Horfb-Carolina Blw. ,, T'"rcBLiBBxTwi WILLIAM CD OUBi . ibitoi iirvpanrmirroi. 'ternity while al sea rivrt the ehsretr ef tt-a ja- ceased wse se wclLkaowa a "a j"t snd ttrrig1.,! Maeoa," that it was .n.i lece d hot tost tn.te to his mecaory. It was a acene wti ked with mcie than ordinary degree of atiiemuiiv, and will eet readily be fnrjrwtca by ti:oe who part ir paled ia th ebt quiea of tht i.eeesid .V O. I W .'y'm. . The R correction Klowcr. In Its ac-nt of the recant S iriiu rrti'-'i. n ef tbe Bro..1Tn I!;icu!tral N-vieiv. tie New tllUSl ,,. , If paid .trietly 1, advance, two dollar per a; twe dollar sad flfty ceata, if paid witbia ail stoata ; Bad tarM dollan at the tad ef tin year. ADTSnriSEMgyTS But exceeding sliteen art will be ioaerted ant tint for ant dollar, and twenty-tee caata' for sac a abtwqatBl insertion. Those of greater length will ba charged propor tioaally. Court Orders and 1 udicial adiartiaament wJU be charged 25 par cent, higher than th a bora ate. A reasonable deduction will be made to boM who adverti.. bj th year. Bonk and Job Printirg don with neetaei a despatch, and en accommodating tenaa. t VOLUME XLVTL RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING,. MAT 14. 1SS6, NUMBER 10. . GENERAL DIRECTORY. . CITY COVKRXMENT. Wo. DalLu Haywood, Iotendant ot folic., COMBa..ONgB. Bottom Ward. Eldridge Smith, " - " A. Adam. Middle Wr4C. B. Root, R. H. Buttle, ' " Q. W. Haywood. rVettern Ward. A. M. Uorman, - ' : ' 11. D. Turner. " T J. Christopher, CHy Clerk, R. II. Battie.-City Treat. CiVy Guard. 1 nines M. Crawley, Jackson Orerby. Ciy Constable. Kdward Harris. " ' William Andrew. . A. Adams, Weichmrwter. K. Harris, Clerk of the Mar ket COURTS. The Supreme Cuurt of North Carulina 1 4Cld III UII 1DTLIT1IEXIKTS. j Femn rtmcimr 5dUe bW-af AdcMMey Hmm Aopletea's BniMiag Us aV SM Broadway, BCHIErrLIN BROTHERS Co. laroaTias, iKBDiaLEasia- . Droji, Pailli, Oili, Dyet, Pftftimtry. It., HO VVWiam Street, New Vark, INVITE the atteatinn of the trade to their large and varied stock ef Drags, Painta,Uils, r erf em ery, k., ke. la addition to their regular importation, of 8ta. pi Drugs, they art also receiving, direct from the souroes of preduction and manufacture, supplies efiTooTU, Hia, and Nml BacaBES. UaoKiEs.CoBKa. Murtaib, Si-ososi, F.kxch and E.nuusu l'mruit- ibt, Lubih t.XTA('T, ami many other articles OsuaJly embraced inftrnjrttlsfj' wttmnmr which thev are also enabled to offer on the most advantageous terms. . - Orders, either In person or by mail, will receive prompt attention, j June 26, 1856. TT First Premium Cold Jitdul Pians-Fortti, 8TEIJTWAY & 80N8, AanrAOri'Baa, 84 A waucia eranta. MIA BaOADWAT, XtW TOBK, Tw espeetfully call the attention of the public to W their splendid siwortment of semi-grand and square rianoa, which, for volume of tone, elAMtict ty of touch, beauty of fiitisb, and In short every NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. in this oity Kmii-annunlly, on the second iiday ",ing render n 1'iano perfect, are unsurpai in June, and the 80th day of December Judges. Hon. Frederick Nash, Chiel Justice, K. Al. I'earaun, Aaeoeinto udge, W. II. Battle, Edmund B. Freeman, Clerk; Ham. C. Jones, Roiwirter' J. J. Litchfunl. Sr.. Marshall. The United SUUtt Circuit Court for the Dis trict of North Carolina is held semi-annually in this oity, on th 1st Monday iu June and the last Monday in )vowmr. t JitAitm. linn. J. M. Wsvns. of flaoriria; linn. nory Potter, of Fayetteville; District Attorney; Robert P. Wok; Clerk, Win. 1L Haywood, Sr., Marshall, Wesley Junes. Th Sunerior Court for thia County, is hold on lie trst Moudny after the fourth Monday in aiaro.ii ana nepieiniier. John C, Moure, Clerk. ' Jos. B. Bachelor, Attorney General and Solic itor of the fourth Judicial District. The Court of Ilea and Quarter Ration is held on the third Monday in February, May, Auguit aua govern iwr. jo a. uticv, Clerk. Chairman of tin CouhIu Court. William Boy- tan. Coutu Solicitor 1L. P. Marriott Men of W.ike County William II. High. Coroner Willis Scott. Hegiiter. U. llutaon. sed. They were awnrilfd the first premium for both kinds In competition with the most distinguished- makers from Boston, rhiladelpliia Kew York, and Baltimore, : ' KEW TRIUMPH 1 J.r .1 Strimwat A Boss hsve iust.beraUaf nnlod the FIRST Promium GOLD MEDAL (ovWVU competi- FLATE 4 WIXDOW GLASS. BRSOT, iTEDTKXM k CO., A', it Ctif St., A'a-rr, . IMPOKTEP.8 AND MASIFACTIBEK8' A geais. Chance's English Sbret, Crowe and Crys tal Date v) ladew uiaaa. t luted glass ror y-light, Green Houses, etc., ete. Colored, Ornamental, Opti cal aad Microscopic glass. The Londo'naad Manchea- ter plate glass Company thick polished plate for star windows 4c, Ac, Rough glass for Boors and akj-lighta. Attautioa it Invited to the abov various de seriptiou of window glsst in na for Store, Dwellings and other purposes. The quality of these Articles is inferior to no corresponding descrip tion, and Injhsny respects superior. Our Sheet Olass will he found better than th French in it freedom from Stain, Rust, &e. Being Agents for two of the largest Olass Man ufacturers in Europe, we are enabled to offer deal er and others every advantage in prices and large stocks. Price Lists will be furnished on applica tion. April 28, 18A5. 17 Cm. Tl EJfTOK'S TRIBITf TEAR TOW. Bold e- AM rtaiively - by subseriptioa.. Agents wanted to obtain subscriptions Tot Vol ot Henloa'i Thirty Yean' View of the Senile of the failed B tales. 10,01) Copies have been sold of the first vulam, aad It at presumed ths.tmany more wilt at sold of the second. The New Volume will be ready on the lit of May.te be. embellished with a steel plate view of the United States Senate .eHismber. The priee of thework per volume is H'iu, eaeb eootaiuing jjO double columned page of letter prttoi. Agents can toirc good districts allotted to tbem in the foltowinir tstes i Conneellcti!. Vermont. Kew York, New Jersey, Mary lend, Virginia, Korth. t'arolina, , Mississippi, and Loniitana. Address P. API'l.KTON CO, 846 and 948 Broadway, New York. April 23, U48. 