NORTH CAROLINA ST A R WE DN ESDAY MO R N I N G , - ATHT:irr30ri83r Ccof reisional- Thirty-Fourth Com IBM Tint Session. YYasbisotob, April 21, lS-'4. Suave. Ob motion by Mr. Brown, th bilk relating t lb lb strict uf Columbia ; were made lb special order for nest Friday. A rrwiluiiaa u adopted, calling oa tlx See- retary of War to transmit to tb 8mU copies of All letters sddrcmsd to him daring tba piesenl ynr, by Covernor Stereo, of Washington Terri tory, respecting the exciting difficulties with the Indians in that territory; aad also, all other cor reepondesc relatii.g to tb ladiaa Difseultie ia tba territorie of Waahir.glo aod Oregon, not heretofore communicated. Mr. Toomb. frnni the Committee oa the Judi ciary, reported back tba bill to amend the Bstu raliiatioa laws, with recommendation that H do aot pass. - Tba Sonata reeumed the consideration of tba bounty land bill, bat at eae o'clock it was laid aide, wbea . , Mr. Clay, of Alabama, tba Kanaaa bill being ander consideration, replied to Messrs, Seward, Sumner, Wileooand Harlan; and la tba eoan of bit remarks, complimented tba Executive fur liii courae oa natter relating to that territory, lie maintained that eo far from there being any truth In tl alleged "aggression of tb elate power," the South had iieea ever line the foun dation of tb GoveTOrnCntywIdin gradually to tit encroachment and uaorpatioo of theJtorth. Owing to ill health, be raid be ahould print tb remark which b intended to submit showing that do nmity exist between the 8oatbra aad tb Northern democrat. ' Tb Senate adjourned. f IIocii ot RcrntWTTiTu. Tb Hone pro ceeded to act epos tht amendments of the Senate to the Deficiency Appropriation bilf, a report ed from tb Committee of t)i Whole oa the Mat of th Union; and by a rot of yea 59, Day 80, rejected that of tare hundred thousand dollar for a eontinuation of th Water Work. Without concluding action on tb amend BMBta, The Hon adjourned. ; WainmoToH, Apri) 22; Snare. , A bill to alter and amend th et stabllebing a Cireut CeaH of tb Coiled Stat ta and for th Stat of California, was passed, Mr Foot Milled p tb bounty Und bill, i proo fing th bop that H would be disposed of today. Thi measar wa discussed nod Mrcral amend menu agreed to. Tb Senate discussed aad passed the Uoue bill amendatory of the bounty land aot Tb former added proriaioa to admit parol testimo ny in tli ateence of record evidrnca, and to in clude ia th period of ssrvlo tb lim employed ia trarilling to and from tb place of muiter. Tb Senate adjourned." Hoot, or EiriiTiTiTi. Tb various am end menu of tb Seaat to tb deficiency ap. nropriatioa bill having ban disposed of, report wer made from varioo itaadiog coaunittoa. Tb proceeding were remarkably dry. Tb prominent feature wa tba iwporliog from th Committee on Cummer, by Meeara. Wasbbami of Illinois, and Wad, of aboat (aot torn than) fifty bill for rirer and harbor im provsmenta. Th IIou adjourned. WabieTOM, April 23. Sf iatb. Mr. Mallory communicated aa InvL tatlun mm th Secretary of tb Navy, for tb member of th Senate to visit tb (team frigei Msrrimae, at Annapolie. Ua motto b of Mr. Weller, the Senate reeumed the consideration of tb three million appropria tion kill. Mr. Bell, of Teem., expressed doubts whether this large amount euuld be properly txpended wlibie th present year. II thought it weald b better to make a am alter appropriation thi year. Bad if aemaaary mor could b appropria ted at th Beit ssssiieA. Mr. W1lr bowed that th moaey ought to b appropriated now to nabl U to be Bd Meet advantageously. -Mr. Hal oppeaed tb bill for several II thought Uiat th gan which were to be ra ited w'lb parcumioa lock aad Manard ' art- mere would aot b at all comparable, whoa an re- tiled. lib th breach loading ri bra. II wa al ee f opinion that tbey would aot be cert tore bl In wet wealbcr. lie alluded to th large appro priation aew mad la time of peso and under a model Preeldeat, aad hoped w should begia to economise. Mr. Can aaid that tb edmlaUtretiea wa aot to b held nepoaeille fur tb large a ttona. Congr bad mad tbem, tusnctimss la oppotitioa to tb rceommcBdatica f tb - tir. Mr. Hal rcplUd that if A demoera'ie party bad'aot oealriUed CoBgreee ceaceally, and tb Seaat la particular, fur a gd maay J they wer aot to b bald rpoeibl. Theee large expeadilar f sseeaty ec eighty mllliua of dolUra aaBaalty cagbt to sncet the attoatiua f tli Tb sutjee w4 laid add, wkea Mr. Itoaetna rk BBtil tb r f adjoammaat agaiaet th aerii of !) let nareJ board. Eorea r EirtMiirtinTH. Mr. Thereto aweed a raeoaaideratinn at lb rot by which we adnpted, yeetorday, the SeaaH'l amaadieut to th Peaeieaey ariproprUtioa bill, ptwrldieg that form act f Coa grea altall not be a amv etrued a to allow tb Print to Congr aa t- tra mpntatU (,lwaty pee eeL After debate, laeelrmg lb owmtioa of caa my and itrngBe, lb Beetiua of Mr. Thar- laeeui hud bbob lb trUc je 79, nay 61. Th lloae went into B eommltlae vf the Wkol on th elate ef tb 1'bIo. sad took up lb India a,i rorwUiioa bill, wbea 1 Mr. Staaum, of Ohia, mad a speech ta riadi rti. of lb Bepablieaa party, sad of wbka b ,t a prominent member. He (aid chat ia the g l"reJlil eoeiteat there mill he iaeori- I.J a tUr baaoer the Werda, "Freed, .m i ac iwnal, and alaeery eeetional. be mere alare territory- a mar le Stale. Falun for th Uef liberty, aad liberty for the sake of C- ,. be b ealdeJ, Tl eommHte reae, aad la Iloaee adjearacd. Waeaiwoecw, April U. t.tit. Mr. Befcjamla eebmirud a reaoJelUn r:..f s lb Heeretary of 1 for l farm alien ie r : to th eiteel to which the traeepon. iu of lW rere la aow being carried a aVom lb , !,nt!f Aeiacreey Aemn lalaad to Ams , , :.d.t (aid lalweee V termed (hteee ,..... it t-Muvei bIm, to chew the man net . k et b I'. ' are iM'ed, oa their paengeaad k; tt '!; Kgeiber with any KatiM.r b may poBtcm Bbowmg th aaariae of baaaaa lib attending thi trnft. Agrwd to. " The bill to BBtboris the Circuit Court of the tailed State for th Southern District of Georgia to entertain appeal aad grant writa of rrot ia certain caeca, we taken Bp and named. The three millioa appropriation bill wa then taken up. Mr. Hale rcramed hi remark in opposition to