliaa W bar ton f I there a Bow to-n peat brewing an the po litieal atmiaipbete r' M dual look bare!" eiaealatrd the other, with an infuriated greture, p.in'mt t. a oolumn of the Arkanaaa big, which he held up, with the ink not yet dry net tie paper. W nod matched lire arrlele ftntn the Bnewre of bin friend, and, detuai ing the oootenta with a ra pid glance, altered a lnle-li. i;.hi Iimi horrible f. rana-d, while hie very lipa turned a bile with rage ann maapp'nnimenv - e- " I not that too bvl ?" vociferated. Whartiaa, riiort.ing the inlerr- gati 1 1 wiiu a ami ntore dreailful oath. " Vt hoaould hateeifanricl, in l he meridian nf Littla lUerk, to one a idilllll.lilo a gainat dueling V And an apnaa! lo the religion prejudice of the paot'le!' ad-led the liur, Irowning till bit br.wa met In a fiigttful areh. " Ve. ond t!e cunning e.urdiel baa m v aed lo lay all the I lime I "i b i.pinUu ou Una Ih-m-oera, fn.an lha ir t net kwent of the eutrntry 1" tft r.itcd ti-e ntber. "And hehaj ?iea Hie biatory of all my en -on a leaa. front riy at!.hbiii2 a aofHeotiMre at tha uni. yari'y f Vtqinia. till y rre-Snttle With Iba-b r 1ft il-oti !" ea-yif-laiio-d W nla, "And flat tirade el. an ill do mo-a In'mrv o oor ptry i!,n anything tl.M baa Li ;4,i4 U yetta. - retna-kn tt inoti,. " W ho ra i the xr.:e U," aakod ll.ee-l.li4, la a n.aaHig .e. I ri re t en miit-h a. imteln " rai.iri.e l ll, j f'teanl. It i ne lbs lea'Ke-1 And Ingnbrioaj j i le d 1'ika, tnar ih ,rtrj deiniaii.a f Ala- k.n, y..ab-f. It W.n.t let MMI B'W band O lb i.r.aa.-Maft.hig-ee.e ' , . , ,, ' nall We do Iu ll th't tb gon In W l.at ahall we do io ii th't tb n In I tne iMttiery 7-l..r, an lr- .i,st tat aj- eaplial, ! j aha. I loeo 114 i.i. ii., said tlie d.ur, with a l.edl -.r.fe?wtearra-Mie-f, " I snuat iteaiand li.e sn'b. e. and i r-.ti k bias twaa m'erview " eo-CeaieJ Hi., t , " And H'-te-a tlaey alowl git bp ih bawt .af Fent N .land, a il.y d-d i-n u.niaet aiiaiUe men, 1 b? V.i kaow it t."iaid b tMh-bl b tl t I,, j ; inbe I'ai W batat.aw i" aaai-l W ; , With anbaddtr. I Al Ih tuiaaeot, V," aaa, ll.f allee lll.af of. Kliee VI I at n-o. ra.lete-1 ibe aanetum. ea. ia m ng t " I hat diaeofd the n.it the an..W Blgi-eil t indat 1" " VV k i ia ba la k ha ?" Baked lU p-.l.l iral ewaeaiaa, in Iba aBea(-rly lpel -ae hraaalh. "lie ai'l tfft e u.e-ar la a looaai.d goaa.M replied 0 , tbrr, " 14 a kaaow at aaae -. ja nit keep a ia an !. 4 ' lt f lemao.ll young yaik.etMal peaaaa-bav." Th devil " loalla IM aaA.w.iba-i iit.y. "Ik devil CearaeMal k y Wa' l.i.na fraead " Ib-w d4 yw Uanra an taaaaise a im If , - fl.a dea,l (l.al lirf i lo... 1 " Ike devil ("earkanal ky!a'l.i.ng Irnrad. 1 caa lb I reaasa b la St big -IL w ta IU j 'eW-baet taw. leaaeai. bwaie, an tlaaf y. nat A k B4 M tie teaatval at lh laUaaeta-a,' S'i'-JI'T'- "And now what ia to be done?" they all in quire toyetheir. The eeae ia e-imnlicated with fcrinaa diffieul- tiea," ohaerred Kliaa W barton for if we let the matter paaa in eiiertre, tlie raacally hrpoerite will . become holder ia hie attack - and if we r,ni.h " hi inolen.-e. a it deaerve. every Metltodiat vote in ll.a a.,. 