A NORTn CAROLINA STAR WEIXNES DAY MORNING, MAY .141 8T5G. toti-Can)Iina Star JR AXlE I G H .NJC ""Wednely Jforning, Kty 11 1856. RATIOnAl AMERICAS IICtEI. na raitiDr.r, MILLARD FILLMORE, of mw toes. Or TIKIIWII. - ' roi oovinnoa, - j - - JOHN A. GILMEE, OF OtJILrOBn. - ' Thy Flatter th Heath to Deceit llcrt When Mr. Fillmor dust into power after th dcitb of Gen. Taylor, he removed from offioe eve ry nu who wn an avowed Freeaoiler, and ap pointed Bon bat national men in thtir placaf. Oencral Pierce andaii Cabinet, on the oontrarj, hart been flattering the Van Buren Freeaoiler . Seal ping- Indians. A letter from Florida ia the Savannah Repub lican atatet that after tevered Indiana were killed by the Flurida Volunteer, two of them were ecalped, and the trnphiea tout taken were carried into the while settlements, and "exhibited to all person j having the enriualty to examine then. ever tine their alevauoa to oBoa. The removal t W (M rw with lh Mobita Advcrtiur, which of Judge Bronaea the repudiation of Dickineon -the appointment toJBce, of Cocbr.ne.-Re.de, N k ltel abocking, and i the -and a net of other who endorud the inf.. T fwW PUet moo. Htri. f ,K. R(r,i w-ar. . ,010 '" b"arm. procedure. The scalping ro.Ticx-pmi.ii.iiiT, Tir""'. bifcii the legitimate weapon of the eav.ge- ASDniOTJACKSON-DOX - f ""w MUMIIUICei KUUtt. AUn r)U apBoaea Mr. ltllBnoret Cllngman, Seward, and the Pope. Clingmtn oppoeea him, beeaaae, baring taken a position araiast the AaMrieaa l'artj, h cannot eapport him without endowing the party be hae eo shamefully aboeed. It is not forgotten, however, that, in 1852, he wae clameroua for the aotnina tioB of Mr. Fillmore, who ia the tame bub, and quite ae ajieritorioue now, aa be wae thbn. Seward oppoeea Mr. Fillmore, berauu the latter hae proTed'himrelf one of the moefdendly enemiet to the AboliUoniete, and because be aigoed and enforced the Fugitive Slave Law. iiMnuvi. AIHI ; . . . . 1 ....... ... in addition to thi, the - Union but the other i mma MW rnecte1 th "KM OI "" Fillmore, became be ie da donl.,! K. tb. .. ti-.j Ei-.ii j.i . on n humanity it nu no place in the opposed to ie free con the anion of from New Yok mu.t be rejected by the Cincin-; b"d of ,l" CbrU,Un Ut America. I Prepare for the t ea teat. yt moat urge on the friends of the American nomination! the neeeseity of prompt action in or- other Northern man with Southern feelings? " nati Convention, and th , Soft Sh.1! d.h...... "' a "" M -' admitted What think the "peculiar friends" of the Southern- Right of Una movement? Will the &uth suffer it.elflo be humbugged with in Mi. Fillmore would guarantee to all men the right to worship God according to the dictate of their own conscience whether Protestant or Catho Ion raa "bti. ' . Plymouth, April 57, K6. Mr. Editor t-a-Probably yon would like to hear from aa ia "Gkmona little Wuhington. It affords me great pleasure to inform Ton that ere are "all right." FILLMORE IKINELSOX GILMER are the name that hare been choecn ae our tandard-larert ; and yon may depend we eball do our lull duty fur them ia Anguat and November next. 'Will any one refuse to eapport inch men T .- None anlees it be those who are held in vassalage to party or are ignorant of the history of their put Uvea. Some who know bet- IprUf tittk at Boeti ill Uta TBI Bt'DMCRIBEB Uta leave e Inform hie nametwae rrieada aad eaataawra, that he hae jut reeaived a hwfe aad wait eeleeied etack of the belew named noda i Udiea Tar. Kid Ceara. Bd. Oaitera, TheiIop-ena hi miniona nppoaa thejobk! ter will oppoa them because they are not of the ganiiing fully for the campaign. Let etrong men be brought out aa eandidatca for the legis lature in every county wbereJhere ia any prospect for euoeee. In a mnjority of the Electoral lia tricta no Elector! have been aelccted. It ia high time that our friend had begun to move in thie matter. We cannot expect our principle to tri umph unices they are explained and defended from misrepresentation before the people. All we want i ducuuion. "V have confidence, in the patriotism and intelligence of tlie people, and we. are forced to the conviction that when the doctrine of the American party are understood they will be approved. Let n have dicusaion then at Jill quarter. Our standard bearer i in the field. lie will do hi duty nobly. Let u rally around aud suatain hiiawith leal and bold- nou and w need not fenr the consequences. Action then Actios ! , . - . keep the Hall Moving. ' ' The American party of the old Joniinion had a'glorioua Convention at Staunton, in that State, a few days since. Many able and distinguished men were in attendance, and a number of patri otic epeechre delivered. -The tnect apirit and greataat enthusiasm prevailed. Elector and as sistant Elector were appointed for the whole State. Messrs. Flournoy of Halifax, Botte of Hichmond, Stuart of Augusta, and Carlisle of Harrison, were (elected to canvass the State, da ring the Presidential campaign. Patriotic Re, olutiooa were adopted, one of which condemned ia the itrongest tertna the doctrine of "Squatter Sovereignty" a ruinoue to the South unjuat and unconstitutional. Oar friends in Virginia .will do their duty like true patriot. : May victo. ry perch upon their banner 1 The cause in which they are fighting ie the cause of th country. - The Northern Democracy. Th Charleston Mercury is in favor of Pierce' re-nomination. But it doe not like the Democ racy. It av! "The Democratic party ha been overwhelmed at the North bv Abolitionism, ana I powerless. either for it own national enda