the bill. Wbea the abject wa paseed etcr yeeterday, b wa about (toting that th xpn m of tli Oorcm-ueot aow, nVime of profound peace, wer mor than ia any yea of tb Meiw war. That statement bad beca called in queetion, and be bad new the documeo ti to prore hi aeeertion. He tatd th annua expendi ture ef th Government for several periods, and aid that while it and only two millions a year to keep ap Washington' administration, it cost sixty million t keep ap Gen. Pierce's; ia other word, it cost tb country thirty time as much to keep Pierce as it did to keep Washington. During tli Mexican war, when we bad an army of flfty thousand men in s foreign country, it did not coot so much to carry on the Government as it doe aow in a tint of profound peace, by some thing like tea millions of dollars a year. He did aot kaow but that be was doing wrong to stats these facts, as it might encourage the President to go into another war, thinking it might b more aconotn'cal. Hughter.) But such war tb fact and tb Spire. Tb bill having been laid aaid, Mr. Houston reeumed his remarks from yesterday, ia condem nation of the late naval board, occupying the floor until the hour of sojournment. . Hocit or RipsisiHTiTivEs. Mi. Waahburne of Illinois, from tba Committee oa Commerce, reported bill creating Columbus, Ky., a port of delivery; and it was passed. Mr. Peltjn from tie earn commit tee, reported back, without amendment, the Senate bill to re fund or remit the dutiee on all good, wares and merchandise, destroyed by fir between July 17, 1838, and March 2d, 1854. Tba bill, after an Ineffectual effort bad been made to pass it, wa referred to the committee of the whole on the atat of tb Union. Tb Uoua want Into committee of the whole on the state of tli Union, and th Indian appro priation bill was announced as the business pen- Mr. Ritchi, of Pennsylvania, argued that Con gress has power to rje( as wall a admit new State into th Union, and bare unrestricted power to legislate on the subject of slavery in 'the Territories. Tb committee roe and tb Hous adjourned. Washington, April 2S. Skstx. Tb chair hud before the Senate a communication from the Secretary of the Treasu ry in reference to tli varioo officer at present employed ia the several col lection districts in ayhicb any ebsngs is proposed to be msds by tb bill aow btfor th Senate. On motion of Mr. Toombs, a resolution was a adopted Instructing th committee on tb jodici- cry to inquire into and report upon th eipedi- ncy of repealing th est passed on tb 26th of Jun, 1848, amending the naturalisation act of 1813. On motion of Mr. Wsller, the committee on th judiciary war iestructsd to inquir into tb expediency of Increasing lb salary of th Judg of th United States District Court for th South- B District f California, Mr. Foot called op the bill for the relief of Geo. P. Marsh Mr. Brodhaad opposed tb biB. Mr. Foot replied, adroesting th etahn. ' Mr Brodhead replied, with om carnsstneM. Tb bill wa passed yeas 27, Bay 12. 'After naming lb bill for tb relief of Hannah F. Nile, tb Senate proceeded I th considers tioa of District of Columbia bids. Tb bill to incorporate the Columbia Wood Gas Campany was considered; It wa advocated by Mr Pratt, aad opposed by Meeara, ,Brodbced and Big)1 aflsr which it was pnetpsaed aelil Moadsy. Th bin defining tb dalles of. commissions of election in lb eity of Washington and for ether purposes, was amsuded by tb substiiutioa of the bill speed apua by the Iloaee committee. sad thea paseed. Several other District bills Including nae for the benefit of the public schools ware passed; after which Tb Sna adjourn rd till Monday. Ilufsa or BirsssiNTanvks. Mr. Watson wurvad a reeotisidrretioa ef tb rota by which the House yeetorday terra fled a deeieion of the chair that the bill to remit or refund the dalles a all goeds, wares sad merobandite destroyed by Ire from 1838 to 18S5, need aot b committed to the eummltn of the Whole oa the stais of tb Uaioa, a H did not make aa appropriation fir th par meat of lb lease which may bar beta escort ai ncd. Mr. Pbslp eon tended that the bin (hoald be committed, aa it did la effect, seek aa appropri ation. Rumor said Ihst ton er Ifrecn millioa of dollar would b takea from th Treasury should th bill become a law. He condemned the bet baete displayed to nam it. Mr. Pel ton said that from tb best infurmalloa be cm Id obtain, "the amount Involved would not Mceed mar than mre r lr hundred Ibeanaad dsllar. Mr. Haven said tb bill earn here aader sus picious sirou melasma msaaiag "oalsid bla lase. II differed from Mr. Phelps, remerb ln( that the bill did aot aatberW tb payment ef the money, but merely declared it -entitled the bolder eftbeeartincai of ascertained loses to b paid. ' 1 The Iloaee reconsidered th vet verrIIlng tb Speaker's dssisina yea 74, nay 71. After farther debate, aad without taking the euoetkm aa sustaining the dssisina ef lb chair, Tb lUaa adjourned till Monday. Tel Washington Seatlael saym "It will require B sew ndmiaistrailoa to turn Ml the Free-cutler hues e&o. Tb p resist do net dar to d H." Mr. Fillmcee I Maetly lb maa tb Sentinel alb for. 11 turned nt tb Free suiters, when b in la bbWs) befor. Bad b ba a better rra Ms to Ilk tbm for apiulag their foal ealnmals at him ever tin. Mr, Fil'nvav turned theur ant, and Mr. rUrce tnrasl tbem In - aow let' tarn Mr. PUeut,Bad lam Mr. Fills la. Why net, Mr. rJnntinsI ! lmeMtmh Pwaasne, Frees BY Cbesteaa ki Jean A. MmmW. This realism has keen seleetad kv lb Am Uaa Part a their m4m1s fo th erne ef ttuesrase nf ar1h Crroliaa. II M, la ear npi hna, th ansa ff tli rrneenl msrgsaee. kVsisg ta si is ef hie ewe fortunes, he (smbm usee sf sac elements ef luiisn U-an any ether enaa wb sould hsve nsea selected to bear la dard of the party through tb (ymin eanjas. VOKTK CULOLIXA 1KZSS. Frem the Amsrfaaa AavmaSa. Jeaa a. Cnasr. . The flret American Stale Contention of X. C. has nominated for the efice of .overuor. the gca llemaa wboac name beads ibis article. A better seleetioa could aot have been made. Without friends or fortune, sets bis industry, and bis na tive talent of a high order, be has arisen, step by step, from llic