111 .1 1.1 A i. IB the Mute Will DrolMblv ba eaat ae-ainat tia " After reHecting few miiuitea, the joornafial prong to hit IWt, crying out furiously " I will tx the bane wretch, ao thut the member ol hia own aoet will diaown him !" And he haaUly bnc kled on hia bolt, and, filling it with pietule, ruah ed forth into the atreet A chance would have it, the youthful minUter waa at ttat inetant walking by the d. or. lie was a alender, pale-faced man, with a fair cemplesion, bright blue eye, and a countenance of profound and even poetic thought, apparently iiicapahleuf re!ting a ehadow of ajrruaHion, or ao oiuuh aa n arming a ny. ' Are you "tlie author of Vindei,' In the recent numbor of the-.Arkanaaa Whig? " riemanded Wonda, ndvancine an near to hia intended noiim that their head aTmot pmcbed. . I am. anawered OoK-man,- in a cleortilver voice, without betrayiug the fninteat' token of alarm. "Then thna I chaatiae your impudence and fnUehotidl' ebmited the enraged editor, eeiting the clergyman 'a none with a craep of iron,' and pitting acnrnfiilty in hia mouth. 'If 1 did not fear to hTo hh fi.ut ataina of jowr nolhittng hhaid rm the now pure neord of J a"-oioiirai, t wrmui teacn yoer a la eon Bey er hi be lorirotteei nmit tan, dviaa AtM ked Colrmnn, aa calmly aa in prayer meeting, f - away witii yoo, poHroon and linrl " ordered Vtooil, adininieterin aevorol aiwia.nai.ia... kick, aa the other tetrantcd !tiwly from tlie in- glorioui Held, , a The rumor of the affnir cin-iilnte with incon ceivable rapidity, and immediatoli' became the uhieotnf general oonvernntion: nut ainanlarlv aa it may jnin, every bodv -dcnonncwl the juve nile preiicher ao that I t tink down at 0 .oe'ffom the pinnacle of familiarity to the I.. weal ahvaa nf wfnrme and dentdationi and on the auleuenl """I. wio-o ui asceiinen tne piinnt, nut hall a d. fcn heatera itni-n.le.1 iheaervice. llie chosen church deaertcd him aa a er.ward for that wait the renl eon-eof offem-e, aithougft many d it gnised the ftct nndor tha flinny pretext thut they diaapproved of hUeunduct in inwlilling with tiieationa of politic. Jit ia imjiall,le to paint the emottona of the youog mitnater when he witneaaed thiat reanlt, ami aw hitnaelf entirely ahandi.nd by hhttpir-iiu.ilttiH-k. Kten Ihenejrr.. and h..v tannted himnaa cownH whenevnr he anroare.l in tl.a im' amnnceii onue. elailv nf weoai a lady of boaoty and intelligence, gave him a eaild and oniel diainiaeal. Ilml he lieen nruvml eoilte - burglary or theft, hia di.-grnoe could not have been mure oomplete. No one, therefore, wondered Whf.fl kaa Vritll. drew frnrd t":e ffllotrthlp of the Methodiat de nominatiop. and hut himself npin tha aolitude of hi private annrttnnnt, aa many auppoaed, in a eondilion binleringon menial derangement. i ne oiiowing woe it, however, revealed the fruita of hie me.liinnnn. in aa uneipected man ner that einr.leil tlie whole eity. Another arti. ele came out in the Arkunaa Whir, and thia limn over Uvit'nlciiian'r,n aignature, which exoelled any aaiim ever before aoert in the onih- wet for neful, laMtmllcia, biiior