" "1 rraiisnrB iuit bt WILLIAM C. DOTJB, gOITOB AN PROPIIITUK. 'TUMI: If paid strictly I advance, two dollar par aa aata; taa dollars ead Urty aaati, if said vithia in months ; end tbrta dollar at tha and ef taa y.ar. '' . 40 rfirusiorin nemiii iaww Bra will beiaaerted ana ti'ma for aaa dollar, and twsotT-nv eeatt for each ubsqant Insertion. Thos of greater length will ba charged propora tionally. Coart Ordara and J adioial edvertlBeeeet will ba charge 25 par cant, higher th,m tha ebowe ratas. A reasonable deduction will pa mas bos who advartis by tha yar. Book and Job Printitg dona with aeatnet aa despatch, and oa accommodating tenet. -GENERAL DIRECTORY. , CITY GOVERNMENT. Wm. Dall&i Haywood, Intendant oi Police, CoMBTSSIONtR. EuUrn Ward. Kldridga Smith, " . A. Adam. NiddU Ward.C. B. Root, K. If. -Battle, O. W. liny wood. Wcilern Ward. A. M. Gorman, " IL U.Turner. VOLUME XLVIL EALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY UOSNZNG, APRIL 30. 1856. NTJMBKB. 13. J. J. Christophers, City Clerk, R. II. Battle, City Treat. City Guard. James M. Crawley, " Jackson Overby. City Ciu6k Kdwnrd Harris. Willi Km Andrews. A. Adams, Weigbmaater. E. Harris, Clerk of the Mar ket. . COP UTS. The Supreme Court of North Carolina ) jeld iu this city souii-annually, on the second h jlday in June, and the 3'Hli day of DeeemW Judijen. Hon. Frederick Nash, Chid Justice, It. M. Pearson, Associate udge, W. 11. Battle, " Edmund U. Freeman, Clerk: Ham. C. Jones, Rep irtnr; J.' J. Litchford, Sr., Marshall. The United Nlatti Circuit Court for the Dis trict of North Carolina is held semi-annually in this city, on the 1st Monday in Juneand the last Monday in November. JihLm. Hon. J. M. Wavne. of fieoriria: lion. Henry Hotter, of Favetteville; District Attorney; Robert P. liok; Clerk, Win. II. Haywood; Sr., Marshall. Weslev Jones. The SnKrior Court for this County, is held on. he krat .Monday alter the fourth Monday in M in.-U ana ,epiemiier. John 0. Moore, Clerk. Jos. U. Bachelor, Attorney General and Solic tor of (he lotirth Judicial IMatrict. Tue Court of Plnu ol Quarter Sationt is lictd on the third Monday in retiruary, May, Auprint and November.' Jnff. I'tlev, Clerk. ('LiiimHU of the County Cunrl. U'iiiiam Boy- . , in . Cuumty SoliritnrK. P. Marriott .Oitrtft'nl H'.tkf County William II. High. Cor-m r Willis SontU Jl, yitr. 11. liutson. IKW fill 1ITUTUEIESTS. -Pre TO A SflW. Otmml Athtninmf Beam Applem BaUdieg HI 4r Ht BroadwaT, 8CHIEFFX.IT BROTHERS Ca larotTiaa, md deals u m Drop, FaiBtt, Oils, Dyei, Ftrfuatry, kc-, 170 Vv Ullam street. Mew York, INVITE tha attention of the trade to their larg and varied stock ef Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfum ery, kc. vl addition to their regular importations of Sta. pie Drugs, tbey are also receiving, direct from tha sources ef production and manufacture, supplies 01,1 OOTH, HAIR, SDO .-VAIL ItRrSHei.lSlOSSrK.LoiIKI, Mortais, Hpokoss, Fmsch and Enulish 1'sKTra- aar, beam s bxTaacrs, and many other articles usually embracul in Druggists' stocks, which thry are also enabled to offer on the most advantageous terms. Orders, either in person or by mail, will receive prompt st tention, ly Juns 20, 1855. 77 N E Wf 0 R K-A B ftT 1 8 E M E K-T-S. Fint Prtmium Gold medal Fiaio-Forlfs, - STEIN WAY 4 SONS, MAurACTiiR, 84A88 walks STatt-rs. HSAH BBOADWAT, IW T0BK, Respectfully call the attention of the public to their splendid assortment of semi-grand snd square Pianos, which, for volume of tone, elastici ty of touch, beauty of finish, and In short every thing that renders a riano perfect, are unsurpas sed. They were awarded the first premium for both kinds in competition with the most dutio guishecTTtmttrA from Boston, Philadelphia New or, anu lisiiuiore. KKW TKR'MPH! Btiwat ft. Pons have last been awnrdrd th FIRST Proniium GOLD MKDAL (overall comprtr tors) at the late Fair of the American Institute Crystal Palace, fur the BEST Pianofortes. 47 tf. PLATE 4 WINDOW GLASS. HESOY, sTKUTHEES t CO., tf. 42 Clif St., Km-rrt, IMPORTERS AND MASLFACTURER3. A genu, chance's-eBglih sheet, Crowi and arya tal plate window Class, fluted glass for sky-lights, greenthousee, etc., etc. Colored, ornamental. Optical and Microscopic glaaa. The London and Naaohss--ler plate glass Company's thick polished plate for store windows Ac, tic, Rough glass for floors and tiky lights.. Attention ia Invited to the abort various de scriptions of window glass in use for Stores, Dwellings and other porposcs. The qnallty of these articles are Inferior to no corresponding descrip tion, and In many respects superior.- Our Sheet disss will hs found better than the French in Its freedom from Stain. Rust. &c. Peine Agents for two of the largest Glass Man ufacturers in huronet we are enabled to oner aeal' ersaod others every advantage ia prices and large stocks. Price Lists will be furnished oa appiica tion. April 28, lUoo. 1( 6m, T EKTOK'I THIKtt YEA ESP VIEW. Sold si- ,l)rluivlv by miliwjrtptioo. Agpata wanted to uluain subuviiptious foi Vol. 2d of Benton's Thirty Yuan' View of ths Seutteoflfce raited States. 60,0111) t;oniM have ba sold of the net volume, and It tl nreimmed that many more will be sold of the socoud. The New Volume wttl be resdy on the Ut of May .to be erolKillifthed with a steel piste view of the United tftate 8fntte Cliamber. The price of the work' tier volameil H2. 0, each contuioing M double eolutaued pages of lettor pr' iiB. Ajri-nte enn hava good dietrk-t allotted to them in the following talee : Cnunerticut, Vermont, Npw York, Xew Jersey, Mary laud, Virginia, Korth Carolina, Miaeisaippi, and Loiliaina. Address T. API'LKTuN CO., 311) and M limaday.N'ew York. April AIM- 17 lm. Miscellaaeeaai 31 TILTON & McFAIRLAXD, 33 Maiden Lane, Kew York. ANUFACTURES OF fllE VMml.D RE nowned clAlamander Safes . Dank Vaulta, Baltimore Depot. 1 45 Pratt. Boston Depot, 14 Howard street. 11'7-lv. ( KV I) .IHDKN SEKIUS, WARRANTED PRE H X and (imtiine. growth of 1N5S fur asle by HEN Tl'KMlill, Uookaeller.KALSlol, N. U. auorovM. it itron, tor preserve, Iciuon, i White, Mmturd. BANKS. 