4. C- . 7 . J ( " t 4 b-.Ear i . rt susut s Bxxxyt r . WILLIAM CDOUB, x anno ab rroraiiToa. -, t If paid triolly ia tilnm, tw dollar per an- : a; w sonars ui irnj efuu, ir pant wiinia -. ix saonth; snd tlive dollars at th ad of thai (fflllllif it ' . ' 64 ,71 i f-rrei cf r!Tn - Iircre-t VOLUME XLVEL EALHGH, KOBTH CAROLINA, TTEDXESDAY . M02NING. APEIL 23. 1856. SUHBER 17. I ! ;'' - n ,'. a g,,, (t.uT-.. cH-r.e l .e revo.i.u .t-.sry liram. fr 'in L throne o',;; f, ' At jin r Hy b - or, , , i.flWr, 17 in cni-.rii j rmjcinttiH, I ciiiuui-'-! I I to. rtj - ntrncl I i J At the door ieV.i:n-el, 'jei no yon can tear n-.tninir. I mjse.t lacllr in fmr.t .,f i- toe or.neeT; r "W ' I ti- et n it ll 1 ; i. .4-J 'I P t.f I i. I..!-' ADrSRTISEXSXn aot exceeding sixteen aes will btartad u tta far aa .dollar. aal twsaty-tvs mats for lack subseqosat inaartioa. Tkoaa of prester length wilt ba hargel pro para tioaally. OuartOrdan ad JadieialadTarJiaaBiaot will oaekirrM 1 par cant, higher thaa tka ahpra rataa. A rauimasla dednetioa will ba aiada ta fcata who adrtrtlja by tha yaar. Book ul Jab Printiaa; doa witk aeatnaa aa JaapaUk. and aa aoaoaiBrodatiiig tarma. " general directory. " CITY COVERJMEST. ' Wo. Dallas nywood, Tntcndant ot Police. i i , OUIIIIMIONERS. - - . '' Sattorm 'r(f.--Eldridge Smith, " ' " A. A 'lama. . - Middle rTanJ.-C.-B. Hoot, " R. II. lUitle, 0. W. Haywood. . Wetltr Ward. A. M. Gorman, V II. I). Turner. f 1 ' J. J. Cliriatnpher, Citt Clerk, ! K. II. Uartl. City Tiajtf. Ciif Guard. Jamaa M. Crawley, . ". Jnrkaon Overhy. City CVmW.6fc. Edward Ilarrii. William Andrew. A. AJain. Weiithmauter. . Harris, Clerk ; of tli Mar- COCRTS. T'i Suvrenu Court of North Carolina jelj ta this city seiui-annunlly, n the second Jiday in June, and the 3tlth day of December Jnijea. lion. Freilariuk Nun, Child Juatice, It. M( Pearson, Aaaocitttr udm, W. II. Rattle, F.dmnnd B. r'reeman. Clerk: Ham. Jonea, Ren irter J. J. Utchford, Sr., Mnrnhall. ' The Itmlrd XLitt Circuit Court for the Dia trict of North Carolina is held eaii-aunually in thia city, on the lt Monday in June and the hut Monday in Norembor. . ' Hun. J. M. Wavne. of fleorela; Hon. ' Henry Piittr, nf FnyetWTlllei IHatrict Attorneys Robert 1. IMuk; Clerk, Wm. II. Haywood, Sr., MiirahaltrVeidPV Jones. - . ? The Snjierior Conrt for this County, is hold on he Brut .Monday after the fourth Monday in Mirah and .Scutember. . i ' John 0. Moure. Clerk. . Joe. B. Bachelor, Attorney General and Solic itor nf the fourth Judicial District. The Court of VI cm end Quarter Stttum is held on the third Monday in February, May, ' Aojiit and oaeinlier. Jftt. ttlev, clerk. 4 ChitirmaH of the County Conrt. William Boy Ian. . ' County Solirilor K. P. Marriott. Sheriff of Wake Count William II. High, Cert'WrV-Willip iSsott. , Ufijitter. II. llutmn. ., .. . ' . BANKS. B'Utk of the State of Worth Carolina. Inoorno ruti' l Charter expiros in 1X0U, Cupita! l.5K).X(. (Jivxle.i into U.tHHl uliarea of wbirh tiia Literary Hoard bxdda 5,(127 anil the liiiiter- SltT IIUMJ. . . Princijnl Rank It Raletjch.'ir tlfforse W. Monleeai, rVeallftntf Cliarloa Itewy, fa-hiw. J. II. Uryaii, Jr., TKlier aud Notnry Tnl.lin. W, K. Ah'Idmou, I'i "imt Clrrk ana Notary Pul)!io.' .1 jnlan WoniWe. JrM Herk. Thia tine" tiranohoaut Xnwhera, Tnrhoro' I'ayetlerKie, Wituiinitkm, Kliinlieth t'ity, tnur I nto, .Milton, Morgiimon and WiinllriiT - IIH'T"1. . On the pirt bf the SUte : 1. W. CotirU, Puh io T.evor-extillii'ii, 1 OH, Branch ami W II. I';.. " On lUa trt of tho S'iM!klTlor t W'ut ISojlnn, Wm. Hear. J. II. ikrrxu, J. h. U. Roulha, Al fred June ami li. V. Mm, i i(Iwg n4 ItfimwalTl iT-TaM.lny. " lricnu!ii d;v Vdiioa4ay. " JVi'OM- ilil'l nud Uilla ot Kxchange Jiwount ed every dnv. llj.inc hmirs from 10 till 2 o'clock. J , P'lWjh Rraarh of the ftank of the Cap Fear W 111'. LIU 11. Joli, (.ll-llllT. R. P. Hiii u. idler auU tUTi Publio. IJiariT-na. Oeo. W. Uvocd. T. 11. Selby, 8h Jonai, (lei.re l.itllc,lr. Ibos. logic, and C. W. 0. Iliih-limica. ' ' Oifarinj ly Al untny, Piamiuut day Tuesday RAIL ROADS, lllli-iijh ii l tlttslm HaUroad Company. K. A. il unill'.ii, 1'reaulent, ' W. W. Vaas, Traaaurer, ' , J. 31. Pool, Anaiatant Treasurer. C. II. Allrn.' 1'eoot .Vir'nL 1 Mnil trxitt leave 13 mlnutea before 6 A. arrives at J 1. M. Sortk Carolina Itattnai Comiiny, Chu. V. Fi.her, I'reMdeot. C. P. Mendniihall, Treasurer. J. T. West, t reixht and Ticket AfirM . Mml tra a arriraa 5 o'clo. k, A. M- from the Eaats and ileoan. lm. after 5v'rloi-a. A. M. M ill from the Weat arrives at 142 minutes af ter 4 i.Yh k, P. M. Ionrt at 2J winutes f jieSaVlmk, P. M. JUWJl rjTTt I till 1 Bltla from fiWhr Sckrir, M Aiiwn.naj Him . ApplrtM't BoiWinj S44 34a Broadway, BCHIEFFLIN BP0TEER6 Co laroarxiu, akb bialim is Drogt, Filati, (lilt, Djti, Ptrfumrrj, It-, 170 r UtlamMtreet, Piew Yark, INVITE the attention of the trade to their litrg and taried stock of Drug; Faints. Oil, i'erfuai- ery, ., &e. ' i 'ty. ,. in ail ntloB to their rejrular importations of Sta. pie Drugs, they are also receiving direct from the aonreaa of production and manufnoture, snpplies of(TooTR, II Aia, aa.l ' ul Bbushss, Uaonsa.CosK, Mobtars. Hpoaoas, raixra ami Kvolhh ftarcx er, Lrsm's Extbaots, and many other articles nsuallyanbnired in Druggists' stocks, which thry are also enabted to offer on the most advantageous terms. v ' Orders, either in person or by mail, will reeeirs prompt attention, " y June 2(1, 1866. . ' . tr 77 Pint Prtminm Guld Ma Finna-Fartn. 