denunciation. r.very watlure id the ei -preacher's pen aremed like ih ttwh nf an infernal aw-rd every word pierce I I ke the throat of a poieoned dagger. The editor of the Ilemocrat and all hit friande indee.1, hia whole party, and eieu hia family were anbiecied ta the pemtlty of atimmary mae taere. lie dragged inloli-ht all their privateat well at political tint, aad accused them nf imag inary erimea, that cajwaed every reader to torn white with horror. Then, aa noon na the ndwananer waa leaned ba left bit room and promenaded the pnblie thor oughfare with the pn ud and lofty trend id" a he rtt, areneapanieil by Font Nnlnnif.b.h thoimgh ly nrmeil. Aehalleage from laraol Vood,lbea , porhi the moat, deadly duellist in the world, waa the immediate eonaeqiience, and the youth accepted il tn aombat with pialol. tea ante I .The iniertiew lM.k place the next morning at snnriae, ran the baiik of the Arkansas river, half a mile above Liilie Hia?k, and aever did a great er ronoourae of epectabire twarm tu behold s similar atne. At the apiNiinled honr the eecond. Klia Whartim for W inela, and Fent Noland fi Uo.a man. ttatinned their prin. ip.il. in poaitioa, and the ani'nnis ihnmg actually trembled ia fearful atMctaivry of the brutal eignal. Indeed, the proximity nf the foee was ao chrae that Ibe ea cai vl either with life reemed altogether hoi leaa, , la tha mennwhile .a wnndorful ehange had been wrought in the aepent of the formerlv mild and merciful minieler. llie blue eyes looked hi. niinou a fire ball, and Ibe tbnajghilul tadnea of hw euunienanea hail been replitoeil by a per. petusl .mile bat eat-a a ami la. gerav tooroliiog. mailenHie,.as apirared fa hart power of blttiug Ih gascr tiieli, like Ibe flaaa of light aiog from a thunder rlond. At Fent Noland left hit friend, he whl.peee.l In hit ean "lie eara and aim atlheenemy'a nd Br at. Uto wrd It is your only ulian.-e." , ... . Al length the signal sounded, ami both wean ona riaued apparently together; yet, in faet.C'oke maa'a bl the preroJeBe try t..l,ae half a oecond, and that linimutia fragment of duration made all the.l.flciemeuf tn mine eurmly ia the re sult. W.and fell to the earth like a tlont dmppe.1 from the hand, with a bullet bole through hia right temple, while bit tea ball w limited the (nrlh id aa inch above, bit alraa.ary a heavl. Fr-ui II. al day U.e lame and fortune of Ietl f "leiono might I aaiired irmly e.ial.li.he.1. lie a inaiallcd l ill. aiih in tha editorial rhtlr id ibe Arkaneaa Vt big. ti d aleloed ea aud pie l"l with the t'u ir.ui.hnl luc-ra, wiul twb datily the an 4 el aaf taaetileaee eat eburt bis brier aa urtiiuaH raraor. tln'l l.al na a alia We invite the linera af fun to J..ia a la lh beany Uu.;li a si junt bavin-e over a elory li,h by 1 na d ..ui N -itbern et, mprarioe, ? a tall frtwky 'lir-king eoanlry man, wlab dnrii.y ll.a k'-.Klalid lb b.a-.l,aM aaa-ean lael fall.Wa.ked ia b. l i.eid III lateat wh 'haal 4a-V g.ej ii.ote .an r)r jdv, and entirely diaregardiog lb Mh a lot. ..f tb Ulet p.iem,tnMl into Ih OuUMing rw-na. j Wen) 'he l a-a te of the aetaidiebmaait were alt- ; Itt g tn