or the protection of the South. The party u AbuhUuned, diameuv bend, aud prostrate." - Mr. Cnmhack, of Indiana, a Demoeratio Free toiler mad a apeech in the Hone of Uepreaenta tires en the 7th ult., on the Ksnae eontested lection cat, in which be declared that "he atood bv the old leini -aT doctrine, affirming! the right and duty of Slavery inhibition in the Torri riUirios hy Congreaa. The d octrine proclaimed by Northern Democrat before the passage of the Kansaa-Nobriuka Act, was that th Actw intended nut only to make Uioee Torr'.turiea free but to estaldiah a cordon of Free States to the Pacific." The country ia becoming acquainted with the real Slavery eeutimeata of the North' arn DeiniMrracT. Let thetn remember Martin Tan Buren. - r At their Ulity Work again. The attempt of the leader of the Locofoco Party to excite sectional prejudieea,' and arouse en part of the State against another, to serve Party purposes, is ao much like Locofocp'uin, which ecru plea at no means to accomplish its pur poses! If there ia a man in the State, who ha been more liberal to ail sections, the Eat and Centre a will a th West, than John A.Gil mer, we don't know him never beard of him I IeitTbomaa Bragg? Where are the proofs? I What vote did be ever give by which a single foot of land a single neighborhood or village in the State, ha been improved and rendered better off in reality or hi prospect ? ' Where is it ? Point It out 1 Yet, there are men mean enough, to excite the Eaat against Mr. Gilmer, who ha never failed to vote for every meaaur which wa calculated to improve that and every other part of tli State t We uk again where are th tro phic of Gov. Bragg'a patriotiam and liberality ? When are they t , become u to retaliate by imitating hia barbari- tiea. W had hoped that the page in our eoun- Ilea et. he and the American Part v are opposed i try a history which records the fact that aa w tablihing any religion in thie country by American soldier had mutilated the dead body of law, and more especially that of the Roman Cath' hi fallen foe would never be written.. Such an olios. occurrence ia a diagram to ua aa a people, -aad we trust we may never be called on to chroniole it repetition. Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, thus speaks of foreign emigration and its effect upon th South: "The whule ot this vast freeeoil element ia op posed to the American party. In the South (bete foreigners compose the principal part of the so- called Democratic party,, end" actually control it movement, rur-ttierparpuaeot beguiling Boutn- era men to its support, thiaparty now pretends 61 yeara, and graduated at Tale CoUe?e in 1813, tonoaiwitn ttrepipuiarpro iavery party, out. Hi appearano a an author wu 1J13, and.in ifit should thue attain power, the mask would ., ... , , . . . be thrown off and it would be found elevating to 1822 " "' the m,i popular poel in the offico nunc but foreignere and freeaoilei, to the country. In 1821 he was appointed an aaswtant exclusion of native born eititene and frieuda of aurgeon in the I'nitod State army, and stationed constitutional right. If the true men of the w p . ol.emi.tr, f but be South will consider this uhject with calm deiib- ' . '; eration, casting Aside all partisan prejudtoe, and resigned hi oominuuion after holding it few influenced only by facta and by light of reason, J months, and returned to literary pursuit. U they must be convinced that their place i in the creat Ji2ui,tic acouiremenu, and as- i Noah Wabeter in the compilation . of In rights, aad th perpetuity of the Union itaelf, great Dictionary. He had made a geological ur- aud the preservation tione. What Ba Me Den! . It ia well known II at up to the time of hi nomination in 1H54, Gorernor Bragg wae bitterly opposed to the sole as of Internal Improvements which bulb part lea in our Legislature bad united in adopting erpecially waa he opposed to the North Carolina Central Road so far at leaat, at the aid given l.v tt UU I In 1835 he w . v.- a- w 'H i-!,miTid :id tut ln d . .1 u, g'.ii'., t-i ele.-tion of tif,vt:iiigr M'.he ;-'.'!. Piay, what haa he doi fr toe fh J f t tt.u Si.iU-. S liat V te Old he ever gve which a : !' i i. v i f t . the 'rct',',ij' or b,nur ef North ln.) nak fir the pu, .u lb people ? A more t itter ; a-tii in e. uld not be found In the Sta ? Yet, ll.u lae principles and motive he I aa nnifurmly denounced, are ooliy aolicitrd to give hia the 11, .of their Totes because, foranoth ! he happen t be Gover nor new, and eo far, may have done nothing y wrewg whilst in onea, Thoae who can desert a lilrl minded a patriot a Job A. Gilmer, nndar teh a pretext and f enck reaaun, arn worth bat little to any cans ! The Jenulnga Eatate. Who haa not heard of this famous property in England, which now await legal ownership, and which ha ao many claimant in th United State I Wm, Jennings, by whom the estate wa left, died In London, in 1798, agod ninety -seven years. He had been page to George I., and dur ing the long period of hi life he had remained a bachelor, more given to penuriousness than hos pitality. He wa th last annuitant of the Ex chequer Tontine of"100 in share, for which he received 3,000 a year for manf year past il had property in almost every fund, and such wa the immense wealth, that the dividends on most of hi stocks hev not been received since 17C8, nor th interest on hi mortgage for a long time. In hia iron cheat, the key of which could not be found till after a long search hid in a mort gage desk there were bank cote of the year 1738 