IJnrlHroIinn Star. ,- ' "VBUSIikB WICKLT . WILLIAM C. DOT7B, Bniroa AXBrBorairvoa. If fill strictly Is tlniM, twe dollar fitr an iu; two dollars ui ft Beats, if paid witkia ii months ; u4 three dollar at the and of the year. " h A D TER T18K.VRXT8 aot exceeding six tee Kfl will be inserted on Mm for oa dollar, ad tweaty-flve einti for each nbatqinl insertion. Than f (raatar length viU b ctfarged proper tiswally. CewrtOrderaaadJadioialadvertisenieBt will keckargaa 25 per mat. higher thaa the abora rata. A reeeoneble dadactiaa will ba mad ta who advertise by tk year. Book aad Job Prlutirg dona with neathes a deapatob, aad oa accommodating tarrns. illi.i , GENERAL DIRECTORY. CITY GOVERNMENT. ; Wo. bailee Haywood, Intendant oi Folio. coibissioxirs. v , Eastern Ward. Kldiidge Smith, M A. Adam. MiddU Ward. . B. Root, , , , !i R. H. Battle, i , " U. W. Haywood, v Wttttn Ward. A. M. Gorman? . " ... ' 11. D. Turner. J: J. Christopher,, City Clerk, prompt sttewtion, B. U. .Battle, City Treat. . J una 26, 1855. CVy Guard. Jane M. Crawley, " Jackson Overl.y, Cilg Conetablee. rMward Harris. " i illiam Andrew. A. Adam, Weighmnatrr. . llama, Clerk of the Mar ket. VOLUME XLVH. EALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, ' MAT 7, 1856.3 NUMBER 19. 1IW IIII ABf E1T1IB1 IITI. riW i : AVisl-, 6er. AeWriafa. Hoe I NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS, PLATE k WISDOVV GLASS. Applets 's Building 144 et US Brosdw.j, BCHIEFFLIIT BROTHERS Co. I a FOETUS, AND DRALIX IN Drift, rniiti, 9ils, Dyti, rtrfnmcry, U f 170 WUUuWnel, Maw York, TNTITE th attention of the trad to their large J ana vanea bioci oi lrugs, runt. Oils Perfum ery,,., lie. .. . . --" .w . in addition to their regular importation of8ta r- SESOY, mtUTIUUU 4 CO, . 4 ClifSt SewTnrk, TMPORTER8 AND MANUFACTURERS. A I geaia, chaae' englisk eheel, Crown aad erye tsl plate window Glase. Fluted (la for sky-light, g reeolbousea, sic, te.'Cotored.janiamenu), OptieaL and Mieroeeopie glaa. Th London aad Meachee- tr plat glaa Cemrjanjrjkjhickjpolished plat for at or window to., Ac., Bough glaa for loan aad skylights. Atttntioa ia invited to th abora various de. aeriptioa of window glial la aa for store, nla llmtn. , I . , , KTIfllSM H WIHIIVW BIBB IB SB lOT InrV.." Tt rZ.lZ,iZ.r 7 . ' " Dwelling and other porpo.es. Th. qnality of the. Tt. HP.?.7w T. r B"",uf1?,or PP' artielM .r inferior to bo oorre.po.ding d.rip. MJis. """""". tio.,.ndln .anympeeta auperior. Ourflh.it ?naMrggi,r y" .B,Air.,wt:...rg, 01.M. alw enabled to offer oa th. nut adraaUgeoa. ttf,ttAr.'i; Earop,f m u, ot du 5!d'.r!:.!li1,:Win ftnoa b' U1 toeka. Prie. U.U wilt b. fumied applic." T7 , First Premium CeldHtdtl Fitio-Farltt, SIEIHWiY 40N8,; BAnrraL-rrMas, 4 A M. wlb TatiT. aaia aaoanwar, aaw roaa, tioa. April 28, 1855. 17-tib. Bnrron THiirr txabjt rrxw. oia dafivetj by nbvphptiua. Aevnt wanted la ubtaio abaeription fot VoL d of Benton's Thirty Yean1 View of the Senate f the l ajud gtaua. a,eM l-epiet baTeea sold af the !rt rolane. aad It ia preiomed that aiany more will be sold ef the aeooad. The New Voleae will be ready oa the 1st of ktay.t be ooniTs. The Ftipnme Omrl of North Carolina 1- jjU1 la this eity Mmt-amiually, on the second J Jay in Juan, and the 3'lth day of 1'oceml cr Judycs.lUm. Fraderick-Naab, C'hiw Juxtice, K. M. IVtarson, Associate udee, W. 11. Battle, " ' Kdtnund B. Fruemnn, Clerk; Ilnm. C. Jones, Reporter; J. J. I.itchford, Sr., Marxhall. . ' Tiia Untied Statf , Circuit Court tut the Pia trict of North Carolina is held senii-atHinallv in this city, on the 1st Monday in June and the last Moitday in November. lu&gm. lion. J. M. Wavne, of Oeorpa; Hon. ! Henry Pilttor, of Fayetteviile; District Attorney; Rotwrt 1. IU;k; Clerk, Win. IF. Haywood, Sr., Marshall, Weslev Jones. ' ' The Siqierutr L'ourt for tliis County, is held on he tirst .MouJuy aftor tlia fourth Monday in Mitroh and Seitemtier. ' John C. Moore, Clerk. , . Jo. B. Biwliolor, Attorney General and Solic itor of the faurth Judicial tHstrict, Th Vonrt nf Pica- -owd Quarter Sf4Jo is held on the third Monday in Fobruurv, .May, August and Xoreinher. Jeff. I'tlev,' Clerk, Chairman of the Count f Court. William lioy lan. 0 Cuuny Solicitor K. P. Marriott. a Murijj of H'ake County William II. Hi)h. Corrmir Willis iicotf ltrjuter. 11. Huteon. BANKS. ' - Hank of the State Srlh Carolina, incorpo rated lM. Charter eipire in IHIM. Caiotnl tl,&UI).UlK). divided into U.tKHI shares of which th Literary Board hold 5,027 ami the L'liiver ity 1IHKI. Princial Bank at Haleigh. (ioorge W. Mordooai, President. Charles JJewey, Cashier. , J. 11. Bryan, Jr.. Teller and Notary I'uhlio. W. E. Anderson, Discount Clerk and Notary Public Jordan Vomtjle, Jr., Clerk. This Bank has branches at Newhern, Tarturo' Faettetille, Wilrain(rton, Elirnbeth City, Char lut'to, Aiilton, Morganton aud Windsor. - UlRt'T'H". On th part of the Stale ; I. AV. Courts, Fol ia Treasurer, ea-uth:iu, L. O B. Branch and W K. Poole. On the part of the Stock bold era : Win. Boy lan, Wm. Pea., J. II. B-ysn, J, B. 0. lloulhac, Al fred Jones and H. F. More. Offurinu and Kanewal day Tuesday . Discoiiul day Wednesday. loruet Bills and BitU of'ticliange discount ail every slay. Busiueae hour from 10 till 2 o'clock. Knieiyk Pranrh of the H,wk of the Caje Fiar William II. Jones, t ashler. H.P. Finch, Teller and Notary Puldie. DiascToaa. Oefl. W. Haywood, T. 11. Hell.v, Beth Jones, (ieorge Liula, l'r. Thoa. UML, tad C. W. IK Hutchings. Oloriag day Munday, Discount day Tor sdny RAIL ROAl)S. Tltlriuk mud Cotton Kail road CuinjJ. R. A. Hamilton, President, W. W. Vaaa, Treasurer, J. M. Pool, Assistant Treasurer. C. B. A lieu. iMnot Aitent. Mail train trevee 13 niinuus before 6 A. M., rrivaaat 6 V. M. Carolina HailreaA Com isiaa Chat. F. Fisher, President. V. P. MeadenlialL Treasurer. J. T. West. Fraixhtand Ticket A rent. Mail tma arrive 5 e'elnek, A. M., from th EaM i and danarta llha. after 5 a'eloea. A. M. Mail froaa tha Wast arrivaa at 32 minute nf tor 4 o'clock, P. M. Depart at 20 minute be- forat o'clock, r. 1. POST OFFICE, Williaa Whitsf. fw.. Pit Master. OMea hours, oa week day, from SuB-ris tc 0 r. n. k 1 ' I ) espectnilly esll the aUentioa of the public to embelltalud witk s steel plate vie or th I'sited'fttaMs 1 , their splendid assortment of semi-grsnd and 1 asu Chsmbsr. Th pries oT thswsrk per voiasaeis so,usre Pisnos, which, for volume ef tone, istici ty oi souen, Monty or finish, and in short every thing that renders a Piano perfect, are unsurpas sed. They were awarded the Brst premium for both kinds in competition with the most distin guished mskers from Boston, Philsdclphia New l urk, aad Baltimore. . NEW TRIUMPH 1 Ptmrwat I Pons hsve just been awsrded th rlKMr 1-romiiiiD W)hU MEUAL (overall competi tors) at the late Fair itf the Aniericaa Institute Crystal Palace, for th UEST Pianoforte. 