rb e.,aieraatH. Af.er labieg a rtir 1 nat gUnr of ike roaeni and toraeriee aiieaii. Iv ti la. a af the arwrBia. be aaa ad anb an aneti. na 1 anko naal twang ' !! . g. t any bail f" ''Naila, tr, ftaaka!" eafvasted Ih a-t t)igo'iaa i i .aly of li e Brna. .ViSIf, bj) slaoold we y-a BfMigbL JIaiol i d.. w.m t aii-f " " VV al, I dontoi aa. yaw got a-.na.U. eh ?' "Mo, ir." ra.iied lb Iheaabrj again, ilh an ai.ii l.aai aa.e i.to.g to 4,.o7, 1 he in luelonf in aeareb id" staala I ..I hi lies nla .1 il, and iliew left Ih snanlii.g r. nt. la torn, he a- 1 eaety elct llae nasne a.ie,..,i, i,d .. lb n ..ia,ait.-a Iron nil, that "naila" Varawl part at lbs K.ek of the al ...i h- eVall," noi l ka, g dog t-ewardt lh. do, "dnn'l keen Bail baft, laa ho I" Tea pr a.B aaaaiaa, wu-e d gody wit ban Py H,e net ti.al nay aw atoeaid Mtppaaw Itaat an ea'al.l..i.aaanl wkwre ba bod a prtaaiiiiawt p'e-b-ild keep mi I, hna-led lb eaeamrvaaaa aaf a b wa pv rawlo.g 4aawnr lb eMraoea, I niad aasad bias shai.t.y bat be eaniad. J -b.--'OI.M.-d.ea ewaabae, I tol to kaa w if yaaa're g,at ti.j . Bitef " Nmla, Bo sir. Yul b l-a b.'.d a,-a,a NTTMBEE 15. and again, that we've got ao naila o you'd bet ter rn." tAiu't got any Baikal.? Well, then joat look a here, mialer. if roo ain't got no naile. what an awful ntyou'd be in if you'd happen to have the iieh!'r From Petoraou'e Lailiea Rational Mnnaine. THE THEEE ClIOSTS- - BT 1. w. Btwgta." Roand a eheorful wuod fire. In a quaint, old country bouaa. three tiatcre ant talking ia the twilight. The bright blare illumined the walla, on which a few portrait were banging, and eaat grotottjue altadowa from tlie old faahinned furni ture. The ruddy glow lighted op too the three lovely facet of the aistera, who were enjoying it ohecrfulneae. ' Very charming wore Ihey all, Cut very differ ent in their Itmutv. Margaret, the elder he who' aite lo the right of the fire, with head thrown partly back, while ber hand are erutaed upon her knee, ia about twenty two. She it ttll, atately, and proudly beautiful, tviphie, "pretty Sophie," tit nppo ite on a nofa, with the head of little Horn, who ia reclining oa her lap. . ,, ' Liule Itoaa, tlie youngest, with neither Mar garet's queenly grace, nor Sophy's brilliant beauty, waa what ladiea call "a darling" that ia, the waa toveablo, charming, and innocent. In foot aha waa treat, and weet ae a hawthorn bloaausa. Tbeae throe young girlt wore tingularly aittia- lei. . They resided in the old homestead where we have found them, alone, except tor tbe servants attended them, lather and mother acre both dead within afow years, and as there way no re lation to supply, even in a measure, theii placet, the orphan tutors clave; yet more cjotely to each other and. continued to live in their uWlat home liko bird, who nolle together in the old nest when the parent birds have hift tl eta. Thorna-i, an old and fuithfnl ataa servant, and Kitty Cork, (a persoa aolwliliatnndiiig her juve nile name, of middle age and tried fidelity) were their only domeatice hut they sufficed, p.r their Inhnr were performed tiTHfty spirit of love and