Til' , ' - !.;. r- ' - " - j-- WILLIAM C. DOUB, BUITO ax rsoraisToa. - t'KM8t . If paid strictly la advaaee, two dollars par a bim ; we dollar ud Ifty mats. If paid withia ais meatls ; ui tar, dollars t th (ad of the ,,ar. .' - ' ' --- ADrgRTTSSMKyTS Bet exceeding w!ite am will b1nrtl en tint fat out dollar, awl twaty-tv mil for oack nrsseqaeat iawtioa. Teoe af gvAtr length viU be aaarfad proper Usually. CeartOrtaraand Jadicialadvartuaemcat will be ohargM 26 par eaat. higher thaa tba above rates. A raaaoaabl dadaetioa will b mad ta hot who adverti by tba year. Book asd Job Friatiag doaa with aaatne aa despatch, aad aa accommodating term a, . VOLUME XLVH. RALEIGH, NOETEt CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING.". MAY 21 1856. NUMBER 21. SEW Till ilTElTilEl ISTS. JVsm FuAr SiirU Scant Admtrtimmj Bmam Applet s BwMLag Mt US Broadway, GENERAL DIRECTORY. CITY GOVERNMENT; . Win. Dallas HnyTrood, Intendant ot. Police. coamsaioNEM. Batter Ward. Eldridge Smith, A. Adorns: Middle Ward.C. B. Hoot, R. II. Battle, " O. W. Haywood. Wcsltr Ward. A. M. Qormnn,' H. D.Tomer. J. J. Christopher, City Clerk, K. II. Battle, City Troaa. Pity Guard.- lames M. Crawley, " j Jackson Overby. City Omntublc, Kdward lbirris. ' .William Andrew. A. Adam.", Wo'iKlimaster. E. Harris, Clerk of tho Mur kot. . COURTS. Tho Supreme Court of North Carolina i jcld In this city semi-annually, on tho second . jiduy in Juno, mill the 3Hth day of December Jnd-je. Hon. Frederick Nash, I'hiul Justice, K. M. Pearson, Associate ude, W. II. .Battle, " " Edmund B. Freeman, Cleric; Hum. C. Jones, HenortervJ. J. Litchford, Sr., Marshall., The Cmled Stattt Circuit Court for the Dis trict of North Carolina is held semi-annually in this citv, on the 1st Monday in June and the lust f t !L ' a.-. i , iuttniuiy in Auveiiiitcr. Judge. Hon. J. M. Wavne, of Georgia; Hon. Ilonry Potter, of Faretteviile; District Attorney; Hubert I". Dick; Cle'ilf, Wm. 11. Haywood, Sr., Marshall, Wesley Jones. The Superior Court tut this County, is held on he first Monday After the fourth Monday in March and Heptemlior. John C. Moure, Clerk. Jos, B. Uachol'ir, Attorney General and Solic itor of the fourth Judicial District. The Court of Jlrai and Quarter ,Vm.u'i it lield dfc the third Monday in Fein-nary, May, August and November. Jeff. I'tler, Clerk. Chairman nf tht Count; Court. William Boy Ian. County Solicitor K. P. Marriott . Shrrifof Wake ratify William I. Jlijjh. Coroner Willis Seott. ' ttrgitter. II. liutson. BANKS. litink nf thr "Shite nf Sm th Carolina, incorpiK rateil li.l). Charter expires in lKt'Kt. Capital $t."il,0 n, divided into 15,(HM shares f whii-h the Literary Board holdi 3,027 and the I'nivor- eitv J'rincial Bank at.Ttaleiph. (lejirye W. Murdei'ai, President., ' Charles Bevrev, Cashier. J. II. Ilrran, Jr., Teller and Notary Publin.s W. K. Anderson, Discount Clerk and Notary fllblio. Jordan W.milde, Jr., Clerk. This Bunk has branches at Newhcrh, Tarlsin Favettnville, W ilimntun, Kliralwth City, Char- luito. Milium, MoiRaiiton and Windsor. DtartTnirs. On the part of the State i I. W. Courts, Pulp In 'IVoiiuier, ex-olticio, L. O'B. Braiudi and W It. I'isile. - t'u the part of the Stnekbiil.lnrs : Wm. Bojlan, Win. I'cue, J. II. liryin, J-B. U.'Uuulhar, Al fie.l Jones and II. F, M'Kira. ( i;fi riii5 and Uenawal day Tuesday. liitoiiuiit ilsy Wedtiee.Jur. Boniest a Bills and Bills "f KtcUana discount 1 1 every dar. Uii-i.irs. hours fn'ta 1ft till 2 o'cWk. Knlriok ftram nf the H,tul nf tie CtX Ftar William II. Joticr, Ctiier. II. I'. Fim h, Teller and .Wiry 1'ul.Hc. lioros, titNK W, HaywiHHl, T. II. Selby, Poth Jones, (ie,,rp Little, lr. Thus. Uojy, and '. W. I. 1 1 ti l, ina. Uifrriig lay .M m day. Discount day Tuesday NEW TORK ADVERTISEMENTS. PLATE & WINDOW GLASS. HETtOT, ITXUTJIUS CO nrtvr- . BCHIEFFLIH BROTHERS Ca " lSroTIU,UIDMLllK Drogi, Fiiitt, Oils, Bj-et, Ftrfomcry, it., , . 170 UUB9tret, Sew York. , INVITE the attention of the trade to their large and varied stock ef Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfuu sry, Jt., So. In addition to their regular importations of Sta. pie Brags, they are also receiving, direct from the sources of prediction and manufacture, supplies ofjTooTH, llAin.and Nsh.Bbushes,Bo!(2.Cobu, uoaraaii, aroxoss, stxca and Knolism I'aarrH tar, Lvaia's ExTaAcrs, and many other articles usually embraced in DrujB;its' stocks, which they are also enabled to offer on the most advantageous terms. Orders, either in person or by mail, will receive prompt attention, ly Juue 26, 1865. ' 77 Fint Pirmium Cold Medal Piano-Forlf u . . ' 8 T EI H WAY" SONS, A!ui!rui!KS, 84.4 3 WAura strkets. aSAE BBOAOWAT, EW YORK, Respectfully call the attention 0f the public to their spleudid assortment of semi-gi-undspd mure Pianos, which, fur volqtn- of tone, elastici ty of touch, beauty of finish, and In -short every thing that renders a 1'iam perfect, are unsurpas sed. They were awarded the first premium for both kinds in competition with the most iliMin- j gntshed makers from Boston, rhilsdilphia New York, and Baltimore. NEW TRIUMPH ! Stkixwat & Sons have-just been swnrded the FIRST Promium OOLD MKUAL (overall competi tors) at the late Fair of the American Institute Crystal Palaoe, for the BEST Pianofortes. 