47 tf. ftS.SO.eseh eeatsiaing 70 doabis eoluawsd pages ef tetter press. . Areata tan hsvs good districts sllsttsd to tksm la the following Bute t Ceansctieot, Vstssont, New York, New Jsrssy, Mrym , Isnd, Virgiaia, Nortb Carolina, Mississippi, aad Louisiana. Address D. APPLKTOK a CO, S8 and 84 Broadway, Ssw York. - April IS, 1S. 17 1m. TILTON & "McFAIRLAND, 33 Maiden Lane, Kew Tork. " C,.A.N U F AVT U REr? OF THE WOULD RE 111. CI AKnl.N EKD, WARRANTED FRB H X and Uenoine, growth of IHSsforiele by USN KV II TUKJttia, Booksellsr,Rsi.siSB, N. 0. - iCilroa, f"r prsssrvs, AfiMmraj. L ,- IfKirsvas, prxv uisnfc !... WklU. ( Bash or 8nsp Shorts V IBrows, Early bis-H .ki, or Early MODSWS nownedSJsiusnder Safes. Bank Vault., Ked Spsekl'sd Vsleatln .JsiWw mn.i? a, WhIU, . Baltimore "Depot," 1 45 Pfsft." Boston Depot, fA Howard street. 127 ly.. NEW YORK MILLINERY- BES.SlSrONS' Wbalftale and IMiiil Itillrntrr iDd Straw Goutli Wirchouw, at Brood wot KEW TORK. MRS. 6. Is aow in Europe fd the eiprese pnrsoee.or seiectlog soreltits fur die Spring Trade, wbiek will srrire siui be ready for InsfieetioB oa or sboa the krst of March. Southern sad Wrslern MerehsMs sad Milliners are rfrtfiily invited ti esll sad sssmine lbs asm before purchasing elsewhere. Patters Bon eels always oa baud, ana sent by a if ress to sny ad dress ti'eb. . Sis Oerw. OaVoa, ' BrooklyB-ritjr Strain Engine Wtrki. D. P. BTRDOH & Co. WTt STREET, BROOKLYN, KEW YORK. ilaunatiintrt of Meam 1,'nyinei with Bunlon't Lsadretk'a Urge York, I'utent cut off and Boilcrt. Ked Marrow. Brow, goaokled Vslantine. netugs, er laoasaaa-to-J foe, Red Frenrh, Craabery Bash, Eltra Early Victoria, KoyslDwsrr.srWhiu Kid. H.y. Early Yellow Sis- Weeks, China Red Eye, or Early China, Large Lima, or Batter Beans: Carolina bewee er Saba, fled. Kstra Esrly Turalp-raotsd, Early TarniQ.rooied Bed Long Blood Red, 8ileeiaa er kogar, Mangold Wartacl, Early Orange do, ' Early Half Long Blood, Freaak Anberugar. CsMeye.. Early Dutch, tarly Irk ' TRAVELLER'S GUIDE. (s.aivii aaa k.ri.rrai at aaiLg r ksiaioa NORTH EH Jf MAIL (Br Railboi.,) Thrwaigh Mail atoaaa daily . at 61 a. m War Mail - - at 9 a. m Amswa daily at t p. an Tba Car laava tha depot M lj BOfTHLKN MAIL (Br Twoaoaaa Uses CI oasis daily at J p. Arrivaa daily , t 6 p. Tk Hack krara at 7 p. VIST ill' MAIL (Br Railbosb.) (loss) dally at p. Arrivaa daily - . at p. Tka I nu a Uav at 4 p QOLDNlHmo MAIL Bt Raiiwoab.) CVaaaa daily, at p. w I Arrivaa daily at i a. m j tka Can Uava daily at 0m after 5 a. mi TARHORO MAIL (Rr Two uos.t Ho s.i ' CVajaeea HuaJay.Tasa. and Thar,, al I p. ai ' Amvaa Tswadav, Thwrs. aad rmt., at J y. m liakUano M.. Mad. and rri a . n, ' PITTSBOHt)' MAIIBr Taasa ao.-s Hi. a Cbasssaaj Taesiday sod Saturday, at t p. m , . Arrivaa oa Maadayand Thursday, al 7 p. m slack leave a .u, aad Wed. about T a. m. Splendid Stock ofGoodtl T " ae s-w rMirlag tha bwgsal h ef ss4e 1 T sl SS sVp fmmjt. Hsls. t at. Crack. W, ad si r ama. (ks4 hsa be. snsssiMd to Utsurk, aes s aWv kare W.tl sacfu'ly ikay be nim I s ska asses asses. asU w ss4 hi s- u... ve m sastassrs, fctoasVsad ttsa pakus gwalty. .. 4 vi. Ti rkg. . fawt. It -a. r nil K subscribers oot aa I y assert th Bpatiority - X the eonstrai'tioa of their Engines, but will guorf utve to transmit ofte-thlrd more power with the tame aarlae el lKiilar,and so per eeur ls. pressure of steam tlian any otuer r-iiaine mauulactun-U ia las tatted Pistes, oiuintBiniutf sn ecfual speid, wllbout regard to bouui as piwsersppJlco u isi sagioa, , Also front their long exterteBc sod iaimeaae facili ties, thi-y acknowl.Hlga no soaipetlturs ta the mssat'ae- tlir of Sugar Mill, ?uKand Grid Miltt, fllram lwpe, Mining ruin in ana 'tearing Jor Mince, Skajt ing and I'ttlliet, llency and LiyM Cant ing, and Mitt Mai-hinery vf trrry J)arriition. Riialhara Manure attealiaa Is vartiealsrlv directed tooaroew sod imsowed sutar mill. Ibe simplieltv of eoaetrnetioa, enraordioary power aed great darabillty readers 11 oeemeuiy Hi perl or to any aw la ass, - Urders sy s ail, or otherwise, siteaued to with prompts asss sill fliepstrn, a. r. aca-Ms. ) D. P. BUR DON k CO. a. rosa lis, s. a. cossLta J Feb. (-s-lm. The Wonder of the Age. HO 4 A y ! F Dr. Tobias' esteemed feeietiss llairssat does aotears bolera, 1t sealery, Crswa, Colic. I'oaiks, Dysnepaia. Vnmibng, Mumps, Toothache. Heaaaeb bspped Hands, tiold Feet, Mosuile biles. Inaast Mings, t hroats Klistlsm, tiwelliags, OI4 fMrs, rats. Bams, Bruises, aad Pales or Weakaeeaia the Limbs, Back aad (.'heat. KO H CUB CO TRY IT. Dr. Tobias has warranted his Lialment for sicht years ftithoet seer kseing s demand made for Iks re tMra of the mosey all that Ii asked is Is aes It accord ing ss Iks dirsellsaa. NO OS E WILL KVFB EE WITIIOI T IT ' After oaee .sing IL If yea da aot lad U batler thaa BBytkt.g ytas lis. e ever tried before. SET VufK MONEY RETCRHED. TTkaaaB4s ef Certiaesjes bare bssa rarslred speakiag .dtls ear vtetwes, ham a days H Is la practice i lit the papers with esrtikeales from aa- ka.wa parsons, er girea by woaaako kavs Barer ased Ike asedieiae aew Dr. Tobias odors m ytj 1,000 DOLLARS . t aa ens whe will prove that k ever awblieksd