to the amount of 19,000 and eeveral thou and new guinea. About 20,000, were found in money and bank notes at hi town and country house, and also a key to the cbeet containing hia mother' plat and valuable, which is depos ited at Child' th banker, and ba never bten opened since his decease. Ue i reported to hav e a'way kept 50,000 iu bia banker' bands for any sudden emcrgoncr, and had not drawn a draft on (he bank 'fur the last 14 year. He never antil he pit very old employed a regular ateward. Aa miuent attorney of Suffolk once offered hii aa, aistauce a hia aduit, thinking the fatigue toe great for Mr. Jeouinga' age ; but be was answer ed, - What'. Do you think I can't writ! tJea Case en Millar Fillmore. In MnTchyr5ti, Lewis! aae, then whom there ia not a more devoted partisan among th promi nent men ef the eoutry, delivered a speech on the fioorof the Senate, in the course of which he paid the fullowing compliment to Mr. Fillmore'i integrity, and to hi efficiency in " patifying tkt country." W quote from th Congreii(iial un-tuM The t.lm.in...i;,. l.a .l;i:u ..'' hi !, in jrrat fttsrk uf .'-.- io--- !s;e rej- '-V. i lh IliC' i ' f S; 1 I-mi,:!-; , 4. U, 1 .li.ir.ll i..-.iiii and ' . l. '-ii. at tm Mamt j ,,.'m'iF, I J . 1 - ii 'ii'ti-4,. bot I aui a liem : at. j.d liu wi .l 1 ms4 I. die on. Tnie if i Wi, i Adm ,uHt:aiu-n, tiut ther ia nu reason The Camtl Uxedlthn. The United State atore ahip Supply, diapatch ed aomctiine aince to the Mediterranean for a cargo of caacla, wa at Kingston, Jamaica, on Thus seeing the grounds of opposition to our noble ttandard bearer, can Southern men, good men and true, hesitate to support the American Ticket for President? We trow not. Aihexith SixxUUor. Death ef . C. HerclvaL Chicago, May S. J.G.Percival. the Poet and at the tint geologist of th State, died on Friday last. " . The deceased wa a native of Connecticut, aged Demoeratio party eee th iuBueuco of a name a nam without th substance. . Our county will certainly give them 173 ma jority; and ifweeould manage to circulate a fewmrecopieiofthe"?iiri Standard" (?) w would certainly give two hundred uiujorHy I " H ' air wicfc airuir Very Itespectfully, RECTI'S. of our republican inatitu- vey of the State of Connecticut, and, at the time of hi death, be bold the office of State Geologist of Ulinoia. family Jam. The Washington Union and tliePennsclvanian tb two ereat ficbt of Democracy the former the 13th ult. Of the animal (lie haa thirty-five the organ of Mr. i'ieroe and the latter the organ on board. The Indianola (Texas). Bulletin of of Mr. Buchanan, are assailing each other vio- 12th ult., says the workmen arc now busy erect- lently, a to wbich of the two shall be the nomi- iue- enclosures tor the camels, that are daily nee ol the Cincinnati convention, i lie -tenn- expectcd at that port, fur service on the Western aylvanian ha no confidence in Uen. Pierce, and ulaina. It is nMOosed to keen the animals at that the Union rather noiutedlv intimate that Mr, place everul niontb to recruit them. Some of Buchanan ia not entirely auund upon tb Nabraa tha animals were nreaentod hv the Vicarov nf ka nueatinn. Ktrvnt to our rovernment. but moat of them were I Ve cheerfully asree with both of them the procured by Major Wayne aud Captain Porter, one is unsafe, and the other1 no aafor. Tbe on under th appropriation i&ad lor that purpose at I is a I reeaoilar and the oilier a r ouaranai. l,ia -..ii.ril're did be tier 1 I ."id not do Uieia jaxiic, and I it it with , . r i itle-isurv. in thia treat matter t,f fie-a'Me of Me !. or the advnm fnieiit of j , . " . . , j . . , continue to do an, whatever oer their paper may e-wtoin, f 1 do it not fur tbrir sake, hut Jttr tkt kt of tkxjmntrZl, Fjvtrk ttj Mr. Vaa ia Me fknaltij tkt I mlrJ iifatct, Hurra 1U, the last session of Congress. Som Arab accom pany them to take ear of them. Tbe whole achem haa alwava anneared to ne extrauielv visionary, and wt can hardly doubt the result in uiter failure. The camel ia a little auited to tb climate and other conditions of thia country. ae any portion ot nur people are likely to avail themaelve of mean of locomotion that heal nothing in common with their characteristic or the teudencie of the age. Parka to ba Kxtonded. The Emperor Napoleon 1 said to have nnder oousideratiou a gigantic plan for extending the city of Pari from it present limit to its fortifi cation. If seems that what b baa hitherto don is nothing In what b propose to do. II ia often to be seen, pencil and note book in band and accompanied only by aa aid de camp or Gen era lloguot, busily ,at work in torn of th filthi est and most unfrequented luburb of tli city. the l'-jigllsh la ludla. Late adticea front India represent that th king of Oude, which .territory the taat India Company hav recently annexed to their domin ion, refuses to abdicate, de laring hi determine tiun to visit England, and lay bit ease Iwfor th ljueen. The company havt given order that all the kintt't property shall be seised in the name of th British government. The eutor, W aalwgtoa I). O lathe last number, the editor announce a "new feature." He says, We have the pleasure of annomn'ln that we shall Commence, about the first of May the puhlicatiuu of an original ftovallrlte. entitled ,4tiorge Montagu; ot. Sundry Passage of an 111 llrgirbited Life; A a Auto-biog raphy." This tain ba been prepared tipreasly for tb columns of th rtpertatur. n 4 eaa nature our reader thai, from our knowledge of th ability of author, tl.ey wifl nut be disappointed if they ook fur a