position of an humble sod obscure mechanic, to the front rank of Statesmea ia our bdotcd Stats. For several years, and generally by the unanimous voice of the people be has represented the glorious old county of Guilford ia the State Senate, with a Bdelity and ability which has reflected great credit upon himsslf, and ueefulneas and honor anon hie constituents and the whole State of North Carolina. He ia em phatically one of her ablest and truest sons. Ilia fret inquiry when public questions arc presented to him, aot Becessarinlly kwal, is, will tbey ben efit the people of the State. If so they at once receive bis support; u not ne wunnoias it. tie r . i I never oeen one oi uioee iiiiourm, uarrow- souled, do-nothing-dof-ii -'he manger, "penny- ise and poundfuoiirb politicians, who nave ne an much to retard the Droit ress of our State about 50 years behind the age still verging to-. wards aboriginal naoits ana muaesoiiue. jw; His policy has evae been to elevate, to improve to add to the sources trade and interna) commerce of the Stsie, by all practicable means. Common Schools and. Internal Improvements, in at! sec tions, hare found in him, a warm and underia ting friend. Whatever of either we have, owes morc.perliaps, to John A. Gilmer.for its existence than to any other man. If it be conceived that any of these hsve not been properly managed since their charter, that cannot be his fault. All that he could do, was done in the efforts to ob tain the eharter. It becomes thef lotv of others to build lbs Roads. Various sections of ths State, our own as well as others, bars asked the legislature for charters. Mr. Gilmsr Jiaa almost uniformly supported these, with a seal and ability equalled by few, end excelled by none in our Legislstisre halls. Thet'enlml Koad, the Atlan tic A North Carolina road, the Western extension. and others of great iinfiortance to very large portions of the people, have been warmly suppor ted by him. we believe ne nss never conscuieu io uocome a miserablo demagogue, uy seeking to aisturo tne compromises of the Constitution, in order to array in his behalf, the prejudices, of supposed impressible, lie nss always uaa peneci conn den ce in the soundness and oorrectnesl of his own principles, and has never deemed it necessary to raise these questions for the purpose of keeping those nrineiDlee in the back ground. What his opinions may be, on mere abstract constitutional questions, involving nothing practically which should not command the support of b!I patriots, will make no difference with an intelligent, dis cerning people. Whatever of gas and gammon nis eneuiiea uij, uy - - - worthy and mischievous principles, endeavor to introduce in the campaign, to blind and dupe th ienorant. will not affect him. His mission ss a Statesman has ever been to elevate snd improve, the moral, intellectual and physical condition ; to increase and extend tb channels of trade ; to multiply markets; aod to facilitate th business operations of the people of th Old North State. Duch is tne man wuom sue American pariv oi North Carolina have selected as their standard bearer, io th ensuing campaign. With him we go forth with confidence, before the people of th Slat inviting a discussion of ths great principles involved, trusting the verdict to sn (ulightcncd and intelligent constituency. Trass Iks Hslistrary Wstchaua. Jobs A. UUsasr. We run ud to our mast-head, lo-dar the name of this gentleman, whose sterling worth and irre- Sroachable character is wsll Know throughout the tale. The American Convention could not have suited us better if it bad consulted our wishse, as could be msds appear by reference-to our flies two or tbrcs years back. And we are strongly of opinion that the people of the Stats at large will also approve mo nomination auu leetiiy bo the same la August next. The democratic print, a w perceive, regard the nomination of Mr. Gilmer with uncommon conrern, and afford indications of a most bitter and unscrupulous wartnra sgsinat him. Ths Standard, at Halsigh, has already led. off in its assaults. It accuse him of ruling against free suffrage, one of lbs pethobbye of the democratic . a ..n.. It VI. ,';in. ,i,. sole obstacle to ths success of thsl measure, snd iMtn t . inu nib - ii - - ... if hs was bound hv his oath ss a member or the legislature to vote lor it. wondnrtul I e had supposed member of the legislature was worn to support v vourmuiions oi mm rinie and I oiled Males and that this did not Bind them to support Bisasure of doubtful use, much less the electioneering projects of a scheming, sleo- tlnneering party. Nevevweies, ins otsnoard nds occasion in hi vote against this measure to intimate unsoundness on lbs Coo stitiilioa nf ths State and unfriendliness to ths rights of the masses of tli people. It devotes nearlv ii mortal columns to Kilmer's course in the liegisUture an this subject, all which might bare heea tela in a few words, to wit : bs wss opposed to msking alterations la th -Stats Con stitution by Legislative enactment, and contended f.r the Convention mode as being the least oh jectable. We believe he wss right, and ws are sure Intelligent men throughout the Slate will applaud him for it. It ie the work of lleuisgoguee lu raise wind inflated issues and cry monster, to fright or mislead voters a gams at which ths Standard has grows gray, aud lbs victims of its wrongs slaves Io party. rna the ihUsbsre Xeeerdsr. JsureVea SlaU Cmmrtnlten. Ths - Amcrici Slat Convention wo held at Ufeens bo rough on Thursday sod Friday but, the proceedings of which hsve U fumishsa us in an sxtra from the office of the Patriot, see Ws understand that a more numerous and respec table a bodv of men sever before assembled ia Ibis Stats oa aev similar oocaeiou. At the i inc of th CoBvsntioa ther wr prseenl 'MS members, representing J eounliee. 