17 Int. tors) at the late Fair of the AnirricaoJni Crystal Palace, for the BEST PianoforleV tituter -tf. BANKS. Bank of the Stat of Xortn Carolina, ineorpo ratel IHM. Charter axnire in lHtHJ. Capital l.SOO.OtH,, divided into 15.IKX) share of which areM, h Literary Board hold 5,027 and tlie Cuiver-1 tity HHW. Principal Bank at Raleigh. Oeorge W. Monlecai, President. Charles Dewey, Cashier. J. Il.Urtaii, Jr.. Teller and Notarr Public. ' W. K. Anderson, Disoount Clerk ana Notary t'ublio. Jordan WomhU, Jr.. Clerk This Bank has branches at Newbern, Tarlwro' TILTON & McFAlRLAND, : 33 Maiden Lane, New York. ANUFACTURE8 OF THE WORLD RE nowned Sdlamandcr Safes . Bank Vaults, Baltimore Depot, 145 Pratt. Boston Depot, 1 Howard street. - 17 ly. NEW YOHK MII.LI NERY. BSS.alinOI!' Wholrule and EMail nillcrntrf Mil Straw Goods Wirehpnvt, Ml Broadiiir NE W YORK. II TRH. 8. Is now in Europe for the express purpose of X'A selecting noreititt lor tne priug Tratle, which will arrive snd neresdy for lnpertion on or sbou the rat of March, Sautlurn sad Wertern Msrohants and Milliners are respectfully invited to esll snd examine tbe same before purehaiong tleewhere. Pattern lion' nets always on hand, sna scat by txrrelt to any ad Lrwo. .j o out Mil cellaneout, Ia Lev at swt la I-evet THAT IS THE QCESTION." t I. ar. niwus. HThe amount of it ia." aaid handsome Henrv Harvey, to hi frieod Turn R at th end of ; way of true lor running so very smooth.' "I AROKW- REEDH, ' WARRANTED FRESH JT and-Oenuine, growth of Ibii forsale by HEN- ni V II liabH, Uookseyer, HAUiaa, n. t;. Atperaoea. . targe Oiant. 'Bunk or Snap Shortn. 1 Early Slx-Weekt, or Early) . MOBAWk, Red Bpeekled Valentine, or! Ked Marrow, Brown ftpeokled Valentine,' Kefuge, or Ihousand-to- One, Red Freneh, Cranbery Bush, Extra Early yictnria, Royal Dwarl'.or While Kid Ney, Early Yellow Bii-Weeks, China Hed Eye, or Early China, I Large Lima, or Butter Beans! Carotiua Sewee or Saba. iCitroa, for praeervs, Afaawni. White, Brown, Vim, Ohio. iSilver Skinned, or W bite, urge 1 eilew Htrasbarg, Irge Red Wethsrsaeld. Top or Button Onion, White Portugal, Yellow Dutch, . Danvers Yellow, (new, uarxv ON, burly Red, extra ftrtU,. Curled, or Double, Plain or Single, fartsla. Sugar, Hollow Crowned, or Cap, fern. Brooltlya-fitj Urnm Englnr Worki. D. P. BUEDOU ft Co. WATIB STRUT, BBdOKLYX, tW YOg. Hanufoeiurtr of Steam Engine vith Bunion' ahfotf rut off and Boiler: IliE subseribers aot only assert the superiority e. the aoBslruc'tiuB of their Engines, but-will guarf r...,i.u. wiimmrt 111..1-.1, ;.. fi.. I - -"i""" " .. . n . , v,v I surtaoe at Doner, sue so pev eentkow presture of steam lotto, ililton, Moricauton audVindsi.r. BtagtToa. On the part of tbe State : I). W. Courts, Pub- la Treasurer, ei-offiuio, L. O'B. Branch and VV H. fooles- On the part of the Stockholder : Wm. Boylan, V'm. PeAce, J. II. Bmn, J. B. 0. ltoulhae, Al fred Jones and II. F. M'xire. Offering and Renewal day Tuesday. Discount dav Wednesday. I'uaiteti BilU n J Bills of Exchange discount 1 ererv dav. Bnsiuvss nours from 10 till 2 o'clock. JTaletyh Jtrtwi o the Bank of the Cap Fear . YtiUiain 11. Jouca. Cajhier.. K.P. Fiut h. Teller and Notarr Publ'ie. Disk toss. Cieo. W. Haywood, T. II. Selby, Prth June, Oeorge Little, Dr. Tbo. ilugg, mud C. W. I). Hutching. . OXiring day Monday, Discount day Tuesday RAIL ROADS. 11ilnii and tiattan Railroad Company. R. A. itainilton, President, W. W. Vans, Treasurer, J. M.'Pool, Assistant Treasurer. C. B. Allen, Depot Agent, Mail train Irate 13 minute before 4 A rrWa at 6 J P. M. lint. Extra Early Turnlp-roMert, Laodrelk's Extra Early. Karly lurnii,rooted iledVKarly Frame. l.ong moon Hed, than any other Engine mnnufacturcd in the Culled States, maintaining an euai speed, without regard to eseouBt of power spplied te tlie engine. Also from tbeur long exierieaee and iuBicniefaclli ties, they ackuualedge no coiaiietitom la tlie Baoulas ture of SwarMWt, Aiie aW Orirt Mill, Strom Vmju, Mixing mail ova i, raring J1 Mine, Nta fl ing and J'lillmj iUiuy and Liykt Cant ing, and Jfi.7 Machinery of every . lkerifUiun. SootberaTTaberr stlenflon'IrpartT'Tilsrly directed toonraewsndimproted Micnr mill. The iHii'llritr of 1 ouneumetioa. extreordiuary Hwer and greal darability I UnUrsliy null, or otberwire, attended to with prompt DTP. HCBDOS h CO. Feb. -Jra. The Wonder of the Age. so pit! IF Dr. Tol ise' selebraled Veaetiaa Lbilaient does aot curt t'b-il'-ra, Dyeeulery, Croup, CoKe, toaglis, tiv.lwpeia, Vomiiiog, Mueupa, Toelhache. Ili-adarhe e.hst.ped ilsade, Cld Eet. Miuito Bilce, Insect Ktiag., Cbroeie Ehcumsli.n, FWellit g., Oiu erce. b. r. i anov, . B. roeaLls. B. cosaux I SiluiUn or Hugnr, maridolrj w urtiel Krly Orn(r do, Esrly lilfL.etig Blood. Frrnck Amnar 8ugar. Early Dutch, K.rly York, Lanttretti'i Lara Turk. Er!j Hjrir Lof Erlv Batter, Karl? DiumI.cmI. OrMB I'ttrUJ tToy, lrjr Itruailia&d ltkroT, Hc4 Iu(cb, (for )ickliitg,)j l rf lnituuu(l. Fmt Ihit. b. Muntnotk. I.OOS Orti, KarSj Hterti AUtii kIihiii, or FiM, hra iiiti. or F.t'1,1, fV'njr. Whih Ct liftt Ktd build. ferrgrtt?ii ptJitiir, ?wttla or P'luar, rrly Cnnii'U, E.rly Y-.rk, Karlr, Early Waahingtoi., Karly IM.ay i, Karly Charlton, Hirbop'a Dwarf ProliAa, hwarf Hlut tinTmaJ, Karal Dwarf Marrwwfat, Hlua I'l-tMiian. (Karly Chanpi of England I-arjte Sweel. Bfll-fhaprd I'rwiato, or r la. N'barry. LaytjatM. or Lob( i'mqtUttm, Cabw. C bod Field, or Cbtast. .tWia. Loaj Hrarlrt Miwrt-top, ilrof ftilman. w lata Turnip-rorrti'tJ, Vellow Turni rooiad. uHinuT H llU, J tHtMhirh, r Pit-phut. lKcirWl.wri.nr Hatty Pan irriy Api raan, or a.pf jlrong tirvt-a LrtNtaaack. . 