wcrkjf tUrior merit. Bi'k Fr. U Cal'd B. C. Ureara'" Siitrh'd h Engk. Kid Oar. L. L. Tipped Bd. ' Bootee. Galtera, itooteea. Slipper, - Ta'k ATalaJ. Linda.' Mor , Kid ' " Parodies. Brent Ladlea White a ft Mot. - Kid Oaitera, Cash- - " kid Slipper, Bllpnars. Ba.kia. Slippers, Parodies. JUaas. Abingdon t uyiman. Mi. BccaaRsx' organ, the Pennaylvanian ay of hi Imoaratio Highn, th President; "All the Democratic presses in the land, with a sea of ink to back them, would not be able auo- ceasfully to defend Franklin Pierce f n m om of Ins outrageous acta, not yet atodt yrnoiic. Thi killing aenteoc i supposed to bare been written by Forney, wbo wae until lately chief of the Kitchen Cabinet and knew all about what hi muter wu doing up stair. Some of theee daya he will probably do a he advised in tbe rasecf. Jamison, make himself drank and toll all tb horrible secret "not yet made public." . (coatJI'MCaTIP.) RiNDOL.ru Ma.-ON Coli.ioi, Va, 1 Mar 5th, 18S6, J The two Literary Societies of Randolph Ma' con College, will be addressed at it next annual commencement on the 11th of June, by the Kev IM. nuootit, ol fortune cut. t a. V. M. BRANDON. ComtjXMding See. of frank. Literary Society. Mewa fraaa twauaaa Kebraaka. St. Lot is. May 7th. A correspondent from Lawrence in the Democrat savs that Colonel Sumner bad encampted opposite Lawrence on the 25th, with 120 dragoon. He addressed a letter on the 27th to Governor Rabineon, elating thet,the attack of Sheriff Jone had produced great excitement throughout th territory, u well as on the Missouri frontier. He urged on tbe people of Kanaoa the importance of ferreting out nnd bringing (lie aaansain to ' justico. He ay alto that the offence had been reported in Washington, and whatever order abould be re. ived thence, they should be carried out to th er. ... - Governor Robinson replied that th attempted nation was unanimously condemned by the citixens of Lawrence, and if th guilty per on could be found out, b should be given up. It had been the policy of the people of Lawrence to yield prompt obedience to the laws and offi cers of tb General Government. On the day of th assault, th perpetrator of th did wu an enemy of the oitixen of Lawrence, no less than to tli Tinlated law. Mr. Whitfield bad returned to Lawrence on th 27th. Mr. Oliver had acted u bia attorney be fore the Congressional Committee during hut b enoe. There had been a meeting in W eat port on th 2d., and resolutions had been paased denying tbe assertions of th Herald that military panic were being drilled there on the day that June bad attempted to make tbe arrests in Law rence. Mia Car. Rid Koeetta, " Bl'k 11 or. Bd. Beeteee, , Cd'd " " Bl'k Fr. U Gattert, " Col'd - . . ' Kid Mor. aad Ot. Bootses Tk'k Kelts. Bre. ft Col d R. B. Cta. Ot We'.ta Mor " " Ato'd. Col'd Ue Oaitera, '- Mor, Bootoea, Bl'k " - . " f -, Aak. TU. ' ' Col'd " " Cash Bd. BuUoa O.lters. " . rat, Lea. Strap Uhoee aad Pampa. With a large assortment of Gent'i Oaitera, Boot ana sneea. Alto, Trnnkt, Valeteea, Carpet Baga, Micaeia aa Doanei casss. wita every other ar- uoie utnatqr aspt ia a regular eaoe store. PRICES CURRENT. FeteTabo.rg-, May 9. Watty Tb inprye ent noted in out laat eontinuea. Good to prime a ample are in demand, at an advanced price. We quote- good to prune White J1.40 to l 4. A choice rot would probably bring more. Ke4 CoTTon. w e hear of amall transitions al 1 1 6 prim lota. Cona. Market dull sales at S5fe57i from the wharf for country lota C-' -, Oi is asked. Toaaooa. The reeeipta at tieavier and th bremlrs for a day or two paM are larP Tb de mand for good keeping aorta ie go. A great deal ia offered in toft order, which tatter descrip tion is lower. Gcaao. The demand continues active. , Hol der are not quite to stiff, and we quote tale in tarn lot at t 0 per ton. BaiT, Market qaiet, with small tales of Mar- thai! brand at $1 70 to H 80: G. A.tl 35 to $1 40. , Sna. TiraraaTiNK. Small aalat at 40 ctt. WDmilujton, May, 10. Tttrtirriiri Sale yesterday of 102 Mil and to-day of 2i0 do at I, VI for old,-aud $3, 6r new virgin, 2,40 for yellow din, and 1.40 for hard, all per bbl ofb0 bbl. Srra. W bear of no trantactiont leitbev yea tarday er to-day. I Rtwin. Sale to-day of 122 bbl Common, 1,15 for larg bbl. a Tax. Sale of only 49 bbl jeaterdayai 1,25 per bbl. 4 WHtaT.-Sale. of 200 hush. N. C. at 1,37 12 per bushel. En itt Bhij. Sale yeeterday of 300 secoud Band at 1,60 each, 90 day. Fayetterill, May 10. No change in tb price) of Baeon, Sales of Corn at 72 nd 75 cent per bushel, cotton t lower we quote host All la want would do well to call and eumta le, M W. Flonr market weU tupplil-no beft re buying, u I will tell cheap for nak er en I in .,1,,. , eiv lette si i month tiate, to punctual dealer. saF TifK 8GBS0RIBER eontlaoee to mtan faetur in hit usual ttyle, all kind of work la hi lie la th meet fashionable and durable meaner tad at the shortest notice, aad as cheap as the timet win tnora. LOOK FOR TI1B BIOS 0F,T118 RIO BOOT. . HtSBY PORTER. Raleigh, May 9th, 1864. 