'Several additional Bwmber wsr afterward la at tea- da ere, whose name war not rule red. Jobs A. Uilsae of Greensboro, wss nominated for the ofaec of Governor ca the Iral ballul by the ananinmu Vote of the Convention ; and beiac Informed thereof verv cbecrfullr and tmmptly aoeeplsd lbs Bominslioa. Mr. Gilmer svina octi nil Bad fsitbfullv Bcrhiratsd hi dn- twe during a lung service ia the Smsto, b has mad himself kaow to ell the paopls a aa able aad nrwdenl Malesman I aad bavins freclv par- liiiald ia tb disCueaioae of important quec tiua which havs sgitated tbs public mind, he has mads himsslf squally well know aa a consistent, ludicious aad liberal auliiieiaa. Sues set of Mr. ijlimar aaieeeojsais, we mei ne nesiuuioa is a lacing bis nam at th bead of ear solamas with Fillmore aad Doneboa. - liavtag tba pissed befoe a an whom lb Whig bant beretofur ddightsd to honor, tried ma, whs ksv proved lacmsslvaa bonmt,espa bw, and faithful ta tb I'sustituUou," wbos views are emineetly ewssrraliv aad aalional, w taaaot suppose that say true W big will sup port them with any leas al kssauss thsy bar heea Bomiaalsd ta offics by tb AaMricaa party. tnm the arernsberesfh Tlssss. 1 1 sill bs ssn by the eoeelings of ths Con vcaiiua, held ia thi place, that ear tnwasmaa rsssirsd ths honor sf aominstMn, as th Amr-h-sa aaadidai for lb Cuuernatorial I'katr ef Kerth Carolina. Notwiibsianding w devol very linU of ear pec to 4itiea,aaJ that liltl ander th aspic l nopnnkiular party .it will be si psstsd uf la depeadral Juarnalwta, to Inks sum notice of thle aeesifiauon. tt s do ihi lbs ator (bserfully, ae we bail from a stand pusat, that enable a to peak with wntb frusa tpsrinsc. John A. Gilmer, a Suva beloved m tb private relslnms f bib, an f the peupl, for the last sen aval year Idealised with th tegislsuna ef lb Sums, wneae shew asm to bs sf mrg sad hnernl nm, a ready debmsr.a hmds at whom Bay party might wail be pi end. I aalenlalsd to laspir senldeae aad mssss to -neaioa. W arsiirt s ampaign ef asusi uses rasa, gaxTThe black renebhsna van In Ciaoissstl, si the recent eUettoa, ws wily 00 eat ef 11,100 Mr. fTlln aa the BMitk. Never did there exist oa the be of tb earth party, or faction, bisb. jndcr the goUe ef lb profuundest defence to the popular Intelligence and virtae, msd mors bold speculation npoa ' public credulity, than lb faction calling itself be j lemoerati Party of ths I'Bitsd Stales.. If th speakers and writer of thi faction are to be be- j lieved, thea it ia a marvekw and degrading tact, i that in nc other ranks than tboss of the Demoern- tie party can be found one maa who is true to the Cunstitntioa and thcl nion. No matter who kl oeoignated a a esnd.dat of th opponente of ; Democracy, no matter what has been his previous lifsand bistory.his experience snd public senl , bs is according to a democratic logic, madeby the ' verb act of nomination a dangerous -foe to ths j perpetuus of our institutions and tbs Union which j sustains tbem, or in other words bs become an " Abolitionist" because be refuses to be a modern democrat. Jo th history of th last twsutyyeare : who bas been put forward as tbs candidate of the opponent of Democracy and failed Io incur th change of being on Abolitionist? Not one. Gen eral Harrison, born and reared in Virginia, the son of slavekolding parents and running on ths same ticket with John Tyler, a slkveholding Vir ginian was ehsrged with being an Abolitionist. Henry Clsy, a Virginian by birth, and a slave bolder of Kentucky, in spite of a life of heartfelt devotion to the Constitution aod ths Union, was charged with being so Abolitionists. General Taylor a large, slsveholdingplanter, was ehsrged with being an Abolitionist, and General Scott, a native of Virginia, and born and bred in the county in which we now write, was charged with being an Abolitionist. Nor is this unscrupulous charge kept for use in Presidential contest exclu sively. In the first election of a Governor by tbs people, George W, Sumners, a larg slaveholder, was ohnrged with beiug unsound on this subject of lavcry because he dared to accept a Whig nomi nation as candidate for the office of Governor, and in the last Gubernatorial canvass the same charge was preferred against Stanhope Fournoy. in spite of the fact that be had passed all the days of hi life in Virginir, was a slaveholder himself, and a resident of the very largest slaveboldiug county in the largest slnveholding State ia the Union, and all because he hod the effrontery to stand as the Americau candidate in opposition to the redoubtable Henry A. Wise. Why, then, need we be surprised it seeing Mr. Fillmore held upby the Democracy as an Abolitionist? So far from it, we ahould be surprised so uiuoh as to be lieve that th age of miracle had been revived, if tbey did not resort to s charge, which is kept for indiscriminate use and employed without th slightest reference to factsHmTbistory. It i trua that tba very man who now charge Mr. Fillmore with being an Abolitionist, chtunted jeremiads ovsr bim, wheo four years ago be failed to get the 1'residential nomination from his party and open ly proclaimed that because of his fidelity to hi constitutional obligation as manifested by signing the Fugitive Slave Bill, be had been sacrificed by scward and his party. It is true that since that tims Mr. Fillmore bos neither done.nor mid s sin gle thing that warrants any ths slightest appre hension that he is not as safe for ths Union and ths South, now, as when his present assailants mourned ovir the action of th Whig National Convention of 1852. But what or all this, true ss it notoriously is f Mr. Fillinors is now ths nomine ofth American Party, and while ten minute befor th act of nomination, he wa as guiltless of Abolition as a sucking infsnt, hs became by that very Bet, in which bs bad neither part nor lot, at onos as rabid an Abolitionist as Seward or Greeley.Thal is. the logic of the matter, and we should like to know wbo can meet and refuse it. It is tro thai the open avowed jntLAbiiliiioisU themselves seem to be profoundly ignorant that FilUuors is of their stripe, fur every -where they denounce him as s dough face pro-elsvery friend of the Sooth, wbo should above all men lie repro bated by the peopleorthe non-slaveholding States. But ws repeat, what of all this? It is necessary for ths purpose of Democracy, for ths retention by tbem of ths spoils of office, that Mr. Fillmore should now bs bsld up as an Abolitionist, aad without