7?im of tht StiUe of tforth Camtina, incorpit r.ittnl ldO. Charter eipirea in lMOO. Citpital $l,.riHi,i)iHJ, divided into l.'),(HI aharea of which the Literary Board holds b,VS3 aud the tniver itv 1000. I'riiit'ipal Bank at Raleigh. (ioorga W. Murtlecni, President. Chin-lea Ucwev, Cahier. J. II. Uryan, Jr.. Teller ami Notary Public. W. E. Anderson, Diecount Clerk and Notary Public. Jordan WoiiiMe, Jr., Clerk. This linuk has brandies at Newliern, Tarlioro' Favetteville, Wiliuiugttin, Elicnliotli aV'itv Char lotte, Milton, .M iraiiioii and Windeor. DIKU ToRS. On thn irtrt of the (Stale : 11. W. Courts, Pule ii- T. e .murar, ex-olkcio, i.. O U. Branch aud W K. 1'oole. On the p Art of the HtocklmMors : W'bt. Boyliin, W.ii. Pe,uv. .1. II. llrvin, J. U. ti. ltoulliac, Al fred Junes and H. F, Nlotro. Ofli ring and Konewal day Tuesday. lliacouiit day Wexlneaday. Ihiiueattg Bills and Bills ul' Exchange discount 1 1 "rery day. . Buaineas hour from 10 till 2 o'clock. , Vnh i,jk ihanA nf As Hak of M CajHt Ftar William II. Jouaa, Cashier. R. P. Finch, Teller and Notary Public. . liiauiois. Cie. W. Haywood, T. H. Kelhy, Seth Joiina, lleurg Little, lr, Titos, a, llogg, I'. W. I. Ilotrhinn. Oiforing day M nday, Diaeount day Toeaday RAIL ROADS. Viilritik and (Atria Katlrvad Comjiany. R. A. Hainiltofi, President, W. W. Vaea, Treaaarwr, J. M. Pool, Aaaiatant Treaeurer. C. B. Allen. Penot A sent. Mail train leavea 13 minutes before 6 A. rrivea at CJ P. M. A'arfA CxrWiM Huilnfd Comjmmf. Chu. . Fiahar, Preaident. I'. P. MmidenhalL Treaaurer. J. T. West. Freight and Ticket A rent. Mailtra a arrives 4 o'clock, A. M- from the East i and deo ana plus, afier 1 o'cUx-s. A. 1 Maul frvMa lite W4 arriaeaai ii auinulaa af ter 4 o'cUrk, P. M. Isepsma at 2U BitsW kw i fore .'clock, P. M. post orriCT. Wilhara Whiu, fir.. Pi Master. ( iHhk boars, am week elaya, Iruta Sun-rise) so 9 P. M. TRAVELLER S GUIDE, (RsivL as irsariat or aaiu at baliioi KUUTUEU.N MAIL (Br Raiunse,) Tbn.orh Mail cloaoa daily at 6 a. as M ae Mail " " at p. A mwi dailr al Ha The Car laare Uie elveot M t( a. B KOtmiKUX MAIL (Br Two-ioa.i Hart, CluaMsiaaly " at j p.e. Arrnea daily al I p. BB The Hack laesee at 7i p. aa Wr.ftTKHN M AIL Bt R.itaoaa,) Clcs Jail at p. m. Arrl.ee daily at 4) f. m. 1 ha I rain leaves) , at t p. at i(LIB)U(JalAlL--(Dr lUluhaaa,) Cluaea daily, II I I. a Amraa daily at I a, sa 1 hs Cars leaves) daily at PHw ifiee t a. as TAKI.Hlij'MAIL-(HrT.o...,sHA4a.) Cl." on tudy, Tue. and Thuf ., at A rri.M 1 aee-lae. ihnea. ann ftt Hark MeteeM H-m. and PITTHIlDlt'i'MUL (?Iv Teats a..a.s Harm CI sas aa laaaadaf and rUiatdar, at a. at A'Tivaa m Mawday aa4 II.Mr.laj. at T a, at I LB NEW YORK MILLINERY. MRS. SIMEONS' WMfwhT ind RHnil Billfrntn (Dd Mfaw Condi n'arthouM, Hi Bruadway A'i IP run K. " I"Ua. 8. la now In Europe for the expre.a purKiee of XV JL selecting aoreitu a ror tlie pnng Trade, abit-b will arrive and be ready for in.neetiou oa or b!h the Bret of March, uuihi-rn snd VYealern Merrhanle and Milliners are reepeetfully invited to esll snd exsmlue the asms before porebaeiog elaewbers. Pattern Hon neu alwayt on band, ana tent by sxrreta lo any ad dreat. Feb. 6. 0 Brooklyn-fit Stum Enijif.WorVi. D. P. STJSTJ05 ft Co. ATI FTHET.T, BBiKUI VX, MW TOK, HanuacturtrM of Uteam Kiujinu Kith ilurdon't Patent cut off and lioilt ri. 'IllE sub.ei inert not only aaaert the anperioritv e- X the oaai.i rut that of Uieir Ko;ines but will guarf. autre to trau.uut oee-tmril more power wilh tl.e iau,e urli.ee of boiler.and U or enl le nreaaure of eleata thsa aoy other Kagine utanufaclurid ia tha United Htaiaa, maintaining an euaal aiiard, wiiboat ri-gard to amoufii oi power appnru if uie anicitie. Alaulri m llielr long saiener bihJ lBitaenae faclh ia, tbey akiioeljela-e no eomnetitort Id the manatee. turs of Smjar X:ih. .! no' (Vrijf Mitli, Steam Miw;i, Mining ritmpna-M iirttriutjjor Mmen, Shnjl inyand I'uHir, Uiary and hiylU Cutt ings, and Milt Mitrliintry tj' every I'arge tiiauu ( IIojIi or Hnap Hlion . ) (Brown, Early Six.Vt eeka, or Early Ok ra, Mohawk, I Ohioh, Red Bpeekled Valentine, oriHver $kinned, or White, Ked Marrow, i'-arg lellew straiurg, Brown Ppeekled Valentine, l-arpe Red WelherKRold, Refuge, or Tboaeand to- fop or Holloa Unioa, tine, jWbile Portueal, - - Yellow Dntr-h lianrera Yalluw, lr!e lied, Karly Red, eatra Curled, or Double, new, Red Fr n- b, t'tuuLerv Hu.h, Extra Early Violoria, R.iyal 'war!, or While Kid Ney. Early Yellow filx-Waeks, COiua lU-d Eve, or Earh Plain or Single, tbitia, m I Partnip. Larjie Linia, or Butter BeaaeQrar, Carolina r-ewee or Paha, jllidlow Crowned, or Cap, lien. feoe. Ealra Early Turnip. moled, iLandrelh't Eitra Early. hartv 1 urnin.rootod fteu. Karly f ranie. bur., at p. at ., at 7 p. I r rt, at I a. sa II tat laasatawa Bata). ai.d vt e4. ale at w bpUndld Block of Goods! sa4 sTMsrf f , . i afv, , CWs itvk, Ust (Mae tw.i vtmHj idWy .H hm nr " T-rt m m. inii V taWX pm0w4 - Utmm tm mm iifiri, ii ti. iiu ; tlVf VaAjMngtf Ik- ill Wt . W eT4rt, avW-f - M Mr a Ii o Uara Sotaa, ....u.a.dUaii -S MeM m. (.all foafhera Planters' alieatiuo It partieularly Hireeted toeair aew snd itnnro.ed eurar nill. 1 lie fimidieltv ol eonatrurtien, extraordinary powrr and great Ourability raaeere it aeeoieoiy superior lo any aow la uae. trl.'raby Bali, or oUierwlas, atteaded to with pruaint aeas aad diapata-h. si anoa, I D. P. HI HDUS k CO. a B. COSSLfB, f a. a. resKLiB ' Feb. II a-jM, The 'Wonder of the Age. mo pat! 1 r Dr. Toktaa' tadehewted Vaawtiaa Liniaaewt dm X aatears t bolera, Dyamtsry, Ooap, tlir, tagha, Dyiepeia, Tosilling, Manna, Toolbarhe. Ileadaebs lapped Hsada, '-'0d Feet, Mneqaita Bite, loaeet gtiage, rhreuie BkeauMHeai, wwtlllBira, Old horea, Cala, Bom, llraiaea.aad Paias af Maaduxasia the .laaba. Bank and ( keel. KO II I V I T 0 TIT IT. Ir. T-d,ias has warraated bit Llaiaaeal for sight yeart witaSj er hating ad.BMaawwevws for Ike ra tawa at Ike awaey all that ts aeked ia to a.a it aaword lag u Ike direcitoaa. HO QS1 ILL EVEB LB wlTHolT IT A flee aaM aeing 11. Ir y-m de aes god M