47 tf. rUPOKTERS AND sCASPrACTlRERS' A genia. Chance's English Bheet, Crowa aad Crvs tal Plate Window Glass. Fluted glass for8ky-ligbts, Green Bouses, ete.j ete- Colored, Ornamental, Opti cal and Microscopic glass. The Lonooaand Manckee ler plate glass Company's thick polished plate for store windows &e., .c, Uongh glass for Boors and skylights. Atteutiou is invited to the above various de scriptions of window glasa in usav for Stores, Dwellings and other purposes. The quality of these articles is inferlur to no correspoti'ftug descrip tion, and in many resiwcta Superior. Our 8heet Glass will be found belter thaa the French In its freedom from Rtain, Hust, Ac. ' Being Agents for two of the largest Glass Man ufacturers la Europe, wa are enabled to offer deal-ers-and others every advantage La priees and large stocks. Price Lists will be furnished on applica tion, April 28, 186t. 17 6m. 20,000 ORB MONTH. ERNEST LI NWO 0 D , Br Caroline Ice llenlx. VLTllOClllI bat a single smith baa passed slnee tkv am es ibis krilliaal book was isu-4, vet Sw irrsat bss beea Li,, eWssaae tot (be Ut and most b,M fl work fress tbe pea l its tsaieated auib4wM, that we are auw pnatiag the - TWENTIETH THOUSAND, with an snsbsUd de4iaad stiU prtssiag ns. fines tbe d.vs of ihs Lasspltgbtsr, M bouk aassold s r.ll.T. qr Seooms se amveesalty po)ular. Miaeellaneont. The Crest Wast. Th States af Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, and hundred and fittr area more than double thai of Ureal Britain, and thirty-one times that of Massachusetts. This east territory is vary fertile, and oan sustain as dense a popixUtiita-aa any portion of the I niou It would Ijave a nupulalinu of thirtv-aix millions of peuple. vera IV as populous as Massachusetts. It hits teen remarked as a curious la t that the products of one of these uorthwcsiern States, Cel. Foll.raf tbe New Ysrb Mirrof, In one of the .,,! ; Iowa, aro siinettm transportei ovor the Balti BEKTOK't TRIRrr TXABS VIEW. Bold ea cloairely b.v sivbseriptiun. Agents wanted to i.txaia subserlpiieos tot VoL ti of Heulun's Thirty Years' View if tho tiiintts of tbe liaited Himm. 411,000 Cuptes bsve bueu sold of tlio first tolutne, and It is presumed thstiaany more will be sold of tbe second. The New Volume will hiTrendy on the 1st of Msy.to bo embellished with a suel platu view of the United States Sruate Chamber. Tbe nriue of tU work iyr volume is 4$3,SO, each containing fit) double columned pages of U-tter pren8. Agents esii have good distrlrts allotted to them fa ille following Slates : v Connectlctii, Vermont, Xrw York, New Jerey. .Mary land, irginia, lortn t.arolma, Aliistppi, and Louisiana. Address C. AI'PLMON A CO., :i IB and a Mi llrosdn sy, Xcw York. April 53, 1856. - . 17 lm. TILTON & McFAIRLANU, 33 Maiden Lane, New York. AXt'FAf'TURES OF THE Wultl.I) ;k nowued Sulsmandcr Safe's. Duuk VaultH, Baltimore Depot, 1 1.1 Pratt. Boston Depot, 14 Howard street. 17-ly. NEW YOIiK M1M.INKKY. HKS- S!!HS0S' WhIrxale and EtlniUlillpmtrT nntliSlraw Goads frarchoim, iCI Brundwuy . jvT; m ro it A'. will rrive ml Irrrenlv itr innpa?fti(n an or tliou tlie ir-t of Msn-li. (MsUtheru ami We tern MtTcbDti ai.il MilHiwra are retftrtfullr iuvitrd tti call and xamino lltV aame ItetorF (Hirchitiing rUfrrhtfrn. Pattern Uon nt-ta alvaj cm band, ana arnt by vsj rew to anjr ad drea. Ft-b. fl. ,1m frooklyn-fityMfnm Ensint Worki. B. P. BUBDON & Co. WATER KTltrET, BKoOKI.VN, SEW VOItK Nanufwtui vt of Steam Emjine M-ifk Bunion's iXifriiicut off 'ttntl Boitrrn, fTMIE ufMciHtrnil only aif rt the nmtcrioritr - X euantmeiMto of their Kb, incc hut will jfiiarf ants u tranpuiit onthinl roor jiotivr Willi thr bttt vuiface of t iler,aii(i 3ti jor ral ! jtrcffiirti of unm ill an atiy otrii? f,njtm nanufacttittd in the I nitt-il htatvB, BiaintHhiliiff an rigiial ff rl, without refiirtj to iai'inl or Hjwer appHH ta ilia yiti. Alattfrem ifcctr It-ij exjriHir ami inimrrsf farlH tlea. they arknowl .hIv Btf f omfwiitur in tlie ttiniialiic turc uf Suftir Mitts, &tw ami f,'ri Mtih, Slrum Vffl), Mining fiiuifunmd irninmjjhr Mints, Skiff- tug ami 1'nllirs, Jirarff awl Ltyht last inytant Mill Mifhinrry tJ rrtry ItrsfrijitHm. Kwtntlteni 11pfitr attrntit la nartirTdarly HiwtH lvwr w i)ti itniirutrti fitimr anili. Tti itti il I v of c-on t miction, ckirardinaTr pomer nnl ureal limbilitr rriltr U 4ciilt-4ilv H.-rtr t any now in wr. UrUvn by mmiUur uUtrwi, atttrudci lo witliruiat He . COkLI, a. b, li J 1 AftDKV KEIW, WA-URAMTEI) FKK8H T tifniiine. vrowih of 1Mb fortale by HEN RY I TUIIHKK. lloL'kwIlfr.RAi.mtiii, N, C. Afintra-nn, Citron, for pretervj, T.nrifO tiiaut. j Jfuitunt. (Ilui-ln.r tSnai. Pliorta.. Urown, ffnrl3rrix;Wkii ot Eartyt : t"r, MolLnvk, ! unfit,. It ISjirvklotl Vuluuttnt, or'SHr Fliinucd, or VTU'.le, Ke.d .Mn.miw, 'lnrgtj Ycllew Simifl.urjf, Bruwn Kiw.klct, Vi.lciitim', 'nrKfl Reil Wetliert-lieM, Kct'u1'eil or XJiouanml to- Top Uuttou Onion, On, ' 1 (White Portugal, lii-a French, lYollow Jmtch, CrunWry Bu.-h, il'anvers Yvllow, new, Extra Early - Victoria, il.aro lied, ' Uovttlllvrarf.or White Kid Karly Hcd, extra Ney. Pitrtt'if. Early Yellow Sis-Week.' vitrlcil, or DunMe, Ciii 11 Kid Eye, or Early Plam or single, Chilrt, ! Partnijm harfcr ljtiia, or Putter Iieanj"i!irar, Caroliiiac wL'ij or traba, jllullow Crowned, or Cap, Jlfft. ! Extra Early Turnip-roo4rtt. Landrrth'i Extra Early. Early Turnip.ruoted Itoil, Enrly Frame, ... LonKlUood Ked, EArly W-binton, Kileeian or Suiir, Early May Ac, - MangoM Wnrtxl. ;EarlxX'harltoo, Early Drnnga do, H1-Im.. lwar vne, f.arly Hall Lodj Ulooti, 1 1 wurl lIHic 1 ini-"nill, elejEiiDtartieleiirer wnd,ioreRard toautfafir or thvir IsiWnclivut, HkMra Ut tvKuwmg beautuuiiatiguagc: Elntest Mn wood. "Tiit1t darkeni hii eye, wnnlumeR hla winjt, But thtt fwcctevt aong la tha taat he aingn." Iu the volume entirted !Ernet tiawo!,' jtivt iwned by. fweU d Co., of Uont.m. w bare the dylnf ojf of tba elegant an4xUtl Mil. Oaroline Lae Honta. Mourufully aweec line tba tigh of au Kottan lyre, yet deep and oraculi-ir a tt.a vo.ee ef fttony waiara, U aeeiua t bava bt'on puuroi lrth while Uei-ot fluatid down to the ocean of Real. Coalmen! every page wa can trace the shadow of the death-nngel, wh. bore her away when hereon waa vndvtt Myerioua g-leaiaa froia beneath the apUfUaf veil flC piit4B4 Mr a we read. The book ia a broad-vail farewell a lm noting band-frrayp trou on we loved. It we buikU thiol, it iitipr8nic i-asagea are revvlatioBi of the iuuer lite of tb writer wonderfully vivid and ubtforLii,, because WsinderftiUy raa). e will not at empt ttrfollow