20 -Ot. poll" MT"tn another column may be found a letter from 11. W. Miller, Esq., of thi City, in reply to aa invitation front Beommitle ef jnileaien to nddraaarh cilitcnt of Salisbury on tb SOtirult. It I unnecessary for n la ay anything in rela tion to thi tetter u every on la aware that a otnmunicauiai front this gentleman It worthy of aa ntumuie perusal. Mr. Miller ta regniar4 by the American Party, u aa able etponader of It pruMiplea and object. Tb Anwricaa party nay wtfl be provd of to able and o tealuw aa adroeaU. W leave but letter to the eonaidera' taan ef nr render. tqaatter wwsesetgnty. In Uls tpeoh in th Uuew ef Rtpreerata. Jvw. Mr. Hickman, hadiag iNsmeerat from rtauylvaan, need th mlkrwing kngnag i "Tbe principle mf v1vattrH er 'popular" oTwiwirntv nadwrlir the an ergaaiabg lh Ter ritory cafK ansae. IteotwIilalM, art hare been tnnght to believe, it most roaaioeal faatwra. Thie i a Bother tpaeiaaeu ef Northern larvae- rary. Proof after proof eon.ee to light to the that lb KetuVerw Imi.Aay, witk eo eottfewt, rvgard tb Ktat bill u ataWtiahltig tatatlsT twrerelgBty, thai drtic ahi.k the luhatd Ksqabwr, the 4r tiar f eVxlkera WtjtaernrT ba taid " af lU Kowtii will wrrtv Mbaatl ta.'' Tartrat t-'sHag. Tb Mepeavdeeit (iaarvla, endar corn a tod ef Ct, . H IwCnrttrwt tamed wt I. full f. re Nlariaylaat aad prateattd very band ppearasM. A wkrM plsw wu bet bt by the Cay. aad wets by U-L Wart. TnepWawj Mpreaearedby Kdward Catatwell E,sj, iaasery " ' " aw apptvpeatl addrao, aad apUd to by UrWl. Whit. Asasnsan Trael Baessey. A Valuable V twlu Tb SwitluKiniaa InstilutHtn bu just rcivt4l by Btaan of itt system of exchangee, the fallow ing work, wbich it one of tie finest production! of tbe asudern press. It i n titled "Architect o- ral M innmentt of Early Chriatanity la Conatan- tinopla, from th Fifth to tb Twelfth t'eaturles,'' aad wa edited by enter ana under tbe euspieea of tli King of Prussia. It is most Iropovtant, fur whole era ia list history of the tuarts utle moot aeevrat tanrey of St. Sophia's Cat had ml. that prototype of Bvtaalind architeetara, aa wall t of utbar Chriatiaa Brehitectural remain al Constantinople, were sieculed by Prof. Ralea- berg, tli editor, aader paenliarly faverable eir- twmMaaea. Ml art W bar received tbe April aamber of B lark- wood's Edinburgh Maguin, pnbluhed by Leon ard Scott ft Ca- 79 Fulton atrtot. tatraix it Gold ttrwet, N York. Prie J ysar Black wood aad on of th fowr Rwriew H the Mr Revlewe Bad Blackwood 110. reeUge, payable qeanerly in dvaar, qb P.larkwood and lb foar Review. M) iwntt I year, til t 2i tsa Blaek wu4 and 1 4 at a year each af th Review, A -e4 Prk. Tkaiktrty it to have f25,0UO for novel writ- tea during hit sojourn in Amtricn, th pat for which lie receive on bit arrival In t.agland. IUctoerad aUmt 115,000 by hie lecture, so that be get f-'aO.OflO fur aix nvaiibt' bend and tnega- work. That it gettiag money ''ratpecubly fust. A Nattto OMtlaaeat. Millard Fillmore, IB B speech which he mad in Frtderirktlwrg Virginia, ia 1851, gat utter- snot to tb following BU Mbtiaseati "When I kk back to tbariitthighwhihj I w bar pasard, 1 fel that there wu danger thar! the days of the I nto were aam bend. I deter mined then, if nemeaary, to aamtca evwry pe litical pmapect I bad in tbeworltb and lite lUelf, to av lb outry. Tie tints Ttaaea aad Me Adrertlatoc. Tb advertisiBg eulumu ef tbe London Tim are stiaia's4 to yi!J r1, eatablukmeal lh worts oat mm ef U.nno.nOO pr ananas. O Irm alone pays th Tiaaee'u high u f IJO.Ott) year lor tdvertiwag, aad there are tweral baai. a atUitbar.to thu pay it nar fv0,0U0 a year hi adtsrUaing lue. A Tilawts tetnw Preaa, Cel. SrryaileT, Ntsnt editor, ta retiring ftuaa tbe tMiaaatl Guatta, pwbliah a yaladin tory, la which ha, uyei -It bu bee my for tune ie know taaay gantlttnan esataened with tb prewe, aad I kav (oas4 few asMf( them that Ware Bot trwt, patient ader diaWlli, wf !( aafaring, aad of boneat laaart." Ma. Fvtttrv, la reply ta lltsue fnm Char! tot aad Ka OrUsn to deliver la asasnta rrael Beeatty. The jam m ef ("we tt 1 was saal f.or At lb aaaaal mewtag the Aar.aaa Trast ! ,.4 , tjrt millr eVler., aad hw sp "tU " New Yovk. aa ff t wu mad to ! a,iaru thru .n.a b4 a b.lf. It bu awaTl-et t anti AaaerUaM any abwet tb Amerisaa Tarly, what Ibty pleaaa, daaeaau them ia Bamaasured term, if tbej ehi nu, tb Fillmore AJalniatrai b s but within itself. nsd all uSciesN to tarltsK the paerib) effort af lb tradiseere af u para, Bobto, aad patriot a genllsana Tb tjsisai lalnu af an parti ea, Ihmof buat tt land, will Bah la ss part ef Men Buhl aadar4 bearer, bear bia triampbaatly tbrsagb tbe eaataaa. Bad plane him ia hit wall merited sat the Preatdeatiai Caair. Let U Ds aaadidaat b aba be may. a th.t.g U eorta.a, a Ulisn.'kst ibaa that af But he pewdisren. Jvha Vaa llurea and tbe CUcliiuetlt'enreiitle! Since John Van Burtn't quarrel with a tli Wuhington Union in November lut, we have heard from hint but once, and then he wu wri. ting to a friend in Cincinnati about the probable action of the National Convention of hia party. "If that Convention dou not reengnire a North," wrot he, "we will let looee a Northern host that will overwhelm the South and Ul tnpportora," No on of tb oipoundera of modern Democracy hu yet ventured to explain tliete wordt of Prince Jubn, and bene we art Ult to guta bi mean ing, : 1 Prince John ia an astute, managing politician. lit knowt that though tbe Democracy adopted B an national platform In I to? and pledged themselves never to diaturb tb Compromise of 1K50, he contrived tomak llieio throw overboard Cast, Buchanan, and Douglas, well known sup porters of th Compromise, and ultimately- lo tak up Franklin litre who had not been iden tified with that BH-aaur. Their platform on that occasion wuaationaL but their candidate (Mr. Pierce) wu sectional enough to rally to hia sup port all tbe freeeoil deserter ef 1P4H. The Son there Statu hav generally laid down t etringenl platform, which they uy lb Cincin nati Contention most adopt to secure the Vote of the South. John Vaa Bureo (spokearnaa for