kelleelkaa jikief yw baa aver irted kf e. sit Tori hoxet BitrrEn. grTknaall id Certilralas kava keea reelve4 tseakiag if lie am Vlrlaes. Nan a days It Is Iks araetiea la til Ik aaaere with aertiaeaeea froea wa airat. as gieea ay ukaee aa bsva aevar aaed aaedieiaa aw Dr. Taaaas sdert is y 1,000 P0LLA1I l aa sa whs will me that be svar BoblUked a fa he ewtisewu aanag laeliass aa has aaa kit BaewerlM as-f-wa the Paldle. Jell oa ih trail ana get a Pawi kM rratalafBg geeatne rert'Srairt. At foai awvleae of the targe aala af akay Venerlaa talaaeBt kae 'at.4 II la iBjri, aaa aa tea u BBketaaily, In. Totuaa has uksa the M ioaiiBg OATH, I. saal I T Alas, af ike I lly af Kew Twk. Veaat dely eaan mm di'f "its tkea f eaeawad a Laalaaevt sailed Teakeaiaa, 4 tkal tks tgredlee as kl'k il Is eaiBBoi. d are faaeetly kanalee Be take tateewally. eVaska) Ik aaaatilf awed la Iks Plreala aa. taapiattai asak ktti. kew lark, Jsaraary e.k, is la. I. L TOBIAS, $ war IB Skis day Wfke sm, F.raaad Wea4, Mbvns. PrU tUU Mela, dd ky lk dragsiM aad Patent af.41,1' . pete lkrt-hmH eh I Niia SI. lee. catr-Ale foe el III. TekuM llaeea Liaxaaesw la Bl Bule at M , warrsatad anerte I aay ask sr. fe Taklse ese. e rlaa4 II VewTeek. FekewaryW. IB -y r-BI'.klll Ml a mm ci Aaa. nttur. airxii, 144 Caaaakar Mreaa, . T. T d.. V swat of Ha kl B ItiVat R,le4 IWaai. t ft kaa w- Uaea aad kaa ek.eaaed f V...-1. ei r- k W .4- blue eeeaaa. Pt,a anaa.ag I fc ... wilt k raeaiAed with arte eee.ra 'kli at eraea O'ae earl t aa I ! 4 ,fieea, sad Bwk.d fr f ekaeg. Area ISX. IT I Jf for TnETTooo.ooo. TDK I', PITIIITHtlllP.ro. Ul Thi ainia at, II. . Miwrriiktad Mta Haiu. Ti. Ta 4 liait. Pn tiiiala. - , I , kew ew, d ol lo Ma'kan. Tkja.ia.aa, a-k aa a 'an a -4 a, lean, eaeaa-aliy eeaaUaed with wiaeeai . . aa a a a aiaiS.4 aal aay teem aad mim. k aa a wa.a k aBrWae a4 kM aka k. eva ea the i aiaa aaeai. wfcil a) iwah Slatani '' aad lay m I a S. Bl . I n 4 atMB skM ia a 4m a tk e-a-e e I alf Mat aa aaaaBad ak aaai '".I, wb-l a eaawl ik It I Bed t g ee a "ee kiaaiy aa SB eara.ee, BJaa teae ki liwfri f.aae e-,liy s.Bi ht h k.liutal ai aSkaahVI l,oo 111.. ..d Ked, Hileaiau ur ruar, Mangold Wurtxel, Early Orange do. Early Half Long Blood, Frvbtb Amber rjugar. Cohfruoc. Early llulrh, Karly Yolk, LViMlrelb'a J.arge Y'ork, Early piuirar l.af Early rtiittrriiea. Early Ilrtiinliead, (jreea nrled Mavoy, Large llruwbead ISavoy, Ked Duleh, for p.i-kliiig. Large Let llruuihead, Pint llulrh, tireen tllnxt'd, MaBimoih. 4 air,. Long Orange, Karly Horn, Altr rJtani, or Field, Large liiie. or Field, (Wery. W,,l. roli.l, e Ked Mil, I tru farfiae.) ErergreeB rtuar, Sweet, or huar. Early Canada, Early York, Early, TB.caiora. Karly Washington, Early May Ac, rrly Charlton, Hi.!i,,p' Dwarf Proline, Dwarf Mlus lmtierial, l.iijul Dwarf Marrowfat, dtlue Pruaeian, jEarly Chauipion of England Large V. bile Marroalat, ror. Large gweet. Bsll-ehsped, foauao, r Hat, I 'hf rry, j Cayenoe, k Long, f'aaiyiA-i, Ca.li aw, t'oinraoa Field, or Cheese. iMannaoth, ( lMi,k. ' ILyj, Scarlet ihort-top, it g tjalwou, IWI.iie Turnip-rooled, (Red Tumip-rooted. ..Yrllow Turnip-rootsd, iStiuimer While, lhnbnrh, or fe-yilonf. Aeetg, r rWer-'Oeel. . MteA, , 'Karlv flueb, or Patty Pun, (Early Appl Bath, or Egg, :Long Ureea Crwtltnei k, llu.h Crookneek auuuuer, Adaas'e Duiek aaatanr Heeltap, I whita. Dultb buntaaer Pcalloji,yl- A Kisednc Y Basel Thrilling SarraUve. -I'nder tha caption ef "The Steemiliip PaciSe Ia alia lost ?" The Boston Anglo-Saxon pub lishes tba following remarkable itorj : Th following narratire, for the troth of which we Toocn, naj be of interest to -the reader, a leaching us neroe to "despair while there is yet hope; showing in a verj renvarktble degree, the providence ot uai. . The town of Liverpool, in Novia Scotia, situa ted about sixty luiles from Halifax, is a place of some magnitude for a colonial outport. It is, snd always has been, rcmnrksl.le for the neat ness and eomfnrt of it house, for th activity,'! and entcrpriae of lis people, and lor the wealth and well-being; of till who choose to be industri ous and inclined to lay up worldly (roods. The interoourse with llnliiag, tlr rmpitai of tlis Pro vince, wan, at tin. prid of which Vrespoak chiefly kept up by a smart aad daahing little craft, called Hie LiVeriViol Pckot, diinmiinded by Captain Ba, winch plied weekly between tbo two place, throughout tin Spring and Sum mer months, laying up during the aoverity of the Winter whan the oouiiiiuuicatuiii with Halifax v, fur 111 most part, limited to w weekly post by land. About the year 1813 or 18 10, aa the season fur navigation wa drawing to a close, a great nuiii)iAr ot. paKaeugprs went pi Halting, as was the custom, to replenish their stores for the inter, while many heads ot Hum Ilea proceeaeu thither to purclinae tlutbing, griHi'rice, ic. for their private winter stock, and as this was to be the last trip of the senson, the liTTielmrltv. ua crowded with some forty nr fifty passengers, chiefly fathers and mothers of largo laniilies who were Ictt at home. The oviigMo lPulifux was prosperous; the voyagers nvittle tlisir piirclinses, mid in due time the Liverpud Packet was ready Uj return. All the passengers feuibarkcd iu good spirits, and the bark sailed cheerily down the huibor aud pro ceeded for her destination. A few hours after her departure) there sprung up on of those terrific northwester so well known on the coat of Nova Scotia, and blowing with the utmost fury 1 r several day and at tended wilh intense i'rost. It w as clear that no vessel caiold keep the eoast; she must either put herself bel'oro the wind and run out tu sea, or all perish miserably by wreck and th rigor of an atmosphere twenty or thirty degrees below ' aero. A change of weather so sudden, so severe and so unexpected, gave rieo to great fear for the safety ol tho little Packet, iind the next post by land was anxiously waited for by friend and relatives at both towns. Th post at length arrived, but brought no tidings of the Liverpool Packet ; another post and uuotber rame iu; and yet no