8IEIS WAY ft SONS, ' mxt rABTi-BExs, 84.iB8 waiks stiiiets. AB laOADWAT, SW T0IK, 1) espectfully eall the attention of the public te , their apleoilid aiwonnitnt of semi-grand and iiire Tianos, which, for Tolume of tone, elastici ty f loach, beauty of tnisb, and in short every thmz that renders a l'iano perfect, are unsure. sed. They were awanled the first premium for both kinds in competition with the most distin guished makers from Boston, Philadelphia New lora, end tiaiumore, . aad tleaoiae, sreeih uf ISJ4 brnOe hi bt.N Bl V lunasn, DMSKiicr, ntuns, n.v. I asptrajM. . iCitroa, for preserve, erg Giant. Mwrd. ,'. itThite, (Basker Pnap sthnrts ) 'Bpiwb, Early l-ix-Weeka, or k'arlyj Otm, Muhwk. ' I ttuiam, Hsd Speckled ValeaUua, arf ilvw Bklaaed, or Wklta, tied Marmw, jbarge Yeilew Straikara, Brown 5perkled Taleatiae, bsrge Red Wetherinsld, Rfugt,. or Thousand lo-lTop or Battoa Oaiou, One, White r.irlursl. Red Fr-nch, " ' Vellow Itatcb, Cranbery Bush, . lisnvers Yellow, new, Eur Karly Victoria, barge Ked, -Hov.l Dwarf.oe While Kid. Karlv Rod. foitrAl Ney. . i'arafry. Early Yellow Si.vtteeks, jCarled, v Duahls, . Cinna Red Eye, or Esrlv.Piala oringle, i V hlns, 1 t'ortmip. Larue Lima,orButlerfteans:arar, Carolina 8ewee or baba. jtlollow Crownad, or Cap, lift. ' i ot. Eitra Early Turnip-rooied. Ltndreth's Extra Early. Karly Turnm.rooud Koit.iEarly Frame. Long Blood Red, . Esrly Washington, Bileslan or Hujrnr, s) !Erly May c, Nsngnld n unset, Ksrty Charlton, Karly Orngo do, Bishop's. Dwsrf Prolifte, r.arly llsll-l,i,ng BiooU, ;IwnrfHlIuc Imperial, - SEW TRIUMPH 1 Ptsikwat h Snss have iust been awarded the FIRST I'rommm (.OLD MKIML (over nil eomprti tors) at the late Fair i f the Ameriean Institute Crystal Palace, for the UEtjT Pianofortes. 47 tf. Freueh Ati)txr Su"sr, Karly Puoh, Early yirtr. iefliidt eth'i Larf) Turk, . Karly Iiitter!nei, Grn V'urlei. Svot, iairpv ummliH'l nnTcy. Tlisoellaneons. Vat tk Woa Tratrirr. ... -v Uitla Johnny. " What i Toif name!" said I to a littla lm whom I met as I was crossing the railroad tract on sit war to the station. "Jnha MoConne)," answered ha ; arid there was something so clear and musical, an re fined t'. .:.l vt ti, t- 1. w w l. aliltaeelebrated Admiral Lur4 itm-v lue !...:.! Tlie,"t'"'',I'',,.''',,u",i',,V l""el. It m ..... a n,, ,'., mm-, -. n Vfll.'l .TV r."!i: J Pl-V l'''l snd wst -ii.j-c I in the ant:iuite.i in e a.ih vTaahlnrtea isliarliiz hla niinketwltha NecTs, The Uiiputed Wisconsin Csrcraorsh!p, tt. . ,i , ' . , . ,. laaacaraUoa of doTaraar BTrthford-.l-anny The tidiowins" anecdote we bad in Neils s .J j ... . ..... r, .I--'-' ' "" - . T . . ""-;-"'"""""'- f ir hare aires !y britflr noted the f acs that : g'a-s, ai- ne..-e, wnere It Is ere-litel to l.mley s dUady . the S:i;ire ne Court of Wine. men has rousted Mr. 1 h in with d irk t and to the pen cf tha Uer. Iluurt F. UarrinjS- ' Karstosr fnmi the tvaution of trofernor of Wis. i of tho S' .-.ni'h AroiiiU, ton: lentfeu uit.s t'Hor,tn'it tfic t'uo K' SfiChtry, i i-n e, i 1UMI (U Cilt int of '"n. Tli walls "ere "!'. n tho d -tc-ji bad ti-.c ',e.vptire of cwisin. in f.iviir of lr. Oolts Hwbf.ird, and that t recoii'oiz.;(.-in the crowd of j cistrs, C t.i1j Lieutenant Ootemor McArt'.ar, spun Mr. Bare j and West, the painterf, with x roe Arnvn-'o-an la"' 1 rove's vacatin theoflt.. at'eninted toaenme tiie ' dies. I also notK-e-l some di:o,-iei A ,.r. l,T, in nia ti ne, fn.it i tippe.i to ouoerve him more t liall was the bidy ar-rant of Cokinsl Pirkerinr, ' wiMttm ajitiiat the right rw-.tr. BsahMM. lh j royalists in the grtuj), ciosety. - poor iittie rner;ea nny : there was t r Jussachiise'i. He wt free and cmnjumta-! Slirtuki Amcriosn narrates the scene as nil. eearcoly a Whole natch in his little short jacket, j tiro, and delighted to sit Jowu with a ; Interested I lows! ' - " ilia ootton tnwaera were liel.l on br a towatrinn. , listener and nmr out those stories and absorb - About 11 o'ch ek. A: M.. Gir. ' BashfoM, a aim nis mu sumcnea aooea annweu nia poor ts , Inn and exciting auocd ites with which his mora- f eiHniinnied tr his pmate senrifWry, Mr, n. . bata, and reil I with the cld. But his pirm would j ory wasatorej, j Uonkine, of Matlitoa repaired to the 0.itil, and how itself round and chnhlvr.ln spite of the on- ; .'it is well known that there was no officer in arriving in the toatibule. prwemloij immediately seemly eoTeri.ne, hij small dimpled hands, and : tlia whula American armv whnaa-menniri wns i to the door of ibr etecutite itnurtment and fnund his sweet round face, pure white fureheail, (rent doarer to Wahi0jfta, and vrl se cminl was ! it lucked. Knockint, however, tha lata print Royal Dwarf Marrow list. Blue Prussian. - h'srlv Champion of Enirlanu Large White atstrowmi. J 'couvr. fjsrgs Pwoet, Bsll-shapod Tomato, or Flat, Cherry, (.ayenne, or Long, I 'owpjtua, . , Red Dutch, (for riiekliax.i't'ashaw. T.srge Late Drumhead, jfoniaion Field, 'mr Ckrese. Mnwmoth. iL Scarlet .Short-top, thong raluion; White Turnip-rooted, Long Orange, TILTON & McFAIRLAND, . 33 Maiden .Lane, New fork. ANUFACTUUEH OF THE WOKLB- RE nowned ft .lamander Safes-. Bank Vaults, Baltimore Depot. 146 Pratt. Boston Depot, 14 Howard street. . ; 127-ly. FOR THE 1,000,000. THE ir. ". PATP.HT MARBI.K CO. (Capital ?lf,5,rH.) Na. 3tM Broadway, rer. V alker t. New York. Are prepared to execute all enters for Monties Tsbjs Tops, Columns, Pedestials, I'ilssters, Hlabs, to., in Imitation of Siena, Broratel, Pyrauees, Neapolitan, and sll fancy Marbles; equal in atrengtb,, beany, and durability to real marble and in some respects superior thereto, and at less Inn hall tbeoo.t. I'nltke marbe ited iron. wood or stain, H i.wholly tree from all objections which srs urged sgainat mere surfnee work, where rsitit, eo pal.vaniisk, 6-e. form the temporary polisa anil beauty i f the article: Mantels from H to f 4)1. Or ders from Builders, t'abine Makers and others so- lieitod, and sotisfsotion guaranteed. Agents for the principal cities treated with. Jos.ru Lam B seo. IVtfr 1ie.v5ii;, Pres. Lovri, U. MicKLsa, V. Pres. Ral OcUibcr IrWid. . llllt ly. new Touk sui.ixj:ky. MRS S!MTfjN Wbolrtolf and Kdnll MUmiy iml Straw GiKidi nnnhonvr , -H Broadwnj K EH' TORK. , MR, f ts now lo Kur-iTH- for ibe cvpres pnrjKise of seteetlnw aoreltif s for vlia Sprl.