'Itttsb t'riMkktifeok tuiaiaeir, Adaa'te btttrb umiaar -ailopt . j l.its m tltiiirttrr. Ib.i Early AaUti. (l-npoHt-d.) ( orva-aat, Lata Diiicb, .Vliraia, or Purtor. (!, nw Pjrr Graa, Spimnchm j!rtMTj- I.fcrjrf fttr.l Pkoy 1. -.r-M. vap, i.nrife f wita vaj, rrtcfc ty wini. M.. the 'au. Burn., Braiee. aad Pains or Weakness la the Umbs, Bark aad Cheat. K0 HCMBrO TIT IT. Dr. T'diias has warraated his Liatsseal for sisht ysars wilbuwt eeer hating adesaani Made foe the re turn of the mxn.y all that U asked Is to aes It accord ing la the directions. NO ONE WILL EVER BE WITIIOIT IT - After oace mnf It. If ynw 4 ewt Bad H heller thsa aayihing yaw hsvt tver tried befure. bt iocr Monet beti rned. X-er-Th"S.i,i ef Certiteatee have krea received peakiag tts vara vtrtare. New a days It t. the ra'tiee as bh tae panere wiia eemacaies rres aa aowB peros,ee give by ikeee wha here Berve aeed Ike Bsoditlaoc Bew Dr. Tobtas eeTers t t jy 1,000 DOLLAR ta aa oe who w ill prove ihal be ever pubheked a fatM ecrtikcate during tbe lime ke has had kls medicine he- fare Ike I'e Mlc. Jalle the areata ai.d get a Psa.kle eewlslnlag (aaaivAL as BirtkTcai or aaiu it iilik.b reine r"' 'r A- ....... .. .. I sale ef Ike Veeetiaa l.laiseBI kas ststed II B lajarl- ea v take H mwnally, Kr. Tebiae has take tht 1.1- lowmg Korth Carolina Bailroad Cwtpany. Chat. V. Ki.lier, President. C. P. Mendeohall, Treaeurer. J. T. West, Fro. glit and Ticket Agent Mail train arrivo 4 o'clock, A. 1.. from East: and departs 10m, afier io'clias, A. M. Mail from th Wsl arrive at 12 mioutal af ter 4 o'eknk, P. M. llepans at 20 saiuute be- I for 4 o'clock, P. M. post orncK. Williaa Whit. Sr.. Pus Maateir. OHm hours, oa week daya, front Sun-ris p 9 I r. M. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE. t WMStbcr, Maite tiitiied. Exits Early ttu.eia. Early Eraait or 1 able, Fhort Prickly, Early (Ireea Cluster, Early Frame, Early Hherl Dreea, Leag Ureea Tarkey, Long tircea ( keeaa'e) VfiBMeto, me lUrre Bed, irge Yellow, iPear-ekapcd, Tin i. Early Plat Dutch leered. 'Red bfped. Rlmp leaved. r.sny sinae. 'large hotfulk. , "trap- rsull CkrrklB. forairkles. Lane l!lbe. JL"yg '("!,' ee Mrknn Yellow Aberdeea, Laige 1'aiple,. Sclck Yellow, Eatly Pon.le. Rau Bars, "V Rwrdlth, IcSWee. I H.r W. Early Csrled, ae Cat Baled, Lavender, NOftTUKRN MAIL Br Railboa.) Tarwagh Mai, tins daily at t) ft. a Mail " " at t p. Arrirea daily al 6 p. Tha Car keave U drpol at 81 a. SOUTHERN MAIL (Br To-aoiti Haca, CVae-sa daily al 1 p. m) Arrive daily al p. m The Hack learw at 7 p. YVESTEK.V'MAIL ;Bi Raiubub.) v. loaa daily al V B. ta. rviTa aaiiy a , p. The f raia teav al 1 p. i OOLUhBOKO MAIL (Br Railboab ) Cstmaa daily. al I p. I Arrive daily at t a. I The Cart leave daily at 10m after I a. i TARBOKIP M AIL (Dr Twe-Boaa Ilata,) OieaatMfluadsar.Taew.udTbar-al f e. i TKrrtvw Taasdav, Thar, aad kitM at , T p. at Hack lemv Mot.. Wad. aad r"i, al I a. m IITTKlfciriO' MAIL Hv Taata-tso tlar C1"oew) Taeedsy and Ratarday, al f p. Arrtvew ea Meaday and Thnndae, al T p. tlaek leave ow Sun. aad M d. abtml J a. A A, Early Cataeee, Better Lellare Brewa Iwck, Hoyal Cabbage, lotficrial, Pblladrlkla fabbsge, Curled lodla, ee lew, wkli t)ecea Cne, , Peleellae, AY.e. Ward's Xreter, floe at,ie r Perte, KkitlaiaH'e Pine kcd) BeaekweMd. (eslra tee.) Ceriiliaa VI alar, Meoataia efuat Wales, IhtdJev, oe UieaauiB ??etJ Kew (, I Aids rreat variety ef feeds aot taeleeed la Ikis ad vertieeeaeaa. IS Balm, Huaeeaary, ifsge, . f Harsry, saiBier, w tnlar. etwael Pa.ll, aweel Msr)neam, iSlweelTkynie, Vcaae Peeefs, i By the aosad v ba.kel Ilea Intae, iWbiee Ilelek Clnver, i.aecrae, or PreWh, Ilia. Ureea, diced, ee Red Top, iTi-lky. HaWvftoed. 8lladld Stock ofO.odi! T ew eseilvuif Ike UegMl H-k el eSepAt IT w raeT r, . h, Wae.tefe, Ibeee.Ceeaa eWy, awd U raewetaa. tb4 haa ever ka preeawead la Xl.lrb, e4 se Ikey Baca heat kebl eaeefaily they t sji ee aaw sa-es ax.e.cats aeeata. ' 'We eaaU be r' ia" I cb-a (bees te saw eaiatsBaei sVtsadsaad the swblte faemaily W.lL A.t.HiCtm. eptllee. I II IMWtrw, t.4ITr ABflBMOI-jt. ties Ba, Naaep Waleepe nf Baaea. Heavy I, Bamael I T 'nae. of the I tlT of h'cw Yocfc. kWoe duly ewoea da deicce that I eooarwnid a Ltnltaeat called TeaetlaB, and thai the Urn-ll.T.le af Bkirk II Is saeapaead are petaetlv hamlaae te take Iteeaally, eve la doable tbe qeeettly aaeaed la the DlfeeUoB aae. leafauiyiag eaea belUe. ew i evk, Jaaaary Hk. 134. . LTOblAI. Iwera Is this day kefoee Bee, Peraaada Weed, Have. Prle Jl I M asale, sM by lha deartieea end Pateal aledlHie I'calcce tkroaxkiat lt.e I and euies. . Mr-Ataafue- sale Dr. TokW Hneee Laaieaewt h pial 114 lice ! eeate, warraaled sapeeier le say eta tr T-blae'eee.OCeBrtlaBd M. BeaTerk. Pebeaary t. lata ly VBf.BCII relafMlW 1. 1. A Bel. tswARsr. Bicni, ltd Chamber itreat, fc T. Twe eWceaee wf lladaaB BtVae Ralleaed IWpal. OttUnn ta llcaleee end Caaeaaeeet bis eeeebcaeed beaadeal Imak Wladw Ulaas aa hvaeai-l eceaa. Partaee wicbiag iafaeesaeta will ke rircataked aeWee eaeeaaiea ailbaie aadreea. leas eat la aaf desired paitrra, aad perked Bae 1 ekaeg. Apeil IM. II ty ran the i.ooo.OOO. Stebbint, Morrn 4 AIUb, TDK I', . PtTRITNIintCI. dfl rur wv.t. B.w.ro... Ml Th.ms..a eU. . .. I IwPVillTEkl ASO DKALEM It wi rACilRkM f m.i. Bi.ert.T.Mfci Drtrt, Draa. Chtmlaall, rrfar"T. ft. aad elth.l klaetewa, t.- a.twK T T A V 1 X f a,lcH Ae k fc Ik. U- Ihal Ike le a aaaece a( klaeWe lcaL eke.llv . -d ! 