the slightest reference to either the his tory of the past or the daily occurring events of the present. This has been and sver will be th policy of the Democratic Party. Thsy rely oa ths gullibility of ths masses, which tbey affect so much Io love and admire, aad act oa the maxim that there is nothing too improbable and incred ible to be stuffed down ths gulltt of tb dear people. I'tterifmrg InteUipeneer. Melsnrnetly CsafmatsB. Th Vanjyesaiuit th special organ of Old (Buck speaking of ths Abolition sew i men t pre valent ia th Stat North of Pennsylvania, says It every where finds modification of what, ac cording to the varying fanaticism of Individuals, is rspid Garrisnnism, or paasivs Abolitionism, or simpl Freesuilism. It adds: "So general la Ihi sentiment in th Stale aortb ef as, thsl many professing the Democra tic asm ars infected, and tb anus generally, evea thos aot organised ia th Black KpnbU aa party ars boras away by ths popular current It is melancholy ooafeasioa to tasks, but the Demneracy or what ought to b ths Democracy is those State, Is at thai lim renerallv defeat ed by Hlsck Republicanism! or is disorganised by lb Freesoilism witbia itaewa ranks. I be re are tboaasoda. of eoara, wbo have ant bowed th knee to lb Black Bepablieaa Baal, bat tb mam ha been deluded sad temporarily misled. For Illustration, what New Knglnnd Ittai waa.d sustain by its vots a sound platform lik ours of In loan of March r rlould Mew Turk evea? New Jersey, wo Ibink might, fur she tbodox; but what ether r" Just as w ksv all log Co tended. Tb Daeeocraey at lb North '"disorganised by lb Frmiilut within It wa ranks f Evea tb great "mass sf tbem bs been deluded aad toa perarily misled" by tb "Black Bspubbaa Baal Aad yet to bear Southern Democrats jabber one would eoaalad that ther wa aot a Democrat in all tb North, ia tb slight! degree tinctured with Absbticaisas, Bat th Praaaylvnaiaa, a Norther Democratic ergaa, make a "mslsa sbely aoafemioa" ta tb unlrary. . fwissoast Ray. lew Tannery, Messrs. John R. Usrrieoa Bad F. i. llsywsod bar rsesally sstaklished a Tannery ea Mr, Uar risoa' lot, asartb Cnttrsl Railrond UvpotUb lgk,d ars glad,n learn that the aatapri- mg prnprUtur ar la tmitftj I be wel re- warded fi their eipendiuiras and la bee. The taayard Is nsder th euprieindnc nf Mr, J oast baa It Feel, wb has bad eonsidsrable iperisne in tb hutlsss. Tk tsuslbw la aa xoellenl set fur the purpoes. They sr aow asastracting a bid sstfl ar kid breaker, aad x at assa ts pruar a ataam engin ta drive tbig masbmery. . . tUsmJmwd. Vacs nam's Btg t'tt. Oa Meadsy, lb balaae la th tVab-traasnvy Trass the AsMfkea Orgaa. Te Frsspsrt ts Chssi lag. Whilst the New York Tribaa and New York I moth vm uui umuVf sou ihs vv asiuuawv v hu aad Biehmoad Enquirer oa the other, aided by the varioo other Kcpublioaa and eati-America presses throughout the eonntry, are endeavoring to create the belief that the American candidates bars ao (trcogtb cither North or South, w sr dailv rsceivins the most ehesrin accounts vo from sections of the eonntry whence little bs been expect ed in aid of th American Keforma- To nT gj,,. 0f th, noii nrcgrem of Americaoism ia New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, uj ouller States at ths North, and of equally rapid progress ia Virginia, North Cam. line, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, snd othsr States, South and West.w have assurance that in Texas sad Missouri the American candidates will beat tbs anti-Amerv cans thousand of vote, in th ooming contest. A Isttsr from an .intelligent correspondent is central Missouri sneaks af rHows, via : "As to Americanism ia Missouri, ths prospects ars indeed cheering beyond ths moat aanguins bopss of its most ardent supporters a few months since. Old Whigs and Democrats are viewing with each other in advaociug this last "hope" of American liberty. Our recent defeat in St, Lou is by s combination of Repubicans, and foreign Demoerats, will not check the onward progress of tboss undying principles which uuder-lis and form the basis of all that is truly national in American politic. Our Fillmore end Dooelsoa Union banner, which is now, in this State, so no bly floating in tbs breese, sbly and eloquently defended by Colonel Switixler, Major Rollins, General Ranney, Messrs. Anderson, fcwing, and others, will come out of tbs contest next Novem ber with five thousand majority inscribed upon its ample folds. This the American party of Missouri have resolved to accomplish, and it shall be recorded as a fixed fact !" In a like, a correspondent of St. Louis assure! ns, that the recent triumph of the foreign and Republican fusion in that city is no index whatever to ths future that on the contrary, that result bas aroused the American feeling through out the State, and that our friends there entertain no doubt whatever of gaining a brilliant victory in Missouri next November, The enemies of American principles hsvs no causa to rejoice in the recent success of the anti-American fusion party in St. Louis, when it it remembered that by ths Census of 1850 that city bad 38,397 for eign population, against 36,529 native born, and that at this present tims tb majority of foreign en over natives there cannot be less than 10,000, and may arobably range as high ss 15,000. When it is also remembered that there is s large Bentpnian, alias Republican vote in that city, can it bs regarded as surpritiug, that the fusion par ty thsre, composed of Pierce-men, Benton-nien, Sewsrd-mea, foreigners, and American dema gogues,should triumph ovsr American doctrines? To this complexion it will come at last, in every city and county in the United States, uulsss ths American party shall prevail in ths approaching Presidential contest. From Seguin, Texas, ws hsve just received a letter from a truthful and well-informed corres pondent, who says: "Fillmore, Donelson and tbs American platform are popular here, and ws s'isII undoubtedly carry tbem in triumph through Texas next fall." These are only specimens of the. letters ws ars daily receiving, not only from Texas, but from the whole South and West. Ws are pleased to add that our