$0rtij-nn)lin;t Star. rt't-iHtt wrttiT r ' , WILLIAM C. DOUB, luiroa abnreoraitToa.. T B II 8 ; . If paid trictly in advaace, two dollar per an sa; two dollar aul fifty cents, if paid withia is laoolhi ; tad thro dollar at the end of tii year, . A D JlER TISK VKXTS not exceeding Uteen lies, will bo ionarted ooo tiine for ono dollar, and twenty ive cent for )o. subsequent Insertion. Taos of greater lengti, will be charged propura tionally. Coart Order and Judicial advertisement will be fbargca 25 per coathighor than the abate rate. A reasonable deUuflien will bo ntad to boat who advertise by th year. Book and Job Printing don with Beatneg as d eo patch, and on aecomtnodating terra- ' volume xx vn. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, WED!TSDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1856. NUiiEZR 22. HEW 1011 lBHITl.EI ESTS. J N K W YOKK ADVERTISEMENTS. GENERAL DIRECTORY. , CITY GOVKRNMEXT. Tm, Dallas Haywood, Intoudant ol Police COMMtt)SI0!.'gS. ' Eusttrn Ward. Kldridge Smith, A. Adtuus, Middle Ward.V,. ft. Root, K. 11. Rattle,, " U. W. Haywood. Wet-tent Ward. A. M. liunnun, H. D. Turner. J. J. Christophers, City Clerk, K. H. Battle, City Trena. . Ci Guard. James M. Crawley, " Jack nun Overby. Viff Constable: Kdward Hitrri. ' W iltiaui Andrew. A. Adams, Weighmaater. h. llama, Clerk of the Mar ket . , . - COURTS. The Supreme CohW of North Carolina I- ueld in this city eemi-antiualiy, on the aecond f Jiday in June, and the 3Hb day of Decemlier Judge. Uoti. r'reJeriek Nash, Cltiel Justice, ; K. M. Pearson, Associate udge, W. II. Battle, . " " Edmund B. r'reoman, Clerk: Hani. C. Jonea, Reporter, J.J. Litcliford, Sr., Marshall. The United Mat Circuit Court for the Liia- triot of North Carolina in held Koiiii-nnuual'iy in j this city, on the 1st Monday in Juneiii.d the htst'f Mondny in November. Judge. lion. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia; Hon. t llonry Fuller, ol rayottenlle; Uisliict Attorney; Roliert P. Hick; Clerk, Wni. ll. Uaywood, Sr., Marshall. Wesley Jonos.- I'tie Siifriiir Court for thia County, ia held on he lies: vlo i i.i. After the fourth Monday in M.troh and Metitouilier. . t s .1 .tin C. M.t'.re, Clerk. Jo. I. iViutiol ir, Attorney General and Solic itor oi bie loiirtii Judicial Histriut. C.i Court nf Plea and Quarter ,.). i hold on the ii'iird Monday in Fcbni. i-y, Miiy, August an 1 N ive.nlier, JolT. Ctlev, Clerk. Ck iinii'jt of the CouaUj Court. Villiiim Boy I -in. " - Cuunt'i Split itorK. P. Marriott. Slterijfof Wake County William II. Ilij,h. Corm-.r Willis Scott. Itcgiiter. 11. 1 1 in f on. BANKS . ! Btlnk of ttte llut: oj X-irh C'lnitiiul ti.' ' ri .--ratptl i;l. t'liarttfr exiirt" io 1'StiU. ' '-1,0 $1,.W,W0, Jivid.' t.into 1 j.tH.,Ur wt :rx.. the Liternr) lloiird li dji. '.W -mil tla !?-.t-itv UXH). Principal Bask at lUMrh. ' ' tieorge W. .il : 11, J ,,'..i.iit. . Chari IIl'W'o". , -1 u 1 . ' ' J. 11. Bryan, Jr.. !V:-r 1.1; 1 Nmj- I'ul.lift W. K. Anilerwiu, ;) - .ur.t ' l'"V. 111U Xutnrf Puhlio. Jurdin W. iiiljlo, Jr., ( letK. I'liin U:iii. iriaiciMa( Newlrt$in, Tarlfiri'' ; vU'ul.e. Wiimintoii l,lialUi City, Cliar i -o, .liiit.in, .il iruntm atid Windsor. U11 tiie part of the Stale : 1'. V. Courts, Puli i '1'roMurar, ex-otfi io, I.. O il. Branch and Vi li. 1'o'ilc. - . -- ' ' n .rr of the Siooklioldor t Vim. Bovlan, ..'.. I'm,-,-, .1. II. Bry.ui, J. B. (1. RouUnic, Al-i,-.-1 .loin's no l ltK, Moore. .f.l'-rin ioi l laoie val d iv Tuesday'. :l:H:inj'it day Wf dnrl.iy. 11 i.iHv-i 0 Bill. and UdU of Dxchauge Uinount 1 pri'r. darr - . BuiiiHMt iiouM from 10 till 2 o'clock. " Kat'iyl rtr.1t. ?, if tl- It-tut t.f At Capt I'tar William ll. Joiit, Ca.toi R. I'. Kuril, iVLer ami iStary Puhlio. DiitnuK-JnM, W. Ilaywoo.1, T. It Selliy, Beth Jones, tiir Little, llf. Thua. . Ui(i and C. W. 11. UotthinKK. OJjriii lay Monday, Diaoount day Tuoaday From rimeker &efl , A4vntUii Him ApdHODBu0dmgSl4: Hi Broadway, BCHiErrtm brothers Co. ixpoiTRts, A!n rui.ra u Drngi, rilnti, Oils, Vtt, Ptrfumfrj, kt., 170 Wllliamatreet, Mew York, ISV1TK the attention of the trade to their larg and varied atock of Prugs, Paiota, Oil, l'erfuui ry, 4., ke. . in addition to. their regular Importation of Sta. pla Drag, they are also receiving, direct from th aourct 01 production aim manufacture, aupplica ofj'rooiii, H air, and Sail Bauanaa. liKoszes.CoaKa, sioarAaa, cposoas, rF.cH ana t-KoLifH I'tarrM aat, Lcaix'a Kxtapts, and many other article usually embraoed in llrugniata' to, lu, which th.-y are alao nabled to offer ou the most advantageous tertua. Orders, either in pcron,or by mail, will receive prompt attention, w June 26, ltob. 77 PLATE k WINDOW GLASS. 'HESOT, ITBtTTHQU 4 CO., -fro. 42 ClifBt., .Vw-Vr, IMPOr.TF.RS ASI) M A N I" F ACT I' Et US' A genui, tl haaca'a Englih riheat. Crown and Cry litl Plat Window (iiaa. Fluted glasfor8ky.ligh"t, C reeu lloanea, etc., ete. Colored, Umamental, lipti. cal and Microficopicgla. The Loodoniod Maaches ler plate glaaa Coupana thickpoliahed plate for ,atore wtudowa &c, &e., Hough glaaa for ttoore and aky-liglita. Attention ia invited to the above varlona de scription of wiudow glaaa in uae for Storea, Dvelliiiniin.l other purposes. The quality of these articles ia inferior to 110 corresponding deacrip. tion, and in many rcsjiecta auperior. Our Sheet Glaas will b found better thau the French in ita freedom froiu Htain, Rust, &e. Beiug Agents for two of the largest Glaaa Man ufacturers in Europe, we ar enabled to offer deal ers and others every advantage in prteee and large stock. Price Lists will be furnished on applica tion. April 28, 1H66. - 17 Una. 20,000 IIT ORB MONTH. RN S Tli N fa 0 0 D , Br C'arelloe Ire Ileitis. . 