a tTalse esrttlcale dartsg lUs tiats he kas kad kts avsdb-liss be tW Iks FwMla. wall oa we agsats aad gel a Fsmbtet eaataielng gaeiaiBaeCrtrSralcs. Ae pcreoae aavluwe af Ibe lar. sals ae Iks Vettetisa laelmeat baee elated II la hjart aaa tat tabs is ibis really, lsr. Tessas kas lakee Ike fast. bswlag OATH, I. lamaok t T Alas, sf the ily aif Kew Tack, being doty ewava 4 4efM lhas I aemsnaad a Lsalawawl called etotlaa. and that the lagredtcala af which H la awmpsised are peleeily karw teas la hshe tsrnvvMUy, ssaw laduaMe laeooaallty earned la Ike bireeliaa aae auaspaavtnf earh-lellc ew VseS. Jsaaary Hh, lssg, ' R. I TODIAB. wore la this day Wsn ate. Feasants WtM4. Meysr. fetes It 4Hrssii, aM hy ws r.rrl.'s aad Pates Meddle lleelere lhr-arW.il las failed Stales. WSV-Atse toe aate Irr. Tas.lse' H'fse Liaisaawfl la pou Hal Use al s saais, w arras lad sasvelaf is eey elk er Dr. T-Has- afte., Cartled II .w Task. frLraaey n, Isk ! Early Kagsr Loaf Karly BaUersea, Early Drumhead, ttrsaa Corlcd navoy, Largs Drumbesd ha soy, Red Duteb, (for pickling,) large Lata Inuainead, Flat Dutch, tirsea ttlstsd, Msmawik. ring Orsnge, Ksrl, lawn, Altr gbsm.er Field, Large W hite, er Field, tWery. While Solid, Red (Solid. Cora ( eW.aa.) Erersreen he car, Hwasl, or sngar. Early Csnaua, EaHy Tork, Adaa Large Tellew guraskora. I'rgs Red Wslhereaeld, Top er BetteaOaioa, IWhits Portugal, lellow listch, Danvere Yellow, aew.l Lsrr Red, Early Red, Feilra rereltn. Curled, or Double, flai .Mingle, Pnrfelp. . Sugar, ll.dloas Crowaed, or Cap, I Pews. Landretk's Extra Early. Karly frame. F.srly Washington, Early May Ae, Esrly Chsrltoo, Bishop'i Dwarf Prolific, llwarfHlee Imperial, Royal Dwsrf Marrow Cat, Bias Pnsslaa. Rsrly Chsmpioa of Eaglaa4 Large White Marrow lat, rrpntr. large Fweet, Bell-ekaped Tomato, er Flat, K'berry, Cayeam, or Long, hemyki. Cashsw, I'nmmun Field, ec Ckeese. Msmmoth, iVrufrsi. 1. goarlet ehort-toe, l,""g Ualmoa, While Taraip-motad, Red Turnlp-rooted. Yellow Turnia-ruetad. " b'smmar White, Atasaee, er fie nimmt. Daltijf, er (tyr-fUM. ctaisas. Early Bosh, or Fatty Paa, Early Apple Bash, or Egg, fooeg urecs L roes seas, :Huah Crookaeek Buiamsr, ia s Iiareh Sommsr Scallop, any, . . . : i waits, Taeearora. . " iDauti tjumwat "BcalJoy.yal. raahctesaar, ow, , Early Asiaus, (lmpewtaCj'cseaa-awt, Lata Dutch, iYalparaaie, ar Fertor. . UrmPrpnt tcease. .SihWa. Brosran Large ' Parpl Rewad Ssvoy leaved. Cape, Large WblU Capevprickly aeed. (Wsltf, I fernesa, ar L.s Apple. HliileSpined. !l.arga Red. Fur kariy Raselsa, . Largs Yellow, Early Frams er labia, ilW-ekaped, Kbort Fnrkly, T'isc.b. Early Oraea Oaster, Esrly Flat lraieb. Sarap- r.sny rraase, I leave. Early Chart Hreea. lRa4 lippa4, Strap leaved, lewf Greea Tnrkay, 'Early stoae, Uo lirsaalkeeaa s) iLarga Korfclk, Small Cherkta, forph klss.,Lsrgs Ulebe, Eew Pasai, er Jfsafeaei.rYallvw Abardeea, ' Urge FaniM, Meotrek Yellow, Eaily Farjls. Rata Bsgs, -r Farsdlak, ItHwee. Htt Karly Carle. ar.Cat SaUa4,;Lava4ar, Mieeellaneone. I th Bslramor Patriot. Arkaasaa Hespltallty. ' It was on a murky,- dark, and driasly day, about Bightfall.tbat a South Carolina gentle nasa, a Huguenot, who bad gon to "Kackeasaok" to buy a piece of rich land, to repair hi broken for tuae oooaeqeent oa high living, and wha had been lost all day in one of thaoan break swamps of that fertile State., suddenly happened on aa old log csbia as he emerged from a thicket Th long foar and suspense ha had endured as a man lost in tb woods, which can only be understood by on e ho bad. experienced it, bad wrought tha Colonel' nerve into a state of the higbest ex citement. He had, but a few minute e(br' seeing th cabin, distinctly heard a aoraech of a pantlier; and at one time thought it on th eve nf bringing up tiehind him, as he rapidly trudged along tha crooked trail, obstructed as it was by tha can lapping across it, so much m that his progress was, at times, much impeded. Al on point the Colonel almost gar up th ghost, a in th darkness of the forest he failed to perceive a hog grtpetin hanging over the path; which, taking him exactly 'under bis chin, produced conflict between hi centripetal and centrrfugnj furoes. to th great terror of th Colonel and Si safety of his neck. The real state of the can as regards tb imminent danger of this distinguish ed Uuguenot,with respect to tlx savage iuteution of th panther, wai unknowu to him. It waa real aa to hint, and when he c.une in eight of the cabin his hair was standing, a Mrs. Mnlsprop says in tba play, like Qj.iHs npon th rr.ghtful porcupine" unglice erect, his rTeaib wild and aiaring, the .we it r..!l;u -iffji iijUisare drop.. nrs eiotnee lorn into slircls and patcliea, and hi whul manner wunderiug knd diatracted. At the door of the hut stood a very rough diamond of an Arkansas pioneer! wiping out hi rifle. He was dressed in buukskin, with a huge Arkansas tooth pick stuck iit his belt; had a very red fiice aud fiery head uf hair, and a long heard; and as tbeCohmel rude up, was just taking a drop from a big-bellied blue bottle of bald-lite whiskey. Th Colonel knew but little of this tort of peo ple, and bad heard of innumerable land hunters, with pockets fu of gold, who had coin up mis ting in Racketiuick; and he looked with distrust on th vary dubious ap,iesranoe of old Whauton ab progressed with his equivocal manipulation in wiping hi. rill. ' But it waa near night, and raining too, and the dovil himself would have been faced with modarat oomposnr hy Hi Col, rather than again to eueountrr any further at tacks from the panther that was tollowingjiim. He had But quite reached the shauty before old W hetstone bailed him. "Hallo, stranger, rich evening whor tb devil did- von hail from Come, come, light and take a li.fr of tha dog that bit you." The Colonel rod up and alightd, but not without feeling that hi "hull dog." wer reany ooctea aad bandy for emergencies. Hi susptciou. however, soon relaxed; and after ta king a hearty .wig, hi. u.rve eama all nirliL and he took