subscriptions from all psrts of tbs country are rapidly increaaing.which fact furniehsj additional proof of the onward pro gress of American principles. Ws now eutertain not the slightest doubt that the American candidates will bs most trium phantly sleeted if ths frisnds of American prin ciples make the proper exertion to spresd light snd information broadcast over the land. It is the administration here, in bis issue of to-day, .. i ..... , V ".' . . , under tbs bead of "ths rising tide of Democra cy," that this tids boa swept over St. Louis, Chi cago, Milwaukie, and Cleveland I Is it strange, we ask again, that those cities, in which foreigner! have a majority of the popu lation, should elect fusion candidates, when in addition to ths foreign vote.tbere arc added hun dreds and thousands of American born voters of different political completions, united against the conservative elements of Amcrioanism?" Does the I n ion-man rejoice in th fact that for eigners by birth control th destinies of tbn cities f Doee be rejoice that, by fusioa with Republicanism, those cities hsvs given increased majorities for the administration candidates f Most certainly he does rejoice, and bs would re joice tbs more, if by th aid of Bishop llugbes. Senator Seward, and all other opponent of Amer icanism, tbe rein of th Federal Govsrnmsnt could be perpetuated in tbe band of tb Pier dynasty, and b could bs thus ensured th pat ronsg snd spoil oa which be baa fsttsnsd? But it is not tb purpose of ths AmsricaB people to ptrpstuat thi dynasty. Th Msaaaaa la BVeutucky. The Louievillo Journal, which may be regard- sd ss tbs leading oppositioa journal uf Ksntscky, responds ia th warm! manner to the nomina lly mad ia Philadelphia. That pay per my t r.vsry Iru Anjcncaa heart ba bees gratified aad mor than grail Bed with tb recep tion which the nomination of Fillmore aad Do ne Uo ba met with from tb people. Xsrer ta ear lir hav w kaow a aomiastioa store per fectly acaaptable to B party than thi ia to tba whole American party of ear Motion. Not mararar aot a wbis(rr ef dissent ar doabt I heard from a Solitary individual. Even tboss whom persona partialities prompted tbem I eoatemplai tkasomioaUoa of other good aad true candidates, declare aot only without kssi la tin, bat with cut has lasts, that tbe AaMricaa Natienal Coa sea tioa, la view of aU things ba don the vary bast thing that Sould possibly ksv bee doa. Wherever tb lightning lu km lb latelligsao along tb wlrm of tb telegraph, a load peal of acclaim follow , area a lb rhaada follow tb lightning ia tb eload. Tb look f tsltatisa that wa beginning ta overspread the faces of tb Democrats aceowal of tb doa at Philadelphia bas named ta the fares ef tb American, Waving svsry (tag Nicbl eoaata- aa bmage ef political dmpair. Millard Fillmore seed at Ihi day eulogy His whole oflcial career after klerlevallo kigk omen is tb Boblsst enlogy tbat Bay publi maa oai Bar ar I sure - lis wa lung la tb iowar lloase ef Coagrsas, asd b whs tiMmnst fsithful, kborioa snd Bnefal maa ta all taa bsdy. II ssldom spuk. bat wkea bs did, kit remarks were aearskrag, Ihoreagk and efferlrv Tbe Whig party m 1U sleeted him taw Vie Prastdeary ef ib Called beatas. Bad tb illustH is statmm sf Kestaeky rJ.ld at kn ! tioa, though hardly approving that of Ova. Tsy lur. Mr. Clsyws aot sspperverof lb Taylor Admmictrntlcn, bat t th bast day ef bis li(e.k warded t FiUowf Ih Bierd of Bnetiawd aav ?.: BB4 BrIs, SPRING GOODS FOR 1856. At No-29 Cheap Place- Ir aba R. smith Coraer. I AM sew rsrelvie wj in. 10 AID iTTnn'TJL 1TOCK OF rAICT. aa ITAfLK SIT ftOOM, Hats, Bents, Bases, keansts, , . wkiek 1 iatea sslliag Rvdared Pncss Is pnaeuul Beret a will fmf nksa'tnUs ea, eas espseiaily In ttssa wae bay with Cash. I Seem It unnecessary t ennsaerate arttelss. My Stack is Largs aa nsU s suits, an 1 wast Ik atnsey (or aseas ay we lis ef August next ( ss ts snsMe ste n sr It, I latea stilus doed a hid skMver for OA iH this seas ss jhaa thsy kavi beea sol la wis mar ket hsvelolor. 8hb ef enr Kenrpspm ere adnptiag Ike Cask sys tem at lower prices! ky not seme sstreaaat foliew suit- If the rulewurks well in en snss ky eel la the etker. Bat I" tears this point far wiser sends ts is- eass. One thiag kowsvsr, 1 will say, aa teal is, I can sell Goods cheaper for Cssk than tboss wks sell sn IS and S4 saeaths tims ; snd tstest taiswsuer, dualists y word for U, bat call aad Uy, and 1 teu.k 1 sill k able to prove It to your satire satisfaelioa. Kvsrybody eauaoasee - u. LIVU9, &ADTHIS! All those indebted is Ih Srm of EVANS A COOKE, or to H. L. EVANS, avast settle their Sous and Ae eounts. Tks subseribereaanot give loacerindulrence. U.L.KVAM8. April 1st 18S. It 8L Kew Spring and Summer Goods. FOR 1846. K BUBSCRMCEft HAS JUST RETURNED and most complete Sftortmentnf FANCY AND BTA PLE DRY UOOtlS be ever bad ths pleasars of offering to his numerous friends and customers. Introducing all tie reeent styles, Cslieoes, tiingbsms, Lsnnii.MuH. lins. Challea, Bsrsgs Ds Lanes, Figured sod Plain Berages, aud Tissues. Bilk and Straw Boaaels, Bilk ManUlas, and Parl sols. No use to talk, for I have cot them. Corns aad look. UENTLKMEN'8 WEAR Ihavs a n. aisernaent of Cotton, Linen, and Woolen tioodsof all kinds. Give me a call if yoa want new, cheapnd good Uoods. Hats, Boots, sad Shoes. Also, sous good READY. MADE CLOTHING. Talk about this maa and that man selling goods at sost! Why customer, stop and think and ponder well before you step, I sm not selling yo old goods nor time-worn or shell-rubbed remnant; but I sm offering yoa NEW GOODS, bought ia New York wilbis the last fifteen days, SJieTTwill sell you good Uoods Just as cheap as sny man in this City, Count y or State that has paid for hit goods, or intends doing so. Csll nnd see me, and If I de not prove what I say, thsn quit ml. Call 3d door abovs R. Smith's Corner, or one door above Evans aad Cooke's, aad opposite C. W. D. Hutebiog't addle and Harness Maeafnetorv. Fav- atteville Stress. ALEXANDER CREECH. Itsleigh, April 2nd, NEW GOODS FOB 8PRfNG OF 1898. MeCEE A WII.I.IAMW, DEALERS W AMERICAN, FRENCH, AND BRIT1SU DRY GOODS, HAVE RECEIVED THEIR STOCK-FOB THE present