4 XTIIOCfill but a unirla moiib baa paaeed ,ine ta? arit cp.v of this brilliant look we iawr, yet o rat b, bewu the acuatid lor tm lat and aa.i44i ful wof k I'r.'On toe pa of its Uaitaud aottiia-eea, tbat ara aww nntiu; ibe TWENTIETH THOUSAND, MisccllaneouB. The Criminal Wit net. In Ilis "print; of '4S I was called to Jaolwi to attend court, hatinffbeen sngogeJ. to defend a i vounir man accuaed of robhins the mail. I had iw4, yet j , Lnj conference with my client, and lie acknowl- IroOuetl nu "au uwh vim a l'rl" M'wif'.'' eorapaniona over to Topham, and tliat on returur ! in iliev mot the mail carrier on horxeback com- with aa untMl demaad dill prtailng as. Einc th tl front Jockinn. Soma of hi eoinpanion wera d.v or tb Laiupiifitr, na bouahaeaoid so rapidlv, j drunk, and they proposed to atop th carrier or bwoaae so univerlly piAiolar. ,.A overhaul hia has. The roads worn vcrv ' Finl PrfiDlnra Gold Mai Pinno-ForlM, RTEIVWAY & SOKi, SlAItUr41!TlKRi, S4.A88 WAtKME KHEBTS. SAB UKOADWAT, 1ISJW TUBK, I espectfully call the attention of the public to k, their splendid assortment of aemi-grand and eqoHre Piauoa, which, for volume of tone, elastici ty H touch, beauty of hjuah, and jtu short every tiling tnat reuiiers a riaiio onect, are unsurpaa aed. They were awarded the first prenrium 4ar both kinds in competition with the most distin guished 'makers from Boston, Philadelphia New York, and. Baltimore, T ; V NEW TRIUMPH ! Stkihwat & Pons havejustbeen awardni the FlHST Prumiuiu U0LUJ1EUAL (overall competi tors) at the late fair i4- the American Institute Cryttal Pa'Iaee, fur the BKS f Pianoforte. . " 47 tf. u &c. T1LT0N & McKAIKLAND. 33 WaiJen Lane, New York. BCKTOH'B THIEtT Y&kTiy VIEW. Suld tx cluftveiv by gubsoriptioir. Aj-mu wnDtd to tjitijin Mtbttiritinn fat VoL 2-T ftf UoDtoo'g Thirty Ttfa.-H View 4 Uie eu .to of toe t lmeu oiatv. ,twO Copies U'ttre bous Mtld of the tirt olinne, aX il i pftuuvtiU timt ntjttty wortf will b ioli of J,h fcuiid. Tti iiw Yuittiiut will r'ty on th ftl of May.ltt he mabllitted witl ftPteetpUtt? Tiew of the nitJitte 8eBste Ciminber. The iMm of the work per T)uuwis 'J,5t), ?aeh cuulaiDing 7 M double oolamnfd wgei of Atft'ittc hr good ditriM UoUid to them In the following ftat : C",ina?cticui. Vetmoitt, Xew York. New Jenwy, Marj land, Virginia, Jorth tlarulina. Hif3iM.pi, mid LtHiUiitnaV. Addreif I. APVLETON A CO., 346 and 848 liroadway, New York. April 23, ISSfi. 17 1m. G- I'altinior. l.r;...t.-151 ,l;ot. u lli p.t , H II . NEW YOHK .MIU.IMCHY, dnSrSlStOV WlulfMilr nnl Tflitil Silltrntn anil Straw Gmali Wn Iidiim ., -CJ Brnadwof " amc row A. MU. H. is now iii Kurpe for the exprCM f.nriofe of sclm-llnt nnveltii f.ir the .riiijr Trade, w!iirh mil arri'.r mid l-e rcudy fr in.eetiou oa or shoo the tir.t ot Man h. Siurto ro nd Vetorn Mi-nliaota and Milii o r r? r.'l"" ttullj inritud t call sod rvaraitie t'o -..tic i '.'fore p':r l.a.inj. rlcca br-re- PalUTQ lln-i.i-rj. ..nn on bajid. .mA n-ut l y cxi're, to any ad ilrei.,. ll'Yo. fi. O-Kui AHDRN SKKDH, WARRA.VTKI3 . FRKSH and llenuiiia, growth of Ih5ii for ,li' ti HKN- Ki 1) l l. RNIJtl, bo'jlin...jr, IULKI1.B, t. .4;i'iroYii,. .Citron, f-r pn-servs, I.arii.. . liotlH. . MaMtttni. ! fiu-l, or Son: flinti ! jilrowu, Karll !s Vnk(. i.r k'aitv' Wrw, .ili.n ,a4, . tm,,Ht V.t.1 pvkle.1 Valentine. ..riiver Minued, or While, H'- i '.:ii.iwt iloin.' Y'-lli-w tranhurir, I.itv .'.ml Weiliersheld, i .if limiuii Duion, II Ion. Portugal,. Vclli-w Jiuo h, I'atnwVt'lltiw, uew, tisrn K-d, Karly Iti'd. i itra Pit, i.e. ilrlcd, or lhiuble, Pro . r I, ii, a lu.i I r ioo, I Sillll'i I V I. OKI', rlxtiii h.-oly Vicloiia, ltoyai If warl.or IV liile Kid Karh Vulinw Sii M et k,, Ciiiua Hfd Kju, or Karlj d'luin oritile. . t-litna, I 'orS'iiy. l.nr .!i' Lima, or Potter Beanr iiyar, Carolina St-wce or aba. .Hollow (Groaned, or Cap, IIM. - I'nt: Lxtra Katl v iumip-rootcii, InUrrili', Extra Early, l arly 'I uriniioiiuttid Hed. Karl, Frame. P , HAIL KaAllS. ' ?iJ. i.h c ul t'ii-' liuUs-uud Comjyanf. H. A. ll million, I'ttsi.lent, MV W, Vaas, Treasurer, J. M. Pool, Assistant Treasurer. . t'. B.AIIen. lirpot Aent, Mail train k'aies at 7 o'clock, A. M., arrive tl OJ P. M. Korlh Carolina t'.iiroaj Ctmianf. Chat. f. Fisher, President. C. P. Mendenliall, Treasurer. , . J. T. Wef. Fre.ahfand Ticket Agent. Mail tram arrive 6 u'elo. k, A. from the 'East: and Uorurn Khn, after S o'rhtca, A. M. Mail from th We.t arrive at 32 minutea af ter ioVlx-k, P. M. I'cpsrta at 2J yiiuutca be- fur So clock, T. .11. rUST Ol I ICE. . William White, Sr., Pmt Master. Omea U wrs, ou rek days, lrum Sun-rise tr 9 P.M. I TttAVELLER'S GLIDE. (iaair al A Daraartaa or ail T kauiioa KOBTlItK.V MAIL (Ur KaiLtotn.) Throifh Mail closes daily at 6i a. m War Mail " " at 9 p. m Arrive daily at 6 p. m Tb Car leav th depot at tt a, m rKJLTIIEll.N MAIL (Br Two-m.aa II. a, Cloaea daily at 1 p. in) Arrive daily at 0 p. in Tn llat k leaies , . Ij ; W H KS'iXKN MAIL ',11 R.itauan.) ' CIom daily ' at 9 p. m. Arrive daily n i p. in. Th Tram lean's at 4 p. UULBSBOBO UA1L tCr IUilm.) rtisaes daily, li I p. a Amvea daily al S L th Car leave daily at 10n a flee a. m TAKIUJKO' ! A!l.-(ri.Two mo. la a.) Cienns'inday,THea.aiitTI nr., at 9 p. as Amies Tua.lai . Tl. ora. ami Sat., at 7 f.m llaekliMui Sltw. Vi eal. and lU at '6 a. PirT.Mlgllo' M All s llv Tna-i....- lla a Closstaoa Tuesday aad Nilorlay, at If. n Arrive ou Mtntlay and Thursday," al 7 . M Jlack l sa on f"ou. and H d. a."ut 7 a. n SpU&dld Stock of Goodi! Bnwkiyn-tily Mtam Engine U'orki. D. P. EUBDON & Co. UAlVa TK1, UROi !, l. V S NEW VtiHK. Mdnuu'tttiris of Mutt EtMfina vi(h Hfa Jont J'a! tut exit t'jf aii'i lUtiicrs. MH K BUitctriliT tiai nlv atrt 11 ui'eri-riiy X th confirm u,.o ui Ih-ir Fpjrip-!-, tut will rurf aiitt'tf lo Imicmit onc lliird mor j-t-wtT villi d.f i surlufe ol t-i.ili-r.i'ini SB jir ( i It--.- irrntr' -f !;; m lnn any f-ihtr l.ncine iitrdul'tut.trni in ihe I tii'iMl Stat, tnsintnfrin an filial f il w.iln ui rf Hrd l auimiut ul power ..pl.tti if tlic t li j; l v. AUo friim ibt ir Ions cj-(i.'ue ai.-J ui uiot.ief'i' ill tie, iby H4-kml.Ujt ho comj.eiitor io tlio manulae. tare "f Suj:r Mill, Pnw anil (irii MtV. fttam VuthH, Mini tin I 'map ad iii-$iinjj' r Mine, Stuj'i- inyi,awi Mill liiitiy ttoy Jh 'friifirri. aSulWLXUA?im'lt.y'J., lrtifiJrir'j .dirt' tM tiioiir hvw ..trplTf(ni5-m etiitrm't..tn, Mim r-uaarr ltr aiil grrat li.rotiil.tv reel t- tt ili-i i lt ii! f ins ri -r tu i:v i.w in ne. OrdtTftVy vtnii, ur oTiifr ,nj n. itt-n Jed io wiih trumi't Bf aii'i tl1.