1 I '" e "ee ecet aaaaa, mtm, a. lb wtlk oataerel aaaaea, aa oa ta ke Bi i ail it e teiea Bay taeea ! eat4eaaa, aelce geaat aad eailae, by wbwk a eeaeVbv aaa 1 I... k..f lk. a. .f Ik. I steeds N la tel-'t aad beejarty iBpfflw Tf 1 1 li Iki Orlinl Itlf (ttt, h liojt of 6 and J 5 pound, and in IfoWer Pwl age, oj I, , I, Z aae! 4 found. ro tan ar JS1TZX1T3 (tCO.. (eBMtBAt iBvaeraBe ae tea scalier vba raca. irkektcale Baalav la Tea ealy X. W. Caraee ar Jfactat ad ATiem jtSei nisi, VlllLAIiELPlIIA. r-Ta la Metailas Peeks psMap la half CVasta, eeaiaialag a eaeleey ef kath Black aad Ueaaa te eau baecea PiieKd list ef aeteae,TersM, da, faraiehed ky smII te all ake order Ikeex, All Tae warraated I please ee ae sal. One aad ike ewese prte aad aerate ta alt aad aae ealy. Half rbeets Bleak eaaxele BbeM It n, aad ef Hon akaat IS yiasai aae. Mare I, let. , II TO ftF.JlCHAXTS. a long and eatihdential eonveraattoa "the a mouut of it it, I 01 iu a eonfonnded aorape. I've gon a little too far, perhtpa, in toy attention, the girl' ever h-ad and ears in lov with tae, and I don't see how Pm to get out of U with honor. I don't like the idea of broken hearts, and all that sort of thing hut what is a fellow to do I've no more tbmiglit of marrying than I have of turning preacher. Come give u your adviot, old fellow!" .... Tom eyed hi friend with a merry twinkle in hi eye. . A sagacious and raisojiievuua auiilt played round tlie corner of his mouth. "Nothing easier in lift than to get out of the 'crane,' at ynu call it, it you want t." "How t how f naked Harvey, eagerly. "You say she's handsome, witty, amiable and accomplished V "Yea." "Well then.' knocking tlie ashes from his eigar "he's just th wife 1 want, and I'll take her off you hands." i ' . " Aluurd!" erid Harvey,, trying to turn in to a pleasant smile the frown wbbh suddenly dar kened his face. "Impossible, Tom," he continu ed, amiably, "it would never do. In tht Hrl plact, you would not suit each other in tbe leant tliere would be no congeniality ot disposition, intellect," Ae. Iish then to deoidcdly my inferiorr asked Tom. 'Inferior" cried Hurray, firing up jritli sud den indignation. "1 don't know "etrprtjinn she is interior to. blie a glorious oreature, J loll you." . - "Vll, where TOHrotiiectKin thenT "Well, I meant--perhaps 1'iai not very eivil to say so. Tom; but the fact it though you're the beat fellow in tht world, you re sometimes a little rough; and she's an sensitive and refined, that beside, as 1 told you, she in love with me, there's the rub there's the rub, and h ruhlied hie hands together, with returning spirit, as it b had hit tht idea lit had been vainly seeking, at last.' "Thank von. Harvev. for vonr Fomnlimentnrv hints," said Tom,' aa he watched the ascending smoke of In cigar; "but on th whole, notwith standing my extreme natural diffidence I believe don't take quit so low an estimate of my charac ter as you do. . And as regard tk being o des perately in love, and all that 1 know how much that mean. Trust m for managing that. Itothing for curing a girl of a fancy for one lover like- the appearance of another. Why, if the odd war equal in other respects, the novelty give th last comer such an incalculable advan tage, that there is no doubt of hi tuceees. Be sides, la this case, w will hav the advantag of plnying into each other hand, lou bar only to bold off a little at first to give me a chance. Ion play com, while I pity warm, and 1 bet yon a hoi of cigar 1 win the dny, as easy as kissing,' a the ladie say." "I think you ar entirely mistaken," said Harvey, stiffly, In a lou uf puju and annoyance. "Well, shall I Iry f aveer nof" naked Tom. "Oh, certainly, eortaiuly, I should be loach obliged, ot course." rcpl d Harvey, wlrnee man ner presented the greatest contrast to his air of boastful aecanty at th beginning ol the eonrer-tation, 1 hat Bain evening Tom aecntnnanir J Harvey to Miss Xnrthwood's hoiiae. He found hrr all. and mere tbnn all: Itarvev had described. Hit was indeed Charmed wlib hor grace and beautv. 1 he conversation, sflor th first nrsliminsrv common. piaces, ion on worx ot art snd the wondrous galleries of Kiiroi . Tom had been aa xleosiv and 'aUlligent traveller, and was in bis elementon this subject, lis had much of in tercel to say, and F und much nievure in an. swrring Mis Northwoud' discriminating q ics linns. Harvey whs had never tteivell'), was of lily silent, and thrown uuile into the shad. r rMis (1m owIioiH w4tdv traWit i 'H ra vwr Ti d natural to music; and here too TTin was at Borne, In fact, niasie was his strong point, all was aa aee-implina musician, with all a moiSisn In thusiatm f"t the art, Kuoa he and Miss North wood were aetiled at lite piatm, singing, bum' wing enatctiet ol elrs, ailmiiing, compnring tasiae, ana ecsiaaising as tntbusiaatnt lov or ol music wilt. - ii you anow tins inn airr ' axed Tom. " I learned It in Venice, and it Is, I think, pecu liarly liei'itiful. Ii see ne to carry weth II per fume of Italian l.iwert, and tht aoaad of rippling. Boon lit waters." Fudge!" muttered Harvev. front thediitaat sofa, la which had retired, from behind th book be was pretending to read. Then followed lb air retorted to, un la tht safest eaiiuisii iasi, wuu uie ric:ett ui manly Miss Korlhvrnod admired warmly, and t Breeawd What ah fall. "Coquettal" aneerad Harvey, In aa accent of eonrentrateti rage, Bat all unconaciouf.f theee muttered cotnmeeits Hi masieiaos lingered over their music. (u favorite air eorir eased anotlter, and there were eores Iu feat becked eieer, and duett ta las mi A d Tom had so maay aneobnes to tell el twcli ad each maeiciaiit, and aorh delicti tful tit lev Bittnriet in torn to- h piece of music rasn In bt writtosi, that llaae taw am (wilt Mid auieelses aiahata. Misa Knrtbwond' eve occasioaallv went is earch of Harvey, but whenever she addressed remark te him. with view ef drawing hiel Into th ejveralor, h refilled with Mich uoeoarlav brevity that ht was repelled from further advance. " Well!" e led T da. as llrsy eeaerged frMa th Boas late la mi evening, - pretty well Mil ginning. Harvey. N far, so (,acd. I rontider the affair ia tauet hoiadul Iraia, Mia Xorthsmod Beert ibaa tatieKe my expectation a, and I latter mvaalf I made aa Impreaaioa. Hey, Harvey 1" AB aniatelllgible growl frota Harvey was the ealy reply. I ear, n sever," eoetineed Tm, la the k.gh- d efonia, 'I d.at'1 see tfcnae aamsMakeahl ymptoae of lartag la lute, la yotjr fair laa.lv. wbeth I aipartad, Ulay yea If A bate) deceived yiaareelf an thai a-eial t' Aa Hher growl, tmioa the Umt, rroea Mar I saJwl fsawda4 " Tes did vary wen roBlght, Htreey I enea. mead raw. Keep yowr dieiaa. Ihal' right e fassehHig tat say geewada, yn kaow." " ma grnandal yai raaral karat f,rth llar- " And that Miss North wood, poor thing, wiu itxeiy to a i ot a tinmen neart - - " Come, come, Tom, snrl I may as well lore or not, eonictimcs, till a little jcort or something else, open hi eyes for hint. BuT il' all right. dow." Oh! aye," said Tom; with affected gravity, "you tnay think it's all right ; but there is some thing vet to he nettled which Biej stand in lha As Mr. ahep pare) Obtains A 1.1ft, Y'rk Tribune .r.ys; . . I "We rauvt n o:cc one verv rcma-V-' le rjor' - ': It, knnwu the lio-nnt t joi l !. cr. l 1 flower, or rather pltnt. reaerable in its ttimuvil t w , r . . t 1 1 ' n i j .. . . H...