his seat upon a stump in trout of th oabin, , ' Th Colonel now told the tale of hi. being' lost an aay naming land.ortli attack of th panther, and the grape-vine encounter, by which b had eom pretty near swung up without judge or jury, uiu nnautoae .laughed heartily at the story, and as he rather seemed to indicate that tne Colonel had been scared by a phantom of hi imagination, it provoked the ire of the Aery Hu guenot, who was not a eity gentlemen, bat a South Carolina aportaman, who had banted la the-swBuips of th Peedce and Saluda. "I bop, sir," Mid th Colonel, "von donl mean to question my veracity to what I've seen ana .now, ana mure especially, to lurow any im putation on mv oourade." "irs-i, no, -nam old twietstona. "but I rather guess you've been lost, and people what' In that fit is got n sense about 'eu. I hardly reckon yon kaow'd bow you looked when yMI rode up I've seen folks in that fit afore they don't know a bowie knife from a shot gun. I aeed you wss mightily Beared, and ef 1 hadn't sewn yow waa ready to run, euas aiy feathers, if 1 don't think I should. The Ctilone) reluetantlv smiled, hut ret tin. cairn ana reassured, he heard wie did man go on aien Sad from kii mind, aad after passing a eooV fortable night, and refreshing hie spirits in th morning with another pop at "Blue-coe." and a bite of parcaed corn and bar grease, he cordially shook hands with the singed eat, old WhcUtona, and rode iorta on hi. journey, determined in future atverto make hasty conclusions or to judge men by their look. , A 1 1 1 Ul.MP. "No a tea pound aot. two fires, at aover eign." . "Will, air, where that word's said by a gent, there's aa end of everything; aa- tha dog will be here ia half an boor's lima, aad a pretty business 1 have had to lad him," Half aa hour's laps saw this tittle stroke of business complete, end th dog and cash exchan ged. "Weil, now, my man," (aid the artist. "it all over, and though 1 said l wouldn I ask yoa any question, I can't help it, merely out of 1 give you my aonor to at t nave no i dog and au Biis- r Blshsp Hughes' "Bs7etl-'uHd. Archbishop Hugh is understood to writ th ! eurioaitv leading editorials in hi organ, the Freeman' other motif a. and will take no a teas at all in Journal, and we must, therefore, hold him res, consequence of what yoa may till ma. Did I ponaibla for its hypocritical denunciation, of aver deceive yon t" ProteeLsjj. clergvweta like Henry Ward Beech- "No, sir, you neveT did." fur contributing money to buy "Kids for "V1I, do you know whn etol him V Freedom sn Kansas." These truculently dispo "yuite sure you won't d nothing -if I tell bwu pwraustn, we are sniu, cauHl only DS Doro 01 ; you , 1. .: A..J .1 A LLl.L !.. - I ..,t - - a nmaiiuia, ahu ale . jarcaoisuop, Wlin II. "Honor, nonor I wll similatej Christian meekueas, enquire I "Well, sir, I was tha obap aa Btigg'd him," -"Who' can imagine Catholic clergymen eagng. J "Youl" echoed the great artist with expanded ea in suoo incsjuuiary worn as mat ensoteu at eyes, upuited hands ana a great Han. New Haven V I "Yea, me, air. I tuok'd th dog an -vt no can imagine r w e een. T New Ierk 1 take." publio Can I everybody can, that remenslsra I "WhewP Well, but now I'm curious still to the Fillibuster scenes, In which Arelibishun know why Ton chose to be o tone out of your Hughe abone a a .tar- aoeor, on the Mage, at I money your tea pounds! Why not have Vaux ball Garden, ia this eity. duhng ths re-1 lirmmht tim back in a few dav and cot your markable Slevegammon (so-called) cmign, in LX10 atuncet" tne rammer ot itev. itenry Ward Beeoher "Cue, air. you are, I Bold nn to another party only pledgee himself tit proour twenty five for seven pounds, who tmk such a liking to the musieis mr rv.inas; out rii,p ungues went 1 creature that 1 hadn't the heart to ateal un from far, far ahead of PlrmoutbCbnrch for he pulled 1 till he'd had a week or two's comfort out on him, nut of hi. deep pocket (the writer ot this saw it I bums snoo ss he had, I know'd how to prig the all) live bandied dollar to buy Uiyoocts-fur Ire- do. I, aa could do it once I could do it twice; lend it , - I and now you've git what you want: but itaar- Yot. n iwithatandiiig the Bishop ia thus on th tinlv aounda curious, dunt' it!" , reo.nl. he has tl.e unlilushihg effrontery now to I "Why, you onsummst acamp," qnnth the preaon aeprecating sermons nn the wickedness I artist, almost splitting with laughter, "you re f KMtestiutt ministers: in nnxmg an rifles end mit seventeen ivHinds nut of that doirl" religion; tba audacity to ask as if v. had all "Yes, that', the figure, exact," raaliej th . to hisi our memories "Who can imagine Catholic lid Man of Dogs, i Well, but, you impudent vagabond, if yon eoutd prig a dog, as you aay, once, and twice, you may tin ice. ; "Well, sir, so I may; but this here dog will he iiikiniinin elose now, and 1 slisn I clei gymeii engaged in such incendiary work a mat enacHMi ia isew iiavenr .. We think it worth while to answer this one- tion in a in niter that will rcl're-h the g rod Bis hop's recollection. And to that end we quote from the reports of nieeittig of Irishmen at Vauxhall Qai den, at the tieriod slwreinsntiotied. to show what sort uf ouinpatiy th Moat Key. was I departed. in ise nauii oi seeping id move uays. 'Mr. Francis Maim contributed to 00-to bur ... !..!.. I J II . 