(i,'h, p. p pi -iiov, i - Ii. V. HTKDOX It CO. H. P. l-OKKLIK. , P. COJ.KI.IJI J fr1- fi3 ' 3. Tho Wonder of tc Age. ' Xrt V A Y ! F Dr. T'diia? fM-UrfiVd VrtifttAQ l.tnimnt doe a j1 ftfr hyier, l,T?iiitry. t'ruup, folic, 'otijh, aMflrtttui. Viimikmtc, Muniita, l'tUtaeli. Hi ')( r.hafM'l ilnn'sS diid Kret, f-ffuila Btlep. Iniwt Itfir;, ( bruit is? MHeuuialt-m. tiweilirt. 0U aSre 'y(, llnn-, Unit--, and I'atn or WenkDMia lh UOsba, Hat k ml ) ri. ' NO IJ V M t tJ T R Y 1 T , Dr. T-dila hut vamuil d hit Itjirnf-nt fur tight Toari without vr hvtnt( a -ftunnat, in a tie fnr th la tum of the nun.j tti ihat Uatlicd i4Mic U ceo1- ing ut ih aireciion. NO ONE WILL KVI'B WITH Of T IT After t'U-f R'ing it li ' ) M do txt fiDil It bfftMT tbaw nyllitnf ym par evr lri-1 Udirf. fiET Vol R MO .N Elf ItETrRNf D. kfrTLuttwad ef fFtitflrairl fe& ( rxir4 )waiin fi(f nf9 irtin-. New p da it la Ida prat-tir la 111 ( ffera wilh vrtifV'BlM from an. kwnva pr-rauwa t gi '-t tln whs fear- avr ad th airdictD now Ir. T4ia ofen tm j 1,000 DOLL All t a nrti wh will prBT tliat ha rr fwAth4 f s4n.fi(ai duritif iiPtiiw b haa h4 ht a4KtM ba fir tti Hul.li.-. Julio ih PRfnu and c t Pawihll tftntaWting ffaiprcrnfi' Ai ria f ' f ihvlarira Ml & lha V-ntVii l.tnimcrt feava itad ll ta lntni ova lo lakt 1 lulm aUy It. T .l-it-a hi ink ih .. lewinj OATH I, 8ararl T af 'h I llr t N-w T irk. hlat duly aworn d ihm I rmiffti-J a lin.mat ralla1 Vaaofiaa, at ll-al ibi lrtftv4ifiif of Whirl) ta rrsw fwsavtl r jlr(l I. irMiU-a li taia lattntaliy( ava ia dil, tpaianuty aam-d ia tn UiiwUtip aaa raarantif'f rah w S wh, Jaeeary ttl,. U.l E. I T! I HI AW, hwirrn lo tlilvc day ht-f'T1 a, JrU0 AH-i.tt, .l.t Ut Jl i.4 Patwtt , m. ., -. lit. l -i mf 11?. Liatwrtii la plmi t$-ult at if ftsttt, tt.iuiF4 h mi r any utk l.on- Iliu-.d hed, HiiwMiiii or Migitr, SliWijuld Wuriiwl, Karly Orwiu'e do, Kariy Hull Lt.nR Bluod. Fr?nch Amber Sugar. Kurly Iultlip Kitttv Vurk, iaa,lrili'a Ijirgr York, H:il) 'llfriir 1,;a( J l-:ily Ifalh-rM-a, V l.uijr ("nnntifHl, tirVii t'urlfl ,tvy. l.-.ic JitiimlirH'l ."-aTtiy, (Kurly Waehington. iharly .May ac. . (Kartj (MirtrlLun, Uihop's Dwarf Pmlifio ibwart lUuc ImrMripl, It v ni Dwarf Munt.wfat, !lllu l'ruaaian. hargtt hi if Mnrrowtut, 'liarjre Bweci, Uwll-tbaiied rim:itu, or r 11, ji'ayi'BUP, i'T Ltitif, ft1iaw, I.Mu uniiiib, I ttniir li in(( nrlrt Miort.t'ip, ;itiff HntiiHitifP W hue Tiirm(i-r4tad( Trnij-rM't 'I. . , vl'"W Turin p ruvetcd, 'Snimiicr N". hit, l;hlrh, ur Wt-fJnnt. I Snlil)f, 1 (tftrr.J'fant. C ulv ltinb, iir I'.itty Pan. .Karly Ainii. liuh. tftr I. sag lrtH;a Crookiinck, Pnsli I 'r i iknfk KitHiim-r. Early or Adam's iitifli TrmmerWrallnp, T trtr, . wlr.te, Tusrarora. liuirli eiistmer Hcallop.yel- I'uiiymwr, :l,,w. Early AHtnit, flM,ru.J.M'f..a-nut, i.att- Inot ii, , aljiar.vio, or Porter. (Jrt.Kt t'.ftfr (inf. Sjiiwh Brorr.H I srgf Purjilf ll-.i nl Pavoy Inaved. aie, l.sriii- Halt tape, iv.i-kly seed Col. FalUr of the New YorkMirrsr, in one of Ibe most elegsutanicli;, er peniifd.iB repaid tuantbor er tlielr pfmtQcliens, nses the fo'lhmiiig hetutiful language! lrtiest I In w oo. "Hoath darkens his eye, auplueie his wlnas. But the &.Meal aong islua last be aiut:.", Ia the rulante eaUtlrd '-KraMt Liawwxl," just Issotd by Jewell At Co td' Host'in, wa bsie the dyinrsmtg of the eU-aaiit aud(lnt d Mrs. t'arvltne Lee Heat. .inirtillv ,a-el like the sib of an .tiolian lyre, yet detp and ura-"iilar a the v.m-a or many waters, it sei-m lo esve Iweu poured forth while her suul floated delta to th ocean ul Kest. On aliuott every pap we can trace the shadow of the tleatli-aligtH, why hore her sway vk., Uar -" n.la 1 vsifrioii'k uleaeis troru Ul' 111...,. ,.. ha,q. ..M H.I.1I-IMM1 Mr. i read. - The hook ia a bread-east (krewelt a lour rii:; f . vj r. .... i --.i i.' ... i.t. .!.. I,, i leiiera. Iiantr-gra-i' limn ww ,..vv,. . ......t..,,., , impressive paaaeres-im. KaaeialiOiiae' Uiftinuaf ht lat. the writerwonderfully vivid and absorbing, beAuse wondt'rfidly real. " We will not at empt lo fialnw cut, !u this notice, the thread ul'an inimitable tlt-;in ro doing weshouMoely anticipate scene and e.citti ahit k cuuie, site bsautl fal liehings and fine efferl.tief -re the eye of Ih reader. We woeld not rob the book of i.alf it charffi. . s Pweet Uabririla Lynn will tell h- rown ttory. . Pahllshasl by JOHN P. J KWETT k 1-0.. N. 117 ashingtue rtreel, Hutou. l-'nr sale by all Book, sellfii.e iM.inh !. MZ. New Spring and Suninier Gwds, . FOR 1850. riMIK HUIISCIUIIKU HAS Jt'ST U Kit II .Nr. I) X from New York, and In now receiving thit IhisjovI sntl must eorapli-te attortiiirnt i f r'ANt'Y A.ND M A- LK UHl liOOil.S he evvr bad the ideaMiro ol olltirlng to his niiiot-roiis frieritt and customers, lutrndm-ine, all U.e recent styles. Cshcoes, (liivgl.ams, laiwiis. Mus lins, llialles, Liarairt, li huiie., r'tguii-d and lisin trraifcs, and Tiesus. Silk anil Straw BuDiiet.. Silk Manillas, and Pari. No use to lulk, for I liavit got tlisra. Uume and l.k. t.KXfl.EllKN'S HKAK.-Ihav a flne assortment of C tton, l.in-n, ami Wt.ol.n Uooditof all ktnUA. Uiye me aeall il yu aunt new, rlicap.iind good l,oods. lists, Hoots, and Shora. Also, loinc good KKAllY A1AIIK I'L'J l Ili.NU. Talk about tins utan andthst man sclllni; gootls fll toon! M Iiy custouier, slop slid think and pouder well before ytu ilcp, i aiu tod coling you oltl good, ntT lime-worn or sbidf-mbbsd rnniomts; but I am oth-rina you .Nh'W liOullS, bnut'bl la Sr York within th last tit'Uicn days, aitd.iwill sell you gcod HomlsjuBt as cheap as any malt in Ihi, C.ey. Oouitt y or Stale that fans paid for bis good,, or li.teinls doinir ao. Call and see ids. and il i do not prioe a list I say, then quit tee. t; all .Id door shore H.' Surfl.' Corner, or one tl'"r above Hrans and Cooks's, and opposite C. W. I,. Ilutehing'a addle 'ant llamesi Maoufvi loiy, Fay ettevillr Street; AIiEXAKUER CI1KFCH. Italeigli, April 2nd, .M. , I 01. muddy at tha tim, and th coaoh