- eh..fc..i.l.e. t-oath. ..r.cf "ltdricdp.p,,vl,ead, with tbcteiaattwl.e!. taking Jinjwoh prisoner s receir "condign" 1 be (poke, hi gravely drew forth Hnmy' card rora nia pocxet. " I have ordered enBee and pistol tor to-morrow morning and who know t I may stand a chance for Mita Northwood hand jet." Harvey snatched the card, and sent it spinning into the nir, ae he burst into a merry laugh. Tom joined him heartily. Their hands met in a cordial grip, as they exclaimed the one " Yoii may ttiatrk me, llartey. for tcncl;iim yon your own mind and the other, 1 understand you, Tom, you're th best friend 1 tref had. Se if I don't prove my gratitude, anrae of these duys, by Uiriin with the lady you're in lov with," ," iou're welcome, cried Tom, " by tli time I'm in lovt you'll be like tlie linn, 't teeth and claws a married mnn, and ito longer dangerous." Lpoaticuig immcreed a tnmnt r two in a trf the nee of n tbe ut.rer te'iU pen grtiduaHr, vet vitne Pi tli nd to cxranJ nntil, tiirowing almut noon, hitched his bora to a post, and .-""' '": 1'"'", ""'" J wtinte tbti.il. to "bar. a torch" with tb. t l.tarr, n..wW;m Sheriff, Lewi, emoket Uie beet ll.vu.aa, three 1 "M ..;r. f ;-wer end tbe for a quarter. While he wa. lighting hi. eigar. ! Jfcnwf .more "P'4""1 4,'? and taking a memorandum of the prtanera? au T,hlU,,vfuW"; ,tlU 7'1,"nu." ,u""1 ,tl oldfaVhionedold rent came along with a bundla, nt ?r,'at..n,1,.lt ,u. '"n,,,.' "h U. kU . Tkax .vl.l fsili waBtawf J .wsT.aaA ammww I BI1J!, ul l,l U"""!, p rTJPeejn 1 1 1 JT IN W TT. If I ll TTCrii CI'UUIKU i, 1 a t I puuishment at the Court of Seasvon. Oa tlieat , ? " . , V ell . i . k. . aus.U- !.. 1 PITlHil Tim, III It IV W uiiiiirnM onehor.a)wiigon.infr..ntofth.CitylUU. Cp- to burst ope tain P. did this on Tucd.v last. He drove down ' yvf" i. .. . . . . i ,A themselves lutck in under Officer 'W balen, with whom he aulered toko eo. veraation.; Whose wagon Is tin 'ere r A gentleiuin't who reside juttoutof the oity.".'' "Jn which direotiou T Wonder if lit would not give nte a lift, and rosette of the mit exquisite (Win and ornmnen- tstino, and tbut aeMiming a new cbtrm. entirtiy eclinsing what, a moment before seemed it ni solute pvrfcct'ion. Aftpr remniting open an boor or more, th moi4ar gradually dissipates iitelf, and the fibres of tne flower contract as they i p.ndeil, and it rc-ntmi' itswigiml Biioearonce, realy to bo unfoblod ski'iii by tlicemme pro-esn lei me rid. a. far as the Clmrry Valley turnpike f "."" .IT " " ' " ' "m',M UJ ... i - , . .. . .. . ' vftll ottbe to.W'aosaor. , A Martyr r Uclenee. Alex.tndre Tinnont, 6fty vesr of as, origi nally from Conetantinople, and a man of letters, ejus recently found dead in 1'Aris. in the modest dgings whioh he occupied, So. 7 Hue dos Yieux Augnstin. The Commissary of leilice was im mediately tummoneii, ainUhiijk hiniseif to the pot accoinpniiied by nhvnvian. It wns proved beyond doubt that Aletsiudre Tinconi had died of starvation. It was not wont, however, thtt rut n end to t existence, lor at the time of his death be en- yed a very conaideralile income, but abeorlied by his love of science, he forg.it that man haa a body no leas limn a soul to provide lor, and would pas whole day together without Inking lOOd. a Hi dead body wt found extended on a nil of books and manuscripts in every known lan guage under the sun. His beddings were full of them, and in soms of the rvuuie this Balatl of lit erature touched the ceiling. Alexandre rinconi siwke twelv miiKinget, and was well skilled in ninny mrA. He ba fllleil the liigheat post of honor; rank an'h-vaealih wore his, but h had renounced rvwyrhing from pttrt love of science. The stale of dis trdcr in which his rooms were found itlmlcscriinble. 'A. for hi personal appearance, It was worse yst For the last two year of hi life bt had neither changed hi linen nor his clothing. His body was completely emaciated. On see ng hiia in this eonditioo, on of hi fellow-eoun. trymen, who had known him when he occupied the post nfatnhassad jr.exolniined, "Is that really tne man i uea to see so nuuiy clan, glittering with gold and precious stones, and keeping such a crowd of eauer but respectful uil'r wailing in ui ante-cnnnioerr la the loilging of the deceased wnrt found a great number of rare and curinus i bje.'ta arois from all th countries pfthe Kust, real Dntuasctia blades, that you could roll up like a-rihbon. Ma- lj.l)r, llet'k, wLo Irottglit tine tpemtnen from np- l-e v .i.t f -111 in ! P' KCTP. lhat th Sorter is a nutii. of .-V-.1..1...... " -i " the Holly '.and. and i.a typo or ynrietv of tlie U.a r.1.1 oi a.w.nK.,1 th. io.ii.ti.m and .ot twwe ot .wcn. caiint i ne -no., ot if.. Ilwasailiusti-ii himself eomfortablt when! hhnron' dtu"hteyrBhWhcm BOl.t2J;'r IMIWmry returned from the jail. PiiUburri l" r'? 1'rT' "Jl."M,!l lf Vf "; .eing n old man with a bundle in th. w.gon". i t i-'""- J V ,i end cigerlj- nf and an office, .landing by tb. tide of it, came to I ,,r.l'.T ,c'!' " l'r: vl"" m,,,?,n. ef ""'r i.. u...t.u. ek.t r......... ... u,,,i. .,. and prilsrH.inc' at,a vorn ot. tlieir ecntehr.Ti vi,-tl.m; while the latter was keeping watch over . " . ' ' " v-yi'-' cj - him. ItTa .noment ftor tl.V, the poH""" ' iT' Vl rl, ,"!"Kl,,,,,, b- h ' marched out of the Oity Hull with threw ladies , I TembW ft ke flower, l,tb opened arid ..i i . ! .. .... j....' doted, are rulnntrcd uonti totnlis of two i f the ami ecrren. ironuemen uoutiuis eoiiik u lur i , - . . . ;p . , . , r. .1.:... I.. enwaderi htiripd m lh Temple Church ofLon- ThaladVwTid-.l.min h..ill- token Ibeie 1 Uon,atlU also 111 tllC latlieOMlb 01 ISaV.OX .M t eat. Cant. Uwi. jumped in, inti-odnoed AiiW" VMn?,7 ""! twenty Shilling whip to the Mention of a $100 "P )"",rPW ' ,U '" horae, and Marled for tht Penitentiary. The old : W"J pvenM tM .1. -..