-x Trs.le. wtii.k four UVFICK. ' i WiiliaTt WMta. tr.. Post Master. Onice b mra, oa week days, Irum Sun-ris at 9 I', il. TRAVELLER' GT1DE. Altr glism, or Field, Large White, or Field! V(ery. White Solid, Red Bolidv Vorn (arf'oa.) Evcrgreea Kujtar, , Sweet, or ruirar, . :.. rlarlv Canaila. Eurly York,, or Adatn'sjiimrh Snmmer eVallop, aarly, I white, Tascarora. , illutuh Summer rsllop,yel- f?aifoseer, flw. Early Asistie, (Imporleil.).('oeva-nut, -Late Dutch. tVslparasio, er Porter. . Oram Prpprr flross. j .V'aoi-Ag- . Broe.sli Ijrte Hurpls end Savoy leafed. tape, i,nrge n one v.spe, pnrklj seen. Ked Turnip-rooted. Yellow Turnip-rooted, iSummer While, A6flrb, or 'i.-pinl. i(,iV, or (lflr '(ot, .tvooea. Early Bush, or PaUy Pan, Ksrly Apple Rusk, or Egg, Long tlreen Crookneok, Hush trooanscK buiui blue eyes, nnd grolden hair, one bright eurl of ' more esteemed by him. than that of the honest which was hansrtng through a hole ir his rng- ; nnd pitnot cJCohmcl Pickeiing. He onHn ged eap. made altogether a pictnre thttt many a ' timate terms with him, and uiib(V,iimcd hiuiwlf stately father and mother would be proud to see , to him with as liu reaoi ve. jis, perhaps, to any in their luxurious homes. the:r own. , j eonB lant In the army. Whenever he was ata- " Yoq going in the cars?' aVe.t he. tioned within su -h a "ilist inoe as to admit of it, " Ve, I stn, Johnny1. Do you like to look at ( he paaed many h.oirs with tiia IVionel, bon'ull them going ssfasff" ' I ul".n uticipaled ni. aiurcii, aud deligbt- " Yea ma'am, 1 Intra the ears ; they look so ; ing In his reciprocated fi ieudsliip, bripht and happy." j . Waahinon was tliorcfora often hrmiirlit into "You look brihtor thivn they -doTohuny he- contact with the servant uf Uuhmel I'ivkarinjt. onqae ymf have Rot a sweet tbirkitig soul,' aud the donots i Vtimua. An oiipotunit.v -aa offoreHl they hav'nt. At yoo fcanpvf" The child east a ; tu the iicgru tiv ni tc .ttuy tuuler. uiwuislaoia g!iip.,i fam-Boni ImAtMt eho and isfbl j'tery diftWeot rVwii lh..i tn which he is unmlly flutl.'ea, end answered .- ' . j broulit W'lore the public and which" puaaiBa, "Yes, I guess I am, ImiI I am 4o!dv, you J therefore, atriViio; chorrn. 1 remember two of snpi oo.my mw.il is cold as I am? riliee anscd tes ftv.in the im uth i f I'riinits. One " iHir soul ia n aweet. pure, littlo soul, and at of H em is very ii;;!it, indeed, vet an peculiar as denr to your Ilearerily Father us tlwn!H i .lo be rpHie,f sritit iutotost. V.he authenticity were exes so rich, or warm, or .happy:" said I, ' of both ni.iy twfolly relied upon. '. ... with a sudden gifh of tears, and an Inward e rar-, W v-l.ingion nte caiiIa to Col'liel Piokcring's tug prayer nr run : mar t mmni rree tuni j Qiinrie.-s, ana louan turn alieeht, f Vleoeieer. HTilteSpioed, Extra Early UossisB, Esrly Frame or Table, Short Prickly, Early (Ireen Cluster, Karly Frame, Early Short flreen, Lonir Ureon Turkey, Long tjrren (Keene's) 7l,0oro, Or lAKtmApjAt. jLarge Het, ILarge Yellow, IPear -shaped, . a I- TWsip. EorIy Flat Dutch, firs p. leaved, 'iRed-topped, fttrsp leaved. iKsrly tone. D.arge Norfolk, . , Pmoll Cherkin, nirpiokles.il.arKe tslobe, t'ng Voi.f, or Afi-f'f'ioi.A'ellow Aberdeen, a .11 arrive Hbil I ready for llopeitioa on or ebon Itis Tlrrt of Msirli. onlhern and IV.-i.lero Men-hsnls snd atUliaara sre raspoe4ioUv..4ai4l seM oih -ssmiws 4- Ihs ssioe before purchasing elsewhere. Psltera tton- aets slwsvs on hainl. rn. rrat by i srrrer i- sny ad dress. LFek. s.l -Sm BrwVlTB-citjf Mfin Eapine Workt. S. P. BUEBOH ft Co. WATf l STSXIT, HIUOI.kTN, MW loSK. ilauuj'ai turert of Sttum l.ttamtt trsVA Jluntim't 1'ultiU cut off anil Boitert. Lsrire'PnrpIo, Early Parplf. L'ttttrr. Esrly Curled, or Out Sals bsrly t si.baze, Botier l.ettoi-e, lrnwn IniT.-b, Uoyal fabhare, Iintru'l, PtillsdelrPla rsbba, Crld India, ov Ire, r, bite Cos, -(Irwn Cos, Palestine, - . . Jeoas. . tVst'l's Ket'tfir, Pine aop'a . r Prlsn, hkillt.M' Fine Neltteil) Briu-hwtSod, (rslra line.) Curfttien rVr, Ui 'Villain f oih Water. Da.'l- y. ..r rioontsin facet,. oi-w Or-cgo. , 1 Ttr er ttwrtrin.y irm rrrihrarre th tlitra yert,r,.'uient, te . i.-otrh Yellow. 'Rota Baca, r Swedlih, Herk need, .1. Lavender, ijeman Bslm, Ho.Vmary, ' :f"g. iSav.'ir. Jturomrr, I .' Wii.i.r, 'et Jtiwil. '.-'we-t Msrjorsm, wsot Thvaio, - j fr'ruai rrd. It By the pound bushel.) iRed . lover, 'White Dutrh t'lovsr, ibnc-me, or rrriirb, iltlcs times, ller.U or Rd Top, Thootl y, (Canary Bead,. . , delicate plwt of un eenity hu.'ks. nnd bring U Tnto an n'liirwphere whirt shnulit be firorahle to the dcrclopment of such a rare pcm. Fi f g' ld, that I might olothe in soft, sweet linen, those graceful litnha--encxM fhosa little nnmh feet in i wool, and softer fur and kid 1 that velvet and rich cashmere ehoubltnke the place of the coarse i linsey-wooleey. end thnse glossy curls bo smooth. ed avt arraugea to tieoomethat intelligent brow; 1 for gold, that more than all beside, I might bur education's wand, wake , the slumbering angol within cause sweet thoughts and pure "spira- Hons to start up in that unciiltiTSten brain, that the anirit. instead of Wine like a elod in that ilk- clad, cold little body, should spread it wingd like a young engle. should gather nappinessand in struction fnim all dod's gifts in. nature, and from them olleet the thoughts that at last timid carry it to perfect purity beyond that golden gate. With a great choking in my throat, I gay him a small coin, and charging hi in tn keep a good way offfrom the ears. I Jcfi him :and when I passed along in tlie train a few moments alter, he sto, J jn the same spot, his little finders twir ling the bit of cnoney, and hi- bountiful bright hair tossed ahottt his face by the n"Hh wind. I thought of bint standing there on theciusted snow many a time that dnv. end mnnv were the L plans I secretly laid f..r his lu tofit in the lulu re. I instinctively looked out when wo passed the -fit is muntttarv' esid lie In; Priimni "I niri ' grenlly in need of exercise. You most balp me to got .some l0" y ur male,' returns." I'nder Washington' directions, the" negro bunifd himself iu sonic simple prQivtrutione.