wit, in tlite notice, tne Uiivad of an tnimitablo taleiiii aodoibK weehoKloiily antUiimW i-penen and eveuta, wiiwh tome, With beau li ft, i I. ok iii k jnd Hue vtfvt. before tbe eye or tbe riMJvr, We wuulit not rl the book of half ita charm, Fwrel tlabriellri Lvnn will tell her own atory. UluMUbd by JOU.N P. JUWETT A TO., Xo, 117 V aliioj(too Street, H-)?tn. F-r rale by nil Book New Spring and Summer Goods, FOK 1850. . " rilHK Pi nSClUBER HAS JUST METt'RN'ED X truta New York, and it now rereivin the br-ent and uitmi cfiinplete aaoriuiettf FANCY AM' hi A ri-K liKV (JOODS he evtcr Ud the plemure offrffriiifr to hb) numeroua frituil aud -utuuierif, Iblrotlueiug all t.e recent Mylee, Calicoti', llnhmiia. lawnn.MiiK. hoi. Chnllea, Itarage le Luncs Filmed and 1'luin BemjjTNsr-frHd Tiiettaa -Z- tsilk and Straw Jbrnwct, .Silk MatitiU. a4 ratU N o ue to talk, for I havo got tin in. Come ond look aa wvrw ih-o tbeir baUitt ftn aiodd rflWiog. AItbMgh lltw womea a-bogiiig to til &ill4U.'t barwm werw to many ra nutnber, tby wwrw ai-t It mUtrwara. Inolutlod in th hareaa worw tba t .a a a.. 1. I- .1 . 1 f.ltyt.ll'7u. f P'. ''" "PPO--J. Uleetorariaoa. lred and ntty-sis tnilhons acres of lanil an rr ; . , . ' .... Z ,1.1 risini? neratioa, but this was a mistake, pa tlie sue hand, ha (aid, it, was a provision af Suta "polioy to keep diiahiisbad tba aaialser f heirs to the throne, and therefore aina out uf ten either ware not allosred So see tlie light or were killed unoa birth. lie related, that twof the sisters of thereiitniar SuUaa bad, nol Ion; since, died of grief breausa their ofl-!iriiii vera de strovel. Anain. most of tlie iaihes ueairid the preiiiatura tlestritetioa of their eliiltlren hi anii.l uiarrvii it their henntr hv malnfiiirf. Tire litter . . . . . . . .. Was aoclared to be Uie case yritn most a. we i r kish women. French AinbiT bugar. t nUoyt. Early Duli h, Ksrly York, Lsniiretli's IirKa York, Ksily Kncnr l.osf Ksrlv llsttersfs, Ksrlv Drumliesil, Oreen t'urli-J e'avey. Larpe hriiuiliesd Hiivoy, R.HL KUAPS. R.it-i.k ami (ranlim llnilnad Cess; way. H. A. 11 uailten, I'resi.leot, W, W. aa, Treasurer, J. M. 'f, Assisiant Treasurer, C. B. Allen.'IserMil Ageat, Mail train leaves 13 minutes before I A. arrives at CJ 1. M. M., the S'uik Canlima Railroad Cwasssajl. Chss. K. risher, 1're.ijeiit. (', I'. Men.lenhall, Treasurer. J. T. West, Kr glit and Ticket Aeent. M ul train arrirvs a o'clock. A. M .. frma East: and denans Bha. after Jo'chirt. A. M. Mail from the Wast arrivos at VI ininutaa af ter 4 e'rliirk, I. M. Benaru at SO tnioutr be- r. 4 ..'..1.V..I. is t rosT nTirE. Ofaoatwura. on week daja, fromwiiD-riar to 0 1'. sU. TRAVELLER S GUIDIi. (atfabAw ainirrii or a ails at latin NOKTIIEUN MAIL i Br RsitLtoi.,) TrB-h Mail clwt daily i( 6lat ajr Mail - ai f . AmvM daily M 6 T P- m Tbe ( an Uartth at 6 a. m (MitTUCUX MAU-tUr Tro-w-m.t Hari, Cbm daily al I I, ) KmjdI Iwarf Marrowfat, Hlae rru(i!tan. Early (?liainpit.n of England T.arge White Marr'Wlutf Xarjre fiwset, Hcll-ctiapfJ Tnmalo, or Flat. ' berry, Cayenne, or Lon;t Hed lHit.li, (for pi-kling,) fnhawt Iarre Itti Jtminbead, Co una Field, or Choc e. Ma'nmeth. Long ?riulethort-top, D. P. Rt'HDOX k TO. Feb. -3. The Wonder of the Age. XO PAY Flat liutrii, tlrwa v.laxed, Mamtuoih. 1'nr ttninyc, Early H-rn. AHriii,' Hin. or Fifbl, Large W Into, or Field, Vt'-Vrji. White fii.lnl. Red M!d. Evrj-rerfi Hwjar, Hwcet. if Hunar, i-jirW t'an(a. Eany Yiwrk, "or Lrlr. Tuccarura. fisrf 'fitter Early Anintte, (lmjrorti-d.) rtK-ua-not, Late butrh, Valpanio, or Porter. (nW-'tsfr fj'fflH. Spitrkm broeeali larpt Piirj'b Rvwb4 tariiy leaved. .lape, learjre w aiic iae, I'riraly ated. tiENTliKMEN'S WEAR.-I liave a fine maeortmelit of Cult on, Linen, and Woiflen ttooduf all kind". tlire mo aeail if you Wftlit new, eliuup.HUd ooW UumIm. Itnlf, UooU, and Jboci, Abo, euiuv jjuod KEAl'V. MAOi: VWf IllNtl. Talk iihout thi man andtlittt min polling pnort nl ciift! Why cuniomer, fip m d think and ponder well before ym tep( I am int feilinj( Jim dd j(tMdnitr lituo-wiirn or -heli-rulbtiiriuuitttm but 1 aw oficiiug you NEW liOUlS, bought in New York w ithin the laat fifteen day, and i will felt you ood tiood juat ehenp as any man in thlf Ctty, County or Htate that' uhi paid iy& lii giKid?, or iutomU doiiiK ao. Cell and aee uie. and if I do aut prove what I ay, then quit me. Call Ad door above U. rniitb'i Corner, or one dour above Kvans and CiMke, and orituaita C W. l. llutehiii'a ; addle and ilarue Mjinutntory, Fay. etlevillc Street. ALEXAN'MUt CUEKCH. Raleigh, April 2nd, v I At. irniGTooliric. At No. 29 Cheap Place. One Door above K. mil IT f oriK-r. more and Ohio K iilroad. Tho lartre cities of this ruuiote- region are Detroit, Mieh., which has a poin!atiun of 4U.;li3 and a valuation fortaxa of fl2,500,00ii Miiwaukie, i.t with 30,4 IS lieople with a corrwpoiiJiiin valuation. The Central Watt, incluilinj; the States of Ohio, Imliiiiia and Illinois, vi hioh In If 00 did not contain rlt'tv five tlinusaml white iuhahitants.nnw have ft piulatiuii of 4,'.H)i',HM; six thousand suv- rn tiuadrea and twcinj-nino miles nr railroad, and an actual ryrorioriy vaRintion of nor less than two thousand five hundred, niilli ms of dollars. Now these States have tiearlt a rnativ miles of railroad as the whole L'nion hsd la leoA, and II linuis has more miles of railroad than tho whole I'niun had iii 11). Figures only cm eiva bu ndeiiiate idea of tho rate nt which the value of firnpurtf in tlie t'onrral AVest nroressns. lu Ohio for irtstance.lhe valuation in 18 Ul al 12,- !2ti,lob; in i.'