could not run. Mv client nastired me that he liot only ha.d no linnd in rili!iiiif the mail, but thai he tried to j dissuade hi companion. Hut they would not liaton to him. One of them alippe J up behind the carrier atiJ kuoeked him trnra the hnraa. Then tliey U-iun l ami bliudfoMe 1 him. and having tied him to tree they took the mail hag, and made off to a neighboring field, where) they overhauled it liiiiinjf some life huniirel dullsra in money in various lotlera. He went wiih tftem, hut in po way did lie Imvo any Lund in the crime. These who did it tied, ami a the carrier reeojruiaed him in the oartv, he had been arrested. ihe mail 'Una uad been ruuml aa wolt vh Those lettera irotn which money had been tiiken, veer kept, br nrder of tha hfliear. and d iplieatea sent to the rariooa parsotn to wnom they were directed. The lotlers Imd heen p'tven to me for (lamination, and I had returned them to th prosecuting; nttomey. I rot tlirouch with my private preliminaete nhoiit noon, and as the case vrould not etuis tip before nejt d:iy, I went into eoiirt to see vj-hat was poir.g on. The first eas vrhirli enme up wa one of tiiefi, and the prisoner vraa a voitng jirl, not more than seventeen years of a;e', Klitahetb Mmlworth. Site rriie very pretty, auditors Hint mild, innoecnt hmk, which a seldom Hod in a eulpr't, SliB was pale and frirh tones, nnd the moment my eye rested utioti her, 1 pittie I her. 8h had heeii , -Certainly, air. I meant ttu one tlee had any ripht there.'". ' 1 saw tliat Mr."K., tliouRh tiStura'ty a litietl woui.vi, was aoniewhat moved by poor Kiisnbeth't sawery. ., ,. 'Could your cool have Vuown, by any means in your knowledso. vi-here your money wa?' air; tor she has otteu come up to my room when I was there, and I liar given her money with which to buy provisions of market men who happened alone; with their wagons.' 'One niur question: llnv yon known of the prisoner's luring bad any money sine this was stolen?' , . .: , .. -. 'No, sir : ' I now callotl SCancy Luther baolt, anil shebe gfti to tremble a little, though hor' look vvtve as btiM and deliant as ever. , . . 'M iss Luther," I said, "why did yon not Inform vnur niistreaa at once of what von had seen, with out waitiitiir for her to ask nlmot the lost mssiev 'Because I could not nisk' up my mind at o ice to ej pise the poor jtirl,' ihe answered nMin'olv. 'Vou say you looked ilirongh the keyhole, and w tier tK tu ipuueyr Yua. sir." r . AY here did she put the lamp while she did o?' tin thebureiti. , ' your tostimony you said ati stotod down when she picked it up, M'hot do Jou menu by lliai - '; alio girl hesitated, ani finally said she didn't meanaiiTtliiui;, only that she flicked up the lump. Very well.'eaid I. "Uow long have you been wiin .ur. in.soy j 'Not quite a vear, air.' 'How nmehjoes ahe pay a week?' 'A dollar and three quarters.' Hav e yon taken up any of your pay since voit bs.a l.i.m, th. 'Yea. airs' 'How much f". . '1 don't know, air.' 'Why don't vou know?' flow should I? token H al different Citizens,'' nui contained en bundre4 dollars. SU'Olv af rn'-trds theyctith c.iuie 1 1 -y aii ile eaone .- he eoc,i rnise. 1 simply shoftrd luin th iiote I ba t rsct-iverS, nt;d n-ki' i hiot to kei p lo , bard earTiiio. f .r tilswii", v t.eu !ie f."t one. 11 owne 1 he L.iU intcn ici to niAke I.uze Madwerrh hi wife very aoon. Next I au.ceedtol in cleat it my otber client from conviction of r. boio g tte uia,! t nnd made a cmsiil -rable bn-lie ol tiie l..itiu.a-,e tiir.-verv of the letter whit a b:ij saiti a-a inio'ceut g.rl on the by lsr.rtTiu my stioeal to I'- e j-iry ; and if I made them foci that tl. f.nutr cf Cuiitipoicm e wa itt the work, it was because I n.hinelv be lieved tint trie young wet wis Hntitaient of ail crime, and I aui siiW 'tleey thought o too.. w-eeiiiiitr prnfinely, for hor bos un wa wet, but t times, just aa I wauled it, and have kept no ao- e loono ao ni'tnv eyea upon tier, sue uecame count. MU iiCODS FOR K At No. 29 Cheap Place. One Moor aliotc II. mMh'a f'ornrr. It i-.i Hutch, i for I t I it;-.. Int.. Hi li mil Flat l. t. li. li ,'.',, tt!.tid, Mauintt.lll. t'uirol. l-na llrinuro. l-.ur v ll .i it. Alltltsl.alli. "r Fi'l.l barj;e Vl liit, oi Ti! IWrrv. Whin Solid, Red S .lt l. I si '.(....) -l.r, i,i w, u ..Htr,. -. rse. i, or Mt itit, r arlv 1st. i. V. 1 AMn. w spre'ving my erSIKO AKD SUMMER 1 C'fOCK OF FAKIY sin! tlAiLE URV GOODS. Hats, Boots, Shoes, Becaat. r, o al i. b 1 intend l selling; at H4ofd i'moi i. itn, ontt t u.tft, wbn ant ! ptty el..'ii railed on, and r- -ialt lo tbosa who l.tiy with ln.h. s i 1 -M-t'ui it unei'i:i.s?siy ty rinintrrate arlit-h',. Mr StiM-t is Larcf aod arMaso.rli-d.aiid 1 souatla, moui lor noon by tiie tttl ol Aujriirt neat f aTid to fiinble Jitaj. I., esl It I iHlioi.l stnit. II..O.I, -I ,,t!le ittisia-r tor I'A-H tlii. .ctioii ll.ac tb-.-y liav. been told iu ilosntar krl Ivti-lo'.Te. Funic .f our ?i f w .pr. pt-rs a re adopt tug the Cash , vs. t mi at I.. a. 'r pilot, ; aliynot anise lacit-liant folia suit- If the role work, nell in one tat, aby l.ot la the miter, ilut 1 leuve tl.t, punt t-.r wiser beads lo dis- too much frichtened to ween more The complaint ngiiinst her set forth that ahe had stolon one hundred dollnra front M ra. Nftsehy, and ns ihe citso went on I found that Mr. NasehV, aa her tuiatreaa, a wealtliy widow, living in ttmn.- - TIh dtior jtirl 4leularcd-i.er.i11nuc1.nce in the moat w iltlltcrms, and culled nn Gisl to witness that she would rather die than steal. Hut cir iiiiieliincea were luird natiist her. A hundred dnlbira in bank notes hint been alolen from bar inisttcss's room, tat id alio was the only one who hud ut-ccKS there. At this juncture, while the mistress wua upon the v, itncsH-stuiiJ, n J'ouni; man came and caught' me by tho arm. Iln was a hue lonkini; Icllow, and big tcttre stood in lis euis. They tell uio rou are a good lawyer?' he whis pered. f ' 1 am n lawyer,' I answered. ' Then O! -sine 1,er! You cau certainly do it, for she is innocent. - ' Ia ahe your aistcr ?' No, air,' lie said. ' lint but ' Hero lie hesitated Spain. ' lias ahe no counsel f' I asked. ' None that's rjood for anything nnbMly tliat'll do anvtbiii" for her. O, save l.er, nnd "I'll say you all 1 have (T it. I can't pny you much, but I enn raiaa anrnetliitiit. 