- A stae was driven infn tho gn und alaiut brest high, a rope tied to it, nml then Primus wns de eired to stand at some distance and hold it horr- sontally extended.- Tha boys, the country over, era fninillinr with thia plan of getting ayrt With-true Imvish. test Vashingln ran forward aud backward for some time, jumping over the nipeas he ennie ami went; until lie expressed himself satisfied with the "eteroise." ? Repeatedly nftcrwan. when a fhTornhle op- fortunity.nltored, he would say: "Come- I'rlmus, am in ned i axeroise,"- whereat the negro would drive down tha stake, and Washington would jump over the rope until he had eroiod himself to his eon tent. On nioseoood occasion the General was en gaged in earnest conversation wit,h Colonel I'io wtiitiii in his tent until attar the night had fair ly act in, lli'A.liimi tera were at a considerable uistaiice, and Vashiiigbn signitied bis prefer ence to staying with the fotoneiitiver night, pro vided he had a ejuiro hutnknt and straw, "0 yes," iid Primus, who was appealed ti "plenty of straw and Mnukets plenty," lltKin this attirnc Witbingten eimtinued his conference-tilth tha Colonel until it was lime to Attiiur and hande'l him a copy of tha judgement rendered by the Supreme Court. -Mr. McArthur having read the document, then said t " 1 bare read this paper, Mr, Ryan ; have ynu nvthing further to otfer T"' ,; O Mr. "Ryan Nothing further, sir, unless 0o. Bashford wixhea te sneak. --, :.;' i'listlovarn-ir. Well, Mr. MoArthur.Xtn&in off his ornruont and httngiiig it over a ehaist) I hve come to take poaaessinn of the executive apanments, and demand of yuu the-pipers be longing therein, tl'.e keys of tht snfea, desk, ic, together with all which pertains to the executive et,..,.l., Mr. MoA. (alter a pauselWen. Mr. Bash. fortior foecjiswr, smiling and bowing to Baih fiml.) I ha e to ity simply this, that I hold ih flfiicer of llovernor of the Stat under the consti tution, and denying na I do the teinstitutionnl rights of the rvupreine L'ourt to exer. be jurisdic tion over the ca-e whien tticy nave iust uecuied secref try of Mr, H tratovr, Mr. Huorer, oame to the d-ir an 1 ttiretr it one.i, Ttie 0iverunr, a eouipaiiif d by a lew fi inKtlien en erwi and was crdislly greetoil by Mr. Me Arthur, who invited hit lobe seate j, torol'ior wiih those who entered with nice. Mr. Hyatt then approached Mr. Mcthm of his eiunti"ns.nce. It a a nvmient of "After waiting nervrW tara In urs ti c a,.r,., h of th King was aunoum-cd l.y a tre,neioi ui roar of artillery. Hoentercd at a small d.-or on the loft of throne, and iiume.liale'y scnted him self upm the chair of Stat inft graceful attitude with his right foot resting upon aatoul.- He ru clothed in royal rotiey. Apparently n;it itel, 1,3 drew from his pocket the aomll c mtxniii; his speech. The commrina were sutnaune l, an l.sf tor the hoatl of theirsntranc hml ubsidc.l, lis piwoeedcd to read hi speech.' "I was nmr the King, anil watched wi;h in tense Interest every tone of tote an 1 every rm- place, on my return, where I left him in thMnr j retiretoreft. Two humble bclswetesp ad,side by tiin';; but I did not see biiu ; 1 v astlill ihinkinf of the grviat surprised hllie eves, sptl the little plan I had in my hea l, when a grettt rri'h to tb doocs. and a erv, " boy kil'cd!" froxo my hi io. " Yho is ii ? vvlio is it resounded on allsiJos, hut it was in. t until we re o'bol the station tbnt I heard 'hem 'i.sn'er,,'.l hniiv Mid'un.'iiOI." Ho side in the trnf, and the offie rs laid tlium-clves down.ivhilo I'riinitsseeiiift i lo he busy withduties tiiat retitiireil his attention befoi he could sleei ilu worked orarjare I to work. uotU the hrea'i' ing of the p-oMratc gcutlcmen satislied him that they were, sleeping, .ojid then seating hiuise.f upon a tfn or stix.l, he leaned bis head on bis rTt UK subset ihersaot only asssrl the superiority s X Ike oijB.lroetion of tlo ir Kncine., bul oill guerf suiee lo iraaswot one-uoro more puwer wit me ,hbi s rises of boiler, and 3V per rent Irss peessare of sirs ni tksa sny other Enxloe meiiure4tarrd ia Iho Failed eiates, tuslnialniog aa eqaai siid, wukoat regard u assuaal of wer applUd te the eagine. Alsorr. at ihetr long expeneaea an Imaisnee rs.ili Ilea, tbey aekBeabdge eoavotitrs in tk taaaafas tars of Siir Jtfi's. Auraaei O.iet MJU, Wntm Imp4, Mmmg iMtups a tf iMmrif jur Mimm. AAi imnaod I , 'aryoaaW Ijijht f'asf uiye. fla.l M'li Mrlinrri of rrrry ItetrTiptinm. - Voalhera Ptantevw' stlealie Ifl partlolarly dire, led taessiaesi swdiapewted easar it. 1 he aiMplleily of eoa.iraetiTvi oaieaeealiaery power aad great oarslobl render! It decidedly onpriir to any ew ia IM. Ordeeshy astl. t oUieraise, sll.a.id va wtltiprowipt sen and dirpaiefc, h b. r sreeoy, ) D. P. fCRfOS It CO, . cosslis, V s. . nus ) F.b 0 Jaj. Tie 'Wonder of the Ag. so pay! . "I t Dr. Tobta-' eelel.rai ot ears t belrea, Dy whs unt ki'lsd, but both tbioie little evdd feet, bands to olitnin snch rerv.s as so inconvenient a (that 1 h I pitied so in tl morning and eisil i p.,iti.,n would allow. In tha middle (if the witluiinagiiinry shoes an.I warm sh ekings nil j 'night Washington awoke, lie looked shout. Sod day.) were cuitie. .,u under ti c wooeK lie i ,lcscne,l tho nero as he sat. lie gasod at him A largo lot of Mourning; poods. Boiahastnes; Moiiair