news of the missing vessel. Search was then mail along th thore to ae if the wreck eoolit lie found, lint a in the caee of th Pacific, not a vestige could b discovered. The bold began lo doubt and tha timid to despair, and the opinion was at last ar rived at, that the vessel had bean blown olT the coast or sunk in a gal. If the latter, ah snd her pneaeugerawere of course irrotrioveably gone, us nn parson could live in bouts, in such wtuitliar ; if the former, mere was still nop that the next arrival Sroin Ueruiuda would bring soma intelli gence. YVe will nol attempt to J. auril.e tlie deplorable tate of mind of the people in ilia once happy little town. n'' nenrly nil had a relative on board, eitlter father, mother, brother, or sisier, Prayer were put up i" die cliundioa, aud a glouni tuau tle.l over the counteininies of every one. Advices were In due lime received from ller- muda. bnt nothing vra lisard from the Httle Packet and hr passenger. Ancmmta were alee ai.ceireil from several ol th West India Islands, bur stijl wit x'ut HiK'lligonc of th Biiasuig vea.el. ' Three months at length passed way, and th Packet waa giteti up for lusL Those who hud time forth in a gush of spontaneous gratitude, and 4h tear and sob had scarcely ceased when, with one Sudden impulse, the wh.il asteoiblag sank on their knee, and in a burst of pioua fervor poured out thank to th great and merci ful Being who had ao singularly preserved them -eaid who holds n ia the hollow of Hi hand. to Mike his neeMTT pi ve In the mini -.-own of th affAir of the wot Id. Hut bet. roting htm to i is l-.iaarty. agutn Moiiaiurued cxo-ried a utroin pn or.st trura lilui that h wuuid never trouble the 'faar aex" any mure, tut c.?t:fin bianarlf to what h could d among th "mala sex." And this ia tlie lesson why aataa sever diaturbs a women. This extraordinary circumstance I not within th recollection of many persons, but a few still survive ia Nova Scotia" who have a distinct re membrance of it. In it relation w may have omitted many details, but tlie general ouiliue is entirely true. A Wile In Ecstary aud , Husband la Fidgets. Th deed is aeoimplished, Wwif ha got a piano, " and now farewell the tranipiil mind farewell oontent and the eveuiug paigrs and the big cigars that make ambition virtue oh, fare well! And oh ; ye mortul engines, wKoserude ttwroits the iuim.irlnl Jove's dread olamor coun terfoil j" but slon, 1 can't bid them farewell, for one of them faatjutit.arrived. It curaeon a dray. si X men carriod it into th parlor, and it grunted awfully, It weighs' a tun. shines like a mirror, and ba ourvedUupiili.clitubiiig upitt limbs. And such lungs whew.! My wile bus commenced to practice, aud lb first lime h touched the ma chine I thought v, a wort) iu the midst of a thornier storm, and tlie, lightning had struck th orwkory chest. The cat, with tail erect, took a bee line friends on Imanl wont into mourning, and" prn era were even olferefl tip Tor YH repose privy t.f the fiewee, ;btw. Early Aaiaue, (InparUd.) 1'aroa.BBt, ljate Deti b, Valars.to, or Porter. HtmVfTUr. Aipta-er. llroeob L ParpU Um.ad Pa.uy leaved. CaH), l arge lilt t.a I'rirkly teed. fwe, ItluM Fptn, pair Early Raaeiaa, Early Fraaia ar Taklt ekort Pri.dily, Early lir.es dealer, Early Fran. Early r)hn lira. Laeig lire--a Tuikey, Leg (Ireea l H eene tt -''TJe- , Busy, foaorro, r ., Lar ked. l-atl. Yellow, Pear ah sped. I Taewija. Early Flat lairk. I leaved. iRed-toy!, Htray keaved. Early M.,ae, 'Ursa Koe Ik. Saall CksTkHa, tor pwkbja.. Larg II I okas 'kel, r Af.eeg.w. all"W Abeedeea, lrire Putple, ISVol, g Yellow, Early Paivle, . IRata Iter, -f gweatlek, i..Mee. ' I y,,a a.at, Early Curled. .Cal .lad. I.ioi.,lo, Eaely t'aklr," lltaaa Balak, Hallee lru.., K.iieeaaty,, krowa Dsva, )rime, Hoyal t'akkag. l"vory. Bow Bier, IbbiiL 1 B) il er. Pkilad.lptiia Cabbage, Car led India, ar le. m bne Co, flreea Co. PaleeUse, JOOHie. Ward! gerte, Plai a,0 ' r Peee. gkillioaaa 1'ih k.elied) lewiwd. (rala tan,) Caruliaa w aiee, M.nl,, rtM WW. aonVv. f MaiAlala wes. Wtw Ikaeg, Ami a sei .an.iy ad Baeds asd aldd la lki ad VartlMBieOt. t '"eel rta.il, -wl Mar4raal, wHTnye r Ky Ik aad at ksikil.) r-J t ln.r. W kits Daw k rtew, lljiearaa. a Pnaea, Hla Uraae, ill.rde e Red TofA, Tiwonky, ' asaiT ea liutrlef Ini ii the Irirlul iir lartti, lave aft exf lf rmiad'i, W in J-W.V wS 9a. V ' fagi. ea t tki ar , . J21TS2lT0&C0.i (aasBpBsa ieeaoi tea aseaiu t sacs. , . Wkilnalt liaises la Tea aeiy. A', r. tWeaar nf AVoaX ) Jheeats, I'UlLAbKWUiA. . 4-Ta ka Keaalla Pa-k. pm la katffkMat, eea.,ie a lay af keh b.a.k aad til" t rail kve. Pe ae4 Ins ad aeiawsVTetwM, aYa, faeaiaked hf Saaal ha ao Bkadf Ik.aa. AH waeeaweed as sdeaa a a !, Ob aa ik aaaM ee aad tea, a all. aad aa ashy Hail ekeeis at lit. e-4iia.s a'Tl . 4 aessde, aad si a. Il ia, late. TU MKHCHAXT8. ' Itebbint, Morftn k Allen, i run STtsst, i iaa. IktrntTKM AID Ml.gkA I I) rep. Dyse, Chsatieai, rrfiase7, Asv i flat ia nwwl e s.iaai ew I II m f" saekeas M'wd, . .k r . m - .. r. j b 4. tt . 1 Be Mmmfm aa .Be a (e4e skef ea Aa lb ' e,f eja-at d a test Belli SaeaM a af Maulae k..a I 'I e e.ry - SJeaVaw ka B-eaiB at kr aaaai wit a 4 arte BaB ed ..I a.t.4 mn4 m m fmri f wr- F-w rte eavet i s helweee .lfc VWhtsaai. I aotils of th departed; - and so connerteal were the ilitTereiil families wilh- each oilier through- nut (he town, that th Suuday on which all who had friende put on blm k, put nearly Ilia entile pnpnlation in the habiliment of wo. Four Biontba liar now naaaei) swav ; in mourners, notwithstanding their Irreparabl In, were beconiit g reroneiled to their liereavement for tliere is a philosophy In the human heart which teaches nt to hear with fortitude great liavaea, when those of lew severity ar met wilh lin patience. All hope had now Hod; the veteed had, without doubt, loundered and g..ns to tlie bottom with all on board ; hut when, nr in what part cf th reel ocean, waa ha remain Tailed in Ilia eeeret of lb deep until the eea mould (is op her dead. Sixteen weelehad now elanaed. when en In morning In th Spring. Bum