all th Kurt bora Fraeaoilert not tiloueed by traatury pap) took al this Southern platform, and Bay if aa attempt i mad to cram it dowa their throat. they will all bolt, aad ta a proclamation to tb BBti-alavery Demeerata tbroaghout th I'nloa, to rally to titer support ef Joh C. Fremont. More than half of the New Turk Sofia are already eakiatly at work la tb ranks ef the Rapublieaa party, and th remainder (exmpt thoae la once) cling to th Demorratic nrganiuiiua with feeble grasp. Their heart are bow with the Bladl Repuhlirau, and if tbe CoBtentian of th e latter party shall bar the shrewduoea to newt Bat Fremont, (closely identified u I.U fathrr Ia4aw hu aUsjs hss a with the Van Burma.) tbe Ni.fl wili all aooa U eat ef tbe liesBucralie ranks. Prinea Joba will, bewrrer, rawwlato tli Cia etnaati Oavealtoa aarat a eassly u he aad hit era 4 regulated the Baltimore C'avaaiii. Va liaxtly u tbe Rauibera desaurraey talk al-al Baiioaalny aad lh aoranng iA Kaaau In alata Bstdwra, Jvha tad bat Fral adkrranta trill wia a tiatury aver them. The cVwihera spit Ins will kaurk aa4rat the firal shake ofjoha'o Ibamb If the Ciawwaati Coavantioa shall adopt aa platform at all, al mil be just eavb n aae u eaa be ntade towit the prejudioasuf both a-t waa. V II I more la linglaad Say an exchang and ao opponanl in tic t "Hit journey through England and upon th continent hu been out triumphal progrew. A th exponent of American idea and institutions, he ha been everywhere touted, banquetted, and like a whole sou led gentleman, n hu reciproca ted and acknowledged these eourtuia." If Douglu deserves praiae and tb aupport of th South, becauu In aueech at C'liieaco, he expressed regret that hewu not la Wuhington la lime to Tot for the Fugitrre "tav Law, what dou Mr. Fillmore deserve, who wu In Washing ton, and who aigned the bill wbiea thua became a law? Several leading Southern organ of oar Lipponent bat referred to thi regret ef Judge Douglu u a tee of hit soundt.es a. W uk them to be eoBsietentif they eaa't be honest. rilhR Subscriber desires to give totiee that he I hat for ult tht following new aad attract ive Colored Prints, which are fully equal, if aot auperior to any thai hu heretofore beea uwaed. LIFE ON TUE WESTERN FRONTIER; Frost Faiatlngt by A F, lair, . - THE PURSUIT- Site 23 i 30. Representing a skirmish en th Pralre. A Moua. tod Trapper la full pursuit of aa ladiaa Chief. decked in hi war paint and plumet. Th ttvaa warrior mm urging hi horse to hit utmost speed and attempting to dodge the Impending bullet from the levelled piste) of hia foe. Ia the distance, the rut af tbe band are retreating before the riSee ef toe annum. - ' THE LAST WAR WHOOP. Six S3 1 30. The enerrina bullet bu brouxht the trim war rior to the ground, from which he partly raises himulf to givt the lut death yell ef defiance to kie enemy, wae seated on hituddle with the disebarg ed piatol Mill la hi) html, teem to regard him with a look of mingled pity and hat. Th (try mustang steed of tbe ladiaa wildly endeavor to break tbe lasso with which lb Trapper holds him. The position ef tht beautiful blood bay hone of the latttr, hi particularly (ne, at ht'regardt the fallen urage with starting eye, ears laid back, and for feet braced, u If shuddering al the aaearthly sound. fwv Spirited lUtutrationt of Amtritan Lull and Fond Arewery, in Winter. DEER SHOOTING "oa tli Sbattagu" Sis S3 s 30. Two hunters la tht to re around are eroaVhina behind the thlsk eedar bushes, one of them aimiu hlt rill al a Boole back which wttk twt deu turn to bare eome down to tht eppuito falde ef small stream I drink. Tbe fruk anew ea lb gvoaad aad ftllra trees, brokee only by thai kuator fool marke, la finely represented, aad tha whol uen en that will delight th eye ef tvsry tr ef bhs weou erait. TROUT FISIUSO, (through tb ice.) on CUU aagay Lake, Sis 23 x 30. , On th frotea tarfau af the lake la tha fmat af the pleture, ttaadt an eatbuUttle diseiple-ef Itaak Walton, waa, tareagk a Bel eat la ue toe, palling ap a trie Trual t he added to the group ucaatiM " ev tae am eort,? whtoa are lying ea the Hemlock bough beside bin. Ia Ue bath ARRIVAL OF THE AMERICA II Tsaxi Bay utii raoM triors. I f . Brtaittvfft VteUned. Halifax. Mar R. Tb America reached here thi morning with Liverpool dato to tb 20th April. it it reported mat ureal Britain five way aa th Central Ameajcaa question, but will not recall air. I ram plop. Tlie London papert bay oMaiued a aopT of u,e treaty oi reaoe. nucB ot IU roateala have beea anticipated. UIMMT.IICIAU Cotton a trifle higher, bale of lb wuk Burly 100,000 halee. h peculator and xpor- lera tooa arMnit OU.tasi. BreailttufTs a shade higher. Money Cos)! V2 a VJ. I'rovieiuu firm. m-f. bi erata) aa lae eUrarta ef Wa.biagt.w r, nmun twUrli mj, that be prnp-u aett mmm a4 it-v lo j Tu m,., ta iK'.a. moke eowrwkal tileJ4 tvar Sawth u4 w ut. Bad aksaald St the be aaairod bt aUI hat mask to auaiJyrg with tb iatitatlea. TVs UmssVqV' siaat. f(Nu bast tear wu h"al fear But it, liy any aaeidont, a ral ai.nal kxkiag plaifurm abaU b clipped tbna(h. n Will be with the anaortSaadiBg thai the Norihara eapdnera af Ikaar BomisiaM sball alter Um4 "abrioks f- froaj ,m m kanoaa," at4 euatoad that tb Ne braska bill a ill yet aeewr it. The great e-e wtib hi h Fng'sad ibraabed ibeadmiaaMraUna (and the Irwh I'sp'o-s tee) lot eilewea Bod d bvt,aviar t v asahiag pea) with Rooaea, aad tbeewewith abaib per Utile Costa Rare bu l ( irwl tkewt, I ear pretty -l vtdonsas that there are vat vr e4 at owl ejoaear taoof h arouag tl.e"lsueeay " a drfy os al Job t aa Bareu's ihrewta it to -a out her w, w tha II eartaialy be agmeahly diMfprnateal. there aes e-wleailv asaey eigne af evoaasoil ot e4 troal,le ta 1st t '"' lfc oanl af iHraatora. bat U mm wnmrtaL TWbIJ Boa. 4 al l it alto ef canal, tl of aaeigaU rivart, tad .Of) mlhas af swb-otda. It whoa Uel yoat wu o n t) botfctU, tot era M,O",f'N0 lul '. " it t netitnli. Broaoaaewd Filhaer 1 bat oely ta wall aeumily aad S'e Ike we- a a k.e anil eta at klaaath " Be- lhy will Brawee. HI pvooewt, ta spue of ' ... all Ihesr oaier abowt asl'utwlitt an ev-ttorvia la aoolkor piao. ia lastut, taaatlafl at UPmi k soroM Is tkal froeo ii,. aot torts, f etWbfatf fct to thow tb grwdlo-t af ta ; tt-oahesa a ,11 aemu la ike sna-eolt.. a-4 ll.ot k Ftnti. o. lWoU.a.v.: "Ii4U4 1 aad la-glu a.il b.