-oj it had reached nine hundred uuillions. It -is here that eitioe rush ahead. Ir. IS 10 tti men, women and children In t'hieago oounted a little over four tliousuid. In Isj j tliey uuuiViered WAUKI! lu the far west we have Missouri and Kausan with a ten-irory of HV," fu.ii.iro miles and scarcely a hairen aero hi it. In both these are coal rwds which will last n thmisand rears. In Missouri the (treat coal field covers 'JO.isjO square miles. Siuth of the Missouri river there nre 'Jtl,')"0 stume miles lllled with mines of iron, lead, copper, cohalt, nickel, the host Hint sand, for Rlass, nnd the best fHiruein'm clav. S.ut!i ul 8t. Louis are the ''Iron Mountain" Rod "l'iiot Kuuli," which iitaiii iron cnniiirli to last thu world furever. The city "f St. 1. iuis has huvr l'aV,tlWMaW-4iaitliiiriiWsnl rols of Hour manufactured there.aud over 4lK),tsjO received from other places, lor 1 .& the trade of the western lukee has been estimated as worth five hundred, millions of dollars. We gather those tacts from a leisure recently delivered at the North by It. 8. Klliott, of St. Isiuis, l.ons Hsluioo, jWhils Tiiniii-rfoteUt iHt'd Tiirtiip-rmilf (I. bellow Turnip frntrrt', -rnsiuier W hite, S.,-,.,.1.. I'.Hiljr r.u-li,r I'sitjr P. ii. tarljr A(H4e li-h, i'.yg, l.nt lireea Cffpikneek, rlu,k I'roultBeck Juwwer, Adan s lioi. S f un sir r prallup. lttu. l(uuk ti'uiuuirr ist.lloii.yil- ( " '' I AM now reerlvln; mf SFRIRO AKO SUBtlKB ITOCK OT FANCY sad SIAi LE I'BT UoUBS, Hats, Boots, Shoes, BodiisU, as, ae. alnrk 1 iuiead Milling ul lteloi.'ed I'rh-ei tu oinrluul buveis wtio will isv wlteii callud on, aitd esciallv to tliuse tollwljtty with Csh. ' 1 ilui'ta it uulieeerrsiy te entimrrute srtieles. Mv Hli'i'k i, l.srKS siil WfiUlMO (til, slid 1 wsMtftiv Miliary fiirtlielu Uy the 1.1 ef Augutl ueil ; nod to ciiuMt ins tu )vt i(, 1 iuteud sl-Hiti UikhIs a little tliatper for CA-'ll lliis femou than tlu-y lisv, bceu snld in Hii, war. ktt heri'liil'ire. Sum, i.l' utir Kewsjispern are ad"ilinir the Cssh sys. ti bi nt lower tr)ecs ; sltvai't some iiiereliulit flow mil It ills rule works asll in one ess. wliy nul is tlis ollmr. Jlut 1 leavs this fiMint fur wiser heads In tits, cuss, Wu, ibiajt however, 1 will ,sy.H'l Ikal t, 1 ran. I pell Itmitl, rlt.ier lev i'seh ilian lliu.. who sell on 13 I and ?4 atoiitbs timet snd-lole.i tliisrastiev, don't lake auril tor il, l.utr.ll soil try, and 1 think 1 will b. .Mr lo prove it to yuer entire ssiislanioa. Kver Mr. Ilacbaaaa's Mrawlr. Taa taacaste &ftr thus roubiy, r"..iu;s the ateinoir of ili'is'ijent'emsn, recetitly j uhiished by tba Penneylvaniao t la tin lute'.!' jeocer of Ur Vl'.h instant, we find pied from the Penafjlvani n, to wliit-b we leave to add a fctr scraps of litstorr, nni'med i doubt by mistake or ignorance of the Li;. We shall auoaa OBrsalres at this time tn a few et trac'i from tba " Memoir," and make each re marts and quotations from the retttl as truth demands. Tbe meuuir says : H Mr, Buchanan is in the sixty fifth year uf h's age, and in lha eigjraf his hciUil, iuuaeotualljr aud pnysicaiiy. la 18 i Mr. lluchanan, la a letter to citizen of BradforJ county, tut ia the plea that he waa too old to make theiu a speech. More than s'.x'y years," and asked for aa honorable disMharsei'' How nuVind to for;e him into the Presidential . Jaruess. Aiini L M lie waa born in the cuiiuty of FrankUu, in the &ate ot jniisylvania, nf bneot and in.iu-tti ioie parents, and may uniy Is cil-'d the aici.i;e,t of Lis own fortunes. Ilavii: rnveivvd a K"od edo- eatiou he studied th-prortssit a of 4he ia-tv-iu ilii couuty of LancnMcr iu th sai. Male, vthidi u aver since been his iVuie. Id L"i i ami W h was eliMted to the Sntie L'.jjislatnre, n licru !.c di. tiuguished himaelf by thte eshiluiiotis uf ini .l leot which gave pruiuUe irt futnr emiifcncn.'' vohe vyaschictcd to l.ei'luiire, but why not state by.jrAww I i.e'iill ,ntj.pi1' the mwJ for Mi; ."-'-j. ..f . !' f,..-.. j , AsMwai.r. ., .Timas Tluchannii, t'ederal, ' i 3l - MottiWt?, krrjers, Honxwrit, iliilS ' Again t '" , .. . 'In 1820, Jiuues IWttanan was elected to Iho (iouso of Jlepresoutatives, and rostraiiiuj his rs sitioa in thai bwdjf fur ten ears, vuluniaril v mitr ing after the Brat Congress under the adiutiiis traliou of Audrevv Jackson." Ten years in Cuugross as a tcmiorat, Ve sup- osr, bn.t let us examina the re J iuid sco : , ; . ...tVV.lIUS.'i. 1320-tJamca iiuchau.au, I'ederal, iliivob Hihshiiiiin, lloui'Krrat, lf22 James ItuohaSMU, Federal. " tlacub llilishmaii. Democrat, 1824 dailies llin hanan, 'Kcdorul,. rvuuiucl .Houston, lh'itint'1'.vt, 1?2C .-lames lltn;hana?r,' I'ctler.tl, ' ' IV. Jolia, McL'amant, Domocnt, 141 .lames liuehanitii, Jackson, . William Heiuer, Adams, On thu 4 ill uf July, lrU.'i, Mr. lluchnu.in w bon he was a candidaie lor Asm uil.'y ou the I'cilornl tioket, dclivwcd " tut atit4i'' in Ijuo:isIo.-, in which he showed hi, lore ol Federalism ami li t trtd of Doiiiix-rin v, hy attnekiii); the administra tion ufJamo .Madison, He said t Time will nut allow me In cuuuiaiatu all tho II. L. KVASs. Arrivas daily a f.m at p. Ta Hack loavs as 7i p. Wt.-rtB.V laIIe-Br Rsiisos-,) Cl.iaee daily at t a. s. Arrivs daily at 4) a. at. The Traia hsavaa al 4 f. as noUi.sUollO'MAIL-KBr Rsiiaosa) CU,ssds1ly, al V p. as Amiss daily al t a. as The I are leave daily at 0a after i a, as TARBOIU' M Alt (Hv Two-asas Hera,) (1mm -tilsy, Tisea tad Thwr., al t f . as ArhraeTaMdav, Thara, aad al f p. as llarkhavaaaM..Wa4.a4l'ri., al I a ss riTTIttOHO' M AIL (Br Tness aos.s Hart U-ms TasMiUy and rWiurday, al I p. m Arris Mass-lay aad Tastrs-lay, al 7 p. as Uaea iMvwa Bua. aad 4. alsMI Bpltadld Itoek efOeodi! "1 1 r M rsMttMa- ia. tmif a W i. detPAHw.lntlM.I'sst. eev. s4 H , insist IM ke Wst esestsS a kui(k, ul as km less UfU in iSilly tlssf n to S"l ill SM ta. s I nuasas, Ass k si a aM iwi as mm isstpisa, itsaie4 la. sa. .mnnif, e L 4. . i. Tt nti. , -s. II la. lll- XMIT. AITI a liaMiira, IF Dr. Tadiss eeletwaled Venetlsa I.mita.nl does aisl ears Cholera, )ys.BUrry, Crtntp, I'rftr, Cvsichs, lirntensia, Vewtilin. .Means, Toothaebe, Hsiek t.h.Md Hands, Cold Fest, Uihiiii. Uiles.insset "!. bruins IIUreiiisilMi, Hwslliees. Old Horrs, Cats, Bara hrsi.i. sal Feins er Mknsss ia the lasses, Batk sad I best. MU