sa faring po- pleeVwa at th Fort doarrire; a strange brig Bp- liroatbiiig lb harhor, Pdi a'lrarte.1 atlsuUoa frora the circnraaiane that, although a at ranger, she waa navigate! ky one aa wall knew tba enrraare tn tie bar bur, lug slut cajpa in williout a pilot or shortening ai. The uoick er aiod watchful habits of th seamen cm.M not lightly paaa ovr sa-h a eireaimaraneje, aad lh rprl of a Strang fsel anming la eiwia ateread'thrvatgb th lull beaa.and aiany peraona asssnibled. Tlie be! telaacope were not In requisition, buT aoa ennld msks out who or what the strangwr waa. As she drew aaarr to the taiMnit grtaaei, her dark wa disuvt4 ka 1st nidd wilh male and (envaU aasaencer. "Ah I" exclaimed ene who had a certain inde- Irtl 1 hov, aa thai hope aaMtk wilk kiss, "aa emigrant ship efiear all, and a deep aigbuni fnea) bia hueota i for be had a aear aad dear fnaaad aaa hoard (he little) packs. ' Aa emigrant akia;''' aaid aeaothef I how aaa any eaptaia ef aa saw i great hiii kaew aa aeU die way line (bia karU rJ LVatd, ataigraM bin do aut cam I jr4. A aua niiiL during wlrt-h en with auiak. was eaaiag ilinmgh lb best glaaa the Iowa all. iJedi ha (Met umm ka, reeung hi telaan.ii, w hen he ewd.iwily aiuraag to has f4. aad d. Iard that (.apt. baa wa aasoatt th Heaau-njcara 1 "Noaaeaas." was tlie Ineeaduloaserv. 'Catd, Raas and Ih I.lvwrtwe.1 Parkai ar at lb le.lt of lb , and will il,t tuius lill ll. day of reaatrrwen.aa,"' . Nt dawaied by the Ucreoluliiy. k 4u4,"iiv at lit trumtari, I will sk il hvigt ia a few rro mmt tl.s will h tvar en. ofh, 'What brig iatliMf" Tks reetewee given, "Ats y faaiaua MaasT" j'r was thre4f. Aha Words sul e lo re'ral that the teaead lead la Ik.wa i fT, and ! B.ai.y da. a wsail larfor ll.e wind witj greal rspidit Aaib gl at ited. Cast, Itea f.d ks B.)aMia reaek lb Wt Imteaai ll.aa a sou Id get beak wilh au aaivil ead e.wdJ a VMel. eit.g llwit pro. .e..4.a sas atf aaiewlly aad elaling then ll.iret with el ,r ae.d tli laKtel i f a (.lee ,bl ll i a leeid, lhey raw ked llarUdv. Tleere the l' ( e.,14 l.ea be.p, lemgUl ll beig aad rame tav k aafa, wilh ail has aaeeei.tes!- llesj yfal aei lad ll.rsaagh th ewwa wilh lb la.larlia.vilf ul l ei, IB. Kg. aad ef 11.4 Veaeel ! le br ugl.l in it, wharf ll e mute .y of Out pl had a.-o,l,ied hi a. .4 ead ewlirarw Uieer Inamaa. Il wd he ha yaia ks aWn wa-h a sewi,s ell i '. ia ao.iroiBg Jel all a ilk BBll e j"? BH , i f le tbeif wiB'e4,aa. I"4.gl)t fr.eed and rlalve W-at-ed ew for a particular friend upon the back fence, de moliahing a six shilling pan of glass. , Th baby awoke, the little fellow tried bis best lo bent tn instrument, uui ue uiun t no it, iLbeat him. A teuchor hat been introduced into lie house. He says be is the last of Napoleon's grand nnuv. He wear huge nnustucbe, look at in fiercely, smells of garlic, mid goes by the name of Cuuiit-Kun-away-aiid-nover-conie-back-agiiin-by. lie played an exiruct de opera ihe otiicr uilii, 11 ran his hngere thttiugh li, hair tu iie, ilicu griu ned, tlien lie icked bis eyes up at the celling, like a lonkcy hunting flio, ihcu cam oue of his fingers, and I heard a delightful sound, similar lo that produced by a cockroach dancing upon the tenor string of fiddle. IKiwn cuius soother fin ger, and 1 was rctninilcl of th wind wlfistling tbruuh a knot holeiu a benooon. Hetouchrdhis thuuili, and 1 thought I was iu an orchard listen- lug to th distant braying ol a jackass, Now hs run hi finger nhoig the bers, end I -thought of boy rattling a stick upon a picket fence. All of a sudden he stopped, and 1 thought something had happened. Then down caino both hots, aad, oh Lord I such a noiee wa never heard before, 1 thought a hurricane had struck the house, and th wall wore caving in. 1 im agined I was in the cellar, aud a tun of coal waa falling anon my head. 1 thought thn niachin had burst, when th infernal nois stunned, and I beard my wifeeiaoulat " Ktnuisitai '-What ihe deuce is th matter?" Tb answer was, " W by, dear that' L Somnemhulal" ! i Souinamhula ! thought 1 : and lb Court rolled up hi shoot of paper. II ml It it mosiebut kit th lift of me, I can't mak it look lik anything else than a rui I fence with a ld of juvsnile nig- art cnmoing over it. iicfore tnai intirument of torture earn into the honae, 1 euald enjoy my sen, nut now every oarneti woman in th neigh- nm iioou- must be invited t, bear lb new mano. and every titna Ihe blii.ted thing shrieks out. lik a l. .noun .live witu tn bronrhilia. I bar to tu-aisa its bine, and when th invited gueata ar playing I have to ssy, "tCxiuisit" " Delightful'i" - Heavenly: and all such trash, wlul. at tli am time, I know jrwt as much about music aa a oiiua eixlhaii, 1 her are mora tuning hammer than eotnforta, in our house, and and 1 wi.b the inventor of th piano wa troubled with a ernet- uai nigntmar. aud niiiiged to sleep in on ol hi instrument ell hi life. A fur myself. I hu. rather piit my head under a lin nan and be drummed to sleep with a pair of smoothing In.na, ! than hear "La tiimiiaml.ula," or oiiyuthor l.a thumped out of a piano. S. ntinr iieniiias in front of my hiiisQ, and draw t'lgetharall ilie wsti.l-rlhg minstrel In th cily hand organs, b.iiiios, J.f ' dies, tambourines, rattling hone and A. ii horn, Lot juieuil monkey crawl in at my windows ia , sesrcli of three cent pieces let me b awakened at niiunigni tiv in cry nt "einruen ring tli fire hells snd bav a devil of allui generally an an una, anil I will not complain ; but bsui'li the pi u in I My piano, ba got hi go. lam going to launch th iiilernul machine out of the window Ui first dark Bight, and, Biy frienilt I advise you to sleep with cotton in your years, or, when ah gives ber dying groan, you'll think ynu'v fallea of of bed ur a f.illco tlor )m gone to real unib yuwr housetop. 1 r tli iiifonnalion in - l..ung America. 