1 rertected tur a moment. I east m j eye tit wardalhe prisoner, nnd al e was sUlmt iiiument ltsil ing at uic. Site eaugbt my eye.n l the vol ume of humble, pravetful entreaty, 1 read in those-large, teat ful orbs, resolved me in a moment. 'Now if you bad any wish to harm llie 1. iaoner, couldn't you have raised twenty five lollar to put in h'r trunk ?' Wo, sir, she replied, with virtuous indigna tion. hen y..u have not kid lipnj Diuney since you have iasen thorti?' .. "No sir only what Mr Ji'asebj may owe me," , - "Then you didn't have twenty uve dollar when you came there ? "No, air, and what' more, the money found in the girl's trunk w the nioiiv that Mr. Kaeb lost, ion mi);ii( nave gnowu that, 11 you d only remember what y.m hear." Thia waa aaid very aarcastieally, aud was in tended as a crusher noon the ides that (lie could have put the mousy into the prisoner' trunk. However, I waa not overcome entirely. "Will yon toil me if jou belong in this Plate?' I nskej next. I d 1, sir.' 'In what town?" She l.csiutei.and fir an Inataut that bild look firsotkher. Hut she finally answered, 'I Itel mj in rviuicra, Montgomery county. . I ttxt turned to Mr. Naael.y: 'Do you ever take a rccoipt from your girls wnenyou p-tj ineni; 1 asKolt 'Always,' she answered, ' :. iibi you send and gel wit nfthjiB for bic! 'She I old In truth, sir, about my payments,' Tr. Na.eliv eoid. '(I, I tlot. 1 1! -ti 1st II,' I replied,' hut ocular proif HTiitr S.iii. d. Fatra Many Ke 'inn, F.arty Fratas or f abl. Short Frickly Karly lire .-a Cluster, F.arly Frame, tarty Sltort llreea, b-ea llreea Turkey. I.oea lire'-n I K eene'sl Small rbersia. fufnieklea. I Vosrwfo, or LorewAtif'fs, lirns lied. Largs Yellow, ll'sarahaped, I 7r.i. Karly Flat I'olcb. Flrsp ' Isaveit, Ped-H-ned, Ruap lesvfL Karlv Sloes. La-gs oH;lk, ,argf Dlobe, f-'ri 7"o, or Mttmrtm. Yellow Alierdeea, l.srjfe"T"llr)le, isxolcb Yellow, Kariy l'urp Is. ' iHula Bsga, -r Sweetish, Lrttrm. ' II., I geerf. Karlv I'arled, o, Cat Paled. I. s render, ksrlv Calibers, Puller Lettuce," l;resa liuirb. Postal Csbt ae, I -as I -ee i a-1 , Fbtlrdell-hK' Cabbage, Cesiad India, so? Is, bile t ts, fireen Col, ralestiae, Ward's "Jcstar. t'lns eiiel t Heesiaa. r.sillatsae Fias Nettled) lUat hwooS, textrs Bfo-.J erulina V sler. llioeusrv, '"If.' Sat'iry, eajieaer, ' ' Wialev, 'Mwset Baeil," Sweet Maijorsss, Sweet Tbyaie, I ItrnM SeeS. I By lbs poaad av kwskel,; P...I t Itrter, White Uaiibrtotee, I. wcstbs, ny Frrnrk, llltte tlrass, II. rd. or Bed Ton,' TlCSotliV, Caeary Saril, . 11 Tlooil ebesoer tor ( Srh tliBD tb.-e situ sell US 12 and X't nixiiths lime I aed loi.sa tUi? n.tttler, tl.nt'l tsk lay aonl f.-r il, butcall slid iry. nnd I tl.il A I will be able to prove ll U youi ellire ialltUe'loa. Kl'rvybofiy call and see II. I.. tVA.Nrt. READ THIS! All lt,"-s in l. ioe t ,., the Hrrtt .,1 M ASS rilliM;, or to II. 1. F. VANS, mast settle Ibeir hotosand Ae- .oaiils. Ibe eitbecriliercaunot g.v longer iptlelf ere. II. b. tVAHS. April 1,1. IsJ. It !., Ill my oul I knew that the girl waa innoeerit ; tir is the pssf fir ihe c lurt rim, SaeJ you tan, i wts-i you wiejitj piocure in receipts.' Mm sai l she w..ul I williug'iy gs if tin Court stiid al. Th Court did ao, ami ahe went. Ilr dwell in was not lr tIT. and ah soon retumel, and ban. led me four receipte, which 1 to .k and eiaminet. . They were all signed in a trangn. straggling htuid hy the witness. '.Vow, m-.y Luther,' ssid Lg'irn'ng lo th witness, and speaking in a iiui -lpsurtling tons), at the aame time l -king her sternly in the in, "pittas tell th e rtirt and jury, and tW ass, where yon g.-t the aeveiiiy fire dillar y.ea ent 1 1 your si-tr In Sunera ?' Tb witiie-s suu-teJ as though a volcano had burst at Lor feet. Mi tu ne I pal as death,, and every limb ahiuik vltdearty. I walled intil th pe tnleeould see bee ,ao'.K,n, and thee repenel the qu ea st leitl, I fi-inlylieiievtHlso and perhaps I eouM I clp her. 1 arose and went to th girl, mid nskxi l.er if she wished in to defend her. She aeid yes. Then I informed th ennrt that 1 waa read to entor the te, and was admitted at ims. The 1 iittl ntriTirtnv vef satisiaesWott whtb rini ihruiigh ibe c m. riuk-kly told me where the sympathies of the whole peoplo w are, 1 asked for a moment' ri!iiin, thsjt I might ....b ,.. ... ,.i;. I .n.t .! d,.. I.w k.e I anle. and"aked-lier to state to me candid! th Mra. N'aseliv nearly twit years, and that during all that time ah had never had any trouble Ins fore. A bout two week nf, aheewtd. heVmietr bwt a liiitwlit-d dollars, She missed it from tb draw, the girl loj.l ma. and al e a-L'-.l me about it, but I knew nothing of it. The neit thing I knew, .Ssncy I.uther bild P"?,' " . ... Mr. N,..e',y that .be saw'tne tale the mokey l.r',.T, ' fm-i the tlew'w-that !, watcbe-l me thermgh Y,i '" d"'- lh""'!"-!. for kev-bole. Then the went to lot trunk, aod thev ! , -! I, h fsmtl, Mooniain Hiioot Water, Itadi,,, ,4 M'SfOtalB fweet. ewlirsfe, ' A ad a (rest variety ef W-s.d leeladssl la this ad. Venus eseab 10 CfHc N. C. H. R. Coanpanv, I S.Lisai av, April 1, l.VC North Carolina Bail Hoad , St hi dclt rf - ill T'lii ti ilia fflff ldn ' Ibi Hkl iijniri,M r.