Bl'VIl' HV IT. Dr. Tobies has warraaied his Llnltscnl foreieht rears witaoat ever ksviai adessand atstt. for the rt- tvi af Ihsiuaey all that ts asked Is U as it sstutd laf o Hte directioav KO 0.M w ILL r.VEtt lilt WITHOt'T IT Aner ear. s.in u. If yo. do aot lad It tetter lhaa aay tbiag job have sver tried Wfore. a 0F.T TOVR MOXIY BKTl BSKIi. J,-r-TBo...o'is ef Cstlilealee bare beea eseeir ra. .ktnf f ite ear vtfflsM. N.w a dsys k ss the arae,e w III the aapsrs ailk eertilealrs trvaraa hsnvs Hrsas,r five, ky tbo.swa. bsvsasvtnT ased tae ss.Oicibs aw fr. Tobias stfers i sy l.OOODOLLABi Ss aa MS ah ill prwrs Iksl ks ever fit. Hiked a falsa entSjosls S'tring ta tiaw be has bad bis ssedn us kw tmn tit. f'.l.tfr. Jallaa ta. awSl aad (11 a Fsanrklst reUnvlaf sahia.Mmfteales. As psrsunt Mtl'W mt Ulr larg. i sal. f Ibe Yraeitsa lamsssal k.ve si.isa it i tn,tsri- mm ta i.a M ksbraally, LH-. Itrkiaa has laks ia lot. lowiaf , . . . OATH, t Paawd 1 T iWas. a lb. I.lty ml Xrw Terk. M, SWIy sswa 4. Sit sss that I evsafmwad a Lass4 as llsd V...,i.b, aad ism ike lafrwIiraM ml sksk u Is aasMt i as. f. Irrllf baj I... t. uV. ist.rsstly, mrnmrn ia aestt-t ta. aaaiily aasacd la Ike Liuwtioa mm eMbaaylBi ek Will.. Hew era, Jaaaary Sik, Mia. . L TOBIAH. - atwewi la tbls dsy befcee sse FseaaisS. Wed, Msytsr. Prase tl A Mesats, aOdbf U. Sr.". aad Fslsat M4wSfa Issals lAVMSBMBt site I aiw aistafs. a-aTAIr. f Bsl lie. Tskta.' Hoes LiBist.sl 1. saat IsMtss SI k esses, warraatrd safntar la say Mb ee. Pr.TU.u.' ... Cowrtkad . KwTrk. iretowy J. las . 11 KBf MIISIMtW f.l.Aais. tSVAASF. DlCIlt, 144 Ckajasar I met, ft. T. ts Sum ml Bsssia le Bsileasd ti t. 01 ) KliS ts.Wrs BB4 l ajsnnn bis rrUKM-S beu4f lrea.k ia tla-t aa tmtmnMm Weasa. rastM atshtsg ,BfBSi will k fareistod i .,, eat.ea. saa MtSH limm mt eaarfa. si. IT ly FOR tltE t, 000, 000, , THK tl. . PITKsT MAftlllEtO. U Ts V M. T. ill rinrilBII af wl.rkl H sbiIm, TskU. (aeMBhtos, IHillr -iMtird. Fstra Ksrly Rassisn. Ksrly frsms er Tslil. fkort 1'ri, klj. Ksrly llresa Clatter Fsrly Frsms, Karty tiboil tlrn, Lneit llreea Turkey, Lontr (leerssf K,n) ramll I'krrksa, forp.iklr. .srsUoW A'ry-'lsl, me MHoyrmm. ellow AHrrtlwa, Lutr P.rpl, Srolch Vsllew, Ksrly Puinlf. itnla Bscs, r gwrdlih, . .,. i Hna Ksrly fnrled, or Cot Sslsd, I.s.-sil. r, AT fit Hetfcj lrife Yellow, lM-ksleh Tmrmip. . Rsrly Fist batik. Ftrsp. leaved, Hed.tHf'ptHl, atrna braved. Karly rot4, Laras Ktwiolk.' . t 1 dMB Pratata. A, as eVwtla, kri MMtMS .11 ItoliOk. iraW. Tbol BSU.I, WbW-J h e in a of Mssfcr !. absssieally ,n auk BMawal e-t- as a w k. eko-l4 tato aey bb4 e.. kr S a lurUs esss to .s-l-rt-.. 4 mt Wo. i... kaHtk. eoot mt tk...ssB.iia B..Wti.l, .Sim. m Ilk SuSMSN I m eaa MW Iw liann-f Ms BnfBleH4M"lbM sstosS. OS mm. -mi -ibs 1st srsa, bass eoakle eote ' as wbs bv. mmm ak. bsiwhI, she a. k- I s . -.. I .ad as mtn s B,Biry sty s Ik tsmaar Tatki. IaAW r rv lv . M a, , s I .St. , A.. e.i7 i mt -.. 1- ., IS, 9m Bis. aad i bo4 mt B4 IkM Slil k Ml as tH yss.es tsll sad !, j f, S o ' k.aSB, t.ks M.Mvr'or. ..4 SW. 4 ... (.earns Bsisj, Ktstewary, MBe, Fsvory, Fanner, Winter, Iweel Bs.il, .Sweet ktsrjorsss, ltwetTbvuM, , Hy III. boaed mt ba.ksl.) Hod ( loT.e, While Dlrkrlvr, l.oeentsVav French, lllus lirass. Uerd or Red Top, TtaMtky. 1'mbt) td. f.arly t'aMtssre, ilultrr Letlue, Uro. Ilsn k, Koysl Csklt.ce, 1sit.rtsl, Fkilsdrlphla CaltliBi, Carted India, or It, bit IV, , llrewa Cos, 1'Bt.stia, .V.'m. TTard'l Xet lar, rla. sppl ' r rre-lsa. Shillst.B Fin Ntld) llrarkwor4, frstra Aa,) I srolisa Wsler, klistsuis fpBsal Waler, lwdl.y, of MwalsiB fmmmi,: New llraajrr, Aad sfrswt variety mf Fasdsaol ierlatied la tbls ad- VevUMst.BL a 09o It. C. R. B. Company, t Msusai ar, April 14, Iro'iA. J? f. ' Jr9- vajwd North Carolina Ball Koad ItktBili Ftr (ill Trail Mtii iflrr leidiy Ul !14 .ij rflpril.tSei - WBaT. , S u A. SSI Il u r. .7 la 1 1 a t.ST S tS READ THIS! All tkose Indehled loll. Arm ol KV AN A VOOf.K, mt to II. U KVANn, maitsrltl tktr Xutmt end At'- roanls. fke .nluerilisreaosot f iv Itiiirevitidulienee. II. UKVANs. April lid. 18t. It SI. 1 IhMv ten Arrive al bsl.isk.al " ItilLkotV, llt.h.a., " - UesMtslow.', W . ISHiffSM, a.li.Wy, l.bMloU. (AUT. Un CkarUsks. ai si A. M. Art,. M t .ae-rd IM Ssl.-tosry, ! Utorws, I , " t .bi..i a la 41 0 lt,..i,.s.r-. II IS ii,.V, lit M.iUbOT.', l.i " B.L.ik, 4 g.U.Un', J TllkOIiftkB I IIAItSkTT, Uiisesasl .r l . C B.,1 k-l. ' Arrd 114. I w P. M. icrrri waitid!! Vak Xob7 wbea To Caai rpil I S.U.ilhar mmmirm mrmemn tke aadl.iaVd as. X Seli- ml a Af eBI ta et Vmmmtf ml Ik. I .iM4 Bs l ions ..4 MMaet. sse BS.y B.I, 9mmmni 7 NKAV GOODS. MIllF.AU LACEGWjTiS, EMBRsJIDKIHER, o. The Mubscrtoers hsve just received frees New York, a full assortment "f the below asuted (nods which have bee sclscted with srest eaie rron the most recent importations, entlrracloj 1 the newest styles of ( olisrets antl slrrves,dn sets to natch, tlheutiiettsandslee.es ' " lteei'otlarwts and sleeves H Lace trim ed eollarssad sleeves, " krre:k worked t kemiiett and sleeves, ' Lae trliamed French worked 1 oilers an I sleeve. Kavbroi'l.rs.1 ramhrie, la sett ta aiateh, knihrohlerwd rteta, ea liaed aad linen Cambric, Thread usee Cellars aad sleeve lo asateb, Mouraine Meta, ia both black aad white, Kutkroidered II sailer kerchiefs, ia great variety and aew styles. i nlirotdrred Bklrt for open dresses Knthroidere.1 Hwls sadCaiaLricd'hranclng, Kiabroidersd liimiiy and JaekoMl Unds, Muslia aad Caosbris Kilgiugs and luserliiigs, Hsal thread lac. Ilerthas sad Culture, Thread Lcee aad tdgitrV of all widths, a i.l Hlack I -sees fm Flsaaeea, As., Together with aiany ether aew aad dvsirshlt (oods ednpted to tea pr sent aad approaching eea BBste. etieb ae Floaaead Milk t rasses; ia great variety, tsrrtatli) tlo.line, M Jaakeael Maatia, Preneb BrinU la Babe. A Fload rVeraere lUbea, a great earWty, Cfcm Kilka. striped aad IsBra!, aw atyle Likt plaia Ktiks