-il-i .1.- ' I- - Tieeuliaritltf of tht htthest and lowest eleurea. ..niirutii lataene who in. new vuwan 111 m .. . , fritndly manner, and thought for the time being fb. f,"",m Ktiictinned is, lost th. flower that he had got m the moot agreeable K:iety that! !' Pwteatr) oe.ced-ve.sol f the plnnt thai it he bad yet met with .inee he left "Varmo.it." Srow W d'jtert or sandy places, and falls in dtie At tht hi) of Hum street the old gentleman said ! '' " "hold oa." Mr. Pillsbury d. "silence." , Old j ,",u " Mph .1 genl said, "don't want logo further.". .Mr. . """ n,m year. u n.s.ov ue ... Pillsbury Mid. "quilt likely, hot h mnn aak , ",d but roi", of B,","1T keaf.ingel.wed. a I al a . . af . , .1 V tt SB I I B I 111 I I St. . BAIAal tiUmA MM Him pi nntsn up tne nae." tun rent ir.sieled i ,J r , ainiin wa I'l umii,.ubb I . iiiku")..! ... . ' . - exquisit adaptntmn ol mciin tu tine uoauiilul i.eu me- that bttsH.es called him tolhe Cl.errr Ynllay ' T.W 0:w"'l"' turnpike, Mr. l'ill-bury said he wul"i bare to I B"i Uu": ' ' Malma.a it ba a aoa'tdni.oia "t'-Jl.'.A i-,1.1 ! tO Bfl rd, exbllmed tU gent persUted In getting not. Mr. F. Mid if-h n"n ot' ,m'u.10, "r,k,.r ",l"0,1',(io0 0,n' nndertookit he would "shoot" film down. Old i "Betd'nnd tuneltrded. gent said "suou eonduct is tHitrugnous." and wanted tukaow what .. uioant ! Mr. 1'illsbury aaid lis would drop hint a line by the next mail, and let him knoty Old (rent said if he didn't .top tht wagon ba'd jump out, Mr. Vill.bury Mid if be did iio'd chuck him in ag iin. Tli. old 4 oli ii Hancock he appeared In 1183. One who saw Hancock in June, 172, relntrt that he had the appearance of advanced ?. tin hnd been repeatedly and ..verelr aftlicird with gon, probe.!. Ij owing in part t the custom ,1 , , , , in Miiiiatits; i.aiivu a vi'iuiiioii iirii;i.ve ill n.lu f.y .b . '" ioiomp,nut iiewascugnt ,jrcuM in ...e di.ys. A. rec.lle. te,I at the time ay crease, f o. Among the ol.jrots met worthy Ii ofnole was a oomplete c..lle'tion of aiibigraphe ot all tne most distinguished wit., savan. and men of letter. In Kurope. By hi trill, th. lale Alexandrt Tinconi left to the Maxayint Library X maniitrripls which would ecem lob of great value. A for bi forlunt, he ordered that it hould be divided between th poor and tbt church of Lst I'ttits 1'cras. ii -.OT.ier. ana mans eo Lax. nis sear in k ia ; ii i. c... i . . .... . . .c 1,.. c . , , . 7 , , . ' aiioosa was nearly six lees 1.1 lieilni, alio Ol bolt'""., of the wagon, la tin. oond.tiou bt reached , ,h j- wr,m- UM,m. . iiu)s. ,Bd .mMvtklh .. tlie I'enil.rtiary. "What plsc. it Ibis?" m a .1 . c . . feebled by discc. His manner were vcrv grt- eiout, of tbe old ttyle, a dignlfiod aumdiiitan:e. Ink fe hat le jery hnnrtsome, lirews "A chair fnctory iuiun out and lake a look.' ....... r j ' v . ftitaory 1 want no chair bictorie. 1 , ,d,u.d otiite as mucll lo the ofn.menta! the t. , i . tell you again, l'v got business on th Cherry j BMful. V alley Turnpike, and ean't fool my lime Unking c,mim,'( A fearful Adventure. Gentlemen wore win hen abr .rid. and at rat-tan. Tb protest, however, did no giiBd. ) ,iH,ut nm,( WM arv.ma in a rcl t rivet The old gent was bundled out lit wa. marched i p, within which waa out of fine linen, The Into the timing room, where ht wa. "astoB-1 mtnrd an over tht l of th. velvet ished 1 past belief." II was ndrettd, and bf j ont ,w0 or u,, ilM.b(M, ,, wo , w, liamvk fort h. ctHild enter a ptvtest, wa vh1 into a , ,,wo liued with silk, a white .atin emhn.ld. re4 bathing tub, lubUtdown with a sofi. brick, and waistcoat, black aatin s.nnll clothes, white .i.k n-lallcd in "the eucdo.t purof tmwacr h , .tookine-a. and tad maroon. . liners. It .... a ever saw" He waa then registered and sent to ..,,...( .; i. ...i .;i. i . bt shop for t job td-work. litre his lud gnakH tIlukarU of punch made m tbe m.rraing..,d placed brt.k out a fro.h, aud 1 wa rapidly leading to ' , when tb teaeon rciiuired it. At Una rebellion, when one of the keeper. ipropoeed to; , itil Hank t.k from the cooler .tandin. ..n AiaVaa. siaavy a. in B e Bewgaaav . CAllI.e tM, ww. Udaee-raaet b La. Ir-a Vlae B alaaa, La.ca' Meac Bea., . aaal TH aVw,alata aablalUtnk)lMlla hBMi Bca-ln, f .-..a. fw.t, Baa aewne yewa. ( all tad .. a Iw.eMwMa P.TI.B Bbv I it te4i a. abbe M at -Wi 4 r aaal Saase abcea la aa avCees wae. aba a4ae raa- a.f lata Ilea seaaa af laae aaaleelat, ab.ae mm rsen.b te , Baad be gc . U aiyaeaei taaa.e ta tba aactji-a MaaV. tale SM ! ea fe Has a . eavoiy aaeaa. Bifbat tC tbe Maec"es a4 at ebae fc-C lb Ih... ..alee, abaok -fc.d la lana. ill ta Was m-i .... aaaaalactace at ( a ae AVaaiV". ta aaaaua r a w aaa aa.l.ri.l. akUe at i rely Baa. Bad mm aa taasaaikls ttrtae at aay atealtw I L. Ve. dawacw I . a BI lim It-ly. Bawaa ta ible ewaatry . iHteca la peasva as ky Bull a til taaat auk peasapl a4 -,.'! a..ct. aad a. paifnaal'y tadMNt.4 tm stieaal taata Bcaavdwag betwaaw Patba A lrf v) lot ef Monnilrtfr Good a B-a.kaa.aee. M . ! aateaat fiat as Oxba, A.eaccae tad IM. .n. m n. s, th Km. ij. ia a It af aagmera.l.ia lag., " I ve t great Bafod to ktvark y d iwa f r yn UaoffccaMe aa swrBava, y aat yaw petppy. Aa4 there, t.r, t my aaed. ef yow w sal tie MUafaetlua ol a geaile saaa r T rai-ad tbe rard Ilartey (f ( M hiss Mb. left k.sa, beetling wilk laughter Ml., did ea. -Teea. aay r"d frlkitj !" eried Harvey, as ht WrM kata Tta'. roMw He Mil day, with tb t laeaaa.ag mf aaa. la aw lu laea Taa, I'tt git aaweik.ag i.lcaaanl lo say t y. . Y lak mt . my la 7ell..w ! It ell lied, aad l ea tbt la. k.a4 (: bt to I yo pengraiauta tae, tsd her, r " ft m ii a. mm lak tsy Wsarh sway. I Baal Ulasea. w ky yw taid mm yaaaawwat yat) abated Bee to take last ol yaeu heads "S-etisasar " Aad the tee aatal leead ynaeeaalf la fail, t 1 1. f'naa bark J fed baaaKardly feateated It help ya " - I adya V arWd Harvey, Uaet) tf tttateM gad shaate eaaauiig late ks fayesj. Tht Missouri Repnhlican. in a letter from a Ksnsas eorresttondent, hi tja following; ... "At H. Joseph. 