1 will stale that all Itot Thllbrhlaadaaa4 the IllghUadsra In liirea. iCicl.iT. "Il t not ease fog a mini em Engliahman who can pass in a day from his club in Si. Jam' street to bit Bhoonng-bog among th Urampiana, and who finds in his shooting box all tin com forts and luxuries of hi club, to believe that, in th time of hi great grandthther, St. James's street had as little connexion with theUrempian a with the Andes. Vet so it was. Ia tb south of onr island scarcely anything wa known about th Celtic part of Scotland; and what was known excited no feeling but contempt and loathing. The crags and tlie glen, tbewuods and th water war indeed the same that now (warm every au tumn w ith admiring gsiora and aketcher. Th Troajichs wound as now between gignntia wall of rock tapestried with brooa and wild rose. Foyers came head long down through the birch wimhI with the t!ino lonn and tlra tame roar with which he still rushes to Ioh Nests and, in dcH- siu- of tha tun of June, he tnowy sculp of lien Cruachan rise, ns it ttill rises, over the willowy islets of Loch Awe. Yet none of the. tight had power, till a recent period, to attraot a single poet or painter from more opulent and uioie trunipiil ragions. Indeed, law and polilics, trnJo and .Industry, have done far more than people of romantic dispositions will re.nlily admit to dc vchip in our mind a senseof the wilder heantiee of na ture. A traveller must be freed from all appre hensions of being murdered or starved before he can be charmed try the hold outlines and rich ti ntt of th hill, lie it wot likely to be thrown i oi a precipice anger of falling two thousand lent perpendicular; by the boiling wave of a torrent which suddenly whirl awny is baggage and forces bun to rnu fur hi life; by th gloomy grandeur of a pas where be find a corpse which marauder have just stripped and mangled: or hy the screams of those eagle whoa next meal may probably J on hit own eye. " t miw well d'Hibt whether in lUH'j, one lu wenlvnfthe well read gentlemen who assem bled at Will's colTo house knew that within th ur sen, and at th distance of leas than 6U0 mil from London, were many miniature court, in e.loh of which A petty prince, attended lit guards, by armor hearers, hy musicians, hy rerenitary orator, ne a hereditary noet-laurente, kept a rude state, dispensed a rude justice, waged wart,' and concluded treaties. While the old ( ! io institution were in full vigor no account of them wot given, by an observer outlined to judge nf them fairly. Had such an. observer studied the character of the Highlanders, be w.Hild doubtless have found iu it, closely inter mingled, th good and th end qualitlea of an onoivilised nation, II would have found that people had no love fur their country and their king; that they had no attachment to any com mon wealth larger than th elan or to any tntgi- trate aufierior tn the chief. He would hav found that life waa gori mod by a code of moralietr and honor widely different from that which it est to ll. tieo in peaoeiul and prttarteroiM aocleti. II would have learned that a. slab iu tlie hack or ahot from behind a fragment of rook war ap proved mode for taking iafujficlim for insults. II would have heard men relate boastfully how they or their father had wreaked oa hereditary enemies in a neigblioriiig valley such veiig'stve as would hare made old soldiers of th thirty Tear' war shudder. II would have found that robbery we held lo be a calling, not merely in a.icent km honorable, -II would bav seen wherever be turned that dislike of tody indus try and that diapoaltion to throw oa th weaker sex the heaviest part of Manual labor which are characteristic nf savages. . a yt an enlightened and ditpaaalonaleulisenrer would have faund in th character and manner nf this ru.1spe.ipls something which might exoit ad- miration any a g.Kxl nope, ineir oonrage waa whatgrnntaxploit a. liievcl ia all 111 f niro,uar lers nf tb globe hav sine proved It tn b. Their Intense attachment tn their own tribe and tn llieir own patriarch, though politically a great evil, partook of the naturt. Tlintiiiient was Th rtrfc Kawillj that never Head a Xen .paper. A eirrespondent of the Indiana State Nmt.i.e!, traveling in tjheweetorn part of that S.'c, re late th toikrwiug inc .le..u Tb second n'.Klil afier I left your city, I put np at A htrgc brick tavern, known as the L house. The proprietor, in answer to aim iuter rogatoriea; informed m that he owned over 4i acres of laud, had rnised tl.e present ecaon tiK) bushes ef wheat, ft Ml bushels of oats, and ex pec- ted to harvest l.".(s.lbuh4lsof o.rn; ththowed no man a dollar; and that be eater took a new. paper in hi life lJ had the rsirieniiy to learn now a family kept op with the current news of th day, when deprived of the mean of obtain ing H. Boon after I entered the family circle whioli consisted of to parents and six children, tli eldest a daughter ou the shady side of tweu ty live th mother conimenoed with; Mister do yoa know whether the great Mr. Webster I hanged yet?' Tea, Madam.' Wall,' said h. "I allow he'll not make more of the spelling books.' 'I suppose not,' 'I've Iivod to long in the world, said the mu tlier with A" doep sigh, 'and 1 never el auv lOdy hanged yet I 1 alwnv tannrht l d like to eo on hansred, but it never happened to cmis right, and I'm getting so old now I don't 'sect I ever will. I've teeu th s&rcua and the cnrnvin and slch kind of shows but I'd rather see one fellow hanged than fifty of them show,' y .- p.. Strang r," said the daughter, tlier i going . , ingtobeao atiunal show, to morrow down here about tix mile, may b you'd like to lay over snd go down, B rot her .in met iv they've got two snake there, ani what eon swallow an elephant, and I don't believe there ever wa any uch snakot do your s. 'Ml, MWs,' , " ' ' 'Well, then, the jogranliy lice just I'U oilier MolksV . . 'Mother,' said James, 'you tlnnt inowwhiti you're ttlkiug about, don't tha I'niled State make the jogrsplnos? What s th us of putting lie Into 'em f They mak 'ein every ten yearn, they are going to make another in a few days. They tend men out all over tlra country la find out everything that wnat mat ensp wat ncr tor tother day, asking so many tarnci question about. Stranger, your supper ready.' pieces of brass wire aad ivory keys tbey arwl enBie to, but UKskeletuB I want lore refrigerator. Aataalug I'.xtrarta. : "Killmore igucd the Fugitiv Slavn Bill from IrresiataHle compulsion. lluhmnnd f.nq. And PleToej-eigiied the Kobraaka-hansa Bill with alacrity, tegardiiig it a " pronnilioa ia . fomr n v.