far arVua( drsssss, t; stored Bilk lllaaioas lilsak Hilka la every variety Ae. All ef wkwb. tos.ihsr wnk a oaiplt aeaarl. BMt ( sassoasble food, bath furaiaw aatl atossea. Us, la (akry aad staple, will be elterad al lae kaweH prieee I eash er aawteal dealer. W, II. A K. 1. K'CKPt. April t,IM, 16- a s iiiasasiiaaiiiiaWBasi r -- i i in i i asualii mi ma jj srrifTfii ll lit Irl.lul Bilf Cbriti, h A ores of 6 and Ui-mm.lt, and ia Mrtullie lm Ir oyt V J. It I. an Jl. rat isit at T21TrilT3 bu CO.. obsoissl ipvereaas mt tas istsu.K eas ra.) VaLei Baaiars U Tea ealy. X. W. tW Mmet mm .t.mHk Ari, t'niLA tiELPtllA. AaV-Teae as MsSaili Prbs la balrt.lNfsas. MaiBia( a van mt mmtk Muw k aad Urasa s eaM b.ra Pn.sWsSasi.M.Tsnas, A. NraUked by avail I all an. asde tk. All T.a SBSSatel ks attsM a ma sal. 1B. .f4 Ik. S.O.. B.HMBB4 St., BS .11, aad BB tHity, ll.lt .Wuo klark a i.i. mmt it n.a Is, aad mt 0'.. ibisI s fuaa'Ss seek. Atassk II, IS. II )TkTNklII lS-tw II tad la mat Bstpk. k.kaisal mmrm .sameles aso.1as.a sf Ik. Bat.al b4 nuay a4tTlBBd.rM la owe . e k .. a vs mmt -.BMSBHy, wklrk a will Bail at y ynmtmjl pel , snls aadrrMil . tB'TI A OATMBil. B.Wi(k PsWwary twitlio) . . I -af CbaiiKes In a l.Hclline. TliO dee'.b of lingers, tho poet, at the flfre of ninety-one, suggosts what vast thinps have oc currctl, wilhin his lifetime, lie has luit on record, in his "Tallin Talk," Hint tia saw the heads uf the rebels on '4'cmph) Dnr: that La saw revoral girls, who were mere children, ftoinjr. to execution lur having participated in the lerd tleorfrelinrtlon riots; and that ho had talked with tloucral Ogle throjie, who had talked with men who remember ed tlie great rebellion, and wereeotoinporBry with 111 death of Charles the First W lint iniclity changes rise liefor the memory in tliinkiitg of such a Inc. 1 he proves made ill manners, in htws, in malorinl progress, amnrnr all civilise.! natuius, since Ii oers wwsa child is almost hi credible. ilnll-Li.lline nod ooclt-flchtinR, for ex ample, wt'rethcaiiiusemeiits ol the Inpliest classes there; while ao such exhibitions have craned to lie attended, even hv the lowest and most vulirnr. Men were iuariercd for great orimiis, and their oiiai tcrs kit to rot in sun mid wind, in presence of a whole city, them while now fur the snuia emus., transportation is the severest punishuioiit, and it is generally hilluvted by a eody paldi o. Finally, the dilloTcm: Uttvvecii Tola Jours" ana "ile iewcoinos In ilciTticy illustrates in diflercnt'c in maunors of that ago and this. The laws have chaugo I nut lass, and invaria bly for the better." In this coiiiilry, primngniu tuio has been alHtlislieihniid ropuhlieaniam aul stituted for enlonial slaverv. In F.nglnud a penal w-le. almost as bloody as Draco's has been replaced by one comparatively mild; taxation bos been mure equitably ad j usted ; tlie law courts have been rcforuipiU. and legislation jjerternlle imbued with a more popular eharaeter. The worhl before the ih'liisin, and the world after it, war scarcely wnr dilicrrnt, in tlies respect, than Kiij(land when llojers was bom, aud ling land when he died, Tbo advances mail in tna terial on jress are Cvcu tre.iier. Hf rs found turnpikes justcumine in ; lie left railroads every where threediiiK the land. Ho found slow, clumsy ships; Ii left swift Roiiif; slcainor. lie found a taidy lor tho iraussuiasion iycws and letters; be left lha ui.inclio lolcurapli. lis found lmdon streets almost uiilihted ; be left them abhue with km. He f ntti'i the suburlav swarming with liluhwavinen lio left a police that kept (iinrd over the whole kingdom. I'er baps never, since the worlJ In-graii, has titers been so much progress, sat eiery department ofoivib Ited ii lo aa dunug tke ninety years ul anger. The Terkfcti llsreat. Mr. Oseanvan, of Comtnntiitople, la deliverin a 'course of interostinr, lectures in New fork uton Oriental Life and Institutioiis. The f Honing 11 a sketch nf a portion of me nf his lectures s 9 rhe word liartm, be uri:an, was a Wurd Fanilt- iarity ol Hie word, as applied sutonn the l urks, was almost universal. Most emisideied it a word that il waa not proper In men lion In ears polil. The word was only w,";ctiH hi tl.ein nf a (rratt I otwct.vve of Is sutilul aomen held imjiris otesd as uiLlr-rs to lli aeusuality at tha bih manales of the oriental euuairie. This, be led to show, was a CTcal mistake, llsrera aernni t:ol!iin mors tttsn the private prtiala flit wamea of Turkey. W nk them it hsk-iio aueh nseaninr as that suppose 1 lu belong luit among ChrUllaa f"!''- It was an aroauk of thaluiki.b boitsclHilil, where avur often tba rcliie I eroatau gave leer liute lo bar horsp and praying thaa tu degrading and protniseuoas and s.la tiU4ity. 'lb eaclusiiiB uf woman ia lurkrr waa a custom of great aittiquitv. It waa b cusitxa tltat prevailed long anterior lu Ue lime or Malinaset. 1 be Koran, indeed, was only BUstainwr us the Itartyn. It odvorated lha aareful se-cluston uf omen from tl a ru.i gas of asao. For this res m lbs bowses of Uie tirumtals aer divitled into two apartasenta one for lb sssle and la utaer (or tit female tb (ratal apart a. baartag tit general esisjjla baraas. n. Ilaresa, tiiarvf'tr, 4 Waa shoaa, eurrsrsie very nearly wiib lb Wurd hosne. W ha a I'aaba Waa atenttonaxl ss kravailmx. and basing hi bav rasa with him, bis (asailr was on!v woawn, aad il did but billow that pa-irs then una fawal wa kumltarad ia his fceaily. In aa eovntry was wsnaaa raoee rosnaxlad thaa in Turkey, a uu oald dare a-ldt a lady ia paldut. Tba hue- band esa, ehould b ahaaea lu eseet Lis wife, paas Bar without showing tit slightest e gnl sane, . rbauld MS a far tgsd biaseelf a In approach i Turkish lady aauliiid. ha waabl lad Ittutasif ktlaehad with that woman's waapoa kr luago wtnk wi.nld be t wad la Toi.y la p.n ten ad lh Vulubilitv and lottcra t( U.e fsnsal ask la Chruuaa (iMiairie. 