willingneaa, , Such was the little lioiisehuld of the tutor and there they wore sell led fur life. For, lie it known to yoa. oh. incredulous render, that each of the lair sitterliuod waa under a solemn vow uf tislihacy. . . When their futher died and left them all alone in the world, rhey took each othera hand and solemnly promised never to desert eaoh other, but, to live and die together. - Throe year bad pawed tinoe that time, and though their lovlineaa attracted suiters even to ilmir.iiuict, lonely h.nne, nt whisper had ever been breathed by any of the sisters of a wish to break that vow. . On tlie contrary, they often applauded tlinlr kLuIuib in devising it, and swore foaliy to ita new. dome loch eonvertation bad taken place en the very evening I have choaeu to Introduce lli.nu hi my readers. Indeed ihey were more than uaually vehemnnt iu their denunciationa of any trenail i lo their code. Margaret's eyes had flvhed indignantly at lha vary thought of such treachery Sophy bad painted must tnuuliipgly the lonely slate of the other two should one be base enough lo desert and little lion had de clared. .-'" "That even if Prince Charming himelf .bwilj cm flying into the room in a golden ehariot, and were to fall at her feel, all crowned with diamond, she would not waver lh least mite but should just say ve.-y aoldly, 'Ume, l'nnre Charming, yoo can I have me. I hare prumiaed my sitters never to marry." iilargairet aud Bopine laughed at little Kote s tally, and the greatest unanimity of opinion ap peared hi prevail, - - While they sat over the lira diaousing this suljecl, Kilty Cork entered with a basket ol ehea auta, saying. "If jo pleaae.lMliliea.Thnmasbldsme give yee' they nuts. He's afther pickin' them hiaaeh and he saia aa he llallow-Aia, ye ll be thryin' yer fnrtniie, giHid or bad And It's vrlahin' ys good lurk, and g-n.d hiiahan.l he i. . "Ihaja nut Thoniat know!" began Margaret, with a frown. 'Oh ay bekaows'inlerrapied Kilty, with a slight tons of the head but imnicdinlely repen ting ttiis imprudent gesture, sit added, with ro gitih deniurenms, . - "Ib-ft, but Thomas It qnare, headstrong, aald Imly. I'urr. ould nowl. be ha ay hi eranks and vbiins and nne is, ye ll all three o' yee be mnrtird befio? the yeara'e out Unfortunate, demented, ernthur that h I, lo take sie ana eraty fancy." " "Crasy, indeed ! said Margaret, with dignity but yet a hen Kitty was roue, the srirla heiarrr "jual for fun," to try lha aute on tbe hot h..rcif lh good, old taahioroid manner. True, Be names wore Bientloneil aload, but that did not nievenl each maiden from mentally deaignating her nuts aa aha pleated and certainly the mi.at inienao interest glowed ia eaeb youth In I face, at it wui.il.ed the entie msaoruvrr of llev wriinio Inters in the symladical panlomimt. Kilty re turned to And ll.em enganwd ih this moat lnn.ii siatent sinu.enieait: but like a wise daniael h liaik Be B' teof ti.Hing dtacreiancia. hh. on tli ountrary, propiaed that aa they were trying ll ill.iw K.i a games, they shoald, at a Inter hour, larloee going ti bed, try the famous old uns of sow iti at heiun aeeaj by moonlight. "W bat i it ? boa do you do itf" erieil the t'is lers, and Kilty went on lo explain, how llie girl who wood hal into the fmura aa wi lier fate. Bud go by night, al -tie, and heroad the hearing of her ft iende, and Stalletlng I rmp teed in the nioottlijaht, luut say, , 'Ilaijsrs4 I aaw. -llayp aaed waat growl . tl bo,r.nt!l b my traa Ure, eats after sad Sho,' Anl then, on h.V in t over her rigl t .h HilJc.