-T ' lv. T.4,iss' ., .. esraat; il I'l tt',,4 i ft, Toes. ly ; ! pl aes aw raesMviag ls tasfsss fttaHl wt I fsssr, vU, e.s. Mats. I s.a. lets, I tsefc. See VJlwesrlea.WtaV fesl arer beaw BSa.aatsr4 l SUis.eS, a4 as tbey kae baaa B-M raesfaby tkey WVM SS spaas mm lbs asst a-4.ra lnaa. W Hull pbsssesl a abow tbaea tw eat, eatstNlara, Vialseae law assail, gss,s,atlv. W U. a. ft. I. TC lag. , .H 11 ' in mxira, ciAir:u) 4Iuhom, Md llostts, U)t W st.t e-' sV'Sa, Hesl aW MssiVf ItswlMa rW eeVvssta, ssms 4ssjkl ssa J'gaaa, k.p fcxiaas, LiUlks- a.S Sbsae. Lsvliss' C ,.r,s k,. Saw steals l,aii, IStsa stsrew gvMMs, kU'k sad OsSsessI alwMav. Ta saw. as-au.d lU- li aed es wltt be ald al lawssa Slark.l trWes, I's.l ssd avassias fbsst St H,L.EVAs-. Vs.s,til, , Ii. I MI t II VtialNirt bl tsa rrjwiiar iuki Ml tUabi itreot, V T. Two doors west at Had." ItiVe stslirwae) tleas Ol 11. KM to ialere sat Cweegwter, ble el-bialf breads al Fe. b W iwd.esj tilass ao favea-akt tes-ass, t'sniea wieatse Infoeasael'MS will b fweulsbeel list sseba esas, p ea betr aeteea. (. assess! la aey desired psO'nt, s,. I perks (M est ebseg. April ISi. , 11 ly foh Tin: l.ooo.noo.' INK I, . rTF.T)IIIR CO. eat lavsaapsa aaU , Te Al rl'HHkli of vai'l Masllsa, Table. f"" I l.tatos, S'isd.ssals, , I sweat, steal, sad ell lis , a Mart las, Yhte aetsrlo, wki. h i a pes-para'bea 4 Mseble !. ebetairsby eosal..ad WMk at isseal eaUes, ., as lo bo saMil ded 11 sy tares a- e..,ue, bf wbeib a saaebss ea a (ssaelsrisisd a laa tkata balflbe sosS al iSeseaaassSl taatsnal. sli(o M eeaaaa M aarakii.ty east kssassly I soke tatoa!asi lesaa aad Mate tlt.es is ess eaea w. rk. Us a-doe row lag taws tb eaaaaor tb saalsnab wu.bi so earwisk s aaaei ta f tee s SMsteieaef beemlg as ties sw.rao. Ms) lo V" " ts.s bp., ! .s-rasl V ebeae. Ht.'.e e ISO at.swlaswe. as.4 s'. of akseea l IS eVeWe.ajt States. ,.st will avasins teat. I ll saeoew So UtsiS eMeosslag UJstaa.oo latwassie, Saewtasl a ef Ivati. M I blbUks'iMr I"-S-sMor jsHta Leas laHteSseT. I'Mif. f' :is , a I :- M ,.1 ,to', st i I-.Ir,,b at ll.dekoeaj'. ttl. sia. tire, b.",., elseasetosie, b i..s a, stuburv, t'BSteo,, I Lsltnlle. ' A. 11 ll se I se P. T lo rat 1ST Ml Uars t ksrlttia, at " , ai . M. Arrive as rostaaad st . . ... 4 a4 ' Salubary, . " UliSfi -S. 15 - I.w.. as. 111 Itrs.seWa', IMI " llt.kaaa, U F. M. l,,,.t,e.-, 1 I " .l.ib, 4Je Uotdsbw', t ? a, IHROIstiRR g, r. 1 1 I TT, kegliMsw sad Mpt I. C Hail Rasui. A sad lll. la "' A0EIT1 WAITED!! Kaki Xatttj when Tow Caa I rpita Salee'ibers eaotea ni:w nooDs. 'I'llltKAULACltiiniliM, r.MIiUi)lM.Klt.8,a. I The Subsrrloers have just rvceive.1 I mm hew York, a full assortment -tif iI.s'IkIow named goods which hav beea salecU d with great care Iran Ihe meat recent Importations, nbrcing all th awst style ef Collarei and sleeves, la sell to match, (IbeutisetUBitd slecase laic CiifWei aed ileevea Lac triin'rd enllara and sleeve, IrrncU worked ( brmitells and aleeve, " l.ac irimtaed Krench warkrd Gollar and sleeves, Kaihroitb-red i aatbrie, ia setts teavatch, l-wtbrotdervd ete'a, oa liaen and liuea Caavbrie, Thread lac Collars snJ sleeve to Wialeb, Moernir.g Iseta. ie tstiH b nek sad whits, l.raltrtd.iered Hauderkerchiefa, ia great vsiiety BRd WOW etrte. Kealtreou-red dklrt for opep dresses Kmhroi lered Hwi.s and I aait rie Kluaneleg, km'tt "I'lcred l'telly and Jaekmet llsada, litastia asvd t'atahries..lgittgB and Inserting, Heal thread lavs llrrlhaa and Collars, 1 bread I .arte aal bdflug ef alt widlka, W ols Itlack baeaa tut loancas. Ae., Ttejetker wiih aiany thee w and desirabl gosaU adopted t tbepmeat and apf roaebliig sass- Lsoea, save a as 1 unoa. Hllk llrasae, ia great Variety, " ttrgandis Vlesiiate, ' jaea'Hiet jltttlta, F reach prir.ta in Itobea. Fioaueed be re as Bobel. a geesl sriety, ( baas Milks, alr.ped see Daursd, pe alyl l.iglil pliia Mils Per vaaiag itt as, floleara.1 bt:k lllasbaa (Herb "nlrs In every satiety 1. All of whlfk, l. j'liier with a eoreplels aeent Wteat of aasaseioabie g. Ma both f"e. , a aetel O'.se, tie, Infsary aed l, oe. will I .lef4 at tbf lowist price to easel ol pancloal sWaler. ft. u. 4 r, i th m n UlTill.lC'eft, I - Joprriof Te I ll I llf Ifirisil Cll( lartls, I 7 Uutri iamt I'.'eassxte, deaf IH M-MIlt Veil. ei, eif 1, , 1, 2 a s) f.m.lt. rt.i mi ii aBtwtsat. tveeaiwaa a res wev aiser tea J w"hel-sl Paaiar le Toa a!. .V. r'aeaee nf 4.rf m .4 flmtk .,, J'lllLAbKJJ'UIA. C-Tswa ta tfrt.l!.e Faet, Ssta la kslrt a.H., e-o, 4 iii tasty at bat ri m- a as. 4 itroee la sao found tweo'v five dollar uf the mieaini muti"T there, llul t), sir, I never Oik it uebjdy els put that nn net there!" I than askesl her if ahe auapscted any nn. I d'lti'i know,' sh aid. ' whoe-witd hae d.wte it but Nancy. Sit hi never blel m. beevtaei eh ihnugh' was trte. letter than a'.. waa. . fhe ia the r'i, and I ws t, rhamlavrmaid.' h'be pvinteI Naney I.uthrrowt tome. Hh wa a stout, b.tldfate.1 pitl, ajioiil aui and twenty, with a I iw foreheid, amail gfy eye. Joig rae and tleicklips. le. mailt bee glance at iata, a it rested npiti lit fair yonng priwiwev, aed Ihe inomeiit 1 delected, the bank nf haired whirh I read there, 1 was Convince 1 that s'i wa the rori.e. lib, air, enn y -w tlp sae?' wy elient asked i fearlul whiater. 'Nancy lastker, did yon sajtl.il girl asm wa-' Ye air' l titer any ether girl of t!.a' mm-!Ktt this pisce ?' . "Ne, sir,' Then re-teasy. (I'll try l.Ard tr)ay yn). I fl lb eourt ronm. and wnt th j r.-evi, til s M.riy and ask-d l.t.a f.er tb ries I had bati lr I l.iaa ll.e nl,e bsl l ad lares stolen fnost the biail II) gas IlietS " tee. alts l.stjl g seb-s-ted nr-e 1 teiurusj ti4 av I kefd laf ,re atgitt. I lit returned ibe 'wrt rw aal al.d tte rsaa sieat eat, Mra. Naseby r a. ante I have lst, J aaol ah eiiteif.tr ber resist t tf peiaosver'e ear, an I ii at on aba hs4 awesa lt.se. tit kerMif. 1 imssi al rfeeettld ta aaissittg a'a,ey, ai d rk-es'd bv leiltng h w si bad foa4 Iw-ejlf -h,a rb.r.ra ol It in lb fnt-u ee' trrn k. hit esrtibt sweat It tiie 1 1, el esl a-sey aM bad kal, il t i.; two lens ttd "na ,s 4 liar fill. lira, :., 'said I. "wbrsj . rv en s I ! ftur rstonet. It. I y..j i,v re,. Ui Ul.n that j lb r te,a,v hssl las -a it t" I Ne, sir,' si, ii.is sre.1 Had )ieter la.l..r d lc-I'd bef ia d.sa.e- fdirly gs(.. I wa icitd new. fsiullf itllnre-iL rraaioni tii rail fit aopeiet. May il ebsa yuttr honoe, aad gentaswse) nf the jure,' I said a tn a I eadbsoked t'te wit tveas out of e-Hiataeianee, 'I earn ber to drftud a youth who bad been erreaied ftay robbing th Mail, no I in tn re ears f prehninary e(sm na lion 1 btd S'vea a lb ie tiers whicil bad bw t.wtiopsa and rid I nf as assy, Wu omcrel ut-i this ease, and be,r. tit itans of Ibi wit- aaeaa prow ounce I, I went watt aad g-4 thia letlar Willed now Isold, f t I riualaved In tlv aaen t .. . Til Democracy. . The sinidilcJ Weiaocrscy of the Cnitcd St.ile ik a ftuecr coiizh'inerstion of mitis.einl eiement. Kvhich the a-iutct I'hihid -It-hK inivver or th ' shrewdest loeoioco tact itiiHi i t loiientna wunid devair of uoderstandinj;, toiic'.i less reiiucing to consistency, execpl on the priitcir.le that self interest pniducessitigtilarconjunciions. and thai the " e-iheaive power of p-.tbliii nlilndor," as uius Irated by Mr..Calhmin, posse. set a Strang, fa eitiating and irresistible tnlluence.