Larlrts; Csatoa Cloths, . Alpaooas and DoLsias. W.H. A IS. 8. TI CKER. YOIINTHNb rilEMIHTRT OF COMMOM r) LIFE. Just received a large supply of this ruly valuable work. W. I. 1'UMKHOY, October lttllt. l'Jft A0E5T8 WASTED I! Hak Honey when Ton Can I riMI Hoherih.rs desire to laoeare the Badivbled at 1 teatioa ofsa Ageal in evar Coaaly of ike Tailed Hisfee, ERIidenl sed eapshle asea easy make several dollars for dsy. wishes! rl.k .or kaaikuggery of any kind. Fall B-rtieolsrs of ik nature ei tba kssiaes will he given by s'MresMng the swheeriber, sad for warding CM Fuel' OStea Blasnp so peepsy rerwrB Boet ag. . PtREY A CO Philadelphia, re. - fnhlnrile Riir-ftiitin tU Eaty i.:t!j. TttK ana lr.;rn..l hsl Jail oeaed Sh ip at Mr. ThofoanVs totMiBg. er ','ne co-nee east of Iho North Cerr-baa rWfc etn. fIr epei-lsl aeooosaia. dslto t entletr.,' whs dWira a plrs'sel share, sat U Avrevd hesd of lisle. He hopes by hu skill and I Uo-e aitrviU.si to kurhwlaesa awl ouly lv weTtt. bat roes a lihstal ksrs of the ttranage of ibe ponte. J.T. ALhTiiV. tuleij,?!, AogeM, ISit. ly lelr.led Veaellss Llsilneat d.a ry, t.raa, .(le, t rht . j iT-psi. sweatees, jotta., iweuoseBe, tlrsoss I h0ed llsnHt, Cold I'r.l, MaeqeiM Miles, loe.fl (asxival avb Birsari sg or aiu at uutci rv""lr ,""? "tut t r.i. Haeae. ttrwieas. aaa rain, m w,.tuu ik. KORTIILRX MAIL Br KsitBosB.) Through Msil ekaw daily at 8j a. m Way Msil " " at I p. n Arrive daily it l e, ThsJ'ara loais th deput ' ( ll ) s. n BOOTIIERX MAIL (Br To-oss Hm, Che daily 1 at J p. bx) " ArYiv duly at 6 p. SB e Tin Hack Uavea, . at 7 p. sa WESTKR.K MAIL (Bt Bsilbosb.) .Closet daily . . U t p. as. Arrive daily . . at 4) p. m. Tk Trasa leaw) at 4 p. BS tJOliPMB'trtO'.M AKr (Bt Rett.) Clae daily, Bl t p. m Arrives dily at 5 a. srl Tk Car leave daily at ' Wm after & a. as . TAHn0U(MAIl.(BtT-e-..ax-IIrg,) . Cbsseeoninday.Toea andThirr., at t p. sa A rn re Toos lav, Thnrw. and fat., at T p. 1 llak Issmi Most, W4.n Fri., at A 'a. Bx PITT8UOlU)'MAIle 4 Br Tiist-nt-asa lla t ' I'lusMU Taeaotay i d hatunlsy, at 9 p. SB Amree aa Monday sad Tbwrsdev, at T p. start Iswvaa a man. and Vt sol. lml I I. B HpltB4ld Stotk ofOood! T V aes Bow reoivioif W iwfol et.A of IT d . 4 i f tt. lleie.tse. Sey. aad lio-tilo. tf.et kes Sf 1ms It prior Teri il Ike Oritlml Oil. lkt.li, a rWoJa.f llpowao?, oo-f in ,f fofu iVi; si,v, if J, , J, 2 aol 4 pitid: 101 llll II -31TZI1TS H CO.. oamisii. rsvys'oss i va srr.i.LK sa rsra,' fAole.rJs Deslsrs Is Teas saly. .f. IT. f.r ,.f .Vorlrf u. l V.. it ,v'lr,-e., VlULAVKLrillA. htd ran lo swing hi enn at ll cars, that he th-rtight "looked so hrighi and hnripv," and his feel slipping, be foil and ws entitled uu lec th whec'a. It was s niise-ah'a dingy lo uimi wi.ore t weni hnreeli-m. A piw, d'nrrv. tlrtr rumnled had, wiita:La..iiiW-iji.tig tuaamg ahont-m-his airoiiVT li ia tittle li'sliu's clim bed, and his btus eves lo.'k- ing Lirger and more unenrtbly than eter. bsik s small fx-nb from my hair ant) smoothed Lie beautiful locks, th touch seemed tn tranquil. 1 tie hnu, and looking up with a smile that euauf ti. d's nn.rc la micht wear, heapuk in that sweat, , Lclear ton : "O, yoo hav got back, hav'nt you f 0, I didn't mind you; 1 didn't keen 'way off, but tbey kept I". .king happier and happier, aud I tjpuldu t help swinging my eap at them." . )er little unnny, ar you in pain?" "No ma'am s hat I am going to tlie, and go ing to my Heavenly Father ; ji u said he love I my soul. Hid you make b'l'.s.o that, ur j it th truth." " It is th troth, littl dear; sll his sweet i ,. gels was one dear little childi n, who oried and got hurt, and o ma of tLwi wcr bruiesd and lorn lika yoo." " If the'., feci wer ebt off, ) their oul walls an ran ?" 1 tried in my imperfect wsy to answer lb questions of this eager little suiTorer. I triel 1 1 show biui what I saw Ly faith-tli green quiet hills and shady rallies where th little ehil IrcB and th plesaant lain lie would play together with out fear and where the warm sunshine o( His smile aljii.h would furnver hssj aiid oomfort Uietn in the land uf th ho il . ( A few days of lulTering and th tweot spirit was rslease l; and I llrn;lit as I looked nn lb peirbsit beauty nf hi dead fare, h"W mean and worthless were the velvet ttn i tine linen in wbii h my bsnds would fain TVivs i Viihe l him, and lb e-lnemiion with which I would have endowed him. ouisued ailh tli spolloe r.ils of immoriftlity wliit-hwer puwupotiliisspirit.afidtirfiiiiexbaust W '.t f uiiiaius df tmih and ko'rwl'!,.-") hi b wer now hi ivit tidraw fr ro forever aud cvr. n favor of y. mm If, I must decline to vacat theo rooms. thrilling and dignified exultation. Al.ers. ma general and urlul remirta, he eontinue.1 ; " 'I lost no tiuie in giving the necessary nruVi to prohibit th further oroacettriotitvf lilensiv war upon the continent of America, t Adopting. my inclinatimi will always !ead in to lin.wiih declsmn and effect, whatever I (So leet to hi thn gens of my Parliament ui my people, I have fnintd all my view and mcasukg in finrepe. na n North America, to an entire find cordial re conciliation with the colonies. F'uvling it indis pensable to tho attainment of this object, l li I not hesitate hi go tn the full length ol'tlie p,m crs vested in me and"' offer to declare them " 'Here he pausej, snd was in erijent agita tioncither embarrassed in re-idm his spcoclt by the darkness of th puom or etTected by a very natural inntum. - In a moment be resumed: "And offer to dnehre them free and indepen dent States. In thus admitting their senaratron from th erown of the king lorn, I hav saeri 8ced every consideration of my own to the wi-hes. and nnlulons of my people. I make it mv hum. Mr. Ryan usked Mr, McArtbur ifh wished to bl and anient prayer to Almighty Hod that be understood that hetMef