-lie houl-J iee tlie man shs waa to marry eofnihg af Ur her. with a greA aeyilm rtaiwing aad who would ai.-l auiely overtake ber and rut her beet off with Ibis weaiam, if she paused loa l.iig to h-.k." " Y.eu f .rge K'Hy, we are never going lo bvc any hii'band," irmtrkrd fof.liie, when Kilty pAii-e.) ia Iter eidaklioot. "OU, writ, then, no karus d o." wa lb rrt ponae "M yew tn have wo ha-l-and, an bus binds will wane and yv'll aa ra jar leM-la," lb ai'r wei la iheham.ar f a-a frolic, and bats edveiinred a triul on li.e ot, but th all i.....rli.l Kiny sh.pr e-1 Hiern. "tt hat Sa a l i V rhu far tirh a lliii gf It's ao vi eigl.l e'eha-k, and lb amne's no ap the l l boor etar 1 ea it triad Wa lea o'e t k, an I tbe no Inlht b.ir it loiter at. II " , The g-rf roo-euied o wait a mot pmplil u. h.oir and rainrnvt to their are aide en-tl. Kittv teiiin.el lo the kit hen, where , ahiapcied a l-ag la'e In Th-tu' ear. 'I he laner lieiened mJ leal ka bead aagariiiaaly ba.k np bis hal aod anl Tea a'i -Lark at length, ilrack, and tha siaiera, aa egr aaetvr far li.e fr..i,e, sailed Kitiy Mae itred alter a lll'le delay, larit.gmg with br three l-a kela d bewaiaeewd, on of who h i.e gave earl, tail aatten'urer wna ranewil in- ntraetoM. M.a Margarat vat daainj I hw fr-ow llie oi d.a.e K feom th ba- k. and K-diie fr .,t th aide. T!-rv wee aleojl l t i. wloalb ma, wk i ha nU-ntly i.Uernrj ail, Miugruoly. That' near L. iy Im t, I too go by lb a I, and . Spin frota 1 1. l...-k " , "Thtw f y.ot, 1 Ixiotna, ad m heart In earv eiamfh al Iriglil at m b'uol' r." "WhT, Il w'al d ftcreo.- raa il poa.il.ly ta -a ?" IO--H..1 -1 11 e f K.t'v -! o. ;. i, it an war Lot ma il f et.e n.iio.h'ad I ke. ".ui i:.c f, ' t s,ii, ai. I jet) a eei ll. - n -f.t gnet.''ae the three g'rlUh figure Ki;ud aa-ay in U.e ditrkneae. Five ten aiinutea e'rirwe, and M.imeet mat.. 1 brcattileea into ttte aitiing ratm ; iu octant oi.-r. ai.d IV and N.phy joined her. 1 bey ail bx he i ex.-ited. and frightened. Kach Iradied at tbs other Margaret be a a. inquiring 'y, "I ha e tenllj teen eiime-.l ing very entmor i nnry ve-y nirjim. 1 i k..'- a. i, ,i i n.:. k t," , 1 . 1 100. a. t. eonto ll.u n.ive !-n a t"'! how frightened 1 ani 1 1 ai.l n i--l-.il . 1.. u n.l rtl-. Lt ! n-;-tt.-l ' i.-l I a.i.e n ; t'.eur 1 it- I bad ontiere-t mj heui.vr.i m i 1 the rhvuic aa Kiny directed, wi.n. i, . actually a fi-orein wni e. adtnn. n: me with a tvyioe, jut nt had ln p-. was to taken by autni-i, and ao fr.i-iei 1. I ed-f..r. ot nuiav, a uiu not Ol Here ral'.tj . ....i!-(.ne, t: a'. 