-tiver tb nitiola and actions of nomtirou iiidtvidual. For oof part, to li the Titanic iiieurfbor of an original oatemnorary, we would sooner undertake to "atop tiie saw of of a task working alone cutter wiih' the niel idio of an .'Kolian harp, or stir op a Ian' guiahing fire with a poker of ice," or plant eruw bar with the expectati ei that a 1) ulutilul crop ai levee plank spike would lollnw, or go li:iriioJt ing for whales in the liaynu Ht. Juim, or think UiatJllori' Uteely would resist the tigoron kiok of no honest man, nrrvicmpt toaw im up the Alississipjii river to the I'-tibt uf St. Anthony on a raft constructed of pigs of lend ten Inter in depth, Cr believe that the "!nng-n.iinded wt mcii '.i f the North are fit to become the mother and teaohee of b iys and girls, thaii to ea y a solution of t he Democratic ridtl! (he p irty tioubh and North presents,- t- ' , The whole conom ! nn inwdnlile - enirrea to our unmphiscatcd miui To show thepwrpleiitw that aurioiHiiis tii question, w ubmil a pertt nent and telling ill.i.lr.ition. The Wa-liiiigton I'niim, Nicholson editor, is the aware lited organ- if In-eliiel'ttl tiie lbsmocraiic party. The New Jural Tribune, tlrecty nlit.tr. rs ilo; inaiii organ of live Abolition pttrt tif t!io"N i: tit. Thee prnrvnition C tnnot Im gtin diyd. 'i'oey n patent, well known hieoMrovertibl. V"li the W ashingtoa " I nion devote coin umn!erc.' i.niit, tbivafirr uaT. t i prove ihat Mill ud Cilia or we. fi-ce-aoiler aed aboliijoniat a tnnu v. h. in i- -M be suicidal Hicy U the $ outbent i.i, to triiui. 1 he New York Ti'ibuuelills Cyluiiuiiinuti ,..luinn,da after d,. . V. -C. ... I. ..''I. '! 1 . .-. . c. vi so , ntiot r,is a, iin'i mtots.1 niier munin, ti denvvnaira'e ibut Millird fiUtuorw is pro al.ivery man, a friend to the South., the bitter est enemy, the " friondasjf freed ivo" list to eon toiid atTiiust e t tlic Vuitli, and eontialf oealy, brutalty and fi-niiously. s..,, hi us, and inviikwiipol, I.Udoi6itdlicailihdiM-atyeiiui of abolition. Join I ...... What a ctat;le and what a contrast I Her we tee the chief priest of modern Ib-niricraey and the KTi'id IorIi priest ol nbilitiou fanaticism working coa It tasethor to ef.vtrin common end the political t!trtieti o of ffie Atnerican can didat for the i'reaidenoT. ' The instance we have e'ue 1 are but two ont of thousands ; yet they answer fr an eoumern: on of the whol'e. The greater and Icy uecanati' he I r i factions named on Mil aide nf Mvaon nnd Dig u line, eehe and re e.:i i, and ech .ai n, the aame old tun which rent-lies their eirs. Ir.nn the big brrcl or gtm in Washington and New York. Thrv have practiced an long and t uh o much diligent- that they c u chime in with the kej P' without dif fictilly, intttmler. Now, here" a pttn!, Jf Mr. Fillmore wot aa abolitionists, or ll Im eotitilcii tnccd ab .litii.nism in any ,h:ipe, unlrinor or firm, tjreeley would not be continually, lot.ouacjng and maligning l.im. That ia ci.taln; and it is alto first rite eiridcae nf hia entire nati .inili'y on tbi uil-i.uportsul, in fict, vital eubjeot. , ,M alern IVm ic-cy chiui lo l national itt .aista tlrv In Northein aeotjoti i nonie aaind oa the slsicry q ioaitj n. Neither loo cUims nor the evenaeiits are austaiued l y tlte pvsi or Ihe pre.' enb Whifh party NitiIi hrt U.-.ani avo'ittoa itcd ? Lt ua g . back to bids an I sea. In thai year, tieoemj Taylor, a &.titl,rrit slaveholder, was tb W big; eau lidil (or lb I'tesidency.-a I loner I Caa wa th llemoeraticrainlida'e. la New York, and iine other Northern 8'aies, T.t I'restilevit Van tlurcn ran as an lio' ipetnleet, Froesoil c-tnilidfe. Th Whius of .New York food np manfully to Ihe alavehol.ler, Zachary Taylor, and cvriiei ll... fstal for hue; Hi 1 Martin Van Huren th r rcea.il tioni:na.rc.i,td f.otr or Kvc lb rtttand in or y,,ic Hi -an d.d Lewis Cass, lb retrnlar liemocratie standard Water I Her js iunifeiil f,e, w irih who! coluatn of p .r ian a , '.is-ry. M e U3 th .s.eutlwte p. pleto'eir It it ip . S., iu. b dr ihe past. I'or th preei -i4 a melancholy co:tte.,.,it feod t't I'enoai le .i. lit special !' and Infle ential vj;s of Mr. Hajehanafi in ti Key 'tone htate mu-t atiltcs), aad it answer well mir purs rie. . A it is fj'ii'e proUb Mr. li as i ,1 he the lemca-iotijt. neauine f.,r the seat I'.e.i lrncv, lhs uii'Oihi f Hi I'ennsylvenisa should be rse-attU I as n,e ilna ordiitariiy mireirtartt. S,knig of ib al.diii.nt eitu.e ii pre.aleet in tb Kate liorlUt t IVniisylrartw.. the bt .r Dndt n etil allf a of what, a.i'.erd.ng to the rltangit.g fanati.iaea f lnliidu!a, is it.1, 1 dvrr n n, pvsetv A' oi iuoiwe, of I rcesu'.tisin, and al is I fciige orl is t, seiitinient in it, .Slates Borth of as, tbat tssait 7 pio'ree.a j . o, ...',,; eoaw e icfej, aa-i in Ih -.es r-norw ly, etasi tb s it- nrgantied ie t'.a It:, k l.opul.hcaa paf. ly, are iK-ene av Ity tl sp ( olr currenl. jl u Istsrieg th signsltiof Nancy ,e.,er Tt ! awes' ..- -4 ci, ',".,, 10 t , Me 7'aev,. irtier waa tsieej not of tb snail bag, end e-mairied aeerritj fit dt.llar; end by b- king at lb j, t m,rk y os will observe h was nailed on tb tery nvtl day after Ike aa Haey wa lakea fn ns k(r. Nsseler' drawer. I will real It 10 y.'O if s plaaae. TbC. wet n -d lei esarnt, i d I read tii H trwing, which wis without daj. aat ',at Made' whit New I.- 1 'tal .iai w.,t! at by tb p. at 1 n,aler ataws ssa lb rejta.de. I!"'' ere.4 1 Is loem like ew-s tl e or ?J a'-M f W . a.. iij. y-i I. .as f-'tlit, 1$ ml iktt lows jstiterV', cf. e. ef f- ll'n t l-.'Ot'J cis.eea ar M i,ee ,,M J bp ,j ',sv JOI.'