-w(4ua,; To th end id hit idminittrntion, milliard til!' or continued to exhibit the tame) unenviable propensity toward th Sootli." A'lttj. And yst th Itiohinnnd Kmiuirbf, and every Lucflfoeo editor and tlump-spoaker in Ib'rl, nis.lo It the suhject of grav accusation asrninst South thrn Whi s, Oiatlhcy acipiiesced in the nomi r. at ion of tlie Hero of a hundred battles, and a native eon of Virginia to boot, over t hi snni Millard Killinnr, whom they now atf.-ct to regard at an Ab-dititionists, but whom they then held np as a martyr to his devotion to tlif Constitu. fional Kighu of tb South I - . ' ' "Tli only way in which Fillmore' partisan VdertaVe to xonerat him from the grar accu . sntiont of his own conduct, It by parading th denunciation levelled sgslust him by th A boli. ti. mists. ow,,by tli same argument, tb llltk Rapublioan daservtkli oufidncuf IbtSiutb; (or they two af bitterly l.imrd4iy the Aboli tionists, w repudiate nie Pittshtirg movement, and prorwm t run eandidate ef ibeirowu per ty."e-..'iHuirr, i , v( .-. , (!uaat nighlryenouglrt really to beasUamed of this awkward dodge, Why do you suppose that llier is a man in Virginia who reads at all, who nan be imposed on by such a piece of clap trap f everybody kaow that the leader of lh "Pittsburg movement," vra-with th Simim-pure ibditlnnist aad tin Praocracy, In tlisir blatant Imib of Mr. i'illiaore. tveryWly koowt that this "Pitt-burg movement" wa tb result of the dissatisfaction of certain ynipathltrr wilh lllaek-llepnhlieaniant, at the nominatioa of Mr. Pilltaore which they dcivounoed s A triumph of of the Slavsocracv. nsmrecte.i ar.tl III regulated; but ttlll It wnt be- I -"Millard FUlmor slept through three year no. nerw mqat u some sievanoa ot xrui in a , quiet possession A Tat V Ithoat a Head. JaV wat little negre whn.UIgo! tolr, Taliaferro, aad wa (aid lo hav is, his hill freest a heart ia Lig as lien. Jackson's, to say nothing of Napoleon lionaiairt and U-k Tail r. II did not fear tvsn old Kiel, and at tut eawln h wa aa goal as the lidoo ef tli North Pol. fine day, Ir.' Talisferro, nptei occasion af h yenmemeuM-nt of Medical College, of whu-h h bld lbs chair uf Aaaioniv, g ia dinner Among his gueets was a well km wa venlrilwiuist, Iatg in Ihe sveaing, after th rTttl hsd dona Its Work, tli .nvratMea lume.1 ureas eoueaga, end ties LWb- (eaaated eoneideral.ly 4 th lit heart of b't favorite man, J-ike. lie i lfered lolie'i that nothing cool' I rr him; and this t.t lh vr triUuiat ba.k up naming at Ih same li'n th tt lis wsun d iinr.jad. Jk wa Bent (or and cam. . 'JakVeaid the IWiug, i have a large Bam of aniv is y..r heavl, and yo esaot w w IL IKi yo tLiuk yoeeeaf .... lie rry belt, bibbm,' rst.tlsd) Jak -i 111 dul kiga whet be w da, aad he'll de II shore.' 'I want yoa tn go to the diasedlng-ronwt. Teal will find two deed beetle there. Cot at th head nf en wilh a large ko fe whtrh y-e will led tier and bring Ii ts n. Yo wiael wa) tk light how svar ; and do tve) fnt rVigtitad.' 'Dai's ell, it it!' niuira4 Jake. Oh, Lerry tWtt, I'll do da Bh-wa, f.ay aartin end ks far lealq' friglleii, d drill Limelf aie'l gw.at to trinl.leii inc. Jake eeenrdiegly tea ?, and reaching tli die serving eucHtk, grixe elisal anul he haand tlra kail aad the hoduta. He had last apidted the (sear to"ia.Ul tdfoaa ut th llir, when, froaa lh body be a a ah. oat lo ilnpuu, a k .l low aad twtuiltthral teeatiU.ied 'IM my kemd mlmmt f s s Y.eh,' replied Jake, 'I ain't Uvular; vnddev head II 4m jaet wll.' . , lie eeeurditiglv pat lh ki .fa la th tvsrh ef the sett enrpae, wl.a esmihea' T.a-e, saliy aa Barlhly la lit tut, thseseed eel r '14 my Aanaf F - . , Jake a panted at rat; hut anwr4 pea. sBtttlyl lemh t yah' TrtHver tal l I kud Wit , mm oh ds hd, and )' iaa'l g ma lo f ed as ka b"W !' ead Jak b. kd w until In aaire h-d lb Med I" aa (let k-d'. T kvsaii .a ball a U arreeJu. d vet maa whu lore th eiwiety ef which he Is a mess ber snd a leader whom h foil iw with a I iv aiMnpsr than Ih love of life. It waa true that the Highlander had few s-niple ehont shexl.ling th blood of an enemy; hut it waa nut lew true that hahod high aiHk.nt of Ih duly ef observing taiin tn allies and hoapitoliiy to guests. It was Ira that hi predatory livt.iU were most psmi eious to the ri.memvnwmlth. Yea thus ermd grselly who imagined that fc bora any rwsta blance In villaina who, in rich and well governed oommunltle, he hy steeling. When Tm drov before him the herda of liwland farmer ap th paaa which led ha hi native gln, he Mill aitldered hina-elf aa a thief llian the llaUigbt and lirakee ronsidercd-tbetasdvee as thietss when lhy divided the eargo of Spenieh gsl Irons, . II wa a wairherasasiag lawful pels ef war, ef wsr never otic intimated during the tbirtv tve general BKia whleh had uaeaed away inra th 1 44oo Invaders had drlvsej the ehildrea ef Ibe alio tli nxalnlaio. That if h was eeaght robbing en a h principles, b hould, f.r lh pr.ile.-ii. in tj pa"eful h.lu.try, hpnniehe1 with lb etmnst ri. of th raw waa ptrfertlv ul Hell it we not j4 to elaaa hiea aanrrailv wilk Ihe pickpockets wa kn(eatd I'rury Lao The. Ire or the bigbwavatsa who stopped eoarbea on lllecklwath. Il.s li.ordinal pri.l of lurth and his 4Btataara) tsy latine and trade were la.eeed greet wmkaeeBee, end bad d.t far more than lb lneleinney nt th ir t th eleiility af th cull to kep bi .untry poor aad raM. Yt tvwa here there era sunt cimntnaatnas. It missl U fairaaea ba arkaewledgeA ilat Ih patn- taa virtue erere ant leas wid ly d, 11 used am. Kit Ih pepulaii.m of Ih II glilaeula thsa lbs plrT (ua view Aa there waa ae wbe part where area, sordidly rl..llid, Inlr, and fed. indulged Ibetnaelte tu uek a degree) ia the bile aauiiU-r-ing babiis .af an arut.