to leave, and then wstit on tn explain to w 'tat extent the statuis authorised Uov, HaeliTord to go. Mr. MoArtbur. On won Intend. Mr. Bsshfordi tn pnt me out by fore if I refus to leave ? Let us understand esch other snglit. The (lor. 1 do not Wish to ssy as much ss Jlr. Mo Vriinr, bur - , MoA, (intormi ting. V we tr now occupying antagonistic relations, simply np in pefiimf ? nation, and shall not treat It aa a personal sf nnt, sir, for yo to answer me m th affirmative if luoh ts your delerminathin. it It Is vonr to venilun vo new inrow to egvownii mv, sun win eo sny, I will oonsider it eonstructiva fore and yield. Mr. Hunter. Privet Sacrstsry, foiD Mr. Bashford, out with it, any what yon mean, act ntte a man I The Uor. Then Mr, MoArthur, I will say, that should yo reluee tu giv op posaaaaioa of these mom, peaceably, I shall feel it my duty tu us whst fires would be necessary to eject yon, - MoArtHur. That ia Buinoicnt, sir. I consider this I oiisrucrlveieetiuenL I will now yield to you thn poassin of thee apartments. .Mr. Mo Arthur then rose and groatied liny. Baahford or- dislly by lb band, and after a few minutes' eonisis.iti.ih. quietly witlulrew, having acted th K t.tleitivnthruuirhiiut, tioi. B-ishf -rii immeibate after taking posses-i' h sent up his message to tbsoeiiai, . t'nrle Hen's Mcrntoa. A oorresre.ndent of the Rn-ton Post fiirnisfies th hdsowiiig, hinii he coils Lncl Hen ne( num. and which, he remarks, ooowius many flreat Britain may not fhul the evils which might result from so great a tlismemriermeiitof the em pire, and that America may b free from tli calamities which hf,ve formorly prove-1 in tu niothr country how essential monarchy is tn the enjoyment of eoiiitiitional li'jorty. Religion, language, itiTtrest,'anTalfi'Cti''n mar, and I bojie will, yet pnrve a bond oJ,ipertnat-ntunion between the two oonntries," Ptatement of the Kplrit Rappers, Since it has been universally eoticectlc'l that Ih steamship Pacitta ia lust; th Spiritual Tele graph publishes a statement from Mr. 8. W. Itrilt.m. tnerehant of New York, giviiir- full parlk-nlais of the manner ia whi.h that ill fud Vessel perished, which h obtained, a. nie time go from spirit. Mr. Rrlttoiy docs not explain his reasons tir withholding this revelation lilt sftcr th Pacific was geoarally given up. Why did h not lisp a word to roller the general anx iety 'which was felt almtit her fate, liofuro sotn-i- ihIo had sunk iutu tloepair ? This is a new edi tion of th Asetic's ghftt, wlius reve l.ui uu aero Biade thr-jugh Judge Kdmonds, hut never heard nf till after the whole' rounfrr hid obtnim d ll full particulars of tlie wrea k. Win n aiil the inipudcnc uf iiuposiurs ecane f awhilo: ami then souk. -r "PiiBus!" sniil h. calling, 1 P. iuiua started up aud tubl adhiseyoa. "What I wholeaome truths fletieral t'' iiii Me, j.., ,r. , . ,, (:, .. . 4 . linns tltsi's .Sganall. Nnt Inany hours ago, Vkshiugtop vim up in hir lid, "IVimue,1 said he, "what did you mean by saving you had and si ni w ; Biinilgtftrtlifii utl liav i?..l?KcIy pi ithiniun," amd th old daan, I heard Lncte Ben r)isouseing th waiter to his sou. whe woo eompl-iing ef preseura. given up your blaukat and stra-v to ax that 1 may sleep comforubly, while yo r oUiijsol to it through the niobt. . "It's noiliing, tlcnernl, sTj Primus, It's nothing. I'm well enough, D n't trouble your self lniul me, (eneral, but go tu sleep again. N.'.i mailer about me. I sleep very go.id.'' 'Bnt it is matter It Is intlr," said Wash! g ton earnestly. "I cannot do it. Primus. If eith er Is to sit up, I will. Rut I think t'-Ors Is a naad of citlior sitting up. Th hiHiikel is wide noitgh for fwn. Coin, ixiti L da bar with me." ' "fm, Cenerai,1 sa'J Primtis, Hurting and pro'eetb.g. N o; let nise.il here. P. I do very I Well ou lb stool." , . i "I say, coins and lie down her suid Wash ington authoritatively." Thei is room lor bsth. and I insist up., a It! ' 11 threw ne lit blanket as ha spnk. and moved Li on aid of lb straw, Piiiuu profes sed to have t-ern xeeeltiigiy -ho, ke-l at the idea of lying under tlie snuie Coveritii w:ih tho (out- uuvo-ler-in t htef, but hie toots were so rwolnle and determjnej that he eonM n it hnata. lis prepared Inm-e'f, therefore, and -laid him-elt down by Washington, and on Ibe same blanket Ih tleiieral and the ticgro sci-tai.t slept until moruing, , , SOOMS.Ceor. sy, pWl.lsh, so s. Sbey baee bo-a V S4 eoetlty tpey W'tt b wl oa she Bo-et ssiolease savaM. We shall be .I.e.. 1 ba sh.w U'wi is ows earfaxee. Irbpsbsawd tas gsibiie reeoiiy IH It Trt;kB. Heps. II to. in sti-orw. otiTrsta itnkHnM, LiBbs, Bark sa l tbe. NO lit M 11 0 II T T IT. Dr. TVs has aorraalel bis Lisusesat for eight yeerswt!h"t evee fca-iog iili-wer-l mod for Ike ra. tor of iheaieey til ihot U s-hed i bs aes It aeeoed. lag to Ikedireell.ws. . NO ONE WILL EYKR BE WITIIOt'T IT A Pee ssaes awlag a. If y .a i M lad it belief ism aayiaiag yow bas ever le ir b-lue. trftotR mdnet riti rnld. ' aXy-TboaiaBt of rwrtilfales bov two, feeeleed epeaSMg -4 its ar sinaee. how a awya M W Ik aeaetw bs f 14 tba peeees with eeeliBeaies tV-ei w. kaowa peeesBs, w gteow by lb ii who Bov a roe ased tbs w.u.f o o- Ur. Tb.s ogers ba jy 1.000 bo L L 1 I S - " ' ' ( teii ew who will prove the! bo eve p" likl s fslee eeensewss doviag Ibe Use he be bad kls sse-lb las b -b-ee tbe FoMms olloa Ibe Mgeabs Bad get Pa hlt eoelsiaiag . ffeootoeeemara es. As bereoos islli. oS ll'f tsri. set of the t esvws IjaiaseM baes ssoteel II Is l leil owe OS lob It iaaejeoii, lf . let-iae ko tS-S lb. I'd l.aleg OATH, I, ) f T J '... af the I Hy of X.w Yseb, beisg aaly sootB 4o jp Ibsl I eeaipwnd a Ltolesfot oailed Veaes.MI, ao Ibot tb loee4in,t of obi'k H lew i in ore pefeoilf bsro lees So Sets loseraoliy, oo ib .iso'oa u . a obi ssisS as u Uwesi., a SOO TOT'Of . 