-a evroae.h ea.X sit a as Mobakorf. ta Ueg al-sl whore It Mr. r.r-ort ? tt kbor aa grauioo fctfc TK.I m .g eato.4 !..: uy do k tt fc n ap fur the fag ive tier a-" I toe ltoovoror;," at one of ike f-oioM law b.4 tb f leitoe 4 tb eoomry f j boo.l-.ge of the tiaaot, aad som ka-w tl.-nee t, . . rt t j Ihaa Uooa w , ah ttat oorr to Ihol tatny a a fHoi rwl Inn tarrM it N ItN, t. , .(., ' ' ! yoar ag. T rm M o stofo4 i lot! m that eeks ef ge.Uaae wtli Usewd as lie U M boa .,ta l,.lul I .Km e ad I y aa; , N vewlsr f f Vt r 4. 'fff. , . .' f ,oir. obanee in priou. r reah menu of an kind very scarce no beer in market. Tb orticl would aommand a good price. ' 4- Bpintt lurpentin su tost tent par gallon . Raw do. no change. University. V rilHK EXAMINATION of the Btudenta of the tniversity or norta Carolina, will hegia en . Monday, th odth ef May lastont. vommenumeni ea luurauay out ei une. The umatlttoe of Visitation for 1856, consists af Ui Exctlltncy TR0MASBRA00, Uovernor U th state eaa rret i ex-emcto. Son. D. U Bwain, L. U 1., iWt ef the College. William 1. Alexander, -William H. battle, ' JaejeeVr.braji, Daniel W. Count, June W. Cunningham, , t John k. Bonnell, Wl'Uam A. Oraham, Coahlng B Haauli, . " Bamuall'. Bill, ' James C. Johnston, Csdwallader Jooea, Jr ' Aadrtw Joyner, Matt. E. Manly, tills Mebene, . . Vurg C. Mtndahatl. Joha M. Uorebead, . Heart Potter, W aller L.atetl, ' "' - Huge wed,lell, " JwuthaB Worth, CHARLES MANLY, - Recrstary of Ui Board ef liireetors. Raleigh, May 6, 1166. lu Book Einding. JOII.1 II. DcC'.tKTERCT ivBwN, RALEIGH, N.C. ARE still arryinr ea tht Boek Blading hast neM la all it kraacbet at ih eld ttand evtr "Tar. Iter's N. 0. Bookstore." Their Increased facilities wll tne.blt them to i eat Ikabiaaiog of I'orioilieala, Newapepen, Mo to, with pruaiptnea and dispatch, at bsw York pricu. " Hooks unt to them from any pari ef the ft tat with dilutions, will be bound in ear style desired, buxtd aad teal back witaoal delay. Alrmi JOHN II. lieCABTbllET ft Bt'Ji. - Kaltlgb, M. April 25, 1SJ6. 19 FL'RTHKH BY THE AMERICA. Tb London Bur statu that tb Cabinet deeij ad the 22d in regard la ABseriraa ejaeatioaa, and ill make aoaraeaioat ia t'otitral Amerieaaar- fairt, but are determined act to recall Cramp tow Tb paper relating t ( rntral AaMtrirae tf fain had beea laid before Parliament, hat n actioa wu taken. Ybedneoaietit will be ready ia a few dava. There it Beeat itoweal. Th linJon iMnevt have enweede,! In obtain ing ia advance a ropy of lb Treaty uf I'oae, It oompriora 24 enicU-s, but ie a maeh diSerenl Iroa what bubasa already antkipala-l. lb Ulan Poa a) Beulraliaoa. aad all the etroagkolda aa iu anoroa f,Uldea aad nttordia- ted to all war sbiv tirnpl for puri tats of p bra. Tb liaaube it fraod. Ruosia toakiag slieht enaeaaavnae 4 lite frontier nf Ueowrahia, Kara and lhl'riasa are maiaollt rutnrtd to arrrleo, and with ikie eacovtioa leaat h al pteiil. a Waitarkiaaa nowavia are tokt.a aoaalita- lioaa, which will b prepared oa cwrtaia aoadv lioaaiMberwiae lltoy are la telha taaaa as al lb eumuaeacemeal ef lit war. l.iuleeWe uf inter est. COMMERCIAL. C'dtoa advanud Ba aa iheaeek. ftalu ",(MI balu - apuuUtnra It.lsO, espottera, 1f MSI. Chased aawi al thi ad.anoe. Iht Ben k era eih-aUrt report Rour u tt.ffev.bel BotaXabty higtttou toeosne sjnHtie. iNhort a Inn faitt.or. Canal hlai.k la '.; (Ibb li lo e tl. M beat a trtfie higher. I'ora Bdtaoead la. spouted al TtttiMt. Arrteal aflbd Bonk Amsrlra li im f Ivor root. Qi tad. May T Tit wetaa peopeltev bioth Aaaovwa arrivt-f al ibie smrt to day. ai.4 bee ka le ol sees froan Parope onavwana tbu the llaa- ofin militia had low a dtabanded Th tob aatd I he I'otlna bad aJeaaoad aa I af apooay, Reea!- s a fa. ih aoare paper uy, art) Ball with B 4a eloong uait'ory. Mikta ft Boats soyoiet gnod lowrol fi-ojf laj td tsaeod Is. It boat BU aBrbaaged, Bad Coaaul tl VI. groaad I sou Iht saow capped hlltt, aad mid way th wiatry blast wbirla the light now la B etoad before II. Tills Is aa extreaael; pleating aad aat aral picture, ia all It detail, aad givu B Vivid idea af ear vigorous ao rib era winters. THE CARES OF A FAMILY. Siu S3 i 2D. From tht Origin! Painling by A. F. TAIT, lalf f ackiliittd at the notion Athernnm, and at lh A'atimal Arademy of drtiyn, ml A'ett York. A Tory tlegaal aad Interesting pietur of aroua ef Quail aad yeaag, (lire use.) The male bird anted ea a Boa growa lew, with bead erect. aad eye latent ea the watch, laat deafer -ball hia charge, aad the Blether beadiag dowa with npoa awath, apparently oalllng ear children Ie feast e a llaj fl j roatiag oa the gram befur htr. T woof Iht iittle le-lgingaare ranniag with ugor haMe Ie eeeere the tompiaf morsel. The Mllol toil of the parrat kirda, aad the Uaiid rliaaee ef the yoang krnad are reproaeated la thia beaailful group la a tuaaer which elitit al aau tkt aoaslr atloa aad tyapatkr of lh bekalder. aad wea d teuafelly appoal Ie the forburaac af the i aaeet tpsrltmaa. H. D TrRMKR. . a Boekstara. RaUlgkMay, IKio. iit-tt. Tax Book. Tat Bookl. 