1 bad no powet 10 run rioe. I a(,i .n,,,,. Icea with terror, while the ti-nro .noproai-bed nearer and nearer. It advanced, aten'hy tiep, aa a man doew iu mowing, and I yet had it., p.,w ertoatir. At Uat it waa behind nc-'-clo.t. I felt its biach and its breath 011 my meek mni a nice whiapered in mv ear. " 'Beware how y.nf ci-l fr on you the hue m. 1 devotion of a faithlul henrt. YoungAl.hMth.ru truly lore y 111 make him and y.tir-!f Imppv.' " The iten were silent. Mtrg.tret ni.K-I, "What makes it trungeria, that ! inv wi ll the Voice that spoke-it waa Alilenn .rti'a an 1 I know none but a aptrtt e.itil.1 imitittc ilne tone, so as to deceive me. Gut tell as, 8uphy wl.' happened to you ? Yuu arc aa pale a "a hliy." "Sophie held nn her hand, on the third HnLcr of which glittered an opal ring, which she had never worn before. ' "l.itten!" auid the, "I did jut a yon did, Margaret ; and looking oyer my ulioiil.fer aa di rected, I too saw a vision. It 'was nut mowing s that jmo dencribe; but it held a ecytl.e in iw hand, and when 1 diet saw it, it wu already by aiy aide. It was clad in some kind id a ahiin mantle, and ifcatures wore quite visible, iu tlm moonligh(,. tviaiera, it was I..etitmiti.t Morton! He or it took my hand, and put this riujj on my linger, saying solemnly, as he did to, '' "Willi ibli ring I wed the, . , ... In death or ia In, . Tlila lokea deik hind thea . ' ' r'ureer my wife,' Mariraret shuddered. What ifher eii ter were wedded to a demon! She had heard ufeuctt fearful thing and did not her own cxperienca forbid her to ba incredulous f Willi aaiokotiin sensation of supenniliotis horrow and npprelien ion, turned toward little lloae. Wh.it had .befallen that poor child - "1 too have neon a ghost,'" Roae began Mar garet i hiapeil her luwida, and eluecd her eyet. Her pale tare grew even whiter than beiore. Bote continuoj, , "I had town my hemp-need, aa yno did, sisters, am when I looked behind me, 1 saw-the roanci e miug after me with great tlridea. I ttarled to run, but in my fright 1 aluuiblud and full aud the ghost instantly sprang forward, aud Vaisc I me on anUA-anJ " "And what, ltotet" aak'bl Sophie and Margrt rot, etVjrorly. "And it was Hubert Blootiily," said lime, nb mptlv. "llowdiiyouknow? what mJtos you think sof aau.t tne aieicra. "Itcoaone he kiaaed me I" tried Hone, ha.titr. Then, overwhelmed bv her own hlnnilerin,. speeuh.ahe hid her hhuiiing luce in her hande. -vlnraarot and Ooiihle were aclnut. lime was a diacovery 1 ; llosa tried, awkwardly enough to profit ly the silence to amend liar error. '(hosts dou't kins, you know." .he tiiniilly remarked. - '..nd Hubert Itloomley dcot!" crie.1 Sophie, laughing. "Oh, Unae, K , yoa little traibit, who would have expected Ibis from you 1" Nie looked keenly at Margaret at the s)ke, Margaret met her glance w ith a look at once ounacioqt aud sunpiuious. A light wn bcmnniiig lo break in mum them. They began to tee that Koae waa not the only traiior In the camp. They began aluu to uti-ipti t Kitty and see thrnugh her ailvice. At luat Sophie broke into a merry laugli, "The fact ia," tbe said, "that I lint uini.hietv.ua Kitty bas been playiug ui a trick, very saucy, but tery clever. 