1 saw Mr. A. I. Gorman, of New York a ho hnd lust eorne in from the inoun tains in sm li a slat, of prostration and nlfl.ctina a. could only ha, been oc.'aei.ititd by.nchex- pwura, hai.Uliip and (uffuring as, pcrbpa, no other man ever survived. In torn nan y with a Canalian t'reucliman and two Kentuckians, ha left tht country of tin Blackfeet Imlinna last Fall, lo join Curverion and parly al Fort Picrra, and aoenmpany them to ihe-Stntes. They ar rived al Kurt Pierre two il.y after CulvereW detiarttire. and lis-lene.! on aer. in tht hone ..f ai si lakmg him. tli. lb thud Hny, one of- ihoe annw tormt known only in Ibott bleak and tle valed regiins,openrT-uion them, ll cams down in ai.lid nias.es to the depth of lour feel, and wa blow a alout by drifting w inds, leveling uneven places, penetrating snd filling their wtiirnu and clothes and oliatrunting their irogrta, Kvening wm appnatrhing, and limy resolved to make out effort to reach a more protected place before the Bigtil Ml In. J licv urged their h .rest forward, but had'md proceeded more than a few hundred yards Uormin be'ng mounted ao ont of lb leamtttra, and hit companion la the w.gon when .adilenly be felt bimtelf precipitated, be kuew not how far, into aa ibyat Af now. He wm onmpletcly entered over, and could n il tell which way to torn, II. struggled on, bow.v.r. making a alow and tediou. wav, until ht csina la the aariaew heeuppoae a hundred yards fnn where he aauk. lie looked anxiad for hi. erqa nmfis. Iiul neither lin y nor Ilia wagon onuld l Met. The .lee wbert ihey bad fallen into the cliasra wm smoothed over, and presented a plane of enow. He eried aloud f. r them, bat was only answered by wild and wailing wind. A feeling of dread and d.'nlation and doei.air tsmi over biro, and b. wm alsuil lu yield him self to Ihal ilesili whi. h eremr.1 inevitable. Al ready h.d Hit c .I'l pmt-nled his frame daik. bcaa wm eovein.gthe skies ; the irk-reaaing wind, whirled lb still falling snow more furUeualy ; tie waa abase ia a vast, intnapitahle, tnkaowa eaainlry, with out pe.ii.i. n, without .hell' without arms or ammunition, and hs wm foarfo t lak a step in any dirertiidt, lest b. should again be lamed In emu. deep ahyaa. Ilissa.a- bovd WM sulalaed, baw.pt tik a child Ut metaoriM of his happy I erne, and of bis mother, earn Iraah up.n l.im : It knew th msny an Uhm houra, ll.t Btuerabr. rear, thai hitai.ku..n t fata would c.nae her i if he eoul l only Mod her wb word of sf.'.-tionvte ailieo, be eoulj die in fcaac but that could not b. and be must rows bimnclf. H offered his fl rat p rarer f.r heavenly aid t ht arate aad moved H.rward ihrough lb desk uet ft. d the ilrifia. He taawetimea fell fr etbeuetioB. aad felt inclined In repnaei bat ht knew that mi mtiment nans wm fatal, and b. struggled ob. The Belt dy l.t mm l.aal.ea, which gstt kim b'.ft of real end warm'!. Vol tint bt ree-hed ti.eiw he pseud lei hi. ditsaay, thai t Ke as alrh a. b. hie prarkel were wet and av.ile aad could B-s) be Ignited. Ihafaetkad aaveaem. mm areb and Bwc.llee. (ma eoeataol walk ing M lo bare tba soke, front hie ah.aaa, aad bt wm nnllad to era w I aad tumble himself along. Tba. h. worked hie way eh.aly hat BBeeaa, li.gly ll.enaaa. the Baft Bight and tli Beit day, be Boating a oca Cunt each hoar. Bad entering a tb.aaaaada deaths f r .en hangar, thirst, fmwted lisjiha. anee feet, wewrtneae aeed 4n.wa.oeaa. wreea ke daawrvat hut a alvert wav of. (ioddenly rati red. like a eaalle Riekeviagia U.s -ket, be apraag aad raa forward t lew eieea aad aerawsaad f.ay help, and b II eeoaciacs la the ssatw. Kaate lexlutne al lb bal saw and card him, and went aad benight k.ea in. aad Bee 4 all D.e.r 1 1 al. pal I tea ap-ia hsa , bat It wm se cecal shave Barber be ewtarerat pa ea,ae-brweeeea, aad ti f besg' weak, before k Uft has teed. He best several id hsi tvM aad le othaewiM penaaaeatly mjaeed, bait, Ihewagh th. aaawiaieM trf nsae geneeiMM paitttm.w ad ha. altawpb, bt wul b. ta.tdtd la rMctt hit kooat. Hat eniMiot kste Mte haea heard ef. Tbt tlant whee llaty taveaal ad Mr. trf Beta Barer iisaad to be. enseal khitty tbilea Iroea wbetw Ibe eteaaae tk kite llksard leaa I bast the anew tu Melt deep la the guketcM Wbea be Mltbarr. gir him "a s'nowering " Instead of that he w K.xeu up n a tell. lhU amshed ap the bust eea on lVasdaT avwning". On Wsdnesdav. Mr. 1'lllebur' wm down gtreet. called at th. Polio Office, i, a entered into c iiivcrsationwith Wha- len. "lul a aueer old customer Bt lb l'cnilentit. "WholsheT" "That old fellow I took Bp yesterdsv." - . . "W hstl the old man with Ihe handle, who sal in tbe back part of the wagon f Tht saint. Ht it th uoeereat aetin mrisoBar I ever aaw." "1'ris.ener ! Why he f. nap rise r. He lean bMrth full tankard, and drank Iret hnov.ll, and then olfered it to tbo praaaut. His .quip. ag. wa. splendid, tnd suoh aa i. not oustuoiary ' at thli day. Hi. apprirol wm .umntuuualy eio broidered wtli go)., .ilter ktoe, and orher deco rations faehion.ole among men of fortune of that period; and lit roils, ttpecinliy npon public icv ion., tix leaotilul bay horeca, attended ly torvanta in livery. He wort a acarieLcutt, with tufiie. on hi .lucres, which boob beanim.tU pre vailing fMhjoB, L A Hard Case. . TlraulurgCUisli.Hudmg tuth. difficulty bid cb.p tli.l jpat lu the wagon for tlie purpott ' "rW" lh Ueeforjo in tmdrng rounds of riding to th lop of Washington ttreel." I for eppuaing Mr, Fillmore, remarks: . " . Ti?? , V? ra .'