1 pise to-piuion xjora ciarenaon. t olees ;i i urrult I hurrah r hurrah r ith hi rig. and joke, about his sppssvranoe.and was aurprised to find his chit' es bad really been Esrly 'absagSf Heller Letrses, Braws Daw-B, F.oyal L'abbagsi laiaartal, " . -Fhilailrlpkla Cabhsge, Carted India, st lee, , wklts t'aa, Iliac a Cos, Fslssuas, Jfetass. Wssd's Beatar. . flaw BBpls r Fereiaa. Kkillaiaa e Fibs fcell.es! Hsacc.ee. (sstra ftae, Camilas W surr, Mrssatala Paaat Wa.ee. Ixelley, ar Mauaisia BaossJ lleaaga, A as a srewl rsciely ef Beede Bat laslealed laerhts ad vwrusemeat. - It t lmos Ral 'Roaamsry, NgS, pa.ery, Pammor, Wlaler, jftwaet Batll, Swaet Marjoram, mweelThyms, I tU: (By Iks paaad at hexael) inc . laser, W hll Dwieh Havse, l.sesrse, s FreMB Ihlse Urass, Ht. bv Bed Tap, Timaary, l eaary Sea, . T r-rl rlt VslBIHlW f.l.Aaa EDWARD F DICIIB, 144 Ckambses Itjwst, . T. daaesveel af Madea River Railroad Pspat 0 1 1 1'. la Haalera aad Caaeam.re hie eelel.rBle4 Brsedtef Fraaek Wisda ti lose aa havable levaaa. fames wisloag isfeimaliaa wilt he farsislerd with prteae e eacelpi afihdr adreri. Olase seat la say aVeireS paoara, BBS peaked free of ebsf ga. Aped lat. IT ly FOR TI1K 1,D00f 000. T H li T. B. r4TP.wTMAHIII.KrO. sWThnmpmsB sC, B). T. s Ttl rrit RRa af Mar! MsaiUa, Tsbm, . I 1 lasw l alamaa Pea4aMala. A- . la Faaaav Ba- cao.oe.sa ell It.n.a Mervtsa. Thisasucle. which le s popesBlia af Marala I'S'I, she ally sombined with wiaa.al calwes, aa as la ha m-aJ4a4 lata say ss ealsar, by which mare) I earn ba Bss.(.. a sS IU ss. Wawey Waaas-saaof B-als, Bears ! leas aa Bias ISar. le am aaalaas Was, she asese rwa- V Bills as fca Bare sate, hast taaUe aala ' .a -u. ua .1.U aa uslik m a. k a Brae aa. ; r. b lS 'S hsaaie as lae earlaea. Msav t aaa Laai.e- r eacas nt. Lb ! a. I la m lis T-s.e i a.. a.aans eaaaa. awasasa kasssh aad i k.eaea M Use Stsaafseeaea aa e. e abaee IW lb I Seal s.asas. which w,il aaeace lasss- se r, sales Be 'baas Will ba aaUsI ' BV-a ,'ealcf asa " 1. ! a- facake tsal asei easaaiae ehesa a -asriMiia M ItakkSMC fc ..- ae . ' M. la Itile', t ,.s SasreBaey tuk ' l-JSl I A..i:i IS A, If- t,. . elpfriefTri ll lk IMrl.ll Illf riflla, U liuaeeafiemd Itpnmnde. .sfia Metallic Waa Pt V t. i. I. X sasf 4 pemueU. mi' nn r J Z IT Z Z IT 13 he CO at (aassissL uyv. siuas e roe vsluc re rare Whs!'! Psasae-s la Tea ealy. Jf. r. taaaatf AfacSVl aad AiaM eVaaM, PHILADELPHIA. p-Te w MsuJIie Fseht fwi wp la half roasts. s.ialBlag a vaetery sf aasa nisvt aad Urwa w hweara. fnaiad lial af yHeas, Tsrms, AW, Nrw.sbad by mall se so waa aaser laeaa. Alt Teas oareaaiad la please se Be Bale. Owe sad Ike sease prise as Icewss Be Bit Bad aw ealy. Half sheets af Iliac. cwa aaaerf u p.iBB.Ie, Ba Oraea a Waal IS paasds aa. a. March Is, ISIS. tl LaaiBar ws Wawwawa B, .sera, laasBaew. Tsa TO M E C HANTS. Ste-.lns, Morftn & Allan 4A rt.irr srsssy, siw roan. IMPORTERS AUD DIALERS 19 Drag, Eye. Chimlcals, rtrfuatery, at nlt seisalea UWu Mack fesw Ike baai Val i ai wieni ae ci if. maehem aaW-i, earn, eallnii, agar gssaS la-saaamcaH la Iks Afcca. ly "aa as A Va.sa.ac, as easel B g.cSs sbay cao rely ay is. Bad aa as SisnsiHl seeyas as say mmissf Inn la sale sswalry. fteSsss tasaeaiss as bv metf IR SsaaS llb aad saesfoi St I call "B as4 aca lacyaH. I y aalicile par- rase eleacte east sf Braastwsy haswaaa looked after unk run no risk. Bcsues, yer know." And with honor among thieve,' a wise look th lellow From the R. Y. Evening Post, The Price sftwa I'otatoes In IHOsV. The following anecdote of the first Napoleon tlii necessity of discriminating between the two fiapoleon i a Utile Inoonvenieni is reiatea in n letter from a correspondent, who was a eonsld- 'Another individual threw into the hvsp K, to buy a halter to hang- -somebody. The veils -t i i i . i , . a loner rrom a coirsssicon-jnii, www waa a wuusiu- and . creecht. would aol allow th reporter to rab. , t eh mUi Mric. sod "A friend to Ireland !' lurked over 110, la build a barricad in a certain street in Dublin. "aionn 11. t'owsr banded In liuo, , and reques ted every Irishman in New York to do likewise. 'awjr-fatlier t'urran, (a Catholie pristt at As torio,) seot in 2i0.-msl 'A gentleman, who aaid he belonged to th Smith family, said he had Sktf-tifty musketeM to-present. (Enthusiastic cheers, whioh kuied several minutes.) 'Horace tlreely said he did not want to say much, lo morrow waa the day land to pack their Jury, would move an arrest oi of the nike. "A yellow boy' gave t3 for a 'pike.' "A poor butcher gave $6 now, and would give $mo more, if need be. "Mr. Baker, of the Feloa Club here, made a moat truculent speech Against England and called upoa all the Irishmen to strike now, or who vouchee for its authenticity. We might say of it. " Ss tsou eero bra lrwsao." "The evening before the battle or I'lm, when Narjoleon the First, in company with 'Marshal Berihier, wai walking irtoogmto through the amp and listening the talk uf bis soldiers, ba saw in a group not far off a grenadier of the Guard, who waa masting noma potato ia th ashe. , "I should likaitt potato above all thing.,' amid the Emperor to the Marshal; 'aaklhs owner . C . I lr L. Ll I tl . I . w .kallMna Sa ll.a ,1 . j , III tieVIW II SS Will eal wa. cm wwa.a..wa ... , 1 .. T.Jl A- i .IE. T ot,i" Bertliier advance.1 to the group and asked r, but th.ir.sh people whom ,b, Monfv grehadiar f i' P"" .tepp-d ,rwardid.aid, lb.y are mine.' " v ill vna Ml ma one r f I have only fir, and that' hardly enough for my uppr. " 1 will give yoa two Napoleon if yoa will eetl me one.' i " 1 don't want your gold 1 1 .ball be killed per bape, to-morrow, aad I don't want th enemy to find me with an emntv stomach.' ' " Dertlner reported tne soiaisr s answer se tne Kmperor whe waa atanding a little ia th back ha mind, aad to dccl .r the o',J. of her chce. Al lengtb, after a further parieT, her kert is touched, or at least she ps-tende it is, I y ) , favore-l swain. Alter eenatn preoimanriea le Iwsea the g.rl and her parents, her lover is a l mittcd through th window, where the a ' ante is signed and seeled. Lot m dei.vered, in prcsl enc ofboih fe.ther and aiMber. Bv o.'ii-i.i ef all parties, the ceremony ia not to exiem) ..,.j a counle of hmira scl.cai .r.r . 4. . I with KirchwBsase. thaw all aa.;.. ... i. .- man, to bless Ins stars, but tl e n J to c. sole theoiselvea that at ths nt n.,i; ,.i.n io t of lor making they may succeed teller. In g. o eral, tl.e girl's decision takea iu g j 1 art ly all, and is regarded as decisite. - tioltig la a Party at the Ruaataa Mlulstera. From aa iutereepied Wrsbtngtoa Letter. "That lady ! Why where hiiv yon hidyour selvee, not to" know that felebriiy? 