4s showing fartrr lb raspswt autiersBlli abowa to woensa, lb es'etu af aacbittg woeaea waa deetarad assail of ra-pecl. Ikesaaea ab w From the Anierienn Orjan ; Amsrlcsulsm Thirty Tears Ago. pMany far seeing statesmen and patriots, ia the irly days of tf ia republic', foresaw the evils which woutd result from the Increase uf iintui gratiovt Inttl the CuliMtry, and JJ intf ij the ccuu try to guard Bgainat those arils lieriire "tt'stiould Iw too late. The Lrglirlatttrcs both or Massachu setts ar.d Virginia adopted resolutions, more than fifty years ago, recotntnending a change in tfie the constitution, to prohiUit pcrsiihs nf ftiroign Virlli frotu holding political nfiioe under our gov enimcnt, Thoma Jcfl'crson was tha autlinr of A nrnrtosftion even to exclude foreigners front acf j mi as junirs mi uie cvuris tu t irginia, aials ninitj other prominout sVAteetnen of his day manifested their fear al the ultimate effect of indiscriminate tinmigrat'ion into the I'ntteil States, but tlievxtli cy uf partiran lenders h:is always, from 6 rat to lwt, preventod any decisive action on this (Ques tion now the numbers uf foreijrn born oitisen in the country control all political contests. ,Tho! is not A State in this l'nion in w'lich foreign born oituons could not decide political coiitffts between the, old rival panic. ': At various tiiiios, distinj;iiislii'J stntosmen, sinco tho day when WoshingWn and Jefferson hul, respectively, utiliouniled iiiflumico in the ..t i- .. .... . , .i tt r t.:t. nation, nave porrraycu ...e -. o, ,vw.Kr.n a , ,j wii:llld ,,,;. . lUa iw-moeratio 1 I a . tsl . al I t! 1 i ... . nu auiigtu t Hiiuivj hhtiii.- a incnn una '" iftauiiuiatrtltiyn. 4u4 J 2.7-Vt 1 ,1 1 ;v, jiit ,".,ii hi iiTfi't oJOt eeutly referred us tu a speech mad in th lloutt of Ilopreseiitativea by that Uistinguislved man and pure patriot, John liandiiTpli of F.oanoke, wbu though eccentric In his political course in several respects, w as nevertheless a man nf far reaching sagacity anil uniiuestionad patrintUm. The speech referred tor was made in March, IHlfi, waen t'te question orchnrtcritig a National Dai k was before th House, in Committee of the And again, in Uiv stuns oration, hesnid: . : "What mitel be lur opinion of an opposition who passions were so dark and malignant as to lie gratifietl in endoav. rinjt to blast the character nndemhittrr the old age of Washington Alter thus iicrsiseutiiig the savnnrr tnf his otnintry. Ame ow tke 7'ess-,v(tc jwvrty dare t( rail At-msWe. Air rfirryiVr.'" Again, in a eo i8Jenti.il eirctilur g it up I v Mm redtTu t-ts id l.aiieas'er, dated June 11, l-. l. lo r, Whole, Mr. Uamlolph nWed lo insert Ur. word "'f ,cU'tun, "f M!r .H"'' . ' , , ,..., . . over the If'inncratic canumate. .Mr. Miulue, M native in the clause which nraitevl tho clioio 1 1 jjltl i-,i,au said t the directors of the T Trent bank to "eitiiwilof t ie l olled States," and the motion was agreed to without any debate. When th com mil tee reached the clause providing for th appointment of directors fur th branch hauls, Mr. Jewett moved that the word native be also inserted in that cause. " r A debate ensued upon Ibis proposition of Mr. Jewatt, and it wo lust. It was upon this propo. si I ion that Mr, Uamlolph mada a siiccb, froia which wo quota as folhiw,'it "How long th country would endure this fir. eiiro Tnko iii its must odious and disgusting form ho could not tell, I ait this be would any, thai if wa ware lo u aiotntad to, and ruled I'V bircigners ha would much rather he ruled by a liritish Par liament than by liritish subjects her, bbould ii be told that those nen .fcufthi ia th wr of th Itcvtilution, h would an.wt-r, that thus who did ai; were nut included by him in th class be adverted to. That was a civil war, and they and wa were al Its commencement alik liritish sub jects. Native Unions therefore, then Inking arms on our aide, gav ttieai Uie same rights as Uins who were born In this eountry, and his motion eould b.ea.ilv mislifit'd fur any that nil jht be nf this description, but no such ntudit eaiion, he wo sure, would he found nueary, tx this plain reason, to wit:) "Where wer th aohliers of th revolution who were not native? Tbef wer either already retired or els retiring ta that groat reckoning whes diseuuuts wer not allowed. If the bono, rsble gentle aaen opposing pnieiiiion would, point bis fin-e tu any such kind id person now living, lis would r.re to his lieiiij uiailc an ex oeplion ui lb amondiueiil. It wa tint that th America poop I should hav a rliaracter of their ewu, and a her would they lud it I In Hum KitUad and in Virgiiyaonlv. bacau they wer a bomegeneou rare a peculiar poopl.-. They never ye appointed tei)ntre to sit in thai hou.e ltd' t'ongreap) fur tliettt. or tu fill Iheir bah etc, la both State this ass their puticyi il w is n il found ia nor wss il swing to llioir pacr eunstitulitins, but what was Utter, it was a 'it inwrwovct in th frame uf their thuoghta and seiiliRiciits. in Iheir steady bahita, in tbeir lirtii c.plo from lb ralla a much in ire aulid se curity titan eould be foand In any abracadaln-s, wlnvli eoiialiiuliu) atuagara r-ailj scrawl apoa paper. . "It uight b Indiscreet in hint to say It, f r Ui say ths liuth, b had as little uf that rascally tir. lu, nrudenra, be apprehendetl, ks Bay man, and eot id as utile conceal what he tell, u, ai!. ct what .Mi'.liief.altliouirhnota Fedcrali.t. has alwav bsen uouaidvrt'd an honcn aad eulihivucd licisu. , r . " lie ha acted A leading pvl in the almini. tratite of tienentl Heister, and deserves ntach of Ilia credit towhich it is entitled. We are assure! he rasistod with all his energy, tho ad rptiot, ,,(' the nioaanrw which iutty pave imiii ulfuiit d to th Federalists of Lam-tuner count v .'' Tlie memoir again says: .' ' , " II was th warm and ardent dcS nA-r of the almiuistrntion of Mr, Monro, lint active opisoient of theadioiiitstrntioii of Johntjiiiney A 1 tuts, ami lite euiisi.toitl