11 AVE far talt a raw Tat Bosks, madt eipreu- foe the M ef (Jowaly Lean Clerks and bker. witk prlated headiagt ef sack Item ef taxable properly, wooer the late re rente act ef lh LegU lure ef this Bute. IT. B. TCRM'.R. M.C. fieokstort. Rartlgh, It. C- Mty, lo&A. lo . 1 1. y.aa jy-o Tat Wr U -aaWaaro-- W tSwa f TTJERCVIAR OCAROat bjweet a NOTIf U TII tawoal a44reas oofore Ike mtf ef ilea. at of Raaek Btaeoa Coll.(e will be ollvfod by Tlllld. f. rtUif K. K- , of Uaoaoarg la las CeUege Ckett, Jaaslluk, s.4. arksl COLUVItUH Cl'ASf),emtlaln ttrre prr.nor- lloat ef Phosphate of LI id aad fi. l'ttetp Hune Acid. a hers of I on 1 1 be urk. rtlPKk-PHOtifHtTE ir LIME to.haga af lOOIIhaeoek, ev to barvole U preftrrod A Ilea t eelebrevtd EKAl'INU ted MU ISO MA C1IINM that uaaot clog. Kvery deaerlntloa of l l OWrttad AGP.ICl'LTl BALand IIOKTlt L LTI BaL fnPlemia. A full sanrtwieat of the ebvitaol tlLLBtnd OAEliCK rti;.lM . R. L. ALbkM, I ft 191 Water It R. Y. New York, May let, Iboo. It (wrw'woJetoaJ 1 k, tA. Uf wo. or Boolelr, Tll'ia. A. MAT' H, lag (teonuj BoaMg AlaaaaL Xm ptnarhfinit i kl. frUad. aa4 paU of kl. eavora (Vto. PEACE PEOCXAMATION ! ' kh KkrpirTrn.iT mrog vt ( Ir-'&a, a4 tl aoMte a Kiotkwa Chi, aad ir.a arrival ef hi. rto-b ot spring a4 Kaototrr t-'l. . m toorleg t iMk., I 1'iO'IM, so4 Vevltet of trra-k, Knyttek. a4 AaMnVae a.aeo(aotare, ot every variriy ef ewlor, vaall'y, aad triro. t nntiiti ctxifi, ona.Ulter f otv PrH aiilrtt, lk, (laoM, f ea.W iklrlw tlk. blr Bed I two. a 1'r.w.,., Pllk, I'MiuO, aad 1 bread, walls aa fkary M, ' ll ., 11 lb, of eaerv farWit- a larre no,w ol 1 ! .n, a.w olrleo; fVo.ala, fiOH rt.ob. piiw e4 f, myoa Wre, fa, in aod ltfl Crarais, i-.h, I ,. ar-i t.itM rao-lir H II .ook.r-to.li, 1',-. oM, tH.. ie. la M4tlle. kt B) alas t.or','l. s I r(. u toriofwi of HI'klllOE mtBT MAM! M.0T H.'ti!. wTklw Wtot aMoofVotofM ...In fe's son m tod 4lro-vio, be ra tt.l-.il. r' I . . To rkl. tooo.k af kl. kootoeo. bo 4ir Sa fr m tuooltoa fksa k..e.4oeo. ootd otil o.. ai.w i.' bwb.kiool.oo4r tooaiMsNoi.Mls. tooros, aod bko a.sH of ktS ft"' i' m w- I ho tok. a ao ssoMOi,a ol his t--k o. I ttfef oUooko eee M b- . r V ,i u . , - I toeabov-, be ol .ra '-i i4W.o T lpp0llt4) tilt) tUftSOalO lAMgt, jro-o,.o.r.-.,i,. m. ..-.k, .. . ' MAT be Btoo4 o.o, -, AdooMovlM aod a"rtra ayou of i.rti ik. ,...... f ToJUw lo4lo, X.ll.olu.uio. Steooweoui the owl nifl wi-a- t-k i ooo . . I l .tey eed nt ao,o. ( all rl.oo 0,4 Aof, tool aod ' atooooooetoo4 t ! t . . ... i 1 ead I inn. at -ol ood tl. lo. .4 a... , If o.ool. as sal to l. V . or ! - o . . aod aboea,aad sea.ll aHMia.M at tttj - . , U oo.'.!. o. e-o. If t. k o iko I ' I a k luiBowji rripik! v mi oi- tk ok f-mt oit, eao bo oa aot ; - I ! til knots... Ibo O. I - May II ik, ff ttwama lll fotNT'B liaartliat; AM ) llay trhoel tor t taaf l.a. atlra.oooA report booing boaomt earreut tbal time Chofory oaa about to glee ap bar IV boot, be reonoetfally la '..rote bet frMHuaad tbs pam He. thai II as bar iatoeUoe t eoaUaae her eotab Uahaaewt, wita lit arsssal arcaalutloa. Mae. 'e aiooo, Mas. lrrao, (araerlji Mile. Lootoe Boraali) wlH reside with her ead lake aa aetro part la Ike direotioa aad upornaioa of Ike ettab- hak doe B dseuaow wul poa abe eaaalioaal M aos. l"i i liskmeata. klava. C. to prooarod to receive perils aoemg ib ntaiator. Taou aaou parutt feotde al ley r.i4mt, sllootod ha ooo of tko baaHkiool as4 tooot pUaeaal pan af Hew Jeeoey. The aekooi wiH clou Jaly lot aad will re-epaa, u aoaol, ea Tbovaday, llth af leplen.ber. May 12, ID44. 4( muiua baa tatta Muaoeq -a - --r- . o to aw, .0 Admiralty bad aedarod all tb light b-maM f ' . r"1' ' ' I ltteBlao-k.n4Wk.ielW ...l loootoa. .ao to., otbor noeoo eooo t i. iroaoryi oil ok -k Olll bo o14 t ooo ( . eoob ao totry rrtalaoot pat aakb Ike ktk-o) OotkM a-tM a itt we aotd. a.i..,., Aioit tt, taf. oeaot ft.es f fy. . W, OilkU l 41. ' .T VI IT 1. 1 1 It. 1 T b) eoaeodod rt, tt,., atoneoiaf 1'f.os 0 4o I are eiooy. oo. onto. I poiv.ior aiiooit- i I MOill.tS Stoat of MAIIILIED. . i " Ta t ktoll li lt totaT-oTlke thraoaTTe ' Tka Boo. H. H. Vee arooyb. Mr Lt-nibat R. I tr, wowkorly td Am liiy, ta M oo Matt A. U ttow, daorkioe af Ik Uf CJ. laid I roaa, Nmnly M aiobory, S. C, ft lo- k Ifoooos ( I ik aaoiitklo oolH ooo Blo-t tlaM Bkkoot..lloa oaMt tVotkoMOO, Plor t aatot 1Mb. I.a-S ko-rxarf liaoo Btort oo4 W km l .iUii oo4 t 4a Ki.oa ktotk t lk ao btoraa, leot Ito.a.a..ao4 looo. ( I o.! Ol fgmj bo aa.0.0 1 ' - -1 oao lo eo't-o r 1 ! g t 00a blot.. .ko lotarao. .k-otl ko 7-0. I. I t. V-ot I. k'..l So Ike k-,,1 ..f aa of lo.-,-j to4 ooaW- tl. Look ..oTtt 't... j Aiitoao. boot a kaet.0, k-ok mt a, ,.,, .4 ..- . j rt'o ooMaaeooiol yofc, eort t ft, o' tn J f j fratoo. I ', to oko koaaao lokroaf la Ik. 01 tn- r o Hor,k I miaa. tbtek of tt eaa-e o-.. o-n - I eet H ko too la to. iMMboM forOMolOtkl. OOO f" " ' ' o ko.to loo oatot oo4 attaatl s OO t. . I U4tad kf a..a'f. Il lo S-l l ' - Oo. o-ooao-ll-O). i o o Oo4 l'aa:,t - a bataoiy llt I, aa4 "VOTtra u ( i l-lr-t 00-to r 11 lo . ... M ssrll I tat walk. Tt 1 ki a. I at. If, 'prl'I'l Irn (bed aad bed maOy fpffR eaainet A OorJao. tf,.,, i 1 ho.oi.od aod lit ul ty b r Ort. tor II, )a ,. j. - BftJ W -fce f,flrL a 9-t tw ,

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