'l air, fat B4 .forty. That is madams, II . You should see her at night, when eh flashes out in diamond. Oh I well do I remember the time when brst we met now many, many years agoyea re that have thinned my lock, and added to her weight. The first were thick, dark and lustrous the other lender and aylph-lik. This was my first en trance into fashionable lifo, at rue of Monsieur Bodisoo'l birth-night balls, The world saw then' a youth fresh frpm college. Oh ! erer-mcmorable nigbt. I was nnder th care ot Senator . w entered the house, two tail specimens of hu manity, dressed very like militia generals, met las at in aoor, Itiinkmg them distinguished people, I bowed low and solemnly. Ttjw started and bowed. The scene wss initire-wive. "'(io on.' said my companion, th Senator before mention-, ed-, 'don't be salaaming to those fellows, they are servants give them your cloak.1 The in- lormanon was usotul uut entiieasaiit. 1 harried on, pulling oft my coat as I went. Just within the first door of th drawing-room ntood a fat, little, oily gentleman, bowiug also, but But as magnifloiently gotten up as my first acquaint, aaces. Certain uf my g.inie now, I, in th most supsrb Style, threw over him niv cloak and hur ried on, benator pulled m back, and to the astonished little follow, now struggling from un der my broadcloth. I was present i. 1 had nearly smothered the Hussion Minister, who, huwever, laughed merrily at the mistake, J' My ludorwer, the grave eieuutor, lcame evi dently alarmed. He hardly knew what I would accomplish next,and, kfl me, soouas be possibly -could, to my fate. 1, wandered a njnt rather disconsolate. The lights, music, dancing, fua and laughter were all novelttus ana charming for while, but I knew no one, ami after an hour' lookiug on bunted up my friend.the Senator, and begged nun to introduce me to soms ot tb young ladies. He hesitated aiuomentand then consented, and I was led up and presentoi to a uingnifiVent creature I had long looked upon with a silent admiration, Mia. V was seated in an easy onchalant manner nonrcrsiug with a circle of Seuileinen, and favored me with a gracious nod, a I stood wondering whether this was to be the end of my introduction, amustacbed dandy cam ub.wosiiiub aim sniii-- ium 11 , perinn roe sv relate tha joke of the season.' To my horror he begaa the sUiry of the eloak. My first impulse was to knock bim down, my .ecoud to runaway, on my third I acted. Interrupting tltecxouieita. I said ' Begging your pardou, sir, but Mi W. I am the only person who eon do justice to that joko' and continuing, 1 related it, without In any way sparing mysell. Mie laughed heartily, as did the circle, and rising from her chair, took my arm, saying kindly that I must be cared for, fin I should murder some one. W ith a grace and indue. 1 shall never forget, ebe placed m at ra to shred, and his fac ind bsndi scratched to piece. "Wall, rtr," aaid th Colonel "roe seem to think that I bad no reason for my' fright; aow pray (all me how yoa account for the eoreech I Beam, ana wnei could it have beeia leaping snd bonding behind wie, aad eocaaiiHially running out into th baahee on each id nf ma." "Ha! ha! ba!" exclaimed old Whetstone, with dry chuckle "screech, did ton aev. Colonel why, a acreeeh owl, to le ear th woods is fall oa 'em. Yon know the old story, wa'at I in th wood ha b akeered by aa owl.' " "By heavena. yowmty be right (eielaliwed the Colonel) after all; 1 didn't reflect. But the paa- roer, tne p.ainer. " w ell. lb varmint that sheered yoa, I gneea. waseia uuitua eolt, as 1-ses its bmsrsing de bebiad that paieh ofa;l Bwrtiekart set kas why, you're riding the woireer" Tk- r I- l' s 11 l: . - aa x.-1 ayaa warw arwiioaiiy awBamg s reastia, for hi owa horse listing fell laass, he bad really thai morning hired Uulbin' mare, bet there was yet a puiirt not clear. -neu, really, my Irieod. I fear I have beea aader a delusyisa.but how In tb devil' Bam do yoa Beermat for the plunging and pitching am rushing behind as a I rule Uiroagh fhe awasf "All u etae as daylight," said eld W beistuee Ty sea, stran-gsr, toai t trail thmugh tiisean Hwero.krd as a ia - aura. Whe yoa rede Ihnsush ll it waa gnun dark, when all arts eyas Ha I111U olifusmMed. I 'ia wiui saawreei, 1 imrw. ia? sa w-ia nir ran gin that grapaae, fa-11' as tank as iar arm and a wr making tl. idd mar do pral'y ssaai IsiabeW 'tall aalku g.'et Iea4, if new ruseis, tba here u. In try in le keep up wis, i a. ib- r, wuald B-w and then m.a ibe-'trair ia its resoiaatiaeia and larw and rwa at em eaeh ai.ta. nu po-eiMy jeet al that miurt lb Ureal serawehy- ewl sat at his yelp. ' AO Ikm .is as mmnle aad nataial. that the Colonel eevwd la at awe , lis was parlanly aaa. isaee. aae leak pantes lak eg a beany (, they Mai. paid their mates! iaes "..U blu aos,' aa w Bet Vw.e sailed h a fnewa aad aile Aad nasi la baaiaeaa, awva th C4-et. I Bsa get aav fwrilw lavaigbl. "II as a y-sa aay bewad la tl s bosses X" ' W all. I'm plam set ef areae," drily anewered Whssswat. . "Ha yeaae mmxV aarklf rasamsl the Cohisvsl. "I m seaaag oset ef aaeal," ewpliad Whaaana, "MyLaal, mr," asbaly aaid tha Bsjsiiwaodilst? 1 11 etaree ',' "Hem I" aaid M keisiawa. ".Ahia,' I rerkoa. etcapt wsaae bar greaa aad pervbad sera bail wsat we ealia priase. 1 Be CtshMhsl bad sex a Bashing all d, aad was harp set, twi a we ia a Si, sod bk a awe. Us aaa Uassiaed Whesaeam las has kmdaeaa, and haeiog saakad aw INd llal. Ibe mar, the ''bar greese sad psrl,ed saraH wer bsa stores, Itsas samidiabad. bsab paireai sUsat'Sa) sea-4 ieg aetuea Use Ssslna sVaar end deeply 4lvmg it the BJJ 44 a 1 see if I shell be aay lashla thaa yea, "Amidst tremendous eheers, which Luted fully a quarter of an hour, sway iiiisur iivussi wja was iniroouossj. arm j - , priieeeded to ad Ir ess th meeting. He eaid, 11 " aama vi 10 row my leeoie nut to aniaia bb .h. UtkM. urf - tu ,1., protected bosom 'ot uuliiended Ireland, Tin .. T . . . . Vi " 'li u li . ;.,., h. ,. 