tesson, and sre prepared te enhibit sll tbs LATEST and NKW STYLES ofILkS and lead. ing DhESS UOUDS in robes nnd printed tgures of toe cnoieesi assigns ana colors. Mantillas snd Spring Wrappings of ths latest nov elties, French snd Seotck saibroideriss in rsls, tkrsnd laces and tlouneingt of the most desimbls styles. A complete line of Hosiery and ittoves, including Alex auder's best. A large supply of Staple Ooods and Hats of every description, Sboes, Crockery, Qroecries, aad House keeping srtieles. Mareeilles and Allcndals Quills, Drspsrist and Cur tain Muslins, Family Linens, Shirt trontt. Damask and 12 4 Linea Sheetiugi from the celebrated annates tory of Riekardton, Sous A Owden. To sll of which ws invite ths special altentioa of our friends and lbs public, feeling assured thsl our advantages are iaferiorto noas. and our stock beiug welt laid in we esh snd will sell as good or better bsgalus than nny otbsr house is the City. No. ID, Fayettevllle St., Raleigh. April t, ltit. 11 tIM TO MTFRIENDI AND FELLOW-CmiEHS I I H AVE JUST RECEIVED MY SI'RINU AND Hummer sleek of goods, aad am prepared to cleans ail who may favor me with a sail. My stock consists, in part, of reedy msde-elothing nnd furauhing goods, in great varieties; aim a fine assortmsat of Cluths, Cseeimeres aad Veiling,, to he avads to order. 1 havs procured theiervbesol Mr, H. M. Yeargsin.of PitubesV as foreman, wbo has a high reputation as s fatter. All who are ia went of articles in my line, would do well te give me a esll before purchasing slsewner. My terms arerashandmygoodi will be sold veryebesn. t.allaad sxamias tor yourselves, and be convinced. J.U.BI0U8. II HATE The pr,ltltt aeortraent of Rnyi clothing X that hai evev beea see la this msrkvL fall er send sova. ss tbey sre going off. J. H. BIOU8. XT OTICK, All those indebted Is ths lsts firm ef It King snd Uigga, will please sol forget Is call nnd This is ths hut call t. ii. Bin as, lev -st. April IK, I flit. FORM BOOK. The North Carolina Form Book, "1ONTAININ0 all th imoet asefal Forau which Vy la snsieees Usasaetlons kelwsea mas aad well aa is omtiai sUUeasi fc'ge'bee with Tie Ctitlililioa if Hank tiruliii tit if the VHITED ITiTEI THE ACT EIX1NO TIIK FEES OF CLERKS, Sll Eli It FS, df. ralrulated fee Ike use ef Ike Citisensef Nsetk Carallaa. sal asads souforaukle ss law. Com pi led ky sari sf the Bar. Fnee l. Fee as by IIENRT D. TIRHEB, U D. T. will send ths nbove wevk hv null, noeurs rrve apes ws rseeiat v VI. HaJfigB, Btarra, lit. X If WAST. It PFLILD. IT is a eoseeded met; that M oars I eg Dress Oeeas ar always ditteall ts seweure. Is nil ons's ta -u, and ta remedy wis, wshavs pal particular atleaUea te wis aenanmeat. Thle week, we tare reeelsed sr eemnlew stack sf we steet eestraoie guns, jsaavery I Black Unseat Cloth - seaaolhwg satirele sew. Blark Wistor BombnslMiBlaeh mimmei Bern heel as Black Castas Cletk. Black Barvrss aad Tlssueei Btaek and Whilst oil, .ad lader Slevsst Btaek Silk aad Eld O levee: Bisek Uiagkaasssad Leans. Ladies stay bs ssesrsd ihey sas hs celled. by ealling as w. st. a a. a. in Ban. April, I. IMS. It If. A MW WORK. aiasssts roe tan setra. T) T W. H. Wkitaf AlheM, Oeenla. A 1 1 Bless maaaal lee ever asimiuaeei, sf Meeltial- tare, emaeseuig lbs Vegelnbl warden, aad the FruU uaraea, sdssted artlentarl ts the sesthera ttai. Pries II St. . Te heekesised ef sH BhselWs, ss ssat syss Be. paid n say part ef she I'slea en ex. let at arise. v. St. BAATO s CO. AgrlsnlranJ ttaeh Pabliaheee, IS Faltae meet, sw lh. April, taj tit. Jt 1r toe wmii a tin asd paituffl lib bw EefMrseirarrrtende. sail aad get w eflheee gesas sr. taut ssly at HAV Ah a MALLOSB FVe. wgrnsai uelleey. TT"CsV-I.L FIBaojtll tXDEBTID TO MB XI will sleass sail asd settle their ulaa dsatsty, ss rarther tadalgias ssaset bs allr T.J. MA VIS. asMrk, April It, I AM. Orand EcyiJ Axch Chaptar ef I. Carolina. fpilB Re I hekel Juesvil. egalar Aaanal C sesiia sf ml Wedv will keld is WlunWeXi ea Mndy. the Sd Say ef Punetaal Is tending Ifceie rest, sssnMMssef sssea unpsnaaes are te be aMe oa. T. B. CARR, sVrasd sWeeary. AsetlT. Itts. 1 r IMI g L HI 1.H ere sew lafermsd that enr beaatl. 1 fuj Maatillae-is CeW and Mewrnieg) tsew seen fee hue ulest. A Ue Psrts Krf tsleree. Ilsal Twieted till Mitt. rsrasais and sesvy eartety of rts. W. It. i.a.TTJrI, April I, li. lt- OR la 1st day sf April, w mil 'sleek, targe aad teaaiifsl laa 10 Mewratag ladereieeees aa4 teihw be Ladiae- ssmstning aanrsty sew. . w. n. 1 1 1. Tt'DitR. Jprtl I, WA. i I i ifl eVoMasss teller, W.Ik la serve vr " a, piif ste a sm Pinna, always S ' - mr- e.ll.ll LIIISIX. Aftlt I, l-4. 4w PEACE PEOCL1MATT0S! THI BCMCBIBEE REfpBCTI'VLI.T IHFORM kia friends aud natmas. and lae aMl. L . ' ratsf kis rstara iM las rwwetnU.iies.aa5T; arrival ef Bis swek sf Spri.g aad h.- Wnrtag Chrths, taasiSMtes, aad Vssuacs sfkwT aaiflBHlKO CMMIDa, ' - SOBsistiag ef saper Brass Bhirts, Bilk, Oaas. and torn aadw shuts; Bilk, Lines aad Cua7 lnJ ! ' Bilk. Cettoa, aad Tknad, nkits snd ftuwy H.lf wlevee ef every variety: large asseruatat ef ColI' new styles; Oavals, rise, Bteeks, plsia aad OuT Baspsadsm, Bilk and Linen Crarais, Bilk, LinsTZl' Unen-eaasbriepeeket UaadksVekwft.brsssiae uLTT. ' 4:- Ae. Ia atlditi.,a. k u l r "aj sortmenl nf . ' ---'a was sk Bl'PEBIOB BEADY HADE CLOTHIXO, Whiek, bsiag masslaeutred aadsr his ewa an direction, be eea aoatdeetty lesosiBsnd ta mil v IHW w MMaew am asu-ss u sirs ststa attsatioa ikaa ksrstonre, and will awas re(ular addu tioas ts his already complete Stock, as ws ssasea ad. vanees, aad ths wants ef kit patrons may rsqairs. All ' hs asks is aa sxastinanoa at kis stock ksaue areaei -sine slsewbsra ae sharge for WokiB(. Te snskkeysrs he eeers gveat taduessseats. Bs reeeivss rsUrly. the latest Frsnsk, English, sad BBw.w np. w iwiiw, rviaws ns ssrvisss sf -ths most eiperieaeed workmen, both la catting u( manalaetaringAad (uaraaieee all kis work ts be sqaaL if not superior, te any la the Suite, er ont nf It, eiuW iDttoalilynrpsie. II this hs u-aa,wea EMUOl'KAua YOL K OWIt PEOPLE I Wky ssad year sssne "Z tbs North whes your wants ean'ke as well sapplisd at home' Wky break dewa ths working a,i of