.e S.M-4.sj iflenMNU 4 afit r e t b' tjsat Is, of e-osr.a, w ft Itare n d ft wr. ll,e lc.as) ti, lllaek aieftl,iU-a flail. IWf 4 aso-e to, U,m el' of fss fi;4i.i, ei 1 I ,.y i:tnlrnti .. I l(a 4 h .f . . .1 I . ....... . Ill . 1 ,1 ,1k V- 1 . . . a,i.a ii -w 1, iiua i rtae f . it 'mi-l .-"-v ..lttfilT .w" e)rsv, '."isler fter! I eeeil yea, bear aeretil e l.1 'Iii-k. lulgbt, f.r '.e see Vota.4-.a-.bol d.lees.wlorl. I aai.lt Itkept it f r ens. fill evr. ! " 1" ' bttsa. I wlkeja, , l.ee. es in.e afra-l ll il sit i Tt" ''" ''iw I inoerae-r dt rk wan ward t. a living a.Htl bswt t'"" ' f'"" ' r" ibia a-l I JteS sea.., -.!- I. ... k . ! I . . . 1 dK - , " - . . . r , , snnv astvrtev. a ar.'.,t atill aa I aea S . . . i tstl lrfr. ..ly ihsl gal fw ti, tl i,.g aniTai . f I,, tt'". sas lautlb is beer yet bolt ll M to f't ft I A i,t !. ' ' t k.w rito 1 1 I. a' l.c g.t tuy 1 hi to ! ,'j i.eca fiieojs This 1 ft o ) er sieivt Ull datb, Kt.e l.u'l.r N-.w, yoejr b-i r.' I se d as tl letier, aeJ at, 1 bat rsee rca, !. Iksl bscer h d.tasaH ta U.u latt1 lee Msifsssy eaif. A4 tat w i! sloe nh at thai amebaod sr 'bat Is leer a -ws-d j tSMaa, reia-i, ft is tat tl,a bttf 'ted j Is e. wya 4 eia-l . f Vie y I a ar a in ' , ' ee sol eetit wv f f safe kav-nle.f. while u.a I.-!, ele , T', I'en- 1 He lo.as 1. ,s I, "1 SJ'.o t W I I b ' ' ' .' e of 1 !. 'lit .'i aa,-!! -.tel., ,1 e V i I-. : .1 ,..1 ., n. ; , te.t t - I a . . 1 : . " 1 . U - - east Sean it.it. g laet.l e were fiMa4 la toe fe.ast- I . . t a . .... . law. an assa, " ' ia a-oie-w 1, rassnag save ra at Ike .l.e sad Ike IV Its. . r el. -.j I t b, I kftasfM.a. ltVSfl.dbi, . ta.f a . I....... !. ... ty Is. ' were) l,.s- - I li , 1. , 1., I , , lev. ctsfsVHSt s"tl.! at . I . . . n. Vd" ia tb evb w- tcsl Is, ! .. !. f ts e ftt'&ely I r 4 so I ii , g - f . a t 1 r fl r.e A. . . I .1 c a. -ea., 1. 1 I , (. a- a t I'"" ' I S i, 1 1 , ! s U V wo ll V a.,ted a! ibe b He 1 e' -. , -is M fi e ti y wttt wa hie l re" ... e. .... g t lr- l,a 11 lies I l-e . t s-- 4 It! .., .r . IS. jld tn leeae I'e-i-'.t tf seir'.,g trei.k I si ml Nry la.il.et i .-ed ym aod t etevnei y ,11 . a.f," I Mra Naset v tt.en t'fl ll -r I. l Ns-s lll'.esr k be flaes). M. .asa opWi'lt M4 j I e k. and - a as- eh net taet glaaa. a , -b Jbs sv. 'trap aw if fm featsi' P ti,.l... '( i.aa. 1 les., I. ttftlet-aa wf ik,4t, kunM tb . . - . , , sea. - . , ' . b"t I s . m, lb s-tr-'a o- a -., t - . 1 ... I bits I hv ftm So judge. Act fw. rsatlWaara " , ,,, ! , s , 1 , P tflHtiiatliltr,, .'lit a,-..-..,.. ; ol li e ton. I iswi est e,.e y ar baoda la . . , I 0 .. t 1 I jiv a 1 ' 't.l".it; ll' l"li ft i ' ' Ws,l 11 1. i ltd, 14 I i s t a s A ls,tl,uts . , ,. , , , , , ' Je'-'f te, ,ttr tte, l-eeo ti sitht,. . Ii.si,l pats., baa b.' (baa at rat -s V at nl , , , I t 1 , r , , , ' in? I g ' It I at l tea. a ; If 'as rtai aa,d av e . 1 1 I '.l V 1. S- l. I'..., a e.e.ie..ff. - Tb a we saat ta tb is't liaai f...'t -a ,, f t aa.-, t.a.t-at lb irilet. T' ld la I f-s) ti Willv e ,.a e, aib j sb bd St.. y . ( I I , m tl , t ts 10a I, ear e .. ls Se at, at a V seal 1 4 aJ V t,.l M. sa. I tbM 1' n g'.l !. ll y J T' ' y ' l-il I .1 t.UI m i. J. !,! i H it bit. M Kt 11.1 I fa ISI I as IISHt, ll, - I .' , t f, ft., I v ll bs. 4 l b bl!!'J 1 .. .1 T... a. . ta L. .1 I f"" sWSfWer In wbsrsi si aav mf. b , e-.ii aJ.a 1 1 S . I 1 k - . e I .1 lasllaaaaeslse la.. I "-r "d Ikts) I and HtM. ! !-' ( t't t t. t-s,e, be , m.m,, a. ! , all 1e a.eea.wd ta y'es.s -s a. s. dbwp. I rtaswM lo th I. r s-vasaw. Heeesaei I. I ,rt lis. ,st Ua a ,twe ! ! I ll aadsasas'r I ' iisl-elh wretl (!.. "lea. a-el )'s e .a 4 ' esse. be S bt bt 1st. b-s sshi e s-4 t Mattaksasaofslta-t asni-si ,ls.sst.,es.rf . ,h,t n.t A" f a''ee kse ss,.. 4j a4 1 -4 si la.4 bat ka4 ei. a b.a I e..at aa I .;! !! sasst M aaas, iat. , Vd Ibewtfll that key luds, w4 bar M lsv'!'-l s trews' 4eao.e sabaf isis asl tbttHavef I w.'l - a'oafi Hi al.t.k II, 1st. It , . a a a- - - - - - - 1)tTrTMI Ittl'iagS-tasw M tad Is soar sasab. 1 a Ita as a.a lbt I sa4 rH II ik bes aaaeka. T b she a-.--, 4ewe 1 a 'b wal 4k at if ear bailee ka4 e-4 lo-w ar ash ' . . . .-. . ... . Iidaoiillo, inaai a.aa, at lbs aatsaa I " "I '' ass. aaa as as that aba W as ; las ss4tvlda4l l I"S at a Aaaaet te asae, C!aaf eat tba I etted SiaM. I list sae eapotii BOS saay l s seasral 4olae, 1, Set. ss).sl ,ia a bssabaggaeTf; aa sas bied 1. 11 e.-s.ol mi bs asters af ti, kaia.al s.:l be 1 a by sV4eaaa.tg tba eabsssabae, sal ' tM S I,' g - 1S tts Ouaa t a aat. Seat rssaiseal waroeg tab r-f 4 t.t-a a..s -' ' r-t-1 V M I w ' ,,. ',- -y Jl.," V-e-t-- . H r er t. ,. 1 ; ' Fk'r:iri n; e-d laotl, eae-li'is-tt. eel.-eiw ta oast a, e. e t easww ' s""tsf sas I asretes sv. Sa oae Msessit,, wbaa w a ttl aati at ! ee ioel.tra prtaaa, a aiiesaia a 4 raad I tsi I'D 4 liaUiM. Rsa gk Ftkesaey AH I I sf tb Ibas-t. ls Sstil Was best aid I. saak Iks ps..,,ae,sa af tb ede.tra. fa- tb . 1 kast sHa 144 ssawt aba i,.laesa4 b asl.ieaa 1 14 t - ( bs sa,V4s4 1st. tf 0 ee b ef tbta sad te --4 fas tuts tla fel ttsk. j Va Sa . I a!l4 Mr. Naaal-y bvl r lis s-e..4 I aat sues . f I esses t a kaavda a'y -l sat Host Sea asae, Sa yws 1 a4 tb We.tlsa, tsl st V sa b I Ua4 Via a a , .leaataa. bad asset, tsa fat raves ' I a. A j aa bat ei ,H t tea af g.e..lv da , I N" eva i Nsaa-s; tsl,, ..1 toVoti t.s ( s-f e f-ea ta a t ef y -r 4 . I it if. ta sj r a' r sa I a It sat 4 1 I'll, tvi ka I-., Is iv tl ee. si av 1 .1 4 IL 4 W--; 'III -1 las- 1 ,1 let t e waa aa ea . ee ,t t - J ... 1 . : . . t s '. . .- , t ,. i... t. ... 1 ... 1. a . t . e . ee , t 1- s a., i 1 . , a I - el ia ti, er. I a . f 110,0 1 1' . . t f ii - I - t' Ita, ',, i. s, leiil "ii Wt's Ii-ii It waa ,i,5,. e ao se M.t ,.. sW, a I. t t - ' I., i . .ff1,--, e'.-i a 1 aed t 1 ea. i so sa ' tsss ,. a 1 aat a I i ee e a lit? S as, I bat b4 1, lot 1.1 1 1, i f ? v f e 1 I I fa- a-1. It . II a ka a.... f i -bi- I

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