and trusted frieuilc I of Amliow Jackson." Mr. Monro was chjcte.1 IVesi.lunt lsld, and again lu 1-i'Jl, and Mr, Unchanaii was Federal ist until Isi. when he shifted lit position to a " Jacks. iu man," and wo aleftod to Ciai)(tess ss such, but aa a Democrat, a about A 1 it lini" be, ta secure the Federalists to role fur h'tit, told a prominent Federa'.ists that if he kttit aUiupnt' If jNitTufic idWf ta aim retas, As m-oulil tit it uut. There niut have been some miatnke a to hi, l.v ing been an "ardent defender uf the administra tion uf Mr. Monro." On th subject of slavery Ih " memoir" Is not very definite, and we will give hi viet'S a. e preased in a aeries of rrs'Juti mi rep trtr I I y him to a pul I e meeting held in th Court II nie in lbs city of Lancaster, eo th 'j-M uf November, Ml.l. Jsmeallu'dianan, Jante llopkin. and U'iiiistn Jenkins, were ptiintet a toumittr un resolu tion, nd rcpurted the fdltmir.g aasong uiheri ItrmJred, Tlttt lit Repre-enlatiies in Con grass from ibis di-lrict. 1 c, and ihey are Iwrt hv. must ariistly request 1 lo o-s it, tor ui .t t ilesvor as sinnlsri uf ;h Nanotiat lt.iiiir, lu prveat the exiatnee of t jt t,-ry ui.ttoy ,. aerr T mtuttr or a-k- : it'j eln. . I, uisy be c ted by I'tdtgres. lltmotred. That in the eyY n id Ibis nf'i. th Uieiuljor of Cnngr..., ilt. at that t si .t , sawtatiied llieeau ul .l,..itc.. hoinsiniv and I'.t triutism in fp,a)iftg tt.e iittrotttt-tton of iutei v tu the lal then endvnvorvd ui be lot sot d uut ul He .M uuri I cr,tt.rv. ar etitnlfd t. tu ,t,.ut.t t'lauks uf (tor friatul uf bemainiv." . - m. m m t m I - a The as) to l.l a 4 Is It. Ilisroc tirerley thus writes, to Ih Tiilotne I h y been t.l.l that a'mta f h i In I sn i, 1 . putahle claim OH the tiuretntttetit f i f -ur or r th'srsand d l:sr., danced allrndaace at !,(- I i t . . . . . ...... ..... . . , tat lor ts, tir litre uttiim, ts ssS'S'e-r ,11 hsilil I.. 1 . L.. u . - ..1. Ii i , - .- - - ... ho, oi. ..j i,DrnsstntistMir situint-iii.fi oT Hint lo rnncltut II I (nanilfB. luring Uoty. l, l. rrUnii!V.- rwl ad I. La ...,le .. I th alt In ; bim th bct(t of s ai Jul ttecr e sin. I. M yolb would wy that b aislted, ' hurl thai bis bs Iwiaksr, his batter, aud othsr laaituractuiera, sruuld rather stay Mt Ureal Ura tain, under their own la a, thaa cum bar Is make bus fur V and Wave I unixwiour clodiuij koia ma-Is (sal I be), but I wswl I much I tin , an rather beve my wurkmea hum mala, aad impart ' tl,r,.,trt a I. my enaning. n a It het ta hav ear aw a aa ssdlated llenwbli peopled with it osra Mir aa- lira bapsiblMWn, uf f reel annlhar MwKebl. an- J luj can alf rd ll. wwr eaanrnvaivry aptu Hnnw rvirminesaaa, ap, lha bank e th rvhovlkill tb I slra -, and tit llrsndywiit. of bar a I a t of I Idtir, mog. wrrelub I ram ry vestig of lb bamaa enwiMsa aewmed la b eSaaad 1 Would Hy wish ea bav ibctr eV tiun T thai lata? daotdol hv rablibsT What wss th rwa uf old Romaf Why their npmmg tbeir t aad Irt tiag m tha rabid uf the Mt J world ia b lbtr Ui-laiors I" "If (said bel toss wish t nrwrr anaraaa e'tat f .w eiiisart thai stt. nf frloe wh ch gsv birth In tb Itavolutiias if vow auk ap shv a-s-tig tka Ur i.im at TO, yoa) must selMr Is M-ift this I -on! uf immgelk I To ma taaeh tb v, Wt" t'ttrHr that if they dee-, kera, all th.y at.it bofoi lu reset, is pndrHioi but that iby 'most bav a hr la goveramaol. less xttk esen a tessrfar inai, aoio: as, l a vow ar gree I r v tt kv lcen in Vt asbtngt. n. Ju-t will .di i v v. or ps for and inrreas your elutoi tnlsrt'v i thirty troiistt. Tnew petHPtt. . th- o.n J i i I twet th. aV5d In fit ,1. sitd so t of half a sen sli.i e, l.tl(. so i. and uf esoars en llie etittnrttcy ol t or g, 4 year cUsm. II y u 1 ot.,1 tn, .old., is tr 1 cls wsit I1 t i .i v uui IhaadtH, asrtsd ss il, sul 111 do I 0.1 rrttJ busu but bwa4 do aad a liM.s . TO J. SS V Ml .1 .1 4 '1 , Sttbbini, II r f a 6t Allen, 41 rtisf st si iv. siw i.ovi. IstrslBllBI AM Vb'.iri s ; DrtO- tJ. Chernicils, feif srery, 1 t AV!Ca absod Hi, H.I r. . II iHOKisisqtpi.1! tarwpni, urysai rwcviv prerartou aid. but tl r etepld. Th batwm, H J1, auuMH b aab anr lb .,.! bar.pr wk k all awe. biwm tetmtmm as ' mmww rr a... .i'-tt -. - mm if j mt mm. m lt.aKl lM-w.tHBS IWn'.tol ' ' " r -. w ... ' mm lUN.til l'ITIkSI" ro.us 1 -7 --.-a . ... vt ii ! awdo.. its I V . t'ft. NMB Mt eeea. it U iss, ll-lr. . ki ninsn',i,iwii,i .. .-w. t j ..-... in a ..-I r-e- i tllkle l- IMr til tfs .... ymm mf rtw mmmt ' . pet .!.. ... I sf ..I. S lb pruat laatsl aiwrtsa!, wa lo all Intenla and roarpea andr in aaela.it as wind uf th wotaasi, firs ruliaa kimsl( .ever ntwe-l itK hslia aaad praeiiMst a ithtrnt eaent sf its s Co4ut. lb liiildres., buar, bav lie ingress aad gre tie two apatimem ef a luikusb boaselH.ld. beat Ik (emai arT.psang rea be lb sg of sea, ibss frawktsa ks ut uT, aad so sswi tVm f tb barem. The lerWtrev, aatssluls, gav an atsemral ef lies bsrsm of ttos wtval i Wa r. I. V- - a I.,mi.Ib. '. mi 1 1... ana W mot I . t ' tmmmm bald l'j raak 4 wu. Tb luttsst. i "" al k, ti r. 1 ;.prli n imyyt wfi f ts, ,.i v"t 4tt,i4, ' im nt a the are InUwdaeast) into govertiiernt, u seji wnk pablus Sisrwst a aaygri d. grr " "Thi (said Mr. BUttdtlph) U a fasnr.!. ti 1 to make a sd sgstntl 1 1, is tvil, i lo-t,. ij-sii-ss ) 1 and if B'd tin w.tt.i, be a- p.4 tl.st ih n a. it l..t w,.!d b a rsst.sl af tb n.luei,,,i,. . Isev" 101 ysar kavelapd ih abas w.rw I was glsva t ear ..aBtrsin, and ma rk.f a revbtnsa y . of wi Is. lr p. mt mim S-a-V -1 S I ... at, .f f ,t 1b4sf.ss. I ,- ' V-a s. t it Br-ass. a.4 a ,, .a' . u ks . t asnstfl. iSrsWe. t htt. h It e- t B II S.4 ..ral .IU..t. S 1 .' , rr- r-sst t" ., hi M I1 t -Be. sss... Fl'olilMl ll t 'f'S.rf !. h rsit ,iot-it t .,-.! I 1. ..... I, l.,f. .... i , . V ..I. t , h s I w i !. . - S.t'.ol 4 f '- . . t ..llloo-t ,1,1 Jt,.i .S , .1. . E U. a . fe. a.Mt S.SSV. S t .a. t. . p. - - A-,- -t);)Oot:irek:; ip.ll,. g 's to , g , , 1