1 , , a,, l uier, n aaaesi uiua 11 11 a eimis awi , ma w uv.c our of England draw. near. Thar. 1. ne possi- u' ,. V. ' . , , a n,a tl; hut weosltid aa whtah ha aiweiaa lha Iriah nassnla I - . - -j - m w reMllion, becauae th violation justifies tbein in throwing off the sion. u t.onnell wee laughed at because he fought with word and aot with bayonet. Tb riaM is now eosns, and I take my stand with the " No by a long abot.' bum l L 1 " But yuumay set your ow yoke wUnje- fc Wf . wu at because he . ..r:n r. oppressed. The policy ibat praciiiilal this stern ryeeeasity, I . not my nolle. I am ant a maa rrywar but when I perceive that the per- iv powers of isngaags might yet accomplish) lathing, 1 son aot forget the words that war thundered in Pari, whe a Regency was pre. nosed 'It is boy late!' How. shall we aid the pelriors of Inland I Aid th Directory. My maatribalioa will be for a ehield aot lor a gua but your friend may give fur what they p laass. un ine poop is siaau arm,' "Tha Bishop sat down amidst trsmsntlosas ring. "Uefe ewe maa has dad la ll t stick Mcked urie. IChr. "A man lumped an and aaid if Unpeople would tall liaek, the ruurth Company Insh tin ged wssald show jhem a target, oa whwh wore painted likeness id lrrd tiarwadoa aad Lsww Joba Reaaall, to be shot at. Ureal applause.") It was thaa anaounned that Bishop Hughes bad os.tri bated le the fund the subs of Irs bu- dred dollars. Mr. Mxroey said the smarted m bear era Idoody battle, in three days. He was quits Bars tber wstw 13,000 Inshmeu in Ameriaa, ready to naah t th rweue. At this noini aaolher levy was made, 'A bum f her gay f . Iu makaasag saeal ef Lord J ba Huaaell. "lisiseral Walbridge If tlasr were any d "uIh a w Ibe riglitmsBaeaae af the straggl ia which ra (Irisbmea) ar eetgagail, tlx preaano of ths Venerairbj Prelate, l-elors O sl and hi pm.ple, as M were oa this plait if ret, shKiald sealler tbem In th winds. I move that ya go h-aa so ynen wive and tell them ibat he who minmivr al the alter of th M M Hub. aanctiaea llni kady pake east as by hi auleneoc. Iwineks of Bp- ptawse ' Plat cersvagk! rmaigiil I six aisawi rke'rs RiHca al Xew llseaut What ar they a lha Biah-sp' "lakea," "uneakska." aud -baysaayta," aaid barter and "bseiebsn making aaa saga asset ad Prime MiBistere," ai Vawihall tisre-a I N) I ark Arwew. owa prie. Com I stsa to-day.' 1 tell yoa I haven't enough for m y sal f be sides ail that , dd yoa thiuk 1 don't know yoa ia spite nf your disguise r " w hu am 1 than r " Bab I The little corporal, as they sail aim s . Irightr W.iLainoe yoa know aie, will you sell m noUta P " Not but if you will have me ones and dine with ym when we get back lo Paris yoa may up With IB to-B'ghl.' " Liurol ! aid F apuienn, -1 m ins wora a a ut ile corporal oa the word of aa Mnperor. "Well aad good. Our potatoea ought lobe done by thie time t there are the two largest ones. th rest I II sal myseir,- " The Emperor eat down aad at bat potatoes. and thaa retained with Borthier to his tent, merty iwrnarkiBg, ' Th yoga is a good soldier, 1 II wsgor. " Two month afterwards Napoleon the Great ws. In the midst of a brilliant court at the palace of the TailWries, and was lust sitting down to die, when word was brought bim that a grena dier was without, trying to fore the guard al the door, saying that b had been Invited by the Kmperor. ' Let him oowie in,' said His Mnjnaty. Th soldisr sntsred, proseatad arm, aad ssid to th Epenm , " li you rem sen bey enoe haying supped with wis off mv roasl rsriaroear "tin, ia that youf 1 ss. yes, I rayoetlissar,- Ssifl th F.wiMr 1 and an you b Sum to din with ma. bass y si f Ruaiaa, lay aaoibar eover oa your lahl for this brave fellow.' Agaia the rnadir nrsasnhsd arena and aaid t - A crwnalir f lb Oaards dues Beat aal with lacVeya. our mojessy t-d me 1 should din with yoe-that we tli bargain, aad trutiing Iu yiasr w-d. I bsa e.wi hither.' " Tr, tru,' said th Emsror, ky.B re br bear sse 1 ley aside your areas, and draw tip to tlie laule.' " I convalesced rapidly. I even grew amusing a w danced and promenaded. W hen supper waa announced I waa ber escort. I hastened to - apply my belle of th ball with refreshments. She wished aa ice-cream and I attacked a pyra mid. With a broad silrer kuil'e I cut away vahn-ously. Tb frosea lubstenoe gave slowly at rat t then, while my enure strength was exerten, gave way euddenly, I wss not prepared fortius, nd, to my horror, about a pound uf that refresh ing substance new post Miss W . ana nil an aged lady fall la the eye. Now, ice cream used aa alotioa was not pleasant, especially when ap plied with the unexpected force of a bombshell. The elderly female gave a fearful aoream. ud, filling berk, upset a table on which stood a bowl uf stewed oyster. HeXor thu aged guest eouui b fished ant of the feiglitfut Wreck, and while th crash and screams were ringing in my ears, I tlsd tied the city. It wss my first aud last appearance at 4 birth-night bail. , ' I Vetting ea Cotton Tlie New York Seining root state that many tltousand dollar hats beea staked la that city la beta sa ths amount of ths Cotton crop. Most of them ar that the crop will reach three mil lion Iv hundred Ibonsaad hale. It mention an bet of Iv hundred dollars between an opera- lor from Mobil and a Broker iu Wall street and say that th dealers in that ciiy ar general ly diepeasd to bet oa three millions and a bslf. There are also numerous bets a to prices those who risk theiy mosey oa aa amount over th re million fir hundred thousand, being alsowilling generally t bert sn a decline in present pro-re. Msnyapartlee wrt buying speculatively for an advene. - Fn Blarkwessd's Msgailae. A I. sada Ifcsj leal leg eHae-y. A eelebrais-l palmer of esiiaesls ia lem&em bad Savstad the portrait isf a aplsadid ewf. wext laavd dag, asst be mrayed ae wee sL.tea ae hsfwas saaiaing froas bla Ua Mliiag. Ills esser was BwamwaeylaUei bert kssrwing tl. disuiigai'hed ar- nil aargaad latimala aaa-.iniane with per- 10,000 UF ORB MONTH. ZEN ESTLIlf WOOD, ' Bf ttsrollMa llfsttc. ALTIIOl'OH bat single maalh bss passes Sice laeArst eapy 4 ibis brilliant tee.h was usurS. l so great bss baeo the desisoS ine lha B,i na.i asl b. s j fnl week tram li e pea at IW eateelsd sbfh'Asa, tiis1 ' aes Bv prlnuag lira TWENTIETH THOISAND, Ilk aa aaa based daasaad sijll praeiyg as. him 1) a d.ys af lbs LJMl.B!er, as bVah has told ra Isj ,.l ;. . BV beeome ea aoiterKsily p-'poiar. Col. Fatter af the New York Mtirar. is oasrsf li.' en.st etefsat Bitl Ice as or peaa4,iBrcsi i 1. s ,0,, r, ut il.s.r prudsr-liaaa, aaea tlie reiloaiBg bcsai'wi ut,o,i . I.raaat liaweee. "Daalk dsrhesa ktS ays. Sirp4ssic hi sn ys, c Bat tba Sweatees eeBj Is U .