-r,-v, eo there was no etlsrr pert rf Ibe (aland Wr seek awe bed la eech a degrees the better rp III mb efea aruslo se f , grac n4 dignity of aiaaner, self reeperd, and inai aoi.ks awnaiuilnf wbs-h make dieli..i., at. terrible thaa death. A gentleman nf Uiis eat, whew etotl Brer berinimed with th ex-ueiu 114 llih nf yeaea, and whew hal atnsll wove than sa i ngii.h hog air, wsuld afire do Ibe b.ora of thai hovel with a p.fie evxirteay wnnny at in pi,aia eirel of V eeee.He. quiet possearion nf tb I'reai.loniy. r.wjiurrr. Khl then lh right nd inlererts-vfth South were sal In tils hands, or it: Mionirer, and thef lUemoernti Journali. and poiitieiau at the South deserve deep and lasting reprubatinA, fur uieily oloMirving tli trencberotis pnusi'tuuioa oi . l'rei.lent anil rui .nig BO not or alarm 1 liy a way, this is a droll idea of owr neighbors that a maa plotting scliem ef snUobwf ta bia sleep I Th street which bav quoted f.,r tl tmaaammt of our readers," show thst onr neigh bor ar rest I If hard preased. AatmoniiHiB h.r carrying an tbi war tgaiiisl the .NatMi.al Amsr Iran parly. Is ecsrre at lb Souih ; their tllirs of th "Kreesoil wing of tb Lwinocmtn prty," oa th0.ther hand, ar getting on Uiu-.u-ly il.ry ar puaringhid shot sad ahc.la mu. li t Americsti camp with a fiery teal that 4n.wt no aleii n.ent, and th bi.k ry of Mr. P;llui..r'a Adiainittntn a furni.be llieir aiagasinew with aa boeWanl tnpply nf asnmaniiKm. They are aiaalusf r evidence tu prst llint tb Aduiioitraii. of Sir. ruimor waa on to win. a in n earn snomu ever k Leek with gratitude I Strange, Is tt Botf that whilst tlav Black RsjiaUirans ar dinouno" in Ibe eeadiujti nt lb American tarty aaa "reatur of lb sl.a-rcv," lh t il (uuer n 1 It r uibia allies ait ends voting te pmv Inns la anrihtiovnat I Din inaee areeeierai Hniwanani tier ia relation ip tlua utiiect offidrlny to w! lob w , dMcrmined that ll, J p'.c ei.all Bot target nr. rirmww avr gave it a a rraei r r aijaiag a bill, that it ws "a propositi. avor el freeakasi." Mr. lillinore be 'or n.inifd a aot.n-K.is Frswaoiler as 4ioverr.or of a terrih-ry where tb iaaa wat likely to an' as to whethe aid lereahary tlteeut or Ii.miII eol 1 a free- Stat. Mr, l illaaore aevee filled the public - Ii aeturtoua roilrt, and Ihi orturel lt.t party with ths pstruiar i l b s A !u.inietrtn,iii Mr. ill more aever declared hiaasell ".!. band aad heart and all bis might" WeTd any tu. h si.- iseuf lh S ntn as Ih llulfalo pi.io.roi iwin rat. Mr. illnvow ha aevrpred biwae t ia favor .af aev kill t.i)iek the B.lu..-"H -t analber alete Mia'e iale Ihe I aaoeu Mr. f ... r Is hui eprHnd by any riy tlivt, l a th P an.u-ra.-y 4lf Ohio, i pled.-e.i to "tltlrpsle t'ave. yy! , - . VHkaaad Aaaev. Ih dBs adaals af th Rliklaadm. la tnt lt.d, Warned Maeatuly la fj fa hi ieataiil af isr ae aei ore. vtbyBeiBB avt lUatarh a Weesee. M dianiaar-lans twlai lh I'owlog auary aa ta aeibaeti ee l eevxabl pien hrwiueM, illiie I Iraute uf tie lM UM tb Uaa,l Uia.l bat Juu j j la pr l. tua ia tb wwld, etd lhi all . i , ' j wi eld ge rue if ,t wsr Ui end at. .t. i . " AGISTS WASTED!? Xakt) Ifot.ey ba Ten Cut 1 SaeM.ee ed eilketf d-- ' I f'-' ' ' - ' ' ' f a tral IB e- , , e lb I I tie, t av-l-al 4 a"a ei e- . .1 delate a . a .....1 I 4 . I. . ' kt4. rail 4.rt..-4 t lit m elr k' . Ill k ('. he e i,. la.. 4 I I ,if ii S I, I' 4 l'W . e 4-- I -. e - 14) ft hit I IK I ,l,ll..a re. them i J Fithlsihli Itir-fitlif f i(4 tt j VMi'f ' la the dene of M hatemed tW waa to Arab I rMI eelxrrf . ta-t Me. 4 .-e J M whebadaveey peeaiy la. Th IVad (. ,ea) I I l -ei s-...g, e skeaae, feiraace, BHailra ead IsroiKer wars hwhed la eewh eiker arva. and thsa the tsti A ttrem tear of h.v. Hut k. w Waa aairk a rv. sad - harw BxH il, ew k-e awrht r V td W i'h a awwai at4 Wwias saf Taae t ka tea tteake est Ibe ttieo ad hue kwe kseH ae bvteg Ta. -a. It It.. I -.... -.... .a .ll .... t.m- erw,. i. , lATTtt lot Cf Motirnlnir Ooodj. j . ( wkh Aw Its yaaraat e.d twaaM 'ta yaas'ee eai h, t ,' eed ha aese, ZTZT i a'.f"7."r 'r ' a-k.. . a tt.k.lBti4aai f.atTana l s--d tm-nt.mn. 1 kewe . kke .e,.ref tak' et hed ike asasee Jake, I 'VnV- 1 w. n. n. 1. Ttotrni . 'm iih.r.de n-iMvafei.-. n. i- ftnmt ae,'weegwaWr ., Jak had teairbard the 4wr, bet, est kaaar.ag (hi, haras d r)a4 eaad 'hew aew, ae yah I Js ye seep toaV. yn de. are af ted, 4a4 d'l wskaepAe w 11 1 a Mk. Msm t aly gwiee hs hdl ettke beesae.' rsrsaaf mm eeaai sw ewaaar r Ik ll.. .M ' e'l 'i.. khftk I rs4, I k Bi ta I k e. e-. I a - . . 44m 4 ee.aai k e.r B raee-aai a I ..lUi.-.'l-iWI.,. II. k-.e Ii et te..e B. Vlek,.im 1. t. ' ki i. i.e. e MwbI ksis at lee Bcrwaee e il. i f A 1 - 1 - K.l.i(k. Birel.U.t ty AXIIOTTrZI 'Trad he mm, nglA aarar, eak retold Jake, a be eaew.eai adf wok the brad. aa4 ih aetl , 4 esuat ie.b. itas w4 aa aatrrt e.BB 4 I eem tt kaaa the laaanW. hireeelf Wito eaael and t wrmte l,4nea.d he fe.lauul lUt th eaasld ted ft lie !' wf I... I.. I wke k .4 Ibt two w le-f iu.l.,kd It h eUimed kef, thai ie II, e tVal kn.t4.rd ai.d tha llevil in his likaajeae. Tl.e eeae e4i4 aeeefc lalerM ia Ike aeafttlawb'K't, hat ae ae.lii, uf tee d aVelty aeeuid kw oblama.1. Al lu..l, iim l.n,., - .. hen-re his Maieely, Hi IV j Irft, ll kiamll, ' , , efirr hill rcr4i , ked ap a eenai Beril.ee I pad ta hi hen, wuh a epwi I ke rees-a, sad I 'P" aed te livweet b4e, 'S-.m, thkkevat tt the real '' I healawd will . ear 1 lets BI I t 14 aprat aed I Ike elal4..k kta sUist ha U ." The1 1bviL Ba ba.ivig s rai-.i y ie tl.at way thee Ike steidy Aral ef reel ti-.k aawt IV4M,erheeeJ 4. The xvaaaal he "l-d kl'.hewMBd eluad ll If , the Sfspat had keew h-e ekei a a few ili, M waa nm. ( (ill a . T' N a t III If T HT serteaal that I He td wa (tug ee le all I Ll I t - Jel re., ned e i.e fss 1 its eat." erf, H 4.aad wa ineteewe ew I ia V aa ai e w-ii I (i, a.4M4 hs ks Ike !etJ mm Ireae hi HeleBi se I' , .. rUr O-f . 1,4 la ll IS ua ,.4 l. m eaoMi i.li.l, ,, b , 4 l -t k. M-a aa aay l .'U o ' Ike f-".. .h.i ....... It r,4 ,o . . le Bet Mlo -.J I H I tp , - Bete, eeMl B.o kaaa M . wfe- I J lil-i guaU.gk. Iaewkae. I? t ltk 4 t

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