'b WlO. ew V s s, i oaasors r k, 1 eB. .-..,kt.d.,wf.e.... Agei.UW4U.Utl toScUMap. B.raeado tfewL F,t. TltHUt VHlUT TIM VSITr.lt KTATtlt. Peow tt A H ceta. ky Ibe 4.. r.l.sl g s UK .oWetk rl.aHXUellr loslilies X.O.W ho beSobs iMWa iboofb-M S, t . 4 sot I asnaT BsrrDt. Al B tALUtlLt CRA iAlTIR. I - Alow tee ooio 4r. !'' ft iotk-aseal 1' . . , . . , , . Jn... - M 04 S, VTl Krr.:-IX, ....... ad ..lie.. 1. dsS.re.t ' T "V r parse Ib oo.rv sre sHVf rr -os ' l T.I Ue" ,k- ofoatUesd gi. NewTk. I FeWva.) r I ,4 y mffnt In tlilallio Peeks fotap la kslffbesfo, oeskiwiois -4 a vailciy af hotb rtlay fc aad Mr t eten iaiere. Priovd l' if flee. Terra, An., faraiskfd by stail la all who ord.r ibfea. All leas warraaled lo fleaowoe a sal. floe srot the sew frle o Urea t sll sad oaeoaty. It.rf ebosM of Klerk oawtala aboat A pooaids, aa l Oreew aUwot s .asas ssw. Msrvk 14, ISt. 11 Stebbins, Morgan AlUn, - 4A rtuirr svssstr bsw vnaa. ' IMIUrTinA AND DEALKttH IX Emir. Ty. Chtmlra!, Prrftniery, Ae. nAVIti) srbrlfd lkfl Ond Cr-ow Ibe b.s IK.I Iks a1 of it s .. Wteekel. .,, eea, with Tb Kn'i kcrbi-vk. r for April, just Isem 1, has the ( ollowirg ispiia) en ry : , The fVirVjon in wit February number has re called lo an All") (Illinois) correspi.rl'it oti wkidi was ptoai-i eti in 1 by llspiist niinieter. Yi hsn dtntvirg near th rioe be sniil: 'Bii'thriog, I st4 an ho-tVr, and niust enrry the-cp .res l!i.r I leove. liar I tli a high blooded A'rfsrowMN b. re : se what a high bead h ear no., and how bisuk his O.U la, and soft a su Ik, soil ke'.l kssk vow if yo toeohhim nn hi Liiy url'tayerti H l, sir, wh. a! Her ia an ulJ sW Af W et brsi I u, old fell, w! Just slip awa b'.s l-ive fens slid la Bsswinga, bed h'H k , k till b falls : Wis, yna old shoutcr! wh:! All, hris th kits that is rso.lv tn g, k at a. I Hue. I don I y p near bj ronb ssi.4ial ur "-niic : Vt hiH., ir. Pop I l..w bevu iful his tr. pilings at! bis arplir aad sssitrsxl VYk'ox, sir, who I" And sa ks weal met Uirgli th tarinsj it. B"istios'i..i,e. Vi lira I s was nc n-ly thniuli, au I H Msllneliat gentleiosi., well Vo wo iu lb pier, itlered Ins sevryb-e pi conclude, ehu li Th Urat Msj-riiiije, ' Allan's 11'eWiaK, An Km'i-li Journal, 4b Uritaiiui.has arrainiisip artii-lo under th head of "Adam's tt'ed I'ng." Th editor iys that h like sn.'rteourtsbii, ndin this Adsss aeted like a si-usible mau -he till aleep a bssdisi-ir. and awote in find himc f i m vri a-1 man, II apoe,s t ' have "poi.i t! e -niiesi 1 1" ii una li stely after BsoBS.ng Ma ussell rve; and ! wilii'rtit irtsuoei or slivnee gay hiss a bias aad he s-ol. 01 i t hist lis ia this world bat liB'l, jMiweier, ioir list ihoubts, nd amietiureis in f-j h al nv- d bat wlat e l w weie tbs msa tll.tl U.d it. ti ll All dee I M o wa dm I tl ei lane v aa Aisui std I siuiptotod h. t like ll a noti in ul ge'tiiig in si i is 1 in a liarden it ia in good last. We like a privet weddii.g, snd Adorn was otrieily pvive'e No euvl Iwrnux wer Uiere, no enssk ing old Bsaide, no elratierirvg BnBt and no grumbling granduiosbrre, 11, lonlsm heaven wi-r uiiuv'rei, and the elad sly skied itsbfrht isrowi tbe wens. Oar ttdi king atVi4 lh Asms we.b4.nw l.eiM.e nuwr 1.1m. bwlA soir , l i- : . . , . i .. . . i. a i i ! n U O", ryo'e H-Tiiini,i mhih. n .w ew, wile wereraioer y.'Miig lo namarrtea j ssho iw or thee year old aeotntiaf wi apettwladoais of ll.., Ugiass raor baiis Urge bat nwt .4 ler with-at a h ue, without a p I or k-tile Bolhin bulloy and K.len ! be leane-l upon bis siatT, with bis grey locks Rowing la the tireea of a Mar morning, tnur muring py ma trill. "I hsi been an observer many uiiia. then fifty yenrs, and I never saw a msa tilrj nut ot a ! by tUi-sing his horses, B quiet a tit. can, ,,r Bothmg will grow un ,r a moving harrow, nd disamieut harrow in minil, ?1 aters are bad, 1 acknowledge, mi af u leer i any better for (tigering. The mot you gnin, I he porryou sr.-.- Kepliilng at I -s.es is only nutting feppwlnt a tort eve. t'n p will fail to all emit, and w may be thurrM-il that wo bat not fs-nlne. He, sides, 1 always toolC n if ce that whenever I foil tn rod pretty eniarttv, It was as in-ioh a 1 1 say I ej is s. tiiethijig alorh'TOii bar -t to learn. iimmy do'i't forget that y-iur sch oiling is not over yet, though you bav Wife and two cb area, Ay, cried fi.mmv, yo 'may sr that, sn-1 m eher-io-lsw, and two spprcii'ic-o Into thn lr giin, and I shoiil I hi to know what a p-i'f niau esn leatn her, when th grestet Bt-tiolars and Hwyoes nro a b-tr-ger-heads, and eatt'i, f.r their lives, tell what bns bee.iaif f the hard money. Foliiy. Simmy, I ant older than yoo; 1 bass md "got these ey hairs tn l this cm kd back wi'hmit some l-ut-letn-. I could tell yeu stornrs ofthe dive if eotninental n.oi ty, rbrn my grwulfitlier uee-1 to siuf sulliy l.- x wit i bibs to pay for a yetrling, or a wheat fan; sol lieu tb women used tin rr s f r tons, and I ud il.e-r teapot away In th garret, Yoawieh lo know What y c leam? Yea my learn tin iera ll.lnj-! Fr-llb tvod laiesnved t -u Utile and si en too niiirh. 1 never tslilil Jon to Is a ml -or, hot I hav se. nun gii V ur dollor f..r a not bin', wl-eis you aiigbl eiiave Intd one lioif ss 4 br charily, and iti.e-lu'f fur a rainy dy swrti-1, that y.iu ha g-o P-i mi ,iii nrr-a ere lit. !'.. li.S.I y.m i-r 1.1 wa tt.inluf p I a ta Jino- e 1 tod Bbu.li c ot-lb shail. ow ; bul Ion I tsely may cut a iaiaof shadow, i,r --. wisemsn will f-llow ib l,s! w any faitber than b em t,s sn' s'so.-.' Y-ai y new htatn that y n hove f. -Mowed elivl.w, s.ui been dee-ie I in'e h g. Tblrllr, thai l.sveroi s in tixi inoetihasi lo la ro b. Slow and cut . unit o ra. .