1 u'nderataud It all now, and alia li.n evidently understood as all, this long time. Iluw ay you, Margaret J Are w justified in keeping our vowa, when three glmtti sume tn in ilmir graves to bid us break them-?" Margare turned aaide ber stalely head, with ft blush and smile and made no eiplieit en.e er.- lint 1 fancy the as well a the other sister, worn more aatielactory iu their repl.re the rieti d ir. lo tbe "three ghoai," who appeared io j-robria perama te plead Iheiraauil'. 1 need tear only tuy, that, as Sophie ImViu grated, Kitty wa at the bottom ol there iui.... myatcTtei - Having, Willi bee utnat threw. Ii.eaa, diecuvered the secret of each a later, aim had de-ipat. l.e.l Tib. mat to summon the Invert in tuna to pluv the ghostly part aaaigned them. ' Finally, 1 woirtd- merely remark, that Unit "qunre head strong iiiif.1 bmlv," I'h.ima' predic tion case perfectly true. AH three a.eter were married wiitno the year. Margaret entcied with her hu-l.aml into i -esion nf a m.hle eainie iu the neig'ibirh .4. Sophie aecoinpnuied Lieutenant Morton to .lutn.t lauda. Hut K.ieo, with her hetieit-eu'd tarun.-r, nettled down in the dear old b. mi iicad. Kilty, noA more miioriant and more indulge I than t'tcr, and fniihlul e!d Tin ma, til oiui . , remained with her. Once a )ar, at often as il is wUhin the b ui ! ol possibility, tl.t swters tseol under ll told r.. ! tree, i.icry Llli , -r.t e they naaetol.ie, m f ..1.1, r und the clieeilnl Wia,d liie, not erhftpa riv.-'.h cbranule, and talking girliah n-.naoae, hut te eallnig Rrena uf past pieaioire, and i-H-.iaii i( t f presrul happiue-s. ., - fuj'frluf Tm ll the Original I'M Uifls fa fVu-eaoCaad 12 )imh, noim jf-'...c Vi. I tty;'f I, J, J, S '! 4 ).. tog iui bv . J21T2I1TS bu CO., (uniGiaAt. ist.aToo ..r res BstA'.Me ti i i e i hl.tl Ctalar la Tea cnlr. .V. IT. rr.ae . Jfa.lrf aed ,V,. . ..I , J'lllLAhEU'IllA. T-Tfti hi MrlalllC IV-Vi fiul Wf. It !.!!' ' iiBia.Iiiig ft 1f tvl yf Lrtl MtV HiiJ Uittn V- i'r-t' ii litl .-f y-t,T-rm &r fcfh'.A ? ( ill 1.0 lr tbrm. AM T'a. ttammrtl t r n f rts n-i irttv r.tt (nit--j 1. 1 . ( nil pn-l . -lUir f fe.iMt imt k ctmigtiii l.t t.t l-- t i-, ,t . 're-fti "JMf i'sfj.'w taktrtl Mrrk U, lt". '.I - T K V'l AhK M rfKIIINU fh'?l fit xy i . 1 imh, if y'mr lv--, U (I f nurfri-1 ! m i n tV"-. if ) -i r Um.t ttninmr.. Iv ui-t, i ,; , fail tit trtl. tr r f t i (!.;, ' j i 't t 'iU , M , ( bjmri'ij nfii tt vifa, rli at I'ty! u 1 l.,mt v r i , UlllfirtJla rtr-alrft jv-Hr..f JM- i - i i. lr pw)ra ll f 'f lli I n if, 'I '' U tlj ti, " r , r -f ftamrt, IHr (, sjf.wj 4 ti,, nw r t f ai . .-, Itsy.blof, if ta indhk 1 ' r. iMif . i : , a W fff ft-. Hf uf (M UU t f l -a i a ,j ,t rf 8 f. MM! E mnti'1. fanJ ft . J 1 s.itf" ""it', farnr ll J " a- f S.eftil '.!.l. fl.-fr, 1,t i I- r--t, ;i - afs)tlt (( -Il".'.tf A J -' 4 - :dMr.t . t, 4t 4 ltl f fcdl.r. J? I I i i. Ir-eft) tell ft! I ( let f ekaW-aj (-', i f--,r I ,., ejaTWf S I !-. 'ii hi) ? Ali -a '. . t J 7 A i iKiUt., Aua5-I l!ttk Stone w!.'-a Vo C..i rt' 1 I i , " ' Ul ! '"'J1, i . tl Lit i -Ju-t i 14 f 1. t-jh rpi I ft r.... r . a

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