ewa State, ( whose Inurest sbeald bs your latsmt as yours is his,) te th building ap of yoar openly avowed snemiesf Why bsaish your Uechsaies sad Artisans frost a home, both of nativity and ekoic, t elimss aoon(sulal yea, evea to ths midst sf your" saemiM t s wbo hsvs as Interest la tbs wslfsrsef goad old North Carolina, think ef it eeass this fratrisidal noli.. ere it be too let. ' Gentlemen famishing their own goods suy rely su es bsving tbs ssmsenre and attsntion as though far. nishsd by aiyseif; bat in all eases it is soasidsrsd a eash wan taction. Catting and repairing dose st sB, tiwss, ss ssoal, for oashi ' NOTICE is again given te all in arrears for I Mi and proviouslv, Ibeir notes and eeeoaata will remaia ia my hands, after ths first of May saningi ts all ef whiek particular attention ta solicited by t.'; rnottxH, ' " Opposite the. Post OSes. Raleigh, April It, ISM. lstt NEW G.OODS. IMIRKAD LACE 0001)8, EMBROIDERIES, te, Th Bubscriocr' hav just received from New York, a full assortment of tbs below sssitd, goods which havs been selected with great sain from tbs most recent importations, embracing all th nswsst styles of Collarets and sleeves, in sets to match, Obemisetts and sleeves " ' Lace Collarets and sleeves . " Lses trim'ed collars snd sleeves, " French worked Chemisette snd sleeves, Laos trimmed French worked Oollsrs sad slssvss Embroidered Cambric, in setts to match. Embroidered Bets, sn lines sad lines Csmbrle, Thread lacs Collars aaJ slsevss te match, Mourning Bets, is both black and whits. Embroidered Haaderksrehisfs. ia great varlsts- snd nsw styles. Embroidered Skirts for opra dresses Embroidered Swim aad Cambric Flouncing, Embroidered Dimity and Jaakoast Bands, Muslin asd Cambric Edgings snd Insert tags. Real thread lace Berthas aad Collars, Thread Laces aad Edgings of sit widths, H Ids Black Lsees lot Flouaess, Ac, Together with many ether nsw snd daalrahle goods adopted to the present aud atiproscbinc sea sons, such ss , Flounced Bilk Dresses, Is great raristy, ' Orgaudia Muslin, Jaokonet Muslin, , French print in Kobe. Flounced Borage Kobea, s great variety, Chens Bilks, striped snd figured, sen styles Light plain Bilks for sveniog dresses, Colored Bilk Illusions Black Bilks is every vsriety Ae. All of which, together with s complete ssssrt- ment of seasonabls goods both foreign asd dosirs. no. In fancy and staple, will bs onered st ths lev sit prices to sashmr punctual dealers. W. ft. a. K. B. TUCKER. April 1, 18o6, 16 30,000 Uf ORB BfOMTH. ERNES Tl1 NW00D, By turallm) la llcaiis. ALTIIOUQH bat single stonik has pnaesd sine the trst copy of Shis brilliant book wne issued, yet great has keen the demsnd nw Iks last aad meat keaa. f ul seek from the sea ef lu bsatssied ssikorass, last ws sre sew priaUng tbe TWENTIETH THOUSAND, wilk aa saabated demand etui nrnretag sc.- Sines the d.ys nf Iks Lampligkter, Uo has told se rapidly, ar k seems ss salversally sonalar. Col. F alter ef Iks Hsw Tetk Miner, fat aa ef Ike asset slegsetarticlee ever regard loeausoft er Ihetr nrodacUeas, ases the following beautiful ktagnasei Bnet l.tawsed. "Death darhess kis sys, uanlsssss kis wlsgs, Bsl th sweetest seng is lbs last he siege. Is we volams ealllled 'Kneel Uawa'ssi lesacd by Jswslt a Co, ef Beetas, we haee she drlag seng ef iheslcgul aad gifted Mrs. Cenuee Lee Hennv Monrnrally sweet Use the sigh ef sa AUIian lyes, yet deep aad eraenlnr aetheveie ef ssaay water, M seems C have keen pours ron iieaersMUSMlees lbs aeeaa of Beet. Oa alss every page we sas trees las shadow ef Ihs daalh-aagsl, a be hen he swsy wbea her snag was ceded. Mymorious g lie me Ina beneelh the aplilusg veil sf BaSril-ksad stare as ws read. Tks Wok Is bveed-eset farewell a ttegeneg hsnd-gvaip from see we teved. If we ietaiiaes. as Imprneelve psmsgie ars revelalleas ef me taunt It) f the writer waaderfully vivid aad sasasMsg, kesaass wonderfully naL Ws will sat attempt Is Mow eat, ts tktt Basts. BW thread ef ss wlmtiekls miens s dMag we ehesud ssry aalieipate assess and events, which lews, WHh ksnau Sal Uakiags sad las efeebbeBwe the eye ef the tsstit. We would set m IBs sews ef Self Ms ilea. Sweet UaaetelU Lyaa will tell kee ewa awry. Pabllahed be JiSH.vJ p. jgB ITT CO, , lit esaiagtea Busst, B-wtea. Far sals h sll Best. ssllms. (xUiehlUt.l It Rnlclgkl a Ciaaiasi Ball Rsxtdl. Ornr H, g a. RsitseuB Ts, 1 Raleigh, KHk Marea, IBA4. SCtTEM'LE tar MsU Traia sa sad after Teeedey th 1st sky sf AprlL . . Oa sad after Teead.v next tk MsM Tral tmv. lag tk Kerth Ca retina Retireud teepot, ea the es nvsl sf th ears frnrn ths West st AI A. M , fee at preeeat) sill step st ih II art her (sr M) dep ta thi oily, aalil I e'eUak, sltewtaf ample lime Bsf aaaisgns frern that Read ts tabs seeskfasl st VS etela la Raleigh, I end fna kk tbey wlh b eeaeeyed by Ih rVeprtewsr free ef ebaeaa. Laaetag a I 'teot, ths enia WW anves ew WeteVall.M A. M- ta full Uses twr all tmsss f tagBsjndsissfeetkeiWUmtactaalswtatruui Bentb. Rstaralag wltl knee rs'dea at I P. e tmul of the P eteee bur g, rtaeneib nd WB mlagtoa Train aad WIN reach Baeetck as a ee P. Ii. .4. A. HAMILTO.t. Prast. Marsh II, ItVef, U-Iv UrU, HaU, HaU. REMCMBE1 Par ywue Bering slyetsf lam. Ye mass vtslt Tit fchR B. . KEMkalBEl Ihetr prase ar la prapertie IB sjn Hy. Rsmsmber I be! tbeir Hals ar labeeelv. Mel and sVsrabilitv. Remember at tbetr swtahliehmeenl -yea wtl sure sf getting gd swsmI. la tk tea gwsfs m Ihs Chase) est Hasntat's Fstbert 'Aememler'-SeeaBea t.HIII TTf IfR. faatamire and Btrangevwt 'Ri member' Us. At H.ll I Teeter s, yen bb get et sreey lAaag. April 1st, IM. Ik- OrrTwytiU the lUaoolo loig, MAT be IW4 CeAVe, tWtne, Alimineine d Teil raeadtea, Beile ml all ate Bw seme sea. I n-mmrf sad a vara, ef mU eeee sot I i, erne end tita... sad names. Maul aaet Irbaeje. Oae aad rwea andaawaa, and a assaB a i eiaimeS Imr a Si, and t saSieSa sad saanf osbee tbeat eaonaeanlf taesndet S geeawevi aU ef nawh wiM bs sejet t aaa tee eae Laawy Pi. dees t ear use. b the ,-" ertae f SHSbeeaMi. s,s,e"v,a, Bai(k. tpetin.ln'. II- rtV( B -m MlaH nf 4 ste " 1 S-d res oak he o LII !' PctseeVseg, Rev, f, e4

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