-. A Monster. On halm-day hurt w saw th revet sinenlur freak nfnatur which w ever witnessed. It was a lamb without a month, fv-iu a ew be- hm-riog Mr. William Pollock of Jouo Ciwinty, and lwq on his plantation t,var 'i'1-ent..n, tin Thurwlay la-t, Jl live-l, team, e.noeili'"i hour, snd appearol. quite epyigirtly f f nea-ly ibsl knfll id lime. Th toriein wi( id" llsh-,1 lika that of a sheeii. eiewpt that the end of i s Bon it turne-l tsi the left, tb eves sis un 'er i',o nose, w her tli baker jaw sloiuld be, snd t -i ar ar without boles a--. I ploeot ia th -nis ot th th t under tli ei. 'lh- is, however, n rriHe in tb ei'nir uf tb throat, hea lb ars, baring lb sppearan. of tlr hole ot an ear. ll i undoubtedly on td U greaiesi def. r muies uf Ih ago. A'aAcr .N.ie. ."!, off-r srs lewsssa Be l werooowe. 4,.o of Aeeo.oefee, rv'y 01.0. sad e a raobo , . Umm9.t Hy mm ; re) rt4i1f rtp4. If wii4 aM ' 'Frien.l.. 1 ! Ine4 tUm mnpst liuw f , CO-PARTlIERSnir, Iuiesn CAiiirx irrr n f.i.ff ,-r. ' t lter,)ig lo rtrrtr ti( .nnf Ihi-ir -f i fcirlj;ri iw. Ahum irn ljrf.eft ir4 i, r 4, i uti.'li UrtfwrvBtl Mr. fsUi'vi lit. mt.y i-i 4i Xity r bf4' (HtTffl U ltit4 OT(trti fr.-i inbi' i tH bl lf "f U .'!!., tfM lit B,-4l-t !a t n i m, fth'-w'll . m 'Ik .'tn't g tf rmn n V..J hy .! li'li of J Fa;M 4r4ttfif -4, W'A fW4 fl 4 ' tf mki mt t ft ta ti. A I -tr i r, (rk ati'i fptttn m1 n-rtu i - c BlU.lBil4 JiltaV, l.l .l-IK.. 40...- 1 ,'. T, r. ft ri). u.u,, r, i tj f..(f), Bffhlp Itlfli h' ivrs ).r in imm, (tr , tt itsitf. imt ti luipi rii r, N .(., iu r " if t h ttt H I ut M tV.-Sff L'.r' f i flna ft If -I I ft (1 Al !,('. W ttiin itit it h -fi Uf ; i t ftvi'ii n tf ti.it, tk i rt4i I j- s i ; i. sf tti ta ul Itti) m Y. tf i ", . fb,riniiB, ,w ,i t ti ( 5 f . , , i . .. r i tlidlsM lltFw'tf sssl-tt. 1 'tv it : ' 1 vt i aTkM" 11 Ittt? m I tf - . ' i h4 Utt N'vl tra U'i - 1 aia i. r l', 1 T . if i .ik -mmt, &H h f ( 'l.f rri " t i mh rvat ji af tb'swi't, Mr J 1,'!. ' t tiih m ia 't lii. ".s,-et n . It Urn iwt , tta i m im i .is. , ffS-tM trt 1ft m4 l I M 4, ba latse-r - tll mmf, M4 I.- T m'isn -i f 4 tir tV-it- it,u a''Witi H W ff ' 4 f " ' " 4 l Ju'f a4 twatif a & & J-a , ftmrt!-', (h if 0.1 fSur- i-f if- -tl ,m t n li tft n tilw-iT pr-vwtr.bfii I am af:4 U T 'unrTt.ii ' . f 4v-.r- ni'-i In AinW ! a ,-t u 1 1 1 t a ' ' 1 ' "V 4V f bh9 ,-".u fir- unjiinv. u. o -.1-41 f,f tu I tpt-t m (Hk4 I 'mm, Sutitr. ihM f thi mj y lhtt:tKf(,l tmr 1 U tt 4 ir V.tf tpH 1 , fami,, or !!let.i-'.'if ' 't'lt ?-t -fr ,,t WM, It raimf . ur nil ti'an,-f, ( ft KbM lift fml. pm4 ff mmyUU. m lcfalj mtM fiimtNM TC 7 n of tht lt4 Tn Knlt'k f 1 1 Jitt.Ie. AVrilert it.r jfri m I tv 1 1 v l"w away tt. th .l fj m r , ).,, it, 1 1 mu L 1 w r i- it ft fX'- ( ..ft tl -( lhrft (irr ! It. H... J .. t .1 aa ' f 500 to $3000 a year . aey oeosw. Of ose ewoi toebe A B-ros! swi ns bw eii sl ssOst s4 si nd. , I ...l.-foe a. 4 hsw -tal!.g roll 4e-ef peb-we, s OH, joost-ag Bp. reeoie, A. ll ' e.1.1 t-eoses f 1 a .. ift wsol - U to- 1" c-ojlinaed 0ew ah ,os ...4 k ois's i. bo k, lib-; bid I ivisflltsi, I Will take II nr. ftisvll (ifi,.i (the work t liar la an aouosl tb4r Ss petbsr j oo thing Bur ll li.r bs is tresnhoroas snd , Hi.oariain ; y oi car.reot lrt I biiu ; be'U ko k bis I ll fneul't.ir a lr"Sr-y. W li-o, Mule, iwt oat SW-o, brw'broa, bow f.e kits Vt bi, I y iu I I f '- ; '-"u.' ho. ' Here, i ierels, mi . . .n.tuol ll..i ii k. ul 1. ia I., w.il m.A 11 a. in hi st.ll to sot ri'.m b liongh i b is en siu '- tl-(Cwwk sset to swiy tt dollars fir a oe-w le-rn 1 1 .al be wunld Met . i where pro bet wisIh ' tuiom a'-ait ir'O WH Is, n I Tb trie )-. keys b"" t I is sn bald . .ull ed thai d 1 . .,; ,, ,u. f r , m ; !(J ,;, r. 1-M lislawaaa teiioiial ar ay t net ih I'tit. , , ,' ... ,. lii Wbu y .ej 1.1,-e t . n,.,.m.i.,n lUpn-v. ' '.. T l isse, sro.ber pg 1 ait a, wh.r S.vrj-'s a'.d lleot'ey's, t and a half d 1 -... -.11 . . - IS .'. . A .t . -.!.. . . . ..... . . sen pis vail wew www.. - y -,,,, a I, i', If 1 ... of .1. at lb ' H! ll t s d ni iff bro . C'l.sial-'rs' J.itiinal rwteiv at th rat of H dob Urs tiJ,'-. and f r ! c-n'inu' i- t ' ia tba serial, f 0. seteti I r7,!. d' li.rs Kr pigs i pal 1. Ia A f f l ,oiilri' llic-e Uul Hit I , , ,., , A'ridr wis ta r-u asaers. ' Tb bu?ndr,4 rl twimiy nie .e. ,er,i ae ' Mil . 1 J'-lii ,1 to f til ' , I - lllii 1 t ols! w4" Isr, I' bebrriil td, ai 4 f t hat luiinl . t I' ft I arf .1 nilei .,iel and l1. : Hi. rt F.n..,l. i l" .'- y bwit lord !. j w iw, b..tred aid i.r-,.y n t.e --' ae. . leole, fry so I ,.i j. I on t! t A I , I , oaj v,iii . I'setiW .u- ml .ri,,-i.a. l-eye, Bi i" I ij, , " dr. laole iy seven ! ll h, in I l.i-s n 1 ., liteta. Th eaoos -1 sr'-'l-ni In -' r f tl i . wer ti e .t-'e , ot . r I ,-. - t to a ou,it at weglsot f lu-o on ill pant uf vsos-tlf i e-.l'lsi.os Willi "Iro te r r li r f ,.t tl I ,l .'.'.) , .' I I U Sm . I, i I I I 1 . Iie4 pais 4 , tb Antbes SJHlta that pti . I o ' e-tii-ri n pays iw sod a ksif ll ... . - Mile etwtf, ft? Waberpeool Ewia, RB j " - - .- 4. Hee tiwieew tewvsoi. bel aWbb ss i "I III I sVs.oe, b-p fr-. i rfailg ..eeWfliv eg the yeee is. U 1 .'btbeoosb . A.AIHXS S.l fM Ubo. Ton, rl U 1 lb, rlw. ni SI o.ti ni, ilo I'inana. s f" u- , LAOM Hmsm I'O'O, tueok ood ; ire I -4 Uotbiosii I ,.l. o. II w I.e. frwai i i.l.o ood I.Mel l.-w o... to Iho ih old reollerwso went an, lb m il. 1 d ,!',, r lumn, snd li e I r'tic and lateral T "!' ' " b ' " " "' ' t 1 ' la.es.'irfiiseowssi. iiaeojiabsn M -. r-si... . . -.- rsiing oeai,as. bbiiI b ! b UK (;.. ,i x. ,.,. .h'u 'st ..... i . . b..i l.ril . t I -I e I er . r .- - -f. - ..n W , e. .-I, bbot, i. t. a .... oi - -AA H fx tt t X. p.b o.b .....JL,, agtwH W tw. m.li.rs, ho tb qoat' l pay wjl t ( . ... ,. ' ) w-s- I . rrra Vr4 -:..,...;. .,;,, -- koi.iyti;'-;'i'ii'''''''"'w4'j' r. n-s wi.a -.. -.-f 4-. : r,.t .. . twU ttKPmU'kiUo. l ' Me4,4,l... II... - -wl"b.f ' 4' H-r. r-s, .F. "f ... fl ' i .-.-; '4 . ". I . -1 L.--l UM Ts SO. omUm b IS sad 1-