--I Se s u,." id draw lip 10 tlie table I U 1 Ikse.measittM -Ero L -eaw- .' j. l.-s-d - Iiinawiee, .... grammlew, emnt a. hi.a.-al ; W -,1,." -Lr.r.V.'.;,,s" pace. v..g up ha. rb , aaa twrning a. u , j,,,.,- ,,. 1 , Emiasros, p,S-Sd Brass Bad said 1 asae. aa. aracMme aslkeriaes ot u .1 e a. - r,,, " A Baere pnvaiS ougllt Bsal PS die at ths tab! j ss hsee baaa f.arst rrl while hseaavi a.s- . o- a. ef bi .mariif.' aa the rates af Beau la eiiaasl e'-ry v-s " -Ah! I aa.UeaLaad .oss. aaid N an-ilsoei. ' I I Iraaa he al.s.low eS ihc cs h-s,cl, a I .. ,..,.. nam y CUe.el.er of lb Ugfea ad Ho er, and I "b , - Lsewianant ia my meay ad Ceuarde.' "Thank yoa boaruly. Tiavf A'mpwseri a urd lb ob.ir,and wUhdisw," wis CawrtlBg. Wbs a sdtl baa arrised at aumagaabl ag. the Juuog aiOM raf i Slllsga aassmUs by maiaawl aaeMiaata ctcr.e 1 -s S. W al. tehtt',... ...I tj B t: ..it . 1. r u kaad ltrssei fram see w ls4 II siS 'i emBeaaetes (aiceys are hoisims. as lh. .1,1 the nur woas.lfoiiy rid aad al-to o 4, WeaAerf'.IIJ real. We will Bar al sesf.1 en f. aal. ta I'.is t i Ibeead af aa laimnsi is hs. ai e-i o -r y - -I aaSe.sala, aho S c o.c. y li A aaaawrMrrmAdemtlvmreMerrnthernsrlssswiibsjihar est a gisaw eight at the gallery est the he!t ia 1 '-a..sa as. r.l4s'.f, rarad I- hi. tu, mlvam seed . biea lb fair -a. r-mdewa j nsm-ap,. aatsMerissm bim bs Ua Ira pssaade rwward f.ov aey el serpeiae ia tl.e mind ef bar para 1 a. wbol r,i.H.h ty tfH I'. J r. 1 A 1 the rasa. awry ths asiasmg faeonls. The artist pus en If al tU praotie. but ere never heller it aahia(a rui. H .. . r, - . himaell In sonmaaleaiii, SHI aw ef please 11, en ansa n, ensrsvsai men u;-siiv a.llia. wct' j 1 A Urge lot of Mourning; Goods.' Bsmbaiiasm M-aa.r t,esinn Caala CaAks, A pacae eat l-eLa-aa. w. If 1 K ? Tt'f "K f R. be eras f weudcraft, led.aa Ighla, baae boats. la fa Boar, lb hag b irsrad owll wf thai ley toe by Ikeiy be.'ing b araed Ilia array Bu aUaS th Bight waal geiii, f a! g aaid It ws lame In ratty, aad the I ua nal gently h laved as wM W bexatuss Ural "he barasead b waild g la bl " -Adrrgbll All ngb ski usa'." seed k4 , aad rasssg ep, b eaaypasj Mala taa sheet, jarkad . aa wsavmiaas bear ah - s (ad Bbrew It aa t,s j.,c, saying lo use I 'obaaoi, ' -nraacee, y-aj rsa fi Is bad. Bay m re 4alikrt I ll ref rtua lbs naer Naeh a I sue' anasa pal bss "dV-g faeraiaea." whey aakad him what kind af a sV'g tt was! " by." says be, "bask bsra-, Una is hi p eiitra. Mucaid yea know him asiaT" Tb fell .w gased at lh tieldiy faithtul rapr. aeeilatlae fa? asiwwt a Iw yerteelly, aad tisea said; "I Baraks f hum now; I slssll kaow btm if I ea bun. Urn srbal lh reward " vy 'aaarsraa, ia.lasad, aad worth a liltla Mseablet bwl aaveb a prime haniatal aa that ' Will erne deal af trrsabs. Be gat kold am, ewcdi Brs.0Baa ear ie takaas est 'em by tbam as baa ta 'am. llowBos'ae, I 11 4a my baa, aad sgaia s g'aad hi eye wa the prepared dug, and tbsa wimdrew, A Bsawth slspeed Wiib i.l tsd rags of She wsie ln Vsss pemlbssa-i best at laeiglk, IB lira dash af tbeevaaisg lh aniat was aaasav-aad lata l, paaaiiBg yssaa. Bad BSer 4a4 bat rS IsmliaJ sgaaet. -"Wall, bill." epaask tb foemae, "aay Baws abat lh 4s f I bats giean It Sp I" tsh, a .. Ie.i.- Waa h ra( r, ens a wtak. "I 4o easily balss I y f s bica al Wat. Svrpriao. bast the kiad aad bnaeMtaU sasf dsmaal prartised I V th ..1 -I aae eu Bo simpl. I tee ad beirty, ll it ee-y Ihieg l is ap;- Wn- Wad ek tsa Col si by fasH h BV Bp ell aaw. mill. Bad B " Ay were kt aey way y like." "ll arrt s el.ee h." auka-J k s sttols riene) amial ss anavwoaod by sundry taps at ties : dlSersat Wlsutowe. Allr !, family In the boue . ba baaa rtaseed Bad draass-d I t tr list BrriM Base-1 ally tab lla al mdi.igut whe Ihsy has all : rented b rest.) tli wool., of thsrw.ea pretaired lot lb isnossi , us which II a girl is A'sl alra.a. j U opened, ihevarky ex arm-oees, of rati a j kartatsnaii deaeciiriHW, eaeh me Ms tura rret hi suit with all Ida al -(vicars and art of wlrvob be I poiasoei d. 1 s fair Mas hea.u'ae, doolsl, ask ej rsaii a, t srmsaH aasWMS. M.e Urea inv.ls ths party to par takeof arepaal ofi-ak ad aVearrhwiaiaar, a hob ia .rra4 lay lhas u lire bale-re.y. li dea-l, this aelaeiBnrBsaat, with the strmsg wiradthsy el .aery, forms a p rose loan I isewsic Ia Iks pe eesilra ga t tl a BH'ht. A fie ba. rer e r, red ll.emsa.iaa p Baaeliraa, dar eg brch aad tbrosik tiie window she ba made as of ail the wto-i are o w maa s art. ebe ts gae sVaaire tu get rvd af li.em, aad ill ava Br ieae Ska 1 1 bar pa. ears to arr ;i r. Urte great a1 ias.. The y u,s. b .wsess era aot to ba pal a. f"f asvasrjn g to lb at.sn f lh ecHie.ry, fakrey ba e ssbs hers fr.y lbs poryvai M enae ranoog her ..as thai a-fbi, iheis set tl.ee 10 m?as op FORM It o ( K The Kerth Carolina Tt i i T (loir AIM.Si. all Ik ravras .a..., . J la kasracae Br a, a. H..ae Lara. . r n ,a e..a .U ea M eax. tal eieo, t--! e s a Ths CasilitiUtil tt Itrtti 1: - Un ' t'lllTKD ITITI t TijK a t'T rm; t , t 1A.-A.H. .' ..;. . f alcaislesl f.rf Its ess af r' S t'.'r.c. .1 a ' aa4 Bsaae SMl sari le Us, 1 - a , -,'-i 1 r as r.. Jur l t. SI. Vs. eal. by )H S t X t 1 ' ' " H. l. T writ sea4 rl,. t,i.c a e I a - frae oaai tae ecc. p. ! BI, i kal. at a, a, I j4 f I1' ft'll 1 tr. ! eaelrasl ar ir.er f pou lie e:ses Xiw Y ,!a..B g eid S tl l ul f r is'e t.

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