. ... Tu ,r",h Mr- rill""" " eonfo-e, l told him h might. Hain't he loll yrm?' , rnthcr 'hard case." Alm.dM any oil, or mnn n oourse not ; i twiiaam gtr Bimaenance. j hss sum tulneral in i Iajtiint, Bi-r.tilfy or p'.hti. in reaiiit of this Interview may he very tnsily j eally.which inignl be luocesetully aa.ailtal. I!iit guMse.1, Mr. P. discovered Ihal he had made a h,, ea.lted private character, hi mnvitldijig ,.., ., , . .pan in rwcviry n. A. integrity, aad his coneieunt, patriotic, and t.a arm m a. ana Id rwuirB te the Penitentiary, ha il,-..i -.,, i.;.i., .,s ,. . ; .. . relea the did gent and apelogi.ed. 1 he ad States, are familiar to the country, and lt. Miue- msn saio. want n.an...gie,, man U.at tharet tloll, ,laj. a,.d. .f warfare owelty ree,r my head he. g,-t t.. paT f It." 1 ted lo by attli Amanuaitism will prove unavailing. StyiagihU. tht o d genl seiiad hit huniX, Th, dig.nu,N rh.rge of Ale.liii.mi.rn w.. i .lammed to lb ball door, and wm Into th etty. j jtf Ullt ,,, Hi. "Joelle" loo .t.l. to I rrl He called at the IM.ce Office and ma.le hi. ao-, Utd Bvtw by the anecpectlng and rrrdul.,.,. qu.intanraiiflmin-elltr Breee. .Brio, beard tht pan, of lilt party. Tnteo.lea Ur.o will .t..ry..nd im.ne.1 stely cmenee,! a suit rjrfn'-e, crya.d liuat intuit le their iulei.i ...... .ml bopriMrimeol. IU lav. ili dam.ge. .t ?5.(KiO, Wlt, ,rM M ...j,,M ...d gr.undl-. .,, mii.u.a- 2 w T."' ''' 'r'lilt'n". "it ri.mt ltm ,h tht trwrn and eoi.teini.t H deere. ti i S. W . ''ri'Bfd. P'iHi!d a verdu i U render-, ina Wo alw pretend to Ul.eve that Mr l i!' d agHin.l tapt.r- B arncy M h.hm .honld ! ,11 ...t ace.d tl.a m.m...a.U.n. l..,..i..m least " go halvw." Let ns hop. that bt will do ' BfMt la (ha. tla.la.inv K..f . ... . . it..:. .....I. , f-r M car.nin m the son will (. t.-iiunrow. I Millarvi tillmorawill b lb Mandard bearer ! I lh AeUri B party in lb coming cotiieat. o. Male lUiee TrihWn. ' I.U.I.B. Th Ameriraa (iu iBoCanpanr, tavt t! e New York Tribnn, have rv'i ltid further and imr-.t A Maaaa.ee Rarltl .1 Be a. During Ibe recent trip of the ttttm.r I'mplr ! City from Havana to tint Port an Incident oe-l earred which left a deep and pecmaue.it imprea-1 a.o apoa the i.Md of all AB-board. lleasthUBt: all llnaa A lu .1 . 1 ....... 1...4 I. tf !-- 1. .!. .. C... ., . ... -.. - . .na ana nn.K w. s vsni rv..iat.'-r'oi tnea;i.:oat ll.rxiiAiistitle U 'j. .ace Tevri-. claim, hi. owa are the tea, and rudely ,, ,..,,, , ,. Mrer. tb. .w.od-...i. which lav.ri.bly conn.ot , "f, Sa" U!,,wl "J" "' 1,1 th.ax who iimruey together ur-.n the grMt deep, i T1,r or ' "A whaler ba. h- co peculiar feeling is eiperwneed thai linger nraaa txbtbitcd to lb vlficrrt of ibiaexmpsny their I ' the .d, andeauaM an. to r.ewibar iid!y Ket.W, sleoaaing tlnllliey l.nJJ t .i. f.r yesra. what w.wld. an.ier clherrlrmimaUiioi, i . .. .... p.- away like tbe .simmer breeM, leer iogliuU nd Mw ' bt lU An.rnc.n w.,. or ns trace apva tbt msmory. j Lb r led tl.ere. Tbt rxittenct of t'.s i.ltn I, a., i Tht tame day lb tlwamer left Havana, April' Ihal It It f.vercd with gn.no Biieart rot place 1 llth, U wm iwperttal to Caret. Windle thai erne of t,.y.d t d,)U,t. On. of the eapte.in. I t ly af Oalvwaioa, TeiM, had died tt three o ebtck, , . . .. ofaontumption. and ia etanrdaBC with taste, i "M ni wk t'rP' Tf b1,p l e 1 mary asagM ateaerved at tea. tbt remail.s war. with guano at this Ulsi.J. Ti e le oi c of t! placed la a bama'a-k Bad laid apew the ,oar--bm ia.p-.rUnt discovertr f tr,!t rmir.i.y it. .1 deck, la ordee ta be bwrted at taaaet. 1 be de- . . av . l .. .-Med wm a Ibe, Arch Mm. fTermerly al-j k" U- " h k ,b lie. larhed ta a lelge and Chanel ef the fraternity a me etry .a '.sne.tim ; ana m mere were sever-, al of (are mystic lie eej Ueard lb Meatner, It wm raw .Led that the dini.nl ahould be .interred with : the klaaonat laiHtor. pavmltM to tie. Order. I A f.rmal demand waa mail, a p.. a Caja. Wia.ll. ft th. rew,WrHi, wb pnonptly svwcdvd to th. ra qiiast, with II. at Brbauuly which is ao marked a trait la his char an ae M t geatlamaB I and aa th sub wa. B-ml ....king beneath lh. s that were placed ia charge ef sa.-h of the r. cm iV M wera aa board, to be barard by theta a .lb lh last eed ntM paeuliar ta Ihe iaaiilauow. Tbe reansmt wheh bad bear.) anveewd L lh I lallevl hlalee flag, wee laid aa lh. eleiB of th. a. anawer, and aa tbt ship', bell began te toll at bitervale, ll bretheea f.red a cirr a arreaod theeuepae, wbea the Meaaaie burial a.cvire wa lasnii(.iHy .Uli.e.sd by Peat Meter J. R I ii.utt at Ne) York, wba peweided ae seaa'ar aw it... a. aoe. i m ereeaveay, oaaal.luliy impretane al all tta.ee, wm rwiark.t.ly e area tf... .--eaaMHei and whea th. Worl.itol Brother pr.rt.mir.red the word, W a. tharel.iea, tueBmil the l--rly af oar d.erted bnHher to in great deep t hi a-aet-aew ahali eauaaia aaera Booa Lba aabisr. af aar keeuta, whil. bit e..ril shall reierw ante l.rcly lad'pcedtrit ot I era r.r I'. t i.l tileser. A peean l.ki"( M a at a akeleeutHl lb other day, a-ke-l y wag d aetne wbee be got theat lie rcjJert B I r eel" f lew. ' O It M 1! U II K i Th Korth Carolina Form look, AIMMI .11 Ik . Sa4 astral l.ee...l,.. baalecie e.ae.ac4.ea bcrw.. e ae a.. a..... a. Well aa la aaVirial ata.Maaai b ga'bee . b Iki ftmtltitl.1 ( l.fik UhS.ii ui. t lh UITf.ll T 4 T i: TllKatrr nxia thk rrrs r t LKhk.-i, f-llr I, It I ,S .1... relaadeeed las ibeaaaaf Iba I iat.aa ae ..,,b c" . -sad aaa.ta aaw.faaala la la. . m r .,i . , a a . a. 'be leae I.e.,. fa- aa.e ky lll.l.k J.HIUf a. te, I. a, ii a I aw s a .-i . tt a.. . I l. B.I.. ah, Maeab. Ita. In T U.at bagaet I. " . elegit plunge wm bMrd and th dfr-Maad bad mma l I... Ul't but hwewe, ae ubipbbhhI by Ihe btei I ad Wuedt of " Bias, ay leerwtatrl" rVieat tberae uf ibe fraternity who htem-a-t th bckea ha a Bpoa tb aaiarlat deck of tbe ll at af twry far aieoeveaM that Bay memlcr af th cre'l I bwrwd w"h Ihe b-e-r- . f ' i r i If. rprlag't tw 1 .'l. V1!K rrral beiacea g..d .na k. Oa.dnat i-ci. e. I. It. Brce.iad ud for bala be Ol.he. IJ, .".. I 1)1 1 1 s r WiM. lll.--i..;..) l.-fc iari.1 a r w-e iiioi a,,i. , aatd fa a . ? a, !.. .-., at-lHH aad,.uil .4 - ,t e

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